SEG-D, Rev 2: SEG Field Tape Standards December, 1996

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SEG-D, Rev 2

SEG Field Tape Standards

December, 1996
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 1

2.0 CHANGES INTRODUCED IN REVISION 2.0....................................................... 2

2.1 CHANGES INTRODUCED IN REV 1.............................................................................. 4
3.0 FORMAT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................. 9

4.0 SEG-D, REV 2 TAPE LABEL ................................................................................. 15

5.0 HEADER BLOCKS .................................................................................................. 18

5.1 GENERAL HEADERS (GENERAL HEADER #1 AND #2 ARE REQUIRED) .................... 18
5.2 SCAN TYPE HEADERS (REQUIRED).......................................................................... 18
5.3 TRACE HEADER (REQUIRED)................................................................................... 20
5.4 EXTENDED HEADER (OPTIONAL) ............................................................................ 21
5.5 EXTERNAL HEADER (OPTIONAL)............................................................................. 21
5.6 DATA TRAILER (OPTIONAL) .................................................................................... 21
6.0 DATA BODY ............................................................................................................. 23
6.1 DATA RECORDING METHOD ................................................................................... 23
6.2 MP FACTOR CALCULATION ..................................................................................... 28
7.0 HEADER TABLES ................................................................................................... 31
7.1 GENERAL HEADER #1........................................................................................ 31
7.2 GENERAL HEADER, BLOCK #2 ........................................................................ 32
7.3 GENERAL HEADER, BLOCK N ......................................................................... 33
7.4 SCAN TYPE HEADER (CHANNEL SET DESCRIPTOR) .......................................... 34
7.5 DEMUX TRACE HEADER................................................................................... 35
7.6 TRACE HEADER EXTENSION........................................................................... 36
7.7 GENERAL TRAILER ............................................................................................ 37
8.0 HEADER BLOCK PARAMETERS ....................................................................... 38
8.1 GENERAL HEADER, BLOCK #1 ........................................................................ 38
8.2 GENERAL HEADER BLOCK #2 ......................................................................... 41
8.3 GENERAL HEADER BLOCK #N (N GREATER THAN 2)..................................... 43
8.4 SCAN TYPE HEADER (CHANNEL SET DESCRIPTOR) ........................................... 44
8.5 CHANNEL SET DESCRIPTOR ............................................................................ 44
8.6 DEMUX TRACE HEADER................................................................................... 48
8.7 TRACE HEADER EXTENSION........................................................................... 49
8.8 GENERAL TRAILER ............................................................................................ 50

APPENDIX B: GLOSSARY .......................................................................................... 54

APPENDIX C: API PRODUCER ORGANIZATION CODE.................................... 56

APPENDIX D: HEADER DESCRIPTORS ................................................................. 58

APPENDIX E: EXAMPLES AND CALCULATIONS ............................................... 61

APPENDIX F: MAXIMUM BLOCK SIZES ............................................................... 63

1.0 Introduction

At the SEG Convention in October 1995, the SEG Technical Standards committee voted to re-activate
the Field Tape Standards Subcommittee. The charter for the subcommittee, as stated in a letter from
Mike Norris, Chairman of the SEG Technical Standards Committee: “As stated at the Technical
Standards annual meeting, the purpose of the subcommittee is to review the SEG-D field tape standard
with respect to the emerging high density media. Specifically the subcommittee should review block size
requirements to maximize throughput, recoverability and the use of standard labels. The subcommittee
should also address any other outstanding SEG-D issues.”
Following the directive of the SEG Technical Standards Committee, the subcommittee prepared a new
revision to the SEG-D standard, to be called SEG-D, Rev 2. This new format will significantly improve
the efficiency of using high density media and will support the use of tapes with physical and electronic
readable labels.
The subcommittee consisted of the following individuals:

• George Wood Western Geophysical Chairman

• Phil Behn Input/Output
• Claes Borresen PGS
• William Guyton Western Geophysical
• Louis Miles Syntron
• Dennis O‘Neill Geco-Prakla
• Sut Oishi Shell
• Tony Scales Sercel

Other active participants included: Cliff Ray (Fairfield), Bonnie Rippere (Shell), Martin Hlavaty (Shell),
Don Funkhouser (Western), and Mike Norris (Western).
Since the use of high density media is expanding rapidly in the industry today, the Technical Standards
Committee directed the Field Tape Subcommittee to develop an acceptable standard in the first half of
1996. This target schedule led to a split of the committee effort towards this Rev 2 standard to solve the
immediate needs of the industry, and a longer term effort toward a next generation format.
The SEG has accepted the RODE format as a standard for data encapsulation. The Field Tape Standards
committee has the responsibility to define the mapping of seismic acquisition data onto RODE. The
committee has spent some time reviewing the RODE format as a possible field tape format. But the
flexibility and wide range of options in RODE have made it impossible for the committee to completely
evaluate whether it is possible to adopt a version of RODE as a field tape standard. The committee feels
that the complete RODE format is too flexible to be suitable for field tape recording without some
restrictions. The committee will continue working toward an acceptable subset of RODE for field tape

2.0 Changes Introduced in Revision 2.0

The following list discusses each of the specific changes made in Revision 2 compared to Revision 1.0.
Also mentioned are changes which were discussed as potential changes to be included in Rev 2, but were
not included in Rev 2.

1. Since Rev 2 is intended to handle higher density tapes, acceptable media is expanded to include:
3490/3490E, 3590, D2, and D3.
2. It is not anticipated that the higher density drives will be used to record multiplexed data. Rev 2
does not support multiplexed data.

3. No specific changes will be made to SEG-D to handle “non-shot domain” data. Either a new
committee should be formed, or the charter of this committee should be extended to develop a
new format for this application. It does not appear practical to extend SEG-D to fit this
4. No special arrangements will be made to provide a standard method of recording SPS in the
SEG-D header. The relevant portions of SPS can be put into existing header extensions in user
defined positions.
5. The MP factor description will be modified to clarify the meaning for fixed bit data (see MP
discussion in section 7).
6. The description of byte 12 in the General Header is being clarified to clearly state that the byte
defines the number of additional blocks. Figure 4 in the SEG-D Rev 1 document will be changed
from # BLKS IN GEN HDR to “# Additional blks in Gen Hdr”. Another correction will be made
to correctly state, for byte 1 of the General Header, “File number of four digits (0-9999) set to
FFFF (Hex) when the file number is greater than 9999.
7. The RECEIVER LINE NUMBER (bytes 1-3) and RECEIVER POINT NUMBER (Bytes 4-6) in
the Trace Header Extension have been modified to include a fractional component. An all one’s
pattern (FFFFFF Hex) in either of these fields, will serve as a flag to indicate that the complete
five byte value will be located in newly defined locations in the Trace Header Extension. See
Trace Header Extension table below.

8. The maximum number of Trace Header Extensions is now limited to 15.

9. Channels within the same Channel Set must now have the same number of Trace Header
Extensions. Since all traces within a Channel Set will now contain the same number of Trace
Header Extensions, the number of Trace Header Extensions will be indicated in the Channel Set
Descriptor. The previously unused nibble of Byte 29 in the Channel Set Descriptor will now be
defined to be a 4 bit binary parameter that defines the number of Trace Header Extensions for
that Channel Set. Byte 29 of the Channel Set descriptor will now be:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


As a result of this limitation the Trace Header Extension field in Byte 10 of the Trace Header
will also be redefined as a 4 bit value limited to a maximum of 15 Trace Header Extensions.

10. The length of each trace within a Channel Set is now restricted to be the same value. This
limitation and the restricting the number of Trace Header Extensions to the same number within
a Channel Set will result in each trace within a Channel Set being recorded with the same
number of bytes.

11. A tape label will be required on each tape. The details of this label format are described in
section 4.
12. Data may be recorded in large logical blocks to maximize the transfer rates with high density
tape systems. 3 types of device structures are supported:
A) Variable block length devices.

Every shot record must be aligned on a block boundary (i.e. each block will contain data from
only one shot record). Multiple channel sets may be included in each block. When the data to be
recorded in a block contains less than the maximum number of bytes in the block, there will be
no padding characters to fill the block.
Storage Unit Structure in field 3 in Storage Unit Label must contain the text “RECORD”
B) Byte stream devices

There is no concept of a block, even though there is a hidden underlying physical block structure.
Within each file, one or more shot records are written consecutively without any gap.
Storage Unit Structure in field 3 in Storage Unit Label must contain the text “RECORD”
C) Fixed block length devices
Every shot record must be aligned on a block boundary (i.e. each block will contain data from
only one shot record). Multiple channel sets may be included in each block. Typically the last
block in a shot record will contain less data than the block size, the remaining part of this block
will be padded with characters without any information.
Storage Unit Structure in field 3 in Storage Unit Label must contain the text “FIXREC” and the
block size is found in field 5 in Storage Unit Label.
Note: Structure A can be mapped to a file directly but one can not re-generate the same
interblock gaps and File Marks from data stored on a file. Structure B and C can be mapped to a
file directly and the structure can be re-generated apart from the original position of the File

13. An appendix will be added to indicate the maximum allowable block size for accepted types of
media. It is expected that this table will need to be updated approximately once per year.
14. Byte 12 of the Trace Header will have an additional option, TR= 03 Trace has been edited. This
parameter will indicate the acquisition system has modified one or more samples of this trace.
During data acquisition, if a telemetry error occurs, a sample may be corrupted. Some radio
acquisition systems fill in this missing data with a copy of the previous sample, or interpolate to
fill in the missing sample. Trace edit can also occur when a noise edit process is applied by the
acquisition system. The TR=03 flag should be set for those traces which have been modified by
the acquisition system.

15. The SEG-D, Rev 2 format treats data going to tape as a byte stream. File Marks are not required
to separate shot records, however File Marks may be included in between shot records where
appropriate to ease error recovery and/or to provide logical partitioning of the data. If used, File
Marks may only be recorded at shot record boundaries. For field tapes, File Marks should be
written as frequently as possible, preferably for every shot. If data is staged on disk, many shots
can be stored in each file. When SEG-D, Rev 2 data is recorded on tape, an EOD mark must be
recorded after the last valid record and prior to the end of tape

16. The time standard referenced by byte 14 of the General Header has been changed from GMT to

17. Partitioning of a tape or other type media volume is now allowed. Each partition, or each tape if
not partitioned, constitutes one storage unit. The storage unit label shall consist of the first 128
bytes of the first user-writable tape record in the first user-writable physical block and may,
optionally, be followed by an File Mark. No File Mark shall be written before the storage unit
18. Added a field in the Trace Header extension to indicate the type of sensor used for that trace
(Byte 21).

2.1 Changes Introduced in Rev 1

In 1994, several changes were introduced to SEG-D to increase flexibility. These changes are listed
1. To allow for additional defined fields in SEG-D headers, additional blocks are allowed for the
General Header and Demux Trace Header.

2. Added provision for an optional set of General Trailer blocks. This type header allows provisions
for recording auxiliary seismic system and real-time navigation related data in the trailer. The
trailer is optional and typically follows all other recorded data.

The addition of the trailer will allow the accumulation of system faults, data QC information, real-
time navigation position, and timing information on the same tape, and contiguous with, the
shotpoint that it relates to. By recording this data after all of the other data, additional time is
provided for collecting the data and transferring it to the recording system.

The Trailer blocks take the same general form as the Channel Set Descriptor. Byte 11 uses the
"Channel Type Identification" set to 1100 to indicate a Trailer block. Bytes 1 and 2 indicate the
number of the General Trailer block, with the first block numbered as 1.

All other information in the trailer is optional and may be formatted as desired by the

The number of General Trailer blocks is indicated in bytes 13 and 14 of General Header Block #2.

3. Provide provision to include the revision of SEG-D format . Added to Bytes 11 and 12 of General
Header Block #2 contain the SEG-D Revision Number. The revision number is a 16 bit unsigned
binary number. The Revision number is 1 for the proposed version.

In addition, in the General Header Block #1, nibble 1 of byte 12 contains the number of additional
blocks in the general header. Nibble 1, byte 12 is an unsigned binary number. This number will be
1 or greater for SEG D Rev 1.
4. Added provision to include the source and receiver locations for each source and receiver location.
Source locations are included in the General Header Blocks. Block #3 contains the position for
Source Set #1. Additional General Header Blocks may be included to allow for additional Source

Source positions are defined by a Source Line Number (three bytes integer and two bytes fraction),
a Source Point Number (three bytes integer and two bytes fraction), and a Source Point Index (one
byte). This index allows several locations for the source in the grid, the original value is 1 and that
value is incremented by 1 every time the source is moved, even when it is moved back to a previous

Receiver locations are included in Trace Header Extensions to be used with Demux Trace Headers.
Receiver positions are defined by a Receiver Line Number (three integer bytes and two fraction
bytes), a Receiver Point Number (three bytes integer and two bytes fraction), and a Receiver Point
Index (one byte). This index allows for defining the receiver group in the grid, the original value is
1 and that value is incremented by 1 every time the receiver is moved, even when it is moved back
to the previous location.

