Crop and Soil Science
Crop and Soil Science
Crop and Soil Science
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 3. The word cereal is derived from the name of the most important grain deity.
a. The Roman Goddess Venus c. The Roman God of Soul
b. The Roman Goddess Ceres d. The Xeres God of Israel
____ 9. Select crops which can be classified as an agronomic crops and horticultural crops based on their uses under
the Philippine condition
a. rice b. mungbean c. sorghum d. peanu
____ 10. These are annual herbaceous plants that are grown on the farm under a system of extensive or large scale
a. agronomic or field crop c. banana
b. orchid d. pomological plants
____ 11. These are annual and perennial species which are grown under a system of intensive culture
a. horticultural crops c. catch crop
b. agronomical crops d. all of the above
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 15. Apical dominance is a phenomenon wherein lateral buds are dormant in the presence of terminal buds is
effected by
a. ethylene b. gibberellins c. auxins d. cytokinins
____ 16. Stomatal closure is not only due to the deficiency of turgor pressure but also due to the action hormones. It is
effected by
a. ethylene b. gibberellins c. cytokinins d. abscissic acid
____ 17. Senescence is yellowing of leaves due to the maturity and it is due to a hormone called
a. ethylene b. gibberellins c. cytokinins d. auxins
____ 18. short day plants are plants that bear flowers during the period of the year when nights are longer than day
time. The flowering of these kinds of plants is due to the action of the hormone
a. auxin b. abscissic acid c. ethylene d. cytokinins
____ 19. The production of ethylene is due to the action of growth hormone known as
a. gibberellins b. cytokinins c. auxins d. abscissin
____ 20. Geotropism is response of the plants to gravity. This response is an effect of growth hormone called
a. auxin b. gibberellins c. cytokinins d. ethylene
____ 22. Abscission, the falling off of leaves, flowers, or fruits, is due to abscissic acid and ethylene but prevented by
a. gibberellins b. cytokinins c. auxins d. none of these
____ 27. A material of plants capable of generative or vegetative propagation with current or potential value for food,
agriculture and forestry.
a. Plant genetic resources c. Genetic Diversity
b. Genetic resources d. All of the choices
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 28. A plant in which a genes has been transformed through genetic engineering is called
a. transgenic plant c. engineered plant
b. modified plant d. biotech plant
____ 29. The capacity of a cell cultured in vitro to regenerate into a plant
a. potency b. totipotency c. sustainability d. cultur-ability
____ 30. Cultivation of plant cells and tissue in vitro on an artificial media
a. plant culture b. tissue culture c. cell culture d. horticulture
____ 31. A substance whether natural or synthetic that can modify growth
a. growth regulator b. fertilizer c. nutrient media d. enhancer
____ 32. Group of plant hormone that induces cell elongationand cell division
a. gibberellins b. growth regulator c. vitamins d. trace elements
____ 33. Any organic substance which at low concentrations, promotes inhibits or modifies growth
a. Hormone b. fertilizer c. enhancer d. modifier
____ 34. Organic compounds serving as a source of energy, including sugars, starches, and cellulose.
a. Fertilizer b. carbohydrates c. CO2 d. hormone
____ 35. The development of cells or tissues with a specific function and/or the regeneration of organs or organ-like
structure (roots, shoots, etc.) or embryo
a. differentiation b. development c. rejuvenation d. organogenesis
____ 36. Term used to describe seeds of plants that could be kept viable for a long time. It cannot withstand drying
and should not permit to dry out before planting
a. Recalcitrant b. registered c. Foundation d. Orthodox
____ 39. Propagation which preserve the characters of the parent plant
a. Sexual c. Asexual
b. Thinning d. Etiolation
____ 40. Is not an example of classes of seed recognized by the Philippine Seed Certification Scheme
a. Foundation Seeds c. Good Seed
b. Registered Seed d. Certified Seed
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 44. Theoretically, crops intended for seed production shall be harvested at the point of
a. Physiological maturity
b. When the fruits are very dry
c. when there is no rain
d. when the sunlight is very intense so that the seed quality are good.
