Injury: Juul Gouweloos, Ingri L.E. Postma, Hans Te Brake, Marit Sijbrandij, Rolf J. Kleber, J. Carel Goslings
Injury: Juul Gouweloos, Ingri L.E. Postma, Hans Te Brake, Marit Sijbrandij, Rolf J. Kleber, J. Carel Goslings
Injury: Juul Gouweloos, Ingri L.E. Postma, Hans Te Brake, Marit Sijbrandij, Rolf J. Kleber, J. Carel Goslings
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The risk of PTSD and depression after an airplane crash and its
potential association with physical injury: A longitudinal study
Juul Gouweloos a,b,*, Ingri L.E. Postma c, Hans te Brake a, Marit Sijbrandij d,e,
Rolf J. Kleber b, J. Carel Goslings c
Impact – National Knowledge and Advice Centre for Psychosocial Care Concerning Critical Incidents, Partner in Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group, Nienoord 5,
1112XE Diemen, The Netherlands1
Utrecht University, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Academic Medical Centre, Trauma Unit Department of Surgery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
VU University Amsterdam, Department of Clinical Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Article history: In 2009, a commercial airplane crashed near Amsterdam. This longitudinal study aims to investigate (1)
Accepted 1 July 2015 the proportion of survivors of the airplane crash showing a probable posttraumatic stress disorders
(PTSD) or depressive disorder, and (2) whether symptoms of PTSD and depression were predicted by
Keywords: trauma characteristics. Identifying these trauma characteristics is crucial for early detection and
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment. Of the 121 adult survivors, 82 participated in this study 2 months after the crash and
Depression 76 participated 9 months after the crash. Risk for PTSD and depression was measured with the self-report
Injury severity
instruments Trauma Screening Questionnaire and Patient Health Questionnaire-2. Trauma character-
istics assessed were Injury Severity Score (ISS), hospitalisation, length of hospital stay, and seating
Airplane crash
Longitudinal study position in the plane. Two months after the crash, 32 participants (of N = 70, 46%) were at risk for PTSD
and 28 (of N = 80, 32%) were at risk for depression. Nine months after the crash, 35 participants (of N = 75,
47%) were at risk for PTSD and 24 (of N = 76, 35%) were at risk for depression. There was a moderate
correlation between length of hospital stay and symptoms of PTSD and depression 9 months after the
crash (r = .33 and r = .45, respectively). There were no differences in seating position between
participants at high risk vs. participants at low risk for PTSD or depression. Mixed design ANOVAs
showed also no association between the course of symptoms of PTSD and depression 2 and 9 months
after the crash and ISS or hospitalisation. This suggests that health care providers need to be aware that
survivors may be at risk for PTSD or depression, regardless of the objective severity of their physical
ß 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0020–1383/ß 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Gouweloos J, et al. The risk of PTSD and depression after an airplane crash and its potential association
with physical injury: A longitudinal study. Injury (2015),
G Model
JINJ-6288; No. of Pages 7
and depression is crucial to facilitating early identification. and crew) of 12 different nationalities, 9 were fatally wounded
Characteristics of the traumatic event may affect the development [1]. All 126 survivors (including 5 children) were screened and
of symptoms of PTSD and depression following trauma [7,8]. For treated for injuries at the emergency departments of several
instance, trauma severity and proximity to the stressor are hospitals. Demographic data (age, gender and nationality) and
associated with an increased risk for symptoms [7,8]. Both extensive medical data on all survivors were gathered. The regional
concepts refer to the degree to which someone is directly exposed Community Health Service (CHS) conducted a survey to identify
to the traumatic event, for instance by measuring perceived life symptoms of PTSD and depression 2 and 9 months after the crash
threat or physical danger. Physical injury is often also considered a using self-report instruments, administered by telephone. Survi-
possible risk factor [7], however, research on the relationship vors were invited to participate by letter or phone call. Interviews
between physical injury and mental health problems following were conducted in Turkish, Dutch or English.
