BSC IT Syllabus
BSC IT Syllabus
BSC IT Syllabus
Information Technology
(A State University, Accredited with “A” Grade by NAAC,
Ranked 13th among Indian Universities by MHRD-NIRF,
World Ranking : Times - 801-1000, Shanghai - 901-1000, URAP - 982)
Coimbatore - 641 046, Tamil Nadu, India
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Core 6: System Software and
4 6 25 75 100
Operating System
Core 7: Linux and Shell
4 6 25 75 100
Core Lab 5: Linux and Shell
4 6 40 60 100
Programming Lab
Allied 4: Business Accounting 4 6 25 75 100
Skill based subject 2 (lab) :
HTML, XML and JavaScript 3 4 30 45 75
Tamil @/ Advanced Tamil
(OR) Non-major elective-II 2 2 - 50 50
(General Awareness) #
Total 21 24 6 145 380 525
Core 8: RDBMS & Oracle 4 6 25 75 100
Core 9: Visual Basic 4 6 25 75 100
Core Lab 6: Programming Lab
4 6 40 60 100
– VB & Oracle
Soft Computing/ Animation
4 6 25 75 100
Techniques / Business
Skill based Subject 3: Dot Net
3 6 20 55 75
Total 19 24 6 135 340 475
Core 10: Graphics &
4 5 25 75 100
Core 11: Project Work Lab %% 8 5 - 200 200
Core Lab 7: Programming Lab
4 6 40 60 100
– Graphics & Multimedia
Elective-II : Network Security
and Administration/ Mobile
4 5 25 75 100
Computing / Python
Elective-III : Internet of Things
(IoT)/ Component Technology/ 4 5 25 75 100
Skill based Subject 4 (lab) : Dot
3 4 30 45 75
Net Lab
Extension Activities 2 50 - 50
Total 29 20 10 195 530 725
Grand Total 140 144 36 920 2580 3500
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Scope, Visibility and Lifetime of Variables- Multi file Programs. Structures and Unions
Reference Books
1 Ashok N Kamthane: Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson, 2002.
2 Henry Mullish & Hubert L.Cooper: The Sprit of C, Jaico, 1996.
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Reference Books
1 Digital Electronics Circuits and Systems, V.K. Puri, TMH.
2 Computer Architecture, M. Carter, Schaum‘s outline series, TMH.
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Programs 36 hours
1. Write a C program to find the sum, average, standard deviation for a given set of numbers.
2. Write a C program to generate n prime numbers.
3. Write a C program to generate Fibonacci series.
4. Write a C program to print magic square of order n where n > 3 and n is odd.
5. Write a C program to sort the given set of numbers in ascending order.
6. Write a C program to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not using pointers.
7. Write a C program to count the number of Vowels in the given sentence.
8. Write a C program to find the factorial of a given number using recursive function.
9. Write a C program to print the students Mark sheet assuming roll no, name, and marks in 5
subjects in a structure. Create an array of structures and print the mark sheet in the university
10. Write a function using pointers to add two matrices and to return the resultant matrix to the
calling function.
11. Write a C program which receives two filenames as arguments and check whether the file
contents are same or not. If same delete the second file
12. Write a program which takes a file as command line argument and copy it to another file. At
the end of the second file write the total i) no of chars ii) no. of words and iii) no. of lines.
Total Lecture hours 36 hours
Text Book(s)
1 E Balagurusamy: Computing Fundamentals & C Programming – Tata McGraw-Hill, Second
Reprint 2008
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Reference Books
1 Ashok N Kamthane: Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson, 2002.
2 Henry Mullish & Hubert L.Cooper: The Sprit of C, Jaico, 1996.
Related Online Contents [MOOC, SWAYAM, NPTEL, Websites etc.]
1 Introduction to Programming in C – NPTEL
2 Problem solving through Programming in C – SWAYAM
3 C for Everyone : Programming Fundamentals – Course
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Reference Books
1 E. Balagurusamy, Object-Oriented Programming with C++, TMH, 1998.
2 Maria Litvin & Gray Litvin, C++ for you, Vikas publication, 2002.
3 John R Hubbard, Programming with C, 2nd Edition, TMH publication, 2002.
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Programs 36 hours
1. Write a C++ Program to create a class to implement the data structure STACK. Write a constructor
to initialize the TOP of the STACK. Write a member function PUSH() to insert an element and
member function POP() to delete an element check for overflow and underflow conditions..
2. Write a C++ Program to create a class ARITHMETIC which consists of a FLOAT and an INTEGER
variable. Write member functions ADD (), SUB(), MUL(), DIV() to perform addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division respectively. Write a member function to get and display values.
