Ch.02 - The Nature of Ecology - PDF
Ch.02 - The Nature of Ecology - PDF
Ch.02 - The Nature of Ecology - PDF
Smith, Thomas M. and Smith, Robert Leo. (2015). Elements of Ecology. 9th Edition (Global
Edition). Pearson Education, Inc. Boston, U.S.A. Chapter 1 pp. 17 – 30
billion in 1970; 7.2 billion as of 2014). Ever-growing demand for basic resources such as food
and fuel has created a new array of environmental concerns: resource use and environmental
sustainability, the declining biological diversity of our planet, and the potential for human
activity to significantly change Earth’s climate. The environmental movement born in the
1970s continues today, and at its core is the belief in the need to redefine our relationship with
nature. To do so requires an understanding of nature, and ecology is the particular field of study
that provides that understanding.
With the growing environmental movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s, ecology
– until then familiar only to a relatively small number of academic and applied biologists –
was suddenly thrust into the limelight (see this chapter, Ecological Issues & Applications).
Hailed as a framework for understanding the relationship of humans to their environment,
ecology became a household word that appeared in newspapers, magazines, and books –
although the term was often misused. Even now, people confuse it with terms such as
environment and environmentalism. Ecology is neither. Environmentalism is activism with a
stated aim of protecting the natural environment, particularly from the negative impacts of
human activities. This activism often takes the form of public education programs, advocacy,
legislation, and treaties.
So, what is ecology? Ecology is a science. According to one accepted definition, ecology
is the scientific study of the relationships between organisms and their environment. That
definition is satisfactory so long as one considers relationships and environment in their fullest
meanings. Environment includes the physical and chemical conditions as well as the biological
or living components of an organism’s surroundings. Relationships include interactions with
the physical world as well as with members of the same and other species.
The term ecology comes from the Greek words oikos, meaning “the family household,”
and logy, meaning “the study of.” It has the same root word as economics, meaning
“management of the household.” In fact, the German zoologist Ernst Haeckel, who originally
coined the term ecology in 1866, made explicit reference to this link when he wrote:
By ecology we mean the body of knowledge concerning the economy of nature – the
investigation of the total relations of the animal both to its inorganic and to its organic;
including above all, its friendly and inimical relations with those animals and plants with
which it comes directly or indirectly into contact – in a word, ecology is the study of all
those complex interrelationships referred to by Darwin as the conditions of the struggle
for existence.
Haeckel’s emphasis on the relation of ecology to the new and revolutionary ideas put
forth in Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species (1859) is important. Darwin’s theory of natural
selection (which Haeckel called “the struggle for existence”) is a cornerstone of the science of
ecology. It is a mechanism allowing the study of ecology to go beyond descriptions of natural
history and examine the processes that control the distribution and abundance of organisms.
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Organisms interact with their environment at many levels. The physical and chemical
conditions surrounding an organism – such as ambient temperature, moisture, concentrations
of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and light intensity – all influence basic physiological processes
crucial to survival and growth. An organism must acquire essential resources from the
surrounding environment, and in doing so, must protect itself from becoming food for other
organisms. It must recognize friend from foe, differentiating between potential mates and
possible predators. All of this effort is an attempt to succeed at the ultimate goal of all living
organisms: to pass their genes on to successive generations.
The environment in which each organism carries out this struggle for existence is a place
– a physical location in time and space. It can be as large and as stable as an ocean or as small
and as transient as a puddle on the soil surface after a spring rain. This environment includes
both the physical conditions and the array of organisms that coexist within its confines. This
entity is what ecologists refer to as the ecosystem.
Organisms interact with the environment in the context of the ecosystem. The eco– part
of the word relates to the environment. The –system part implies that the ecosystem functions
as a collection of related parts that function as a unit. The automobile engine is an example of
a system: components, such as the ignition and fuel pump, function together within the broader
context of the engine. Likewise, the ecosystem consists of interacting components that function
as a unit. Broadly, the ecosystem consists of two basic interacting components: the living, or
biotic, and the nonliving (physical and chemical), or abiotic.
Consider a natural ecosystem, such as a forest. The physical (abiotic) component of the
forest consists of the atmosphere, climate, soil, and water. The biotic component includes the
many different organisms – plants, animals, and microbes – that inhabit the forest.
