Internet of Things and Cloud Computing - A Review: Department of Computer Engineering, Karabuk University, Turkey

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Mohammed Yousif Taha Sefer Kurnaz Abdullahi Abdu IBRAHIM
Department of Electrical And Computer Department of Electrical And Computer Department of Electrical And Computer
Engineering Altinbas University Engineering Altinbas University Engineering Altinbas University
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Alaa Hamid Mohammed Hayder Makkee Namaa
Saeed Ahmed Raheem
Department of Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical And Computer
Karabuk University, Turkey Department of Electrical And Computer
Engineering Altinbas University Engineering Altinbas University
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— Digital networking has been a popular Via the anonymous link, the entire user data packet is safely and
platform for Modern Socio-Physical Networks (CPSS) and secretly transmitted, maintaining the anonymity of the identities
the Internet of Things ( IoT). However, the issue of how to of the users. There is no clear User Name. However, because the
maintain data transfer and storage protection at CPSS is a network system has to know some user identification to route
big concern that needs to be tackled. During the CPSS and forward the packet, certain forms of apps can not fully mask
transport and storage process we must protect the security user identity. Anonymous correspondence thus masks sensitive
and privacy of user data and user identity. To deter users information from untrusted parties and discloses the appropriate
of IoT devices from leaking personal information during information to the licensor or trustworthy party. Anonymous
data analysis and the transition process, we present a correspondence masks sensitive details of the recipient in the
thorough overview of the subject Computational Diffie- contact process through encryption technologies, such as name
Hellman (CDH). of the user, location of the network, etc .. A variety of protocols
have actually sought to incorporate consumer Anonymous. In
Keywords— Efficient Anonymous Communication, CLOUD 2008, Wang et al implemented a communication protocol (SA-
COMPUTING, Internet of Things, CPSS. MAC) based on anonymous, stable and powerful authentication
code for anonymous messages that can disguise the identity of
I. INTRODUCTION both senders and recipients. Since this protocol authentication is
Digital networking has been a popular platform for Modern comparatively poor[5]. In comparison, it just focuses on the
Socio-Physical Networks (CPSS) and the Internet of Things ( authorization method for messagesThe connection structure is
IoT). Cloud infrastructure presents analysis problems ranging essentially a loop and there is little versatility in the protocol. In
from architecture and execution of processes to faith and 2012, Chen et al implemented an Efficient Anonymous
identity management in hierarchical environments. The core Communication (EAC) protocol for wireless networks, which
problem is the successful protection and privacy framework to guarantees three-angle protocol anonymization, and the method
ensure confidentiality of data and privacy of identity during uses only hashing and symmetry encryption features with less
contact between mobile devices which do not strongly trust technical pressure[6]. Ardagna et al implemented a solution in
CPSS[1]. For more data processing, IoT devices capture, 2014 that enables smartphone users to incorporate an encrypted
transfer and store user data on the cloud server, PublicLeaks- end-to - end communication protocol in a hybrid cloud
based forensic smart contracts can help to secure private data. computing environment that addresses the problem of data
In most cases, however, user data gathered by IoT devices is privacy resulting from mobile cloud computing scenarios. Lo et
transmitted and viewed in plain text on the network and cloud al implemented a new Secure Anonymous Link Routing
servers, in particular confidential details in the information Protocol (HASR. HASR) Anonymous correspondence can be
system. Enterprise[2]. This leads to modifications or illegal introduced in the MANET setting in 2015. Routing efficiency is
misuse of maliciously obtained consumer data. An intruder can enhanced by excluding Anonymous communication method
collect personal information about users from the exposed data. from the link establishment process, but maintaining message
One of the big problems that needs to be addressed in shared protection is difficult. Onion routing is nowadays still the most
networking environments is how to protect consumer data used tool in anonymous networks[7]. Dingledine et al launched
privacy and maintain a smooth and safe network link. Smart the second generation of Tor router onions in 2004, That added
penal arrangements is designed to deter prisoners from a server directory to maintain anonymity and preserve the
behaving unlawfully[3]. Responsive Local Hash (LSH) was privacy of the web account by relay node groups[8]. Cloud
used to provide recommendations on scalable and privacy- computing has been a popular platform for the Internet of Things
friendly mobile service. Protection has become part of the ( IoT) and Electronic Socio-Physical Networks (CPSS), in the
network infrastructure of the new generation of internet protocol suggested by Camenis.Cloud computing presents
architectures, rather than being understood over the current research problems from the architecture and deployment of
internet by external network layers[4]. In NGN architecture, systems to trust and identity management in distributed
anonymous communication privacy protection is implemented environments[9]. The key obstacle to maintaining secrecy is an
by encrypting address data that represents the user's identity. important protection and privacy tool.

