Gears 2 Manual
Gears 2 Manual
Gears 2 Manual
See ObjectiveS
and Squad StatuS relOad
fOr technical reference
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0808 Part No. X14-94452-01 Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
WARNING Before playing this game, read the Xbox 360® Instruction
Manual and any peripheral manuals for important safety and health information.
Keep all manuals for future reference. For replacement manuals, see
fOR TECHNICAL REfERENCE or call Xbox Customer Support.
where we stand
of their players.
Video game designers ask a lot We had hoped the Lightmass bombing at Timgad would
y impossible situations with decimate the Locust Horde, but they survived, and
Beyond putting them in seemingl
odds , we ask them to immerse themselves in the returned stronger than ever. They’ve brought with
We ask them to believe the fantastic. them a force that can sink entire cities.
worlds that we craft.
ers to drive the
Most importantly, we ask our play
ract . And from that interaction comes a Even Jacinto, our last beacon of hope through all
experience. To inte these dark days, is now at risk. Soon we’ll have
tion and a connection to a
tremendous amount of satisfac nothing left to defend and that means we have only
om seen in othe r form s of entertainment.
universe seld one option: attack.
2, was designed around the
This video game, GEARS Of WAR®
on. We want ed the gameplay experience Gears, what I ask of you now is not an easy thing,
idea of cinematic acti
ter where you, the gamer, are but it is necessary. If we are to survive, if we are
to feel like a summer blockbus
buil t GEAR S 2 to be an emotional rollercoaster to live long enough to see the seasons pass, our
the star. We
ll feel over whelmed as the Locust children grow, and experience a time of peace that
of a ride. One minute you’ we have never known, we must now take this fight to
the dark and the next
Horde is bearing down on you in underground the Locust.
d as you send them back
you’ll feel empowere
with your Chainsaw Bayonet. We will go to where they live and where they breed
fenix™ and Delta Squad, and we will destroy them.
When you take control of Marcus
ting for huma nity itse lf. This is a story that This is the day we take the battle to the heart of
you’re figh
and also imme nsely personal. Dominic
is both epic in scale the enemy. This is the day we correct the course of
knowing the fate of his
Santiago’s frustration with not human history. This is the day we ensure our survival
to a head . Jaci nto itself, humanity’s last
wife is building as a species!
do or die for mankind.
stand, is threatened and it’s
Soldiers of the COG, my fellow Gears, go forth and
game and we hope you
We’ve put a lot of love into this bring back the hope of humanity!
enjoy the ride !
--Cliff Bleszinski
Design Director, Epic Games, Inc.
CoGFM2/ P-4 CoGFM2/P-5
WeaPOnS pisTols
First rule of the Gears: Take cover or die.
aSSaulT Rifle
• The workhorse CoaliTion weapon • Fully auTomaTiC
• inTended For midrange CombaT • deadliesT melee weapon • sTandard-issue CoaliTion sidearm
• exCellenT baCkup weapon • zoom CapabiliTy
To activate the Lancer’s Chainsaw Bayonet, press and
hold B. This unique melee attack is designed to take Regular firing mode is a single shot. To increase the
out most enemies in a single cut, but can also be used rate of fire, rapidly pull ^.
to clear certain obstacles.
aSSaulT Rifle GORGOn PiSTOl
• sTandard-issue loCusT drone weapon • powerFul medium-range weapon
• more powerFul, aCCuraTe Than a lanCer • zoom CapabiliTy • dual-Clip aCTion • zoom CapabiliTy
Superior to the Lancer when it comes to firing, but Capable of firing four short bursts per reload. Deadly
lacks the melee capabilities of the Chainsaw Bayonet. at close range, though its power is offset by a small
Can be fired faster by rapidly pulling ^, though this clip and long reload time.
also reduces accuracy.
• exCellenT sTopping power • eighT-round CapaCiTy • perFeCT aCTive reload yields FasTer raTe oF Fire
• exTremely deadly aT poinT-blank range • devasTaTing single shoT • zoom CapabiliTy
Small ammo capacity, but its power more than makes up Greater accuracy than the Gorgon Pistol, but its
for it. Can kill a Locust Drone in one shot at close six-shot capacity means every shot must count. Equally
range, but is not nearly as powerful at farther effective at long and short ranges.
