1 - DOUGHERTY, T.J. Et Al. Photodynamic Therapy. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., Cary, V. 90, N. 12, P. 889 - 905, 1998.
1 - DOUGHERTY, T.J. Et Al. Photodynamic Therapy. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., Cary, V. 90, N. 12, P. 889 - 905, 1998.
1 - DOUGHERTY, T.J. Et Al. Photodynamic Therapy. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., Cary, V. 90, N. 12, P. 889 - 905, 1998.
Photodynamic Therapy
Thomas J. Dougherty, Charles J. Gomer, Barbara W. Henderson,
Giulio Jori, David Kessel, Mladen Korbelik, Johan Moan, Qian Peng*
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998 REVIEW 889
mains to be seen whether a single target will prove advantageous as swelling (22), bleb formation (22,23), shedding of vesicles
in all instances. containing plasma membrane marker enzymes, cytosolic and
Since most photosensitizing agents are fluorescent, drug lo- lysosomal enzymes (23), reduction of active transport (24), de-
calization can be determined by fluorescence microscopy (9). A polarization of the plasma membrane (25), increased uptake of a
sensitive system is needed, since photobleaching can affect im- photosensitizer (26), increased permeability to chromate (24)
age acquisition and use of high fluences can cause photodamage and even to cytosolic enzymes like lactate dehydrogenase (27),
and dye relocalization. The fluorescence yield can vary with the inhibition of the activities of plasma membrane enzymes such as
binding site, so that sites of photodamage may not be accurately Na+K+-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and Mg2+-ATPase
indicated by fluorescence. Since the cytotoxic product, 1O2, can (28), a rise in Ca2+ (29), up- and down-regulation of surface
migrate less than 0.02 mm after its formation (3), sites of pho- antigens (30), lipid peroxidation (31) that may lead to protein
todamage will reflect the localization of sensitizer at the time of crosslinking (32), and damage to multidrug transporters (17).
irradiation, and many workers have thus chosen to examine sub-
cellular sites of PDT-induced alterations rather than to search for Apoptosis In Vitro
sites of sensitizer binding.
890 REVIEW Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998
response (51,52), effects that can also be produced by enhanced ecules should expand our understanding of mechanisms of PDT
mitochondrial permeability (53–56). Mitochondrial permeability cytotoxicity.
is known to be involved in a pore transition that can be triggered Biochemical and morphologic studies (7) have identified a
by protoporphyrin (in the dark) (54), and it is interesting to note variety of PDT cellular targets, and molecular studies (58) have
that some other photosensitizing agents have a similar effect further advanced our knowledge of sublethal responses to PDT
(57). by identifying an expanding number of genes activated by PDT-
Marchetti et al. (53) pointed out that the protoporphyrin is a induced oxidative stress. Multiple genes encoding for stress-
ligand for the mitochondrial peripheral benzodiazepine receptor, induced proteins can be activated following PDT. Porphyrin-
a site known for its ability to trigger the pore transition. Tsuchida mediated PDT enhances the transcription and translation of
et al. (15) found a relationship between PDT efficacy and bind- heme oxygenase (61). Likewise, PDT induces increased expres-
ing to an albumin site that mimics specificity of the benzodiaz- sion of glucose-regulated proteins and the translation of these
epine receptor, suggesting that the more effective sensitizers proteins appears to play a role in modulating the cytotoxic ef-
bind to the mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptor. This may fects of oxidative stress (62,63). Heat shock proteins are also
represent the binding site for mitochondrial photosensitizers. It overexpressed following PDT when examined at either the in
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998 REVIEW 891
It will be interesting to see how the molecular modulation of ment of the vascular system promoting tumor ischemia and hyp-
cytokines affects in vivo PDT tumoricidal action. oxia, whereas low-density protein-delivered photosensitizers in-
duce an early important damage of malignant cells through both
Mechanisms of Selective Tumor Uptake and random necrotic and apoptotic processes (36). However, several
Localization of Photosensitizers excellent tumor localizers (e.g., meso-tetraphenylporphin tetra-
sulfonate, aluminum phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate, etc.) do not
The mechanisms involved in the preferential distribution of bind to low-density protein while some poor tumor localizers,
sensitizers in tumors are not fully understood. Properties of tu- like hematoporphyrin, bind to low-density protein (88). Thus,
mor tissue may contribute such selective distribution. These in- the significance of low-density protein-binding for selective tu-
clude elevated numbers of low-density protein receptors, the mor uptake has been debated (89,90).
