Saint Columban College: Student'S Learning Module

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Saint Columban College

7016 Pagadian City

S T U D E N T ’ S L E A R N I N G M O D U L E

Student’s Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade & Section:______________ Subject: SOCSCI 12

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: human cultural

variation, social differences, social change, and political identities; the significance of studying
culture, society, and politics; and the rationale for studying anthropology, political science, and
Performance Standard: The learners acknowledge human cultural variation, social differences,
social change, and political identities and appreciates the value of disciplines of Anthropology,
Sociology, and Political Science as social sciences.
Learning Competency: Articulate observations on human cultural variation, social differences,
social change, and political identities.
Learning Content: Human Variation and Social Sciences
Learning Resources: Gonzales, M.C. (2019). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics.
Makati City: Diwa Publishing
Core Values: Demonstrate curiosity and openness to explore the origins and dynamics of
culture, society and politics.

Module No. 1.1 – HUMAN VARIATION Time Frame: 4 weeks

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, you can demonstrate understanding on human
variation through:
a. Defining nationality.
b. Identifying the different gender identities.
c. Describing the Socioeconomic Class in the Philippines and different political
d. Showing awareness on the different classifications of religion.


Panagdait sa tanang kabuhatan! Welcome to our new module! How are

you today? Hopefully you’re doing great and still excited to do the activities
in our first lesson in this subject. In this module, we will learn new things.
Have fun in learning students! If you are ready, let’s begin!

1|P age

A. Motivation

As each human group experiences differing environmental conditions, cultural

variations are established. Comparing the traditions crafted by the Inuits of the Arctic
Regions of Canada and the !Kung of Kalahari Desert in Namibia, you can see the stark
difference in their types of clothing which are highly functional for the type of weather
where they live. The Inuits who lived in frigid areas of Canada wear thick layers of garment
made of animal fur while the !Kung wear loose, single-layer clothes made of cotton to
combat the desert heart in Africa.

Fig. 1.1 (Left )Inuit children in traditional caribou clothing; (Right) !Kung bushmen
wearing shawls
Inut photo source:
!Kung photo source:

Answer me!
1. Are you familiar with the persons in the picture above?
2. Do you think that the Inuit children can wear the clothes of the
bushmen in Kung? Why or Why not?
3. How does the environment affect human diversity?

B. Transition/ Linking Statements:

Environment and history are two of the primary factors that shape the behavior of
human groups. This behavior, which serves as an adaptive tool for the varied stimuli
projected by the environment, is influenced by beliefs, practices, and material
possessions. Through constant practice, these sets of behavior form human traditions,
which are passed on from one generation to the other.

2|P age

Read me!
Nationality 6. Asexual – a person who are totally
The concepts of nationality and incapable of being attracted to any
ethnicity are not interchangeable. Both, sex.
however, are capable of informing an 7. Polysexual – a person who is attracted
individual’s behavior and habits due to a set to multiple types of gender.
of cultural norms that each category 8. Pansexual – a person who is attracted
provides. Nationality can be acquired by to all types of gender.
being born in a country or through legal 9. Transgender – a person whose sexual
process such as naturalization on orientation is not related to their
citizenship. genitalia.
Nationality is the identity that is tied to being 10. Transsexual – a person that perform
part of a nation or a country which has a medical sexual reassignment.
political border and administered by a Because he/she believe that they
government. belong to opposite sex.
Naturalization is the legal process by which
a non-citizen of a country may acquire Sexual Orientation refers to a person’s
citizenship or nationality of that country. biological identity, which may be male or
Gender Gender Identity is an individual’s internal
According to the World Health concept of self that may be related to being
Organization (2013), gender “refers to the masculine or feminine.
socially constructed roles, behaviors, Gender Expression is how an individual
activities, and attributes that a given society chooses to present himself or herself in the
considers appropriate for men and women.” society.
Unlike sex which refers to the biological A person could be physically male but
characteristic of humans such as male or have a female gender identity. This can be
female. observed in the choices on pronouns that
There are several types of gender they use to refer to themselves, the clothes
based on a person’s sexual orientation. that they wear, and the general behavior they
Depending on the community, the following display to signify their gender identity.
gender identities can be further subdivided
You have the right on how you express
into more specific categories. yourself in the society, however in
1. Heterosexual – a person with this exercising that right, you must not abuse it
gender is attracted into its opposite and you should learn to respect the gender
sex. identity of another person.
2. Homosexual – a person who is
attracted into its same sex. Socioeconomic Class
3. Gay – a male who is romantically and The concept of socioeconomic class
sexually attracted to another male. varies between societies as the ideas
4. Lesbian – a female who is associated with being poor or rich differ
romantically and sexually attracted to based on the collective experiences of
another female. individuals. People falling into different
5. Bisexual – a person who is attracted to social classes are bound to experience life
both sex (male and female). differently such as in the form of
transportation and the type and amount of
food that they can afford and consume daily.