CoGFM2/ P-6 CoGFM2/P-7
BOOmSHield flameTHROWeR
• exCellenT For shooTing around or over Cover
• porTable proTeCTion From gunFire and explosions
• perFeCT aCTive reload yields longer Flame
• Can be used in ConjunCTion wiTh any pisTol
Protects its wielder but reduces speed and fires a concentrated flame that burns or kills. Targets
maneuverability. To pick up, approach and press X. are often still dangerous while burning, so keep
To plant in the ground for stationary cover, press and applying the heat to finish them off.
hold ], then press A. Keep in mind that it can be
kicked down by enemies. To discard, change weapons.
sion do the work
Hand-thrown explosive devices ideal for clearing an area.
Hold ] to view trajectory. Move C to alter this lOnGSHOT SniPeR Rifle
projected arc, then press ^ to throw.
• mosT powerFul zoom available • deadly even aT long range
Tag onto enemies, walls, and objects by pressing B. • perFeCT aCTive reload inCreases headshoT, helmeT damage
Let the explo
heavy weapons
TORQue BOW Devastating firepower, but speed and maneuverability are
reduced while using these weapons.
• Fires high-powered, explosive-Tipped arrows
• advanCed TargeTing reTiCle • eFFeCTive melee
CoGFM2/ P-10 CoGFM2/P-11
HeadS-uP diSPlaY
Squad status and position. If it’s red,
your squadmate is down. To revive him,
get near him and press X.
Weapon in use.
Current mission
objectives. To display, Find the exit.
press y.
Ammunition status.
Would HAve gotten smoked in that battle without tHE ACTIVE RELOAD...
Weapon selector (shown
here). To switch
Active reload
weapons, press l.
indicator. To
OR reload, press z;
press again for an
Crimson Omen (life active reload.
indicator). (SEE PAGE 16.)
(SEE PAGE 14.)
Targeting reticle. To
activate, press w.
(SEE PAGE 15.)
CoGFM2/ P-16 CoGFM2/P-17
If you fail, your gun jams and you will spend more time
reloading than if you had let it automatically reload.
CoGFM2/ P-18 CoGFM2/P-19
exiT Cover
To finish a downed enemy off with style, perform one of
the following executions:
To jump over low cover, move L in direction of the While in cover, minimize exposure in reaching a nearby
jump, then press A. Note that you must be in cover cover point with a SWAT turn. Move L toward adjacent
before you can mantle. cover, then press A. You can interrupt a SWAT turn by
holding down A.
roadie run
Tap A while moving L in the direction you want to Part crouch, part run that makes you harder to target.
roll. If there’s no cover, you dodge and roll. You can To roadie run, press and hold A and move L while out
also evade or roll out of cover. of cover. You cannot fire while roadie running. Holding
A while moving in cover increases movement speed.
Cover slip
To quickly slip around the corner of cover without When you are down but not out, move L to crawl to
having to back up first, move L in the direction you safety or to a squadmate who may be able to revive you.
want to slip, then press A.
Rapidly press A to crawl faster. use ^ to call for
help while crawling. If you’re downed while holding a
= COVER grenade, you can use ^ to detonate it.
CoGFM2/ P-22 CoGFM2/P-23
war journal
Access your achievements, collectibles, leaderboards,
photos, and unlockables.
CoGFM2/ P-24 CoGFM2/P-25
spliT-sCreen Campaign
Play with a friend on the same Xbox 360 console in
split-screen mode.
CoGFM2/ P-28 CoGFM2/P-29
mulTiPlaYeR submission
In this twist on capture the flag, players must down a
Game TYPeS Stranded character, capture him as an enemy shield, and
carry him inside a ring located on the map. When a player
delivers the “flag” to this ring, his team must hold the
warzone flag there for a set amount of time to win the round. If
A COG team is pitted against a Locust team. The goal is the “flag” escapes before he’s taken to the ring, then
simple--eliminate all members of the other team before the team must recapture him. Beware: The Stranded
they eliminate you. Note that you cannot respawn in this character is armed and dangerous, so capturing him can be
mode, so if you’re killed, you have to wait until the a deadly challenge.
worse, sometimes.
alive for as long as possible, because if the leader is
killed, that team loses the ability to respawn. Protect
the leader at all costs!
up to five two-player teams compete against each other
until one team reaches a set amount of points. The only
way to kill an opposing team member is at close range or
with a one-shot kill. Points are awarded for kills and
for winning a round, so players don’t have to win every
round in order to win the match. In the event of a tie,
the match is settled with another round. You and your
teammate play as two versions of the exact same
character, so any other character is the competition.
