OpenText ContentBridge CE 21.2 - User Guide English (EDCCM210200-UGD-En-1)
OpenText ContentBridge CE 21.2 - User Guide English (EDCCM210200-UGD-En-1)
OpenText ContentBridge CE 21.2 - User Guide English (EDCCM210200-UGD-En-1)
User Guide
OpenText ContentBridge
User Guide
Rev.: 2021-May-31
This documentation has been created for OpenText ContentBridge CE 21.2.
It is also valid for subsequent software releases unless OpenText has made newer documentation available with the product,
on an OpenText website, or by any other means.
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction to ContentBridge ............................................... 13
Introduction to ContentBridge
See the Release Notes for ContentBridge 21.2 for the list of new features in this release.
ContentBridge allows data to be moved from one database or data file to another
database. On route data can be:
Installing the software is fully automated and you can be validating and moving
data after following a few simple steps. ContentBridge is built using Microsoft's
latest .NET framework. If this is not installed on your machine it will be
downloaded and installed from the Microsoft web site.
At all times the actions of ContentBridge are clearly visible and all errors and
warnings are quickly displayed to the user.
ContentBridge will move data in or out of a wide range of databases and data files.
This includes:
• Comma Delimited Files (Comma Separated Values - CSV), Tab Separated Files
(TXT) and similar text files
• Fixed format files
• XML files
• Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
• Microsoft Access
• SQL Server and SQL Server Compact
• Oracle
• OLE DB data sources
• ODBC data sources
Make sure you take a backup copy of your database or files before you start.
Where to go next
Run the demo of ContentBridge in use by selecting this from the Help menu
ContentBridge will allow you to quickly import your data onto a map and run some
simple checks:
• Check the postal codes or zip codes are in the correct format
• Check the surnames are valid and NOT FOR EXAMPLE ALL IN CAPITALS
• Check the telephone numbers look okay
• Check thousands of rows in minutes
• Split the data into groups to mail for each of the next few weeks
• Identify contacts in target regions
• Prepare the data for mail merge
If you have an application for ContentBridge and you are unsure if it can help or
how to proceed please contact [email protected].
This tutorial will take you through a simple tutorial to get you quickly up and
Sample data is provided as part of the ContentBridge installation and the tutorial
covered in this section uses this data. You will be shown how to run ContentBridge
connect to this data file, validate the data, transform and finally write the resulting
data to a new text file.
At all stages we can preview the data and if we want make adjustments.
Run ContentBridge
If you are planning to write data to an important database or file, please make
sure you take a backup copy first.Even though ContentBridge allows you to see the
data and to review before proceeding with the write you should always make sure
you have saved a copy.
Next >
Save the map by pressing the save icon in the toolbar. We have chosen to save the
map at this early stage as ContentBridge will use relative addressing for data files.
Click the top left icon to display the properties wizard. You can also highlight an
object on the map and press the F4 key.
The three stages of the wizard are described in the next three pages of this tutorial.
The wizard stages are:
• Selection of the text file. Select customers.txt in the sample folder installed with
your copy of ContentBridge.
• Specifying the file format. ContentBridge will attempt to resolve what the format
is. The customer.txt file is a comma-delimited file. The data can be reviewed.
Check the box to indicate that the first row contains the field names.
• Make any changes required to the schema. Press finish to complete the wizard.
Select the text file to be read into ContentBridge. This should be the Customers.txt
file in the Samples folder:
Click the button to the right of the text file box and select the Customers.txt file
which is found in the Samples folder:
Please note that ContentBridge will accept a path relative to the map or an absolute
path. In the screenshot above the map and the text file are in the same folder.
Select the Delimited file type. Please note that ContentBridge will look at the first 50
rows and attempt to work out the file type and delimiters, so this will be selected
Check the box to indicate that for this file the first row contains the column names.
ContentBridge shows the data so you can check how your selection will work.
The Output panel at the bottom is always used to display the progress of an
execution. If at any time to wish to review the data, highlight the map element and
ensure the data tab is selected at the bottom. The display will now look like:
All 91 rows can be reviewed. You can search for data, browse through the rows and
go directly to a row by typing in the row number and pressing Enter. If required the
data can be edited. The changes will not be applied to the original data source, but
will be reflected in the output from ContentBridge. One of ContentBridge's greatest
features is the complete visibility of data. The data can be sorted by any row by
clicking on a column heading. The sort will alternate from ascending to descending
and back again with each click. The sort is indicated by an arrow in the column
heading. Columns may be resized using the mouse to drag the column separator.
Select the General tab on the toolbar on the left. It will be near at the bottom. Left
click the ValidateFunction in the Functions toolbar, hold the mouse button down
and drag & drop it onto the map.
Join the output of the Read Text Fileto the input of the Validate . To do this place
the mouse pointer over the Read Text File map element.
Advanced topic: The map objects can be pinned open or made to open and contract
as the mouse pointer passes over them.
Left click on the output of the Read (bottom left icon), hold the mouse button down
and drag it over the input of the Validate (bottom left icon).
You will now see the data moved from the Readto the Validate . Highlight the
Validate object in the map and press F5. The Data panel will show the Source,
Passed and Failed data.
Click the left icon of theValidate object to display the properties dialog box. Press
the Reset toolbar button, answer yes and you will see that all rows of the data are
shown on the left and also in the map area. Validation rules appear on the right and
can be dragged onto the map and linked to rows by the same drag and drop
technique used for the main map.
On the Functions toolbar on the right select the General section. Drag the Not NULL
function onto the map and connect the Region data field to this test. The validate
will then look as shown below. This will test if the Region is present for all rows.
Save the Validate properties by pressing the OK button. The validate will
automatically execute and 35 rows will now have passed and 56 failed. Select the
Data tab to review the passed and failed rows.
Connect the Passed data (indicated by the icon with a green tick) from the Validate
to the Input of the Transform.
Press the Reset button on the outputs toolbar and press Yes. This will copy the input
columns to the output.
Press the Auto-Map button in the toolbar and press OK. Each field is mapped to an
output field of the same name.
The data can be previewed from the Transform properties dialog box by pressing
the Preview button on the toolbar. You will see that the ContactName holds the first
and last name of the contact. We will now split this into individual fields.
The following dialog box is displayed. Add a new field for the FirstName and
Remove the ContactName field as we will not be using it. To do this highlight this
row and press the red X button in the toolbar.
Connect the ContactName to the input and the outputs to the FirstName and
LastName fields.
Click the left icon of the Split. Define the delimiter character as space by clicking on
the underlined text in the function description and entering space. Press the OK
Save the Transform properties by pressing OK and review the Transform Output
data. You will now see the two new fields containing the first and last names.
Close the Transform properties by pressing OK. The Transform will execute. You
can check the output data by selecting the Data tab at the bottom and comparing the
Input and Output
Advanced topic:
The properties of all functions are similar in style. A natural English sentence
describes the action of the function. The blue underlined text can be clicked on. This
will then either:
The action of the function can be tested. You can run this test with the data
presented from the data in your map or by typing in data. The type is set to the data
type by default but can be modified as required (see the Glossary for more
information on Data Types).
Select the Export tab in the toolbar on the left. Drag and drop the Write File function
to the map:
Connect the Output of the Transform to the Input of the Write Text File .
Click the left icon of theWrite Text Fileobject to display the properties. The two
stages of the wizard are described in the next two pages of the Tutorial and allow:
• The definition of the output file and if the data should be appended or replace
the data in that file
• The definition of the format of the output data
Enter the file to which the data should be written. Press the button to the right and
type in Output.txt.
Please note that ContentBridge will accept a path relative to the map or an absolute
Select Delimited. Normally you are better advised to select a delimited file with the
Field Delimiter as a comma and the Text Qualifier as double quotes. These are the
default settings.
You can also choose to include column headings as the first row by checking the
Press F5 and answer yes to execute. The data will be written to the file.
Please note that the evaluation copy of ContentBridge is restricted to only write
out 50 rows of data. All execute functions are set into Trial mode. While in this
mode they will only process 50 rows. The Import and other functions are unlimited
allowing you access to a free data validation tool.
If you wish click the right arrow above and go on to write the data to a Microsoft
Access database instead of to a text file.
Save the map by pressing the floppy disk icon on the main toolbar at the top.
Remove the transform and the Write Text File from the map.
Open the Read Text File properties and go to the third stage of the wizard. Highlight
the CustomerID row and double click the Data Type. Change the data type to Int32.
Now press the Primary Key button on the toolbar.
Now drag a Write MS Access object onto the map. set the properties as follows:
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
Click on the left icon on the Transform object to display the properties. Press the
Auto-Map button, select the Reset Outputs checkbox and press OK. You will see that
ContentBridge has suggested how to link the input data to the Contacts database.
You only need to add the split of the ContactName into the FirstName and
LastName fields and the job is done.
Press the OK button and review the data. To write the data to the Contacts database
change the red stop icon to green arrow or blue pause and execute all.
If you wish, load the sample maps provided with ContentBridge. These are
UG.dbm, a map built as the tutorial describes and UG1.dbm, a more complicated
example where a reference table or list is used to manage the permitted countries.
Double click on the name of each object and give it an appropriate name such as:
If you wish you can pin the map objects expanded. This is done by clicking on the
magnifier glass icon on the right hand corner of each object. The icon will turn green
and the object remain expanded.
< Prev
Using ContentBridge
This section describes the features and functions of ContentBridge in greater depth:
• Writing to a MySQL
• Writing to aSQL
• Writing to an Oracle
• Writing to
• Writing to an OLE
DBdata source
Take a look at how context menus can help you work quickly and conveniently
In addition to the map there are a number of toolbars and display panels. Each is
described in the following pages of this user guide:
• Main toolbar
• Functions
• Output
• Data
If space is a premium the pin icon on each toolbar can be used to cause the toolbars
to minimize when not in use. A toolbar can be hidden using the X icon and restored
from the View menu.
• Place the mouse over the boarder and drag the object to move it
• Highlight one or more objects and use the cursor keys to move them. The Shift
key will make the objects move more quickly in larger steps
• Click the icon on the left to display the object properties
• Double click the title to edit
• Click the pin icon on the top right hand corner to pin open or closed. If set closed
the object will expand when the mouse is over the object.
• Click the gear icon to toggle the execution mode. More...
Cut, Copy and Paste will work on multiple items and between two maps loaded in
two copies of ContentBridge.
Other output objects will be added in future releases. Please check the OpenText
web site to check the availability of other database connectors.
Other output objects will be added in future releases. Please check the OpenText
web site to check the availability of other database connectors.
The Output tab shows the progress of the execution of ContentBridge. In the
example below 91 records have been read from an object, Customers, and then
validated using an object named Check Region. 31 rows passed and 60 failed.
This toolbar can be pinned as expanded or allowed to contract when not in use. The
toolbar can also be re-sized and docked in other locations.
The Data tab shows the data in the map object highlighted. Depending on the type
of the the object there can be more many sub-tabs. In this case (a validation object)
there are three: Source; Passed and Failed.
This toolbar can be hidden, pinned as expanded or allowed to contract when not in
use. The toolbar can also be re-sized and docked in other locations.
The find function can be used to search for data. Enter the text to search for in the
white box and press the find button. Each time the find button is pushed
ContentBridge will show the next match. The browse buttons can also be used to
scroll through the data or you may move directly to a row.
Note: If data is modified manually then care must be taken not to execute functions
that will overwrite this change. As an example a text file can be read and then
following validation problem rows modified by hand. If you save the map the
changes to the data are stored and are reloaded when the map is reloaded. If you
execute the text file read again these changes will be lost. You can protect a function
from executing by clicking on the icon on the bottom write of the title bar / The icon
will change from green (auto-execute) to blue (Prompt) to Red (manual execute)
Please note that ContentBridge Add-Ins can add items to the tools menus. If you use
the SDK to create your own Add-Ins these can also provide additional entries in this
OpenText ContentBridgeon the web Loads a web browser with the ContentBridge
page of the OpenText web site showing
Check Web for updates Check the OpenText web site for a new
version of ContentBridge
About Displays the version of ContentBridge
4.12 Options
The options dialog box displays a small number of options that may be set by the
This includes the default propertiesfor new maps and the Auto-Size behavior:
The behavior of Functions added to the map and when the properties are closed:
If a log file may be written as the map executes. By default the text that is written to
the log file also appears in the Output panel.
You can disable this feature by de-selecting the “Log execution output to Output
Window” check-box.
You can also configure ContentBridge options to create a log file using the same
name as the running map. and also append time-stamp to the end of log file name.
Setting these options to dynamically change the log file name is extremely useful in
terms of maintaining separate log file per execution cycle.
Configure the Dashboard host and port name as well as the frequency to post
dashboard updates during map execution using the dashboard tab:
The dashboard URL must contain the <host>:<port> where, <host> is the server
where the dashboard WEB-API are installed and <port> is the port number
monitored by the dashboard WEB-API for incoming requests. Specify port number
only if Dashboard web-api is configured to monitor any port other than the default
http port 80.
The location for reference files such as the list of abbreviations or name prefixes. This
can be set to a network location so that you can share these settings between many
ContentBridgeusers. The default locations is within a ..\OpenText Content Bridge\
folder in My Documents for Windows XP and Documentsfor Windows Vista, 7, 8
and higher
MS Office 2003
IDE 2005
The Author, Company and Comments are free text areas and you can add any data
as appropriate. When a new map is created these properties are set to default values
as specified in the Identity tab of the Options settingsfor ContentBridge .
The records in a batch are set for the map and can be found in the Batch Mode Tab
Dashboard tab allows users to enable or disable posting of execution data to the
Users can also choose to select posting data against a specific project configured in
the Dashboard application.
This is very useful when there are multiple migration projects underway at the same
time. In this scenario, all ContentBridge maps developed for a specific migration
project can be configured to post data against specific dashboard project so that it is
easy to monitor execution status of maps used by different migration teams
The projects must be configured using the Dashboard portal so that the project is
available for selection on this screen.
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
• Selection of the text file. As an example select customers.txt in the sample folder
installed with your copy of ContentBridge .
• Specifying the file format.ContentBridge will attempt to resolve what the format
is. The customer.txt file is a comma-delimited file. The data can be reviewed.
