Reading 1 On de-WPS Office

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Reading 1 on defining Globalization

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using (a) broad and narrow and definitions of

8.Answer: (a) Broad and inclusive definitions of globalizations include a variety of issues that deal with
overcoming traditional boundaries in which, in turn, help countries for the advent of borderl-ess worlds.
However, as it is mentioned on the book, it does not shed light on the implications of globalization
due to its vagueness.

(b) The usage of narrow and exclusive definitions of globalization are better justified but can be limiting,
in the sense that their application adhere to only particular definitions.

In addition, no matter how one classifies a definition of globalization, the concept is complex and
multifaceted. It could bring either or both integration and/or fragmentation


1. Easier to communicate throughout boundaries 1. Delocalization creates unemployment in

develop countries.

2. Easier to travel 2. Non-control circulation of money (free market) -

no ethics.

3. Cultural interchange 3. The business man and the big companies ate the
only winners in globalization.

4. International trade 4. Exploition of the workers in the developing

countries- incl children

5. Better and cheaper products 5. Money problem can easily be spread

6. Improvement of new technologies 6. The mixtures of cultures can lead to racism

xenophobia intolerance and loss of nationaly

7. The transport of the product is easier and faster. 7. Small companies have to go out of business
because they cannot complete with the
8. Globalization is creates a political and an 8. As a result the gap between the poor and the
economical union, which facilities the agreement rich people increases
between countries.

2. What do you think is the importance of defining globalization?

Answer: Globalization is our life! For me, it is the catalyst for the progress, development and integration
—from individual to society, from small communities to nations and states.Defining globalization is
indeed important because of the reality that the said matter enablesus to see ourselves as part of the
so-called “global age”. Likewise, it transmits ideas,meanings, and values around the globe in such a way
to outspread and intensify social relations and social structures.

3. The application of Globalization can be seen in different aspects of daily life like politics, music,
sports, celebrity, films, disaster, etc, in your case.

A.) Enumerate at least three of the most recent songs you have listened. Where didthey originate?
Identify the nationality of the writer and/or artist for each music.


Song recently listened Origin Nationality of the writer of artist

"Amazing Grace" United Kingdom British

"What beautiful name" Australia Australian

"How great is our God" United States of America American

B.) What gadgets or devices do you usually use to listen to music?

Answer: I usually use my phone in listening music

C.) How do you access music? (Online, Youtube, Spotify, or other channels)

Answer: I accessed these music from what we called Youtube. (I simply connected my devices on the

D.) Using a visual representation, define globalization and create your generalizations.

Answer: As referred on the reading selection, globalization is comparable to a

liquidphenomenon; it is not fixed, it change quickly and their aspects, spatial and temporal, are
incontinuous fluctuation. They are in constant interaction to perform its function as liquids.
Therefore, Globalization is a process of interaction of one entity to another through joint endeavor to
achieve the common goal of a community to develop, to innovate, and togrow more than before. In
conclusion, globalization has the capacity to institute significantchange to the quality of people’s lives
from different ethnicity and backgrounds since itdevelops international influence in a very increasing
rate of progress in different aspects such as in economic, social, and cultural.

3. What metaphors are you going to use in order to improve your own definition of globalization?

Enumerate at least three and explain one of them.

The Globalization is simalar to G-A-S - Growing up, Air, Stool

1. A Child Growing Up

– Globalization cannot be, and never be stopped

from its development and advancement. Every year, every time, it is evolving and

rapidly changing. As the days pass by, wide arrays of

new improvement on the aspects of living will add up

to the splice of life. Consequently, “great age comes

with great responsibility” as globalization grows, people must inculcate accountability to all

2. Air (Blowing From Different Directions) – is a commonly found substance in the earth’s

atmosphere—it is everywhere… from east to west, from south to north. No one can doubt its existence
and significance; even people could not perceive it, we can feel its impact on humanity and society. Just
like the air, globalization is needed in order for humans to live and survive from time to time.

3. The Stool- Human feces comprised of different materials that we have eaten. They symbolize unity
in diversity. To put this in to perspective, as we eat Go, Grow, and Glow foods, they basically end up into
one finished product--- the stool. The food groups represents sectors of society or people, the plenty
and more diverse food we take, the more colorful and big is our output. In globalization, good social
interaction from different entity is important to attain and realize the expected goal. However, if there is
a bad element we consume ( bad social interactions) it will result a disguisting loose bowel movement
( Destabilation of Globalization )

Name: Carl Alexis Saulan Year/Block: First Year- BSED- BLOCK B

Subject: The Contemporary World

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