Relationships are complex in that each organism not only responds to the abiotic environment
but also modifies it and, in doing so, becomes part of the broader environment itself. The trees
in the canopy of a forest intercept the sunlight and use this energy to fuel the process of
photosynthesis. As a result, the trees modify the environment of the plants below them,
reducing the sunlight and lowering air temperature. Birds foraging on insects in the litter layer
of fallen leaves reduce insect numbers and modify the environment for other organisms
that depend on this shared food resource. By reducing the populations of insects, they feed on,
the birds are also indirectly influencing the interactions among different insect species that
inhabit the forest floor. We will explore these complex interactions between the living and the
nonliving environment in greater detail in succeeding chapters.
The various kinds of organisms that inhabit our forest make up populations. The term
population has many uses and meanings in other fields of study. In ecology, a population is a
group of individuals of the same species that occupy a given area. Populations of plants and
animals in an ecosystem do not function independently of one another. Some populations
compete with other populations for limited resources, such as food, water, or space. In other
cases, one population is the food resource for another. Two populations may mutually benefit
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each other, each doing better in the presence of the other. All populations of different species
living and interacting within an ecosystem are referred to collectively as a community.
We can now see that the ecosystem, consisting of the biotic community and the abiotic
environment, has many levels. On one level, an individual organism both respond to and
influence the abiotic environment. At the next level, individuals of the same species form
populations, such as a population of white oak trees or gray squirrels within a forest. Further,
individuals of these populations interact among themselves and with individuals of other
species to form a community. Herbivores consume plants, predators eat prey, and individuals
compete for limited resources. When individuals die, other organisms consume and break
down their remains, recycling the nutrients contained in their dead tissues back into the soil.
Organisms interact with the environment in the context of the ecosystem, yet all
communities and ecosystems exist in the broader spatial context of the landscape – an area of
land (or water) composed of a patchwork of communities and ecosystems. At the spatial scale
of the landscape, communities and ecosystems are linked through such processes as the
dispersal of organisms and the exchange of materials and energy.
Although each ecosystem on the landscape is distinct in that it is composed of a unique
combination of physical conditions (such as topography and soils) and associated sets of plant
and animal populations (communities), the broad-scale patterns of climate and geology
characterizing our planet give rise to regional patterns in the geographic distribution of
ecosystems. Geographic regions having similar geological and climatic conditions (patterns of
temperature, precipitation, and seasonality) support similar types of communities and
ecosystems. For example, warm temperatures, high rates of precipitation, and a lack of
seasonality characterize the world’s equatorial regions. These warm, wet conditions year-
round support vigorous plant growth and highly productive, evergreen forests known as
tropical rain forests. The broad-scale regions dominated by similar types of ecosystems, such
as tropical rain forests, grasslands, and deserts, are referred to as biomes.
The highest level of organization of ecological systems is the biosphere – the thin layer
surrounding the Earth that supports all of life. In the context of the biosphere, all ecosystems,
both on land and in the water, are linked through their interactions – exchanges of materials
and energy – with the other components of the Earth system: atmosphere, hydrosphere, and
geosphere. Ecology is the study of the complex web of interactions between organisms and
their environment at all levels of organization – from the individual organism to the biosphere.
As we shift our focus across the different levels in the hierarchy of ecological systems –
from the individual organism to the biosphere – a different and unique set of patterns and
processes emerges, and subsequently a different set of questions and approaches for studying
these patterns and processes is required. The result is that the broader science of ecology is
composed of a range of subdisciplines – from physiological ecology, which focuses on the
functioning of individual organisms, to the perspective of Earth’s environment as an integrated
system forming the basis of global ecology.
Ecologists who focus on the level of the individual examine how features of morphology
(structure), physiology, and behavior influence that organism’s ability to survive, grow, and
reproduce in its environment. Conversely, how do these same characteristics (morphology,
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physiology, and behavior) function to constrain the organism’s ability to function successfully
in other environments? By contrasting the characteristics of different species that occupy
different environments, these ecologists gain insights into the factors influencing the
distribution of species.
