Automobile Complete Syllabus
Automobile Complete Syllabus
Automobile Complete Syllabus
CONTENTS Semester/Subjects Pg
Semester/Subjects Pg 1 Engineering Mathematics II 16
2 Engineering Drawing II 17
1 Engineering Mathematics I 5
3 Basic Electronics Engineering 18
2 Engineering Drawing I 6
3 Computer Programming 8 4 Engineering Chemistry 20
4 Engineering Physics 9 5 Workshop Technology 22
5 Basic Electrical Engineering 12 6 Fundamental of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 24
6 Applied Mechanics 13 II/II
II/I 1 Probability & Statistics 37
1 Engineering Mathematics III 26 2 Electric Machines 38
2 Material Science 27
3 Manufacturing and Production Process 40
3 Engineering Mechanics 30
4 Metrology 31 4 Instrumentation & Measurement 42
5 Computer Aided Drawing 34 5 Mechanics of Materials 43
6 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer 35 6 Automobile Engines 45
1 Numerical Methods 47 1 Communication English 58
2 Control System 49 2 Automobile Component Design II 61
3 Organisation & Management 50 3 Industrial Engineering & Management 63
4 Automobile Component Design I 53
4 Fluid Mechanics and Machines 65
5 Automobile Chassis 55
6 Theory of Mechanism and Machines 56 5 Engine Combustion & Pollution Control 66
IV/I 6 Road Transport Management 68
1 Engineering Economics 70 IV/II
2 Vehicle Dynamics 71 1 Project Engineering and Management 80
3 Automobile Electricals and Electronics 72 2 Engineering Professional Practice 81
4 Construction Equipments 74 3 Automobile Maintenance & Repair 82
5 Elective I 76 4 Elective II 85
6 Industrial Attachment 75
5 Elective III 89
7 Project I 85
6 Project II 84
AB: Offering Department (SH, AE, AR, CE, CT, EE, EX, GE, ME or AM)
The Institute of Engineering (IOE) is offering this course with the objective of D: Year (4 for first year, 5 for second year, and so on).
producing high level technical manpower capable of undertaking works in the EF: 01- 49 for courses offered in odd parts and 51 to 99 for courses offered
Automobile Engineering field. The details of the course are as follows: in even parts
1.1 Title of the Course Elective Courses:
Bachelor of Engineering in Automobile Engineering. AB DEFGH
1.2 Duration of the Course GH: 01 to 99 specific numbers to each elective course
The total duration of the course is 4 years. Each year consists of two parts I and
II, each part having a duration of 90 working days (15 weeks). For example, ME 751 is the code for the core course “Finite Element Method”
which is offered in fourth year second part by Department of Mechanical
2. COURSE STRUCTURE Engineering.
The course is divided into 8 parts. The first year courses include fundamental 4. INSTRUCTION METHODS
common subjects. The second and third year generally include specific courses
of the related discipline. The final year include professional and application The method of teaching is lectured augmented by tutorials and/or practical,
type courses. whichever is relevant. Tutorials are used to enlarge and develop the topic and
concepts stated in the lecture. Practical classes in the form of laboratory works
The course structure attached in the later section of this book provides and design/drawing practices are used to verify the concepts and to develop
information about lecture, tutorial and practical hours per week, full marks and necessary basic skills. Each course is specified with certain lecture, tutorial and
pass marks for internal assessment and final examination, and the duration of practical hour(s) per week. The hours specified as 3/2 in practical means 3
final examination of each subject. laboratory hours in each two weeks.
3. COURSE CODE The use of multimedia and interactive mode (presentations) is encouraged for
conducting fourth year courses.
Each subject is specified by a unique code consisting of two letters followed by
three digit number for core courses and five digit numbers for elective courses. 5. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT AND FINAL EXAMINATION
The first two letters denote the department which offers the subject (SH:
Science and Humanities, AE: Agricultural Engineering, AR: Architecture, CE: The students’ achievement in each subject is evaluated by internal assessment
Civil Engineering, CT: Computer Engineering, EE: Electrical Engineering, EX: and final examination.
Electronics and Communication Engineering, GE: Geomatics Engineering, IE:
Industrial Engineering, ME: Mechanical Engineering, AM: Automobile 5.1 Internal Assessment
Engineering). The first digit of the number denotes the year on which the
20 % of the total marks is allocated for internal assessment for theory part of all
subject is offered (4 for first year, 5 for second year, 6 for third year and 7 for
subjects. Internal assessment mark should include class performance, timely
fourth year respectively for Bachelor’ level course). The remaining two digits
submissions and correctness of assignments, class tests, quizzes, etc.
01 to 49 are used for the core subjects offered in odd parts and 51 to 99 are used
for the core subjects offered in even parts. Two extra digits from 01 to 99 are
Evaluation of practical part of most of the subjects are done through continuous
used for the elective courses.
assessment. It includes lab performance, report submission, presentation, viva
etc. However, for few courses final examinations are also conducted.
Core Courses:
AB DEF 70 % attendance is mandatory to qualify for the final examination.
5.2 Final Examination
Final examinations of 3 hours for theoretical subjects with full mark of 80 and
1.5 hours for theoretical subjects with full mark of 40 are conducted as per
academic calendar of IOE.
The distribution of mark for each subject is given at the end of course content.
For evaluation purpose, all theoretical subjects are divided into 5 units. Each
unit will carry 20 % of full marks in the final examination. There may be sub
questions in each unit but each sub questions can have marks multiple of 4 only.
Students who have passed all the components of all subjects in all parts are
considered to have successfully completed the course. The overall achievement
of each student is measured by a final aggregate percentage which is obtained
by providing a weight to percentages scored by the students in each part as
prescribed below:
4.2. Homogenous differential equations
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS I 4.3. Linear differential equations
SH 401 4.4. Equations reducible to linear differential equations; Bernoulli’s equation
4.5. First order and higher degree differential equation; Clairaut’s equation
Lecture: 3 Year: I 4.6. Second order and first degree linear differential equations with constant
Tutorial: 2 Part: I coefficients.
Practical : 0 4.7. Second order and first degree linear differential equations with variable
coefficients; Cauchy’s equations
Course Objective: 4.8. Applications in engineering field
To provide students a sound knowledge of calculus and
analytic geometry to apply them in their relevant fields.
1. Derivatives and their Applications (14 hours)
1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advance Engineering Mathematics” , John Wiley and Sons
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Higher order derivatives
2. Thomas,Finney, “Calculus and Analytical Geometry” Addison- Wesley
1.3. Mean value theorem
3. M. B. Singh, B. C. Bajrachrya, “Differential Calculus”, Sukunda Pustak
1.3.1. Rolle’s Theorem
1.3.2. Lagrange’s mean value theorem
4. M. B. Singh, S. P. Shrestha, “Applied Mathematics”, RTU, Department of
1.3.3. Cauchy’s mean value theorem
Engineering Science and Humanities.
1.4. Power series of single valued function
5. G.D. Pant, G. S. Shrestha, “Integral Calculus and Differential Equations”,
1.4.1. Taylor’s series
Sunila Prakashan, Nepal
1.4.2. Maclaurin’s series
6. M. R. Joshi, “Analytical Geometry”, SukundaPustak Bhandar,Nepal
1.5. Indeterminate forms; L’Hospital rule
7. S. P. Shrestha, H. D. Chaudhary, P. R. Pokharel, “A Textbook of Engineering
1.6. Asymptotes to Cartesian and polar curves
Mathematics - Vol I”, Vidyarthi Pustak Bhandar.
1.7. Pedal equations to Cartesian and polar curves; curvature and radius of
8. Santosh Man Maskey, “Calculus”, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Nepal
Evaluation Scheme:
2. Integration and its Applications (11 hours)
2.1. Introduction The questions will cover all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
2.2. Definite integrals and their properties be as indicated in the table below:
2.3. Improper integrals
2.4. Differentiation under integral sign
Unit Chapter Topics Marks
2.5. Reduction formula; Beta Gama functions
2.6. Application of integrals for finding areas, arc length, surface and 1 1 1.1 to 1.5 16
solid of revolution in the plane for Cartesian and polar curves 1 1.6 to 1.7
2 16
3. Plane Analytic Geometry (8 hours) 2 2.1 to 2.3
3.1. Transformation of coordinates: Translation and rotation 3 2 2.4 to 2.6 16
3.2. Ellipse and hyperbola; Standard forms, tangent, and normal
3.3. General equation of conics in Cartesian and polar forms 4 3 3.1 to 3.3 16
5 4 4.1 to 4.8 16
4. Ordinary Differential Equations and their Applications (12 hours)
4.1. First order and first degree differential equations Total 80
4.3. Projection of Lines: Parallel to one of the principal plane, Inclined to
ENGINEERING DRAWING I one of the principal plane and parallel to other, Inclined to both
ME 401 principal planes
4.4. Projection Planes: Perpendicular to both principal planes, Parallel to
Lectures : 1 Year :I one of the principal planes and Inclined to one of the principal planes,
Tutorial : 0 Part :I perpendicular to other and Inclined to both principal planes
Practical : 3 4.5. True length of lines: horizontal, inclined and oblique lines
4.6. Rules for parallel and perpendicular lines
4.7. Point view or end view of a line
Course Objective: 4.8. Shortest distance from a point to a line
To develop basic projection concepts with reference to points, lines, planes and 4.9. Edge View and True shape of an oblique plane
geometrical solids. Also to develop sketching and drafting skills to facilitate 4.10. Angle between two intersecting lines
communication. 4.11. Intersection of a line and a plane
4.12. Angle between a line and a plane
1. Instrumental Drawing, Technical Lettering Practices and Techniques (2 hours) 4.13. Dihedral angle between two planes
1.1. Equipment and materials 4.14. Shortest distance between two skew lines
1.2. Description of drawing instruments, auxiliary equipment and drawing 4.15. Angle between two non- intersecting (skew) lines
1.3. Techniques of instrumental drawing 5. Multi view (orthographic) projections (18 hours)
1.4. Pencil sharpening, securing paper, proper use of T- squares, triangles, 5.1. Orthographic Projections
scales dividers, compasses, erasing shields, French curves, inking pens 5.1.1. First and third angle projection
1.5. Lettering strokes, letter proportions, use of pencils and pens, uniformity 5.1.2. Principal views: methods for obtaining orthographic views,
and appearance of letters, freehand techniques, inclined and vertical Projection of lines, angles and plane surfaces, analysis in
letters and numerals, upper and lower cases, standard English lettering three views, projection of curved lines and surfaces, object
forms orientation and selection of views for best representation, full
and hidden lines
2. Dimensioning (2 hours) 5.1.3. Orthographic drawings: making an orthographic drawing,
2.1. Fundamentals and techniques visualizing objects (pictorial view) from the given views
2.2. Size and location dimensioning, SI conversions 5.1.4. Interpretation of adjacent areas, true-length lines ,
2.3. Use of scales, measurement units, reducing and enlarging drawings representation of holes, conventional practices
2.4. Placement of dimensions: aligned and unidirectional 5.2. Sectional Views: Full, half, broken revolved, removed (detail) sections,
phantom of hidden section, Auxiliary sectional views, specifying
3. Applied Geometry (6 hours) cutting planes for sections, conventions for hidden lines, holes, ribs,
3.1. Plane geometrical construction: Proportional division of lines, arc & spokes
line tangents 5.3. Auxiliary views: Basic concept and use, drawing methods and types,
3.2. Methods for drawing standard curves such as ellipses, parabolas, symmetrical and unilateral auxiliary views. Projection of curved lines
hyperbolas, involutes, spirals, cycloids and helices (cylindrical and and boundaries, line of intersection between two planes, true size of
conical) dihedral angles, true size and shape of plane surfaces
3.3. Techniques to reproduce a given drawing (by construction)
6. Developments and Intersections (18 hours)
4. Basic Descriptive Geometry (14 hours) 6.1. Introduction and Projection of Solids
4.1. Introduction to Orthographic projection, Principal Planes, Four 6.2. Developments: general concepts and practical considerations,
Quadrants or Angles development of a right or oblique prism, cylinder, pyramid, and cone,
4.2. Projection of points on first, second, third and fourth quadrants
development of truncated pyramid and cone, Triangulation method for
approximately developed surfaces, transition pieces for connecting
different shapes, development of a sphere
6.3. Intersections: lines of intersection of geometric surfaces, piercing Evaluation Scheme:
point of a line and a geometric solid, intersection lines of two planes,
The questions will cover all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
intersections of -prisms and pyramids, cylinder and an oblique plane.
be as indicated in the table below:
Constructing a development using auxiliary views, intersection of - two
cylinders, a cylinder & a cone
1. Drawing Sheet Layout, Freehand Lettering, Sketching of parallel lines, circles,
Unit Chapter Topics Marks
2. Applied Geometry(Sketch and Instrumental Drawing) 1 3 all 4
3. Descriptive Geometry I: Projection of Point and Lines (4.1 to 4.3)(Sketch and 2 4 all 8
Instrumental Drawing)
4. Descriptive Geometry II: Projection of Planes (4.4) (Sketch and Instrumental 3 1, 2 & 5 all 14
Drawing) 4 6 all 14
5. Descriptive Geometry III: Applications in Three dimensional Space (4.5 to
4.15) (Sketch and Instrumental Drawing) Total 40
6. Multiview Drawings (5.1) (Sketch and Instrumental Drawing)
7. Multiview, Sectional Drawings and Dimensioning I (5.2)(Sketch and
Instrumental Drawing)
8. Multiview, Sectional Drawings and Dimensioning II (5.2) (Sketch and
Instrumental Drawing)
9. Auxiliary View, Sectional Drawings and Dimensioning (5.3) (Sketch and
Instrumental Drawing)
10. Projection of Regular Geometrical Solids (Sketch and Instrumental Drawing)
11. Development and Intersection I (6.1) (Sketch and Instrumental Drawing)
12. Development and Intersection II (6.2) (Sketch and Instrumental Drawing)
13. Development and Intersection III (6.3) (Sketch and Instrumental Drawing)
1. W. J. Luzadder, “Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing”, Prentice Hall.
2. T. E. French, C. J. Vierck, and R. J. Foster, “Engineering Drawing and Graphic
Technology”, Mc Graw Hill Publshing Co.
3. A . Mitchell, H. C. Spencer and J. T. Dygdone, “Technical Drawing”, F. E. Giescke,
Macmillan Publshing Co.
4. N. D. Bhatt, “Elementary Engineering Drawing”, Charotar Publshing House, India.
5. P. S. Gill, “A Text Book of Engineering Drawing”, S. K. Kataria and Sons, India
6. R. K. Dhawan, “A Text Book of Engineering Drawing”, S. Chand and Company
Limited, India
5.2. The goto, if, if … … else, switch statements
COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 5.3. The while, do … while, for statements
CT 401 6. User-Defined Functions (4 hours)
6.1. Introduction
Lecture : 3 Year :I 6.2. Function definition and return statement
Tutorial : 0 Part :I
6.3. Function Prototypes
Practical : 3
6.4. Function invocation, call by value and call by reference, Recursive
Course Objective: Functions
To familiarize the student with computer software and high level programming
languages and to develop the programming skill using C language 7. Arrays and Strings (5 hours)
7.1. Defining an Array
1. Overview of computer software & programming languages (3 hours)
7.2. One-dimensional Arrays
1.1. System software
7.3. Multi-dimensional Arrays
1.2. Application software
7.4. Strings and string manipulation
1.3. General software features and recent trends
7.5. Passing Array and String to function
1.4. Generation of programming languages
1.5. Categorization of high level languages
8. Structures (4 hours)
8.1. Introduction
2. Problem solving using Computer (3 hours)
8.2. Processing a Structure
2.1. Problem analysis
8.3. Arrays of Structures
2.2. Algorithm development and Flowchart
8.4. Arrays within Structures
2.3. Compilation and Execution
8.5. Structures and Function
2.4. Debugging and Testing
2.5. Programming Documentation
9. Pointers (4 hours)
9.1. Introduction
3. Introduction to ‘C’ programming (4 hours)
9.2. Pointer declaration
3.1. Character set, Keywords, and Data types
9.3. Pointer arithmetic
3.2. Preprocessor Directives
9.4. Pointer and Array
3.3. Constants and Variables
9.5. Passing Pointers to a Function
3.4. Operators and statements
9.6. Pointers and Structures
1. Halliday, Resnick, Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Sapkota, Pokharel, Bhattarai, "Fundamentals of Engineering Physics",
Benchmark Publication.
3. Brij Lal and Subrahmanyam, “A text book of Optics”, S. Chand Publisher.
4. A. S. Basudeva, “Modern Engineering Physics”, S. Chand Publisher.
5. R. K. Gaur and S. L. Gupta, “Engineering Physics”, Dhanpat Publisher.
6. Brij Lal and Subrahmanyam, “Waves and Oscillation”, S. Chand Publisher.
Evaluation Scheme:
There will be questions covering all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation
scheme for the question will be as indicated in the table below:
BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 4.1. General concept of capacitance
EE 401 4.1.1. Charge & voltage
4.1.2. Capacitors in series and parallel
Lecture : 3 Year : I
4.2. General concept of inductance
Tutorial : 1 Part : I
Practical : 3/2 4.2.1. Inductive & non-inductive circuits
4.2.2. Inductance in series & parallel
There shall be related tutorials exercised in class and given as regular homework Evaluation Scheme
exercises. Tutorials can be as following for each specified chapters.
