Development and Hydraulic Analysis of A Proposed Drinking Water Distribution Network Using Watergems and Gis

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Article  in  Pollution Research · January 2015


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6 authors, including:

Pankaj Kumar Roy Gourab Banerjee

Jadavpur University Jadavpur University


Asis Mazumdar
Jadavpur University


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Study On Improving Benefit Transfer For Wetland Valuation: Water Environment And Economic Value Of Ecosystem Services Through People Participation In Bhagirathi
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Poll Res. 34 (2) : 371-379 (2015)
Copyright © EM International
ISSN 0257–8050


School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032, West Bengal, India.
(Received 20 September, 2014; accepted 15 November, 2014)

Safe and potable drinking water is a prerequisite for sustainable living. After achieving much
success in distributing drinking water in cities and towns in India, rural areas have become a major
concern by the state governments. In the present paper a sustainable, innovative, environmental
friendly and cost effective water supply system for arsenic-affected water-stressed regions in
Murshidabad District, West Bengal in India as proposed is analyzed using WaterGEMS software
to study its dynamic behaviour in an Extended Period Simulation tool. The water supply network
model was established using a GIS map obtained from the QuantumGIS software. The objective
of this paper is to design safe drinking water networks through gravity cum pumping and
hydraulic analysis of pipe networks using the WaterGEMS software for virtual-time realization of
pressure head and average daily flows through the house connections and stand-posts. Hydraulic
simulation has been carried out for a continuous supply of 24 hours daily to achieve the desired
results with suggestive conclusions for practical implementations.

KEY WORDS : Water GEMS, GIS, Pressure head, Average daily flows, Extended period

INTRODUCTION (Mahapatra et al., 2013).

For any water supply project, water distribution
In any rural area, ponds and wells are used as the usually account for 40% to 70% of the capital cost.
main sources of domestic water supply. For this proper layout and design of the system is
Conventionally people carry water in cans or very important. The geometrical configuration of
buckets from the ponds and wells for their day to pipes, reservoirs and boosters, etc. is important for
day activities (Wagner and Lanoix, 1959). With the the functioning of the system. Adequate residual
advent of modern technologies, it has become pressure at maximum demand depends upon the
convenient to distribute water to every household hydraulic characteristics of the system. For the
and standposts (feeders) from the water bodies present study, the average daily consumption is
(source) nearby through pipes (distributing assumed to be 40 litres per person per day (lpcd)
channels). Any type of distribution system involves: and the peak factor is assumed to be three
(1) the determination of storage; (2) the location and (CPHEEO, 2005). The construction at the same point
size of feeders; (3) the location and sizes of of time is efficient from the point of view of having
distribution pipes, valves, and hydrants; and (4) the to do earthen works only once.
determination of the pressure required in the system Softwares like the LOOP, EPANET, and
(Wagner and Lanoix, 1959). A typical water WaterCAD has been already used for hydraulic
distribution system consists of network of pipes, simulation of the water distribution system though
nodes linking the pipes, storage tanks, reservoirs, the latest software WaterGEMS is the most
pumps, additional appurtenances like valves advanced and powerful tool and used in the present
Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]

analysis (Nazari and Meisami, 2008). In EPANET, JyotSujan and Malpara in Jiagunge Block in
the pipe flow rates are computed using linear Murshidabad District in West Bengal, India are
formulae, improper graphical representation of the deployed for establishing the water supply system.
results, limitation in demand allocation are main The study area of 2.93 km is bounded by Latitude
constraints for not using this software in this 24°09’125"N to 24°09’171"N and Longitude
analysis though several work on efficiency study 88°15’412"E to 88°15’361"E as shown in Fig. 1.
(Mahapatra et al., 2013), simulation of hydraulic The distribution network consists of two parts, a
parameters (Serajizadeh et al., 2012) of distribution Surface Water Scheme (SWS) and a Ground Water
system. Simulation of the hydraulic parameters can Scheme (GWS) fed from two Overhead tanks of the
be done more effortlessly with Water GEMS. The same height which are joined to each other at two
study has been done taking into consideration these spots (Joint 1 and Joint 2) as can be seen in Fig. 2.
features of the Water GEMS. Several papers on The source of the surface water supply is a village
water distribution network synthesis were taken as pond of 7300 m³ capacity with adjacent 25.000 m²
an inspiration in the analysis made in this paper. catchment area which is engineered with bunds and
harvesting channels. Groundwater is extracted from
MATERIALS AND METHODS two adjacent 9 meters deep bore wells through hand
Study Area pumping. Distribution is run by solar power,
making it a green technology setup mitigating
Two arsenic-affected water-stressed villages
climate change.