3. Write a C++ Program to read an integer number and find the sum of all the digits until it reduces to a
single digit using constructors, destructors and inline member functions.
4. Write a C++ Program to create a class FLOAT that contains one float data member. Overload all the
four Arithmetic operators so that they operate on the object FLOAT
5. Write a C++ Program to create a class STRING. Write a Member Function to initialize, get and
display stings. Overload the operators ++ and == to concatenate two Strings and to compare two
strings respectively.
6. Write a C++ Program to create class, which consists of EMPLOYEE Detail like E_Number,
E_Name, Department, Basic, Salary, Grade. Write a member function to get and display them.
Derive a class PAY from the above class and write a member function to calculate DA, HRA and PF
depending on the grade.
7. Write a C++ Program to create a class SHAPE which consists of two VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS
Calculate_Area() and Calculate_Perimeter() to calculate area and perimeter of various figures.
Derive three classes SQUARE, RECTANGLE, TRIANGE from class Shape and Calculate Area and
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Reference Books
1 E. Balagurusamy, Object-Oriented Programming with C++, TMH, 1998.
2 Maria Litvin & Gray Litvin, C++ for you, Vikas publication, 2002.
3 John R Hubbard, Programming with C, 2nd Edition, TMH publication, 2002.
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Programs 36 hours
1. Create an email account in Gmail. Using the account created compose a mail to invite other
college students for your college fest, enclose the invitation as attachment and send the mail
to at least 50 recipients. Use CC and BCC options accordingly
2. Open your inbox in the Gmail account created, check the mail received from your peer from
other college inviting you for his college fest, and download the invitation. Reply to the
mail with a thank you note for the invite and forward the mail to other friends.
3. Assume that you are studying in final year of your graduation and are eagerly looking for
a job. Visit any job portal and upload your resume.
4. Create a meeting using Google calendar and share meeting id to the attendees. Transfer
the ownership to the Manager once the meeting id is generated.
5. Create a label and upload bulk contacts using import option in Google Contacts
6. Create your own Google classroom and invite all your friends through email id. Post study
material in Google classroom using Google drive. Create a separate folder for every
subject and upload all unit wise E-Content Materials.
7. Create and share a folder in Google Drive using ‘share a link’ option and set the
permission to access that folder by your friends only.
8. Create one-page story in your mother tongue by using voice recognition facility of Google
9. Create a registration form for your Department Seminar or Conference using Google
10. Create a question paper with multiple choice types of questions for a subject of your
choice, using Google Forms.
11. Create a Google form with minimum 25 questions to conduct a quiz and generate a certificate after
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12. Create a meet using Google Calendar and record the meet using Google Meet.
13. Create a Google slides for a topic and share the same with your friends.
14. Create template for a seminar certificate using Google Slides.
15. Create a sheet to illustrate simple mathematical calculations using Google Sheets.
16. Create student’s internal mark statement and share the Google sheets via link.
17. Create different types of charts for a range in CIA mark statement using Google Sheets.
18. Create a mark statement in Google Sheets and download it as PDF, .xls and .csv files
Text Book(s)
1 Ian Lamont, Google Drive & Docs in 30 Minutes, 2nd Edition.
Reference Books
1 Sherry Kinkoph Gunter, My Google Apps, 2014.
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Reference Books
Jean-Paul,Tremblay & Paul G.Sorenson , An Introduction to Data structures with Applications
Tata McGraw Hill Company 2008, 2ndEdition.
2 Samanta.D , Classic Data Structure Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2007, 9th Edition
3 Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures McGraw Hill Publications, 2014, 1st Edition
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Reference Books
1 The Complete Reference Java 2 - Patrick Naughton & Hebert Schildt, 3rd Edition, TMH
2 Programming with Java – John R. Hubbard, 2nd Edition, TMH.
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Programs 36 hours
1. Write a Java Applications to extract a portion of a character string and print the extracted string.
2. Write a Java Program to implement the concept of multiple inheritance using Interfaces.
3. Write a Java Program to create an Exception called payout-of-bounds and throw the
4. Write a Java Program to implement the concept of multithreading with the use of any three
multiplication tables and assign three different priorities to them.
5. Write a Java Program to draw several shapes in the created windows.
6. Write a Java Program to create a frame with four text fields name, street, city and pin code
with suitable tables. Also add a button called my details. When the button is clicked its
corresponding values are to be appeared in the text fields.
