SIESTORAGE For Modular Energy Storage System

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The modular electrical energy storage system

for a reliable power supply

The power to make

power happen
SIESTORAGE for future-proof energy supply

Intelligent grid solutions 3
Optimizing grid connections 4
Providing flexible ­energy  6
Supporting large energy consumers 8
Unmatched versatility 10
Equipped to meet every demand 14
Best-in-class performance and safety 15
A modular system 16
A perfectly integrated solution 18
Taking all necessary steps 20


Intelligent grid solutions

From generation to consumption

Electricity today and tomorrow intermittency. New capacity has to be

Electrical power is the foundation of mod- developed, existing equipment has to be
ern life. It is the main resource for industry upgraded, and grid operation must be
and infrastructure, the enabler of growth optimized in order to meet future demands.
and progress, and is paving the way for a The solution will determine just how effi-
more friendly environment for the future. cient, reliable and safe power systems will
Redevelopment of the energy system is be in complex modern environments with
gaining momentum due to the renunciation the support of the new options created by
of fossil fuels, market liberalization, and growing digitalization.
growing environmental awareness. At the
same time, there is a shift from centralized, A powerful partnership
large-scale power generation to a highly- Siemens helps to make future energy
complex, distributed generation landscape systems secure and stable – from the power
in which cost-efficient integration of re- producer to the customer. The electrical
newables is paramount, and demand for energy storage system SIESTORAGE is a key
energy is continuing to rise. element of Siemens solutions towards the
three main challenges of power supply:
Making grids fit for the future optimizing grid connections, providing
This development is resulting in new and flexible energy for modern grids, and sup-
highly demanding challenges. For example, porting large energy consumers. With
grids must now be flexible enough to Siemens, you benefit from a comprehensive
handle both bidirectional power flows and portfolio and a fully integrated solution.

Benefits at a glance

Conformity with standards Advanced technology

Certified system, in compliance Cutting-edge power electronics,

with international standards advanced control – and Li-ion batteries

Modularity One-stop solution

Flexible design for various power Analysis, planning, design,

and capacity needs manufacturing, system integration,
installation, commissioning,
financing and service


Optimizing grid
Security of supply – everywhere

SIESTORAGE ensures compliance with grid codes

Capacity (%)
60 B
10 C
-10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Day (h)
-20 t1 t2

PV E-Storage Pref

A Ramping-up phase t1 End of ramping-up phase

B Stationary phase t2 Beginning of ramping-down phase
C Ramping-down phase


With SIESTORAGE, grid operators

can ensure their grid infrastructure
is fit for the future.

Securing electrical supply ally used for ancillary services. Through its
More and more weather-dependent renew- ability to both absorb and deliver energy,
able energy sources with hard to predict it is the optimum solution for regulation
output capacity are used for generation. applications, as it can react to upward as
Balancing grids in order to optimize power well as to downward frequency and voltage
flow from generator to consumer is the drifts very quickly by providing active and
main challenge modern grid operators have reactive power within milliseconds.
to face. Growing peak demands further
add to this challenge. Given the increased Grid relief
amount of distributed generation now SIESTORAGE also helps to optimize asset
being connected to the network, grid performance by supporting applications
operators are looking for new answers such as congestion management, which
to the challenge of delivering a stable is often temporary or seasonal. By strategi-
electrical power supply down to the lowest cally placing storage facilities at key nodes
levels. within the grid, seasonal congestion can
be managed and costly infrastructure
Available power with next to no delay upgrades can be avoided or deferred. Thus,
Grid operators require more ancillary ser- SIESTORAGE is the cost efficient answer
vices such as frequency regulation to en- to the rising demands and indeed offers a
sure stability. With its fast response times modern, eco-friendly alternative to manag-
and high efficiency, SIESTORAGE outper- ing distributed generation along the entire
forms the gas-fired power plants tradition- value chain.


EDP, Portugal – key facts

• 472 kW / 360 kWh SIESTORAGE system
• 8 battery cabinets, 4 three-phase
converters, 1 transformer, and
1 gas-insulated switchgear
• Main applications: backup power,
voltage regulation, peak shaving
• Fully containerized turnkey solution

EDP Distribuição awarded Storage InovGrid role in EDP’s grid stability and reflects the
tender in Évora in Portugal to SIESTORAGE. benefits of intelligent grids related to grid
The system is used for energy backup, voltage operators.
regulation and peak shaving. It plays a leading


Providing flexible
Sustainable power for microgrids
and off-grids

SIESTORAGE optimizes the efficiency of diesel generators

Efficiency (%) MW




0 h
20 40 60 80 100
Output (% rated power) Only diesel generator

Pmax MW


Diesel Generation

0% h

Diesel generator + SIESTORAGE


SIESTORAGE provides the agility to meet

all of the future demands of the energy market
and stay ahead of the challenge.