978-1-7281-9090-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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Privacy of data and identification during contact between arbitrary function, we first demonstrate that any publicly
mobile devices which do not trust CPSS highly[9]. IoT systems deniable encryption scheme is a public-key encryption secure
capture, transfer and preserve user data on the cloud server, and RRACPA Arbitrary feature scheme against. Then we combine
for further resolution Data analysis, forensic smart contracts regular IND-CCA PKE scheme with hardcore feature for
focused on PublicLeaks can be used to secure private data. arbitrarily clustered inputs to get a public-key encryption
However, In most instances, IoT device-collected user data is scheme that is protected against arbitrary operation. As regards
transmitted and viewed in plain text on the network and cloud quality, the encryption algorithm for our first scheme proposed
servers, in particular confidential data on the IS. Enterprise. is Inefficient, though its decryption algorithm is very successful.
This leads to modifications of the maliciously obtained Our first security scheme against arbitrary function is in reality
consumer data or Employed illegally[10]. An intruder can a publicly deniable encryption scheme such that it is impractical
collect personal information about users from the exposed at present, since the established publicly deniable encryption
data[11]. One of the big problems that needs to be addressed in schemes are built on the basis of indistinguishability obfuscation
shared networking environments is how to protect consumer which at this point is not realistic. We have to admit that the use
data privacy and maintain a smooth and safe network link. of indistinguishability obfuscation in the first two schemes of
Intelligent criminal arrangements have been used to deter our study simply makes the techniques theoretical. Their
unlawful criminal activity. Responsive Local Hash (LSH) has functional importance depends on the improvement of
been used to make suggestions for flexible and privacy- effectiveness of the indistinguishability obfuscationCompared
conserving mobile app. Protection has become part of the to it, our second scheme 's efficiency protect against some
network infrastructure of the new generation of internet arbitrary function depends on the PKE scheme and hardcore
architectures, rather than being understood over the current function it is focused on which it is appropriate. In the future, we
internet by external network layers. In Construction of the will test the performance of our proposed methods through the
NGN, Anonymous communication privacy security is enforced cloud-edge platform and learn how to build other RRA-Security
by encryption of address data which represents the identity of cryptographic primitives like IBE, ABE, and so on.
the user. The user's data set is reliably and secretly transmitted
Li Xingjun [15] Recent years have enabled people to move
via the anonymous link, which preserves the protection of the
to cloud-based artifacts because of the importance of cost-
Al identity.
