Love Suicides at Sonezaki

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(]耀 tllitragCdillingII∫ I:lililifliliiiII:lanl

l:]lilir密 :[鳳


Tみ ′Loν ¢Suicidas at S。 zα 々
:was irst performed in 17。 3 atthe TakemOtO Thcatcrin
Osaka by an allsね r cast TakcmOtO Cidayu and Ta■ omo asthe chanters,Chikama、 u

瞭:r:柵inrl蠍 麗獄Ψぷ
螺躙 1常 肌駐
MonzaemOn as ic playwrigllt,and Ъ ヽunlaも u Hachir5bei as thc Puppeヒ er.The
result was a hit that rcvived tlle theater's fortunes.Tん ′Lο ッ
¢Suic:ど ′
s at Sο ll● zα 々
i iS

based on an actual incident ttat had occurred iuSt One month eanicr Tlle largestsOy
sauce merchant in Osaka,with師 elve clcrks(セ dご ),including Tokubci,he son Of
tlle ownerも brOtller,had decided tO marry his adOptcd daugllterto Tokubei and make

罵RT:∫ 話1:蹴 鮮'emメ 。

hirn the hcad Ofhis branch store in Edo,but Tokubci had fallen in love wil1 0hatsu, yec oFa sOy sauce deJer
a prostitute in the Shimabara licensed quartcrin Osaka whO was abouttO be ransomed
by another customcr Unable tO remain togetl■ er,Tokubei and Ohatsu cOmmitted HosT OfTenma Housc,a brOthel
CHozo,an apprentice

︱︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ = = = ︱
doublc suidde in he Sonezal Forcstin Osaka Chな amatsu's play fonows the general
Ou」 ines Of tlle scandal,with which」 ne contemporaヮ audience was already familiaL OHATsu,aged nineteen,a cOurtesan
and maintainsthe same names
Kabuki n the,。 t。 _osaka area had already dcvdoped the contempomry lit(w―
Tん a grOuη あο
fa`I々 υdd“ だれιれ osσ 々

dmollo)genrc、 vhich stagcd sensational current incidents such as double suicides `sん

and murders Chikamatsu、 vTote Tた o■oッ クStricldes`t Sο ●● zこ 々

f,One Of the carliest CHANTER:
sewamono in Puppct tlleater,in such a way that the audience decPly symPathized

wi■ the Plight ofthe shoP clerk and thc low prOstitute and Placed the drama in the
sOcial and econOmic fabric of everydり urban cOmmoner life in Osaka Chikamatsu 1蔦itti滋 iiH鴨
dccPcned the tragedy by adding the incident about the mOney that the owncr offers

for the dOwry and hat TOkubeiヽ mother accepts(meaning that Tokubci must marry
thc owner's daughter or be dishonored)and adding the character of Kuheli,the oil

melchant,who swindles Tokubci out oftllis money and fOrces the isuc

Chikamatsuも contemporary life plays do nOt glori夕 hc kind of merchant values
(SuCh as Prudencc,thrift,ingenuity)fOund in lhara Saikakuヽ たρσn'sEセ mα I StO滋 _

みοus● Instead,Chikamatsu,who was originally ttom a samuraifamil"stresses samurai

valucs(loyalり しdeVOtion,sclisacriEce,honOr),whiCh urban commOners had absorbed

into their own ethics.The double suicide thus becomes not silnPly a 10ve suicide but
l器鷺:朧 手


︲︱ ︱
the redemPtion of name and hOnor The stress on samurai values decPcnsthe tension

within TOkubei beれ ゃ
℃en gi″ (hiS resPonsibilityand duty to his shOP masterl and"fゆ A wOmant vOice calls from a bench inside a refreshmentstand.

らマ 58

[OHATSU卜 And is this the comic relicf Of your tragedy7ヽ Vhy cOuldn't you

冊 滞 幕蒲:憮 Illi磁 Ⅷ藍
have trusted nle、 vith yOur wOrries when you tell me evcn trivial little things7
You must've had sOmc rcason for hiding ヽ
Vhy dOn't yOu take mc intO your
Tcra Strcet and the uPtoM′ n lnanslonS CHANTER: She leans over his kncc Bitter tears soak her handkcrchief
that I'll be back soon Don't forget tO Ca1l on the dyer's in Azuchi Strect and
[TOKUBEII PICaSC dOn'tc7 0r be ang,with mc l wasn't hiding anメ hing,

c諾 :∫ l『i:誡 :鱗 1:lふ :期 胤iTl騨 lliRhehm_ but it wOuldn't have helped to invOlve you At any rate,nly troubles have

largely been scttlcd,and l can tcll yOu the whole stOヮ nOW N71y master has
boo blinds alWar trcatcd me with Particular kindness because I'ml■ is ncPhew For tty

…導 鷺構電 露Im鷺
Part,I'Ve scrved him with absOlute hOnesサ Thcreも never been a penny's

p∬ iぽ
‐discrepancy in the accOunts lt's true tllat recently l used his nanle when I
l bOught On credit a bolt of Kaga silk to makc into a surnmcr kimonc,but
tl軍 i

