Format of Trade File To Clearing Member

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Trade file format – Equity Segment

Format of Trade file to Clearing Member:

File Name Type
EOD Provision Trade file PBR<DDMMYY>_CM.<Clearing Code> CSV
EOD Final Trade file BR<DDMMYY>_CM.<Clearing Code> CSV
Online Trade File EQ_ITR_CM_<>_<YYYYMMDD>.csv CSV

Sr. Field Name Description Data type

1 Member ID Member Code of the trading Numeric (9)
member as assigned by BSE
This will contain BSE Trading
Member ID will be received from
2 Trader ID ID of the trader who has executed Numeric (9)
the trade at BSE.
Applicable only for BSE trades. For
other Exchange trades it will be
3 Scrip Code Numeric identifier assigned to a Numeric (9)
security, as available in the scrip
master file.
4 Scrip Id Symbol of the security, as available Char (11)
in the scrip master file.
5 Rate Price at which the trade has been Numeric (10)
executed (Rate will be in paise)
6 Qty Traded quantity Numeric (9)
7 Trade status Status of the trade; possible values Numeric (9)
are -
11 = Original Trade
12 = Modified Trade
13 = Cancelled Trade
17 = Approved Trade
18 = Rejected Trade

This field data will be received to

the CLASS from the RTRMS.
8 CM code Clearing member code of the Numeric (9)
trading member executing the
In case of confirmed trade of
custodial participant (CP), this field
will reflect code of custodian
9 Trade Time Trade Timestamp in terms of Char (8)
10 Trade Date Trade date in YYYY/MM/DD format Char (10)
11 Client ID Unique Client code of the client Char (11)
12 Order ID Order number Numeric (20)

Trade file format – Equity Segment

13 Transaction Possible values in this field: Char (1)

Type/Order Type L – Limit order
G – Market order
O– Odd-lot order
K – Block Deal order
14 Buy/Sell B = Buy /S = Sell Char (1)
15 Trade ID Trade number Numeric (10)
16 Client Type Possible values in this field: Char (15)
17 ISIN ISIN code for the security, as Char (12)
available in the scrip master file.
18 Group Name The Settlement group of the Char(2)
Security, as available in the scrip
master file.

Group name as provided in scrip

master against scrip code
19 SettNo Settlement Number applicable for Char (12)
the trade date, as assigned by ICCL
In nnn/yyyyyyyy format
20 OrdTimestamp Order Time stamp in terms of Char (8)
21 AO/PO Flag 0 – AO (Active Orders) flag Numeric (1)
1 – PO (Passive Orders) flag

Applicable only for BSE trades. For

other Exchange trades it will be
22 Location ID Location ID of the trader Numeric (16)
Applicable only for BSE trades. For
other Exchange trades it will be
23 Trade This field will provide trade Char (8) (hh:mm:ss)
Modification modification time. If no trade
Time modification has been done, this
field shall reflect the original trade
24 Session ID Session ID corresponding to the Numeric (10)
trader ID, which is used for
connecting to BSE’s trading system.
This field data will be received to
the CLASS from the RTRMS.

Applicable only for BSE trades. For

other Exchange trades it will be

Trade file format – Equity Segment

25 CP code Custodial Participant code of client Char (15)

settling through custodian
(This field data will be received to
the CLASS from the RTRMS)
26 CP code Value “Y” or “N” indicating trade Char (1)
confirmation confirmed / not confirmed by
(Y/N) custodian
(This field data will be received
to the CLASS from the RTRMS)
27 Old Custodial In case of a change in Custodial Char (15)
Participant Participant (CP) code, this field will
contain the old CP Code

(This field data will be received

to the CLASS from the RTRMS)
28 Old Custodial In case of a change in Custodial Numeric (9)
Code Participant (CP) code, this field will
contain the old custodian code.