Check the box to indicate that the first row contains the field names.
• Make any changes required to the schema. Press finish to complete the wizard.
If you re-enter the properties and change the file to be read ContentBridge will ask if
you wish to reset the data schema. If the file has the same format as the original file
you may not want to make a change.
Select the text file to be read into ContentBridge. Both delimited files such as a csv
file or a fixed format file can be read. If you want to read a Microsoft Access
database or a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet you need to place the appropriate
function on the map.
Please note that the file name can be given as absolute or relative to the location of
the map.
Read all similar files within folder and append as one operation:
ContentBridge can read from a single file (the default) or read all files of a similar
format from within a single directory. When this second option is selected the files
can be of a format by which each file holds a single record with a row containing a
field. This type of file may be something like the following:
You can choose to include the filename as a column in the data. This can be useful if
you want the data source to be shown in the destination data. The Transform
function allows other data to be included such as the date, machine name and the
You can set the object to archive the file after processing. This can be useful if you
are using ContentBridge Loader to schedule execution of maps and want to move
processed files so that they will not be run again. While developing the map use
Trial mode and the file will not be archived.
Select either Delimited of Fixed Width as the file type. ContentBridge will look at the
first 50 rows and attempt to work out the file type and delimiters. Indicate if the first
row contains the column names.
For a fixed width file you would need to specify the width of each field.
If the Record Separator is not CR + LF as is the default for Windows files you can
also select LF only as is used for UNIX files or CR only as is used for Mac files.
The data is displayed for review. Each field type can be reviewed and modified if
Names of the columns can be changed as can the length of some data types such as a
String. If possible identify the primary key for the data. This will be for example the
userID, account code or a similarly named column.
If your data does not have a suitable primary key you can add a sequence number
using the Transform Sequence Function.
For more information on databases, data types and schemas please follow this link
You can save the schema for use in another map or at a later time. You can also Load
an existing schema. If you open the properties of an existing Read Text object and
change the
source filename, ContentBridge will prompt you before changing the schema. If the
new file is of an identical format you can avoid the need to re-define the schema.
When you are happy complete the wizard by pressing the finish button.
Click the title bar to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
• Selection of a spreadsheet.
• Select a worksheet, a range from a worksheet, a named range or a SQL query.
• Preview the data.
Please note that ContentBridge will accept a path relative to the map or an absolute
Select the Worksheet or a Named Range to be read. A range within a worksheet can
be specified using the Excel format in the form of the following example: A1:C3.
This example assumes the first row contains column titles and you check the box,
“First Row contains Column Headers”.
Because the Excel access uses the Microsoft JET Engine you can use MS Access
functions, for example:
You can also define named ranges of cells and select from them:
The first 50 rows of the data are displayed to confirm that the correct data will be
imported into ContentBridge.
ContentBridge will look at the column format to try and work out the data type. If
you do need to change the data type this can be done as part of a Transform function
by editing the schema.
Note: The Read Excel Advanced add-in doesn't have any dependency unlike
the Read Excel add-in.
Click the title bar to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
• Selection of a spreadsheet.
• Select a worksheet, a range from a worksheet, a named range or a SQL query.
• Preview the data.
Please note that ContentBridge will accept a path relative to the map or an absolute
Select the Worksheet or a Named Range to be read. A range within a worksheet can
be specified using the Excel format in the form of the following example: A1:C3.
The first 50 rows of the data are displayed to confirm that the correct data will be
imported into ContentBridge.
ContentBridge will look at the column format to try and work out the data type. If
you do need to change the data type this can be done as part of a Transform function
by editing the schema.
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
Select the Access database to read. If the access database has users and passwords
then these will also need to be entered here.
Please note that ContentBridge will accept a path relative to the map or an absolute
Select the Table or Query to be read. It is also possible to enter a SQL statement.
The first 50 rows of the data are displayed to confirm that the correct data will be
imported into ContentBridge.
Click the title bar to display the properties wizard. The four stages of the wizard
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
Select the MySQL Server to access. Enter the Port used to make the connection, a
username and the password.
MySQL allows a zero date of the format 00-00-0000. Microsoft DOT NET, the tool
used to build ContentBridge, does not. Either Null or 1 Jan 1900 is used instead.
If your data has zero dates then you will need to check the Allow Zero Dates
checkbox. You will then need to translate the date fields into a String using the
Transform ToDate function and then test for any zero dates using an If function and
set them to either 1 Jan 1900 or Null.
The first 50 rows of the data are displayed to confirm that the correct data will be
imported into ContentBridge.
Click the title bar to display the properties wizard. The four stages of the wizard
Select the MS SQL Server to access. Use Windows integrated security or enter the
username and password.
Select the Table or View to be read. It is also possible to enter a SQL statement.
The first 50 rows of the data are displayed to confirm that the correct data will be
imported into ContentBridge.
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
• Selection of the SQL Compact database. Click on the image to see more details.
• Select a table from within the database. You can also enter a SQL statement.
Enter the name of the SQL Compact database followed by the password, if used.
The first 50 rows of the data are displayed to confirm that the correct data will be
imported into ContentBridge.
Highlight Read Oracle from the Functions toolbar and drag and drop it on the grid.
The following object will appear:
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
• Selection of the Oracle database. This involves a few steps. Click on the image to
see more details.
• Select a table or view (query) from within the database. You can also enter a SQL
• Preview the data.
Enter the name of the server followed by the user and password.
Select the Table or View (Query) to be read. It is also possible to enter a SQL
The first 50 rows of the data are displayed to confirm that the correct data will be
imported into ContentBridge.
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
• Selection of the ODBC data source. This involves a few steps. Click on the image
to see more details.
• Select a table or view (query) from within the database. You can also enter a SQL
• Preview the data.
ODBC provides very broad connectivity to databases. It, or OLE DB, can be used to
access a wide range of data sources. If OpenText has published a specific data
connector, for example for Access, SQL Server or ACT! 6 you are best advised to use
that rather than ODBC or OLE DB. Given the choice of OLE DB or ODBC you
should normally use OLE DB.
Please note that ODBC and OLE DB are standards for connecting to databases and
are supported by most database technology used today. ODBC is an older standard
and has been largely replaced by OLE DB.
To access an ODBC data source you will need a DSN configured. ContentBridge
supports System, User and File DSNs. If you have not set-up one you can do this by
pressing the Manage Data Sources button.
Add a System DSN following the instructions on screen. Press the Refresh Data
Sources after you have added the DSN. Select the DSN and press the Next button.
Select the Table or View (Query) to be read. It is also possible to enter a SQL
The first 50 rows of the data are displayed to confirm that the correct data will be
imported into ContentBridge.
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
• Selection of the OLE DB provider. This involves a few steps. Click on the image
to see more details.
• Select a table or view (query) from within the database. You can also enter a SQL
• Preview the data.
OLE DB provides very broad connectivity to databases. It, or ODBC, can be used to
access a wide range of data sources. IfOpenText has published a specific data
connector, for example for Access, SQL Server or ACT! 6 you are best advised to use
that rather than ODBC or OLE DB. Given the choice of OLE DB or ODBC you
should normally use OLE DB.
Please note that ODBC and OLE DB are standards for connecting to databases and
are supported by most database technology used today. ODBC is an older standard
and has been largely replaced by OLE DB.
Press the button to the right. The standard OLE DB provider dialog box is displayed:
Select the provider you wish to use: in this case the Jet 4.0 to connect to the Microsoft
Office 12.0 Access database. Please note that the OLE DB provider for ODBC will not
work. Microsoft do not support ODBC from a .NET application. You should use the
specific ODBC support in ContentBridge. Press the Next button.
For MS Access you are then required to specify the location of the database. For the
SQL Server or Oracle providers this dialog box will be different. You can test the
connection and then press OK.
Select the Table or View (Query) to be read. It is also possible to enter a SQL
The first 50 rows of the data are displayed to confirm that the correct data will be
imported into ContentBridge.
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The two stages of the wizard
• Selection of the XML file. Please note the path can be relative to the map.
• Preview the first 50 rows of data
Select the XML file to read. Please note that the path can be relative to the location of
the map.
Highlight Validate from the Functions toolbar and drag and drop it on the grid. The
following object will appear:
Connect the data from, for example, the output of Text File Read to the input of the
Click the left icon to display the properties. Validation can be added as required.
This is done by dragging functions from the right hand toolbar onto the map and
joining a column to that function. Functions are divided into three groups:
Each column of the data is placed on the map for validation. They can be removed if
required, but validation will only occur for those rows connected to a validate
function on the map. Any number of validation tests can be added and more than
one can be run against a single column.
The data can be previewed from this properties dialog box. Simply push the Preview
button on the top toolbar and browse through the rows of data. For each row
displayed the icon on the validate function will be set to a red cross or a green tick to
indicate if the row displayed will pass each test.
A row must pass all tests to be included in the rows that have passed unless the
OR function is used. This is explained in more detail in the following page.
You can place more than one validate object on the map using this approach to pass
records that pass one test into one output file and another set into a second file. This
approach can be used for example to split a file into New York, Los Angeles and
Boston addresses.
As all the unconnected validate function outputs are True the whole rows passes or
is valid as shown in the bottom left. If we wanted to also pass rows with country
equal to “UK” and “France” we can build the validate as follows. Again the
functions are pinned and the preview mode selected.
The problem is the row fails as at least one of the unconnected outputs is false. This
problem is resolved using the OR function. The outputs of all tests are connected to
the OR which then in turn produces a True as the output. The row passes as the
Country is indeed “Germany” or “France” or “UK”.
The AND and NOT functions can be used to build more complex combinations of
tests. Adding a NOT on the end will only pass rows where the country is not
Germany, France or UK. The combinations are endless and ContentBridge can be
used to carry out all manner of tests on the data.
Any row can be forced to Pass or Fail. The third option, Default, follows the results
of the validation tests included in the map. The icon shows the state of each row.
January - December, last Confirms the date falls in the appropriate month
Month, Current Month,
Next month
Last, Current, Next, 1st, Confirms the date falls in the appropriate quarter
2nd, 3rd, 4th Quarter
Last, Current, Next Year Confirms the date falls in the appropriate year
Last, Current, Next Confirms the date falls in the appropriate financial year
Financial Year
If you would like to see additional validation functions then please contact
[email protected]?subject=Content%20Bridge%20Info.
Please note that these tests are not warranted in any way and while we endeavor to
QC all validation functions data can vary widely and results are not always
predictable. Please email us with any details of any false negatives (good data
classified as bad) or incorrect data passed as valid.
In general the string tests do not confirm valid data such as a valid email only a
valid format such as [email protected]. Fred may not be a valid email recipient at
Belgian Post Code Test the format of the data for a match
Brazilian Post Code Test the format of the data for a match
Credit Card Number Test the format of the data for a match
Dutch Post Code Test the format of the data for a match
Email Address Test the format of the data for a match.
European style Postcode Test the format of the data for a match
French Post Code Test the format of the data for a match
Forename/s Surname Test the format of the data for a match. This
test is not as thorough as the Surname test
German Post Code Test the format of the data for a match
Italian Post Code Test the format of the data for a match
ISBN Test the format of the data for a match
IP Address Test the format of the data for a match
Length Tests the length of a string
Numeric Test the format of the data for a match
Swedish Phone Number Test the format of the data for a match
Swedish Post Code Test the format of the data for a match
South African Cellular Number Test the format of the data for a match
Spanish Post Code Test the format of the data for a match
Surname, Forename/s Test the format of the data for a match
Surname(detailed) Test the format of the data for a match
UK Bank Sort Code Test the format of the data for a match
UK Car Registration Test the format of the data for a match
UK National Insurance Number Test the format of the data for a match
UK Post Code Test the format of the data for a match
UK Telephone Number Test the format of the data for a match
US Social Security Number Test the format of the data for a match
URL Test the format of the data for a match
US State Abbreviation Test the format of the data for a match
US Telephone Number Test the format of the data for a match
US Zip Code Test the format of the data for a match
US or Canadian Zip Code Test the format of the data for a match
US, Canadian or UK Zip Code Test the format of the data for a match
If you would like to see additional validation functions then please contact
[email protected]?subject=Content%20Bridge%20Info.
Please note that these tests are not warranted in any way and while we endeavor to
QC all validation functions data can vary widely and results are not always
predictable. Please email us with any details of any false negatives (good data
classified as bad) or incorrect data passed as valid.
If you would like to see additional validation functions then please contact
[email protected]?subject=Content%20Bridge%20Info.
Please note that these tests are not warranted in any way and while we endeavor to
QC all validation functions data can vary widely and results are not always
predictable. Please email us with any details of any false negatives (good data
classified as bad) or incorrect data passed as valid.
For example connect the output data from a Validateto the input of a Transform.
The columns of the input and output (if defined) appear on the map. ContentBridge
will make an attempt to match input data to output data by the column name. This
mapping can then be adjusted as required. Not all data has to map to fields and data
can be moved to more than one field in the destination file or database.
The columns displayed on the left show the data entering the Transformation. The
columns on the right show the output. The reset button will do one of the following:
The Auto-Map button will attempt to match the input columns to the output
Functions can be applied to the data to carry out a transformation. The Functions
toolbars on the left show the available transformation functions.
To use a function drag in onto the map and join it into the flow for the appropriate
At any time the data can be previewed by pressing the Preview button on the top
toolbar. You can then browse through the data to see how the transformation will
affect the actual data.
If you would like to see additional validation functions then please contact
[email protected]?subject=Content%20Bridge%20Info.
Please note that these tests are not warranted in any way and while we endeavor to
QC all validation functions data can vary widely and results are not always
predictable. Please email us with any details of any false negatives (good data
classified as bad) or incorrect data passed as valid.
Right, Left, Middle Extracts characters from the right, left or
middle of a string. Can
If you would like to see additional validation functions then please contact
[email protected]?subject=Content%20Bridge%20Info.
Please note that these tests are not warranted in any way and while we endeavor to
QC all validation functions data can vary widely and results are not always
predictable. Please email us with any details of any false negatives (good data
classified as bad) or incorrect data passed as valid.
If you would like to see additional validation functions then please contact
[email protected]?subject=Content%20Bridge%20Info.