■that'sthe onc and only timc,and ifl have to raise the moncy on the sPOt,I
nOn Hc's becn boasting that he inl
I Can alWayS sen back thc kimOno wittouttaking a 10ss My master has been
At the moment he'sigone off tO h(
l so impressed by my hOnesサ that he prOPosed l marry hヽ wifeも nicce with
returns and inds uS tOgcther,there might bc trouble All the chair bearcrs a dow7 0fbvo々 σ72772¢ and PrOnliSed to setrnc uP in busincss Thathappencd

ミ:∬ L増『じよ
knllll:∬ last ycar,but hO、 v cOuld l shin my affections、 vhen l have you7 1 didn't give
:零 ;II:1薦
fi:I:Iuil漠 ifヶ :li罵 ,
his suggcstion a sccOnd thought,but in the meantilTlc my mother― shc's
tcrribly v′ orried,but nOt knowing w l really my stePmOther― conferred with my master,keePing it a secret f10m

l cOuldn't very wCll Writc you l rnust have called a hundred tiln9s at tlle
l me ShC Wentbacktothc counり with the加 o々 `η ′in her clutches Ld
織‡ 高盤滞
tta HOuse2臓 hり hふ lLdЩ
l∫ that l am,I never dreamcd what had haPPened・ “
The trouble began last

it、 vaS Taichi,thc bhnd musician―

nlonth whell thcy tried to force mc to mar7 1 got angry and said,“ Master,
you surprisc mさ YOu know hOw unwillingl am to gct married,and yctyOu've
trickcd my old lnOtl■ cr into giving hcr cOnsent lbu'vc gone too far,master
wOuld end tllat way,but I've been l can't understand the mistress's attitudc cither lf l took as my wife this

WⅣ l謝 i営器畔精躙堂
fcel this SWellingI
CHANTER: She takes his hand and pressesittO hcr breast,ヽ
and entreaing tearS,exaCly as f they WeFe huSband and wife Man thou♂
VecPing reproachful
辮現 駐 Ir誌聟
r How could l cver assertrnyscIP I've ref■ lsed Oncc,and even ifmy father
he is,he alsoヽ VecPS

ぶ ま詰 I話
│I Were to rcturn from his gravc,the answer would still be no"The master was
:I卜 ,en,cY」 g、 ,butttl留
Ijき ::di:威
ttnglヤ 1‖ IIT逢 1'ユi‖ rious that l answcrcd so bluntly.His vOice sh00k with ragc ``I knoⅥ ′your
7乱 てi=こ ■n YLTitti安
1∬ ::『
3[鮮 tTI語 どittadcd f BoL Ne」
い,and evew
1, 1 _ :_^`.レ ヽ
real reasOns You've involvcd with Ohatsu,Or whatever her name is,frOm
││,Tenma House in Doiima That's wlly you seem so against nny wife's
My品 nご Sb∝ n h a brm醜

鳥 Ilふ L訂 触 Once
朧 地 議 1楠 瀧
esomq CC kワ Wdl_attcr what's been sJd,I'm no bngcr wtthg tO,vc yOu
,I went up tO約 Ob b ra、 i■ ド
and my蔦 :ItthchaosTotellhettu■
卜llheJrl,and Since theret to bc nO wedding,retum the money Scttle without

6副 岬
acle I'm still alive lfthey make ml

° 盤曜'1∬ 1貰
oney,amOng other things lt'Sal壮

1l bythC tten,secOnd Ofthc mOnth and dear yOur busll■ esS accounts lll
c淵 艦 葛
∬ yOu frOn1 0saka and nevcr ictン ′
Ou set foot hcrc again!''I,tOo,have

″w PFdCaSa man“ Rlght you arer'Ianswcred and rushed orb my宙 lhge
1り t nly SO― Called mOthcr wouldn'tletthc money out of hcr hands,notlfthヽ
1理 nd turned hto the ncxt l went tO、 OtO,hO,ng tO borrOw thc money
l BrackctS have bcen placcd around the nameS Ofthc charactcrS in thc Play to indiCate
thc、vholesalc sOy sauce dealers in thc Fifthヽ ヽ
4ard I've al、 vays been on
S narrm鴨 ∝ 出 面 中 ・
bstO tlle hい d
繭 耐
夏 h 鴇 。 terms witl■ them But as luck wOuld have it,they had no mOncy to
2 Hisfaceiscovered