effective access to high performing hardware and applications,
II. LITERATURE REVIEW stable services, and the elimination of maintenance and security
FENGYIN LI [12] To ensure the confidentiality , integrity issues. Because of its usability, this new technology is becoming
and identity privacy of end-to - end user data in CPSS, we popular as it provides consumers as a service. One of the key
propose an unsupported encryption scheme, an anonymous problems in this area is the topic of load balancing. The goal of
encapsulation format for communication packets, and a method load balancing is to find an appropriate mapping of the tasks on
for establishing anonymous communication links, respectively. the processors in the system such that each processor completes
Finally, in CPSS, we complete the protocol anonymous. A an roughly equivalent number of tasks before the minimum
performance analysis indicates that the anonymous contact output time is reached. The load can be managed by
protocol provided in this paper has anonymization features, continuously shifting the local workload from a computer to a
anonymity and credibility of the message. However in the distant node, or from a system less used. It maximizes customer
anonymous link, the protocol introduced in this paper uses only satisfaction, minimizes response times, maximizes resource
three relay Nodes. Our key points in future work are how to usage, decreases failure numbers and increases device
expand the number of relay nodes on the anonymous efficiency.Load balancing helps optimize efficiency, usage of
communication chain to strengthen the protection of resources, load mismatch, response time, overuse of resources
anonymous connections in CPSS. etc. An successful load-balancing platform with such features in
a cloud storage environment would improve overall device
Suiqun Li [13] In the era of knowledge and learning, capability, availability of resources, And to the SLAs. Thanks to
modern cloud computing technologies and the Internet of their simplicity, versatility and ease of execution, nature-
Things technologies are introduced to laboratory management, inspired metaheuristic algorithms are becoming more popular
and systematic preparation, analysis, and analysis is day by day. The performance and limitations of these algorithms
successfully enforced. Central laboratory management, are dependent on their collection and adjustment of unique
developing, supervising and maintaining the competencies of control parameters. A relatively recent algorithm inspired by
laboratory staff. Eco- and industrial safety methods and devices grey wolves' social structure and hunting behaviour, is a gray
in real-time. Document and evaluate the tool and equipment wolf optimizer, And has the least dependence on control
repair, manufacturing, use, and laboratory environment. The parameters. The principal objective of this study is the
technology is designed based on SaaS cloud storage challenging issue of load balancing among virtual machines to
framework, not only saving implementation and maintenance reduce response time. The method is to assess the state of the
costs but also dramatically enhancing server security and virtual machines, depending on the load required. Based on the
reliability. At the same time, streamlined and reliable state of the virtual machine, tasks will then be withdrawn from
monitoring of the experimental devices has become the focus the overwhelmed machine and passed to the appropriate one,
of future study with the advent of cloud computing and big data which is the minimum allocation requirement for the virtual
analytics technologies. machine. The simulation results showed a substantial increase in
PENGTAO LIU [14] In this paper we give some methods response time for the system Reduction over algorithms
of creating a stable PKE scheme against similar attacks of equivalent. The approach suggested has increased the degree of
randomness. We suggest a stable PKE scheme RRA-CPA with variance, too.
an effective decryption algorithm and the size of short Songai Xuan [16] IoT has been deployed in numerous main
ciphertexts. To obtain RRAsecure PKE scheme against

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places, which are used daily to build a smart world, mainly information from the viewpoints of routing, work management
smart homes and towns. OCF also funded IoTivity to create a , data storage and analysis, security and standardization, for the
standard IoT-enabled specification and certification scheme. In emerging computing technology of the Internet of Things. The
this article, we introduced the CoT architecture for interaction IoT 's technical computational problems are analysed and
between the IoT and Cloud networks focused on P2P explored from the 5G-based viewpoint Edge networking, load
connectivity. Using OCF IoTivity and MQTT protocol we balancing, sophisticated artificial intelligence, and secure
transfer context data from IoT devices to Cloud based on P2P exchange of knowledge. A simple development would be the
communication. We used the device-to - device connectivity convergence of cloud computing with blockchain, deep
mechanism for OCF IoTivity, and the device-to - cloud learning, SDN, and 5G. We also explore some standard
communication protocol for MQTT. We respect the way technology examples, anticipating that they can be helpful in the
Android Stuff are set up during experimental study, And we Internet of Things to facilitate and implement advanced
also have a clear understanding of the IoTivity and MQTT computing.Unlike the IIoT or Edge Computing articles, the key
protocols system. We will try to explore the Cloud IoT data in contribution of this article is to highlight the introduction of the
the future and develop Cloud infrastructure to make the device IIoT and Edge Computing merger, in an attempt to demonstrate
more efficient. the importance of the future of terminal computing in IIoT, in
order to let the subject get more information. Support from other
Redowan Mahmud [17] A strategy for creating a
academics, and quicker and more practical growth of the market.
