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Department of Envfronment
Ministry of Envfronment and Forests
Goversment of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

(NBSAP 2016-2021)

Department of Environment
Paribesh Bhaban
E- 16, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar
Dhaka- 1207, Bangladesh
Ph -88-02-8181800
Fax-88-02-8 181772
E-mail: [email protected];

Ministry of Environment and Forests

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

It is my great pleasure to know that the updated National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan or
NBSAP 2016-2021 is going to be published. This document is a guiding framework for biodiversity
conservation, ensuring sustainable use of its components along with fair and equitable sharing of
benefits arising out of utilization of genetic resources.

Bangladesh enjoys a very rich diversity of flora and fauna in a wider range of ecosystems. The
economy of the country and the people are heavily dependent on the biological resources for their
lives and livelihoods. Our cultural heritage, rural lifestyles and traditional healthcare have long been
attached to the services provided by the biodiversity. To ensure our rich biodiversity be conserved and
used sustainably, we need to follow the updated NBSAP that reflects well thought of actions and
strategies of implementation. The NBSAP as a whole could serve as a guiding document to everyone
who is involved in management of country’s biodiversity.

Being a developing nation, like any other such countries of the world, expansion of intensive
agriculture, industrialization, rapid urbanization and rural infrastructure development caused severe
stress on the habitats of biodiversity. The threats of irreversible loss of biodiversity have drawn
international attention and that led to institutionalize the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
As a party to the CBD, Bangladesh is very keen towards conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity for her present and future generations. Updating National Biodiversity Strategy
and Action Plan (NBSAP) in line with Aichi Biodiversity Targets signifies our commitments to the
cause of biodiversity.

The activities identified in the updated NBSAP should be taken into account by all the stakeholders
because NB SAP implementation would directly help to attain relevant targets of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). Because NBSAP implementation has been included as an issue in the
Five Year Plan, the activities of NBSAP could be taken as the titles or components of development
projects on biodiversity and natural resources management. The core strategy of NBSAP
implementation would be lying in ensuring strong partnership and collaboration among the GOs,
NGOs and development partners, the private sector, academia and other exponent of the civil society.

I express my sincere thanks to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for the generous support to
develop updated NBSAP and appreciate the endeavor taken by the Department of Environment for
publishing the report for all the stakeholders.

I wish NBSAP would go a long way to keep Bangladesh prosperous with biodiversity.

(An’i Icsain ‘vlanju, MP)

\ Deputy Minister
‘ Ministry of Environment and Forests
* . Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


It is indeed a great pleasure to circulate the Updated National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
(NBSAP). While Government of Bangladesh is working towards achieving sustainable development
goals (SDGs) and moving ahead with the 2” phase of Vision 2021, the 7 th
Five Year Plan (20 16-
202 1), the updated NBSAP could play a great role as both the SDGs and the 7 th
Five Year Plan has
got the impetus on biodiversity. Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use is an obligation for all
of us because it is inserted under ‘fundamental principles of state policy’ of the Constitution of the
People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The section 18A of the constitution with the heading ‘protection
and improvement of environment and biodiversity’ states that the State shall endeavor to protect and
improve the environment and to preserve and safeguard the natural resources, bio-diversity,
wetlands, forests and wildlife for the present andfuture citizens. Accordingly, we are fully committed
to manage the country’s rich biodiversity with the spirit of Constitution and that of the Convention on
Biological Diversity to which Bangladesh is a party.

Burgeoning pressure of population and development activities are posing real threats to the
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. It is not possible to stop loss of biodiversity unless
all the development ministries and agencies work together to take up the challenge. The National
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NB SAP) is a key step towards combining the efforts of all the
actors working on biodiversity. We are proud to the achievements that the country has made in
conservation of biodiversity during the past decades. There are examples of success stories in
conservation in the area of community-based management of forests and wetlands resources.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all our development partners for their supports and local
communities for their efforts to conserve and sustainably use the country’s biodiversity. We look
forward to even stronger cooperation and collaboration among the national and international
stakeholders towards implementation of NBSAP. The Ministry of Environment and Forests will do
everything possible to take the lead in coordinating implementation of the strategies and priority
actions included in this document.

I am confident that implementation of NBSAP will get momentum towards ensuring sustainable
development in the country. -

(Abdullah Al- Islam Jakob, MP)

/4 Secretary
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


It is our immense pleasure to note that we are publishing updated NBSAP which has been developed
towards contributing to our commitments as a party to the Convention on Biological Diversity. To
fulfill the objectives of the convention, Bangladesh has so far taken a number of initiatives including
development of first generation NBSAP in 2004. The updated or second generation NBSAP has been
prepared taking the essence of biodiversity strategic planning 2011-2020 or Aichi Biodiversity
Targets. It is always a challenging task to translate the global targets into national ones and the
Department of Environment has made it possible through the process of wider consultation which
resulted in publication of updated NBSAP. The document contains the key actions needed for
conservation and sustainable use of the country’s biodiversity, as well as ensuring fair and equitable
sharing of benefits arising out of utilization of genetic resources.

The NBSAP 2016-2021 included 50 activities under the 20 headline targets for biodiversity
conservation. Towards implementation of updated NBSAP, mainstreaming of biodiversity into
sectoral and cross-sectoral development activities remains very important. Furthermore, biodiversity
should be integrated into the relevant policies, rules-regulations of various development-oriented
ministries. Valuation of goods and services of the ecosystems should be accomplished that would lead
us towards integration of the values into the national accounting system. The updated NBSAP
reinforced raising awareness among the people, documentation of traditional knowledge and
practices, technology transfer and resource mobilization as important aspects towards ensuring
biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. The identified tasks will be implemented in
collaboration and partnership with all the relevant stakeholders. While the role of the government will
be pivotal in harnessing resources mobilization, we would draw attention of the development partners
to enhance their engagement to this end. I am optimistic that updated NBSAP would be implemented
with the approach of result based management.

The development of updated NBSAP would have never been possible without active engagement of
stakeholders and contributors who helped to enrich the document in various forms. Our appreciation
goes to the Department of Environment and the project team to accomplish the NBSAP. Our gratitude
goes to the Global Environment Facility for the generous support to develop such an important
national document.

In the end, I wish NBSAP would go a long way towards achieving the SDGs and to achieve the
broader targets that the country would be developed with enriched biodiversity and healthy

(Dr. Uddin Ahmed)

4% WI
Director General
Department of Environment
DOE Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


It is our great pleasure to publish the updated National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
(NBSAP), a guiding document for ensuring conservation and sustainable use of the country’s
biodiversity. The revised NBSAP has been developed in the light of CBD Strategic planning 2011-
2020 (Aichi Biodiversity Targets). The elements of the document have gone through a consultative
process with the active participation of the stakeholders.

The document contains important aspects like economic valuation of biodiversity, the national targets
of biodiversity until 2021, capacity needs for implementation of NB SAP, monitoring implementation
of NBSAP, those are laying foundation for taking-up development projects and programs. It takes into
consideration of the priority needs in terms of conservation, sustainable use of its components and
equitable sharing of benefits. The document provides recommendation for the mainstreaming of
biodiversity into relevant sector and cross-sectoral policies and legislative framework. Because
NBSAP implementation is important in terms of achieving the 7 th
Five Year Plan and that of SDGs,
the document would guide us a lot in shaping our development initiatives on biodiversity.

I believe that the NBSAP will serve as valuable documents for the policy-makers, government and
non-government officials, planners, as well as business community working on the biodiversity in the
country. I wish broader participation and engagement of all government and non-government
organizations, development partners, local communities and ethnic groups to implement the NBSAP.

I would like to thank Mohammed Solaiman Haider, the Project Director of the Updating and
Mainstreaming of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for taking the strenuous work to
accomplish the document. Thanks are also due to the individuals and consultants who provided their
efforts to the report.

I would also express my great appreciation to the Global Environment Facility for the generous
support and all the stakeholders who contributed to the process of the development of the document.

(Md. lZaIsuJ iani Mondal)

Director (Planning)
Department of Environment and
Project Director
Updating and Mainstreaming of NBSAP

The development of updating of NBSAP could have never been possible without the gracious support
of the Global Environment Facility and the GEFsec Task Team Leader, Yoko Watanabe who always led
us to reach here. I would like to offer thanks to the colleagues who helped a lot from Washington DC,
Chermai, Delhi and Dhaka office of World Bank and GEFsec to ensure disbursement for the operation
of the development project. The updated NBSAP has been developed through a series of consultations
at national and divisional level with the involvement of stakeholders including representatives of
relevant Ministries, Departments, NGOs, academia and development partners. On behalf of the
Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests, I would like to offer heartfelt thanks
to the distinguished researchers, authors, experts and representatives who have actively participated and
contributed to these events. I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed, Secretary,
Ministry of Environment and Forests, whose presence in the workshops and valuable suggestions gave
us way forwards for finalizing the document. My thanks are also due to Mr. Md. Raisul Alam Mondal,
Director General, Department of Environment who provided continuous guidance to furnish the task.

I would like to offer thanks to all the experts who contributed in various forms to develop the document.
The contribution of IUCN Bangladesh as firm consultant helped the process with the development of
various elements of the draft. Thank also goes to the individual consultants who helped the Project
Director in organizing the draft are: Mr. Anisuzzaman, Dr. M. Jabed Hossain and Mr. Mohammad
Samsur Rahman.

I am also thankful to Prof. Dr. Md. Imdadul Hoque, Prof. Dr. Md. Oliur lthman, Prof. Dr. M Niamul
Naser (University of Dhaka), Prof. Dr. Saleh Ahmed Khan (Jhagangimagar University), Mr. Md.
Tariqul Islam and Begum Fatema Tuz Zohora (Bangladesh Forest Department), Dr. Sarder Md. Nasir
Uddin (Bangladesh National Herbarium), Dr. Md. Amzad Hossain and Dr. Md. Tariqul Islam (BARI),
Dr Md. Khalequzaman (BRRI), Md. Motaleb H. Sarker (CEGIS), Dr. S.M.A Rashid (CARINAM
Bangladesh) for their valuable inputs to the report. I would like to express my gratitude to the
participants who provided valuable inputs at divisional and national level consultations. Thanks go to
the MOEF Additional Secretary (Environment), Mr. Nurul Karim, Additional Secretary
(Development), Mr. Abdullah Al Mohsin Chowdhury and the Deputy Secretary, Ms. Khorsheda
Yasmeen and the DoE Director (NRM), Dr Sultan Ahmed and Assistant Director, Mst. Papia Sultana,
for their support in facilitating the consultation workshops, as well as, organizing the draft document.
Last but not the least, finalizing the document took away plenty of time after the office hours, during
the weekends and holidays for that I’m grateful to the family members who endured a lot of trouble to
work at the residence.

NBSAP is a living document. I would always appreciate those who will be active in further
enrichment and implementation of the document.

(Mohammed Solaiman Raider)


Acronyms Els___
3R Reduction, Re-use and Re-cyclmg
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADP AnnualDevelopmentProgram -

BARC Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council -

BARI Agricultural Research Institute

- - —___________________________

BBS Bgiadesh Bureau of Statistics - - -_____________________________________

BCCSAP Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan

BCCTF Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund
BDT Bangladeshi Taka ((Currency)
BFD -- Bangladesh Forest Department
BGMEA desh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association
BINA Bngladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
BJRI Bangladesh Jute Research Institute - - --

BKMEA Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association —-

BLRI Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute —

BNH Bangladesh National Herbarium

BRRI Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
BPATC Bangladesh Public Admistration Train g Centre
BSRI Bangladesh Suger Research Institute

CBA-ECA Community Based Adaptation in the Ecologically Critical Areas

cBD — Convention on Biological Diversity
CBO - Community Based Organization
cccl Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry
CEGIS Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services
CHM - ClearingHouseMechanism
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Slecies of Wild Flora and Fauna
COP Conference of the Parties
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility - -

CETP Common Effluent Treatment Plant

CWB coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management Project
DAE Department of Agriculture Extension
DCCI Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DoE - Department of Environment
DoF - - - Department of Fisheries
ECA - Ecologically Critical Area
ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
EIA - Environmental ImpactAssessment ——

The Federation of Bangladesh ç

FBCCI eofCoinercn d_ury_

FRA Forest Resources Assessment
GBM - -- - - Ganges-Brhmaputra-Meg_______________________________
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GEF -— GiobalEnvironmentFacility -

GIS -- Geographic lnformationy!tern

GMO - -
- Genetically Modified Organism

ICTP International Conventions Treaties And Protocols

lAS InvasiveAlienpecies
INGO International Non-Government Organization
1PM IntegratedPestManagernent - --

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

MoA Ministry of Agriculture -

ç_oçommerc —-

MoCAT Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism

MoCHT MinistryofChittagongHillTractAffairs
- - -

MoE Ministry of Education

MoEFMinistiyofEnvironment and Forests

Acronyms Elaborations -

IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature : -

MoA Ministry of Agriculture — -

MoC Ministry of Commerce ..; ..

MoCAT Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism .. .

MoCHT Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tract Affairs

MoE Ministry of Education
MoEF - Ministry of Environment and Forests —_______________________________
MoF Ministry of Finance
MoFL - Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
MoH Ministry of Home Affairs
Mol Ministry of Information
Molnd Ministry of Industries
MoL Ministry of Land
MoLGRD - Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development

MoLJP Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs

MoP Ministry of Planning - --

MoP&ME - Ministry of Primary& Mass Education -

MoR Ministry of Religious Affairs
MoS Ministry of Shipping
MoWR Ministry of Water Resources
NAPA National Adaptation Program of Action - - - - -

NESAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan - -

- - -

NCTB National Curriculum & Textbook Board

NGO Non-Government Organization
NARS National Agricultural Research System
NSAPR National Strategy of Accelerated Poverty Reduction
NAPD National Academy for Planning and Development - --

ODA Official Development Assistance - —- - —__________________________

OECD - Organization for Econom c Co-operation and Develpment

PA Protected Area
PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
RS Remote Sensing
SCP Sustainable Consumption and Production
SDGs - - Sustainable Development Goals
SRCWP Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection
TEEB The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity
UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
UNDP United Nations Development Program - - - - -

UNEP United Nations Environment Program

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change -

WARPO Water Resources Planning Organization

WASA Water Supply & Sewerage Authority . . --

Table of Contents
Message . iii
Foreword v
Preface vi
Acknowledgements vii
Abbreviations viii
Table of Contents x
List of Tables xi
List of Figures xi
List of Boxes xii
List of Annexure xii
Executive Summary xiii

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Country context
1.2 Background of development of NBSAP 3
1.3 Progress of Implementation of first generation NBSAP 3
1.4 Lesson learnt from the first generation NB SAP 5
1.5 Necessity of Updating NBSAP 6
1.6 Process of development of updated NB SAP 7

2. Trends of Biodiversity loss in Bangladesh 9

2.1 Degradation of ecosystems 9
2.2 Depletion of species diversity 15
2.3 Erosion of genetic diversity 17
2.4 Threats to biodiversity in Bangladesh 17
2.5 Consequences of biodiversity loss 22

3. Importance of Biodiversity 25
3.1 Importance of ecosystem goods and services in the life and livelthood of the people 25
3.1.1 Contribution of Agricultural Biodiversity and Agriculture 25
3.1.2 Contribution of Fisheries and Fish Biodiversity 26
3.1.3 Contribution of Livestock and Poultry 27
3.1.4 Contribution of Forestry 27
3.1.5 Contribution of the Nature’s Aesthetic values and Nature-based tourism 27
3.1.6 Cultural values of biodiversity 28
3.2 Valuation of ecosystems 29
3.3 Way forward 32

4. Mainstreaming of Biodiversity and NBSAP 35

4.1 Mainstreaming at individual level 35
4.1.1 Raising awareness among the citizens 35
4.1.2 Ensure participation of women in biodiversity conservation 37
4.2 Mainstreaming at Institutional level 38
4.2.1 Mainstreaming at Government Organizations 38
4.2.2 Engage Community based organization (CROs), NGOs and Civil Society
Organization (CSO) into biodiversity conservation 39
4.2.3 Engage Private Sectors in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use 39
4.3 Mainstreaming at systemic level 39
4.3.1 Insertion of Biodiversity into the Constitution of Bangladesh 40
4.3.2 Integration of biodiversity into sectoral and cross-sectoral policies 40
4.3.3 Integration of Biodiversity into the Related Laws 49
4.3.4 Integration of biodiversity into national development plans 51
4.3.5 Integration of value ecosystem goods and services into national accounting systems 53
4.3.6 Integration of NBSAP with the Action Plans of other Rio convention 53
4.3.7 Implementation ofNBSAP towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals 54
4.3.8 Integration of Biodiversity into Educational System 56

5. National Targets and Activities Towards Implementation of NBSAP 59

6. Capacity Development for Implementation of NBSAP 73

6.1 Capacity Development Needs 73
6.1.1 Individual capacity development 73
6.1.2 Institutional capacity development 73
6.1.3 Systemic capacity development 74
6.2 Technology Needs 76
7. Resources Mobilization Towards Implementation of NBSAP ...... 83

7.1 Allocation in development budget (ADP) 84

7.2 Allocation in non-development budget for biodiversity conservation 86
7.3 Allocation in Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund for conservation of biodiversity 86
7.4 Biodiversity Financing in ODA 87
7.5 Financial Resources needed for implementing NBSAP 89
7.6 Possible Sources of Funding 89
7.7 Constraints, Gaps and Challenges for Fund Raising 90
8. Coordination, Monitoring and Reporting of NBSAP 91
8.1 Coordination, monitoring and reporting 91
8.2 Communication and Outreach Strategy 91
8.3 Bangladesh Clearing House Mechanism (BCHM) 92
9. Concluding Remarks 93
References 95
Annexure 98

List of Tables
Table 1: Water Quality of Selected Rivers in dry season (Nov- May) and Wet Season (June- October) for 2014.12
Table 2: Different types of land degradation and their extent in Bangladesh 13
Table 3: Faunal species those no longer have any stable population in Bangladesh territory 16
Table 4: Threats to biodiversity of Bangladesh 21
Table 5: Ecosystem services from hill forest, wetland and mangrove ecosystems 30
Table 6: Economic valuation of hilly forest, wetlands and mangrove ecosystems of Bangladesh 31
Table 7: Some Important Biodiversity Related Days for enhancing awareness 36
Table 8: Women’s Traditional activities related to biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh 37
Table 9: Analysis of sectoral and cross sectoral Policies Towards Integration of Biodiversity 41
Table 10: Legislations of the Relevant Ministries Impacting on Biodiversity Conservation 50
Table 11: Synergies of Biodiversity with other Rio Conventions 54
Table 12: Linkage between Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets and NBSAP targets 55
Table 13: Integrating biodiversity into educational system 56
Table 14: National Targets, Activities, Implementation Strategies and Responsible Organizations, Indicators
and indicative Budget 60
Table 15: Capacity Development Needs for implementation of NB SAP 74
Table 16: Technology Needs and Expected Results for various sectors of Biodiversity management 77
Table 17: Possible Sources of Funds for implementation ofNBSAP 89
Table 18: Communication, extension and outreach strategies for awareness on biodiversity 91

List of Figures
Figure 1 Location Map of Bangladesh in the South Asian Region (Source: CEGIS,2016) 1
Figure 2 Process of updating NBSAP 7
Figure 3 Forest land cover maps of Bangladesh produced by using Landsat MSS 1976
(left panel) and Landsat TM 2000 (middle panel) and Landsat TM 2010 (right panel) 9
Figure 4 Changes in forest area during 1990 to 2015 (Source: FAO, 2015) 9
Figure 5 Changes in area of some selected forests in Bangladesh over time (Source: FAO, 2015) 10
Figure 6 Map showing the permanent wetlands, settlements,
waterbodies and major rivers of Bangladesh during 1997 to 2010 11
Figure 7 Changes in land classes during 1977 to 2010 through 1999 in Bangladesh 12
Figure 8 Coastal zones of Bangladesh 13
Figure 9 Trend in expansion of shrimp areas in Bangladesh (Karim, 1986 and DoF, 2008b) 14

Figure 10 Salt affected areas from 1973 to 2009 14
Figure 11 Intensity of crop cultivation in Bangladesh from 2001-02 to 2011 18
Figure 12 Yearly sale of urea fertilizer in Bangladesh 18
Figure 13 Yearly sale of TSP and SSP fertilizer in Bangladesh 19
Figure 14 Yearly sales of pesticides in Bangladesh during 1999 to 2012 19
Figure 15 Predicted sea level rise and its effects on land mass of Bangladesh 20
Figure 16 Annual frequency and trends of tropical cyclone activity in the Bay of Bengal from 1985 to 2009.20
Figure 17 Fiscal year-wise resource allocation in ADP for different sectors relevant to biodiversity
conservation in Bangladesh 84
Figure 18 Contribution of resources under the ADP in different sectors for biodiversity
conservation in Bangladesh 84
Figure 1 9 Fiscal year-wise resource allocation in mixed project under ADP for different sectors in Bangladesh85
Figure 20 Year wise non-development budget allocation of BFD and DOE 86
Figure 21 Fiscal year-wise resource allocation in specific and mixed projects under BCCTF for biodiversity
conservation 86
Figure 22 Per-capita ODA flow to Bangladesh since 1971 87
Figure 23 Top 10 recipients of total biodiversity-related ODA 2007-12 88
Figure 24 Net ODA flow to Bangladesh, 2005-20 14 88

List of Boxes
Box 1 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Background 3
Box 2 The strategies outlined in the NBSAP, 2004 4
Box 3 Invasive Alien Plant Species in Bangladesh 22
Box 4 Goods and services provided by ecosystems 25
Box 5 Medicinal plants 29
Box 6 Community Based Biodiversity Conservation in ECAs (CBA-ECAs) 37
Box 7 Integrated Pest Management in Bangladesh 49
Box 8 Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Impact Assessment (EJA) 49
Box 9 Bangladesh’s Attainment on Environment and Biodiversity Conservation 58
Box 10 The Biodiversity Strategic Planning and Aichi Biodiversity Targets 59

List of Ann exure

Annex 1: 1: List of Threatened Plant Species
Table 1.1 Species not found for last 50 years or more than 50 years in Bangladesh 98
Table 1.2 List of threatened landraces of different crops 102
Table 1.3 List of threatened crops 103
Annex-2: List of Biodiversity Related Projects of different sectors under ADP
Table 2.1 List of specifically biodiversity related projects under crop sector 104
Table 2.2 List of specifically biodiversity related projects under forestry sector 104
Table 2.3 List of specifically biodiversity related projects under fisheries sector 107
Table 2.4 List of specifically biodiversity related projects of different sectors under ADP 108
Table 2.5 Summary of sectoral allocation (specifically biodiversity related project) from
fiscal year2009-10 to 2015-16 108
Annex-3: List of mixed projects of different sectors under ADP
Table 3.1 List of mixed projects under crop sector 109
Table 3.2 List of mixed projects under fisheries sector 110
Table 3.3 List of mixed projects under livestock sector 110
Table 3.4 List of mixed projects under irrigation sector Ill
Table 3.5 List of mixed projects under water resource sector 111
Table 3.6 List of mixed projects under Physical Planning, Water supply and Housing sector 112
Table 3.7 List of mixed projects under Rural Development sector 112
Table 3.8 Summary of sectoral allocation (Biodiversity mixed project) from
fiscal year 2009-10 to 2015-16 113
Table 3.9 List of specifice biodiversity project implemented under ADP 113
Table: 3.10 List of mixed projects implemented under BCCTF 115

Executive Summary

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) is the basic instrument for implementing the
Convention on Biological Diversity at the national level. The NBSAP 2016-2021 has been prepared in
order to fulfill the commitment of Bangladesh towards implementing the three objectives of
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD): conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of its
components and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic
resources. The first generation NBSAP developed in 2004 took into consideration of the issues of
implementation of 2010 Biodiversity Targets. The updated NBSAP has been prepared in the line with
CBD strategic planning 2011-2020 (Aichi Biodiversity Targets). Bangladesh signed the CBD
(Convention on Biological Diversity) in 1992 and ratified it in 1994. Being a party to the CBD,
Bangladesh is globally committed to fulfill the objectives of the convention. Development and
updating of NBSAP signifies the commitment of the Government of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has
th national report in 2010 and 5
submitted its 4 thi national report in 2015.

The updated NB SAP has been developed as per the decision taken in the
oh meeting of the
Conference of Parties (COP 10) to implement Aichi Biodiversity Targets. The main chapters
contained in the NBSAP are: Status of Biodiversity loss in Bangladesh, Importance of Biodiversity,
Mainstreaming of Biodiversity and NBSAP, National Targets and Activities towards Implementing
NBSAP, Capacity Development for Implementation of NBSAP, Resource Mobilization towards
Implementation of NBSAP, Coordination and Monitoring and Reporting of NBSAP. The document
has been prepared through wider consultations ensuring participation of relevant stakeholders.

The first chapter of the document briefly describes the background and rationale with the process of
development of updating NBSAP. The country context in relation to the richness of Biodiversity is
highlighted here. The chapter also looked at the achievements, lessons learnt and gaps of earlier
NBSAP and it has been revealed that various activities, projects or programs were taken after the
formulation of NBSAP in 2004 are very much complimentary to implement NBSAP.

The second chapter focuses on the trends of loss and degradation of biodiversity in Bangladesh.
Although there is no updated and systematic study results available on the loss of diversity of species
in Bangladesh, it is apparent that population of many species has declined. Threats to the rich
diversity of flora and fauna are rising as there are trends of degradation in various habitats and
ecosystems. For example, in the case of forest biodiversity, plantation forest area has increased while
the coverage of the natural forest has declined over the years. Similarly, wetlands of the country are
under tremendous pressure of degradation resulting in decreased ecosystem goods and services. In the
coastal region, salinity affected area has increased due to sea level rise and disasters of climate
change. Population pressure along with their burgeoning demand triggered unplanned
industrialization and urbanization that led to habitat destruction call for urgent actions to halt further
loss of biodiversit-y. To curve the situation, the efforts so far taken are not adequate to prevent the
further loss of biodiversity. We need to consider the contribution or the value of the ecosystem goods
and services to the gross domestic product or the economy of the country and take every step towards
maintaining these goods and services.

Chapter three presents importance of biodiversity in the life and livelihood of the people of
Bangladesh. Agricultural biodiversity or agriculture sector contributes 17.22% of the total GDP where
45.6% labor force is engaged. The contribution of forest and related services to GDP is about 1.43%.
Fisheries sectors contribute 3.30% to the GDP in 2013-2014 fiscal year in current prices and 3.69% in

constant price (at 2005-2006 base year). The sub-sector contributes 23% of gross agricultural products
and 5.71% to the total export earnings. A recent valuation study concluded that the Sundarban
generates US$ 456 to USS 1192 per ha per year worth of ecosystem services. The contribution of
livestock to GDP is 2.5%. Bangladesh’s tourism industry directly contributed around taka 2.23 trillion
(2.1%) to the country’s GDP in 2013 which implies immense potential of ecotourism in Bangladesh.
In 2014, direct, indirect and induced contributions of tourism to GDP were 2.3%, 1.3% and 0.9%
respectively, generating 1.8% of total employment in the country.

The roles of ecosystem in human well being have never been taken into account in economic terms.
Like, the coastal ecosystems prevent storm, cyclone and severe natural calamities like tsunami.
Wetland ecosystems retain huge water during floods. Forest ecosystems maintain temperature
regulating Co
2 concentration in the atmosphere. As part of updating NB SAP of Bangladesh, economic
valuation was done for the services provided by the major ecosystems namely the Sundarbans, the
wetlands and hill forests. The study assessed a total of 50 services from these ecosystems and
calculated the contribution to the GDP of the services of hill forest, wetland and mangrove
ecosystems equivalent to 9.2% to 33.3%, implying significant role of ecosystems in the human well
being of the country.

Chapter four discusses about the mainstreaming of biodiversity and NBSAP. Mainstreaming is very
important for ensuring conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of its components at the
individual, institutional and systemic level. The insertion of ‘Biodiversity’ into the constitution of
Bangladesh signifies the commitment of the government to protect and conserve biodiversity and
environment for the wellbeing of the people living now and the generations to come. Biodiversity
conservation and sustainable use should be integrated into sectoral and cross-sectoral policies,
legislations, as well as national development plans. Analysis of existing national policies and
regulations those are supportive to implement NBSAP reveals that we still need to work on insertion
of the very terms like conservation, sustainable use, equitable sharing of benefits and above all,
integrating the values of biodiversity in many of these documents. Updated NBSAP proposes to
engage all the stakeholders in the process of implementation of NBSAP. It also encourages involving
private sector, business people, NGOs, local community, women and youth forces in the activities of
implementing NBSAP. Towards ensuring long-term sustainability of the projects, development
ministries or agencies implementing development works have to consider the implications of
biodiversity loss in their initiatives.

