Extracellular Electron Transfer: Wires, Capacitors, Iron Lungs, and More
Extracellular Electron Transfer: Wires, Capacitors, Iron Lungs, and More
Extracellular Electron Transfer: Wires, Capacitors, Iron Lungs, and More
and more
Corresponding author: Derek R. Lovley. Tel: 413-545-9651; fax: 413-545-1598; e-mail: [email protected].
‘and by the help of microscopes, there is nothing so small, as to cycles in sedimentary environments, and also influences the
escape our inquiry; hence there is a new visible world discovered fate of a diversity of trace metals and phosphate (Lovley, 1993;
to the understanding .’ Thamdrup, 2000). Anaerobic oxidation of organic contaminants
Robert Hooke with the reduction of Fe(III) is important in groundwater
bioremediation (Lovley et al., 1989; Lovley, 1997), and stim-
Terry Beveridge’s broad and insightful studies of microbe– ulating dissimilatory metal reduction has shown promise as a
metal interactions, powered in large part by amazing microscopy, method for immobilizing toxic metals in the subsurface
have served as an inspiration and provided guidance for many (Anderson et al., 2003; Lloyd et al., 2003). Oxidation of
of us working in this field. This perspective deals with just one organic matter coupled to electron transfer to electrodes is a
of the aspects of microbe–metal interactions to which Terry potential strategy for harvesting electricity from the environ-
significantly contributed, extracellular electron transfer. ment and waste organic matter (Lovley, 2006a).
For purposes of this perspective extracellular electron transfer The primary goal for many investigators of extracellular
is defined as the process in which electrons derived from the electron transfer is to determine how electrons are transferred
oxidation of electron donors are transferred to the outer surface to the electron acceptors and the factors controlling the rate
of the cell to reduce an extracellular terminal electron acceptor. and extent of this process. With this information in hand, it
Extracellular electron acceptors may be soluble, yet reduced may be possible to optimize practical applications and better
outside the cell because they are too large to enter the cell, as model natural processes. Some of the potentially important
is probably the case for humic substances (Lovley et al., 1996, questions still remaining in extracellular electron transfer are
1998). Some soluble metal species, such as U(VI) complexed discussed below in relation to key publications of Terry’s that
with carbonate, or Fe(III) chelated with citrate, are often reduced have led to the development of these questions and/or have
extracellularly (Lovley et al., 1991; Marshall et al., 2006; provided the techniques that may lead to their answers.
Coppi et al., 2007; Gralnick & Newman, 2007; Shelobolina
et al., 2007) as is dimethyl sulfoxide (Gralnick et al., 2006).
It has also been proposed that organisms involved in the
syntrophic degradation of organic compounds may make the
appropriate connections to directly exchange electrons (Stams
et al., 2006). However, extracellular electron transfer to
minerals, such as Fe(III) and Mn(IV) oxides (Lovley, 1991;
Lovley et al., 2004; Gralnick & Newman, 2007; Shi et al., Terry was involved in some of the earliest work on the concept
2007) and to electrodes (Lovley, 2006a,b), is probably of the that some structures emanating from microorganisms may be
greatest interest at present because of their environmental conductive and might serve as a conduit for extracellular electron
significance and practical applications. Oxidation of organic transfer (Gorby et al., 2006). ‘Microbial nanowires’ (Reguera
matter coupled to the reduction of Fe(III) and Mn(IV) oxides et al., 2005, 2006; Gorby et al., 2006) are certainly an attractive,
plays an important role in the carbon, iron, and manganese easily visualized, explanation for extracellular electron transfer.
However, some caution in this area is probably warranted. ductivity in Geobacter nanowires by laying the filaments across
It is not uncommon these days for some investigators to interdigitated electrodes and querying conductive properties.
confer ‘nanowire’ status on just about any filament emanating To date, such studies have proven to be technically challenging
from microorganisms, even those not known to be capable of and difficult to interpret.