3|P age

The typical determinants of one’s social Early human art exuded ancient forms
status include income, value of assets and of superstitions that included beliefs in the
amount of savings, cultural interests and afterlife and that of superhuman capabilities.
hobbies, and economic status of his or her The Sorcerer of Les Gabillou is an example
peers and relatives. of a Paleolithic artwork. This artwork
depicts the supernatural ability of a religious
In the Philippines, our indicators of practitioner to become half-man and half-
social class are different, given the animal.
economic and political context in which our
country is in. Although government surveys
take into account the factors enumerated
above such as income and value of assets,
Filipinos often describe their social class in
personalized contexts. Hence, when you ask
a Filipino what his or her social class is, the
response can be any of the following:
mahirap, medyo mayaman, sakto lang,
mayaman, and the like.
Fig. 1.2. Sorcerer of Les Gabillou
Political Identity Today, religion has evolved to
Political Identity as a social category promote far complex forms of
refers to the set of attitudes and practices that understanding human nature, the afterlife,
an individual adheres to in relation to the and natural events. Some are Monotheistic,
political systems and actors within his or her believing in the existence of one god,
society. whereas others are Polytheistic, believing in
Political parties in the Philippines such the existence of multiple gods. Some
as Ang Ladlad, a party-list that negotiates religions have gods arranged in a hierarchy,
for the welfare of the LGBTQI community, and others have gods that equally coexist.
and Kabataan, a party-list that promotes What must be noted is that religion is a
youth empowerment, are example of how mirror of the society that affiliates with it,
sectors in our society use their identities as such that a society with a strong caste system
political vehicles to negotiate for, and lobby such as India is expected to have a set of
their needs. gods that are placed in a hierarchical system
Religion can also offer political as well.
identity to its followers. Members of the
church Iglesia ni Cristo promote the practice Essential Learning
of block voting, a church-based exercise of
one’s right to suffrage wherein the ministers An understanding and acceptance of
and the members agree to unanimously vote human variation as a product of cultural and
for a chosen candidate or political lineup. environmental plurality creates space for
greater collaboration among populations and
Religion limits the possibility of developing hostile
The belief in the supernatural has been intentions toward dissimilar groups. In an
one of the universal preoccupations of increasingly globalized world, extremism and
humans as early as 60 000 years ago. The exclusivity are two traits that are proven non-
earliest forms or religion revolved around beneficial, whereas a culturally relative
making sense of natural occurrences such as approach is sure to promote collaboration and
extreme weather conditions, natural and communication across populations.
man-made calamities, sickness, and even
4|P age


1. Give your own definition of nationality.

2. Differentiate and give example of

Natural born Filipino citizen vs. Naturalized Filipino citizen
Natural born Naturalized



3. Gender vs. Sex

Gender Sex



4. Enumerate and define 10 different kinds of gender

Gender Definition










5|P age

5. Illustrate or draw the socioeconomic class in the Philippines

6. Monotheistic vs. Polytheistic

Monotheistic Polytheistic



7. Give examples of the following:

Cultural Identity Socio-economic Identity Political Identity


A. Transfer of Learning

(Excellent! Now that you have understand the concept of human variation,
please complete the table below to see your progress.)

K – W – L Chart
Directions: Fill the chart below honestly.
What did you know What do you want to What have you learned?
already? know?
(You will write here (You will write here the (You will write here the
everything that you already things that you want to things that you have
know prior to this lesson.) learn about the lesson.) learned about the lesson.)

