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Medication Exercise Treatment Hygiene Outpatient Diet

Ceftriaxone A study in For active seizures,  Clean your Step One: Eliminate Simple Sugars
C – Cephalosporin antibiotics. Norway of IV phenytoin and What to Expect at Home The first step is a very important
mouth as
H – It works by stopping the women with sodium valproate are Your doctor sent you home with medicines to help keep you from having more one; eliminate foods with a high
shown by
growth of bacteria. uncontrolle the antiepileptic seizures. This is because the doctor concluded you were at risk of having more concentration of simple sugars.
E – 2gm IV q24 to run for 3 d epilepsy, drugs (AEDs) of seizures. After you get home, your doctor may still need to change the dosage of This type of carbohydrate has a
hours showed that choice and are your seizure drugs or add new medicines. This may be because your seizures are high glycemic index which means
provider. If
C– regular usually effective in not controlled, or you are having side effects. that they are rapidly absorbed into
you have
 You should not use sessions of stopping the seizure, mouth the body. Once you have eliminated
ceftriaxone if you have ever aerobic along with IV sores, you these foods completely for several
had a severe allergic exercise benzodiazepine. may be Activity and Lifestyle weeks, you may find that you no
reaction to any type of (for With late PTS, given a You should get plenty of sleep and try to keep as regular a schedule as possible. longer have the desire to eat them.
cephalosporin antibiotic example treatment is not special Try to avoid too much stress. Avoid alcohol as well as recreational drug use. Your body will be more satisfied
(Omnicef, Keflex, and running, mandatory. toothbrush with whole, natural foods.
others) walking, or swab to Make sure your home is safe to help prevent injuries if a seizure takes place:
 Documented swimming, use. Your Step Two: Eat A Whole, Natural
hypersensitivity; cycling) for healthcare Foods Diet
hyperbilirubinemic neonates, 60 minutes, provider  Keep your bathroom and bedroom doors unlocked. Keep these doors from This is a major step that can be
particularly those who are twice a may also being blocked. broken down into smaller steps.
premature; neonates under week, for order a Eating a diet that consists of whole,
28 days if they receive 15 weeks, medicated natural foods is a very healthy diet.
resulted in  Take showers only. Do not take baths because of the risk of drowning Whole foods are foods that have
calcium-containing mouthwas
intravenous (IV) products. a significant h to help during a seizure. little or no processing. Minimally
 Intravenous administration of reduction in prevent processed foods have at most 3
ceftriaxone solutions the number infection.  When cooking, turn pot and pan handles toward the back of the stove. ingredients. If you see a food label
containing lidocaine. of seizures  Change listing more than 3 ingredients, you
K – Check Doctor’s order they had. your can be sure that it is processed.
 Fill your plate or bowl near the stove instead of taking all of the food to the
Checks for expiration date and bandages Whole, natural foods have the
name of the drug often. table. highest concentration of nutrients
Remember the “five rights” and the least artificial ingredients.
before administering tot the  If possible, replace all glass doors either with safety glass or plastic. 
patients, which are the right  Although it's not understood why,
patient, the right drug, the Most people with seizures can have a very active lifestyle. You should still plan low blood glucose levels control
right dose, the right route, and ahead for the possible dangers of a certain activity. Do not do any activity during seizures in some people. Foods
the right time. which loss of consciousness would be dangerous. Wait until it is clear that on this diet include meat, cheese,
seizures are unlikely to occur. Safe activities include: and most high-fiber vegetables.
 Watch for seizures; notify This diet attempts to reproduce
physician immediately if the positive effects of the
 Jogging ketogenic diet, although it allows
patient develops or increases
seizure activity. a more generous intake of
 Monitor signs of  Aerobics carbohydrates.
pseudomembranous colitis,
including diarrhea, abdominal  Cross-country skiing  The modified Atkins diet and the
pain, fever, pus or mucus in ketogenic diet include high-fat
stools, and other severe or  Tennis foods such as bacon, eggs,
prolonged GI problems mayonnaise, butter, hamburgers
(nausea, vomiting, heartburn).  Golf and heavy cream, with certain
 Evaluate therapeutic fruits, vegetables, nuts,
response. avocados, cheeses and fish.
 Hiking