extracellular electron transfer, often without even examining Even after the nature of conductivity of the nanowires is
the filaments to determine if they are, in fact, electrically elucidated, the challenge still remains to definitely determine
conductive. whether these conductive structures are the final conduit to
Even for the few instances in which electrically conductive Fe(III) oxides and electrodes. It is tempting to suggest that
filaments have been documented (Reguera et al., 2005; Gorby they are because they could have the potential to greatly
et al., 2006), much more investigation is required before it extend the electronic reach of the organisms. However, to
can be definitively stated that electrons actually flow from date the evidence is rather circumstantial and it has been
microorganisms to extracellular electron acceptors along these previously noted (Gorby et al., 2006) that ‘additional research
structures. It is important to recognize that such electron designed to critically and comprehensively evaluate far-field
transfer has never been directly demonstrated, only inferred electron transfer via nanowires is needed to confirm these
from circumstantial evidence. More information is required intriguing observations’. In G. sulfurreducens, Fe(III) oxides
on what comprises these structures, the rates of electron seem to preferentially associate with the pili, deleting the pilA
transfer through these structures, and the features that confer gene inhibits Fe(III) oxide reduction, and expressing the PilA
conductivity. gene in trans in the PilA-deficient mutant restores the capacity
Mechanistic investigations linking microbial nanowires to for Fe(III) oxide reduction (Reguera et al., 2005). This is all
mechanisms for extracellular electron transfer have only been consistent with the nanowires being the final conduit, but
carried out with Shewanella oneidensis (Gorby et al., 2006) and does not prove it. In S. oneidensis, there is the observation that
Geobacter sulfurreducens (Reguera et al., 2005). In the case of magnetite accumulates on the surface of some extracellular
S. oneidensis (Gorby et al., 2006), it is not clear what protein(s) material when Fe(III) oxide is reduced, but the nature of this
are the scaffold of the conductive filaments. They are described extracellular material was not determined and there was significant
as ‘pilus-like appendages’ but S. oneidensis may produce a amounts of magnetite associated with other non-filamentous
variety of pili and pseudo-pili, some of which appear to be portions of the cells (Gorby et al., 2006). Another line of
nonconductive (Reguera et al., 2005; Gorby et al., 2006). evidence for electron transfer via nanowires in S. oneidensis is
The conductive structures in S. oneidensis are much thicker that deleting the genes for the cytochromes that appear to make
(50 to > 150 nm diameter) and much less numerous (c. 1 per the S. oneidensis nanowires conductive diminishes electron
cell in figure 1 of Gorby et al., 2006) than most pili and it has transfer to Fe(III) and electrodes (Gorby et al., 2006). How-
been suggested that they are ‘bundles’ of pili, something ever, it has been reported that these same cytochromes are also
which clearly requires further verification. In G. sulfurreducens, associated with the outer membrane of S. oneidensis as well as
the nature of the structure seems more clear because deleting extracellular material that is different from the nanowires (Shi
the gene for PilA, the structural protein for type IV pili, resulted et al., 2007). If so, then the diminished rates of extracellular
in cells without the nanowires (c. 3–5 nm in diameter), which electron transfer in the cytochrome mutants could just as easily
in the wild-type cells are numerous and localized to one lateral be explained as a consequence of cytochromes that are not
side of the cell (Reguera et al., 2005). Reintroducing the gene associated with filaments directly transferring electrons to
for PilA restored the capacity for nanowire production. It seems Fe(III) oxides and electrodes without mediation of the
like similar genetic studies might help identify the structural nanowires. In fact, this is what has recently been proposed
components of the conductive filaments in S. oneidensis. (Shi et al., 2007).
A pressing question for both the S. oneidensis and the G. In a similar manner, there is an abundance of not only c-type
sulfurreducens nanowires is: what features make them conduc- cytochromes, but also other redox-active proteins, such as
tive? For S. oneidensis it has been suggested that cytochromes multicopper proteins, on the outer surface of G. sulfurreducens
might be associated with the pili because deleting genes for (Lovley et al., 2004; Mehta et al., 2005; Mehta et al., 2006;
outer-surface cytochromes resulted in nonconductive filaments Qian et al., 2007), that are required for Fe(III) oxide reduction
(Gorby et al., 2006). At present, there is no evidence that and are not attached to pili. The interaction of these proteins
cytochromes are associated with the pili of G. sulfurreducens. with extracellular electron acceptors must be better elucidated
Ongoing genetic studies in which the PilA protein of G. sul- before it can be definitively stated that the terminal electron
furreducens is being modified with amino acid substitutions transfer step takes place at the pilin surface. Furthermore, it
may provide insights into the mechanisms for conductivity. must be considered that extrusion of pili may be associated
In the future, more involvement by physicists is going to be with the release of other proteins to outer surface. We are now
required in order to make the sophisticated electrochemical also carefully examining whether deleting the PilA gene has
measurements necessary to understand this phenomenon. impacts on the biochemical composition of the outer cell sur-
We have attempted to further evaluate the mechanisms of con- face beyond taking away the capacity for pilin production.