presence of macrophages, and a decreased pH value. The ab- Both microspheres and monoclonal antibodies directed
normal structure of tumor stroma characterized by a large inter- against antigens located at the surface of neoplastic cells have
stitial space, a leaky vasculature, compromised lymphatic drain- been used as carriers of tumor-photosensitizing agents (91,92).
age, a high amount of newly synthesized collagen (that binds The covalent photosensitizer-antibody complexes give excellent
892 REVIEW Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998
realized for in vivo PDT treatment. Inhomogenous photosensi- the vascular effects of PDT differ greatly with different photo-
tizer distribution within the tumor might be one of these limita- sensitizers. Photofrin–PDT leads to vessel constriction, macro-
tions. Korbelik and Krosl (117) have also shown that both pho- molecular vessel leakage, leukocyte adhesion and thrombus for-
tosensitizer accumulation and tumor cell kill decrease with the mation, all apparently linked to platelet activation and release of
distance of tumor cells from the vascular supply. thromboxane (133,134). PDT with certain phthalocyanine de-
Another parameter that can limit direct tumor cell kill is the rivatives causes primarily vascular leakage (135), and PDT with
availability of oxygen within the tissue undergoing PDT treat- mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6 results in blood flow stasis primarily
ment. Two mechanisms can produce such limitations: the pho- because of platelet aggregation (136). All of these effects may
tochemical consumption of oxygen during the photodynamic include components related to damage of the vascular endothe-
process and the effects of PDT on the tissue microvasculature. lium. PDT may also lead to vessel constriction via inhibition of
Since 1O2 arises from ground state oxygen, it follows that this the production or release of nitric oxide by the endothelium
process can consume oxygen in the tissue environment. Rapid (137). In preclinical experiments, the microvascular PDT re-
and substantial reductions in tissue oxygen tensions on illumi- sponses can be partially or completely inhibited by the admin-
nation of photosensitized tissue were reported (115,118,119). istration of agents that affect eicosanoid generation, such as
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998 REVIEW 893
oxidative stress-initiated secondary tumoricidal activities Antitumor Activity of Nonlymphoid Inflammatory Cells
(145). Contrary to the contemporary prevailing conception,
these secondary effects are by no means limited to the ischemic The inflammatory signaling after PDT initiates and supports
death caused by the occlusion of tumor vasculature. Other events the recruitment of leukocytes from the blood and amplifies their
that are increasingly coming into focus are as follows: 1) activity. A massive regulated invasion of neutrophils, mast cells,
and monocytes/macrophages during and after photodynamic
antitumor activity of inflammatory cells and 2) tumor-sensi-
light treatment has been documented in studies using rodent
tized immune reaction. They all can be elicited by phototoxic
tumor models (70,155). These newly arrived nonspecific im-
damage that is not necessarily lethal and bears an inflammatory
mune effector cells will outnumber resident cancer cells. Most
notable is a rapid accumulation of large numbers of neutrophils.
Photodynamically induced changes in the plasma membrane
There is increasing evidence that these cells have a profound
and membranes of cellular organelles, which represent the most
impact on PDT-mediated destruction of cancerous tissue. Neu-
abundant damage with a majority of photosensitizers used for
trophils can remain within tumor blood vessels and be a key
PDT, can trigger events with far-reaching consequences. One
contributor to the infliction of endothelial damage or engage in
process initiated at the membrane level involves signal trans- the destruction of tumor parenchyma on extravasation. Degranu-
894 REVIEW Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998
inflammation primed immune development process (145) and but not fully curative PDT response was observed with x rays
bears similarities to the immune reaction induced by tumor in- used to eradicate EMT6 tumors in future splenocyte donors.
flammation caused by bacterial vaccines or some cytokines These results demonstrate the generation of immune memory
(149). The initial critical step of tumor-specific immune devel- cells sensitized to PDT treated tumor and suggest that PDT may
opment is likely mediated by tumor-associated macrophages be particularly suitable for a combined application with adoptive
and/or dendritic cells serving as antigen presenting cells (145). immunotherapy.