6|P age

A. Reflection:

Do you think the differences in religious belief is a good thing for

each person? Why or why not?

B. Closure & Synthesis:

Directions: Write a tweet of the things that you learned about the lesson. Limit your
word counts up to 30 words only. Write 2 hashtags below.

7|P age

Module No. 1.2 – SOCIAL SCIENCES

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, you can demonstrate understanding on the rationale
for studying anthropology, sociology and political science through:
a. Identifying the subjects of inquiry and goals of anthropology, sociology, and
political science.
b. Explaining the concepts of culture, society and politics and the interplay of
each of these concepts.
c. Recognizing the value of anthropology, sociology, and political science for
the 21st century through critical analysis.


Panagdait sa tanang kabuhatan! How are you today? Hopefully you’re doing
great and still excited to do the activities in our next lesson in this subject. In
this lesson, we will learn new things. Have fun in learning students! If you are
ready, let’s begin!

Before we proceed to our new lesson. Let’s have a short recap of our previous lesson.

1. What is human variation?


A. Motivation
Activity 1-CONCEPT MAP: Complete the concept map by writing any word that you can
associate with the following concepts and answer the processing questions below.


8|P age

Processing Questions:

1.Given the ideas that you associated with culture, society and politics, provide your own
definition of each term.


2. Given your definition of culture, society, and politics, do you see any relationship between and
among these terms? Explain your answer.


B. Transition/ Linking Statements:

Culture is a nation’s social heritage embodied in their material and non-material components passed
on from one generation to another. Society is the interrelated, independent and overlapping social
relations among the different social institutions with members who are interacting with each other.
Politics is concerned with the distribution of power and authority among members of a certain group.
The interplay of culture, society and politics can be seen in the different social realities and social
issues faced by society. These social realities can be seen in the different events taking place in our
society. It can be noted that the reality of these changes is inevitable. Election happens, there is now
the cultural shift giving rise to the loosening of what was then close family ties, the massive use of the
social media that leads to the technological revolutions, the secularization of society as well as
population growth in different parts of the world. Now that you have defined culture, society and
politics and explain their interrelationship, you are now ready to explore further the disciplines of
Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science and their interrelationship.

9|P age

Read me!

Social sciences study how people Sociologists study all aspects and
interact with and relate to one another. It is levels of society. Sociologists working from
comprised of a wide array of disciplines that the micro-level study small groups and
studies the overall function of a society as individual interactions, while those using
well as the interactions among individual macro-level analysis look at trends among
members of an institution. It is also the and between large groups and societies. For
discipline under which identity, culture, example, a micro-level study might look at
society, and politics are studied. the accepted rules of conversation in various
groups such as among teenagers or business
Sociology studies social life and
professionals. In contrast, a macro-level
human interactions, from how groups form to
analysis might research the ways that
how large organizations run to how people
language use has changed over time or in
interact with one another. Anthropology
social media outlets. It helps us look more
examines cultures within a society and
objectively at our society and other societies.
theorizes about how those cultures affect
It directs attention to how the parts of society
society. Anthropologists explore how people
fit together and change, as well as make us
acquire cultural values. Political science a
aware of the consequences of that social
systematic study of politics with its emphasis
change. Sociology enables us to gain a better
on political systems and the distribution of
understanding of the social forces in society
power and activities through which people
that shape your own life so that you will be
make, preserve, and amend the general rules
better poised to deal with them.
under which they live.
Political science is a classical
Each discipline played an important
discipline that deals with the study of
role in the development of our society. In
political phenomena. Its goal is to deepen
Anthropology, society connotes a group of
human understanding of the forms and nature
people linked through sustained interaction.
of political action and to develop theoretical
Members typically share a common culture
tools for interpreting politically meaningful
or at least a recognized set of norms, values,
phenomena. Political scientists seek to
and symbolism that defines the society’s
understand the underlying ways in which
members. Anthropologists, help us to
power, authority, rules, constitutions, and
understand how different societies organize
laws affect our lives. Like other social
themselves politically and economically.
sciences, political science focuses on human
Anthropologists, increasingly shed light on
behavior, both individually and collectively.
how complex social systems are created,
established and maintained.

