CAPE Chemistry 2015 U1 P1

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PRINT your nemc on thc llnc bclow rnd,

thi! boolht wllhyour rnrwcnchcct. Fraldrc to
do so mry rcult In dbqudllcrtlorl TEST CODE OzLIzOfi
F'ORM TP 20151 MAY/JUNE 20I5
Paper 0l
I hour 30 minutesl

19 MAY 2015 (4.m.)


t. This testconsists of 45 items. You will have I houn and 30 minutes to answer them.

2. ln addition to this test booklet, you should have an,answer sheet and a data booklet.

3. Each item in this test has fbur suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C)' (D). Read each item
you are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space
having the same letter as the answer you have chosen, Look at the sample item below.

Sample ltem

Which of the tbllowing energy transitions is

the HIGHEST in an organic comPound? Sample Answer

n to
o to o*
ot @. o@
(C) n to fi+
(D) E to 7r*

Tlre correct answer to this item is "6 to o*", so (B) has been shaded.

s lf you want to change your answer, erase it completely betbre you fill in your new choice.
6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as caref'ully as you can. If
you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later.

7. You may do any rough work in this booklet.

8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.

t- 9. You rnay use a silent. non-programmable calculator to answer items.


!- L'upyright O 20 | 3 Caribbean Exarninations Council
,\ll riqhts reservcd'

l. Which of the following statements is NOT

a part of D alton's atomic theory?
5. When an atom of ��8U is bombarded with
a neutron, how many fundamental particles
(protons - p, neutrons - n and electrons.- e)
(A) Atoms are indivisible.
does an atom of the PRODUCT contain?
(8) A toms are characterized by their
atomic number.
The atoms of an element have p n e
identical properties. (A) 91 146 91
( D) The atoms of an element differ from (8) 92 147 92
those of other elements. (C) 93 146 93
(D) 93 147 93

2. The intermolecular forces present in ice are

Item 6 refers to the data in the following
(A) ionic bonds
(8) covalent bonds
(C) hydrogen bonds
(D) Van der Waals forces Atomic Mass Abundance
(amu) (%)
Pb 1.4
3. Which of the following pairs of elements
106Pb 24.l
w1pb 22.l
combine to produce naturally occurring
ws Pb 52.4
compounds with formulae type XY?

(A) Sodium and sulfur 6. Based on the data in the table above, the
(8) Sodium and nitrogen relative isotopic mass of lead is
(C) Magnesium and chlorine
(D) Magnesium and sulfur (A) 206.24 amu
(8) 207.24 amu
(C) 207.30 amu
4. Which of the following diagrams represents (D) 208.30 amu
a pi (7t) bond?
Item 7 refers to the following equation for
the production of ammonia.
(A) �

(8) CD 7. If 10 cm3 of nitrogen reacts with 30 cm3 of

hydrogen at STP, what volume of NH� is

(A) 10 cm3
(8) 15 cm3
(C) 20 cm 3
(D) c:::x:n::x:::) (D) 40 cm 3

CiO ON l'O fHE NEXT P/\(iE


8:. The first five ionization energies,,, of an. Item, l2 refers, to the tbllowing energy
element. X, are given in the fbllowing table; profile diagram;

Number, I ! J 4 5

I.E. (kI mol-r) 403 2633 3860 5080 6850

From thedataabove, itcan bededuced that


(A) Group I metal,

(B) Transition metal
(c) Group lV element Productr.
(D) Croup V element
Reecdon petb.-

9; For complete reactioni 0,25 g of a monobasic

acid requires l0 cmr of 0.2 mol dm:3 sodium
12. What is the activation energy of the.
hydroxide; What is the relative molecular REVERSE reaction?
mass,of the acid?
(A), P

(A) tz.s
(B) Q.
(B) 62.s
(c) (Q + P)
(c) r2s.0
(D) (Q - P)
(D) 2s0.0
13. A gas, in a syringe occupies a volume
10. Which of the following processes rcpresents
of 50 cmr and has a pressure of 0.49
atmosphercs. What is the pressure of the
an oxidation?
gas if the plungerofthe syringe is pushed in,
reducing the volume of the gas to 20 cmr?
(A) MnO, -+ Mn2*

(B) (l atmosphere= l0l 325Pa)

MnOr- -+ MnO*2-

(C) MnO.,- -+ MnO,

(A) 20 kPa
(B) 125 kPa

(D) MnO, -+ MnO,-

(C) 20 000 kPa
(D) 125 000 kPa

ll. Which of the fbllowing groups of solids

contains substances that ALL have giant

(A) lce, iodine. iron

(B) Graphite. iron, sodium fluoride
(c) Carbon dioxide. magnesium oxide.
silicon( lV) oxide
(D) lodine, silicon(lV) oxide, sodium

GO ON TO l'l-lE,\EX'f PACE

The simplest formula for a compound that 18. In a standard hydrogen halt:'cell, a platinum
l{. electrode is used to
contains 50% S and 50% O bY rnass is

