Script in Gmo
Script in Gmo
Script in Gmo
Good day, everyone, my name is Jessica Jagoon, and today's topic is about genetically modified organisms, or
simply known as GMOs. But before that, let me first provide some background information or scientific facts about
GMO Is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques
Genetic engineering is a technique for tailoring an organism's characteristics to its surroundings to alter its
Genomes, it is a process by putting certain new genes from one species into another and made a completely
unrelated species.
This results in plant, animal, microorganism or other organism gene combinations. However, this process does
not come from natural selection nor be obtained through traditional crossbreeding methods
which mean GMO is an organism whose genetic makeup has been altered in a laboratory using genetic
engineering or transgenic technology
Over a thousand years Humans have artificially transformed successfully some species into genetically modified
organisms using contemporary genetic manipulation techniques, whereby the Change of genome in an organism
allows to change natural properties or traits of a species
There are three of the most common applications of genetic engineering include crops, farm animals, and good
bacteria. It appears to be beneficial since it aids in the growth of larger and better crops, it helps to the production
of more farm animals, and create a genetic modification of bacteria to make medications to cure diseases
and vaccines to prevent viruses.
However, GMO's, on the other hand, has sparked a lot of debate and controversies, because there is no specific
answer to the certain unknown risks that people are concerned about, such as the effects of GMO products, when
it is used in a long run.
Former Philippine President Corazon C. Aquino signed Executive order No. 430 of 1990, a regulation assessing
GMOs. This Executive Order establishes the composition, duties, and responsibilities of the National Committee on
Biosafety of the Philippines (NCBP), which is attached to the Department of Science and Technology. They are
authorized to perform activities such as identifying and evaluating potential hazards involved in initiating genetic
engineering experiments. Furthermore, they are required to do or recommend measures to minimize risks, if it is
not totally eliminated with the processes and the products of researches in biotechnology.