Chapter five highlights national targets, activities and indicators for monitoring achievement towards
implementing NBSAP. Towards contributing to the global targets (Aichi Biodiversity Targets) and
implementation of NB SAP, 20 national targets have been proposed to be taken into action during the
fiscal year 20 15-2016 to 2020-202 1. The 20 national targets are as follows:

1. By 2021, relevant stakeholders will be aware on the value of biodiversity and play an active role
in ensuring sustainable use
2. By 2021, Assessment of valuation of goods and services of major ecosystems will be furnished
towards integration into national accounting system
3. By 2021, Studies on the impacts of incentives or subsidies on biodiversity, as well as
development of policy roadmaps for phasing out of incentives or subsidies harmful to biodiversity
will be completed towards mainstreaming the relevant ministry for implementation of the policy

4. By 2021, Policy on Sustainable and Consumption Production (SCP) to maintain safe ecological
limit of natural resources of major ecosystems will be furnished and disseminate the policy to all
the stakeholders will be done towards implementation
5. By 2021, studies on the rate of habitat loss will be furnished towards promoting implementation
of land use policy and enforcement of relevant legislations on conservation of natural habitats
6. By 2021, stock assessment of fish, invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants will be undertaken
keeping in mind the safe ecological limit and awareness raising of the stakeholders will be
enhanced so that aquatic biodiversity will be managed and harvested sustainably, legally taking
into account of ecosystem based approach towards avoidance of overfishing and conservation of
threatened species and vulnerable ecosystems
7. By 2021, development of Integrated Management Plan will be completed for areas under
agriculture, aquaculture and forestry towards ensuring conservation and sustainable use of
8. By 2021, study on impact of pollution and excess nutrient on functioning of major ecosystems
will be conducted and enforcement drive for controlling pollution will be strengthened.
9. By 2021, study on the impact of L&S will be furnished, regulations towards control of lAS will be
developed and capacities at the port-of-entries will be enhanced to regulate lAS
10. By 2021, multiple pressure on coral associated island (St. Martin) and Sundarban mangrove
ecosystem will be reduced through implementation of management plan of the ecosystems.
11. By 2021, Bangladesh’s 3% area under terrestrial ecosystem (forests), 3% area under inland
wetlands and coastal ecosystems and 5% of total marine area will come under PAs or ECAs with
development and implementation of management plan for these areas
12. By 2021, the extinction of known threatened species will be prevented and their conservation
status, particularly of those most in decline, has been improved and sustained
13. By 2021, capacity of in-situ and ex-situ conservation facilities will be strengthened to conserve
the genetic diversity of cultivated plants, indigenous livestock and poultry resources
14. By 2021, develop and implement restoration plan for degraded wetlands and rivers taking into
account the needs of vulnerable people and local communities
15. By 2021, initiate implementation àf restoration plan for degraded ecosystems, especially, forest
lands and wetlands for addressing climate change mitigation, adaptation and combating
16. By 2016, Bangladesh Biological Diversity Act addressing the issues of ABS will be finalized and
the instrument of ratification for the Nagoya Protocol on ABS will be submitted to the secretariat
of CBD
17. By 2016, Bangladesh will develop, adopt and update NBSAP and commence implementation of
the document in an effective and participatory manner
18. By 2021, traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of local communities or ethnic groups
will be recognized and documented
19. By 2021, Agencies responsible for Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management will be
adopting modem information technology like GIS and RS and information on biodiversity will be
shared through Clearing House Mechanism (CHM)
20. By 2017, financial resources will be mobilized towards accelerated implementation of targets and
activities of updated NBSAP
Chapter six identified the needs for capacity building at individual, institutional and systemic level to
achieve the targets under NBSAP. In order to attain the targets, capacity building is essential for
various activities under NBSAP targets. In addition, application of technologies and mobilization of
financial resources are equally important for the implementation of NBSAP. While some targets will

require use of modem technologies including DNA fmger printing and use of GIS and Remote
Sensing, other will need application of local and traditional knowledge.

Chapter seven focuses on the challenges of mobilization of financial resources to address biodiversity
conservation and management issues. No stand-alone financial institutions or funding mechanism is in
place to address biodiversity related development activities. Conservation activities are carried out
sporadically by the country’s Annual Development Plan (ADP), Non-development expenditures,
Non-ADP program and development partner-driven activities. Though biodiversity issues were
included in a number of previous five year plans including the latest one, the 7
five year plan, none
of these plans adequately addressed financing requirements to ensure implementation of biodiversity
activities or NBSAP as such. The seventh five year plan (2016-2021) included implementation of
NB SAP as an issue, but again no clear budget allocation has been promised for this item.

An analysis on biodiversity specific projects taken during 2009-20 15 shows that the highest resource
allocation was found in forestry sub-sector (10464.3 million BDT) followed by fisheries, crop and
livestock sub-sectors. In case of mixed projects, it was difficult to segregate the portion of money
exclusively allocated for biodiversity conservation. It is evident that success of implementation of
NBSAP will be dependent on mobilization of adequate financial resources for taking up the activities.
An indicative budget estimated for all the activities to achieve the national targets of NB SAP stood as
18329.00 million BDT. Some possible sources of resources are direct core funding (Government of
Bangladesh), non-core funding (Trust Fund, Jolmohal Leasing, Fish harvest), Indirect peripheral
(Regional and Global Forum Fund, Scientific and development initiatives and Carbon trading),
Development Partners (Grant, Aid, Loan), private sector (CSR, Donation), INGO Research Grant and
Green tax, etc.

Chapter eight describes mechanisms for coordination among stakeholders as well as monitoring and
reporting of the activities for the effective implementation of NBSAP. MoEF will coordinate the
implementation of the NBSAP with other Ministries/Divisions, as well as, government agencies,
academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and communities taking part in the activities.
National Biodiversity Conmiittee under the MoEF will act as the apex body for coordination with
relevant ministries/agencies towards implementation of NBSAP. Reporting on the progress of the
implementation of the NBSAP will be done, periodically, by the Department of Environment.
Bangladesh Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) will act as web-based platform to
provide and receive updated information like the status of biodiversity and conservation initiatives. It
will also contribute to the dissemination of biodiversity related information and to raise public
awareness on biodiversity conservation. DOE will be administering the operation of the national

Mainstreaming of NESAP in all the relevant sectors although is a continuous process that would be
the prime work that needs immediate attention of the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the
Department of Environment. There are enormous challenges ahead towards building financial and
technical capacities of the implementing agencies, accomplishment of the valuation of goods and
services of ecosystems and incorporation of the values into the national accounting system and
monitoring of the activities towards achieving national targets. Despite of all these challenges, the
revised NB SAP offers a great opportunity for the country to move forward halting the loss of
biodiversity and keeping the country enriched with fresh water, staple crops, delicious fruits and
grains, fisheries resources and fresh air around us. By implementing the targets within the timeframe,
the country could contribute a lot to fulfill the vision of living in harmony with the nature by 2050.

1. Introduction
1.1 Country context
Bangladesh is located in the shore of the Bay of Bengal, stretches from 20034 to 26°38’ N and from
88°01’ to 92°41’ E. It has boundary with Ihdia to the West and North, India and Myanmar to the East
and the Bay of Bengal to the South (Figure 1). The total area of the country is 147,570 sq km (BBS
2011), which is a delta of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) basins, one of the largest river
systems of the world. Moreover, with the longest unbroken sea-beach, the country has a total marine
area of 118,813 sq km. The north-east and south-east portions of the country are hilly, with some
altitude over 1,000 m above sea level. About 80% of the country is floodplain, 12% is hills, and 8% is
terrace or uplifted blocks (BBS 2011).

Figure 1 Location Map of Bangladesh in the South Asian Region (Source: CEGIS, 2016)

Geologically Bangladesh occupies a larger part of the Bengal Basin and the country is covered by
tertiary folded sedimentary rocks (12%) in the north, north eastern and eastern parts; uplifted
Pleistocene residuum (8%) in the north western, mid northern and eastern parts; and Holocene
deposits (80%) consisting of unconsolidated sand, silt and clay. Bangladesh has been divided as thirty
agro-ecological zones on the basis of physiography, soil properties, soil salinity, depth and duration of
flooding which are relevant for land use and for the assessment of agricultural potential.

According to the census done in 2011, the total population of Bangladesh is 14,97,72,364 with the
density of 1,015 per sq km (BBS, 2012). The country is ethnically homogeneous, and its name derives
from the Bengali ethno-linguistic group which comprises 98% of the population. The Chittagong Hill
Tracts (CHTs), Sylhet, Mymensingh and North Bengal regions are home to diverse ethnic peoples.
The country has 45 ethnic groups living in various parts (Banglapedia, 2015).

Bangladesh enjoys the sub-tropical monsoon climate regime characterized by high temperatures,
heavy rainfall, and excess humidity with marked seasonal variations. According to the report prepared
by Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) in 2012, the mean annual temperature of the
country is about 25°C, with extremes as low as 28°C and as high as 45°C. Rainfall data from 1950-
2011 shows that average annual precipitation over the country is 2,428 mm; of the total rainfall, 71%
occurs during the monsoon.

Bangladesh is very rich in biodiversity although it was much enriched earlier. Due to its unique
geographic location, climatic condition and large seasonal variability, diverse ecosystems are
naturally created that support rich biodiversity. The various ecosystems found in the country include
hills, forests (Evergreen and Semi-evergreen forests, Dry-deciduous and Moist deciduous forests),
Grasslands, Reedlands, floodplains, rivers, low-lying islands (Charlands), Ox-bow lakes (Baors),
River-back swamps (Haors), open woodlands (Village groves), low-lying deep depressions (Beels),
ponds, canals, ditches, estuary, coastal mudflats, coastal islands, mangrove swamps, coral-bearing
island and marine ecosystems. The ecosystems of Bangladesh are broadly clustered as (a) Terrestrial,
(b) Inland Water, and (c) Coastal and Marine. Blessed with diversity in habitats, the country supports
a rich biodiversity. The Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh (2007-2009) recorded 3,611
taxa of angiosperms from the territory of Bangladesh. It has been noted that, between June 2009 and
June 2013, 64 angiosperm species were recorded from the country and 8 were described as new to
science (Irfanullah, 2013). In addition to that, Bangladesh National Herbarium (BNH) reported 50
angiosperm species as new records for the country (Ara and Khan, 2015). Thus, the total number of
angiosperm species identified so far in Bangladesh is 3,733.

Bangladesh harbors rich faunal diversity in its wide range of ecosystems. A comparison of faunal
diversity of Bangladesh with that of the world showed tremendous diversity in the small geographical
area of the country with at least 5,000 arthropod, 475 marine fish, 267 fresh water fish, 479 mollusk,
650 birds, 154 reptiles, and 128 mammal species (DoE, 2015). Moreover, as inventorying goes on, the
list of species might continue to increase.

This biodiversity provides human being with the basic needs of foods, medicines, cloths and shelters
as well as livable environment for existence. However, although once very rich in biodiversity, the
country has been facing various threats to its biodiversity. Given this scenarios, Bangladesh has to
conserve and safeguard its biodiversity for the betterment of its citizens.

1.2 Background of development of NBSAP:
Bangladesh became signatory and party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992 and
in 1994, respectively. To fulfill the obligation of the CBD, Bangladesh prepared NBSAP, an
implementation tool of the convention, in 2004 in line with 2010 Biodiversity Targets. The progress
of first generation NB SAP was reviewed in 2010 with the submission of Fourth National Report, as
well as, Fifth National Report in 2015. The revised NBSAP has been developed in line with
Biodiversity Strategic Planning 2011-2020 (Aichi Biodiversity Targets).

Box -1 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Background

The Earth’s biological resources are vital to humanity’s economic and social development.
Biological diversity is a global asset of tremendous value to present and future generations. At the
same time the threat to species and ecosystems has never been so great as it is today. Species
extinction caused by human activities continues at an alarming rate. To curb the situation UNEP
convened the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Biological Diversity in November 1988 to
explore the need for an international convention on biological diversity. In May1989 an Ad Hoc
Working Group of Technical and Legal Experts was constituted to prepare an international legal
instrument for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. The experts were to take
into account ‘the need to share costs and benefits between developed and developing countries” as
well as “ways and means to support innovation by local people”. By February 1991, the Ad Hoc
Working Group had become known as the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee. Its work
culminated on 22 May 1992 with the Nairobi Conference for the Adoption of the Agreed Text of
the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Convention was opened for signature on 5 June 1992
at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio ‘Earth Summit’). It
remained open for signature until 4 June 1993 by which time it had received 168 signatures. The
Convention entered into force on 29 December 1993 which was 90 days after the 30th ratification.
Presently, CBD has got 196 parties. Article 6 of the Convention on General Measures for
Conservation and Sustainable Use states that each Contracting Party shall, in accordance with its
particular conditions and capabilities:

• Develop national strategies, plans or programs for the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity or adapt for this purpose existing strategies, plans or programs which
shall reflect, inter alia, the measures set out in this Convention relevant to the Contracting
Party concerned

• Integrate, as far as possible and as appropriate, the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity into relevant sectoral or cross-sectoral plans, programs and policies.

The Convention on Biological Diversity was inspired by the world community’s growing
commitment to sustainable development. It represents a dramatic step forward in the conservation
of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of
benefits arising from the use of genetic resources.

1.3 Progress of implementation of first generation NBSAP

Since its development in the year 2004, a number of activities have been taken toward implementation
NBSAP. During 2004-2015, a number of development programs and projects have been taken those
contributed to towards implementation of various targets of NBSAP. Some of the notable progresses
made during this period are summarized as follows:

i. Integration ofBiodiversity into the Constitution, Acts, Rules and Planning documents
Issues of environment and biodiversity conservation have been inserted into the constitution of
Bangladesh (Article 1 8A) implying that the every citizen of the country is responsible for
conservation of environment and biodiversity for the betterment of the people of the country.
Bangladesh Enviromnent Policy, 1992 has been updated incorporating the diverse issues of ecosystem

Box-2 The strategies outlined in the NBSAP, 2004

1. Recognize the value and importance of biodiversity for the Bangladesh people and document
properly its components, distribution and value.
2. Conserve ecosystems, species and genetic pooi of the country to ensure that the present and
future well-being of the country and its people are secured.
3. Restore ecosystems and rehabilitate endangered species.
4. Adopt national measures and standards to deal with invasive alien species and genetically
modified organisms.
5. Promote equitable sharing of biodiversity conservation costs and benefits among different
sectors of the society.
6. Contribute to raising awareness and building capacity of biodiversity conservation among the
different sectors of the society.
7. Promote use of traditional knowledge for conservation, use and protection of the local
communities’ intellectual property rights.
8. Establish institutions for inter-sectoral implementing mechanism for the Bangladesh National
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
9. Enhance Protected Area Management, recognizing the benefits of collaboration with local
communities in their management (Co-management).
10. Ensure wise use of wetland resources.
11. Establish participatory mechanisms to receive and utilize the inputs from private sector, civil
society and local Communities about the different process leading to biodiversity conservation,
use and sharing of benefits.
12. Review and develop biodiversity related legislation(s) and establish a specific branch in the
Judiciary to deal with biodiversity and environmental issues.
I 3. Establish an open and transparent monitoring and reporting system status and trends of
implementing the principles of CBD.
14. Develop a financial strategy that is innovative and sustainable.
15. Address issues of synergies with other Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and
process that deal with climate change, disaster management, livelihoods, food security and
sustainable development.
16. Integrate biodiversity conservation into the national development making, planning and process.

Biodiversity conservation was included in PRSP (2003-2009), and NSAPR (2009-2011). Vision 2021
(Sixth and Seventh five year plans during 2011-2021) explicitly highlighted the conservation issue of
biodiversity. Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act 1995 has been amended in 2010 with much
more on biodiversity conservation through protection of wetland and hilly areas. Bangladesh
Biosafety Rules, 2012 has been enacted to protect biodiversity from the threats of the introduction of
genetically modified organisms. Bangladesh Wildlife (Conservation and Security) Act, 2012 has been
enacted. Bangladesh Biological Diversity Act has been approved by the Cabinet of the Government
and the Act is waiting for the approval by the national parliament.

ii. In crease ofArea under conservation

Bangladesh government has enhanced conservation activities through declaring and managing various
areas of biodiversity importance as Protected Areas (PAs), Ecologically Critical Areas (ECAs),

Botanical Gardens, Safari Parks and Eco-Parks and Fish Sanctuaries. Of the total 40 PAs, 24 have
been declared during the period starting from 2004 to 2015. Out of this 24 PAs, 23 is terrestrial or
inland PAs (total area is about 36,127 ha) and the rest one is Marine Protected Area (MPA) that is
about 1,73,800 ha.

During 2004 to 2015, a total of 5 ECAs (9099 ha) has been declared. The Coastal and Wetland
Biodiversity Management Project (CWBMP) was taken to institutionalize a participatory management
system for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in four ECAs, namely, Cox’s Bazar
Teknaf peninsula, St. Martin Island, Sonadia Island and Hakaluki Haor during 2004-20 11. The
CWBMP is followed by ‘Community Based Adaptation of ECAs through Biodiversity Conservation
and Social Protection (CBA-ECA)’ project during 2011 to 2015. A number of fish sanctuaries have
been established towards protection of mother fish. For increasing reproduction and growth, fishing of
Hilsha is banned for certain period of the year towards ensuring undisturbed spawning and avoidance
of the catch of juvenile fish. Co-management approach has been introduced in some of the PAs and

iii. Documentation offlora andfauna

A total of 28 volumes of the Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh (2007-2009) were
published by the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh with the financial support of the MoEF. This included
taxa from lower groups like bacteria and fungi to higher groups of plants and from protozoa to
mammals, so far recorded in Bangladesh.

iv. Updating Red list offlora andfauna

Bangladesh National Herbarium (BNFI) has published Volume 1 of Red Data Book of threatened
vascular plants of Bangladesh that included 106 threatened species in 2001. BNH has published the
Volume 2 of Red Data Book of threatened vascular plants of Bangladesh that include 120 threatened
species in 2013. Now the updating of the Red-list of animals is underway through the Strengthening
Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection (SRCWP) project of the Forest Department.

1.4 Lessons learnt from the first generation NBSAP

The following points could shed a bit light of the lessons learnt on implementation gap of the
NBSAP, 2004:

i. Institutionalize NBSAP
NBSAP implementation yet to go a long way to take the institutionalized shape. Although, NBSAP
should be considered as guiding principle for the conservation of biodiversity of the country, a very
good number of actions taken towards biodiversity conservation, without due attention to the NBSAP.

ii. Mainstrealning ofNBSAP

Integration of NBSAP into relevant sectoral and cross-sectoral plans, programs, projects, policies did
not progress at a desired level. Mainstreaming has to go a long way to conserve biodiversity and
ensure sustainable use.

iii. Capacity building among the stakeholders

Capacity enhancement at individual, institutional and systemic levels in the country to implement
NB SAP has not been considered.

iv. Participation of the stakeholders in NBSAP implementation
Participation of the stakeholders to implement NBSAP has not been scaled-up to the level where all
the actors are playing their expected role.

v. Weaker level of coordination

Coordination, collaboration and cooperation with relevant government and non-government sectors,
academia and industries in implementing NBSAP is still lagging behind.

vi. Weaker level of international collaboration

International collaboration in order to enhance technical and financial support from other parties and
development partner has to be re-energized to implement NBSAP

vii. No institutional mechanism for continuous monitoring and review of the progress NBSAP
Implementation progress of NESAP has only been discussed during development of national reports.
To maximize the outcome of NBSAP implementation, a half yearly review of progress should be
considered by the MOEF through National Committee on Biodiversity.

viii. Resource mobilization did not take place at an optimum level

Adequate financial resource to implement NBSAP was not mobilized covering all the strategies

1.5 Necessity of updating NBSAP

Being a party to the CBD, Bangladesh is globally committed to implement the obligations under the
convention and decision taken by the Conference of the Parties (COP)

There are continuous threats on the precious biodiversity due to many factors including population
pressure, urbanization, industrialization and global climate change. However, the conservation efforts
implemented henceforth is not enough to halt the rapid loss of biodiversity. NBSAP has not yet been
fully mainstreamed into the relevant sectoral and cross-sectoral policies and plans of the country. The
value of ecosystem derived goods and services of the country has not yet been integrated into the
national accounting system. The gap of knowledge and information on the biological resources or the
natural capital is another striking area where the country needs energised efforts.

As there are changes in various dimensions with regards to biodiversity and its conservation, it is
necessary to revisit the NBSAP time to time and update the document in the line with the latest
developments, laps and gaps. Unless the NBSAP is fully integrated into the development planning
process and mainstreamed at the policy level, a paradigm shift towards conservation of biodiversity
would not take place. With the pace of latest global developments, Bangladesh has to update NBSAP
with the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 (Aichi Biodiversity Targets) that has been adopted in COP
10 of the Convention on Bilogical Diversity in 2010.

1.6 Process of development of updated NBSAP
The NBSAP has been updated through a series of consultations with stakeholders from relevant
government, non-government agencies, civil societies, academia, print and electronic media at
divisional and national level workshops. The process also involved thorough review by the relevant
experts. Suggestions and comments given by the members of the steering committee were also taken
into consideration while preparing the document. The process of development of updated NBSAP is
shown in the Figure 2.

Project taken by DoE assistance
with GEE

Engaging firm (IUCN) and individual


Consultation on setting National Biodiversity Targets at

Focal Point nomination from the various Chameti Conference Room, Department Environment
organizations, Formation of Steering ----- —----.-

Committee and Review Committee - -—

-—--‘ —

Consultation workshops on developing

national targets, activities and
Indicators at national and division level
- .-- -,;‘
[- L.i
Divisional consultation at Chittagong on setting Biodiversity
National Workshops on draft NBSAP Targets

Peer Review on updated NBSAP

Approval of updated NBSAP from


Figure 2 Process of updating NB SAP Consultation workshop at LGED-RDEC, Dhaka on

developing Targets, Indicators and Sfrategy of updated NBSAF

2. Trends of Biodiversity Loss in Bangladesh
2.1 Degradation of ecosystems
Rich biodiversity of Bangladesh
has been facing huge pressure
like any other developing country.
Degradation of ecosystems and
erosion of species and genetic
diversity could be visualized in
various part of the country, if we
compare the present status of
resources with that of what we
have had only 3-4 decades back.

Degradation of Forests

A decreasing trend in the

natural forest area of
Bangladesh has been observed
since 1980s (Figure 3).
- Cultivation in hilly areas of Rangamati that was once a natural forest

Figure 3 Forest land cover maps of Bangladesh produced by using Landsat MSS 1976 (left
panel) and Landsat TM 2000 (middle panel) and Landsat TM 2010 (right panel) Source: SRDI,
Area (,c 000 ha)
FAO (2015) reported a gradual decline in 1404
forest area over the period 1990 to 2015. In 68
1990, the total forest area was 1494,000 ha
1440 •1 1342
and in 2015 it became 1429,000 ha (Figure 4). • 1420

On the basis of analysis of Landsat
MSS/TM/ETM satellite imageries of 1976, L000 2000 2005 2010 2015

Figure 4 Changes in forest area during 1990 to 2015

(Source: FAO, 2015)

2000 and 2010, SRDI reported that the mangrove forest coverage has been decreased over the years.
It has been stated that mangrove coverage was 452444 ha i.e. 3.12% of the total area of Bangladesh in
1976. The study revealed that the area has slightly been increased (1431 ha annually) and become
3.35% in 2000 and thereafter decreased significantly to 3.03% in 2010 and annually decreased by
4534 ha. It was estimated that the annual rate of increasing mangrove area was 0.0 1% during the
period 1976 to 2000 that is attributed to mangrove plantation of 132000 ha coastal land along the
shore. As per the analysis, during 2000-20 10, mangrove coverage decreased at the rate of 0.032%,
although the overall rate of such decrease was 0.003% from 1976 to 2010 (SRDI, 2013). However, to
the total land area of mangrove has not been decreased as FD is increasing mangrove plantation every

Vegetation composition has been reported to be changed in the various forest ecosystems. Tree
density in the Sundarban mangrove forests has also been observed to be decreased during the period
1959 to 1996 due to increased salinity. A total of 296 growing stock per ha in 1959 was reduced to
180 by1983 and to 144(48.65%) by 1996 (Aziz and Paul, 2015)

It is observed that natural forest (Sundarban forest and Kassalong Hill forests) area has been
decreased although plantation forest (Rubber Plantation and Coastal Afforestation) area is increased
(FigureS), Natural forest depletion caused habitat destruction of many wild animals, as well as, many
species of plants.

Sundarban forest Kassalong Hill forest

(x000ha) (x000 ha>

405 399.456 80
406 61273


1981 1905 1063 1083 1902

Rubber Plantations Coastal Afforestation

(x000ha) (x000 ha)

3543 76, .33

40 80
10.8 60
20 40 16.079

1990 2000 1984 1996

Figure 5 Changes in area of some selected forests in Bangladesh over time (Source: FAO, 2015)

Landuse change has altered the vegetation in the Sal forests of Bangladesh (Hossain et a!. 2009). Plant
species diversity in the converted land has been found to be significantly lower than that in the
relatively undisturbed natural Sal forest stands. Due to changes in the land use pattern in the forests,
below ground soil decomposer community has also been changed.


4_ I. ..

Pineapple cultivation in Sal forest Acacia plantation in Madhupur Sal forest

Degradation ofInland Water Ecosystems

Throughout the country, the

wetlands are decreasing, due
mainly to anthropogenic
activities like unplanned
expansion of housing and
settlements, industrial
installations and construction
of road networks. Many
rivers, canals, ponds or
ditches which have been 1917
Pe,nn.flt W.tI.nd., P.rm.n.ntW.U.nds, 1909

• rffi$*Ld

supporting the biodiversity

and their habitats are degraded
because of clogging of
channels through silting up
and encroachment by filling- ‘

up. Degradation status of

wetlands could be realized
from an analysis of CEGIS
taking Landsat2 MSS Satellite
image of 3 January 1977,
Landsat5 TM satellite images Penn•n•,t 1919
W.tI.nds, P.nn.n.ntW.ti.nds. 2010

of 1999 and Landsat5 TM

satellite images of 2010 for
the three landcover classes Figure 6 Map showing the permanent wetlands, settlements,
(Figures 6 & 7). The study waterbodies and major rivers of Bangladesh during 1997 to 2010
(source: CEGIS-WARPO, 2012).

found that the area of landcover class of perennial wetlands was 20503 ha in 1977; the same has been
reduced to 5520 ha in 2010. It denotes a reduction of 73% of wetlands occurred within the period
of 1977 to 2010. The landcover class of settlement and urban developed area was 54864 ha in 1977
which has been increased to 68144 ha in 2010 that denotes an increase of 24% of settlement and
urban developed area within the period of 1977 to 2010. The landcover class of agriculture land,
vegetation, fallow and bare land was 68708 ha in 1977 which has been increased to 70417 ha in 2010
which denotes an increase of 2.48% of agriculture land from 1977 to 2010 (CEGIS, 2012). The study
clearly indicates that pressure on wetlands ecosystems is dramatically increasing.


:: -

a WctL.,,r

J 4*.. •Irg.
30 I

S f9

!flI 1W: .

Figure 7 Changes in land classes during 1977 to 2010 through 1999 in Bangladesh
(Source: CEGIS-WARPO, 2012).

Water quality, very important for

supporting biodiversity, has been
deteriorating in various river
ecosystems due to industrial or
municipal wastes or effluents. Water
quality of the rivers in the close
vicinity of the capital city Dhaka: the
Buriganga, the Shitalakhya and the
Turag were assessed during the dry
and wet season for the year 2014 that
is presented in the Table 1. Parameters
Sewage of Dhaka city polluting the river Buriganga
of river water in comparison to the
Bangladesh standards for fisheries indicate the degradation of habitat for aquatic biodiversity during
dry season.
Table 1: Water Quality of Selected Rivers in dry season (Nov- May) and Wet Season (June- October)
for 2014.

Name of River DO (mg/i) BOD( mg/i) PH

Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Season
Season Season Season Season Season
Buriganga 0.61 2.58 24.97 10.29 7.24 7.27
Sitalakhya 0.66 3.86 16.8 6.64 7.19 7.43
Turag River 0.69 2.75 35.44 7.21 7.67 7.37
Bangladesh Standards of
6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6 mg/I
surface water for fisheries
Source: DoE, 2014

Degradation of lands in various Agro-ecosystems

Agricultural lands in Bangladesh are facing various degradations like over utilization, land use
change, construction of unplanned infrastructures, injudicious use of fertilizers and pesticides. BARC
(1999) reported several factors causing land degradation that include soil erosion, wind erosion, soil
fertility decline, water logging, salinization, pan formation, acidification, lowering of water table,
active floodplain, deforestation, etc. Table 2 shows various factors with the coverage of the land
degradation affected area in various intensities. Excess use of agrochemicals such as fertilizers,
pesticides, herbicides and insecticides causes degradation of soil quaLity. Study revealed that tobacco
cultivation also has negative impacts on water and soil quality, as well as biodiversity (Kutub and
Falgunee 2015).

Table 2: Different types of land degradation and their extent in Bangladesh

Affected area (million ha) Total area % National

Types of degradation
Light Moderate Strong (million ha) area
Water erosion 0.1 0.3 1.3 1.7 12
Riverbankerosion - - - 1.7 12
Soil fertility decline 3.8 4.2 - 8.0 54
Organic matter depletion 1.9 1.6 4.0 7.5 51
Waterlogging 0.7 - - 0.7 5
Salinization 0.6 0.3 - 0.9 6
Ploughpan - 1.0 - 1.0 7
Acidification 2.74 3.70 0.25 6.69
Deforestation - 1.5 - 1.5 10
Total 7.1 11.2 5.3 23.6
Source: After Hossain, 2007.
Brick manufacturing have been taking away the fertile agricultural soils of Bangladesh. Khan et al.
(2007) conducted a study to evaluate the effects of brick making on soil fertility. It has been reported
that soil collected for brick burning has altered soil nutrient status, physical and chemical properties.
Although use fuelwood in brick burning was prohibited, yet the homestead trees like date palm had
been used in brick kilns resulted in reduction of these trees in rural agro-ecosystems.

Withdrawal of the Ganges water in the upstream during the dry season has triggered draw-down of
water table leads to land degradation in the northern and western part of the country. The Sundarban
Mangrove Ecosystem is facing degradation as salinity is aggravating due to reduced recharge or flow
offreshwaterfromtheupstream. - - --..

Degradation in the Coastal and Marine

; H
Coastal and Marine Ecosystem in Bangladesh
is facing pressures from sea-level rise and
climate change induced disasters exacerbated
with localized interventions in some areas. I
Because of these drivers of changes, natural
resources of the coastal zones are depleting.
Density of the mangrove plants in some areas -— fl——.

Figure 8 Coastal zones of Bangladesh

of Sundarban has been reported to be
thinned. Depletion of the Chakaria
Sundarban has been shown in several
studies. Miah et al. (2010) reported that
18,000 ha Chakaria Sundarban of Cox’s
Bazar has been encroached for the

I expansion of brackish water shrimp

farming during the period from 1975 to
1999. Study furnished by Rahman and
Hossain (2015) has shown that major
changes in land use occurred in this area
during 1984 to 1994. Mangrove forest
cover was almost cleared in 1994. They
reported that during 1973-20 12
Shrimp farming in Satkhira district area. deforestation of the mangrove took place
and salt farming increased from 2% to 23% in 2012, it leads to shrink of agricultural land from 36%
in 1974 to 7% in 2012 (Rahman and Hossam, 2015).

