Artificial Intelligence: Basics and Terminology: October 2018
Artificial Intelligence: Basics and Terminology: October 2018
Artificial Intelligence: Basics and Terminology: October 2018
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1 author:
Durgesh Raghuvanshi
IILM Academy of Higher Learning
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Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence:: Basics and Terminology
Durgesh Raghuvanshi
Btech, D
Department of computer science,
IILM Academy off Higher Learning, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
The Artificial intelligence field continues to be A branch of computer science named Artificial
plagued by what can only be described as ‘bold intelligence John McCarthy, it is “The science and
promises for the future syndrome’. Research in AI has engineering of making intelligent machines,
built upon the tools and techniques of many different especially intelligent computer programs”. AI is a
disciplines, including formal logic, probability theory, way of making a computer, a computer-controlled
decision theory, management science, linguistic robot, or a software
ware think intelligently, in the similar
philosophy. manner intelligent humans think. AI is an
accomplished by studying how human brain thinks,
However, the application of thesehese disciplines in and how humans learn, decide and work while trying
artificial intelligence has necessitated the to solve a problem and then using the outcomes of this
development of many enhancements and extensions. study as a basis off developing intelligent software and
Since the invention of computers or machines, their systems.
capability to perform various tasks went on growing
exponentially. Humans have developed tthe power of To lay claim to have developed an intelligent system
computer systems in terms of their diverse working is to open a hornet's nest of debate which has raged
domains, their increasing speed and reducing size since the early days of AI. This is not surprising since
with respect to time. one can very quickly stray into the realms of o
philosophy, metaphysics and or religion we do not
propose to add to the debate here but to simply make
ours by way of practical methods.
Artificial intelligence is a science and technology help them to make better choices. I believe that the
based on disciplines such as Computer science, application of such techniques as a fruitful
fruitfu area of
biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, and collaboration between researchers in AI and
engineering.. A major thrust of artificial intelligence is researchers in more humanistic disciplines.
in the development of computer functions associated
with human intelligence such as reasoning, learning Reference:-
solving. Out of the following areas, one or 1. Robert Kowalski, Oxford University wellington
multiple areas can contribute to building an intelligent square united kingdom
system. 2. Analilia Lauren cruces, the researcher in computer
science, University of Wollongong Australia.
I have sketched two ways in which the ALP agent 3. John Fulcher, intelligent systems research center
model, building upon many different developments in university of Wollongong Australia.
I, can be used by many ordinary people to improve 4. Professor Pradipta Das, Veer Surendrasai
their own human intelligence It can help them express University of technology, Sambalpur Odisha
their thoughts more clearly and coherently and it can India.