Please note that these tests are not warranted in any way and while we endeavor to
QC all validation functions data can vary widely and results are not always
predictable. Please email us with any details of any false negatives (good data
classified as bad) or incorrect data passed as valid.
5.13.6 Auto-Map
Please ensure you have saved the Transformation before proceeding with the
Auto-Map function.
The Auto-Map function is available from the Transform object properties dialog box.
It automatically maps the input columns to output columns. A number of options
are presented before proceeding.
Columns are matched using the column title. This match can be made based on one
or more of the following:
You can also choose to reset the outputs before running the Auto-Map and restrict
the map to the first found.
The mapping process will proceed after pressing OK. If you wish to reverse the
process cancel the transformation properties dialog box.
Fields can be added or removed and the data type can be adjusted. Columns may be
renamed, the order adjusted and a column may be set as the primary key.
Defining the Primary Key can be important. When data is written to a database
ContentBridge will use the primary key to look for a matching row in the target
database. If one is found an Update is used rather than an Insert and only the
changes written to the database.
Please note: The column defined as a primary key in ContentBridge does not need
to match those columns set as indexes in the database. It needs to be a single unique
column used by ContentBridge to find if a row already exists in the target database.
It will help with performance if the column is also an index in the database.
You can explore this by reading from a database table, passing it through a
transform and then writing out to the same table. Then try setting and unsetting the
primary key.
There are two input data feeds. The source data or the data to be checked for
duplicates and the reference data. If you feed the same data into both inputs
ContentBridge will check for duplicates in the single data source you need to check
the Retain First Match. The De-duplication ignores case and ignores any spaces in
the data.
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The two stages of the wizard
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Select the columns to be used for the De-Duplication. You should select the columns
carefully listing the smallest number possible and placing them in an order that will
produce the highest rejection of duplicates with the first column in the list.
You may be best advised to create a new column with the fields that must be used to
check for duplicates. Where two separate columns are selected ContentBridge may
conclude that two rows are or are not duplicates based on the first column. This
approach is taken to optimize the processing required.
Set the level at which the data is regarded as duplicate. A higher figure sets a more
stringent test of records being duplicates
When you are de-duplicating a file against itself you will need to check the box to
allow the first row to be passed.
If the amount of data is large you can optimize by rejecting data initially on only the
first character. Selecting this option could treat as unique records that are actually a
duplicate, but with a typing error on the first character. Smith and Dmith will be
considered non-duplicate.
If the Match Nulls checkbox is left unchecked ContentBridge will not make a
comparison if data is missing. For example this can be used if the Social Security
Number is used to compare but may not always be present.
You can enter data and make test comparisons. The test score is shown and the color
changes as the test goes from Different (green) to Identical (red). You can try the
effect of the match Nulls checkbox using this Test Score facility.
The Source data is compared with the Reference data looking for any duplicates.
The unique rows are shown in the Unique tab and the candidates for duplicates in
the Duplicate panel.
The duplicates are shown with the data from the reference row that matches. The
score is also given. In the example above “Anne Devon” is considered a match with
“Ann Devon”.
There are two or more input data feeds. Connect your source data into the inputs on
the left. A single output on the right is the merged data.
Connect the input data. This function has no properties. After execution the data
panel will show each input data and the resulting merged data.
Where the column titles do not match the Mergewill add a new column to the
How does ContentBridge handle rows that appear in more than one input? Will it
create duplicate records? No this can be avoided.
If the input data has a unique ID you can prevent the Merge function creating
duplicates. Define the column that is the primary key in each of the input streams.
This can be done for example when the data file is read in using a Text Reador by
editing the data schema in a Transform.
The Merge function will use the primary key to identify rows in both data streams
that are the same record. The merge then applies “last edit wins” or give precedence
to the row from the last data input.
To read further about schemasand how ContentBridge handles the structure of the
data please follow this link.
Add as many columns as you need to sort by. The sort order is the order the
columns appear in the properties dialog box. The icons on the toolbar allow you to
add, remove and change the order of the columns. Highlight an entry to change
columns or change the sort order from ascending to descending or back again.
When you have finished press the finish button. The function will execute on saving.
Please note that this function will not work when combined with the
This table is then used with the lookup function to validate data.
Connect the output of a previous stage to the input of aWrite Text File .
Click the left icon of the Write Text Fileobject to display the properties. The two or
three stages of the wizard allow:
• The definition of the output file and if the data should be appended or to replace
the data in that file
• The format of the output data
• If a Fixed-Width file a third stage to define the widths of each column
By default all export functions on the map are in the mode of Prompt . This can be
seen by the gear with double blue lines showing as the icon on the right of the Write
Text File object. This is the default to protect the user from unwittingly overwriting
data. If you click on this icon it will cycle through three possible states:
You are advised to backup any output files before executing writes using
Enter the file to which the data should be written. This can be an existing file or a
new one. If it is an existing file you can choose to append new records or to replace
Please note that ContentBridge will accept a path relative to the map or an absolute
Make sure that you have saved the old file before you undertake this task.
Select Delimited or Fixed With. Normally you are better advised to select a
delimited file with the Field Delimiter as a comma and the Text Qualifier as double
quotes. These are the default settings.
You can also choose to include column headings as the first row by checking the
The default Record Separator is CR + LF, the default for Windows files, but you can
also select LF only as is used for UNIX files or CR only as is used for Mac files.
Lastly you can specify the format of date fields.
For each field define the data type and the maximum width. The data will be
truncated or padded to fit.
Click the title bar to display the properties wizard. The two stages of the wizard
By default all export functions on the map are in the mode of Prompt . This can be
seen by the gear with double blue lines showing as the icon on the right of the Write
MS Access object. This is the default to protect the user from unwittingly
overwriting data. If you click on this icon it will cycle through three possible states:
You are advised to backup your database before executing writes using
Enter the Access database to which the data should be written. If the access database
has users and passwords then these will also need to be entered here.
Please note that ContentBridge will accept a path relative to the map or an absolute
path. In the screenshot above the map and the text file are in the same folder.
Make sure that you have saved the Access database before you undertake this
Please note ContentBridge can also create a new table that matches your data.
You can select the option to empty the table before importing the new data.
Highlight Write MySQL from the Functions toolbar and drag and drop it on the
grid. The following object will appear:
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
By default all export functions on the map are in the mode of Prompt . This can be
seen by the gear with double blue lines showing as the icon on the right of the Write
MySQLobject. This is the default to protect the user from unwittingly overwriting
data. If you click on this icon it will cycle through three possible states:
You are advised to backup your database before executing writes using
Select the MySQL Server to write data to. Enter the port to use for the connection, a
username and password.
Select a database from the list displayed. A new database can be created from within
ContentBridge, but this is normally best done using MySQL tools.
Select the destination table from the list. The schema is displayed and all the
potential mismatches and problems are highlighted in red.
ContentBridge can empty the table prior to the data import and you are
recommended to use rollback.
A new table can be created from within ContentBridge. Care is needed in handling
the Primary keys and normally you can leave the database engine to create the
unique IDs rather than attempting to import data into this field. Please see below:
• The Identity insert is used when you are moving a number of tables and want to
preserve the relationships. Normally you should avoid writing to the identity
column, but in some circumstances you may want this option.
Highlight Write MS SQL from the Functions toolbar and drag and drop it on the
grid. The following object will appear:
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The three stages of the wizard
By default all export functions on the map are in the mode of Prompt . This can be
seen by the gear with double blue lines showing as the icon on the right of the Write
MS SQL object. This is the default to protect the user from unwittingly overwriting
data. If you click on this icon it will cycle through three possible states:
You are advised to backup your database before executing writes using
Select the SQL Server to write data to. Where you are not using Windows security
enter a username and password.
Select a database from the list displayed. A new database can be created from within
ContentBridge, but this is normally best done using SQL Server's Enterprise
Select the destination table from the list. The schema is displayed and all the
potential mismatches and problems are highlighted in red. In this case shown here
there are a number of columns that fail to match.
ContentBridge can empty the table prior to the data import and you are
recommended to use rollback. The Identity Inserts is an option to allow the inserts
(generally to an empty table) to include inserting the value of the primary key into
the target table. This should be used with caution as you need to avoid creating non-
unique indexes for a identity column.
A new table can be created from within ContentBridge. Care is needed in handling
the Primary keys and normally you can leave the database engine to create the
unique IDs rather than attempting to import data into this field.
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The two stages of the wizard
• Selection of the SQL Compact database. Click on the image to see more details.
• Select a table from within the database.
By default all export functions on the map are in the mode of Prompt . This can be
seen by the gear with double blue lines showing as the icon on the right of the Write
Text File object. This is the default to protect the user from unwittingly overwriting
data. If you click on this icon it will cycle through three possible states:
You are advised to backup your database before executing writes using
Select the SQL Compact database to write the data to. Next enter the password, if
Select the destination table from the list. The schema is displayed and all the
potential mismatches and problems are highlighted in red. In this case shown here
there are a number of columns that fail to match. Care is needed in handling the
Primary keys and normally you can leave the database engine to create the unique
IDs rather than attempting to import data into this field.
ContentBridge can empty the table prior to the data import and supports rollback
Highlight Write Oracle from the Functions toolbar and drag and drop it on the grid.
The following object will appear:
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The two stages of the wizard
• Selection of the Oracle database. This involves a few steps. Click on the image to
see more details.
• Select a table from within the database.
By default all export functions on the map are in the mode of Prompt . This can be
seen by the gear with double blue lines showing as the icon on the right of the Write
Text File object. This is the default to protect the user from unwittingly overwriting
data. If you click on this icon it will cycle through three possible states:
You are advised to backup your database before executing writes using
Select the Oracle database to write the data to. Next enter the username and
Select the destination table from the list. The schema is displayed and all the
potential mismatches and problems are highlighted in red. In this case shown here
there are a number of columns that fail to match. Care is needed in handling the
Primary keys and normally you can leave the database engine to create the unique
IDs rather than attempting to import data into this field.
ContentBridge can empty the table prior to the data import and supports rollback
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The two stages of the wizard
• Selection of the ODBC database. This involves a few steps. Click on the image to
see more details.
• Select a table from within the database.
ODBC provides very broad connectivity to databases. It, or OLE DB, can be used to
access a wide range of data sources. If OpenText has published a specific data
connector, for example for Access, SQL Server or ACT! 6 you are best advised to use
that rather than ODBC or OLE DB. Given the choice of OLE DB or ODBC you
should normally use OLE DB.
By default all export functions on the map are in the mode of Prompt . This can be
seen by the gear with double blue lines showing as the icon on the right of the Write
Text File object. This is the default to protect the user from unwittingly overwriting
data. If you click on this icon it will cycle through three possible states:
You are advised to backup your database before executing writes using
Select the ODBC database to write the data to. Selection is made through a System,
User or File DSN. Enter the username and password if required.
If you have not set-up one you can do this by pressing the Manage Data Sources
Add a System DSN following the instructions on screen. Press the Refresh Data
Sources after you have added the DSN. Select the DSN and press the Next button.
Select the destination table from the list. The schema is displayed and all the
potential mismatches and problems are highlighted in red. In this case shown here
there are a number of columns that fail to match. Care is needed in handling the
Primary keys and normally you can leave the database engine to create the unique
IDs rather than attempting to import data into this field.
Click the left icon to display the properties wizard. The two stages of the wizard
• Selection of the OLE DB provider. This involves a few steps. Click on the image
to see more details.
• Select a table or view (query) from within the database. You can also enter a SQL
By default all export functions on the map are in the mode of Prompt . This can be
seen by the gear with double blue lines showing as the icon on the right of the Write
Text File object. This is the default to protect the user from unwittingly overwriting
data. If you click on this icon it will cycle through three possible states:
You are advised to backup your database before executing writes using
Press the button to the right. The standard OLE DB provider dialog box is displayed:
Select the provider you wish to use. In this case the Jet 4.0 to connect to an Access
database. Please note that the OLE DB provider for ODBC will not work. Microsoft
do not support ODBC from a .NET application. You should use the specific ODBC
support in ContentBridge. Press the Next button.
For MS Access you are then required to specify the location of the database. For the
SQL Server or Oracle providers this dialog box will be different. You can test the
connection and then press OK.
Select the destination table from the list. The schema is displayed and all the
potential mismatches and problems are highlighted in red. In this case shown here
there are a number of columns that fail to match. Care is needed in handling the
Primary keys and normally you can leave the database engine to create the unique
IDs rather than attempting to import data into this field.
Connect the output of a previous stage to the input of aWrite XML File .
Click the left icon of the Write XML File object to display the properties. There is
only one stage to the wizard:
• The definition of the output file and if the data should be appended, or to replace
the data in that file and some details of the format.
Click to enlarge
By default all export functions on the map are in the mode of Prompt . This can be
seen by the gear with double blue lines showing as the icon on the right of the Write
XML File object. This is the default to protect the user from unwittingly overwriting
data. If you click on this icon it will cycle through three possible states:
You are advised to backup any output files before executing writes using
Select the XML file to write to. if the records should be appended and the format of
the output. The format is set as for the ToDatefunction
Please note that the path can be relative to the location of the map.
The input table for the Node field requires the user to specify the values in the
following columns:
• Action: Specify the type and action separated by commas. For example: The
action ‘document, create’ generates a new document. In this command, the type
is ‘document’, and the action is ‘create’.
• Category name_attribute name: Specify if the input table has a specific category
which is defined by an attribute.For example: Content Server_Vdatabook. In this
example, ‘Content Server’ is the category and the attribute is ‘Vdatabook’. Ensure
that there is an underscore (_) separating the category name and the attribute.
For more information on using the Object Importer feature, see the sample map
“Sample Map - Object Importer” on page 193 included with your version of
The main toolbar provides a buttons for Execute, Execute Cascading and Stop
Note: If data is modified manually then care must be taken not to execute functions
that will overwrite this change. As an example a text file can be read and then
following validation problem rows modified by hand. If you save the map the
changes to the data are stored and are reloaded when the map is reloaded. If you
execute the text file read again these changes will be lost. To protect the data you
have modified you can set any function so that it will not execute automatically.