(A) release hydrogen gas into solution

(A) so (B) act as an inert metal connection to
the H,/H* system
(B) SO, (C) allow Platinumf ions to go lnto
(c) S,O
(D) reduce the surface areas rvhich
(D) sro. allows an' equilibrium to be
established in the'Hy'H* system '

15. A sffdent was asked to carry out an

experiment to investigate the prop€rtles 19. Ammonia is removed. from the system
of ionic and covalent compounds' Which' represented bY the equation;
of the following experiments: should the
student use? N,(e)'+ lu,(e) + 2NH3(g).

l. EnthalPY of combustion Which of the following statements about the

ll. Determination of melting point system is FALSE?,
Itl. ElectricalconductivitY
(A) K. remains constant:
(A) I and Il onlY igl 'fhere is a change in all
(B) I and lll onlY concentrations.
(C) It and lll onlY (C) The equilibrium position remains
(D) l, ll and lll tlre same,
(D) Tlre rates of both tbrward and
reverse reaction decrease:
t6. What is the effect on a chemical reaction of
introducing a catalYst in it?
20. The reaction 2AB(g) * A{g) + B.(g) has
(A) The activation energy is lowered' tlre rate law, Rate = k tABl. lf the half-life is
(B) The rate of the reaction is doubled' 253 s, then the value of the velocity constant
ici The rate of the reaction is decreased' (k) at the temperature of the reaction is
iOl The catalYst is consumed in the
reaction. (A) 365,08 s
(B) 365.08 s-'
(C) 2.74 x lOa s
17. The rate law for a given reaction is (D) 2.74 x l0-3 s-l
Rate = ktAls [B] . what are the units for k?

(A) mol-2dm-z s-r

(B) mol dm-3 s-'
(C) mol-r dmr s-'
(D) mol-2 dm6 s-r

(iO ON fO'[l'lE NEX f Pi\Cti

2t. Which of the acids in the table below is the The results for four experiments which
WEAKEST? investigated the reaction between propanone
and iodine (catalysed by acid) are given in
Acid K" (mol dmd) the table below.

(A) 4.9 x l0-ro

(B) 1.7 x l0-5 Expt lH.l lPropanonel llodinel Rate
(c) 6.3 x l(F I I 0.5 I l0.8
(D) 1.3 x l0-3 1 0.5 0.5 I s.3
J 0 0.25 I 5.4
22. 4 0 0.5 0.5 r0.6
The value of Ko fbr the equilibrium reaction
H. (g) + l: (g) i= 2Hl (g) at 444 oC and Wh ich of the following graphs represents the.
I atm pressure is 50. order of reaction with respect to propanone?

What is the value of Ko if the pressure (A)

is changed to 2 atm and the temperature
remains the same?

(A) 2s
(B) so
(c) loo IPropenoncl
(D) 200

23. Equilibrium is established in the reaction

X (aq) + Y (aq) r=+ Z(aq). tf the equilibrium
concentrations are [X] = 0.2 rnol dmr.
[Y] = 0.: mol dm-r and [Z]= 0.6 mol dm{,
which of the following values is correct fbr
the equilibrium constant K.? IPropanonel

(A) 0.1 mol dml

(B) 0.1 rnol-rdm-l (c)
(C) 10.0 moldm-t
(D) 10.0 mol-'dml





A weak acid, HX. dissociates as tbllows:
The solubility product, K,o, ot 298 K for
three Group ll metal sult'ates is given in the
tbllowing table.
dissoc iation contant, K", for the reaction
K above is 1.0 x | 0-12 mol dm-3'
Sulfate (moll tm{)
I CaSO, 2.4 x l0-5 What will be the aPProximate PH of
lt SrSO., 3.2 x l0-7 1.0 x l0-2 mol dmj HX?
ill BaSO. 1.6 x l0-'o
(A) 5
(B) 6
Which metal sulfate would precipitate out
dm'l (c) 7
of solution if equal volumes of l0n mol
(D) 8
solution containing the sulfate ion and the
Group II metalare mixed?

29. Marine animals such as oysters and other

(A) Ill onlY shellfish rely on the slow precipitation of
(B) I and ll onlY calcium carbonate to form their shells'
(C) ll and III onlY Which of the following properties help this
(D) I,Il and lll process?

t. Greater ionic Product of Ca:' and

26. Silver chromate(Vl), AgCrOo' is sparingly
COr2- ions
soluble in water. The uniis for the solubility
ll. Greater solubilitY Product of
product (K,) for silver chromate(Vl) are
(A) moldm-3
lll. Smaller solubility product of
(B) moF dm-u
(C) moP dm-e
(A) I and Il onlY
(D) mola dm-r2
(B) | and lll onlY
(C) II and lll onlY
(D) l, ll and lll
27. lJarium carbonate is more soluble in water
than in aqueous sodium carbonate because
The standard electrode potential of tin
(A) all barium salts are soluble 30.
is Sn:'(aq) +2e- +Sn
(s), E"=-0'14 V'
igl barium ions cannot disPlace ln which of the following equations is the
sodium ions
rnetal UNABLE to reduce Sn3*?
(C) sodium carbonate is ionic but
barium carbonate is not (A) Mgt'(aq) *2e- -+ Mg(s), E"=-2'38 V
(D) a common ion efTect is present in
igi Fe:.(aq; +2e- + Fe(s), E"=-0'44 V
the BaCOrNa,CO, mixture Zn2.(aq) 17e- + Zn(s), E"=-0'76V
(D) Pbr'(aq) +2e- -+ Pb(s), E"=-0'13 V

(]o oN f() I't'lE Nlix',l'P,{GE

. ai?::- .