These cells are prompted to phagocytize large numbers of cancer Inflammation is frequently accompanied by immunosuppres-
cells killed or damaged by the antitumor effects of PDT. Di- sive effects, as is the case with PDT. The PDT-induced immu-
rected by powerful inflammation-associated signaling, the anti- nosuppression was detected primarily as a transient reduction in
gen presenting cells will process tumor-specific peptides and the delayed-type contact hypersensitivity response, which ap-
present them on their membranes in the context of major histo- pears to be mediated by antigen nonspecific suppressor cells
compatibility class II molecules. Presentation of tumor peptides, (166). The immunosuppression in mice bearing tumors exposed
accompanied by intense accessory signals, creates conditions for to PDT was greatly reduced by treatment with DBPMAF (162),
the recognition of tumor antigens by helper T lymphocytes. underlying the role of macrophages in this phenomenon. The
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998 REVIEW 895
results of this trial with 236 patients indicated similar relief of and U.S./Canada trials respectively. Improvement in dyspnea
dysphagia in both arms, a longer lasting tumor response for PDT and cough were superior for PDT over Nd-YAG in the European
(32% at 1 month versus 20% for Nd-YAG), and more complete group but similar in the U.S./Canada group.
responses (negative endoscopic biopsies) for PDT than for Nd- It was concluded that PDT is superior to Nd-YAG for relief
YAG (9 versus 2). of dyspnea, cough, and hemoptysis. Overall, adverse reactions
In certain subgroups, objective responses were higher for were similar for PDT and Nd-YAG (73% PDT, 64% Nd-YAG)
PDT than for Nd-YAG in the upper and lower third of the and 20% of patients in the PDT group experienced a photosen-
esophagus as well as for tumors larger than 10 cm, but the sitivity reaction due to lack of compliance with precautions.
number of patients in these groups was too small for statistical There was a prospective trial of PDT plus radiotherapy versus
significance. Fewer procedures were required for PDT (mean radiotherapy alone (171) with 41 randomized patients. The ob-
1.5) than for Nd-YAG (2.4). Overall, median survival was the structed airway in only 10% of patients was completely opened
same for both groups. There were more adverse reactions in the by radiation therapy alone, whereas 70% of patients achieved
PDT group (92%) than in the Nd-YAG group (82%) but the complete reopening when PDT was added to the radiation
withdrawal from the study because of adverse reaction was simi- therapy.
896 REVIEW Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998
development of esophageal cancer for which the usual procedure drug-resistant superficial bladder cancer, a group at high risk for
is an esophagectomy, a surgical procedure with high mortality muscle invasion often requiring radical cystectomy with its at-
and morbidity. tendant complications [reviewed in (178)]. Some investigators
The largest PDT study was carried out on 55 patients with have concluded that in most trials of bladder cancer, the PDT
superficial esophageal cancer (176). A 6-month follow-up after treatment is overly aggressive (2.0 mg/kg Photofrin, 15 J/cm2
PDT indicated 24 of 36 patients with initial high-grade dysplasia whole bladder) and results in long lasting and severe urinary
and Barrett’s esophagus had no dysplasia, and seven had no symptoms. Recently Nseyo et al. (170) have suggested that three
residual Barrett’s esophagus. Three of 36 patients with high- less aggressive treatments be given every 6 months based on
grade dysplasia showed no response to treatment and nine were their results (12 of 14 treated patients had complete responses)
converted to low-grade dysplasia. Eleven of 12 patients present- obtained in patients receiving 1.5 mg/kg Photofrin with 15 J/cm2
ing with low grade dysplasia had no dysplasia and six had no where bladder contracture has been avoided and symptoms have
residual Barrett’s esophagus after treatment, six of six patients been minimized and reduced to a period of approximately 2
with a T1 cancer had complete response and three had no re- weeks.
sidual Barrett’s esophagus. One patient with a T2 cancer also had
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998 REVIEW 897
malignant pleural mesothelioma. Forty-one patients underwent subcutaneous melanoma lesions undergoing complete response
pleurectomy or pleural pneumonectomy followed by PDT to the with minimal damage to overlying skin.