10 | P a g e

Introduction to Anthropology 4. Physical Anthropology looks into

the biological development of
Humans studying humans. This is the humans and contemporary variation.
field of Anthropology. Unlike other 5. Applied Anthropology attempts to
disciplines of the social sciences, solve contemporary problems
anthropology promotes a holistic study of through the application of theories
humans. Derived from two Greek words and approaches of the discipline.
antropos (human) and logos (study),
anthropology seeks to answer this primary In the advent of the 21st century,
question: What does it mean to be a human? human experiences diversified. As
This allows for an extensive and inclusive globalization’s effects were felt in almost all
approach such that anthropology studies societies, anthropology extended its study to
human both biological and social creatures. cultural and subcultural groups in
Biologically, it inquires on the genetic industrialized societies. The methodology
composition of humans, their relationship used in gathering information was crucial.
with other primates, and their evolution. Anthropologists need to establish rapport
Socially, it inquires on human behaviors, with their host societies before they can
attitudes, and beliefs systems, which range extract the life stories of people. Apart from
from birth practices to burial rites. interviews, anthropologists also used the
participant-observation method in which
Another key element that makes
they participate on the daily practices and
anthropology holistic is its research time
rituals of the group being studied.
frame, which ranges from the evolution of
humans as a species to our current
development. It also studies humans from
Introduction to Sociology
various ethnic groupings and geographic
Every human being thinks of himself
As such, anthropology can be defined as an intellectual person capable of planning
as “the study of people – their origins, their his own life in whatever way he chooses. He
development, and contemporary variations, wants to prove his sense of independence
wherever and whenever they have been through his free choice to decide what he
found on the face of the earth.” (Ember and believes is best for himself. However, one
Peregrine, 2010) should not discount the fact that he is a
member of a society since the time he is born
and thereafter many of what happens to him
The Sub-Disciplines of Anthropology is determined by the nature of his society.

1. Archaeology examines the remains Another branch of the social sciences

of ancient and historical human is the discipline of sociology. The word
populations to promote an “sociology” is derived from the Latin word
understanding of how humans have socius which means companion or associate
adapted to their environment and and logos, a Greek word for study. It is the
developed. “scientific study of society, including
2. Cultural Anthropology promotes patterns of social relationships, social
the study of a society’s culture interaction, and culture.” (Calhoune, 2002)
through their belief systems, practices The operative term scientific refers to the
and possessions. methodological and theoretical rigor that
3. Linguistic Anthropology examines sociology applies in its study of society and
the language of a group of people and human behavior.
its relation to their culture.
11 | P a g e

Just like anthropology, sociology has ecological/environmental element

discipline-based concepts that aid in the that defines human behavior.
understanding of human behavior and 5. Demography inquires on the
groups. interrelationship between population
The Sub-disciplines of Sociology characteristics and dynamics with
that of political, economic, and social
6. Applied Sociology used sociological
research and methods to solve
contemporary problems. It often used
an interdisciplinary approach to better
address social problems.
7. Sociological Theory and Research
is concerned with the discovery,
development, and replication of
Fig. 3.1. Auguste Comte research tools that will test the
applicability of the principles of
Bibliotheque-Nationale-Paris.jpg group of life as basis for the
regulation of the social environment.
Auguste Comte (1760-1825) was a
French philosopher who advocated the idea Sociological concepts
of “positivism” or the use of empirical
investigation to understand society and social 1. Society
phenomena. The term sociology was coined Society can be defined as a product of
by Auguste Comte in 1830 and is considered human interactions as humans subscribe
as the Father of Sociology. to the rules of their culture. It is an
organization that caters to a human’s
The Sub-Disciplines of Sociology need for belongingness in a group.
According to Hauser, sociology may 2. Social Interaction
be divided into seven areas. For purposes of Social Interaction is a compilation of
research and teaching, these are: ways and means by which humans
interact with each other within the
1. Social Organization studies that boundaries of the society. By interaction,
involve social structures such as it is a mutual and reciprocal influencing
institutions, social groups, social by two or more people of each other’s
stratification, social mobility and feelings, attitudes and action.
ethnic groups.
2. Social Psychology study the impact
of group of life to a person’s nature
and personality.
3. Social Change and Disorganization
inquires the shift in social and cultural
interactions and the interruption of its
process through delinquency,
deviance, and conflicts.
4. Human Ecology studies human Fig. 3.2. Filipino protesters facing the anti-riot
behavior to existing social police force in front of US Embassy
institutions. Human subjects are
treated in the context of an

12 | P a g e

In public protest such as shown in elements of society is that of a building.

