Disney Strategies Through Time
Disney Strategies Through Time
Disney Strategies Through Time
1971-1984 What Would Walt Disney wasn’t in The reason for this
Do? any real danger strategy, or lack
however they thereof, was due to
definitely weren't the fact that both
experiencing the Disney brothers
same levels of had passed,
success as before leaving those at
when the Disney Disney with no real
brothers were at leadership and
the helm. Disney clear direction. The
was also vulnerable strategy simply
to corporate boiled down to
raiders. This would trying to think like
result in two hostile Walt and Roy
takeover bids that Disney.
took place in 1984,
that had the intent
of selling off some
of Disney’s assets.
1984-1989 Conservative The company was Due to the
Product at the beginning of company’s lack of
Development a turnaround with success and
Strategy their new CEO after financial position,
years of mediocre the newly hired
success relative to CEO, Michael
their own Eisner chose to
standards. This implement a more
was due to the fact conservative
that Michael Eisner strategy for Disney
brought back vision for the initial years
and direction to the of his tenure there.
company instead of They produced
simply trying to more low-budget,
imitate the previous wide-audience
founders. movies that
preserved their
assets while still
being able to make
profit. These
movies weren’t
limited to
animations as a lot
of the hits that they
had during these
years were actually
live-action films.