111高 10"bLileⅢ
by a deeP wicker
・ l試 }∞ 11ザ ■ビ 糧だ
"mm"面 ‖に .
f Va● Ousゅ い


e lretraced my stePs to the country,and this tirne,with the intcrcession

やγ 胤 し ●::籠
Ii[tlよ ・ ―――lama,hlnCWeκ
ヽ i鳳 ―
lli1111 11lC Plし
l ■●
O V●
L^^_^^^■ ‐ Я、へぐ nf DOoular acl
the whOle villagc,I rnanaged tO getthe rnoneytlom my lnother lintended
、 …
irnicked the sPcech and Posture of POPular

ment Were prcsented The impersonatorゴ

46 CHIKAMATSU MONZAEMON AND THE CHANTER: Ohatsu faltcrs among tl■ esc words Of cncOuragcment,chokcd by
tears.She resumes_
10HATSU]:The柿 enty‐ secondお tOmOrrOw Return the money cany,ince yOu
must return it anyway Tn/tO get in your lnastcr's g00d graces again
[TOKUBEI]:I Wantt。 ,and I'm impaient to return thc money,but On tlle
thirtcentl1 0fthe mOnth Kuhcili thC 01 merchant― Ithink you lnow him_
be“ ed me dcsPcrateレ fOrthe money He sぶ d he needed itゎ r Only One day
and Promised to return it by thc mOrnin3 0f the eighteenth l dccided to
lcnd him the mOney,sincc l didn't need it until thc bvenl/_seCOnd,and it
was fOr a fliclld close as a brOther Hc didn't get in toucl■ with mc On thc
eighteenth Or nilletcenth Ycstcrday he、 vas Out and l couldn't scc hirn I
intended to call on hiln this lnorning,but l've sPent it rnaking the rounds
Of my custOn■ ers in ordcr tO wind uP my business by tomorrOw I'll go to
him this cvening and scttle evcrything He'sa man ofhonor,and he k■ Ows
my prcdicament I'm sure nothing will go wrOng Don't wor7 0h-look
``Hatsuse is hr away,

Far t00 is Naniwa― dera:

So many tcmples are renOwned
For the sound oftheir bells,
やbices of the Etcrnal Law
lt on an cvening in sPring,
You visit a lnOuntain temple
You will sce ''6
Atthe head of a band Of revclers

7器 鞣糧 器'髄縦IT雀 事叩 掛 h捕

首 ti藍鸞i濡需£識
[TOKUBEI]:Kuhcilil That's a pooI PerfOrmancelフ Ybu've no business running

馨 。

eК ur"ons whcn you haven't deared up your debt w■ h me Today
we'1l scttle Our account
CHANTER: He grasPs Kuheili'S arln and rcstrains him_Kuhcili'S exPressiOn is
CltNT11:slttillボ 」:11宙 l'hllli1111:I‖ IKuHEIII]:WЪ at are you talking about,TOkubcl?赳 l these peoPle with me
ょlll:、 i
pぴ麟 妻 轟

are residcnts of the ward We've had a nleeting in UeshiO Strcct to raisc

funds for a Pilgrimage to lsc.S、've drunk a littlc sak6,but we'rc on our way

ュ 正
hOmc nOw ヽ
ヽLat do you mcan by grabbing my arm?Don't be so rough!
│││:iiliを ?撃 Illl
HANTER: He relnoves his wickcr hat and glares at TOkubci
bd h OSaka agan,Duピ 抒蔦eimeTlょ
1:r」 FttL` TOKUBEII:I'm not bcing rough All I'm ashngお that you rcturn the師 o
i盟 ょ 1葛 [11£ よ

∬1:i:lm^Ⅲ 誦d∞
│ボ 胤
l:ぷ :¶ 品 :][1繋 ∬ 「

h・ mmwb■ 翌
eM∞ 疵

│`A Passage■ orn the no Play Mガ ル″,quoted hcrc mainly bccause the ttst word Hatsuse,
jlace in Nara,echocs the narne Ohatsu in the Precedhlg hne The last words similaJy Point
1 hc arrival of Kuheili
Of Death and the RiVer Of Thrcc NVayS'
7 TOkubei,relieved to see Kuhelli,at irst tcases hirn abOut his singing ofthe no Passage,but
tvords have an undertOnc of c五 ucism ofKuheilit PastlehaViOr

5 naccs h llClaPanCSC a■
ψ′ 6Z
々 Of Silvcr l lent you on the thirteenth,、 ′
hich you、verc supposed tO Hiran。 _ya,a man Of hOnor DO you fOl10w nle7 1'm nOt a man tO trick a
repay on the cightcenth. friend out Of his moncy thc way you have.COmc on!
CHANTER: BCfOrc he can inish sPcaking,Kuheili bursts out laughing CHANTER:He Falls On Ktlheili
[KuHEIII]:Are you out of yOur nlind,TOkubci7 1 can'trcmcmber ha宙 ng bOr
lKuHEIII]:YOu impudentlittle apprentice!I'1l knOck tlnc insOlence Out OfyOu!
rowed a pcllny fronl you in all the years I'vc kno、vnンЮu DOn't inakc any CHANTER:He sdzes the■ Ont of Tokubd'shinOnlTdtheygraPメ
accusations that you'1l regret b10ws and shOves ohatsu ruslles barefOot to then e,traang
CHANTER: He Shakes hilnsclf free His comPaniOns also rcn■ ove their hats 8
TOkLlbCi Palcs u′ ith astonishrncnt