5. Provide for the use of File Numbers greater than 9999. Bytes 1,2, and 3 in General Header Block
#2 allow for a three byte, binary file number. When the file number is greater than 9999, bytes 1
and 2 in the General Header Block #1 must be set to FFFF.

6. Provide for Extended Channel Sets/Scan Types. General Header Block #2 allows for a two byte,
binary number of Channel Sets/Scan Types in bytes 4 and 5. When using the Extended Channel
Sets/Scan Types, byte 29 of General Header #1 must be set to FF.

7. Provide for additional Extended and External Header blocks. General Header Block #2 bytes 6 and
7 (for Extended Header blocks) and Bytes 8 and 9 (for External Header blocks) allow the use of a
two byte, binary number to allow more than 99 blocks. When using the these capabilities, General
Header Block #1 byte 31 (for extended) and byte 32 (for external) must be set to FF.

8. Provide a mechanism for recording additional information about vibrator sources. Byte 15 of the
General Header Block #N indicates the signal used to control vibrator phase. Byte 16 indicates the
type of vibrator (P, Shear, Marine). Bytes 28 and 29 contain the phase angle between the pilot and
the phase feedback signal.

The additional vibrator information may be recorded for multiple sets of sources by using additional
General Header blocks.

9. Provide for larger number of samples per trace. Using bytes 8, 9, and 10 of the Trace Header

10. Provide provisions for using 1/2" square tape cartridges. ( ANSI X3.180 1989).

11. Allow recording data in IEEE and other new formats.

Additional Valid Format Codes for bytes 3 & 4 of the General Header are:

0036 24 bit 2's compliment integer multiplexed
0038 32 bit 2's compliment integer multiplexed
0058 32 bit IEEE multiplexed
8036 24 bit 2's compliment integer demultiplexed
8038 32 bit 2's compliment integer demultiplexed
8058 32 bit IEEE demultiplexed

The IEEE format is fully documented in the IEEE standard,

"ANSI/IEEE Std 754 - l985", available from the IEEE.

The IEEE format is summarized as follows:

Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 1 S C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1
Byte 2 C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7
Byte 3 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15
Byte 4 Q-16 Q-17 Q-18 Q-19 Q-20 Q-21 Q-22 Q-23 (see Note 1)

The value (v) of a floating-point number represented in this format is determined as follows:

if e = 255 & f ¹ 0. .v = NaN Not-a-Number (see Note 2)

if e = 255 & f = 0. .v = (-1)s *∞ Overflow
if 0 < e < 255. . . .v = (-1)s *2e-127 *(1.f) Normalized
if e = 0 & f ¹ 0. . .v = (-1)s *2e-126 *(0.f) Denormalized
if e = 0 & f = O. . .v = (-1)s *0 ± zero

where e = binary value of all C's (exponent)

f = binary value of all Q's (fraction)

NOTES: 1. Bit 7 of byte 4 must be zero to guarantee uniqueness of the start of scan in the
Multiplexed format (0058). It may be non zero in the demultiplexed format

2. A Not-a-Number (NaN) is interpreted as an invalid number. All other numbers

are valid and interpreted as described above.

12. Allow for the use of blocked records. Allow blocked demultiplexed data (integral number of
traces in a block). Headers will not be blocked. All records in a block will be the same size. Not
all blocks will be the same size. Byte 20 in the general header (B1 = 1) will indicate blocked
data. Blocks will be limited to 128 kilobytes. All traces in a block are in the same Channel Set.

13. Added the effective stack order (unsigned binary), in byte 30 in the Channel Set descriptor. Set
to 0 if the trace data was intentionally set to real 0. Set to 1 if no stack. Set to the effective stack
order if the data is the result of stacked data (with or without processing).

14. Improved definition of undefined fields. All undefined fields will be specified as: "This field is
undefined by this format".

15. Added provisions for a Trace Edit byte (byte 10 of Demux Trace Header) to indicate traces
zeroed for roll-on or roll-off and to indicate deliberately zeroed traces.

TR=0 No edit of this trace,
TR=1 Trace part of dead channels for roll-on or roll-off spread; trace intentionally
TR=2 Trace intentionally zeroed.

16. Increased precision of MP factor, using byte 7 of the Channel Set descriptor.

17. Since modern seismic vessels record more than one streamer at a time, a standard convention is
required to identify which streamer recorded each channel of data. The Channel Set Descriptors
are updated to handle this task. The definition of a channel set is expanded to include the
following rules. A channel set is a group of channels that:

a) Use identical recording parameters. This includes the same record length and sample
b) Use identical processing parameters, including the same filter selection and array
forming parameters. A field has been added to Channel Set Descriptor byte 32 to
describe any array forming applied to data in that channel set.
c) Originates from the same streamer cable for marine data. The streamer cable number
for each channel set has been added to Channel Set Descriptor byte 31.
d) Consists of channels with the same group spacing. For example, if one steamer has
short group spacing close to the boat and longer groups spacing at long offsets, the data
from that streamer would be recorded as two channel sets.

In addition, the first channel in each channel set will start with Trace number one.

18. Correct the MP factor calculation (refer to Appendix E7 in the SEG-D recording format

The calculation of MP for a data recording method is given by one of the following equations:
(1) MP = FS - PA - Cmax; for binary exponents,

(2) MP = FS - PA - 2 x Cmax; for quaternary exponents,

(3) MP = FS - PA - 4 x Cmax; for hexadecimal exponents (except the 4 byte excess 64


(4) MP = FS - PA - 4 (Cmax - 64); for excess 64 hexadecimal exponents and for 4 byte
IEEE exponents,

2FS = Converter full scale (millivolts),

2PA = Minimum system gain,

Cmax = maximum value of the data exponent,
Cmax = 15 for binary exponents,
7 for quaternary exponents,
3 for hexadecimal exponents except excess 64; and
64 for excess 64 exponents and for 4 byte IEEE exponents.

19. Added the option for using record lengths in millisecond increments (rather than the previous
0.5 second increments). The Extended Record Length is the record length, in unsigned binary
milliseconds, and is recorded in bytes 15-17 in General Header Block #2. If this option is used,
Record Length (R), in the General Header Block #1, bytes 26, 27 must be set to FFF.

3.0 Format Overview

The SEG-D, Rev 2 format treats data going to tape as a byte stream. Figure 1 illustrates a typical record
A tape, or other media to be used for SEG-D, Rev 2 recording may be partitioned. Each partition, or
each tape if not partitioned, constitutes one storage unit. The storage unit label shall consist of the first
128 bytes of the first user-writable tape record in the first user-writable physical block and may,
optionally, be followed by an File Mark. No File Mark shall be written before the storage unit label.
Each SEG-D Rev 2 tape must begin with a tape label, as detailed in section 4. Following the tape label,
each seismic record is recorded in demultiplexed format. SEG-D, Rev 2 does not support multiplexed
data records.
When blocked data is being recorded, all of the headers may be included in the same block with the
initial channel set. Each channel set may be split across block boundaries. Block boundaries may not
occur within a trace.
Data may be recorded in large blocks to maximize the transfer rates with high density tape systems. 3
types of device structures are supported:

A) Variable block length devices.

Every shot record must be aligned on a block boundary (i.e. each block will contain data from
only one shot record). Multiple channel sets may be included in each block. When the data to be
recorded in a block contains less than the maximum number of bytes in the block, there will be
no padding characters to fill the block.

Storage Unit Structure in field 3 in Storage Unit Label must contain the text “RECORD”
B) Byte stream devices

There is no concept of a block, even though there is a hidden underlying physical block structure.
Within each file, one or more shot records are written consecutively without any gap.
Storage Unit Structure in field 3 in Storage Unit Label must contain the text “RECORD”
C) Fixed block length devices

Every shot record must be aligned on a block boundary (i.e. each block will contain data from
only one shot record). Multiple channel sets may be included in each block. Typically the last
block in a shot record will contain less data than the block size, the remaining part of this block
will be padded with characters without any information.

Storage Unit Structure in field 3 in Storage Unit Label must contain the text “FIXREC” and the
block size is found in field 5 in Storage Unit Label.
Note: Structure A can be mapped to a file directly but one can not re-generate the same
interblock gaps (if present) and File Marks from data stored on a file. Structure B and C can be
mapped to a file directly and the structure can be re-generated apart from the original position of
the File Marks.
The SEG-D, Rev 2 format treats data going to tape as a byte stream. File Marks are not required to
separate shot records, however File Marks may be included in between shot records where appropriate to
ease error recovery and/or to provide logical partitioning of the data. If used, File Marks may only be
recorded at shot record boundaries. For field tapes, File Marks should be written as frequently as
possible, preferably for every shot. If data is staged on disk, many shots can be stored in each file. When
SEG-D, Rev 2 data is recorded on tape, an EOD mark must be recorded after that last valid record and
prior to the end of tape.
If the tape media supports multiple partitions, SEG-D data may be written to any of the partitions of the
tape, each beginning with a Storage Unit Label. Data from one partition can not “run-over” into a
subsequent partition, each partition must be capable of being decoded in isolation.
On one tape, it is allowed to mix partitions containing SEG-D data with partitions containing non SEG-D
formatted information.

4.0 SEG-D, Rev 2 Tape Label

The first 128 bytes of data on a Rev 2 tape must consist of ASCII characters and will constitute a storage
unit label. This label is very similar to the RP-66 storage unit label. The label format is summarized in
the table below.
If the tape media supports multiple partitions, SEG-D data may be written to any of the partitions of the
tape, each beginning with a Storage Unit Label. Data from one partition can not “run-over” into a
subsequent partition, each partition must be capable of being decoded in isolation.
On one tape, it is allowed to mix partitions containing SEG-D data with partitions containing non SEG-D
formatted information.
Table 1: Label

Field Description Bytes Start - end byte

1 Storage unit sequence number 4 1-4

2 SEG-D Revision 5 5-9
3 Storage unit structure (fixed or variable) 6 10 - 15
4 Binding addition 4 16 - 19
5 Maximum block size 10 20 - 29
6 API Producer organization code 10 30 - 39
7 Creation date 11 40 - 50
8 Serial number 12 51 - 62
9 Reserved 6 63 - 68
10 Storage set identifier 60
External Label Name 12 69 - 80
Recording Entity Name 24 81 - 104
User defined 14 105 - 118
Max shot records per field record 10 119 - 128

Field 1 The Storage Unit Sequence Number is an integer in the range 1 to 9999 that indicates the
order in which the current storage unit occurs in the storage set. The first storage unit of a
storage set has sequence number 1, the second 2, and so on. This number is represented using
the characters 0 to 9, right justified with leading blanks if needed to fill out the field (No
leading zeros). The rightmost character is in byte 4 of the label. This field is optional. If not
used, it must be blank (filled with blank characters). This implies that this is the only storage
unit within the storage set. Separate Storage Sets should be used for different data types.

Field 2 The SEG-D Revision field indicates which revision of SEG-D was used to record the data on
this tape. SD2.0 indicates that the data was recorded using SEG-D, Revision 2.0. This field is
Field 3 Storage Unit Structure is a name indicating the record structure of the storage unit. This
name is left justified with trailing blanks if needed to fill out the field. The leftmost character
is in byte 10 of the label. For SEG-D, Rev 2 tapes, this field must contain “RECORD” or
“FIXREC”. This field is required.
“RECORD” -- Records may be of variable length, ranging up to the Blocksize length
specified in the maximum Block size field of the storage unit label (if not zero). If the
maximum Block size specified is zero, then records may be of any length.
“FIXREC” -- All records in the storage unit have the same length, namely that specified in the
maximum Block size field of the storage unit label. Although all storage units in the same
storage set must have a FIXREC structure, the maximum record length may be different in
different storage units. When the FIXREC option is used, then the maximum record length
field shall not be 0 (zero).
Field 4 Binding edition is the character B in byte 16 of the label followed by a positive integer in the
range 1 to 999 (no leading zeros), left justified with trailing blanks if needed to fill out the
field. The integer value corresponds to the edition of the Part 3 of the API, RP66 standard
used to describe the physical binding of the logical format to the storage unit. This field is

Field 5 Maximum Block Size is an integer in the range of 0 to 4,294,967,295 (232-1), indicating the
maximum block length for the storage unit, or 0 (zero) if undeclared. This number is
represented using the characters 0 to 9, right justified, with leading blanks if necessary to fill
out the field (no leading zeros). The rightmost character is byte 29 of the label. A valid value
or 0 (zero) must be recorded.