7. Write a Java Program to demonstrate the Multiple Selection List-box.
8. Write a Java Program to create a frame with three text fields for name, age and qualification
and a text field for multiple line for address
9. Write a Java Program to create Menu Bars and pull down menus.
10. Write a Java Program to create frames which respond to the mouse clicks. For each events
with mouse such as mouse up, mouse down, etc., the corresponding message to be
11. Write a Java Program to draw circle, square, ellipse and rectangle at the mouse click
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12. Write a Java Program which open an existing file and append text to that file.
Total Lecture hours 36 hours
Text Book(s)
1 Programming with Java – A Primer – E. Balagurusamy, 5th Edition, TMH.
2 Herbert Schildt , Java: The Complete Reference, McGraw Hill Education, Oracle Press 10th
Edition, 2018
3 Programming with Java – A Primer – E. Balagurusamy, 3rd Edition, TMH.
Reference Books
1 The Complete Reference Java 2 – Patrick Naughton & Hebert Schildt, 3rd Edition, TMH
2 Programming with Java – John R. Hubbard, 2nd Edition, TMH.
Related Online Contents [MOOC, SWAYAM, NPTEL, Websites etc.]
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Reference Books
1 Chris Bates, “Web Programming: Building Internet Applications”, Third Edition, Wiley India
Edition, 2007
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Working Sets – Demand Paging – Page Size. Processor Management: Job and Processor
Scheduling: Preemptive Vs Non-preemptive scheduling – Priorities – Deadline scheduling.
Reference Books
1 Achy8ut S. Godbole, Operating Systems, TMH, 2002.
2 John J. Donovan, Systems Programming, TMH, 1991.
3 D.M. Dhamdhere, Systems Programming and Operating Systems, 2nd Revised Edition, TMH.
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Using Conditional Execution in Shell Scripts: Conditional Execution – The case…esac Construct.
Managing repetitive tasks using Shell Scripts: Using Iteration in Shell Scripts – The while
construct – until construct – for construct – break and continue commands – Simple Programs
using Shell Scripts.
Reference Books
1 Richard Petersen, Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi, Edition 2008.
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Programming Lab –
Programs 36 hours
1. Write a shell script to stimulate the file commands: rm, cp, cat, mv, cmp, wc, split, diff.
2. Write a shell script to show the following system configuration :
a. currently logged user and his log name
b. current shell , home directory , Operating System type , current Path setting , current working
c. show currently logged number of users, show all available shells
d. show CPU information like processor type , speed
e. show memory information
3. Write a Shell Script to implement the following: pipes, Redirection and tee commands.
4. Write a shell script for displaying current date, user name, file listing and directories by
getting user choice.
5. Write a shell script to implement the filter commands.
6. Write a shell script to remove the files which has file size as zero bytes.
7. Write a shell script to find the sum of the individual digits of a given number.
8. Write a shell script to find the greatest among the given set of numbers using command line
9. Write a shell script for palindrome checking.
10. Write a shell script to print the multiplication table of the given argument using for loop.
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Programs 36 hours
1. Design Simple Web Pages using standard HTML tags like, HEAD, TITLE, BODY.
2. Design HTML web pages, which make use of INPUT, META, SCRIPT, FORM,
3. Working with various attributes of standard HTML elements
4. Using JavaScript's Window and document objects and their properties and various
methods like alert(), eval(), Parselnt () etc. methods to give the dynamic functionality
to HTML web pages
5. Writing JavaScript snippet which makes use of JavaScript's in-bulit as well as user
defined objects like navigator, Date Array, Event, Number etc.
6. Write code which does the form validation in various INPUT elements like
TextFiled, Text Area, Password, Selection list etc.
7. Writing XML web Documents which make use of XML Declaration, Element
Declaration, Attribute Declaration
8. Usage of Internal DTD, External DTD, Entity Declaration.
Total Lecture hours 36 hours
Text Book(s)
1 Raymond Greenlaw, Ellen Hepp, Fundamentals of the INTERNET and the World Wide
Web, Second Edition , Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
Reference Books
1 Brett McLaughlin, Java and XML, 2nd edition, O’REILLY, 2006.
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Substitution Variables – DEFINE command – CASE structure. Functions and Grouping: Built-in
functions –Grouping Data. Multiple Tables: Joins and Set operations: Join – Set operations.
Reference Books
1 Database Management Systems, Majumdar & Bhattacharya, 2007, TMH.
2 Database Management Systems, Gerald V. Post, 3rd edition, TMH.
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Data reports.
Reference Books
1 Gray Cornell (2003), ”Visual Basic 6 from ground up” TMH, New Delhi, 1st Edition,
Deitel and Deitel, T.R.Nieto (1998), “Visual Basic 6 - How to Program”, Pearson Education.
