Lifelong Learning: Success

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11 Lifelong learning

Successful learning

Reading (Note and table completion)

COURSEBOOK pages 8–9 and 18–19

1 Habitats
2 Reasons for migration
3 Scientific interest
4 New findings

Test practice
b Find words/phrases in the reading passage that
correspond to the following sub-headings in the
notes in Exercise 4.

Read the strategy and complete the test tasks.

In note- and table-completion tasks, the information
may not follow the same order as the information in
the reading passage.

Questions 1–6
Complete the notes below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the
passage for each answer.

Monarch Butterflies
Summer – eastern US and south-eastern Canada
Before you read Winter – central Mexico
1 a Read the title of the reading passage. What The monarch’s dependence on wintering in a
information do you think the passage will contain? 1  highly endangered.
1 how the monarch butterfly solves problems Reasons for migration
2 threats to the monarch butterfly’s survival Southwards  to escape 2
Northwards  to lay eggs near 3
b Read the passage. Was your answer to the
Scientific interest
question in Exercise 1a correct?
Individuals live for less than one year, so cannot
2 Consider the words in italics in the reading 4 a route.
passage: migration, navigational, genetic, compass. The butterflies’ 5 skills seem to be genetic.
If you don’t know the meaning, try to guess it, New findings
then check in your dictionary. Scientists have discovered how the butterflies
determine 6 while flying.
Predict language; Scan for information
3 a Read around the gaps in the test task in Exercise hh
4. What class of word (noun, adjective, verb, etc.)
1 The missing word must be an adjective or a countable
are you looking for?
noun beginning with a consonant.
1 a noun/adjective

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Module 1
Lifelong learning 1a
Inside the brain of the monarch butterfly
The annual migration of monarch butterflies is considered to be one US, said: “Their brain, which contains a compass, integrates two
of the most remarkable natural phenomena on the planet. The insects pieces of information – the time of day and the sun’s position on the
are typically found in the eastern US and south-eastern Canada, horizon – to find the southerly direction. We wanted to understand
where they spend the summer months before flying south to a single how the monarch is processing these different types of information
spot in central Mexico (on top of the Michoacán Mountains) for the to yield this constant behaviour – flying south-west each autumn.”
winter. The journey can involve travelling up to 3,000 miles. At these
Monarchs use their large, complex eyes to monitor where the sun
wintering sites they cluster on top of trees in their millions, and the air
is in the sky, but this information alone is not enough to determine
is full of the sound of their wings. Their reliance on this single spot to
direction. Each butterfly must combine that information with the time
spend the winter has led to the monarch butterfly being rated as one
of day to know where to go. Like most animals, including humans,
of the most endangered creatures in the world.
monarchs possess an internal clock based on the rhythmic expression
Monarch butterflies migrate for two reasons. Firstly, they cannot of key genes. This clock maintains a daily pattern of physiology and
withstand the freezing temperatures in northern and central behaviour and in the monarch butterfly, it is centred in the antennae.
climates. Secondly, the milkweed plants, which are the food that
Dr Shlizerman added: “We created a computer model that
their larvae prefer, do not grow in their overwintering sites, so the
incorporated this information – how the antennae and eyes send
spring generation must fly back northwards to lay their eggs in
this information to the brain. Our goal was to model what type of
places where the plants are plentiful.
control mechanism would be at work within the brain, and then
This ability to continue travelling in the same direction to the same spot asked whether our model could guarantee sustained navigation in
year after year has been the subject of scientific interest for decades. the south-westerly direction.”
The butterflies have a relatively short lifespan: individuals live between
Their model also shows that when they make a mistake, monarchs
two and eight months. Some butterflies make the whole trip, but others
do not simply make the shortest turn to get back on route. The
lay eggs and die on the way, leaving offspring to complete the journey.
model includes a unique feature – a ‘separation point’ that controls
It follows from this that the butterflies do not learn their route; instead
whether the monarch turns right or left to make a course correction.
their navigational abilities appear to be part of a genetic programme
that enables them to make the journey. Their migration is repeated Dr Shlizerman explained: “The location of this point in the monarch
instinctively by generations, and has continued even as monarch butterfly’s visual field changes throughout the day, and our model
numbers have plummeted due to loss of their main food source. predicts that the monarch will not cross this point when it makes a
course correction. In experiments with living monarchs at different
Now at last, scientists believe they have cracked the secret of how
times of the day, it is evident that there are occasions where their
the monarch butterfly’s brain works to establish the direction of
turns in course corrections are unusually long, slow, or meandering.
flight during migration. It is hoped this discovery will help scientists
These could be cases where they can’t do a shorter turn, because
understand how they navigate and locate their food.
that would require crossing the separation point. And when that
Dr Eli Shlizerman, lead author of the study, joined with colleagues at happens, their compass points north-east instead of south-west.
the University of Michigan and the University of Massachusetts to It’s a simple, robust system to explain how these butterflies –
show how the monarch’s internal compass works. Dr Shlizerman, generation after generation – make this remarkable migration.”
who is an assistant professor at the University of Washington in the