Shrimp culture by using salt water is causing degradation of coastal ecosystem. Hydrological regime
250000 and agricultural patterns are being
affected by the shrimp cultivation in this
region. Landcover of shrimp farming has
isoooo increased remarkably over the last
- decades and is still increasing (Figure 9).
Before 1980, shrimp aquaculture area
50000 —
was oniy 20,000 ha, in 30 years it
0 -
. expanded 10 fold and that rose to
217,877 ha (Karim, 1986 and DoF,
1975 1080 985 1900 1995 2000 2005 2010
2008b). During the last 30 years, shrimp
Figure 9 Trend in expansion of shrimp areas in production (Figure 9) from aquaculture
Bangladesh (Karim, 1986 and DoF, 2008b) has increased more than five fold, from
14773mt in 1986-87 to 86840mt in the
fiscal year 2006-07 (DoF, 2008b).

As per SRIJI (2010), salt affected area

Salt affected area (million ha)
in Bangladesh increased over the time;
0.833 million ha, 1.02 1 million ha and
1.056 million ha in 1973, 2000 and 1.2

2009, respectively. During the period 1


from 2000 to 2009, about 0.035 million 0.8

ha (3.5%) salt affected area increased.
During the last 36 years (1973-2009),
the salt affected area became 0.223
million ha (26.7%) indicating the trend
of reduced fertility of soil for the
agriculture in the coastal zone (Figure 1973 2000 2009
10). Coastal Ecosystem of Bangladesh is
threatened by various interventions like Figure 10 Salt affected areas from 1973 to 2009 (SRDI 2010)

shipping and ship-breaking those are producing oil-spills, bilge and ballast water. Coastal
environment is being polluted by the oil spills from various sources of oil company terminals, dry
docks, refineries, port operations and ship-breaking activities.

Degradation ofHomestead vegetation

Once upon a time, the homesteads in Bangladesh were abundant in indigenous species plant and
wildlife. Now-a-days, indigenous trees are still there but it is believed that some trees are rarely found
in the homesteads. Wildlife like foxes, various wild cats, otters, snakes, lizards and monitor lizards are
not seen in abundance in the homesteads. Due to population pressure, expansion of settlement, change
in human behavior, human-animal conflict, revenge killing of wild animals, clear cutting of bushes,
filling-up of ditches, ponds and canals these animals has become rare in many places.

2.2 Depletion of species diversity

Depletion ofFloral Diversity
The common understanding is that floral diversity in Bangladesh has been declining. A quite large
number of plants are identified as threatened in Bangladesh. Out of the total vascular plant species
(3,813), 30 were critically endangered, 127 endangered and 329 vulnerable (Irfanullah, 2011). Among
the various groups, Pteridophytes were most threatened accounting 18.46% followed by
Monocotyledones (18.42%).The first and the second volumes of Red Data Book of Vascular Plants of
Bangladesh includes 120 and 106 species, respectively, as threatened as per of ILJCN criteria of Red
List categories and assessment process (Ara et al., 2013). Although there is no detailed information on
the loss of plant species diversify, it appears from the literature that about 225 vascular plant species
(Annexl Table 1) those were reported about 50 to 100 years ago, are not found now-a-days in the
territory of Bangladesh (Uddin SN 2016, personal communication).

— ..•—

7 .‘-
p . . ...

.1 __p

ç. [- ;‘44

Munronia pinnata Siphanodon ccla;trineu.s Polyalti a smiarurn

•_\ — I



Tetraclium glabrifolium Horsfieldia amygdalina I4i_IieIia nuniI

Atalantiamonophyllo Xerospermum laevigatum Pu-racmaJrivanirri

..i %N I

Some Red-Listed Plant Species in Bangladesh.

Depletion of Fauna! Diversity
A declining trend in the population of various faunal species is reported by various studies. About
23% of vertebrates found in Bangladesh are facing different level of threats (Feeroz, 2014). IUCN
(2000) reported that 57% of reptiles and 36% of mammals are under threats. IUCN (2000) reported a
total of 388 bird species in Bangladesh of which 19 are Critically Endangered, 18 are Threatened
Endangered 4 are Vulnerable Of the birds that have extinct from Bangladesh, only one species
(Pink-headed Duck) has already become globally extinct. Invertebrate population and diversity in the
country is also reducing because gradual depletion of habitat. An updating of the Red list assessment
is in the final stage by the IUCN under SRCWP project that assessed 1,619 species and categorized
390 as threatened species: 56 are Critically Endangered (CR), 181 are Endangered (EN), 153 are
Vulnerable (VU) and 31 species have been classified as Regionally Extinct (RE). The assessment also
listed 278 species as ‘Data Deficient’. The latest assessment figured it out that a large number of
species have recently undergone rapid decline (IUCN 2016, personal communication).

A survey conducted by the Fish Museum and Biodiversity Centre (FMBC) of Bangladesh
Agricultural University during 2000-2013 reported that more than 100 riverine fishes are presently
under threats and 25 fish species are not observed for more than last 20 years indicating the possibility
of their extinctions from the waterbodies of the country (DoE 2015). As per earlier Red list
assessment a total of 14 faunal species those were recorded once upon a time in the territory of
Bangladesh have no longer any stable population (Table 3). To be noted that the total number of this
Locally extinct species will be increased as the latest Red list will be published.

Table 3: Faunal species those no longer have any stable population in Bangladesh territory.
LocailEnglish name Scientific name Available until
1. Tripped Hyena Hyaena hyaena — until 19th century
2. Grey Wolf Canis lupus — until 1940s
3. Swamp Deer Cervus duvaucelii — until l950s
4. Blackbuck Antilope cervicapra — end of 19th century
5. Nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus — until 1 940s
6. Gaur Bosgaurus — until l970s
7. Banteng Bosjavanicus — until 1930s
8. Wild Water Buffalo Bubalus arnee — until early 1940s
9. Sumatran Rhinoceros Dicerorhinus sumatrensis — until l880s
10. Javan Rhinoceros Rhinoceros sondaicus — until 1908
1 1. Indian Rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis — until end of 19th century
12. Common Peafowl Pavo cristatus — until early 1 980s
13. Pink-headed Duck Rhodonessa caryophyllacea — until early 20th century
14. Marsh Crocodile Crocodylus palustris — until 1 950s

Source: BFD website, 2016

2.3 Erosion of genetic diversity
Genetic diversity of different crops and cereals are declining. Over the years, excessive exploitation,
illegal trade and introducing alien invasive species has threatened many local species. The loss of
genetic diversity within species is occurring even faster than species extinction. Indigenous crop
plants are being not cultivated widely and HYVs are replacing the local cultivars or indigenous crops.
The available evidences, however, indicate that human activities are eroding the prevalent biological
resources and greatly reducing the biodiversity. For instance, once upon a time there were about
10,000 rice varieties in Bangladesh, now a days only about 25 varieties are being cultivated (DoE,
2010). Based on the visual observation, collections and different research activities of BARI, 19
landraces species and 47 crops species (Annex: Table 2 and 3) have been identified as threatened
(BARI 2016, Personal Communication).

Buckwheat Foxtail Black currentee iiAlu

Threatened crop species of Bangladesh

2.4 Threats to biodiversity in Bangladesh

The rich biodiversity of Bangladesh is under various kinds of threats. The main threats to the species,
genetic and ecosystem diversity in Bangladesh are summarized in Table 5. The main threats include
landuse change, habitat destruction, over-exploitation, introduction of HYVs in agriculture, use of
agrochemicals, invasive alien species (lAS), human-wildlife conflicts, pollution, urbanization,
industrialization, unplanned plantation, hill cutting and above all, climate change. These direct threats
are related to the indirect threats such as socio-economic condition like population pressure, level of
awareness and lack of substantial information about the management and law enforcement.

Harun-ur-Rashid et al. (2013-14) evaluated 75 medicinal plant species under the family Apocynaceae
and Vitacease and found 28 species to be threatened mainly due to over exploitation and habitat
destruction. Genetic diversity is threatened by cultivation of HYV, monoculture practices, use of
agrochemicals, and above all, loss of indigenous knowledge. Intensity of cropping in the agricultural
land is increasing day after day; in 200 1-2002 area under single cropping was 2.87 million ha and that
of triple cropping was 1.02 million ha while those in the year 2010-2011 were 2.24 million ha and
1.49 million ha, respectively (Figure 11). Such increased cropping will result into rapid depletion of
nutrients in soil. However, in the agricultural systems, threats mainly include increased intensity of
cropping, nutrient depletion, agro-chemicals and so on.


Area in million ha
8 -

7 —4— Not avaijable for

6 —

Siiile cropped area

. S
- ---
Doube cropped area

2 Trip1e cropped area

o —--—NetcroppecI area

çç ‘ c c? -c’ c° ç ç c :
L• - 9 ‘ , ,

Figure 11 Intensity of crop cultivation in Bangladesh from 2001-02 to 2011 (area in million ha)

Increased use of chemical fertilizers namely urea, TSP (Triple Super Phosphate) and SSP (Single
Super Phosphate) is required to meet the growing demand intensive crop cultivation that is posing
threats to the sustainability of the soil quality in the country (Figure 12 & 13). Net increase of
pesticides use in Bangladesh (Figure 14) is degrading the soil quality and agro-biodiversity.
Cultivation of unsuitable crops (e.g. tobacco) has also been contributing to the degradation of
agricultural soil. Chemical fertilizers of different types are used that contain some hazardous
substances and heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, As, Sb, Hg, Ni and Cr which may enter the food chain
through uptake by plants.

Urea (Ton)
3000000 —--------- ------------

2500000 —.--.—- —.


1500000 ———.——-.——-———-—-— . . -

1000000 .. —.______


0 - - - -

c’ c ‘ c” çb

Figure 12 Yearly sale of urea fertilizer in Bangladesh (Source: BBS, 2014)

27 S 000
125000 ——TSP(Ton)
100000 ——SSP(Ton)
vs” 5 5” ‘

Figure 13 Yearly sale of TSP and SSP fertilizer in Bangladesh (Source: BBS, 2014)

Total pesticides (Metric Ton/KL)



40000 -




Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Figure: 14 Yearly sales of pesticides in Bangladesh during 1999 to 2012 (Source: BBS, 2014)

The problem of increased salinity has become a great threat to the biodiversity mostly in the southern
part of the country (Figure 15). The anticipated global climate change related effects are likely to
complicate the existing problems of salinity in coastal areas. The consequences of climate change
include sea level rise that leads to intrusion of salinity into new area, cyclones, changes in rainfall
patterns, diseases etc. those are the threats to both natural and man-made ecosystems. It is predicted
that sea level will rise up to 20 cm, 50 cm, and 100 cm by the year 2020, 2050 and 2100 and in the
year 2100, about 17.5% of the total area of the country will go under water (Figure 15). Salinity is
gradually increasing from the south to the northern regions of the country (Figure 15) which might be
related to both sea level rises as well as decreased flow of fresh water from the upstream to the

downstream of the rivers in the country. Over the years, average number of cyclones per year has
increased (Figure 16). The onslaught of climate change has already started changing the life forms or
behavior various species that if continues will have serious adverse impacts on the ecosystems.

Sea level rise (cm) Land affected (%)

1OQ —..-- ..... -

100 18

14 -


40 8
20 10 4’ 2 —s

J ..

2020 2050 2100 2020 2050 2100

Figure 15 Predicted sea level rise and its effects on land mass of Bangladesh.
(Source: Mahmudu.zzaman et al. 2014)


C) 0 00


4 0/ 0 0

C) 2 \ I
0 0

a r—
D ,—.
C’1 ) ‘t L() c C) r.J r
0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) C)
0) 0) 3) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) C) 0)
C J 4 N C”) ‘J C’) ‘l C’J

Figure 16 Annual frequency and trends of tropical cyclone activity in the Bay of Bengal from 1985 to
2009 (Source: Chowdhury et al., 2012).

Threats to the
natural ecosystems
(forests, wetlands,
estuaries, etc.) are
due to unplanned
as well as, climatic
disasters. Strong
cyclones and tidal
surges affect
human settlements
as well as, natural
Effects ofSidr on the vegetation of Sundarbans forest
vegetation in the
coastal areas. There are studies that reported damage of the natural vegetation of Sundarbans as
affected by cyclone like Sidr in 2007 (Hossain and Begum 2011). Estuarine ecosystems are prone to
the threats of river erosion, as well as accretion (MES 2001).

Table 4: Threats to biodiversity of Bangladesh

Component of Threats
Species diversity Habitat destruction, invasive alien species, human-wildlife conflicts, pollution, over
exploitation, use of agrochemicals (e.g. chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides,
herbicides etc) etc.
Genetic diversity Cultivation of HYV, monoculture practices, use of agrochemicals (e.g. chemical
Madhupur Sal Land use change, over-exploitation, Illegal cutting, weak encroachment, expansion of
forest agriculture, poaching, human settlement, grazing, pollution, etc
Hill forest Horticultural practices, Jhum Cultivation (Shifting cultivation), tobacco cultivation,
rubber plantation, mass settlement, hill cutting, construction of Infrastructures, etc
Sundarban Habitat destruction, over-exploitation, extraction of poles for fixing fishing nets,
Mangrove forest poaching (during 2010-2015, 8 tigers were reported to be killed), poison fishing,
invasive alien species ( a total of 23 alien species has been reported), uncontrolled
tourism, top-dying disease, poor regeneration, shrimp farming, illegal forest cutting,
natural disasters, pollution, climate change consequences like increased salinity and sea
level rise
Agroecosystem Loss of agricultural land, high yielding varieties, fertilizer, pesticides, increased salinity,
increased intensity of cropping, tobacco cultivation, brick field, river bank erosion, soil
fertility, arsenic pollution, organic matter depletion, water logging, use of top soil in
Homestead Expansion of settlements, construction of infrastructures, etc.
Floodplain Changes in hydrological regime, salinity intrusion, agrochemicals, industrial pollution,
River Reduced upstream flow, siltation, salinity intrusion, sea level rise, increased evaporation
rate, soil erosion, water pollution, increased rainfall during monsoon, water scarcity
during dry season, un-planned sand collection from the river etc.
Beels, Haors and Over-exploitation, destructive fishing practices, water pollution, construction of
Baors infrastructures (e.g. roads, bridges, culverts), etc.
Coastal and Cyclones, storm surges, tsunami, floods, earthquakes, climate change, siltation,
Marine ecosystem pollution, water logging, arsenic contamination, oil spill etc
Estuarine Erosion, accretion, pollution, siltation, oil spill, climate change, etc
Source: NBSAP Team

Box 3 Invasive Alien Plant Species in Bangladesh
Invasive alien species (lAS) are becoming a global problem causing harm to the economy as well as
to the biodiversity of the local area. These species compete with and suppress the survival of the
native species. In Bangladesh, following species are found as lAS: Eichhornia crassipes (Kachun
pana), Eupatorium ordoratum (Ayapan), Mikania cordata (Assam Iota), Croton bonpiandianum
(Bonkhira), Lantana camara (Kasundi), Ageratum conyzoides (Goat weed, ghag), Arylosia
scarabaeoides (wild kulthi), Commelina oblique (Jotakansira), Con volvulus arvensis, Evolvulus
nummularius (Bhuiokra), Hyptis suaveolens (Bon topma), Ipomea carnea (Dholkalmi), Ludwigia
adscendens (Keshordham) and Mimosa pudica (Lajjaboti). Recently, Parthenium hysterophorl.Ls L.
has become the most serious lAS in Bangladesh (Source: Hossain and Pasha, 2001; SN Uddin, 2016,
personal communication)

2.5 Consequence of biodiversit loss

The biodiversity loss has negative effects on several aspects on human well-beings. Biodiversity has a
huge impact on business and industry. The United Nations estimates that annual global economic
losses due to deforestation and land degradation alone were between $2 trillion and $4.5 trillion in
2008. If we continue to use our resources in an unsustainable way, it will jeopardize our future.

L On Human Well-being
Human beings, all over the world, depend on biodiversity for their livings. People who farm, fish, or
create crafts or furniture from natural sources will be in danger of losing their livelihoods if the
species they depend on begin to decline. In some cases this is paradoxical, since overfishing and
overhunting contribute to the very rapid loss that will eventually make the fishers and hunters unable
to support themselves. Biodiversity loss has negative effects on several aspects of human well-being
including food security, resilience to natural disasters, energy security, and access to clean water and
raw materials. It also affects human health, social relations and freedom of choice.

Biodiversity loss can directly affect human health and nutrition if ecosystem services are no longer
adequate to meet the basic needs. Significant medical and pharmacological discoveries are made
through greater understanding of the earth’s biodiversity. Loss in biodiversity may limit discovery of
potential treatments for many diseases and health problems. The variety of foods that we consume
will be significantly reduced which may ultimately lead to poorer health as well.

ii. On cultural values

Biodiversity is a part of daily life of human being and their culture. Natural beauty will vanish and
future generations may never be in a position to appreciate the nature’s wonders. Many people around
the world value various ecosystem components in their religious and spiritual belief systems. If
biodiversity is lost it will affect culture and quality of life.

iii. Increased natural calamities

Loss of biodiversity may intensify natural disasters world-wide. Forest degrathtion triggers shift in
rainfall pattern, land degradation and hydrological regime. Coastal communities are vulnerable to the
effects of the natural disasters. Removal and conversion of wetlands worldwide have worsened
conditions during floods.

iv. Impact on ecosystem functioning
Ecosystem functions are related to the biodiversity (Bardgett 2005). Biodiversity loss may negatively
affect ecosystem through leading to fewer utilized niches, stronger competition, and lower process
rates thus affecting ecosystem functioning negatively. Positive interactions between species, such as
facilitation, have the potential to be of great importance for ecosystem functioning. Forests become
2 leading to more global warming and other
weaker, disintegrate and lose their capacity to absorb CO
climate change problems.

maintenance is essential for the production of food and other agricultural goods and the benefits they
provide to humanity, including food security, nutrition and livelihoods. Moreover,

Paddy field - Groundnut field

3.1.2 Contribution of Fisheries and Fish

Fishing and fish culture activities are related to
both socio-economy and traditional culture of the
peoples of Bangladesh. This sub-sector plays a
vital role in the country’s economy through
employment generation, protein supply and foreign
currency earning and eventually poverty
alleviation. Fisheries, contributed nearly 3.30% to
the GDP in 2013-2014 fiscal year in current prices
and 3.69% in constant price (as per 2005-2006
base year) in Bangladesh (BBS,20l4).Bangladesh
is in 4thposition among other countries of the world
in capturing fish from inland waters (FAO 2014).

However, the sub-sector contributes 23% of gross

agriculture products and 2.0 1% to the total export
earnings (BBS, 2012-13).It accounts for about 63%
of animal protein intake in the diet of the people of
Bangladesh (DoF, 2005). The fisheries sector
Traditional fishing
provides full-time employment to an estimated 1.2
million fishermen and an additional 17.1 million
people, i.e. more than 11% of total population is
directly or indirectly dependent on fisheries sub-
sector (D0F, 2014).Another 10% poor and middle
class people are engaged in part-time fishing,
aquaculture, fish seed production and collection of
shrimp and prawn seed, fish handling, processing
and marketing, net making, and input supply.

Besides the traditional fishing, culture fishing has Traditional fishing net

3. Importance of Biodiversity

3.1 importance of ecosystem goods and services in the life and livelihood of
the people
The life and livelihoods of the people of Bangladesh is largely dependent on the various goods and
services provided by the ecosystems. The basic needs of our daily life such as food, shelter, clothes
and medicines are directly offered by the ecosystems upon which our existence is dependent.
Economic, social and cultural life of Bangladesh is closely linked with the goods and services of
ecosystems. In this chapter, we highlight the importance of these services in terms of economic
contribution to the country, as well as depict a glimpse of economic valuation of services provided by
some selected ecosystems such as hilly forests, mangrove forests and wetland ecosystems, to consider
conservation of biodiversity as our basic responsibility in order to sustain our living.

BOX 4 Goods and services provided by ecosystems

There are four distinct types of goods and services of ecosystem on which human life is dependent.
These are categorized as: (i) provisioning services (e.g. food, shelter, fiber, fuel, fresh water, medicine,
etc.), (ii) supporting services (e.g. primary production, habitat provision, nutrient cycling, atmospheric
oxygen production, soil formation and retention, etc.), (iii) regulating services (e.g. pollination, seed
dispersal, regulating water cycle, climate regulation, creation of microclimate, control of flooding,
pest and disease regulation and water purification, etc.), (iv) cultural services (e.g. spiritual values,
recreation and aesthetic values and knowledge systems). The cultural services like religious,
educational and entertainment services of nature that we relish like tourism, research, pilgrimages to
natural sites, etc. While all these services are very important and essential for our living, many of these
services are free-gift of nature and are not valued by us while taking day-to-day economic and social
decisions. Finally, the supporting services of nature like habitat control, pollination, etc allows us to
survive in perpetuity. Without these services, our social and economic life would have been in a
difficult condition.

Of the world’s food supply, 90% comes from a mere 20 of’ plant species. Not only food supply, At
least 40% of the world’s economy and 80% of the needs of the poor are derived from the biological
resources. Plant vegetation reduces global warming by sequestering atmospheric carbon, wetlands
filter pollutants from water, bacteria and fungi break-down organic material and fertilize the soil and
maintain nutrient cycling. Medicinal plants are used for preparation of many lifesaving drugs such as
penicillin, aspirin, taxol, quinine, etc. In a nutshell, biodiversity is the cornerstone of our existence on

3.1.1 Contribution ofAgricultural Biodiversity and Agriculture

Agriculture is the major largest producing sector of the economy and it contributes about 15.89% (at
current price) of the total GDP but it also employs 45.6% of labour force engaged in this sector (BBS,
2013-14) in Bangladesh. Biodiversity underpins the agriculture productivity. The agricultural sector is
heavily dependent on soil fertility which is based not only on the soil physico-chemical properties but
also on the soil biological communities i.e. diversity of microorganism. Moreover, soil biodiversity
i.mderpins the agriculture productivity. Agricultural biodiversity includes all components of
biodiversity at genetic, species and ecosystem levels that are relevant to food and agriculture and
— —

support the ecosystems in which agriculture occurs. In addition, agricultural productivity is dependent
on rainfall, water availability, and temperature. These are essential ingredient of nature. Therefore, its

involved another 10% poor and middle class people in part-time fishing, aquaculture, fish seed
production and collection of shrimp and prawn seed, fish handling, processing and marketing, net
making, and input supply

3.1.3 Contribution of Livestock and Poultry

The livestock anil poultry sub-sector is another important sector that employs a large number of
people and is the major source of protem in our diet. The sector provides employment and livelthood
opportunities particularly for rural poor and functionally landless people many of whom regard
livestock as a main livelihood option. The contribution of animal farming to GDP is 2.07% at current
price (BBS, 2014) and the overall trend of the livestock in Bangladesh has also been increasing.
Moreover, milk, meat and eggs are showing increasing trend of yearly production (DoE 2015).

3.1.4 Contribution of Forestry

Forests have a widely realized contribution to human well-being. Besides providing timber and other
on-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) for human consumption, forests also provide cultural values, like
education and aesthetic beauty, which are realized through research and tourism, respectively. It is
comparatively easier to estimate the value of goods, for example, the worth of a forest in terms of
total timber it has, but not the ecosystem services or cultural services it offers. Some attempts have,
however, been made. The direct contribution of forest and related services to GDP is about 1.43%
(BBS, 2014). In their report by Haque and Aich (2014), they have estimated both direct and indirect
values of Sundarban ecosystems. They have found that while the direct value of Sundarban forests is
only $1.39 per hectare, Sundarban ecosystem generates between 456$ to 1192$ when other ecosystem
services are included. According to their estimates, Sundarban forests contribute between US$273
million to US$714 million per year to the Bangladesh economy. Their study shows that important of
estimating values of ecosystem services in order to ensure that the nature is conserved for the welfare
of human being.

3.1.5 Contribution of the Nature’s Aesthetic values and Nature-based tourism

Around the country, the number of eco-tourists travelling to enjoy the beauty of nature and various
cultures are increasing. Cox’s Bazar, St. Martin’s Island, the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the Sundarban
mangrove forests and other protected areas are the prime sites visited by the tourists. Kuakuta which
is situated in such a place from where both sun-set and sun-rise are seen is attracting tourist.
Choudhury (2013) reported that, between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011, 207,930 tourists visited the
Sundarban alone, whereby the Government earned revenue of Taka 8.622 million. According to the
WTTC, Bangladesh’s tourism industry directly contributed around Taka 2.23 trillion (2.1%) to the
country’s GDP in 2013 (WTTC, 2014), implying immense potential of ecotourism in Bangladesh. In
2014, direct, indirect and induced contributions of tourism to GDP were 2.3%, 1.3% and 0.9%,
respectively; whereas generating 1.8% of total employment in the country. These figures remained
more or less the same since 2010 (WTTC, 2014).

Ratargul swamp forest, Syihet Sundarban mangrove forest

Inani beach, Cox’s Bazar Kaptai lake, Rangamati

Photograph on Nature Base tourism/Eco-tourism

In addition to nature-based tourism, forests, hills, haors and rivers of Bangladesh are intricately linked
to the cultural diversity of Bangladesh. It has been able to nurture many ethnic communities of
Bangladesh and also provided a spiritual harmony to them. Furthermore, the nature and its diversity
have also played in important role in supporting our folkiores and folk music.

3.1.6 Cultural values ofbiodiversity

Biodiversity components significantly bear cultural, religious and spiritual values. These are often a
part and parcel of the daily life of human being. In the rural areas, there are village fairs, cultural
progranm-ie and Haat (village markets) that take place usually under the big trees, mostly Banyan
(Ficus benghalensis). The Hindu communities in Bangladesh are seen to do worships using plants like
Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum). Emblem of elephants, tigers, and snakes are seen to be used as a ritual of
the people of various religious beliefs.

BoX- 5 Medicinal Plants
Medicinal plants serve as lifesaving wealth. A large number of people in the country are solely
dependent on Ayurvedic treatment for maintaining their health. Medicinal plants are useful to human
well-being and considered as a national wealth. About 747 plants with therapeutic value has been
identified as reported by Yusuf et al. (2000; in Motaleb et al., 2013). In Bangladesh, there are about
297 Unani, 204 Ayurvedic and 77 Homeopathic drug manufacturing industries where the medicinal
plants are extensively used in both raw and semi-processed forms of medicine in various
pharmaceutical dose formulations. These plants also serve as important raw materials for many
modem medicinal preparations. The market value of drugs produced by these industries from
medicinal plants is about BDT 3 billion. Besides, village Kobiraj, street vendors and indigenous
people also use a large number of medicinal plants for the treatment of various diseases. Motaleb et al.
(2013) reported that this practice reflects rich traditional heritage and that it plays a significant role in
the general welfare of the upland communities of the CHTs.

Sarpagandha (RauwoUla sarpentina) Aloe Vera

aIuation of Ecosystems
3.2 1
Economic valuation of ecosystems is relevant for taldng the importance of ecosystems into the
national accounting systems. However, reports on economic valuation on the ecosystems in
Bangladesh are not yet available. In this report, economic valuation of three ecosystems has been
done as an assessment of values of ecosystem services to understand the contribution of different
ecosystem services to the economy of Bangladesh. This estimation has been done using secondary
data for the mangrove, wetland and hill forests of Bangladesh. This valuation is based on the
estimates of ecosystem services from other studies. Ecosystem services that are valued in this study
include the mangrove, wetland and hill forest ecosystems of Bangladesh. In this method, we used a
general list of ecosystem services from these ecosystems and verified those using FGDs from the
fields. The services that are listed for such ecosystems are shown in Table 5.

Table 5: Ecosystem services from hill forest, wetland and mangrove ecosystems

Sl Provisioning Si Regulatory Si Cultural

l Agricultural Production I Climate Benefits 1 Aesthetics Information
Habitat Services
inspiration for Culture
2 Sand and pebble mining 2 (spawning and breeding 2
and Art
Protection of Threatened
3 Compost Collection 3 Air Quality Regulation 3
4 Animal Habitat Support 4 Religious services
CultivationlCulturelF arming
Aquatic Habitat Other
5 Fish Harvest 5 5 Research and education
than Fish Support
6 Food Harvest 6 Biodiversity Protection 6 Tourism
7 Fuel 7 Biological Control
Climate Regulation
8 Other inland harvests 8
— (Carbon Sink)
Coastal Area protection
9 Other aquatic harvests 9 from Tidal waves and
10 Horticultural Products 10 Fish Habitat support
11 Jhum cultivation 11 Flash Flood
12 Livelihood Support 12 Flood ControllDrought
Ground water recharge
13 Medicinal Resources 13
and discharge
14 Ornamental Resource 14 Land degradation
15 Rearing/Livestock Fattening 15 Migratory Bird Support
16 Transportation services 16 Pollination
17 Water Usage/Consumption 17 Precipitation
Siltation and Productivity
18 Timber 18
19 Wood Harvest Timber 19 Soil Erosion
20 Soil Formation
Wave induced damage
Storm protection / Coastal
23 Swamp forest support
24 Waste Assimilation
25 Water Regulation
Source: Extracted from TEEB, 2010

Study on economic valuation using benefit transfer method reveals that the services of hill forest,
wetland and mangrove ecosystems generate a value equivalent of 9.2% to 33.3% of GDP of
Bangladesh. The wide range of variation found in this study represents a limitation of this approach.
Improvement in this estimate is only possible using primary data where values of ecosystem services
can be estimated directly. At the same time, this value should not be construed as the value of all
ecosystem services of Bangladesh because this study included only mangrove, hills and wetland
ecosystems. The values generated by the coastal ecosystems, the riverine ecosystems, the floodplains,

the Barind Tracts, and other ecosystems (like marine, islands and chars) of Bangladesh are not
included in this study.

