Ch6-Brand Personality Activity
Ch6-Brand Personality Activity
Ch6-Brand Personality Activity
• Select one fashion brand that portrays strong personalities. Describe its target market.
• Read the following articles about selfie related marketing
• Suggest a unique/relevant selfie marketing for the brand that should be consistent with
the brand personality and attractive to its target market.
Describe Its Target Age: the consumer is aged between 18-32. He/she/they is a young adult
Market who is open to new fashion trends/silhouettes.
(Age, gender, location,
social life, fashion Gender: The gender fluctuates with this brand. The clothing itself has
leadership, shopping no gender identity as it is very uni. If the consumer loves the piece and
channel preference, can rock it, they will wear it.
media usage, etc.)
Location: They are located in big cities that are fashion forward like
New York or Los Angeles. Staying in big cities like this gives them an
ability to observe new styles and fashion on the street.
Social life: they are social beings and pretty active on social media.
Their favorite app would probably be Pinterest because they are able to
create a look board or observe other fashion forward people. They post
their outfits a lot on social media platforms like Instagram. They enjoy
going out with friends for a few drinks or just meeting up to get some
Shopping channel preferences: they are a huge buyer for online fashion.
They mainly consume their fashion online so it’s easy to click links or
look for similar looks. From time to time, they don't mind saving so they
like to second hand shop.
Media usage: they are young and hyper aware of whats going on in the
fashion industry and the world in general. They pride themselves on
staying up to date on the political climate and remaining active on
environmental issues. They have an active role on social media and
wants their voice to be heard.
Describe personalities of Through the freudian system, their target market would be described as
the Target Market someone who enjoys pleasure and Immediate gratification through
• Freudian System shopping. They have the leisure time and money to spend money on one
(Id, Ego, or or two quality items that will make them happy.
• CAD Elements Through the CAD Elements, the target market would be described as a
• Self-image (Actual mix of compliant and detached. The consumer is independent and self
vs. Ideal), self- sufficient so they don't care about standing out with their style or
esteem personality but there is a small desire to still be loved by most (people
Suggest Possible Selfie Possible selfie marketing: I think a cool selfie marketing strategy would
Marketing for the Brand: be to challenge the consumer to go out and take pictures in front of
Explain why it is cool murals around their city. You wear your favorite clothing item from
appropriate for the brand the collection and bring awareness to all the cool art thats around your
and its target market city. It aligns with the collection because she hand designed her items so
considering personalities its like a form of art. It also challenges people to explore their city for a
identified above. new photo on their feed. Their picture would be featured so it could get
others to go out and want to emulate someone else’s photo.