Reading and Writing 3 Q: Skills For Success Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key

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Reading and Writing 3 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

The Q Classroom Activity B, p. 98

Activity A, p. 96 Answers will vary. Possible answer:
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Motorcycle racing is very risky. The
1. “Take a risk” means doing riders go very fast around the track.
something with the possibility of If they fall, they could be badly
loss or failure. injured. Also, they ride very close to
2. I am a risk-taker. I like to try new each other. If one rider falls, other
foods without knowing if I will enjoy riders fall as well and can get hurt
them. / I am not a risk-taker. I like to too. But it looks very exciting.
know for certain if I will enjoy or be Activity C, p. 98
good at something. Answers will vary.
3. One of the people is wing-walking.
Another person is climbing a WORK WITH THE READING
mountain. In the video photo, the Activity B, pp. 100–101
person is wingsuit-gliding. 1. a
Activity B, p. 97 2. b
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 3. a
1. I think that excitement is a common 4. a
reason for people to take risks. 5. b
Skydiving, racing, and mountain 6. b
climbing are all examples of risks 7. a
that could bring someone 8. b
excitement. 9. a
2. Doing something new can be risky. It 10. a
is risky because someone might not Activity D, p. 101
succeed. I took a risk by deciding to a. 5
learn English. b. 4
c. 3
Activity A, iQ Online Resource Activity E, p. 102
Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary. Main idea Example
Higher tolerance Daron Rahlves, a ski
READING 1 of risk racer
PREVIEW THE READING Fear of risk Al Read: forget about
Activity A, p. 98 fear and go back
 They don’t think it’s too risky. Adrenaline flow Al Read: exhilaration
 They like a challenge. afterward
 They love the feeling of excitement. Risk perception Climbers prepare for
 It makes them focus on the present activity and don’t see it
moment. as a risk.

Reading and Writing 3 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

Activity F, p. 102 a mountain, you would probably die.

1. the fun of it Also, accidents are big news stories.
2. mental character People hear more about climbers
3. could be killed that have accidents than they do
4. without oxygen about climbers who don’t have any
5. people think it is problems.
Activity G, p. 102
2. d Activity A, p. 104
3. b 1. Underlined: some people
4. a Circled: the rest of us
2. Underlined: others
WRITE WHAT YOU THINK Circled: most of us
Activity A, B, p. 103 3. Underlined: others
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Circled: many people
1. I think downhill skiing is risky. You 4. Underlined: certain people
are moving incredibly fast, and you Circled: others
can easily fall and injure yourself. 5. Underlined: these types of people
Also, if you do injure yourself, you’re Circled: others
up in the mountains far from a Activity B, p. 104
hospital. Someone who skis Underlined: some people, These types of
frequently wouldn’t see downhill people, them, a certain type of person,
skiing as that risky because they certain types of people
have probably skied many times Circled: most of us, The majority of people,
without getting hurt. They probably The rest of us, The rest of us
feel very much in control when they
ski. READING 2
2. Yes, fishing seems risky. The ocean is PREVIEW THE READING
dangerous and unpredictable. If you Activity A, p. 105
have an accident on the ocean, Answers will vary. Possible answer:
there might not be anyone around  She wanted to improve how she felt
to help you. You could die from the about herself.
cold water, or you could drown. You Activity B, p. 105
could also be eaten by a shark. Answers will vary. Possible answer:
3. Mountain climbing seems very When I was eight years old, I broke
dangerous to people who don’t do it my arm. All of my friends were
because they aren’t familiar with the learning to play volleyball. I couldn’t
safety equipment and the skills that play because of my arm, but I
mountain climbers have. They wanted to learn the game. So I
imagine climbing without volunteered to be the scorekeeper
equipment, and that would be scary when my friends played. After two
and dangerous. And if you fell from months, my arm was healed, and I