Depending on your machine, file sizes in excess of 10,000 - 100,000 rows may present
problems and you are advise to make use of this facility. In Batch Mode
ContentBridge will process a batch of data from start to end before moving on to the
next batch.
Please remember that you can use Trial Modewhile building your map. This will
restrict processing to just 50 rows and allow you to quickly test changes made to the
The Output panel shows the operations of batches, in this case for a batch size of
10,000 rows and handling 22,979 rows.
Please note that the batch mode reduces the data held in memory to a single batch. A
necessary effect of this is that the data panel will only show the data for the last
batch executed.
The data files and databases supported by ContentBridge are given in Appendix A.
If you would like to see additional data connector functions then please contact
[email protected]?subject=Content%20Bridge%20Info.
The tutorial provides a good place to start. The tutorial will take you through
building a simple ContentBridge map importing some contact data, validating this
data and making some small changes to the format. As you go through the tutorial
you will build a map. A completed tutorial map is also provided with the
ContentBridge install. This is not covered in this section as it is covered by the
Map Description
Flat.dbm Demonstrates how to handle a data file that
has relational data presented in a flat file. In
this sample there are many child records in
each line.
Normalise.dbm This sample demonstrates how to handle a
data file that has relational data presented in
a flat file. In this sample there is only one
child record in each line. There is also a
second map, Normalise2.dbm, showing an
alternative approach to solve the same
Length.dbm Demonstrates how to validate data on the
length of a combination of two columns.
Outlook_Registration.dbm Demonstrates how to read emails from the
Outlook Inbox, looking for emails presented
by a web form.
Employee.dbm This example demonstrates how to handle
pointers to reference data when moving data
from one database to another.
Contact_Name_Split.dbm Demonstrates how to use the Name Split
Transform function to split a single contact
filed into individual fields.
DataFlex_Sample.dbm Demonstrates how to read in a DataFlex
table, make a change to the data and the
write back using an Update.
Update_Sample.dbm Demonstrates how to manage INSERT and
UPDATES so as to avoid adding duplicate
rows to the target database as the map is
executed more than once or the data is
amended later.
Objectimporter.dbm Demonstrates how to use the Object
Importer feature in the Write to XML add-in.
ntity4 213,12/1/05,T2567,Blue T Shirt,Blue
Jeans,White Hat,Black Scarf,2,1,1,1
435,14/1/05,T5647,Black Jeans,Red Hat,Blue
Strap Top,Black Scarf,1,2,1,3“98250”,“5648”,
“OrderID”,“Item”,“Quantity” 213,“Blue T
Shirt”,2 435,“Black Jeans”,1 213,“Blue Jeans”,
1 435,“Red Hat”,2 213,“White Hat”,1 435,
“Blue Strap Top”,1 213,“Black Scarf”,1 435,
“Black Scarf”,3
213,12/1/05,“T2567” 435,14/1/05,“T5647”
Description: This sample map shows how to read in the
data and place it in a single output file. The
Transform is used to collect each of the item
details. A final Transform extracts the header
Running: All files can be found in the samples
umber “Ian”,“Manning”,“A22” “John”,
“Smith”,“B72” “Jane”,“Robinson”,“W23”
“Nelson”,“Mandella”,“B72” “George”,
“Bush”,“A22” “Nigel”,“Bull”,“B72”
DeptNumber,Description “A22”,
“Purchasing” “B72”,“Sales” “W23”,
1234,G345,45,2.34 1234,G678,23,5.67
2345,H456,12,12.34 2345,G345,45,2.34
See Also
Output data.
See Also
Input Data.
Advanced Functions
The values contained in the input table columns are compared with corresponding
attributes of documents/objects loaded in Documentum repository.
Session Managerfunction can be used to establish and manage session(s) with one or
more documentum repositories within the same map.
In the revised Addin, there are two options available to establish a connection with
the docbase:
When you deselect the checkbox, The input fields for username, password and
docbase become enabled and the option to select a docbase from the drop down
menu becomes disabled .
Note: The session manager add-in should be successfully executed prior to being
able to select docbase from the drop down menu in Use Session Mgr in
DCTM_QC_Validation. If you try to “check” the checkbox before executing the
Session Mgr, ContentBridge will throw an error.
Click the top left icon to display the properties wizard. You can also highlight an
object on the map and press the F4 key.
Add a group box with checkbox for “Use Session from Session Manager” and add
Available Sessions from Session manager combo box control.
Repository, user name and password controls are enabled and Available Sessions
from Session manager combo box will be disabled when “Use Session from Session
Manager” is unchecked.
When “Use Session from Session Manager” is checked, Available Sessions from
Session manager combo box will be enabled and Repository, user name and
password controls will be disabled.
Add a “Use Data Dictionary” group box with checkbox. Add Log level combo and
“Repeating attribute delimiter” text box.
When “Use Data Dictionary” checkbox is enabled, use the data dictionary custom
table values otherwise enable the controls and let the user enter or select.
No login button in this page, enable finish button when there is all the required info.
Set your AWS Secret Key Id and Secret Key in the ContentBridge.MapEditor.exe.
config file listed in the installation path.
Place the following code under the <configurations> tag in the ContentBridge.
MapEditor.exe.config file.
1 <appSettings>
2 <add key="AWSProfileName" value="Profile Name”/>
3 <add key="AWSAccessKey" value="Your Secret Key ID"/>
4 <add key="AWSSecretKey" value="Your Secret Key"/>
5 </appSettings>
• You will be required to type in the Custom Tab Name only if you wish to change
the connection tab name. By default it is Connection 1, Connection2 through to
• Select your Storage type.Currently only Amazon S3 bucket storage is supported.
• Select your Amazon S3 Bucket Name from the drop-down list, you will be
required to select the Bucket Region.
• Confirm your set up by sclicking the Test Connection button.
• Repeat the above steps for the other cloud storages which are configured on the
additional tabs and click Finish.
6.4 DeDupAndCombine
DeDupAndCombineAddin will remove the deduplicate the records from the
incoming table and then combines the records with the configured column with the
delimiter character as mentioned in the Properties wizard. Click on the Function in
the under theGeneral functions section of
ContentBridge.TheDeDupAndCombinefunction willget added in the map.
Click the top left icon to display the properties wizard. You can also highlight an
object on the map and press the F4 key.
The stages of the wizard are described in the steps below. The wizard stages are:
• select a column under Key fields for which the records would be deduplicated.
• select the column under Combine Fields for which the records would be
combined for the Key Field selected.
• enter a value for Delimiter which will be used as the delimiter character to
combine the fields
This activity utilizes the Documentum Foundation Classes and Primary Interop
Assembly. This allows ContentBridge to be installed on an independent machine
from the Content Server.
The progress of the export can be monitored in theOutput field below the map. Any
files that failed will be listed in the Output field and in the log file.
Begin by dragging the Read From DCTM activity onto the map.The properties
screen of the Read From DCTM function allows you configure different options of
the export process, as well as the docbase selection and authentication information
for the target repository.
Before you begin the export you have the option to configure how the content will
be exported.These are similar to the DataDictionary values of the Load Into DCTM.
Custom Table1 one will be created. Rename the table to ReadFromDCTM Config.
Add two values to the Table Schema by clicking the custom table properties tab. At
the top of the Table Schema click the icon twice to add values to the table.
Rename one to “Name” and other “Value” and leave them as a Data Type of String.
By default, the Use DataDictionary checkbox is checked. If you would like to specify
the attribute values here on the property page, you would have to uncheck the
checkbox and specify the corresponding attribute values.
Note: If the Use DataDictionary checkbox is unchecked and attribute values are
specified, then CreateObjects module would use the values specified on the property
page for processing and not those in the DataDictionary and vice versa.
• log_level: Set this to 1 to get additional logging. NOTE: This setting has been
depricated in release 16.5. Please use debug_mode setting in DataDictionary
table instead
• RENDITION_PATH_SEPERATOR: If you are exporting multiple renditions
you can set what character is used to separator out each rendition type.
• ADD_VDOC_CHILD_ROW: If you are exporting virtual documents and want
each child to have their own row in the datatable, then set this value to true.
6.5.2 Export
Next begin configuring the export by accessing the Repository Details Screen.You
can access this screen by clicking the icon in the top-left corner of the Read From
The first window prompts you for the Repository Details.Select a Repository from
the drop down list.This list is dependent on how you configured the
or dmcl.ini file.
Enter a username and password.Make sure this account has high enough
permissions in the source Repository to perform an export.
Once completed, select Login to verify the connection. A Login Success message will
be displayed and the Next button will become activated if you have successfully
logged in.
If you were unsuccessful in logging in, a message box will appear displaying the
error message.
For example, this error message is letting me know that there was a problem with
the Authentication. This is more than likely a bad username or password.
Once you have successfully logged in, select Nextto proceed to the Documents to
Export selection screen.
You have three ways of exporting documents with this function.You can use a DQL
query, Object IDs, or the folder selection option, which allows you to manually
select cabinets and/or folders.
Object Ids support CSV file as input and should contain a list of r_object_id. Each
Object ID should be listed in a new line in the input CSV file.
In the screen capture below, we are using Object IDs to select Documents to Export.
By selecting the Folder Selection option, the cabinet structure of the Repository we
logged into will be displayed.
Select the checkbox next to the Cabinet you wish to export. If you wish to export the
sub-folders, click on the Cabinet name to expand the sub-folders (if any).
• Object Type: You can use the drop down list to select which object type you
want to export. By default, dm_document is selected.
• Export All Versions: Select this option to export all versions of each document.
• Recurse Sub-folders: Select this option if you want to export all the content in
the sub-folders.
Once you have made your selections, select Nextto proceed. The next window
presents us with the Export options.
• Use ObjectID's for Filenames:This option will set the ObjectID as the filename.
This is most helpful when exporting all versions, as a window's FileShare cannot
have documents with the same name in the same directory.
• Export Primary Content: This option will enable the content to be exported.
When you select this checkbox you will be prompted to select an Export
Destination to store the content.
Click the Select button and navigate to an appropriate storage location either locally
or on the network.
• Export Rendition: This option allows you to choose what renditions to export.
You can either manually select renditions of your choosing or export all
ClickNext and Configure the properties shown below as explained here : Integrated
Once you have finished making your selections, click Finish to run the activity.
This feature works in conjunction with the Cloud Configure add-in which can be
found under the Import tab of ContentBridge. It requires the Cloud Configuration
activity to have executed to utilize that connection when attempting to export to the
You can either export content to the Amazon S3 bucket or a local folder. You can
export primary content, all versions, and renditions to the cloud storage.
• On checking the Export to Cloud check box, you can connect to the Amazon S3
bucket that you configured in the Cloud Configuration add-in.You can normally
export the content to local folder by unchecking it.
You can either select a .zip file by selecting Zip radio button or a folder that contains
a .zip file by selecting the Folder radio button. All metadata content can be extracted
from the Zip Archive file.
Note: There is no limitations on the size for files within a .zip file, or the total
size of the zip file. Also, there are no limitations on the number of files that
may be contained within a single .zip file.
Contents are extracted to a temporary system location by default. You can change
this location by clicking the Select button and navigating to an appropriate storage
location either locally or on the network. The add-in cleans up the temporarily
extracted files after you close the map or the application.
• Extract from All Subfolders: This extracts content from a Zip Archival File from
all the subfolders of the main folder selected.
• Include Folder Metadata: This captures the folder's metadata in addition to the
file's metadata.
• Recursive Zip Archival: This extracts contents of a zip file that is inside another
zip recursively.
• Pattern: Unzips files matching a specific filename pattern.
For example:
*.pdf – Extracts only PDF files
*.txt – Extracts only text files
This activity utilizes the REST services hosted on the OTCS server. This allows
ContentBridge to be installed independently from the Content Server.
The progress of an export can be monitored in the “Output” field below the
map.Any files that fail are listed in the “Output” field and the log file.
You can configure options that determine how content is exported before you begin
this activity. See the list of supported Data Dictionary values for more information.
The properties screen of the Read From OTCS function allows you to configure
different options of the export process and authentication information for the target
Start by dragging the “Read From OTCS” activity onto the map .
To create a new Custom table, drag the custom table function onto the map
editor.The Custom table function is located in the Input functions toolbar. A Custom
table with a default name Custom Table1 is created. Rename this to ReadFromOTCS
Add two values to the Table Schema by clicking the custom table properties tab.
Click twice above the Table Schema to add values to the table. Rename one of the
values to “Name” and other to “Value” and retain their Data Type as String.
ClickFinish .
The properties page allows you to select the Data Dictionary or specify your own
attribute values. The Use DataDictionary checkbox is checked by default. To specify
custom attribute values, uncheck it and specify the corresponding attribute values.
• log_level: Set this to 1 to get additional logging. The supported logging levels are
Error, Warning, Info, and Debug.
NOTE: This setting has been depricated in release 16.5. Please use debug_mode
setting in DataDictionary table instead
6.7.2 Export
Begin configuring the export by accessing the Properties screen.You can access this
screen by clicking the icon in the top-left corner of the Read From OTCS activity.
On the first window, enter the Username and password.The Read from OTCS
connector works on connection parameters defined in the
ContentBridge.MapEditor.exe .config file listed in the installation path.
Note: Your account must have elevated permissions in the source repository to
perform an export activity.
Select Login to verify the connection. A Login Success message is displayed and the
Next button becomes active. Click Next .
Select a workspace from the Repository and any specific sub-folders, if neccesary.
• Object Type: Select the object type you want to export.Document is selected by
• Export All Versions: Exports all versions of each document.
• Recurse Sub-folders: Exports all the content in the sub-folders.
• Use ObjectID's for Filenames:This option will set the ObjectID as the filename.
This is most helpful when exporting all versions, as a window's FileShare cannot
have documents with the same name in the same directory.
• Export Primary Content: This option will enable the content to be exported.
When you select this checkbox you will be prompted to select an Export
Destination to store the content.
• Export Rendition: This option allows you to choose what renditions to export.
You can either manually select renditions of your choosing or export all
Click Next to configure any of the export properties. See the Integrated Config
section for more information.
6.8.1 Prerequisites
The following must be in place before attempting to load into Documentum.