The study finds that hilly ecosystem generates services that are worth between 4.3 and 8.2 percent of
GDP (Table 6). Similarly, that of the wetland ecosystem (haors and beels) is worth between 1 and 16
percent of GDP and that of mangrove is between 4 and 9 percent of GDP. The study further reveals
that regulatory services of the three ecosystems are quite important and it is equivalent of 1.5 to
14.9% of GDP. This means that in case of deterioration of the conditions of such eco-systems, the
impact on the economy will be much higher and so the cost of deterioration on the economy could be,
as high as, 15% of the current GDP. On the other hand, marketed and traded provisional services of
the ecosystems are already included in the GDP calculations (since GDP includes values of fishery,
agriculture, forest products, etc.).

It is also evident from the findings that the values (in monetary units) vary significantly from as low
as 9% to as high as 33% of GDP from the three ecosystems studied here. This high range of variation
should be reduced through primary valuation studies in order to ensure that contribution of
ecosystems in the economy is understood clearly and can be used to protect these ecosystems. In
addition, values found in this study suggest that value of regulatory and cultural services of the
ecosystems are as much as the provisional services. Therefore, it is important that such values shall be
estimated to understand the real impact of the existence of ecosystems of Bangladesh. Moreover, the
values of the mangrove ecosystems did not include protection services of the mangroves from
cyclones and other natural disasters in the coastal areas. This is because no such study exists on any
large mangrove ecosystems. The values of which, if included, would have increased the monetary
value of the mangrove ecosystem.
Table 6 Economic valuation of hilly forest, wetlands and mangrove ecosystems of Bangladesh

Name of Category of Estimated Land Total Economic Total Value as

the Services Economic Value Area in Value In Million Percentage of
Ecosystem Per Hectare USD Thousand USD per year GDP
Max Mm Max Mm Max Mm
Hilly Provisional
Forest Services 9,422 9,403 6,360 6,347 3.7% 3.7%
(without Timber)
567 567 382 382 0.2% 0.2%
11,070 970 7 472 654 4.3% 0.4%
Cultural Services - -

Hffly Forest Total 21,059 10,939 675 14,214 7,384 8.2% 4.2%
Wetland Provisional
ecosystem Services 13,858 2,307 11,086 1,846 6.4% 1.1%
(without Timber)
Services 1 1 1 1 0.0% 0.0%
( Timber)
20,402 2,733 16,322 2,187 9.4% 1.3%
Cultural Services 175 175 140 140 0.1% 0,1%
WetlandTotal 34,436 5,217 800 27549 1,525 15.9% 0.9%
Coastal Provisional 13,574 2,022 1,819 271 1.0% 0.2%

Name of Category of Estimated Land Total Economic Total Value as
the Services Economic Value Area in Value In Million Percentage of
Ecosystem Per Hectare USD Thousand USD per year GDP
Max Mm Max Mm Max Mm
Mangrove Services
Ecosystem (without Timber)
Services 1,270 1,270 170 170 0.1% 0.1%
( Timber)
15,171 1,619 2,033 217 1.2% 0.1%
Cultural Services 89,850 46,968 12,040 6,294 6.9% 3.6%
Coastal Mangrove
119,865 51,879 134 16,062 6952 9.2% 4.0%
Ecosystem Total
Total Value of Ecosystems 175,360 68,035 57,825 15,860 33.3% 9.1%

3.3 Way forward

The valuation study has revealed that ecosystems of Bangladesh contribute significantly towards the
national income of the country. There are three major services: provisioning services, regulatory
services and cultural services of the ecosystems. Of these, only the traded provisional services are
currently accounted in the national accounting systems. The regulatory services of an ecosystem are
the foundation of many provisioning services. Depletion or deterioration of such services will
ultimately weaken the productive foundation of the economy.
Therefore, Bangladesh should plan to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the values of
ecosystem services and integrate them in the national accounting system. This has also been suggested
in the 7 FYP document of the Government of Bangladesh (p443).

Given the limitation of resources, a gradual approach towards completing the values of all ecosystem
services could be the option to move ahead. Therefore, the recommendations are:

1. Regulatory services of mangroves shall be studied in details, particularly; values for

protection against cyclones and storm surges shall be studied using longitudinal data.
2. The services of the all other forests in terms of regulating the weather and hydrological cycles
are important for maintenance of the productive capacity of the areas surrounding the region.
There was no major study from Bangladesh on these resources. This should be part of the
future initiatives for research.
3. Ecosystem services of the wetlands of Bangladesh is different from that of other countries
largely because of the unique characteristics of the haors and beels in terms of retention of
early rain water and providing habitat services for fresh fish and other aquatic animals. There
is no study similar to such ecosystem and so the values reported here is probably an
underestimation. Research on valuing such services shall be undertaken in order to find the
values of this unique wetlands ecosystems.
4. Since Bangladesh is located at the bottom of three major river basins (Ganges, Brahmaputra
and Meghna), the lattice of rivers and creeks provides a respite for floods to its millions of
inhabitants along these basins. These rivers and creeks not only carry a large volume of silt
but also allow drainages of huge amount of water coming through the GBM basins. The

rivers, creeks, estuaries, and the flood plains of Bangladesh, therefore, protects livelihood of
millions of people living in these basins from floods. Depletion of capacity of these rivers by
reclaiming land and by encroachment or by reducing water flow will significantly affect the
economic activities in these basins. Valuation of these services should be done using primary
5. The coastal and marine resources of Bangladesh have potential for tourism and other
economic activities and provide habitat services for many marine animals. This has not been
valued and requires special attentions in order to capture the contribution of our coastlines.
6. Finally, values of ecosystem services derived from these studies above can be used towards
estimating the sustainable GDP or green GDP of Bangladesh.

4. Mainstreaming of Biodiversity and NBSAP
Mainstreaming of biodiversity is very important towards ensuring intregation of biodiversity
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in both sectoral and cross-sectoral plans such as
sustainable development, climate change adaptation and mitigation, trade and international
cooperation, and in sector-specific plans such as agriculture, fisheries, forestry, mining, energy,
tourism, transport and others will be facilitating a lot in terms of achieving the NBSAP targets.
Mainstreaming biodiversity into sectoral and cross sectoral policy plan and development activities is,
important for achieving the sustainability of the implementation of NB SAP.

Mainstreaming aims to integration biodiversity elements into related legislation, policies, plans,
programmes such as national development plans, enhancing awareness efforts, understanding the
values of biodiversity and considering these values in policy making and integrate into national
accounting system and strengthen biodiversity related education and research. The CBD has
emphasized the need for mainstreaming biodiversity into national and local development and poverty
reduction strategies, most recently in its new Strategic Plan for Biodiversity (2011-2020).

This chapter discusses ways of mainstreaming biodiversity at individual, institutional and systemic
levels across sectoral and cross-sectoral plans, policies and development activities in Bangladesh.
Existing national policies have been analyzed to identify the legal strength supportive to implement
NB SAP as well as the gaps where further legal actions are needed to strengthen activities related to
biodiversity conservation.

4.1 Mainstreaming at individual level

Mainstreaming biodiversity at individual level is important for implementing NBSAP. People at all
walks of life should be self-motivated towards conservation of biodiversity. Awareness among the
citizens of the country could be created through education curriculum from elementary school to
higher study level. They should also be aware of the values of goods and services provided by the
ecosystems. Mainstreaming at individual level could be achieved with the following activities.

4.1.1 Raising awareness among the citizens

Raising awareness on the importance of biodiversity targeting various sections of the citizens is the
vital task to be accomplished to achieve the goals of individual mainstreaming. People should be
aware of the role of biodiversity in the economy, livelihood and overall national development.
Awareness program on the occasion of World Environment Day, International Day for Biodiversity,
World Wetlands Day, World Wildlife Day, World Migratory Birds Day; World Ocean Day,
International Tiger Day, World Water Day, International Day of Forest, National Fish Week, Jhatka
Conservation Week, National Pollinator Week, International Vulture Awareness Day, National
Agriculture Day, National Tree Fair, National Agriculture Fair etc. should be designed in such a way
that a large population could get the message on the importance of biodiversity. A list of such
occasions with specific date and the declaring agency has been shown in Table 7.

• .—

, ‘ ,*• •.• -•

r ‘
L.’. • •. -
Observed World Environment Day & National Tree Plantation Campaign 2015

Table 7 Some Important Biodiversity Related Days for enhancing awareness

Name of Day Declared by Date ‘

World Wetlands Day Ramsar Secretariat 2 February
International Day of Forests United Nations 21 March
World Water Day United Nations 22 March
Earth Day Earth day Initiative, New York 22 April
International Biodiversity Day United Nations, CBD Secretariat 22 May
World Environment Day UNEP - 5 June
World Ocean Day United Nations 8 June
International Tiger Day The Global Tiger Recovery Program 29 July
World Elephant Day Canadian filmmaker Patricia Sims along 12 August
with Elephant Reintroduction Foundation
founded this day.
International Vulture Birds of Prey Programme in South Africa The first Saturday in
Awareness Day and the Hawk Conservancy trust in September each year
International Ozone Day United Nations 16 September
World Rivers Day Mark Angelo, founder of World Rivers The last Sunday in
day September
Wildlife Conservation Day US Department of State 4 December

4.1.2 Ensure participation of women in biodiversity conservation
Traditionally, rural women in Bangladesh are involved in crop cultivation, harvesting, seed
preservation, kitchen gardening, plantation, cattle and poultry rearing, aquatulture etc. those are
related to conservation of biodiversity (Table 8). The traditional knowledge of preserving local
species of agro-biodiversity is being maintained by the women generation-after-generation.
Bangladesh has recognized the role of women in national development. Participation of women have
been ensured in formulation of NBSAP. Implementation of activities under NBSAP will be taking
care of engagement of women towards ensuring the inclusive development with equitable benefit to
the women. Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015) and Seventh Five Year Plan (2016-2021) have
considered women participation and empowerment that will guide the implementing agencies to take
development project with the component of women development under NESAP activities. Women
could be play a substantial role in ensuring conservation and sustainable use of Biodiversity. The
women in the rural areas should be offered with adequate training, education-awareness as well as
means of alternate livelihood activities so that they become the safeguard of Biodiversity. Village
Conservation Group or Community Conservation Groups to be formed under various rules-
regulations should be ensured women participation

Table 8 Women’s Traditional activities related to biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh

Fields of work Activities
Crop cultivation Cultivation, harvesting, seed preservation etc
Plantation Roadside plantation, agro forestry, kitchen gardening etc
Sericulture Rearing of cocoon and silk processing
Livestock and Poultry Rearing, processing, production of fodder
Herbal medicine Collection, treatment, processing etc
Aquaculture Fish meal production, fishing, cage culture etc.
Fishing & Fry collection Fishing, Fry collection, Fish and Fry selling

BOX -6 Community Based Biodiversity Conservation in ECAs (CBA-ECAs):

The Department of Environment, Government of Bangladesh implemented a project titled ‘the

Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management Project’ (CWBMP) funded by UNDP-GEF to
develop a participatory management system for the conservation and sustainable management of
biodiversity of four ECAs namely Cox’s Ba.zar-Teknaf peninsula, St. Martin Island, Sonadia island
and Hakaluki Haor during 2004-2011. The project adopted a community based approach to conserve
threatened resources of biodiversity involving local community, local government, and local
administrations and other stakeholders. To continue the conservation initiatives taken under CWBMP
and to introduce community-based adaptation mitigation to climate change in conservation actions,
DoE ‘Community Based Adaptation of ECAs through Biodiversity Conservation and Social
Protection (CBA-ECA)’ project supported by (BCCTF) and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands through UNDP. The project has been implemented by during 2011 to 2015.

The project put special emphasis on diversification of livelihood options of the local communities,
making them resilient to climate change and restoring the ecosystems they rely on. Some of the
important climate change related activities of CBA-ECA project are: assessing community risks and
vulnerability to climate change; enhancing communities’ capacity for climate change adaptation and
biodiversity conservation; introducing climate change adaptation and mitigation measures through
agriculture and horticulture practice; conservation of mangrove and swamp; protection of human

settlements through plantation; and conducting research on climate change impacts and adaptations.
Biodiversity conservation activities include wildlife conservation, establishment of fish sanctuary,
and enforcement of relevant laws for protection of biodiversity and habitats. This project provided
the local people with micro capital grants and training in order to create alternative income sources to
reduce the vulnerability to climate change and reduce their dependency on natural resources.

It was observed that due to plantation in the Hoar area vegetation cover increased. Mangrove and
swamp forests constituting bain, hijol, koroch, reed etc species also has been created in the project
area. Some pictorials below describe the accomplishments of CBA-ECA.

Newly planted mangrove at Irrigation pump run by the solar power

Nuniachora, Cox’s Bazar

Fish sanctuary at hakaluki hoar Alternative livelihood generating activities

4.2 Mainstrearning at institutional level

Sustainability of the biodiversity conservation programs will depend on how much it has been
institutionalized at both government and non-government sectors. Following are the some points
where there are scopes for mainstreaming biodiversity at institution level.

4.2.1 Mainstreaming of Government Organizations

The Ministry of Environment and Forests, the national focal point of CBD, is the coordinating
ministry of protection of environment and biodiversity in the country. But the conservation and

sustainable use of biodiversity are the tasks dependent on other ministries which have got direct or
indirect bearing with this particular issue of development paradigm includmg the Ministry of
Agriculture, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Ministry of Land, Ministry of LGRD, Ministry of
Roads Transport and Bridge, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Power,
Energy and Mineral Resources to be named a few. These ministries have significant role in terms of
biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Mainstreaming will only be meaningful once if these
ministries consider the biodiversity and its importance in their development initiatives policies and
programs. Towards ensuring appropriate mainstreaming the development ministries could establish,
biodiversity cell has to be established with representation of the relevant officials in those ministries
and agencies there under. Biodiversity cell in the ministries and agencies could ensure that projects,
program and policies are in the line with the NBSAP, as well as biodiversity rules and regulations.

Local government institutions like District Council (Zilla Parishad), Sub-district Council (Upazilla
Parishad), Municipalities (Pourashova) and Union Council can play vital role in conservation of
biodiversity by planning and implementing development activities like construction of roads, bridges,
culverts, polders etc and also in creating awareness. Thus, the stakeholders at all these local level
institutions can take part in conservation and safeguarding biodiversity and in monitoring and
reporting conservation activities.

4.2.2 Engage Community based organization (CBOs), NGOs and Civil Society Organization (CSO)
into biodiversity conservation
Local communities are recognized as the custodians of biodiversity conservation. Community leaders
can play important role to convince local people towards conservation of biodiversity. NGOs and
CBOs are implementing activities at the community level with participatory approach. They can play
significant role through, awareness development activities mobilization of financial resources. The
activities of CBOs, NGOs and community leaders also include, strengthening the capacity to
implement programs; promoting networking opportunities among the organizations, community
leaders and the mass people; assisting in promoting and documenting traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices in biodiversity conservation, assisting the organizations and communities to
formulate and implement projects on updated NBSAP and contributing human and financial resources
to support biodiversity conservation programs. The Civil Society Organization (CSOs) may buy-in the
willingness of the policy level to take up the biodiversity issue in the process of decision making.

4.2.3 Engage Private Sectors in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use

Private sectors can contribute in biodiversity conservation by investing in biodiversity-related
opportunities. The business associations like FBCCI, DCCI, CCCI, BGMEA and BKMEA could
ensure that cleaner production is practiced and environmental management system is implemented in
the industries. Water intensive and liquid water generating industries should implement Zero-
Discharge Policy of the Department of Environment. EIA conducted for obtaining environmental
clearance in favor of the industries should rigorously assess the impact of the respective industry on
biodiversity and ecosystem services. Individual industry and business bodies as a whole should take
up project activities or programs on biodiversity conservation as part of their Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).

4.3 Mainstreamitg at systemic level

Various policies, legislations and strategies have already included biodiversity and natural resources
management issues. Conservation of environment and biodiversity has been inserted in the National

Constitution as basic principle of state governance. The policies and rules- regulation of various
development ministries should include or insert the elements of biodiversity.

4.3.1 Insertion of Biodiversity into the Constitution of Bangladesh

Biodiversity and Environment was not explicit in the Bangladesh Constitution, originally adopted in
1972 .Government of Bangladesh in the year 2011 took the initiative to amend the constitution
inserting the text in Article I 8A (Protection and improvement of environment and biodiversity) of the
Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh that describes environment and biodiversity
conservation and development as one of the principle of state government. The article states: “The
state shall endeavor to protect and improve the environment and preserve and safeguard the natural
resources, biodiversity, wetlands, forests and wild life for the present and future citizens”. As per
constitutional obligation biodiversity conservation is the responsibility of every citizen of the country
to uphold the constitution. All the government machineries should keep in mind the issue of
conservation of environment and biodiversity in taking up any development undertakings.

4.3.2 Integration of biodiversity into sectoral and cross-sectoralpolicies

Biodiversity Conservation and sustainable use issues should be reverberated in all concerned policies
of various development ministry of the government. It has been that the policies, rules-regulations
implemented by offered ministries have still had to do a lot in terms of inserting text relevant to
conservation of biodiversity.

An assessment on the state of integration of biodiversity into the various sectoral and cross-sectoral
policies is given in Table 9. The table highlights the positive elements as well as gaps towards further
work on mainstreaming biodiversity.


Table: 9 Analysis of sectoral and cross sectoral Policies Towards Integration of Biodiversity

S1.No Name of Name of Policy Biodiversity Elements/Gaps Recommendation

Ministry of Environment Policy 1992 Section 3 of this policy has a clear mention of The revised / updated revision of
Environment biodiversity and its conservation as a cross Bangladesh Environment Policy has
and Forests cutting issue. Section 4 of this policy has explicit mention conservation of natural
suggested to follow the ICTPs and thereby resources. By now (February 2016) the
incorporated the CBD. updating has been done and it is
awaiting approval of the government.
2. -Do- Forest Policy 1994 Biodiversity has not been explicitly The policy should be revised addressing
mentioned in this policy. None of the 29 conservation and sustainable use of
statements of this policy has incorporated forest biodiversity resources.
3. Ministry of National Agricultural Biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of Effective implementation of policies
Agriculture Policy 2013 land and water resources, 1PM, integrated should be ensured
crop cultivation and collection, conservation
and use of genetic resources has been
emphasized is emphasized. Balanced use of
fertilizer and popularize organic fertilizer has
also been included in the policy.
4. -Do- National Integrated Pest The policy has the emphasis on maintaining The 1PM policy should be revised and
Management Policy ecological balance; conservation of natural updated keeping in mind the intensive
draft) 2002 resources such as the soil, flora and fauna and agriculture with HYVs, introduction of
ensure stability of agricultural production GMs crops and new knowledge on pest
management with the course of climate
change and other issues of management
5. -Do- National Seed Policy 2.6 To simplify procedures for effective To ensure local seed security through
1993 observance of plant quarantine conservation and sustainable use of
Section 8: Import of Seeds: agro-biodiversity. Trial before the
8.1 Except for appropriate plant quarantine introduction of alien seed.
SI. No Name of Name of Policy Biodiversity Elements/Gaps Recommendation
safeguards, restrictions on importation of
seeds are to be eliminated.
8.1 Plant quarantine procedures will be made
applicable to crop/plant species and not to
specific varieties
6. Ministry of National Fisheries Policy The 5th objective has mentioned about the Though this policy has some sort of
Fisheries and 1998 maintenance of ecological balance and general coverage of biodiversity, it has
Livestock conservation of biodiversity. National no mention for resolving the common
Fisheries Strategy 2006 has been formulated, conflicts between the conservation of
during policy revision this may be considered wetland ecosystems against the
as well. expansion of fish farms in those
ecosystems. Clear policy statements on
this issue are essential.
7. -Do- National Shrimp Policy Under item 2d of the policy it has stated to This policy is not strong enough to help
2014 conserve biodiversity in shrimp cultivation “Biodiversity Conservation” under the
area. Statement 5.3.5 of the policy has powerful aggression of shrimp farming.
explicitly stated to prohibit deforestation of Further, act or rule should be formulated
mangroves for shrimp farming, which may to ensure biodiversity conservation.
indirectly help conserve biodiversity
8. -Do- National Livestock Conservation and utilization program of It is necessary to include conservation of
Development Policy 2007 potential indigenous breeds for subsistence local livestock varieties.
farming would be developed.
9. Ministry of National Water Policy Section 4.9 states that Fisheries and wildlife It should have a clear statement about
Water 1999 will receive due emphasis in water resources the allocation of water for biodiversity
Resources planning where social impact is high and conservation. It should have mention
water development plan will not interrupt for about the e-flow aspects. Ensure
fish migration and breeding. It also perennial links of water bodies like
mentioned that maintain perennial links of baors, haors, beels, roadside borrow pits,
water bodies like baors, haors, beels, roadside etc. with the rivers.
SI. No Name of Name of Policy Biodiversity Elements/Gaps Recommendation
borrow pits, etc with the rivers. It has
indication on minimum stream flow and
mention of preservation of the environment.
10. -Do- Coastal Zone Policy 2005 It has incorporated the biodiversity aspects A set of statements need to be
but under a complex umbrella of many developed, which will be incorporated in
sectors. It is a fact that the coastal areas have all the sectoral policies. This may be
V too many elements to look into, and a large called “Obligatory Policy Need for the
number of national sectoral policies are in Coast Zone”. A powerful ‘coast zone
force in this zone. The identification of 19 committee’ may be constituted by the
districts as ‘coast zone’ is an appreciable government with the principle secretary
outcome of this document, as the chair, with relevant secretaries as
members. It will be the responsibility of
this committee to ensure that all the
desired requirements (given in the
“Obligatory Policy Need for the Coast
Zone”) are properly incorporated in the
relevant sectoral policies
11. Ministry of National Shipping Policy, This policy included elements on Shipping routes should be clearly
Shipping 2000 environmental pollution control and identified so that ‘biodiversity hotspots’,
environmental management but no explicit ‘breeding or spawning ground’ of
text on conservation of biodiversity and aquatic animals could be avoided and
ecosystems. preserved. The vessels should maintain
the level of air pollution and noise
pollution under control. Wastes like
bilge and ballast water, human faecal
waste should not be discharged to the
waterways without treatment.
12. Ministry of Jolmohal (water-body) This policy has mostly dealt with the leasing This policy has no mention of
Land Management Policy 2009 authorities of government and control on biodiversity or biodiversity
SI.No Name of Name of Policy Biodiversity Elements/Gaps Recommendation
amended in 2012. water bodies depending on its size. It has a conservation. Since the water bodies are
mention of declare some of the government important sites for rare biodiversity, a
owned water bodies as fish “reserve”. Section fresh policy outlook needs to be
35 of this policy has given an absolute considered for the waterbodies of
authority to Land Ministry to decide on these Bangladesh, superseding all the
issues, prevailing declarations. This new policy
need to incorporate the conservation and
sustainable use of aquatic biodiversity of
the country.
13. -Do- Land Use Policy, 2001 It has mentioned about the conservation of There is no indication in the policy about
forest land, It has suggested for land zoning the ecosystem based approach of
and promulgation of a ‘zoning law’. It stated landuse. To conserve biodiversity in a
that proper implementation of environment holistic manner, ecosystem approach
policy 1992 and forest policy 1994 will bring should be incorporated in the land use
in overall improvement of the situation. It has policy guidelines.
however expressed concern over the decline
of wetland in the country. It has suggested for
afforestation, as well as settlements, on newly
accreted lands. It has suggested developing a
‘land data bank’ as well.
14. -Do- Khas Land Settlement There are two sets of policies (used as rules) Biodiversity conservation issues should
Policy 1995 and 1997 namely ‘Agriculture Khas land management be addressed. Plantation and biodiversity
and settlement policy, 1997’ and ‘Non- conservation should be considered as
Agriculture Khas land management and conditions while leasing these Khas
settlement policy 1995’. None of these has Lands.
any consideration of biodiversity.
15. -Do- Khas Land Settlement It has no mention of biodiversity. Khas lands those are ‘biodiversity
Policy for Hotel Motel hotspots’ and ‘breeding or roosting
1998 grounds’ of rare birds or other important
Si. No Name of Name of Policy Biodiversity Elements/Gaps Recommendation
animals should not be leased out.
Plantation of indigenous species in the
open space should be a condition while
leasing for such purposes to enhance
16. -Do- Salt Mohal Management It has no mention of biodiversity Expansion of Salt Mohal area should be
Policy 1999 restricted. Policy should promote
alternative modern salt production
17. Ministry of National Industrial Policy The policy addressed ETA and awareness Conservation of biodiversity and
Industries 2015 before setting up industries or industrial ecosystem services should be
projects. The policy emphasized to set-up incorporated in the policy
environment friendly industries and
encourage to follow 3R strategy; Reduction,
Reuse, Recycling and setting up ETP and
CETP in the operations industries or
industrial estates. The policy did not have any
direct mention of conservation of biodiversity
and ecosystem services.
18. Ministry of Comprehensive The section 2.6.4 mentions Trade, Biodiversity protection and conservation
Commerce Trade Policy Environmental Protection and Climate should be ensured in any trade related
of Bangladesh Change where biodiversity conservation is activities.
not mentioned.
19. -Do- Export Policy Order Section 8.6 stated that nobody could export It is necessary to include in the policy
2015-2018 wildlife or product from wildlife, trophy or that endangered species or other
incomplete trophy or plant or part of plant or biodiversity related products such as fin
product derived from plants mentioned in of sharks should be banned.
schedule 4); any routes other than emigration
port where taxation is done, is allowed to
Si. No Name of Name of Policy Biodiversity Elements/Gaps Recommendation
export without CITES certificate and license
under the section 29 of wildlife (conservation
and security) acts 2012. Section 8.16 banned
all types of frogs/toads (alive or dead) and
frog/toads legs to export.
20. -Do- Import Policy Order Import Policy restricted import of plants with Import Policy order should address the
2015-2018 the application of Plant Quarantine Act, issues of Invasive Alien Species in a
2011. GMO or LMO as human food more stringent way. Pharmaceutical
importation would be possible with the chemicals like diclofenac importation
application of biosafety guidelines. For should be restricted to save the vulture
animal food and feed, it written that population.
declaration should be there that it does not
contain any GMO. Import Policy Order also
restricts the pesticides those are harmful to
21. Ministry of National Rural In section 5.19 of the policy, ‘Rural This policy should address the inclusion
LGRD Development Policy Environment Promotion’ is highlighted where of conservation of rural and urban
2001 in its clause number 2, mentions about biodiversity, explicitly.
preserving ecological balance. However,
there is no explicit mention of biodiversity
conservation though it is directly linked to
any objective towards preserving or
conserving ecological balance.
22. Ministry of National Energy Policy The policy emphasizes to ensure Promotion of environment friendly
Power, Energy 1995 environmentally sound sustainable energy technology like solar, biogas etc.
and Mineral development programs causing minimum
Resources damage to environment, not allowed any
commercial mining and quarrying within the
3 Km of forest boundary, however between 3
Si. No Name of Name of Policy Biodiversit-y Elements/Gaps Recommendation
and 10 Km of forest boundary mining and
quarrying may be allowed only where ETA
shows that there is no negative impact on
forest. Carrying out Environmental Impact
Assessment (including a consideration of
social impact) should be made mandatory and
constitute an integral part of any new energy
development project.
23. Ministry of National Education Biodiversity issues are mentioned under the Biodiversity conservation and
Education Policy 2010 chapter of Agriculture, sustainable use issues should be
incorporated into the curriculum of
secondary and higher secondary level to
graduate courses.
24. Ministry of National Women In section 36 of the policy, women’s Inclusion of women’s existing active
Women and Development Policy 2014 contribution to natural resources’ role in biodiversity conservation should
Child Affairs conservation is mentioned along with be included so that the real value of how
ensuring participation of women whereas; societal culture and tradition; especially
section 36.3 included encouraging women in the rural areas of the country, help the
and providing them with equal opportunity in conservation of biodiversity. Additional
agriculture, fishery, animal husbandry and attention could be given to capacity
afforestation. building measure of rural women to
engage actively in biodiversity
conservation both at the household and
community-based levels and approaches
25. Ministry of National Tourism Policy The focus and objective of this policy is to To ensure ecotourism in all PAs and
Tourism and 2010 improve socio-economic status; conserve ECAs and attract private entrepreneurs.
Civil Aviation environment and biodiversity with the
engagement of local people. The section 5.6
Si. No Name of Name of Policy Biodiversity Elements/Gaps Recommendation
encourages developing eco-tourism by the
relevant ministry.
26. Ministry of No published policy There should be a policy emphasizing No specific policy in place that contains
Road Transport found in the website of biodiversity conservation while constructing elements of biodiversity. However, the
and Bridge the ministry roads, highways and bridges Roads and Highways Department
prepared ETA guideline for Roads to
consider the environmental issues.
27. Ministry of No published policy There should be a policy emphasizing Biodiversity conservation issues should
CHTs Affairs found in the website of biodiversity conservation while constructing be emphasized in the development plan
the ministry accessibility and other infrastructure of CHTs.
development activities in CHT
BOX-7 Integrated Pest Management in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, 1PM activities started in 1981 with the introduction of the first phase of FAO’s
inter-country program (ICP) on 1PM in rice crop. 1PM has a broad-based approach founded on a sound
ecological understanding towards
producing and preserving different crops.
Now-a-days, 1PM has been considered
globally as one of the best methods in this
regard. It is hoped that the country’s crop
production and preservation system will be
much developed through the
implementation of National 1PM Policy,
which has been formulated with a view to
get the full benefit of this unique method.

The use of harmful pesticides will be much —

reduced if the farmers practice 1PM in their fields, which in turn, will enhance the production level
and improve the environment and the public health. Proper implementation of this policy would
increase the farm output that will raise the income level of vast majority of the country’s farmers.
Thus, extension of 1PM will have positive impacts on the overall economy that will help reduce the
country’s poverty

4.3.3 Integration ofBiodiversity into the Related Laws

A number of Act and Rules-Regulations have directly or indirectly included Biodiversity issues.
Conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (ETA) has been made mandatory for the severe impact
producing Red category industries and projects.