Figure 3.2, there are layers of social The building in itself can be considered
interaction, we can conclude several points as the society. The pillars and foundation
about social interactions, and these are the of the building is equated to the social
following structure.
1. Space is not an issue
2. There could be multiple and Value of Sociology for the 21st Century
simultaneous interactions Sociology was established at a time
3. A dialogue could have an active when society was changing drastically due to
and inactive end technological and political developments.
4. Subject-positionality is present in Sociology finds its value today in providing
any interaction. us with a conceptual tool in understanding the
5. The meanings we ascribe to the difficulty of humans as they adapt to their
actions of others are informed by varying environments and social conditions.
the values and norms that are Sociology also broadens our
upheld in our society. experience as we learn to discard our
3. Social Organization prejudices and biases as we become more
Social Organization refers to the understanding and tolerant of the customs of
interrelationship of parts of society. As other people.
society is an organization in itself, it is The results of sociological
structurally divided into layers of investigations provide a better background
contexts and positions that help for meeting and solving social problems. Law
perpetuate its existence. The positions makers employ sociologists to undertake
created within a society constitutes the sociological studies on particular social
category of status. This include being a problems before they propose a bill that
student, a son, and a parent. would address the problem.
Roles is a set of accepted behaviors
that define the individual’s response
and inclinations. The role of the Introduction to Political Science
government official is to ensure that the
people’s needs are addressed through What is the difference between a
government projects and policies. political scientist and a common individual in
Group is a basic unit of organization. discussing the efficiency of government
It involves at least two individuals who projects? The layman interprets the actions of
are in constant interaction based on the government based on his or her
their statuses and roles. experience of it while the political scientist
Institutions are established when uses the rigor of scientific inquiry to evaluate
roles, statuses and groups are the performance of the government.
perpetuated within the context of Political science comes from the two
society. Institutions are the building Greek words: polis and scire. Polis refers to
blocks of a society, as it is through the city state in ancient Greece. The political
these those norms are produced from activities within a polis are later termed as
the consistent exchanges of individuals politikus (Latin). Scire means “to know.”
and groups. Combining the two meanings, political
4. Social Structure and Agency science aims to know the activities within the
This field is the foundation of every state. Such activities include the following:
society from which emanates the possible human interaction and conflict, human and
roles, statuses, institutions and state relations, and power distribution.
organizations. The common analogy used The American Political Science
to describe social structure and the Association defined its discipline as “the

13 | P a g e

study of governments, public policies and

political processes, systems, and political Political Science Concepts
Sub-disciplines in Political Science This is the central concept in the
Political science is organized into discipline, it may be defined as the exercise
several sub-disciplines, each representing a of governmental power and the attempt to
major subject area of teaching and research in acquire or hold onto government office.
colleges and universities. According to Max Weber, politics is
1. Political Theory the exercise of power within a state.
This examines the
contemporary application of political Power versus Authority
concepts such as human rights, Power is the heart of politics. Max
equality, peace and justice. Weber defined power as the ability to control
2. Comparative Politics the actions of others, regardless of their
This aims to provide context wishes. Power may be based on the use of
to the differences in government and force, holding a political office, or it can be
political system. the authority of a parent over a young child.
3. International Relations Weber’s definition refers to the relations
This study the state-to-state between two parties. It implies that one of the
relations and the wider margin of the parties exercise power over the other.
impacts of globalization and climate
change such as terrorism, piracy, and
democratization of non-Western
4. Political Behavior
This studies the attitudes, Fig. 4.1 Illustration of power
knowledge, and actions of an
individual in response to political Authority is more limited than power.
variables such as policies created by Weber defined authority as the probability
the government, behavior of that a command with a given specific content
politicians, and general political will be obeyed by a given group of persons.
environment. The emphasis here is on the command of
5. Public Policy power among a group of individuals rather
This inquires on the types of than on society as a whole.
governmental policies and the
underlying motivations for their
enactment and implementation. The
general perspective that policies are
created to better the living conditions
Fig. 4.2 Illustration of authority
within a territory.
6. Public Administration
This examines the various
A state is a political entity that
administrative schemes implemented
consists of four elements: territory,
by government officials. It analyzes
government, people, and sovereignty.
the strategies applied by
According to De Leon, the state is a
administrative units in implementing
community of persons more or less
the existing policies and the feedback
numerous, permanently occupying a definite
mechanism that they use to gain the
portion of territory, having a government of
opinion of the public.
14 | P a g e