just fine with few, if any c-type cytochromes involved. However, et al., 2008). Shewanella species release flavins, most notably
the energetic investment that Geobacter species make in c-type flavin mononucleotide and riboflavin, that can function as
cytochrome production could be very adaptive in providing an shuttles, enhancing current production in microbial fuel cells
‘iron lung’ that permits electron transfer in the temporary (von Canstein et al., 2008). However, an anonymous reviewer
absence of Fe(III) oxides. recently suggested that another option for a shuttle between
Further investigation into the role of intracellular iron, planktonic cells of S. oneidensis and fuel cell anodes may be
whether as Fe(III) oxides or as heme groups, in serving as a membrane vesicles, similar to those described by Schooling
temporary electron acceptor for dissimilatory Fe(III) reducers and Beveridge ( 2006), if these contain appropriate redox-
is clearly warranted. In addition to Shewanella and Geobacter active components. This is an interesting hypothesis that
species, a diversity of other Fe(III) reducers should be investigated should be further investigated.
as phylogenetically distinct organisms may have evolved different The previous finding that Geobacter species do not appear to
strategies. produce an electron shuttle (Nevin & Lovley, 2000), as well
as electrochemical measurements (Daniel Bond, University of
Minnesota, personal communication), suggests that there is a
direct electrical connection between cells of Geobacter and
anode surfaces. Hunter and Beveridge developed a high-
pressure freeze-substitution transmission electron microscopic
Superficially, this question may appear to be just another method that permitted high-resolution imaging of Pseudomonas
version of the nanowire questions above. However, electron aeruginosa biofilms (Hunter & Beveridge, 2005b). With this
flow to conductive anode surfaces is functionally different than method, it may be possible to image Geobacter anode biofilms
electron transfer to Fe(III) oxide. Recent research has suggested to elucidate how cells might form a conductive network., e.g.
that, in the most effective microbial fuel cells, electron transfer G. sulfurreducens requires pili to form the thick biofilms on
must proceed through biofilms, a phenomenon for which anodes that yield high power densities in microbial fuel cells
there is little prior guidance in the literature. As detailed below, (Reguera et al., 2006; Nevin et al., 2008b). Do pili from
novel techniques for studying biofilms, such as those recently multiple cells intertwine to promote cell-to-cell electron transfer
developed by Terry and colleagues, could aid in understanding so that cells at substantial distance from the anode surface can
this special form of extracellular electron transfer. establish electrical contact with the anode? Alternatively, pili
Although Fe(III) oxides and the anodes of microbial fuel may play a primarily structural role (Reguera et al., 2007) and
cells both represent insoluble, extracelular electron acceptors, one or more of the multiple redox-active proteins displayed on
Fe(III) oxide sources, and the clays that contain structural Fe(III) the outer surface of G. sulfurreducens may interact to facilitate
that is microbially reducible, are typically smaller than Fe(III)- electron transfer through the biofilm (Nevin et al., 2008b).
reducing microorganisms. Certainly in culture, and possibly in It is important to know how these outer-surface proteins are
sedimentary environments, it may be more correctly stated distributed throughout the biofilm to determine whether they
that the Fe(III) becomes attached to the microbe rather than might contribute to a conductive network. Furthermore, it
vice versa. Furthermore, even when carbon sources are being should be possible to measure the conductivity of the biofilm
added to sedimentary environments, such as during in situ and via genetic manipulation of the quantities of potential
uranium bioremediation, the density of cells is relatively low electron transfer facilitators, identify the key components.
and therefore, organized, confluent biofilms are not expected Such studies are underway.
