ME Engine Shows Real Fuel Savings: Dieselfacts
ME Engine Shows Real Fuel Savings: Dieselfacts
ME Engine Shows Real Fuel Savings: Dieselfacts
Diesel-electric precision
Chinese confidence in
L27/38 engines
Page 11
The linear management of
DeNOx exhaust gas starts by the hot air
Urea from the exhaust gas receiver
bypassing the turbochargers and
feeding into a long straight pipe
MAN B&W Diesel (minimum 5m) at the top of the
SCR plant, where it is mixed with
a reactive agent before entering
the SCR plant. The reactive agent
Soda in this case being urea.
(NaOH) Transformer
The DeNOx air leaves the SCR
plant at its base and feeds
through the turbochargers – the
DeSOx turbochargers are mounted on
Circulating pump L.O. Jacket the engine as on other large two-
cooler cooler
Stack stroke engines. It is worth noting
that if the SCR plant was operat-
S.W. pump
ing after the turbocharger, the SCR
Disposal of L.O. pump
DeSOx water plant would need to be about
four times larger.
S.W. cooler Circulation pump
F.O. purifier
F.O. tank Main Engine
The DeNOx treated exhaust gas,
S.W. F.O. transfer
intake pump S.W. heater upon leaving the turbochargers, is
S.W. discharge fed through an ESP plant. The ESP
helps remove fine particles (less
Schedule Companies Engine type Generator DeNOx system DeSOx system
03.4.25 Plan Contractor Jungbu Power Plant Builder HSD Engine Builder Alstrom (Spain) Builder Haldor Topsoe Builder Korea Kottel
than 40 µm). A gas/gas heater
03.12.23 Procurement contract Engineering Hyundai Engineering Efficiency 45.1% Type Air cooled Type SCR Type FGD then warms the exhaust gas af-
04.6.1~ Start of civil work Engine Supplier HSD Engine Fuel DO (start), HFO (main) Voltage 13.8 kW Chemical Urea Chemical NaOH ter leaving the ESP, whereafter it
05.1.1 Installation
equipment supplier Korea Kottel Speed 109.1 rpm Pole/Frequency 66/60 DeNOX rate more than 87.5% DeSOX rate more than 75%
enters the DeSOx plant. This DeS-
05.6.1~05.6.30 Commissioning Construction Commissioning Cylinder 12 cyl. bore 800mm, stroke 2.300 mm MCR/NCR 44.49kW/40.460kW Outlet NOX below 250 ppm Outlet SOX below 50 ppm
Ox process uses acid and caustic
soda as the final operation before
being releasing the cleaned air
Schematic diagram of the power plant. An 8-metre wide poster version of the same image is located in the power plant’s guest area. into the atmosphere. ■
Fortunately, the only location in The crankshaft arrived in the Pre-machining of the new As planned, the crankshaft, Mr Detlev Stobbe, Mechanical
the World that could undertake Werk on December 21, 2005. The flanged shaft section was per- which is also covered by an ac- Engineer for Heavy Machining
a repair solution on this scale first task was to separate crank- formed during January 2 to 5 by ceptance certificate issued by Operations and Crankshafts at
and within the acceptable time- web No. 1 from the shaft- the staff at the MAN B&W the classification society, was the Service Center Werk
frame was located at MAN section. Diesel Service Center Werk despatch to the owners on Hamburg, “Our know-how on
B&W Diesel’s Service Center Hamburg. January 26. crankshafts and the required
Werk Hamburg, relatively close The release of the shrink-fit of machinery to perform opera-
to the vessel. the flanged shaft section was Machining of the shrink-fit The project would not have been tions on such a large scale,
performed in about an hour by bore in the aft-end crankweb possible without the specialist together with large amount of
The operation started with the heating the web and cooling between January 5 to 9 (in knowledge, skills and creativity patience, means we are able to
removal of the crankshaft in the bearing journal. In order to German engineering terms, this shown by the staff at the Service execute such jobs to the com-
Piraeus. This was followed by a prevent damage, the cooling is known as crankweb No. 1). Center Werk Hamburg. The end plete satisfaction of our
four-day, overland journey to down period of the heated result of the repair being a ves- customers.” ■
the service centre. The crank- shaft section took place over a Preparations for the shrink-fit sel returning to service in the
shaft was loaded on to a special period of four days, between operations started on January fastest time possible.
45-ton heavy-duty truck. The December 23 and 26. 10. Great care was taken when
load, measuring some eight positioning the new crankshaft
meters long and two and a half It was decided at an early stage piece (see Fig. 2) as the align- Executive statement:
meters wide required special at- in the project to obtain a new ment of the new shaft had to be Dr. Tilmann Greiner, Senior
tention while en-route, hence drive wheel and oversize thrust perfect. Vice President Service Center
the duration of four days. bearing shaft section from the Werk Hamburg, stated upon
original engine builder. These Shrink-fitting of the new successful completion of the
In Hamburg, meanwhile, the were sent from Japan by air and flanged shaft occurred January project, “I am very happy to
necessary preparations for arrived on December 30. 11. Finish-machining operations help customers, especially in
shrink-fitting the thrust bear- were conducted during January such unusual cases.
ing shaft section, weighing 7 Due to the diameter of the 12 to 18. Compared to alternative
tons, were made. These includ- crank webs, the centres of spe- solutions, the repair solution
ed preparation of heating- cial crankshaft lathe had to be A floor-type boring and milling undertaken by the staff at
treatment, receiving the origi- raised in order to perform the machine finished the flange Service Center Werk Hamburg
nal drawings and components finish-machining – the adapta- bores and keyway between allows vessels to be returned
to be exchanged from MHI as tion of the lathe occurred while January 19 to 23. The drive to operational service many
well as preparation of own hy- waiting for the new shaft wheel was mounted on months earlier.”
draulic presses. section. January 24 to 25.