deliberate application of the advantages of interconnected fog-
cloud environments is proposed in this sector. At the same time Manoj Muniswamaiah [19] Green tech is the number-one
, the program increases the gross and net profit of the company element in building a safe ecosystem for the Internet of Things.
by putting applications in appropriate condition without Implementation of green tech activities would aim to make
breaching limits on the concept. Includes a pricing mechanism computers recyclable in the global network networks and reduce
that changes service rates for instances of fog depending on energy usage. Green computing will also be a perfect way to
their ability to minimize service time of operation. The scheme support IoT as it expands through the future
incorporates a system of restitution to minimize the effect of a
.Satya Murthy Sasubilli [20] Our article focuses on
SLA failure on consumers. The reimbursement approach is
technology-related data such as Big Data, and the Internet of
based on computational system performance, which benefits
Things. The work focuses on determining the situation of
suppliers and consumers alike. The proposed policy can define
patients in the rural population by monitoring, from time to time,
a map of instances of applications using any ILP parser or a
health information. Because of many advantages including
better heuristic approach. To demonstrate the effectiveness of
affordability, we took Amazon cloud instead of on-site Server
the proposed policy, we implemented and compared the
Stability, etc., and using Chart Minimize data and system
experimental approach in a simulated iFogSimulated
analysis process. We took 500 rural people and targeted the
environment Its success with different software production
Internet of Things system to get data from time to time for the
policies currently in place. The analytical findings for the new
efficient growth of the company.
strategy indicate increase in gross and net profits, lead time and
QoS satisfaction levels. They have also shown that pilot policy Maison M. Othman [21] IoT cloud integration is a wide-
execution in the shortest amount of time is the nearest to an ranging topic that many scholars are investigating from various
optimum solution, and that nebulous prices support its perspectives. We analyzed the most relevant research
successSince fog computing is a very recent addition in developments in this field, and summarized the key challenges
computing paradigms, various research issues include fog facing developers and researchers in incorporating IoT into the
resource management, stability, and security maintenance. In cloud. Drivers and problems are focused on, We introduced a
this job, we've concentrated primarily on designing viable Generalized Architecture (IoTaaS) to reflect and direct the
applications in fog computing that increase vendor profits process of integration. The architecture promotes security by:
while maintaining the standard of the application through providing a protected gateway that links the IoT device to the
successful management Of fog cases. Poor security cloud, promoting data encryption from / to the server, To
mechanisms in fog computing, however, will dramatically ensure that only parties are allowed to access the IoT system
reduce the effectiveness of any fog resource management and cloud resources, and to provide an authentication manager,
program, so we expect to extend this work by adding assign all database operations to Server Administrator and
multidimensional security aspects in the future. That the Controller to ensure that only legitimate operations are
supplier 's profits continue at an appropriate amount long performed. The architecture also facilitates real-time
though any malfunctions have occurred. When estimating experiences by offering real-time virtual platform that offers
vendor earnings and dynamically determining the place round real-time connectivity to IoT applications leveraging artificial
period for IoT applications, we will also directly discuss Fog 's intelligence and context awareness. Real-time engagement also
security assurance costs. facilitates data processing system adjustment, including the use
of background information to minimize response time.
Tie Qiu [18] In this article the architecture and integration
Implementing QoS And SLA supports the QoS / SLA
method of IoT and edge computing is addressed by a thorough
transition that tracks performance and allows use of context
analysis of IoT peripheral computing, and the referential form
information to boost QoS.
of edge computing in IoT is proposed. The Edge Measurement
Comparison Architecture in IIoT is divided into cloud layer and Huaming Wu [22] Unlike conventional distributed deep
edge layer, and the edge layer Can be broken into close edge, learning methods, we have proposed the heterogeneous DDTO
middle edge and far edge. We also presented detailed cloud algorithm, i.e. the central and edge clouds, which

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enhances the weighted amount of power consumption and the health sector 's needs, To follow new, efficient and
execution time in the MCC and MEC hybrid discharge model. successful ideas and approaches in the area of health
This is achieved by making and maintaining update decisions, information and automation systems. This represents the
workloads and device usage in one database together, and planned growth of HC4.0 in the area of information
then training and updating several parallel DNNs with a technology.
collection of tagged data.