____ 45. The inability of a viable seeds to germinate under a favorable conditions
a. Seed dormancy b. Vernalization c. Fermentation d. Quiscence
____ 48. A component in crop production system can not be controlled by human being.
a. Technological Factor c. Socio-economic factor
b. Environmental factor d. None of the above
____ 49. The class of seed which is considered the purest in terms of varietal purity is
a. breeder seed b. foundation seed c. registered seed d. certified seed
____ 51. It refers to the traditional system, which begins with a primary tillage operation followed by several
secondary tillage operations
a. Zero tillage c. Maximum or conventional tillage
b. Minimum tillage d. Secondary tillage
____ 52. It is a process by which the soil clods are broken and the soil is puddle by means of a comb harrow or rake or
spike toothed harrow. Usually the operation is done by alternate direction with two lengthwise and one
a. Plowing b. harrowing c. Rotavating d. furrowing
____ 53. It is a usual method employed by farmers in planting the seeds evenly into the field.
a. Broadcast method c. Hill method
b. Transplant method d. Drill method
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 54. Method of planting where the seeds are sown first on specially prepared seedbed or seed boxes. the seedlings
are nursed for sometime before they are transplanted to the final site.
a. Broadcast method c. Drill method
b. Ridge method d. Transplanting method
____ 55. Planting the seeds by distributing them individually in the row is called:
a. Hill planting c. Ridge planting
b. Drill Planting d. List planting
____ 56. A method of planting the seed at specified depth on top of the furrows and with the expectation of abundant
a. Surface or flat-bed planting c. List planting
b. Ridge planting d. Hill planting
____ 57. Method of raising rice seedling where pre-germinated seeds are sown on cement or puddle soil covered with
banana leaves or polyethylene plastic sheet. The raised seedlings are ready for transplanting in 10-14 days.
a. wet bed method c. Dry bed method
b. Dapog method d. Seedbed method
____ 58. It is the process of preparing the soil for planting, thereby providing good physical, chemical and biological
conditions that would permit optimum plant growth.
a. Land preparation c. Secondary tillage
b. Primary tillage d. tillage
____ 59. The mechanical manipulation of the soil from a known condition to a different desired condition
a. Primary tillage b. soil tilth c. Tillage d. Secondary tillage
____ 60. Tillage operation that does the initial cutting or breaking of the soil at its state here either a crop has been
grown or harvested or simply a barren soil.
a. Secondary tillage c. Zero tillage
b. Primary tillage d. Maximum tillage
____ 61. Tillage operation on the soil after the primary tillage. It includes breaking of the soil clods or granulation as
in dry land operation or puddling as in wetland.
a. Zero tillage c. Secondary tillage
b. Minimum tillage d. Maximum tillage
____ 62. Land preparation is performed at relatively low moisture content, well below the saturation moisture level.
a. Wet land or low land preparation c. Dry land or upland preparation
b. Secondary tillage preparation d. Maximum tillage preparation
____ 63. The process by which seeds with inhibitory substances are subjected to cold temperature treatment prior to
germination to trigger the process of flowering later is called:
a. Hardening b. Vernalization c. Acclimatization d. Scarification
____ 64. A system of cropping in which as many crops are grown as possible on the same land within a pear is known
a. monocropping c. integrated farming
b. multiple cropping d. sustainable farming
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 65. The growing of different crops in a definite order of succession on the same land is known as:
a. crop rotation c. integrated farming
b. farming system d. sustainable farming
____ 66. In crop rotation, the most critical factor to consider is:
a. Proper combinations of crop c. proper inter-cropping of crops
b. right sequencing of growing the crop d. proper mixing of crops
____ 67. The multiple cropping technology is quite difficult for farmers to adopt because of:
a. the need to grow new and unfamiliar crops
b. the need for timely implementation of required practices
c. the need for additional resources
d. all of the above
____ 68. Refers to the growing of 2 or more crops on the same field within a year with the succeeding crop planted
only after the preceding crop has been harvested:
a. sequential cropping c. relay cropping
b. inter-cropping d. mono-cropping
____ 70. Students who are oriented in the farming system concepts becomes:
a. specialist b. expert c. scientist d. generalist
____ 71. A farming system practiced by a farmer is the result of complex interaction of:
a. independent variables c. independent variables and component
b. interdependent components d. a & b
____ 72. In farming system, the production resources needed for the attainment of family goals include
a. land b. labor c. capital d. all of the above
____ 74. Photosynthesis is an enzyme catalyzed reaction and the first enzyme involved in the process
a. phosphororylase b. isomerase c. dehydrogenase d. carboxylase
____ 75. The require compounds for CO2 fixation, NADPH and ATP, are produced via
a. cyclic photophosphorylation c. dark reaction
b. non-cyclic photophosphorylation d. light reaction
____ 76. The destruction of the chlorophyll molecules due to the strong light intensity is called
a. photolysis b. photo-oxidation c. etiolation d. decoleration
____ 77. From the electromagnetic spectrum, the light quality best absorbed for photosynthesis is
a. green b. red c. blue d. yellow
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 85. The sequence, arrangement, pattern, process of growing crops is known as