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme
will be as indicated in the table below:
SH 451 5.2. Two and three dimensional vectors
5.3. Scalar products and vector products
Lecture: 3 Year: I 5.4. Reciprocal System of vectors
Tutorial: 2 Part: II 5.5. Application of vectors: Lines and planes
Practical: 0 5.6. Scalar and vector fields
5.7. Derivatives – Velocity and acceleration
Course Objective: 5.8. Directional derivatives
To develop the skill of solving differential equations and to provide knowledge of 6. Infinite Series (5 hours)
vector algebra and calculus. To make students familiar with calculus of several 6.1. Introduction
variables and infinite series. 6.2. Series with positives terms
6.3. convergence and divergence
1. Calculus of Two or More Variables (6 hours) 6.4. Alternating series. Absolute convergence
1.1. Introduction: limit and continuity 6.5. Radius and interval of convergence
1.2. Partial derivatives References:
1.2.1. Homogeneous function, Euler’s theorem for the function of 1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics ”, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
two and three variables 2. Thomas, Finney, “Calculus and Analytical Geometry”, Addison- Wesley
1.2.2. Total derivatives 3. M. B. Singh, B. C. Bajrachrya, “Differential Calculus”, Sukunda Pustak Bhandar,Nepal
1.3. Extrema of functions of two and three variables; Lagrange’s Multiplier 4. M. B. Singh, B. C. Bajrachrya, “A Text Book of Vectors”, Sukunda Pustak
2. Multiple Integrals (6 hours) 5. M. B. Singh, S. P. Shrestha, “Applied Engineering Mathematics”, RTU, Department of
2.1. Introduction Engineering Science and Humanities.
2.2. Double integrals in Cartesian and polar form; change of order of 6. G.D. Pant, G. S. Shrestha, “Integral Calculus and Differential Equations”, Sunila
7. Y. R. Sthapit, B. C. Bajrachrya, “A Text Book of Three Dimensional Geometry”,
2.3. Triple integrals in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; Sukunda Pustak Bhandar,Nepal
2.4. Area and volume by double and triple integrals 8. Santosh Man Maskey, “Calculus”, Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Nepal
Evaluation Scheme:
3. Three Dimensional Solid Geometry (11 hours)
3.1. The straight line; Symmetric and general form The questions will cover all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as
3.2. Coplanar lines indicated in the table below:
3.3. Shortest distance Unit Chapter Topics Marks
3.4. Sphere 1 all
3.5. Plane Section of a sphere by planes 1 16
2 2.1 to 2.2
3.6. Tangent Planes and lines to the spheres
2 2.3 to 2.4
3.7. Right circular cone 2 16
3.8. Right circular cylinder 3 3.1 to 3.3
3 3.4 to 3.8
4. Solution of Differential Equations in Series and Special Functions (9 hours) 3 16
4.1. Solution of differential equation by power series method 4 4.1
4.2. Legendre’s equation 4 4.2 to 4.5
4 16
4.3. Legendre polynomial function; Properties and applications. 5 5.1 to 5.5
4.4. Bessel’s equation 5 5.6 to 5.8
4.5. Bessel’s function of first and second kind. Properties and applications 5 16
6 all
5. Vector Algebra and Calculus (8 hours) Total 80
ENGINEERING DRAWING II 3.1.1 Limit, Fit and Tolerances
ME 451 3.1.2 Machining Symbols and Surface Finish
3.2 Threads, Bolts and Nuts
Lecture: 1 Year: I 3.2.1 Thread Terms and Nomenclature, Forms of Screw Threads
Tutorial: 0 Part: II 3.2.2 Detailed and Simplified Representation of Internal and External
Practical: 3 Threads
3.2.3 Thread Dimensioning
Course Objective: 3.2.4 Standard Bolts and Nuts: Hexagonal Head and Square Head
To make familiar with the conventional practices of sectional views. To develop 3.2.5 Conventional Symbols for Bolts and Nuts
basic concept and skill of pictorial drawing and working drawings. Also to make 3.3 Welding and Riveting
familiar with standard symbols of different engineering fields. 3.3.1 Types of Welded Joints and Types of Welds, Welding Symbols
3.3.2 Forms and Proportions for Rivet Heads, Rivet Symbols, Types of
1. Conventional Practices for Orthographic and Sectional Views (12 hours) Riveted Joints: Lap Joint, Butt Joint
1.1 Conventional Practices in Orthographic views: Half Views and Partial 3.4 Familiarization with Graphical Symbols and Conventions in Different
Views, Treatment of Unimportant Intersections, Aligned Views, Treatment Engineering Fields
for Radially Arranged Features, Representation of Fillets and Rounds 3.4.1 Standard Symbols for Civil, Structural and Agricultural
1.2 Conventional Practices in Sectional views: Conventions for Ribs, Webs Components
and Spokes in Sectional View, Broken Section, Removed Section, 3.4.2 Standard Symbols for Electrical, Mechanical and Industrial
Revolved Section, Offset Section, Phantom Section and Auxiliary Components
Sectional Views 3.4.3 Standard Symbols for Electronics, Communication and Computer
1.3 Simplified Representations of Standard Machine Elements Components
3.4.4 Topographical Symbols
2. Pictorial Drawings (20 hours) 3.5 Standard Piping Symbols and Piping Drawing
2.1 Classifications: Advantages and Disadvantages
2.2 Axonometric Projection: Isometric Projection and Isometric Drawing 4. Detail and Assembly Drawings (20 hours)
2.2.1 Procedure for making an isometric drawing 4.1 Introduction to Working Drawing
2.2.2 Isometric and Non-isometric Lines; Isometric and Non-isometric 4.2 Components of Working Drawing: Drawing Layout, Bill of Materials,
Surfaces Drawing Numbers
2.2.3 Angles in Isometric Drawing 4.3 Detail Drawing
2.2.4 Circles and Circular Arcs in Isometric Drawing 4.4 Assembly Drawing
2.2.5 Irregular Curves in Isometric Drawing 4.5 Practices of Detail and Assembly Drawing: V-block Clamp, Centering
2.2.6 Isometric sectional Views Cone, Couplings, Bearings, Antivibration Mounts, Stuffing Boxes, Screw
2.3 Oblique Projection and Oblique Drawing Jacks, etc
2.3.1 Procedure for making an Oblique drawing
2.3.2 Rules for Placing Objects in Oblique drawing
2.3.3 Angles, Circles and Circular Arcs in Oblique drawing
2.4 Perspective Projection 1. Conventional Practices for Orthographic and Sectional Views (Full and Half
2.4.1 Terms used in Perspective Projection Section)
2.4.2 Parallel and Angular Perspective 2. Conventional Practices for Orthographic and Sectional Views (Other Type
2.4.3 Selection of Station Point Sections)
3. Isometric Drawing
3. Familiarization with Different Components and Conventions (8 hours) 4. Isometric Drawing (Consisting of Curved Surfaces and Sections)
3.1 Limit Dimensioning and Machining Symbols 5. Oblique Drawing
7. Familiarization with Graphical Symbols (Limit, Fit, Tolerances and Surface EX 451
Roughness Symbols)
8. Familiarization with Graphical Symbols (Symbols for Different Engineering Lecture : 3 Year : I
Fields) Tutorial : 1 Part : II
9. Detail Drawing Practical : 3/2
10. Assembly Drawing I
11. Assembly Drawing II Course Objectives:
12. Building Drawing To understand the electronics elements and their functionality, basic understanding
of analog and digital systems and their applications
1. W. J. Luzadder, “ Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing”, Prentice Hall. 1. Basic Circuits Concepts (4 hours)
2. T. E. French, C. J. Vierck, and R. J. Foster, “Engineering Drawing and Graphic 1.1 Passive components: Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance; series,
Technology”, Mc Graw Hill Publshing Co. parallel combinations; Kirchhoff's law: voltage, current; linearity
3. F. E. Giescke, A . Mitchell, H. C. Spencer and J. T. Dygdone, “Technical Drawing”, 1.2 Signal sources: voltage and current sources; nonideal sources;
Macmillan Publshing Co. representation under assumption of linearity; controlled sources:
4. N. D. Bhatt, “Machine Drawing”, Charotar Publshing House, India. VCVS, CCVS, VCCS, CCCS; concept of gain, transconductance,
5. P. S. Gill, “Machine Drawing”, S. K. Kataria and Sons, India. transimpedance.
6. R. K. Dhawan “Machine Drawing”, S. Chand and Company Limited, India. 1.3 Superposition theorem; Thevenin's theorem; Norton's theorem
1.4 Introduction to filter
1. Familiarization with passive components, function generator and oscilloscope
2. Diode characteristics, rectifiers, Zener diodes
3. Bipolar junction transistor characteristics and single stage amplifier
4. Voltage amplifiers using op-amp, Comparators, Schmitt
5. Wave generators using op-amp
6. Combinational and sequential circuits
1. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit
Theory” PHI
2. Thomas L. Floyd, “Electronic Devices” Pearson Education, Inc., 2007
3. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University
Press, 2006
Evaluation Scheme
ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY 3.8. Pollutants of soil their adverse effects and possible remedies
SH 453
4. Engineering Polymers (6 hours)
Lecture : 3 Year :I 4.1. Inorganic polymers
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 4.2. General properties of inorganic polymers
Practical : 3 4.3. Polyphosphazines
4.4. Sulpher Based Polymers
Course Objective: 4.5. Chalcogenide Glasses
To develop the basic concepts of Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and 4.6. Silicones
Organic Chemistry relevant to problems in engineering. 4.7. Organic Polymers
4.8. Types of Organic Polymers
1. Electro-chemistry and Buffer (6 hours) 4.9. Preparation and application of
1.1. Electro-chemical cells i) Polyurethane ii) Polystyrene iii) Polyvinylchloride iv) Teflon
1.2. Electrode Potential and Standard Electrode Potential v) Nylon 6,6 and vi) Bakelite vii) Epoxy Resin viii) Fiber Reinforced
1.3. Measurement of Electrode Potential Polymer
1.4. Nernst equation 4.10. Concept of bio-degradable, non-biodegradable and conducting
1.5. EMF of Cell polymers
1.6. Application of Electrochemical and Electrolytic cells
1.7. Electrochemical Series and its Application 5. 3-d Transition elements and their applications (5 hours)
1.8. Buffer: its type and mechanism 5.1. Introduction
1.9. Henderson’s equation for pH of buffer and related problems 5.2. Electronic Configuration
1.10. Corrosion and its type 5.3. Variable oxidation states
1.11. Factors influencing corrosion 5.4. Complex formation tendency
1.12. Prevention of corrosion 5.5. Color formation
5.6. Magnetic properties
2. Catalyst (4 hours) 5.7. Alloy formation
2.1. Introduction 5.8. Applications of 3-d transition elements
2.2. Action of Catalyst (Catalytic Promoters and Catalytic Poisons)
2.3. Characteristics of Catalyst 6. Coordination Complexes (5 hours)
2.4. Types of Catalyst 6.1. Introduction
2.5. Theories of Catalysis 6.2. Terms used in Coordination Complexes
2.6. Industrial Applications of Catalysts 6.3. Werner’s Theory Coordination Complexes
6.4. Sidgwick’s model and Sidgwick’s effective atomic number rule
3. Environmental Chemistry (5 hours) 6.5. Nomenclature of coordination compounds (Neutral type, simple cation
3.1. Air Pollution and complex anion and complex cation and simple anion type)
3.2. Air Pollutants i) gases SOx,NOx,CO,CO2,O3 and hydrocarbons 6.6. Valence Bond Theory of Complexes
ii)particulates dust, smoke and fly ash 6.7. Application of valence bond theory in the formation of i) Tetrahedral
3.3. Effects of Air Pollutants on human beings and their possible remedies Complexes
3.4. Ozone depletion and its photochemistry ii) Square planar Complexes and iii) Octahedral Complexes
3.5. Water Pollution (Ref of surface water and pound water) 6.8. Limitations of Valence Bond Theory
3.6. Water Pollutants (Ref of surface water) their adverse effect and 6.9. Applications of Coordination Complexes
3.7. Soil pollution 7. Explosives (3 hours)
7.1. Introduction 9. Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous, “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw-Hill,
7.2. Types of explosives: Primary, Low and High explosives New York.
7.3. Preparation and application of TNT, TNG, Nitrocellulose and Plastic 10. R. K. Sharma, B. Panthi and Y. Gotame, "Textbook of Engineering Chemistry",
explosives Athrai Publication.
WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY 3.2 Semi – Precision Tools – Calipers, depth Gauge, Feeler Gauge
ME 453 3.3 Precision Tools – Micrometers, Vernier Calipers, Vernier Height
Gauge, Telescopic Gauge, Hole Gauge, Bevel Protractor, Dial
Lecture : 1 Year :I Indicator, Gauge Blocks and Surface Plate
Tutorial : 0 Part : II
Practical : 3 4. Drills and Drilling Processes (1 hours)
4.1 Introduction
Course Objective: 4.2 Types of Drill Presses
To impart knowledge and skill components in the field of basic workshop 4.3 Work Holding Devices and Accessories
technology. To be familiar with different hand and machine tools required for 4.4 Cutting Tools
manufacturing simple metal components and articles. 4.5 Geometry of Drill Bits
4.6 Grinding of Drill Bits
1. General Safety Considerations (2 hours) 4.7 Operations – Drilling, Counter - boring, Counter - sinking, Reaming,
1.1. Bench Tools Honning, Lapping
1.2. Machinist’s Hammers 4.8 Cutting Speeds
1.3. Screw Drivers 4.9 Drilling Safety
1.4. Punches
1.5. Chisels 5. Machine Tools (4 hours)
1.6. Scrapers 5.1. General Safety Considerations
1.7. Scribers 5.2 Engine Lathes
1.8. Files 5.2.1 Introduction
1.9. Pliers and Cutters 5.2.2 Physical Construction
1.10. Wrenches 5.2.3 Types of Lathe
1.11. Hacksaw 5.2.4 Lathe Operations – Facing, Turning, Threading
1.12. Bench Vise 5.3 Shapers
1.13. Hand drill 5.3.1 Introduction
1.14. Taps and Dies 5.3.2 Types of Shapers
1.15. Hand Shears 5.3.3 Physical Construction
1.16. Rules, Tapes and Squares 5.3.4 General Applications
1.17. Soldering Iron 5.4 Milling Machines
1.18. Rivets 5.4.1 Introduction
5.4.2 Types of Milling Machines
2. Hand Working Operations (1 hours) 5.4.3 Physical Construction
2.1. Sawing 5.4.4 Milling Cutters – Plain, Side, Angle, End, Form
2.2. Filing 5.4.5 Milling Operations – Plain, Side, Angular, Gang, End, Form,
2.3. Threading Keyway
2.4. Scribing 5.4.6 Work Holding Devices
2.5. Shearing 5.4.7 Cutter Holding Devices
2.6. Soldering 5.5 Grinding Machines
2.7. Riveting 5.5.1 Abrasives, Bonds, Grinding Wheels
5.5.2 Rough Grinders – Portable Grinders, Bench Grinders, Swing
3. Measuring and Gauging (1hours) Frame Grinders, Abrasive Belt Grinders
3.1. Introduction 5.5.3 Precision Grinders – Cylindrical Grinders, Surface Grinders
4. Measuring and Gauging Instruments
6. Material Properties (1 hours) 5. Engine lathe: Basic operations such as Plain turning, facing, cutting off,
6.1. Tool materials – Low, medium and high carbon steels; Hot and cold knurling.
rolled steels; Alloy steels; Carbide and Ceramic materials 6. Engine lathe: Taper turning, drilling and boring
6.2. Heat treating methods for steels – Annealing, Tempering, Normalizing, 7. Basic Shaper Operations
Hardening and Quenching 8. Milling Machines
6.3. Non – ferrous metals – Brass, Bronze, Aluminum – Comparative 9. Grinding Machines
Properties 10. Sheet Metal works
11. Foundry Practice
7. Sheet Metal Works (1 hours) 12. Forging Practice
7.1. Introduction 13. Electric Arc Welding
7.2. Sheet Metal Tools 14. Gas Welding
7.3. Marking and Layout
7.4. Operations – Bending, Cutting, Rolling References:
1. Anderson and E. E. Tatro, “Shop Theory”, JMcGraw – Hill.
8. Foundry Practice (1 hours)
2. O. D. Lascoe, C. A. Nelson and H. W. Porter, “Machine shop operations and
8.1. Introduction
setups”, American Technical society.
8.2. Pattern Making
3. “Machine shop Practice – Vol. I” , Industrial Press, New York.
8.3. Foundry Tools
4. “Machine shop Practice – Vol. I” , Industrial Press, New York.
8.4. Core Making
5. Ryerson, “ Technology of Machine Tools”, Mc Graw Hill.
8.5. Melting Furnace – Cupola
6. Oberg, Jones and Horton, “Machinery’s Handbook”, Industrial Press, New
8.6. Sand Casting Process
7. S. K. Hajra Choudhury and A. K. Hajra Choudhury, “Elements of Workshop
9. Forging Practice (1 hours)
Technology - Vol. I ( Manufacturing Processes)”, Media Promoters and
9.1. Introduction
Publishers Pvt. Ltd. , Bombay, INDIA.
9.2. Forging Tools
8. S. K. Hajra Choudhury, S. K. Bose and A. K. Hajra Choudhury , “Elements
9.3. Operations – Upsetting, Drawing, Cutting, Bending, Punching
of Workshop Technology - Vol. II: (Machine Tools)” , Media Promoters and
9.4. Forging Presses and Hammers
Publishers Pvt. Ltd. , Bombay, INDIA.
9.5. Advantages and Limitations
9. Prof. B. S. Raghuwanshi, “A Course in Workshop Technology - Vol. I” ,
Dhanpat Rai and Co. (P) Ltd, Delhi, INDIA.
10. Metal Joining (2 hours)
10. Prof. B. S. Raghuwanshi, “A Course in Workshop Technology - Vol. II” ,
10.1 Safety Considerations
Dhanpat Rai and Co. (P) Ltd, Delhi, INDIA.
10.2 Introduction
11. H. S. Bawa, “Workshop Technology - Vol. I”, Tata Mc – Graw Hill
10.3 Soldering
publishing company Limited, New Delhi, INDIA,
10.4 Brazing
12. H. S. Bawa, “Workshop Technology - Vol. II” , Tata Mc – Graw Hill
10.5 Welding – Gas Welding, Arc Welding, Resistance Welding, Tungsten
publishing company Limited, New Delhi, INDIA,
Inert Gas Welding (TIG), Metal Inert Gas Welding (MIG)
13. R. S. Khurmi and J. K. Gupta, “A text book of Workshop Technology”, S.
Chand and Company Ltd, New Delhi. INDIA
1. Bench Tools and hand operations: Measuring, Marking, Layout, Cutting,
Filling, Drilling, Tapping, Assembly
2. Bench Tools and hand operations: (Contd.)
3. Drilling machines
FUNDAMENTALS OF THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER 3.5. Other Thermodynamic Properties: Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and
ME 452 Specific Heats
3.6. Development of Property Data: Graphical Data Presentation and Tabular
Lectures : 3 Year : I Data Presentation
Tutorial : 1 Part : II
Practical : 3/2 4. First Law of Thermodynamics (9 hours)
4.1. First Law of Thermodynamics for Control Mass; First Law of
Course Objective: Thermodynamics for Control Mass Undergoing Cyclic Process
To develop basic concepts, laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer and their 4.2. First Law of Thermodynamics for Control Volume
applications. 4.3. Control Volume Analysis: Steady State Analysis and Unsteady State
1. Introduction (3 hours) 4.4. Control Volume Application: Steady and Unsteady Work Applications
1.1. Definition and Scope of Engineering Thermodynamics and Steady and Unsteady Flow Applications
1.2. Value of energy to society 4.5. Other Statements of the First Law
1.3. Microscopic versus Macroscopic Viewpoint
1.4. Concepts and Definitions 5. Second Law of Thermodynamics (9 hours)
1.4.1. System, Surroundings, Boundary and Universe; Closed 5.1. Necessity of Formulation of Second Law
Systems, Open Systems, and Isolated Systems 5.2. Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics for an Isolated System
1.4.2. Thermodynamic Properties: Intensive, Extensive and Specific 5.3. Reversible and Irreversible Processes
Properties 5.4. Entropy and Process Relation for an Ideal Gases and Incompressible
1.4.3. Thermodynamic Equilibrium Substances
1.4.4. Thermodynamic State 5.5. Control Mass Formulation of Second Law
1.4.5. Thermodynamic Process, Cyclic Process, Quasi-equilibrium 5.6. Control Volume Formulation of Second Law
Process, Reversible and Irreversible Process 5.7. Isentropic Process for an Ideal Gas and for an Incompressible
1.5. Common Properties: Pressure, Specific Volume, Temperature Substances
1.6. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Equality of Temperature 5.8. Carnot Cycle, Heat Engine, Heat Pump and Refrigerator
5.9. Kelvin-Planck and Clausius Statements of the Second Law of
2. Energy and Energy Transfer (3 hours) Thermodynamics and their Equivalence
2.1. Energy and its Meaning
2.2. Stored Energy and Transient Energy; Total Energy 6. Thermodynamic Cycles (9 hours)
2.3. Energy Transfer 6.1. Classification of Cycles
2.3.1. Heat Transfer 6.2. Air Standard Brayton Cycle
2.3.2. Work Transfer 6.3. Rankine Cycle
2.4. Expressions for displacement work transfer 6.4. Internal Combustion Cycles
2.5. Power 6.4.1 Air standard Analysis
6.4.2 Air Standard Otto Cycle
3. Properties of Common Substances (6 hours) 6.4.3 Air Standard Diesel Cycle
3.1. Pure Substance and State Postulate 6.5. Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle
3.2. Ideal Gas and Ideal Gas Relations
3.3. Two Phase (Liquid and Vapor) Systems: Phase Change; Subcooled 7. Introduction to Heat Transfer (6 hours)
Liquid, Saturated Liquid, Wet Mixture, Critical Point, Quality, 7.1. Basic Concepts and Modes of Heat Transfer
Moisture Content, Saturated Vapor and Superheated Vapor 7.2. One dimensional steady state heat conduction through a plane wall
3.4. Properties of Two Phase Mixtures 7.3. Radial steady state heat conduction through a hollow cylinder
7.4. Heat flow through composite structures
3 4 all 16
7.4.1. Composite Plane Wall
7.4.2. Multilayer tubes 4 5 all 16
7.5. Electrical Analogy for thermal resistance
5 6 all 16
7.6. Combined Heat Transfer and Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient for
Plane Wall and Tube Total 80
7.7. Nature of Convection; Free and Forced Convection
7.8. Heat Radiation, Stefan's Law, Absorptivity, Reflectivity and
Transmissivity; Black Body, White Body and Gray Body
1. Temperature Measurements
2. Experiment related to first law
3. Heat Pump
4. Heat Conduction
5. Heat Radiation
1. M. C. Luintel, “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer”, Athrai
Publication (P) Limited.
2. R. Gurung, A. Kunwar & T. R. Bajracharya, “Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer”, Asmita Books Publishers and
Distributors (P) Limited.