Fig. 1. Overview map of pilot site showing planned setup of water supply

The layout of surface water supply network is part of the JyotSujan village as shown in Fig 4.
proposed to be made in such a way that the first 300 Usually PVC pipes are considered in the design but
meters have a diameter of 75 mm, the two main CI pipes are used where there are road-links. . The
distribution strings of 520 m and 510 m have a surface water source is expected to meet a water
diameter of 50 mm. The connection pipes for the 20 demand between 14 and 28 KLD (20 KLD in
house connection and 8 stand-posts have a diameter average). The two arsenic removal units are
of 15mm as shown in Fig 3, whereas for connected to one OHT from where the water is
groundwater supply network consists of 50 mm distributed to 13 stand posts in the Northern,
distribution pipe and thirteen 15 mm stand post Central and Western Part of the Jyotsujan village.
connections in the Northern, Central and Western The overall length of the groundwater network is

Fig. 2. Piping System for the Surface and Groundwater scheme

Fig. 3. Extend and connections to OHT, stand posts and house connections of surface water scheme

around 1150 m consisting of 50 mm distribution the standposts, houses and other demand points are
pipe and 15 mm stand post connections. obtained from the GIS software. Preliminary GIS
Taking into account various additional pressure analysis using the Quantum GIS Lisboa software is
like valves and flow meters etc. pressure heads of 15 done which included pilot study area water
m are assumed for both pumps. Pump 1 has to lift distribution system map digitization, geo-
the water at a maximum of -3.5 to 4.95 m thus 8.45 m referencing, DEM analysis for elevation map
plus friction losses. Pump 2 has to lift the water from generation and attribute table generation are
-0.2 to 8.2 thus 8.4 m plus friction losses. The pumps performed for data preparation for Water GEMS
for extraction of water from lake to raw water tank software.
as well as from clear water tank to OHT (two pumps Bentley Water GEMS is a multi-platform
in total) will be dimensioned as 1 Horsepower hydraulic and water quality modeling solution for
surface pumps each. They will run on Photovoltaic water distribution systems with advanced
power and have a small 2 hour battery backup for interoperability, geospatial model-building,
unpredicted situations where more pumping power optimization, and asset management tools (Ramesh
might be necessary. For the groundwater system, a 1 et al., 2012). The calculation software algorithm
Horsepower deep-well submersible pump that will which is based on Hydraulic Gradient method,
run on A.C. current is used. Thus a balance table has allows the hydraulic analysis of water networks
been developed for the running of the system and (although it can be used for any Newtonian fluid )
managing with the available storage tanks while determining the pressures at various points in the
keeping in mind the consumption pattern of the system, as well as the flow rates, velocities, losses
villagers (Mays, 2004). the lines that make the water network, and many
other operating parameters derived from the
elements present in the system as: Pumps, Control
The Geographic Information System (GIS) is taken Valves, Tanks, etc. from the physical characteristics
as an aid to visualize the sources and feeders and of the system and demand conditions previously
conceptualize the entire distribution network. GIS established. WaterGEMS also allows extend its
integrates, stores, edits, analyzes, shares, and capabilities to issues of long-term management of
displays geographic information for informing supply systems including: vulnerability analysis,
decision making. The topographical elevations of fire protection analysis, cost estimating energy,

Fig. 4. Extend and connections to OHT, stand posts and house connections of ground water scheme

hydraulic calibration, optimization, etc.