At the individual level, birth and death are discrete events. Yet when we examine the
collective of individuals that make up a population, these same processes are continuous as
individuals are born and die. At the population level, birth and death are expressed as rates,
and the focus of study shifts to examining the numbers of individuals in the population and
how these numbers change through time. Populations also have a distribution in space, leading
to such questions as how are individuals spatially distributed within an area, and how do the
population’s characteristics (numbers and rates of birth and death) change from location to
As we expand our view of nature to include the variety of plant and animal species that
occupy an area, the ecological community, a new set of patterns and processes emerges. At
this level of the hierarchy, the primary focus is on factors influencing the relative abundances
of various species coexisting within the community. What is the nature of the interactions
among the species, and how do these interactions influence the dynamics of the different
species’ populations?
The diversity of organisms comprising the community modify as well as respond to their
surrounding physical environment, and so together the biotic and abiotic components of the
environment interact to form an integrated system – the ecosystem. At the ecosystem level, the
emphasis shifts from species to the collective properties characterizing the flow of energy and
nutrients through the combined physical and biological system. At what rate are energy and
nutrients converted into living tissues (termed biomass)? In turn, what processes govern the
rate at which energy and nutrients in the form of organic matter (living and dead tissues) are
broken down and converted into inorganic forms? What environmental factors limit these
processes governing the flow of energy and nutrients through the ecosystem?
As we expand our perspective even further, the landscape may be viewed as a patchwork
of ecosystems whose boundaries are defined by distinctive changes in the underlying physical
environment or species composition. At the landscape level, questions focus on identifying
factors that give rise to the spatial extent and arrangement of the various ecosystems that make
up the landscape, and ecologists explore the consequences of these spatial patterns on such
processes as the dispersal of organisms, the exchange of energy and nutrients between adjacent
ecosystems, and the propagation of disturbances such as fire or disease.
At a continental to global scale, the questions focus on the broad-scale distribution of
different ecosystem types or biomes. How do patterns of biological diversity (the number of
different types of species inhabiting the ecosystem) vary geographically across the different
biomes? Why do tropical rain forests support a greater diversity of species than do forest
ecosystems in the temperate regions? What environmental factors determine the geographic
distribution of the different biome types (e.g., forest, grassland, and desert)?
Finally, at the biosphere level, the emphasis is on the linkages between ecosystems and
other components of the earth system, such as the atmosphere. For example, how does the
exchange of energy and materials between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere influence
regional and global climate patterns? Certain processes, such as movement of the element
carbon between ecosystems and the atmosphere, operate at a global scale and require ecologists
to collaborate with oceanographers, geologists, and atmospheric scientists.
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Throughout our discussion, we have used this hierarchical view of nature and the unique
set of patterns and process associated with each level – the individual population, community,
ecosystem, landscape, biome, and biosphere – as an organizing framework for studying the
science of ecology. In fact, the science of ecology is functionally organized into subdisciplines
based on these different levels of organization, each using an array of specialized approaches
and methodologies to address the unique set of questions that emerge at these different levels
of ecological organization. The patterns and processes at these different levels of organization
are linked, however, and identifying these linkages is our objective. For example, at the
individual organism level, characteristics such as size, longevity, age at reproduction, and
degree of parental care will directly influence rates of birth and survival for the collective of
individuals comprising the species’ population. At the community level, the same population
will be influenced both positively and negatively through its interactions with populations of
other species. In turn, the relative mix of species that make up the community will influence
the collective properties of energy and nutrient exchange at the ecosystem level. As we shall
see, patterns and processes at each level – from individuals to ecosystems – are intrinsically
linked in a web of cause and effect with the patterns and processes operating at the other levels
of this organizational hierarchy.
Although each level in the hierarchy of ecological systems has a unique set of questions
on which ecologists focus their research, all ecological studies have one thing in common: they
include the process known as the scientific method (Figure 1.4). This method demonstrates the
power and limitations of science, and taken individually, each step of the scientific method
involves commonplace procedures. Yet taken together, these procedures form a powerful tool
for understanding nature.
All science begins with observation. In fact, this first step in the process defines the
domain of science: if something cannot be observed, it cannot be investigated by science. The
observation need not be direct, however. For example, scientists cannot directly observe the
nucleus of an atom, yet its structure can be explored indirectly through a variety of methods.