Box- 8 Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Conducting EIA is a decision making tool for awarding environmental clearance in favor of
installation of industries or taking up development projects. Through the exercise of ETA, adverse
impacts of the industries or project are identified and evaluated towards taking up appropriate
mitigation measures and thus biodiversity loss can be minimized with adoption of preventive and
compensation measures. According to Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 (revised in
2010) section 20(2) and Environment Conservation Rules 1997, section 7(6), it is mandatory to
conduct ETA and take mitigation measures before setting up of Red categories industries or projects.
Ministry of Environment and Forests made a circular on 22 February 2015 informing the stakeholder
that EIA and other forms of environmental study is mandatory before taking up and starting operation
of the industries or development projects. The circular has been gazetted into the Bangladesh Gazette
on 12 March 2015 with the instructions of the category of environmental study reports to be produced.
The circular also highlighted the implementation of the measures like Environmental Management
Plan, as well as Environmental Auditing to be performed in various phases of the industries or
development projects. The circular made special emphasis on EJA and other sort of environmental
studies for the investment projects taken by the government and prescribed to look at the efficacy of
the ETA in various stages of the project. This kind of notification to enforce Environment Act and ETA
will facilitate the mainstreaming of biodiversity a lot.

The Department of Environment under the Ministry of Environment and Forests has finalized
“Bangladesh Biological Diversity Act” which is under the review to be approved by the National

The domestic legislations which have got the elements of biodiversity have been illustrated in
Table 10.

Table 10: Legislations of the Relevant Ministries Impacting on Biodiversity Conservation

Name of Name of Acts! Biodiversity Elements Recommendation)

Ministry Rules-regulations Insertion Proposed
Ministry of Bangladesh The act covers conservation in Rigorous enforcement of
Environment and Environment all its meaning from lower to the Act with the
Forests Conservation Act higher organisms of enhancement of the
1995 biodiversity through controlling awareness is very vital to
. get maximum benefit of
pollution and ecosystem
the Act.
-Do- The Forest Act, 1927 Though there is no mention of Updation of the Act is
(amendment in 2000) biodiversity in a specific manner it required with particular
has some implied provisions for reference to the ecosystem
the conservation of biodiversity. based approach of forest
-Do- Wildlife The Act has got the required The Act needs to be
(Conservation and provisions towards wildlife widely publicized to make
Security) Act 2012 biodiversity conservation, people more aware and
needs effective
enforcement upto the
remote areas of the
-Do- Brick manufacturing Biodiversity conservation has been Brick manufacturing needs
and Kiln installation covered in the preamble of the Act, to be done keeping
(Control) Act 2013 The Act has the impetus on appropriate distance from
conservation of agri-land and the biodiversity hot-spots
promotion of energy-efficient brick and conserved areas, More
manufacturing technologies that is mechanization and
essentially helping biodiversity industrial level production
of brick is required to
avoid the pressure on
fertile but very scarce land
of the country.
-Do- Draft Bangladesh Approved by the cabinet which is The Act needs to be
Biological Diversity awaiting approval by the National enacted and capacity
Act Parliament. It covers all aspects building of the
of Biodiversity stakeholders would be
very important to enforce
the Act.
Ministry of Protection and The Act bans fish catches of The execution of the law
Fisheries and Conservation of Fish specific sizes and durations for is rare partly due to
Livestock Act, 1950 various species aiming at more absence of the
(amendments in production and conserving the enforcement of the Act in
1963, 1970, 1982, brood fishes the grass-root level and

Name of Name of Acts/ Biodiversity Elements Recommendationl
Ministry — Rules-regulations Insertion Proposed
1995, 2002) lack of awareness on the
Act to the mass people
Ministry of Plant Quarantine Act, It has provisions to regulate Stringent quarantine
Agriculture 2011 carrying-in plants or plant measures are to be in place
products from abroad, and at the port-of-entries with
ensure sanitary and phyto- the enforcement of the
. Act.
sanitary measures.
Ministry of Water Bangladesh Water The Act has the emphasis on The Act needs to be
Resources Act, 2013 formulation of the National Water operationalized with
Policy and National Water regular functioning of
Resources Plan and Conserve National Water Resources
Water Stress Area for, amongst Council and other
others, use of water for balancing committees, formulation
ecosystem, use of water for wild /updating and
life, use of water for natural river implementation of
flow and conservation of potable National Water Policy and
water sources like tanks and ponds; National Water Resources
conservation of Haor (naturally Plan with committed
created saucer shaped large actions to be implemented
shallow depression), Baor by the Ministry of Water
(stagnant ox-bow shaped lake) and Resources on conservation
lakes for seasonal birds to stay or of biodiversity dependent
to move safely and to keep their on water resources.
sanctuary safe.
Ministry of National River The commission under this act is The commission needs to
Shipping Protection responsible to oversee the rivers operationalized with all
Commission Act, and recommend the government to kinds of logistics and
2013 take appropriate measures towards infrastructural supports so
addressing the river pollution, that it could have enough
encroachment, maintaining ground to make policy
ecological balance of the river decisions and
system and sustainable recommendations to the
management of river government

4.3.4 Integration of biodiversity into national development plans

Towards mainstreaming, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use issues have to be taken into
consideration in all the development plans, programs and projects. Bangladesh has shown a great deal
of progress in terms of inclusion of Biodiversity issues into the development planning. Biodiversity
could be traced from the Fourth Five Year Plan (1990 to 1995). The plan in its Objectives on
Environmental Matters under page JX-3, para 9.9(d) stipulated that we have to protect the biodiversily
of the country by taking effective steps against salinity and desertfication.

In the Fifth Five Year Plan (1997 to 2002) under the caption ‘Environment and Sustainable
Development (p 181), the document recognized that it is necessary to preserve the variety of We, i.e.
biodiversily. The document also went on to state that the preservation of biodiversily is both a matter
of insurance and investment, necessary to sustain and improve agriculture, forestry, livestock and

fisheries production systems in order to keep future options open as a buffer against harmful

environmental changes and as a raw materialfor scientflc and industrial innovations. Moreover we

must conserve biodiversity as a matter of survival. The variety of l(fe helps make the earth fit for
balanced enjoyment of lfe. It plays an important role in all major lfe support services, from
maintaining the chemical balance of the earth and stabilising climate to protecting the watershed and
renewing soil. Maintaining a nation ‘s biodiversily is integral to maintaining its wealth. The Plan,
therefore, attaches due weight to the development of our biological resources. The importance of
species and ecosystems will be considered in the formulation of development policies and
programmes. Institutions assigned responsibility for conserving biodiversity will be supported by
necessary financial and organisational resources. The species and ecosystems on which our survival
depends will be clearly identfled and appropriate technology applied to make our survival worthy of
human beings.

Biodiversity was considered in the PRSP (2003-2008) with the emphasis on conservation through:

• Improve floral andfaunal biodiversity

• Halt destruction ofhabitat and overexploitation offlora andfauna, and encroachment of the
• Document the state offloral andfaunal biodiversity of the country by ecosystems
• Implement policies to protect biodiversity by involving local community
• Formulation and implementation of biodiversily policy;
• Implement NBSAP
• Develop Guidelines for ECAs and PAs
• Survey floral andfaunal biodiversity in new PAs
• Introduce and promote local and indigenous varieties offish stock

NSAPR-2 (2009-2011) took biodiversity as an issue of sustainable environmental development. The

NSAPR-2 highlighted critical issues relating to the natural environment including:

a Agricultural land degradation and salinity

• Maintenance of the biodiversity that is under threat, in particular the overexploitation of
forests and wetlands resources
a Management ofpublic commons, protecting them from overexploitation and ensuring access to
commons resources for the poor
a Promoting renewable rural energy sources and afforestation to meet the energy needs of the
rural population in a sustainable way
a The impact of urbanization particularly with respect to land development and waste
management; and
a Combating pollution particularly air pollution, water pollution and rural water and arsenic

PRSP stated that Government is committed to addressing environmental issues in its sector policies
and programs. Environmental impact was considered important in the design and implementation of
investment projects, with a requirement that environmental impact assessments are undertaken for
larger investment projects. Priority would be given to the funding ofpolicy initiatives and investments
that address key environmental concerns. Initiatives to promote participatory approaches to the
management of the natural environment and create greater awareness of environmental approaches
would be promoted.

The Sixth Five Year Plan (20 11-2015) also gave emphasis on biodiversity conservation in Chapter 8:
Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management. It noted that for sustained development it is
necessary to:

• Undertake watershed management and soil conservation activities

• Increase PA and ECA coverage
Undertake watershed management activities
• Implement community based Jolmohal (water body offisheries importance) management
• Enhance Afforestation program
• Undertake land zoning
• Promote Private and homesteadplantation
• Promote ecotourism
• Promote Clean development mechanism and REDD

Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use issues have vehemently come up with more focus on
implementation of updated NBSAP in the Seventh Five Year Plan (2016-2021). It has been mentioned
in the seventh plan as an issue under forestry and biodiversity (issue no. 14, p492) with the heading
Mainstreaming National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP).

The Seventh Five Year Plan stated the biodiversity tasks to be implemented as follows:
• Initiative will be undertaken to update NBSAP in line with the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and
implement the NBSAP as global commitments as a party to the United Nations Convention on
Biological Diversity and the Cartagena Protocol on Bio safety to CBD
Biodiversity considerations will be integrated into related plans, programs and policies toward
mainstream ing
• Bangladesh Biological Diversity Act will be enacted, as well as necessary rules will befranied
• Valuation ofgoods and services provided by ecosystem and biodiversity will be accomplished
towards integration ofthe values into the national accounting system
• Awareness and education on biodiversity will be enhanced through taking up development
• Polluting the ecosystems from all sources will, wherever possible, be stopped or minimized
• Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge on Biodiversity will be documented

4.3.5 Integration of value ecosystem goods and services into national accounting systems
The valuation of ecosystems is of important priority under the updated NBSAP and Seventh Five
Year Plan (20 15-2020). Economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services is very important for
enhanced understanding about the importance of biodiversity among the policy makers, development
planners, as well as the common people which will in turn help ensuring conservation and sustainable
use of biodiversity. Economic valuation of the goods and services of the ecosystems should be
reflected in the annual budget and allocation to Annual Development Plan. Bangladesh Bureau of
Statistics (BBS) should enhance its capacity to assess the green GDP.

4.3.6 Integration ofNBSAP with the Action Plans of other Rio Conventions
Bangladesh is party to all of the Rio Conventions: the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),
the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the UN Convention to Combat
Desertification (UNCCD). The updated NBSAP developed to implement UNCBD has tremendous

relationship with action plans developed under the two other conventions: UNFCC and UNCCD.
Table 11 shows the synergies of NBSAP with the action plans of two other conventions.

Table 11: Synergies of Biodiversity with other Rio Conventions

SI Name of the Name of Action Issues for Integration
No Convention Plan/Program
UNCBD National Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use will
Biodiversity enhance climate change mitigation and adaptation, as
Strategy and well as it will help addressing desertification and land
Action Plan degradation. The updated NBSAP has taken the issues
(NB SAP) of ecosystem based adaptation and activities to address
land degradation
2 UNFCCC National Adaptation projects identified in NAPA to address
Adaptation vulnerabilities of climate change under UNFCCC must
Program of seek for ecosystem-based approach and concerns of
Action (NAPA) biodiversity conservation and sustainable use issues.
NAPA included, amongst others, short and medium
term titles of the projects related to biodiversity
addressing the vulnerabilities to climate change. The
NAPA projects should be designed and implemented in
such a way so that mal-adaptation could be avoided.
3 UNCCD National Action NAP developed to address desertification and land
Programme degradation under UNCCD has also activities like
(NAP) for identification of indigenous plants for the rehabilitation
combating of degraded land and determine propagation methods of
desertification those plants, emphasis on restoration of wetlands,
scientific and indigenous techniques to combat
desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.

4.3.7: Implementation ofNBSAP towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals:

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the period of 2016-2030 adopted by all member
states of the United Nations in September 2015 set ambitious objectives across the three dimensions
of sustainable development- economic development, social inclusion, and environmental
sustainability, underpinned by good governance. The importance of biodiversity for the 2030 Agenda
is directly recognized in SDG 14 (conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
for sustainable development) and SDG 15 (protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial
ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation
and halt biodiversity loss). A similar interdependence exists between biodiversity and SDG 13 (take
urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts). Healthy ecosystems are the most important
carbon sinics and biodiversity is essential for resilient livelihoods and maintaining ecosystem services
under impacts of climate change. Implementation of National Biodiversity targets under the NBSAP
can provide useful insight and support towards achieving more than half of all SDGs. The
biodiversity-focused SDGs can make direct use of the data submitted under the CBD, making the case
for aligned reporting frameworks to capitalize on CBD experience and avoid duplication of work.
Other SDGs can benefit from significant synergies and co-benefits.

Understanding the relationships of NBSAP targets and Biodiversity related SDGs could be useful for
mainstreaming biodiversity across the sectors and the relevant stakeholders. With the implementation
of NBSAP targets, these will make tremendous impacts to achieve corresponding SDG targets.

Table: 12 Linkage between Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets and NBSAP targets
SDG Target related to
NBSAP Targets
1 Expected Achievement
towards SDG implementation
14.5 By 2020, conserve at 11. By 2021, Bangladesh’s 5% If NBSAP target is
least 10 per cent of coastal and area under terrestrial ecosystem implemented, it is expected that
marine areas, consistent with (forests), 3% area under inland corresponding SDG target 14.5
national and international law wetlands and coastal will be achieved within 2020
and based on the best available ecosystems and 5% of total
scientific marine area will come under
Information PAs or ECAs with
development and
implementation of management
plan for these areas
15.1 By 2020, ensure the 14. By 2021, develop and If NBSAP target is
conservation, restoration and implement restoration plan for implemented, degraded
sustainable use of terrestrial degraded wetlands and rivers ecosystem will be restored
and inland freshwater taking into account the needs of afterwards within the stipulated
ecosystems and their services, vulnerable people and local period of SDG by 2030 and
in particular forests, wetlands, communities corresponding SDG target will
mountains and dry lands, in be achieved, significantly by
line with obligations under that time.
international agreements
15.2 By 2020, promote the 7. By 2021, development of If the NBSAP target is
implementation of sustainable Integrated Management Plan implemented, integrated
management of all types will be completed for areas management plan will be in
of forests, halt deforestation, under agriculture, aquaculture place towards achieving the
restore degraded forests and and forestry towards ensuring corresponding SDG target
substantially increase conservation and sustainable
afforestation and reforestation use of biodiversity
15.5 Take urgent and 5. By 2021, studies on the rate Once the NBSAP target is
significant action to reduce the of habitat loss will be implemented, baseline of
degradation of natural furnished towards promoting natural habitat loss will be
habitats, halt the loss of implementation of land use identified which will be
biodiversity and, by 2020, policy and enforcement of supportive towards
protect and prevent the relevant legislations on development of management
extinction of threatened conservation of natural habitats plan that will lead to achieve
species corresponding SDG target

SDG Target related to NBSAP Targets Expected Achievement
Biodiversity towards SDG implementation
15.6 Promote fair and 16. By 2016, Bangladesh Towards fulfilling NBSAP
equitable sharing of the Biological Diversity Act target, Bangladesh is in the fmal
benefits arising from the addressing the issues of ABS stage to enact Biological
utilization will be finalized and the Diversity Act covering ABS
of genetic resources and instrument of ratification for issues that will lead a great deal
promote appropriate access to the Nagoya Protocol on ABS of progress towards achieving
such resources, as will be submitted to the the corresponding SDG target
internationally agreed secretariat of CBD

15.8 By 2020, introduce 9. By 2021, study on the If NBSAP target is

measures to prevent the impact of lAS will be implemented effective
introduction and significantly furnished, regulations towards regulatory system will be
reduce the impact of invasive control of lAS will be developed to control the lAS
alien species on land and water developed and capacities at the towards implementation of
ecosystems and port-of-entries will be enhanced corresponding SDG target.
control or eradicate the priority to regulate LAS
15.9 By 2020, integrate 2. By 2021, Assessment of Biodiversity and ecosystem
ecosystem and biodiversity valuation of goods and services
services provide “life support
values into national and local of maj or ecosystems will be system” for human being, yet it
planning, development furnished towards integration is not accounted in the
processes, poverty reduction into national accounting system
development plan, as well as
strategies and accounts National accounting system.
If NB SAP target is
implemented value of
biodiversity will be included
into National Plan as well as
accounting system towards
achieving corresponding SDG
15.a Mobilize and significantly 20. By 2017, financial If NBSAP target is
increase financial resources resources will be mobilized implemented, financial flow
from all sources to conserve towards accelerated from internal and external
and sustainably use implementation of targets and sources will be increased
biodiversity and ecosystems activities of updated NBSAP which will ensure conservation
of biodiversity and sustainable
use and thus it will lead to
achieve corresponding of SDG

4.3.8 Integration ofBiodiversity into Educational System

Education system in the country could contribute a lot in terms of integrating courses of biodiversity
issues, especially on importance of conservation, sustainable use, research and development
addressing loss of genetic resources, threatened wildlife, opportunities of bio-prospecting and on the
fate of biodiversity in the face of climate change and other man-made interventions. Academic
institutions have to play vital role on building an environment and biodiversity sensitive generation
who will lead the country in future.

Table 13: Integrating biodiversity into educational system

Types of Activities
Formal Education • Include valuation of goods and services of biodiversity and ecosystem into

the course of secondary to higher level students

. Co-curricular activities including study tours/excursions, etc. on
Training programs for teachers at Teachers Training Institutes (TTIs) on
environment and biodiversity
. Provision of research on biodiversity for the graduate and post graduate

Non-Formal • Education materials like video documentary to be documented and shown to

Education audiences or visitors in the Zoos, Botanical Gardens, Museums and other
places of tourist attraction
. Biodiversity focused documentary to be broadcast in the electronic and print
. Mass notification to be published in print media
I Exhibition on economic value of Biodiversity
• Display boards showing do’s and don’ts on biodiversity
‘ Promotion of ecotourism

Endangered saltwater crocodile (Crocodyluspotvsus). Let’s conserve them!

BOX -9 Bangladesh’s Attainment on Environment and Biodiversity Conservation
Bangladesh has achieved several prestigious awards over the years on conservation of environment
and biodiversity for showcasing various conservation models or adaptation initiatives those have
drawn attention of global community. Here are some of the notable attainments:
Champion of the Earth Award 2015: In recognition of Her Excellency, Hon’ble Prime Minister
of the Government of the
People’s Republic of
Bangladesh, Sheikh
Hasina’s accomplishments,
she has won the Champion
of the Earth Award of
UNEP in 2015. She has
become one of the winners
of the United Nation’s
highest environmental
accolade, in recognition of
Bangladesh’s far-reaching
initiatives to address
climate change. Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina
has demonstrated leadership and vision in both making climate change an issue of national priority
and advocating for an ambitious global response. As an early adopter and advocate of climate
change adaptation policy, she continues to be an example to follow as world leaders seek to take
action on climate change as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. The award cites the
progressive Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan of 2009, which made
Bangladesh the first developing country to frame such a coordinated action plan. Bangladesh is also
the first country to set up its own Climate Change Trust Fund supported by nearly US$300 million
of domestic resources from 2009-20 12.
Equator Award 2012: Chunati wildlife sanctuary co-management committee has secured Equator
Award 2012 declared by United Nation.
Ongarri Mathai Award 2012: Encourage to local community and women for Biodiversity
conservation and stop illegal cutting of tree at Taknaf wildlife sanctuary in Cox’s Bazzar won by
Khurshida Begum.
Earth care Award 2012: Ministry of Environment and Forests has secured this recognition under
the project ‘Community based adaptation to climate change. The project introduced integrated
approach of plantation with fruits and fish culture.
Climate Award 2012: Shift settlement of 700 families for wildlife conservation at Madhupur
forests in Tangail district by Bangladesh Forests Department.
UN Best Project Recognition 2012: Under the Community based adaptation to climate change’
project participation of local communities in dyke plantation and creation of livelihood
opportunities at Char Kukri-Mukri in Bhola district.

5. National Targets and Activities Towards
Implementation of NBSAP
Towards achieving Biodiversity Targets at the global level, each country has to play a strong role at
the national level. Considering the fact, updating process of NBSAP has gone through a series of
consultations with relevant stakeholders at both divisional and national levels. A total of 20 National
Targets with 50 activities has been set for the period from 2015-16 to 2020-21 (Table 15). Under
each target, separate activities have been set to achieve the goals. These targets and activities have
been articulated taking into consideration of the current status of biodiversity, the socio-economic
condition, infrastructural setup and timeframe.

BOX -10 The Biodiversity Strategic Planning and Aichi Biodiversity Targets
The Biodiversity Strategic Planning 2011-2020 is comprised of a shared vision, a mission, strategic
goals and 20 ambitious yet achievable targets, collectively known as the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.
The Strategic Plan serves as a flexible framework for the establishment of national and regional
targets and it promotes the coherent and effective implementation of the three objectives of the
Convention on Biological Diversity. Biodiversity and ecosystems feature prominently in the 2030
Agenda of Sustainable Development. The two Sustainable Development Goals are directly related to
biodiversity; Goals 14 and 15 provide extensive targets on marine and terrestrial biodiversity and
ecosystems. Target 15.9 directly links biodiversity to the top priority of the 2030 Agenda poverty

eradication by calling tbr the “integration of biodiversity and ecosystem values into national and

local planning, development processes, poverty reduction strategies and accounts”. For the details of
the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, please visit 1-2020/Aichi-

- Understand Reduce Enhance

values pollution resilience

Mainstream Reduce Implement

biodiversity invasive spp. Nagoya Prot.

Address Minimize Revise

incentives reef loss NBSAPs

Sustainable Protected Respect and

production areas conserve TK

j’ Halve rate of Prevent Improve

I loss extinctions knowledge

Sustainable Conserve Mobilize

fIsheries gene pool resources
Manage Restore
within limits ecosystems

To follow up or monitor the progress of the implementation of targets and activities a set of indicators has been identified for each activity under the targets.
Responsible ministries and departments of the Government, as well as associated organizations has also been identified considering the relevance and institutional
capacity. National targets, activities and indicators are shown in the Table 14.

Table 14 : National Targets, Activities, Implementation Strategies and Responsible Organizations, Indicators and Indicative Budget

National Targets Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative

Ministry/Organization Ministry I Budget in

Organization Million

Strategic Goal A: Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society

1. By 2021, relevant 1. Celebrate national and MoEF and its agencies: DoE and BFD will MoE, MoPME, Level of 500.00

stakeholders will be aware international days related to organize awareness raising events on these Mol, MoA, MoFL, perception
on the value of biodiversity biodiversity. days, MoE, MoPME, Mol, MoA, MoFL, MoWR, MoC, among the
and play an active role in MoWR, MoC, NGO, MoLGRD will be MoLGRD, NGO stakeholder,
ensuring sustainable use invited to participate in these events Number of
events, outreach
materials and
2. Include valuation of goods DoE under MoEF will prepare text on values MoE Values of 100.00
and services of biodiversity of ecosystem services and sustainable use of biodiversity
and ecosystem into the course biodiversity in collaboration with MoE and included in the
of secondary to higher level MoPME textbook
3. Make communities (viz. MoEF and its agencies: DoE and BFD will MoA, MoFL, Number of 100.00
farmers, fishermen, ethnic organize traming and motivation programs at CHTs Affairs, training,
group, people living in
and the community level MoLGRD motivation
around PAs/ECAs, Para Kendra programs and
(village centre) of the CHT etc,) participants
National Targets Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry I Budget In
Organization Million
aware of conservation of
biodiversity and how to ensure
through, training and motivation

4. Conduct training program on MoEF and its agencies: DoE and BFD will MoRA, MoLGRD, Number of 200.00
biodiversity issues for the organize training and advocacy programs in Mol training/advoca
religious and community leaders collaboration with MoRA (Islamic cy programs
and media persons and advocacy Foundation!Jmam Training Institute and other Number of
program for public religious institutes), MoSW (NGO Bureau) people trained
representatives and local government institutions up

5.Include biodiversity in the DoE under MoEF will prepare training All relevant Biodiversity 50.00
training modules of module on biodiversity in collaboration with Ministry included in the
Government/Non-government relevant ministries/ agency training module
6. Aware people through DoE and BFD will prepare content of Mol, Print and Number of 200.00
electronic and print media awareness materials on biodiversity and take electronic media documentaries
initiative for publicity in the print and aired and air
electronic media time
Number of
news/articles in
print media
National Targets Activities Lmplementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry I Budget in
Organization Million
2. By 2021, 1. Conduct study on valuation of DoE will take development project on MoEF, MoL, Project 100.00
Assessment of valuation of goods and services of major valuation and implement it ensuring MoA, MoLF document
goods and services of ecosystem engagement of relevant actors or users of valuation study
major ecosystems will be ecosystem goods and services, report
furnished towards 2. Make proposal to the DoE will prepare proposal to MoEF with the MoF, MoP (BBS) DoE proposal 50.00
integration into national government to incorporate value result of valuation studies to be taken into with Valuation
accounting system of ecosystem goods and services account by the Ministry of Finance and study reports
in the green GDP calculation. Ministry of Planning.

3. By 2021, Studies on the 1. Conduct study on impacts of DoE will take project to conduct study on MoA, NARS, Project 10.00
impacts of incentives or incentives or subsidies impacts of incentives or subsidies on BARC, DAE document
subsidies on biodiversity, harmful to biodiversity. biodiversity ensuring engagement of MoA, Study report on
as well as development of NARS institutes, BARC, DAE, etc. to impacts
policy roadmaps for fmalize the study report with policy roadmap Document of
phasing out of incentives towards phasing out of incentives and Policy roadmap,
or subsidies harmful to subsidies.
biodiversity will be 2.Developed Policy Road map DoE will send study report and the Policy MoA Proposal of 5.00
completed towards for phasing out of incentives or Roadmap to MoEF for implementation by MOEF to MOA
mainstreaming the relevant subsidies harmful to biodiversity Ministry of Agriculture for phasing-out
ministry for of harmful
implementation of the subsidies or
policy roadmap. incentives
4. By 2021, Policy on 1. Development of policy on DoE will take project on preparation of the MoA, MoL, MoFL Project 30.00
Sustainable and sustainable consumption and policy on sustainable consumption and MoWR document
Consumption Production production maintaining safe production maintaining safe ecological limit Policy
(SCP) to maintain safe ecological limit of natural of natural resources of major ecosystems. document on
National Targets Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry I Budget in
Organization Million
ecological limit of natural resources of major The preparation process would ensure sustainable
resources of major ecosystems. participation of all the stakeholders from production and
ecosystems will be field level to national level, consumption
furnished and disseminate dissemination
the policy to all the event.
stakeholders will be done 2. Dissemination of the policy toThe prepared policy will be disseminated MoA, MoL, MoFL 10.00
towards implementation the entire stakeholder towards through launching event, as well as, MoWR
implementation. distribution to the relevant ministries and
organizations towards playing their role in
Strategic Goal B: Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use
5. By 2021, studies on the 1. Conduct studies to assess the DoE will take project to conduct study to MoL, MoWRS Project 100.00
rate of habitat loss will be rate of loss of natural assess the rate of loss of natural habitats. MoA, MoCHTs document
furnished towards habitats Affairs study report on
promoting implementation rate of loss of
of land use policy and natural habitats
enforcement of relevant 2. Implement Land use Policy MoL in association with DoE will implement Number of 50.00
legislations on and Enforcement of relevant the land use policy; DoE, FD and Dof will enforcement
conservation of natural legislations for ensuring conduct enforcement drive following the drive
habitats conservation of natural relevant legislation ensuring conservation of Compensation
habitats natural habitats. realized
6. By 2021, stock 1. Take development project to DoF will take project to complete stock MoL, MoWR Project 50.00
assessment of fish, complete stock assessment on assessment on fish, invertebrate stocks and document
invertebrate stocks and fish, invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants with safe ecological limit of Report on stock
aquatic plants will be aquatic plants of marine areas marine areas and major inland wetland assessment
undertaken keeping in and major inland wetland ecosystems.

