Unit-I Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: (18 Contact Hours)
Unit-I Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: (18 Contact Hours)
Unit-I Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: (18 Contact Hours)
Unit-I Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: (18 Contact hours)
Chemical Bonding-I
Ionic Bond: Lattice energy and Born Haber Cycle. Factors affecting the structure of ionic solids;
Radius ratio effect; Coordination number and limitations of radius ratio rule. Fajan's rules and its
Solvation energy and solubility of ionic solids. Factors affecting the solubility of ionic solids.
Metallic bond: Characteristics, comparison with ionic and covalent bonds .Theories (Free electron,
VB and MO).
Chemical Bonding-II
Valence bond theory: Directional characteristics of covalent bond and types of hybridizations.
Limitations of VB theory. Percent ionic character from dipole moment and electronegativity
VSEPR theory: Assumptions; Shapes of some molecules (BF3, NH3, H2O, SF4, ClF3 and XeF2)
Molecular Orbital Theory: Energy level diagrams, Bond order and its significance. Magnetic
properties of homo & hetero nuclear diatomic molecules (N2, O2, F2, HCl, CO & NO).
Multicenter bonding in electron deficient molecules.
Chemical Reactivity towards Water, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Halogens. Anomalous
behaviour and diagonal relationships (Lithium, Beryllium, Magnesium and Aluminum). Chemical
characteristics of the compounds of alkali and alkaline earth metals (Oxides and Hydroxides).
Unit-IV Structure, Synthesis and Reactions of Alkenes, Dienes, Alkynes and Alkyl
halides: (16 Contact hours) Alkenes: Preparation of alkenes from alcohols and alkyl halides
through elimination reaction.Hoffman and Saytzev's rules. Mechanism and Stereochemical
implications. Mechanistic details including regioselectivity and stereochemical implications of
halogenation, hydrohalogenation, hydroboration, epoxidation, hydroxylation and ozonolysis.
Substitution at allylic and vinylic positions of alkenes.
Dienes: Structure of isolated, conjugated and cumulative dienes. 1,2 and 1,4-additions of 1,3-
butadiene. Mechanism and Stereochemistry of Diels's-Alder reaction. Mechanism of Birch reduction.
Alkynes: Structure and acidic character of alkynes. Mechanisms of addition of halogens, hydrogen,
halides, hydration, hydroboration and catalytic and metal-ammonia reductions of alkynes.
Alkyl halides: Classification,methods of preparation and reactions of alkyl halides. Mechanistic details
of SN1 and SN2 E1 and E2 reactions. Effects of structure of alkyl halides, nature of nucleophiles,
leaving groups, solvent and stereochemical implications of SN reactions. Substitution versus
Books Recommended
1. Basic Inorganic Chemistry; F.A. Cottrodn, G Wilkinson & P.L. Gauss; 3 ed.; Wiley; 2002.
2. Inorganic Chemistry ; A.G. Sharpe; 3rd ed.t;h ELBS, 1992.
3. Concise Inorganic Chemistry; J.D . Lee; 5th ed.; ErLdBS; 2003.
4. Inorganic Chemistry . G.L. Miessler, T. A Tarr; 3 rd ed.; Prentice Hall; t2h009
5. Inorganic Chemistry ; D.E. Shriver ; P.W. Atkins & C.H. Langford ; 4th ed.; Oxford; 2006 rd
6. Concepts and models of Inorganic Chemistry ; B. Douglas ; D.Mc. Daniel & J. Alexander; 3 rd ed.;
Wiley; 2001.
7. McMurry, J.E. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 7th Ed. Cengage Learning India Edition, 2013.
8. Sykes, P. A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Orient Longman, New Delhi (1988).
9. Eliel, E.L. Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds, Tata McGraw Hill education, 2000.
10. Finar, I.L. Organic Chemistry (Vol. I & II), E.L.B.S.
11. Morrison, R.T. & Boyd, R.N. Organic Chemistry, Pearson, 2010.
12. Bahl, A. & Bahl, B.S. Advanced Organic Chemistry, S. Chand, 2010.
(a) Identify and separate the components of a given mixture of two amino acids (glycine, aspartic
acid, glutamic acid, tyrosine or any other amino acid) by paper chromatography
(b) Identify and separate the sugars present in the given mixture by paper chromatography.
Books Recommended:
1. Svehla, G. Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, Pearson Education, 2012.
2. Mendham, J. Vogel's Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Pearson, 2009.
3. Vogel, A.I., Tatchell, A.R., Furnis, B.S., Hannaford, A.J. & Smith, P.W.G., Textbook of
Practical Organic Chemistry, Prentice-Hall, 5th edition, 1996.
4. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry Orient-Longman, 1960.