[TOKUBEI]:Don't say that,Kuheilil YOu camc to mc in tears,saying that you

朧端急翠椒lalttll:拙f粗 身
i酬 e暁 ]lI∬ e∬
bcing beaten uP!

cOuldn't survivc your inollthly bills,and l thought that tllis、 vas thc kind of

職 llII卜 亀

︲︱ ︱ ¨
cmergency for、 ′
hich v/e'd been friends all these years llent you the moncy
as an act of gencrositv,ll10ugh l needed it dcsPcrately rnysell l t01d yOu that
lL怨 :ギ i婦 」
冨l北 lirStO眈

l17anttO get hurt
l didn't cven require a receipt,but you insisted on putting your seal to one,

蝋1鱒 盟塞l撃黎穏lw樵

for form's sakc You made me write out a PromiSSOw note and you sealed it

= 1 ・
Don't try to deny it,Kuhc“ il
Ing v。 lce Tbkubel ls E
CHANTER: TOkubei rebukes hirn heatedly frOnl the nearby bOoths and drive thenl all with sticks tO thc 10tus Pond
[KuHEIII]:` `Lat's that?I'd like to scc thc seal WhO tranlPles TOkubeiア ヽ

= L
vЪ o beaぉ him7 There is nO way tO tcll His hairis
lTOKUBEII:Do you think I'm afraid tO show you? dishevelcd,his sash undonc I―
Ie stumbles and Llls to this sidc and that
CHANTER: HC Prodllces the papcr frolll his wallet.
[TOKUBEI]: Kuhcili,you swinel DO you think I'11 let you escape aliveア

︱ ︱ = 酬 爛 ︱
[TOKUBEI]:If these gentlemen are iom the ward,I am surc that they wll CHANTER: He staggers abOut searching for Kuheiji,but he has led and vall_
rccognize your seal lV11l you still disPute it?
CHANTER: When he unfolds the Paper and disPlaysit,Kuheili Claps his hands
in recollectiOn
記育!tT臆 鶴 :LI〕 :ぶ I躍 ふ
l猟 里
lillヵ [寵 :l:惇
this way Thcre was nOt aぬ Ise wOrd in my accusatiOn I've al"ays 理
[KuHEIII]:hS,itゝ my seJ Jlrtht Oh,Tokubet l ncで r d10ught you'd do Kuheili likc a brOther,and when hc begged l■
such a thing,not even if yOu、 ″ere stap〆 ing and forced tO eat dirt On the .FIξ le fOr the mOnctt Saying he'd

tenth Of the n10nth l lost a、 vallet containillg thc seal l advertised for it
メ L・ わ hら 吐 軸 huれ ぃ ame
脈譜 l諸 ittb司 ・ as lifc,and l kllew that withoutit
cy was PreciOus

︲︲囃 Ⅷ Ⅷ 潮 躙 Ⅷ 閻 陶 Ⅷ 蠅 Ⅷ Ⅷ Ⅷ

everywhcre,but、 vitllout success,so as ofthe sixtecllth ofthis lnont11,as I'vc ' tomOrroち thCれ Venけ
f“ t,Itt have tO kill myself He n■
intorlned these gentlemen,I've changed my seal Could l havc putthe seal ade me write the
l notein my O、 vn hand,thel.put his sca1 0n it Butit was a seal that hc had
l lost On thc tenth On a document on the thirtecnth?N。 一、
/hat haPPcned already repOrted as lost,and nOw het turned the accusatiOns againstrnc!Itも
wasthat you found l■ ■
y wallet,wrote thc Promissoヮ notC,and used my Seal
1肥 招鷺F躍:r揉 礁蹴糧
Now you're trying to cxtort money flom me― that makcs you a worsc crim‐
inal than a forger YOud do better,7okubei,to conlmit ou「 and― outrObbeゥ 1 and biting him!
Fl出 f織 #l:uttfll
You deserve to have your head cut ott but for Old times'sakc,I'1l forg市 e
お腱 Sh鏡 ∝ 軋 d価 ∝ hs伝 ぉ帥 d
yOu Let'ssee ifyou can make any n■ oncy out of thisi
lmW:W友 『
1霧 xtrd騨
CHANTER: Hc thrO、 vs the rlote lll■ bkubeiヽ face and glares at hiln iercely in
an extraordina1/disPlay offeigned innocencc Tokubci,furious,crics aloud l
[TOKUBEI]:You've been damned clcver YOu'vc putone over on me I'mdお 胤t絆 鼈 」 rvi雌 湯1踏:艇 1舞 ち
!r/mよ 帯 雌
. :∬
1段 w,,pem“ 面 ∝
hο nOredヽ VЪ at alln l to d07 Mustl let you lust Steal my moncy from me7
ng J出 ew∝ ょ、Ltr knOwn
You've Planned everythillg so cleverly that even if l gO tO cOurt,I'In sure to
b9島 ∝Cd you tt R凛 :亀
10sc I'1l take back my mOney with my lsts! Sec herel I'rn Tokubel of the WI:」 ■ FrIP
ANTER:He」 haV♀
veS hお aPdoJcち
市e mc
が ctt uP hれ :語 :rL二 島 Puも .。 n