• Database client installed on the CB Machine depending upon the database used
(Oracle/MS SQL Server)
• Communication ports are opened between CB Machine and Database Server
• Data Source is configured properly (e.g. for Oracle, TNSNAMES.ORA is
configured for the database)
• Configured CustomTable named Migration Config
• Click on the Question Mark icon at the top left corner within the module
placeholder to open the schema editor for custom table
• Add two columns, tag & value , to the schema as displayed in the illustration
Provide details of Content Storage Base Path and the Repeating Attributes
Provide the database login information to connect to the Documentum database and
the database name as shown in Database Explorer since the database name is case
Note: MS SQL Server fetches the table and view names in lower case. Provide the
details of tables and views in lower case
Provide details of Content Storage Base Path and the Repeating Attributes
6.9.1 Prerequisites
The following must be in place before attempting to load into Documentum.
• Database client installed on theCB Machine depending upon the database used
(Oracle/MS SQL Server)
• Communication ports are opened between CB Machine and Database Server
• Data Source is configured properly (e.g. for Oracle, TNSNAMES.ORA is
configured for the database)
Select the ID column name of the input table, and enter the name of the table to
Select the ID column name of the input table, and enter the name of the table to
This activity utilizes the Documentum Foundation Classes and Primary Interop
Assembly, so ContentBridge does not have to be installed on a Content Server .
6.10.1 Prerequisites
The following must be in place before attempting to load into Documentum.
By default, the Use DataDictionary checkbox is checked. If you would like to specify
the attribute values here on the property page, you would have to uncheck the
checkbox and specify the corresponding attribute values.
Note that if Use DataDictionary checkbox is unchecked and attribute values are
specified on the property page , then ReadDctm module would use the values
specified on the property page for processing and not those in the DataDictionary
and vice versa.
Session Managerfunction can be used to establish and manage session(s) with one or
more documentum repositories within the same map.
In the revised Addin, there are two options available to establish a connection with
the docbase:
When you unselect the checkbox, The input fields for username, password and
docbase becomes enabled and the option to select a docbase from the drop down
menu becomes disabled .
Note: The session manager add-in should be successfully executed prior to being
able to select docbase from the drop down menu in Use Session Mgr in
LoadIntoDCTM. If you try to check the checkbox before executing the Session Mgr,
ContentBridge will throw an error.
• folder_path: This attribute supplies the target path for each document in
Documentum e.g. /Cabinet/folder1/folder2
ContentBridge will create folders during the load, but it will not create cabinets.
Your Documentum environment must already have the cabinets created.
** The spelling and format of these attributes must match what is listed above.
In the image below, the transform activity was used to set these attributes. On the
right hand side of the Transformation Activity, click the Edit button to open the
Output Schema .
Click the Add Button to add a new column to the Output Schema .
By double-clicking the name, you can edit it to meet your needs. Clicking on the
String in the Data Type column will allow you to change the type value. Clicking on
the number in the Size column will allow you to change the size value.
The following is an example of what your Transform activity could look like
In this example, Literal Value functions (under the General Tab on the left hand side
of the Transform Activity) were used and mapped to the six columns in the Output
The following columns are used by the Load into Documentum Module:
Provide the
maximum content
size required in
Bytes .Example :
52,428,800 (50MB).
content_size_column String Indicates which
column contains the
content size value.
• Click on the Custom Table Function and drag it into the map editor.
• In the map editor click on the Custom Table name and rename it to
• Click on the green question mark in the upper left corner of the custom table.
This opens the properties screen.
• Double click the newly created column and rename it to one of the column
names listed above.
• By default the newly added column will be named NewColumn1, if the name is
not already used, and the Data Type will be set to String.
• The Data Type must be set to String for all of the newly created columns except
Click the table as shown in the DataDictionary (Custom Table) to show the custom
record values. Add the values you want in the table. The above figure shows the
configuration for a standard Documentum load with logging set to high.
The properties screen of the DCTM-Load function allows you to configure different
options of the load process, as well as the docbase selection and authentication
information for the target repository. You can access this screen by clicking the icon
in the top-left corner of the function box.
• Create Last Folder in Path only:Will only create the last folder
• Create all Folders in Path:Will create all folders.
• Default Document Owner: Used to set a default owner if the owner you are
passing in does not exist.
• Default Folder Path: It specifies the default path in which the objects will be
• Use Session from Session Mgr:Select the docbase from the drop down
menu.Click herefor more information regarding this.
• Run Mode: Decides what type of load you want to do. There are three options:
• Create: Used to create new documents
• Create & Update: Used to create new documents and update existing
documents. The update option will update metadata and content for the object.
• Update: Works with primary keys to determine if document already exists, and
then will update the metadata and content file; this option will not version the
• Verify Revision is Incremented:If selected, will verify the revision is equal to or
newer than the revision in the docbase (if not, the document will not be loaded)
• Send Notification to User: If selected, will send all documents to the selected
Documentum user's inbox. You must additionally select the user in which you
want to notify.
The progress of the load can be monitored in the “Output” field below the map.
After the load is complete, the successfully loaded files will be removed from the
target import folder. Those files that failed will be placed in an automatically created
“Failed” folder for review. The reasons for failure will be listed in the “Output” field
and in the log file
Click Next
This plugin now supports importing content from Cloud Storage. Amazon S3
Bucket Storage is currently supported.
It works in conjunction with the Cloud Configure add-in which can be found under
the Import tab of ContentBridge. It requires the Cloud Configuration activity to
have executed to utilize that connection when attempting to import from the cloud.
You can either import content from the Amazon S3 bucket or a local folder. You can
import primary content, all versions, and renditions from the cloud storage.The
section below provides additional information:
You can still configure it; it is just that you will not see the output tables until data is
contained in the activity.
• Use Session from Session Mgr:Select the docbase from the drop down
menu.Click here for more information regarding this.
• Migrate User Objects - Used to create users. You need to pass such user required
attributes into the activity such as Name, User Login Name, Email Address
r_object_type and r_object_id. You can set any/all of the remaining attributes
such as User Source, Default Folder, Default Permission set etc.
• Migrate Group Objects - Used to create or update groups. You need to pass in
group required fields such as group name r_object_type, and r_object_id.
Additionally, you can set all remaining attributes such as users_names,
groups_names etc. If you want to update groups, you need to add the
remove_existing_members value to the DataDictionary table and set it to either
True or False. True will remove all existingmembers and you will reload
members. False will leave the existing users and only add new members.
• Migrate Audit Objects - Used to create audit objects in the target docbase. You
need to specify the Legacy r_object_id Object Type and Legacy r_object_id
Attribute which can be used to identify the audited_obj_id (Object id of the object
to be audited in the target docbase). Also, the Legacy r_object_id Attribute of the
target object in the target docbase must contain the legacy r_object_id . The
required attributes of the source dm_audittrail object must be mapped in the
Transform function prior to executing Create Objects In Dctm function
• Migrate Folder Objects - Used to create folders and/or cabinets. You need to
pass in dm_folder/dm_cabinet required fields such as object_name, acl_name,
acl_domain, r_folder_path, r_object_type and r_object_id. If you leave the
folder_path blank, ContentBridge will treat this as a cabinet. You can pass in
other fields such as owner_name, modifier, r_modify_date, etc.
• Migrate Virtual Documents -Used to create and/or update virtual documents.
You need to pass in the dmr_containment attributes such as parent_id,
component_id, version_label, and order_no. See below for a screen shot of data
loaded into the Create Objects addin when loading virtual documents.
Migrate the individual objects prior to migration of the relationships. Both the
parent and child objects of the source system should have a legacy relationship
There are four mandatory attributes that have to be given as input to Create Objects
in DCTM. They are notably parent_id, child_id, relation_nameand r_object_type.
The preceding attributes should be mapped in the Transform add-in and should be
present in the output schema.
The following fields, Attribute for Relationship legacy parent idand Attribute for
Relationship legacy child idare mandatory only during the migration of custom
relationship objects.and NOT for dm_relation objects .They contain the names of
attributes which contain the parent id and child id of objects respectively in the
legacy system
The Create objects function configuration user interface also has three default fields:
NOTE: Cabinets only run in create mode and you cannot update cabinets.
By default, the Use DataDictionary checkbox is checked. If you would like to specify
the attribute values here on the property page, you would have to uncheck the
checkbox and specify the corresponding attribute values.
Note that if Use DataDictionary checkbox is unchecked and attribute values are
specified on the property page , then ReadDctm module would use the values
specified on the property page for processing and not those in the DataDictionary
and vice versa.
Session Managerfunction can be used to establish and manage session(s) with one or
more documentum repositories within the same map.
In the revised Addin, there are two options available to establish a connection with
the docbase:
• Select the Use Session from SessionMgr checkbox to select the docbase. Then,
the drop down menu for “Available sessions from Session Mgr” will become
enabled and the username, password and docbase input fields will become
When you unselect the checkbox, The input fields for username, password and
docbase becomes enabled and the option to select a docbase from the drop down
menu becomes disabled .
Note: The session manager add-in should be successfully executed prior to being
able to select docbase from the drop down menu in Use Session Mgr in Create
Objects in DCTM. If you try to check the checkbox before executing the Session Mgr,
ContentBridge will throw an error.
This activity utilizes Web Services, so ContentBridge does not have to be installed on
a SharePoint Server.
The progress of the export can be monitored in the “Output” field below the map.
Any files that failed will be listed in the “Output” field and in the log file.
Once you have entered all the necessary information select Connect. ContentBridge
will connect to the SharePoint site and gather the information from the requested
Click Next .
The libraries will load. Multiple libraries can be selected to be imported into
ContentBridge .
• Export All Versions: This will export all the versions of the files as well as the
CURRENT version .
• Export All Subfolders: This will export all of the Folders and Subfolders of the
Libraries as well as their files .
• Export Content: This will export all of the content of the files .
If selected, Click on the Browse button to select a temporary export location for the
content (this can be anything from your local machine to a FileShare)
A folder structure will be created at the temporary export location. A folder of the
document itself will be created, with the subfolders consisting of all the versions
The image on the Left is the folders created for each document (when Export all
versions is selected). The image on the Right shows you the 4 versions of the
document (Versions: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and the current document (alabamafs.pdf)). The
previous versions are located in their corresponding folder
This activity utilizes Web Services, so ContentBridge does not have to be installed on
a SharePoint Server.
Begin by entering the the SharePoint site url into the field provided.Enter the proper
credentials to access the site and click the Connect button.When the addin connects
the Results field will populate with the SharePoint Libraries.
Click Finish and the function will begin exporting the data to the site.
Note : When entering your Site URL, do not enter “/” as the last
character.ContentBridge will build the URL for you.
6.13.1 Prerequisites
In order to have a successful export to the SharePoint site Write to SharePoint
requires three attributes to be present in the input data. There are three requirements
for a load into SharePoint.
• folder_path: This is the path within your SharePoint library where your
documents will be loaded, e.g. Folder/Sub Folder
• primary_filename: This is the path where the content is located, e.g. C:\Temp
• list_name: This is the list name you wish to load content into within SharePoint.
• SP_Content_Type: This is the SharePoint document type you wish to create and
load content into. If this is not populated, the target document type will
automatically be set to the first document type defined in the target Sharepoint
Click the table as shown in the DataDictionary (Custom Table) to show the custom
record values. Add the values you want in the table. The above figure shows the
configuration for a standard SharePoint.
6.14 EmailTable
EmailTable is an export function that allows ContentBridge to send an email to a
specified account. To configure the EmailTable add in click on the properties tab to
open the settings.
Note : If you are running the map for the first time and the log does not exist on the
file system, execute all other components before selecting the log file in the
EmailTable AddIn and executing the module
You can see here, the email was received. In this example, no log was attached, but a
XML document of the load was included as an attachment. In this example, this
Email Table activity was set up to execute after a successful load into Documentum .
Enter the FileShare server address that ContentBridge will export the data to. Enter
the username and password for the server as well as the domain. Click on the
Testbutton. Be patient while ContentBridge connects to the server. Upon connection
to the server the pop up screen will display “Success”. Click Finish.
6.15.1 PreRequisites
In order to have a successful export to the FileShare site, the Write to FileShare
requires two attributes to be present in the input data. The two requirements are:
• folder_path: This attribute supplies the target path for each document in the
FileShare e.g. /Folder/folder1/folder2/
• primary_filename: This attribute supplies the source location of the content per
document. e.g. C:\Temp\document1.txt
You can browse to the extract location or specify its network path.
There are a variety of options to choose from before data the data can be imported.
• Reconcile Links: Select to process eRoom links. It will preserve links to outside
websites and the links to other eRoom documents.
• Reconcile Other: Select to process eRoom other files, which are files handled by
another application, like a word-processor document or a spreadsheet
• Generate Special Objects: Select to re-create some of the eRoom proprietary
formats such as databases and emails. This will generate either a file (such as an
email file for emails) or xml file (such as for databases) if the Apply XSLT option
is not checked. If checked, xml files will be created as htmls files.
• Apply XSLT: XSLT stands for XSL Transformations, and ContentBridge allows
you to use XSLT to transform XML documents into other formats, like XHTML.
If you select the checkbox,browseto yourconfiguration file to apply the xslt
settings. You can see below an example of a note being transformed to an html
• Use Web Service:The Use Web Service allows you to call the eRoom API. You
have to provide the URL, Username, Password, Domain, Community, Facility
and Room in order to use this feature. The Web Service component only applies
to calendar events.
More than one option can be selected for the import process. If you select more than
just Reconsile Files, you would also need to select the option for Generate Special
Objects. Once the properties are configured click Finish. ContentBridge will process
the metadata and content based upon the options you selected above.
1. Select the Folder option and click Browse to select the folder you wish to export.
• Export All Subfolders: To export all the files and subfolders of the folder you
selected for export
• Include Folder Metadata: To capture the Folder's metadata in addition to the
File's metadata
2. Click Finish .
1. Select the Multiple Folder option and click Browse to select a text file which
contains the multiple file paths to export.
2. Select the folders to export. You can configure the following options :
• Export All Subfolders: To export all the files and subfolders of the folder you
selected for export
• Include Folder Metadata: To capture the Folder's metadata in addition to the
File's metadata
3. Click Finish .
Note : If any of the folders are inaccessible, the plugin will automatically skip those
folders and export contents of those that are readable.
