7th Grade US History Lesson Plans Week 8
7th Grade US History Lesson Plans Week 8
7th Grade US History Lesson Plans Week 8
09/12/2021 - 09/18/2021
Mr. Salber
7th Grade US History 7th Grade US History 7th Grade US History 7th Grade US History 7th Grade US History
Explain the role of The student will be able to, The student will be able to, The student will be able to, The student will be able to,
Massachusetts in the demonstrate understanding demonstrate understanding demonstrate understanding demonstrate understanding
revolution, including of the social, political, and of the social, political, and of the social, political, and of the social, political, and
important events that took religious aspects of the religious aspects of the religious aspects of the religious aspects of the
place in Massachusetts and American Revolution. American Revolution. American Revolution. American Revolution.
important leaders from identify important people and identify important people and identify important people and identify important people and
Massachusetts. events from the American events from the American events from the American events from the American
Direct Instruction Revolution. Revolution. Revolution. Revolution.
identify the impact that identify the impact that identify the impact that identify the impact that
Fort Ticonderoga
certain people from the certain people from the certain people from the certain people from the
1. Have students present
Revolutionary War. Revolutionary War. Revolutionary War. Revolutionary War.
their answers to the research
questions from the previous Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction
lesson. The (British) empire strikes merican Revolution Lesson The turning point: Trenton, How did the colonists Win?
2. Ask students if they know back. Seven Valley Forge, Saratoga This is a very short lesson
what a fort should look like. New York, Philadelphia Fighting the War; British Vocabulary: that can be fit in anywhere
Ask for a volunteer or two to Fit this lesson after 5 and Strategy Lessons 7a (war in Deserter within the unit.
draw a picture of a fort. before 7. It can be attached the north) & 7b (war in the Enlistment How was it that the poor
While this is taking place ask to either one as it is very south) Hessians weak 13 disorganized
students if they have ever short, or it can stand alone. Lesson 7B The War was not going well colonies managed to defeat
heard of: I like to start this by playing The War in the South: for the colonists. Washington the world's greatest power?
Ethan Allen and the Green Star Wars music and having After the disaster at Saratoga and his poorly trained men Well, the colonists had
Mountain Boys a picture of the Movie Poster the British decided to lost battle after battle. The several large advantages that
Benedict Arnold (another up to see. Just a little fun. implement the next part of British captured New York helped them offset the British
name for a traitor) After being chased out of their strategy. Cut the (the largest city in the military advantage. First and
Henry Knox (Fort Knox Boston, the British army Was Southern colonies off from colonies) and then most important of these was:
Kentucky is named after him) looking for a good place to the rest. If they could take Philadelphia (where the The colonists were fighting
3. Inform the class that these reenter the colonies. The Georgia, South Carolina, Continental Congress had its for their homes and families.
are three of the hero's of Fort British had the world's largest North Carolina and Part of headquarters.) It looked Class discussion What would
Ticonderoga. and best navy. The colonists Virginia out of the war, they terrible for the colonies. you do if someone invaded
4. Have your volunteers show had no navy. So a place still might be able to win. Washington's army was going the USA today and was
their drawings of forts. Make made up of islands and rivers This map is from the United home. Many deserted, and burning down and destroying
sure they include a large would seem to give the States Military Academy and others had their enlistments cities, towns and farms?
number of cannons. This is advantage to the British. is public domain. Have end so they too went home. Get an opinion from each
important later. They decided on New York. students find on the map the Washington himself said "I student.
5. Have a student(s) read the Ask students why the British following places think the game is pretty near This is what the colonists
tale of Fort Ticonderoga. You might have chosen New Savannah Georgia up". But Washington wasn't a were facing. So you can see
can find this many places on York. Show them a map of Charleston, South Carolina quitter. He had an idea. why the colonists were willing
the internet. colonial New York and see if Kings Mountain, South Thanks to spies, Washington to keep fighting even when it