3. J. R. Howell & R. O. Buckius, “Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics", McGraw Hill Publishers
4. V. Wylen, Sonntag & Borgnakke, “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics”, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. M. J. Moran & H. N. Shapiro, “Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics", John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
6. Y. A. Cengel & M.A. Boles, "Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach",
7. J. P. Holman, "Heat Transfer", McGraw-Hill
8. Y. A. Cengel, "Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach", McGraw-Hill.
Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
be as indicated in the table below:
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS III 4. Fourier Series (5 hours)
SH 501 4.1. Fourier Series
Lecture : 3 Year : II 4.2. Periodic functions
Tutorial : 2 Part : I 4.3. Odd and even functions
Practical : 0 4.4. Fourier series for arbitrary range
4.5. Half range Fourier series
Course Objective:
5. Linear Programming (9 hours)
To round out the students’ preparation for more sophisticated applications with an
5.1. System of Linear Inequalities in two variables
introduction to linear algebra, Fourier series, Laplace Transforms, integral
5.2. Linear Programming in two dimensions: A Geometrical Approach
transformation theorems and linear programming.
5.3. A Geometric introduction to the Simplex method
5.4. The Simplex method: Maximization with Problem constraints of the form “≤”
1. Determinants and Matrices (11 hours)
5.5. The Dual: Maximization with Problem Constraints of the form “≥”
1.1. Determinant and its properties
5.6. Maximization and Minimization with mixed Constraints. The two- phase
1.2. Solution of system of linear equations
1.3. Algebra of matrices
(An alternative to the Big M Method)
1.4. Complex matrices
1.5. Rank of matrices
1.6. System of linear equations
1.7. Vector spaces 1. S. K. Mishra, G. B. Joshi, V. Parajuli, "Advance Engineering Mathematics", Athrai
1.8. Linear transformations Publication.
1.9. Eigen value and Eigen vectors 2. E. Kreszig, "Advance Engineering Mathematics", Willey, New York.
1.10. The Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its uses 3. M.M Gutterman and Z.N.Nitecki, "Differential Equation, a First Course", Saunders,
1.11. Diagonalization of matrices and its applications New York.
Evaluation Scheme
2. Line, Surface and Volume Integrals (12 hours)
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be
2.1. Line integrals
as indicated in the table below:
2.2. Evaluation of line integrals
2.3. Line integrals independent of path Unit Chapter Topics Marks
2.4. Surfaces and surface integrals
1 1 1.1 to 1.8 16
2.5. Green’s theorem in the plane and its applications
2.6. Stoke’s theorem (without proof) and its applications 2
1 1.9 to 1.11
2.7. Volume integrals; Divergence theorem of Gauss (without proof) and its 2 2.1 to 2.4
2 2.5 to 2.7
3 16
3. Laplace Transform (8 hours) 3 3.1 to 3.2
3.1. Definitions and properties of Laplace Transform
3.2. Derivations of basic formulae of Laplace Transform 3 3.3 to 3.6
4 16
3.3. Inverse Laplace Transform: Definition and standard formulae of inverse 4 4.1 to 4.3
Laplace Transform
3.4. Theorems on Laplace transform and its inverse 4 4.4 to 4.5
5 16
3.5. Convolution and related problems 5 all
3.6. Applications of Laplace Transform to ordinary differential equations
Total 80
3.2 Hardness Test
MATERIAL SCIENCE 3.2.1 Main hardness testing methods
ME 501 3.2.2 Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, Knoop test
Lecture : 4 Year : II 3.2.3 Microhardness test, Hardness conversion table
Tutorials : 0 Part : I 3.3 Impact Test
Practical : 3/2 3.3.1 Toughness
3.3.2 Types of impact test, Charpy and Izod test
Course Objective: 3.3.3 Significance of Transition - Temperature curve, Notch sensitivity
3.4 Fatigue Test
To analyze the relationship between the structure and properties of ferrous
3.4.1 Fatigue failure
alloys, non-ferrous alloys, polymer, ceramic and composite materials. Students
3.4.2 S-N curve, Endurance limit, Fatigue strength versus fatigue limit
will be able to select suitable material for different applications on the basis of
3.4.3 Preventions
their properties.
3.5 Creep Test
3.5.1 Creep failure
1. Introduction to Materials (1 hour)
3.5.2 Creep and stress rupture curve
1.1 Types of Materials
3.5.3 Effect of temperature and stress level on creep life
1.2 Relationship among structures, processing and properties
3.5.4 Preventions
1.3 Material selection for design
4. Deforming process for materials (6 hours)
2. Atomic Structure, arrangement of atoms (8 hours)
4.1 Cold work
2.1 Structure of atom, periodic table, binding energy and bonds
4.1.1 Cold work and its types
2.2 Atomic arrangements
4.1.2 Strain Hardening and the stress-strain curve
2.2.1 Crystal and amorphous
4.1.3 Properties versus degree of Cold-work
2.2.2 Crystal geometry
4.1.4 Microstructure and residual stress in cold worked metals
2.2.3 Unit cell
4.2 Treatment after Cold-work
2.2.4 Lattices, points, directions, planes in a unit cell
4.2.1 Annealing
2.2.5 Millers’ indices
4.2.2 Three stages of annealing (recovery, recrystallization and grain
2.2.6 Allotropic and polymorphic transformation
2.3 Imperfections in the atomic arrangement
4.3 Hot-work
2.3.1 Imperfections
4.3.1 Hot-work process and its types
2.3.2 Point defects, surface defects, dislocation
4.3.2 Comparison between Hot-work and Cold-work
2.3.3 Deformation by slip and twinning
2.3.4 Schmid’s Law
5. Solidification, Phase Relations and Strengthening Mechanism (7 hours)
2.4 Movement of atoms in materials
5.1 Solidification
2.4.1 Fick’s First Law
5.1.1 Nucleation and grain growth
2.4.2 Fick’s Second Law
5.1.2 Dendrite formation
5.1.3 Cooling curve
3. Mechanical Properties and their tests (9 hours)
5.1.4 Under-cooling Cast structure
3.1 Tensile Test
5.1.5 Solidification defect
3.1.1 Load- Deformation Diagrams
5.1.6 Solid solutions, Solid solutions strengthening
3.1.2 Engineering stress-strain diagram for ductile and brittle materials
5.2 Phase relations and equilibrium
3.1.3 True stress-strain diagram
5.2.1 Phase, phase rule
3.1.4 Properties tested from tensile test, temperature effects
5.2.2 Phase diagram containing three- phase reactions
3.1.5 Brittle behavior and notch effects.
5.2.3 Lever rule, four important three phase reactions, and Eutectic phase
diagram 10. Organic and Composite Materials (12 hours)
5.3 Strengthening Mechanism 10.1 Polymers
5.3.1 Alloys strengthening by exceeding solubility limit 10.1.1 Types of Polymer ( thermoplastic, thermosetts, elastomers),
5.3.2 Age hardening or precipitation hardening 10.1.2 Comparison between them by structure, properties and applications
5.3.3 Residual stress during quenching and heating 10.1.3 Chain formation ( addition, condensation)
10.1.4 Degree of polymerization
6. Iron – Iron Carbide diagram and Heat Treatment of Steels (10 hours) 10.1.5 Forming of polymers
6.1 Iron – Iron Carbide Diagram 10.1.6 Additives to polymers
6.1.1 Applications and limitations of Iron– Iron Carbide Diagram 10.1.7 Adhesives to polymers
6.1.2 Different mixtures and phases ( ferrite, austenite, pearlite, martensite) 10.2 Ceramic Materials
6.1.3 Classification of steels and cast iron referring to Iron- Iron Carbide 10.2.1 Crystalline Ceramic Structures and imperfections in it
Phase diagram 10.2.2 Silicate Structures
6.2 Simple Heat Treatments 10.2.3 Glasses and other non- crystalline ceramic materials
6.2.1 Annealing and its types ( Full annealing, homogenizing, 10.2.4 Deformation and failures, Processing of Ceramics, Applications of
spheroidizing), their method, applications ceramics
6.2.2 Normalizing method and its application, comparison between 10.3 Composite Materials
annealing and normalizing. 10.3.1 Dispersion strengthening
6.2.3 Quenching ( method and application), quenching medium, 10.3.2 True particulate composites
hardenability, Jominy test, TTT diagram, CCT diagram 10.3.3 Fiber- Reinforced composites
6.2.4 Tempering, its types, applications 10.3.4 Laminar composite materials, examples and their application
6.2.5 Different types of surface hardening processes, nitriding, carburizing, 10.3.5 Wood, Concrete, Asphalt, types and uses
cyaniding 10.3.6 Nanocomposites, types, examples and applications
Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
be as indicated in the table below:
Unit Chapter Topics Marks
1 1, 2 & 7 all 16
2 3&9 all 16
3 4&5 all 16
4 6&8 all 16
5 10 all 16
Total 80
ENGINEERING MECHANICS 5.3 Absolute and Relative Velocity in Plane Motion
ME 502 5.4 Instantaneous Centre of Rotation
Lecture : 3 Year : II 5.5 Absolute and Relative Acceleration in Plane Motion
Tutorial : 1 Part : I 5.6 6.6 Motion Relative to Rotating Axis; Coriolis Acceleration
Practical : 0
6. Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Force, Mass and Acceleration (8 hours)
Course Objective: 6.1 Mass Moment of Inertia
6.1.1 Moment of Inertia of Mass
To provide the fundamental principles, concepts and application of mechanics for
6.1.2 Radius of Gyration
solving engineering problems. To become familiar with the analytical/graphical
6.1.3 Parallel Axis Theorem
methods for solving problems of mechanics, mainly of dynamics.
6.1.4 Mass moment of inertia of Composite Bodies
6.2 Force and Acceleration
1. Virtual Work (2 hours)
6.2.1 Equations of Motion for a Rigid Body
1.1 Definition of Work and Virtual Work
6.2.2 Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body in Plane Motion
1.2 Principal of Virtual Work for a Particle and a Rigid Body
6.2.3 Plane Motion of a Rigid Body: D’Alembert’s Principle
1.3 Uses of the Principal of Virtual Work
6.2.4 Application of Rigid Body Motion in the Plane
1.4 Virtual Work Done by Moments
6.2.5 Constrained Motion in the Plane
2. Kinetics of Particles: Force, Mass and Acceleration (6 hours)
7. Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Work and Energy Method (4 hours)
2.1 Newton’s Second Law of Motion
7.1 Work Energy Relations
2.2 Consistent System of Units
7.2 Work of a Force on a Rigid Body
2.3 Equations of Motion: Radial and Transverse Components
7.3 Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body
2.4 Dynamic Equilibrium: Inertia Force
7.4 Principle of Work and Energy for a Rigid Body
2.5 Principle of Motion of the Mass Centre
7.5 Acceleration from Work Energy Method
2.6 Motion due to a Central Force, Conservation of Momentum
2.7 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
8. Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Impulse and Momentum Method (4 hours)
8.1 Impulse and Momentum of a Rigid Body
3. Kinetics of Particles: Work Energy Principles (4 hours)
8.2 Conservation of Angular and Linear Momentum
3.1 Work Done by a Force
8.3 Impulsive Motion and Eccentric Impact of Rigid Bodies
3.2 Kinetic Energy of a Particle
3.3 Principle of Work and Energy, Applications
9. Lagrangian Dynamics (4 hours)
3.4 Power and Efficiency
9.1 Degree of Freedom in mechanical systems and Generalized Coordinates
3.5 Potential Energy
9.2 D’Alembert’s – Lagrange Principle and Lagrange Equations of motion
3.6 Conservation of Energy
9.3 Differential equation of motion for a system of particles
9.4 Conservation Theorems
4. Kinetics of Particles: Impulse and Momentum (6 hours)
4.1 Principle of Impulse and Momentum
4.2 Impulsive Motion and Impact
4.3 Direct Central Impact
4.4 Oblique Central Impact There should be at least one assignment from each chapter and 2 assessment tests
during the semester.
5. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies (7 hours)
5.1 Introduction to Plane Kinematics of Rigid Bodies References
5.2 Translation, Rotation and General Plane Motion
1. F.P. Beer and E.R. Johnston, “Mechanics for Engineers – Statics and Dynamics”, Mc METROLOGY
Graw Hill. ME 503
2. R.C. Hibbler, “Engineering Mechanics – Dynamics”, Pearson, New Delhi. Lectures : 3 Year : II
3. J.C. Jong and B.G. Rogers, “Engineering Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics”- Tutorial : 0 Part : I
Saunders College Publishing, International Edition Practical : 1.5
4. Bela I. Sandor, “Engineering Mechanics – Dynamics”, Prectice Hall, Inc.,Englewood
Cliffs. Course Objective:
5. J.L. Meriam.,”Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics”, John Wiley and
Sons. To make students understand the concept, principles and purposes of Metrology in
Engineering Production. To make them familiar with the principles, construction,
Evaluation Scheme: application of various measuring instruments, basic concept on principles,
methods of various measurements, standards, standardization and standardizing
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will organizations, fundamentals of quality control.
be as indicated in the table below:
1. Introduction to Metrology (1 hour)
Unit Chapter Topics Marks 1.1 Concept and Scope of Metrology
1 2&3 all 16 1.2 Objectives of Metrology
1.3 Legal Metrology
2 4&7 all 16
1.4 Dynamic Metrology
3 5 all 16 1.5 Deterministic metrology
4 6 all 16 1.6 Methods of Measurements
5 1, 8 & 9 all 16 1.7 Units of Measurements
Total 80 1.8 General Metrological Terms: Accuracy. Precision, Repeatability,
Reproducibility, Sensitivity, Resolution, Stability, Readability, Calibration
4. Linear Measurement (3 hours) 8.5 Related problems on Flatness Testing by Interferometry
4.1 Instruments for Linear Measurements (types, principles, applications,
limitations and errors) 9. Limits, Fits and Tolerances (8 hours)
4.1.1 Vernier Calliper 9.1 Basic Terminology related to Limits, Fits and Tolerances
4.1.2 External Micrometer 9.2 System of Writing Tolerances- Unilateral and Bilateral Tolerances
4.1.3 Internal Micrometer 9.3 System of Fits - Hole Basis System and Shaft Basis System
4.1.4 Depth Micrometer 9.4 Types of Fits - Interference, Transition and Clearance Fits
4.1.5 Vernier Height Gauge 9.5 ISO system of Limits and Fits
4.1.6 Vernier depth Gauge 9.6 Selection and calculation of Fits and Tolerances
4.1.7 Slip Gauges 9.7 Interchangeable Assembly
4.1.8 Dial Indicators 9.8 Selective Assembly
4.1.9 Combination Set 9.9 Fits and Tolerances of Ball and Roller Bearings, Screw Threads, Key Joints,
and Backlash Tolerances for Spur Gears
5. Angular and Taper Measurement (3 hours) 9.10 Gauges
5.1 Instruments for Angular Measurements, types, principles, applications, 9.10.1 Classification of Plain Gauges
imitations and errors 9.10.2 Taylor's Theory for Gauge Design
5.1.1 Bevel Protractors 9.10.3 Gauge Design of Workshop Gauge, Inspection Gauge and General
5.1.2 Sine Bar Gauge
5.1.3 Sine Table 9.10.4 Gauges for Tapers
5.1.4 Sine Centre 9.10.5 Related problems on Limits, Fits and Tolerances. Selective
5.1.5 Angle Gauges Assembly and Gauge Design
5.1.6 Spirit Level
5.1.7 Clinometers 10. Measurement of Surface Finish (3 hours)
5.1.8 Auto-collimator 10.1 Effect of Surface Finish on Fatigue Life, Bearing Properties, Wear, Stress,
5.1.9 Angle Dekkor Corrosion, Fit
5.2 Gauges for Taper Shafts 10.2 Elements of Surface Texture
5.3 Measurement for Taper Shafts and Holes 10.3 Analysis of Surface Traces
10.4 Factors affecting Surface finish and roughness
6. Surface Measurement (1 hour) 10.5 Methods of Measuring Surface Finish
6.1 Instruments for Surface Measurements , types, principles, applications, 10.6 Related problems on Surface Roughness Measurement
limitations and errors
6.1.1 Straight Edge 11. Gear measurement (2 hours)
6.1.2 Surface Plate 11.1 Gear Tooth Terminology(Review)
11.2 Measurement and Testing of Spur Gears
7. Comparators (2 hours) 11.2.1 Tooth Thickness Measurement
7.1 Basic Principle of Measurement 11.2.2 Pitch Measurement
7.2 Classification of Comparators 11.2.3 Tooth Bearing Contact Testing
7.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Types of Comparators 11.2.4 Composite Method of Gear Testing
8. Interferometry (3 hours)
8.1 Interference of light 12. Measurement of Screw Threads (4 hours)
8.2 Interferomery Applied to Flatness Testing 12.1 Terminology of Screw Thread (Review)
8.3 Flatness Interferometer 12.2 Errors in Threads
8.4 Length Interferometer 12.3 Effects of Pitch Errors
12.4 Measurement of Major, Minor and Effective Diameters of Thread 3. Manohar Mahajan, “A Text book of Metrology”, Dhanapat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd.,
12.5 Calculation of Best Wire Size Delhi,
12.6 Measurement of Pitch 4. R. K. Rajput, “Engineering Metrology and Instrumentation”, S. K. Kataria and
12.7 Measurement of Thread angle Sons, Delhi.
12.8 Screw thread gauges 5. Publications from Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology (NBSM).
1. Linear and Angular Measurement
2. Measurement of Screw Thread
3. Surface Finish Measurement
4. Study on the Effect of Cutting Variables on Surface Roughness
5. Machine Tool Alignment Test
6. Compound Error Measurement
7. Statistical Quality Control
8. Determination of Spoilage Percentage by the Area of Distribution Curve
9. Statistical Process Control
1. R. K. Jain, “Engineering Metrology”, Khanna Publishers.
2. J. F. W. Gayler and C. R. Shotbolt, “Metrology for Engineers”, Cassell, London.
SI Edition.
COMPUTER AIDED DRAWING 5.3 Creating and Inserting Blocks
ME 505
Lecture : 1 Year : II 6. Working with Text and Dimensions (4 hours)
Tutorial : 0 Part : I 6.1 Inserting Tex on drawing
Practical : 3 6.2 Dimension Styles, Dimensioning Commands, Tolerance, Limits,
Dimension Setup, Dimension Variables, Dimension Scale
Course Objective:
7. Working with Three Dimensional Drawing (12 hours)
To give fundamental knowledge on Computer Aided Drafting (2D and 3D) using
7.1 Wireframe, Surface and Solid Modeling
common drafting software program.
7.2 Creating 3D Drawing using THICKNESS and ELEVATION Commands
7.3 Solid Modeling, Standard
1. Introduction (4 hours)
7.4 Creating 3D Drawing using EXTRUDE Command
1.1 Loading Software, Screen organization
7.5 Standard Solid Editing Commands
1.2 Entering commands: menus, command line, function keys
7.6 3D Modifying Commands: move, rotate, mirror, array
1.3 Commands and System Variables
7.7 Shading and Rendering and their Options, Motion Path Animations
1.4 Coordinate System: entering distances and angles
1.5 Starting a new drawing: naming, and saving, ending session
8. Plotting Drawings (4 hours)
8.1 Layout Management
2. Basic Drawing Commands (12 hours)
8.2 Plotting 2D and 3D Drawings
2.1 Creating point
8.3 Creating multiple views for a 3D drawing
2.2 Creating straight line and construction line
2.3 Creating circle, arc and ellipse
9. Other Facilities (4 hours)
2.4 Creating polygons
9.1 Use of Script Files
2.5 Creating splines
9.2 Working with Standard Symbols
9.3 Import/Export
3. Modifying Commands (8 hours)
3.1 Erasing the Object
3.2 Creating multiple Objects
3.3 Scaling the Object 1. Familiarization with Software Environment, Setting up Drawing
3.4 Creating Chamfer and Fillet 2. 2D Drawing Consisting Straight Lines, Circle and Arc
3.5 Trimming and Extending of the Object 3. 2D Drawing Consisting Ellipse and Polygon
3.6 Breaking and Dividing 4. 2D Drawing Using Modifying Commands
3.7 Modifying colors, styles, etc the Object 5. Creating Isometric, Creating Hatch, Working with Layers and Blocks
6. Inserting Text and Dimensions of 2D Drawing
4. Drawing Aids and Tools (8 hours) 7. 3D Drawing: Wireframe , Surface and Solid Modeling
4.1 Setting up Units and Limits 8. 3D Drawing: Solid Editing and 3D Operations
4.2 Using Ortho, Grids and Snap 9. Plotting 2D and 3D Drawings. Using Script File, Design Center and Import/ Export
4.3 Help and Undo Commands Facilities
4.4 Display Commands 10. Project 1: Drawing of standard mechanical components: Spring, Nut Bolt, Gear, Cam
4.5 Creating Isometric Drawing Profile, etc.
11. Project 2: Detail Drawing
5. Fine Tuning Drawings and Grouping (4 hours) 12. Project 3: Assembly Drawing
5.1 Hatching Command
5.2 Working with Layers
1. “AutoCAD User's Guide”, Autodesk, 2009. AM 501
Lecture: 3 Year: II
Tutorial: 2 Part: I
Evaluation Scheme: Practical: 1.5
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
be as indicated in the table below: Course objective:
The objective of this course is to understand the diverse fields of thermodynamics and heat
transfer applications and implement its laws to analyze the working of various components
Unit Chapter Topics Marks
of mechanical systems and introduce the concepts of heat transfer to enable students to
1 1&3 all 8 design components subjected to thermal loading.
