Neville Goddard - The Power of Awareness - by Cosmo
Neville Goddard - The Power of Awareness - by Cosmo
Neville Goddard - The Power of Awareness - by Cosmo
- By Cosmo
Chapter 1: I AM
There are no causes outside of your mind that can affect YOUR life.
Chapter 2: Consciousness
“Only by change of self (consciousness) can you build more earthly mansions”
First and ONLY cause substance of life. You and your world are one.
Your reactions to life reveal where you live psychologically.
You can know a thing spiritually only by becoming it, thinking FROM IT, not of it.
Chapter 4: Desire
“An Assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into facts.”
Enter into a state of Joy as if it already happened.
Chapter 6: Attention
Secret of success: Focus attention on feeling of wish fulfilled without distractions.
Practice: Just before you drift off to sleep, hold your attention on events of the
day in reverse order, starting from going to bed up until you reach the first event
of that day.
Chapter 7: Attitude
What you assume is. There is nothing good or bad in of itself.
Control of imagination + Feeling = solution to all problems.
Others only echo what you whisper to them in secret.
Chapter 8: Renunciation
Resisting Evil = Giving it Energy
Renouncing Evil = Taking away your attention, thus taking away your energy
A: Nothing. Your assumptions direct your thoughts and actions to its fulfillment.
You don't do anything to aid the realization.