Sanjay P. Ahuja [29] In this article, we explored how IoT,
Azeem Irshad [23] Security risks have become a hurdle in Fog Computing and Cloud Computing should come together
the way the MCC model adapts. Several schemes have to create a symbiotic relationship that can boost IoT
recently been shown to fulfill the diverse resource needs of implementations across several realms dramatically. We've
mobile device users to secure the MCC climate. The systems drawn a vision of a vibrant World of Possible Stuff and pulled
involve safety gaps or are inefficient because of expensive together the ideas that will make a part of the possible. We have
peer-based implementations.We proposed a new, non-dual also outlined apps that are now taking action to accomplish this
MSA protocol for the MCC setting to address the limitations promising future, with the expectation that researchers will
identified, which is significantly more effective than other note and make their own contributions. Only this collective
contemporary schemes. The proposed scheme not only effort will guarantee that the Internet of Things will live up to
achieves cost savings in programming, but also retains the its full potential.
features of inefficient matching schemes; such as stable
PAVLOS ATHANASIOS [30] A device-based and risk-
shared authentication, anonymity, scalability and so on.
based distributed approach is suggested in this paper to
Atomic analysis is accompanied by rigorous theoretical and
evaluate the numerical download volume of IoT devices for
systematic analysis.
users in a wireless MEC system, taking into account the quest
Surjit Singh [24] The selected papers provide fascinating behaviour for benefit and aversion. User failure by
methods in this special section, and exciting perspectives into functionality. From scientific viewpoint. The paradigm and
frameworks and modeling. We hope readers in this part of the methodology suggested are motivated and validated by
Special Section will take advantage of the diverse viewpoints experienceIt compares with most of the latest literature
and add to this key yet important area of study. methods that follow the predicted gain maximization principle,
where consumers are believed to be risk-neutral. Owing to their
Hua Wei [25] In this post, we concentrate on the Internet
mutual existence and the resulting interdependence between
of Things caching technique for the app. The approach takes
consumer devices, the MEC server functions as a common
into consideration consumer versatility. Depending on the
collection of services in our system with an unknown benefit
location and navigation information of the customer, the base
returned to the users. Although the account should have been
station shall forward the order for service as far as possible to
picked on the local IoT computer, it was meant to be a secure
the target areaWe also recommend a data allocation algorithm
computing choice. The maximum amount of data transmitted
to ensure that the operation is performed by a suitable edge
by each user to the MEC server was collected as a result of a
cloud provider while the customer is in the overlapping
non-cooperative game between users, taking advantage of the
region. Finally , we propose a data cache discovery algorithm
local IoT system account and complete overload, taking into
based on the neural network of BP, and choose the appropriate
account of user 's cognitive limitations and behaviours. Apps.
caching function.
Apps. The existence and uniqueness of a PNE point was
Cheng Wang [26] This paper has suggested a real-time, demonstrated, and an algorithm was developed to calculate in
scalable organizational concept based on fog computing in the a distributed manner the optimal values of the data downloaded
Internet of Things. The LMERPCA based OMA solution has for each individual. The detailed numerical results were
low time and space complexity and can specify typical noise obtained by simulation and modeling; This showed the
parameters of the slow LTV system.Then we developed a organizational features and supremacy of the emerging
four-tier architecture for combining OMA approach and fog cognitive supporting system for both heterogeneous and
computing to satisfy the real-time needs of users. This article heterogeneous consumers.