Grid independence periods and feeding it back to the grid

Microgrids are independent, small-scale when needed. In low-demand situations,
power grids that can be either geographi- SIESTORAGE takes over the supply duties
cally delimited or defined within the bound- minimizing diesel consumption.
aries of an industrial or infrastructure
facility, with or without a connection to a A sustainable grid
larger supply grid. Their main features are The use of renewable sources plays a key
self-sustainability and independent opera- role in eco-friendly microgrids. Balancing
tion from upstream networks. tools are required to reduce the volatility
caused by load variations and to prevent
Optimizing generator performance unpredictable power fluctuations.
On the generation side, remote locations SIESTORAGE ensures network stability and
like islands often combine conventional optimizes the use of renewable energy
generators with renewables. These genera- sources by balancing consumption and
tors are often oversized for balancing out generation throughout the grid. In addition
the unsteady input from the renewable to that, SIESTORAGE can provide emergency
sources. Thus, they operate inefficiently, functions such as black start in the event of
generating more costs and emissions than a fault or a total grid collapse. SIESTORAGE
necessary. In high demand situations, secures power supply, ensures network
SIESTORAGE enables diesel generators to stability, and optimizes the use of renew-
be run at optimum efficiency, storing able resources, thus enabling a sustainable
electricity during renewables oversupply grid.


ENEL, Italy – key facts

• 500 kW / 600 kWh SIESTORAGE battery
energy storage system, accompanied
by a Microgrid Controller
• Approx. 15 % diesel fuel savings
• Approx. 55 % savings in diesel
generator operating hours
• Reduction of CO2 emissions and
maintenance costs
• Improved grid stability

Off-grid electrification of the Mediterranean power supply as the island is not connected to
island Ventotene by ENEL in Italy: SIESTORAGE the national grid. It further ensures the black-
enables a more efficient and regular manage- start functionality in case of a power outage and
ment of the island grid absorbing or releasing provides primary and secondary frequency
power according to the actual demand. It regulation. The system can manage the increase
optimizes the operating mode of the four diesel of connected users and renewable energy
generators of 480 kW each which provide the sources in a flexible manner.


Supporting large energy

Reliable energy supply for the industry

SIESTORAGE provides black-start power for emergency generators

Power Power

≈ Power



SIESTORAGE ensures that the

power supply for business operations work in the
most reliable, safe, and efficient way.

Keeping consumption under control help to prevent disruption of sensitive

Energy costs have a key economic significance process devices that may result in produc-
for large consumers that need solutions to tion downtime.
mitigate times of higher demand and to
avoid high network charges. SIESTORAGE Security of supply
takes the energy from the grid during low With its black-start capability, SIESTORAGE
load periods and stores it for peak load helps to secure energy even in the event of
periods. SIESTORAGE therefore helps to outages. It provides the energy for the
prevent expensive peak loads and to emergency generators when the main
minimize energy costs. supply is not available. The energy stored
by SIESTORAGE is sufficient to start a gas
Stability issues turbine several times, substituting conven-
In order to ensure a reliable and continuous tional diesel generators more efficiently,
power supply in production processes, while providing opportunity for additional
industrial consumers often utilize extensive revenues from ancillary services.
backup facilities, the amount needed being
directly proportional to the quality of supply
from the utility, and often geographically
different. SIESTORAGE can be used to
balance supply anomalies and therefore


VEO, Germany – key facts

• 2.8 MVA / 1.2 MW SIESTORAGE system
capacity: 1080 kWh
• Supply security for the steel and rolling
mill if the local grid is interrupted
• Independency of the power plant by
switching over to off-grid
• Black start of a gas turbine

SIESTORAGE helps Vulkan Energiewirtschaft provide the location with energy. This industrial
Oderbrücke GmbH (VEO) secure its power supply microgrid keeps the critical production processes
at the industrial location in Eisenhüttenstadt. A at the steel mill operating, and thus prevents
blast furnace gas-fired power plant operates the follow-up damage which could cost millions. The
largest integrated steel and rolling mill in Eastern SIESTORAGE energy storage system is able to black
Germany at the industrial location. In the case of start the gas turbine at any time from the de-ener-
failure of the local 110 kV distribution network, gized state, and without feeding in power from the
VEO switches over to its own supply system to public grid.