a. system analysis c. soil management
b. cropping system d. farm management
____ 86. The resumption growth of the embryo and the process which result in the production of seedlings.
a. absorption b. germination c. inhibition d. multiplication
____ 87. The practice of covering bare soil around the stem of growing plant with dried grass or plant residue is called
a. green manuring b. mulching c. liming d. topping
____ 88. Is the amount of organic matter in a given area a given point in time.
a. Yield c. Harvest index
b. Biomass d. all of the choicdes
____ 90. This is the amount of dry matter produced per unit area
a. biological yield c. harvest index
b. economic yield d. all of the choices
____ 91. Is the light intensity at which energy stored by photosynthesis equals the energy released by respiration at a
given CO2 concentration in an environment.
a. Irradiance c. light duration
b. light saturation point d. light compensation point
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 92. Translocation of food materials from the site of production to the different plant part is via
a. xylem vessel c. blood vessel
b. pholem vessel d. none of the choices
____ 94. Farming system which consist of planting crops and trees
a. Agrisilviculture c. agrosilvopastoral
b. silvopastoral d. sericulture
____ 96. The most abundant gas in the soil atmosphere is:
a. CO2 b. O2 c. N2 d. A
____ 101. The molten mass from where igneous rocks solidify from is:
a. core b. magma c. mantle d. soil
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 116. The most abundant elements in the earth’s crust are
a. Fe, Al, Mn, N, P c. N, P, K, Ca, Mg
b. O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca d. C, H, O, N, P
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 122. The soil forming factors that normally show the greatest variation from one geographic region to another are:
a. topography and parent material c. climate and vegetation
b. topography d. time and relief
____ 123. Parent material that has formed by weathering of bedrock in place is
a. transported b. residual c. colluvial d. alluvial
____ 126. Of the following minerals, the one that expands on wetting is:
a. muscovite b. illite c. montmorillonite d. kaolinite
____ 127. Feldspar minerals that are more easily weathered,by chemical means tend to be high in the element:
a. K b. Na c. Ca d. P
____ 128. The dark color of igneous rocks usually caused by:
a. quartz c. calcite
b. feldspar d. ferrogmagnesian minerals
____ 129. The chemical element in dolomite that is not an important constituent of calcite is
a. Mg b. Ca c. P d. O
____ 130. Basalt weathers more easily than granite, this difference being explain most readily by difference in:
a. mineralogy b. texture c. both a & b d. color
____ 131. The dark color of igneous rocks is usually cause by:
a. quarts b. feldspar c. calcite d. feronagnesian
____ 132. Soil textural classes are define in terms of ranges in variation in:
a. structure c. texture
b. weathering d. drainage
____ 133. The mass per unit volume of whole soil is:
a. particle density c. bulk density
b. true density d. all of the above
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 134. The physical state of the soil as relates to plant growth is known as soil
a. texture b. consistency c. tilt d. structure
____ 135. the sedimentary rock that contains clay mineral;s as one of its more important constituents is:
a. shale b. limestone c. sandstone d. slate
____ 136. The percent moisture of a moist soil sample that weights 12.5g originally and 10g after oven drying is:
a. 12.5 b. 10 c. 25 d. 22.5
____ 137. The force that determines the height to which water will rise in a vertical capillary tube:
a. surface tension c. infiltration
b. capillarity d. capillary fringe
____ 138. The entry of surface applied water into soil is known as:
a. infiltration c. seepage
b. percolation d. erosion
____ 139. The zone of saturated soil where water is held under suction immediately above the water table is known as:
a. water table c. capillary fringe