Select your docbase from the drop down list or type it in. For older 4.x docbases, you
will be required to type in the docbase name instead of using the drop down list.
After you have your docbase, select the docbase type:
• 7.x
• 16.x
• 20.x
Finish by entering credentials and selecting a trace level. Domain is not required.
You can confirm your set up by selecting the Test Connection button.
Once complete, repeat the same steps for the other docbases which are configured
on the additional tabs .
The credentials.xml file will contain user credentials and sessions information from
where you can load or save into.
Note: In order to generate the credentials.xml, the map must be saved first. The
credentials.xml file will be saved in the folder location where the map is saved.
The Source section of the dialog is where users enter the Docbase (dropdown list
corresponds to the Docbase tab in the session manager addin) information.
Select the source object type and corresponding attributes to match and key
The key attribute is used as a primary key and it will be used to locate the matching
(if it exists) object in the target repository.
The Attributes to Match table allows you to select all the different attributes which
you wish to compare. For example, in the above screen shot, we will be looking at
the object_name, acl_name and modify date.
If any of those attributes are different in the target, the object will be flagged as
“updated or changed” in the source.
The additional search criteria text box allows you to enter the where clause
component of a dql query if you wish to restrict your compare.
You do not have to enter “where” only the post where piece of the dql where clause.
Once you have entered all your criteria, users use the Single and Repeating lists to
select all the attributes they wanted Reported on. This will output that attribute
information so you can pass it through your map and into your Load. Hold the
control key to select multiple values .
• FileStore Locations - When enabled, this will calculate the source content path
location so you can access the content file during the migration. Use the add
filestore locations to add the different content stores. This is required if you wish
to use the DCTM Compare provide content files to load. D2 Validation
• Validates against D2 Config rules
• Dictionary
• Taxonomy
• Error
• Warning
• Info
• Debug
The above window is what you get when you click on Properties icon in the Read
from eRoom add-in.
• Enter the UserName and Password authentication details to access your eRoom
• The URL at which your eRoom is accessible should be entered into the URL field.
• Once connected, select the Community from the drop down list and click Go.
• Out of the populated Rooms, select the required Room from the drop down list.
• Click the Browse button and navigate to an appropriate storage location either
locally or on the network.
Once all the above fields are filled, press Finish to start reading the eRoom.
• We either select a Public folder, PST, or Shared Folder to extract the emails.
• To extract a Public folder, click the Public folder radio button.
Public Folders :
• UserName: Enter the user name that has access to the public folder server.
• Password: Password of the above user that is used to connect to the public folder
• Domain: Domain on which the public folder is hosted.
• Email Address: Email address of the user who has access to the public folder
• Exchange URL: Exchange URL from where the public folder is configured.
• Exchange Version: Version of the Exchange server.Click the Connect button after
entering the exchange version to connect.
• Public Folder Path: Exchange folder path of the public folder from where the
email messages are to be extracted. Check the ‘Include SubFolders’ checkbox to
populate the sub folders within a main folder.
• Export Attachment Check: This option will Download Email Attachment.
• Enable HTML Check: By default it will extract Email only in .msg format. It will
convert msg to HTML Format.
• File System Path: The path on the local file system where the msg files are to be
extracted and exported.
• Re-Connect options:Allows the user to set custom values for retrying the
connection (in seconds) and the maximum number of retry attempts.
• PreLoad Check: If enabled, this feature will enable user to do a preload check to
validate if this message is already exported in the target SQL Server.
• SQL Server Name: Sql Server name where the messages were loaded.
• SQL User Name: Sql Username to connect to the DB
• SQL Password: Password of the above user
• SQL Database: Database name where the messages were loaded
• SQL Tablename : Table name of the sql DB where the message details are stored
• Test Link: This will test the connection to the DB using the above user
PST Files :
• PST Folder Path: PST folder path of the public folder from where the email
messages are to be extracted.
• .PST File Path: Local file system path where .pst is located.
• File System Path: The path on the local file system where the msg files are to be
extracted and exported.
• Export Attachment Check: This option will Download Email Attachment.
• Enable HTML Check: By default it will extract Email only in .msg format. It will
convert msg to HTML Format.
• PreLoad Check: If enabled, this feature will enable user to do a preload check to
validate if this message is already exported in the target SQL Server or Oracle
• SQL Server Name: Sql Server name where the messages were loaded.
• SQL User Name: Sql Username to connect to the DB
• SQL Password: Password of the above user
• SQL Database: Database name where the messages were loaded
• SQL Tablename : Table name of the sql DB where the message details are stored
• Test Link: This will test the connection to the DB using the above user
Shared Folders :
• UserName: Enter the user name that has access to the shared folder server.
• Password: Password of the above user that is used to connect to the shared folder
• Domain: Domain on which the shared folder is hosted.
• Shared Email Address: Shared email address of the user who has access to the
shared folder server.
• Exchange URL: Exchange URL from where the shared folder is configured.
• Exchange Version: version of the Exchange server.
• All folders:Populates data in all folders.
• Select message folder:The user can select the specific folders to be populated.
Check the ‘Include Subfolders’ option if you wish to include sub folders of a
main folder.
• Export Attachment Check: This option will Download Email Attachment.
• Enable HTML Check: By default it will extract Email only in .msg format. It will
convert msg to HTML Format.
• Export destination: The path on the local file system where the msg files are to be
extracted and exported.
• Re-Connect options:Allows the user to set custom values for retrying the
connection (in seconds) and the maximum number of retry attempts.
• PreLoad Check: If enabled, this feature will enable user to do a preload check to
validate if this message is already exported in the target SQL Server.
• SQL Server Name: Sql Server name where the messages were loaded.
• SQL User Name: Sql Username to connect to the DB
• SQL Password: password of the above user
• SQL Database: Database name where the messages were loaded
• SQL Tablename : Table name of the sql DB where the message details are stored
• Test Link: This will test the connection to the DB using the above user
Table 6-1:
To create a holding:
Submission Information Package (SIP)- Data container (.zip) used to transport data
to be archived from the producer (source application) to InfoArchive. It consists of a
SIP descriptor containing packaging and archival information about the package
and the data to be archived. The latter part of the SIP in turn comprises a PDI file
eas_pdi.xml (structured data) and optionally one or more content files (unstructured
• There is no predetermined schema for this and it stores structured data. We also
need to create a schema for it e.g. documentum.xsd . Using the metadata we have
to create this file.
• Typically the format is like
<Rows xmlns="urn:eas-samples:en:xsd:phonecalls.1.0">
<FileName> file.mp3</FileName>
<CreatedBy>ABC App</CreatedBy>
6.23.3 Submission Data Submission Session (DSS)
Every SIP pertains to a data submission session (DSS), also referred to as a batch.
The data submission session (DSS) provides the packaging information used to
identify, bind, and relate SIPs of different levels of granularity produced by the
source application. When information is produced and packaged into a discrete,
standalone SIP, the SIP pertains to a single-package DSS. The DSS name increments
for each SIP package configured in ContentBridge.
1. Asynchronous Mode
• SIP Archival ‒ CB creates the SIP packages for IA and InfoArchive performs
scheduled ingestions of large SIPs in batches.
• Table Archival ‒ CB creates Table packages for IA and InforArchive performs
scheduld ingestions of large packages in batches.
1. Synchronous Mode
• SIP Archival ‒ CB calls the IA ingest REST service to synchronously archive data
to the SIP archive holding.
• Table Archival - CB calls the IA ingest REST service to synchronously archive
data to the table archive holding.
Ingest Only Mode - CB synchronously ingests previously created SIP packages from
a specified folder path. The Ingest Only Mode supports multithreaded ingestion of
the SIP packages. You can run this as a standalone mode without any inputs. The
selected folder path is monitored for changes every 10-minutes.
• Documentum
• eRoom
• File Share
• Database Configurations
Asynchronous Mode with Table Archival
Configure the Load Into InfoArchive Addin by setting the following values:
Browse and select a FileShare location to save the XML files. The FileShare location
is also the location where the content of the SIP package should reside.
Enter permissible values for the field Max Rows in Package. Values entered should
be greater then Zero for the Finish button to appear and complete the export
Tip: Break down the maximum rows into smaller increments to improve the speed
and performance of the export activity.
For example, if your package consists of 300 rows, enter a value of 100 so that the
Addin processes 100 rows at a time.
Enter your InfoArchive Web Application URL followed by your UserName and
Password, and click Test. A Login Success message is displayed if the connection is
Enter your InfoArchive REST API URL and click Test Rest URL. A Connection
Success message is displayed if the connection is successful.
Note: The connection success message must be displayed for the Finish button to
Select a Table Name from the list of available Table names to load content into it.
Check the New Table field if you wish to create a new Table in IA.
Note: The new Table name only accepts alphanumeric entries, special characters and
spaces are not permitted.
Configure the Load Into InfoArchive Addin by setting the following values:
Enter permissible values for the field Max Rows in Package. Values entered should
be greater then Zero for the Finish button to appear and complete the export
Tip: Break down the maximum rows into smaller increments to improve the speed
and performance of the export activity.
For example, if your package consists of 300 rows, enter a value of 100 so that the
Addin processes 100 rows at a time.
Enter your InfoArchive Web Application URL followed by your UserName and
Password, and click Test. A Login Success message is displayed if the connection is
Enter your InfoArchive REST API URL and click Test Rest URL. A Connection
Success message is displayed if the connection is successful.
Note: The connection success message must be displayed for the Finish button to
Select a Table Name from the list of available Table names to load content into it.
Check the New Table field if you wish to create a new Table in IA.
Note: The new Table name only accepts alphanumeric entries, special characters and
spaces are not permitted.
Configure the Load Into InfoArchive Addin by setting the following values:
Enter permissible values for the field Max Rows in Package and Max Package size
(MBs), and click Finish. Values entered should be greater then Zero for the Finish
button to appear and complete the export activity.
Tip: Break down the maximum rows into smaller increments to improve the speed
and performance of the export activity.
For example, if your package consists of 300 rows, enter a value of 100 so that the
Addin processes 100 rows at a time.
Configure the Load Into InfoArchive Addin by setting the following values:
Enter permissible values for the field Max Rows in Package and Max Package size
(MBs). Values entered should be greater then Zero for the Finish button to appear
and complete the export activity.
Tip: Break down the maximum rows into smaller increments to improve the speed
and performance of the export activity.
For example, if your package consists of 300 rows, enter a value of 100 so that the
Addin processes 100 rows at a time.
Enter your InfoArchive Web Application URL followed by your UserName and
Password, and click Test. A Login Success message is displayed if the connection is
Enter your InfoArchive REST API URL and click Test Rest URL. A Connection
Success message is displayed if the connection is successful.
Note: The connection success message must be displayed for the Finish button to
Enter an InfoArchive Client ID in the respective field. The Client ID is used to obtain
an InfoArchive token by passing the Username and Password.
Select Ingest Only Mode from the InfoArchive properties dialog box.
Choose an Archival Type for ingestion and enter a value for the maximum number
of threads. This value cannot exceed 15 threads.
Enter permissible values for the field Max Rows in Package and Max Package size
(MBs). Values entered should be greater then Zero for the Finish button to appear
and complete the export activity.
Tip: Break down the maximum rows into smaller increments to improve the speed
and performance of the export activity.
For example, if your package consists of 300 rows, enter a value of 100 so that the
Addin processes 100 rows at a time.
Check the Show Progress Dialog box to view the package creation progress and the
Increment DSS ID for New SIP to increment the DSS name for each SIP package
Enter your InfoArchive Web Application URL followed by your UserName and
Password, and click Test. A Login Success message is displayed if the connection is
Enter your InfoArchive REST API URL and click Test Rest URL. A Connection
Success message is displayed if the connection is successful.
Note: The connection success message must be displayed for the Finish button to
Enter an InfoArchive Client ID in the respective field. The Client ID is used to obtain
an InfoArchive token by passing the Username and Password.
Click the left icon of the Write XML File object to display the properties. Configure
the Load Into XSD to DBS Converter Addin by setting the following values:
This activity utilizes the Content Web Services configured on the respective Content
Server, so ContentBridge does not have to be installed on a Content Server.
6.25.1 Prerequisites
The following must be in place before attempting to load into OpenText
They are:
• name : This attribute supplies the object name of each document inside of
OpenText Content Server
• type : This Attribute should be populated with the OpenText Object Type e.g.
144 for document
• file : This attribute should provide the source location of the content for each
document being loaded into Content Server repository, e.g. C:\Temp
• folder_path : This attribute supplies the target path for each document in
Content Server e.g. /workspace/folder1/folder2
** The spelling and format of these attributes must match what is listed above .
In the image below, the transform activity was used to set these attributes. On the
right hand side of the Transformation Activity, click the Edit button to open the
Output Schema.
By double-clicking the name, you can edit it to meet your needs. Clicking on the
String in the Data Type column will allow you to change the type value.
Clicking on the number in the Size column will allow you to change the size value.
The following is an example of what your Transform activity could look like the
illustration below:
In this example, Literal Value functions (under the General Tab on the left hand side
of the Transform Activity) were used and mapped to the columns in the Output
To configure a category
1. Mention the category in the input add-in and map it to the respective transform
2. Map the attribute name in the transform add-in or pass it as an input to the
input add-in if you wish to update the value of an attribute within a category.
Note: The category name and attribute name must be already present in
OTCS before you can map these to configure the category.
The following columns are used by the Load into OpenText Module:
– By default the newly added column will be named NewColumn1, if the name
is not already used, and the Data Type will be set to String.
– Repeat this for all columns.
– The Data Type must be set to String for all of the newly created columns
except debug_mode.
– Debug_mode must be set to Int16. Once done, select Finish
Click the table as shown in the DataDictionary (Custom Table) to show the custom
record values. Add the values you want in the table. Once you have entered your
values, Save the Map.
The progress of the load can be monitored in the “Output” field below the map.
After the load is complete, the successfully loaded files will be removed from the
target import folder. Those files that failed will be placed in an automatically created
“Failed” folder for review. The reasons for failure will be listed in the “Output” field
and in the log file. Click Finish to complete the activity
To Write to Excel:
Select Write to Excel from the functions toolbar and drag and drop the widget onto
the grid.