8 Readying themseivcs to conle to Kuheiliゝ dCFensc

Ⅲ幅鰤岬躙恥 ッ
… フ


His face,downcast in the sinking raメ of the sun,is clouded by tcars that
engulf hin■ Deicctedly hc leaves,a sight toO Pitiful tO beh01d. 1 think I'1l steP OutSide fOr a inOment

sm abott y。 し
S Of eveッ
InJd♭ ル 7診 ″777α
ι HOし S¢ ,ι ル ¢
ッ¢ み
a sa772a d`ァ
",71g rpFι

乱犠T鳳『批rk。 いand wccF

The breezcs oflove are all― Pervasive

糧灘l珊 停
By Shilirni R市 er,10 wherc 10ve― drowned guests
Like empけ shellS,berc■ Of thcir scnses,
M/andcr thc dark、 vayS oflove
Lit each night by burnillg lanterns,
Fircnies that glow in the four seasons,
Stars that shine On rainy nights
By Plum Bridge,1l blossOms show cven in summer
Rustics On a visit,ciけ cOnnOisseurs,
Alliourney the whed rOads Of10ve,

VЪ ere adepts、 vander and novices play:

VЪ at a lively Place this New Quarter is!12
But alas for Ohatsu of tl■ c Tenma House― evcn after she returns,the
dayヽ events still weigh on her She cannOt swallow her sak6;she feels on 『
l盤 ;∬ i纏 」ly°
u ltt meお ra

cdgc ´s she sits、 vecPing,SOmc courtesans frOm the ncighboring houses and lc roOm
other friends cOme fOr a little chat, )sak6 cuPs
Ss ovcr the guests
IFIRST COURTESAN〕 : HaVC yOu heard,Ohatsu7 They say that TOku was given
a thrashing for something bad he did ls it true7
customcr told me that TOku was tlamPled to

CHANTER: They say he、 vas tied uP for fraud or trussed for cOuntcrfciting a
基職 署島
雨i熟 │

seal NOt One decent thing have they tO reporti everv exPressiOn OfsymPathy
makes their visit thc more Painftll

[OHATSU]:No,Pleasc,not another wOrd The morc l hear,the wOrsc my

珊 出棚 蹴 驀櫛 鞘 酷 欄
breast PainS me l'm sure I'll be tlle ilst tO die l wish l wcre dead alrcady
CHANTER:She can Only wccP Butamid hertearsshc haPPcnst0 100k Ou、
and catchcs a glimPse of TOkubei,a Pathetic igurc、 vearing a、vicker hat,
idc i 『1冊 鼻1諦 ∫
cven at nightI'Hcr hcart leaPs,and she、 vants to run to hinl,but in tlle ‖∬
sltting room arc thc master and his wife,and by the entrance stands Ⅲ 熊1[]│:li[lili[li‖

cOok,whilc in the kitchen a maid is hovering:witlD so many sharp eycsl Jb鴨 山面鴨

vatching,she cannot do as shc Pleases l :'mσ
C° n鳳 ふ 1:Iよ。 。n■
:鷲 導 覗 』 THnghお
oha軋 Wee口 ng Ы[

lo Tl]e word s力 i′ imi means a“ corbicula,''a kind of small shellish,suggesting shclls

1l Umeda Bridge,whOse name l■ erally means“ Plum icld"
12 Tlle D5,irna New Quarter i1 0saka、 vas opcned in abOu1 17。 。
4錨 d%h帳 由は 面 隈 践 btt m鋤 u戸 。。蕊 n gttPめ は Nseclel
13 The wicker hat was worn for cOncealmcnt,but at night this PrecautiOn was “
h酬 枕 hC IS b¨ 祠 b“
unnecG町 れ 日 幅 rЪ 蜘 お彎 m鵡
こ ¨ 帳 ∞ お J


IOHATSU]:Y01l ncedn'ttv your clever words On me Tokubciand l havc bccn

intimate for ycars Sヽ 'Ve told eacl■ other our inmost secrcts Hc hasn'ta

haS becn his undoing

PartiCle ofdeceit in him,thc Poor boy HiS gcnerosiヶ
Hc's bccn tricked,but he hasn't the evidence to Provc it tter、 ハ ′
hat has

happcned Tokubei has no choice butto kill hilnself I M′ ish l kncv′ 、


or not hc had dccidcd to die
CHANTER: ShepretendstobetalkingtohcrsellbtltVVithhcrfootshequestions
hiln He nOds and,taking her allkle,PasscS it across his throat,to lct her


kno、 v that he is bent on suiCidC

comes to the
[OHATSUl:I knew it l knew it No mater how long onelives,■

same thing Only death can wipe Out thc disgrace

CHANTER:Kuheili iS Sね rtled by hCr words room atthe back
[KuHEIII]:` Vhat is Ohatsu talking about?ヽ Vhy should Tokubei kill himself7 田 耐 ジ %MnЫ T腱 面歩 Lmp hs響