b. spring d. capillarity
____ 140. If the oxygen content of the soil air is 155 carbon dioxide will be:
a. 6 c. 0.5
b. .03 d. none of the above
____ 142. The mechanism responsible for most of the heat transfer in soils:
a. convection c. adsorption
b. conduction d. none of the above
____ 143. The acidity of rain water is largely due to the gas:
a. CO2 c. SO3
b. NO3 d. H
____ 145. This ion is adsorbed with the least force to soil particles:
a. Na c. H
b. Ca d. Al
____ 146. The soil depth from which plants obtain the major part of the water absorbed is turned:
a. effective-rooting depth of plant c. profile
b. solumn d. rizhophere
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 147. The consumptive use of water is defined as that quantity of water in the production of a crop by thee process
a. transpiration c. evapotranspiration
b. evaporation d. WUE
____ 153. The hydraulic pressure of water held in the soil by capillary forces of attraction is
a. zero c. negative
b. positive d. 10,000
____ 155. In magnitude in algebraic sign, the matric potential of soil water is equal to:
a. negative hydrulic pressure c. soil water tension
b. soilsuction d. positive hydraulic pressure
____ 156. If plant roots where to remove water from the soil water films without absorbing any of the ions of this water,
the osmotic potential of the soil water would:
a. become more negative c. not change
b. become more positive d. soil is at fluid capacity
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 158. More open than not, poor aeration in soils is associated with:
a. excessive biological consumption of c. partial pressure gradient for oxygen
oxygen from soil air
b. low conductivity of soil pores for gases d. all of the above
____ 159. On the average, in the interchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the soil and outer atmosphere
a. the volume rate of flow for oxygen is c. the volume rate of flow both gases is
greater than for carbon dioxide essentially the same
b. the volume rate of flow for carbon d. none of the above
dioxide is greater than for oxygen
____ 160. Where a complete cloud cover is present, the component of solar radiation that is of maximum intensity at
ground level is:
a. light b. infrared c. ultraviolet d. far red
____ 161. The exchange of energy is radiant from between the soil and the atmosphere goes on:
a. only during day light hours c. continuously
b. only during night d. only during cloudy day
____ 162. Maximum daily variation in temperature at the surface of the ground normally occurs where;
a. both the soil and sir above are dry c. the soil is dry but that air above is most
b. both the soil and air above are moist d. soil is wet
____ 163. In addition to hydrogen, the caution that normally tends to increase in exchangeable form with increasing
form with increasing soil acidity is
a. aluminum b. calcium c. ammonium d. Mg
____ 165. Of the following, the material with the highest caution-exchange capacity is:
a. vermiculite c. organic matter
b. montmorillonite d. kaolinite
____ 166. A soil has a caution exchange capacity of 10me per 100g, and the following complement of exchangeable
cautions, the amounts being expressed in mill equivalents per 100g of soil: H, 3.0 Ca, 2.0 Al, 3.0 Mg, 1.0 Na,
0.25 and K, 0.75. The percent base saturation of this soil is
a. 10 b. 40 c. 70 d. 50
____ 167. In slightly acids soil, such as in those with pH between 6.0 and 7.0 the two most abundant cautions will
probably be:
a. calcium and magnesium c. potassium and sodium
b. hydrogen and aluminum d. iron and manganese
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 169. A parent material that often has the same origin as losses but is separated from the losses by the action of
wind is:
a. colluvium b. volcanic ash c. dune sand d. lahar
____ 170. Of the three groups below, thee one in which all symbols are for horizons that can have the presence of
organic matter as an identifying feature is:
a. O2, Al, B2 b. Al, A2, B2 c. Al, A3, C d. none of the
____ 171. If an improvement in environmental conditions increases the productivity of a crop, the water-use efficiency
of the crop probably will
a. increase c. remain relatively unchanged
b. decrease d. none of the above
____ 173. The removal of the excess water from the waterlogged soil depends on
a. a difference in soil suction c. atmospheric pressure
b. the force of gravity d. temperature
____ 174. CEC is 20 m.e./100g. If it has 8 m.e. H and thee remaining cautions are bases, what is the % BS?
a. 80 b. 40 c. 60 d. 50
____ 175. During the dry season plant roots are naturally supplied with water through
a. infiltration b. capillarity c. percolation d. leaching
____ 179. Ten m.e. of Ca (40) can replace how many m.e. of H in the change complex?
a. 0.2 b. 1 c. 20 d. 10
____ 180. The soil contains 10 m.e. Ca/100 g. This is equivalent to how many tons Ca per HFS?
a. 4 b. 10 c. 10 d. 200
____ 181. One m.e. ca/100g soil is equivalent to how many ppm Ca? At.Wt. Ca = 40
a. 400 b. 40 c. 200 d. 80
Name: ________________________ ID: A
____ 186. Under conditions of high rainfall and humidity the least leached caution is
a. Al b. Ca c. Mg d. Na
____ 188. At the same level of OM which will have the highest water holding capacity?
a. loamy sand b. clay loam c. clay d. sandy loam
____ 190. If a ring without crack is formed in the roll method of determining texture thee texture is most likely:
a. loamy sand b. clay loam c. clay d. sandy loam
____ 191. The hydrometer and pipette method of mechanical analysis obey the
a. Dick’s Law b. Freundlick’s Law c. Ohm’s Law d. Stokes Law
____ 194. Which among these minerals does not contributes any soil nutrient:
a. quartz b. talc c. apatite d. clacite
1. ANS: T PTS: 1
2. ANS: D PTS: 1
3. ANS: B PTS: 1
4. ANS: A PTS: 1
5. ANS: D PTS: 1
6. ANS: C PTS: 1
7. ANS: D PTS: 1
8. ANS: C PTS: 1
9. ANS: A PTS: 1
10. ANS: A PTS: 1
11. ANS: A PTS: 1
12. ANS: D PTS: 1
13. ANS: B PTS: 1
14. ANS: A PTS: 1
15. ANS: C PTS: 1
16. ANS: D PTS: 1
17. ANS: A PTS: 1
18. ANS: B PTS: 1
19. ANS: C PTS: 1
20. ANS: D PTS: 1
21. ANS: B PTS: 1
22. ANS: C PTS: 1
23. ANS: B PTS: 1
24. ANS: A PTS: 1
25. ANS: A PTS: 1
26. ANS: B PTS: 1
27. ANS: A PTS: 1
28. ANS: A PTS: 1
29. ANS: B PTS: 1
30. ANS: B PTS: 1
31. ANS: A PTS: 1
32. ANS: A PTS: 1
33. ANS: A PTS: 1
34. ANS: B PTS: 1
35. ANS: A PTS: 1
36. ANS: A PTS: 1
B 13.
_____ A 28.
_____ B 42.
_____ D 54.
B 43.
A 14.
_____ B 29.
B 55.
_____ 1.
B 30.
C 15.
B 56.
A 31.
_____ A 44.
_____ 2. D 16.
A 32.
B 57.
_____ 3. A 17.
_____ A 33.
A 45.
B 18.
_____ B 34.
A 46.
_____ A 58.
_____ 4.
A 35.
A 47.
_____ 5. C 19.
C 59.
_____ 6. D 20.
_____ A 36.
D 48.
B 60.
B 21.
_____ 7. D 37.
A 49.
C 22.
D 38.
_____ B 61.
_____ 8. A 50.
B 23.
_____ 9.
C 39.
C 51.
_____ C 62.
A 24.
A 10.
A 25.
_____ C 40.
B 63.
B 52.
B 26.
A 11.
_____ A 41.
B 64.
A 27.
A 53.
D 12.
A 65.
_____ C 78.
_____ B 92.
_____ B
_____105. B
B 66.
_____ D 79.
_____ A 93.
_____ C
B 80.
_____ B
D 67.
_____ B 94.
D 81.
A 95.
_____ C
_____109. B
A 68.
_____ C 82.
_____110. C
C 96.
A 83.
_____111. C
A 69.
B 97.
D 84.
D 70.
_____ C
B 85.
D 71.
_____ C
A 98.
_____ B
B 86.
D 72.
_____ B 99.
B 87.
D 73.
_____ A
B 88.
_____ B
D 74.
_____ B
D 89.
D 75.
_____ A
A 90.
_____ C
B 76.
_____ C
D 91.
_____ A
_____104. C
B 77.
_____ C
_____134. C
_____147. B
_____158. C
_____169. C
_____170. D
_____148. C
_____137. A
_____160. A
_____150. A
_____172. D
_____151. C
_____140. B
_____164. B
_____143. C
_____155. A
_____144. A
_____146. C