Field 6 Producer organization code is an integer in the range of 0 to 4,294,967,295 (232-1)

indicating the organization code of the storage unit producer. This number is represented
using the characters 0 to 9, right justified, with leading blanks if necessary to fill out the field
(NO leading zeros). The rightmost character is byte 39 of the label. This field is required.
Organization codes are assigned by API Exploration and Production Department, which
maintains the current list of codes. To request a new organization code, contact:
American Petroleum Institute
Exploration & Production Department
700 North Pearl Street, Suite 1840 (LB382)
Dallas, Texas 75201-2845
Phone: 214-953-1101 or 720-5712; Fax 214-748-7962

A copy of the most recent list is included in Appendix C.

Field 7 Creation date is the earliest date that any current information was recorded on the storage
unit. The date is represented in the form dd-MMM-yyyy, where yyyy is the year (e.g. 1996),
and dd is the day of the month in the range 1 to 31. Days 1 to 9 may have one leading blank.
The separator is a hyphen (code 4510). This field is required.

Field 8 Serial number is an ID used to distinguish the storage unit from other storage units in an
archive of an enterprise. The specification and management of serial numbers is delegated to
organizations using this standard. If an external label is used the name/number must be a
subset of the serial number or the External Label Name in Field 10, and must occupy the
rightmost characters in the serial number (or External Label Name). This field is required.
Field 9 This field is reserved and should be recorded as all blanks (code 3210).

Field 10 The Storage set identifier is a descriptive name for the storage set. Every storage unit in the
same storage set shall have the same value for the user defined portion of the storage set
identifier in its storage unit label. Included in the Storage Set Identifier is the External
Label Name. The characters in this field are right justified with leading blank characters as
required. If the tape does not have a physical label, then this field must be blank. A physical
label is optional, but if it exists, then this field is required only if the external label is different
from the lower 6 characters of the Serial Number in field 8. The next field in the Storage set
identifier is the Recording Entity Name. This must contain the crew number or name, or
some other unique identifier which will differentiate the recording entity which recorded this
data from any other recording entity within the organization (as included in field 6). The 24
bytes may by any alphanumeric characters. If multiple recording systems are used on a vessel
or crew, then data recorded on each system must be clearly distinguished. For example, an
ABC Geophysical crew (party 13), on the M/V Gopher, recording data on two Zip 6000
recording systems might have a Recording Entity Name on tapes recording on the first
recording system of:

ABC, Gopher, P13, Zip#1

On the second system, the Recording Entity Name might be:

ABC, Gopher, P13, Zip#2

The Recording Entity Name field is required.

The next 14 bytes in this field may contain any other user input information. The only restriction
is that the data must be in ASCII.
Max Number of shot records per field record. Field Records are data between File Marks (10
It is not acceptable to use an ANSI label (or any other label or data) prior to the Storage Unit
An external, physical label is not required.

5.0 Header blocks

The headers are blocks of data prior to the seismic data, which contain auxiliary information about the
seismic data, the acquisition parameters, acquisition geometry, plus user defined information. The header
block includes at least two General Headers, one or more Scan Type headers, and optional Extended and
External headers. Trace Headers are included in conjunction with each seismic data trace. Sections 7 and
8 include detailed information about the content of each type header.
In addition to header blocks which are recorded prior to the seismic data traces, an optional General
Trailer is allowed following the seismic data. This allows recording other auxiliary information which is
not available at the beginning of the record. Sections 7 & 8 include detailed description of the allowed
fields of the General Trailer.

5.1 General Headers (General Header #1 and #2 are required)

General Header #1 is 32 bytes long and contains information similar to SEG A, B, C, and the original
SEG-D headers. Abbreviations are as close as possible to those used in previous formats.
SEG-D, Rev 2 requires the use of General Header #1 and General Header #2 (as was also required in
SEG-D, Rev 1). General Header #2 provides locations to record the source location, and other
parameters, for each record. Source positions are defined by a source line number (three bytes integer
and two bytes fraction), a source point number (three bytes integer and two bytes fraction), and a source
point index (one byte). This index allows several locations for the source in the grid, the original value is
1 and that value is incremented by 1 every time the source is moved, even when it is moved back to a
previous location. More General header block extensions may be added to record parameters for
additional sources.
General Header blocks #3 (optional) and higher provide locations to record information about vibrator
sources. Byte 15 of the general header block #N (N>2) indicates the signal used to control vibrator phase.
Byte 16 indicates the type of vibrator. Bytes 28 and 29 contain the phase angle between the pilot and the
phase feedback signal.
Bytes 1,2,3 in general header block #2 allow for a three byte, binary file number. When the file number is
greater than 9999, bytes 1 and 2 in the general header block #1 must be set to FFFF.
General header block #2 also allows for a two byte, binary number of channel sets/scan types in bytes 4
and 5. When using the extended channel sets/scan types, byte 29 of the general header #1 must be set to
Additional blocks may be added as needed by the manufacturer or user.

5.2 Scan Type Headers (required)

The Scan Type header is used to describe the information of the recorded channels (filters, sample
intervals, sample skew, etc.). The Scan Type header is composed of one or more channel set descriptors
followed by skew information. The channel set descriptors must appear in the same order as their
respective channel sets will appear within a base scan interval. A channel set, which is part of a scan
type, is defined as a group of channels all recorded with identical recording parameters. One or more
channel sets can be recorded concurrently within one scan type. In addition, there can be multiple scan
types to permit dynamic scan type changes during the record (e.g., 12 channels at 1/2 ms switched at
about 1 second to 48 channels at 2 ms). Where there are dynamic changes, scan type header 1 describes
the first part of the record, scan type header 2 the second part, etc. Within the scan type header, each
channel set descriptor is composed of a 32 byte field, and up to 99 channel set descriptors may be
present. In addition, up to 99 scan type headers may be utilized in a record.
Following the channel set descriptors of a scan type are a number of 32 byte fields (SK, specified in byte
30 of the general header #1) that specify sample skew. Sample skew (SS) is recorded in a single byte for
each sample of each subscan of each channel set, in the same order as the samples are recorded in the
scan. Each byte represents a fractional part of the base scan interval (Byte 23 of general header #1). The
resolution is 1/256 of this interval. For instance, if the base scan interval is 2 msec, the least significant
bit in the sample skew byte is 1/256 of 2 msec or 7.8125 microseconds.
A channel set is a group of channels that:
a) Use identical recording parameters. This includes the same record length and sample interval.
b) Use identical processing parameters, including the same filter selection and array forming
c) Originates from the same streamer cable for marine data. The streamer cable number for each
channel set is included in the channel set descriptor byte 31.
d) Consists of channels with the same group spacing. For example, if one streamer has short group
spacing close to the boat and longer group spacing at long offsets, the data from the streamer would
be recorded as two channel sets. The first channel in each channel set will start with trace number

The following is a list of ground rules for the scan type header:
1. The order in which channel sets are described in the header will be the same as the order in which
the data are recorded for each channel set.
2. In a scan type header containing multiple channel set descriptors with different sample intervals,
each channel set descriptor will appear only once in each scan type header. Within the data block,
however, shorter sampling interval data are recorded more frequently.
3. In the case of multiple scan type records, such as the dynamically switched sampling interval case,
each scan type will contain the same number of channel sets. Any unused channel sets needed in a
scan type must be so indicated by setting bytes 9 and 10 (channels per channel set) to zero in the
channel set descriptor.

4. In multiple scan type records, the number of bytes per base scan interval must remain a constant for
all scan types recorded.
5. Channel set order within a scan type should be: auxiliary channels, long sampling interval
channels, short sampling interval channels. All channel sets of the same sampling interval should
be contiguous.
6. Channels within the same Channel Set must now have the same number of Trace Header
Extensions. Since all traces within a Channel Set will contain the same number of Trace Header
Extensions, the number of Trace Header Extensions will be indicated in the Channel Set
Descriptor. The previously unused nibble of Byte 29 in the Channel Set Descriptor will now be
defined to be a 4 bit binary parameter that defines the number of Trace Header Extensions for that
Channel Set. Byte 29 of the Channel Set descriptor will now be:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


As a result of this limitation the Trace Header Extension field in Byte 11 of the Trace Header is also
redefined as a 4 bit value limited to a maximum of 15 Trace Header Extensions.

7. The length of each trace within a Channel Set is restricted to be the same value. This limitation and
the restricting the number of Trace Header Extensions to the same number within a Channel Set will
result in each trace within a Channel Set being recorded with the same number of bytes.

5.3 Trace Header (required)

The trace header length is 20 bytes and is an identifier that precedes each channel’s data. The trace
header and the trace data are recorded as one block of data. A trace is restricted to one channel of data
from one channel set of one scan type. Some of the information in the trace header is taken directly from
the general header and the scan type header.
Bytes 7, 8, and 9 comprise the timing word that would accompany the first sample if these data were
written in multiplex format. To obtain the exact sample time, the actual sample skew time (Byte 11
multiplied by the base scan interval) must be added to the time recorded in Bytes 7, 8, and 9.
The timing word is in milliseconds and has the following bit weight assignments:
Timing word
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 5 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28
Byte 6 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
Byte 7 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8
Byte 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The timing word LSB (2-8) is equal to 1/256 msec, and the MSB (215) is equal to 32,768 msec. The timing
word for each scan is equal to the elapsed time from zero time to the start of that scan. Timing words of
from 0 to 65,535.9961 msec are codable. For longer recordings the timing word may overflow to zero
and then continue.
The first scan of data has typically started with timing word zero. However, this is not a requirement. In a
sampling system, it is not always practical to resynchronize the system even though most seismic data
acquisition systems have to date. Possible reasons for not wanting to resynchronize could be digital
filtering, communication restrictions, etc.
Whether the system is resynchronized or not, the timing word will contain the time from the energy
source event to the start of scan of interest. For example, assume the sampling interval is 2 msec, the
system does not resynchronize, and the energy source event occurs 1 + 9/256 msec before the next
normal start of scan. The timing word values would be:
First timing word 0 + 1 + 9/256 msec
Second 2 + 1 + 9/256 msec
Third 4 + 1 + 9/256 msec
Fourth 6 + 1 + 9/256 msec
… …
One-thousandth timing word 1998 + 1 + 9/256 msec

Byte 11 contains sample skew of the first sample of this trace. This is identical to the first byte of sample
skew for this channel in the scan type header.
Bytes 13, 14, 15 are included as an integrity check on time break. They comprise the timing word of the
scan in which TWI changed to a one. Thus, it represents the time from the time break to the end of the
time break window. Random variations in this time indicate a problem in the fire control system. The
presence of a value less than the base scan interval indicates that time break was not detected and
recording commenced at the end of the time break window.
A trace header extension block may be added to include the receiver location for that trace. Receiver
locations are defined by a receiver line number (three integer bytes and two fraction bytes), a receiver
point number (three bytes integer and two bytes fraction) and a receiver point index (one byte). This
index allows for defining the receiver group in the grid, the original value is 1 and that value is
incremented by 1 every time the receiver is moved, even when it is moved back to the previous location.
The Sensor type (vertical geophone, hydrophone, etc.) may be indicated in Byte 21.
Additional trace header blocks may be added as needed by the manufacturer or user. The maximum
number of Trace Header Extensions is limited to 15.
A larger number of samples per trace may be recorded using bytes 8, 9, and 10 of the trace header

5.4 Extended Header (optional)

The extended header provides additional areas to be used by equipment manufacturers to interface
directly with their equipment. Since the nature of this data will depend heavily on the equipment and
processes being applied, it will be the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer to establish a format
and document this area. Byte 31 of the general header #1 contains the number of 32 byte fields in the
extended header. If more than 99 extended header blocks are used, then General Header Block #1, Byte
31 is set to FF and Bytes 6 and 7 in the General Header Block #2 indicate the number of Extended
Header Blocks.

5.5 External Header (optional)

The external header provides a means of recording special user desired information in the header block.
This data format will be defined and documented by the end user. The means of putting this information
into the header has usually been provided by the equipment manufacturer. Byte 32 of the General Header
Block #1 contains the number of 32 byte fields in the external header. If more than 99 External header
blocks are used, then General Header Block #1, Byte 32 is set to FF and Bytes 8 and 9 of General Header
Block #2 indicates the number of External Header Blocks.

5.6 Data Trailer (optional)

Following the seismic data, a General Trailer may be recorded. This type header allows provisions for
recording auxiliary system and navigation related data. The addition of the trailer will allow the
accumulation of system faults, data QC information, real-time navigation position, and timing
information on the same record and contiguous with, the shotpoint that it relates to. By recording this
data after all of the other data, additional time is provided for collecting the data and transferring it to the
recording system. The trailer blocks take the same general form as the Channel Set Descriptor. Byte 11
uses the “Channel Type Identification” set to 1100 to indicate a trailer block. Bytes 1 and 2 indicate the
number of the general trailer clock, with the first block numbered as 1. All other information in the trailer

is optional and may be formatted as desired by the manufacturer or user. The number of general trailer
blocks is indicated in bytes 13 and 14 of the General Header Block #2.