2 2 all 8
Course outline:
3 4&5 all 8
4 6, 8 & 9 all 8 1. Boilers and condenser (6 hours)
1.1. Steam Boiler: Classifications and working of boilers
5 7 all 8
1.2. Boiler mountings and accessories
Total 40 1.3. Comparison between fire tube and water tube boilers
1.4. Essentials of a good boiler, boiler efficiency
1.5. Equivalent evaporation.
1.6. Classification of condenser, elements of a condensing plant
1.7. Condenser performance parameters
1.8. Comparison of jet and surface condensers
1.9. Condenser vacuum and its efficiencies
2. Psychrometry (4 hours)
2.1. Psychrometric properties, Psychrometric charts.
2.2. Property calculations of air vapour mixtures by using chart and expressions.
2.3. Psychrometric process – adiabatic saturation, sensible heating and cooling,
humidification, dehumidification, evaporative cooling and adiabatic mixing
PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS 6. Inference concerning Proportion (6 hours)
SH 552 6.1. Estimation of Proportions
Lecture : 3 Year : II 6.2. Hypothesis concerning one proportion
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 6.3. Hypothesis concerning two proportion
Practical : 0 6.4. Chi square test of Independence
Evaluation Scheme
1. Magnetic Circuits
- To draw B-H curve for two different sample of Iron Core The questions will cover all the chapters of syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be
- Compare their relative permeability as indicated in the table below:
2. Two Winding Transformers
- To perform turn ratio test Chapter Topics
Unit Marks
- To perform open circuit (OC) and short circuit (SC) test to determine equivalent
circuit parameter of a transformer and hence to determine the regulation and 1 1&3 all 16
efficiency at full load 2 2 all 16
3. DC Generator 3 4 all 16
- To draw open circuit characteristic (OCC) of a DC shunt generator
4 5&6 all 16
- To draw load characteristic of shunt generator
4. DC Motor 5 7 all 16
- Speed control of DC Shunt motor by (a) armature control method (b) field control Total 80
- To observe the effect of increasing load on DC shunt motor’s speed, armature
current, and field current.
5. 3-phase Machines
- To draw torque-speed characteristics and to observe the effect of rotor resistance on
torque-speed characteristics of a 3-phase Induction Motor
- To study load characteristics of synchronous generator with (a) resistive load (b)
inductive load and (c) capacitive load
1 I.J. Nagrath&D.P.Kothari,“Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill
2 S. K. Bhattacharya, “Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill
3 B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja, “Electrical Technology (Vol-II)”, S. Chand
4 Husain Ashfaq ,” Electrical Machines”, DhanpatRai& Sons
5 A.E. Fitzgerald, C.KingsleyJr and Stephen D. Umans,”Electric Machinery”, Tata
McGraw Hill
6 B.R. Gupta &VandanaSinghal, “Fundamentals of Electrical Machines, New Age
7 P. S. Bhimbra, “Electrical Machines”’ Khanna Publishers
8 Irving L.Kosow, “Electric Machine and Tranformers”, Prentice Hall of India.
9 M.G. Say, “The Performance and Design of AC machines”, Pit man & Sons.
MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION PROCESSES 5.2. Force, Energy and Deformation: Sensitivity to frictions, geometry, temperature
ME 551 and deformation rate
Lecture : 3 Year : II 5.3. Forging practice and Technology; Press and hammers, tooling design,
Tutorial : 0 Part : II manufacture wear
Practical : 4 5.4. Design of Forgings; Characteristics and defects in forgings
5.5. Flat Rolling; Characteristics and defect in forgings
Course Objectives: 5.6. Shape Rolling: Process and Products
5.7. Extrusion
To impart knowledge and skills in the field of manufacturing and production
5.8. Wires, Bar and Tube Drawing
processes. To make students familiar with different metal forming processes along
with advanced manufacturing techniques used in modern industries.
6. Sheet Metal Product Manufacturing Process (4 hours)
6.1. Shearing and Punching Operations
1. Overview of Manufacturing (2 hours)
6.2. Sheet Metal and Tube Bending: Technology and Practices
1.1. Introduction
6.3. Deep Drawing and Hydro forming
1.2. Product Cycle
6.4. Spinning Operations and Capabilities
1.3. Material Flow and Processing
6.5. Formability Assessment
1.4. Information Flow
1.5. Evolution of Organization for Manufacture
7. Material Removal Processes: “ Chip-forming” (6 hours)
7.1. Modeling the cutting process
2. Manufacturing Properties of Materials (3 hours)
7.2. Force, Power and Productivity Relationship
2.1. Mechanical Properties of Solids
7.3. Cutting tools Materials: Characteristics and Economics
2.2. Deformation of Solids
7.4. General Purpose Machine Tool Types
2.3. Thermo Fluid Properties of Liquids
2.1.1 Operation of Lathes, Milling, Shapers and Drilling Machines
2.4. Tribology in Manufacturing
2.1.2 Application of Shaping, Planning and Slotting Machines
7.5. Methods of mounting of jobs and cutting tools in machine tools
3. Properties of Manufactured Products (3 hours)
7.6. Uses of various attachments in machine tools
3.1. Geometrical Description and Tolerances
7.7. Control of Machine Tools and Product Properties
3.2. Dimensioning and Tolerances Control
7.8. Cutting off Process: Saws, flame cutting, arc cutting
3.3. Surface Configurations
3.4. Residual Stresses
8. Material Removal Processes: “Abrasive and Non-Traditional” (3 hours)
8.1. Abrasive Based Tooling
4. Solidification Process and Powder Metallurgy (6 hours)
8.2. Grinding Technology and Practice
4.1. General Characteristics of Casting Process and Products
8.3. Electrical discharge machining
4.2. Solidification Phenomena and Associated problems
8.4. Electrochemical machining
4.3. Sand Casting: Process Characteristics and Capabilities Pattern design
4.4. Investment Casting: Characteristics and Capabilities; Pattern Design and
9. Numerical Control of Machine Tools (3 hours)
9.1. Need for Flexible Automation and Numerical controls
4.5. Permanent Mould and Pressure Die Casting: Process characteristics and
9.2. CNC Machine tool description; technology and practices
capabilities Part design
9.3. Introduction to CNC Machine Par Programming
4.6. Continuous Casting Characteristics and Capabilities
9.4. Justification of CNC process
4.7. Introduction to Powder Metallurgy
9.5. Industrial Robots
5. Bulk Deformation Process (6 hours)
5.1. General Characteristics of Bulk Deformation Process and Products
10. Jigs and Fixtures for Machine Shops (2 hours)
10.1. Purpose of jigs and fixtures 6. B.S. Nagendra Parashar and R. K. Mittal, “Elements of Manufacturing Processes”,
10.2. Design and application of typical jigs and fixtures Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
1. Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and
Technology”, Addison Wesley Longman (Singapore) P. Ltd.
2. Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, “Manufacturing Processes for Engineering
Materials”, Pearson Education, Fourth Edition.
3. J. A. Schey, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, McGraw Hill.
4. L. E. Doyleetal, “Manufacturing Processes and Materials for Engineers”, Prentice
5. M. C. Shaw, “Metal Cutting Principles”, Oxford University Press.
INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 5.2 Force Deflection Transducers
ME 553 5.3 Variable Resistance and sliding Contact Devices
Lecture : 3 Year : II 5.4 Resistance Gages
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 5.5 Thermistors and Thermocouples
Practical : 1.5 5.6 Variable Inductance Transducers; Differential transformers
5.7 Variable Reluctance Transducers
Course Objective: 5.8 Variable Capacitive Transducers
5.9 Piezoelectric Transducers
To make students familiar with mechanical measurement system. To model and
5.10 Photoelectric Transducers
analyze the response of different sensors and systems.
6. Strain Gage (8 hours)
1. Fundamentals of Measurement (3 hours)
6.1 Introduction to Strain Measurement
1.1 Fundamental Methods of Measurements
6.2 Electrical Type Strain Gages: Unbonded and Bonded
1.2 The Generalized Measurement System
6.3 Metallic Resistance Strain Gage: Characteristics, Selection and Installation
1.3 Calibration Concepts
6.4 Strain Gage Ballast and Bridge Circuit
1.4 Measurement Errors
6.5 Constant Current and Constant Voltage Strain Gage Circuit
6.6 Semiconductor and Piezoresistive Gages
2. Time Dependent Properties of Signal (3 hours)
6.7 Orientation of Gages in a Bridge: Temperature Compensation and Sensitivity
2.1 Types of Measurement Signals
to Shear Stress
2.2 Harmonic Signals
2.3 Periodic Signals and Fourier Series Representation
7. Common Mechanical Measurement System and Transducers (9 hours)
2.4 Determination of Fourier Coefficients: Analytical, Numerical and FFT
7.1 Force, Moment and Torque Measurement: Elastic transducers, Strain Gage
Load Cells, Piezoelectric Load Cells, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems,
Dynamometers, Combined Force and Moment Measurements
3. Static Characteristics of Measurement System (4 hours)
7.2 Pressure Measurement: Static and Dynamic Pressure Measurement Systems,
3.1 Introduction
Pressure Transducers Types, Measurement of Low Pressure, Measurement of
3.2 Accuracy and Precision, Tolerance, Range or Span, Linearity, Sensitivity of
High Pressure, Acoustical Measurement
measurement, Threshold, Resolution, Sensitivity to disturbance, Hysteresis
7.3 Measurement of Fluid Flow: Obstruction Meters for Incompressible and
effects, Dead space
Compressible Fluids, Variable Area Flow Meter, Measurement of Fluid
velocities, Pressure Probes
4. Dynamic Response of Measurement System (10 hours)
7.4 Temperature Measurement: Use of Bimaterials, Pressure Thermometer,
4.1 Introduction: Amplitude Response, Frequency and Phase Response, Rise Time
Thermoelectric Thermometry, Thermoresistive Elements, Thermocouples and
and Delay
Circuitry, Linear Quartz Thermometer, Pyrometry
4.2 Mathematical Modeling of Measurement Systems: Zero order, First Order and
Second Order System
4.3 Characteristics and Response of Zero Order System
4.4 Characteristics and Response of First Order System: Time Constant; Step, 1. Fourier Analysis of Signals
Ramp and Harmonic Response 2. Response of Zero Order, First Order and Second Order Systems
4.5 Characteristics and Response of Second Order System: Natural Frequency and 3. Variable Inductance and Variable Capacitive Transducers
Damping Ratio; Step, Ramp and Harmonic Response 4. Strain Gage
4.6 Physical Examples of Zero Order, First Order and Second Order Systems 5. Experiment on Force, Torque, and Pressure Measurement
6. Experiment on Fluid Flow and Temperature Measurement
5. Sensors (8 hours)
5.1 Classification of Transducers References:
1. E. O. Doeblien , “ Measurement Systems: Application and Design”, Mc Graw Hill. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS
2. T. G. Beck, N. L. Buck and R. D. Marangoni, “Mechanical Measurements”, Addison AM 551
Wesley. Lecture: 4 Year: II
3. A. S. Morris, “Measurement and Instrumentation Principles”, Butterworth-Heinemann Tutorial: 1 Part: II
Practical: 1.5
Evaluation Scheme:
Course objectives
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
To understand the stresses and strains developed in bars, compounds bars, beams,
be as indicated in the table below:
shafts, cylinders and spheres and design basic components of machines.
Unit Chapter Topics Marks Course outline
1 1, 2 & 3 all 16 1. Introduction (2 hours)
2 4 all 16 1.1 Classification of mechanics of materials
3 5 all 16 1.2 External and internal forces, rigid body and deformable solid
4 6 all 16 1.3 Assumptions in mechanics of solids
5 7 all 16 1.4 Types of loading
Total 80
2. Simple stresses and strains (2 hours)
2.1 Concept and types of stress and strain
2.2 Elasticity and Hooke’s law, Poisson’s ratio
2.3 Elastic constants (Young’s modulus, shear modulus and bulk modulus) and
their relationship
2.4 Stress strain diagram for ductile and brittle materials
2.5 Ultimate stress, allowable stress and factor of safety
2.6 Generalised Hooke’s law
4. Torsion (6 hours)
4.1 Theory of pure torsion and its assumptions
4.2 Torsion moment diagram and torsional stress and twist angle variation
4.3 Torsion of hollow and circular shaft
4.3.1 Comparison between hollow and solid shaft by strength and weight
4.3.2 Shafts in series and parallel
4.4 Statically indeterminate shaft 11. Deflection of beams (8 hours)
4.5 Torsion of noncircular solid members and thin-walled tubular members 11.1 Deformation of a beam under transverse loading
4.6 Composite shafts 11.2 General differential equation of the elastic curve
11.3 Slope and deflection of loaded members
5. Bending stresses in beams (6 hours) 11.4 Double integration method
5.1 Theory of pure bending and its assumptions 11.5 Moment area method
5.2 Bending stresses in symmetrical sections and unsymmetrical sections
5.3 Beams with composite sections 12. Columns and struts (2 hours)
12.1 Definition: column and strut, slenderness ratio, buckling factor, buckling load
6. Unsymmetrical bending and shear center (6 hours) 12.2 Strength of column
6.1 Stress in unsymmetrical bending 12.3 Classification of columns
6.2 Deflection of beams in unsymmetrical bending 12.4 End conditions and effective length of a column
6.3 Eccentric tension and compression 12.5 Euler’s theory of long columns: assumptions, derivations and limitations
6.4 Shear centre 12.6 Design of column under central and eccentric loading
6.5 Determination of shear centre for C, I & L sections and box beams
13. Thin cylinders, shells and thick cylinders (4 hours)
7. Shear stresses in beams (4 hours) 13.1 Stresses and strains in thin cylindrical and spherical shell due to internal
7.1 Shear stress at a section pressure
7.2 Shear stress in a beam 13.2 Circumferential, radial and longitudinal stresses and strains in thin cylinder
7.3 Relationship between shear force and shear stress in a beam 13.3 Circumferential, radial and longitudinal stresses and strains in thick cylinder
7.4 Distribution of shear stress in common beam sections 13.4 Shrink fit and compound cylinder
Evaluation scheme 2. Overview of thermodynamics of fuel-air cycles and real cycles (5 hours)
2.1 Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Atkinson cycle, Stirling cycle, Brayton cycle.
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as 2.2 Assumptions in fuel air cycle analysis
indicated in the table below: 2.3 Composition of cylinder gases
2.4 Related numerical problems on fuel air cycles
Unit Chapter Topics Marks
1, 13, 14 3 Engine Construction and operation (8 hours)
1 & 15 all 16
3.1 Classification of automotive engines
2 2, 3 & 4 all 16 3.2 Operation of four stroke and two stroke engines
3 5&6 all 16 3.3 Construction and working principle of SI and CI engines
4 7, 8 & 9 all 16 3.4 Major engine components: Cylinder head, cylinder block, crankcase,
10, 11 & piston, crankshaft, connecting rod, flywheel etc.
5 12 all 16
3.5 Valve mechanism and valve timing diagram
Total 80
* There may be minor deviation in mark distribution
4 Engine Fuels (5 hours)
4.1 Basic requirements of engine fuels
4.2 Chemical structure of petroleum
4.3 Heat value of fuels.
4.4 Combustion equation for hydrocarbon fuels
4.5 Properties and ratings of petrol and diesel fuels
5 Fuel system in SI engine (8 hours)
5.1 Components of carbureted fuel system 9 Engine cooling system (5 hours)
5.2 Construction, working principle and types of carburetor 9.1 Air and water cooling systems
5.3 Systems of carburetor 9.2 Working principles of air and water cooling systems
5.4 Fuel pump, fuel filter, air filter 9.3 Variation of gas temperatures
5.5 Petrol injection system 9.4 Components of water cooling system
5.6 Electronic Fuel Injection systems (EFI)
5.7 Multi-point fuel injection system (MPFI) 10 Engine performance and testing of engines (8 hours)
10.1 Performance parameters
6 Fuel system in CI engine (6 hours) 10.2 Engine power, BHP, Fuel consumption, Air consumption
6.1 Components of diesel fuel system 10.3 Engine heat balance sheet
6.2 Operation of fuel feed pump, fuel injection pump and injection nozzle 10.4 Mechanical efficiency
6.3 Types of fuel injection pump 10.5 Engine efficiencies
6.4 Types of fuel injector 10.6 Engine emissions and emission standards
6.5 Governor, types and its working 10.7 Engine emissions control systems
6.7 Electronic diesel control system (EDC) Practical:
6.8 Common rail direct injection system (CRDI) 1. Engine dismantling and engine assembly: SI and CI engines.
2. Identification of engine components and checking them for defects.
6.9 Combustion chamber of diesel engines 3. Carburetor and fuel pump dismantling and assembling, identification of components and
6.10 Turbo charging and super charging checking them for defect.
4. Fuel injection pump dismantling and assembling, identification of components and
7 Ignition systems (8 hours) calibration.
7.1 Components and function of ignition system 5. Injector dismantling and assembling, identification of components and testing.
7.2 Types of ignition system 6. Lubrication system component identification and testing.
7. Cooling system component identification and testing.
7.3 Battery point ignition system
8. Ignition system component identification and testing.
7.4 Distributor and Ignition timing 9. EFI components identification and testing.
7.5 Ignition advance mechanism 10. CRDI components identification and testing.
7.6 Magneto ignition system
7.7 Electronic ignition system References:
7.8 Capacitive discharge ignition system 1. Heywood, J. B, “Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill Publishing
7.9 Distributor less ignition system Co., New York.
2. Sharma, S. P, Chandramohan, “Fuels and Combustion”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
8 Engine lubrication systems (5 hours) 3. Mathur and Sharma, “A course on Internal combustion Engines”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
8.1 Engine lubrication system and its types 4. Pulkrabek, W. W., “Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine”,
8.2 Hydrodynamic theory of lubrication Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.
8.3 Properties of lubricants 5. Prof. P.L. Ballaney, “Internal Combustion Engines”, Khanna Publications, Delhi, India.
8.4 Types of lubricants and additives 6. R.K. Mohanty, “A Text Book of Internal Combustion Engines”, Standard Book House,
8.5 Grading of lubricating oils Delhi, India.
7 Crouse and Anglin, “Automotive Mechanics”, Mc graw hill education NUMERICAL METHODS
8 P.S. Gill, “Automobile Engineering”, Kataria publication SH603
9 V. M. Domkundwar, “Internal combustion Engine”, Dhanpat rai publication
Lecture : 3 Year : III
Tutorial : 1 Part : I
Evaluation Scheme: Practical : 3
There will be questions covering all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme for
the questions will be as indicated in the table below: Course objective:
To introduce numerical methods used for the solution of engineering problems. The
course emphasizes algorithm development and programming and application to
Unit Chapter Topics Marks realistic engineering problems.