trauma demonstrates conflicting results. Most studies carried out Fig. 1 provides a flow diagram showing survivors of the crash and
in injured trauma patients investigated survivors of motor vehicle the participants of this study. The inclusion criterion was age above
accidents and the majority of these studies report no significant 14 years. Response rates were 68% at timepoint 1 (at 2 months;
relationship between injury severity and incidence of PTSD and/or n = 82, total adult survivors N = 121) and 63% at timepoint 2 (at
depression [9–11]. However, since most of these studies were 9 months; n = 76). The main reasons given for refusal to participate
conducted in severely injured trauma patients, it remains possible were that the individual had moved on with his or her life, had
that patients with severe injuries may be at higher risk for PTSD already received psychological treatment or did not want to talk
than patients with no or very mild injuries. about their complaints. These reasons also explain why, especially
This study examined two research questions: (1) what was the at timepoint 1, some participants chose to complete only a brief part
proportion of survivors of the February 2009 airplane crash of the study protocol that consisted of 2 items (PHQ-2).
showing a probable posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or
depressive disorder 2 months and 9 months after the crash? Outcome measures
and (2) to what extent were symptoms of PTSD and depression
associated with trauma characteristics (injury severity, hospita- To address our first research question, symptoms of PTSD and
lisation, length of stay in hospital and seating position) among depression were measured. Symptoms of PTSD were measured
survivors of this airplane crash? using the Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ), a ten-item
The study population offered several advantages for research questionnaire developed to enable early identification of individ-
into this relationship. The population was homogeneous with uals at risk for PTSD [12,13]. The TSQ uses a yes/no response format
respect to the type of trauma, as the index trauma was shared by all and asks about symptoms during the past week. It consists of five
participants, and the survivors varied in terms of severity of injury items about re-experiencing and five items about arousal taken
– from not injured to severely injured – and length of stay in a from the DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
hospital after the crash. Also, we were able to include medical and Disorders, 4th ed.) PTSD criteria [14]; scores range from 0
psychological data of victims. (asymptomatic) to 10. A score 6 was considered to indicate that
The Medical Research Ethics Committee (MREC) of the the individual was at risk for PTSD [15]. The TSQ is considered to
Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam and the regional MREC of identify accurately individuals at risk for a PTSD diagnosis using
Noord Holland gave approval for this study. this threshold, when compared with a ‘‘gold standard’’, clinician-
administered interview; sensitivities of .76–.86 and specificities of
Methods .93–.97 have been reported [12].
Symptoms of depression were measured by the Patient Health
Study population Questionnaire 2 (PHQ-2), a two-item measure that inquires about
the frequency of depressed mood and anhedonia over the past two
On 25 February 2009, a commercial airplane crashed near weeks [16,17]. The PHQ-2 uses a four-option response format (not
Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Of the 135 occupants (passengers at all; several days; more than half the days; nearly every day).
Please cite this article in press as: Gouweloos J, et al. The risk of PTSD and depression after an airplane crash and its potential association
with physical injury: A longitudinal study. Injury (2015),
G Model
JINJ-6288; No. of Pages 7
Total score ranges from 0 to 6. A cut-off score of 3 was used to the squares of the highest AIS scores for the three most injured
identify those at risk for depression [18]. The PHQ-2 score 3 has body regions (head or neck, face, chest, abdominal or pelvic
been found to agree well with formal diagnosis, sensitivities of .83– contents, extremities or pelvic girdle, and external). The ISS scale
.87 and specificities of .78–.92 have been reported [16,18]. ranges from 1 to 75. To compare survivors with no or minor
To address our second research question, hospitalisation, length injuries and moderate to severe injuries, we used a threshold of ISS
of stay in hospital (LOS), Injury Severity Score (ISS) and seating scores greater than 8 [21]. Higher thresholds may exclude a
position in the airplane were measured. Hospitalisation was substantial number of participants with severe trauma [22].
measured dichotomously and indicated whether a participant had Information about seating position in the plane was provided
been admitted to a hospital after being treated in the emergency by the Dutch Safety Board. We used seating position as a means to
department. Sixty-four victims were hospitalised. LOS was gauge the degree of difficulty for victims to reach safety after the
measured in days. crash, calculated by the distance to the nearest exit. Number of
The ISS is based on the Abbreviated Injury Score (AIS) and has seats and rows survivors had to pass before reaching the nearest
been arguably the most used injury severity measure since its exit were counted. Survivors used the following exits (Fig. 2): two
development in 1974 [19,20]. The ISS is calculated as the sum of emergency exits above the right wing, one emergency exit above
Fig. 2. Seating position with respect to injury severity, risk for depression and risk for PTSD. The left figure shows risk for depression at timepoint 1 or 2. The right figure shows
risk for PTSD at timepoint 1 or 2. The middle figure shows injury severity directly after the crash.
