Assessment of Fluvial Channel Dynamics of Padma River in Northwestern Bangladesh
Assessment of Fluvial Channel Dynamics of Padma River in Northwestern Bangladesh
Assessment of Fluvial Channel Dynamics of Padma River in Northwestern Bangladesh
DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2016.040204
College of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China
Department of Disaster Management, Begum Rokeya University, Bangladesh
Copyright©2016 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract Fluvial channel form and its dynamics over the their distributaries that control its hydrological and
period of time have been a major interest of study in fluvial fluvio-morphological behaviors. In addition, river differs
geomorphology. The present study deals with the fluvial from one another in their physical features and channel
morphological characteristics of the Padma River in dynamics. The Padma River plays an important role in
northwestern Bangladesh. Morphological and changing morphological behaviors than any other rivers [3].
morpho-dynamic maps of the Padma River were prepared However, the Padma River along its course in northwestern
using remote sensing techniques. Sinuosity ratio, braided Bangladesh is vulnerable to channel shifting and bank
index and island percentage of the study area were estimated erosion [4]. Since prehistoric time, the Padma River is
for the year of 1977, 1989 and 2000 respectively. Results known as ‘Sharbagrashi’ (literally in English word
showed a remarkable change in position of bank and channel ‘disastrous’) due to its intense channel shifting and
as well as bars along with their geometry and morphology destructive bank erosion [5]. Hence, channel morphology of
over time. Result also demonstrates that the bank line is the Padma River forms a complex interaction of channel
unstable and migrated continuously towards westward in the dynamics and sediment characteristics in the study area.
recent decades. In addition, the study reveals that overall Satellite remote sensing technique is very effective in
width of the Padma River is varied significantly during the examining fluvial channels dynamics over a large area.
last 23 years. Different maps and Landsat images (band 4) Although this technique has been widely used to examine
depict that the river shifting is abnormal which is alarming fluvial channel migration [6-7] and to identify
for the existence of the study area people. Outcomes of this palaeo-braided channels on terrace surfaces [8] and also to
study obtained from investigating satellite remote sensing investigate the long-term trends and rates of bank erosion
imagery provide valuable information about the bank erosion and accretion of the Jamuna River [9]. A number of studies
and channel shifting of fluvial morphology of the Padma have investigated basic channel change by using geospatial
River and to recommend some protective measures. techniques, such as overlaying a series of historical channel
maps [10-12] in different types of river systems. Moreover,
Keywords Fluvial Morphology, Satellite Remote the Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB) has
Sensing, Northwestern Bangladesh, Landsat Images and sporadically carried out geological and geomorphological
Channel Shifting study of the Padma River. Remote sensing data are applied to
monitor the river channel shifting, anthropogenic changes
and land use pattern related activities in Bangladesh [13-15].
Takagi et al. [16] assessed the channel braiding and stability
1. Introduction of the Jamuna River in Bangladesh part using remote
sensing data from late 1960s to late 1990s. Mount et al. [17]
Bangladesh has a unique hydro-geologic setting and showed that the continuous wavelet transforms were used to
deltaic floodplains which are formed by the deposition of explore spatiotemporal patterns of multi-scale bank line
the Ganges (Padma), Brahmaputra (Jamuna) and Meghna retreat along a 204 km reach of the Jamuna River in
River [1]. These river formations and its dynamics over Bangladesh.
time have been an interesting subject of study in Recently, several studies have been focused on
geomorphology [2]. Bangladesh is intersected by more than morpho-dynamics of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Jamuna
600 rivers, which makes this country’s fertile land [14]. Rivers of Bangladesh. For instance, Akter et al. [18]
Among them, the Padma, the Megna, the Jamuna are the examined the braiding process and river bank erosion of the
big and wide rivers of Bangladesh. These three major rivers, Jamuna River in Bangladesh. Sarker et al. [19] studied the
42 Assessment of Fluvial Channel Dynamics of Padma River in Northwestern Bangladesh
morpho–dynamics of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River in one of the largest river in the world [24]. Physiographically,
Bangladesh. Furthermore, Bhuiyan et al. [20] investigated the study area occupies in the Ganges River Floodplain.
the morphological changes of the lower Geologically, the area is situated on the north-northwestern
Brahmaputra-Jamuna River (BJR) in Bangladesh by using part of the Bengal Basin [25].
both remote sensing technique and GIS environment.