1 2&3 all 16
2 4&5 all 16 1. Introduction, Approximation and errors of computation (4hours)
3 6&7 all 16 1.1. Introduction, Importance of Numerical Methods
1.2. Approximation and Errors in computation
4 8&9 all 16 1.3. Taylor's series
5 1 & 10 all 16 1.4. Newton's Finite differences (forward , Backward, central difference, divided
Total 80 difference)
* There may be minor deviation in mark distribution 1.5. Difference operators, shift operators, differential operators
1.6. Uses and Importance of Computer programming in Numerical Methods.
4. Interpolation (8 hours)
4.1. Newton's Interpolation ( forward, backward)
4.2. Central difference interpolation: Stirling's Formula, Bessel's Formula
4.3. Lagrange interpolation
4.4. Least square method of fitting linear and nonlinear curve for discrete data and
continuous function
4.5. Spline Interpolation (Cubic Spline)
5. Numerical Differentiation and Integration (6 hours) 5. JAAN KIUSALAAS , "Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB" ,
5.1. Numerical Differentiation formulae Cambridge Publication
5.2. Maxima and minima
5.3. Newton-Cote general quadrature formula
5.4. Trapezoidal, Simpson's 1/3, 3/8 rule
5.5. Romberg integration
Evaluation scheme:
5.6. Gaussian integration ( Gaussian – Legendre Formula 2 point and 3 point)
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
6. Solution of ordinary differential equations (6 hours) be as indicated in the table below
6.1. Euler's and modified Euler's method
6.2. Runge Kutta methods for 1st and 2nd order ordinary differential equations Unit Chapter Topics Marks
6.3. Solution of boundary value problem by finite difference method and shooting 1 1&2 all 16
method. 2 3 all 16
3 4 all 16
7. Numerical solution of Partial differential Equation (8 hours) 5 all
7.1. Classification of partial differential equation(Elliptic, parabolic, and Hyperbolic) 4 16
6 6.1, 6.2
7.2. Solution of Laplace equation ( standard five point formula with iterative method)
7.3. Solution of Poisson equation (finite difference approximation) 6 6.3
5 16
7.4. Solution of Elliptic equation by Relaxation Method 7 all
7.5. Solution of one dimensional Heat equation by Schmidt method Total 80
Algorithm and program development in C programming language of following:
1. Generate difference table.
2. At least two from Bisection method, Newton Raphson method, Secant method
3. At least one from Gauss elimination method or Gauss Jordan method. Finding largest
Eigen value and corresponding vector by Power method.
4. Lagrange interpolation. Curve fitting by Least square method.
5. Differentiation by Newton's finite difference method. Integration using Simpson's 3/8
6. Solution of 1st order differential equation using RK-4 method
7. Partial differential equation (Laplace equation)
8. Numerical solutions using Matlab.
1. Dr. B.S.Grewal, "Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science ", Khanna
2. Robert J schilling, Sandra l harries , " Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers using
MATLAB and C.", Thomson Brooks/cole.
3. Richard L. Burden, J.Douglas Faires, "Numerical Analysis", Thomson / Brooks/cole
4. John. H. Mathews, Kurtis Fink ,"Numerical Methods Using MATLAB" ,Prentice Hall
CONTROL SYSTEM 4.4 R-H stability criterion
EE602 4.5 Relative stability from complex plane axis shifting
Theory : 3 Year : III
Tutorial : 1 Part : I 5. Root Locus Technique (7 hours)
Practical : 3/2 5.1 Introduction of root locus
5.2 Relationship between root loci and time response of systems
Course Objectives: 5.3 Rules for manual calculation and construction of root locus
To present the basic concepts on analysis and design of control system and to apply 5.4 Analysis and design using root locus concept
these concepts to typical physical processes. 5.5 Stability analysis using R-H criteria
1. Control System Background (2 hours)
1.1 History of control system and its importance 6. Frequency Response Techniques (6 hours)
6.1 Frequency domain characterization of the system
1.2 Control system: Characteristics and Basic features
6.2 Relationship between real and complex frequency response
1.3 Types of control system and their comparison
6.3 Bode Plots: Magnitude and phase
6.4 Effects of gain and time constant on Bode diagram
2. Component Modeling (6 hours)
2.1 Differential equation and transfer function notations 6.5 Stability from Bode diagram (gain margin and phase margin)
2.2 Modeling of Mechanical Components: Mass, spring and damper 6.6 Polar Plot and Nyquist Plot
2.3 Modeling of Electrical components: Inductance, Capacitance, Resistance, DC and 6.7 Stability analysis from Polar and Nyquist plot
AC motor, Transducers and operational amplifiers
2.4 Electric circuit analogies (force-voltage analogy and force- current analogy) 7. Performance Specifications and Compensation Design (10 hours)
7.1 Time domain specification
2.5 Linearized approximations of non-linear characteristics
7.1.1 Rise time, Peak time, Delay time, settling time and maximum overshoot
7.1.2 Static error co-efficient
3. System Transfer Function and Responses (6 hours)
3.1 Combinations of components to physical systems 7.2 Frequency domain specification
3.2 Block diagram algebra and system reduction 7.2.1 Gain margin and phase margin
3.3 Signal flow graphs 7.3 Application of Root locus and frequency response on control system design
3.4 Time response analysis: 7.4 Lead, Lag cascade compensation design by Root locus method.
3.4.1 Types of test signals (Impulse, step, ramp, parabolic) 7.5 Lead, Lag cascade compensation design by Bode plot method.
3.4.2 Time response analysis of first order system 7.6 PID controllers
3.4.3 Time response analysis of second order system
3.4.4 Transient response characteristics 8. State Space Analysis (4 hours)
8.1 Definition of state -space
3.5 Effect of feedback on steady state gain, bandwidth, error magnitude and system
8.2 State space representation of electrical and mechanical system
8.3 Conversion from state space to a transfer function.
8.4 Conversion from transfer function to state space.
4. Stability (4 hours)
4.1 Introduction of stability and causes of instability 8.5 State-transition matrix.
4.2 Characteristic equation, root location and stability
4.3 Setting loop gain using Routh-Hurwitz criterion Practical:
1. To study open loop and closed mode for d.c motor and familiarization with different ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT
components in D.C motor control module. ME601
2. To determine gain and transfer function of different control system components.
Lecture : 3 Year : III
3. To study effects of feedback on gain and time constant for closed loop speed control
Tutorial : 2 Part : I
system and position control system. Practical : 0
4. To determine frequency response of first order and second order system and to get
transfer function. Course Objective:
5. Simulation of closed loop speed control system and position control system and To give knowledge about organizational management and internal organization of
verification companies required for managing an enterprise. Also to make familiar with personnel
management, case study, management information system motivation and leadership for
References: developing managerial skills.
1. Ogata, K., “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, Latest Edition
1. Introduction
2. Gopal. M., “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Latest
1.1 Organization (2 hours)
Edition. 1.1.1 System approach applied to Organization
3. Kuo, B.C., “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, sixth edition. 1.1.2 Necessity of Organization
4. Nagrath & Gopal, “Modern Control Engineering”, New Ages International, Latest 1.1.3 Principles of Organization
Edition 1.1.4 Formal and Informal Organizations
1.2 Management (4 hours)
Evaluation scheme: 1.2.1 Functions of Management
The question will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will 1.2.2 Levels of Management
be as indicated in the table below: 1.2.3 Managerial Skills
1.2.4 Importance of Management
1.2.5 Models of Management
Unit Chapter Topics Marks 1.3 Theory of Management (6 hours)
1 1, 2 all 16 1.3.1 Scientific Management Approach
2 3, 4 all 16 1.3.2 Administrative Management Approach
3 5 all 16 1.3.3 Behavioral Management Approach
4 6, 8 all 16 1.3.4 Modern Management Theories
5 7 all 16 1.4 Forms of Ownership (2 hours)
1.4.1 Single Ownership – Advantages and limitations
Total 80
1.4.2 Partnership – Types of Partners – Advantages and limitations
1.4.3 Joint Stock Company – Formation of Joint Stock Company – Advantages
and limitations
1.4.4 Co – operative Societies – Types of Co – operatives – Advantages and
1.4.5 Public Corporations – Advantages and limitations
1.5.4 Committee Organization – Advantages and disadvantages 3.1.7 Entrepreneurial Characteristics
3.1.8 Need for Promotion of Entrepreneurship
1.6 Purchasing and Marketing Management (4 hours) 3.1.9 Steps for establishing small scale unit
1.6.1 Purchasing – Introduction
1.6.2 Functions of Purchasing Department 4. Case Studies (2 hours)
1.6.3 Methods of Purchasing 4.1 Introduction
1.6.4 Marketing – Introduction 4.2 Objectives of case study
1.6.5 Functions of Marketing 4.3 Phases of case study
1.6.6 Advertising 4.4 Steps of case study
4.5 Types of case studies
2. Personnel Management (8 hours)
2.1 Introduction 5. Management Information System (5 hours)
2.2 Functions of Personnel Management 5.1 Data and Information
2.3 Development of Personnel Policy 5.2 Need, function and Importance of MIS
2.4 Manpower Planning 5.3 Evolution of MIS
2.5 Recruitment and Selection of manpower – Scientific selection 5.4 Organizational Structure and MIS
2.6 Training and Development of manpower 5.5 Computers and MIS
2.7 Job Analysis, Job Evaluation and Merit Rating 5.6 Classification of Information Systems
2.8 Wages and Incentives 5.7 Information Support for functional areas of management
5.8 Organizing Information Systems
3. Motivation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship ( 6 hours) Note: Students have to submit a case study report after visiting an industrial organization.
3.1 Motivation
3.1.1 Human needs Reference:
3.1.2 Motivation – Introduction 1. H. B. Maynard, “Industrial Engineering Handbook” , Editor – in – Chief, McGraw Hill.
3.1.3 Types of Motivation 2. E. S. Buffa and R. K. Sarin “Modern Production / Operations Management”, 8th Edition,
3.1.4 Attitude Motivation; Group Motivation; Executive Motivation Wiley.
3.1.5 Techniques of Motivation 3. H. J. Arnold and D. C. Feldman “Organizational Behavior” , McGraw – Hill.
3.1.6 Motivation Theories 4. J. A. Senn, “Information Systems in Management ” , Wadsworth Inc.
3.1.7 Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs 5. P. Hershey and K. H. Blanchard, “Management of Organizational Behavior – Utilizing McGregor’s Theory X - Y Human Resources ”, Prentice – Hall Inc. Fear and Punishment Theory 6. M. Mahajan, “Industrial Engineering and production Management” ,Dhanpat Rai and Alderfer’s ERG Theory Co. (P) Ltd. , Delhi. MacClelland’s Theory of learned needs 7. S. Sadagopan, “Management Information System”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. Herzberg’s Hygiene Maintenance Theory 8. C. B. Mamoria “Personnel Management”, Himalaya Publishing House.. Vroom’s Expectancy/ Valency Theory 9. O. P. Khanna, “Industrial Engineering and Management”,Dhanpat Rai Pub. (P) Ltd.
3.2 Leadership - Introduction (2hours) 10. S. K. Joshi, “Organization and Management”, IOE, Pulchowk Campus.
3.1.1 Qualities of a good Leader
3.1.2 Leadership Style Evaluation Scheme:
3.1.3 Blakes and Mouton’s Managerial Grid The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
3.1.4 Leadership Approach be as indicated in the table below:
3.1.5 Leadership Theories Unit Chapter Topics Marks
3.3 Entrepreneurship – Introduction (2 hours)
1 1 1.2 & 1.3 16
3.1.6 Entrepreneurship Development
2 1 1.1, 1.4 & 1.5 16
3 2 all 16
4 3 all 16
5 4&5 all 16
Total 80
AUTOMOBILE COMPONENT DESIGN I 2.1.2 Design of double and triple riveted butt joints
AM 601 2.1.3 Design of circumferential joints and longitudinal butt joints
Lecture : 3 Year : III 2.2 Design of welded joints
Tutorial : 1 Part : I 2.2.1 Types of welded joints, stresses in welded joints
Practical : 3 2.2.2 Design for various loading conditions: direct load, torsion, shear
2.3 Design of threaded joints, gib-cotter, knuckle joint, key joint
Course objective
To develop fundamental knowledge and skills in design of major automobile
components. 3. Design of shaft and axle (9 hours)
3.1 Fatigue failure
Course outline 3.1.1 Stress concentration effects
1. Design consideration (10 hours) 3.1.2 Fatigue failure criteria for fluctuating stress
1.1 Definition and types of design 3.1.3 Combination of loading modes
1.2 Design process 3.2 Design of shafts
1.2.1 Recognition of need 3.2.1 Shaft design for strength
1.2.2 Definition of the problem 3.2.2 Design of shaft for rigidity and stiffness
1.2.3 Gathering relevant information, functional requirements 3.2.3 Propeller shaft
1.2.4 Conceptualization 3.3 Axle design: Front axle beam, steering knuckle, king pin, rear axle (drive axle)
1.2.5 Evaluating alternatives tube
1.2.6 Communication
1.2.7 Feedback from manufacturer and user 4. Rolling contact bearings (5 hours)
1.3 Morphology of design 4.1 Types of rolling contact bearings, bearing life, bearing load
1.3.1 Feasibility studies 4.2 Selection of ball and straight roller bearing
1.3.2 Preliminary design, detailed design and analysis 4.3 Selection of tapered roller bearings
1.3.3 Planning for manufacture, distribution, use and retirement 4.4 Lubrication and mounting of bearings
1.4 Materials selection
1.4.1 Information on materials properties, economics of materials 5. Design of spur gear (6 hours)
1.4.2 Evaluation methods for materials selection 5.1 Gear train, force analysis and tooth stresses
1.4.3 Cost versus performance relations and value analysis 5.2 Stress concentration and geometry factor
1.5 Problem solving and decision making 5.3 Dynamics effects, estimating gear size, fatigue strength design
1.5.1 Problem solving process 5.4 Factor of safety and surface durability, surface fatigue strength
1.5.2 Creative problem solving, invention, brainstorming
1.5.3 Problem statement: needs, goals, constraints, compromises,
6. Helical, bevel and worm gear design (6 hours)
conditions, criteria for evaluation
1.5.4 Problem solving: preparation, incubation, inspiration and verification 6.1 Helical gears: tooth proportion, force analysis, strength analysis
1.5.5 Decision matrix, decision tree 6.2 Bevel gears: force analysis, strength analysis
6.3 Worm gearing: force analysis
2. Design of fasteners (9 hours) 6.4 Final drive and differential
2.1 Design of riveted joints 6.4.1 Force analysis of spiral bevel gear
2.1.1 Types of riveted joints 6.4.2 Force analysis of hypoid gear
Unit Chapter Topics Marks
1 1 Except 1.4 16
1. Product history (design) development (3 hours) 2 2 All 16
A problem related to course content including design process, material selection 3 3 All 16
and decision making process of a product shall be assigned. 4 4 and 5 All 16
2. Product Development (9 hours)
5 1.4 and 6 All 16
Design of a device to solve a particular problem (with 4 alternatives and one
detail design) shall be assigned. Total 80
3. Production Drawing (6 hours)
A problem related to production drawings including geometric tolerance, fit and
tolerance, dimensioning, surface finish, welds, threads, fasteners, bearings,
couplings, shaft, gears and other hardware shall be assigned.
4. Design of joints (6 hours)
A practical problem related to riveted joints, welding, threaded joints and
coupling shall be assigned.
5. Design of speed reducer (12 hours)
A problem shall be assigned to analyze and solve the practical problems
including design of gears, design of shafts, selection of bearings, keys and so
on. The solution should contain calculation of gear ratios, force analysis, gear
specifications, shaft layout, bearings and key selection.
1. G.E. Dieter, “Engineering Design- a Materials Processing Approach”, McGraw Hill.
2. V.B. Bhandari, “Design of Machine Elements”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications
3. M. F. Spotts, “Design of Machine Elements”, Prentice Hall.
4. R.G. Budynas and J. K. Nisbett, “Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design”, McGraw
Evaluation scheme
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as
indicated in the table below:
AUTOMOBILE CHASSIS 2.5.4 Troubleshooting and remedies
AM 602 2.6 Axle
Lecture: 4 Year: III 2.6.1 Purpose, functions, operation and types
Tutorial: 0 Part: II 2.6.2 Troubleshooting and remedies
Practical: 3 3 Brake system (12 hours)
3.1 Purpose, components and functions
Course objectives:
3.2 Braking distance and stopping distance
To make students able to understand purpose, functions and operations of main 3.3 Types: mechanical, hydraulic, servo, air assisted hydraulic, pneumatic, exhaust
components, troubleshooting and remedies of an automobile chassis. brake and anti-lock braking system (ABS)
3.4 Disc brakes: components and operation
Course outline: 3.5 Drum brakes: components and operation
1. Introduction (2 hours) 3.6 Brake oil
3.7 Troubleshooting and remedies
1.1 Introduction to chassis 4 Steering system (10 hours)
1.2 Types of chassis layouts 4.1 Purpose, components and functions
1.3 Types of frames 4.2 Types: manual and powered steering
1.4 Front wheel and rear wheel drive 4.3 Steering gear box and types
1.5 Chassis lubrication 4.4 Lubrication
2. Power train (20 hours) 4.5 Power steering: hydraulic, pneumatic and electric
4.6 Steering geometry
2.1 Clutch system 4.7 Troubleshooting and remedies
2.1.1 Purpose, functions, operation and types
2.1.2 Troubleshooting and remedies 5 Suspension system (4 hours)
2.2 Gear box 5.1 Purpose, components and functions
2.2.1 Purpose, functions and operation 5.2 Types: dependent and independent
2.2.2 Manual (sliding mesh, constant mesh, synchro mesh) gear box 5.3 Troubleshooting and remedies
2.2.3 Epicyclic gear box
2.2.4 Fluid coupling and torque converter 6 Wheel and tires (12 hours)
2.2.5 Automatic gear box 6.1 Purpose and functions
2.2.6 Over drive 6.2 Wheels, wheel dimension and its types
2.2.7 Gear box lubrication 6.3 Types of tire and its specification
2.2.8 Troubleshooting and remedies 6.4 Factors affecting tire life
2.3 Transfer case 6.5 Tire pressure
2.3.1 Purpose, functions and operation 6.6 Tire rotation, tire changing
2.3.2 Drive: high and low speed 6.7 Wheel alignment, wheel balancing
2.3.3 Troubleshooting and remedies 6.8 Troubleshooting and remedies
2.4 Universal joint and propeller shaft
2.4.1 Purpose and functions Practical:
2.4.2 Types of propeller shaft 1. Clutch & Gear Box [9 hours]
2.4.3 Troubleshooting and remedies Types, main parts, dismantling, identification and assembling of components of
2.5 Final drive clutch, gear box, transfer case, checking condition of clutch plate, pressure plate,
2.5.1 Purpose, functions and operation release bearing gear teeth, synchronizer ring.
2.5.2 Differential: components, working, differential lock and lubrication 2. Propeller shaft, final drive, differential & axle shaft [6 hours]
2.5.3 Back-lash setting
Main parts, types, dismantling, identification and assembling of main parts THEORY OF MECHANISM AND MACHINE
of differential, checking of propeller shaft, universal joint, final drive, back
lash setting & axle shaft. AM 603
3. Brakes [9 hours] Lecture: 3 Year: III
Types, main parts, identification of parts, assembling of components, Tutorial: 2 Part: I
checking the condition of master cylinder, servo brake, brake drum, disc, Practical: 1.5
wheel cylinder, pipe lines, pneumatic mechanism, anti lock brake
mechanism Course objective:
4. Steering system [3 hours] To make student understand about different mechanism used in devices or machines
Types, main parts, steering gear box, dismantle identification and assemble and make them able to do complete analysis of mechanism (including linkage,
power steering mechanism, dismantling and identification of parts. gears, gear trains, cam and followers). To provide the students with basic concept of
5. Suspension system [3 hours] dynamics response analysis of mechanism and their vibratory response.
Types, main parts, dismantling, identification of parts, assemble, checking
the condition Course outline:
6. Wheel & tire [6 hours] 1. Introduction to linkage and mechanisms (4 hours)
Main parts, dismantle, identification, assembling, wheel alignments, wheel 1.1. Introduction to the study of mechanism, mobility, degree of freedom
balancing. 1.2. Mechanism configuration, linkages, chains, inversions
1.3. Introduction to different mechanism: slider crank, scotch yoke, quick return,
toggle, Oldham coupling & Hooke’s coupling, straight line, chamber wheel,
1. William H Crouse, Donald L Anglin, “Automotive Mechanics” constant velocity universal joint, intermittent motion, mechanical
2. Kripal Singh Automobile Vol. 1, 2, “Automobile Engineering” compounding
3. P.S. Gill, “Automobile Engineering”, Kataria publication 1.4. Position analysis of four bar and slider crank mechanism
1.5. Four bar linkage motion and Grashoff’s law
Evaluation scheme:
1.6. Linkage position analysis; loop closure equipment & iterative methods
There will be question covering with chapter of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme 1.7. Synthesis concepts
will be as indicated in the table below.
