MIN 301 Dynamics of Machines Experiments
MIN 301 Dynamics of Machines Experiments
MIN 301 Dynamics of Machines Experiments
OBJECTIVE- Determination of mass moment of inertia of the rotor of a
THEORY- A change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body is known
as Precession. If the axis of rotation of a body is itself rotating about a second axis, that
body is said to be precessing about the second axis. This second axis about which the
body rotates is known as precession axis. There are two types of precession: Torque-
Free and Torque-Induced.
In this experiment, we will study the Torque-Free precession by determining the mass
moment of inertia of the rotor of a Gyroscope.
𝑻 = 𝑰. 𝝎. 𝝎𝒑
I = Mass moment of inertia of the rotor about the spin axis
= Angular velocity of the rotor about the spin axis
p = Angular velocity of the spin axis about the precession axis or precession
1. Determine the applied torque T with the help of mass placed & distance.
2. Determine the speed of rotor 𝜔 with the help of a stroboscope.
3. Obtain the speed of the precession axis 𝜔𝑝 .
4. Calculate the moment of inertia of the rotor and the armature of the motor.
5. Repeat the experiment for five different combinations of spin and precession
Rotor Mass = 7.159 kg
Rotor Diameter = 290 mm
Distance of the center of weight pan from the disc center = 220 mm
𝑰𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 = . . . . . . . . . . ..
1. What do you understand by Gyroscopic Moment?
2. What is the difference between Free Gyroscope and Captive Gyroscope?
3. What do you understand by Torque-Free and Torque-Induced Precessions?
4. The engine of an aeroplane rotates in clockwise direction when seen from the
tail end and the aeroplane takes a turn to the left. The effect of gyroscopic
couple on the aeroplane will be -
(a) to dip the nose and tail (b) to raise the nose and tail
(c) to raise the nose and dip of the tail (d) to dip the nose and raise the tail
OBJECTIVE- Determination of inertial torque on the crank shaft of a Seven
Cylinder Radial Engine.
THEORY- A 7-Cylinder Radial Engine is a radial arrangement of 7 engine cylinders. These
cylinders have a unique firing sequence so that it provides a rotary motion at the output shaft.
In this experiment, we will study the variations of inertial torque for a complete cycle of
crankshaft rotation in a Warner Scarab 7-Cylinder Radial Aircraft engine.
Inertia force on the crank shaft –
cos 2𝜃 cos 2𝜃
FI = mRar; ar = 2r [cos 𝜃 + ]; FI = mR.r. 2 [cos 𝜃 + ]
𝑛 𝑛
cos 2𝜃 sin 2𝜃
TI = FI x OM TI = mR.r. 2 [cos 𝜃 + ] x OM where OM = r [sin 𝜃 + ]
𝑛 2𝑛
Assume OM = r
𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟐𝜽
TI = mR.r2. 2 [𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜽 + ]
TI = Inertial Torque on crank shaft.
FI = Inertia force on the reciprocating mass [Piston].
mR = Mass of reciprocating piston.
ar = Acceleration of the reciprocating mass.
n = Ratio of length of connecting rod and crank radius (l/r).
1. Given the mass of each piston, radii of the crank, length of connecting road, obtain
phase position of the cylinders from some arbitrary reference and make the
kinematic diagram.
2. Determine piston displacements for each crank rotation (at 30 interval) and
construct x vs for all the seven pistons.
3. Assuming angular velocity of the crank as 1 rad/s, determine the inertia forces of
each piston.
4. Determine, by force analysis of the mechanism, the total inertia torque on the crank
shaft only due to the inertia forces of all pistons.
5. Plot a curve between the inertial torque on the seven crank shaft vs crank angle .
Piston mass = 1.2 kg
Crank radius = 65 mm.
Connecting rod length = 210 mm
Crankshaft Rotation
Inertial Torque Ti (N-m)
OBSERVATION AND RESULTS- Observe the piston displacements and Inertial torque
variations for a complete cycle and explain it in your practical notebook.
1. How does a Radial Engine work?
2. What is the firing order in a Seven-Cylinder Radial Engine?
3. Why do radial engines mostly have an odd number of cylinders?
4. What is Hydraulic Lock in radial engines? How to prevent this phenomenon?
5. Why are Radial Engines less commonly used than Inline Engines?
6. Why do we increase the number of cylinders in a radial engine instead of increasing
the volume of existing cylinders?
OBJECTIVE- (a) Study of Hartnell Governor.
(b) Determination of the Stiffness of spring.
THEORY- A Hartnell Governor is a spring-loaded governor which consists of two bell crank
levers pivoted at the points O and O’ to the frame. The frame is attached to the governor
spindle and therefore rotates with it. Each lever carries a ball at the end of the vertical arm
and a roller at the end of the horizontal arm. A helical spring in compression provides equal
downward forces on the two rollers through a collar on the sleeve.
m = Mass of each ball = 195 gms.