6.0 Data Body

Data is recorded as a byte stream in demultiplexed format. Preceding each trace of data is a trace header,
and optionally trace header extensions. Each trace is a sequential set of points from one channel in one
channel set.

6.1 Data Recording Method

To accommodate diverse recording needs, the data recording utilizes sample sizes of 8, 16, 20, and 32
The data word is a number representation of the sign and magnitude of the instantaneous voltage
presented to the system. It is not an indication of how the hardware gain system functions. The output of
stepped gain systems may be represented as a binary mantissa and a binary exponent of base 2, 4, or 16
(binary, quaternary, or hexadecimal system).
Following are descriptions of each of the data recording methods permitted. The same number system is
to be used on all samples in a record, including auxiliary and all other types of channels. All recording
methods are valid for multiplexed and demultiplexed records. The 2 1/2 byte binary demultiplexed
method uses the LSB whereas the comparable multiplexed method does not (in order to preserve the
uniqueness of the start of scan code).
1 byte quaternary exponent data recording method
The following illustrates the 8 bit word and the corresponding bit weights:
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 1 S C2 C1 C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4
S=sign bit. ---(One = negative number).
C=quaternary exponent.---This is a three bit positive binary exponent of 4 written as 4ccc where CCC can
assume values from 0-7.
Q1-4-fraction.---This is a 4 bit one’s complement binary fraction. The radix point is to the left of the most
significant bit (Q-1) with the MSB being defined as 2-1. The fraction can have values from -1+2-4 to 1-2-4.
In order to guarantee the uniqueness of the start of scan, negative zero is invalid and must be converted to
positive zero.
Input signal = S.QQQQ x 4ccc x 2MP millivolts where 2MP is the value required to descale the data sample
to the recording system input level. MP is defined in Byte 8 of each channel set descriptor in the scan
type header.

2 byte quaternary exponent data recording method

The following illustrates the 16-bit word and the corresponding bit weights:
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 1 S C2 C1 C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4

Byte 2 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12

S=sign bit.---(One = negative number).
C=quaternary exponent.---This is a three bit positive binary exponent of 4 written as 4ccc where CCC can
assume values from 0-7.
Q1-12 --fraction.---This is a 12 bit one’s complement binary fraction. The radix point is to the left of the
most significant bit (Q-1) with the MSB being defined as 2-1. The fraction can have values from -1 + 2-12
to 1 - 2-12. In order to guarantee the uniqueness of the start of scan, negative zero is invalid and must be
converted to positive zero.
Input signal = S.QQQQ,QQQQ,QQQQ x 4ccc x 2MP millivolts where 2MP is the value required to descale
the data sample to the recording system input level. MP is defined in Byte 8 of each channel set
descriptor in the scan type header.

2½ byte binary exponent data recording method---demultiplexed

The following illustrates the 20 bit word and the corresponding bit weights:
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 1 C3 C2 C1 C0 C3 C2 C1 C0 Exponent for
Byte 2 C3 C2 C1 C0 C3 C2 C1 C0 samples 1 thru 4b
Byte 3 S Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Sample 1
Byte 4 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15
Byte 5 S Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Sample 2
Byte 6 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15
Byte 7 S Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Sample 3
Byte 8 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15
Byte 9 S Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Sample 4
Byte 10 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15
In the demultiplexed format, Bytes 1 and 2 contain the exponents for the following four samples of the
channel. The sample numbers are relative and are only to denote position in the four sample subset.
S=sign bit---(One = negative number).
C=binary exponent.---This is a 4 bit positive binary exponent of 2 written as 2cccc where CCCC can
assume values of 0-15. The four exponents are in sample order for the four samples starting with the first
sample in bits 0-3 of Byte 1.
Q1-15-fraction.---This is a 15 bit one’s complement binary fraction. The radix point is to the left of the
most significant bit (Q-1) with the MSB being defined as 2-1. The sign and fraction can assume values
from 1 -2-15 to -1 + 2-15. Negative zero is invalid and must be converted to positive zero.
Input signal=S.Q,QQQ,QQQQ,QQQQ,QQQ 2cccc x 2MP millivolts where 2MP is the value required to
descale the data word to the recording system input level. MP is defined in Byte 8 of each of the
corresponding channel set descriptors in the scan type header.
Note that in utilizing this data recording method, the number of samples per channel must be exactly
divisible by 4 in order to preserve the data grouping of this method.

1 byte hexadecimal exponent data - recording method
The following illustrates the 8-bit word and the corresponding bit weights:
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 1 S C-1 C-0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5
S=sign bit.---(One = negative number).
C=hexadceimal exponent.---This is a two positive binary exponent of 16 written as 16cc where CC can
assume values from 0-3.
Q1-5-fraction.---This is a 5 bit positive binary fraction. The radix point is to the left of the most
significant bit (Q-1) with the MSB being defined as 2-1. The sign and fraction can have any value from -1
+ 2-5 to 1 - 2-5. In order to guarantee the uniqueness of the start of scan, an all one’s representation
(sign=negative, exponent=3, and fraction=1-2-5) is invalid. Thus the full range of values allowed is -(1 -
2-4) x 163 to +(1 -2-5) x 163.
Input signal=S.QQQQ,Q x 16cc x 2MP millivolts where 2MP is the value required to descale the data
sample to the recording system input level. MP is defined in Byte 8 of each channel set descriptor in the
scan type header.

2 byte hexadecimal exponent data - recording method

The following illustrates the 16-bit word and the corresponding bit weights:
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 1 S C1 C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5
Byte 2 Q-6 Q-7 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13
S=sign bit.---(One = negative number).
C=hexadcimal exponent.---This is a two bit positive binary exponent of 16cc whereCC can assume values
from 0-3.
Q1-13-fraction.---This is a 13 bit positive binary fraction. The radix point is to the left of the most
significant bit (Q-1) with the MSB being defined as 2-1. The sign and fraction can have any value from -1
+ 2-13. In order to guarantee the uniqueness of the start of scan, an all one’s representation (sign =
negative, exponent = 3, and fraction = 1 - 2-13) is invalid. Thus the full range of values allowed is -(1 - 2-
) x 163 to +(1 -2-13) x 163.
Input signal = S.QQQQ,QQQQ,QQQQ,Q x 16cc x 2MP millivolts where 2MP is the value required to
descale the data sample to the recording system input level. MP is defined in Byte 8 of each channel set
descriptor in the scan type header.

4 byte hexdecimal exponent data - recording method
The following illustrates the 32-bit word and the corresponding bit weights:
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 1 S C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0
Byte 2 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Q-8
Byte 3 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15 Q-16
Byte 4 Q-17 Q-18 Q-19 Q-20 Q-21 Q-22 Q-23 0
S=sign bit.---(One = negative number).
C=excess 64 hexadcimal exponent.---This is a binary exponent of 16. It has been biased by 64 such that
it represents 16(ccccccc-64) where CCCCCCC can assume values from 0 to 127.
Q1-23-magnitude fraction.---This is a 23 bit positive binary fraction (i.e., the number system is sign and
magnitude). The radix point is to the left of the most significant bit (Q-1) with the MSB being defined as
2-1. The sign and fraction can assume values from (1 - 2-23 to -1 + 2-23). It must always be written as a
hexadecimal left justified number. If this fraction is zero, the sign and exponent must also be zero (i.e.,
the entire word is zero. Note that bit 7 of Byte 4 must be zero in order to guarantee the uniqueness of the
start of scan.
Input signal = S.QQQQ,QQQQ,QQQQ,QQQQ,QQQQ,QQQ x 16(ccccccc-64) x 2MP millivolts where 2MP is
the value required to descale the data sample to the recording system input level. MP is defined in Byte 8
of each channel set descriptor in the scan type header. This data recording method has more than
sufficient rage to handle the dynamic range of a typical seismic system. Thus, MP may not be needed to
account for any scaling and may be recorded as zero.

4 byte IEEE Floating Point Data - Recording Method

The IEEE format is fully documented in the IEEE standard,

"ANSI/IEEE Std 754 - l985", available from the IEEE.

The IEEE format is summarized as follows:

Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Byte 1 S C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1

Byte 2 C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7

Byte 3 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15

Byte 4 Q-16 Q-17 Q-18 Q-19 Q-20 Q-21 Q-22 Q-23 (see Note 1)

The value (v) of a floating-point number represented in this format is determined as follows:

if e = 255 & f = 0. .v = NaN Not-a-Number (see Note 2)

if e = 255 & f = 0. .v = (-1)s *∞ Overflow
if 0 < e < 255. . . .v = (-1)s *2e-127 *(1.f) Normalized
if e = 0 & f ¹ 0. . .v = (-1)s *2e-126 *(0.f) Denormalized
if e = 0 & f = O. . .v = (-1)s *0 ± zero
where e = binary value of all C's (exponent)
f = binary value of all Q's (fraction)

NOTES: 1. Bit 7 of byte 4 must be zero to guarantee uniqueness of the start of scan in the
Multiplexed format (0058). It may be non zero in the demultiplexed format

2. A Not-a-Number (NaN) is interpreted as an invalid number. All other numbers

are valid and interpreted as described above.

Integer formats:
24 bit format:
Table 2: 24 bit integer format

Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 1 S I22 I21 I20 I19 I18 I17 I16

Byte 2 I15 I14 I13 I12 I11 I10 I9 I8

Byte 3 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0

Input signal = S III, IIII, IIII, IIII, IIII, IIII x 2MP millivolts.

32 bit format:
Table 3: 32 bit integer format

Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Byte 1 S I30 I29 I28 I27 I26 I25 I24

Byte 2 I22 I22 I21 I20 I19 I18 I17 I16

Byte 3 I15 I14 I13 I12 I11 I10 I9 I8

Byte 4 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0

6.2 MP Factor calculation

The MP parameter is provided to allow the dimensionless numbers recorded on tape to be “descaled”
back to the instantaneous sample values in millivolts at the system inputs. MP is encoded in Byte 8 of
each channel set descriptor in the scan type header. It is a sign and magnitude binary exponent. It can
have any value between -31.75 and +31.75 in increments of .25. Beginning with SEG-D, Rev 1, the MP
parameter is expanded to a two byte value between -31.9990234375 and + 31.9990234375 in increments
of .0009765625.
In general, recording systems scale the input signal level in order to match the useful range of input
levels to the gain-ranging amplifier. MP must account for all scaling (unless, as in the 4 byte hexadcimal
case, the data recording method has sufficient range).
The calculation of MP for a data recording method is given by one of the following equations:

For floating point data:
1. MP = FS - PA - Cmax For binary exponents.
2. MP = FS - PA - 2 * Cmax For quaternary exponents.
3. MP = FS - PA - 4 * Cmax For hexadecimal exponents (except for the four byte
excess 64 method).
4. MP = FS - PA - 4* (Cmax-64) For excess 64 hexadecimal exponents and for four
byte IEEE exponents.
2FS = Converter full scale (millivolts),
2PA = Minimum system gain,
Cmax = maximum value of the data exponent;
Cmax =
15 for binary exponents
7 quaternary exponents,
3 for hexadecimal exponents, except excess 64,
64 for excess 64 exponents and for 4 byte IEEE exponents, and the output
of the analog-to-digital converter is written as the fractional portion of the
data value.

For integer data:

1. MP = FS - PA - IS;
2FS = Converter full scale (millivolts),
2PA = Minimum system gain,
2IS-1 = Integer number system positive full scale, and

the output of the analog-to-digital converter is written as an integer.

Input signal = S III, IIII, IIII, IIII, IIII, IIII, IIII, IIII x 2MP millivolts.
The term “minimum system gain” includes preamplifier gain and the minimum floating point amplifier
gain. For example, one system may use a preamplifier gain of 256 and a minimum floating point
amplifier gain of one. The minimum system gain is 256 x 1 = 28, so PA = 8. Another system may use a
preamplifier gain of 320 and a minimum floating point amplifier gain of 0.8. In this case, the minimum
system gain is 320 x 0.8 = 256 or 28. Again PA = 8.
PA may also account for any amplification needed to accommodate an analog to digital converter with a
full scale value that is not a power of 2 in millivolts. For example, a 10 V (10,000 mV) converter may be
preceded by an amplifier with a gain of 1.221 (10,000/8,192). This gain may be accounted for in PA.
Alternatively, it could be considered part of the converter, making it appear to have a binary full scale.
Justifications for the Equations
The output of the analog-to-digital converter is written as the fractional portion of the data value. This is
equivalent to dividing the value by the full scale of the converter. In order to compensate for this, the
data value recorded on tape must be multiplied by the full scale value of the converter (2FS). Thus FS
appears in equations (1)-(4) with a positive sign.
The input signal was multiplied by the minimum system gain (2PA) which, as mentioned, includes any
preamplification gain, minimum floating point amplifier gain, or analog-to-digital converter adjustment

gain. The data recorded on tape must be divided by this minimum system gain; thus, PA appears in the
equations with a negative sign.
Large input signals converted at minimum floating point amplifier gain are written on tape with the
maximum exponent for the data recording method used. Likewise, small signals converted at full gain
are written with the maximum exponent. The data as written have been multiplied by the exponent base
raised to Cmax (or Cmax -64 in the excess 64 case). Thus Cmax appears in the equations with a negative
sign. MP is a power of 2 so the quaternary and hexadecimal Cmax values are multiplied by 2 and 4,
respectively (4c = 22c and 16c = 24c).