Questions 7–10 EXPERT LANGUAGE

Complete the table below. Function is a very common word in written English,
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A especially academic English. The noun and the verb
NUMBER from the passage for each answer. have the same form, while the adjective is functional.

How the monarch butterfly finds its way

Part of the body Characteristics Function Task analysis
eyes big and check the position 5 Answer the questions.
7   of the 8 1 Do any of your answers contain more than two
9 contain the register the time words?
internal clock of day 2 Have you copied all the words correctly?
brain has a 10 combines 3 Do the words you have written fit the notes/table
two pieces of grammatically?

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1a Module 1
Lifelong learning

b Complete the sentences with a phrase from

Vocabulary Exercise 3a.
1 A lot of practice is necessary when attempting to
COURSEBOOK pages 10 and 16
such as skiing.
2 Although humans often regard themselves as a
The language of learning superior species, a lot of animals .
1 Choose the correct option in italics to complete 3 Modern scanning technology has increased
the sentences. scientists’ capacity to on the human brain.
1 The most effective way to gain / acquire a new 4 Research has shown that individuals in
language is to spend time in the country where it a variety of ways, so teachers need to vary their
is spoken. methods accordingly.
2 Monarch butterflies have the method / capacity 5 Images of peaceful, rural landscapes appear to
to steer an accurate course for thousands of in most individuals.
miles. 6 It is difficult to on a task when there are
3 Getting a large number of people to retain / too many visual or auditory distractions.
focus on the same problem can be an effective
way of arriving at a solution. Describe trends
4 Developing new medical treatments and 4 Do you agree or disagree with the following
bringing them to market can be a lengthy statements?
method / process. 1 The cost of course materials has gradually increased.
5 The easy availability of reference materials means 2 Tuition fees have risen steadily over the last few years.
it is unnecessary for people to retain / process a 3 The price of computers has fallen slightly in the
large number of facts. last year or two.
6 Behavioural training typically involves changing 4 Many students find that their concentration levels
a person’s normal capacity / reaction in a given fluctuate over the course of a day.
situation. 5 Owing to new technology, our understanding of
7 During a training course, keeping a diary can the human brain has risen sharply in the last two
help trainees to maintain reaction / focus. decades.
8 One effective training process / method involves
getting trainees to teach other people.
Dictionary skills
9 During medical training, doctors rehearse the
process / capacity of handing patients over to 5 Complete the spidergram below. Use a dictionary
new staff at the end of the day. to help you if necessary.
10 Recent research / focus has provided new
evidence about the monarch butterfly’s brain.
2 Complete the sentences below, using your own
opinions and experience. related words
1 I find that the best method of retaining new
English vocabulary is to . category
2 It’s difficult to focus on my work if .
3 When I have to process a lot of new information, Skill example
my usual reaction is to .
4 I recently read a newspaper article about research pronounciation collocations
into .
5 My capacity for is improving. meaning
6 I have acquired quite a lot of knowledge about
through .

Collocations 6 Choose another word from Exercise 3a and

3 a Underline the word on the left which collocates produce a spidergram.
best with the word/phrase in bold. 7 a Which of the following ways of recording new
1 demonstrate establish express intelligence vocabulary do you use?
2 get acquire obtain a skill 1 add it to an unordered list
3 process deal stir information 2 create a spidergram
4 apply collect focus attention 3 include it under a topic heading
5 conduct make accomplish research 4 add it to an alphabetical list
6 activate initiate trigger a reaction
b Which way works best for you? Why?

