English For Academic and Professional Purposes Week 5
English For Academic and Professional Purposes Week 5
English For Academic and Professional Purposes Week 5
Quarter 1- Module 5
Outlining Techniques
Expectations contains the learning competencies that you are going to learn.
Pre-test measures your prior knowledge and the concepts to be mastered
throughout the lesson.
Looking back to your lesson measures your skills and knowledge about your
previous lesson and connects it to your current topic.
Brief introduction gives you an overview of the lesson.
Activities are set of tasks and exercises that you may perform individually, in
pairs or in groups.
Check your understanding is an enrichment activity that measures what you
have learned from the lesson.
Post-test evaluates your mastery in achieving the learning competencies.
Reflection evaluates your skill/knowledge about the lesson and how it can be
applied in real-life situations.
This module is designed to help you in enhancing your skills and knowledge about
English for Academic and Professional Purposes, specifically, in outlining reading texts in
various disciplines. Also, this module will guide you in identifying the main idea and major
details of a reading material including the mechanics of creating an outline. Lastly, you are
expected to know the importance of identifying the main idea, and supporting details in
creating an outline.
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions on the right column by referring to the information given in
the left column. Encircle the letter of your answer.
_____1. This refers to the sentence that shows the main idea of a paragraph.
_____2. It refers to the central idea of the whole text.
_____3. This is a part of the main idea that shows the stand of the author.
_____4. This refers to the evidences presented to supplement the idea of the author.
_____5. It is usually found at the end of the introduction with key words to express the main idea.
In the previous lesson, you learned how to identify thesis statement and topic sentence of an
academic text. In this lesson, you will be introduced to organizing ideas in an outline.
An outline is a plan or framework that shows how writers present their ideas through a list
divided into headings or subheadings, main idea, supporting details, minor, and major details.
Moreover, an outline may be presented using words and phrases (topic outline) or sentences
(sentence outline). In addition, there are informal and formal type of outlines.
Informal outline is less structured but still presents arrangement of ideas in a text, like this:
Main Idea
Supporting idea
Supporting idea
Supporting idea
On the other hand, Formal outline is more traditional and structured with the use of Roman
Numerals, Arabic numbers, lower, and uppercase letters to show the hierarchy of information. Also, it
may be classified as alphanumeric (combination of Roman numerals, alphabet, and Arabic numbers)
and decimal outline (decimals).
Below are the examples of topic and sentence outline. Look at how the information are
presented into two different ways.
1.1. Dream Job course in college due to their
1.2. base on interests.
talent or skills They may be driven by their
Some are interested since it’s their
area of specialty or which they
considered to be talented at or
skilled doing.
Directions: Read and analyze the paragraph below. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words
to complete its meaning. Choose your answer from the box.
Successful speeches and papers are planned well. This is made possible by using an __________.
This gives you a clear view of the details you will be using. Here are some tips how to create a good one.
First, be reminded of the different parts such as the introduction, ________ and conclusion. This is
important so you will know what ideas are to be placed in a logical manner. Next, you must arrange your
ideas. If you are using alphanumeric outline, ___________indicate the main ideas to be discussed. This is
followed by the upper-case letters which are the__________. Then, Arabic numbers representing the
________ or the subdivisions of the subtopics.
Activity 2: Reaching Mastery
Directions: Choose a phrase in Column B to complete the sample outline in Column A.
DIRECTIONS: Fill in the sentence outline template below. Choose your answer from the box.
Some students’ choice of college course is influenced by the people around them.
Students’ decision regarding their college courses can be affected by internal and external factors.
Some students consider their passion as their springboard in choosing their course.
Crucial decisions such as college courses require familiarization of one’s skills and talents.
THESIS STATEMENT: Different factors such as internal and external motivation, economic
background, and practicality are few factors affecting student’s choices for college courses.
I. _________________________________________________________________
A. These interests may be from the personal will or determination of the students.
B. _________________________________________________________________
2. During puberty age, peers are influential in some teenagers’ decision making.
An outline is a list or structure that arranges ideas to hierarchical relationship to show the main
points of a given topic. It serves as the blueprint on how to arrange ideas in logical manner prior to
creating a paper or speech.
Outlines can be formal or informal. Formal outlines are more structured for they follow the
traditional format of alphanumeric and decimal type in arranging and identifying main headings,
subheadings and details. In addition, strict indentation of labels and parallel ideas are given focus.
Informal outlines on the other hand are less structured. The outline can be a bullet or numbered list or
simply a series of notes to help organize a writer's ideas. As with a formal outline, it includes the
important details and is a type of plan. Unlike the formal outline, it does not require parallel structure and
other formal elements.
Road to Glory
Directions: Read an article of your interest. You may use the internet or any available sources of
information in choosing your reading-material. Then, follow the different stages in writing below:
Preparation stage: You need to gather the information to create a main idea or thesis statement,
subheadings, and supporting details from the article that you have read. Do not forget to take
notes and cite the reference/s.
Pre-writing stage: Fill in the template given with phrase or words using the information you have
gathered. This serves as your guide.
Writing stage: Your essay should have introduction, body, and conclusion. Each part should at least be
composed of minimum of five sentences. You may use a separate sheet for this activity.
Remember to follow the topic outline you have created for your paper.
Thesis statement:
Content: 40%
The parts of the essay revolve in establishing the main idea and contain
relevant, factual details based from the chosen topic.
Outline: 30%
It is clear and specific prior to writing the essay
Grammar and Punctuation 15%
It follows the proper rules in grammar and punctuation
Citations 5%
It properly cites the reference used.
Total= 100%
DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Which is NOT a characteristic of a topic outline?
a. Shorter b. Uses keywords c. Uses Phrases d. Uses Sentences
2. What kind of details are placed under roman numerals in an alphanumeric outline?
a. Heading b. Subheading c. Supporting detail d. Thesis statement
3. Which of the following is NOT a feature of an outline?
a. Arranges main ideas and subheadings c. Plans sequence of details
b. Uses numbers and letters only. d. Sorts on relevant details
4. Claude is writing a topic outline about the different types of guitars, which detail should not be
a. Definition b. Kinds c. material d. Guitarist
5. Which of the following best describes a sentence outline? It …
a. has division and subdivision of ideas.
b. has hierarchical pattern
c. uses words and phrases to show ideas
d. uses sentences arranged in different ides in hierarchical manner.
You have finished another journey leading to the road of glorious learning, now it is time to
reflect on what you have learned. Complete the statements inside the box about the things you have
learned in this module.
I think I can use ______