(This field data will be received

to the CLASS from the RTRMS).
29 Exchange Flag This will contain identifier of the Char (7)
Exchange where trade is executed
by trading member. Possible values

(This identifier shall be provided

field data will be received to the
CLASS from the RTRMS.)
30 Scrip id/Symbol This will contain Symbol of the Char (11)
security as defined by the Exchange
where the trade is executed.

(1. For BSE trade scrip ID/ symbol to

be taken from scrip master file)

(2. For NSE & MSEI trade based on

token number received in trade and
using mapping file CALSS to find out
symbol in respective Exchange)
31 Series This will contain series identifier as Char (2)
defined by the Exchange where the
trade is executed.
e.g. EQ, BE, etc

(1. For BSE trade this will be blank)

(2. For NSE & MSEI trade based on

token number received in trade and

Trade file format – Equity Segment

using mapping file CALSS to find out

series in respective Exchange)
32 TM code of other Code of the trading member as Varchar (9)
Exchange assigned by the Exchange where
the trade is executed.

(CLASS to find this information

using MM file which shall be
provided for Interop)

Format of Trade file to Trading Member:

File Name Type
Provision Trade file PBR<DDMMYY>.<xxx> (where xxx = Member Code) Pipe separated (|)
Final Trade file BR<DDMMYY>.<xxx> (where xxx = Member Code) Pipe separated (|)
Online Trade file for TM EQ_ITR_<xxx>_<YYYYMMDD>.csv (where xxx = Member Code) CSV

Sr. Field Name Description Data type

1 Member ID Member id Numeric(9)
2 Trader ID Trader Id Numeric(9)
3 Scrip Code Scrip Code Numeric(9)
4 Scrip Id Scrip ID Char(11)
5 Rate Rate Numeric(10)- (rate will be in
6 Qty Quantity Numeric(9)
7 Trade status 11- Original trade Numeric(9)
12- Modified trade
13 = Cancelled Trade
17 = Approved Trade
18 = Rejected Trade
8 CM code Clearing member code of the Numeric(9)
trading member executing the
In case of confirmed trade of
custodial participant (CP), this field
will reflect code of custodian
9 Time Trade Time Char(8) (hh:mm:ss)
10 Date Trade date Char(10) (yyyy/mm/dd)
11 Client ID Client Id Char(11)
12 Order ID Order ID Numeric(20)
13 Trn Typ/Order Possible values in this field: Char(1)
Type L – Limit Order
G – Market Order
O– Oddlot order
K – Block Deals
14 Buy/Sell B = Buy /S = Sell Char(1)

Trade file format – Equity Segment

15 Trade ID Trade ID Numeric(10)

16 Client Type Possible values in this field: Char(15)
17 ISIN ISIN code for the security Char(12)
18 Scrip Group Group under which the scrip is Char(2)
19 SettNo Settlement Number Char(12) (nnn/yyyyyyyy)
20 OrdTimestamp Order Time stamp Char(8) (hh:mm:ss)
21 AO/PO Flag 0 – AO (Active Orders) flag Numeric(1)
1 – PO (Passive Orders) flag
22 LocationId Location Id of the trader Numeric(16)
23 Trade This field will provide trade Char (8) (hh:mm:ss)
modification Time modification time. If no trade
modification has been done, this
field shall reflect the original trade
24 Session ID Session ID corresponding to the Numeric (10)
trader ID, which is used for
connecting to BSE’s trading system.
25 CP code Custodial Participant code of client Char (15)
settling through custodian
26 CP code Value “Y” or “N” indicating trade Char (1)
confirmation confirmed / not confirmed by
(Y/N) custodian
27 Old Custodial In case of a change in Custodial Char (15)
Participant Participant (CP) code, this field will
contain the old CP Code
28 Old Custodial In case of a change in Custodial Numeric (9)
Code Participant (CP) code, this field will
contain the old custodian code.
29 Filler Default value as 0 Char (7)
30 Filler Default value as 0 Char (11)
31 Filler Default value as 0 Char (2)

32 Filler Default value as 0 Varchar (9)


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