First Edition.
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Programming Lab –
Course code L T P C
VB & Oracle
Core/Elective/Supportive Core Lab : 6 0 0 6 4
Students should have the theoretical knowledge Syllabus 2020-21
in visual basic and oops concept. Version Onwards
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To develop applications using Graphical User Interface tools.
2. To understand the design concepts.
3. To design and build database systems and demonstrate their competence.
4. To create requirement analysis and specification for software applications.
Programs 36 hours
1. Construction of an Arithmetic Calculator (Simple).
2. Writing simple programs using loops and decision-making statements.
a. Generate Fibonacci series.
b. Find the sum of N numbers.
3. Write a program to create a menu and MDI Forms.
4. Write a program to display files in a directory using DriveListBox, DirListBox and
FileListBox control and open, edit and save text file using Rich text box control.
5. Write a program to illustrate Common Dialog Control and to open, edit and save text file.
6. Write a program to implement animation using timers.
7. Write a simple VB program to accept a number as input and convert it into
a. Binary b. Octal c. Hexa-decimal
8. Create a table for Employee details with Employee Number as primary key and following
Name, Designation, Gender, Age, Date of Joining and Salary. Insert at least ten rows and
perform various queries using any one Comparison, Logical, Set, Sorting and Grouping
9. Write a PL/SQL to update the rate field by 20% more than the current rate in inventory
table which has the following fields: Prono, ProName and Rate. After updating the table a
new field (Alter) called for Number of item and place for values for the new field without
using PL/SQL block.
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Reference Books
1 Gray Cornell (2003), ”Visual Basic 6 from ground up” TMH, New Delhi, 1st Edition,
Deitel and Deitel, T.R.Nieto (1998), “Visual Basic 6 – How to Program”, Pearson Education.
First Edition.
Related Online Contents [MOOC, SWAYAM, NPTEL, Websites etc.]
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Reference Books
1 Klir.G, Yuan B.B. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.
2 Laurance Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Prentice Hall, 1992.
3 Gen, M. and R. Cheng, Genetic Algorithm and Engineering Design, John Wiley, 1997.
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Reference Books
1 Ze-Nian Li and Mark S.Drew, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, First Edition, Pearson
Education, 2007
2 Prabhat K Andleigh, Kiran Thakrar, “Multimedia systems design”, First Edition, PHI, 2007
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– China Eastern
Reference Books
1 Knowledge Management and Business Innovation, Yogesh Malhotra, Idea Group, 2001
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Unit:2 File I/O, Object Oriented Concepts and Message Queues 15 hours
Procedures- Dialog boxes- File IO and System objects- Error handling- Namespaces-Classes and
Objects- Multithreading-Message Queue- Programming MSMQ.
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Reference Books
1 Fergal Grimes, Microsoft .NET for programmers, Shroff Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd.
ISBN 81-7366-540-0.
Thuan Thai & Hoang Q.Lam, .NET Framework Essentials, Shroff Publishers & Distributors
2 (P) Ltd. ISBN 81-7366-654-7
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Basics of Staff Notation – Sound Card – Audio Transmission – Audio File formats and CODECs –
Audio Recording Systems – Audio and Multimedia – Voice Recognition and Response - Audio
Processing Software.
Reference Books
1 Computer Graphics, Amarendra N Sinha, Arun D Udai, TMH.
2 Multimedia: Making it Work, Tay Vaughan, 7th edition, TMH.
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College Logo
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2.1.1 Drawbacks
2.2 Proposed System
2.2.1 Features
3. System Design and Development
3.1 File Design
3.2 Input Design
3.3 Output Design
3.4 Database Design
3.5 System Development
3.5.1 Description of Modules (Detailed explanation about the project work)
4. Testing and Implementation
5. Conclusion
A. Data Flow Diagram
B. Table Structure
C. Sample Coding
D. Sample Input
E. Sample Output
Course Designed By:
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Programming Lab –
Course code L T P C
Graphics & Multimedia
Core/Elective/Supportive Core Lab : 7 0 0 6 4
Students should have the basic knowledge on C
Syllabus 2020-21
Pre-requisite and C++ to do computer graphics and
Version Onwards
multimedia applications.
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To learn the basic principles of 2-dimensional computer graphics.
2. Provide an understanding of how to scan convert the basic geometrical primitives, how to
transform the shapes to fit them as per the picture definition.
3. Provide an understanding of mapping from a world coordinates to device coordinates,
clipping and projections.
4. To be able to discuss the application of computer graphics concepts in the development of
computer games, information visualization and business applications.