Unfortunately, there are few studies concerning the channel 2.2. Data and Methods
shifting and fluvial systems of the Padma River in
Bangladesh [21-23]. For planning and sustainable Fluvial channel morphology was investigated by the
development of Bangladesh, identification of fluvial satellite remote sensing data. Occasionally, satellite images
channel morphology of a river like the mighty Padma River make poor resolution to evaluate fluvial channel morphology
is essential. Therefore, this paper aims to assess the changes of river systems. For that reason, by integrating satellite
of fluvial morphology and channel dynamic of the Padma image and field data may provide better option for
River and to recommend some protective measures for understanding the river morpho-dynamics. The data used in
future in the study area. the study were collected during the dry season from
Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB) and the Centre for
Environmental and Geographical Information Services
2. Methodology (CEGIS), Dhaka. Moreover, data would be more likely to
attain cloud free condition of Landsat images during the dry
2.1. Study Area season and other ground conditions were relatively
consistent from year to year. Base map of scale 1:50000
(2001) was obtained from Local Government Engineering
Department (LGED), toposheet with scale 1:50,000 (1968)
was also sourced from Bangladesh survey. The behavior of
major channel patterns of the river was analyzed from 1977
to 2000. Satellite imagery of Landsat MSS (1977) and TM
(1989) and ETM+ (2000) bands of 3 different years were
used in this study (Table 1).
Three satellite images were mosaiced and geo-referenced
to topographic sheet and base map (scale 1:50,000) and
projected using the UTM (Universal Transverse
Mercator)-46 N projection [26]. The study focused on the
geomorphological units and river bank erosion based on the
satellite image data. These data were employed for
identifying the morphological changes of the Padma River.
The base map, topo map and satellite Landsat images of
MSS 1977, TM 1989, ETM+2000 were generated to use for
a relative analysis of sinuosity ratio, braided indexed and
island area percentage of total study area. The satellite
imagery results were evaluated to define the relations
between river bank line and bar growth. ArcGIS (9.2
versions) and Adobe illustrator (CS 11) graphical software
were used for image processing and interpretation.
Table 1. Satellite images used in the present study
Date of Resolution
Year Types of images
acquisition (m)
1977 09 February Landsat MSS (Band 4) 80
Figure 1. Location map shows the study area (After modified [34])
1989 11 November Landsat TM (Band 4) 30
The study area in northwestern Bangladesh which is 2000 17 November Landsat ETM+ (Band 4) 30
located in the channel-bar complex along the bank of the
Padma River near Charghat and Bagha Upazila of Rajshahi In image processing stage, geometric corrections were
district and Pakshi upazilla of Pabna district, Bangladesh. conducted to rectify the images into UTM–46 N projection
The study area lies within the longitude 88°45′ to 89°0′E and system [26]. Three images were converted into a base map of
latitude 24°4′ to 24°12′N which covers about 45 km length LGED in order to register digital data for geo-referencing
of the Padma River (Fig. 1). The Padma River has a mean purposes. Geomorphic map was prepared from each digitally
flow of around 30, 000 m3/s, bankfull flow about 76,000 m3/s classified image showing river channels, sand bars and river
and transport roughly 1 x 109 t/year of sediment, making it bank lines etc.
Universal Journal of Geoscience 4(2): 41-49, 2016 43
Remote sensing data reduce spatial sampling problems of bar within the channel is likely to be changed with each
bank line erosion which enable to monitor the minimal sizeable flood. The channel bar is located within the active
contact on the bank face itself [27]. Moreover, among the channel which is exposed during the late winter and summer
available methods erosion length within the reaches in this seasons. This bar consists of course to medium grained sand
study was identified based on the exhibited bank line shifts in (Fig. 2).
the duration of total study area [18]. Finally, a spatial
2.3.3. Lateral bar deposit
superimposition of bank line of each classified images
between three years were carried out by using the GIS Lateral bar is connected to the main floodplain deposit.
modeling techniques to generate a map showing the changes This bar is longitudinal, elongated and transverse to the
detection of fluvial channel dynamics. stream alignment which is exposed only during the winter
The following formula is applied to compute the sinuosity and summer period (Fig. 2).
ratio (SR) in the present study 2.3.4. Old bar deposit
Sl The old bar is the main geomorphological units within the
SR =
Cl channel area. This bar contains several cycles of
where, SR is the sinuosity ratio, Sl is the stream length (m) sedimentation that forms multistoried changing sequences
and Cl is the channel length (m) [31]. This bar identifies by its geomorphic forms and light
The braiding index is defined by the following equation tone (Fig. 2).