National Targets Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry / Budget in
Organization Million
mind the safe ecological ecosystems.
limit and awareness raising
of the stakeholders will be
enhanced so that aquatic
biodiversity will be
managed and harvested 2. Develop sustainable DoF in association with DoE will take MoWR Project 20.00
sustainably, legally taking harvesting guideline for fish, project to prepare sustainable harvesting document
into account of ecosystem invertebrate stocks and aquatic guideline for fish, invertebrate stocks and Sustainable
based approach towards plants in case of marine areas aquatic plants through participation of all harvesting
avoidance of overflshing and inland wetland ecosystems. stakeholders. Guidelines for
and conservation of fish,
threatened species and invertebrate
vulnerable ecosystems. stocks and
aquatic plants
3. Prepare conservation DoF in association with DoE will take MoWR Project 30.00
management plan for major project to Prepare conservation management document
ecosystems in case of plan for major ecosystems in case of marine Conservation
marine areas and inland areas and inland wetland ecosystems Management
wetland ecosystems Plan
towards avoiding
overfishing and ensuring
conservation of threatened
species and vulnerable
4. Dissemination of stock DoF in association with DoE will MoWR Launching event 20.00
assessment report, sustainable disseminate stock assessment report, awareness
National Targets Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry / Budget in
Organization Million
harvestingguideline and a sustainable harvesting guideline and materials
management plan among the management pian and other awareness
stakeholders with other materials
awareness materials.
7. By 2021, development 1. Taking up Development DoE will take project to develop integrated MoA, BARC, Project 50.00
of Integrated Management project towards preparation of management plan with the participation of DAE DoF, BFD Document
Plan will be completed for integrated management plan relevant stakeholder Integrated
areas under agriculture, for areas under agriculture, Management
aquaculture and forestry fisheries and forest for policy! Plan
towards ensuring biodiversity conservation and
conservation and sustainable use.
sustainable use of 2. Complete land zoning for MOL will take development project to MoEF, MoA, Project 300.00
biodiversity important areas under complete land zoning DoF, BFD document
agriculture, aquaculture and land zoning
forestry document

3. Dessimination of the plan MOL will be disseminate the prepared plan MoL, MoA, DoF, Launching 20.00
among the stakeholder towards through launching event, as well as, BFD events and
implementation distribution to the relevant ministries and availability of
organizations the awareness
among the
. stakeholder
4. Prepare GIS based maps DoE will take project to prepare GIS based BFD, MoA, Database 50.00
showing forest, agriculture Database MoWR, CEGIS
land, waterbodies or other

National Targets Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry / Budget in
Organization Million
natural features
8. By 2021, study on I Conduct study on impact of DoE will take project to conduct study on MoA, Molnd Project 50.00
impact of pollution and pollution and excess nutrient impact of pollution and excess nutrient on document,
excess nutrient on on functioning of major functioning of major ecosystems Study report
functioning of major ecosystems
ecosystems will be 4. Enhance enforcement drive DoE will drive enforcement for controlling MoA, Molnd Number of 100.00
conducted and for controlling of pollution. of pollution enforcement
enforcement drive for drive
controlling pollution will Compensation
be strengthened. realized
9. By 2021, study on the 1. Conduct study on the impact MoEF will take project to conduct study on MoL, DoF Project 10.00
impact of lAS will be of lAS on biodiversity the impact lAS ensuring relevant stakeholder document
furnished, regulations Study Report.
towards control of lAS will 2. Develop guideline for DoE will take project to develop the BFD, DoF Project 20.00
be developed and controlling and combating guideline for controlling and combating the document
capacities at the port-of- the impact of LAS impact of lAS Guideline
entries will be enhanced to document
regulate LAS. 3. Strengthening quarantine MoA will take initiatives to ensure MoHome Affairs Functional 100.00
system at all port of entries quarantine system at the port of entries MoS, MoCAT quarantine
of the country system in place

4. Develop management plan DoE will take project to prepare management MoS Project 20.00
for treatmentlcontrol of plan for treatment /control of ballast water to document
ballast water to regulate lAS regulate LAS lAS
National Targets Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry I Budget in
Organization Million
5. Dissemination of the DoE will ensure distribution of the BFD, DoF No. of events to 20.00

guideline and plan among documents to the relevant ministries and circulate the

the stakeholder towards organizations. documents

implementation availability of
the guideline
and plan among
the stakeholder

10. By 2021, multiple 1. Develop tourism guidelines DoE will take project to prepare tourism MoCAT Tourism 10.00

pressure on coral guidelines with the collaboration of relevant guidelines

associated island (St. stakeholder

Martin) and Sundarban 2. Prepare or update management DoE and BFD will take project to prepare or MoCAT Project 200.00

mangrove ecosystem will plan update management plan for respective areas document

be reduced through . Management

implementation of plan
management plan of the
ecosystems. -______

Strategic Goal C: To improve thc status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity
11. By 2021, Bangladesh’s 1. Identify new areas of BFD and DoE will identify new areas and MoL, MoWR Gazette 20.00
3% area under terresirial biodiversity significance for make proposal to MoEF for declaration as notification of

ecosystem (forests), 3% declaration as PAs and PAs and ECAs. new PAs and

area under inland wetlands ECAs ECAs

and coastal ecosystems and

5% of total marine area
will come under PAs or
ECAs with development 2. Development of management BFD, and DoE will prepare management MoL, MoWR Published 200.00
and implementation of plan for PAs plan and submit it to MoEF for approval and management plan

National Targets Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry I Budget in
Organization Million
management plan for these and ECAs circulation
3. Strengthen and expand BFD, and DoE will implement management MoLGRD, Number of 2000.00
community based plan through relevant government agencies, JNGO, functional VCG
management or co-manage- CBOs and NGOs Development or CMC
melt in all PAs and
12. By 2021, the 1. Preparation of list of MoEF, MoA and MoFL will work together IIJCN,BNH Updated list of 200.00
extinction of known threatened species which are on updating list of threatened species through threatened flora
threatened species will be most in decline, the agencies like BFD, DoE, BNH, NARS and fauna
prevented and their institutes, university faculties and IUCN will
conservation status, take project to prepare list of threatened
particularly of those most species which are in most decline. DoE and
in decline, has been BFD will provide support with development
improved and sustained project to undertake the activity.
2. Take recovery programme to BFD, DoE, NARS institutes and DLS will IUCN, BNH Number of 500.00
prevent extinction of the take recovery programme to prevent recovered species
known threatened flora and extinction of known flora and fauna availability of
fauna threatened flora
and fauna
13. By 2021, capacity of 1. Establishment of National Ministry of Agriculture will take a project BFRI, BNI-1, Establishment of 1000.0
in-situ and ex-situ Genetic Resources Institute with the support of relevant ministries University NGRI 0
conservation facilities will (NGRI)
be strengthened to
conserve the genetic 2. Strengthen existing gene MoA and MoFL will take development Number of 500.00
diversity of cultivated banks or conservation project to strengthen in-situ and ex-situ strengthen gene
National Targets Activities implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry I Budget in
Organization Million
plants, indigenous facilities in institutes (BARI, conservation facilities of genetic diversity to bank
livestock and poultry BRRI, BLRI, BJRI, BINA, be implemented by the agencies or Number of
resources Universities etc) through organizations working under those species in gene
capacity building, establish ministries. MoEF will facilitate these bank or under
collaboration and prepare a ministries towards resource mobilization for conservation
database accessible to implementing these activities, facilities.
common people
3. Strengthen existing farmers MoA, NARS institute, DLS, DAE will take MoLGRI) Number of 1000.00
and community gene bank motivation and training program to establish farmers and
and promote such initiatives and strengthen the capacity of farmers and community gene
to be established by others, community to establish gene bank for bank
cultivated plants and conservation facilities
for livestock and poultry resources.

Strategic Goal D: Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services
14. By 2021, develop and 1. Prepare restoration plan for DOE and BFD will take project to develop MoWR, MoL Project 100.00
implement restoration plan degraded ecosystems. restoration plan for degraded ecosystem, document
for degraded wetlands and Restoration
rivers taking into account Plan document
the needs of vulnerable
people and local
15. By 2021, initiate 1. Take project to initiate BFD will take project to implementation of MoWR, MoL Project 5000.00
implementation of implementation of restoration restoration plan for degraded forest document
restoration plan for plan for degraded forest ecosystems. Area restored
degraded ecosystems, ecosystems.
National Targets Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
Ministry/Organization Ministry I Budget in
Organization Million
especially, forest lands and 2. Take project to initiate DoE, will take project for implementation of MoWR, MoL Project 5000.00
wetlands for addressing implementation of restoration restoration plan for degraded wetland document
climate change mitigation, plan for degraded wetland ecosystems. Area restored
adaptation and combating ecosystems.

16. By 2016, Bangladesh 1. Pass the Act in the national MoEF will take initiative to pass the act by Local Government Bangladesh 02.00
Biological Diversity Act parliament and circulat e it to the parliament. Biodiversity
addressing the issues of public and implement the act Act enacted
ABS will be finalized and 2. Prepare the Instrument of DoE will help MoEF with the instrument of Nagoya 02.00
the instrument of ratification for Nagoya ratification. Protocol is
ratification for the Nagoya Protocol ensuring ABS ratified
Protocol on ABS will be
submitted to the secretariat
of CBD
Strategic Goal E: Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building
17. By 2016, Bangladesh 1. Update NBSAP with the DoE will take project to update and All relevant Updated
will develop, adopt and participation of relevant implement NBSAP Ministry! NBSAP Report
update NBSAP and stakeholders Organization
commence implementation 2. Adopt NBSAP as a policy MoEF will take action to adopt NBSAP as a All relevant NBSAP 20.00
of the document in an instrument policy instrument. Ministry! adopted as a
effective and participatory Organization policy
manner instrument.

18. By 2021, traditional 1. Take development project to DoE will take project to recognize and MoLGRD,MoCH Project 100.00
knowledge, innovations recognize and document the documentation of the traditional knowledge, Ts document
Activities Implementation strategy and responsible Associated Indicators Indicative
National Targets
Ministry/Organization Ministry / Budget in
Organization Million
and practices of local traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of local Recognized and
communities or ethnic innovations and practices of communities. documented

groups will be recognized local communities. traditional

and documented knowledge,
innovations and
1.Strengthen application of DOE and BFD will take project to be CEGIS, SPARSO Project 100.00
19. By 2021, Agencies
responsible for GIS and Remote Sensing for implemented to establish GIS and RS setup. document,
Biodiversity and Natural monitoring of biodiversity Application of
Resources Management GIS and RS
will be adopting modem 2.Establish Clearing House DoE will take initiative to establish and All relevant Project 05.00
information technology Mechanism (CHM) and make operationalize CHM stakeholder document,
like GIS and RS and it operationaized Established and
information on biodiversity operationalized
will be shared through CHM.
Clearing House
Mechanism (CHM)
20. By 2017, financial 1. Accelerate financial resource MoEF with the help of Economic Relations ERD, MoF and all Adequate 5.00

resources will be mobilization from external and Division will take actions to increase other relevant resources for
mobilized towards internal sources mobilization of fmancial resources from stakeholder NBSAP
accelerated internal and external resources. implementation
implementation of targets
and activities of updated
6. Capacity Development for Implementation of
Capacity development is the key issue for implementing any novel type of plan that needs human
engagement, as well as technological excellences to move the plan ahead. NBSAP implementation
requires the capacity of the organizations and managers to be up-scaled for discharging their
responsibilities with optimum level of application of technical and technological knowhow.

6.1 Capacity Development Needs

In order to achieve the targets of the updated NBSAP, capacity building is effectively needed at
individual, institutional and systemic levels.

6.1.1 Individual capacity development

Capacity development initiative at individual level aims at developing ability for the personnel from
grass-root level to the policy makers who are involved in management of biodiversity or who are
associated with implementation of NB SAP. Individual level capacity includes attaining improved
knowledge, professional skills, awareness and motivation towards conservation and sustainable use
and decision making capability to this end.

This is going without say that implementing the activities highlighted in the NBSAP and attaining the
targets needs active engagement of individuals having expertise on biodiversity. Without
strengthening capability towards understanding and assessing the nature and dynamics of the
problems of ensuring conservation and sustainable use or enforcement of access and benefit sharing
regime would be challenging a task. In that regard strengthening capacity of the individuals (officials,
scientists and researchers) working in the relevant departments like DOE, BFD, DOF, DAE, research
organizations like NARS institutes, NGOs, CBOs and financing entities or organizations is very
important and it could be achieved through imparting intensive training, organizing consultations,
establishing interactions and networking among the individuals.

6.1.2 Institutional capacity development

Institutional capacity development is needed to have stronger institutes or organizations equipped
with logistics and infrastructural facilities towards effective implementation of NBSAP. Many
institutes or departments already have the research labs and logistics while some others are still
lacking adequate facility to cover research and development on biodiversity. A detailed capacity
needs assessment will be required as a starting point of implementing NBSAP,

In the context of Bangladesh, if the capacity question comes, we find that the country has established
Government institutions and Non-government agencies working in the arena of the development
aspect of Biodiversity. Ministry of Environment and Forests is coordinating biodiversity activities in
the country. The Ministry is implementing development initiatives through the departments:
Department of Environment and Bangladesh Forest Department and the institutes: Bangladesh Forest
Research Institutes, Bangladesh National Herbarium. Bangladesh Climate Change Trust is working
under MOEF to manage government fund entrusted to address climate change. At the government
institutional level, capacity building is required for the agencies under the MOEF, as well as for
Department of Agriculture Extension, Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Bangladesh

Forest Research Institute, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research
Institute, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute and many more of this kind may be mentioned which
have got researchers/scientists/officials working in the areas of biodiversity but without having
adequate number of people and logistic supports.

Most of the public and private universities of the country have the departments on environmental
science and management, plant/animal science and biotechnology. These Universities produce work
force on management of biodiversity and related areas. In addition, these universities and institutes
conduct research works on issues like environmental status, loss of ecosystems and habitats, spatial
and temporal changes, detection of land use and land cover, biodiversity assessment and monitoring
issues, etc. These institutes need adequate number of skilled researchers, as well as lab facilities and
others logistic supports to be enable to contribute much more to the process of implementation of

A strong role has been played by local and international NGOs and development partners in research
and development on biodiversity conservation and sustainable management. The specialized
knowledge of these organizations and their publications are sometimes are very useful for the decision
makers. In addition, country offices of UNDP, World Bank, ADB and FAO foster research and
development programs relevant to biodiversity. These organizations also need skilled officials who
understand the problems of biodiversity and management needs to undertake appropriate projects.

Towards ensuring implementation of NB SAP and SDG targets, capacities of the institutes need to be
re-energized with mobilization of adequate financial resources and technological knowhow.

6.1.3 Systemic capacity development

Systemic capacity development aims at having in place the national policies, acts, rules and
regulations that create clear mission, vision, mandate and resource allocation towards effective
implementation of NBSAP. The Government of Bangladesh included Biodiversity and environment
issues in The Constitution of People’s of Republic of Bangladesh and formulated Bangladesh
Biological Diversity Act. Development of comprehensive rules-regulations will be required to
implement the Act. Furthermore, there are other acts which are related to biodiversity conservation
and sustainable use are: Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act 1995 (amendment in 2010), The
Forest Act 1927 (amendment in 2000), Wildlife (Conservation and Security) Act 2012, Brick
manufacturing and Kiln installation Act 2013, Plant Quarantine Act 2011, Fish Conservation and
Protection Act 1950, etc.
Capacity development needs at individual, institutional and systemic levels to implement NBSAP are
shown in Table 15.

TabIel5 Capacity Development Needs for implementation of NBSAP

Category Capacity Needs Contributing to Responsible
Achieve National Ministries/Agencies/Inst
Target Number itutes
Individual I. Training and Advocacy Program for I DoE, MoEF
level Policy level on Biodiversity
2. Training for trainer to provide training 1 DoE, MoEF
on biodiversity conservation and
sustainable use issues at DOE, BFD,
DOF, NARS Institutes, NAPD, BPATC,

Category Capacity Needs Contributing to Responsible
Achieve National Ministries/Agencies/Inst
Target Number itutes
3. Training for teachers of Environmental DoE, MoEF
Science, Biological Sciences, Social
Sciences, Development Studies and
other relevant disciplines towards
introducing biodiversity related
curriculum at Public and Private
4. Develop community groups; impart 1 DoE, BFD, DOF, NARS
training and motivation for biodiversity Institutes
conservation among these groups in PAs
and ECAs or other areas of biodiversity
5. Training of field level extension 3 DAE, NARS Institutes
personnel and farmers for balanced use
of chemical fertilizer, granular urea and
practices on Integrated Crop
Management (1CM) that includes
Seedling Establishment, Integrated
Disease Management (1DM),
Integrated Pest Management (1PM),
Integrated Weed Management
(IWM), Integrated Nutrient
Management (INM), etc. issues.
6. Training of officials in all ports of 9 DoE, DAE
entries to prevent importation and
introduction of lAS.
7. Training on use of GIS, Remote Sensing 19 DoE, BFD, DoF, DAE
and others moderns tools in relation to
biodiversity conservation and natural
resources management
8. Training on maintaining and updating of 19 DoE
Clearing_House Mechanism_(CHM)
9. Training for researchers on germplasm 13 NARS
conservation and sustainable use
Institutional 10. Establish biodiversity cell in relevant 17 Relevant
level ministry/agency/organization for Ministry/Agencies
implementation of NB SAP
1 1. Strengthen enforcement capability of II BFD, DoE
the managers responsible for the
management of PAs/ECAs
12. Strengthening the research and 11 BFD, DOE, BFRI, FRI
development facilities for In-situ
conservation in the PAs/ECAs, etc.
13. Strengthen enforcement drive to control 8 DoE
14. Provide incentive to promote 1CM 3 MoA, DAE

Category Capacity Needs Contributing to Responsible
Achieve National Ministries/Agencies/Inst
Target Number itutes
15. Enhance logistic support at the port of 9 MoCAT, MoS
entries to deal unauthorized genetic
16. Install and operate Common Effluent 8 MOl
Treatment Plant (CETP) in the
industrial zones
17. Train-up DOE officials for regular 19 DoE
updating_of CHM
18. Strengthening the research and 13 MOA
development facilities of Ex-situ
conservation in BARI, BRRI, FRI,
Botanical Gardens, Zoos and in the
Academic Institutions, etc.
Systemic 19. Develop effective policies, strategies 1 MOEF, MOA, MOFLR
level along with functional legislations, rules-
regulations or standards on biodiversity
conservation and sustainable use
20. Enhance the capacity of coordination All Targets MOEF
and engagement of various public and
private organizations towards NB SAP
21. Developing and strengthening systems 13 MoA
for monitoring and safeguarding genetic
diversity and minimizing erosion of
plant genetic resources.
22. Strengthening capacity to liaison with 20 MoF
development partners for enhancing
23. Develop capacity of effective utilization 20 MOEF, MOFLR,
of financial resources in biodiversity MOA and the
related projects agencies there under
24. Develop partnership with business 20 MOEF, MOl, MOC
association (like FBCCI, DCCI,
BJMEA, BKMEA) to channelize a
significant portion of CSR and introduce
market based certification to the
companies which are following

6.2 TechnoIo Needs

Technology is playing a powerful role towards addressing various management problems of
biodiversity and thus it is very important for the implementation of NBSAP. Effective diffusion and
transfer of technology will be dependent on adequate fmancing and cooperation among the developed
and developing nations. Bangladesh as a developing nation is suffering a lot in terms of vulnerability
to climate change and other man-made disasters. Biodiversity is the innocent victim of the onslaught
of climate change and other disasters. Towards ensuring better adaptation or risk management of
climate change or other vulnerability, services offered by the ecosystems of the country must be
protected. To this end, technological applications and innovations will be the cornerstone to achieve
the successes of implementation of NBSAP. The technology needs with the results are illustrated in
the Table 16.

Table 16 Technology Needs and Expected Results for various sectors of Biodiversity management

Prioritized_Technologies Relevant
Sector National Expected Results
Basic Technologies Associated Issues
Targets —

Environment 1. Industrial effluents treatment plants/bio- 6. Promotion of the industries or 8, 11, 14 1. Reduced water poLlution,
treatments of waste/waste water treatment factories that maintain the improved aquatic biodiversity
plants highest Level of sustainable and ecosystem services
2. Biological means to treat water (i.e. snails); practice or to introduce easy 2. Environmental flow
using eggshells to remove toxic water loan for sustainable industries maintained to an optimum
pollutants (e.g. Chromium) 7. Restoration of rivers, such as level
3. Artificial wetlands/reed lands based waste the Buriganga, the Sitalakhya
water treatment and the Karnaphuli
4. Application of GIS and RS (remotely sensed
images derived from satellites, radar, lider
and drones to map the wetlands cover, 3D
map and cost-effective survey for all the
wetlands of Bangladesh
5. Predictive mathematical models to project the
future of river/canal water flow, pollution and
Forestry 1. Application of GIS and RS (remotely sensed 9. Building capacity to introduce 5, 7, 9, 1. Changes in forest resources
images derived from satellites, radar, lider FSC & MSC to ensure 10, 12 and forest health monitored
and drones to map the forests cover, total sustainable harvest 2. Forest and protected area
biomass, 3D map and cost-effective survey in 1 0.lnfrastructural development to improvement initiatives
the forests of Bangladesh redefme the National Botanical facilitated
2. Ecosystems modelling towards restoration; Garden as a centre attraction 3. Species diversity and
carbon sequestration; resilience for not only capturing ecosystem integrity are
3. Use of SCP (Spatial Conservation Planning) botanical knowledge but also maintained
framework and software in Protected Area for other target groups (e.g. 4. Wildlife trafficking reduced
planning depending on the allocated resources introducing jungle or trail through multifaceted
4. Continuous update on the fragmentation of biking, spot for birdwatchers, monitoring approach
Prioritized Technologies Relevant
Sector . National Expected Results
Basic Technologies Associated Issues
forest and possible corridors with the help of etc.) 5. National repositories of live
GIS and collected specimens

5. Camera-trapping technology to record the maintained for research on

biodiversity of the forest and radio-collaring plant biodiversity

and bird-ringing to track the migration or
movement or to stop poaching and hunting of
wild vertebrates
6. Modem quarantine tools, vigilance and
monitoring tools and techniques for pet
animals, ornamental plants, seeds, exotic
plants, fish and genomes
7. Develop app on the details of national
botanical garden to make the public learning
8. Develop a database for Bangladesh National
Herbarium on stored herbarium specimens
collected from all over the country
Agriculture 1. Organic agro-technologies, e.g. Integrated 1. Identifying and building 3, 7, 9, 1. Less dependent on
Pest Management, bio-fertilizers capacity on patent issues of 11, 13, fertilizer/pesticides that are
2. Identifying land that suits best for either land unique and indigenous agro- 18, 19 harmful for environment
sharing or land sparing based products 2. Maximizing local biodiversity
3. Crop rotation! Inter-cropping! Agro-forestry/ 2. Preservation of seeds of through planned land sharing
Homestead forestry different local and native fruits, or land sparing technique
4. Enhanced apiculture medicinal plants and other which in turn meet the
5. Research facility or centre on drought- trees, etc. demand for food
resistant, salinity-resistant and disease- 3. Building and increasing the 3. Preservation of genetic
resistant seeds capacity to record and sustain diversity of native and
6. Less natural resource-dependent agro-tech, the indigenous practices in indigenous plant species
e.g. alternative wet-dry irrigation method agriculture I. Agro-forestry, inter-cropping
Prioritized Technologies Relevant
Sector National Expected Results
Basic Technologies Associated Issues
7. Surveying and inventorying, and exploration 4. Recognizing the traditional promises to increase the
and collection of germplasm ecological knowledge that have economic sustainability and
8. In vitro and cryopreservation, DNA bank, been practiced for millennia in enhance the diversity of farm
seed bank, field gene bank Bangladesh land
9. Characterization and evaluation of germplasm 5. Building germplasm centre 5. Apiculture increases the
and identification of important trait with necessary natural pollinators and

10. Molecular characterization of germplasm resources/equipments and ultimately increases the

human resources production through increased
6. Number of cultivated and wild
plant in Bangladesh will be
7. Germplasm will be in secured
8. Genetic diversity of crop will
be identified
9. Intellectual Property Right
(TPR) will be established
through morpho-molecular
characterization of germplasm

Fisheries and 1. Turtle Excluder Device (TED) in fishing 1. Improvement of the existing 4, 6, 7, 9 1. Sustainable exploitation of

Livestock 2. Attaching tracking device to deep sea fishing fish landing centres and inland water and marine

boats or trawlers increase the facility with the resources

3. Models to jdentifS’ what would be the estimation of the fish and 2. Create options for alternative
sustainable exploitation of fish and fisheries fisheries harvest from inland livelihood income sources to
resources and coastal-marine area lessen the pressure on inland
4. Improved fish and fisheries farming 2. Authoritative body to keep and marine resources

technologies in freshwater, estuary and marine track of the introduction of 3. Meeting the demand of
Prioritized Technologies Relevant
Sector . National
00 Expected Results
Basic Technologies Associated Issues
water resources and enhance malacoculture new breed or cross in fisheries protein
5. Testing kit/device to measure water quality and livestock sector 4. Employment opportunities for
• 6. Models and software to predict the fisheries 3. Identification of more women- both men and women
stock for future friendly fisheries culture (e.g. 5. Engagement of women as
7. Testing tools for farmers to examine and cage culture) bread winner
identify the infectious disease in the fisheries 4. Look for more economically
and livestock and environmentally
8. Develop an apps detailing every bit of sustainable farming of fisheries
information on Dhaka National Zoo and livestock
5. Technical training on the
preparation of exportable
goods from fisheries sector
6. Technical training on
identifying the non-native or
alien species

Tourism 1. Use of separate webpage or portal to establish 1. Use the online platforms to 1 1. Nature-based tourism
the protected areas and small forests as the promote the sustainable and developed and payment for
centre of nature-based tourism environmental-friendly ecosystem services option to
behaviour from tourists improve biodiversity
Prioritized Technologies Relevant
Sector National Expected Results
Basic Technologies Associated Issues
Information 2. Ensure use of ‘Bangabandhu Satellite’ and 1. Citizen science: creating an 1, 2, 5, 1. Widen the scope of
and other future satellite for mapping purposes optionlplatform for school, 1 1, 17, independent research on

Communicati 3. National database or web-portal on the status, college and university students 18, 19 biodiversity conservation and

on value of existing biodiversity in Bangladesh in to volunteer, learn and other related fields on

Technology an interactive and engaging way, separate disseminate knowledge biodiversity

(ICT) platforms for different age groups through surveying and 2. Participation and engagement

4. Free online database of different satellite collecting data on biodiversity of non-experts or layman on

images, focusing forest cover, extent of water of Bangladesh biodiversity related discussion

bodies, and land cover, etc. or dialogue would be

5. Map of Bangladesh with an extension from increased with the sharing of

Google promoting citizen science or para- open access interpretable data

biologists/para-ecologists to incorporateany or databases

new recorded or identified species only with 3. Creating a baseline on the

geographical coordinates existing biodiversity in

6. Inventorying biodiversity with bioinformatics Bangladesh

7. Create an open access system to storage large 4. Building a scope to assess or

data of different climatic parameters, weather, compare the state of

etc. biodiversity in future

5. Creating useful for
biodiversity conservation
7. Resource Mobilization towards Implementation
Bangladesh is a land of rich biodiversity due to its geographic location. The biodiversity of the
country is facing continuous threat of loss due to mobilization of inadequate fmanciaL resources for
biodiversity or ecosystem management. To prevent further loss of biodiversity, the county has to
improve mobilization financial resources in an effective manner, as well as new and innovative
mechanisms of financing should be in place towards management, research and development of
biological resources. Although the government has established Bangladesh Climate Change Trust
Fund (BCCTF) in 2010 to support implementation of Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and
Action Plan (BCCSAP), there is no dedicated fund in the budget headline on Biodiversity or towards
implementation of NBSAP. After signing of CBD in 1992, Biod.iversity issue came up in the several
planning document (Five Year Plans and PRSP) without allocation of specific financial resources.
The seventh five year plan (2016-21) included implementation of NBSAP as an issue, but again no
clear budget allocation is shown for this item.

Bangladesh formulated the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) in 2004 and
Biodiversity National Assessment and Program of Action 2020 (the Fourth National Report to CBD)
in 2010. Although financial resource requirements were outlined in the latter, the first generation
NBSAP did not included financial requirements. Biodiversity conservation or management related
activities until now are carried out by the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) budget or development
partner supported budgets through Annual Development Plan (ADP) or non-ADP projects executed
by the government and non-government agencies.

The updated NBSAP formulation process looked at the existing mechanisms of financial resources
flowing to biodiversity related activities. The status of financial resource allocation to the biodiversity
related organizations have been analyzed towards understanding of the present scenario of budgets.
The following section reveals a glimpse on the budgetary allocation by the government from fiscal
year 2009-10 to 2015-16 for the activities those are directly or indirectly related to biodiversity. Data
on resource allocations in the ADP were collected from the Planning Commission for the last seven
fiscal years (July 2009- June 2016). Information on the biodiversity related projects taken with the
support of BCCTF has also been collected and assessed. Data on non-development budget of two
major organizations (DOE and BFD) have been collected and analyzed to see the trend in resource
flow. Contribution of ODA in biodiversity conservation has also been collected and analyzed.

The projects under ADP and BCCTF have been categorized in two types. The projects that have
potential impacts on biodiversity conservation or have direct linkage with biodiversity conservation
categorized as ‘biodiversity specific conservation projects’. In addition, some projects those might
have positive impact on biodiversity has been categorized as mixed project. The lists of projects those
were analyzed in this chapter are given in Annexure 2 and Annexure 3. An analysis of various
categories of the biodiversity projects is depicted in the following sections.

7.1 Allocation in development budget (ADP)
Allocations through biodiversity specific projects
Over the years, a number of projects
in the sectors of Agriculture, 4500 -- -- —

Forestry, Fisheries and Livestock

have been implemented that
specifically address biodiversity -

conservation and found to have 0000

potential impact over conservation 2500 -


of biodiversity. Specific biodiversity —For,--,lr,

related projects are found to be
——-Li todr
implemented in crop, forestry, roui
fisheries and livestock sub-sectors 1000

under agriculture sector. A total of 500

17860.8 million BDT was allocated
in as a whole in ADP from fiscal 000910 0010-11 2011-12 2012-13 0013-14 201 1-15 2015-lb
year 2009-10 to 2015-16. Analysis Piscal year

on data showed an increasing trend

Figure 17 Fiscal year-wise resource allocation inADP for different
of resource allocation for sectors relevant to biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh
biodiversity conservation in the
ADP with slight decrease in fiscal year 20 15-16 (Figure 17). Resource allocation was highest in fiscal
year 2014-15 (3865.6 million BDT)
followed by 2015-16, 2013-14,
2011-12, 2012-13, 2010-11 and
2009-10 (with 668.9 million BDT). a (:101) a Forestr, m Fisheries a Livestock
Comparing allocation of 2009-10 to
2014-15 and 2015-16, an increase in
growth, almost 5.6 and 5.4 times
was observed respectively in
resource allocation.

An increase in ADP has been

observed in fisheries sector. Other
sectors like forestry, livestock and
crop also showed an increasing trend
with slight decrease in the fiscal year
20 15-16 but compared to 2009-10, a
Figure 18 Contribution of resources under the ADP in different
potential growth in resource sectors for biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh
allocation was observed in all
sectors (Figure 18). Tn this analysis on biodiversity specific projects, the highest resource allocation
was found in forestry sector (10464.3 million BDT) followed by fisheries, crop and livestock sector
(Figure 19).

Allocations through mixed projects in ADP

Some projects have been taken

for addressing different -

objectives but might have

positive impacts over
conservation of biodiversity
were categorized as mixed
project. In one hand, it has been
found that some projects have
been approved in ADP under -

subsectors of agriculture sector

namely crop, fisheries and
livestock might have positive -

impact over biodiversity 11

conservation and have been —---

categorized as mixed project. On -.