Please cite this article in press as: Gouweloos J, et al. The risk of PTSD and depression after an airplane crash and its potential association
with physical injury: A longitudinal study. Injury (2015),
G Model
JINJ-6288; No. of Pages 7
the left wing, tear on the right sight between rows 7 and 8 difference between the study sample and non-responders in terms
(caused by the crash), and an opening at the rear after row of mean scores on ISS and LOS and group distributions on ISS and
28. The rear section of the plane (from row 29) had broken off and hospitalisation. After the crash 3 adult survivors were not injured
become separated from the main fuselage during impact, thereby (ISS = 0) and 118 were injured (ISS > 0). Of the 121 adult survivors,
creating an additional means of escape for passengers. A score of 45% (n = 54) had an ISS score of 1 (e.g. bruises, lacerations) and 30%
1 was given to each seat a survivor had to pass in his/her row, and (n = 36) were moderately to severely injured e.g. fractures,
to each additional row he/she had to pass before reaching the multiple trauma (ISS score > 8). Of those hospitalised (n = 64),
exit. These scores were then tallied and ranged from 0 (next to 21 stayed at the hospital for longer than 1 week and 3 participants
exit) to 10. stayed more than 1 month.
Table 1
Demographics and physical injury of the participants.
N (%) M (SD) N (%) M (SD) N (%) M (SD) N (%) M (SD) N (%) M (SD)
Please cite this article in press as: Gouweloos J, et al. The risk of PTSD and depression after an airplane crash and its potential association
with physical injury: A longitudinal study. Injury (2015),
G Model
JINJ-6288; No. of Pages 7
Table 2 2 months after the crash. This was the case for 22 (29%)
Mean TSQ score with respect to ISS and hospitalisation.
participants 9 months after the crash. These rates are relatively
N (64)a TSQ Timepoint 1 TSQ Timepoint 2 high, compared to previously reported prevalence of 10%
M (SD) M (SD) [2,23]. Possible explanations are that, firstly, all survivors were
ISS = 0–8 46 5.0 (3.4) 4.3 (3.5)
in close proximity to the event and were unable to escape;
ISS 9 18 5.7 (3.7) 5.8 (3.5) proximity is an important risk factor for mental health problems
Not hospitalised 30 5.0 (3.3) 3.7 (3.5) [7,24]. Although close proximity varies between events, it is
Hospitalised 34 5.4 (3.6) 5.5 (3.3) common in accidents such as an airplane crash. Close proximity
Number of participants that completed the TSQ at both timepoints. might explain why Gregg at al. [5] also found prevalence rates of
40% for PTSD and 33% for major depression among survivors of an
air crash in England (in which 47 people died and most of the
Table 3 79 survivors were injured) in the year after the crash. In 1988 Sloan
Mean PHQ-2 score with respect to ISS and hospitalisation.
[25] followed up 32 survivors of a non-fatal charter flight crash
N (66)a PHQ-2 Timepoint 1 PHQ-2 Timepoint 2 and also found initially intense stress that subsided over the
M (SD) M (SD) following months. However, results of other types of accidents,
ISS = 0–8 47 1.8 (2.0) 1.6 (1.8)
such as motor vehicle accidents, contradict this explanation:
ISS 9 19 2.1 (1.6) 2.2 (2.0) although some studies find a high risk of mental health problems
Not hospitalised 31 1.7 (2.0) 1.3 (1.6) [26–29], other do not find elevated rates [30,31].
Hospitalised 35 2.1 (1.8) 2.1 (2.0) A second explanation for the rather high percentage of
Number of participants that completed the PHQ-2 at both timepoints. participants showing a probable PTSD or depression relates to
the use of self-report screening instruments. These are known to
overestimate mental health problems compared to structured
also found no significant main effect of time on PTSD symptoms clinical interviews [32]. This explanation cannot in itself explain
(F(1, 62) = .64, p = .43) or depressive symptoms (F(1, 64) = .09, the higher prevalence, as many studies of mental health
p = .76), indicating that participants’ symptoms of PTSD and problems in disaster survivors have used self-report question-
depression did not change between 2 and 9 months after the naires and reported lower prevalence [3,33,34]. It is important
crash. We also found no significant main effect of low and high to note that the TSQ and PHQ-2 questionnaires are considered
injury severity groups on PTSD symptoms (F(1, 62) = 1.53, p = .22) accurate for the early identification of PTSD and depression.