Vell,if he kills hiinseli I'1l take good care of you after he's gonel l think ∬ Itttt∬ l『 F∞ “

耐 ta∞ ∞』
∝ 跳恥
『 」 こ ,い
C毬 rり ¨drお uP iom

you'Ve fallen for mc too!
[OHATSU]:Tllat's mOst generous oFyou,I'm sure But would you obieCtil by

′ay of tllanks for your kindness,I killcd you7(3ould l go on living even a ISERVANT]: I can't ind the nint box

moment if SCParatCd f10m Toku7 Kuhcili,yOu dirサ thiCn Anyonc hearing
your silly lies can only suspect you I'Inn sure that Toku intends to die、 vith ]ヽ ttmt;]‰ liぶ fTTtill里 1選 鴇は 1
me,aSI W■ h him
CHANTER: She taPs、 vith her foot,and Tokubei,v′ ccPing,takcs it in his hands
and rcverelltly touchcs itto his forehcad He embraces her knecs and Sheds

tears ofloVc Sllc too can hardly conceal hcr emotiolls Though no、 vord is

sPOken,ans、 vering cach other hearttO hcart,they sllently、 vecP That no one
knows makes l sadder still Kuheili feels uncomfOrtable
[KuHEり I]:The Wind's against us today Let's get out of here The whoresin
this Place are ccrtainly pcculiar― they sccrn to havc an avcrsion to custOmcrs
like us with Plenけ Of mOncy to sPend Lct's stoP attlle Asa House and have
a drillk there ヽ
ヽ石c'1l rattle arOund a couPlc of gold Pieces,then go honlc to
bed Oh― my walletis so hca、 γ l can hardly walk
T/2勾 ο
し りfrOm Dδ ″ οι
んa sο ι
z`々 ′S方 ″に
CHANTER: SpeWing forth all manner of abuse,they noisily dcPart The host “ “`ι “
and his wife call thc servants l CHANTER:
Fareweli tO this wOrld,and tO the night farcwell
[HOST]:It'S tilne to Put Outtlle lights for the night Lay out beds forthc gucsЬ
、vho are staying on Ohatsu,you slccP uPstairs Cetto bed carly Wc、/hO、valk the rOad tO death,tO M′ hat shOuld we bc likened2

[OHATSU](rOた ι″):MaSter,mお trcss,I shall Probably never see you agah

ぶ 7at
罵iil:th犠 暉黒附』 g瓢
Farewen「 arcwell to all the scwants too '
CHANTER: ThuS inwardly taking lcave,she goesto her bedchambcr Latcr dley ‐ How sadお this dream Ofa dream!
will learn that this was a Parting for life;how Pitiful the fOolish hearも ofmen llTOKUBEI]:
wl10 do not realizc thc truth in timel l 1 出 ,did yOu cOuntthe bel12 ofthe seven strOkes
[HOST]:See Jlatthe ire is out underthe kettle Don'tlet the mice get atthl l That mark the dawn,six havc sOunded
rchshes . The remaining one will be the last cchO
CHANTER: They shut thc Place and bar the gate Hardly havc thcir hc ■ VVe shaH hcar in this life
tOuched their Pillo、 vs than all arc snoring merrily SO shortis the nightthl 10HATSu]:It will echO the blお s Of nirvana

67 l `3
TOkubci,conccalcd by his hat, Some revelcrs,stili not gone to bed,
and()hatsu,her face hidden by Are 10udly talking undcr blazing lamps_
thc lvhitc scari (PhOtOgraPh NO dOubt gossiPing aboutthe goOd Or bad
courtcsy of Barbara Curtis
Of this yearヽ crop Of 10vers'suicidcs;
Adachi Collcclon,C V Starr
Their hearts sink tO hear thcse vOices
East Asian Libraゥ ちColumbia
Universiサ ) ITOKUBEIト
How strangel but yesterday,even tOday,
We sPOke as ifsuch things did nOt cOnccrn us
TOrnOrrow v/e shall igure in their gOssiP
Ifthc wOrld will sing about us,lct it sing
This is tlle sOng that now they hear

I'm sure you'1l ncvcr have me for your wife,
I knOw my love mcans nothing to you …"
Yes,fOr all our love,for a11 0ur grieving,
Our lives,our lots,have not becn as we wishcd_
Ncver,until this vc7 day,have we knOwn
A single night Of heart's rclaxatiOn―
Instead,the tOrtures of an ill_starred 10vc

ヽVЪ atis this bOnd beh″ een usP
I cannOt fOrget you
ButyOu would shake mc Offand gO_
I'1l ncvcr let youl
Klll me with yOur hands,then go
CHANTER: I'1l ncvcr release youl''