M = Mass of the sleeve = 200 gms.
r1 = Minimum radius of rotation in metres, corresponding to figure (a)
r2 = Maximum radius of rotation in metres, corresponding to figure (b)
r = Radius of rotation of the balls when the governor is in mean position = 50 mm
ω1 = Angular speed of the governor at minimum radius in rad/s
ω2 = Angular speed of the governor at maximum radius in rad/s
S1 = Spring force exerted on the sleeve at ω1 in Newtons
S2 = Spring force exerted on the sleeve at ω2 in Newtons
FC1 = Centrifugal force at ω1 in Newtons = m (ω1)2 r1
FC2 = Centrifugal force at ω2 in Newtons = m (ω2)2 r2
K = Stiffness of the spring
a, b = Vertical and Horizontal arms of the bell – crank lever (a=58 mm, b=42 mm)
h = Total lift of the sleeve = h1 + h2
The Hartnell Governor works in three positions – Minimum Position as shown in fig. (a), Mean
Position, and the Maximum Position as shown in fig. (b) in such a way that –
𝒃 𝒃
𝒉𝟏 = (𝒓 − 𝒓𝟏 ) and 𝒉𝟐 = (𝒓𝟐 − 𝒓)
𝒂 𝒂
where ℎ = ℎ1 + ℎ2
From the above equations, r1 and multiple values of r2 can be calculated.
𝑆2 −𝑆1 𝑏
Now 𝐾 = ; ℎ = (𝑟2 − 𝑟1 ) 𝑎 ; 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑟𝜔2 ……….. (1)
𝒃 𝟐 𝑭𝒄𝟐 − 𝑭𝒄𝟏
𝑲 = 𝟐( ) (𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑢𝑥𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔)
𝒂 𝒓𝟐 − 𝒓𝟏
Note: Suffixes 1, 2 denote the values at smaller and larger radius of rotation respectively.
1. Obtain one value of the lift of sleeve h1 and corresponding radius of rotation r1 for a speed
1 subjected to Minimum Position condition.
2. Obtain four different values of the lift h2 and their corresponding radii for rotation r2 at
different values of speed 2 each subjected to Maximum Position condition.
3. Calculate the Centrifugal Force Fc1 by using r1 and 1 obtained in Step-1.
4. Calculate four different values of the Centrifugal Force Fc2 by using the corresponding values
obtained in Step-2.
5. Determine the stiffness K by putting Fc1 and the first value of Fc2 in the formula. Repeat the
calculations for the same Fc1 and the subsequent values of Fc2.
Speed of Instantaneous
Sl. Governor Lift h Centrifugal Force Stiffness K
Rotation Radius of Rotation r
No. Position (mm) on each ball Fc (N) (N/m)
(rad/s) (mm)
1 Minm Position 1= h1= r1= N/A
2 Maxm Position-1 2= h2= r2=
3 Maxm Position-2 2= h2= r2=
4 Maxm Position-3 2= h2= r2=
5 Maxm Position-4 2= h2= r2=
Kavg = …………………..
1. Plot a curve between Centrifugal Force acting on each ball and Radius of Rotation.
2. Observe the variations of Centrifugal Force with respect to the Radius of Rotation and
explain it in your practical notebook.
1. What is the working principle of a centrifugal governor?
2. Explain the two types of governors.
3. Define the height of a governor.
OBJECTIVE- (a) Study of the spring loaded [Wilson- Hartnell Governor] governor.
(b) Determination of Stiffness of each ball spring and auxiliary spring.
THEORY- A Wilson- Hartnell Governor is a spring loaded centrifugal type governor. It has a
main spring and an auxiliary spring. The main spring arranged symmetrically on either side of
the axis and it connects two flying balls on the vertical arms of bell crank lever. The horizontal
arms of bell crank lever carry rollers which press against the sleeve of governor. An adjustable
auxiliary spring is attached to sleeve mechanism of governor through a pivoted lever. Upward
movement of sleeve cause decrease in fuel supply and hence decrease the speed of engine.
Similarly, when speed of spindle decreases, the balls tend to move inward. This results the
downward movement of governor sleeve and the increase in fuel supply.
In this experiment, we will study the Wilson-Hartnell governor and determine the stiffness of
each ball spring and auxiliary spring.
Let x, y – Vertical and Horizontal arms x = 59 mm, y = 42 mm
a, b – Auxiliary spring lever distance a = 160 mm, b = 62 mm
m – Mass of each ball = 200 gms.
M – Mass of the sleeve = (210 gms + 282 gms)
S – Tension in Auxiliary Spring B
P – Tension in Main Spring or Ball Spring A
Kb – Stiffness of Ball Spring
Ka – Stiffness of Auxiliary Spring
- Angular speed of rotation
F – Centrifugal force on each ball
r – Radius of rotation of the balls when the governor is in Mean Position = 50 mm
r1 , r2 = Minimum and Maximum radius of rotation, respectively.