thoracic cavity (15–35 J/cm2) 2 days following 2.0 mg/kg Pho-
tofrin. The overall estimated median survival of all patients was Benzoporphyrin Derivative-Monoacid Ring A (BPD-MA)
12 months, although patients with stage I and II diseases had a BPD-MA has been in phase I/II trials for treatment of skin
median survival of 37 months. cancers (187) but perhaps the most interesting application is the
(d) Intraperitoneal tumors. Delaney et al. (184) have re- treatment of age-related macular degeneration, the commonest
ported a phase I trial of PDT following debulking surgery for cause of blindness in people over the age of 50 years. In one
intraperitoneal tumors. The majority of patients had ovarian can- form, it is characterized by leaky neovascularization near the
cer (22 of 54), peritoneal studding from sarcoma (13 of 54), or macula that impairs vision. Current treatment involves the use of
gastrointestinal carcinomatosis (eight of 54). Doses of Photofrin thermal lasers which can result in damage of the overlying retina
were increased from 1.5 to 2.5 mg/kg, and light doses ranged with further loss of sight. With PDT, BPD-MA is infused and
from 2.8–3.0 J/cm2 delivered 48–72 hours after injection. In shortly thereafter, when the drug is confined to the vessels as
some patients, a boost of 15 J/cm2 of red light or 5–7.5 J/cm2 of much as possible, the drug is activated at 690 nm through an
898 REVIEW Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998
chial lung cancer. Results of this trial are not available at this rates of complete response of actinic keratosis (52 lesions), su-
time. Previous reports using NPe6 in skin cancers have shown it perficial basal cell carcinomas (217 lesions) and nodular basal
to be an effective photosensitizer with little or no long term cell carcinomas (237 lesions) were 89%, 86%, and 84%, respec-
cutaneous photosensitivity (193). tively (Warloe T: unpublished data). The high complete re-
sponse rates may be related to a high production of P-1202-
ALA-Based PDT and Diagnosis induced protoporphyrin IX in the lesions. Furthermore, P-1202
produces much less protoporphyrin IX in normal skin than in
ALA-induced endogenous photosensitization is a novel ap- lesions, so that it leads to a high selectivity using this compound
proach to both PDT and tumor detection that utilizes the heme (Peng Q: unpublished data). Generally, PDT with topical appli-
biosynthetic pathway to produce endogenous porphyrins, par- cation of ALA or its methylester has several potential advan-
ticularly protoporphyrin IX, an effective photosensitizer (194– tages over conventional treatments. It is noninvasive, convenient
196). Heme is synthesized from glycine and succinyl CoA. The and well tolerated by patients; can be applied repeatedly; and
rate-limiting step in the pathway is the conversion of glycine and produces excellent cosmetic results regardless of lesion size.
succinyl CoA to ALA, which is under negative feedback control It is not yet fully understood whether there are side effects
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998 REVIEW 899
mum for practical applications, requires 0.27–2.7 W to provide tizer. Since relatively expensive light sources are required, it is
50–500 J/cm2 to a tumor area of 10 cm2. A metal halide lamp of hoped that the advent of diode lasers, not only for the new
250 W filtered carefully to eliminate heat can provide up to 5 W photosensitizers, but now also for Photofrin, will mitigate the
of a 40-nm red light by use of an elliptic reflector and an all- problem. It should be emphasized that substantial aid in protocol
dielectric bandpass filter (215). Such a lamp can be coupled to a development is being provided by both the pharmaceutical com-
0.5-cm diameter light guide out of the distal end of which one panies involved in drug development as well as the device de-
can get up to 450-mW red light (5). A 300-W short arc plasma signers. Thus, development of new drugs with limited skin pho-
discharge (216), or a xenon arc lamp of similar power, is ex- tosensitization, along with improved light sources, should aid in
pected to give a similar fluence rate of red light to the metal convincing physicians that there is a compelling reason for them
halide lamp. This would hardly be enough for bladder PDT nor to learn and use what to most of them is still an unknown entity.
for treatment of a few cm of the oesophagus. Diode lasers giving This will only come with time as those who are considered to be
a few watts of red light down to 630 nm (217) are now com- objective in their assessments indicate its utility to others.
mercially available and are probably the light sources of choice
if only one sensitizer is to be used. For surface irradiation light- References
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