(Nevin & Lovley, 2002b). In contrast, electrodes represent a The flux of nutrients into, and end products out of, anode
large surface for cell attachment and microbial fuel cells biofilms is likely to significantly impact on the function of
producing high current densities provide high concentrations microbial fuel cells. One obvious concern is delivering fuel
of electron donors. This results in the formation of relatively in an optimum manner. Less obvious, but probably equally
thick (up to c. 75 µm), structured biofilms that are essential for important, is the diffusion of end products out of the biofilm.
high-density current production in Geobacter-powered microbial Protons are of particular concern because extracellular electron
fuel cells (Reguera et al., 2006; Nevin et al., 2008a). S. oneidensis transfer results in substantially more proton release into the
does not build up thick biofilms on anodes, but there is environment that most forms of intracellular reduction of
substantial growth of planktonic cells in S. oneidensis fuel cells electron acceptors (Mahadevan et al., 2006). Accumulation of
(Lanthier et al., 2008). Thus, in both instances most of the these protons may be detrimental for two reasons. The obvious
microorganisms are no longer in close contact with the anode one is that lowering the pH within the biofilm may result in
and in many instances they are far beyond the conceivable suboptimal conditions for continued respiration. Possibly just
reach of nanowires, yet appear to be viable and metabolically as important is the fact that the protons that are produced
active. from substrate oxidation are required on the cathode side of
How is this possible? For S. oneidensis one key component the microbial fuel cell to combine with the electrons released
appears to be soluble electron shuttle molecules (Lanthier from fuel oxidation, providing charge balance. In the near future
we plan to evaluate the potential for proton accumulation relative rates of metabolism in the subsurface under different
under various fuel cell design strategies with a pH-sensitive conditions imposed during bioremediation. The ultimate
fluoroprobe developed by Hunter and Beveridge (2005a). goal is to be able to predict how dissimilatory metal-reducing
With this probe and confocal scanning laser microscopy, it is microorganisms will behave under different possible bioreme-
possible to determine the pH within the microenvironments diation strategies, making it possible to select an optimized
of biofilms. approach prior to implementing field trials (Lovley, 2003;
Lovley et al., 2008). One of the first steps toward this goal was
the development of a genome-scale in silico model of the
metabolism of G. sulfurreducens, which demonstrated that it
is possible to predictively model the physiology of a Geobacter
species under different environmental conditions (Mahadevan
et al., 2006). Subsequent steps include making an in silico
Terry and colleagues demonstrated that the environmental model that reflects the physiology of the Geobacter species that
conditions under which Fe(III)-reducing microorganisms are predominate in a diversity of subsurface environments, known
cultured may significantly influence their physiology, even as subsurface clade 1 (Holmes et al., 2007), and coupling this
impacting which forms of Fe(III) oxides can serve as electron with geochemical and hydrological models. These studies are
acceptors (Glasauer et al., 2003). S. putrefaciens CN32, grown underway.
in minimal medium designed to more accurately reflect These are, of course, only a few of the many potential lines
environmental conditions in the subsurface, could reduce poorly of inquiry about extracellular electron transfer that may be
crystalline Fe(III) oxide, but not the highly crystalline forms promising in the future. Undoubtedly, direct observation and
which CN32 can reduce if grown in rich media (Glasauer measurement of microbes interacting with minerals and each
et al., 2003). The lack of reduction of the crystalline Fe(III) other will play an important role in answering these questions.
forms in more environmentally relevant media is consistent with One can only hope that someone with the talent and insight
data demonstrating that these minerals tend to persist, even in of Terry will come along to fill this critical niche.
organic-rich sedimentary environments (Phillips et al., 1993).
It is an important concept that we must understand the
environmentally relevant physiological status of Fe(III)-reducing REFERENCES
microorganisms in order to make accurate predictions about Anderson RT, Vrionis HA, Ortiz-Bernad I, Resch CT, Peacock A,
process in environments in which Fe(III) reduction is prevalent. Dayvault R, Marutzky S, Metzler DR, Karp K, Lowe M, White DC,
One additional step toward this goal is growing the organisms Long PE, Lovley DR (2003) Stimulating the in situ activity of
Geobacter species to remove uranium from the groundwater of a
under nutrient-limiting conditions in chemostat cultures (Esteve-
uranium-contaminated aquifer. Applied Environmental
Núñez et al., 2005). Another possibility is to grow pure cultures Microbiology 69, 5884–5891.
in sterilized sediments from the site of interest (D.E. Holmes, von Canstein H, Ogawa J, Shimizu S, Lloyd JR (2008) Secretion of
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It is now apparent that this is possible, at least for the many Woodard TL, Liu A, Lovley DR (2007) Involvement of Geobacter
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gene expression, proteomic, and genetic studies, it has been Mester T, Lovley DR (2006) The proteome of the dissimilatory
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of specific physiological conditions and/or the rates of cell various growth conditions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1764,
metabolism. When coupled with techniques for quantifying
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