This additional program to conventional tools for
analysis and modelling of pressurized networks has
productivity tools in data management processes,
building models from external files, elevation
extraction, mapping techniques demands from
spatial analysis, preparation and management of
scenarios, additional hydraulic calculations,
operational management and preparation of reports
and plans. In addition the software provides several
options for displaying results as tabular reports,
profiles, time-varying graphs, notes and colour Fig. 5. Hourly Pumping Pattern of the Solar Pumps
coding, etc.
surface water supply network system (CPHEEO,
2005). The pipe materials chosen are PVC and Cast
Iron of diameters 15 mm, 38 mm and 50 mm. As the
The Hazen-Williams formula is the most commonly network is a newly laid, the Hazen- Williams
used headloss formula for the hydraulic head lost by roughness coefficient of PVC pipes is assumed to be
water flowing in a pipe due to friction with the pipe 150 and that of Cast iron pipes is assumed to be 130.
walls, is being used for the present study (Bentley A slope of 0.02% is assumed throughout in the
System Incorporated, 2012). The Hazen- Williams laying of both the networks. Table 1 and Table 2
equation is used for calculating the head loss in the shows the pipe materials, number of nodes and
network and the main pipelines and the distribution pipes used in the analysis for the surface water and
pipelines are designed based on the required ground water supply schemes respectively.
discharge and the velocity of flow using Manning’s
Table 1. Pipe Input Parameters for surface water supply
equation (Mays, 2004). Since the population is less scheme
than 1500, for economical design, a minimum
increase of 50% is estimated in 20-30 years’ time. The No. of pipes 50
Pipe Material PVC, Cast Iron
unit demands have been adjusted based on the area-
No. of nodes 48
wise population.
A continuous supply is assumed to maintain the
required supply and pressure throughout the Table 2. Pipe Input Parameters for groundwater supply
distribution system. For the present case, the scheme
attributes for reservoir, tanks, pumps, junctions and No. of pipes 29
pipes have been entered using the Symbology Pipe Material PVC, Cast Iron
Definitions tab. The pump head versus discharge No. of nodes 27
curve with pump efficiency is entered in the Pump
Definitions tab. The average daily consumption of RESULTS
40 lpcd with a peak factor of 3 has been entered in
the Scenario Manager tab. The water treatment and In the analysis made using the Water GEMS
pumping system is designed to be run on solar software, both the surface water supply system and
pumps which are designed to run 8 hours mainly the groundwater supply system are analyzed
between 8:00 hrs and 16:00 hrs having their peak separately showing different sources of supply. An
performance between 9:00 hrs and 15:00 hrs, the Extended Period Simulation (EPS) analysis for the
pump pattern is shown in Fig. 5. The improvements period of 24 hours with a reporting step of 1:00 hr is
in the pump curve display symbology definitions done to obtain the following results.
with annotations and colour coding, and EPS solver
options have been used in the analysis. Surface Water Supply Network
The efficiency of pumps is taken as 90% The surface water supply network showing velocity
considering optimal operations. The residual distribution after simulating the model in Water
pressure to be maintained is 7 m for a sufficient flow GEMS V8i is shown in Fig. 6.
in houses, considering single storied houses in the For the 15 mm diameter surface water stand post

pipes assuming an Average demand of 2000 L/day, and minimum velocity achieved are 0.30 m/s and
the Maximum and Minimum demands as generated 0.12 m/s respectively with pressure head ranging
from the simulation were 3866.13L/day and 1865.37 from 7.492 m to 8.758 m of water column. The flow
L/day respectively. A Maximum Velocity of 0.32 m/ through the stand-posts is found out to be 0.57 L/sec
s with Maximum Pressure head of 9.013 mH20 approx., i.e., one litre bottle will take 10 sec to
which is nearer to the overhead tank, and Minimum completely fill (Refer to Fig. 7).
Velocity of 0.16 m/s with a Minimum Pressure Head For the 15 mm diameter surface water house
of 8.587 mH20 is attained in Standpost No. 1 (SP-1). connected pipes assuming an Average demand of
Whereas, in Stand post No.8 (SP-8) the maximum 500 L/day, the Maximum and Minimum demands

Fig. 6. Surface water supply network simulation model showing velocity distribution as in the color coding legend table.