Secondly, the observation must be repeatable – able to be made by multiple observers. This
constraint helps to minimize unsuspected bias, when an individual might observe what they
want or think they ought to observe.
The second step in the scientific method is defining a problem – forming a question
regarding the observation that has been made. For example, an ecologist working in the prairie
grasslands of North America might observe that the growth and productivity (the rate at which
plant biomass is being produced per unit area per unit time: grams per meter squared per year
[g/m2/yr]) of grasses varies across the landscape. From this observation the ecologist may
formulate the question, what environmental factors result in the observed variations in
grassland productivity across the landscape? The question typically focuses on seeking an
explanation for the observed patterns.
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Once a question (problem) has been established, the next step is to develop a hypothesis.
A hypothesis is an educated guess about what the answer to the question may be. The process
of developing a hypothesis is guided by experience and knowledge, and it should be a statement
of cause and effect that can be tested. For example, based on her knowledge that nitrogen
availability varies across the different soil types found in the region and that nitrogen is an
important nutrient limiting plant growth, the ecologist might hypothesize that the observed
variations in the growth and productivity of grasses across the prairie landscape are a result
of differences in the availability of soil nitrogen. As a statement of cause and effect, certain
predictions follow from the hypothesis. If soil nitrogen is the factor limiting the growth and
productivity of plants in the prairie grasslands, then grass productivity should be greater in
areas with higher levels of soil nitrogen than in areas with lower levels of soil nitrogen. The
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next step is testing the hypothesis to see if the predictions that follow from the hypothesis do
indeed hold true. This step requires gathering data (see QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 1.1).
1. What type of data does the variable “available nitrogen” (the x-axis) represent in Figure 1.5?
2. 2. How might you transform this variable (available nitrogen) into categorical data? Would it
be considered ordinal or nominal?
To test this hypothesis, the ecologist may gather data in several ways. The first approach
might be a field study to examine how patterns of soil nitrogen and grass productivity covary
(vary together) across the landscape. If nitrogen is controlling grassland productivity,
productivity should increase with increasing soil nitrogen. The ecologist would measure
nitrogen availability and grassland productivity at various sites across the landscape. Then, the
relationship between these two variables, nitrogen and productivity, could be expressed
After you have become familiar with scatter plots, you’ll see the graph of Figure 1.5
shows nitrogen availability on the horizontal or x-axis and grassland productivity on the
vertical or y-axis. This arrangement is important. The scientist is assuming that nitrogen is the
cause and that grassland productivity is the effect. Because nitrogen (x) is the cause, we refer
to it as the independent variable. Because it is hypothesized that grassland productivity (y) is
influenced by the availability of nitrogen, we refer to it as the dependent variable. Visit
MasteringBiology at for a tutorial on reading and interpreting
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From the observations plotted in Figure 1.5, it is apparent that grassland productivity
does, in fact, increase with increasing availability of nitrogen in the soil. Therefore, the data
support the hypothesis. Had the data shown no relationship between grassland productivity and
nitrogen, the ecologist would have rejected the hypothesis and sought a new explanation for
the observed differences in grassland productivity across the landscape. However, although the
data suggest that grassland production does increase with increasing soil nitrogen, they do not
prove that nitrogen is the only factor controlling grass growth and production. Some other
factor that varies with nitrogen availability, such as soil moisture or acidity, may actually be
responsible for the observed relationship. To test the hypothesis another way, the ecologist
may choose to do an experiment. An experiment is a test under controlled conditions performed
to examine the validity of a hypothesis. In designing the experiment, the scientist will try to
isolate the presumed causal agent – in this case, nitrogen availability.
The scientist may decide to do a field experiment, adding nitrogen to some field sites and
not to others. The investigator controls the independent variable (levels of nitrogen) in a
predetermined way, to reflect observed variations in soil nitrogen availability across the
landscape, and monitors the response of the dependent variable (plant growth). By observing
the differences in productivity between the grasslands fertilized with nitrogen and those that
were not, the investigator tries to test whether nitrogen is the causal agent. However, in
choosing the experimental sites, the ecologist must try to locate areas where other factors that
may influence productivity, such as moisture and acidity, are similar. Otherwise, she cannot
be sure which factor is responsible for the observed differences in productivity among the sites.