CoGFM2/ P-30 CoGFM2/P-31
Players win by retaining control over fixed capture
locations (rings) long enough to collect a winning
number of points. Every map has multiple locations
available for capture, with one location available at a
time. If a location is held by the enemy, enter it to
break possession and defend it to gain control. Players
killed while defending a capture location cannot respawn.
Once all the points from one location have been
collected, a new location appears. The first team to
reach the target score wins the round. Note that target
scores are adjustable in private games.
king oF The hill Horde is a new mode of arcade-style combat exclusive to
GEARS Of WAR 2. up to five players can join together to
Players must gain control of a fixed capture location
fight against waves of various--and increasingly
(ring) on the map and retain control long enough to
difficult--Locust Horde enemies.
collect a winning number of points. To keep collecting
points after a capture, at least one player must remain At the beginning of each wave, enemies spawn from various
within the location to defend it. Players killed while points of the map. Your team needs to clear the map of
defending a capture location cannot respawn. all of the enemies in order to progress to the next wave.
When the last enemy is killed, fallen players respawn and
Execution rules are in play here, so the only way to
begin fighting again in the next wave.
kill an opposing team member is at close range or with a
one-shot kill. King of the Hill has only one location per Each successive wave is more difficult than the last,
round, instead of the multiple locations found in Annex. so it is essential that players work together and form
strategies to avoid being overwhelmed. Players will
NOTE: TO REVIVE A DOWNED SquADMATE, remain in their current position when each wave ends, so
APPROACH HIM AND PRESS X. be sure to take note of where you and the other players
are before the next enemy onrush begins.
The ammo in certain weapons refreshes at the beginning
of each wave. Ammo containers located throughout the map
also refresh, but players should take caution--it’s easy
to become separated from your team once the enemy begins
If all players are killed in the same wave, the game
CoGFM2/ P-32 CoGFM2/P-33
Family seTTings
These easy and flexible tools enable parents and
caregivers to decide which games young game players can
access based on the content rating. And now, LIVE family
Settings and Windows Vista® Parental Controls work better
together. Parents can restrict access to mature-rated
content. Approve who and how your family interacts with
others online with the LIVE service. And set time limits
on how long they can play. for more information, go to
EPIC GAMES Nick Atamas, Shane Smith, Sr. IT Manager Robin Atkin Downs:
Sound Design Web Design Production Matthew Nomura (Excell) Dustin Sewell
Engine Programmer Biz Minh Young Kim,
Design Director Joey Kuras Chris Furniss (S&T Onsite) Nick Raines (Excell) (Hewlett-Packard)
Derek Cornish, Dr. Michael Capps, President Henny, Chaps, Niles,
Cliff Bleszinski Jamey Scott Shohn McCarter (Excell) Justin Spiegelberg
Sr. Engine Programmer Mark Rein, VP Marketing Locust Kantus,
Soundelux Design Music
TEST Shaun Martin (Volt) (Hewlett-Packard)
Sr. Producer Laurent Delayen, Jay Wilbur, VP Biz Dev Boomer, and Sires Test Managers Andrew Warthen (Volt)
Rod Fergusson Sr. Gameplay Programmer Jay Andrews, General Counsel Dee Baker: RAAM, Theron Group xNA LIVE SERVER
Fred Norton Ja’min Wilmey (Excell)
Lead Programmer Jeff Farris, Sarah Asby, Office Assistant Prerendered Cinematic Audio