7.0 Header Tables


Bit No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
BCD Value MSD 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 LSD
Binary Value MSB 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 LSB
File Number F1 F1 F1 F1 F2 F2 F2 F2 1
F3 F3 F3 F3 F4 F4 F4 F4 2
Format Code Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 3
Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y4 Y4 Y4 Y4 4
General Constants K1 K1 K1 K1 K2 K2 K2 K2 5
K3 K3 K3 K3 K4 K4 K K4 6
K5 K5 K5 K5 K6 K6 K6 K6 7
K7 K7 K7 K7 K8 K8 K8 K8 8
K9 K9 K9 K9 K10 K10 K10 K10 9
K11 K11 K11 K11 K12 K12 K12 K12 10
Year YR1 YR1 YR1 YR1 YR2 YR2 YR2 YR2 11
# Additional Blks in GH3 GH2 GH1 GH0 DY1 DY1 DY1 DY1 12
Gen Hdr
Day (DY) DY2 DY2 DY2 DY2 DY3 DY3 DY3 DY3 13
Hour H1 H1 H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2 14
Minute MI1 MI1 MI1 MI1 MI2 MI2 MI2 MI2 15
Second SE1 SE1 SE1 SE1 SE2 SE2 SE2 SE2 16
Manufacture’s Code M1 M1 M1 M1 M2 M2 M2 M2 17
M3 M3 M3 M3 M4 M4 M4 M4 18
M5 M5 M5 M5 M6 M6 M6 M6 19
O O O O O O O O 20
O O O O O O O O 21
O O O O O O O O 22
Base Scan Interval I3 I2 I1 I0 I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 23
Polarity (P) P P P P O O O O 24
O O O O O O O O 25
Record Type (Z) Z Z Z Z R1 R1 R1 R1 26
Record Length (R) R2 R2 R2 R2 R3 R3 R3 R3 27
Scan Types/Record ST/R1 ST/R1 ST/R1 ST/R1 ST/R2 ST/R2 ST/R2 ST/R2 28
Chan Sets/Scan Type CS1 CS1 CS1 CS1 CS2 CS2 CS2 CS2 29
Skew Blocks SK1 SK1 SK1 SK1 SK2 SK2 SK2 SK2 30
Extended Header Blk EC1 EC1 EC1 EC1 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 31
External Header Blk EX1 EX1 EX1 EX1 EX2 EX2 EX2 EX2 32


Bit No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
BCD Value MSD 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 LSD
Binary Value MSB 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 LSB
Expanded File EF23 EF22 EF21 EF20 EF19 EF18 EF17 EF16 1
EF15 EF14 EF13 EF12 EF11 EF10 EF9 EF8 2
EF7 EF6 EF5 EF4 EF3 EF2 EF1 EF0 3
Extended Channel Sets/ EN15 EN14 EN13 EN12 EN11 EN10 EN9 EN8 4
Scan Type
EN7 EN6 EN5 EN4 EN3 EN2 EN1 EN0 5
Extended Header Blks ECX15 ECX14 ECX13 ECX12 ECX11 ECX10 ECX9 ECX8 6
External Header Blks EH15 EH14 EH13 EH12 EH11 EH10 EH9 EH8 8
EH7 EH6 EH5 EH4 EH3 EH2 EH1 EH0 9
X X X X X X X X 10
SEG-D Revision No. REV7 REV6 REV5 REV4 REV3 REV2 REV1 REV0 11
REV-1 REV-2 REV-3 REV-4 REV-5 REV-6 REV-7 REV-8 12
General Trailer, GT15 GT14 GT13 GT12 GT11 GT10 GT9 GT8 13
Number of Blks
GT7 GT6 GT5 GT4 GT3 GT2 GT1 GT0 14
Extended Record ERL23 ERL22 ERL21 ERL20 ERL19 ERL18 ERL17 ERL16 15
ERL15 ERL14 ERL13 ERL12 ERL11 ERL10 ERL9 ERL8 16
X X X X X X X X 18
Gen Header Blk # 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 19
X X X X X X X X 20
X X X X X X X X 21
X X X X X X X X 22
X X X X X X X X 23
X X X X X X X X 24
X X X X X X X X 25
X X X X X X X X 26
X X X X X X X X 27
X X X X X X X X 28
X X X X X X X X 29
X X X X X X X X 30
X X X X X X X X 31
X X X X X X X X 32


Bit No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
BCD Value MSD 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 LSD
Binary Value MSB 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 LSB
Expanded File No. EF23 EF22 EF21 EF20 EF19 EF18 EF17 EF16 1
EF15 EF14 EF13 EF12 EF11 EF10 EF9 EF8 2
EF7 EF6 EF5 EF4 EF3 EF2 EF1 EF0 3
Source Line No. SLNs SLN22 SLN21 SLN20 SLN19 SLN18 SLN17 SLN16 4
Source Line No. SLN-1 SLN-2 SLN-3 SLN-4 SLN-5 SLN-6 SLN-7 SLN-8 7
SLN-9 SLN-10 SLN-11 SLN-12 SLN-13 SLN-14 SLN-15 SLN-16 8
Source Point No. SPNs SPN22 SPN21 SPN20 SPN19 SPN18 SPN17 SPN16 9
SPN15 SPN14 SPN13 SPN12 SPN11 SPN10 SPN9 SPN8 10
Source Point No. SPN-1 SPN-2 SPN-3 SPN-4 SPN-5 SPN-6 SPN-7 SPN-8 12
SPN-9 SPN-10 SPN-11 SPN-12 SPN-13 SPN-14 SPN-15 SPN-16 13
Source Point Index SPI7 SPI6 SPI5 SPI4 SPI3 SPI2 SPI1 SPI0 14
Phase Control PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 15
Type Vibrator V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 16
Phase Angle PAs PA14 PA13 PA12 PA11 PA10 PA9 PA8 17
PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 18
Gen.Header Blk # BN7 BN6 BN5 BN4 BN3 BN2 BN1 BN0 19
Source Set No. SS7 SS6 SS5 SS4 SS3 SS2 SS1 SS0 20
X X X X X X X X 21
X X X X X X X X 22
X X X X X X X X 23
X X X X X X X X 24
X X X X X X X X 25
X X X X X X X X 26
X X X X X X X X 27
X X X X X X X X 28
X X X X X X X X 29
X X X X X X X X 30
X X X X X X X X 31
X X X X X X X X 32

7.4 SCAN TYPE HEADER (Channel Set Descriptor)

Bit No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
BCD Value MSD 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1
Binary Value MSB 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Scan Type No. ST1 ST1 ST1 ST1 ST2 ST2 ST2 ST2 1
Channel Set No. CN1 CN1 CN1 CN1 CN2 CN2 CN2 CN2 2
Channel Set TF16 TF15 TE14 TF13 TF12 TF11 TF10 TF9 3
Start Time
TF8 TF7 TF6 TF5 ETF4 TF3 TF2 TF1 4
Channel Set TE16 TE15 TE14 TE13 TE12 TE11 TE10 TE9 5
End Time
TE8 TE7 TE13 TE12 TE11 TE10 TE9 TE8 6
Descale Multiplier MP-3 MP-4 MP-5 MP-6 MP-7 MP-8 MP-9 MP-10 7
MP5 MP4 MP3 MP2 MP1 MP0 MP-1 MP-2 8
No. of Channels C/S1 C/S1 C/S1 C/S1 C/S2 C/S2 C/S2 C/S2 9
C/S3 C/S3 C/S3 C/S3 C/S4 C/S4 C/S4 C/S4 10
Channel Type C1 C1 C1 C1 0 0 0 0 11
Sample/Channel - S/C S/C S/C S/C J J J J 12
Channel Gain
Alias Filter Frequency AF1 AF1 AF1 AF1 AF2 AF2 AF2 AF2 13
AF3 AF3 AF3 AF3 AF4 AF4 AF4 AF4 14
Alias Filter Slope 0 0 0 0 AS1 AS1 AS1 AS1 15
AS2 AS2 AS2 AS2 AS3 AS3 AS3 AS3 16
Low Cut Filter LC1 LC1 LC1 LC1 LC2 LC2 LC2 LC2 17
LC3 LC3 LC3 LC3 LC4 LC4 LC4 LC4 18
Low Cut Filter Slope 0 0 0 0 LS1 LS1 LS1 LS1 19
LS2 LS2 LS2 LS LS3 LS3 LS3 LS3 20
First Notch Filter NT1 NT1 NT1 NT1 NT2 NT2 NT2 NT2 21
NT3 NT3 NT3 NT3 NT4 NT4 NT4 NT4 22
Second Notch Filter NT1 NT1 NT1 NT1 NT2 NT2 NT2 NT2 23
NT3 NT3 NT3 NT3 NT4 NT4 NT4 NT4 24
Third Notch Filter NT1 NT1 NT1 NT1 NT2 NT2 NT2 NT2 25
NT3 NT3 NT3 NT3 NT4 NT4 NT NT4 26
Extended Channel Set ECS15 ECS14 ECS13 ECS12 ECS11 ECS10 ECS9 ECS8 27
Extended Header EFH3 EFH2 EFH1 EFH0 THE3 THE2 THE1 THE0 29
Flag/Trace Header
Vertical Stack VS7 VS6 VS5 VS4 VS3 VS2 VS1 VS0 30
Streamer No. CAB7 CAB6 CAB5 CAB4 CAB3 CAB2 CAB1 CAB0 31
Array Forming ARY7 ARY6 ARY5 ARY4 ARY3 ARY2 ARY1 ARY0 32


Bit No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
File Number F1 F1 F1 F1 F2 F2 F2 F2 1
F3 F3 F3 F3 F4 F4 F4 F4 2
Scan Type Number ST1 ST1 ST1 ST1 ST2 ST2 ST2 ST2 3
Channel Set CN1 CN1 CN1 CN1 CN2 CN2 CN2 CN2 4
Trace Number TN1 TN1 TN1 TN1 TN2 TN2 TN2 TN2 5
TN3 TN3 TN3 TN3 TN4 TN4 TN4 TN4 6
First Timing Word T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T9 T8 7
T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 8
T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 9
Trace Header THE7 THE6 THE5 THE4 THE3 THE2 THE1 THE0 10
Sample Skew SSK-1 SSK-2 SSK-3 SSK-4 SSK-5 SSK-6 SSK-7 SSK-8 11
Trace Edit TR7 TR6 TR5 TR4 TR3 TR2 TR1 TR0 12
Time Break TW15 TW14 TW13 TW12 TW11 TW10 TW9 TW8 13
TW7 TW6 TW5 TW4 TW3 TW2 TW1 TW0 14
TW-1 TW-2 TW-3 TW-4 TW-5 TW-6 TW-7 TW-8 15
Extended Channel EN15 EN14 EN13 EN12 EN11 EN10 EN9 EN8 16
Set Number
EN7 EN6 EN5 EN4 EN3 EN2 EN1 EN0 17
Extended File EFN23 EFN22 EFN21 EFN20 EFN19 EFN18 EFN17 EFN16 18
EFN15 EFN14 EFN13 EFN12 EFN11 EFN10 EFN9 EFN8 19


Bit No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Receiver Line RLNs RLN22 RLN21 RLN20 RLN19 RLN18 RLN17 RLN16 1
Receiver Point RPNs RPN22 RPN21 RPN20 RPN19 RPN18 RPN17 RPN16 4
Receiver Point RPIs RPI6 RPI5 RPI4 RPI3 RPI2 RPI1 RPI0 7
# of Samples per NBS23 NBS22 NBS21 NBS20 NBS19 NBS18 NBS17 NBS16 8
Receiver Line
ERLN-9 ERLN-10 ERLN-11 ERLN-12 ERLN-13 ERLN-14 ERLN-15 ERLN-16 15
Extended ERPNs ERPN22 ERPN21 ERPN20 ERPN19 ERPN18 ERPN17 ERPN16 16
Receiver Point #
ERPN-9 ERPN-10 ERPN-11 ERPN-12 ERPN-13 ERPN-14 ERPN-15 ERPN-16 20
Sensor Type SEN7 SEN6 SEN5 SEN4 SEN3 SEN2 SEN1 SEN0 21
X X X X X X X X 22
X X X X X X X X 23
X X X X X X X X 24
X X X X X X X X 25
X X X X X X X X 26
X X X X X X X X 27
X X X X X X X X 28
X X X X X X X X 29
X X X X X X X X 30
X X X X X X X X 31
X X X X X X X X 32
X = This field undefined by the format and may have any value.