also discusses the reasons behind the stated traditional
SVETLANA GIRS [20] With more and more focus being
command swaps, by analyzing the PCA CPV.
paid to cloud computing and the Internet of Things and being
Raafat O. Aburukba [27] This work modeled the implemented in all categories of enterprises and also sectors,
scheduling problem for IoT requests by using linear integer value level agreements play an significant role in providing the
algorithms to minimize latency in Fog-Cloud hybrid appropriate quality of support for the service user. Thus, the
computering. This paper describes the response time as the key objective of this review is to examine historical
round trip time ( RTT) for handling an IoT request from the developments in the field of the concept and simulation of
moment it is submitted before it is fully reviewed, and the service level agreements for cloud providers in IoT, evaluate
results are returned to the claimant. This lag involves multiple their maturity level, and identify common ground and research
components of delay such as delay of delivery, delay of holes. We did a thorough analysis of the systematic literature
routing or waiting, delay of propagation, processing time and for this reason 59 articles covering a wide variety of different
lead time if resources are busy. aspects of SLA description and modelling were found, 44 of
which were chosen for final assessment after a thorough text
Giuseppe Aceto [28] This study seeks to act as a guide to analysis. Plenty of. These roles differ in the form and maturity
help academics and practitioners in the area of information of contribution, basic SLA description and design angles, And
and communication technologies apply their skills to address the distance, but they still have several points in common. We

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divide studies into five key groups according to their technologies are constantly emerging, providing exciting new
contribution's primary focus: ontology (15 percent), pathways for research and business. In this article we look at
languages (18 percent), structures and methodologies (22 Cloud computing Applications and IoT technology to define
percent), models (29 percent) and application and customer complementary features for the big Internet drivers of the
importance. (66 percent). Any contribution then was future in one common environment. A lot of new technologies
Evaluated in terms of its formalism, sophistication level, are allowed after implementing the IoT and cloud computing
technology mastery and potential tool support. Overall , the paradigm, and we have established major research challenges
findings suggest that the sophistication level of previous of relevance to both. For new research patterns, these issues are
research on the concept and modeling of SLAs for IoT cloud further analysed.
services is limited, and there is space for further study.
Tian Wang [34] The advent of cutting edge computing
Moreover, there are few publications addressing specific
gives the underlying IoT shortcomings a whole new outlook.
application areas, and Therefore more detailed ideas are
A modern concept of secure data to prevent faulty data
expected to promote the implementation of real-world
emerging from weakness and susceptibility to attacks on the
environments of submissions to field-specific applications.
underlying sensor network in IoT systems and applications It
Likewise, while the study revealed that resources are mostly
was suggested set that relies on advanced IoT computing.
used to support contributions in ontology and language
Specifically, a systematic approach is used to measure node
categories, further resources should be given along with
trust from various viewpoints in order to achieve objective
specific methodologies and models for SLA definitions.
node confidence values. So draws the trustworthy node while
Lastly, With the latest the movement towards Industry 4.0 and
the untrusted node is rejected.
reconfigurable on-demand services, more focus needs to be
provided to complex SLAs which were covered only in three Haotian Wu [35] The latest research data on graffiti art is
related studies. gathered and compared in the age of accelerated growth of big
data, the creation and form of graffiti art is merged. Moreover,
SVETLANA GIRS [31] In this article, by using policy
his diagram is evaluated by data and augmented with an
based scheduling algorithms in real time environment, we
influence of visual communication; the graffiti art scheme
introduce a task scheduling optimization algorithm for users
brings complete effect of desired effect. This article aims to
in the field of cloud computing IoT applications. We
establish a special and fresh visual feature in the visual
developed conventional list scheduling algorithms to execute
communication design after studying graffiti In the age of rapid
a proper scheduling task, using meta-science to formulate
big data development, the production and type of graffiti art is
policy scheduling. A robust particle swarm optimisation, i.e.