' -

-5:,i.r.: -7 -

. j-'t '
31. Which, of the tbllowing ions ltas, the 34. Which of: the tbllowing t'actors. BEST
GREATEST polarizing power? explain why barium carbonate, BaCO' is
rnore stable than magnesium carbonatq.
(A) Bd' MgCO.,,lvhen heated?

(B) Car* l. Mgt' and CO.,:- ore: v€F/ different,

in size.
(c) Li* ll. Ba:' and COrs- are very different in
(D) Sre"' lll: Ba2+ and COr2- are similar in size:

(A) | and II only

32. Which'of the following properties increase (B) I and lll only
on descending the Group ll elements? (C) It and lll only
(D) l, Il and IIt-
I. Atomic radii
ll. lonization energy'
Ill: lonic radii , 35. Based, on its' position in Group' VII of the
periodio table, astatine; at room temperaturer
(A) I and ll only and pressure, is MOST likely a
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (A) solid
(D) I, II and lll (B) liquid
(C) brown gas
(D) colourless gas
33. Silicon carbide has a structure similar to
tlrat of diamond; What are,the advantages,
derived from using silicon carbidE ceramics 36, Which of thE following properties does
when compared with steel? NOT describe transition elements?

I. Silicon carbide is less likely to (A) Forming complex ions

deform under compression. (B) Showing variable oxidation states
ll. Silicon carbide has a higher melting (C) Often ret'erred to as non-magnetic
point. (D) Present in the d-block of the periodic
lll. Silicon carbide is more resistant to table

(A) I and ll only

(B) I and lll only
(c) ll and lll only
(D) I, ll and III

(.i(-) ()Nl 'f() l'lllr. FIEX'f ll\(lE


37. Which of the tbllowing elements in the third {0. On heating CaSO. strongly, it decomposes
period has the SAME oxidation number in into CaO(s) and SO.,(g). CaCO., decomposes
ALL of its knorvn compounds? rt a much lolver temperature than CaSO..
Which of the following factors BEST
(A) Aluminium explains the greater thermal stability of
(B) Chlorine CaSO.?
(C) Sultur
(D) Phosphorus (A) CaCO., has a higher lattice energy
than CaSO".
(B) CO, is a smaller molecule than SOr.
Item 3E refers to the graph below showing (C) The COr'- ion is tnore easilY
the first ionization energy (lE) of some polarized than the SOr:- ion.
elements. (D) The CO.,r- ion has a higher charge
density than the SO.2- ion.

f eoo .tl. When concentrated H.SO{ is added to solid
E 800
potassium iodide, the observations are white
;5 700
600 steamy fumes and
E s00
(A) a white solid
200 (B) a brown liquid
100 (C) a rotten egg smell
Ca Sc fi V CrMnFeCoNl CuZn (D) nothing else

'Ihe sharp increase from copper (Cu) to zinc Item 42 refers to the information in the
(Zn) is caused by filled following table.

(A) 4s-orbitals only Element Melting Density

(B) 4d-orbitals only Point ("C) (g cmt)
(C) 4s-orbitals and 4d-orbitals I | 538 7.86
(D) 4s-orbitals and half-filled 4d-orbitals
II 660
39. The ionic equation tbr the formation of ill 328 I t.34
chromium hydroxide from chromium( I I l)
sulfate and dilute NH., (aq) is 12. Which of the elements in the table can be
classifi ed as transition?
(A) CP- (aq) + OH- (aq) + Cr.,OH (s)
(A) | only
(B) Ct'-(s) + 3OH-(l) + Cr(OH)., (s) (B) ll only
(C) | and ll only
(C) Cd'(aq) + OH-(aq) + C(OH)r= (aq) (D) II and lll only

(D) Cd.(aq) + 3OH-(aq) + Cr(OH), (s)




Elements can be classified by their response to externally applied magnetic fields as diamagnetic,
paramagnetic and non'magnetic.

Which of the following elements is considered to have a high degree of para-magnetism?

(A) Ca
(B) Co
(C) Sc
(D) Zn

14. Which of the following compounds would produce the LOWEST pH rvhen 0.5 mol of it is bubbled
into I litreof water?

(A) SO,
(B) SO,
(C) CaO
(D) Na,O

.15. What deduction can be made from the following reactions of iodine and chlorine with sodium

l.(aq) + 2S,Or!(ag) ----> 2l(aq) + SrOul(aq)

aCl,(aq) + S,Or21aq) + 5H,O(l) + 8Cl-(aq) + 2SOrr-(aQ) + l0H.(aq)

(A) Chlorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than iodine.

(B) lodine is a stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine.
(C) Both chlorine and iodine are NOT oxdizing agents.
(D) Both chlorine and iodine show the same oxidizing power.



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