Bit No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
BCD Value MSD 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 LSD
Binary Value MSB 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 LSB
General Trailer Number GT15 GT14 GT13 GT12 GT11 GT10 GT9 GT8 1
GT7 GT6 GT5 GT4 GT3 GT2 GT1 GT0 2
X X X X X X X X 3
X X X X X X X X 4
X X X X X X X X 5
X X X X X X X X 6
X X X X X X X X 7
X X X X X X X X 8
X X X X X X X X 9
X X X X X X X X 10
Channel Type C3 C2 C1 C0 X X X X 11
X X X X X X X X 12
X X X X X X X X 13
X X X X X X X X 14
X X X X X X X X 15
X X X X X X X X 16
X X X X X X X X 17
X X X X X X X X 18
X X X X X X X X 19
X X X X X X X X 20
X X X X X X X X 21
X X X X X X X X 22
X X X X X X X X 23
X X X X X X X X 24
X X X X X X X X 25
X X X X X X X X 26
X X X X X X X X 27
X X X X X X X X 28
X X X X X X X X 29
X X X X X X X X 30
X X X X X X X X 31
X X X X X X X X 32



All values are in packed BCD unless otherwise specified.


_____ _________________________________________________________________
1 F1, F2 File number of four digits (0 - 9999), set to FFFF when the
2 F3, F4 file number is greater than 9999. The expanded file number is
contained in Bytes 1, 2, & 3 of General Header, Block #2.

3 Y1, Y2 Format code:

4 Y3, Y4 8015 20 bit binary demultiplexed
8022 8 bit quaternary demultiplexed
8024 16 bit quaternary demultiplexed
8036 24 bit 2's compliment integer demultiplexed
8038 32 bit 2's compliment integer demultiplexed
8042 8 bit hexadecimal demultiplexed
8044 16 bit hexadecimal demultiplexed
8048 32 bit hexadecimal demultiplexed
8058 32 bit IEEE demultiplexed
0200 Illegal, do not use
0000 Illegal, do not use

5 K1, K2 General constants, 12 digits

6 K3, K4
7 K5, K6
8 K7, K8
9 K9, K10
10 K11, K12

11 YR1, YR2 Last two digits of year (0-99)

12 GH Number of additional Blocks in General Header (unsigned

binary). This number will be 1 or greater for SEG-D Rev 1., or
Rev. 2 (e.g. If only GH Blk #1 and GH Blk #2 are present then
GH = 1. For each additional block, the value is increased by

13 DY1, DY2, DY3 Julian day 3 digits (1-366)

14 H1, H2 Hour of day 2 digits (0-23) (UTC Time)

15 MI1, MI2 Minute of hour 2 digits (0-59)

16 SE1, SE2 Second of minute 2 digits (0-59)

17 M1, M2 Manufacturer's code 2 digits

Note: See Appendix A for the current assignments
18 M3, M4 Manufacturer's serial number, 4 digits
19 M5, M6

20 0 Not used. Record as zero

21 0 Not used. Record as zero
22 0 Not used. Record as zero

23 I3 thru I-4 Base scan interval.--This is coded as a binary number with the
LSB equal to 1/16 msec. This will allow sampling intervals
from 1/16 through 8 msec in binary steps. Thus, the allowable
base scan intervals are 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, and 8 msec.
The base scan interval is always the difference between
successive timing words. Each channel used will be sampled
one or more times per base scan interval.

24 P Polarity.--These 4 binary bits are measured on the sensors,

cables, instrument, and source combination and are set into the
system manually. The codes are:
0000 Untested
0001 Zero
0010 45 degrees
0011 90 degrees
0100 135 degrees
0101 180 degrees
0110 225 degrees
0111 270 degrees
1000 315 degrees
1100 unassigned

24 X Not used
25 X Not used

26 Z, Record type
Bits 0 1 2 3
0 0 1 0 Test record
0 1 0 0 Parallel channel test
0 1 1 0 Direct channel test
1 0 0 0 Normal record
0 0 0 1 Other

27 R1, R2, R3 Record length from time zero (in increments of 0.5 times 1.024
sec). This value can be set from 00.5 to 99.5 representing times
from 0.512 sec. to 101.888 sec. A setting of 00.0 indicates the
record length is indeterminate. These three nibbles must be set
to FFF when using the Extended Record Length (record length
in milliseconds), bytes 15-17, in General Header Block #2.

28 ST/R1, ST/R2 Scan types per record. This 2 digit code is the number of scan
types per record (1-99). (Zero is invalid.)

29 CS1, CS2 Number of channel sets per scan type (1-99). (Zero is invalid;
set to FF when using Extended channel sets/scan types.) This 2

digit code is the number of channel sets per scan. If multiple
scan types are used (such as in a switching sampling interval
environment), this number is equal to the number of channel sets
contained in the scan type with the largest number of channel
sets. If scan types also exist with less than this maximum
number of channel sets per scan type, dummy channel set
descriptors will have to be recorded in the scan type header.
This can be done by setting the number of channels in the
dummy channel set descriptor to zero (reference Bytes 9 and 10
of the scan type header description). Example 6 illustrates this

30 SK1, SK2 Number of 32 byte fields added to the end of each scan type
header in order to record the sample skew of all channels (0-99).
(See Appendix E3 of the SEG-D Standard). Zero indicates that
skew is not recorded.

31 EC1, EC2 Extended header length. The extended header is used to record
additional equipment parameters. The two digits (0-99) in this
field specify the number of 32 byte extensions.
If more than 99 extensions, then these bytes are set to FF. Bytes
6 and 7 of General Header Block #2 contain the number of 32
byte extensions.

32 EX1, EX2 External header length. The external header is used to record
additional user supplied information in the header. The two
digits (0-99) in this field specify the number of 32 byte
extensions. If more than 99 extensions, then these bytes are set
to FF. Bytes 8 and 9 of General Header Block #2 contain the
number of 32 byte extensions.



_____ _________________________________________________________________
1,2,3 EF23 - EF0 Extended File Number (three bytes, unsigned binary). For file
numbers greater than the 9999, bytes 1 and 2 of the General
Header Block #1 must be set to FFFF.

4,5 EN15 - EN0 Extended Channel Sets/Scan Types (two bytes, unsigned
binary). Allows the number of Channel Sets/Scan Types to be
greater than the 99 allowed in the standard General Header (byte
29). When using the Extended Channel Sets/Scan Types, byte
29 of General Header Block #1 must be set to FF.

6,7 ECX15 - ECX0 Extended Header Blocks (two bytes, unsigned binary). Allows
the number of Extended Header Blocks (of 32 bytes each) to be
greater than the 99 allowed by the standard General Header
(byte 31). To use more than 99 Extended Header Blocks, set
byte 31 of General Header Block #1 to FF, and use these two

8,9 EH15 - EH0 External Header Blocks (two byte, unsigned binary). Allows the
number of 32 byte External Header Blocks to be greater than the
99 allowed by the General Header (byte 32). To use more than
99 External Header Blocks, set byte 32 of General Header Block
#1 to FF, and use these two bytes.

10 X These fields are undefined by the format and may have any

11 REV7 - REV0 SEG-D Revision Number (One byte unsigned binary with one
12 REV-1 - REV-8 byte binary fraction. Revisions 0 to 0.N are not valid.). This
version is Rev 2.00.

13,14 GT15 - GT0 Number of Blocks of General Trailer (two bytes, unsigned
binary). The number of 32 byte blocks to be used for General

15,16,17 ERL23 - ERL0 Extended Record Length (three bytes, unsigned binary) indicates
the record length in milliseconds. When using extended record
length, the record length in the General Header Blk #1, Bytes 26
& 27 must be set to FFF.

18 X These fields are undefined by the format and may have any

19 BN7 - BN0 General Header Block Number. (one byte unsigned binary) Set
to 2 for this block. Zero is not valid.

20 - 32 X These fields are undefined by format and may have any


1. Where the range of allowable numbers is not indicated, the follow ranges apply.
Two byte unsigned binary, range is 0 - FF,
Four byte unsigned binary, range is 0 - FFFF,
Three byte, two's complement, signed binary; range is -7FFFFF to +7FFFFF

8.3 GENERAL HEADER BLOCK #N (N Greater than 2)


_____ ________________________________________________________________
1,2,3 EF23 - EF0 Expanded File Number (three bytes, unsigned binary). For file
numbers greater than the 9999, bytes 1 and 2 of the General
Header Block #1 must be set to FFFF.

4,5,6 SLNS,SLN22-SLN0 Source Line Number, Integer (three bytes, two's complement,
signed binary). General Header Block #2 contains the source
location for one Source Set. Additional General Header Blocks
may be used to provide position information for additional
source sets.

7,8 SLN-1 - SLN-16 Source Line Number, Fraction

9,10,11 SPNS,SPN22- SPN0 Source Point Number, Integer (three bytes, two's complement,
signed binary).

12,13 SPN-1 - SPN-16 Source Point Number, Fraction.

14 SPI7 - SPI0 Source Point Index (one byte, unsigned binary). This index
allows several locations for the source in the grid, the original
value is one and that value is incremented by one every time the
source is moved, even when it is moved back to a previous
location. Zero value means that the Source Point Index is not

15 PC7 - PC0 Phase Control (unsigned binary). Identifies the signal used to
control the phase of the vibrator output. Assumes following the
1991 Vibrator Polarity Stds.
Phase Control not recorded 00
Baseplate accelerometer 01
Reaction Mass 02
Weighted sum (baseplate 03
acceleration times mass
plus reaction mass
acceleration times its mass).
Direct force measurement 04

It is anticipated that additional codes will be added later. If

Phase Control is set to Zero then the Phase Angle (Bytes 17, 18)
is undefined.

16 V7 - V0 Type Vibrator (unsigned binary).

Type not recorded 00
P wave vibrator 01
Shear wave vibrator 02
Marine vibrator 03
Other types may be added later.
17,18 PAS, PA14 - PA0 Phase Angle (two bytes, two's complement, signed binary). The Phase
angle of the intercept of the pilot signal with respect to the phase
feedback signal, measured in degrees. Phase Angle is set to zero
when Phase Control (Byte 15) is zero (Phase Control not

19 BN7 - BN0 General Header Block Number (one byte unsigned binary). Set
to N for this block. Zero is not valid.

20 SS7 - SS0 Source Set Number (unsigned binary). Used to allow multiple
sets of sources. Zero is not valid.

21-32 X These fields are undefined by format and may have any value.

8.4 SCAN TYPE HEADER (channel set descriptor)

The scan type header is determined by the system configuration and consists of one or more channel set
descriptors each of 32 bytes followed by a series of 32 byte sample skew fields. A channel set is defined
as a group of channels operating with the same set of parameters and being sampled as part of a scan of
data. A scan type header can be composed of from 1 to 99 channel set descriptors. If dynamic parameter
changes are required during the recording, additional scan type headers must be added, each containing
the channel set descriptors necessary to define the new parameters. Each scan type header must have the
same number of channel set descriptors (see Appendix E.4).



_____ _________________________________________________________________
1 ST1, ST2 These two digits (1-99) identify the number of the scan type
header to be described by the subsequent bytes. The first scan
type header is 1 and the last scan type header number is the same
value as Byte 28 (ST/R) of the General Header Block #1. If a
scan type header contains more than one channel set descriptor,
the scan type header number will be repeated in each of its
channel set descriptors. If the system does not have dynamic
parameter changes during the record, such as switched sampling
intervals, there will only be one scan type header required.

2 CN1, CN2 These two digits (1-99) identify the channel set to be described
in the next 30 bytes within this scan type header. The first
channel set is "1" and the last channel set number is the same
number as Byte 29 (CS) of the General Header Block #1. If the
scan actually contains fewer channel sets than CS, then dummy
channel set descriptors are included as specified in Byte 29 of
General Header Block #1. Set to FF when using Channel Sets
beyond 99.

3 TF16 thru TF9 Channel set starting time. This is a binary number where TF1 =
4 TF8 thru TF1 21 msec (2-msec increments). This number identifies the timing
word of the first scan of data in this channel set. In a single
scan type record, this would typically be recorded as a zero (an
exception might be deep water recording). In multiple scan type
records, this number represents the starting time, in
milliseconds, of the channel set. Start times from 0 to 131,070
msec (in 2-msec increments) can be recorded.

