Child and Adolescence Handout For Chapter 2
Child and Adolescence Handout For Chapter 2
Child and Adolescence Handout For Chapter 2
CHAPTER 3: PHYSICAL AND MOTOR law), motor (crawling before walking), speech
DEVELOPMENT and intellectual development.
time activities, adjusting to b. Turner Syndrome – one complete X
physiological changes chromosome and no Y chromosome; female
Old Age Adjusting to decreasing condition; short stature and infertile ovaries
physical strength and
health, retirement, reduced c. Down Syndrome – known as chromosome
income numbered 21 (21-21-21) severe mental
retardation, broad hands with short fingers,
Factors Influencing Mastery of same features
Developmental Tasks
Handicaps to Mastery Number of Offspring:
a. retarded developmental level a. singleton
b. lack of opportunity to learn developmental b. multiple births (twins, triplets, quadruplets,
tasks or lack of guidance in their mastery quintuplets, etc.)
c. lack of motivation
d. poor health 1 out of 80 births – twins
e. physical defects 1 out of every 9,000 – triplets
f. low intellectual level 1 out of 570,000 – quadruplets
Aids to Mastery 1/3 of all twins - identical
a. normal or accelerated developmental
level Stages or periods of conception
b. opportunities to learn the developmental a. Zygote – 2 weeks after fertilization
tasks and guidance in mastering them b. Embryo – 2 weeks to 2 months
c. motivation c. Fetus – 2 months to birth
d. good health and absence of physical
defects Ordinal Position:
e. high level of intelligence
Here are some common characteristics
f. creativity
associated with ordinal position:
10. Traditional belief about people of all
ages – stereotyping
Ordinal Position Associated characteristics
Firstborns Behave in a mature way,
THE PRENATAL PERIOD insecure of younger
It is the shortest period of all, one of the most siblings, lack dominance
important period; approximately 270 to 280 and aggressiveness as a
days or nine calendar months. result of parental over
protectiveness, leadership
abilities, bossy, usually
HOW LIFE BEGINS high achievers, role
models to younger siblings
Union of the male and female sex cells also Middle-borns Independent,
known as fertilization adventuresome, resent
Male and female sex cells (released from the privileges older siblings are
granted, break rules to
gonads) differ in two ways: attract parental attention,
habit of being an
a. Ovum (pl. ova) – from the female gonads underachiever for fewer
(ovaries); carries 23 matched chromosomes parental expectations,
Spermatozoon (pl. spermatozoa) – from the fewer responsibilities, turn
to outsiders for peer
male gonads (testes); carries 22 matched
chromosomes and the unmatched Last-borns Willful and demanding,
chromosome can either be X or Y spoiled, greater feelings of
b. Differ in number of preparatory stages security, protected by
Male – maturation, fertilization parents from physical and
Female – maturation, ovulation, fertilization verbal attacks by other
siblings, dependent,
Total of 46 chromosomes: INFANCY
XX – girl Subdivisions of Infancy
XY – boy
a. Period of Partunate – (from birth to fifteen
Chromosomal Deficiencies: to thirty minutes after birth) fetal body has
a. Klinefelter Syndrome – XXY; male emerged from the mother’s body and lasts until
condition; infertility, smallness of testicles, the umbilical cord has been cut or tied.
sparse facial and body hair, and enlarged
b. Period of the Neonate – (from the cutting Physical Development: one of the two
and tying of the umbilical cord to approximately periods of rapid growth during the lifespan (the
the end of the second week of post natal life) other is puberty)