combined, the new study data on graffiti art are gathered and
the basic PSO algorithm, is applied subject to the task
compared. In addition, his diagram is measured by data and
scheduling policy selection process. The results show that
improved with the power of visual communication; the graffiti
applying the CPSO solution to LPT and SPT offers significant
art scheme has maximum benefit of desired effect. This article
performance in VM utilization rate and throughput relative to
seeks to create a specific and fresh visual characteristic in the
the scheduling algorithm for the LPT and SPT set. The
algorithm proposed is Increased output with respect to Dingfu Jiang [36] The urbanization process goes hand and
Makespan reduction and flow time using CPSO algorithm. hand with the development of human society. Urban life faces
Additionally, the PSO task scheduler list algorithm results in a variety of problems: pollution in transit networks, inefficient
better efficiency compared to the existing conventional list traffic administration, inadequate mechanisms of
algorithms with an average utilization gain of 5 per cent. environmental control, imbalanced educational Services, and
faultless rescue services. Information systems that act as smart
SADDAM HUSSAIN [32] In this paper, we contribute to
cities must have good skills in the computation, sensing and
Cryptography Proxy (CBSRE) for Smart Grid (SG) systems
processing of data. The advancement of cloud infrastructure
that support the Internet of Things ( IoT) with a lightweight,
and IoT technologies has allowed the growth of smart cities.
formally secure, certificate-based signature encryption. The
suggested scheme allows for security criteria for Weijian Zhu [37] This article uses the incopat patent
confidentiality (IND-CBSRE-CCA2-I and IND-CBSRE- database to perform a general study of technology-related
CCA2-II), and forward concealment (EUF-CBSRE-CMA-I patents in China in the field of IoT in the form of cloud
and EUF-CBSRE-CMA-II). Comparison with measurement computing, software pattern analysis and geographic
and coordination costs indicates that the cumulative cost of dissemination, new patent innovations and cloud computing
computation of the current CBSRE proposal That is 4.8 ms, implementation patterns. It can be seen that in the cloud
which lowered the cost of measurement from 72.50 percent to computing environment the Chinese Internet of Things patents
95.91 percent from 45.01 percent and 58.76 percent of the are growing and evolving rapidly, and the accelerated growth
time. The overall connectivity cost of the new CBSRE of the national IoT technology is currently underway. Science
proposal is 872 bits, which decreased the link expense from and development includes a great many businesses. As a
39.10 percent and 58.23 percent respectively from 88.16 consequence, both cloud storage and organic convergence with
percent to 33.93 percent. So we may claim that our scheme IoT can be defined as an unavoidable trend in growth. All
Ressource-hungry smart grid systems would be the perfect companies are actively conducting research and development
option. from the perspective of actual market demand, and actively
promoting the development of key IoT technologies that have
Lailan M. Haji [33] The Technology and Cloud
made China a step forward in the development of new
Computing Platform poses the next major leap into the
modern universe. From these creative advances new

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Huansheng Ning [38] This article does not elaborate on the for Internet of Things,” in 2020 International Congress
specific aspects of the edge computing platform (e.g. on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and
hardware selection, network topology and security issues), but Robotic Applications (HORA), 2020, pp. 1–8.
gives a detailed illustration of the functional components of [2] A. H. Mohammed, R. M. KHALEEFAH, and A. H.
each layer in the edge computing platform. Based on the AlMarzoogee, “The Method Of Calibration
distributable data control type Systems, we support personal Compensation For Fiber Nonlinearity-A Review,” in
views on edge computing device development. We also 2020 International Congress on Human-Computer
explore how to build an edge computing framework with the Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications
aid of a third-party open edge computing platform and (HORA), 2020, pp. 1–8.
instances of edge computing platform mix as well as the basic
experience of the whole edge. Application computing. In [3] M. M. Hamdi, L. Audah, S. A. Rashid, A. H. Mohammed,
short, the following functions mainly involve structured end- S. Alani, and A. S. Mustafa, “A Review of Applications,
edge-cloud process scheduling and migration of applications Characteristics and Challenges in Vehicular Ad Hoc
Networks (VANETs),” in 2020 International Congress
between various IoT platforms..
