Syllabus-Data Structure and Algorithm

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(1st Semester)

COS-101: Data Structure and algorithm Lectures: 40

Objective: The main objective of data structure is to understand different data structures with
data organization and different associated operations those are applied on data.
Detail Syllabus:

Course Outcome : After completion of the course, students will able to understand the
o Basic properties of an ADT.
o Different data structures and associated operations

o Big O notation for time complexity

o Big O notation for time complexity
o Thoroughly knowledge about array and linked list
o Different non - linear data structure like tree and balanced trees.
o Different searching algorithms and time complexity

Details Syllabus

Fundamentals of Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures .

Basic concepts about Algorithms, Data Structures, Recursion, Iteration, Big-O Notation, Brief
Foundations and Applications of Stacks, Queues, Arrays, Linked Lists – Singly, Doubly, and Circular
Linked Lists, Trees – Definitions, Representations, Binary Tree and Its Usefulness, Binary Search
Tree, Tree Traversal, Threaded Binary Trees, Binary Tree Representation of any Tree other than
Binary Tree, Decision Trees, Balanced Tree Schemes – AVL Trees, 2-3 Trees.

Searching- Basic concepts about Searching, B-Trees, Hashing.

Sorting- Different Sorting Algorithms and their complexity issues.

Advanced Data Structures- Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, Amortized Analysis of Algorithms,
Disjoint Set Maintenance Techniques.


1. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C by Horowitz, Sahni & Anderson-Freed, 2e Universal Press

2. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C by Mark Alan Weiss, 2nd ed., Pearson Education
3. Data Structues and Algorithms by Aho, Hopcroft & Ullman
4. Data Structures and Program Design by Kruse et. al., PHI
5. Data Structures using C and C++ by Tanenbaum et. al., PHI
6.. Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs by N. Wirth, PHI

COS-102: Advanced Computer Architecture Lectures: 40

Objective: In the field of computer science, this course explains how computers are designed,
build and operate, a popular performance improvement method of a computer system known as
pipelining, super pipeline and super scalar design, hierarchical memory technology, performance

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