Valproic Acid  Bowling 

C – Antiepileptic
H – It is used mainly as There should always be a lifeguard or buddy present when you go swimming.
monotherapy or adjunctive Wear a helmet during bike riding, skiing, and similar activities. Ask your provider if
therapy for simple or complex it is OK for you to play contact sports. Avoid activities during which having a
absence seizures, either alone seizure would put you or someone else in danger.
or with other seizure types (such
as for juvenile myoclonic Also ask if you should avoid places or situations that expose you to flashing lights
epilepsy). It is also effective for or contrasting patterns such as checks or stripes. In some people with epilepsy,
partial seizures. seizures can be triggered by flashing lights or patterns.
E – 250mg/5ml, 10ml BID
C – hepatic disorders, significant
hepatic impairment, Wear a medical alert bracelet. Tell family, friends, and the people you work with
hypersensitivity to components about your seizure disorder.
of the drug and class of drug,
urea cycle disorders, Driving your own car is generally safe and legal once the seizures are controlled.
mitochondrial disorders State laws vary. You can get information about your state law from your doctor
K – Check Doctor’s order and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Checks for expiration date and
name of the drug
Remember the “five rights” Seizure Medicines
before administering tot the Never stop taking seizure medicines without talking with your doctor. Do not stop
patients, which are the right taking your seizure medicines just because your seizures have stopped.
patient, the right drug, the
right dose, the right route, and
the right time. Tips for taking your seizure medicines:

 Monitor patient carefully

 Do not skip a dose.
for clotting defects
(bruising, blood-tinged
toothbrush). Discontinue  Get refills before you run out.
if there is evidence of
hemorrhage, bruising,  Keep seizure medicines in a safe place, away from children.
or disorder of
hemostasis. Monitor  Store medicines in a dry place, in the bottle that they came in.
ammonia levels, and
discontinue if there is  Dispose of expired medicines properly. Check with your pharmacy or
clinically significant
elevation in level. online for a medicine take-back location near you. 

KCl tab
C – Electrolyte Supplements, If you miss a dose:
Parenteral; Electrolytes.
H – Potassium is used to
produce the electrical charge  Take it as soon as you remember.
that will allow the cells to
function properly in the body. It  Check with your doctor about what to do if you miss a dose for more than
helps the heartbeat to be a few hours. There are many seizure medicines with different dosing
regular. It acts to induce insulin
release from the pancreas and, schedules.
more importantly, to keep blood
pressure under control.  If you miss more than one dose, talk with your provider. Mistakes are
E – 1 tab TIDx 6 doses unavoidable, and you may miss several doses at some point. So, it may
C – You should not use
potassium chloride if you are be useful to have this discussion ahead of time rather than when it
allergic to it, or if: you have high happens. 
levels of potassium in your
blood (hyperkalemia); or. you Drinking alcohol or doing illegal drugs can cause seizures.
take a "potassium-sparing"
diuretic (water pill) such as
amiloride, spironolactone, or  Do not drink alcohol if you take seizure medicines.
K – Check Doctor’s order  Using alcohol or illegal drugs will change the way your seizure medicines
Checks for expiration date and work in your body. This may increase the risk of seizures or side effects. 
name of the drug
Remember the “five rights” Your provider may need to do a blood test to measure the level of your seizure
before administering tot the drug. Seizure drugs have side effects. If you started taking a new drug recently, or
patients, which are the right your doctor changed the dosage of your seizure drug, these side effects may go
patient, the right drug, the away. Always ask your doctor about the side effects you may have and how to
right dose, the right route, and manage them.
the right time.
 Monitor I&O ratio and
pattern in patients Many seizure medicines can weaken the strength of your bones (osteoporosis).
receiving the parenteral Ask your doctor about how to reduce the risk of osteoporosis through exercise and
drug. If oliguria occurs, vitamin and mineral supplements.
stop infusion promptly For women during childbearing years:
and notify physician.
 Lab test: Frequent  If you are planning on becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor about your
serum electrolytes are
warranted. seizure medicines beforehand.
 Monitor for and report
signs of GI ulceration  If you get pregnant while taking seizure medicines, talk to your doctor right
(esophageal or away. Ask your doctor if there are certain vitamins and supplements you
epigastric pain or
should take in addition to your prenatal vitamin to prevent birth defects.
 Monitor patients
receiving parenteral  Never stop taking your seizure medicines without talking to your doctor
potassium closely with first. 
cardiac monitor.
Irregular heartbeat is
usually the earliest How to Respond to a Seizure
clinical indication of Once a seizure starts, there is no way to stop it. Family members and caregivers
hyperkalemia. can only help make sure you are safe from further injury. They can also call for
 Be alert for potassium help, if needed.
(hyperkalemia, see Your doctor may have prescribed a medicine that can be given during a prolonged
S&S, Appendix F); may seizure to make it stop sooner. Tell your family about this medicine and how to
result from any give the medicine to you when needed.
therapeutic dosage, and
the patient may be
asymptomatic. When a seizure starts, family members or caregivers should try to keep you from
 The risk of falling. They should help you to the ground, in a safe area. They should clear the
hyperkalemia with area of furniture or other sharp objects. Caregivers should also:
potassium supplement
increases (1) in older
 Cushion your head.
adults because of
decremental changes in
kidney function  Loosen tight clothing, particularly around your neck.
associated with aging,
(2) when dietary intake  Turn you on your side. If vomiting occurs, turning you on your side helps
of potassium suddenly make sure you do not inhale vomit into your lungs.
increases, and (3) when
kidney function is
significantly  Stay with you until you recover or medical help arrives. Meanwhile,
compromised. caregivers should monitor your pulse and rate of breathing (vital signs). 

