Department of Computer Science: Final Year Project Proposal
Department of Computer Science: Final Year Project Proposal
Department of Computer Science: Final Year Project Proposal
Final Year Project Proposal
1. Introduction:
Blood Bank Information System’ will be an information management
system which helps to manage the records of donors and patients at a blood bank. The
system will allow the authorized blood bank officer to login using a secret password
and easily manage the records of the blood donors and the patients in need of blood.
3. Current Problem:
At present, the public can only know about the blood donation events through
conventional media means such as radio, newspaper or television advertisements.
There is no information regarding the blood donation programs available on any of
the portal. The current system that is using by the blood bank is manual system.
With the manual system, there are problems in managing the donors' records. The
records of the donor might not be kept safely and there might be missing of donor's
records due to human error or disasters. Besides that, errors might occur when the
staff keeps more than one record for the same donor. There is no centralized
database of volunteer donors. So, it becomes really tedious for a person to search
blood in case of emergency. The only option is to manually search and match
donors and then make phone calls to every donor. There is also no centralized
database used to keep the donors' records. Each bank is having their own records of
donors. If a donor makes donation in different hospital, no previous records can be
traced except if the donor brings along the donation certificate. Hence, the donor is
considered to be a first-timer if they make blood donation in a new place. Without
an automated management system, there are also problems in keeping track of the
actual amount of each and every blood type in the blood bank. In addition, there is
also no alert available when the blood quantity is below its par level or when the
blood in the bank has expired.
4. Proposed Solution:
The proposed system, Online Blood Bank site overcomes the drawbacks of the present
system. The Blood Bank helps the people who are in need of a blood by giving them overall
details regarding the donors with the same blood group and within their city.
Department of Computer
The advantages of the proposed system are listed below.
The people in need of blood can search for the donors by giving their blood group and city
It is very flexible and user friendly.
The person’s time and work is reduced very much which prevails in the present system.
Easy and Helpful.
The people are not limited to receive or provide services in working hours of the branch
only; he is serviced 24 hours a day, 7 days of week and 365 days of the year.
In this project the searching can be done for donors for majority of cities but not for every
city. In this project the contact person’s details are given for the limited cities only.
Xamp Server
6. Timeframe:
This project will be delivered within 3months.
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