Guard, Locust Drone, Sires Daland Davis Jeremy Silvis (Excell) Lead Program Manager
Ray Davis Sr. Gameplay Programmer Joe Babcock, Controller Carolyn Seymour: Myrrah Mixes
Natahri Felton Dylan Power (Aditi) Dave Templin
Lead Level Designer Mike Fricker, Dana Cowley, PR Manager Jamie Alcroft: Victor Hoffman Technicolor Interactive
Lead Software Development Peter Tran (Volt) Program Managers
Dave Nash Sr. Engine Programmer Sheri Christie, IP and Peter Jason: Dizzy, Hanley Services Steve Dolan
Engineers in Test (SDETs)
Art Direction James Golding, Contracts Administrator Charles Cioffi: Chairman Mocap Animation Cleanup BUSINESS Benjamin Steenbock
Cinematic Facial Animation Project Test Lead
Chris Perna Sr. Gameplay Programmer Anne Dube, Office Manager Prescott, Adam Fenix DEVELOPMENT Stephen Yong
Chris Hind
Sr. Gameplay Designer Joe Graf, Technical Director, Kimberly Lucas, HR Director Nolan North: Jace Stratton, Technicolor Creative Services Business Managers Development Manager
Unreal® Engine 3 Voiceover Recording Single Player Test Lead
Lee Perry Richard Nalezynski, Gamma 3 Soldier, Kevin Geisner Brian Spanton
Wesley Hunt, and Editing Chris Henry
Art UDN Support Manager KR Pilot #3 Brandon Morris Lead Developer
Sr. Engine Programmer Beth Rosenberry, Leigh Allyn Baker: KR Pilot #2, Voice Casting Director Multiplayer Test Lead
Chris Bartlett, Sr. Artist Ed Kalletta Raymond Arifianto
Josh Markiewicz, Executive Assistant Chris Borders Diana Antczak
Mike Buck, Sr. Artist COG Medic #1, Finance Manager Hiroki Kobayashi
Shane Caudle, Sr. Gameplay Programmer Special Thanks Centaur Driver #1 Software Development
David Hampton Developers
Technical Art Director Rob McLaughlin, Melissa Batten, our thoughts Wally Wingert: Omega 1 MICROSOFT GAME Engineer (SDE) Lead
Sr. Gameplay Programmer J McBride MARkETING Daniel Berke
Scott Dossett, Sr. Animator
Keith Newton,
and prayers are with her and Soldier, Charlie 6 Soldier, STUDIOS Software Test Engineers Global Group Product
Ted Howard
Peter Ellis, Sr. Artist her family. David Burke, COG Medic #2
Joel Wiljanen
Jeremy Ernst, Animator Engine Programmer Nick Cooper, Paul Jones, Paul Chris Cox: Beta 4 Soldier, PRODUCTION Scott Sedlickas Manager
Matt Oelfke, Sajid Merchant Test Manager
Bill Green, Artist Mader, Amitt Mahajan, Jeff Centaur Driver #2 Executive Producer Dan Amdur
Gameplay Programmer Nathan Clemens Anibal Sousa
Matt Hancy, FX Artist Morris, Steve Polge, and KR Pilot #1 Laura Fryer Global Product Manager
James Hawkins, Ron Prestenback, Sidney Rauchberger. Courtney Ford: Maria Mike Yurka Test Lead
Producers Guy Welch
Sr. Concept Artist Gameplay Programmer And an extra special thanks toActors—Motion Capture Dan Bell Randy Santossio
Deanna Hearns Tiffany Walsh PUBLIC RELATIONS Testers
Pete Hayes, Sr. Artist Andrew Scheidecker, Patrick Downey
all of our friends and family for Mike Forgey Scott Lindberg Isaias Formacio-Serna
Aaron Herzog, Sr. Animator Sr. Engine Programmer their patience, understanding Kit Fitzsimons Global Public Relations
Erika Carlson Caitie McCaffrey Scott Grant
Jay Hosfelt, Lead Animator Dan Schoenblum, and love, all of which were Matt McGrath Manager
Wyeth Johnson, Sr. FX Artist Sr. Engine Programmer necessary to finish Gears Rachel Pedersen DEVELOPMENT Rahsaan Shareef Rob Semsey Malia Guerrero
Kevin Johnstone, Sr. Artist John Scott, of War 2. Katie Shutrump Development Manager Brad Catlin Legal and Corporate Affairs Dustin Rector
Kevin Lanning, Sr. Engine Programmer Ryan Stevens Relja Markovic Ferdinand Schober Don McGowan Will Sheehan
Sr. Character Artist Scott Sherman, EPIC SHANGHAI Gabe Wood Software Development Allyn Iwane (Excell Data Alan Bruggeman Documentation Manager
