Contingency Crop Planning For District Sukma State: Chhattisgarh
Contingency Crop Planning For District Sukma State: Chhattisgarh
Contingency Crop Planning For District Sukma State: Chhattisgarh
1.0 District Agriculture profile
Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Eastern (Chotanagpur) plateau and eastern ghats sub humid eco-region (12.1)
Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Commission) Eastern plateau and hill region (VII)
List all the districts falling under the NARP Zone* Bastar, Dantewada, Narayanpur, Kanker, Kondagaon, Sukma & Bijapur (7 districts)
(*>50% area falling in the zone)
Geographic coordinates of district headquarters Latitude Longitude Altitude
1.2 Rainfall Normal RF(mm) Normal Rainy days Normal Onset Normal Cessation
(number) ( specify week and (specify week and
month) month)
SW monsoon (June-Sep): 1338.8 56 10-Jun Sep-15
NE Monsoon(Oct-Dec): 95.4 8 - -
Winter (Jan- March) 10.1 4 - -
Summer (Apr-May) 14.8 8 - -
Annual 1459.0 76 - -
1. 4 Major Soils (common names like red Area (‘000 ha) Percent (%) of total
sandy loam deep soils (etc.,)*
1. Entisol (Bhata-gravely) - -
2. Inceptisol (Matasi-Sandyloam) - -
3. Alfisols (Dorsa-clayloam) - -
4. Vertisols (Kanhar-clayey) - -
5. Bharri - -
Total - -
Others (specify): - -
* mention colour, depth and texture (heavy, light, sandy, loamy, clayey etc) and give vernacular name, if any, in brackets (data source: Soil Resource Maps of
1.7 Area under major field crops & horticulture (as per latest figures) (2013)
1.7 S.No. Major field crops Area (‘000 ha)
cultivated Kharif Rabi
Irrigated Rainfed Total Irrigated Rainfed Total Summer
1 Rice - - - - - - - 73.085
2 Wheat - - - - - - - 0.000
3 Jowar - - - - - - - 0.951
4 Maize - - - - - - - 2.606
5 Millets - - - - - - - 12.363
6. Total Cereals - - - - - - - 90.384
7. Pigeonpea - - - - - - - 0.383
8. Gram - - - - - - - 0.001
9. GreenGram - - - - - - - 0.984
10. BlackGram - - - - - - - 0.494
11. HorseGram - - - - - - - 1.093
12. Pea - - - - - - - 0.000
13. Lentil - - - - - - - 0.000
14. Lathyrus - - - - - - - 0.000
15. Total Pulses - - - - - - - 3.265
16 All Crops - - - - - - - 93.649
Source: Agricultural Statistics, 2013, Commissioner of land records, Govt. of Chhattisgarh
ii) Inland (Data Source: Fisheries No. Farmer owned ponds No. of Reservoirs No. of village tanks
B. Culture
Water Spread Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Production (‘000 tons)
i) Brackish water (Data Source: MPEDA/ Fisheries Department) Nil Nil Nil
ii) Fresh water (Data Source: Fisheries Department)
1.13 What is the major contingency the district is prone to? (Tick mark) Regular Occasional None
Hail storm
Heat wave
Cold wave
Sea water intrusion
Pests and disease outbreak (specify)
1.14 Include Digital maps of Location map of district within State as Annexure I Enclosed: Yes
the district for
Mean annual rainfall as Annexure 2 Enclosed: No
Soil map as Annexure 3 Enclosed: No
Annexure I
Location map of Sukma district in Chhattisgarh state
2.0 Strategies for weather related contingencies
2.1 Drought
2.1.1 Rainfed situation
season Major Change in crop /
Crop / Remarks on
drought Farming cropping system Agronomic measures
Cropping Implementation
(delayed Situationa including variety
Delay by 2 Slopy Rice fallow – Rice fallow Do hand weeding at 20-25 days after sowing. Percolation tank
weeks Upland (Local Early duration varieties To avoid biasi operation following herbicide will be should be excavated
4th week (Marhan) variety , Aditya(90days), used on the upper corner
of June Upland Broad Vanprabha(90 days), Fenoxaprep-p-ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml. a.i/ ha (625 ml for recharge/life
Bunded casting) Poornima (105 days), formulation) at 15-20 days +ethoxisulphuron 15 g/ha. a.i saving irrigation.