2. Kinematics analysis of mechanisms (5 hours)
Unit Chapter Topics Marks* 2.1. General plane motion representation.
2.2. Relative motion using velocity polygon: graphical and vector algebra solution
1 1&4 all 16 2.3. Instantaneous centre of velocity and Kennedy’s theorem
2.4. Relative motion using acceleration polygon: graphical and vector algebra
2 2 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3 16 solution, Coriolis acceleration
2.5. Motion analysis by vector mathematics: velocity analysis, acceleration
3 2 2.4, 2.5 & 2.6 16 analysis, Coriolis acceleration
8.8. Vibration of continuous system: lateral vibration in string, longitudinal
4. Gear and gear trains (8 hours) vibration in rod, torsional oscillation in circular shaft, lateral vibration in
4.1. Introduction and classification of gears beams
4.2. Geometry of involute gears: spur, bevel, helical and worm 8.9. Vibration absorber
4.3. Characteristics of involute tooth action
4.4. Interference of involute gears and number of teeth to avoid interference Practical:
4.5. Non-standard spur gears representing extended centre distance system 1. Experiment on gyroscope
4.6. Gear train: introduction and classification 2. Balancing of rotating mass
4.7. Theory and assembly: planetary gear and differential gear 3. Experiment on spring mass system
4.8. Speed ratios: formula and tabular method for spur and bevel gears 4. Response of different types of governors
5. Whirling of a rotating shaft
5. Force analysis of mechanisms (6 hours) 6. Experiment on universal vibration apparatus
5.1. Centrifugal force, inertia force and inertia torque
5.2. Methods of force analysis References:
5.3. Force analysis of four bar and slider crank mechanism, piston and connecting 1. B. PaiSI, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Planar Machinery”, Prentice Hall
rod 2. C. E. Wison, J. P. Sadler and W. J. Michels, “Kinematics and Dynamics of
5.4. Force analysis on gear teeth: spur, bevel and helical gears Machinery”, Harper Row
5.5. Force analysis on cams & followers 3. H.H. Mabie and C. F. Reinholtz, Wiley “Mechanism and Dynamics of Machinery”
5.6. Superposition force analysis: graphical and analytical methods 4. J.E.Shigley and J.J. Uicker, “Theory of Mechanics and Mechanism”, , Jr. Mc Graw
6. Gyroscopic effect, flywheel and governors (4 hours) 5. J.S. Rao & R.V. Dukkipati “Mechanism and Machine Theory”
6.1. Gyroscopic couples and its application 6. S. S Rao, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Addition Wasley.
6.2. Stability of a two wheel and four wheel vehicles 7. S.G. Kelly, ‘‘Fundamental of Mechanical Vibrations”, Mc Graw Hill.
6.3. Turning moment diagram and flywheel sizing 8. S.S. Rattan, “Theory of machines”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New
6.4. Governors: types, functions and characteristics Delhi
9. Singh Sidhu; “Kinematics of Machines/Dynamics of Machines”.
7. Dynamic balancing (4 hours) 10. W.T. Thomson, “Theory of Vibration with applications”, Prentice Hall.
7.1. Balancing of rotating mass
7.2. Balancing of reciprocating mass Evaluation scheme
7.3. Balancing of multi cylinder engine: in-line, V-type, opposed and radial
configuration The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as
7.4. Balancing of four bar linkage indicated in the table below:
7.5. Types of balancing machine
Unit Chapter Topics Marks
8. Vibrations (10 hours)
1 1&2 all 16
8.1. Introduction to vibration
8.2. Element of vibrating systems 2 3&5 all 16
8.3. Vibration of single degree of freedom: undamped, damped and forced with 3 4 all 16
examples 4 6&7 all 16
8.4. Vibration due to unbalance 5 8 all 16
8.5. Whirling of rotating shaft
Total 80
8.6. Vibration isolation and force transmissibility
8.7. Vibration of multi degree of freedom: undamped, damped and forced * There may be minor deviation in mark distribution
COMMUNICATION ENGLISH Unit II: Introduction to technical writing process and meeting (4 hours)
1. Editing, MLA/APA (2 hours)
1.1. Composing and editing strategies
Lecture : 3 Year: III
1.2. MLA and APA comparison
Tutorial : 1 Part:II
Practical : 2 2. Writing notices with agenda and minutes (2 hours)
2.1. Introduction
Course Introduction 2.2. Purpose
2.3. Process
This course is designed for the students of engineering with the objective of
developing all four skills of communication applicable in professional field. Unit III: Writing Proposal (6 hours)
1. Introduction
Course Objectives: 1.1 Parts of the proposal
To make students able to: 1.1.1. Title page
a. comprehend reading materials both technical and semi-technical in nature 1.1.2. Abstract/Summary
b. develop grammatical competence 1.1.3 Statement of Problem
c. write notice, agenda, minutes 1.1.4. Rationale
d. write proposals 1.1.5. Objectives
e. write reports 1.1.6. Procedure/Methodology
f. write research articles 1.1.7. Cost estimate or Budget
g. listen and follow instruction, description and conversation in native speakers' accent 1.1.8. Time management/Schedule
h. do discussion in group, deliver talk and present brief oral reports 1.1.9. Summary
1.1.10. Conclusion
1.1.11. Evaluation or follow-up
Unit I: Reading (15 hours) 1.1.12. Works cited
1. Intensive Reading (8 hours)
1.1. Comprehension Unit IV: Reports (18hours)
1.2. Note-taking
1.3. Summary writing
1.1. Informal Reports (6 hours)
1.4. Contextual questions based on facts and imagination
1.1.1. Memo Report
1.5. Interpreting text Introduction
2. Extensive Reading (5 hours) Parts
2.1. Title/Topic Speculation 1.1.2. Letter Report
2.2. Finding theme Introduction
2.3. Sketching character Parts
1.2. Project/Field Report (3 hours)
3. Contextual Grammar (2 hours)
1.2.1. Introduction
3.1. Sequence of tense
1.2.2. Parts
3.2. Voice
1.3. Formal report (9 hours)
3.3. Subject-Verb agreement
1.3.1. Introduction
3.4. Conditional Sentences
1.3.2. Types of Formal Reports
3.5. Preposition Progress Report
58 Feasibility Report Activity Listening to recorded authentic description 4 hours Empirical/ Research Report I followed by exercises. Technical Report I (Equipment Required: Cassette player or
1.3.3. Parts and Components of Formal Report I laptop) Preliminary section Cover page Activity Listening to recorded authentic conversation 4 hours Letter of transmittal/Preface IV followed by exercises Title page (Equipment Required: Cassette player or Acknowledgements laptop) Table of Contents Unit II: Speaking 18 hours List of figures and tables Abstract/Executive summary Activity General instruction on effective speaking 2 hours Main Section I ensuring audience's attention, comprehension Introduction and efficient use of Audio-visual aids. Discussion/Body Summary/Conclusion (Equipment Required: Laptop, multimedia, Recommendations laser pointer, DVD, video, overhead Documentation projector, power point, screen) Notes (Contextual/foot notes) Activity Making students express their individual 2 hours Bibliography II views on the assigned topics Appendix (Equipment Required: Microphone, movie
Unit V: Writing Research Articles (2 hours) Activity Getting students to participate in group 4 hours
1.4. Introduction III discussion on the assigned topics
1.5. Procedures
Activity Making students deliver talk either 8 hours
Language lab 30 hours IV individually or in group on the assigned topics
Unit I: Listening 12 hours (Equipment Required: Overhead projector,
Activity General instruction on effective listening, 2 hours microphone, power point, laser pointer
I factors influencing listening, and note-taking multimedia, video camera, screen)
to ensure ttention. Activity Getting students to present their brief oral 2 hours
(Equipment Required: Laptop, multimedia, V reports individually on the topics of their
laser pointer, overhead projector, power point, choice.
DVD, video set, screen) (Equipment Required: Overhead projector,
Activity Listening to recorded authentic instruction 2 hours microphone, power point, laser pointer
II followed by exercises. multimedia, video camera, screen)
(Equipment Required: Cassette player or
Evaluation Scheme
Units Testing Items No. of Type of Questions Marks Distribution Total Remarks
Questions Marks
I Reading 3 For grammar = 2 Short questions 5+5 30 For short questions 2 to be done out of 3 from the seen passages, for interpretation
objective and for Interpretation of text 5 an unseen paragraph of about 75 words to be given, for note + summary an unseen
the rest = short Note + Summary 5+5 text of about 200to 250 to be given, for grammar 5 questions of fill up the gaps or
Grammar 5 transformation type to be given
II Introduction to 3 MLA/APA = MLA/APA = 4 14 For APA/MLA 4 questions to be given to transform one from another or 4
technical writing objective, Editing Editing = 5 questions asking to show citation according to APA/MLA technique, For meeting
process and and Meeting = Meeting = 5 minute alone or notice with agendas to be given
meeting short
III Proposal 1 Long 10 10 A question asking to write a very brief proposal on any technical topic to be given
IV Report writing 2 Informal report = Informal report = 6 16 A question asking to write very brief informal report on technical topic to be
short, Formal Formal report = 10 given, for formal report a question asking to write in detail on any three elements
report = long of a formal report on technical topic to be given
V Research article 1 Long 10 10 A question asking to write a brief research article on technical topic to be given
I Listening 2 objective 5+5 listening tape to be played on any two out of instruction, description and
conversation followed by 10multiple choice type or fill in the gaps type questions
• instruction
• description
• conversation
II Speaking 2 subjective Round table discussion 5, Different topics to be assigned in groups consisting of 8 members for group
talk or brief oral report discussion and to be judged individually, individual presentation to be judged
• group/round table =10 through either by talk on assigned topics or by brief oral reports based on their
discussion previous project, study and field visit.
• presenting brief oral
• delivering talk
Prescribed books
1. Adhikari, Usha, Yadav, Rajkumar, Yadav, Bijaya, ; " A Course book of Communicative AM 651
English", Trinity Publication, 2012.
2. Adhikari, Usha, Yadav, Rajkumar, Shrestha, Rup Narayan ; “Technical Communication Lecture: 4 Year: III
in English", Trinity Publication, 2012. Tutorial: 1 Part: II
(Note: 50 marks excluding reading to be covered on the basis of first book and
reading part (i.e. 30 marks) to be covered on the basis of second book) Practical: 3
3. Khanal, Ramnath, “Need-based Language Teaching (Analysis in Relation to Teaching Course objective
of English for Profession Oriented Learners)”, Kathmandu: D, Khanal. To develop fundamental knowledge and skills in design of major automobile
4. Konar, Nira, “Communication Skills for Professional”, PHI Learning Private components.
Limited, New Delhi.
5. Kumar, Ranjit, “Research Methodology”, Pearson Education. Course outline
6. Laxminarayan, K.R, “English for Technical Communication”, Chennai; 1. Design consideration (12 hours)
Scitech publications (India) Pvt. Ltd. 1.1 Modeling and simulation
7. Mishra, Sunita et. al. , “Communication Skills for Engineers”, Pearson Education First 1.1.1 Models: types, role in engineering design, mathematical modeling
Indian print. 1.1.2 Simulation: similitude, scale models, computer simulation, computer
8. Prasad, P. et. al , “The functional Aspects of Communication Skills”, S.K. Kataria &
generated geometric models
9. Rutherfoord, Andrea J. Ph.D, “Basic Communication Skills for 1.1.3 Finite element modeling and analysis
Technology”, Pearson Education Asia. 1.2 Optimization techniques
10. Rizvi, M. Ashraf), “Effective Technical Communication”, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 1.2.1 Optimization: differential calculus, search methods, multivariable search
11. Reinking A James et. al, “Strategies for Successful Writing: A rhetoric, research guide, methods
reader and handbook”, Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 1.2.2 Linear and geometric programming, multifactor objective functions
12. Sharma R.C. et al., “Business Correspondence and Report Writing: A Practical 1.3 Materials processing and design
Approach to Business and Technical communication”, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
1.3.1 Role of processing in design
13. Sharma, Sangeeta et. al, “Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists”, PHI
Learning Private Limited, New Delhi. 1.3.2 Manufacturing processes and relation to design: casting, forging, sheet
14. Taylor, Shirley et. al., “Model Business letters, E-mails & other Business metal forming, machining, powder metallurgy, welding, heat treatment,
documents”, Pearson Education. assembly
1.3.3 Other factors affecting the design process and material properties, type of
loading, stress concentrations, corrosion resistance, wear and abrasion
1.4 Risk, reliability and safety
1.4.1 Risk and society: regulations, standards, risk assessment
1.4.2 Probabilistic approach to design
1.4.3 Reliability theory, failure rates, system reliability
1.4.4 Design for reliability, hazard analysis, fault tree analysis
A problem related to production drawings including geometric tolerance, fit and INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT
tolerance, dimensioning, surface finish of the following automobile components
shall be assigned. ME652
a. Cylinder, cylinder head, piston, piston pin (6 hours)
b. Connecting rod, crank-shaft, (6 hours) Lecture : 3 Year : III
c. Cam-shaft, valves etc. (3 hours) Tutorial : 1 Part : II
d. Assemblies (3 hours) Practical : 0
2. I.C. engine component design
A problem shall be assigned to analyze and solve the practical problems of the Course Objective:
following components shall be assigned. To provide fundamental knowledge of industrial engineering. To describe production
a. Cylinder, cylinder head, piston, piston pin (3 hours) systems; loading and scheduling techniques; forecasting techniques, inventory control and
b. Connecting rod, crank-shaft, stud bolts (3 hours) material requirement planning. To apply knowledge and skills for plant maintenance, quality
c. Cam-shaft, valves, valve trains etc. (3 hours) control and management.
3. Design of automobile system
A practical problem related to following system shall be assigned.
a. Power screw (3 hours) 1. Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management (1hour)
b. Clutch, brake (6 hours) 1.1. Historical Development
c. Suspension, steering system. (6 hours)
References 1.2. System Concept
1. G.E. Dieter, “Engineering Design- a Materials Processing Approach”, McGraw Hill
2. V.B. Bhandari, “Design of Machine Elements”, McGraw Hill Publications 2. Design of Production Systems (18 hours)
3. M. F. Spotts, “Design of Machine Elements”, Prentice Hall 2.1 Plant Location
4. R .B. Patil “Transmission System Design”, TechMax Pub., Pune 2.1.1 Importance of Plant Location
5. R.G. Budynas and J. K. Nisbett, “Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design”, 2.1.2 Factors Affecting Plant Location
McGraw Hill 2.2 Factory Building and Plant Layout
6. R.S. Khurmi, and J. K. Gupta, “Text Book of Machine Design”, Eurasia Publishing
2.2.1 Types of Factory Building
House, New Delhi
7. V. Arkhangelsky, M. Khovakh, Y. Stepanov, V. Trusov, M. Vikhert, A. Voinov, 2.2.2 Types of Plant Layout
“Motor Vehicle Engines”, Mir Publishers, Moscow 2.2.3 Flow Patterns
Evaluation scheme 2.3 Material Handling
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as 2.3.1 Engineering factors and Economic factors
indicated in the table below: 2.3.2 Classification of Material Handling Equipments
Unit Chapter Topics Marks 2.4 Production, Planning and Control
1 1 All 16 2.4.1 Types of Production System
2 2 2.1 & 2.2 16 2.4.2 Routing, Scheduling and Loading
2.5 Product Research, Development and Design
3 2 2.3 to 2.6 16
2.5.1 Tools for Product Development
4 3&4 All 16 2.5.2 Standardization
5 5&6 All 16 2.5.3 Simplification and Specialization
Total 80 2.6 Process Planning
* There may be minor deviation in mark distribution
3. Loading and Scheduling Techniques (4 hours)
3.1. Gantt Chart References:
3.2. Critical Path Method (CPM) 1. H. B. Maynard, “Industrial Engineering Handbook” , Editor – in – Chief, McGraw Hill.
3.3. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) 2. E. S. Buffa and R. K. Sarin “Modern Production / Operations Management”, 8th Edition,
4. Inventory Control hours) 3. E. L. Grant and R. S. Leavenworth, “Statistical Quality Control” , Mc Graw Hill.
4. M. Mahajan, “Industrial Engineering and Production Management”, Dhanpat Rai and
4.1. Economic Order Quantity
Co. Delhi, India.
4.2. Safety Stock; Reorder Quantity; Lead Time 5. O. P. Khanna, “Industrial Engineering and Management”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons,
4.3. ABC Analysis Delhi.
6. S. Dalela and Mansoor Ali, “Industrial Engineering and Management Systems”,
5. Material Requirement Planning (MRP I and MRP II) (6 hours) Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi.
5.1. Introduction 7. S. N. Chary “Production and Operations Management”, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing
5.2. MRP Concept Company Limited, New Delhi.
8. Azaya Bikram Sthapit, Rashindra Prasad Yadav, Govind Tamang, Sushil Dhital and
5.3. Benefits and Application
Prakash Ahdhikari, “Production and Operations Management”, Asmita Books
5.4. MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) Publishers and Distributors, Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal.
5.5. The Japanese approach to MRP 9. Prof. Dr. Pushkar Bajracharya, Dr. Subarna Lal Bajracharya, Budha Ratna Maharjan – “
5.6. Comparing MRP and Just in time (JIT) Concept Production and Operations Management” , Quest Publicatopn, Kirtipur, Kathmandu,
6. Forecasting (4 hours) 10. Amitava Mitra, “ Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement” Second Edition,
6.1. Forecasting Techniques Pearson Education Asia.
6.1.1. Qualitative Techniques
Evaluation Scheme:
6.1.2. Quantitative Techniques
There will be questions covering all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme for
6.1.3. Causal Quantitative Techniques
the questions will be as indicated in the table below:
6.2. Forecast Errors
Note: Students have to submit a case study report after visiting an industrial
organization within the country.
FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINES 5.1. Turbulent and laminar flow, Reynold’s number
AM 652 5.2. One dimensional laminar flow, relationship between shear stress and velocity
Lectures : 3 Year: III gradient
Tutorial : 1 Part: II 5.3. Laminar flow between parallel plates
Practical : 1.5 5.4. Laminar flow in circular tubes
5.5. Laminar and turbulent boundary layer flow, flow over flat plate
5.6. Drag and lift forces on immerged bodies
Course objectives:
5.7. Losses in pipes
The objective of this course is to develop knowledge about the fluid properties, study of 5.7.1. Major losses: Darcey-Weisbach equation, use of Moody diagram
motion of fluid and related theory. It further focuses on the working principle of the fluid 5.7.2. Minor losses: losses at entrance, exit, pipe fittings, expansion, contraction and
machines and basics of gas dynamics. After the completion of this course student will have obstruction
knowledge on the fluid behavior at rest and motion including different fluid machines.
