Will Punishing Bullies Help
Will Punishing Bullies Help
Will Punishing Bullies Help
But bullying is one of the things that is difficult to separate from the world of education.
Cases of bullying that often occur in schools in Indonesia are increasing. The results of
a 2014 study by the National Consortium for the Development of Character Schools
stated that almost every school in Indonesia had cases of bullying, although only verbal
and psychological/mental bullying. Cases of seniors bullying juniors keep popping up.
For example, in 2020, the middle finger of a junior high school student in Malang had to
be amputated due to bullying from his friends.
Even though the bully is still a child, the fact is that in every case that occurs, the bully
does it knowingly and has the intention to commit a violent act. Of course this will make
the victim depressed, traumatized, and even suicidal. And for bullies this will increase
self-confidence which will make them more aggressive in committing violence.
Allowing children who have committed crimes without making them aware of what they
have done will only make them see the act is normal.
This will be the worst example for other children, especially now that information is so
easily accessible.
For the victim, the child will become a person who is closed from society and the
environment. Maybe even the child will turn into a bully.
However, punishing bullies will not solve the problem, but will create new problems. For
example, bullies who are expelled from school will be involved in many criminal
problems, find it difficult to find work and have low social skills in adulthood.
Criminal punishment, according to UNICEF, actually causes many bad effects for both
the bully and the victim. When a child is imprisoned, his future has been snatched away.
Not only that, they will also be connected to bigger crimes, thus opening up
opportunities to commit crimes in the future.
For parents, when you find your child acting as a bully, don't immediately blame the
environment, first look at what is happening at home. Children who are used to
receiving yelling or physical anger from their parents will act the same way.
Then, tell children not to worry about differences, such as race, religion, appearance,
gender, or economic status, and try to instill empathy in people who have differences.
Tell children that everyone is unique, and emphasize treating everyone well.
So, instead of punishing the bully who actually makes it worse, it's wise to stop the
bullying problem at its root before it grows any further.
Presumably enough until here is a little speech that I can convey. For all the mistakes
and words that are less pleasing, whether I intentionally or not, I apologize profusely.