Similar to the Hartnell Governor, this Governor also works in three positions – Minimum
Position, Mean Position, and Maximum Position in such a way that –
𝒚 𝒚
𝒉𝟏 = (𝒓 − 𝒓𝟏 ) and 𝒉𝟐 = (𝒓𝟐 − 𝒓)
𝒙 𝒙
where ℎ = ℎ1 + ℎ2
Also, the sleeve lift h when r1 increases to r2 is given as- 𝒉= (𝒓𝟐 − 𝒓𝟏 )
𝑲𝒂 𝒚 𝒃 𝟐 (𝑭𝟐 − 𝑭𝟏 )
𝟐𝑲𝒃 + ( × ) =
𝟐 𝒙 𝒂 (𝒓𝟐 − 𝒓𝟏 )
(Note: Suffixes 1,2 denote the values at larger and smaller radius respectively).
b, as there is only one spring in Lab Model.
When the auxiliary spring is not used, then Ka = 0, Therefore-
(𝑭𝟐 − 𝑭𝟏 )
𝑲𝒃 =
𝟐(𝒓𝟐 − 𝒓𝟏 )
1. Obtain one value of the lift of sleeve h1 and corresponding radius of rotation r1 for a
speed 1 subjected to Minimum Position condition.
2. Obtain two different values of the lift h2 and their corresponding radii for rotation r2
at different values of speed 2 each subjected to Maximum Position condition.
3. Calculate the Centrifugal Force F1 by using r1 and 1 obtained in Step-1.
4. Calculate two different values of the Centrifugal Force F2 by using the corresponding
values obtained in Step-2.
5. Determine the stiffness Kb by putting F1 and the first value of F2 in the formula.
Repeat the calculations for the same F1 and the next value of F2. Calculate Kb(mean).
6. Now insert the auxiliary spring.
7. Repeat the experiment in the same way and calculate Ka(mean) by using the formula.
Format of Observation Table:
1. What do you understand by Equilibrium Speed in case of a governor?
2. Define power of a governor. At which part of the governor it is measured?
3. Define Sensitiveness of a governor.
OBJECTIVE- (a) Study of the spring loaded Porter Governor.
(b) Determination of Stiffness of the spring.
THEORY- Porter governor is dead weight loaded type of gravity controlled centrifugal governor. It
contains two equally weighted balls connected to the arm which are pivoted at the top so that it can
move up and down on a vertical spindle as the speed of revolution of the spindle vary. The lower links
are connected to the central sleeve. Vertical sleeve can move up and down along with the ball
movements. The sleeve is carrying a heavy central load. A mechanism is connected to the sleeve of
the governor to actuate the throttle valve.
When the balls rotate with high speed, the sleeve lifts to the maximum point and the supply of fuel is
maximum to the engine. Similarly, supply of the fuel decreases when the sleeve moves down due to
the slow speed of balls rotation.
The value of spring force S can be calculated by equating the above two equations of Fc.
Now, the Stiffness of the Spring K can be calculated by considering the two consecutive values of
sleeve lift x and corresponding spring force S, as –
𝑺𝟐 − 𝑺𝟏
𝒙𝟐 − 𝒙𝟏
With reference to the above figure (b), these three downward forces 𝑚1 𝑔, 𝑚2 𝑔 and 𝑚3 𝑔
can be reduced to a single downward force P acting along the slider axis at point C, as -
𝑥1 𝑥1 + 𝑥2 + 𝑥3
𝑃= { 𝑚1 + 𝑚2 + ( ) 𝑚3 } 𝑔
𝑥1 + 𝑥2 𝑥1 + 𝑥2
Now, the Turning Moment or Torque developed due to applied slider force P (without
friction) can be calculated as -
𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝟐
𝑴𝒕 = 𝑷. 𝒓. [𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽 + ]
𝟐√𝒏𝟐 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝟐 𝜽
Where 𝑛 = 𝑙/𝑟
Given, 𝑙 is the length of connecting rod, 𝑟 is crank radius, and 𝜃 is as defined in the figure.
Externally applied turning moment (with friction) is: Mf = Ta.r
1. Geometrically calculate all necessary dimensions- the angles , and the distances
𝑥1 ,𝑥1 and 𝑥3 for each weight applied at the rope.
𝑟 sin
From the figure (a) and (b)- sin = 𝐵𝐶
And 𝑥1 = sin 𝑥2 = 𝑟 sin − 𝑥1 𝑥3 = (𝐵𝐸 − 𝐵𝐶) sin
2. Obtain the weight of the connecting rod, slider and hanger.
3. Determine the turning moment Mt without friction at the crank (disk) pin by using
the formula.
4. Obtain the equivalent frictional torque at the crank shaft.
5. Repeat the experiment for at least four different configurations.
Format of Observation Table:
1. What will be the effect on the value of net frictional moment if the crank radius is
2. What do you understand by Crank Effort?
3. What is the relation between the angles and ?
4. What do you understand by Frictional Moment?