6. Ensure that students know they come up with different Carolina knew that about 1500 appeared they were losing.
that Ethan Allan and Benedict ideas. Cowpens, South Carolina Hessian troops were staying The second big advantage:
Arnold are Heroes of the New York was chosen Charlotte, North Carolina in the town of Trenton, New Distance. Great Britain was
Early Revolution. because of its large harbor, The British started their Jersey. The Hessians felt 3,000 miles away. Across the
7. Assign students to all of the rivers in and around attempt to conquer the safe and secure with the Atlantic Ocean. The British
discover why Benedict Arnold it, and all of the islands that Southern Colonies by partly frozen Delaware River had to bring their army with
becomes a traitor. make up New York City. sending one of their best between them and the all its supplies across that
The Battle of Bunker Hill Washington's spies told him generals with an army of colonial army. So on ocean. This was a trip that
A. Ask students why it might of the British plans so he about 2,000 men to attack December 25th (Christmas took three weeks to a month
be important for an army to rushed his army to New York Charleston, South Carolina. Day) the Hessian troops in the sailing ships of the
be on top of a hill and not at and prepared to defend it. To At the 1st Battle of celebrated with a church time. One month. Think about
the bottom. Possible answers no avail. Charleston, they were service then relaxed and that. What would your life be
might include Washington tried to defend soundly beaten. They went to bed. Contrary to like if you asked your parents
1. You can see better. New York City but was departed back to New York to popular belief, they did not a question and it took them a
2. The enemy has to climb defeated four times by the return later. drink and feast. month to answer? Or when
the hill to get to you while you British. He finally abandoned In 1779 they came back. This This map is from the U.S. you asked for a meal and it
are shooting at them. New York. time they landed and Military Academy and is took them a month to get it to
3. You are shooting down at A good map and description captured the port of public domain. you? This is what the British
them. (connection to of the battle can be Savannah Georgia, the This map shows the route had to deal with.
Geography) found here. southernmost of the colonies General Washington took to The third big advantage:
The colonists decided to take Ask students why the loss of (geography note have attack Trenton. Foreign Soldiers. Great
control of the hills looking New York was a major blow students find out who owned On the night of Dec 25, 1776, Britain did not have a large
down at Boston Harbor. They against the colonies. Florida at this time.) General Washington led his army. They had a very large
moved in overnight and when Answers Once in Savannah, the British army across the Delaware Navy, but their army was
the British saw them they 1. Major port for the British to quickly captured all of River. There is a very famous quite small. So to help out the
know the colonists had to go. get supplies Georgia. The British General picture painted about this King hired German soldiers to
So they sent for the army and 2. Largest American city. Clinton then moved into crossing. It is shown below. go and fight in the colonies.
told them to attack the hill. 3. Centralized Location in the South Carolina. He Document analysis: Have These soldiers were called
The colonists saw the British colonies. surrounded the colonial army students look at the picture Hessian by the colonists
coming but they didn't have 4. Easy River access to the in Charleston and started a and see if they can spot since many of them were
much ammunition so their interior. siege (new vocabulary word) details that show this is not a from the German province of
general gave a speech and The loss of New York and the The British navy stopped all realistic painting. Or have Hesse-Kassel. These soldiers
ended it with a famous quote: defeat of General colonial ships from entering students look at the painting were paid to fight; this is
"Don't shoot until you see the Washington at the battles of Charleston (This is called a and see how it might have called being a mercenary
whites of their eyes." Long Island, Harlem Heights, blockade another new been used to inspire (another vocabulary word).
... meaning, let the British get White Plains, and Fort vocabulary word) and the Americans. (Those same The colonists, including those
real close. How close do you Washington allowed the colonials soon ran out of food details make this great still loyal to England (loyalists
have to be to see the white British to do pretty much and ammunition. The propaganda.) or Tories), were angered that
part of someone's eyes? Why whatever they wanted to do Colonials surrendered (About the King had hired soldiers
don't you measure it? next. So they set their sights 8,000 colonial soldiers and NEXT, Find a picture of who were not even British to
(connection to math) on Philadelphia, the Capital militia). The entire southern Washington Crossing the fight them.
Militia vs Trained Army of the 13 colonies and the colonial army had Delaware by Emanuel Leutze A fourth advantage (which
The colonists were not a home of the Continental surrendered. Clinton then painted in 1851, or use this was also a disadvantage)
trained army. They were a Congress and Independence proceeded inland and one: This image of the was the way of fighting.
militia, kind of like the Hall. captured most of South painting is from the National Colonists fought the way they
national guard. They drilled As the British marched Carolina. Look at the map Archives and is in the Public had fought in the French and
on weekends, but they did toward Philadelphia, and see how the British built Domain. Indian wars. They hid behind
not have the same weapons Washington and his defeated a line of forts to protect what Detail #1: Sunlight in the trees and walls and shot at
as a true army. In fact each army could only watch. The they had captured. With background. Washington the British from ambush (a
militia member was supposed Continental Congress had to these forts to protect his rear crossed the river in the vocabulary word) and cover.