Click the title bar to view the properties wizard which will guide your through the
rest of the process to write data onto an MS Excel file.
1. Enter the path and the name of the new MS Excel output file to export data. A new
MS Excel output file is created at the location specified.
Note : ContentBridge accepts absolute paths as well as a path relative to the Map.
2. Select the Append new records to end of file (if already exists) option to append
the exported data to an existing MS Excel file with the same name and location
specified. Alternatively, click Browse next to the address bar to browse for an
existing file.
Make sure that you have saved the old file before you undertake this task.
2. Select the First row contains field names option to indicate that column names
are displayed on the first row of this worksheet.
1. Enter values of your choice for the field. ContentBridge will truncate or pad the
data to fit the worksheet.
The functions are grouped by Validate and Transform and the ordered
• Transform
• Validate
The properties of all functions are similar is style. A natural English sentence
describes the action of the function. The blue underlined text can be clicked on. This
will then either:
The action of a function can be tested. You can run this test with the data presented
from the data in your map or by typing in data. The type is set to the data type by
default but can be modified as required (see the Glossary for more information on
Data Types).
Where data is entered (as shown in the above example of the character used to split)
you may be given a choice of the type of data to enter. The choices will include those
that are allowed in a given situation and are drawn from:
• Data types: such as String; Int16; Int32; Int64; Decimal; Single; Double; Boolean;
Date; Time; DateTime
• Null
• Input: one of the inputs to the function
• Dynamic: a value such as The date: The Machine name; TheContentBridge map
name; Your username
Please note that many of the string validate functions are done by the use of regular
expressions. Our thanks is extended to and its contributors. This
excellent site,, holds a very useful library of
regular expressions many of which have been reproduced within ContentBridge to
help you validate your data. The contributors are too many to mention.
Users of ContentBridge can add their own regular expressions. If you do write such
expressions can we encourage you to send them to us. we will incorporate them in
future versions of ContentBridge. You may also want to publish them to the
Please note that these tests are not warranted in any way and while we endeavor to
QC all validation functions data can vary widely and results are not always
predictable. Please email us with any details of any false negatives (good data
classified as bad) or incorrect data passed as valid.
Properties: None
Examples: “3/1/05” passes
“4/6/05” fails
“7/9/05” fails
7.2.3 Alpha
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: String
Description: Compare the data against a regular
expression to check for the only alpha
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: “FGtryr” passes
“Fred” passes
“Fred99” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “FGtryr” passes
“Fred99” passes
“Fred-99” fails
7.2.5 AM, PM
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: Date and Time
Description: Two functions to check the data is AM or
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: “12:00” fails
“00:00” passes
“12:34” fails
7.2.6 AND
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: General
Description: Combines two or more validate functions to
allow rows to pass if they match both
conditions. Can accept any number of
Boolean inputs and has a single output, True
or False.
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: see above
Properties: None
Examples: “C1406HHA” passes
“A4126AAB” passes
“c1406HHA” fails
“C1406hha” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “200” passes
“0820” passes
“abcd” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “(02)12341234” passes
“0312341234” passes
“03-1234-1234” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “1234” passes
“1056” passes
“0897” fails
“abcd” fails
7.2.11 BinaryLookup
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: General
Description: Compare the data against a list of allowed
values. The comparison uses binary search
algorithm which is faster compared to
LookUp which uses sequential search for
comparison. The input function should be a
sorted function in order to use the Binary
Lookup. Binary Lookup also allows you to
lookup multiple tags on an input line.
• Function: The map object to be used for
the list of allowed values
• Output: The data from the map object,
normally the Records Read
• Column to be searched: The column
where the matching data will be found
• Delimiter : It allows you to define the
delimiter. If you don't define a delimiter
it will use what is in the datadictionary. If
there is no datadictionary and it is not
defined, it will default to �,�
Properties: None
Examples: “13165-000” passes
“13165” passes
“13165-00” fails
“13165-abc” fails
7.2.13 Compare
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: General
Description: The Compare accepts to inputs.
7.2.14 Contains
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: String
Description: Checks the strings contain one or more
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: “4111-2222-3333-4444” passes
“5111222233334444” passes
“4111-2222-3333-444” fails
“Mastercard” fails
Properties: None
“1056AB” passes
Properties: None
Examples: “[email protected]” passes
“[email protected]” passes
“[email protected]” fails
“[email protected]” fails
Properties: None
“Dk-1234” fails
“DK1234” fails
Belgium B-1040
Denmark DK-1530
France FR-100
Finland FIN-20540
Faeroe Islands F-75700
Germany D-13355
Greece GR-117 80
Iceland IS-101
Israel IL-61 200
Italy I-00100
Liechtenstein FL-9490
Monaco MC-98030
The Netherlands NL-1000 NA
Norway N-7950
Portugal P-1100
Romania R-77113
Spain E-12345
Sweden S-10500
Switzerland CH-8050
Tunisia TN-1030
Turkey TR-06101
Vatican V-00120
Properties: None
Examples: “John Bull” passes
“Smith” fails
“K Smith” fails
“Smith-Johnson” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “F-12345” passes
“12345” passes
“F0897” fails
“2A123” passes
Properties: None
Examples: “D-12345” passes
“12345” passes
“01234” fails
“d-12345” fails
7.2.24 IP Address
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: String
Description: Compare the data against a regular
expression to check for the format matching
that required for an IP address
Map object:
Properties: None
“” passes
“” fails
“” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “ISBN 0 93028 923 4” passes
“123456789X” fails
Properties: None
“12345” passes
“1234” fails
“i-12345” fails
“I-12345” passes
Properties: None
Examples: “3/1/05” passes
“4/2/05” fails
“7/3/05” fails
Map object:
Properties: None
Properties: None
Properties: None
7.2.31 Length
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: String
Description: Checks the length of a string and fails if
greater than the test figure given.
Map object:
7.2.32 Lookup
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: General
Description: Compare the data against a list of allowed
values. The comparison is case-sensitive. If
you want case-insensitivity then you should
transform the reference and source data
columns to for example upper case.
Properties: None
“4/1/05” fails
“7/1/05” fails
7.2.35 Not
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: General
Description: Reverses a Boolean value. This function is
normally used to reverse the results of a test.
For example the logic below will pass rows
that have any value in the Country field
except Germany, France or the UK:
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: In the above example Country = “Mexico”
In the above example Country = “UK” fails
Properties: None
Examples: Null fails
Space fails
Blank fails
Properties: None
7.2.38 Null
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: General
Description: Test if the data is null. Null is a technical
term for nothing at all. It is different from
zero or space, which are values even if they
indicate nothing.
Map object:
Properties: None
7.2.39 Numeric
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: String
Description: Compare the data against a regular
expression to check for the only Numeric
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: “1234” passes
“01234” passes
“G1234” fails
7.2.40 OR
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: General
Description: Combines two or more validate functions to
allow rows to pass if they match one of many
conditions. Can accept any number of
Boolean inputs and has a single output, True
or False.
Properties: None
7.2.41 Range
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: General
Description: Compare the data against an upper and
lower limit. Optionally the comparison can
be inclusive.
“D 1867” fails
“a-1345” fails
“Bb1006” passes
Properties: None
“0740123456” passes
“0770123456” passes
“07401234562” fails
“0640123456” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “12345” passes
“E-12345” passes
“01234” fails
“e-12345” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “O,Brian” passes
“Bull-Smyth” passes
“smith” fails
“K Smith” fails
“Smith-johnson” fails
Properties: None
“S12345” passes
“S-123-56” passes
“12345” fails
“s-123-123” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “+46 8 123 456 78” passes
Properties: None
“12-34-56” passes
“010203” fails
“1-02-03” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “S 453 EWR” passes
Properties: None
Examples: “AB123456A” passes
“AA654321B” passes
“Aa654321B” fails
“AA654321E” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “RH4 1WZ” passes
“RH41WZ” passes
Properties: None
Examples: “+44 (0)1304 877253” passes
“01304877253” passes
7.2.54 URL
Function Class: Validate
Function Subclass: String
Description: Compare the data against a regular
expression to check for the format matching
that required for a URL address. Addresses
can start with www and no prefix or a prefix
of http://, https:// or ftp://
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: “” passes
“” passes
“HTTP://” fails
“” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “00501” passes
“84118-3423” passes
“0005012” fails
Properties: None
“111223333” passes
“111-00-3333” fails
“000-22-3333” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “IL” passes
“NY” passes
“Illinois” fails
“ny” fails
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: “312-452-4569” passes
“452-4569” passes
“+001-312-452-4569” fails
“312-4524-569” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “14467” passes
“14467-1234” passes
“144673” fails
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: “RH4 1WZ” passes
“61245” passes
“612V34” fails
Properties: None
Examples: “3/1/05” passes
“12:45” passes
Users of ContentBridge Pro can add their own transform functions using VBScript .
If you do write such functions can we encourage you to send them to us. we will
incorporate them in future versions of ContentBridge.
Please note that these tests are not warranted in any way and while we endeavor to
QC all validation functions data can vary widely and results are not always
predictable. Please email us with any details of any false negatives (good data
classified as bad) or incorrect data passed as valid.
7.3.2 Abbreviate
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Transforms fields to and from abbreviations.
7.3.3 Append
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Appends a literal string to the data field.
7.3.4 BinaryLookup
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: General
Description: Finds the field in a Binary lookup table or list
and replaces the value with the reference
7.3.5 Concatenate
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Concatenates (joins) two or more strings. The
delimiter is placed between the fields
Map object:
Select document_name,
owner_name from
TableName where
document_type = Procedures
Map Object:
Properties :
7.3.7 Delete
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Deletes characters starting from a position
and continuing either for a fixed number of
characters or up to another character.
7.3.9 If
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: General
Description: Makes a logical test on row data. The result
will depend on this test.
7.3.10 Left
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Passes through the left characters of a string.
This function can be used to retain the a fixed
number of characters or those up to a
Examples: “01306 77665” to “01306 77665”
7.3.13 Length
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Determines the length of a string. Might for
example be used in conjunction with Pad to
set the length of a field to match that of
another field.
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: Output of 6 for “Wales”
The value can be set to any data type and the value typed in. In
addition a dynamic value such as the date, map name or machine
name can be used.
7.3.15 Lookup
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: General
Description: Finds the field in a lookup table or list and
replaces the value with the reference value.
The comparison is case-sensitive. If you want
case-insensitivity then you should transform
the reference and source data columns to for
example upper case.
Properties: None
7.3.17 Middle
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Passes through the Middle characters of a
string. This function can be used to retain the
a fixed number of characters or those up to a
“” to “13”
Dr Smith
7.3.19 Pad
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Left or right Pads a field
Map object:
7.3.20 Prefix
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Prefixes a field with a literal string or dynamic data such as the date,
machine name and others
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: “The TITLE page” to “The Title Page”
7.3.22 Remove
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Removes characters from the data
Map object:
Map object:
Column1: A, B, C, D, E, F
Column2: Argentina,
Belgium, China, Denmark,
Egypt, France
7.3.24 Replace
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Replaces a one or more characters from the
data with zero or more new characters.
“WA1-1D-P” to “WA1 1D P”
7.3.25 Right
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Passes through the right characters of a
string. This function can be used to retain the
a fixed number of characters or those from to
a character.
Examples: “01306 77665” to “01306 77665”
Properties: None
Examples: “the quick brown FOX. This IS a set of
WORDS” to “The quick brown fox. This is a
set of words”
7.3.29 Sequence
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: Numeric
Description: Used to add a sequence column to the data.
7.3.30 Split
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Splits a field into more than one field. The
split is made where a character appears. A
common use is to split a name into
individual Title , FirstNameand LastName
Map object:
7.3.31 ToBoolean,ToDataTime......
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: General
The day of the month:
The day of the month:
The abbreviated day of
the week: Mon, Tues...
The full day of the week
The hour of the day: 1-12
The hour of the day:
The hour of the day: 0-23
The hour of the day:
The minute of the day:
The minute of the day:
The month of the year:
The month of the year:
The abbreviated month
The full month
The seconds: 0-59
the seconds: 00-59
A or P
AM or PM
The year with 2 digits
The year with 4 digits
Map object:
Properties: None
Examples: 12/12/2008 10:34 to:
7.3.32 Trim
Function Class: Transform
Function Subclass: String
Description: Removes any Space, Tab, Carriage Return or
Linefeed characters from the both ends of the
data. This is normally applied to data of type
Map object:
Examples: “01306 77665” to “01306 77665”
Properties: None
Examples: “ContentBridge” to “CONTENTBRIDGE”
Notes on Databases
This page offers some notes on databases to help you understand some of facilities
provided as part of ContentBridge. You might also check on t et in general and on
the OpenText forum in particular.
Databases consist of Tables . Each table holds data and in general different tables are
used to hold different data. Tables consist of Columns and Rows . Each row
contains a record for example the details of one contact. The columns are the data
fields held in each row for example the Title, First Name and Last Name.
Each Column will hold data of a particular type such as a number or some text. The
data ed by ContentBridge are listed below:
The details of the columns and the data types of each column is called the schema.
ContentBridge will pickup the schema where it can by looking at the data or in the
example of a Microsoft Database by querying the database. ContentBridge will make
an attempt to guess the data type, but in some circumstances you may need to adjust
this. ContentBridge might for example mistakenly think a telephone number field is
an Int16 or Int32 when it really should be a string.
In most database tables one column is allocated to be the primary key. This will
normally be of type Int32 and unique for each row. This is the data that uniquely
identifies each row. It is normally not displayed to the user and is created
automatically by your application. If you can identify this primary key to
ContentBridge, it will help ContentBridge to better handle and manage the data.
When data is written to a database ContentBridge will look for a matching row
using the primary key. If one is found, only the changed data is adjusted using an
Update rather than anInsert and creating a new (duplicate) row.
If your data does not have a suitable primary key you can use the Transform
Sequence Functionto add number.
So what is null? A data field can have data in but it can also be empty. This should
not be confused with a zero or a space, which is actual data, but means nothing.
