MCQ On Direct Tax
MCQ On Direct Tax
MCQ On Direct Tax
A) 1934
B) 1956
C) 1961
D) 1972 2.
B) 1 st April 1961
C) 1 st April 1962
D) 1 st April 1956 3.
A) Professional tax
B) Direct tax
C) Indirect tax
D) Service tax
B) Finance Act
D) Finance rules
B) 4
C) 5
D) 2
6. A person with the age of ………… or more is considered as a super senior citizen
as per Income tax Act.
A) 56
B) 60
C) 80
D) 85
A) Individual
C) Local Authority
A) Central Government
B) State Government
A) Karta
B) Coparceners
C) Deemed Karta
D) None of these
11. The highest Administrative Authority for Income Tax in India is............
A) Finance Minister.
C) President of India.
A) Fully Taxable
B) Partly Taxable
C) Fully Exempted
D) None of these