Experiment 2: Reduction of Camphor To Isoborneol
Experiment 2: Reduction of Camphor To Isoborneol
Experiment 2: Reduction of Camphor To Isoborneol
In this lab, the reduction of the carbonyl group via sodium borohydride was investigated.
Through this process camphor is reduced to isoborneol an isomeric alcohol. A mixture of
camphor, methanol, sodium borohydride was boiled and filtered through a Hirsch funnel,
assisted with methylene chloride. After drying the solvent was evaporated leaving the product
isoborneol. The theoretical yield was 0.2634g and the actual yield was 0.240g. The overall
percent yield was 91.11%. The melting point was not measured for this experiment but the actual
yield for isoborneol is 212C.
1. With the addition of sodium borohydride, the mixture of camphor and methanol began to
bubble and emitted heat. This is indicative of a reaction taking place.
2. During the filtration process, a white solid product was retrieved. This product was
similar to our initial camphor product.
3. After the addition of the ice water the solution turned a cloudy white color. Again this is
indicative of a reaction taking place.
Mass of Erlenmeyer flask: 41.68g
Mass of camphor: 0.26g
Mass of sodium borohydride: 0.25g
Theoretical yield: 0.2634g
Actual yield: 0.240g
Percent Yield: 91.11%
Actual melting point: 212C
Explanation of Results
The percent yield for this experiment was 91.11%. The melting point was not measured for this
experiment as the actual melting point temperature of isoborneol is very high. However,
isoborneol is assumed to be the collected product as this product would be more favored over the
other products that may be hindered sterically. The actual yield is quite close to the theoretical
yield. However, the small discrepancy could be due to a loss of product during filtration as it was
discovered there was a small break in the filtration paper.
In conclusion, this experiment in the reduction of camphor to isoborenol can be considered a
success. This experiment could be made better through a melting point analysis so there is no
need to assume the collected product is isoboreneol. However, this assumption can be justified as
the production of borneol is restricted due to the steric hindrance on the camphor.