ContentBridge allows you to check for nulls and if necessary exclude rows where an
important field is Null.
Your destination database may have a rule that sets a field as mandatory, not allow
duplicate data or not allow Null. ContentBridge will not be aware of these internal
rules and you may see errors displayed in the Output panel indicating this type of
error . If you see such an error you can go pack to the map and add validation for
example remove rows with the Null.
Do not forget to take a backup copy of your database before you start.
The tools menu includes a item that allows the user to maintain the abbreviations
used by the AbbreviateTransform Function. This is called the Abbreviation Editor.
You can add as many abbreviations and abbreviation groups as you require. You are
also at liberty to share your abbreviations with other ContentBridge users. Send
them to us and we will make them available to the community of ContentBridge
users. OpenText will publish more abbreviations from time to time.
The names definitions are stored in a reference file in a reference folder within the
ContentBridge folder. The location of all reference files can be changed to support a
shared reference file on the network. You may want to locate the reference files on a
network location that is saved to a tape backup. Please see the Folders tab in the
Optionsdialog box.
Functions in the Trial mode are restricted to only execute 50 rows. To change a
function out of trial mode highlight the function and either use the right-click
context menu or the Functions menu.
Lookup functions need to be deleted and re-entered and some other Validate and
Transform functions may need to be re-entered as well.
The tools menu includes a item that allows the user to maintain the definitions of
names used by the Name SplitTransform Function. This is called the Names
Definition Editor.
You can add as many Names, Tittles and Letters as you require. You are also at
liberty to share your abbreviations with other ContentBridge users. Send them to us
and we will make them available to the community of ContentBridge users.
OpenText will publish more name definitions from time to time.
The names definitions are stored in a reference file in a reference folder within the
ContentBridge folder. The location of all reference files can be changed to support a
shared reference file on the network. You may want to locate the reference files on a
network location that is saved to a tape backup. Please see the Folders tab in the
Optionsdialog box.
The ContentBridge map allows data you have read in to be linked to validate and
transform functions before writing out to a file or database. As you do this the
schema is adjusted to help you transform the data to match the target. If you can not
see any inputs or outputs you may have changed the schema by changing the map
links. To reset this press the reset button on the toolbar. There are two cases you
should be aware of:
If your map ends in a database such as Microsoft Access that supports a schema,
ContentBridge will pickup this schema and present it in the Transform function.
ContentBridge will make an attempt to map the data to that schema as shown
below, but you will need to adjust and complete the job of mapping. You may also
need to adjust the data to help, for example splitting or concatenating fields.
Where the output object has no schema, for example when writing to a comma
separated file, ContentBridge will copy the input schema to the output. You can
adjust this schema, renaming, changing the data type, removing columns and
adding columns.
If you make changes to the map, for example, changing the output from a text file to
a Microsoft Access database the schema will need to be reset. This will impose the
new output schema to match the destination. Any transformation functions you
have put onto the Transformation map will be lost. You can at any time reset the
transformation by pressing the Reset button on the toolbar.
Do not forget that to carry out this adjustment of the schema ContentBridge must be
able to see the data. If the Input or Output toolbars are empty close the transform
and make sure data has flowed through ContentBridge by executing all (F5).
This object can be used to build a wide range functions that you may require to
manipulate your data. Examples are:
Highlight .NET Script from the Functions toolbar and drag and drop it on the grid.
The following object will appear:
Click the title bar to display the properties wizard. The four stages of the wizard
Select the language you wish to use. Source written in C# and VB are supported.
Reference Assemblies
Specify the assemblies referenced by your code. Either enter the dll name if located
as part of the Microsoft .NET Framework or point to a file. Two assemblies are
included by default.
Source Code
You can either embed the source in the object or refer to a external files. Use the
buttons to add and remove external files.
An outline script is provided into which you can add code as required. Please note
that the wizard can be re-sized with the mouse or by double clicking on the title bar.
Compilation errors and warnings are listed. You cannot move forward to the next
stage of the wizard should there be an error.
13.4 Execution
Settings can be provided at this stage. A code segment such as that shown below can
define a setting. This is then provided in the last stage of the wizard.
/// <summary> /// The Settings class is used to hold configuration settings /// that
determine how the script is to execute. /// Allowed values are Multiply, Add, Minus
and Divide /// </summary> public class Settings {
Any element in a map can be substituted when the map runs using a dbc file. This
can be useful if you need to copy a map from a development machine to production
machine and need to for example adjust the location of input data as you move the
You could edit the map before copying, but the dbc file allows the value to be
substituted as required.
For example to change the source file in a Map called Data_Import.dbm create a
Data_Import.dbc file placed in the same location. Place the following in this file:
<Function guid=""
name="Read Text
The map may point to a test file, but when executed with the dbc file the filename is
substituted to F:\Data\List2.csv.
A function can be selected by using the GUID or the name. Edit a map (dbm file)
with notepad to see the guids and elements names.
15.1 Introduction
The InfoArchive (IA) App creator is an add-on module for the Content Bridge
Solution (CB). It is a standalone application designed to guide the user in creating an
IA application.
15.2 Prerequisites
Set your Info Archive Client ID and Client Secret in the
CBInfoArchiveAppCreator.exe.config file listed in the installation path. Those
values are configured in the corresponding client section of the application-
CLIENTS.yml file located in the IA Server (IA Root Folder/config/webapp) Place the
following code under the configurations >appsettings tag in the
CBInfoArchiveAppCreator.exe.config file.
<add key="InfoArchive_ClientID" value="Your Client ID" />
<add key="InfoArchive_ClientSecret" value="Your Client Secret" />
1. Choose the desired IA server from the drop-down menu and enter your login
2. Provide a name for your application in the Application Name field.
3. Choose an Application Type and Archive Type from their respective drop-
down menus and click Next.
4. Select the Federation from the available list or click the Create New Federation
checkbox to create a new federation by providing a Federation name, Bootstrap
URL , and a password. Click Next.
5. Select the Storage from the available list or click the Create New Storage
checkbox to create a Storage by providing the Storage name, Storage
Description and the Storage Path. Click Next.
6. Select the Database from the available list or click the Create New Database
checkbox to create a new database by providing a Database Name and a
Database Password. Click Next.
7. Create an Application Space by providing a new name for the space and filling
in the following details:
• Space Name
• Structured Data Database
• Structured Data Database Library
• Search Result Database
• Search Result Database Library
Click Next.
8. Create an Application Store by providing a Store Name and choosing a status
from the following options:
• Online
• Read Only
• Offline
Click Next.
9. Configure the Xdb Library Policy by entering the following details:
• Close Mode
• Close Period
Click Next.
• Log Level
• Enumeration Cutoff Days
• Enumeration Max Result Count
• Enumeration Minus Running
Click Next.
11. Creating PDI Schema: To configure the PDI Schema, you can Create a new
schema or choose to upload an existing PDI schema.
If you choose to create a new schema, enter the Schema URN, and the name of
the Main node and click Create.
This creates the new schema and displays it as a tree view on the right.
Adding Nodes:
Add nodes by entering the Node Name, and choose Node Type. Click Add
To add child nodes, select Parent Node from the tree view , and enter the Node
Name, and choose a Node Type. Click Add Node.
Note: You can also select the nodes from the Tree View and use the Edit
or Remove buttons at the bottom to rename or delete nodes. Click Save
after making any changes.
13. You can create a new Ingest XML or choose to upload an existing Ingest XML
by providing the Ingest XML name and the XML location.
Click Next.
14. Retention:
Configure the Retention field by providing the following details:
• Retention Name
• Description
• Aging Period (Unit and Value)
• Disposition Blocked
Click Finish.
My Transform output toolbar is empty Close the transform and ensure the map has
executed so that data is presented through
the map. Press F5 to execute all
I have lost some transform functions If you have changed the map for example
changing the output from a text file to an
Access database the schema is automatically
adjusted to reflect the new destination. As
ContentBridge resets the transform any
functions will unfortunately be lost
Times that I have read in have dates added Times are actually stored as DateTime fields
so that 12:34 becomes for example 5/2/2005 in Databases. Where a time is read in the
12:34 date is set to today. You can continue to run
validation tests against the time part only,
but the display of data will continue to show
the date.
When text files are read in ContentBridge ContentBridge will look at the first 50 rows
assumes all data types are text of a file to try and guess what the delimiter is
and what data type should be applied to
each column. If there is for example an
invalid date in the first 50 rows
ContentBridge will set the data type of that
column to string.
I get no data written to my output Please check that the function is not set to
manual execution (a red square in the bottom
right corner)
I do not have any Oracle objects Oracle objects will only appear if you have
the Oracle client component (ODAC)
installed on your machine
ContentBridge locks up or becomes Are you working with large data sets? As
unresponsive ContentBridge displays the data to help you
see the data migration, large data sets can
use up a large amount of memory and bring
your machine to its knees.
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4,
MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 768, \ EC
keySize < 224
4. Start ContentBridge
Load JVM DLL Failed on LoadLibraryfor 1. Verify that VC++ Runtime 2010 32 bit and
Documentum Addins 64 bit are installed (For newer OS these are
not installed by default) . If not, download
and install the runtime from Microsoft site.
Could not load file or assembly The prerequisite for ChilkatDotNet4.dll are
'ChilkatDotNet4.dll’ Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 and x86
redistributable. Verify that it they are
installed. If not, download and install the
runtime from the Microsoft site.
Info archive Connection issue with IA 21.2 - Set your Info Archive Client ID and Client
(401) Unauthorized Error Secret in the ContentBridge.MapEditor.
exe.config file listed in the installation
<add key="InfoArchive_ClientID"
value="Your Client ID" />
<add key="InfoArchive_ClientSecret"
value="Your Client Secret" />
InfoArchive app Creator - 401 Unauthorized Set your Info Archive Client ID and Client
error with IA 21.2 Secret in the CBInfoArchiveAppCreator.
exe.config file listed in the installation
<add key="InfoArchive_ClientID"
value="Your Client ID" />
<add key="InfoArchive_ClientSecret"
value="Your Client Secret" />
1. Make sure that you have 32 bit Office 2010 installed on the CB test machine.
2. Open registry editor (regedit.exe) and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
3. Check if you have mso.DLL value in the contents pane on the right hand side.
Most probably you will not if you have not installed ACE 12.0 component (either
32 bit or 64 bit)
4. Install the ACE database engine 12.0 64-Bitcomponent using the
AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exethat we ship with our CB installer under
<install_location>\OpenText Corporation\OpenText Content Bridge\PreReqs
1. Make sure that you run this installer from command line using the /passive
switch e.g. Launch command window and run following command at the
command prompt AccessDatabaseEngine XXX_x64.exe /passive
Please include a clear description of the problem, including all the symptoms and
the steps required to reproduce the problem if necessary. If you are a registered user,
please include your registered name and license key at the top of the message in
order to receive priority attention. Please include the following information:
This section describes the Dashboard Integration mechanism for the ContentBridge
The pre-requisite for Dashboard data collection with ContentBridge are the
Once the configuration is complete and map is saved, the map execution data will be
posted to the Dashboard server.
Dashboard portal consists of a web based user interface backed by a database that
stores execution data posted by any running CB instance.
The dashboard is designed to provide current status of all active servers and the CB
maps running on all those servers. It can be used a monitoring tool in multi-server
CB implementation or if you are running multiple instances of CB on any given
The Dashboard also supports producing bar charts with various parameters, e.g.,
Average throughput per map or per server, Average time required for execution of
any given CB map or for comparing performance of function included in the
selected CB map.
The options dialog also allows users to configure the frequency, in number of rows,
for posting data to the dashboard. e.g. if the update frequency is set to 500 in the CB
options dialog, CB application will attempt to post an update to the dashboard after
processing a batch of 500 rows through each of the function. The update includes
number of rows processed, the number of successful rows and failed rows.
Each execution of the map will be tagged with a dynamically generated instance ID
to keep independent records of each execution cycle in case if the same CB map is
executed multiple times from the same CB instance.
Known Issues:
1. If any function in the map is set to Prompt Execute or Pause Mode and the user
chooses not to execute that function when executing the map, ContentBridge
will not execute the functions following the paused function. This could create
incomplete data entries in the dashboard database, especially when running a
map in batch mode.
2. When executing the same map multiple times from the same ContentBridge
session, some of the functions are executed only during the first execution and
NOT executed during the subsequent executions. Typical example of this is the
Custom Table used as DataDictionary configurations or other lookup functions.
Obviously, in this scenario the execution data regarding the functions that are
not executed will not be posted to the dashboard.
3. If the Map execution is halted by pressing the STOP button from the tool bar,
end of map execution will be posted to the dashboard. If the same map is
executed again from the currently active CB session, it will be tagged with the
new Instance Id value and the data for the functions/steps executed in current
cycle will posted to the dashboard using the new Instance ID. Map execution
End will not be posted to the dashboard until ALL the functions in the map are
When the user executes the last function in the map, CB will detect the completion of
the map execution and post end of Map execution.
If the user decides to close the map or save the map after executing subset of
functions, the end map execution will be posted to the dashboard. so it is
recommended to execute ALL functions in the map one by one to properly post the
execution data to the dashboard.
Known Issues:
1. Map execution End will not be posted to the dashboard until ALL the functions
in the map are executed.
2. Executing same function over and over within same CB session will overwrite
the data posted to dashboard from the earlier executions of the same function.
If the collection of connected (cascading functions) contains the last function in the
map then after executing the last function end of map will be posted to the
If the cascading set of functions does not complete the map execution then the end of
map will be posted when the map is closed or the user decides to save the map. So it
is recommended to execute the remaining functions in the map to properly post the
execution data to the dashboard.
Known Issues:
1. Map execution End will not be posted to the dashboard until ALL the functions
in the map are executed.
2. Executing same function over and over within same CB session will overwrite
the data posted to dashboard from the earlier executions of the same function.
Following your evaluation should you decide not to proceed with the use of
ContentBridge we would be most grateful if you would email us at
[email protected]?subject=Content%20Bridge%20Info indicating the
reasons for your decision.
* You will need to install the Microsoft Office Data Connectivity Components
(Microsoft ACE drivers) using installer package provided under prerequisites folder
inside ContentBridge install directory.