(Tikra) Danteshwari (105 days). (100 ml/ha formulation) or Chlorimura+Metsulfuron Trenches should be
20% @ 4 gms ai/ ha.(20 gram formulation) dug out on the upper
For broad leaves and narrow leaves both weed side and lower side
Bispyribac sodium 10% @ 20-25 a.i/ha. (200-250 gm of field for in situ
formulation) or pinoxsulam 24% 22.5 gram moisture
a.i/ha.(93gram/ha.formulation) conservation
60:40:30 N: P: K full dose of P & K and ½ dose of N
should be applied basal remaining N should be top
dressed at tillering and PI stage.
Midland Rice fallow – Poornima(105 days), Line Transplanting. Percolation tank
(mal) (Local Annada,(105 days), Herbicide like Fenoxaprop-p-Ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml. ai/ should be excavated
variety , Danteshwari(105days), ha. on the upper corner
Transplanting Samleshwari (110days), Chlorimura+Metsulfuran20%@ 4 gms. ai/ ha. Almix @ for recharge/ life
without MTU 1001(120 days), 8 g and whipsuper 250 ml dissolved in 10 ltrs of water saving irrigation.
planting MTU 1010(110 days), for 1 acre./Butachlor 1.5 kg ai/ha PE. Weeding by Trenches should be
geometry ) Karma Mahsuri(125 upland weeder. dug out on the upper
days) , 60:40:30 N: P: K full dose of P & K and ½ dose of N side and lower side
IGKVR1(Rajeshwari,125days should be applied basal remaining N should be top of field for in situ
) dressed at tillering and PI stage. moisture
Lowland Rice Bamleshwari (135days), Do hand weeding at 20-25 days after sowing. Farm pond for
(Gabhar) Swarna(145-150 days), To avoid biasi operation following herbicide will be waterstorage/irrigati
Jaldoobi(140-145 days), used on.
Indira Sugandhit Dhan1 (130
days), Pusa Basmati (130 Fenoxaprep-p-ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml. a.i/ ha (625 ml Trenches should be
days),IGKVR2(Durgeshwari1 formulation) at 15-20 days +ethoxisulphuron 15 g/ha. a.i dug out on the lower
30days),IGKVR1244 (100 ml/ha formulation) or Chlorimura+Metsulfuron side of field for in
Maheshwari) 20% @ 4 gms ai/ ha.(20 gram formulation) situ moisture
For broad leaves and narrow leaves both weed conservation
Bispyribac sodium 10% @ 20-25 a.i/ha. (200-250 gm
formulation) or pinoxsulam 24% 22.5 gram
80:60:40 N: P: K full dose of P & K and ½ dose of N
should be applied basal remaining N should be top
dressed at tillering and PI
Upland & Maize ( Maize improved variety like : Line sowing, recommended dose of fertilizers & weed One life saving
Midland Local ) JM-216 (80-85 ays), management. Irrigation
Chandan safed makka -2 (75 Manual earthing up at 25-30 DAS
days), Chandan makka -3 (95 Do hand weeding at 20-25 days after sowing.
days), Navjot (90 days). To avoid biasi operation following herbicide will be
Fenoxaprep-p-ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml. a.i/ ha (625 ml
formulation) at 15-20 days +ethoxisulphuron 15 g/ha. a.i
(100 ml/ha formulation) or Chlorimura+Metsulfuron
20% @ 4 gms ai/ ha.(20 gram formulation)
For broad leaves and narrow leaves both weed
Bispyribac sodium 10% @ 20-25 a.i/ha. (200-250 gm
formulation) or pinoxsulam 24% 22.5 gram
80:50:30 N: P: K kg/ha.50% N basal and 50% N astop
dressing at knee high & silking stage
Maize + Maize JM-216 (80-85 days), One hand weeding at 25-30 DAS
Pigeonpea Chandan maize-1(105 days), One earthing in maize
(4:2) Chandan safed maize-2 (75 Pendimethalin 1 kg ai /ha Sowing across the slope 2
days), intercultural operations at 20 & 40 DAS
Arhar-Rajeelochan and Asha Opening of furrow between rows of pigeon pea
Composite NAC-6004
(125 days)
Early season drought(delayed onset)
Delay by 4 Midland Rice Rice-Lehi system Do hand weeding at 20-25 days after sowing. Percolation tank
weeks (mal) Line sowing method To avoid biasi operation following herbicide will be should be excavated
(Specify Poornima(105 days), used on the upper corner
month) Annada,(105 days), Fenoxaprep-p-ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml. a.i/ ha (625 ml for recharge/ life
2nd week Danteshwari(105days), formulation) at 15-20 days +ethoxisulphuron 15 g/ha. a.i saving irrigation.