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Module 1
Lifelong learning 1a
3 Complete the text with the words below. There is
Language development one extra word which you do not need.

COURSEBOOK page 13, EXPERT GRAMMAR page 176 access enable inadequate informative
international likelihood management reorganisation
Conference in Seattle
1 a Complete the sentences with the phrases below.
Add a pronoun if necessary. A major 1 conference will take place in Seattle this
August. The theme of the conference is financial 2  .
talk through up-to-date top up get in Thanks to a 3 of IT resources, participants at this
1 If you can’t find the book you are looking for, the year’s event will be able to attend either in person or by
bookshop assistant can for you. video link. This will 4 busy executives to avoid
2 If you move house, you should make sure that the spending time travelling long distances.
library has your address. Last year, approximately 1,200 people attended the
3 If the online application form isn’t clear, ring up conference, and this year there is every 5 that
and someone will it. attendance will exceed this figure. Disability 6
4 If the print on your photocopies looks faded, you and catering facilities, both of which were felt to be
probably need to the ink. 7 at last year’s conference, have been given
b Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 1a using the special attention.
words below. Add a preposition if necessary.
refill explain current order Word formation
4 a Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the words below.
3 digit easy law value vary
1 technology has made it possible to collect
Prefixes and store huge amounts of information.
2 Data on a large scale (‘big data’) is for both
2 a Match the prefixes (1–6) with their meanings governments and private organisations.
(A–E). Two have a similar meaning. 3 Data is routinely collected from a wide of
1 inter- A not/no sources.
2 un- B make 4 Retail companies can collect data about
3 en- C bad/wrong customers who shop on the internet.
4 in- D again 5 In some countries there are constraints on
5 mis- E between the storage of personal information.
6 re-
b Complete the sentences with the word in Expert language
brackets and the correct prefix from Exercise 2a. The prefix in- usually makes an adjective negative (e.g.
1 Many new head teachers decide to inadequate), but in the case of valuable it strengthens
(organise) the staffing structure in order to the meaning.
improve a school’s performance.
2 Unfortunately, it appears (likely) that all of b Complete the text below with the correct form of
the UN goals for children’s education will be met. the words in Exercise 4a.
3 The collection of data on a massive scale will
(able) scientists to understand how certain Safer cycling
diseases spread.
Urban planners in cities around the world may soon
4 (national) cooperation is essential for
buy data in 1 form from a cycling website, to
addressing issues such as universal internet access.
5 For people living in remote rural areas, higher find out where and when people ride. Although it is
education is often (accessible). still 2 to pass on personal information without
6 Some user manuals are (informative) consent, now the owners of the website are hoping
because they lack detailed diagrams. that they can use the popularity of ‘big data’ to license
7 According to analysts, the main cause of student anonymous information on a 3 of cycling-
debt is financial (management). related topics. Then they can supply the information to
city planners who will find it 4 when trying to
create a safer infrastructure for cyclists.

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1a Module 1
Lifelong learning

Structure your answer

Writing (Task 1)
2 Number A–D in the correct order to make a
COURSEBOOK page 14, EXPERT WRITING page 191 suitable structure for writing about the graph in
Exercise 1b.
Understand the task A Explanation of most important features (with data).
B Overview (summarising the overall message of
the graph).
C Explanation of other important features (with data).
D Introductory sentences (what the graph shows,
how it is measured).

Summarise features
3 a Look at the writing task in Exercise 4a. Read
the sentences below which come from sample
answers to this task. Which one do you think
gives an effective overview?
1 The graph shows five different types of courses at
a given adult education college and the number
of students on them.
1 a Read the writing task. Underline the parts of the 2 The graph shows significant variation in the
task which tell us number of students on different courses in one
1 the place indicated (definite or vague). adult education college over 30 years, including
2 the unit of measurement. the predicted figures for 2025.
3 the date range (which figures are definite and
b Which of the following sentences describe a
which are predicted?).
trend and which describe a detail?
4 the main focus of comparisons.
1 In 1985 this group was only the third most
The graph below shows the number of students popular but by 2015 it had risen to first position.
graduating in different science subject areas in one 2 The most striking change was in the popularity of
country between 2004 and 2016 (and predicted figures Employability courses.
for 2020). 3 In contrast the number of adults studying
languages declined significantly.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting
4 The number rose from 500 to 650 students with
the main features, and make comparisons where
this figure set to rise to 800 by 2025.
Write at least 150 words. Test practice
300 4 a Look at the task below and identify the topic
Computer sciences Biological and categories. Make a plan for your writing
Mathematical sciences sciences following the structure in Exercise 2.
Number (1000s)