6. Flow measurement and pipe flow network (4 hours)
Course outline: 6.1. Hydraulic and energy grade lines including reservoirs, pumps and turbines
1. Fluid properties and fluid statics (5 hours) 6.2. Flow measurement: restriction and linear flow meters
1.1. Definition and properties of fluid 6.3. Pipe flow networks: series and parallel combinations
1.2. Cavitation
1.3. Pressure variation in a static fluid 7. Hydraulic turbines (5 hours)
1.4. Pressure measurements using manometers 7.1. Introduction and classification of turbo machines
1.5. Centre of pressure, buoyancy and stability 7.2. Hydraulic turbine: classification and working principles of turbines (Pelton,
1.6. Forces on planes and curved surfaces Francis, cross-flow), components and their functions
7.3. Characteristic curves of hydraulic turbines
2. Fluid kinematics (3 hours)
2.1. Description of fluid flow: one, two and three dimensional flow 8. Pumps (6 hours)
2.2. Steady and unsteady flow 8.1. Introduction and classification of pumps
2.3. Circulation and vorticity 8.2. Centrifugal pump: working principle, components and characteristics
2.4. Rotational and irrotational flow 8.3. Reciprocating pump: working principle, components and characteristics
2.5. Equation of stream line 8.4. Basics of gear and vane pump
2.6. Velocity potential and stream function 8.5. Pump as turbine
2. Verification of Bernoulli’s principle. ENGINE COMBUSTION AND POLLUTION CONTROL
3. Visualization of fluid flow (Laminar & Turbulent) AM653
4. Determination of discharge coefficient of a venturimeter Lectures : 3 Year: III
5. Determination of force due to impact of jet Tutorial : 1 Part: II
6. Performance of pumps and turbines Practical : 1.5
3.7 Detonation: phenomenon, knocking, measurements, intensity, effect of engine 8. Methods of exhaust gas analysis (5 hours)
variables and engine design 8.1 Colourimeter
3.8 Factors governing combustion 8.2 Gas chromatograph
3.9 Combustion chamber and its types 8.3 Smoke meter
8.4 Particulate measurement
4. Combustion in CI engines (4 hours) 8.5 Odor and aldehyde emission
4.1 Direct and indirect combustion chamber 8.6 Exhaust gas analyzer
4.2 Importance of air motion swirl, squish and turbulence-swirl ratio 8.7 Flame ionization detectors
4.3 Fuel air mixing 8.8 Chemiluminescence NOx analyzer
4.4 Stages of combustion 8.9 Nondispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer
4.5 Delay period and operating variables affecting delay period
4.6 Detonation: phenomenon, knocking, measurements, intensity, effect of engine 9. Methods of emissions control (6 hours)
variables and engine design 9.1 Emission standard and emission control norms, euro emission standards
4.7 Factors governing combustion 9.2 Improving fuel system and ignition system of engines
4.8 Combustion chamber design 9.3 Use of alternative fuels and additives
9.4 Use of neutralizer (flame, liquid and catalytic) in the exhaust system
5. Expansion and exhaust (2 hours) 9.5 Emission control system: exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), evaporative
5.1 Expansion stroke: temperature, pressure, volume emission control (EVAP), positive crankcase ventilation (PCV), air injection
5.2 Effect of various parameters on polytropic expansion system (AIS)
5.3 Exhaust stroke: temperature, pressure, volume 9.6 Closed loop engine control system
9.7 Change in air fuel ratio and ignition timing
6. Characteristics of motor vehicle engine (6 hours)
6.1 Indicated characteristics 10. Vehicular noise pollution (2 hours)
6.2 Brake characteristics 10.1 Sound level
6.3 Effect of various operating variables on indicated and brake characteristics 10.2 Sources, effects and control methods
6.4 Speed characteristics 10.3 Technical norms and standards
6.5 Load characteristics
6.6 Adjustment characteristics Practical
6.7 Special characteristics 1. Measurement of indicated and brake power characteristics
2. Measurement of speed and load characteristics
7. Vehicular emission (6 hours) 3. Sound level measurement
7.1 Sources of pollutants: exhaust gases, crankcase gas and fuel vapour 4. Tailpipe emission testing
7.2 Composition of exhaust gases 5. Assignments on calculation of actual cycle of SI and CI engines
7.3 Pollutant formation
7.4 Effect of composition and structure of fuels on emission
1. P. L. Ballaney, “Internal Combustion Engines”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
7.5 Effect of air-fuel mixture, operating variables, combustion chamber design,
2. V.M. Domkundwar, A.V. Domkundwar, “Internal Combustion Engines”, Dhanpat
driving conditions and drivability, traffic management on emission
Rai & Co.
7.6 Effect of fuels and exhaust gases on human health and environment
3. V. Arkhangelsky, M. Khovakh, Y. Stepanov, V. Trusov, M. Vikhert, A. Voinov, ROAD TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT
“Motor Vehicle Engines”, Mir publishers, Moscow. AM 654
Lectures : 3 Year: III
Tutorial : 1 Part: II
Practical : 0
3. Taxation (6 hours)
3.1 Introduction, objectives and structure
3.2 Method of laying taxation
3.3 Goods vehicle taxation
3.4 Passenger vehicle taxation
3.5 Mode of tax payment
3.6 Tax exemption
3.7 Service life of vehicles
3.8 Toll tax reasons and operational management
4. Insurance (4 hours)
4.1 Types of insurance Evaluation scheme:
4.2 Accident claims and settlements The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as
4.3 Duty of driver in case of an accident indicated in the table below:
4.4 Surveyor and loss accessor Unit Chapter Topics Marks
1 1&3 All 16
5. Passenger transport operation (10 hours) 2 2 All 16
5.1 Passenger transport organization 3 4&7 All 16
5.2 Depot layout
4 5 All 16
5.3 Fleet management, maintenance
5 6 All 16
5.4 Planning and scheduling operation
Total 80
5.5 Booking and reservations
5.6 Training of drivers and conductors
* There may be minor deviation in mark distribution
5.7 Public relations, publicity and passenger amenities
5.8 Theory of fares: differential rates, depreciations
5.9 Operation costs and revenues
1. Fair and Williams, “Economics of transportation”, East West Press
2. Hudson, “Motor transportation”, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Motor Vehicle Act 1988 - RTO rules and regulation manual
4. Motor Vehicles Act, Rules and Regulations of Nepal
5. Schumer, “Economics of transport”, Tata McGraw Hill
ME703 5. Project Evaluation Techniques (12 hours)
5.1. Project cash flows
Lecture : 3 Year : IV 5.2. Payback period Method
Tutorial : 1 Part : I 5.3. Net present Value Method (NPV)
Practical : 0 5.4. Future Value Method
Course Objectives: 5.5. Annual Equivalent Method
To provide sound and comprehensive coverage of engineering economics especially. To 5.6. Internal Rate of Return Method (IRR)
explain how the business operates, how engineering project decisions are made within the
6. Depreciation (3 hours)
business, and how engineering decisions can affect the bottom line (profit) of the firm. To 6.1. Straight-line method
build a thorough understanding of the theoretical and conceptual basis upon which the 6.2. Declining Balance Method
practice of financial project analysis is built. To satisfy the very practical needs of the 6.3. Sum of the digits Method
engineer toward making informed financial decisions when acting as a team member or 7. Income Tax & Discounted Cash-flow models (3 hours)
project manager for an engineering project. To incorporate all critical decision-making tools 7.1. Effect of income tax on cash-flows
– including the most contemporary, computer –oriented ones such as simulation techniques 7.2. Development of discounted cash-flows models on EXCEL
in risk analysis so that engineers can make informed decision making under uncertainty.
8. Project Risk Analysis (3 hours)
8.1. Sensitivity analysis
1. Introduction to Engineering Economics (1 hour) 8.2. Breakeven analysis
1.1. Engineering economics 8.3. Probability concepts and
1.2. Engineering economic decisions 8.4. Probability distributions on Excel
2. Cost Concepts and Behavior (5 hours) 9. Economic Analysis in Public Sector (6 hours)
2.1. Direct material costs 9.1. Social costs & social Benefits
2.2. Direct Labor costs 9.2. Benefit-cost analysis
2.3. Manufacturing overheads
2.4. Non-manufacturing overheads References:
2.5. Cost-volume analysis 1. Chan S. Park, “Contemporary Engineering Economics”, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Understanding Financial Statements (6 hours) Evaluation Scheme:
3.1. Balance Sheet
There will be questions covering all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation
3.2. Income Statement
scheme will be as indicated in the table below:
3.3. Cash-flow Statements
3.4. Financial Ratio Analysis of Companies Unit Chapter Topics Marks
1&2 all
4. Time value of Money (6 hours) 1 16
5 5.1 & 5.2
4.1. Compound interest
4.2. Types of cash flows 2 3&6 all 16
4.3. Single cash-flow 3 4&7 all 16
4.4. Uniform cash-flows, annuity 4 5 5.3 to 5.6 16
4.5. Linear gradient series 5 8&9 all 16
4.6. Geometric Gradient series
Total 80
4.7. Irregular cash-flows
VEHICLE DYNAMICS 3.5 Pitch, yawing and rolling moment
AM 701 3.6 Crosswind sensitivity
Lectures : 3 Year: IV
Tutorial : 1 Part: I 4. Dynamic performance of a motor vehicle (6 hours)
Practical : 1.5 4.1 Dynamic factor, dynamic characteristic of motor vehicle
4.2 Power limited acceleration based on: engines, power train & final drive ratio,
Course objectives:
To develop a foundation of engineering principles and analytical method to explain automatic transmission
the performance of an automotive vehicle, concerning acceleration performance, 4.3 Traction limited acceleration (transverse weight shift due to drive torque,
braking performance, aerodynamics and rolling resistance, ride, tire dynamics, traction limits)
suspension system, steerability, stability, cross country ability and smoothness 4.4 Acceleration due to traction force
running of an automotive vehicle. 4.5 Gradient climbing, coasting, overtaking
Course outlines
5. Braking dynamics of a motor vehicle (8 hours)
1. Fundamentals of a motor vehicle (6 hours)
5.1 Introduction to braking dynamics
1.1 History of vehicle dynamics
5.2 Basic equations of motion of a motor vehicle: constant deceleration with wind
1.2 Forces acting on a motor vehicle
1.3 Tractive forces on the driving wheels
5.3 Braking properties of a motor vehicle, braking forces on wheels
1.4 Transmission efficiency
5.4 Equation of motion of a motor vehicle during braking
1.5 Traction characteristics of a motor vehicle
5.5 Characteristics of a motor vehicle braking dynamics :braking deceleration,
1.6 Road resistance (total road loads), air resistance, rolling resistance
braking time and braking distance
1.7 Equation of a motion of a motor vehicle
5.6 Braking force distribution between the wheels
1.8 Tractive forces according to conditions of tire road grip
5.7 Brakes factor
1.9 Response under different road conditions
5.8 Tyre road friction
1.10 Normal reactions of the road
5.9 Requirements for braking performance, braking proportioning
5.10 Rear wheel lock up, pedal force gain
2. Traction dynamics of a motor vehicle (4 hours)
5.11 Braking methods, braking efficiency
2.1 Force and power balance
5.12 New features in the design of brake systems
2.2 Dynamic axle loads
2.3 Load transfer during acceleration, braking, constant velocity motions,
6. Stability of a motor vehicle (3 hours)
conditions of traction
6.1 Lateral stability characteristics
2.4 Layout analysis as front engine, rear engine
6.2 Body lateral rolling
2.5 Front wheel and rear wheel drive
6.3 Effect of operating factors on lateral stability
6.4 Longitudinal stability
3. Aerodynamics of a motor vehicle (3 hours)
3.1 Mechanics of air flow and pressure distribution on a vehicle
7. Steerability of a motor vehicle (7 hours)
3.2 Aerodynamic forces, drag components
7.1 Steerability characteristics, force analysis during steering
3.3 Aerodynamic aids
7.2 Rolling of the steerable wheels without slipping
3.4 Drag side force, lift force
7.3 Wheel lateral slip and ability of a motor vehicle to turn
7.4 Four wheel steer: low speed turning, high speed cornering AUTOMOBILE ELECTRICALS AND ELECTRONICS
7.5 Relation between angles of turn of steerable wheels AM 702
7.6 Oscillations and stabilisation of the steerable wheels
Lectures : 4 Year: IV
8. Suspension system (8 hours)
Tutorial : 0 Part: I
8.1 Human response to vibration, sources of vibration Practical :3
8.2 Design and analysis of passive, semi active and active suspension using
quarter car, bicycle model, half car and full car model Course objectives:
8.3 Independent suspension To develop knowledge in vehicle electrical and electronics components for engine
8.4 Influence of suspension stiffness, suspension damping and tire stiffness operation, enhancing the knowledge of sensor and microprocessor applications in
8.5 Air suspension system and their properties vehicle control systems and gain information on modern safety system in vehicle
8.6 Roll centre analysis
Practical Course outline:
1. Calculations of forces acting on brake system of different vehicles 1. Introduction to automobile electrical and electronic system (2 hours)
2. Calculations of forces acting on suspension system of different vehicles 1.1. Electrical system: purpose, functions
3. Calculations of forces acting on steering system of different vehicles 1.2. Electronic system: purpose, functions
4. Calculations of forces acting on tire of different vehicles
5. Calculations of forces acting on power transmission system of different vehicles 2. Batteries and starting system (10 hours)
6. Term paper on vibration applied to vehicle. 2.1. Purpose and functions of batteries
2.2. Different types of batteries
7. Case Study on vehicle dynamics test.
2.3. Principle, rating, testing and charging of batteries
References: 2.4. Starting system: components, working principle, circuit diagram
1. M. D. Artamonov, V. A. Ilarionov, M. M. Morin, “Motor Vehicles, Fundamentals 2.5. Starter motors: types, characteristics
and Design”, Mir Publishers, Moscow 2.6. Capacity requirements
2. Reza N. Jazar, “Vehicle dynamics Theory and application”, Springer 2.7. Drive mechanisms
3. Wong, Jo Yung, “Theory of ground vehicle”, John Wiley & Sons 2.8. Starter switches
4. N. K. Giri, “Automotive Mechanics”, Khanna Publishers
3. Charging system (6 hours)
5. Anil Chikara, “Automobile System”, Satya Prakashan
3.1. Purpose, functions of charging system
6. Stead, “Mechanics of road vehicles”, Tata McGraw Hills 3.2. Charging system: components, working principle, circuit diagram
Evaluation scheme 3.3. Alternators and their characteristics
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as 3.4. Control unit: voltage regulators
indicated in the table below:
Chapter Topics 4. Lighting system and accessories (8 hours)
Unit Marks
4.1. Purpose, types, functions, components and circuit diagram
1 1&2 All 16 4.2. Wiring requirements
2 3&4 All 16 4.3. Accessories: dashboard instruments, horn, wiper, power window, power door-lock
3 5 All 16
4 6&7 All 16 5. Electronic ignition system (8 hours)
5.1. Purpose, functions, components, working principle and circuit diagram
5 8 All 16
5.2. Spark plugs and its types
Total 80 5.3. Spark advance mechanisms
* There may be minor deviation in mark distribution
5.4. Different types of ignition systems 4. P.S. Gill, “Automobile Engineering”, Kataria publication
1. Installation and charging of battery
2. Dismantling and assembling of alternator and testing
3. Dismantling and assembling of starter motor and testing
4. Testing of electronic ignition system
5. Testing of spark plugs
6. Testing of petrol fuel injectors
7. Practice on lighting circuits and head light adjustment
8. Measuring and testing of sensors & actuators in engine
9. Onboard diagnosis of faults on EFI engines using scanner
10. Onboard diagnosis of faults on CRDI engines using scanner
1. Crouse and Anglin, “Automotive Mechanics”, McGraw Hills Education
2. Judge. A.W., "Modern Electrical Equipment of Automobiles", Chapman & Hall,
3. Young. A.P., & Griffiths. L., "Automobile Electrical Equipment", English
Language Book Society & New Press
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 4.2. Compressed air: functions, properties and preparation
AM 703 4.3. Elements of pneumatic system: compressor, control valve and actuators
Lectures : 3 Year: IV 4.4. Compressor: types and working principle
Tutorial : 1 Part: I 4.5. Valves: types and working principle
Practical : 1.5 4.6. Actuators: purpose, types and working principle
4.7. Auxiliaries: accumulator, filter, lubricator, air cooler, receiver, pipe
Course objective
5. Hydraulic and pneumatic circuit (6 hours)
To be familiar with the types, repair and maintenance and management of 5.1. Pneumatic circuits: basic pneumatic circuit, impulse operation, speed control,
construction equipment. pneumatic motor circuit, sequencing of motion, time delay circuits and their
Course outline 5.2. Hydraulic circuit: basic hydraulic circuit, impulse operation, speed control,
1. Introduction to construction equipment (9 hours) hydraulic motor circuit, sequencing of motion, time delay circuits and their
1.1 Classification of construction equipment based on: applications, truck type, crawl applications
and wheel type 5.3. Maintenance and troubleshooting of hydraulic & pneumatic system
1.2 Application of construction equipment
1.3 Terminologies used in construction equipment 6. Electronic components (3 hours)
1.4 Construction equipment: introduction, construction, types, applications and general 6.1. Functions and symbols of pressure sensor, pressure switch, proportional solenoid,
specifications of dozer, loader, excavator, grader, road roller, asphalt paving pump and valve controller, engine controller
equipment, crane
1.5 Farm tractor: layout, different types of implements, accessories and attachments, 7. Management of construction equipment (9 hours)
tractor trolley 7.1 Safety inspections
1.6 Special purpose vehicles: fork lift, fire brigade, dumper, tripper, truck 7.2 Care and precautions
7.3 Equipment policy
2. Chassis components (9 hours) 7.3.1 Equipment acquisition: methods purchase, leasing, hiring
2.1. Transmission system: clutches, mechanical transmission, hydraulic assist 7.3.2 Comparison between leasing and purchasing
transmission, power shift transmission, hydrostatic drive, torque converters, 7.3.3 Estimation of owning and operating cost and hiring cost
differential, final drive, power take-offs, special drives 7.3.4 Analysis of equipment utilization and price variance
2.2. Undercarriage: track chain, idler, sprocket, track rollers, tyres 7.4 Equipment procurement
2.3. Implements and tools: blades, rippers, bucket 7.4.1 Marketing aspects of construction equipment (availability, dealers)
7.4.2 Procurements methods and practices
3. Hydraulic system (6 hours) 7.4.3 Commissioning of equipment
3.1. Basic principle of hydraulics
3.2. Elements of hydraulic system: hydraulic power pack, control valve and actuators Practical:
3.3. Types of hydraulic system: open center system, closed center system 1. Demonstration of hydraulic system
3.4. Hydraulic oil: functions, storage, types, properties, specifications and requirements 2. Demonstration of pneumatic system
3.5. Pumps: types and working principle 3. Familiarization with hydraulic assisted transmission system
3.6. Valves: types and working principle 4. Assignments on procurement of construction equipment
3.7. Actuators: purpose, types and working principle 5. Repair and maintenance of construction equipment
3.8. Auxiliaries: accumulator, filter, reservoir, oil cooler, hose pipe, tubes and couplers,
seals and fluids References:
1. Technical book, “Construction Machinery Training”, Instate, Imlambad
4. Pneumatic system (3 hours)
4.1. Basic principle of pneumatics
2. Harris, F. and McCaffer, “Management of Construction Equipment”, Macmillan INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT
Education Ltd. London, UK. AM 704
3. Erich J. Schulz, “Diesel Equipment I and II”, McGraw Hill book co.
4. Frank Harries, Ronald McCaffer, “Construction of Plant Excavating and Material Attachment: One month Year : IV
Handling”, Granda Publishing. Part : I
5. SAE Handbook Volume 4
6. “Caterpillar performance Handbook”, Edition 33, Caterpillar Inc, Peoria, Illinois, USA. Course Objective:
To visit and work in different kinds of automobile enterprises (industries, services
Evaluation schemes: center, and workshops) within or outside the country. To study the existing
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as technology, organizational behavior, structure and management system of the
indicated in the table below: enterprises. The main purpose of this attachment is to boost up practical knowledge,
Unit Chapter Topics Marks skills and develop professionalism within the students.
1 1 All 16
General Procedures:
2 2 All 16
Students in groups will be placed in different automobile enterprises for the duration
3 3&4 All 16 of one month. The department shall assign 3 faculty member for a batch of 48
4 5&6 All 16 students. They will be assigned to perform available work in the industry supervised
5 7 All 16 by the assigned engineer/technician from the enterprises. Students should collect
Total 80 information related to repair & maintenance, production & management and involve
in regular activities of the enterprises assigned to them. Students should be evaluated
* There may be minor deviation in mark distribution
at the end of attachment.
After the completion of their attachment each group has to submit the report and
give presentation to the committee formed by the department.
The report should be as per the guidelines provided by the department and should
include technical as well as managerial part of the enterprises.