Unmatched versatility
Typical applications and use cases

SIESTORAGE provides energy storage for a asset performance by stabilizing frequency

large range of applications. From genera- and voltage, and balancing variations in
tion to consumption, it helps to optimize supply and in demand.

Applications Use cases

Electricity supply for Black start

Ramping control

Time shifting

Capacity firming

Diesel offset

Frequency regulation
(primary control reserve)

Peak load management

Electricity supply for Black start

Critical power

Diesel offset

Peak load management

Integration Ramping control

of renewable energy
Time shifting

Capacity firming

T&D upgrade deferral Peak load management

Ramping control

Frequency regulation

Use cases Description

Black start Black start is the process of restoring the operation of an electric power plant or part of a power
grid without relying on an external grid.
SIESTORAGE is responsible for grid forming through voltage and frequency regulation of the
connected grid. It can also run in combination with other generators, such as diesel generators,
with the power division being controlled by static droop curves.
Generally, power plants or off-grids use small diesel generators to start larger generators, or to
provide power references such as voltage and frequency to allow renewable energy generators
to reconnect.
Due to its speed of response as well as advanced control, SIESTORAGE can be used as an alter-
native to a black-start diesel generator, saving time and increasing reliability while providing an
opportunity to generate additional revenues.
Furthermore, SIESTORAGE is able to provide the necessary short-circuit power to ensure a
given protection sequence.

Ramping control In order to protect grid stability, many grid codes specify a ramp rate or rate of change (in %)
over time for generators connected to the grid. Compliance with ramp rates ensures that the
grid operator is able to manage variations in load and generation, and maintain a proper fre-
quency. Due to its reliance on changing weather patterns, renewable energy output is suscep-
tible to rapid rates of change. SIESTORAGE can be used to counteract the variability of renewable
energy output by using set points to respond. This can be achieved either by injecting energy into
the grid, or by harnessing energy from the plant to ensure compliance with set ramp rates.
Therefore, SIESTORAGE feeds the grid with the required controlling energy to maintain
frequency and voltage stability.

Time shifting / Often, there is a mismatch between the availability of renewable energy and demand. Wind
 arbitrage output is normally at its highest during the night, and solar output at midday, for example.
Peak demand, however, is generally in the mornings or evenings. High demand for electrical
power is often reflected by higher purchase prices. In order to maximize the use of renewable
energy generators and speed up return on investment, renewable energy developers and
operators can time-shift the plant output to offer it to the market when it is most profitable.
By storing overcapacity when supply exceeds demand, and by injecting energy when demand
exceeds supply, SIESTORAGE provides a means for boosting plant efficiency.


Use cases Description

Capacity firming To ensure grid stability, system operators use forecasts to schedule or match generation and
load. This activity is normally carried out in 15-minute time blocks throughout the day, one
day in advance. Time intervals can, however, also be more closely aligned with real time. In
order to encourage scheduling accuracy, regulators impose rules for accuracy of forecast vs.
schedule vs. dispatch. Power producers are encouraged to reduce deviations between what
they are contracted or scheduled to deliver and what they actually deliver. Even with mod-
ern forecasting tools, the natural variability of renewable energy means that accurate
scheduling is far more difficult compared with conventional generation. SIESTORAGE can be
used to balance out the variability of renewable energy output by either injecting energy
into the grid, or by harnessing energy from the plant according to the schedules.

Diesel offset High costs are associated with the purchase, transport and storage of fuel. The insurance
needed to run diesel generators adds to the financial pressure placed on operators of unreli-
able grids and off-grids. Furthermore, the pollution associated with running diesel genera-
tors inefficiently when ramping to match demand is a growing concern, especially in con-
gested cities and areas of natural beauty.
SIESTORAGE complements various generation resources by balancing power supply and
demand. This enables diesel engines to be run more efficiently and less often, therefore
reducing overall reliance on diesel fuel.