Reading and Writing 3 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

could play volleyball with my 5. F; 6 The gloves are to help people

friends. going down the mountain.
Activity C, p. 105
Answers will vary. WRITE WHAT YOU THINK
Activity A, p. 110
WORK WITH THE READING Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Activity B, p. 108 1. She would rather face the challenge
1. goal of climbing mountains than the
2. conquer challenge of being ill.
3. determined 2. Yes, because after her transplant
4. bravely she was trying to change her image
5. role and prove herself. / No, because she
6. distinctive always loved the challenge of being
7. earn outdoors.
8. ultimate Activity B, p. 110
9. significant Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Activity D, p. 108 1. Yes. They need to take risks because
a. 3 they wouldn’t be happy without the
b. 4 adrenaline rush. Life without risk
c. 2 would seem dull. I think they would
d. 1 be unhappy. If they didn’t do risky
e. 6 sports, they might find riskier things
f. 5 to do. For example, they might drive
Activity E, p. 109 too fast on the highway to get the
1. 2 adrenaline rush.
2. 4 2. Yes, most people perceive risk
3. 6 differently when they are older.
4. 3 When you are young, the possibility
Activity F, p. 109 of serious injury isn’t very real.
1. 1250; 4 When you get older and have more
2. imperfect; 4 experience, it becomes more real. I
3. 1996; 5 think that’s because you have more
4. 45; 6 life experience. When you’re older,
5. 150; 6 you’ve seen the things that can
6. bracelet; 7 happen when you take risks.
Activity G, p. 109
1. F; 6 Kelly was glad that her husband VOCABULARY SKILL
was climbing directly behind her. Activity A, p. 111
2. F; 7 Craig was not sure they would Answers will vary depending on which
ever make another climb. dictionary is used.
3. T; 5 Activity B, p. 111
4. T; 3 Answers will vary. Possible answers:

Reading and Writing 3 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

1. My brother was driven to be the during previous hurricanes, and this

best student in his class. was no exception.
2. He embraced the challenge of 3. Though the flooding went on
medical school. through the night, the damage had
3. My sister has a real appetite for been done in minutes. Some people
learning. thought I had taken an unnecessary
4. The most important ingredient in risk by staying in the house, but
learning English is being willing to saving my neighbor and his family
make mistakes. was proof enough for me that I had
5. My cousin took the role of coach for made the right decision.
our basketball team.
6. Ibraheem earned our respect with GRAMMAR
all of his hard work. Activity A, p. 115
7. The face of the mountain is solid Simple past verbs are boxed and present
granite. past perfect verbs are underlined
The storm began quickly and wildly.
WRITING SKILL I was sitting in my living room watching the
Activity B, p. 113 ocean as the waves grew in size and
1. The writer gives background strength. Many people told me I was
information in the first paragraph. foolish to stay in my house and not seek
2. An opportunity to fulfill this dream shelter away from the beach. But this was
came to me one day, and I decided to my home. I had always stayed put during
take the risk and go for it.
previous hurricanes, and this was no
3. The writer includes two body
exception. I knew I was taking a risk, but I
paragraphs. Students should mark
thought maybe I could help others who
paragraphs 2 and 3 with brackets.
might be in need.
4. Answers will vary.
5. Taking a huge financial risk was scary, The ferocious winds died down
but fulfilling a lifelong dream gives almost as quickly as they had started. As I
you a feeling that can’t be described. I inspected my house, I realized the
felt that I was the luckiest person in basement contained 60 centimeters of
the world. water. Fortunately, I had removed anything
Activity C, p. 114 valuable before the storm. Then I noticed
1. c the flood of water running down the street.
2. The storm began quickly and wildly. The street was no more, replaced by a river
I was sitting in my living room running through the neighborhood. As I was
watching the ocean as the waves surveying the area, I heard shouts from
grew in size and strength. Many down the street. I walked out to the garage
people told me I was foolish to stay and grabbed my kayak. This would provide
in my house and not seek shelter my transportation for the next few hours.
away from the beach. But this was I paddled down the street to where
my home. I had always stayed put the shouts were coming from. One of my

Reading and Writing 3 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

neighbors—another risk-taker—had stayed Answers will vary.

in his house, but the water had poured into
the second floor. He and his family,
including two small children, were left with
only the attic to stay in. I tied a rope to each
of the children and placed them into the
kayak. I paddled them to the end of the
street where the water subsided and
pavement was visible. We finally reached
an undamaged home, and I lifted the
children to safety. Then I returned to help
their parents.
Though the flooding went on
through the night, the damage had been
done in minutes. Some people thought I
had taken an unnecessary risk by staying in
the house, but saving my neighbor and his
family was proof enough for me that I had
made the right decision.
Activity B, pp. 115–116
1. past/present
2. past/present
3. present
4. past
5. present/past
Activity C, p. 116
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I ride my bike
2. I drink water
3. I speak English fluently
4. people did not drive cars
5. I prepare my meals at home
6. I do not watch TV

Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource


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