100+ Hadoop Interview Questions From Interviews

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100+ REAL Hadoop Interview Questions from REAL interviews

[email protected]
 Companies from almost all domains have started
investing in Big Data technologies increasing the need
for Hadoop professionals.

 With this increase in demand for Hadoop

professionals we also see Hadoop interviews maturing
a lot.

 We see a lot of complex, scenario based, analytical

questions asked in the Hadoop interviews.
 With this presentation we are providing some of the
popular questions and answers from our Hadoop
Developer Interview Guide

 Our guide has over 100+ REAL Hadoop Developer

Interview Questions from REAL interviews with
detailed answers and illustrations

 Check out our Hadoop Developer Interview Guide @

 How do you debug a performance issue or a long running job?

 Assume you have Research, Marketing and Finance teams funding 60%, 30% and
10% respectively of your Hadoop Cluster. How will you assign only 60% of cluster
resources to Research, 30% to Marketing and 10% to Finance during peak load?

 How do you benchmark your Hadoop cluster with tools that come with Hadoop?

 Assume you are doing a join and you notice that all but one reducer is running for a
long time how do you address the problem in Pig?

 What is the difference between SORT BY and ORDER BY in Hive?

 Assume you have a sales table in a company and it has sales entries from
salesman around the globe. How do you rank each salesperson by country
based on their sales volume in Hive?

 What is Speculative execution?

 What is the benefit of using counters in Hadoop?

 What is the difference between an InputSplit and a Block?

 Can you change the number of mappers to be created for a job in Hadoop?

 How do you do a file system check in HDFS?

 What are the parameters of mappers and reducers function?

 How do you overwrite replication factor?

 What are the functions of InputFormat?

 What is a Record Reader?

 What is a sequence file in Hadoop?

How do you debug a performance issue or a long running job?

 This is an open ended question and the interviewer is trying to see the
level of hands-on experience you have in solving production issues. Use
your day to day work experience to answer this question. Here are some
of the scenarios and responses to help you construct your answer. On a
very high level you will follow the below steps.

 Understand the symptom

 Analyze the situation
 Identify the problem areas
 Propose solution
How do you debug a performance issue or a long
running job?

Scenario 1 - Job with 100 mappers and 1 reducer takes a long time for the
reducer to start after all the mappers are complete. One of the reasons
could be that reduce is spending a lot of time copying the map outputs.
So in this case we can try couple of things.

1. If possible add a combiner to reduce the amount of output from the

mapper to be sent to the reducer
2. 2. Enable map output compression – this will further reduce the size
of the outputs to be transferred to the reducer.
How do you debug a performance issue or a
long running job?
Scenario 2 – A particular task is using a lot of memory which is causing
the slowness or failure, I will look for ways to reduce the memory

1. Make sure the joins are made in an optimal way with memory usage
in mind. For e.g. in Pig joins, the LEFT hand side tables are sent to
the reducer first and held in memory and the RIGHT most table in
streamed to the reducer. So make sure the RIGHT most table is
largest of the datasets in the join.
2. We can also increase the memory requirements needed by the map
and reduce tasks by setting – mapreduce.map.memory.mb and
How do you debug a performance issue or a
long running job?
Scenario 3 - Understanding the data helps a lot in optimizing the way we
use the datasets in PIG and HIVE scripts.
1. If you have smaller tables in join, they can be sent to distributed
cache and loaded in memory on the Map side and the entire join can
be done on the Map side thereby avoiding the shuffle and reduce
phase altogether. This will tremendously improve performance. Look
hive.auto.convert.join in Hive
2. If the data is already sorted you can use USING MERGE which will do
a Map Only join
3. If the data is bucketted in hive, you may use
hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin or
hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge depending on the
characteristics of the data
How do you debug a performance issue or a
long running job?
Scenario 4 – The Shuffle process is the heart of a MapReduce program
and it can be tweaked for performance improvement.