Frequency Grid frequency is an indicator of grid stability and, under ideal conditions, will be either 50
­regulation or 60 Hz, depending on the country. Differences between power generation and power
demand cause the grid frequency to fluctuate, and can result in damage to equipment,
unwanted tripping, or even a blackout. Grid operators use reserves to maintain grid stability
in the event of an anomaly that has not been previously corrected as a result of grid inertia.
Primary reserves are the fastest services and are first in line to stabilize frequency deviations
or to ‘stop the drift’. Thanks to the fast response times of SIESTORAGE technology, it can
provide both upward and downward regulation, and can be used as an alternative to the
conventional slower responding generators, therefore reducing costs and increasing supply

Peak load Managing variable loads is associated with high costs caused by purchasing peak-load-
­management priced power, high contract demand charges, infrastructure upgrades for assets used part-
time, or even technical losses associated with underused assets. At the same time, the
customers’ expectations for cheap energy puts great pressure on plant and grid operators to
optimize the performance of their assets and ultimately reduce operating costs.
Using SIESTORAGE to utilize lower cost electricity and support load during peak times helps
to reduce both power purchase (OpEx), and infrastructure (CapEx) costs.

Critical power Voltage dips as a result of transient faults in the grid can cause sensitive process equipment
such as variable speed drives and robots to disconnect or malfunction, often resulting in high
production losses. Whilst these devices generally have a certain ride-through capability, the
nature of transient faults is unpredictable both in magnitude and duration, and a certain per-
centage of faults will be outside the ride-through capabilities of the devices. So, for example,
while most dips can be addressed through reactive power compensation such as SVCs and
StatComs, these devices tend not to respond until 20 ms so for dips shorter than drives and
other plant critical equipment may trip and stop production.
The usual approach to address this problem is to install a dynamic rotary UPS or DUPS to
provide support until other (often diesel-based) back-up devices can respond. SIESTORAGE
combined with a fast switching unit offers an economic and clean alternative to the above,
enabling fast disconnection from the grid and extremely fast support to avoid tripping of
sensitive devices.


For gas-fired power generation, SIESTORAGE enables

black start of gas turbines to increase the power plant
performance and operational flexibility

SIESTORAGE solutions enable stable grid

performance by balancing the variable infeed
from renewable energy sources
At the point of consumption, SIESTORAGE enables
a seamless power supply and independence from
power fluctuations in the grid


Equipped to meet
every demand
System description

Battery energy storage system The SIMATIC HMI visualizes the current
SIESTORAGE is a modular energy storage status warnings and alarms, and is able to
system based on Li-ion battery technology. show data trend analysis for several values.
It provides a flexible solution for increased All relevant information can be stored for
efficiency, greater asset utilization, and later analysis. Optional Siemens service is
improved power quality in power genera- available via remote access.
tion, transmission and distribution.
The SIESTORAGE Control Unit (SCU) is a
With the help of SIESTORAGE technology, real-time data acquisition and control
active power can be exchanged between an system. It measures records and analyzes
energy storage medium and an electricity numerous signals such as AC voltage and
grid. In addition, it can be used to provide power at the Point of Interconnection (POI)
reactive power to stabilize grid voltage. to the grid, status of the battery units,
temperatures, and positions of switching
Control and governance devices. The SCU runs the control algo-
The SIESTORAGE converter system operates rithms received from the SIESTORAGE
with one central controller, consisting of a Master Controller, which is regulated by the
real-time system for the fast control of customer’s SCADA system or an operator.
voltage, current, frequency and power. The
renowned, safe and reliable SIMATIC S7
provides governance control.

Configuration model


Master Optional:
SCU Controller Storage
(Control) (S7) Management
Battery & System (SMS)
(incl. BMS) HMI
Switchgear Grid


Best-in-class performance
and safety
High specification and compliance with international standards

System configuration Safe in every respect

The core of the SIESTORAGE system Independent assessments prove that the
comprises power converters, the SCU and modular SIESTORAGE energy storage sys-
the SIESTORAGE Master Controller as well tems offer the highest degree of safety in
as LV/MV transformers and devices for every respect. Safe operation is confirmed
protection, control, and switching. on the basis of a risk assessment. The
energy storage systems improve the avail-
External components ability of grids and the safety of all equip-
SIESTORAGE batteries are supplied by ment and machines connected.
specialized companies that are Siemens-
Siemens is committed to meeting the
qualified partners. Apart from that, the
highest environmental standards. All com-
overall SIESTORAGE system just needs a
ponents of SIESTORAGE are CE certified.
physical connection to the customer’s
power network or grid and an electronic
connection to the customer’s supervisory
Applicable regulations/standards and conformity
control or SCADA system to operate.