5 TE16 thru TE9 Channel set end time. This is a binary number where TE1 = 21
6 TE8 thru TE1 milliseconds (2 millisecond increments). These two bytes
represent the record end time of the channel set in milliseconds.
TE may be used to allow the termination of a particular channel
set shorter than other channel sets within its scan type. In a
single scan type record, Bytes 5 and 6 would be the length of the
record. End times up to 131,070 msec (in 2-msec increments)
can be recorded.

7 MP-3, MP-10 Optional byte which extends the resolution available for MP

8 MPS, MP4 thru This sign magnitude binary number is the exponent of the base 2
MP-2 multiplier to be used to descale the data on tape to obtain input
voltage in millivolts. The radix point is between MP0 and MP-1.
This multiplier has a range of 231.75 to 2-31.75. (See Appendix E7
of the SEG-D Standard.)

9 C/S1, C/S2 This is the number of channels in this channel set. It can assume
10 C/S3, C/S4 a number from 0-9999.

11 C1, 0 Channel type identification:

Bits 0 1 2 3
0 1 1 1 Other
0 1 1 0 External Data
0 1 0 1 Time counter
0 1 0 0 Water break
0 0 1 1 Up hole
0 0 1 0 Time break
0 0 0 1 Seis
0 0 0 0 Unused
1 0 0 0 Signature/unfiltered
1 0 0 1 Signature/filtered
1 1 0 0 Auxiliary Data Trailer

12 S/C This packed BCD number is an exponent of 2. The number (2S/C)

represents the number of subscans of this channel set in the base
scan. Possible values for this parameter (2S/C) are 1 to 512 (20 to
29). Reference Byte 23 of the General Header Block #1.

12 J Channel gain control method.

Bits Gain mode
4 5 6 7
0 0 0 1 (1) Individual AGC
0 0 1 0 (2) Ganged AGC
0 0 1 1 (3) Fixed gain
0 1 0 0 (4) Programmed gain
1 0 0 0 (8) Binary gain control
1 0 0 1 (9) IFP gain control

13 AF1, AF2 Alias filter frequency. It can be coded for any frequency from
14 AF3, AF4 0 to 9999 Hz.
15 O, AS1 Alias filter slope in dB per octave. It can be coded from 0 to
16 AS2, AS3 999 dB in 1-dB steps. A zero indicates the filter is out (see
Appendix E3 for definition).

17 LC1, LC2 Low-cut filter setting. It can be coded for any frequency from
18 LC3, LC4 0 to 9999 Hz.
19 0, LS1 Low-cut filter slope. It can be coded for any slope from 0 to
20 LS2, LS3 999 dB per octave. A zero slope indicates the filter is out. (See
Appendix E3 for definition.)

21 NT1, NT2 Notch frequency setting. It can be coded for any frequency from
22 NT3, NT4 0 to 999.9 Hz. The out filter is written as 000.0 Hz.

The following notch filters are coded in a similar manner:

23 NT1, NT2 Second notch frequency

24 NT3, NT4
25 NT1, NT2 Third notch frequency
26 NT3, NT4

27,28 ECS15- ECS0 Extended Channel Set Number (two byte unsigned binary).
Contains the complete value that is (or should have been)
contained in byte two (CN1,CN2). Allows additional Channel
Sets, beyond the 99 which can be described in byte two. When
using Channel sets beyond 99, or when using binary numbers for
the Channel Set Number, set byte 2 (CN1, CN2) to FF.

29 EFH3- EFH0 Extended Header flag (one nibble, four bits, unsigned binary).
Set to 1 to indicate that the extended header contains additional
information on the channel set.

29 THE3-THE0 Trace Header Extensions. 4 bits, unsigned binary. Must match

byte 10 of the Demux Trace Header.

30 VS7- VS0 Vertical Stack (one byte, unsigned binary). Effective stack
order. Set to zero if the trace data was intentionally set to real
zero. Set to one if no stack. Set to the effective stack order if
the data is the result of stacked data (with or without

31 CAB7-CAB0 Streamer Cable number (8 bit unsigned binary). Required for

streamer data only. Identifies the number of the streamer cable

that will be identified in this block. The starboard-most cable is
identified as cable 1 while the Port most cable is N. Zero means
that the Streamer Cable number has not been recorded.

32 ARY7-ARY0 Array Forming (8 bit binary). Identifies whether the data in this
channel set is the result of array forming.

01 Hex No array forming.

02 Hex 2 groups summed, no weighting.
03 Hex 3 groups summed, no weighting.
04 Hex 4 groups summed, no weighting.
0N Hex N groups summed, no weighting.
1N Hex N groups weighted, overlapping, summation.



_____ _________________________________________________________________
1,2 F1- F4 File Number (two byte, four digit, BCD). These bytes must be
set to FFFF when the Extended File Number (bytes 18,19,20) is

3 ST1- ST2 Scan Type Number (one byte, two digit, BCD). This byte must
be set to FF when the Extended Channel Set Number (bytes 16
& 17) is used.

4 CN1-CN2 Channel Set Number (one byte, two digit, BCD).

5,6 TN1- TN4 Trace Number (two byte, four digit, BCD).

7,8,9 T15- T-8 First Timing Word. These bytes comprise the timing word that would
accompany the first sample if these data were written in the
multiplexed format. To obtain the exact sample timing, the
actual sample skew time (byte 11 multiplied by the base can
interval) must be added to the time recorded in bytes 7,8,9.

10 THE7- THE0 Trace Header Extensions (one byte, unsigned binary). Indicates
the number of Trace Header Extension blocks (32 bytes each).
Set to zero when no extensions are used. Maximum allowed is
15. Channels within the same channel set must have the same
number of Trace Header Extensions.

11 SSK-1- SSK-8 Sample Skew (one byte binary fraction). The fractional skew
value represents the fractional part of the base Scan Interval
(Byte 23 of General Header Block #1.

12 TR7- TR0 Trace edit (one byte, unsigned binary).

TR=00 No edit applied to this trace.
TR=01 Trace part of dead channels for roll-on or roll-off
spread. Trace intentionally zeroed.
TR=02 Trace intentionally zeroed.
TR=03 Trace has been edited. This flag will indicate that the
acquisition system has modified one or more samples of this
trace. Other codes are undefined at Rev 2.0.

13,14,15 TW15- TW-8 Time Break Window (three byte, unsigned binary. two bytes
integer with one byte fraction). Bytes 13, 14, and 15 are
included as an integrity check on time break. They comprise the
timing word of the scan in which TWI changed to a one.

16,17 EN15- EN0 Extended Channel Set Number (two byte, unsigned binary).
Allows Channel Set Numbers beyond the 99 which can be
indicated in byte 4. To allow Channel Set Numbers greater than

99, or to allow use of a binary channel set number, set byte 4 to
FF and use bytes 16 and 17 for the Channel Set Number.

18,19,20 EFN23- EFN0 Extended File Number (three byte, unsigned binary). Allows
File Numbers beyond the 9999 which can be indicated in bytes 1
and 2. To allow File Numbers greater than 9999, or to allow
use of a binary file numbers, set bytes 1 and 2 to FFFF and use
bytes 18, 19, and 20 for the File Number.



_____ _________________________________________________________________
1,2,3 RLNS, RLN22- RLN0 Receiver Line Number (three bytes, two's complement, signed

4,5,6 RPNS, RPN22- RPN0 Receiver Point Number (three bytes, two's complement, signed

7 RPIS, RPI6- RPI0 Receiver Point Index (one byte, two's complement, signed
binary). This index allows several locations for the receiver
group in the grid, the original value is 1 and that value is
incremented by 1 every time the receiver is moved, even when it
is moved back to the previous location).

8,9,10 NBS23- NBS0 Number of Samples per Trace (three bytes, unsigned binary).

11-15 ERLN Extended Receiver Line Number. Allows fractional Receiver

Line Numbers. Only valid if bytes 1-3 in this Trace Header
Extension are set to FFFFFF. Signed binary, three bytes integer,
two bytes fractional.

16-20 ERPN Extended Receiver Point Number. Allows fractional Receiver

Point Numbers. Only valid if bytes 4-6 in this Trace Header
Extension are set to FFFFFF. Signed binary, three bytes integer,
two bytes fractional.

21 SEN Sensor Type recorded on this trace (one byte unsigned binary)
00 Not defined
01 Hydrophone (pressure sensor)
02 Geophone (velocity sensor) Vertical
03 Geophone, Horizontal, inline
04 Geophone, Horizontal, cross-line
05 Geophone, Horizontal, other
06 Accelerometer, Vertical
07 Accelerometer, Horizontal, inline
08 Accelerometer, Horizontal, cross-line
09 Accelerometer, Horizontal, other
other values are not defined at the present time.

22 - 32 X These fields are undefined by format and may have any value.


This type header allows provisions for recording auxiliary seismic system and real-time navigation
related data in the trailer. The trailer is optional and typically follows all other recorded data.

The addition of the trailer will allow the accumulation of system faults, data QC information, and real-
time navigation position and timing information on the same tape, and contiguous with, the shotpoint that
it relates to. By recording this data after all of the other data, additional time is provided for collecting
the data and transferring it to the recording system.

The Trailer blocks take the same general form as the Channel Set Descriptor. Byte 11 uses the "Channel
Type Identification" set to 1100 to indicate a Trailer block.
Bytes 1 and 2 indicate the number of the General Trailer block, with the first block numbered as 1.

All other information in the trailer is optional and may be formatted as desired by the manufacturer/user.

The number of General Trailer blocks is indicated in bytes 13 and 14 of General Header Block #2.


_____ _________________________________________________________________
1,2 GT15- GT0 General Trailer Number (two bytes unsigned binary). The first
block is 1. The last General Trailer block should contain the
same number in this field as in bytes 13 and 14 of General
Header Block #2.

3 - 10 X These fields are undefined by format. They may have any value.

11 C1, 0 Channel Type Identification (one nibble, unsigned binary). Set

to 1100 for General Trailers. The second nibble of this byte is
undefined and may have any value.

12 - 32 X These fields are undefined by format. They may have any value.

Appendix A: Manufacturers of Seismic Field Recorders

Code No. Manufacturer Name and Address

01 Alpine Geophysical Associates, Inc. (Obsolete)

65 Oak St.
Norwood, New Jersey
02 Applied Magnetics Corporation (See 09)
75 Robin Hill Rd.
Goleta, California 93017

03 Western Geophysical Exploration Products (formerly Litton Resources Systems)

3600 Briarpark Drive,
Houston, Texas 77042

04 SIE, Inc. (Obsolete)

5110 Ashbrook
Houston, Texas 77036

05 Dyna-Tronics Mfg. Corporation (Obsolete)

5820 Star Ln., Box 22202
Houston, Texas 77027

06 Electronic Instrumentation, Inc. (Obsolete)

601 Dooley Rd., Box 34046
Dallas, Texas 75234

07 Halliburton Geophysical Services, Inc.,(formerly, Electro-Technical

Labs, Div.of Geosource, Inc.)
6909 Southwest Freeway
Houston, Texas 77074

08 Fortune Electronics, Inc. (Obsolete)

5606 Parkersburg Dr.
Houston, Texas 77036

09 Geo Space Corporation

7334 Gessner
Houston, Texas 77040

10 Leach Corporation (Obsolete)

405 Huntington Dr.
San Marino, California

11 Metrix Instrument Co. (Obsolete)
8200 Westglen
Box 36501
Houston, Texas 77063

12 Redcor Corporation (Obsolete)

7800 Deering Ave., Box 1031
Canoga Park, California 91304

13 Sercel (Societe d'Etudes, Recherches Et Constructions Electroniques)

25 X, 44040 Nantes Cedex,

14 Scientific Data Systems (SDS), (Obsolete)

1649 Seventeenth St.
Santa Monica, California 90404

15 Texas Instruments, Inc.

P.O. Box 1444
Houston, Texas 77001

17 GUS Manufacturing, Inc.

P.O. Box 10013
El Paso, Texas 79991

18 Input/Output, Inc.
12300 Parc Crest Dr.
Stafford, Texas 77477

19 Geco-Prakla
Transition Zone Product Development
(formerly Terra Marine Engineering)
10420 Miller Road
Dallas, Texas 75238

20 Fairfield Industries, Incorporated

10627 Kinghurst
Houston, Texas 77099

22 Geco-Prakla
Buckingham Gate, Gatwick Airport
West Sussex, RH6 ONZ, UK

31 Japex Geoscience Institute 1991

Akasaka Twin Towers Bldg. 2;
2-17-22, Akasaka
Minato-ku; Tokyo 107, Japan

32 Halliburton Geophysical Services, Inc. 1991
6909 Southwest Freeway
Houston, Texas 77074

33 Compuseis, Inc. 1993

8920 Business Park Dr, Ste 275,
Austin, Texas 78759

34 Syntron, Inc. 1993

17200 Park Row
Houston, Texas 77084

35 Syntron Europe Ltd. 1993

Birchwood Way
Cotes Park Industrial Estates
Somercotes, Alfreton,
Dergyshire DE55 4QQ, U.K.

