Rice Varieties - IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank
Rice Varieties - IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank
Rice Varieties - IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank
Each rice growing country should have a list of released varieties within the country.
IRRI provides small quantities of seeds on demand to any individual or organization anywhere in the
world for the purposes of research, breeding, or training for food and agriculture.
Rice varieties should have
Good grain quality (especially cooking characteristics, color, shape, taste and aroma, and head
rice recovery)
High market price
Optimum yield potential and stability over seasons
Maximum tillering capacity for weed competition
Resistance or tolerance to major diseases, insects, and other stresses (i.e. drought and flood) of the area
The right growth duration (maturity length) to match the season
Avoid varieties that need to be planted or harvested earlier or later than surrounding rice fields to minimize pest damage (e.g., birds
during maturation), and growth problems during times of harmful environmental conditions (e.g., late-maturing varieties running out of water)
Factors affecting crop management, such as soil type, planting method (e.g. some varieties are better for direct seeding), fertilizer efficiency,
amount of rainfall, climate, disease pressure, should also be considered in selecting varieties.
www.knowledgebank.irri.org/step-by-step-production/pre-planting/rice-varieties?tmpl=component-category&print=1 1/2
3/9/2020 Rice varieties - IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank
These new and improved rice varieties, developed by the International Rice
Research Institute and partners, can withstand flooding, drought, and salty
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