Cutting-edge technology Conformity (LV-D 2006/95/EG) CE

SIESTORAGE is made possible by Siemens
high performance power electronics, auto- System standard converter system EN 61439
mation, and state-of-the-art Li-ion battery
technology. Its fast and accurate response System standard batteries EN 50178, EN 50272-2
times allow it to consume and discharge
energy with high precision, helping to EMC immunity system EN 61000-6-2
provide an assured power quality. With its
flexible and scalable design, it is able to EMC emission system EN 61000-6-4
provide unmatched reliability through a
redundant system architecture. Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20

Protection class (EN 61140) 1


A modular system
Flexible and scalable

Efficiency through modularity required number of module types. All

All SIESTORAGE components are mounted modules and combinations have been fully
in standardized cabinets for easy setup. This tested to guarantee operational perfor-
enables quick and efficient configuration of mance and reduce integration time on site.
scalable systems by simply combining the

A  Grid connection cabinet

• Cable terminations Grid connection

The SIESTORAGE Power Conversion System (PCS) and the switchgear are connected
• Busbar
via AC busbars in the upper part of the cabinets.
Connection on the AC side can be made directly via busbars to an LV-distribution
panel or to an LV/MV transformer. Alternatively, an AC cable connection can be
used. For a secure cable connection, the optional SIESTORAGE grid connection
cabinet is recommended.

Grid connection transformer

The SIESTORAGE system can be connected to any grid via transformers. The LV/MV
Siemens GEAFOL cast-resin dry-type transformer is recommended.

MV switchgear
For gas-insulated switchgear, type 8DJH is recommended.
For air-insulated switchgear, type NXAIR is recommended.

B  Converter cabinet

• 140 / 800 kVA / 400 V Power conversion

The SIESTORAGE Power Converter System (PCS) converts the DC voltage of
the battery into grid-compliant AC power. If required, reactive power can be pro-
vided. To charge the battery from the grid, the converter operates as a controlled
The SIESTORAGE PCS is built into standard SIVACON S8 cubicles and can be aligned
with other SIVACON LV systems such as busbar trunking systems, LV switchboards,
and LV distribution panels.
The SIESTORAGE PCS modularity consists of power stacks in panels, which are
aligned by the AC busbar connection. The panels include all of the necessary
­converter components from DC connection, pre-charging device, converter stack,
sinus-filter reactor and capacitor, AC contactor, fuses, and three-phase AC busbar.
A 24 V DC power supply for control and ET200 control interface with a PROFIBUS
connection to the main control unit are also included.
The fuses are mounted in a manual disconnector so that individual systems can be
safely disconnected while the other systems remain in operation.


Point of Interconnection SIESTORAGE

fuctional diagram


Aux. SCU*


*System Control Unit

C  Control cabinet

• HMI (Human-Machine Interface) Control

The SIESTORAGE Master Controller (S7) and the SCU are responsible for
• SCU (System Control Unit)
the entire operation of the SIESTORAGE Power Conversion System (PCS).
• Ethernet switch
• 24 V DC power distribution SIESTORAGE Master Controller
• Auxiliary power transformer A Human Machine Interface (HMI) is used for setting operation and control
modes, system status display and for local control and diagnostics. The
Master Controller also serves as a data logging platform and a communica-
tions interface to external supervisory control or to a SCADA system.

The System Control Unit (SCU) provides closed loop controls and pulse
modulation for the power semiconductors. It is responsible for fault
monitoring of power electronics and batteries, and for the coordination of
the control sequences for proper and safe operation.

D  Battery cabinet

• Power applications Batteries

Siemens has strategic partnerships with leading battery manufacturers and
• Energy applications
can therefore ensure optimal technical performance specific to individual
applications. Project-specific technical data sheets are provided on request.


A perfectly integrated
Comprehensive equipment and advanced technology

Quick setup times Single interface competence

With Siemens, you benefit from a compre- You also benefit from a single interface for
hensive portfolio that optimizes the electri- the overall electrical design, procurement
cal design and equipment layout. The and construction utilizing best-in-class
integration of the cabinets into container- equipment and technology related to MV
ized enclosures that are delivered as pre- and LV systems, auxiliary equipment, and
tested and pre-commissioned systems helps building technologies for a safe operation.
to reduce expensive and time-critical inte- With SIESTORAGE, you benefit from a
gration on site. SIESTORAGE modularity completely integrated solution.
provides design flexibility to meet a variety
of requirements with regard to power and Standardized container layout
energy. Containers can be divided into rooms
with different climatic zones. Container
designs are standardized and comply with
international norms.