to supply their own rifle. flee, moving away from the areas, General Clinton turned middle of the night. The colonists couldn't beat
The British army was well advancing British. The British his army over to General Detail #2: Washington is the British in a European type
trained and many had been felt very confident about Cornwallis and returned to standing up in a very small battle (as we have seen -
involved in the wars in victory and an end to the New York. It looked like the crowded boat. Anyone who look at Washington's record
Europe. So when the British rebellion. With winter starting British strategy might work. has ever been in a small boat of Battles Lost), but the
charged up the hill and the the British army settled into Cornwallis moved into North knows the other guys would colonists always seemed to
colonists started shooting, Philadelphia and the Carolina. This is where things have been yelling at him to sit recover and be back since
and instead of stopping, surrounding town to wait for started to go wrong for the down and not rock the boat. they didn't lose many men.
running, or even firing back, spring to beat those pesky British. They seemed to win Detail #3: The Flag is an The British could and did win
the British kept attacking. Colonials. all the battles, yet couldn't American Flag. We were still the battles and capture the
Finally, they reached the quite seem to ever really beat 13 colonies and this flag was cities, but the colonial army
colonists (who were by now American Revolution Lesson the colonists. Think back to not in use. was always still there.
out of ammunition) and the Seven colonial advantages during A final big advantage the
colonists turned and ran. Fighting the War; British the revolution. One of these Once across the river colonists had was allies. The
The British capture Breeds Strategy Lessons 7a (war in was the fact that Cornwallis Washington and his Army French, Dutch and Spanish
Hill and colonists retreat. the north) & 7b (war in the couldn't get reinforcements had to march 13 miles to all wanted the English to lose.
Boston - Henry Knox and the south) very quickly. Another was Trenton. When they got there So they gave the colonists all
cannons on the move from Lesson Seven A: American that the colonists were it was almost daylight so kinds of help. Finally the
Ft. Ticonderoga to Boston. Revolution, Fighting the War; defending their own towns Washington ordered the French actually declared war
Teachers, if you feel up to it British Strategy - the northern and farms. Wherever attack to take place on Great Britain and formally
try this; sit in a chair without expedition Cornwallis went there was a immediately. The Hessians joined with the colonies in
wheels. Have a student pull After 1778 The British whole new bunch of Militia were woken up by the sound their fight. This led to the
you across the room. (Expect adopted a new strategy. waiting for him. A third reason of gunfire and rushed to get great victory at Yorktown.
to take a spill or two) Now Divide the colonies into three was the British did something dressed and get ready to You can at this time compare
have several students pull parts, and then beat each really bad. fight. It was too late. The the Revolutionary War with
that same load. Next if part separately. The British When a group of Colonial Colonial Army was already in our war in Vietnam or even
possible have the same believed that each part would Militia was fighting a Trenton setting up cannons to the current conflict in
activity in a chair with wheels. be much weaker than a detachment of British soldiers cover the street. The Afghanistan. Compare the
Explain to students that the united group of colonies. This under the command of Major Hessians tried to fight but similarities as well as the
task facing Henry Knox was was a very good strategy. It Tarleton they were being were unable to do so. After a differences.
the same as pulling you in the goes by many names, divide defeated and asked for short but fierce battle, the Standards
chair without wheels. and conquer, defeat in Quarter. (This is a great Hessians surrendered to SS.8.3.b Analyze how the
A. Washington appointed piecemeal, etc. vocabulary word see if your General Washington. The American Revolution
Commanding General of the NOTE: You can demonstrate students can find a meaning Colonists lost two dead and 5 impacted other nations, (e.g.
Continental Army (Colonial this to your students by using from the 20 or so definitions wounded while the Hessians France, Canada, Spain,
militia surrounding Boston) by toothpicks (the flat kind work that matches here). He lost 22 dead, 86 wounded Mexico, etc.).
the second continental best.) Give one or two refused and his troops and almost 900 taken SS.8.4 Understand the
congress. The Colonials students a bundle of 13 massacred the colonists. This prisoner. What a great Victory impact of American ideals
needed cannons. There were toothpicks bound with a gave the colonists a rallying for the Colonies. Morale and institutions on the
59 cannons in Ft. rubber band and have them (another vocabulary word) soared, men enlisted or development of American
Ticonderoga. try to break them in half. If call. It also gave them a very reenlisted, the revolution was democracy.
B. Henry Knox went to Ft. they can, it will be with great good reason not to surrender. able to continue. Next, Valley
Ticonderoga and in the effort. Now divide the Discussion Question: What Forge. SS.8.4.a Analyze how
middle of winter. He created toothpicks up into groups of would you do if you might get conflict, cooperation, and
giant sleds to drag the three or four and have the shot if you try to surrender? Valley Forge: interdependence (e.g., social
cannons back to Boston. Yes, students break them. Let Well the colonists felt the The Continental Army under justice, diversity, mutual
they fell off the sleds many them make the connection. same and fought that much George Washington had respect, and civic
times and one even sank in a The British had already harder. Finally General fought the British Army engagement) among groups,
river, but all the cannons captured New York City. Washington sent some of the throughout 1777 but had lost societies, and nations
were delivered to General They would send part of their Continental Army down south almost every battle. With little influenced the writing of early
Washington. army up the Hudson River under the command of one of real training and no standards historical documents.