Greg Mitchell, Sr. Engine Programmer Art Manager Cinematic Rigging Services) Michael Stahl
Sr. Cinematics Director Niklas Smedberg, Zhang Lei Nina Fricker Anthony Ervin (Volt) Documentation
Greg Snook
Mark Morgan, Sr. Artist Sr. Engine Programmer Art Music John Holes (Excell) International Program Andrew Graff
Mark Mihelich
Maury Mountain, Artist Lina Song, Tang Jing Jing Music Composed by Lou Huderski (Volt) Manager (NW Connection Services)
Brandon Burlison
Shane Pierce, Sr. Engine Programmer Hu Jin Wei Steve Jablonsky Brian Fetty (Excell) Lief Thompson Customer Support
Sr. Concept Artist Stephen Superville, Liu Yun Orchestrators ART Matthew Skirvin (Volt) Ronn Mercer
Sr. Gameplay Programmer Deng Yi Le Art Director SDEs MGS COMMUNITY WEB
Aaron Smith, Sr. Artist Penka Kouneva
Tim Sweeney, Zhao Lu Tim Dean Brant Schweigert Site Manager
Mikey Spano, Sr. Artist Danail Getz Special Thanks
Technical Director Ming Ya Jun Matthew Call Misty Thomas
Kendall Tucker, Sr. Artist Copyist Media Production Director Shane Kim, Mike Delman, Phil
Jordan Walker, Texture Artist Martin Sweitzer, Zhang Jin Curtis Neal Dan Price Lead Developer Spencer, Bonnie Ross Ziegler,
Junko Tamura Sam Conn
Chris Wells, Sr. Gameplay Programmer Liao Zhi Gao Artist Tim Woodbury (Excell) Ken Lobb, Kevin Browne,
Wang Teng Teng Music Preparation Developers
Sr. Character Artist Matt Tonks, Mike Kihara (FILTER) Test Multiplayer Reserves Kudo Tsunoda, Matt Barlow,
Chen Xiao Bonnie Lavine Brick Baldwin
Alex Whitney, Gameplay Programmer Reserve Team Leads Charlotte Stuyvenberg, Greg
Wang Wei Jia Robert Puff GAME DESIGN Kelly Stump
Sr. Animator Daniel Vogel, Craig Marshall B. Jones, David Shaw, Ben
Lead Engine Programmer Liu Chen Lin Additional Arrangements Lead Design Director Bob Kruger (Excell)
Audio Pieter Schlosser Mark McAllister Cammarano, Ryan Wilkerson,
Mike Larson, Audio Director Joe Wilcox, Biz Chris Esaki Joe Djorgee Chris Barney (Siemens Justin Korthof, Josh Atkins,
Sr. Engine Programmer Paul Meegan, CEO Remote Control Productions Design Directors Business Services Inc)
Level Design TJ Duez Rich Wickham, Steve Schreck,
Daniel Wright, Lu Zhi Gang, President Mixed by Jeff Biggers Christopher Blohm Michael Reinhardt (VMC
Andrew Bains, Reserves Testers Yasmine Nelson, Matt Whiting,
Engine Programmer Special Thanks Assisted by Katia Lewin Greg Murphy Consulting Corporation)
Sr. Level Designer David Hoar (Excell) Keith Cirillo, Guy Whitmore,
Sam Zamani, Liao Jun Hao Skywalker Sound William Hodge Laura Ryder (VMC Consulting Dana Fos, Matt Gradwohl,
Adam Bellefeuil, Daniel Monroe (Volt)
Sr. Engine Programmer Score Recording Justin Ireland (Excell) Corporation) James Coliz, JoAnne Williams,
Quality Assurance Leslie Ann Jones Kyle Jacobsen (Volt) Pavan Kurimilla (Insight Global) Jason Graf, Jason Reiner,
Jim Brown, Sr. Level Designer Audio Director
Jess Ammerman, Game Tester Project Manager Assisted Score Recording Nico LeBrun (Excell) Test Michael Cahill, Craig Davison,
Ryan Brucks, Level Designer Caesar Filori
Prince Arrington, Piotr Krzywonosiuk Dann Thompson Raymond Estrada (Volt) Arif Yayalar (Volt) Steve Beinner, Dan Cornelius,
Phil Cole, Sr. Level Designer
Sr. Game Test Manager Additional Multiplayer Level Judy Kirschner Audio Production Director Tyler Wolfe (Excell) James O’Rourke Eric Baca, Mike Stout, Jon
Grayson Edge,
Scott Bigwood, Design Robert Gatley Ken Kato William Hales (Volt) (Insight Global) Rooke, Jaime Limon Letcegui,
Sr. Level Designer
Dave Ewing, Game Test Supervisor Adrian Chmielarz Pro Tools Operator Sr. Sound Designer Scott Shields (Volt) Writer/Video Producer Peter Suzdalev, Cees Lengers,