Example of a 40 ft. container layout

SIESTORAGE components
Converter cabinet
Grid connection cabinet
Control cabinet

Battery cabinets
incl. battery management system
Battery cabinet
Paralleling cabinet

LV + MV components
8DJH gas-insulated
medium-voltage switchgear
SIVACON S8 low-voltage switchboard
GEAFOL cast-resin rectifier transformer

HVAC, fire fighting and safety equipment

Fire detection and extinguishing system


SICAM Microgrid Manager

The SICAM Microgrid Manager from Siemens is

a fully developed end-to-end solution to monitor
and control microgrids – a smart, user-friendly
and versatile tool for energy management needs.
It constantly monitors and controls the grid, power
generation, energy storage and consumption, and
is capable of managing complex interfaces in the
operation process.
With the combination of SICAM Microgrid
­Manager software and the SIESTORAGE primary
technology, Siemens provides a seamlessly
coordinated grid management solution.

SIESTORAGE advanced technology

Flexible configuration International compatibility

covering all BESS*

• Wide voltage range (LV/MV grids +/-15% voltage

deviation from nominal)
• Power
 Converter System (PCS) • Wide frequency range (45…65 Hz)
hardware and software developed • CE-certified
specifically for BESS applications • IEC-compliant
• Grid-forming
 parallel operation with wind,
solar and diesel possible
• Black
 start capability
• High
 system dynamics: POI voltage High quality
regulation within < 10 ms
• High
 short-circuit power
(2…3x rated power)
• Best-in-class overall efficiency
• Choice
 of different external
communication interfaces • Longevity: design lifetime ≥ 20 years
(IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-104, • IT security (remote access) according to IEC 62443-3-3
DNP3 and others)

High level of reliability

• Response in milliseconds
• High redundancy for outstanding availability
*Battery Energy Storage System


Taking all necessary steps

One-stop solution

Taking a closer look Providing value through service

Everything begins with an analysis of the Siemens examines a company’s particular
grid or site to determine the most appropri- situation, identifies all opportunities and
ate business case. A simulation of potential helps select the best solution.
applications is carried out, including the
This ultimately produces a specific concept
most efficient use of SIESTORAGE. Siemens
that contains all required steps. This con-
offers a complete consulting service that
sulting approach also includes help in
includes power flow calculations, reactive
managing regulations and public-sector
power analysis, contingency analysis,
incentive programs. In the end, Siemens
short-circuit current calculations, probabi-
offers continuous support of the system
listic reliability analysis, dynamic stability
through tailored services.
calculations, and protection coordination.
Reducing interfaces
Siemens offers investment solutions to help
From planning to engineering and from
address tomorrow’s energy needs today.
project management to the complete
With a global network of energy finance
system integration, Siemens guides its
professionals, the company provides capital
customers through every step and all phases
and expertise that is backed by more than
of the project. Reliable and competent local
160 years of Siemens’ industry innovation,
support is provided right from the planning
financial strength and diligent risk manage-
phase to the after-sales service.

Lifecycle optimization

Analysis Development Planning Engineering Construction Installation and Service

of grid of business cases of the ­complete and project and integration commissioning over the
and user project management of components in E-houses, entire asset
requirements and systems existing ­buildings, lifecycle
or containers


Fully integrated SIESTORAGE solutions installed

in a container or existing electrical building

Published by
Siemens AG 2017

Energy Management Division

Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany

For more information, please contact

our Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180 524 70 00
Fax: +49 180 524 24 71
(Charges depending on provider)
E–mail: [email protected]

Article No. EMMS-B10042-00-7600

Printed in Germany
Dispo 40400
PU 14/79776 BR 02171.0

Subject to changes and errors. The information given

in this document only contains general descriptions
and/or performance features which may not always
specifically reflect those described, or which may
undergo modification in the course of further devel-
opment of the products. The requested performance
features are binding only when they are expressly
agreed upon in the concluded contract.

SIESTORAGE is a registered trademark of Siemens AG.

Any unauthorized use is prohibited. All other desig-
nations in this document may represent trademarks
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