Li 2.3.5 New bar deposit
BI = 2 �
Lr New bar is small scale bar within the channel floors,
where BI is the braided index, Li is the total length of which is characterized by sand waves without any vegetation
bars/islands in the reach (m) and Lr is the length of reach covers. This bar consists of loose, light gray to white and
measured midway distance between the banks (m). medium to fine-grained sands. The new bar is comparatively
lower than that of the older bar. In satellite images, it
identifies by light tone (Fig. 2).
2.3. Geomorphological Units
2.3.6 Abandoned channel deposit
Geomorphological units consist of recent alluvium plain
in the study area. Geomorphological features of the Padma The unit is extended thin depressions and narrow
River differ from one place to another in the northwestern discontinuous water courses with or without water
Bangladesh. It is recognized on the basis of the satellite throughout the year. It consists of silty clay, lies beneath by
image characteristics (e.g. tonal variation, texture, size, silty sand to fine sand deposits. Vegetation forms elongated
shape) and fluvial features [28]. Geomorphological units are shape like geometry (Fig. 2).
identified by different erosion processes [29]. Remote 2.3.7 Floodplain deposit
sensing data are effective to map geomorphological units
[30]. Flood plain deposit is located between natural levee and
flood basin and its elevation is lower than natural levee [32].
2.3.1. Active Channel This unit is very gently sloping towards the flood basin.
Active channel is perpetual water flow in all over the year. Flood plain deposit consists of silty clay to organic rich gray
This unit is the main feature of the study area (Fig. 2). clay and partly decomposed of grass roots [33]. The study
area has converted to the cultivated lands which exhibits
2.3.2. Mid channel bar table like geometric shape on either sides of the Padma River
This channel bar is ephemeral in nature and position of the (Fig. 2).
44 Assessment of Fluvial Channel Dynamics of Padma River in Northwestern Bangladesh
Figure 2. Fluvial morphological channel features of the study area using satellite images (After modified from [34])
Figure 3. Sinuosity ratio, braided index and island area percentage of the study area
3. Results and Discussion (Fig. 4). Channel area has been significantly changed for the
rapid sedimentation in right (west) bank rather than left (east)
3.1. Changes Detection over Time bank due to sinuosity ratio increased in right channel. It
reveals that the lateral erosion has been increased because of
The Landsat satellite images were used to show the high rate of sedimentation over the 23 year time periods. The
changes of the Padma River channel dynamics over the three braiding index (BI) has been increased with the increasing
decades. The sinuosity ratio (SR) was 1.13, 1.12 and 1.15 islands. For increasing sinuosity, island area and also braided
respectively (Fig. 3a). It indicates that the Padma River index imply that the Padma River has been submerging the
became more sinuous character over time. The braided index large areas of right (west) bank in almost every year. The
(BI) was about 0.83, 1.10 and 1.32 respectively with the comparison between sinuosity ratio and braiding index, it
increasing trend of river (Fig 3b). It signifies that the Padma demonstrates that the changing rate of braiding index (BI) is
River becomes meander to semi braided river in nature. The more than the sinuosity ratio (SR). The changes in channel
island area was about 13 %, 30 %, and 35 % respectively of dynamics indicate that river needs to monitor for temporal
the total area of river. There was an extreme change in the shifting in each year. The results are consistent with analysis
island area, an increase of 12.17%, 19.20 % and 5.10 % of the changing morphometry and shift bank line of the
island area with increasing the river breadth (Fig. 3c). It Ganges River using the space borne techniques which made
showed that the erosion of bank line was increased by Laha and Bandyapadhyay [35].
significantly and also changes of river channel dynamics
Universal Journal of Geoscience 4(2): 41-49, 2016 45
Figure 4. Detection of channel dynamic of the Padma River over the time using satellite images
Figure 5. Photographs show river bank erosion of the study area; (a) bank erosion in Charghat area of Rajshahi district, northwestern Bangladesh; (b) River
bank protection in Ramkrishnapur area of Rajshahi district in northwestern Bangladesh; (c) Char erosion in Pakuria area of Rajshahi district; (d) Char bar
deposition in Sara area of Pubna district, northwestern Bangladesh
3.2. River Bank Erosion From the analyses of three satellite images of MSS 1977, TM
1989 and ETM+ 2000, it can be said that the river bank has
River bank erosion is a complex fluvial process which been eroded and channel moves at different directions in
depends on several factors. Among them, the most important different times within several locations. First, the area is
factors are flood, irregular water flow and earthquake [36]. located near Charghat union of Charghat area in the right
46 Assessment of Fluvial Channel Dynamics of Padma River in Northwestern Bangladesh
bank of the Padma River (Site-A). Erosion was occurred (west) bank distributaries. So, the future study requires for
towards western side during the last 23 years according to predicting precisely morphological changes and its trend line
observation of satellite images (Fig. 5a). Second, the area is position in the Padma River.