36 Opseis 1994
7700 E. 38th St.
Tulsa, OK 74145

39 Grant Geophysical 1995

16850 Park Row
Houston, Tx 77084

40 Geo-X 1996
Suite 900, 425 1st St SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P3L8

Appendix B: Glossary

Attribute - A named item of information or data pertaining to an object.

Base scan interval - The time between timing words. A base scan interval usually contains one scan but
under some conditions may contain multiple subscans.
Beginning of tape mark (BOT) - An indelible mark (e.g., reflector) near the beginning of the tape that
indicates the start of the region in which recorded data is permitted.
Block - The data between gaps on tape.
Channel set - One or more channels sampled at the same sampling interval and containing the same
filter, fixed gain, and other fixed parameter information.
Channel set descriptor - A unit of the scan type header describing the parameters of a channel set.
Data recording method - The arrangement of bits to represent samples on tape.
End of data flag (EOD) - A special record or condition on the tape used to indicate the end of data on
the tape.
End of file mark (EOF) - A special record or condition on the tape that indicates the end of a tape file.
Also called File Mark.
End of tape warning (ETW) - An indelible mark (e.g., reflector), located a required minimum distance
from the physical end of the tape that serves as a warning.
File - All data recorded from a single energy impluse or sweep. It may also be the sum of a number of
energy impluses or sweeps. Literally, it is all of the blocks between file marks.
Filemark - A special record or state of a media index that indicates the end of a physical file.
Format Data - recording method combined with a multiplexed/demultiplexed indicator (see general
header Bytes 3 and 4).
General header - The first header in the header block. It contains information common to the entire
Index byte - The byte number of some particular parameter within the general or scan type header.
Organization code - A number assigned by the American Petroleum Institute to an organization that
identifies the organization and represents schemas and dictionaries defined and administered by the
Packed BCD - Binary coded decimal digits represented by four data bits.
Partition - An independent recording area resulting from physical formatting of the media that can be
mounted as though it were a single volume.
Physical blocks (on tape) - A collection of contiguous bytes recorded as a unit on a longitudinal tape or
a track set on helical scan tape. Physical blocks on longitudinal tape are separated by interblock gaps.
Sample skew - The fraction of the base scan interval between the timing word and the actual time the
sample was taken in a base scan interval (not related to position on tape).
Sampling interval - The interval between readings such as the time between successive samples of a
digital seismic trace.
Scan - One complete sequence of events, such as sampling all channels. Data recorded during a base
scan interval.
Scan interval - The interval between readings of all samples contained in a scan type.
Scan type - One complete set of channel sets which make up a scan. A seismic record contains multiple
scans, and may or may not contain more than one scan type.
Scan type header - A header containing one or more channel set descriptors and the skew information.
Schema - A formalized description of the encoding of information defined by a logical model, typically
in terms of a data model.
Storage set - An ordered set of storage units, the position in the set is specified in the storage unit label.
Storage unit - A logical volume of data containing on or more logical files.
Subscan - A set of samples containing one sample for each channel in a channel set.

Tape file - Is the data contained between two File Marks or between an File Mark at its beginning and an
EOD at its end. A typical implementation of EOD is an empty tape file, i.e., two consecutive File Marks.
Some systems implement EOD as two or more (possibly many) File Marks.
Tape record - A sequence of data bytes treated as a unit by the tape I/O subsystem. The application
provides the number of bytes in the tape record when writing and is returned the number of bytes in the
tape record when reading. A tape record has an identifiable beginning on the tape, which need not be on
the boundary of a physical block, and which is locatable by the tape I/O subsystem.
Time break window - Time interval in which time break is expected. If time break does not occur by
the end of the window, internal time break is generated.
Trace - A record of one seismic channel within a scan type. A collection of a sequential set of points
from one seismic channel.
Trace block - A block containing the data of one trace or a part of a trace with constant parameters.

Appendix C: API Producer Organization Code

C.1 Scope

Table A-l contains a list of organization codes assigned by the American Petroleum Institute, Exploration
and Production Department (API E&cP) for use in API Recommended Practice 66.
Several of the organization codes in this appendix are historical in nature and reflect the well log origins
of API Recommended Practice 66.

C.2 Assignment of Organization Codes

Organization codes are assigned by API Exploration and Production Department, which maintains the
current list of codes. To request a new organization code, contact:
American Petroleum Institute
Exploration and Production Department
1220 L Street, N. W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 682-8000
FAX: (202) 682-8426

Table C-1—Organization Codes

Code Organization 150 Dresser Atlas

0 API Subcommittee On Recommended 160 Eanhworm Drilling
Format For Digital Wel1 Data, 170 Electronic Logging Company
Basic Schema 180 Elgen
1 Operator 190 El Toro
2 Driller 200 Empire
3 Mud Logger 210 Frontier
10 Analysts, The 215 Geolog
20 Baroid 217 Geoshare
30 Birdwell 220 G O International
40 BPB 230 Gravilog
50 Brett Exploration 240 Great Guns Servicing
60 Cardinal 250 Great Lakes Petroleum Services
65 Center Line Data 260 GTS
66 API Subcommittee On Recommended 268 Guardian Data Seistnic Pty. Ltd.
Format For Digital Well Data, DLIS 270 Guns
Schema 280 Hallibunon Logging
70 Century Geophysical 285 Horizon Production Logging
77 CGG Logging, Massey France 290 Husky
80 Charlene Well Surveying 300 Jetwell
90 Compagnie de Services Numerique 310 Lane Wells
95 Comprobe 315 Logicom Computer Setvices
100 Computer Data Processors 320 Magnolia
110 Computrex 330 McCullough Tool
115 COPGO Wood Group 335 Mincom Pty Ltd
120 Core Laboratories 337 MR-DPTS Ltd.
125 CRC Wireline, Inc. 338 NRI On-Line Inc.
127 Davis Great Guns Logging, Wichita, KS 339 Oilware, Inc.
129 Digicon Exploration, Ltd. 340 Pan Geo Atlas
130 Digigraph 345 Perfco
137 Digital Logging Inc., Tulsa, OK 350 Perfojet Services
140 Digitech 360 Perforating Guns of Canada
145 Deines Perforating 362 Petroleum Exploration Computer
Consultants, Ltd. 464 Shell Service Co.
366 Phillips Petroleum Company 465 Stratigraphic Systems, Inc.
370 Petroleum Information 470 Triangle
380 Petrophysics 480 Welex
390 Pioneer 490 Well Reconnaissance
395 QC. Data Collectors 495 Wellsite Information Transfer Specification
400 Ram Guns (WITS)
410 Riley's Datashare 500 Well Surveys
420 Roke 510 Western Westronics
430 Sand Surveys 520 Winters
440 Schlumberger 525 Wireline
450 Scientific Software 530 Wireline Electronics
460 Seismograph Service 540 Worth Well
462 SEGDEF 560 Z & S Consultants Limited
463 SEG Technical Standards High Density 999 Reserved for local schemes
Media Format Subcommittee 1000 Petrotechnical Open Software

Appendix D: Header Descriptors


ARY Channel Set Descriptor ARRAY FORMING
AS Channel Set Descriptor ALIAS FILTER SLOPE
CAB Channel Set Descriptor STREAMER NUMBER
Channel Set Descriptor CHANNEL SET NUMBER
DY General Header Blk #1 DAY OF YEAR
F Demux Trace Header FILE NUMBER
General Header Blk #1 FILE NUMBER
H General Header Blk #1 HOUR OF DAY
I General Header Blk #1 BASE SCAN INTERVAL
J Channel Set Descriptor GAIN CONTROL METHOD
K General Header Blk #1 GENERAL CONSTANTS
LS Channel Set Descriptor LOW CUT FILTER SLOPE
MI General Header Blk #1 MINUTE OF HOUR
MP Channel Set Descriptor DESCALING EXPONENT
P General Header Blk #1 POLARITY
PA General Header Blk #N PHASE ANGLE
PC General Header Blk #N PHASE CONTROL
R General Header Blk #1 RECORD LENGTH
S/C Channel Set Descriptor SAMPLE/CHANNEL GAIN
SE General Header Blk #1 SECOND
SK General Header Blk #1 SKEW BLOCKS
SS General Header Blk #N SOURCE SET NUMBER
SSK Demux Trace Header SAMPLE SKEW
ST Demux Trace Header SCAN TYPES
Channel Set Descriptor SCAN TYPES
ST/R General Header Blk #1 SCAN TYPES PER RECORD
T Demux Trace Header FIRST TIMING WORD
TE Channel Set Descriptor CHANNEL SET END TIME
TF Channel Set Descriptor CHANNEL SET START TIME
TN Demux Trace Header TRACE NUMBER
TR Demux Trace Header TRACE EDIT
V General Header Blk #N TYPE VIBRATOR
VS Channel Set Descriptor VERTICAL STACK
Y General Header Blk #1 FORMAT CODE
YR General Header Blk #1 YEAR
Z General Header Blk #1 RECORD TYPE

Appendix E: Examples and Calculations

E.1 Samples per scan type

S / S = ∑ C / S × 2 s/c

S/S = samples per scan type
C/S = channels in this channel set (channel set descriptor Bytes 9 and 10)
2s/c = samples per channel (in this channel set) (channel set descriptor Byte 12)
CS = number of channel sets in this scan type (general header Byte 29)

For example, for a 2-msec base scan interval with 4 auxiliary channels at 2 msec, 96 channels at 2 msec
and 12 channels at ½ msec. There are three channel sets, so CS = 3.
S/S = C/S x 2s/c  + C/S x 2s/c  + . . .
cs = 1 cs = 2

S/S = 4 x 1 + 96 x 1 + 12 x 4
S/S = 4 + 96 + 48 = 148

Note that all scan types must have the same number of data samples.

E.2 Skew fields per scan type

SK = (If the quotient is not a whole number, round up to the next largest whole number)
SK = skew fields (of 32 bytes each) per scan type (general header Byte 30)
S/S = samples per scan (Appendix E1)
Substituting for S/S from Appendix E.1:

1 CS

SK = C/S×2
32 1

(If the quotient is not a whole number, round up to the next largest whole number.)
CS = the number of channel sets in each scan type (general header Byte 29)
C/S = channels in this channel set (channel set descriptor Bytes 9 and 10)
2s/c = samples per channel in this channel set (channel set descriptor Byte 12).

For example, for a 2-msec base scan with 4 auxiliary channels at 2 msec, 96 channels at 2 msec and 12
channels at ½ msec

SK =
4 x1+ 96x1+ 12x 4
148 20
= = 4 roundup = 5 fields of 32 bytes each
32 32

E.3 Filter slope calculation

Modern filters may not have a constant slope, so it is necessary to define this parameter. The slope is
defined as the asymptote of effective perfomance as it would be in a constant slope filter. This slope is
zero dB attenuation at the cut-off frequency and a specific attenuation at the beginning of the stop band.
The chosen values are 40 dB for a low-cut filter and 60 dB for an anti-alias filter.

Low-cut filter slope calculation.--

LS= 40 = 40 = 12.04
log2fLCO/f40 3.322 log10fLCO/f40 log10fLCO/f40

LS = low-cut filter slope (channel set descriptor Bytes 19 and 20),

f40 = the frequency of 40 dB low-cut filter attenuation,
fLCO = low-cut filter cut-off frequency ususally 6 or 12 dB attenuation.

Alias-filter slope calculation.--

AS = 60 = 60 = 18.06
log2f60/fACO 3.322 log10f60/fACO log10f60/fACO

AS = alias filter slope (channel set descriptor Bytes 15 and 16)

f60 = the frequency of 60 dB alias-filter attenuation
fACO = alias-filter cut-off frequency usually 3 or 6 dB attenuation

The resultant slope in the above calculation is rounded to the nearest whole number and is written in the
channel set descriptor.

Appendix F: Maximum Block Sizes

The table below indicates the maximum allowable block size for accepted types of media. It is expected
that this table will need to be updated approximately once per year.
Device Type Maximum Block Size

3480 128 Kilobytes

3490, 3490E 256 Kilobytes
3590 512 Kilobytes
DST 1,199,840 Bytes
Redwood 256 Kilobytes
1/2” Round Tape 64 Kilobytes

Kilobyte is defined as 1024 bytes


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