Finally, the ecologist might try a third approach – a series of laboratory experiments.
Laboratory experiments give the investigator much more control over the environmental
conditions. For example, she can grow the native grasses in the greenhouse under conditions
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of controlled temperature, soil acidity, and water availability. If the plants exhibit increased
growth with higher nitrogen fertilization, the investigator has further evidence in support of
the hypothesis. Nevertheless, she faces a limitation common to all laboratory experiments; that
is, the results are not directly applicable in the field. The response of grass plants under
controlled laboratory conditions may not be the same as their response under natural conditions
in the field. There, the plants are part of the ecosystem and interact with other plants, animals,
and the physical environment. Despite this limitation, the ecologist has accumulated additional
data describing the basic growth response of the plants to nitrogen availability.
Having conducted several experiments that confirm the link between patterns of grass
productivity to nitrogen availability, the ecologist may now wish to explore this relationship
further, to see how the relationship between productivity and nitrogen is influenced by other
environmental factors that vary across the prairie landscape. For example, how do differences
in rainfall and soil moisture across the region influence the relationship between grass
production and soil nitrogen? Once again hypotheses are developed, predictions made, and
experiments conducted. As the ecologist develops a more detailed understanding of how
various environmental factors interact with soil nitrogen to control grass production, a more
general theory of the influence of environmental factors controlling grass production in the
grassland prairies may emerge. A theory is an integrated set of hypotheses that together
explain a broader set of observations than any single hypothesis – such as a general theory of
environmental controls on productivity of the prairie grassland ecosystems of North America.
Although the diagram of the scientific method presented in Figure 1.4 represents the
process of scientific investigation as a sequence of well-defined steps that proceeds in a linear
fashion, in reality, the process of scientific research often proceeds in a nonlinear fashion.
Scientists often begin an investigation based on readings of previously published studies,
discussions with colleagues, or informal observations made in the field or laboratory rather
than any formal process. Often during hypothesis testing, observations may lead the researcher
to modify the experimental design or redefine the original hypothesis. In reality, the practice
of science involves unexpected twist and turns. In some cases, unexpected observations or
results during the initial investigation may completely change the scope of the study, leading
the researcher in directions never anticipated. Whatever twists and unanticipated turns may
occur, however, the process of science is defined by the fundamental structure and constraints
of the scientific method.
Scientists use the understanding derived from observation and experiments to develop
models. Data are limited to the special case of what happened when the measurements were
made. Like photographs, data represent a given place and time.
Models use the understanding gained from the data to predict what will happen in some
other place and time. Models are abstract, simplified representations of real systems. They
allow us to predict some behavior or response using a set of explicit assumptions, and as with
hypotheses, these predictions should be testable through further observation or experiments.
Models may be mathematical, like computer simulations, or they may be verbally descriptive,
like Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Hypotheses are models, although the
term model is typically reserved for circumstances in which the hypothesis has at least some
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limited support through observations and experimental results. For example, the hypothesis
relating grass production to nitrogen availability is a model. It predicts that plant productivity
will increase with increasing nitrogen availability. However, this prediction is qualitative – it
does not predict how much plant productivity will increase. In contrast, mathematical models
usually offer quantitative predictions. For example, from the data in Figure 1.5, we can develop
a regression equation – a form of statistical model – to predict the amount of grassland
productivity per unit of nitrogen in the soil (Figure 1.8).
concepts, in science, the exploration of concepts is limited to the facts. In science, the only
valid means of judging a concept is by testing its empirical truth.
However, scientific concepts have no permanence because they are only our
interpretations of natural phenomena. We are limited to inspecting only a part of nature because
to understand, we have to simplify. As discussed, in designing experiments, we control the
pertinent factors and try to eliminate others that may confuse the results. Our intent is to focus
on a subset of nature from which we can establish cause and effect. The trade-off is that
whatever cause and effect we succeed in identifying represents only a partial connection to the
nature we hope to understand. For that reason, when experiments and observations support our
hypotheses, and when the predictions of the models are verified, our job is still not complete.
We work to loosen the constraints imposed by the need to simplify so that we can understand.
We expand our hypothesis to cover a broader range of conditions and once again begin testing
its ability to explain our new observations.