their own to which the great body of Functions of the State

inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying
freedom from external control. The state is the formal structure of
government. It is the institution whose
Government is the set of personnel functions are carried out by the government.
who manages the affairs of the state in its act Government is working arm of the state
of allocating scarce values. Its existence is which provides social control through its
dictated by the political system that it political processes, the laws it establishes and
revolves on. implements, and the work of its agencies.

Sovereignty is the capacity of a The main manifest functions of the state are:
political system to make independent • The maintenance of peace and order
decisions within its territory that cannot be (through the national and local police
overruled by any other body. and the military)
• The regulation and control of the lives
Territory is the geographic space in of the people (legislative enactments
which the sovereignty of a state is exercised. of laws and rules as code of conduct)
According to De Leon, a territory includes • The administration of justice (through
the terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, the courts)
including its territorial seas, the seabed, the • The protection and defense of the
subsoil, the insular shelves, and other state from outside invasion (through
submarine areas. the Armed Forces of the State)
• The administration of public and
social services (through the national
and local executives)
• Conducting foreign affairs (through
the diplomatic corporations)
• Maintenance of strong economic ties
to the world of commerce.

Political Science is a discipline within

the social sciences that specializes in the
Fig. 4.3. Territorial map of the Philippines understanding of the allocation of scarce
Source: values within a territory. Power, a highly
coveted political value, is the capacity to
People is the most crucial element of enforce policies on a majority even if the
state, as it is through the existence of the enforcing unit is a minority. Being an
people that concepts on government, state, interdisciplinary discipline, political science
territory and sovereignty take shape. In the is able to explore various inquiries that relate
context of political science, the term people to interstate relations, local governance,
is synonymous to nation. A nation is a political culture, and even public policy. It is
concept that is related to ethnicity, as people in this broadness that political science finds
within it are bound by cultural and historical its significance in contemporary society as it
ties. presents alternative ways of understanding
sociopolitical phenomena and promotes
research-based solutions to politically
oriented problems.

15 | P a g e


A. Learning Activities:
Activity 2-DATA RETRIEVAL CHART: Discuss the following social sciences

Social Science Definition Main Concern What kinds of social issues

Discipline are of interest to this
discipline and how does it
provide explanations to
address these issues?




What Have I Learned So Far?

1. What elements make anthropology a holistic discipline?
2. Does sociology significant to the lawmakers in the government system? Why or why not?
3. How does political science contribute to the resolution of contemporary issues?

Great job! Now that you are done answering the activities, you are now ready to answer the test.
Good luck!

16 | P a g e


A. Transfer of Learning
VENN DIAGRAM. Complete the Venn diagram to see the interrelatedness of social sciences. You
may use key words/phrases to support your answer.


Processing Question:

1. How are the disciplines Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science interrelated with one another?
Give one concrete example.

B. Reflection:

How does the study of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science promote
value integration in the 21st century context?

17 | P a g e

C. Closure & Synthesis:

Let us end this learning material by writing on the box 1- what have you learned, 2- key concept
that still needs further clarification and 3- ideas you can propose to extend your learning.


Great job! We are finally done with the module! I hope you
enjoyed learning the topic! If you have some questions send me
a message in this number 09569181127 (for Ms. EMILY
HANGCA) and 09461454058 (for Ms. ERICA BENDEBEL)
See you in our next journey!


Beltran, J. (2013). Sociology and Society. Metro Manila: Grandbooks Publishing.

Gonzales, M.C. (2019). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. Makati City: Diwa Publishing

San Juan, W. & Centeno, M.L. (2011). General Sociology. Mandaluyong City: BOOKS Atbp. Publishing

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