Fare、 vell,and not to the bell alone‐ ― So she said in tcars 17

They look a last ime on the grass,the trees,the s時 [OHATSU]:Ofall thc many songs,that One,tonighJ
The clouds,the river go by unlnindful ofthem; [TOKUBEI]:WhO iS it singing7 Wc who listen
Thc DiPper'S bright rencction shines in the v′ ater IBOTH]:Suffer the ordeal of thOse be10re us
Lct's prctend that Umcda Bridge They cling tO cach Other,wecPing bitterly
ls the bridgc the magPics built16 Any other night would nOt matter
AcrOss thc Mlり ヽ
ヽ4ay,and make a vow lf tOnight were only a little 10nger,
TO be husband and wifc stars for etcrniサ But thc heartless sunllner night,as is its、 vont,

[OHATSU]:I Promisc I'1l be your wifc forever Breaks as cockcrows hasten their last hOur
CHANTER: [TOKUBEI]:It Will be worse if wc wait fOr dawn Lct us dic in the w00d Of
They cling together― the river watcrs Tbniin 18
ill surely sヽ vell、 vith the tears they shed CHANTER:Hc lcads her by the hand At Umeda Embankment,the night
Across the river,in a teahOuse uPstairs, ravens

17 Tlle song overheard by()hatsu and Tokubeiis dcrived from a PoPular ballad ofthe tirnc

鷺よ趾 留盤 11∫ :;:yttζ l111ま す

思糖 Fflll}:∬ that dcscribcs a love suicide

Hef淵 Uiや
18 The shrine of Sonezaki,sacred to Tcniin(the god Of Suga、 vara no Michizane)


de、v vanishcs evcn more quickly than thcir lives,in this uncertain v′ orld a
lightning nash__or was it somcthing clscP
[OHATSU]:I'm afraid Ⅵ/hat was that nOw7
[TOKUBEI]:That Was a human sPirit a l thought wc alone wOuld dic tOnight,
but sonleOne clse has preceded us ヽヤ110ever it rnay be,we'll havc a conl_
PaniOn on the iourney tO thc Mountain of Death Nα 772● A772'ご αBμ tsυ .

N`772υ A772'd`B2tsu 22
CHANTER: SheヽvccPs helPlessly

[OHATSU]:TO think that othels are dying tOnight tool How heartbreaking!
CHANTER: lVIan though lle is,his teas fall flccly
[TOKUBEI卜 ThoSe tto sPiHtS lying together― do you suPPOSe thcy be10ng to
anyonc elsc?「Fhey must be yOurs and nline!
[OHATSU]:ThOSC hvO sPiritsP Thell are we dcad alrcady7
[TOKUBEI]:Normalltt if we saw a sPirit,We'd knot Our clothes and murmur
Prayers to kecP OurSOuls with us,2'but nOw、 ve hury tOward Otlr end,hoPing
instead Our bvO sOuls、 vi1l ind the same dwclling Do nOt rnistake the way,
dO not10se mel

Tokubei and Ohatsu walking toward thcir death(PhOtOgraPh COurtesy of Barbara Curtis
CHANTER: They embrace,lcsh t。 lesh,tllcn fall tO the grOund and wccP―
Adaclli Collec● on,C V Starr Eastお ian Libraり ,Columbia Univcr● け) hO、 v Pitiful they are!Their strings of tears unite like enh″ illing branchcs or

the Pine and Palln that groM/froln a single trunk,a symbO1 0f cternallove
Here tl■ c dew of their unhapPy lives will at last settlc

[ToKUBEI]:TOmOrrow our bodics may be thcir meal [TOKUBEII:Let this be the sPot
10HATSU]: CHANTER: He unfastens tlle sash Ofhis c10ak.Ohatsu rcmoves herteaル stained
It's strangc,this is your unlucky year19 outcr robe and throws it on the palrn tree;the f10nds nlight now scⅣ e as a
0f bvenけ -6vC,alld mine of ninetcell broon■ to swecP a、 Vay the sad worldも dust Ohatsuぬ kes a razor flom her
lt's surely Proof ho、 v decP arC Our ties sleeve
That we who love each other are cursed alike [OHATSU]: I had this razOr PrCParcd in case we wcre ovcrtaken On the way
All thc PrayerS I have lnadc fOr this wolld and scParated I Was determined notto forfcit our name aslovers How happy
TO the gods and to the Buddha,I herc and no、v l anl that、 ve are to die togethcr as we lloPed!
Dircct to thc futurc:in thc、 vorld tο comc [TOKUBEII:HoW WOndcrft1l ofyou to hive thOught oftl■ aJ I anlsO cOnident
Ⅳlay we be reb9rn On the same lotus! in our love that l have llo fears even about death And yct it 、
vould bc
CHANTER: unfOrtunate ifbecause ofthe Pain、 Ve are to suffer peOPle said that we lookcd
One hundred cightthe bcads her ingcrs tell ugly in death Let us sccure our bodies to this h″ intrunked trec and die
On her rosary;20 tears increase thc sum irninaculately!We vvill bccome all unparalleled cxamplё Ofa lovers'suicidc
No end to her griet butthC road has an end: 10HATSU卜 Yes,let us dO that
Thcir minds are nulnbed,thc sky is dark,thc wind still, CHANTER: 湖 aS!She littlc thought she、 vOuld usc hcr light blue undcrsash in

鵬雅躍Fll胤 ∬棚lT窮 lshふ eg霞 ル皿鴨

this、 /ayI She dra、 vs it tight and,、 vith her razor,slashcs it thrOugh.