1. If you see lots of records are being spilled to the disk (check for
Spilled Records in the counters in your MapReduce output) you can
increase the memory available for Map to perform the Shuffle by
increasing the value in io.sort.mb. This will reduce the amount of
Map Outputs written to the disk so the sorting of the keys can be
performed in memory.
2. On the reduce side the merge operation (merging the output from
several mappers) can be done in disk by setting the
mapred.inmem.merge.threshold to 0
Assume you have Research, Marketing and Finance teams funding 60%, 30% and 10%
respectively of your Hadoop Cluster. How will you assign only 60% of cluster resources
to Research, 30% to Marketing and 10% to Finance during peak load?

Capacity scheduler in Hadoop is designed to support this use case.

Capacity scheduler supports hierarchical queues and capacity can be

defined for each queue.

For this use case, you would have to define 3 queues under the root queue
and give appropriate capacity in % for each queue.
Assume you have Research, Marketing and Finance teams funding 60%, 30%
and 10% respectively of your Hadoop Cluster. How will you assign only 60% of
cluster resources to Research, 30% to Marketing and 10% to Finance during
peak load?
Below properties will be defined in capacity-scheduler.xml
How do you benchmark your Hadoop cluster with tools that
come with Hadoop?


TestDFSIO gives you an understanding of the I/O performance of your

cluster. It is a read and write test for HDFS and helpful in identifying
performance bottlenecks in your network, hardware and set up of your
NameNode and DataNodes.


NNBench simulate requests for creating, reading, renaming and deleting

files on HDFS and is useful for load testing NameNode hardware
How do you benchmark your Hadoop cluster with tools
that come with Hadoop?

MRBench is a test for the MapReduce layer. It loops a small MapReduce job for
specific number of times and checks the responsiveness and efficiency of the cluster.


TestDFSIO write test with 100 files and file size of 100 MB each.

$ hadoop jar /dirlocation/hadoop-test.jar TestDFSIO -write -nrFiles 100 -fileSize 100

TestDFSIO read test with 100 files and file size of 100 MB each.

$ hadoop jar /dirlocation/hadoop-test.jar TestDFSIO -read -nrFiles 100 -fileSize 100

How do you benchmark your Hadoop cluster
with tools that come with Hadoop?
MRBench test to run a lob of 50 small test jobs

$ hadoop jar /dirlocation/hadoop-test.jar mrbench -numRuns 50

NNBench test that creates 1000 files using 12 maps and 6 reducers.

$ hadoop jar /dirlocation/hadoop-test.jar nnbench -operation

create_write \
-maps 12 -reduces 6 -blockSize 1 -bytesToWrite 0 -numberOfFiles 1000
-replicationFactorPerFile 3
Assume you are doing a join and you notice that all but one
reducer is running for a long time how do you address the
problem in Pig?

 Pig collects all of the records for a given key together on a single

 In many data sets, there are a few keys that have three or more orders of
magnitude more records than other keys.

 This results in one or two reducers that will take much longer than the
rest. To deal with this, Pig provides skew join.
Assume you are doing a join and you notice that all but one
reducer is running for a long time how do you address the
problem in Pig?
 In the first MapReduce job pig scans the second input and identifies keys
that have so many records.

 In the second MapReduce job, it does the actual join.

 For all except the records with the key(s) identified from the first job, pig
would do a standard join.

 For the records with keys identified by the second job, bases on how many
records were seen for a given key, those records will be split across
appropriate number of reducers.
Assume you are doing a join and you notice that all but one
reducer is running for a long time how do you address the
problem in Pig?

The other input to the join that is not split, only the keys in question are
then split and then replicated to each reducer that contains that key

jnd = join cinfo by city, users by city using ‘skewed';
What is the difference between SORT BY and ORDER BY in

 ORDER BY performs a total ordering of the query result set. This

means that all the data is passed through a single reducer, which may
take an unacceptably long time to execute for larger data sets.