on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and
Hongyu Pei Breivold [39] In this article, we present a detailed Robotic Applications (HORA), 2020, pp. 1–7.
analysis of recent studies of the strategies, perspectives and [4] A. H. Ahmed, A. T. Al-Heety, B. Al-Khateeb, and A. H.
methodologies used to transition traditional manufacturing Mohammed, “Energy Efficiency in 5G Massive MIMO
processes in the light of cloud computing and the Internet of for Mobile Wireless Network,” in 2020 International
Things, as well as best standards for achieving They 're clever Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization
factory eyes. We find that several recent studies are conceptual and Robotic Applications (HORA), 2020, pp. 1–6.
ideas, and most migration approaches are still in the early stage
of development, validated only with experiments And [5] A. H. Mohammed, A. M. Shantaf, and M. Khalaf, “The
monitored simulations for case analysis. To ensure its Probe into Reflection Mobile Radio Propagation,” in
applicability in real-world scenarios, further study and 2020 International Congress on Human-Computer
refinement of these techniques and migration methodologies Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications
are needed. Moreover, the migration issues surrounding, e.g., (HORA), 2020, pp. 1–4.
Confidentiality and confidentiality of machine data, [6] S. KURNAZ and A. H. Mohammed, “Secure Pin
maintaining difficult real-time efficiency, and satisfying Authentication in Java Smart Card Using Honey
industrial reliability and post-migration availability criteria call Encryption,” in 2020 International Congress on Human-
for further exploration efforts by both researchers and Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic
practitioners. Applications (HORA), 2020, pp. 1–4.
Claudio Savaglio [40] No technical shortcomings (in [7] A. H. Mohammed, “An Optimum Design of Square
computation, energy, and connectivity) stand in the way of the Microstrip Patch Antenna Based on Fuzzy Logic Rules,”
IoT environment being thoroughly explored. However, the 2nd Int. Congr. Human-Computer Interact. Optim.
multifaceted growth challenges are yet to be tackled Robot. Appl., 2020.
comprehensively and at the same time. According for example [8] Z. A. Sahib, O. N. Uçan, M. A. Talab, M. T. Alnaseeri,
to Atzori et al. Amid common and pre-defined approaches, the A. H. Mohammed, and H. A. Sahib, “Hybrid Method
scalability and self-management were used to work separately. Using EDMS & Gabor for Shape and Texture,” in 2020
This stopped the SOs from developing local-operating self- International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction,
organizing and self-adaptive structures. Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), 2020,
pp. 1–6.
[9] A. G. Mushref, A. H. Mohammed, and O. Bayat,
IoT cloud integration is a wide-ranging topic that many “Rayleigh Leistungs Relation and Rician Fading
scholars are investigating from various perspectives. We Channels in Qam Using Simulink Environment,” in 2020
analyzed the most important research developments in this International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction,
field, and summarized the most important challenges facing Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), 2020,
developers and researchers to incorporate cloud IoT We have pp. 1–5.
suggested 30 review papers a generalized architecture
(IoTaaS) focused on challenges and drivers to describe and [10] A. M. Shantaf, S. Kurnaz, and A. H. Mohammed,
lead the integration process. The architecture promotes “Performance Evaluation of Three Mobile Ad-hoc
security by: Providing a secure gateway that connects the IoT Network Routing Protocols in Different Environments,”
system to the cloud, supporting data protection from / to the in 2020 International Congress on Human-Computer
server, providing an authentication manager to guarantee Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications
access by only the parties IoT system and cloud services , and (HORA), 2020, pp. 1–6.
Data Management allocation of all database operations. And
[11] A. H. Mohammed, M. M. Hamdi, S. A. Rashid, and A.
control center ensures that legitimate operations are
M. Shantaf, “An Optimum Design of Square Microstrip
Patch Antenna Based on Fuzzy Logic Rules,” in 2020
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