Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Walt was born on December 5,
1901,in Chicago, llIinois. He had
three brothers and one sister.
Walt was born
in lllinois.
Arkansas 'ennessee
Walt the paperbay
at 10years oId.
..... "
Mickey Mouse
and Friends
In 1928, Walt made a short movie
called Steamboat Willie. The star
was Mickey Mouse. Steamboat
Willie was the first cartoon to put
sound with pictures. It was a hit~
A Happ, Place
Walt wanted to build a place where
families could have fun. In 1955,
he opened a theme park called
Disneyland in California. Walt called
it "the happiest place on Earth."
Tlmeline of
Walt Disney's starts his own releases Snow White dies on
ife movie studio and the Seven Dwarfs December 15
19 8
born on releases Steamboat Willie Disneyland opens Walt Disney World
December 5 in California opens in Florida
animation (AN-i-may-shun):
cartoan drawings shown very
quickly one after another on a
screen so that it appears as if the
drawings are moving
From Mickey Mouse to Disneylond-
Eoch one Wolt thought up, drew, ond plonned;
artist (AR-tist): someone very
ond eoch fontostic, fun creotion
skilled at pointinq. making things,
begon in Wolt'simoginotion.
or performing
Practice drawing every day to get good at it. theme parks (THEME PARKS):
Draw pictures of your family and friends. Draw places with rides, games, and
pictures of things you imagine. other activities