Fig. 7. EPS showing variation of pressure head of water flowing out of standpost taps in 24 hours

as generated from the simulation were 947.84 L/day m/s across Stand post no. 4 (GSP-4) whereas, the
and 467.781 L/day simultaneously. A Maximum maximum and minimum velocity achieved are 0.12
Velocity of 0.25 m/s with Maximum Pressure head m/s and 0.03 m/s across stand post no. 13 (GSP-13).
of 8.875 mH20 as it is nearer to the overhead tank, The flow through the stand-posts is found out to be
and Minimum Velocity of 0.1 m/s with a Minimum 0.14 litre/sec approx., i.e., one litre bottle will take 7
Pressure Head of 7.773 mH20 is attained in House secs to completely fill (Fig. 10).
No. 20 (HC-20). Whereas, in House No.1 (HC-1) the
maximum and minimum velocity achieved are 0.09 DISCUSSION
m/s and 0.03 m/s respectively with pressure head
ranging from 7.633 m to 8.875 m of water column. The surface water supply and the groundwater
The flow through the stand-posts is found out to be supply models have been established successfully
0.08 L/sec approx., i.e., one litre bottle will take 12 with the help of the WaterGEMS software with
secs to completely fill (Refer to Fig. 8). desired results. In the study, primarily the base
network models were prepared for both surface
Groundwater Supply Network
water and groundwater supply systems using the
The surface water supply network showing velocity Water GEMS v8i software followed by Extended
distribution after simulating the model is shown in Period Simulation (EPS) analysis over a period of 24
Fig. 9. hours a day assuming continuous supply of water in
For the 15 mm diameter ground water stand post both the networks. As per the assumptions made
pipes assuming an Average Demand of 1250 L/day, before the computation, a trenching of 20 mm per
the Maximum and Minimum Demands as 100 m, i.e., 0.02% slope is recommended.
generated from the simulation were 2171.31 L/day The continuous supply simulation results in a
and 904.52 L/day simultaneously. A Maximum relatively moderate flow with the help of Water
Velocity of 0.14 m/s and Minimum Velocity of 0.06 GEMS software though the supply pattern, pump

Fig. 8. EPS showing variation of pressure head of water flowing out of house taps in 24 hours

pattern and the distance from the overhead tanks to surface water network is more than the residual
the demand points may be a reason for the pressure further inclusion of feeders can be possible,
fluctuation of velocity and pressure heads. In case of i.e., consumers can be increased.
service pipes connecting houses, people staying in
single storied buildings will not have any problem CONCLUSION
in getting water but those staying in two storied
buildings need to pump water from ground storage Bentley WaterGEMS V8i being a powerful tool
(CPHEEO, 2005). As the water column pressure in provides modeling capabilities, to perform

Fig. 9. Groundwater supply network simulation model showing different velocities in different pipes and diameter as
in the color coding legend table.

Fig. 10. EPS showing variation of pressure head of water flowing out of standpost taps in 24 hours

hydraulic analysis that so we can model practically Extended Period Simulation (EPS): This type of
any distribution system aspect, perform an analysis allows you to model tanks filling and
extended-period simulation to see how the system draining, regulating valves opening and closing,
behaves over time. In this paper the hydraulic and pressures and flow rates changing throughout
modeling of the network depicts the feasibility of the the system in response to varying demand
proposed network and as such implementation of conditions and automatic control strategies over
the data and observations can be effectively carried time formulated by the WaterGEMS V8i.
out in practical applications. The Extended Period
Simulation (EPS) in this study helped us to analyze ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
the ability of the networks and provided acceptable
levels of service over a period of 24 hours. Further, The study is based on a research project entitled
EPSes have other applications which are out of the “Energy-efficient, community-based water- and
scope of this paper. Apart from the Hazen- Williams wastewater-treatment systems for deployment in
friction method used in the analysis because of its India” funded by Department of Science &
greater accuracy in case of pipes other methods like Technology (DST) and European Commission (EC).
Darcy-Weisbach, or Manning’s methods can also be The views and opinions expressed herewith are
used which are also not in the scope of this paper. solely of the authors.
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