Static and Dynamic Channel Allocation

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static and dynamic channel allocation

In other words, we need a set of rules (i.e. a protocol) to allow each user to
communicate and avoid interference. There are a variety of solutions to this
problem that are used in practice. These solutions can be classified as either
static or dynamic. With a static approach, the channel's capacity is
essentially divided into fixed portions; each user is then allocated a portion
for all time. If the user has no traffic to use in its portion, then it goes
unused. With a dynamic approach the allocation of the channel changes
based on the traffic generated by the users. Generally, a static allocation
performs better when the traffic is predictable. A dynamic channel allocation
tries to get better utilization and lower delay on a channel when the
traffic is unpredictable.

Two common static channel allocation techniques are TDMA and FDMA.

Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) – With TDMA the time axis is
divided into time slots of a fixed length. Each user is allocated a fixed set
of time slots at which it can transmit. TDMA requires that users be
synchronized to a common clock. Typically extra overhead bits are
required for synchronization.

Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) – With FDMA the

available frequency bandwidth is divided into disjoint frequency bands.
A fixed band is allocated to each user. FDMA requires a guard band
between user frequency bands to avoid cross-talk.

Channel allocation techniques

Channel Allocation Techniques:
Static Channel Allocation (Synchronous):
2fI/AAAAAAAAACQ/s1uWbZg7AdE/s1600/static.JPG With static Channel Allocation, a specific
capacity is dedicated to a connection;
this is the same approach used in circuit switching, frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), and
synchronous time-division multiplexing (TDM). Such techniques are generally not optimal in
LANs and MANS because the needs of the stations are unpredictable.
If any connection is not transferring information, then the channel is wasted which is allocated to
particular connection. Therefore it is better for bulky and heavy data.
Dynamic Channel Allocation (Asynchronous):
sH8eomII/AAAAAAAAACU/PaBwhlMRaoE/s1600/dyn.JPG In dynamic channel allocation, capacity is
given whenever there is any need.
It is divided into 3 groups,
With round robin each turn is given the opportunity to transmit. During that opportunity the
station may decline to transmit or may transmit subject to a specific upper bound.
When many stations have data to transmit, round robin technique can be efficient. If only a few
stations have data to transmit, then, there is a considerable overhead in passing the turn from
station to station, because most of the stations can’t transmit but simply pass their turns.
It is used for stream traffic, in reservation techniques time on the medium is divided into slots,
much as with TDM. Reservation can be made in centralized or distributed fashion.
It is used for bursty traffic, with contention, no control is exercised to determine whose turn it is,
all stations contend for time in a way that can be.
The Data Link Layer has two sublayers:-
Logical Link Control (LLC) Layer
Media Access Control (MAC) Layer
Media Access Control Layer’s main task is to regulate the various frames sent by different nodes
onto the shared link or channel and prevent the collisions and loss of frames.
For this purpose, the MAC Layer implements protocols that can be divided into three broad
Reservation Access Protocols
Random Access Protocols
Controlled Access Protocols
ALOHA is a Random Access Protocol.
Now, let's try to understand what is a Random Access Protocol.
A Random Access Protocol gives equal priority to all the nodes. None is treated superior than the
other. Fair enough, isn't it?
This protocol allows a node to start sending its frame on the shared channel whenever it desires.
If a collision takes place, the nodes wait for random delays and then retransmit. This process
continues untill the transmission is successfully accomplished.
Now, its time to actually explain ALOHA, in detail.
ALOHA is a simple random access protocol that was developed at the University of Hawaii in
the early 1970.
The original Aloha is termed as Pure ALOHA and an improved version invented later is termed
as Slotted ALOHA.
Pure ALOHA:-
Main consideration:-
During the transmission of the frames, no part of any frame should overlap with any part of
another frame. If it happens,collision will take place resulting in the destruction of both the
Please study the following diagram:-
In the above diagram, only the frames 1.1 and 3.2 will be able to reach destination successfully.
Rest all the frames are overlapping other frames and thus will be destroyed.
Operations in Pure ALOHA:-
The frames are transmitted on the shared channel by all the nodes that wish to send.
An acknowledgement is awaited from the receiving nodes, confirming the successful
delivery of the frames.
If collision appears, the nodes come to know about it after a time-out period when no
acknowledgement is received.
After the passing of time-out period, the nodes should wait for random amount of time (back-
off time) before transmitting again. This random delay of time is likely to differ thus
making an attempt to avoid collision.
If after retransmission, again a collision occurs then above step is repeated.
After a predetermined maximum number of retransmissions, the station is required to give up
and try later.
Slotted ALOHA:-
Pure Aloha did not put any restriction regarding when a node should send a frame. To overcome
this inefficiency, an improved version of pure ALOHA termed as Slotted ALOHA was
Main considerations:-
Time is divided into slots equal to time required to transmit one frame. Frames are assumed
to be of exactly the same size.
Nodes can transmit only at the beginning of the slot and if it is missed, then the node should
wait for the next slot to begin.
Please study the following figure:-
Nodes 2.1 and 3.1 experience collision. Similarly, nodes 1.2 and 4.1.
Operations in Slotted ALOHA :-
When a node has a frame to send, it waits for the beginning of the next slot and then transmit
the frame in that slot.
If a collision occurs, it is sensed before the end of the slot. Then the node waits for the next
subsequent slot to begin and then retransmits.
If again a collision is encountered, above step is repeated. If not, then it is the sign of
successful transmission.

Definition - What does Token Ring Network mean?

A token ring network is a local area network (LAN) topology where nodes/stations are arranged
in a ring topology. Data passes sequentially between nodes on the network until it returns to the
source station. To prevent congestion and collision, a token ring topology uses a token to ensure
that only one node/station on the line is used at a time, thereby easily denoting media users of its
A token ring LAN is physically wired as a star topology but configured as a ring topology.
The token ring LAN system was standardized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers as IEEE 802.5.
The token ring LAN process is delineated by the following sequence of events:
 A token continually circulates inside the toke ring LAN
 To transmit a message, a node inserts a message and destination address inside an empty
 The token is examined by each successive node.
 The destination node copies the message data and returns the token to the source with the
source address and a data receipt message.
 The source receives the returned token, verifies copied and received data and empties the
 The empty token now changes to circulation mode, and the process continues.

token bus

Token Bus (IEEE 802.4)

Token Bus is described in the IEEE 802.4 specification, and is a Local Area Network (LAN) in
which the stations on the bus or tree form a logical ring. Each station is assigned a place in an
ordered sequence, with the last station in the sequence being followed by the first, as shown
below. Each station knows the address of the station to its "left" and "right" in the sequence.

A Token Bus network

This type of network, like a Token Ring network, employs a small data frame only a few bytes in
size, known as a token, to grant individual stations exclusive access to the network transmission
medium. Token-passing networks are deterministic in the way that they control access to the
network, with each node playing an active role in the process. When a station acqires control of
the token, it is allowed to transmit one or more data frames, depending on the time limit imposed
by the network. When the station has finished using the token to transmit data, or the time limit
has expired, it relinquishes control of the token, which is then available to the next station in the
logical sequence. When the ring is initialised, the station with the highest number in the sequence
has control of the token.

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