It may sound odd at first, but science is a search for evidence that proves our concepts
wrong. Rarely is there only one possible explanation for an observation. As a result, any
number of hypotheses may be developed that might be consistent with an observation. The
determination that experimental data are consistent with a hypothesis does not prove that the
hypothesis is true. The real goal of hypothesis testing is to eliminate incorrect ideas. Thus, we
must follow a process of elimination, searching for evidence that proves a hypothesis wrong.
Science is essentially a self-correcting activity, dependent on the continuous process of debate.
Dissent is the activity of science, fueled by free inquiry and independence of thought. To the
outside observer, this essential process of debate may appear to be a shortcoming. After all, we
depend on science for the development of technology and the ability to solve problems. For
the world’s current environmental issues, the solutions may well involve difficult ethical,
social, and economic decisions. In this case, the uncertainty inherent in science is
discomforting. However, we must not mistake uncertainty for confusion, nor should we allow
disagreement among scientists to become an excuse for inaction. Instead, we need to
understand the uncertainty so that we may balance it against the costs of inaction.
The complex interactions taking place within ecological systems involve all kinds of
physical, chemical, and biological processes. To study these interactions, ecologists must draw
on other sciences. This dependence makes ecology an interdisciplinary science.
Although we explore topics that are typically the subject of disciplines such as
biochemistry, physiology, and genetics, we do so only in the context of understanding the
interplay of organisms with their environment. The study of how plants take up carbon dioxide
and lose water, for example, belongs to plant physiology. Ecology looks at how these processes
respond to variations in rainfall and temperature. This information is crucial to understanding
the distribution and abundance of plant populations and the structure and function of
ecosystems on land. Likewise, we must draw on many of the physical sciences, such as
geology, hydrology, and meteorology. They help us chart other ways in which organisms and
environments interact. For instance, as plants take up water, they influence soil moisture and
the patterns of surface water flow. As they lose water to the atmosphere, they increase
atmospheric water content and influence regional patterns of precipitation. The geology of an
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area influences the availability of nutrients and water for plant growth. In each example, other
scientific disciplines are crucial to understanding how individual organisms both respond to
and shape their environment.
In the 21st century, ecology is entering a new frontier, one that requires expanding our
view of ecology to include the dominant role of humans in nature. Among the many
environmental problems facing humanity, four broad and interrelated areas are crucial: human
population growth, biological diversity, sustainability, and global climate change. As the
human population increased from approximately 500 million to more than 7 billion in the past
two centuries, dramatic changes in land use have altered Earth’s surface. The clearing of forests
for agriculture has destroyed many natural habitats, resulting in a rate of species extinction that
is unprecedented in Earth’s history. In addition, the expanding human population is exploiting
natural resources at unsustainable levels. As a result of the growing demand for energy from
fossil fuels that is needed to sustain economic growth, the chemistry of the atmosphere is
changing in ways that are altering Earth’s climate. These environmental problems are
ecological in nature, and the science of ecology is essential to understanding their causes and
identifying ways to mitigate their impacts. Addressing these issues, however, requires a
broader interdisciplinary framework to better understand their historical, social, legal, political,
and ethical dimensions. That broader framework is known as environmental science.
Environmental science examines the impact of humans on the natural environment and as such
covers a wide range of topics including agronomy, soils, demography, agriculture, energy, and
hydrology, to name but a few.
Throughout the text, we use the Ecological Issues & Applications sections of each
chapter to highlight topics relating to current environmental issues regarding human impacts
on the environment and to illustrate the importance of the science of ecology to better
understanding the human relationship with the environment.
Whereas the early plant ecologists were concerned mostly with terrestrial vegetation, another
group of European biologists was interested in the relationship between aquatic plants and animals
and their environment. They advanced the ideas of organic nutrient cycling and feeding levels, using
the terms producers and consumers. Their work influenced a young limnologist at the University of
Minnesota, R. A. Lindeman. He traced “energy-available” relationships within a lake community.
His 1942 paper, “The Trophic-Dynamic Aspects of Ecology,” marked the beginning of ecosystem
ecology, the study of whole living systems.