Things your friends and family members should not do:

C – Proton-pump inhibitors
H – It works by decreasing the  DO NOT restrain you (try to hold you down).
amount of acid your stomach
makes. It relieves symptoms  DO NOT place anything between your teeth or in your mouth during a
such as heartburn, difficulty seizure (including their fingers).
swallowing, and persistent
cough. This medication helps
 DO NOT move you unless you are in danger or near something
heal acid damage to the
stomach and esophagus, helps hazardous.
prevent ulcers, and may help
prevent cancer of the  DO NOT try to make you stop convulsing. You have no control over your
esophagus. seizures and are not aware of what is happening at the time.
E – : 40mg/tab 1 tab ODac
 DO NOT give you anything by mouth until the convulsions have stopped
 diarrhea from an infection with
Clostridium difficile bacteria. and you are fully awake and alert.
 inadequate vitamin B12.
 low amount of magnesium in
 DO NOT start CPR unless the seizure has clearly stopped and you are not
the blood.
 liver problems. breathing or have no pulse. 
 a type of kidney inflammation
called interstitial nephritis. When to Call the Doctor
 subacute cutaneous lupus Call your provider if you have:
 systemic lupus
erythematosus, an  More frequent seizures than usual, or seizures starting again after being
autoimmune disease. well controlled for a long period.
K – Check Doctor’s order
Checks for expiration date and  Side effects from medicines.
name of the drug
Remember the “five rights”
before administering tot the  Unusual behavior that was not present before.
patients, which are the right
patient, the right drug, the  Weakness, problems with seeing, or balance problems that are new. 
right dose, the right route, and
the right time. Call 911 or the local emergency number if:
 Advise patient to avoid
alcohol and foods that
 This is the first time the person has had a seizure.
may cause an increase
in GI irritation. Instruct
patient to report  A seizure lasts more than 2 to 5 minutes.
bothersome or
prolonged side effects,  The person does not wake up or have normal behavior after a seizure.
including skin problems
(itching, rash) or GI  Another seizure starts before the person has fully returned to a state of
effects (nausea,
diarrhea, vomiting, awareness, after a previous seizure.
constipation, heartburn,
flatulence, abdominal  The person had a seizure in water.
 The person is pregnant, injured, or has diabetes.

Diazepam  The person does not have a medical ID bracelet (instructions explaining
C – Benzodiazepines
H – It works by increasing the what to do).
levels of a calming chemical in
your brain.  There is anything different about this seizure compared to the person's
E – : 5mg iv prn frank seizures usual seizures.
C – Diazepam is also
contraindicated in patients with
myasthenia gravis, severe
respiratory insufficiency, severe
hepatic insufficiency, and sleep
apnea syndrome. It may be
used in patients with open-angle
glaucoma who are receiving
appropriate therapy, but is
contraindicated in acute narrow-
angle glaucoma.
K – Check Doctor’s order
Checks for expiration date and
name of the drug
Remember the “five rights”
before administering tot the
patients, which are the right
patient, the right drug, the
right dose, the right route, and
the right time.
 Assess blood pressure,
pulse and respiration if
IV administration.
 Provide frequent sips of
water for dry mouth.
 Provide fluids and fibre
for constipation.
 Evaluate therapeutic
response, mental state
and physical
dependency after long-
term use.

C – Aniline analgesics
H – Treat mild to
moderate pain (from headaches
, backaches, or
cold/flu aches and pains) and to
reduce fever.
E – 500 mg, PRN, PO
C – Don't take paracetamol if
you: have an allergy
to paracetamol. are taking
other paracetamol containing
medicines. have
already taken the
recommended dose within a 24-
hour period.
K – Check Doctor’s order
Checks for expiration date and
name of the drug
Remember the “five rights”
before administering tot the
patients, which are the right
patient, the right drug, the
right dose, the right route, and
the right time.

 Make sure that the patient is

not taking other medications
that contain paracetamol

 Alcohol increases the risk of

liver damage that can occur if
an overdose of paracetamol is
taken. The hazards of
paracetamol overdose are
greater in persistent heavy
drinkers and in people with
alcoholic liver disease.

 Evaluate therapeutic

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