Fault Identification System For Electric Power Transmission Lines Using Artificial Neural Networks
Fault Identification System For Electric Power Transmission Lines Using Artificial Neural Networks
Fault Identification System For Electric Power Transmission Lines Using Artificial Neural Networks
ISSN 2229-5518
Abstract— Electric power transmission line faults hinder the continuity of electric power supplied and increase the system downtime
thereby increasing the loss of electric power transmitted. Early fault detection and classification leads to prompt clearance of faults
with an attendant effect of improved reliability and efficiency of the power system network. In view of this, this paper develops an arti-
ficial neural network (ANN)-based detector and classifier to indicate and classify respectively a fault on Nigeria 33-kV electric power
transmission lines. The transmission lines are modeled in Simulink using SimPowerSystems toolbox in MATLAB. Fault simulations are
carried out, and the resulting instantaneous values of voltages and currents are used to develop the proposed fault identification sys-
tem using multilayer perceptron feedforward artificial neural networks with backpropagation algorithm. Results are presented to vali-
date the effectiveness and efficiency of the developed identification system for detecting and classifying faults. The Mean Square Error
(MSE), linear regression and the confusion matrix are used as performance evaluators for the system. The ANN-based identification
system achieved MSE of 4.77399e-10 and an accuracy of 100% for fault detection. This indicates that the performance of the developed
ANN-based identification system is highly satisfactory and may be practically implemented on the Nigeria transmission lines.
Index Terms— Artificial neural networks, SimPowerSystems, Backpropagation algorithm, Transmission lines, Fault detector, Fault classifier
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Overhead transmission lines are one of the primary elements in sudden disturbances that can cause an abnormal flow of current
an electric power system transmission network. The electric pow- in the line conductors. Faults are widely classified as series faults
er transmission line networks consist of interconnected electrical and shunt faults. The most occurred and severe type of fault is the
conductors carried on a support which convey electrical power shunt faults and its analysis is used in the design of protective and
from different generating power station to the grid and from the relaying equipment [3]. These shunt faults may be caused by
grid to different substations at varying degree of voltages. In Ni- lightning strokes, trees falling across lines, vehicle colliding with
geria, there are four levels of transmission voltages, i.e., 330-kV, the poles, trees growing up to the transmission lines, birds short
132-kV, 33-kV and 11-kV and these voltage levels use different circuiting the lines, etc. When a fault occurs on an electric trans-
sizes and/or types of conductors in conveying electrical power mission line, it is imperative to detect and classify it to quicken
[1]. Of these levels of voltages, this paper considers the 33-kV the necessary arrangement towards restoring the power hence
transmission network, which is characterized by very lengthy reducing the down time of lack of power to consumers which is
transmission lines; often it passes through bushes and is more part of the main goal of transmission line protection [4].
close to the environment compared to 330-kV and 132-kV trans- Therefore, to reduce the downtime of lack of electric power to
mission lines. This makes it more prone to faults hence the possi- consumers, a reliable intelligent fault detection and classification
bility of experiencing faults on 33-kV transmission lines is gener- system is required to improve identification of the faults on
ally higher than in others [2]. Faults on transmission lines are transmission lines. This effort is worthwhile considering the eco-
IJSER © 2018
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 2, February-2018 679
ISSN 2229-5518
nomic benefits of quick detection and classification of faults [5]. backpropagation algorithm is employed in the training of two
The pattern recognition technique is useful in selecting the faulty different ANN configurations which are used for fault detection
and healthy transmission lines in electrical power system trans- and classification, respectively.
mission network. Its ability is used to differentiate among the
three lines which one is experiencing a fault. The ANNs are very 2. Artificial Neural Network
powerful in fault identification by pattern recognition. To this Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a massively interconnected
end, this paper uses artificial neural networks to develop fault parallel computational system modeled in the way biological
identification system to realize a complete fault detection and neurons work. They are made of several processing elements
classification for all types of shunt faults on the 33-kV Nigeria joined together in a particular way in order to achieve a particular
transmission line. outcome [16],[17]. This makes them more efficient for real-world
Gowrishanka, et al [6] combined the capability of discrete wave- applications. In addition, its capability to process information in a
let Transform and artificial neural network to develop a fault de- parallel distributed manner, solve problems that are naturally
tector and classifier in transmission lines. Leite, et al [7] devel- nonlinear without having prior knowledge functions relating the
oped a new technique for the detection and location of high-speed problem variables and its capability in handling incomplete in-
faults using neural networks. The review of different approach formation and corrupt data, gave it an edge over the other artifi-
was previewed in [8]. Fault detection and classification for
cial intelligence in fault identification in transmission lines [18].