200 Agricultural sciences b Write your answer in not less than 150 words.
Remember to include an introductory sentence, an
Physical explanation of features with data and an overview.
100 sciences
The graph below shows the number of students studying
different subject areas in one adult education college
0 between 1985 and 2015 (and predicted figures for 2025).
2004 2008 2012 2016 2020
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the
Year of graduation
main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
b Look at the graph in detail and answer the
questions. Numbers of students studying different courses
Number of students

1 How many different subject areas are shown? 800

2 Which area shows the biggest increase? 600 Fitness
3 Which shows the biggest decline? 400 Languages
4 Which areas remain relatively steady?
5 Which area is predicted to rise significantly in Art and design
future? 0
1985 1995 2005 2015 2025
6 What is the main message you take from the graph?

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1b Untapped resources
Module 1
Lifelong learning 1a

4 a Now look at the second part of the test task

Listening (Section 2) (questions 5–10). What is the main difference
between questions 1–4 and questions 5–10?
COURSEBOOK pages 12 and 15
b Underline key words in the questions. Think of
Before you listen alternative ways of saying these.
c 1.2 Listen to the second part of the talk and
1 Skim the test task questions (1–4) in Exercise 3.
What do you think the topic of the listening will be? complete the test task.

Questions 5–6
Predict alternative language
Choose TWO letters A–E.
2 a Look at the test task in Exercise 3. The basic
Which TWO things does Andy say about campus
elements of question 1 are shown below. Think
of alternative ways of expressing the points in
options A–C.
A students can reserve a specific room
Q: Question about the history of the college B students usually live on campus in their final year
A combining two institutions C students can’t choose who to share with
B changed courses over 20 years D students all have access to kitchen facilities
C not the same location E students live in small ‘village houses’
b Read an extract from the audio script and
Questions 7–8
answer question 1 in the test task.
Choose TWO letters A–E.
‘We’ve been on this current site for only 20 years, but Which TWO things does Andy say about ways of
we started in London, opening our doors to students getting to the college?
in 1857. A decision was made to make the change
when student numbers on all our courses grew A the bus service runs until late at night
considerably.’ B students are able to get special rates on bus
C the train station is 10 minutes’ walk away
Test practice D taking a taxi can be relatively cheap
3 1.1 Complete the test task. E there is a special cycle route from the city centre

Questions 1–4. Questions 9–10

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Choose TWO letters A–E.
Which TWO things does the speaker say many people
1 What does Andy say about the history of the forget to include in their application?
A It was formed by combining two older A a recent, passport-sized photograph
institutions. B a scanned copy of their certificates
B It has changed its courses a lot over the last C how they’d prefer to be contacted
20 years. D an up-to-date telephone number
C It has not always been in its present location. E all parts of their name
2 What mode of study is increasing in popularity
at the college?
A part-time study B distance learning TEST STRATEGY
C sandwich courses
For multiple-choice questions, avoid selecting a letter
3 Students say the best thing about studying at the simply because one of the words heard in the audio
college is appears in the option. This kind of word matching is
A the high standard of teaching. deliberately put into wrong options as a distractor.
B the range and availability of resources. Sometimes all the key words in the options are heard in
C the good rates of employment on graduation. in the audio but you must understand exactly what point
4 Which building on campus will soon be is being made before you choose your option.
A the library B the sports complex
C the student support hub