5. To comprehend and analyse the fundamentals of animation, virtual reality, underlying
technologies, principles and applications.
Programs 36 hours
1. Write a program to rotate an image.
2. Write a program to drop each word of a sentence one by one from the top.
3. Write a program to drop a line using DDA Algorithm.
4. Write a program to move a car with sound effect.
5. Write a program to bounce a ball and move it with sound effect.
6. Write a program to test whether a given pixel is inside or outside or on a polygon.
7. Create Sun Flower using Photoshop.
8. Animate Plane flying in the Clouds using Photoshop.
9. Create Plastic Surgery for the Nose using Photoshop.
10. Create See-through text using Photoshop.
11. Create a Web Page using Photoshop.
12. Convert Black and White Photo to Color Photo using Photoshop.
Total Lecture hours 36 hours
Text Book(s)
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Reference Books
Related Online Contents [MOOC, SWAYAM, NPTEL, Websites etc.]
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Secure Socket Layer – (SSL) – Transport Layer Security(TLS) – Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
(SHTTP) – Time Stamping Protocol (TSP) – Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) – SSL Versus SET
– 3-D secure Protocol –Electronic Money - - Email security – Wireless Application Protocol (WIP)
Security - Security in GSM –Security in 3G.
Reference Books
1 Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 4th edition, PHI.
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– Data services in GPRS – Application for GPRS- Limitations – Billing and Charging. WAP :
MMS – GPRS Applications
Reference Books
1 Jochen H. Schller, “Mobile Communications”, Second Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
Dharma Prakash Agarval, Qing and An Zeng, “Introduction to Wireless and Mobile systems”,
Thomson Asia Pvt Ltd, 2005.
Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklons and Thomas Stober, “Principles of Mobile
Computing”, Springer, 2003.
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Reference Books
1 Allen B. Downey, “Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist”, 2nd edition,
Updated for Python 3, Shroff/O‘Reilly Publishers, 2016
Guido van Rossum and Fred L. Drake Jr, An Introduction to Python – Revised and updated for
Python 3.2, Network Theory Ltd., 2011
3 Wesley J Chun, Core Python Applications Programming‖, Prentice Hall, 2012.
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Reference Books
Internet of Things - Srinivasa K.G., Siddesh G.M. Hanumantha Raju R. Publisher: Cengage
Learning India pvt. Ltd (2018)
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Migration case studies - Problem and Objective standard based Profile - Project context - Business
objects and Process - Interface migration.
Reference Books
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: Elements – e-Visibility – The e-Shop – On line Payments - Delivering the Goods – Internet e-
Commerce Security .
Reference Book(s)
1 E-Commerce - An Indian Perspective, P.T.Joseph, S.J., Fourth Edition, PHI 2012.
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Programs 36 hours
1. Create a VB .Net program to add a string to Combo box with value of Textbox when user
clicks button control.
2. Create a VB .Net program to display hierarchical representations of items with tree view
control using Runtime coding.
3. Create a VB .Net program to handle user defined Exceptions.
4. Create a VB .Net program for Employee details to read and display the data using
constructors and member functions.
5. Create an application in VB .Net to demonstrate the following events:
i. Click
ii. Mouse Down
iii. Key Down
iv. Form Load
6. Create an application in VB .Net for File Menu with Menu items New, Open, Save, Print
and Exit & Edit Menu with Menu items Cut, Copy, Paste, Find and Undo.
7. Create an application in VB .Net for student information database and perform the following
i. Addition
iii. Updation
8. Design a website using web form to show the current date and time when a user clicks the
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Text Book(s)
1 Bill Evjen, Jason Beres,, Visual Basic .Net programming, Wiley Dreamtech India (p)
Ltd. ISBN 81-265-0254-1.
Reference Books
Related Online Contents [MOOC, SWAYAM, NPTEL, Websites etc.]
1 Fergal Grimes, Microsoft .NET for programmers, Shroff Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd.
ISBN 81-7366-540-0.
Thuan Thai & Hoang Q.Lam, .NET Framework Essentials, Shroff Publishers & Distributors
(P) Ltd. ISBN 81-7366-654-7
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(With effect from 2020 -2021)
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To develop IT professionals with ethical and human values.
To organize, connect, create and communicate mathematical ideas effectively,
through industry 4.0.
To provide a learning environment to enhance innovations, problem solving abilities,
leadership potentials, team-spirit and moral tasks.
To nurture the research values in the developing areas of Computer Science and
interdisciplinary fields.
Promote inter-disciplinary research among the faculty and the students to create state
of art research facilities.
To promote quality and ethics among the students.
Motivate the students to acquire entrepreneurial skills to become global leaders.
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