Lindeman’s theory stimulated further pioneering work in the area of energy flow and nutrient
cycling by G. E. Hutchinson of Yale University and E. P. and H. T. Odum of the University of
Georgia. Their work became a foundation of ecosystem ecology. The use of radioactive tracers, a
product of the atomic age, to measure the movements of energy and nutrients through ecosystems
and the use of computers to analyze large amounts of data stimulated the development of systems
ecology, the application of general system theory and methods to ecology.
Animal ecology initially developed largely independently of the early developments in plant
ecology. The beginnings of animal ecology can be traced to two Europeans, R. Hesse of Germany
and Charles Elton of England. Elton’s Animal Ecology (1927) and Hesse’s Tiergeographie auf logischer
grundlage (1924), translated into English as Ecological Animal Geography, strongly influenced the
development of animal ecology in the United States. Charles Adams and Victor Shelford were two
pioneering U.S. animal ecologists. Adams published the first textbook on animal ecology, A Guide to
the Study of Animal Ecology (1913). Shelford wrote Animal Communities in Temperate America (1913).
Shelford gave a new direction to ecology by stressing the interrelationship between plants and
animals. Ecology became a science of communities. Some previous European ecologists, particularly
the marine biologist Karl Mobius, had developed the general concept of the community. In his essay
“An Oyster Bank is a Biocenose” (1877), Mobius explained that the oyster bank, although dominated
by one animal, was really a complex community of many interdependent organisms. He proposed
the word biocenose for such a community. The word comes from the Greek, meaning life having
something in common.
The appearance in 1949 of the encyclopedic Principles of Animal Ecology by five second-
generation ecologists from the University of Chicago (W. C. Allee, A. E. Emerson, Thomas Park,
Orlando Park, and K. P. Schmidt) pointed to the direction that modern ecology would take. It
emphasized feeding relationships and energy budgets, population dynamics, and natural selection
and evolution.
During the period of development of the field of animal ecology, natural history observations
also focused on the behavior of animals. This focus on animal behavior began with 19th-century
behavioral studies including those of ants by William Wheeler and of South American monkeys by
Charles Carpenter. Later, the pioneering studies of Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen on the role
of imprinting and instinct in the social life of animals, particularly birds and fish, gave rise to
ethology. It spawned an offshoot, behavioral ecology, exemplified by L. E. Howard’s early study
on territoriality in birds. Behavioral ecology is concerned with intraspecific and interspecific
relationships such as mating, foraging, defense, and how behavior is influenced by natural selection.
The writings of the economist Malthus that were so influential in the development of Darwin’s
ideas regarding the origin of species also stimulated the study of natural populations. The study of
populations in the early 20th century branched into two fields. One, population ecology, is concerned
with population growth (including birthrates and death rates), regulation and intraspecific and
interspecific competition, mutualism, and predation. The other, a combination of population
genetics and population ecology is evolutionary ecology, which deals with the role of natural
selection in physical and behavioral adaptations and speciation. Focusing on adaptations,
physiological ecology is concerned with the responses of individual organisms to temperature,
moisture, light, and other environmental conditions.
Closely associated with population and evolutionary ecology is community ecology, with its
focus on species interactions. One of the major objectives of community ecology is to understand the
origin, maintenance, and consequences of species diversity within ecological communities.
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With advances in biology, physics, and chemistry throughout the latter part of the 20th century,
new areas of study in ecology emerged. The development of aerial photography and later the
launching of satellites by the U.S. space program provided scientists with a new perspective of the
surface of Earth through the use of remote sensing data. Ecologists began to explore spatial processes
that linked adjacent communities and ecosystems through the new emerging field of landscape
ecology. A new appreciation of the impact of changing land use on natural ecosystems led to the
development of conservation ecology, which applies principles from different fields, from ecology
to economics and sociology, to the maintenance of biological diversity. The application of principles
of ecosystem development and function to the restoration and management of disturbed lands gave
rise to restoration ecology, whereas understanding Earth as a system is the focus of the newest area
of ecological study, global ecology.
Ecology has so many roots that it probably will always remain multifaceted – as the ecological
historian Robert McIntosh calls it, “a polymorphic discipline.” Insights from these many specialized
areas of ecology will continue to enrich the science as it moves forward in the 21 st century.