IOHATSU]:The sash is cut,but you and l wili nevcr be torn aPart

19ノ tCOrdilng to ylllザ ang divination,a man's● venけ・6fth,for,・SCCOnd,and sixticth years arc
third years 21 HitOご α o'■ hc、visP belicved to be a human soul
dangcrous;fora woman,her nineteenth and thirけ “`,a kind of will―
erings occasioncd by the 22 TIle invocatiOn ofthe name Ofthe Amida Buddha,used in Purc Land Buddhisnl
20 ThC Buddhist Prayer bcads nunlbcrlo8,o:lc fOr cach ofthe su∬
23 ExoFCiSnl PractiCed to prevent thc sotil f10m leaving tlle bOdy
マ│ 7z
CHANTER: She sits,and he binds her twice,thrice to the tree,lrlnly sO that ls drawn alvay at its apPOintcd hOur24 N0 0ne is there tO tell he tale,but
she wili not stil

lTOKUBEI]:IS I tghP 窯導lよ 贈ぶT食 1:Ж1ど

a‖ V/° °
d hnsmお ■ ,and hth and bw
″hO beyond a dOubt will in dle ftturc
10HATSU]:Very tight. attain buddhah00d.They have bccome mOdels Oftrue 10ve
CHANTER: She looks at her husband,arld he at her_ふ ey burst into tears. [C力 滋 おυゎただ議これ NKBT 49`21_36,trangatcd by DOnald Keen可

IBOTH]: ThiS iS the end Of Our unhappy lives!
't give way to griel
[TOKUBEI]:Nol musb■
CHANTER:HC litt his head and ioinS hiS hands in Prayer
[TOKUBEI]:My parents died when l was a b。 ル and l grew up■ allks to■ e
effOrts of my uncle,who was my master.It disgraces me to die withOut
rePaying his kindness.Instead l shall cause him trOuble that will last even
aier my death.Please fOrg市 e my sins Soon l shall see my parenb in■ e
Other wOrld.Father,MOther,wclcome me thercl
CHANTER:He WCcPs Ohatsu also ioins her hands.
10HATSU]:l envy you.YOu say you will mcet pur Parents in dle wond ofdle
dead.My father and mOther are in this world and in good health.I wOnder
when l shall see tllem again l heard iomふ emふ is sPring,but l haven't
scenふ em shce■ e be」 n■ ng Of hSt autumn Tomorrow7 when wOrl
reaches the village of Our suicides,hOw unhappy uley will beI Now l must
bid Lrewell in his life tO my Parents,my bro■ ers and sisters.If atleast my
thOughts can reaqh you,Please aPpear before me,if only in dreams.Dear
MO■ er,be10ved Faheロ
CHANTERI She Sobs and wails aloud Her husband alsO cries out and sheds
incessant tears in all toO understandable emotion
10HATSUl:We cOuld talk forever,but it serves no PurPOSe.Kill me,kill me
CHANTER: She hastens the lnoment of deadl
[TOKUBEl]:I'm ready
CHANTER: HC SWimy draws his dagger
[TOKUBEl]:The momenthas comc Nam“ Amidこ .Nam“ Amid`
CHANTER: But when hc trics to bring the bladc against dle skin Ofthe woman
hcb loved and held and slept with so rnany lnonths and years,his eycs cloud
over,his hand shakes.Hc tries to steady his weakening resolve,but still he
trembles,and when he thrusts,the point misses TLvicc or iricc the lashing
blade de■ ects llis way and that until a cry tells it has struck her throat
jdd.N`π Amida Ndmu Amid`Butsu.

CHANTER: Heb″ ists the blade decPer and deeper,but the strength has lett his
arm u41en hesees her weaken,he stretches fonh his hands.Thc lastagonies
of dcath are indcscribable
[TOKUBEI]:MuStI Lg behind you7 Lett araw oЧ r last brcaths together
CHANTER:He thrusts and bvists the razor in his hroat,until it seems the ぬ
為lFl川 簿ty紺:零 棚1:鳶 用ょ
琴:軋 露i∬ 嘗肛Ittt翼
、handle Or ule blade mustsnap.His eyes grOw diln,and his last Painill brea■ gOVeFning hc bith

7ぅ 7ケ

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