Evaluation Scheme:
The evaluation scheme will be indicated in the table below:
Topics Marks
Evaluation by supervisor from enterprises 50
Evaluation of written report 20
Presentation 30
Total 100
FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 5.3.2. Rectangular element
AM725.. 5.4. Variation approach
Lecture : 3 Year : IV 6. Applications in Solid Mechanics (10 hours)
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 6.1. Plane stress
Practical : 3/2 6.2. Plane strain
6.3. 3 dimensional element
Course Objectives: 6.4. Axisymmetric stress analysis
To understand the basic steps of finite element methods, its applications and 6.5. Thermal stress analysis
advantages. To develop the finite element model for discrete structural and non 7. Higher order Elements (5 hours)
structural problems and continuum problems specially heat transfer, plane elasticity. 7.1. Lagrange elements
To develop computer program and use commercial software for above mentioned 7.2. Serendipity elements
problems. 7.3. Parametric Mapping
1. Overview (2 hours) Practical:
1.1. Introduction 1. Development of Computer programs for discrete structural problems (Bar, Truss, Beam
1.2. Brief history and Frame).
1.3. Mathematical modeling of the physical system 2. Development of Computer program for discrete non-structural problems (Heat Transfer,
1.4. FEM Analysis Process Fluid Flow).
1.5. FEM Steps 3. Development of Computer program for one dimensional continuum problems.
1.6. Applications of the Finite Element Method 4. Development of Computer program for two dimensional continuum problems with one
1.7. Advantages of the Finite Element Method dependent variable.
5. Development of Computer program for two dimensional continuum problems with two
2. Mathematical Background (2 hours) dependent variables.
2.1. Vector analysis 6. Development FEM model using parametric mapping.
2.2. Matrix theory 7. Use of commercial software for heat transfer and stress analysis.
2.3. Differential Equations References:
1. D. L. Logan, “A First Course in the Finite Element Method”, Thomson India Edition.
3. Direct Stiffness Method: Discrete Finite Elements (8 hours) 2. D. V. Hutton, “Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill
3.1. Spring/Bar Element Publishing Company Limited.
3.2. Truss Element 3. J. N. Reddy, “An Introduction to the Finite Element Method”, Tata McGraw Hill
3.3. Beam Element Publishing Company Limited.
3.4. Frame Element 4. A. Gilat, “MATLAB An Introduction with Applications”, Wiley India.
3.5. Analogous problems in one dimension Evaluation Scheme:
There will be questions covering all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme for
4. Continuum Problems (8 hours) the questions will be indicated in the table below:
4.1. Ritz Method
4.2. Method of Weighted residuals Unit Chapter Topics Marks
4.3. Strong and Weak formulation 1 1, 2 & 7 all 16
2 3 all 16
5. Interpolation Functions (10 hours) 3 4 all 16
5.1. Piecewise defined functions
4 5 all 16
5.2. One dimensional element
5.3. Two dimensional element 5 6 all 16
5.3.1. Triangular element Total 80
5 Load calculations and design (8 hours)
AUTOMOBILE REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 5.1 Design considerations for achieving desired inside/room conditions with
respect to prevailing outside/environment conditions
AM 725.. 5.2 Factors affecting/contributing towards the load on refrigeration and air
Lecture : 3 Year : IV conditioning systems
Tutorial : 1 Part : I 5.3 Load calculations for automobiles
Practical : 1.5 5.4 Effect of air conditioning load on engine performance in terms of loss of
available peak torque/power and fuel consumption
Course objective
To understand the concept of refrigeration and air conditioning system and its
working principle used in automobiles and to apply these concept for repair and 6 Air distribution systems (5 hours)
maintenance. 6.1 Distribution ducting, sizing, supply/return ducts
6.2 Types of grills
Course outline 6.3 Diffusers
1 Introduction to refrigeration and air conditioning (6 hours) 6.4 Ventilation
1.1 Refrigeration and air conditioning in automobiles 6.5 Air noise level
1.2 Methods of refrigeration 6.6 Layout of duct systems for automobiles and their impact on load calculations
1.3 Applications of refrigeration and air conditioning
1.4 Refrigeration vehicles: types, system and applications 7 Air conditioning control (4 hours)
1.5 Cryogenic vehicles: types, system and applications 7.1 Common control devices
7.2 Automatic temperature control
2 Refrigerant (3 hours) 7.3 Air flow control
2.1 Classification and properties 7.4 Pressure cutouts, relays, switch and electrical circuit
2.2 Selection criteria
2.3 Commonly used refrigerants 8 Automobile refrigeration and air conditioning service (8 hours)
2.4 Alternative and eco- friendly refrigerants 8.1 Repair and maintenance tools and equipment
2.5 Refrigerants used in automobile air conditioning 8.2 Testing, diagnosis & trouble shooting of systems
8.3 Maintenance and service:
3 Psychrometry (5 hours) 8.3.1 Removing and replacing components: compressor, filter, sensors,
3.1 Psychrometric properties drives
3.2 Psychrometric charts and processes 8.3.2 Joining of refrigerant pipeline
3.3 Thermodynamics of human body 8.3.3 Refrigerant charging procedure
3.4 Comfort charts 8.3.4 Servicing of heating system
3.5 Factors affecting comfort
3.6 Effective temperature Practical
3.7 Indoor air quality and ventilation requirements 1. Simple vapor compression refrigeration system
2. Demonstration of air conditioning system
4 Refrigeration and air conditioning systems (6 hours) 3. Automobile air conditioning system
4.1 Classification and layouts 4. Dismantling and assembly of automobile air conditioning system
4.2 System components: compressor, condenser, expansion devices, evaporator, 5. Charging of refrigerant
receiver dryer, fan/ blowers 6. Case study on different vehicles having air conditioning and refrigeration system
4.3 Heating system: working and types
1. Crouse & Anglin “Automotive Air-conditioning”, McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Carrier Air Conditioning Company, “Handbook of Air Conditioning System Design”.
3. S. C. Arora & S. Domkundwar, “A Course in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”,
Dhanpat Rai & Sons Publication, New Delhi, India.
4. C. K. Rajput, “A Text Book of Refrigeration and Air conditioning”, S. K Kataria &
Sons publication, New Delhi, India.
5. Andrew D. Althouse, Carl H. Thrnouist, and Alfred F. Bracciano, “Modern
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, Galgotia Publication, New Delhi, India.
6. C. P. Arora, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, Tata McGraw Hill, India.,
7. “ASHRAE Handbooks on Fundamentals and HVAC Applications”, American Society
of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Tullie Circle, Atlanta, USA
Evaluation scheme
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
be as indicated in the table below:
PROJECT ENGINEERING 4.3. Project Control Cycle
CE 751 4.4. Elements of Project Control (time, cost and quality)
Lecture : 3 Year : IV 4.5. Project Schedule Control
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 4.6. Project Cost Control: Methods and procedure (Earned value analysis)
Practical : 0 4.7. Project Quality Control
4.8. Introduction to Project Management Information System (PMIS)
Course Objective:
• To introduce the basic knowledge on project and project environment 5. Project Risk Analysis and Management (7 hours)
• To make the students able to prepare feasibility study report and project proposal. 5.1. Introduction to Project Risk
• To provide the sound knowledge of project planning, implementation and controlling. 5.2. Types of Project Risk
5.3. Analysis of Major Sources of Risk
• To provide knowledge on risk associated with the project
5.4. Effective Management of Project Risk
• To provide the knowledge of project finance and
▪ Risk Management planning
• To provide the concept of modern trends and techniques of project management. ▪ Risk Identification
▪ Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Analysis
1. Introduction of Project and Project Management (6 hours) ▪ Risk Response Planning
1.1. Definition of Project, its characteristics, and example of project. ▪ Risk Monitoring and Controlling
1.2. Classification of Project 6. Introduction to Project Financing (5 hours)
1.3. Project Objective and Goal 6.1. Project finance
1.4. Project Life Cycle Phases 6.2. Capital Structure Planning
1.5. Project Environment 6.3. Capital Budgeting Decision
1.6. Introduction to Project Management
5.5. Company Registration AM 751
Lecture : 2 Year : IV
6. Contemporary Issues in Engineering (3 hours) Tutorial : 0 Part : II
6.1. Globalization and Cross Cultural Issues Practical : 3
6.2. Public Private Partnership
6.3. Safety, Risk and Benefit Analysis
Course objectives:
6.4. Development and Environment
6.5. Conflict and Dispute Management To impart basic knowledge in industrial hygiene and safety, and skill required for
maintenance and repair of the vehicle.
7. Case Studies Based on Engineering Practices (4 hours)
Course outline:
1. Hygiene and safety (6 hours)
References: 1.1 Workshop environment: health hazards and prevention, sanitation, ventilation,
1. Carson Morrison and Philip Hughes “Professional engineering Practice – Ethical heating system and instrumentation
Aspects”, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd.’ Toronto 1982 1.2 Chemical handling, fire protection, electrical accident and prevention
2. DrRajendraAdhikari, “Engineering Professional Practice – Nepalese and international 1.3 Protection from noise and air pollution
Perspectives” Pashupati Publishing House, Kathmandu Nepal 2010 1.4 Safety requirements for workshop equipment and operations
3. M. Govindarajan; S Natarajan and V.S. Senthikumar., “ Engineering Ethics” – PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 2009 2. Concept of maintenance (6 hours)
4. Nepal Engineering Council Act 2.1 Maintenance: objectives and types
5. Contract Act 2.2 Preventive maintenance: advantages and limitations
6. Labor Act 2.3 Scheduled maintenance: advantages and limitations
7. Company Act 2.4 Break-down and corrective maintenance: advantages and limitations
8. Copyright Act 2.5 Predictive maintenance: advantages and limitations
9. Public Procurement Act 2.6 Maintenance costs
10. Building By-Laws
3. Wear and repair in vehicles (3 hours)
Evaluation Scheme: 3.1 Natural and accidental wear
The questions will cover all the chapters in the Syllabus. The evaluation scheme will 3.2 Types of wear: adhesive, oxidative, thermal, abrasive, pitting wear
be as indicated in the table below. 3.3 Prevention of wear
3.4 Repair: types and repairing process
Unit Chapter Topics Marks 3.5 Repair of wear: welding, brazing, metal spray, machining, boring, honing
1 1&3 all 8 3.6 Replacement of parts
2 2 all 8
3 4 all 8 4. Measuring instrument and testing equipment (6 hours)
4 5&6 all 8 4.1 Measuring instrument: Vernier caliper, micrometer, dial gauge, bore gauge,
5 7 all 8 feeler gauge, plastic gauge, compression gauge, multimeter, oscilloscope,
Total 40 pressure gauge, hydrometer, thermometer, vibration transducer, decibel meter,
speedometer, tachometer
4.2 Testing equipment: Engine scanner and analyzer, engine dynamometer, chassis
dynamometer, timing light, injector tester, exhaust gas analyzer, spark plug
tester, battery tester, fuel injection pump (FIP) test bench, wheel balancer,
wheel alignment tester
8. Diagnosis for low fuel average (including air lock), poor pick up
5. Service stations (6 hours) 9. Electrical and ignition system maintenance and repair
5.1 Types of service stations: highway, small, medium, big and special service 10. Assignments on service station design and layout
5.2 Functions, operations and activities of service stations References:
5.3 Workshop layout for service stations 5. K. K Ramlingan, “Automobile Engineering”, SciTech Publication,
5.4 Testing or diagnostic procedure 6. Joseph Heitner,“Auto mechanics”, East West Press
5.5 Overhauling process: engine and transmission 7. Pattern and Donald, “Automotive Service Basics”, Pearson Publications:
5.6 Purpose and uses of machines used in servicing and lubrication: washing
machine, grease gun, spray gun, oil can, oil filter wrench, air compressor, Evaluation scheme:
pneumatic tools
There will be questions covering all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme for
5.7 Denting and painting
5.8 Hand tools and equipment for service stations the questions will be indicated in the table below:
PROJECT I & II evaluation committee. The mid-term written and oral reports will account for 25
AM 707 and AM 755 marks.
3. A final written report (in the provided format by department) will be submitted
Course objective before the end of 12' week of the term (4" year, Part II). This report will be
• To develop the ability of solving a specific problem right from its identification and evaluated by the supervisor, members of examination committee and external
literature review till the successful solution of the same based on the theoretical and examiner. This will account for 50 marks.
practical knowledge/skills. 4. An oral examination of the final report will be conducted during the 15 week of
the term (4th year, Part II) at a time convenient to the examination committee,
• To train the students in preparing project proposal, reports and to face reviews and supervisor and the student. The final oral examination will account for 50 marks
viva voce examination.
General procedures
The project course will involve working on engineering project under the
supervision of a faculty member in the concerned department. The subject of the
project should be as relevant as possible to the local industrial environment and may
be selected in consultation with an industrial firm or government departments. The
project should be completed by the end of fourth year starting from the beginning of
Part I according to the procedures described below.
Part I
The students should select the project topic at the beginning of the Part I. Students
should submit feasible project proposal within 2 weeks from start of the semester
and should submit weekly progress report. Mid-term progress will be evaluated at
the end of Part I on which students should submit progress report, give presentation
and face viva voce examination. The consultation hour of supervisor will be three
hours per week.
Part II
The students should continue the selected project and submit progress report
weekly. Project progress will be evaluated at (8-10)th week of the semester on which
students should submit report, give presentation and face viva voce examination.
Final evaluation will be carried out by the project evaluation committee comprising
external examiner at the end of Part II. The consultation hour of supervisor will be
six hours per week.
Course Requirements:
1. A detailed project proposal is to be submitted to the HOD within two weeks of
the start of the term. The HOD and supervisor will decide whether the project is
accepted or not. An oral presentation (10 minutes plus 10 minutes for question)
will take place at a convenient time of supervisor and evaluation committee. The
written proposal and oral reports will account for 5 marks.
2. A written mid-term progress report is to be submitted 2-3 weeks before the end
of the term (Part A of the fourth year). An oral presentation (15 minutes plus 15
minutes for question) will take place at a convenient time of supervisor and
OPERATIONS RESEARCH/MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 3.7. using Premium Solver for Linear Programming
AM765.. 3.8. Goal programming & multi-objective programming
3.9. genetic algorithms
Lecture : 3 Year : IV
Tutorial : 1 Part : I 4. Decision Analysis (4 hours)
Practical : 3/2 4.1. Application of Decision analysis
4.2. Structuring Decision Problems
4.3. Demand limiter
Course Objectives: 4.4. Expected Value decision-making
4.5. Optimal Expected Value Decision Strategies
To make capable of managing data, analyzing data such as sorting, pivoting tables,
5. Risk Analysis (10 hours)
and applying statistical analysis in a spreadsheet environment. To familiarize with
5.1. Monte Carlo Simulation
forecasting methods, linear programming, inventory models. To make familiar with
5.2. Applications of Monte Carlo Simulation
simulation in decision-making under risk and uncertainty with the use of risk
5.3. Building Monte Carlo Simulation Models
analysis software such as CRYSTAL BALL. To make capable in applying the
5.4. Different Probability Distributions
knowledge gained during the course for solving real problems in decision-making.
5.5. Building Simulation Models with CRYSTAL BALL & analysis
3.8 Dash boards, instrument panel and passenger compartment lighting 7.4 Back light and window glasses and regulations for glasses
3.9 Heating and ventilation systems, audio- visual systems, body and coachwork 7.5 Difference between toughened glass, sheet glass and laminated glass
4. Bus body (9 hours) 7.6 Composite materials, properties of materials, corrosion, anti-corrosion methods
4.1 Types: Mini bus, single decker, doubles decker, two level, and spirit level 7.7 Selection of paint and painting processes, body trim items, body mechanisms
4.2 Articulated bus, bus body layout, floor height, engine locations, entrance and
exit locations, passenger seating dimensions, seat layout 8. Safety (2 hours)
4.3 Constructional detail, frame construction, double skin construction, types of 8.1 Safety considerations
metal construction used, types of metal sections used, conventional and integral 8.2 State of art safety systems
coach type instruction 8.3 Approaches to automotive safety
4.4 Bus body code regulations 8.4 Pedestrian safety
4.5 Pneumatic equipment for passenger door opening and closing 8.5 Safety measures of high speed car
4.6 Air conditioning equipment selection and mounting
5. Commercial vehicle (8 hours) 1. Term work presentation
5.1 Types of body, flat platform, drop side, fixed side 2. Case studies on vehicle body engineering and safety
5.2 Tipper body, tanker body, light commercial vehicle body types
5.3 Dimensions of driver seat in relation to controls References
5.4 Drivers cab design 1. Sydney F. Page, Body engineering: design and construction of motor vehicle
5.5 Tipper body design bodywork, Chapman and Hall
5.6 Volume weight considerations 2. Robinson, The Repar of Vehicle Bodies, Newnes
5.7 Pay load and related regulations
Evaluation scheme
6. Body loads (8 hours)
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as
6.1 Idealized structure, structural surface
indicated in the table below:
6.2 Shear panel method
6.3 Symmetric and asymmetric vertical loads, longitudinal load
Unit Chapter Topics Marks
6.4 Different loading situations
1 1&7 all 16
6.5 Chassis frame design
2 2&3 all 16
6.6 Construction of doors, apertures, windows
3 4 all 16
6.7 Spare wheel carrier construction and design for different types of vehicle and
weight distribution criteria in relation to spare wheel locations 4 5 all 16
6.8 Sources of body noise testing and methods of elimination 5 6&8 all 16
6.9 Water leakage test Total 80
* There may be minor deviation in mark distribution
7. Body materials (4 hours)
7.1 Metal sheets (steel, aluminium), plastics, timber, GRP, FRP
7.2 Insulating materials, adhesives and sealants
7.3 Wind screen
Alternative Fuels and Vehicles 3.1.7 Liquid nitrogen
AM 785.. 3.1.8 Bio-diesel
3.1.9 HCNG
Lecture: 3 Year: IV
3.1.10 Acetylene
Tutorial: 1 Part: II
Practical: 1.5 3.2 Engine/ vehicle modifications required
3.3 Effects of design parameters performance and durability
Course objective
To provide the knowledge on various alternate fuels for IC engines and enable students to 4. Synthetic fuels (6 hours)
understand the recent developments in alternative fuel vehicles 4.1 Introduction, need, availability, manufacture, types and properties, storage,
handling and dispensing, applications and limitations, safety aspects
Course outline
4.1.1 Synthetic gas
1. Conventional fuels (4 hours)
4.1.2 Di-methyl ether (DME)
1.1 Comparative properties of fuels: diesel and gasoline
4.1.3 Eco-friendly plastic fuels (EPF)
1.2 Quality rating of SI and CI engine fuels
1.3 Fuel additives for SI and CI engine fuels
5. Solar power (4 hours)
1.4 Thermodynamics of fuel combustion
5.1 Solar PV system
1.5 Enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of combustion
5.2 Solar cells for energy collection
1.6 Adiabatic flame temperature
5.3 Storage batteries
5.4 Layout of solar powered automobiles
2. Need for alternative fuels (5 hours)
5.5 Advantages and limitations
2.1 Estimate of petroleum reserve and availability
2.2 Effects of constituents of exhaust gas emission, particulate and smoke emission
6. Electric and hybrid vehicles (5 hours)
on environmental condition of earth (N2, CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, O2) in
6.1 Electric vehicles: electricity and fuel cell, layout of electric vehicles,
advantages and limitations, system components
2.3 Greenhouse effect, factors affecting greenhouse effect
6.2 Electronic controlled system
2.4 Study of global carbon budget, carbon foot print and carbon credit calculations
6.3 High energy and power density batteries
2.5 Emission norms
6.4 Hybrid vehicles: types, main components, advantages and limitations
2.6 Classification of alternative fuels
10.1 General design considerations, Design of Cylinder and cylinder head, Design of 5. M.F. Spott, “Machine design”, Prentice Hall India
piston, piston ring and gudgeon pin, Design of connecting rod and crankshaft
10.2 Model and analysis of IC Engine System
12. Power Transmission System Analysis (6 hours) Unit Chapter Topics Marks
Model and analysis of machine tools power transmission system
1 1, 2 & 7 all 16
13. Design Optimization ( 1 hour) 2 3, 4 & 5 all 16
Optimization of design problems using Simulation Software 3 6, 8 & 13 all 16
4 9 & 10 all 16
Practical: 5 11 & 12 all 16
1. Homework Problems Total 80
Traditional homework problems will be assigned periodically from the textbook.
These problems may include derivations and analytical problems requiring hand
2. Assignments
5 projects will be assigned throughout the semester requiring the use of Simulation
Software. These projects are to be done individually. A brief report describing the
objectives of the analysis, modelling techniques used, and results must be submitted
for each project.
3. Group Design Project/Research Project
A group design project will also be required by the end of the semester. This project
will be conceived by the group, must be of a “design” nature (no unique answer will
exist), and will require the use of Simulation Software (with more than one
iteration). Groups of 3-4 people will work on the project. A final report must be
submitted detailing the objectives, modelling techniques and assumptions, and
results of the project. In place of a design project, students are required to complete
a research-oriented project that uses advanced capabilities of Simulation Software.
4. Case study
Industrial Engineering problems study and analysis
1. M.Asghar Bhatti, “Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications”, Wiley,.
2. K.L. Lawrence, “ANSYS Tutorial, ANSYS Release 11, SDC Publications.
3. Joseph E. Shigely, “Mechanical Engineering Design”, McGraw Hill Publications.
4. Alex Valance and VI Doughtie, “Design of Machine Members”, McGraw Hill Co.