 SORT BY orders the data only within each reducer, thereby performing
a local ordering, where each reducer’s output will be sorted. You will
not achieve a total ordering on the dataset. Better performance is
traded for total ordering.
Assume you have a sales table in a company and it has sales entries from
salesman around the globe. How do you rank each salesperson by country
based on their sales volume in Hive?
 Hive support several analytic functions and one of the functions is
RANK() and it is designed to do this operation.

 Lookup details on other window and analytic functions –



Hive>SELECT rep_name, rep_country, sales_volume,

rank() over (PARTITION BY rep_country ORDER BY sales_volume
DESC) as rank FROM salesrep;
What is Speculative execution?

 A job running on a Hadoop cluster could be divided in to many tasks.

In a big cluster some of these tasks could be running slow for various
reasons, hardware degradation or software misconfiguration etc.
Hadoop initiates a replica of a task when it sees a tasks which is
running for sometime and failed to make any progress, on average, as
the other tasks from the job. This replica or duplicate execution of task
is referred to as Speculative Execution.

 When a task completes successfully all the duplicate tasks that are
running will be killed. So if the original task completes before the
speculative task, then the speculative task is killed; on the other hand,
if the speculative task finishes first, then the original is killed.
What is the benefit of using counters in Hadoop?

 Counters are a useful for gathering statistics about the job. Assume you
have a 100 node cluster and a job with 100 mappers is running in the
cluster on 100 different nodes.
 Lets say you would like to know each time you see a invalid record in
your Map phase. You could add a log message in your Mapper so that
each time you see an invalid line you can make an entry in the log.
 But consolidating all the log messages from 100 different nodes will be
time consuming. You can use a counter instead and increment the
value of the counter every time you see an invalid record.
 The nice thing about using counters is that is gives you a consolidate
value for the whole job rather than showing 100 separate outputs.
What is the difference between an InputSplit and a

 Block is a physical division of data and does not take in to

account the logical boundary of records. Meaning you could
have a record that started in one block and ends in another

 Where as InputSplit considers the logical boundaries of records

as well.
Can you change the number of mappers to be created
for a job in Hadoop?

No. The number of mappers is determined by the no of

input splits.
How do you do a file system check in HDFS?

FSCK command is used to do a file system check in

HDFS. It is a very useful command to check the health of
the file, block names and block locations.

hdfs fsck /dir/hadoop-test -files -blocks -locations
What are the parameters of mappers and reducers

Map and Reduce method signature tells you a lot about the type of input
and ouput your Job will deal with.

Assuming you are using TextInputFormat, Map function’s parameters could look like –

 LongWritable (Input Key)

 Text (Input Value)
 Text (Intermediate Key Output)
 IntWritable (Intermediate Output)

The four parameters for reduce function could be –

 Text (Intermediate Key Output)

 IntWritable (Intermediate Value Output)
 Text (Final Key Output)
 IntWritable (Final Value Output)
How do you overwrite replication factor?

There are few ways to do this. Look at the below illustration.


hadoop fs -setrep -w 5 -R hadoop-test

hadoop fs -Ddfs.replication=5 -cp hadoop-test/test.csv hadoop-
What are the functions of InputFormat?

 Validate input data is present and check input configuration

 Create InputSplit(s) from blocks

 Create RecordReader implementation to create key/value pairs from

the raw InputSplit. These pairs will be sent one by one to their mapper.
What is a Record Reader?

A RecordReader uses the data within the boundaries created by the input
split to generate key/value pairs. Each of the generated Key/value pair will
be sent one by one to their mapper.
What is a sequence file in Hadoop?

 Sequence file is used to store binary key/value pairs.

 Sequence files support splitting even when the data inside the file is
compressed which is not possible with a regular compressed file.

 You can either choose to perform a record level compression in which

the value in the key/value pair will be compressed.

 Or you can also choose to choose at the block level where multiple
records will be compressed together.
100+ REAL Hadoop Interview Questions from REAL interviews

[email protected]

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