migrated in the right bank near Ramkrishnapur union of
Table 2. The westward shifting of the channel of the Padma River
Bagha area of Rajshahi district of the Padma River (Site-B).
From satellite image of 1977 to 2000, it showed a remarkable Right bank Left bank
Duration Central line
(west) (east)
change of the river bank line (Fig. 5b). Third, it is placed in
Marich union of Bagha area of Rajshahi district at right bank Since 1977 2-3 -2 -0.5
of the river. The rate of erosion was occurred during the time 1977-1989 3 1 1
period of 1977 to 1989, probably at the same points in this 1989-2000 6 -1 -1
site-C. Fourth, Bahadurpur and adjacent areas are included at N.B: Data are in kilometers and a minus sign denotes eastward shifting
right bank of the river (Site-D). Fifth, this site-E is covered in
Pakshi area at the right bank of the Padma River. Sixth, The channel shifting of the Padma River obtained during
site-F is situated in Pakuria Union of Bagha and adjacent the time periods of 1977 to 2000 (23 years) and the
areas at left bank of the river. From time period of 1977 to superimposed bank line maps are presented in Fig. 6. During
1989, erosion was occurred at slower rate than before but 1977s the bank line movement was relatively slow. In order
after 1989, it was observed a remarkable change of the bank to get clear picture and to compare the changes of bank line
line toward west direction (Fig. 5c). Seventh, site-G is of Padma River using the GIS superimposed have shown on
located in Sara Union and adjoining areas at left bank of the the 1977–1989 and 1989–2000 of satellite images, different
river. The overall rate of erosion was much higher in rates of bank erosion were detected in the time periods from
1989-2000 than 1977-1989 time periods and the river width 1977 to 2000. The bank line shifting was identified
increased with increasing rate of erosion in site-G (Fig. 5d). significantly at the upstream side which occurred in
westward direction of the Padma river whereas minor
3.3. Channel Shifting eastward shifting of bank line was observed in the lower part
of the Pakshi area in northwestern Bangladesh (Fig. 6). From
Quantitative analyses of the positions of channel shifting the overall observation of channel shifting indicates that the
demonstrate that westward migration has occurred in the channel shifting at upper middle part of Padma River
Padma River (Table 2). This is due to right bank (west) (Rajshahi district) showed westward shifting of bank line
between 1977 and 2000 has not balanced by left bank (east) while the lower part (Pabna district) of the river shifted in
between 1977 and 2000. The changes in trend line can be eastward direction from 1977 to 2000 time periods. The
ascribed mostly due to a switch in the direction of the right width of the Padma River almost double in (1989-2000)
(west) bank migration: before 1977, this was advancing compared to (1977-1989). From the satellite images, it
eastwards direction at a slower rate than the east (left) bank shows that the overall width of the Padma River has
was retreating to produce eastward movement and narrowing increased from around 4 km to 6 km during the last 23 years.
the channel. Conversely, since 1977, the west (right) bank Mid channel bar like Gargari is eroded mostly and shifted its
has been retreating at a higher rate than that of the east (left) original position. The bank migration was prominent in those
bank, producing westward movement and accelerated areas. The previous results of Talukder and Islam [39],
widening channel continue in recent decades. The findings Samsuzzaman et al. [37] and Uddin [38] supported this
show that the river moves from the east to westward. finding. From the above discussion, it is clear that the bank
Because of its topography is complex displaying of the Padma River is very much unstable in nature and
morphological features that may be ascribed to neo-tectonics, changes its banks often frequently.
fluvial processes and sedimentation associated with right
Universal Journal of Geoscience 4(2): 41-49, 2016 47
Figure 6. Geomorphological map and its superimposed bank lines of Landsat MSS 1977, TM 1989 and ETM+ 2000
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