1’1 IO H -12 2i1 12 fl1212 ‘24-H 2i l

the other hand, some projects
under irrigation, water resources,
physical planning, water supply Figure 19 Fiscal year-wise resource allocation in mixed projrct
under ADP for different sectors in Bangladesh
and housing and rural
development found to have contribution for conserving biodiversity were considered mixed projects
because these were taken for fulfilling other objectives like developing irrigation facility,
beautification, enhance production of native, hybrid and HYV species of crop, fish, etc.

A high level of fluctuation in resource allocation was observed in fiscal year to fiscal years. A total of
36142 million BDT was allocated in different sectors during 2009-10 to 2015-16. Allocation was
highest in fiscal year of 2012-13 (6567.4 million BDT) followed by 2011-12, 2010-11, 2009-10,
2015-16, 2014-15 and 2013-14. Among the mixed projects, higher resource allocation was found in
Physical Planning, Water Supply and Housing sector followed by Water Resources, Irrigation, Crop,
Rural Development, and Fisheries and Livestock. Increasing trend in resource allocation was
observed in crop and irrigation sector. A decreasing trend was observed in Physical Planning, Water
Supply and Housing, and Rural Development, Water Resource and Livestock sector. Increasing trend
in resource allocation was found in fisheries sector with slight decrease in fiscal year 20 15-16 (Figure

The fluctuation was due to the allocation of mega projects of physical planning, water supply and
housing and water resource sector. Two mega projects (Begunbari and Hatir Theel Lake Development
and Gulshan-Baridhara-Banani Lake Development) were taken for the purpose of wetland restoration
and rain water retention which might have positive effect on conservation of urban environment and
aquatic resources. In case of mixed projects, it was difficult to segregate the portion of money
exclusively allocated for biodiversity conservation. Because the detailed evaluation and analysis of
the project component needs rigorous interviewing of the respective project authority, this was not
accomplished under this study.

7.2 Allocation in non-development budget for biodiversity conservation

Resource allocation by the government for accelerating departmental activities in non-development

budget of pioneer organizations
for biodiversity conservation, 5000

namely, Bangladesh Forest

Department and Department of 25fl0

Environment under the Ministry

of Environment and Forests 2000
showed an increasing trend I
(Figure 20). It has been found
that the non development
- Forestlejiar tflieflt
Intent of Eii-ironntcnt
budget of Bangladesh Forest 1000
Department and Department of
Environment increased by 2 and
3.19 times, respectively, from
the fiscal year 2009-10 to 20 15-
16 that indicates positive 2005-10 2010-11 1011-12 1012-li 201 0-14 1014-B 1015-16
approach of the Government of decal year

Bangladesh towards enhancing

capacity of this two Figure 20 Year wise non-development budget allocation
organizations working on
conservation of biodiversity.

7.3 Allocation in Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund for conservation

of biodiversity
Good numbers of projects have been implemented by different organization with fund from
Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund (BCCTF) from fiscal year 2009-10 to 2015-16. Some of
these projects have been taken to conserve biodiversity those are categorized as specific biodiversity
conservation project. Some projects have been implemented to address climate change but those have
potential impact over biodiversity conservation and those are categorized as mixed projects

Allocation of BCCTF resources for 000 --

specifically biodiversity conservation 700 --- --

Twenty projects have been found those ::,

were implemented for biodiversity

conservation under BCCTF. A total of
0- \
-‘ - -4)01116

2137.97 million BDT was allocated to / /

implement these projects. There is a

-t /- -

decreasing trend of resource allocation

100 / -

found from fiscal year 2009-10 to 2014- 2009-102010-112011-122fl12-142015-142014-152015-16

15 which is increased in 2015-16. FIscal year

Highest resource allocation was

observed in the fiscal year 2009-10 Figure 21 Fiscal year-wise resource allocation in specific and
mixed projrcts under BCCTF for biodiversity conservation
(694.02 million BDT) followed by
2010-11, 2012-13, 2015-16, 2011-12 and 2014-15 (Figure 21). Addressing climate change adaptation

and mitigation aspects are the priority of the BCCTF and that might be reason behind decrease of fund
for biodiversity conservation over the year. BCCTF approved 30,000 million BDT (BCCTF 2016)
from the fiscal year 2009-10 to 2015-16 to combat climate change and 7% of that fund used in
projects that specifically addressed biodiversity conservation.

Allocation ofBCCTF resources through mixed project

From BCCTF, fund has been allocated for 28 more projects those might have potential impact over
biodiversity conservation. These projects were mainly taken to reduce impact of climate change
through re-excavating canals, promoting measures to reduce fuel wood consumption, varietal
development etc. Re-excavation of canals will promote water flow and that seem to enhance crop
diversification and fish biodiversity. The projects related to reduce fuel wood consumption, may
reduce dependency of people over forest resources and varietal development will enhance crop

In case of BCCTF, a decreasing trend was observed with high level of fluctuation in resource
allocation from fiscal year 2009-10 to 2015-16. Total 2469.62 million BDT allocated for
implementing these 28 projects, but it is difficult to segregate exactly how much money has been
allocated for biodiversity conservation. Highest allocation was found in the fiscal year 20 10-1 1
(634.33 million BDT) followed by 2012-13, 2013-14, 2011-12, 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2009-10
(Figure 21).

7.4 Biodiversity Flu iucig in ODA

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) coined the term Official
development assistance (ODA) through its Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in order to
aid flows globally.

After DAC first used the 25

term ODA in 1969, it has

been widely used as an

under the broader umbrella
of ODA in Bangladesh.
Fewer still, fall directly or
indirectly, under the
umbrella of biodiversity— V
I r 1 :uIrss:

related ODA. Since the V

Figure 22 Per-capita ODA flow to Bangladesh since 1971. (Source: OECD, DAC
beginning of Bangladesh (in statistics.
1971) there has been a slow
and inconsistent rise in the ODA received by the country as shown by the Figure 22.

Figure-23 depicts the per capita
ODA value received by
Bangladesh in current USD
prices. The two jumps on the
ODA received in 1975 and 1990
may be due to a response
mechanism following the great
Bengal Famine (1970-1973) and
the great flood of 1988
respectively. Since then, majority
Other 60%
of ODA has been used for ‘

- Indnnesa 2% ..

infrastructural projects like Tt.rkey, 2%

:- --.

building bridges, roads, water -

Bangladesh, 2%
constructions and the like. OECD \Morocco, 2%
reports suggest that, since 2004- \
06, the total Biodiversity-related Kenya, 1%

ODA for Asia has fallen while

that of South America rose Figure 23 Top 10 recipients of total biodiversity-related OD 2007-12
considerably (from 225 million
USD to 1 billion by 2010-2012 per annum). During the 2007 to 2012 period, Bangladesh received
only 2 % of biodiversity-related ODA (OECD 2014).

However, it also reports that

considerably larger shares of 1600

biodiversity-related aid are

“unspecified”. “Unspecified” 1200
covers aid that is not earmarked
to a country, region or income
group, but rather contributes to
biodiversity-related funds and 600

programs managed by 800

development co-operation 200

agencies, international
organizations, NGOs and 1005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2018 2012

research institutions (OECD —I--— NOtODA Co,rentUSSl (668004 (Cs,Tenl 18S1()

2014). Tn link to that, since 2005
the total Net ODA that Figure 24 Net ODA flow to Bangladesh, 2005-20 14 (in million USD
current prices) (Data source: World Bank, web at:
Bangladesh received according hnp://,
to the World Bank, has been in
the graph of Figure 24.

From Bangladesh’s point of view, a number of these unspecified ODAs could be captured throbg
various projects that have some relations with biodiversity. USAID NISHORGO, IPAC and CREL,
Ecosystems for Life: A Bangladesh-India Initiative, SRCWP, ECOFISH BD Projects are good
examples of this relationships. However, some of these projects are calculated in Annual
Development Plan (ADP) (e.g. SRCWP, IPAC and CREL). It is clear that, ODA is indeed an
important contribution in the overall economic development. However, the overall resource and
budget that the biodiversity sector requires makes the case for a more strategic initiative towards

securing finances for biodiversity-related ODA utilization. In order to do that, a greater effort in terms
of mainstreaming biodiversity in all sectoral activities needs to be in place and a so called “market”
needs to be convincingly created to attract biodiversity-related ODA as happened in the South
American case.

7.5 Financial Resources needed for implementing BSAP

Effective management and conservation of ecosystem as well as biodiversity need proper flow of
resources to carry out a set of planned activities in lieu with international commitment. As a signatory
and party to CBD, Government of Bangladesh is committed to work forward for biodiversity
conservation. Table 7.1 sununarize resource need for biodiversity conservation in the light of Aichi
Biodiversity Targets 2020 and proposed National Biodiversity Targets of Bangladesh. On the other
hand table 7.2 summarises probable sources of fund of resources.

Success of Implementation of NBSAP will be dependent on mobilization of adequate financial

resources for taking up the activities chalked-out in Table-14 of Chapter 5 that has included an
indicative budget estimated for each of the activities under the national targets of NB SAP and a total
of 18329.00 million BDT is estimated to be required for the implementation of NBSAP.

7.6 Possible Sources of Fwidin

There are opportunities for international and domestic funding which can be exploited by the
biodiversity related government or non-government organizations in collaboration with relevant
development partners. In addition funds may be created through voluntary and mandatory funds,
advertisement, fines and levies, CSR, innovative funds, biodiversity-based lotteries (Table 17).

Table 17 Possible Sources of Funds for implementation of NBSAP

Type of Fund Description of Source Relevant Fund

Direct Core Government of Bangladesh MoF
Non-Core Trust Fund, Jolmohal Leasing, Fish harvest MoSW, MoWR,
Funding MoLF, MoF
Indirect Regional and Global Forum Fund, Scientific and INGO, Development
Peripheral development initiative, Carbon trading partners, etc.
Development Grant, Aid, Loan World Bank, ADB,
Partners GEF, UNDP, INGOs
Private Sector CSR (Bank, Multinational company etc), donation MoF, BB
INGO Research Grant, Training and Education INGOs, Charity
Green Tax Polluter Pays Principle should be applied and extra tax MoF, MoEF, MoFL
to be imposed on the polluting industries or products
Reform Reduce or remove subsidies that adverse impacts on MoA
subsidies biodiversity, such as, on fertilizers, and increase
subsidies that have beneficial impacts on ecosystems.
Shifting certain portion of subsidies from chemical
fertilizer into organic fertilizer could be taken into

Type of Fund Description of Source Relevant Fund
Voluntary and Develop voluntary fees (such as hotel or tourism fee) MoCA&T
mandatory fees that allows individuals to contribute to sustainable
management, and develop mandatory fees (such as
airport departure fees) that can be directed toward
sustainable management
Advertisement Wildlife Logo patent rights Mol
Fines and levies Pollution abatement damage recovery cost DoE
Ecosystem Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), Nature based MoF, MoCAT
Services tourism
Game Government owned lakes, ponds etc can be used for MoF, MoWR, MoFL
fishing/water game fish
Export In case natural resources like sand, Export tax can be Ministry of Commerce
earned while export
Biodiversity- Periodic lotteries MoF
based Lotteries

7.7 Constraints, (aps and Challenges for Fund Raising

Effective, efficient and dynamic mobilization of resources for conservation of biodiversity is crucial.
The understanding of policy makers on the value of the services of ecosystem and biodiversity is still
a challenge. Eecosystem and biodiversity conservation aspects are although included in the
development plans no dedicated or stand alone resource allocation for biodiversity is in place.
Change in mind-set of all planners to address biodiversity related issues in their sectoral development
plans and projects still remain a challenge. Placing of lucrative ideas to the development partners with
the capacity of negotiation skill is still a challenge and resulted in less amount of resource
mobilization. Strong public and private partnership in the field of biodiversity conservation and
paying for ecosystem services do not exist strongly in place.

Effective mobilization of resources is crucial towards NBSAP implementation and attaining the
related SDG targets. Willingness of the government, as well as development partners to increase
allocation for biodiversity conservation will be important factor towards mobilization of resources for
implementation of NBSAP. Change in mind-set of all planners and policy makers with regard to
importance of biodiversity still remain a challenge. Proper negotiation with and placing of lucrative
project ideas to development partners towards funding is still suffering from inadequate number of
skilled and enthusiastic officials. Constraints of technical knowledge on project preparation and
managerial skill of project execution should also be taken into account. Public and private partnership
in the field of does not exist strongly in place. Willingness of private entrepreneurs to allocate money
for biodiversity conservation would also be important towards NBSAP implementation.

Conservation of biodiversity needs integrated efforts from all sectors interacting with natural
resources and therefore, priority of biodiversity issues need to be incorporated in sectoral policies and
legislations that is still a challenge and narrowing down the scope for allocating resources for
biodiversity by different sectors.

8. Coordination, Monitoring and Reporting of
81 Coordination, monitoring and reporting

Coordination among stakeholders including implementing agencies, as well as monitoring and

reporting of the activities are important for the effective implementation of NBSAP. A total of 50
activities under 20 national targets have been set through a series of consultations ensuring
participation of multi-stakeholder. The updated NBSAP proposes that these activities will be
implemented by the lead ministries/agencies with other associated ministries/agencies. Activities will
be monitored and evaluated by the respective ministry and various biodiversity committees to be
constituted under Bangladesh Biological Diversity Act. The National Committee on Biodiversity
would oversee the progress of implementation periodically with strong engagement of all the

Monitoring and reporting of the progress of activities under each of the 20 national targets set in the
updated NB SAP will be periodically done by the National Committee on Biodiversity. Department of
Environment will provide all kind of technical and secretarial support to the National Committee on
Biodiversity. The monitoring issues include follow up of any changes in base-line data of
biodiversity, assess periodic progress of NBSAP implementation, review monitoring indicators,
produce national report to the CBD Secretariat and prepare updated information on progress of

8.2 Communication and Outreach Strategy

Developing holistic communication, extension, motivation and outreach activities will be important to
create awareness about biodiversity as part of implementing updated NBSAP. This section depicts
various key elements to be used in creating awareness about biodiversity related issues (Table 18).

Table 18 Communication, extension and outreach strategies for awareness on biodiversity

Strategy How to frame the process Expected Output Ministry/Orga
Dissemination of • Adoption of NBSAP as • Awareness build-up • MoEF/DOE
NBSAP documents National document
Publicity through • Articles • Awareness build-up • MoEF/DOE/
print and electronic • Supplementary BFD/DOF
media • Talk-show
. Documentary
. Folks
Educational • Develop or Update • Students will be aware • MOE/NCTB
curriculum Biodiversity related
curriculum for Secondary
Social • Facebook, Twitter • Awareness build-up • Post and
communication • SMS/E-mail Telecommuni
through internet and cations
mobile phone Division/Mob
ile operators
Training • Government and Non • People will be • Training

Strategy How to frame the process J Expected Output Mini stry/Orga
Government Officials educated and skilled institutions
. Community/Religious
Promoting eco- . Ensure tourism with • Nature based tourism • Bangladesh
tourism minimum disturbance further flourished Parjaton
to biodiversity and eco- Corporation /
friendly behavior of the Private tour
tourist operators
Dissemination of • Scientific publication • Policy makers will be • Ministry of
research findings • Seminar aware & take Environment
• Symposium necessary steps for and Forests
Message • Brochure • Awareness, • MoEF/DOE/B
dissemination • Festoons understanding and FD!DOF
through promotional • Posters appreciation of
materials • Billboard Biodiversity developed
Clearing House • Establishment and • Share biodiversity • Department
Mechanism operationalization related information of
Enforcement of • Committee formation • Awareness build-up • MoEF
Biological Diversity from national level to and Biodiversity
Act grass-roots level conservation

8.3 Bangladesh CIcarin house Mechanism (BDCIIM)

The Bangladesh Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) is web based platform to provide update on the
biodiversity related information of the country. This is established as per the article 18.3 of the
Convention to facilitate and promote technical and scientific co-operation. In addition, the CHM will
facilitate access to information on the status of biodiversity and biodiversity management initiative in
Bangladesh. It will contribute to the dissemination of biodiversity related programme and raising
public awareness. DoE will be administering the operation and maintenance of the BCHM web-based

The following information will be available in the BDCHM web site:

• Biodiversity National Assessment Report
• CBD thematic issues
• CBD cross-cutting issues
• Biodiversity related committee report
• Budget allocation for Biodiversity/Biodiversity related programme! project
• Scientific Journal! technical report
• Status of biodiversity (floral and faunal data, Red list etc)
• Protected Areas! ECAs management status
• Institutional capacity and capacity needs

Beyond CBD, CHM will also be linked and inter-connected with the biodiversity related other
conventions like Convention on Wetlands of International Importance or the Ramsar Convention,
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Convention on
the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, etc.

9. Concluding Remarks
Bangladesh is facing pressure of degradation of genetic, species, ecosystem diversity. The diverse
ecosystems of the country and the bounty of nature is getting fragile day-after-day. The increasing
population of Bangladesh continues to put pressure on existing natural resources resulting over-
exploitation. Although, the government has taken initiatives towards conserving biodiversity with its
scarce resources, more efforts should obviously be taken to halt further degradation. Implementation
of updated NBSAP would pave the way towards maintaining the rich biodiversity of the country. The
task should ensure effective engagement of the all stakeholders as well as the development partners.

Mainstreaming of NBSAP in all the relevant sectors would be the prime work that needs urgent and
immediate attention to be initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the Department of
Environment. There are enormous challenges ahead towards building financial and technical
capacities of the implementing agencies, accomplishment of the valuation of goods and services of
ecosystems and incorporation of the values into the national accounting system and monitoring of the
activities towards achieving national targets.

Although it is a challenging task to implement NBSAP, but it is once again a great opportunity for
the country to move forwards for halting the loss of biodiversity and keeping the country enriched
with fresh water, staple crops, delicious fruits and grains, fisheries resources and fresh air around us.
By implementing the targets within the timeframe, the country can contribute a lot to fulfill the vision
of living in harmony with the nature by 2050 and achieving the SDGs in 2030.

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Annex -1: List of Threatened Plant Species
Table 1.1: Species not found for last 50 years or more than 50 years in Bangladesh
SI. No. Botanical names Family
I .4canthephzppium v1hetense Lindi. Orcbidaceae
2 Aechmantheraio,nentosaNees Acanthaceae
3. Aglaiaedulis (Roxb.) Wall. Meliaceae
4. .4langiumbarbatum (R. Br.) Baillon Alangiaceae
5. Alchornea tilifoIia (Benth.) MuelI.-Arg. Euphorbiaceae
6. Alismaplantago L. Alismataceae
7. .4lphonseaventricosa Hook. f. & Thom. Annonaceae
8. AmmanniaociandraL.f. Lythraceae
9. Ammannia verlicillata Lamk. Lythraceae
10. Anamirtacocculus Wight &Am Menispermceae
1 1. Ancistrocladuswalljchjj Planch. Ancistrocladaceae
12. Angelonia grandflora Morr. Scrophulariaceae
13. Apocopispaleacea (Trin.) Hochr. Poaceae
14. Archidendronjiringa Nielsen Mimosaceac
15. Ardisia icara Wall. & A. DC. Myrsinaceae
16. Aristida redacta Stapf Poaceae
17. Artabottyscaudatus Wall. Annonaceae
18. Arthrocnemum indicum Wilid. Chenopodiaceae
19. Aspidopterys nutans A. Juss. Malpighiaceae
20. Asystasiamacrocarpa Nees Acanthaceae
21. Balanostreblus ilic(folius Kurz Moraceae
22. Begonia laciniata Roxb. Begoniaceae
23. Begonia megaptera A. DC. Begoniaceae
24. Beilschmiediafagifolia Nees Lauraceae
25. Bla.ytus cochinchinensjs Lour. Melastomataceac
26. Brachiaria eruc/hnnisGrjaeb. Poaceae
27. Bromus himalaicus Stapf Poaccae
28. Broussonetiapapyrifera Herit. Moraceae
29. Buchanania lanc(,folia Roxb. Anacardiaceac
30. Caldesia oligococca Buchen. Alismataceae
31. Caldesia porn assfo1ia Parl. Alismataceae
32. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. Brassicaceae
33. Care.r caespitita Nces Cyperaceae
34. CareyasphaericaRoxb. Lechythidaceae
35. Ceropegia macrantha Wight Asclepiadaceae
36. Chionanthus mala-elengi subsp. terniflorus Green Oleaceae
37. Chiritaoblongfolia B. L. Burtt Gesneriaceae
38. Cinnamamuin g1andulferum Meiss. Lauraceae
39. Cinnamainum glaucescens (Nees) Meiss. Lauraceae
40. Cinna,nomum paucjflorum Nees Lauraceae
41. CnidiummonnieriCusson Apiaceae
42. CodonacanthuspaucWorusNees Acanthaceae
43. CordiagrandisRoxb. Boraginaceae
44. Corymborkis veratrifolia Blume Orchidaceae
45. CrotalariamysorensisRoth Fabaceae
46. Crotalaria occulta Grab. Fabaceae
47. Curanga amara Juss. Scrophulariaceae
48. Cuscuta chinensis Lamic. Cuscutaceae
49. Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng. Poaceae
50. Dendrobium ch,yseuni Rolfe Orchidaceae
51. Dendrobiu,n crepidatum Lindi. & Paxt. Orchidaceae
52. Dendrobiumformosum Roxb. Orchidaceae
53. Dendrobium litu(florum Lindi. Orchidaceae

SI. No. Botanical names Family
54. Dendrobjum ochreatum Lindi. Orchidaceae
55. Dendrobiumpodagraria Hook.f. Orchidaceae
56. Dendrobium transparens Wall. Orchidaceae
57. Dendrobium tuberiferum Hook.f. Orchidaceae
58. Derris tnonticola (Kurz) Pmin Fabaceae
59. Desmodiumdichotomum DC. Fabaceae
60. Didymocarpusmollis Wall. Gesneriaceae
61. Dracaena angustifolia (Medik.) Roxb. Agavaceae
62. Elaeocarpus lucidus Roxb. Elaeocarpaceae
63. Elaeocarpus serralus L. Elaeocarpaceae
64. Endiandra firma Nees Lauraceae
65. Engelhardtia spicata Lesch. var. acerifolia Koord Juglandiaceae
66. Eriachnepallescens R. Br. Poaceae
67. Eriobot,ya bengalensis Hook. f., Rosaceae
68. Eriocaulon luzulaefolium Mart. Ericaulaceae
69. Erythroxy!um kunthianum Wall. Erythroxylaceae
70. EulaliafastigiataHaines Poaceae
71. Eulaliopsis binata Hubb. Poaceae
72. Eulophia herbacea Lindi. Orchidaceae
73. Euphorbiafusformis Buch.-Ham. Euphorbiaceae
74. Fagraea ceilanica Thunb. Loganiaceae
75. Ficus concinna (Miq.) Miq. Moraccac
76. Ficus conglobata King Moraceae
77. Ficus crininervia Miq. Moraceae
78. Ficus glaberrima Blume Moraceae
79. Ficus oligodon Miq. Moraceae
80. Ficus sarmentosa Buch.-Ham. Moraceae
81. Fjcus subulata Blume - Moraceae
82. Fimbristylis scaberrima Nees Cyperaceae
83. Gardneriaovata Wall. Loganiaceae
84. Gonatanthus pumilus Engler & Krause Araceae
85. GymnostachyumlisteriPrain Acanthaceae
86. Habenariafurcfera Lindi. Orchidaceae
87. Habenaria longifolia Buch.-Ham. Orchidaceae
88. Habenaria marginata Coleb. Orchidaceae
89. Habenaria plantaginea Lindi. Orchidaceae
90. Habenaria viridflora (Sw.) R. Br. Orchidaceae
91. Hedyotis brunonis Merr. Rubiaceae
92. Hedyotis insularis Deb & Dutta Rubiaccae
93. Hedyotis lineata Roxb. Rubiaceae
94. Hedyotis pseudocorymbosa Bakh. f. Rubiaceae
95. Hedyotis thomsoni Hook. f. Rubiaceae
96. Hcdyotis uncinella Hook. & Am. Rubiaceae
97. - He!jcia excelsa (Roxb.) Blume Proteaceae
98. Hemicyclia venusta Thw. Euphorbiaceae
99. Heynea tr(juga Sims Meliaceae
100. Homa!ium nepalense Benth. Flacourtiaceae
101. Homalomenapendula Bakh.f. Araceae
102. IodeshookerianaBaill. lcacinaceae
103. Jades thomsoniana Baill. Icacinaceae
104. Ischaemum hirtum Hack. Poaceae
105. Ischaemum semisagittatum Roxb. Poaceae
106. [tora subsessilis Wall. Rubiaceae
107. Jasminum anostomonzans Wall. Oleaceae
108. Jasminum coarctatum Roxb. Oleaceae
109. Jasminum laur(fblium Roxb. Oleaceae
1 10. Jasminum listen King Oleaceae
1 1 1. Jasininum listen King Oleaceae

SI. No. Botanical names Family
112. .Iusm,num subtriv1inen’e Blume Oleaceae
113. ./usricuoreophila C. B. Clarke Acanthaceae
1 14. Justiciapunduana Wall. Acanthaceae
1 15. Lagenandra gomezii Bogner & Jacob. Araceae
I 16. Lasianthus inodorus Blume Rubiaceae
I I7. Lasianthus rigidus Miq. Rubiaceae
I II. Lepionurus sylvestris Blume Opiliaceae
1 19. Limnophila erecra Benth. Scrophulariaceae
120. Limnophila roxburghii G. Don Scrophulariaceae
121. Lindera reticulata (Nees) Benth. Lauraceae
122. Lindernia micran the D. Don Serophulariaceae
123. Litsea angusrifolia Wall. Lauraceae
124. Litsea laeta Wall. ex Nees Lauraceae
125. Litsealancifolia (Roxb. ex Nees) Hook. Lauraceae
126. Lirseasemecarpfolia Hook. f., Lauraceae
127. Loeseneriella niacrantha (Korth.) A. C. Smith Hippocrataceae
128. Luisia volucris Lindi. Orchidaceae
129. Lysimachiajaponica Biwne Proteaceae
130. lYfaclurafruticosa (Roxb.) Corner Moraceae
131. Macroprilium lathyroides var. sernierecturn (L.) Urban Fabaceae
132. Mastixia macrophylla (Thw.) Kosterrn. Cornaceae
133. Melastan,aimbricatum Wall. Melastornataceae
134. Memecylon cerasforme Kurz Melastornataceae
135. Memecylon paucflorum Blume, Melastornataceae
136. Meriandra bengalensis Benth. Lamiaceae
137. Mimulus strictus Benth Scrophulariaceac
138. Miirasacmealsinoides R. Br. Loganiaceae
139. Mitrephoratomentosa Hook. f. & Thorn. Annonaceae
140. Myrica nagi Thunb. Myricaceae
141. Myrioneuron clarkei Hook. f. Rubiaceae
142. NesaeabrevipesKoebne Lythraceae
143. ?‘/ymphoides parvifolium Kunize Menyanthaceae
144. Oberonia gammiei King & Panti. Orchidaceae
145. Oberonia wallichii Hook. f. Orchidaceae
146. Olax scandens Roxb. Oleaceae
147. Olea gamblei C. B. Clarke Oleaceae
148. Oryza latzfolia Desv. Poaceae
149. Osbeclciachinensis L. Melastornataceae
150. Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Harn. Melastornataceae
151. Osbeckiatruncata D. Don Melastornataceae
152. Pachystomapubescens Blume Orehidaceae
153. Paracalyxscariosus (Roxb.) Mi Fabaceae
154. Peristrophe fera C. B. Clarke Acanthaceae
155. Persea garnblei Kosterm. Lauraceae
156. Persea-villosa (Roxb.) Kosterrn. Lauraceae
157. Persicaria macrantha Haraldson Polygonaceae
158. Peucedanumdhana A. Ham. Apiaceae
159. Phaius nanus Hook. f. Orchidaceae
160. Photinia arguta Lindl. Rosaceae
161. Phyllanthuspendulus Roxb. Euphorbiaceae
162. Pimpinella heyneana (DC.) Benth. Apiaceae
163. Piper hamiltonii C. DC. Piperaceae
164. Plesmonium margaritferum Schott Araceae
165. Poikilospermum suaveolens (Blurne) Merr. Cecropiaceae
166. Polyalthiajenkinsii Hook. f. &Thorn. Annonaceae
167. Polycarpaea corymbosa Larnk. Caryophyllaceae
168. Polygala longifolia Poir. Polygalaceae
169. Polytoca digitara (L. f.) Druce Poaceae