transmission line protection system using artificial neural net- During training, an artificial neural network learns to produce a
work was proposed in [9]. Lv and Zhang, [10] employed desired output based on a given input data. Hence, a training
feedforward artificial neural network with backpropagation algo- dataset is needed to train any artificial neural network to perform
rithm for fault classification on transmission line of 10kV rural a particular operation [19]. The training of the network is accom-
power grid. A powerful fault classifier and locator using artificial plished by sequentially applying input vectors while adjusting
neural network with supervised learning was proposed in [11]. network weights accordingly and passing the same through an
Silva, et al. [12] employed Wavelet Transform and ANN for de- activation function. The network weight converges gradually as
tection and classification of faults in power transmission lines. A the adjustment of different weights progress to values that will
fault detection and location system for high-speed protection in enable each input vector to produce the target [20]. Figure 1 is a
extra high voltage transmission lines using feedforward neural simple structure of a feedforward multilayer perceptron artificial
network with the backpropagation algorithm based on supervised
learning was applied by [13]. Seema, et al. [14] used ANN with
gradient descent backpropagation algorithm to implement an in-
telligent fault identification system. The system realized is capa-
ble of detecting only single line-to-ground and double line-to-
ground faults. A multilayer perceptron backpropagation neural
network combined with Neuro shell-2 software is proposed in
[15] to develop a fault detector, classifier, and locator for a neural network.
transmission line. In this paper, the modeling and simulation of a
33-kV practical electric power transmission system is performed
Figure 1: Simple Structure of a feedforward Multilayer
in MATLAB 2015a environment. The results of the simulations
Perceptron ANN
formed the input database for the proposed ANN. The multilayer
perceptron feedforward artificial neural network with
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 2, February-2018 680
ISSN 2229-5518
2.1 ANN Implementation Steps [0.18446 0.39072]
The development of the fault identification system using ANN Positive- and zero-sequence inductances (H/km):
follows these procedures: [0.0010981 0.0024668]
1 Transmission line simulation, sampling and recording of Positive- and zero-sequence capacitances (F/km):
fault currents and voltages. [1.0865e-08 6.6177e-09]
2 Preprocessing of recorded fault currents and voltages Fault Starting = 0.020 seconds
3 Selection of the ANN configuration Duration in fault = 0.03 Seconds
4 Training of the ANN Type Conductor = ACSR
5 Performance evaluation and validation of the trained
A. Simulation and Preprocessing of data
ANN to ascertain its capability to generalize.
The system model is first set up in Simulink, and then the three-
3. Power System Transmission Line Modeling phase V-I measurement block is used to measure the instantane-
ous values of voltages and currents signals. The three section pi-
The snapshot of the Simulink model of 33-kV transmission line
section line 1 and 2 together is 140 km long. Ten different shunt
of Isolo transmitting station is shown in Figure 2. It consists of
faults plus no fault condition are simulated between 1 km and
140 km length of 33-kV transmission line. A source is located at
140 km at a step of 2 km. The values of resistances and fault in-
one end and a load attached at the other end. The transmission
ception angle used are shown in Table 1. These faults are simu-
lines are modeled in Simulink/MATLAB 2015a environment
lated one after another and the three phase voltage and current
waveforms generated are sampled at a frequency of 1.5 kHz.
Hence, there are thirty (30) samples per cycle. These samples are
preprocessed to obtain a suitable input data set for the ANN [21].
In all, a total of 6 x 6,160 sample data set is obtained for this
1. Acquisition and Pre-Processing of input Data set of the ANN with varying number of neurons are extensively
2. Preparation of appropriate target data set suitable for the trained and the results of the structure that gives the best satisfac-
ANN to learn tory performance are presented. The performance MSE, confu-
3. Choose ANN configuration sion matrix, regression plot and the generalization capability are
4. Train the ANN used as performance indicators. Table 2 shows the truth table of
Fault Classifier
Sampling / Fault De-
I, V
Normalization tector
0: No-Fault
1: Fault
4.2. Fault Classification
Figure 10: Performance Plot for one hidden layer with 6-16-4 configuration
A. Results and Discussion
tion function combination of purelin/logsig/tansig for the input
layer, one hidden layer and output layer respectively gave the
best satisfactory performance. Figure 10 – Figure 13 show the
performance matrix used in determining the performance of the
developed ANNFC. From Figure 10, it can be said that the
ANNFC is efficient since the testing and the validation curves
have similar characteristics and the validation performance MSE
is 0.000301203 which is below the preset MSE of 0.001. Also, an
accuracy of 94.5% as seen in Figure 11 and the correlation coef- Figure 11: Confusion Matrix for ANNFC with 6-16-4 configuration
ficient of 0.99911(Figure 12) which shows how much the net-
work output was able to track the target further proves the satis-
factory performance of the developed ANNFC. From the ROC
plot (Figure 13) which expresses the percentage of true positivity
and false positivity, it can be seen that all the line are well fitted
in the upper-left corner which expresses a 100% true positivity
and 0 percent false positivity of classification. Based on the re-
sults, this study concluded that the ANNFC developed can effec-
tively and efficiently differentiate among all the ten possible
types of faults considered and No-fault condition on the 33-kV
Nigeria transmission line.
Figure 12: The Regression Plot for the ANNFC with 6-16-4 Configuration
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 2, February-2018 684
ISSN 2229-5518
Dr. Awelewa, Ayokunle A., is a Senior Lecturer in the Depart-
ment of Electrical and Information Engineering, Covenant Uni-
versity, Canaanland, KM 10 Idiroko Road, PMB 1023, Ota, Ogun
State, Nigeria. Email id: ayokunle.awelewa@covenant-
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