M01_EXP_SRB_01GLB_5138_U01.indd 11 02/02/2017 16:16

1b Module 1
Lifelong learning

Language development

Tense review 1 Match the underlined verbs in the sentences (1–8) with the tenses
1 The actress was training as a dancer when she was offered a role in a
stage play.
2 Workforce training has evolved, and is no longer based on
traditional lectures.
3 The trainees felt that they’d learnt a lot of new strategies by the end
of the course.
4 The tutor’s going to give the group a task to complete before the
next training session.
5 An occupational psychologist is helping the company to improve
their recruitment procedures.
6 They’ll introduce new selection procedures based on the advice of a
7 While junior staff attended a training course, their colleagues dealt
with phone calls.
8 One of the most popular forms of training across all fields involves
role play.
A present simple E past continuous
B present continuous F past perfect
C present perfect G future with will
D past simple H future with going to
2 Rewrite the sentence below by changing the verb form to match
the tense in brackets.
I study Spanish.
1 I am studying Spanish. (present continuous)
2 (past perfect)
3 (future with going to)
4 (past simple)
5 (future with will)
6 (present perfect)
7 (past continuous)
3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs below. Make
any other necessary changes.
appear become fall find get paint see (x2) talk

Good morning everyone. The subject of my lecture today is urban

wildlife. We 1 used to hearing bad news about wildlife – how
numbers 2 and species are becoming endangered and so on.
But I’m going to tell you about some research findings which 3
a very positive picture! Because what scientists 4 is that
wildlife in our cities is actually increasing.
Now, just a few years ago, if you 5 an eagle on your way to the
office, you would have been extremely surprised. But now, animals
that we normally regard as belonging in the countryside 6 in
our cities. You might even 7 a badger or a fox in your garden.
In fact, our cities now 8 the perfect natural habitat for a variety
of mammals and birds. And I 9 first about some of the reasons
for this development.


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Module 1
Lifelong learning 1b
Describe trends
4 Match the descriptions (1–4) with the graphs (A–F). There are
two extra graphs.
1 Spending climbed in the first three months, and then dropped again.
It then remained more or less stable until October, when it soared.
2 Over the first six months of the year spending decreased slightly,
after which it went up.
3 Spending increased slightly from January to June, and then it
remained constant. InA October it plummeted. B
4 In the first few months spending declined, and then in June it grew.
From August on it remained constant. C

$ $

$$ $$ $


CJanJ Feb
F Mar
M Apr
A MMay Jun
J JulJ Aug
A Sep
S Oct
O Nov D D
N Dec Jan
J Feb
F Mar
M Apr
A MMay Jun
J JulJ Aug
A Sep
S Oct
O Nov D EJ F M A
N Dec
$ $

$$ $ $

$ $ $

M A M J J A S O N D EJanJ Feb
F Mar
M Apr
A May
M Jun
J JulJ Aug
A Sep
S Oct
O Nov D FJan
N Dec J Feb
F Mar
M Apr
A May
M Jun
J JulJ Aug
A Sep
S Oct
O Nov
N Dec

$$ $

M A M J J A S O N D J Feb
Jan F Mar
M Apr
A M J JulJ Aug
May Jun A Sep
S Oct
O Nov
N Dec
D J Feb
Jan F Mar
M Apr
A May
M Jun
J JulJ Aug
A Sep
S Oct
O Nov
N Dec

O N D J F M A M J5 J Describe
A S how O NyouDmight respond to the following situations.
1 Your daily expenses increase.
In the first part of the Academic 2 The price of plane tickets plummets.
Writing paper you may have to 3 The quality of service at your favourite shop declines.
describe trends shown on a graph or a
bar chart. Try to vary the verbs you use
to describe increases and decreases.


M01_EXP_SRB_01GLB_5138_U01.indd 13 02/02/2017 16:16

1b Module 1
Lifelong learning

3 1.3 Close your book and listen to the

Speaking (Part 1) questions in Exercise 2. Answer them yourself.

