Prof Ed 312

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Let’s Check for Understanding

1. Explain in a sentence why each education philosopher was associated with these given

a) John Locke - The empiricist

 John Locke believed that learning is most perceive through interaction,
reflection and personal experience. These collections of experiences will
supply knowledge and drives understanding.
b) Spencer – The utilitarianist
 His concept “survival of the fittest”, means development is through stages
from simple to complex. He believed that individual competition leads to
social progress.
c) John Dewey – Experience
 John Dewey believed that children should learn through actually doing it
and experience things for themselves.
d) George Counts – Building a new social order
 Education is related to a particular society living at a given time and place,
this is what George Counts believed. In addition, he believed that
instruction should incorporate a content of a socially useful nature and a
school should become an instrument for social improvement and teachers
should also lead society.
e) Theodore Brameld – The Social Reconstructionist
 He believed that education is the starting line to be open with social
problems and concerns and an international scope for global citizenship.
f) Paulo Freire – Critical Pedagogy vs. Banking Method
 Paulo Freire strongly believed that learners should be engage in learning
and dispose the banking method of education.
2. Make a table summary of the philosophies of education.

Philosopher Philosophy on Aim/s and Method/s of Classroom/School

Education Application
John Locke Acquire knowledge about the world through Content of education depend in
the senses-learning by doing and by one’s station in life.
interacting with the environment. Learning
with example and practicality.
Spencer Curriculum should emphasize the practical, Specialized education over
utilitarian and scientific subjects that helped general education.
human kind master the environment to most
develop useful scientific skills.
John Dewey Education can be effective through having a Learners and stakeholders
content that correlates to the experience of should practice and experience
the learners to have a wide perspective. democracy through
participating in a democratic
process of decision-making.
George Education is not based on eternal truths but is Instruction should incorporate a
relative to a particular society living at a given content of a socially useful
Counts time and place. Problem-solving should be a nature and a problem- solving
dominant method for instruction. methodology. Students are
encouraged to work on
problems that have social
Theodore Education is a right that all citizens regardless Active-problem solving as the
of race and social status must enjoy. Active- method of teaching and
Brameld problem solving as the method of teaching learning. So the social
and learning. reconstructionist asserts that
schools should: critically
examine present culture and
resolve inconsistencies,
controversies and conflicts to
build a new society not just
change society... do more than
reform the social and
educational status quo.
Paulo Freire Critical pedagogy a problem-posing education. Dialogue is the basis for critical
In his view, humans must learn to resist and problem-posing pedagogy
oppression and not become its victims, nor and teaching and learning as a
oppress others. To do so requires dialogue process of inquiry in which the
and critical consciousness, the development of child must invent and reinvent
awareness to overcome domination and the world.
Let’s Reflect
Double Entry Journal

Two Things I Learned from this Chapter My Thought/s or Reaction/s

I’ve learned the 6 philosophical thoughts on My thoughts about education is that it has a
education. wide scope in terms of having different
beliefs, understanding and values. These six
philosophical thoughts on education have
their own purposes and objectives that direct
learning through practicing their beliefs and
values for education and achieve highlighted
I have learned that importance of education. Educations has its own purpose, to prepare
learners in the real-life and equipped them
with the right knowledge and skills that is
vital in every aspect.

LET Clinchers
1. B – Study of the Great Books
2. A – Rote memorization
3. C – Building of an interdependent world that is international in scope
4. A – He emphasized vocational and professional education based on scientific and
5. A – Problem-solving

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