of MTU 1001(120 days), (100 ml/ha formulation) or Chlorimura+Metsulfuron Trenches should
June MTU 1010(110 days), 20% @ 4 gms ai/ ha.(20 gram formulation) be dug out on the
Karma Mahsuri(125 For broad leaves and narrow leaves both weed upper side and lower
days),Samleshwari Bispyribac sodium 10% @ 20-25 a.i/ha. (200-250 gm side of field for in
112days),IGKVR1, formulation) or pinoxsulam 24% 22.5 gram situ moisture
a.i/ha.(93gram/ha.formulation) conservation.
60:40:30 N: P: K full dose of P & K and ½ dose of N
should be applied basal remaining N should be top
dressed at tillering and PI stage.
Weeding by implement(Hand Hoe)
Lowland Rice Rice - Lehi system Do hand weeding at 20-25 days after sowing. Farm pond for
Line sowing method To avoid biasi operation following herbicide will be waterstorage/irrigati
Bamlesh-wari (140 days) used on.
Swarna(145 days), Fenoxaprep-p-ethyl 9 EC @ 60 ml. a.i/ ha (625 ml Trenches should be
Jaldoobi(140 days), formulation) at 15-20 days +ethoxisulphuron 15 g/ha. a.i dug out on the
Indira Sugandhit Dhan- (100 ml/ha formulation) or Chlorimura+Metsulfuron lower side of field
1(130 days), 20% @ 4 gms ai/ ha.(20 gram formulation) for in situ moisture
Pusa Basmati (130 For broad leaves and narrow leaves both weed conservation
days),IGKVR2 Bispyribac sodium 10% @ 20-25 a.i/ha. (200-250 gm
(130days),IGKVR1244(130d formulation) or pinoxsulam 24% 22.5 gram
ays) a.i/ha.(93gram/ha.formulation)
80:60:40 N: P: K full dose of P & K and ½ dose of N
should be applied basal remaining N should be top
dressed at tillering and PI stage.
Weeding by implement Ambika Paddy Weeder & Cono
Weeder )
Upland Finger millet Finger millet improved Line sowing with recommended dose of fertilizers.
(Maran) –(Local varieties like : GPU 28 One hand weeding at 25- 30 DAS
variety) (120 days) PES-400 Sowing across the slope
(90-92days) GPU-66, Indira Opening of furrow at 10-15 m interval Intercultural
ragi 1 (130 days) operations at 12 DAS and 21 DAS for thinning and
removal of weeds
Sesame Sesame - Early variety One hand weeding at 25-30 DAS
RT-54, TKG- 55, TKG-21 Sowing across the Slope
Local (c)
Early season drought (delayed onset)
Delay by 6 Lowland Rice Blackgram Sowing across the slope with good drainage
weeks Improved variety, Line sowing with recommended
(Specify fertilizers & Weed management.
4th week
of July
Upland Little millet Little millet – improved Spraying of Isoproturon @ 0.5kgai /ha Pre emergence
Local Variety variety like : Hand weeding 30 DAS Thinning at 15 days after
Broad casting OLM-37(80-82 days) germination
with out OLM-203(110-150 days) 40:20:10 N: P: K Kg/ha.
fertilizers JK-8(60-70 days) Birsa For line sowing one part seed & 20 part sand/FYM
undhali-1(70-75 days) mixes with properly.
TNAU-63(90-95 days) Two inter-cultural operations at 15-20 DAS
RPMB-1(95-100 days) Summer ploughing
Use of FYM 1tonne/ha after every three years