or depressive symptoms (F(1, 64) = .94, p = .34), which means that A third explanation relates to cultural differences. Drogendijk
participants with low and high injury severity did not differ in their et al. [35,36] found that Turkish migrant victims of a disaster
level of PTSD symptoms and depressive symptoms. scored considerably higher than native Dutch victims on instru-
In case of hospitalisation as an independent (between group) ments assessing mental health problems and posttraumatic stress.
variable, there was no significant interaction effect between time To test this explanation we compared Turkish and Dutch
and hospitalisation regarding TSQ and PHQ-2 score (F(1, 62) = 3.83, participants in our sample, but found no group differences in
p = .06 and F(1, 64) = .21, p = .65, respectively). This means that the either TSQ or PHQ-2 score.
course of PTSD symptoms and depressive symptoms did not differ A fourth explanation might be that some survivors have not
between hospitalised participants and not-hospitalised partici- received the mental health care they needed. Survivors can be
pants. There was also no significant main effect of time on PTSD dissatisfied with the support provided after an airplane crash
symptoms (F(1, 62) = 2.43, p = .12) or depressive symptoms (F(1, [37]. The CHS actively sought to identify all survivors with mental
64) = .47, p = .50), and no significant main effect of hospitalisation health problems to help them find local psychosocial care.
on PTSD symptoms (F(1, 62) = 2.14, p = .15) or depressive Nevertheless, this explanation cannot be ruled out.
symptoms (F(1, 64) = 2.34, p = .13), indicating that both time The second research question focused on whether symptoms of
and hospitalisation had no effect on the symptom level of PTSD and PTSD and depression were associated with trauma characteristics.
depression. Injury severity and hospitalisation were not associated with the
The seating distribution of participants at risk for PTSD or course of symptoms of PTSD and depression. Previous studies also
depression is shown in Fig. 2 and Table 1. Visual inspection of Fig. 2 did not find any relations between physical injuries and mental
suggests no relationship between seating position and later being problems [9–11]. A possible explanation is that the subjective
at risk for PTSD or depression at both timepoints. Survivors later experience of the severity of an event may be more important than
assessed as at risk were spread throughout the plane. With respect objective indicators of trauma severity (such as ISS or hospitalisa-
to the number of seats and rows survivors had to pass before tion) [9,29,38]. Interestingly, seating position seemed also not
reaching the nearest exit, independent t-tests showed no differ- related. Those showing a probable PTSD or depression were not
ence at both timepoints between participants at high risk vs. nearer to an exit, where they might have been exposed to the crash
participants at low risk for PTSD (timepoint 1: t(68) = 1.02, for a shorter period of time or might have been less afraid of not
p = .31; timepoint 2: t(73) = 1.40, p = .17) or depression (time- being able to exit. Evidently, they were also not overly represented
point 1: t(78) = 1.74, p = .09; timepoint 2: t(74) = .73, p = .47). at the front of the plane, where the severe and critical injuries
Discussion Among those hospitalised, length of stay in a hospital was
significantly correlated with symptoms of PTSD and symptoms of
The first research question focused on the proportion of depression 9 months after the crash. This result is consistent with
survivors of a commercial airplane crash near Amsterdam, in the the findings of Sijbrandij et al. [9], who reported that injury tends
Netherlands, showing a probable PTSD or depressive disorder. We to be associated with late-onset symptoms rather than early
found that 2 months after the crash 32 survivors (46%) were at risk symptoms. In the long term survivors may become functionally
for PTSD and 28 (32%) for depression. Nine months after the crash, impaired and have work or relationship difficulties that may
still 35 survivors (47%) were at risk for PTSD and 24 (35%) for contribute to symptoms of depression and PTSD [39]. They suggest
depression. Risk for PTSD and depression also co-occurred: 18 that survivors may focus on physical recovery first and become
(27%) participants showed both a probable PTSD and depression aware of psychological distress later.
Please cite this article in press as: Gouweloos J, et al. The risk of PTSD and depression after an airplane crash and its potential association
with physical injury: A longitudinal study. Injury (2015),
G Model
JINJ-6288; No. of Pages 7
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Please cite this article in press as: Gouweloos J, et al. The risk of PTSD and depression after an airplane crash and its potential association
with physical injury: A longitudinal study. Injury (2015),