Vocabulary development In the Speaking exam, pay special attention to the tense
of the verb in the question.
1 a Complete the table.
Noun Verb Adjective Test practice
ambition X 1
4 1.4 Listen and answer the questions about
dedication 2 3 studying English. Record your answers if
demand 4 5 possible.
X dishearten 6
1 How long have you been studying English?
7 inspire 8
2 How old were you when you started studying
9 X talented English?
b Complete the sentences with the correct form of 3 Where do you usually study English?
the words from Exercise 1a. 4 Do you enjoy studying English?
5 Which do you find easier, reading in English or
1 I like watching really dancers perform. listening to English?
2 I’m learning to play the piano but I’m not very 6 How will taking the IELTS test benefit you in
. I just do it for enjoyment. I don’t want to future?
win any prizes or anything.
3 I’ve got a qualification in karate, but I wouldn’t
want to do it professionally – it’s too . Assess and improve
4 I was to do a drama course after watching 5 Listen to your recordings in Exercise 4 and
a musical called Mamma Mia! answer the questions.
5 I like gymnastics, but I’m not enough to
1 Were you able to use verb tenses correctly?
practise regularly.
2 If not, which tense do you need to practise using?
6 When you’ve practised a lot and then you don’t
perform very well, you feel .
2 Match the questions about skills (1–6) with the
answers (A–F).
1 What are you quite good at doing?
2 How long have you been doing it?
3 Where do you usually do this activity?
4 What kind of training did you have for this skill?
5 How often do you practise?
6 How will this activity benefit you in future?
A Well, I’ve joined a dance group and we meet at
weekends, so once a week usually.
B Oh, I’m not sure exactly … but I’ve probably been
dancing for around eight years now. I started
when I was 15.
C Well, it keeps me fit and active, because it’s quite
fast, so I expect it’s good for my health. And I’ve
made new friends, so it’ll be good for my social
life too.
D I think I’m quite good at dancing. I really enjoy it –
in fact it’s one of my favourite activities.
E I started going to a dance class in the evenings,
but it was only two hours a week, and only in the
winter. I did that for a year.
F I go to a small town about 15km away, and it’s in
the community hall there. It’s a big room and it’s
very light and attractive.


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Module 1
Lifelong learning 1b
Language and content
Writing (Task 1)
3 a Which verb forms should be used for predictions?
COURSEBOOK pages 20–21, EXPERT WRITING page 191 b To avoid repeating words, what alternative
expressions could be used for the following words?
Understand the task 1 students under 25 4 rise
1 Look at the charts below and answer the questions. 2 students over 25 5 fall
1 What is the key information represented in the 3 predict
2 Which age group does the first graph refer to? Write your report
And the second? 4 Look at the writing task below. Plan and write
3 Is the location vague or specific? your answer, using ideas from Exercises 1–3.
3 What is the unit of measurement?
4 What time period is covered? Which period is The graphs below show the percentage of loans in
predicted? different categories, in two libraries between 1980 and
2010, with predicted figures for 2020.
Numbers of ‘non-traditional’ students in one
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting
university: under-25s and over-25s the main features, and make comparisons where
Part-time relevant.
Students under
800 the age of 25 You should write at least 150 words.

600 Sandwich
400 Library A Library B
200 Distance/
blended Non-fiction
0 60
Fiction Fiction
Percentage of total loans

Students over Part-time 50

800 the age of 25

400 Distance/
200 30 Non-fiction
1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 20
Year DVDs/CDs
Plan the task DVDs/CDs
2 a Write an introductory sentence to describe what 0








the two graphs in Exercise 1 show. 2020
b Reorder the following sections from a sample Years Years
answer to form a coherent description.
A The number of under-25s taking sandwich courses
has fluctuated over this period: this mode started Assess and improve
as the most popular in 1985, rising to a peak of
5 When you have finished, leave your answer
600 in 2005 before declining back to 450 in 2015.
and return to it after several hours. Check your
For over-25s, numbers for all three non-traditional
writing and answer the questions.
modes have increased.
B For younger students, the biggest increase is in 1 Does your answer have an introductory sentence?
figures for part-time study, which rose from 400 in Is it accurate?
1985 to 1,000 in 2015. 2 Does it contain an overview? (This can be either
C There was also a marked increase in mature near the beginning or at the end.)
students studying part time, rising from 200 in 3 Are key comparisons identified? Do you think
1985 to 620 in 2015. The difference is that this they are the most important points revealed by
mode is predicted to increase slightly in popularity the graphs?
(800 by 2025) for older students whereas figures 4 Is any important information missing?
for younger part-timers are set to remain steady.
c Write an overview sentence which summarises
the key message(s) of the graphs.


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