Lead MP Level Designer Karlo Cedeno, Game Tester Pawel Dudek Andre Zweers Peter Comley Brandon McCurry (Volt) Scott Kearney (The Lux Group) Hans Reinarz, Hugo Velasco
Stuart Fitzsimmons, Roger Collum, Lead Tester Bartek Kmita Score Performed by The Sound Designer Curtis Marmolejo (Excell) Community Web Site Content Blanco, Niklas Linden, Thomas
Level Designer Ben Chaney, Lead Tester Dariusz Korotkiewicz Skywalker Symphony Keith Sjoquist (ROMPUS Jack Moore (Volt) Manager Grasslober, Andrea Giolito,
Bastiaan Frank, Alex Conner, Game Tester Wojciech Madry Orchestra RECORDINGS INC) James Brown (Excell) Kelly Bell Tobias Egartner, Violeta
Sr. Level Designer Joshua Fairhurst, Game Tester Rafa Maka Conductor Michael Bottemiller (Volt) Xanthouli, Merthan Kaleli,
Jerry Gilland, Game Tester Michal Nowak STORY AND USER GAMESIT Aman Sangar, John Press,
Josh Jay, Level Designer Tim Davies Brandt Massman (Volt)
Drew Griffin, Game Tester Andrzej Poznanski ExPERIENCE Craig Prothman (Volt) Program Managers Andrew Jenkins, Tom Hunt,
Warren Marshall, Orchestra Contractor
Steven Haines, Game Tester Bartek Roch Writer Jacob Weatherspoon (Excell) Michelle Cohen Felicia Lim, Alan Chou, Cary
Sr. Level Designer Janet Ketchum
Justin Hair, Game Tester Krystian Stefanski Joshua Ortega John Thomas (Volt) Kyle Emtman Chen, Anna Chow, Kay Kim,
Demond Rogers, Concertmistress
Sr. Level Designer Brett Holcomb, Engine Tester Editors Michael Durkin (Volt) Database Engineer Sanjoy John, Eli Friedman,
Aaron Jones, Engine Tester CONTRACTORS Kay Stern Melanie Henry Ken Adamson Taylor Smith, Tracy Sullivan,
David Spalinski, Vocals Performed by The Antonio Mora (Excell)
Josh Keller, Game Tester Actors—Voiceover Wynn Rankin (Volt) Network Justin Kirby, Aaron Elliott, Jamie
Level Designer Eric Town (Excell)
Chris Lavalette, Game Tester John Di Maggio: Marcus Fenix, Skywalker Chorus Heidi Hendricks Robert Cornwall Davies, Henry Liu, AKQA, T.A.G
Ken Spencer, Jeffrey Ankrum (Excell)
Sr. Level Designer John Liberto, Game Tester Franklin Conductor Jeffrey Brown (Excell) Tavi Siochi at McCann, Digital Domain,
John Mauney, Game Tester Carlos Ferro: Dominic Ian Robertson USER RESEARCH
Alan Willard, Nick Hillyer Primo Pulanco (Excell) Support BLT, Mark Van Lommel, Natalie
Sr. Level Designer Matthew Montague, Santiago Choir Contractor Viet Pham (Volt) Jeremy Hall Edwards, Cliff Jin, Farm
Fred Tatasciore: Damon Baird, Deborah Benedict Kevin Keeker
Production Game Tester Tim Daniels (Volt) Peter Zorer (Hewlett-Packard) Saechou, Chrystina Elaine
Tanya Jessen, Matthew Sorrell, Game Tester Tai Kaliso, Locust Drone Soprano Soloist PRINT/WEB DESIGN Ross Little (Excell) Engineering Woody, Craig A. Carlson, Cindy
Jon Taylor, Lead Tester and Boomer Mitzie Kay Tompkins, Jill Eppenberger,
Sr. Associate Producer Design Lead David Foster (Volt) Tom Putnam
Craig Ushry, Game Tester Lester Speight: Augustus Cole Assistants to Composer Christine Zhang, Jeff Sanborn,
Chris Mielke, Dana Ludwig Lewis Liaw (Excell) Scott Thomas
System Administration Nan McNamara: Anya Pieter Schlosser Martin Duggan, Pheng Pheng
Art Production Manager Print Production Sarah Bowman (Volt) Gregory Shay
Woody Ent, Michael Gough: Anthony and Doug Clow Chew, Jeff Baran, and the
Programming Chris Lassen Jesse del Rosario (Excell) (Hewlett-Packard)
Systems Technician Benjamin Carmine localization teams in Dublin,
Josh Adams, Additional Music Rick Achberger (S&T Onsite) Ray Chow (Volt) Infrastructure
Sr. Engine Programmer Warren Schultz, Kevin Riepl Doug Startzel (The Lux Group) Chris Chappell (Excell) Nairn Walker Japan, Korea, China, and
Sr. IT Manager Chris Mathews (Excell) Taiwan