SI. No. Botanical names Family
1 70. Pomatocalpa undulatum Tang & Wang Orchidaceae
171. Potentilla supina L. Rosaceae
172. Premna micrantha Schauer Verberiaceae
173. Pseudosorghumfasciculare Camus Poaceae
174. Psilanrhusfragrans Leroy Rubiaceae
175. Psvchotria heferiana Kurz Rubiaceae
176. Psychotria sphaerocarpa Wall Rubiaceae
177. Rhaphidophora affinis Schott Araceae
178. Rhaphidophora calophyllym Schott Araceae
179. Rhinacanthus calcarats Nees Acanthaceae
1 80. RhynchosiabracteataBenth. Fabaceae
181. RhynchosiarothiiBenth. Fabaceae
182. Rhynchosia viscosa DC. Fabaceae
183. Rorippa benghalensis (DC.) Hara Brassicaceae
184. Rorippa palustris (L.) Bess. Brassicaceae
1 85. Rotalasimpliciuscula (S. Kurz) Koehue Lythraceae
186. RotalasubrotundaKoehne Lythraceae
187. Saccolabium cephalotes Hook. f. Orchidaceae
188. Salicornia brachiata Roxb. Chenopodiaceae
1 89. Sauropusbaccformis Airy Shaw Euphorbiaceac
190. Schoenorchis gemmata Sm. Orchidaceae
191. Smilasferox Wall. Smilacaceae
192. Smilax oxyphylla Wall. Smilacaceae
193. Sopubia .clricta Baker Scrophulariaceae
194. Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames Orchidaceae
195. Staurogyne angustifolia Anders. Acanthaceae
196. Streptocaulon sylvestre Wight & Am. Asclepiadaceae
197. Striga angustfolia Saldanha Scrophulariaceae
198. Striga asiatica (L.) 0. Kuntze Scrophulariaceae
199. Strobilanthesisophyllus Anders. Acanthaceae
200. Strobilanthesmacrostegius Clarke Acanthaceae
201. Strobilanthespanichanga Anders. Acanthaceae
202. StrobilanthesphyllostachyusKurz Acanthaceae
203. StrychnoswallichianaBenth. Loganiaceae
204. Stylidium kunthii Wall. Stylidiaceae
205. Syniplocos caudata Wall. Syniplocaceae
206. Tarenna disper,na (Hook. f.) Pitard Rubiaceae
207. Tarenna odorata (Roxb.) Robinson Rubiaceae
208. Tetraphyllumbengalense Clarke Gesneriaceae
209. Tetrastigina dubium Planch. Vitaceae
210. Toreniaflava Buch.-Ham. Scrophulariaeeae
211. Tournefortia candollii C. B. Clarke Boraginaceae
212. Trias oblonga Lindl. Orchidaceae
213. Triumfetta obliqua Roth Tiliaceae
214. Uncaria canescens Korth. Rubiaceae
215. Uncaria homomalla Miq. Rubiaceae
216. Vanda cristata Lindl., Gen. Orchidaceae
217. Vanilla parish ii Reichb.f. Orchidaceae
218. Ventilago denticulata WilId. Rhamnaceae
219. VignagrahamianaVerdc. Fabaceae
220. Vitis rub4folia Wall. Vitaceac
221. Vossia cuspidata (Roxb.) Griff. Poaceae
222. Vrydagzynea viridiflora Hook. f. Orchidaceae
223. Wattakaka lanceolata (T. Cooke) Kerr Asclepiadaceae
224. Wendlandia paniculata (Roxb.) DC. Rubiaceae
225. Ziziphus glabrata Hevne Rhamnaeeae
Source Encyclopedia ofFlora and Fauna ofBangladesh (Vol b-i 2)

Table 1.2: List of threatened landraces of different crops

Sl.No. Crop Scientific name Threatened landraces. Area of cultivation

I Foxtail Setaria italica Kalo kaon Chittagong Hill Tracts
2 Finger Eleusine coracana Mania All over Bangladesh
3 Mungbean Vigna radiata Sonamug All over Bangladesh
4 Sesame Sesamum indicum Hafri til All over Bangladesh
Brinjal Solanum melongena Laffa Mymensingh
5 Dohazari Chittagong
Katakhore begun, All over Bangladesh
Makra begun Jessore
6 Cauliflower B oleracea Boiltali Chitlagong
var botrytis

Tomato Solanum Patharkuchi Jessore

7 lycopersicum Guli Jessore
Bira Gazipur
8 Stem Amaranthus sp. Amoina data All over Bangladesh
9 Broad leaf Brassicajuncia Lia shak Chittagong Hill Tracts
10 Mango Mangfera indica Bira, Nawabpasand, Rajshahi and Nawabganj
Sukurkand, Kishanbhog,
Gourjit, Bombai,
Ranipasand, Mohanbhog.
Deori Chittagong
Kohitur Jessore
11 Water Citrullus lanatus Pagenga Chittagong
melon Goalanda Rajbari
12 Banana Musa sapientum Amritsagar Munshiganj
13 Guava Psidium guajava Syedi peeyara All over Bangladesh
14 Lime Citrus aurantifolia Kagzi lime Pabna
Rangpur lime Rangpur
15 Onion Allium cepa Faridpuri, Faridpur
Thitka Manikganj
16 Rose Rosa chinensis Bengal rose, Iram rose All over Bangladesh
17 Rice Otyza sativa Almost all the landraces All over Bangladesh
18 Cotton Gossypium Hill cotton Chittagong Hill Tracts
19 Sugarcane Saccharum Misrikanta -

Source: BARI, 2016, Personal Communication

Table 1.3: List of threatened crops

SI. No English name Threatened crop Scientific name

I Proso millet Cheena Panicum miliaceum
2 Sorghum Joar Sorghum bicolor
3 Barley Job Hordeurn vulgare
4 Buckwheat Dhemsi Fagopyrum esculen turn
5 Pigeon pea Arhar Cajanus cajan
6 Horse gram Kulti kalai Macrotylorna unflorum
7 Faba bean Bakia Viciafaba
8 Niger Guzi til Guizotia abyssinica
9 Castor Varenda Ricinus communis
10 Safflower Kusumful Carthamus tinctorius
11 Bazna Bazna Zanthoxylum rhetha
12 Cylinder amaranth Shaknoty Arnaranthus viridis
13 Thorny amaranth Katanoty Arnaranthus spinosus
14 Mallow Napa shak Malva verticillata
15 Wild teasle gourd Buno kakrol Momordica cochinchinensis
16 Roselle Chukur Hibiscus sabdar(ffa
17 Sorrel Tak Palong Hibiscus sabdarffa
18 Bullock’s heart Ata Annona reticulate
19 Custard apple Sharifa Annona squamosa
20 Hogplum Amra Spondiaspinnata
21 Jamun Jam Syzygium cumini
22 Pomegrante Dalim Pun ica granatum
23 Rose apple Golapjam SvzygiumJambos
24 Tamarind Tetul Tamarindus indica
25 Monkey jack Deoa Artocarpus lakoocha
26 Karanda Karomcha Carissa carandas
27 Cowa Caofal Garcinia cowa
28 Water chesnut Panifal Trapa bispinosa
29 Bilimbi Bilimbi Averrhoa bilimbi
30 Butter tiee Mahua Madhuca indica
31 Chebulic Horitoki Terminalia bellirica
32 Flacourtia Lukluky Flacourtiajangomas
33 Madagascar plum Boichi Neodypsis decaryi
34 River ebony Deshi gub Diospyros peregrine
35 Star goose berry Arboroy Phyllanthus distichus
36 Black current tree Khude jum Antidesma ghaesembilla
37 Wild mango Buno aam Mangfera sylvartica
38 Dephal Dephal Garcinia xanthochymus
39 Ajowan Join Trachyspermum ammi
40 Celery Randhuni Apiurn graveolens
41 Chuijhal Chuijhal Pepper chaba
42 Amada Amada Curcuma amada
43 Cardamom (large) Baro alach Atnomum subulaturn
44 Culantro Bilati dhonia Eryngiumfoetidum.
45 Dill Shulpha Peucedanum officinale
46 Yam bean Keshore alu Pachyrhizus erosus
j 47 Silk cotton Semul tula Bombax malbariucm
Source: BARI, 2016, Personal Communication

Annex-2 List of Biodiversity Related Projects of different sectors under ADP

Table 2.1: List of specifically biodiversity related projects under crop sector

Sector Sub- Project name Amended allocation (in Lac BDT)

sector Ministryl 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 - 2014-15 2015-16
Agriculture Crop Rice variety conservation and breeder seed BRRI 260 340 240 230 0 0 0
Integrated pest management DAE 0 530 906 800 0 0 0

Second crop diversification project DAE 0 310 1300 2380 5000 5040 4200

Pilotproject forpaim, date and Golpata BSRJ 0 60 225 250 208 121 0

Safe food production through integrated DAE 0 0 0 0 278 1028 2131

pest management
Total 260 1240 2671 3660 5486 6189 6331

Table 2.2: List of specifically biodiversity related projects under forestry sector

Sector Sub- Project name Ministry/ Amended allocation (in Lac BDT)
sector department
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Agriculture Forestry Reed land social forestry project FD 151 401 0 0 0 0 0
Biodiversityconservationandnatural FD 114 51 27 0 0 0 0
environmental development of greater
Establishment of botanical garden and FD 44 0 0 0 0 0 0
ecopark at Sitakiinda, Chittagong
Support for management of Sundarban’s FD 114 0 0 0 0 0 0
reserve forest
Development and extension of Bangabandhu FD 191 241 0 100 650 963 1378
Sheilch Mujib safari park, cox’s bazar
Sector Sub- Project name Ministry/ Amended allocation (in Lac BDT)
sector department 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
2009-10 2010-11

Establishment of ecopark at Tilaghar and FD 45 33 0 0 0 0 0

Establishment of Dhansiri ecop ark and FD 6 14 0 0 0 0 0
development of ramsagar National park
Biodiversityconservationanddevelopment FD 209 182 0 0 0 0 0
of baskhali upazila and Chunati sanctuary

Establishment of ecopark at Madhabkunda FD 258 215 0 0 0 0 0

AfforestationatdifferenthillsofChittagong FD 384 619 667 571 0 0 0
north forest division
Biodiversityconservationandpoverty FD 257 538 517 226 0 0 0
reduction through greater Rajshahi and
Afforestation at coastal charlands FD 484 0 0 0 0 0 0

Afforestation for natural equilibrium at BMDA 490 0 0 0 0 0 0

Barind tract
Strengthening monitoring, assessment & FD 8 0 0 0 0 0
reporting of sustainable forest management
in Asia
Coastal & wetland Biodiversity management DoE 887 398 0 0 0 0 0
at Coxs Bazar & Hakaluki Haor
Biodiversity targets national assessment DoE 15 0 0 0 0 0 0
Capacity building & resource mobilization MoEF 255 139 73 0 0 0 0
for sustainable management (eco-system
management) in Bangladesh
BangabandhuSheikhMujibSafariPark, FD 0 4053 12255 2800 3500 4075 3100
Sheikh Rasel aviary & eco-park, rangunia, FD 0 213 438 1700 700 467 574
Integrated Protected Area Co-management FD 0 1976 918 610 0 0 0
Sundarbans Environment & livelthood FD 0 393 2940 2900 4158 3560 0

Sector Sub- Project name Miniatry/ Amended allocation (In Lac BDT)
sector department
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Project preparation towards implementation DoE 0 18 0 0 0 0 0
of national biosafety framework
Communitybasedsustainablemanagement MoEF 0 612 429 519 553 550 475
of Tanguar haor project
Restoration & conservation of biodiversity FD 0 0 408 598 244 0 0
in the denuded hills of Sitakunda, Mireswari,
Baskhali, Inani, Barind, Dhamoirhat sal
forest and Shingra sal forest
Strengthening regional cooperation for FD 0 1130 2500 4311 8000 7000
wildlife protection
Biodiversity conservation and eco-tourism FD 0 0 120 500 1329 2689 1040
development in Bangladesh
Sustainable development & biodiversity FD 0 0 0 0 2600 975 980
conservation in coastal (protection) forest
Updating & mainstreaming of national DoE 0 0 0 0 25 117 81
biodiversity strategy & action plan for
Implementation of National Biosafety DoE 0 0 0 0 20 182 228
Establishment of botanical garden at Lalmai FD 0 0 0 0 0 0 50
Afforestration in five coastal districts FD 0 0 0 0 0 0 175

Ecorestoration of the northern region of FD 0 0 0 0 0 0 50

Survey of vascular Flora Chittagong and the BNH 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
Chittagong Hill Districts
Bengal Tiger Conservation Activity FD 0 0 0 0 0 0 2790
Total 3912 10096 19922 13024 18090 21578 18021
Table 2.3: List of specifically biodiversity related projects under fisheries sector

Amended allocation (in Lac BDT)

Sector Sub— Project name Ministry/ 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
sector department
Agriculture Fisheries Fish Habitat restoration of open DoF 291 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chalan Bed fisheries development DoF 1100 0 0 0 0 0 0
Regaining natural breeding ground of DoF 100 197 335 240 151 0 0
fish at Halda river
Establishment of Brood bank DoF 326 250 183 134 0 0 0
Research for jatka conservation and DoF 491 933 803 226 373 1817 0
MG identification for fisherman
Identification of impact on aquatic BFRI 55 588 218 106 607 513 363
environment due to use of drugs and
chemical for fish culture
Wetland Biodiversityrehabiitation DoF 11 657 810 1380 1355 1052 1109
Support to sustainable management of BFRI 20 34 30 30 25 0 0
the Bay of Bengal large marine
Development and management of DoF 0 600 1900 900 569 0 0
selected wetland and conservation of
native fish species
Strengtheningfishproduction, BFDC 0 182 530 447 696 589 75
conservation & management of kaptai
Nursery establishment and fmgerling DoF 0 0 0 0 10 1467 2800
release in open waterbody
Impact assessment of Upstream water BFRI 0 0 0 0 0 138 62
withdrawal to conserve natural habitat
of major carps in the river Halda
EstablishmentofBroodbank3rdphase DoF 0 0 0 0 0 250 2155
Enhanced coastal Fisheries (ECOFISH) DoF 0 0 0 0 0 0 1645
Total 2394 3441 4809 3463 3786 5826 8209
Table 2.4: List of specifically biodiversity related projects under fisheries sector

Sector Sub- project name Ministry! Amended allocation (in Lac BDT)
sector department 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Agriculture livestock Community based conservation and BLRI 198 161 0 0 0 0 0
development of native sheep in
commercial farm
Developmentandconservationofred BLRI 140 122 0 0 0 0 0
Chittagong cattle
Establishment of regional duck DLS 0 0 486 1400 2682 3726 3550
breeding farm with hatchery (3rd
Communitybasedconservationand DLS 0 0 0 308 800 1217 1290
development of native sheep in
commercial farm (2nd phase)
Conservation and development of BLRI 0 0 0 0 0 120 621
native cock
Total 338 283 486 1708 3482 5063 4840

Table 2.5 Summary of sectoral allocation (specifically biodiversity related project) from fiscal year 2009-10 to 20 15-16

Sector Amended budget allocation (million BDT) Sectoral total

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Crop 26 124 267.1 366 548.6 618.9 633.1 2583.7
Forestry 391.2 1009.6 1992.2 1302.4 1809 2157.8 1802.1 10464.3
Fisheries 239.4 344.1 480.9 346.3 378.6 582.6 820.9 3192.8
Livestock 33.8 28.3 48.6 170.8 348.2 506.3 484 1620
Total 690.4 1506 2788.8 2185.5 3084.4 3865.6 3740.1 17860.8
Annex-3: List of mixed projects of different sectors under ADP

Table 3.1 List of mixed projects under crop sector

Sector Sub- Project name Ministry! Amended allocation (in Lac BDT)
sector department 2009-10 2010-fl 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Agriculture crop Strengthening&capacitybuilding BRRI 0 260 94 163 0 0 0
of biotechnology laboratory in
Production, conservation and 1755 2699 2611 0 0 0 0
distribution of rice, wheat and jute
seed at farmer level
Production, conservation and BARI 590 1079 802 0 0 0 0
distribution of pulse, oil and onion
seed at farmer level
Production, conservation and DAE 0 0 0 0 200 1500 2655
distribution of rice, wheat and jute
seed at farmer level (2nd phase)

Production, conservation and DAE 0 0 0 0 274 517 1210

distribution of pulse, oil, garlic
and onion seed at farmer level
(2nd phase)
Quality seed production of Rice, DAE 0 0 0 0 0 0 6900
Maize and wheat

Development and seed production BARI 0 0 0 0 0 0 500

of Wheat and maize

Mixed fruit cultivation in remote CHTDB 0 0 0 0 0 0 97

areas of Chittagong Hill Tracts

Total 2345 4038 3507 163 474 2017 11362

Table 3.2 List of mixed projects under fisheries sector

Sector Sub- Project name Ministry/ Amended allocation (in lac BDT)
sector department
2009-10 201041 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014—15 2015-16
Agriculture Fish Structural development of DoF/LGED 483 565 0 0 0 0 0
Comilla flooodplain for fish
GreaterPabnafisheries DoF 337 294 287 150 190 0 0
development project
Fisheries culture and DoF 18 282 255 77 300 0 0
management in vabodaha at
Aquaculture and fisheries DoF 0 0 50 200 559 1059 0
management of Hura sagar
Fisheries culture and DoF 0 0 600 300 500 1200 894
management in Haor
Greater Comilla fisheries DoF 0 0 0 0 0 0 1150
development project
Total 838 1141 1192 727 1549 2259 2044

Table 3.3 List of mixed projects under livestock sector

Sector Sub-sector Project name Amended allocation (In Lac BDT)

Ministry/ 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013.14 2014-15 2015-16
Agriculture livestock Extension of artificial breeding DLS 340 950 1700 1300 1165 0 400
and embryo replacement project
(2nd phase)
Total 340 950 1700 1300 1165 0 400
Table 3.4 List of mixed projects under irrigation sector

Sector Sub-sector Project name Ministryl Amended allocation (In Lac BDT)
2009-10 2010-11 201142 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 201546
Agriculture Irrigation Fishcultureandirrigationfacility BWDB 1020 5090 2719 5701 2278 1500 8200
development Through re-excavating
connecting channel between gaznar
Beel and river of suzanagar upazila
in Pabna
Re-excavation of karjon canal and BWDB 0 0 0 0 0 0 50
nearby other canals for
improvement of irrigation and
drainage facilities
Water reservation in natural steams BARI 0 0 0 0 0 159 86
of CHT for sustainable agriculture
Total 1020 5090 2719 5701 2278 1659 8336

Table 3.5 List of mixed projects under water resource sector

Sector Project name Ministry/ Amended allocation (in Lac BDT)

Department 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Water Study on the impact of inter basin river WARPO 91 0 0 0 0 0 0

resources connection
Preparationofmasterplan& Bangladeshhaorand 300 303 247 0 0 0 0
development of database for haors wetland development board
Modernization and integration of BWDB 0 5 0 0 0 0 0
hydrological monitoring network of
Bangladesh and environmental and
social impact assessment on gorai river
RescueofGorairiver 130 9044 14115 23000 3000 6000 3000
DevelopmentofBornibaor Bangladeshhaorand 0 0 200 2000 2800 0 0
wetland development board
Rescue of Buriganga river BWDB 0 2500 875 3000 3000 2000 2500
Sector Project name Ministry/ Amended allocation (hi Lac BDT)
Department 2009-10 2010-11 fl-li 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Bangladesh delta plan formulation Planning commission 0 0 0 0 578 3253 3673
Re-excavation of upper part of Titas BWDB 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
river at Brahmanbaria 15437 28000 9378 11253 9273
Total 521 11852

Table 3.6 List of mixed projects under Physical Planning, Water supply and Housing sector

Sector Project name Ministry/ Amended allocation (in Lac BDT)

Department 2012-13 2014-15 2015-16
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2013-14
PhysicaiPlanning, Coordinateddevelopmentof RAJUK 42500 30102 30000 23653 4000 20160 10700
Water supply and Begunbari and Hatirjheel
Housing Lake development of RAJUK 0 8500 6000 3000 2615 2356 6250
Guishan-Baridhara banani
Total 42500 38602 36000 26653 6615 22516 16950

Table 3.7 List of mixed projects under Rural Development sector

Sector Project name Ministry! Amended allocation (in Lac BD’l’)

Department 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Rural Production, conservation and BRDB 0 0 120 485 1830 1700 1444
Development processing of minor crops for
reducing poverty
Community based resource LGED 3179 2889 3100 2645 886 0 0
Total 3179 2889 3220 3130 2716 1700 1444
Table: 3.8 Summary of sectoral allocation (Biodiversity mixed project) from fiscal year 2009-10 to 2015-16

Sector Amended budget allocation (million BDT) Sectoral total

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Crop 2345 4038 3507 163 474 2017 11362 23906
Fisheries 838 1141 1192 727 1549 2259 2044 9750
Livestock 340 950 1700 1300 1165 0 400 5855
Irrigation 1020 5090 2719 5701 2278 1659 8336 26803
Waterresources 521 11852 15437 28000 9378 11253 9273 85714
Physical Planning, 42500 38602 36000 26653 6615 22516 16950 189836
Water supply and
Rural Development 3179 2889 3220 3130 2716 1700 1444 18278
Total 50743 64562 63775 65674 24175 41404 49809 360142

Table 3.9 List of specific biodiversity project implemented under BCCTF

SI. Project name Implementing Fiscal year wise allocation (in Lac BDT)
No organization 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
1 Countrywide Seedling Culture Project for Department of Forests 1,578.00 0 1,040.00 0 0 0 0
Mass Afforestation to Counter the Adverse
Effects of Climate Changes

2 Resilience Forestry to Check Climate Department of Forests 700.00 0 0 0 0 0 0

Change in Core Zone of the Central Regions
3 Re-vegetation of Madhupur Forest Through Department of Forests 1,545.00 0 0 942.00 0 0 0
Rehabilitation of Forest Dependent Local
and Ethnic Communities

4 AfforestationPiogram in the Coastal Department ofForests 1,159.30 0 0 0 0 0 0

Embankments of the Water Development
Board and their adjacent Sand Bar Areas
Si. Project name Implementing Fiscal year wise aUocation (in Lac BDT)
No organization 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
5 Community-basedAdaptationinthe Departmentof 1,957.88 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ecologically Critical Areas Through Environment
Biodiversity Conservation and Social
6 ReductionofCarbonEmissionthrough DepartmentofForests 0 1,842.00 0 0 0 0 0
Establishment of Sonaichari Botanical
Garden, Bangladesh

7 Afforestation Program in the Coastal Areas Department of Forests 0 2,406.00 0 0 0 0 0

to Counter the Adverse Effects of Climate
Changes (Revised)
8 ForestinformationGenerationand DepartmentofForests 0 812.59 0 0 0 0 0
Networking System
9 People’s Outreach Program to Conserve and Department of Forests 0 189.62 0 0 0 0 0
to Vote the Sundarbans as one of the Seven
Natural Wonders

10 Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation Department of Forests 0 0 682.47 0 0 0 0

of Swamp Forests to Prevent the Adverse
Effects of Climate Change

11 Eco-restoration of Hill Forests, Cox’s Bazar Department of Forests 0 0 0 550.00 0 0 0

12 FormationofCarbonSinkinKaptaithrough DepartmentofForests 0 0 0 1,200.00 0 0 500:00
Plantation Program
13 Biodiversity Conservation and Promoting Department of Forests 0 0 0 250.00 0 0 0
Ecotourism in Laldia Reserved Forests
14 Expansion Program to Floating Technology Department of 0 0 0 1,380.00 0 0 0
of Producing Vegetables and Spices in Agricultural Extension
Flood Prone and Water Clogged Areas as (DAE)
Adapting Strategy to Manage Climate
15 DevelopmentProjectofExtensionof DepartmentofForests 0 0 0 0 0 0 300.00
Biodiversity Park, Bangabandhu Sheilch
Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur
SI. Project name Implementing Fiscal year wise allocation (in Lac BDT)
No organization 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
0 0 0 0 — 0 150.00
16 Afforestation, Renovation and Department of Forests 0
Beautification Program (Second Phase) of
Pirojpur River View Ecopark (DC Park)
17 Project for Creating Entertainment Department of Forests 0 0 0 0 0 0 200.00
Opportunities in SFNTC of Upazila -

Kazirbag under Feni District through

Establishing Ecopark
18 Afforestation and Establishment Program in Department of Forests 0 0 0 0 0 0 700.00
Pirojpur Police Lines
19 StrengtheningandConsolidationof Departmentof 0 0 0 0 0 0 500.00
Community-based Adaptation in the Environiñent
Ecologically Critical Areas through
Biodiversity Conservation and Social
Protection Project
20 Re-excavation of Dead Khals for Department of Forests 0 0 0 0 0 0 449.80
Biodiversity Conservation and Green Belt
Plantation of Upazila Vandaria under
Pirojpur District or Countering the Effects
of Climate Change
Update of National Conservation Strategy Department of Forests 0 0 0 0 345.00 0 0
Total 6,940.18 5,250.21 1,722.47 4,322.00 345.00 0.00 2,799.80

Table 3.10: List of mixed projects implemented under BCCTF

SI. No Project name implementing Fiscal year wise allocation (in Lac BDT)
organization 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
1 Inventing Sustainable Crop in Drought Bangladesh 600.00 0 0 0 0 0 0
Prone and CoastallSalinity Prone Areas to Agricultural Research
Check Climate Change Institute (BARI)

2 Ecological ManagementProjectofParki Departmentof 191.50 0 0 0 0 0 0

Beach Environment
SI.No Project name Implementing Fiscal year wise allocation (in Lac BDT)
organizatIon 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
3 SpreadofBiogasandModernizedOven BangladeshCouncilfor 0 931.25 0 0 0 0 0
To Reduce Carbon Emission and To Scientific and Industrial
Increase Usage of Alternative Fuel Source Research (BCSIR)

4 Re-excavation of Drainage Khal in Bangladesh Water 0 676.42 0 0 0 0 0

Upazila Kalkini under Madaripur District Development Board

5 Re-excavation of24 Drainage Khals in Bangladesh Water 0 1,891.77 0 0 700.00 0 0

Upazila-Rajoir & Madaripur Sadar under Development Board
Madaripur District

6 Research on Inventing, Processing and Bangladesh 0 2,443.00 0 0 0 0 0

Marketing of Resilient Varieties of Rice, Agricultural
Wheat, Pulse and Oilseed Development
Corporation (BADC)
7 Re-excavation of Ichamati River of Bangladesh Water 0 400.90 0 0 0 0 0
Upazila-Shibaloy under Manikganj Development Board
8 Re-excavation of Betna River of Satkhira Bangladesh Water 0 0 2,495.00 0 0 0 0
District to Mitigate Water logging Development Board
9 Re-excavation of Drainage and frrigation Bangladesh Water 0 0 1,290.09 0 0 0 0
Khals in Upazila Damudda, Gosairhaat, Development Board
Shariatpur Sadar and Noria under funding
10 Solid Waste Management System Benapole Pourashava, 0 0 311.83 0 0 0 0
Improvement and Plantation Program in Jessore
Benapole Purashava for Climate Change
Risk Reduction and Mitigation
S1.No Project name Implementing Fiscal year wise allocation (in Lac BDT)
organization 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
11 Re-excavation of Khals Located in- Bangladesh Water 0 0 0 800.00 0 0 0
between Coastal Polders of Upazila - Development Board
Kalapara under Patuakhali District to
Store Rainwater for Countering the
Effects of Climate Change by Increasing
Crop Production and Mitigating Water

12 ConstructionofRegulatorandRe- Bangladesh Water 0 0 0 1,238.40 0 0 0

excavation of River Kharkbaria of Upazila Development Board
-Parbotipur and Bank Protection of P.iver
Dhepa of Upazila Kaharol under
Dinajpur District
13 Re-excavation of Beel Sachar-Ghugra of Bangladesh Water 0 0 0 1,499.72 0 0 0
Pitainborodi, Narinda, Kawadi Bazaar and Development Board
Naergaon to Sachar Kbal of River
Meghna to Maintain Ecological Balance

14 Re-excavation of 37 Khals ofUpazila - Bangladesh Water 0 0 0 1,198.77 0 0 0

Meghna under Comilla District Development Board

15 Re-excavationofKhalsofUpazila- BangladeshWater 0 0 0 1,198.64 0 0 0

Kotalipara under Gopalganj Distrcit to Development Board
Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change

16 Re-excavation of Khals of West Bangladesh Water 0 0 0 0 0 0 985.87

Kotalipara of Upazila Kotalipara under Development Board
Gopalganj Distrcit to Mitigate the Effects
of Climate Change
17 Re-excavation of River Old Dakatia of Bangladesh Water 0 0 0 0 600.00 0 0
Upazila Nangolkot under Comilla Development Board
District to maintain Ecological Balance
00 Si. N9 Project name Implementing Fiscal year wise allocation (in Lac BDT)
organization 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
18 Re-exavation and Bank Conservation of Bangladesh Water 0 0 0 0 1,000.00 0 0
Suvadda Khal from Suvadda to Aganagar Development Board
of Upazila Keraniganj of Dhaka District
for Conserving Ecological Balance

19 Khal Re-excavation and Plantation Barind Multipurpose 0 0 0 0 795.00 0 0

Program to Mamtam Ecolofical Balance Development Authority
and Socio-Economic Improvement in
Areas Affected by Droughts due to
Climate Change
20 Re-excavation of Nine Khals and Six Bangladesh Water 0 0 0 0 350.00 0 0
Inundated Banks under the Drainage and Development Board
Irrigation Project of Upazila Daudkandi
and Chandina under Coniilla District to
Check the Effects of Climate Change

21 Re-excavation ofKhals Located in- Bangladesh Water 0 0 0 0 200.00 0 0

between Coastal Polders of Upa.zila - Development Board
Kalapara and Rangabali under Patuakhali
District to Store Rainwater for Countering
the Effects of Climate Change by
Increasing Crop Production and
Mitigating Water Clogging

22 Program for Inventing, Processing and Bangladesh 0 0 0 0 253.00 0 100.00

Marketing Resilient Grain Seeds Agricultural
Corporation (BADC),
Agricultural Research
Institute (BARI)
SI. No Project name Implementing Fiscal year wise allocation (in Lac BDT)
organization 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
0 0 0 0 250.00 0 0
23 Re-excavation of Fultala Khal (Ward No. Patualchali Pourashava
01, including Pitching of 1.58 km of
Blocks) of Patuakhali Sadar Upa.zila and
Patuakhali Pourashava under Patuakhali
District for Countering the Effects of
Climate Change
0 0 0 0 0 1,00000 0
24 Market Development Initiative for Department of
Bondhu Chula (Phase II) Enviroment (DoE)
0 0 0 0 0 200.00 0
Re-excavation of River Basia ofllpazila - Bangladesh Water
Biswonath under Sylbet District for Development Board
Countering the Effects of Climate Change
0 0 0 0 345.00 0 0
26 Development of climate resilient BINA
variety/technology in different
enviromnental region through BINA
0 0 0 0 500.00 0 0
27 Re-excavation of canals of Kotalipara and BWDB
Ti.mgipara Upzalia of Gopalganj District
to maintain environmental equilibrium
and combat with the impact of climate
0 0 0 0 250.00 0 0
28 Re-excavation of Fultali canal under 1 no. Patuakhali Pourashava
ward of Patuakhali Municipality for
combating with the impact of climate
791.50 6343.34 4096.92 5935.53 5243.00 1200.00 1005.87
Dep*rtmnt of Eironment
Paribesh J3haban
E.16, Agargion. Sher eBangIa Nagar
L)haka 1 21)7 E3angladcsh
Ph -88-02-8181800
Fax-88-02-8 18)772
E-rnai1 haider.doeji’
w’wcloc.gcv. bd


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