How To Construct and Bootstrap Yield Curve: David Lee
How To Construct and Bootstrap Yield Curve: David Lee
How To Construct and Bootstrap Yield Curve: David Lee
David Lee
Yield Curve
▪ Yield Curve Introduction
▪ Interpolation
▪ Optimization
Yield Curve
▪ Most popular interpolation algorithms in curve bootstrapping are
linear, log-linear and cubic spline.
▪ The selected interpolation rule can be applied to either zero rates
or discount factors.
▪ Some critics argue that some of these simple interpolations
cannot generate smooth forward rates and the others may be able
to produce smooth forward rates but fail to match the market
▪ Also they cannot guarantee the continuity and positivity of
forward rates.
Yield Curve
Interpolation (Cont)
▪ The monotone convex interpolation is more rigorous. It meets the
following essential criteria:
• Replicate the quotes of all input underlying instruments.
▪ As described above, the bootstrapping process needs to solve a
yield using a root finding algorithm.