C. In only two months, (a very Valley and meet a second his best generals, Nathaniel the Army was not cohesive. SS.8.3 Understand how
very short time back in 1775) part of their army which was Greene. The British captured geography and politics have
the 59 cannons arrived at coming down from Canada. The British were defeated Philadelphia and the influenced the historical
Boston. This would separate the and had to retreat north Congress had to scatter and development of the United
D. General Washington Northeastern colonies (Mass, towards New York. Another flee for their lives. Winter was States in the global
placed the cannons on the VT, Ct, RI, NH, NY) from the colonial Group under the coming and Washington was community.
hills around Boston (He also rest. command of the Marquise de looking for a place to camp
had his soldiers paint another Then they would send Lafayette cut the British off his army for the winter. He 8th Grade World Geography
30 or so tree trunks black so another part of their army to from New York. General chose Valley Forge.
that they looked like many South Carolina and Separate Cornwallis was looking for a You can download and show
more cannons.) the southern colonies (South place for the British Navy to a short video about the
E. The British had to leave Carolina, Georgia) from the pick him up. He chose Colonial Army at Valley Forge
Boston rest. That would leave the YORKTOWN from the National Park
In quick review: middle colonies (VA, NC, MD, Standards service's YouTube site. The
Fort Ticonderoga: We won! PA) On their own. video is 18 minutes long
SS.8.3.b Analyze how the
Bunker Hill: We lost Let us look at the two After segment one pause the
American Revolution
Boston: We won! Thanks to different pieces. video and ask students why
impacted other nations, (e.g.
cannons! First the northern expedition. Washington chose Valley
France, Canada, Spain,
Standards Lesson Seven A Forge.
Mexico, etc.).
The Battle of Saratoga.
SS.8.3.b Analyze how the There are several very good SS.8.4 Understand the After segment two, have
American Revolution maps here. impact of American ideals students describe living
impacted other nations, (e.g. Use these with the lesson. and institutions on the conditions at the camp.
France, Canada, Spain, Have your students find development of American After segment three, have
Mexico, etc.). Montreal, Fort Ticonderoga, democracy. students describe the
SS.8.4 Understand the Bemis Heights, Saratoga, SS.8.4.a Analyze how outcome of the winter at
impact of American ideals and Albany. conflict, cooperation, and Valley Forge and its effect on
and institutions on the The campaign started well for interdependence (e.g., social the revolution. You can also
development of American the British. They captured justice, diversity, mutual have students create a cause
democracy. Fort Ticonderoga and the rest respect, and civic effect chart.
of the colonists’ forts around engagement) among groups, After watching the video,
SS.8.4.a Analyze how Lake Champlain. Then show students this painting of
conflict, cooperation, and societies, and nations
General Burgoyne started his influenced the writing of early Washington at Valley Forge.
interdependence (e.g., social advance down the Hudson George Washington and
justice, diversity, mutual historical documents.
River towards the city of Lafayette at Valley Forge.
respect, and civic Albany, New York. A second SS.8.3 Understand how Painting by John Ward
engagement) among groups, group of British troops started geography and politics have Dunsmore, published 1907.
societies, and nations east from Lake Champlain to influenced the historical Have your students complete
influenced the writing of early meet up with Burgoyne in development of the United a document analysis of this
historical documents. Albany. The rest of the British States in the global painting. How does it show
SS.8.3 Understand how Army was supposed to move community. the hardships of Valley
geography and politics have north from New York City. Forge?
influenced the historical This is when things started to 8th Grade World Geography Detail 1: Snow falling and on
development of the United go wrong for the British. the ground
States in the global Ask your students why the Detail 2: The standing soldier
community. British were following along has no shoes or gloves
the rivers. Detail 3: The men are
8th Grade World Geography Answer: There were no hovering around a fire with
roads. Food, ammunition and one man hauling a load of
other supplies had to be firewood for that fire.
brought along the rivers. Detail 4: The small shacks in
Try to bring out that most of the background are where
northern New York State was the soldiers lived.
a forest with no roads, few With all this going on, why do
farms and fewer towns. There you think most of George
was no place to stop and buy Washington's army stayed?
food or anything else. The winter at Valley Forge
(math connection coming up) allowed the colonists to train
Ask students if they know an army that could stand up
how much the average and fight the British Army.
person eats every day. (The