Dist - Model Paper

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Campus: Vellore

Term End –Model Question Paper

B.Tech – Information Technology – VI Semester
Course : ITE308 – Distributed Systems
Time: Three Hours Max.Marks:100

PART – A (8 X 5 = 40 Marks)
Answer ALL the Questions

1. (a) List the characteristics of distributed systems. [2]

(b) Differentiate flat file service from directory service. [3]

2. (a) State main purpose of proxy server in internetworking. [2]

(b) How network time service is implemented in a WAN? [3]

3. (a) State any two variants of client-server model. [2]

(b) List the main operations on files in UNIX systems. [3]

4. (a) Exemplify the purpose of using web crawlers along with the search engines? [2]
(b) With suitable sketch define the functionality of middleware layer. [3]

5. (a) When do we need for a Push-Model support? [2]

(b) What is the significance of navigation in DNS? [3]

6. (a) What is meant by conflicting operations? [2]

(b) Differentiate distance vector and link state routing algorithm. [3]

7. (a) Differentiate URL from URI with suitable example. [2]

(b) State the main purpose of routing overlays in distributed computing. [3]

8. (a) With neat sketch define clock synchronization using time server. [2]
(b) What is meant by totally ordered logical clock? [3]

PART – B (6 X 10 = 60 Marks)
Answer any SIX Questions

9. (a) State the significance of RIP in finding the route information. [3]
(b) Illustrate the variants of client server models with suitable examples. [7]

10. (a) List the essential design requirements of distributed architecture. [3]
(b) Explain two variants of the interaction model. [7]

11. (a) Typify the essential network transmission principles. [3]

(b) How are unused remote objects handled by java garbage handling? [7]

12. (a) Depict the necessity of UFIDs in flat file service with suitable example. [3]
(b) List out the pitfalls of christian’s algorithm and explain how Berkley’s algorithm [7]
tries to resolve the issue.

13. (a) Is two-phase locking restricted only to centralized methods of transaction? Justify. [3]
(b) Explicate the possibilities of transaction conflicts happening during a read and [7]
write operation.

14. (a) State the key issue in the design of peer-to-peer applications. [3]
(b) How does CORBA’s concurrency control help in avoiding deadlock? [7]

15. (a) Define hierarchic lock. [3]

(b) Explicate how the time stamp approach helps in overcoming the lost-update [7]

16. (a) State Ivy’s dynamic distributed manager algorithm. [3]

(b) Identify the consequence when sequential consistency may fail, if a read-update or [7]
write-update fails and the re-update process has to take place. Discuss the delay in
time incurred.

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