Disney Strategies Through Time

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Brandon Miguel O.

Cagayan June 5, 2021

Sir Cabochan
LAS 120 D-Q4
Tracing the Evolution of Disney Strategies Through Time

Years Strategy Environmental Reason for

External/Internal Strategy

1923-1928 Horizontal The concept of Walt Disney wanted

Diversification cartoon characters to create characters
Strategy and animated films that he himself
was new to the owned due to the
scene. Studios situation with Mintz
were hungry to find and the character
that next big Oswald the Lucky
cartoon character Rabbit.
that would become
a sensation
amongst people.

1929-1953 Aggressive Product Animated cartoon Disney wanted to

Development films were starting produce more
Strategy to grow and diversified and
develop into more high- quality
than just short, content aside from
quick, humor films. the usual quick
People wanted humor animated
more, especially shorts that they’ve
from a full-length become
theatrical release accustomed to
which pushed making. Especially
creators to come up when it came to
with cartoon films their theatrical
that had a more films, Disney didn’t
developed story want to simply rely
and weight to them. on funny jokes to
carry the film, which
is why the company
developed more
emotional, dramatic
animated films,
which eventually
led to the release of
Snow White, along
with more classics
in the coming

1953-1966 Related At this point Disney Disney wanted to

Diversification has been branch out and
Strategy established as one start having a
of the pioneers in constant presence
the animated on televisions aside
filmmaking industry from just films. This
and animations gave birth to the
were very popular creation of one of
and mainstream. the most popular
People wanted to television channels
consume this type at the time, The
of media more Mickey Mouse Club
frequently and this among other
led to the films as channels started by
well as all-new Disney. And aside
original series and from television, this
shows being put on strategy also
television on helped to create
specific channels, Disney’s first ever
which further theme park, which
bolstered its revolutionized the
popularity. amusement park
industry as it was
the first of its kind.

1971-1984 What Would Walt Disney wasn’t in The reason for this
Do? any real danger strategy, or lack
however they thereof, was due to
definitely weren't the fact that both
experiencing the Disney brothers
same levels of had passed,
success as before leaving those at
when the Disney Disney with no real
brothers were at leadership and
the helm. Disney clear direction. The
was also vulnerable strategy simply
to corporate boiled down to
raiders. This would trying to think like
result in two hostile Walt and Roy
takeover bids that Disney.
took place in 1984,
that had the intent
of selling off some
of Disney’s assets.
1984-1989 Conservative The company was Due to the
Product at the beginning of company’s lack of
Development a turnaround with success and
Strategy their new CEO after financial position,
years of mediocre the newly hired
success relative to CEO, Michael
their own Eisner chose to
standards. This implement a more
was due to the fact conservative
that Michael Eisner strategy for Disney
brought back vision for the initial years
and direction to the of his tenure there.
company instead of They produced
simply trying to more low-budget,
imitate the previous wide-audience
founders. movies that
preserved their
assets while still
being able to make
profit. These
movies weren’t
limited to
animations as a lot
of the hits that they
had during these
years were actually
live-action films.

1987-2004 Massive The company was Now that they were

Diversification regaining resources able to amass more
Strategy which now allowed resources and
for them to be more bounce back
aggressive with financially, Einser
their strategies for implemented
both their existing, multiple strategies
and future or new almost
businesses. simultaneously for
the different sectors
of the company
starting with the
strategy for their
new business
ventures. This
included activities
such as synergizing
with their traditional
movie, T.V. and
theme park
businesses which
resulted in mixed

1988-2004 Market The company was Now that they were

Development regaining resources able to amass more
Strategy which now allowed resources and
for them to be more bounce back
aggressive with financially, Einser
their strategies for implemented
both their existing, multiple strategies
and future or new almost
businesses. simultaneously for
the different sectors
of the company.
One of these
strategies was the
strategy which
sought to develop
more new products
and ramp up the
number of quality
films. This era is
often referred to as
the Disney
Renaissance Era.

1989-2004 Aggressive The company was Now that they were

Expansion Strategy regaining resources able to amass more
which now allowed resources and
for them to be more bounce back
aggressive with financially, Einser
their strategies for implemented
both their existing, multiple strategies
and future or new almost
businesses. simultaneously for
the different sectors
of the company.
One of their
strategies during
this period was the
massive expansion
strategy, which
aimed to further
develop their
existing parks and
resorts, as well as
massively expand
with more new
parks, hotels,
dining and
shopping areas.

2004-Present Day Focused It was a new era Unlike Eisner, Bob

Differentiation and things were Iger wanted to
Strategy modernizing into invest in horizontal
what they are now integration with
today. At this point entertainment
Disney is an companies with
absolute titan in the strong family
industry and friendly brands and
controls a lot of the characters. This is
market. because Disney
wanted to focus on
the family-friendly
market and make
use of their

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