360o thrust bearing The power and speed figures for the uprated engines
6-9S80ME-C 6-12K80ME-C
line with our new values; to be lic interest in ‘greener’ energy applying the latest on-line diag-
open, dynamic, reliable and production, is our chance and nosis and maintenance tools.”
innovative.” obligation too for creating inno-
vative products.” “Other steps we are currently
Constant innovation and im- entering into, depending on the
provement are obvious goals, but “While our home organisation individual customer’s philoso-
what does it mean to be inno- develops new ‘hardware’ like phy, include new, strategic alli-
vative and in what areas of the the electronically-controlled ances with different levels of
operation is this most apparent ME engine, with its choice of engagement in our clients’ daily
to customers of Service Center operating modes, including an operations.”
Singapore? environmentally-friendly low-
NOx mode, we, as a service cen- “This starts with periodical,
Mr Leggewie: “Our customers tre, look into a safer and more regular check-ups, service
Management’ – CRM – tool, more sometimes dangerous, tendency are faced with many tough chal- reliable operation of existing agreements and leads on to full
new products and services like to concentrate on internal mat- lenges. Tight logistic supply power plants.” ‘Operation and Maintenance’
on-line diagnosis and mainte- ters and to forget about the chains requirements, increasing contracts.”
nance, the introduction of a new customer and his needs.” environmental legislation and “In developing the worldwide
industrial education standard other related factors simply ‘MAN B&W - PrimeServ’ network “In commercial, technical and
and qualification – the ‘Interna- “We have to be aware and require a safe and absolutely we are moving away from the old organisational terms, this is
tional Service Technician’, further constantly adjust ourselves to reliable operation of their ‘solve-problem-only’ service some kind of new and challenging
increasing of our local presence the requirements of this busi- engines.” definition. The goal is to arrive at territory for us and our clients.”
by investing in existing service ness world, the requirements of an innovative and cost-saving
hubs and setting up new ones.” our customers must have first “The resulting commercial ‘prevent-problem’ attitude. This, “But a safe win-win situation for
priority.” pressures, as well as rising pub- for example, could be done by both.” ■
“We want to really transform our
existing Service organisation “In the end, it is the customer
into a globally-linked and who keeps us alive.”
customer-orientated worldwide
service network under the ‘MAN Given the emphasis on the cus-
B&W - PrimeServ’ brand label.” tomer, is it possible to describe a
‘normal’ customer profile?
“Thus we will differentiate from
our competitors.” “Our customer range,” as Mr
Leggewie points out, “Starts
“They, too, are not sleeping, and from the small, independent
competition does not come only Indonesian fisherman or single
from other OEMs. Spare part ferryboat owner and ends with
pirates are an increasing threat the biggest names in shipping. In
to both engine reliability and addition to vessels of all sizes,
crew safety.” small and big yards, IPPs and gov-
ernment authorities also rank
“We will have to watch the among our valued clients.”
markets very carefully and
keep our customers informed “Everybody who operates MAN
about the operational threats B&W Diesel engines, for what-
associated in dealing with non- ever purpose, is our ‘normal’
qualified suppliers of parts and customer.”
“There is no specific profile. The
“Perhaps, the biggest challenge secret of success is to adjust
for large organisations occurs yourself to the actual needs of
when they have a certain, and the individual profile. This is in Inside one of the main workshops
selected the proper sizing and tion of the new MAN B&W Diesel
specification for the new engine GenSet.”
and the replacement turbo-
chargers.” “We choose MAN B&W Diesel
as I personally have operating ex-
“At the beginning of 2006, we perience with many MAN
have, so far, replaced two turbo- B&W Diesel engine types – both
chargers and four more are slow speed and GenSets. Our
planned for replacement by mid- new vessels are all equipped with
year. The three new GenSets from MAN B&W Diesel slow speed
Holeby are also on order and the propulsion engines. We have ex-
first replacement GenSet is tensive and close contacts with
planned for later this year.” many engineers in the
Copenhagen office and we have
On commenting on what he sees cultivated very strong ties and
as the major challenges for the business relations.”
project, Mr Srinivasan points to
an issue that concerns every own- “Besides all of the above, the
er: “The major challenges to the design and reliability of the MAN
Ramani Srinivasan (seated centre), Technical Director for Matson, Gene Mapa (second from right), project, as with all engineering B&W Diesel engines speak vol-
Dan Moylan (sixth from right) and members of the Matson Engineering Department projects, is the required attention umes for themselves.” ■
Auxiliary/harbour GenSet: Modular, end-box design of the L27/38 results in quick and easy
9L16/24 access for inspection and maintenance routines
Main GenSet:
Principal particulars
MAN B&W Diesel 12K98MC engine built by HHI with 101,640 BHP
Engine data:
Type: 12K98MC
Power: 101,640 bhp
(74,760 kW)
Speed: 97 r/min
MEP: 19.2 bar
Height: Approx. 16 m
Width: Approx. 11 m
Length: Approx. 25 m
Weight: Approx. 2,100 t
The 9000+ TEU container vessel owned by Costamare and chartered to COSCON
book. Complete twin-screw
medium speed propulsion
MAN B&W Diesel A/S MAN B&W Diesel AG MAN B&W Diesel Ltd. Publisher For further information
Teglholmsgade 41 Stadtbachstrasse 1 Bramhall Moor Lane Peter D. Petersen PR & Information Dept.
DK-2450 Copenhagen SV D-86224 Augsburg Stockport MAN B&W Diesel A/S MAN B&W Diesel A/S
Denmark Germany SK7 5AQ Copenhagen Copenhagen
United Kingdom Denmark Denmark
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