The Imperial Gazetteer of India Vol XVIII

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1 908

a has the sound of a in ' woman.'
a has the sound of a in ' father.'
e has the vowel-sound in 'grey.'
i has the sound of i in ' pin.'
I has the sound of i in ' police.'
o has the sound of o in ' bone.'
u has the sound of u in ' b u l l . '
u has the sound of u in ' flute.'
ai has the vowel-sound in ' m i n e . '
au has the vowel-sound in ' house.'

It should be stated that no attempt has been made to distinguish

between the long and short sounds of e and o in the Dravidian
languages, which possess the vowel-sounds in ' b e t ' and ' h o t ' in
addition to those given above. N o r has it been thought necessary
to mark vowels as long in cases where mistakes in pronunciation
were not likely to be made.

Most I n d i a n languages have different forms for a number of con-
sonants, such as d, t, r, & c , marked in scientific works by the use
of dots or italics. As the European ear distinguishes these with
difficulty in ordinary pronunciation, it has been considered undesir-
able to embarrass the reader with them ; and only two notes are
required. In the first place, the Arabic k, a strong guttural, has
been represented by k instead of q, which is often used. Secondly,
it should be remarked that aspirated consonants are common ; and,
in particular, dh and th (except in Burma) never have the sound of
th in ' t h i s ' or ' t h i n , ' but should be pronounced as in ' woodhouse'
and 'boathook.'
A 2

Burmese Words
Burmese and some of the languages on the frontier of China have
the following special sounds :—
aw has the vowel-sound in ' law.'
o and u are pronounced as in German,
gy is pronounced almost like j in ' jewel.'
ky is pronounced almost like ch in ' church.'
th is pronounced in some cases as in ' this,' in some cases as in
w after a consonant has the force of uw. Thus, ywa and pwe
are disyllables, pronounced as if written yuwa and puwe.
It should also be noted that, whereas in I n d i a n words the accent
or stress is distributed almost equally on each syllable, in Burmese
there is a tendency to throw special stress on the last syllable.

T h e names of some places—e.g. Calcutta, Bombay, Lucknow,
Cawnpore—have obtained a popular fixity of spelling, while special
forms have been officially prescribed for others. Names of persons
are often spelt and pronounced differently in different parts of India ;
but the variations have been made as few as possible by assimilating
forms almost alike, especially where a particular spelling has been
generally adopted in English books.


As the currency of I n d i a is based upon the rupee, all statements

w i t h regard to money throughout the Gazetteer have necessarily been
expressed in rupees, nor has it been found possible to add generally
a conversion into sterling. D o w n to about 1873 the gold value of
the rupee (containing 165 grains of pure silver) was approximately
equal to 2s., or one-tenth of a £ ; and for that period it is easy to
convert rupees into sterling by striking off the final cipher (Rs. 1,000
= £100). B u t after 1873, owing to the depreciation of silver as
compared w i t h gold throughout the world, there came a serious and
progressive fall in the exchange, u n t i l at one time the gold value of
the rupee dropped as low as Is. In order to provide a remedy for
the heavy loss caused to the Government of I n d i a in respect of its
gold payments to be made in England, and also to relieve foreign
trade and finance from the inconvenience due to constant and
unforeseen fluctuations in exchange, it was resolved in 1893 to close
the mints to the free coinage of silver, and thus force up the value of
the rupee by restricting the circulation. T h e intention was to raise

the exchange value of the rupee to is. 4d., and then introduce a gold
standard (though not necessarily a gold currency) at the rate of Rs. 15
= £I. T h i s policy has been completely successful. F r o m 1899 on
wards the value of the rupee has been maintained, w i t h insignificant
fluctuations, at the proposed rate of is, 4 d . ; and consequently since
that date three rupees have been equivalent to two rupees before 1873.
For the intermediate period, between 1873 and 1899, it is manifestly
impossible to adopt any fixed sterling value for a constantly changing
rupee. But since 1899, if it is desired to convert rupees into sterling,
not only must the final cipher be struck off (as before 1873), but
also one-third must be subtracted from the result. T h u s Rs. 1,000
= £ 1 0 0 — 1 / 3 = (about) £ 6 7 .
Another matter in connexion w i t h the expression of money state-
ments in terms of rupees requires to be explained. T h e method of
numerical notation in I n d i a differs from that which prevails through-
out Europe. Large numbers are not punctuated in hundreds of thou-
sands and millions, but in lakhs and crores. A lakh is one hundred
thousand (written out as 1,00,000), and a crore is one hundred lakhs
or ten millions (written out as 1,00,00,000). Consequently, accord-
ing to the exchange value of the rupee, a lakh of rupees (Rs. 1,00,000)
may be read as the equivalent of £10,000 before 1873, and as the
equivalent of (about) £6,667 after 1899; while a crore of rupees
(Rs. 1,00,00,000) may similarly be read as the equivalent of
£1,000,000 before 1873, and as the equivalent of (about) £666,667
after 1899.
Finally, it should be mentioned that the rupee is divided into
16 annas, a fraction commonly used for many purposes by b o t h
natives and Europeans. T h e anna was formerly reckoned as 1½d. ;
it may now be considered as exactly corresponding to id. T h e
anna is again subdivided into 12 pies.

T h e various systems of weights used in I n d i a combine uniformity

of scale w i t h immense variations in the weight of units. T h e scale
used generally throughout Northern India, and less commonly in
Madras and Bombay, may be thus expressed : one maund = 40 seers;
one seer = 16 chittaks or 80 tolas. T h e actual weight of a seer
varies greatly from District to District, and even from village to
v i l l a g e ; b u t in the standard system the tola is 180 grains T r o y
(the exact weight of the rupee), and the seer thus weighs 2.057 lb.,
and the maund 82-28 l b . T h i s standard is used in official reports
and throughout the Gazetteer.
For calculating retail prices, the universal custom in India is to
express them in terms of seers to the rupee. Thus, when prices
change, what varies is not the amount of money to be paid for the
same quantity, but the quantity to be obtained for the same amount
of money. In other words, prices in I n d i a are quantity prices, not
money prices. W h e n the figure of quantity goes up, this of course
means that the price has gone down, which is at first sight perplexing
to an English reader. It may, however, be mentioned that quantity
prices are not altogether unknown in England, especially at small
shops, where pennyworths of many groceries can be bought. Eggs,
likewise, are commonly sold at a varying number for the shilling.
If it be desired to convert quantity prices from I n d i a n into English
denominations without having recourse to money prices (which would
often be misleading), the following scale may be adopted—based
upon the assumptions that a seer is exactly 2 lb., and that the value
of the rupee remains constant at Is. 4d.: I seer per rupee = (about)
3 l b . for 2s.; 2 seers per rupee = (about) 6 l b . for 2s.; and so on.

T h e name of the unit for square measurement in I n d i a generally

is the bigha, which varies greatly in different parts of the country.
But areas have always been expressed throughout the Gazetteer either
in square miles or in acres.

MYSORE . . . . . . . . to face p. 250
M o r a m . - T o w n in the Tuljapur taluk of Osmanabad District,
Hyderabad State, situated in 17 0 47' N. and 76 0 29' E. Population
(1901), 5,692. Large quantities of grain and jaggery are exported from
here via Sholapur and Akalkot. T w o weekly bazars are held—one on
Sundays for general trade, and the other on Mondays for the sale of
cloth only. A new bazar, Osmanganj, is under construction. Moram
contains a school.
M o r a r (Murdr).—Cantonment in the Gwalior State, Central India,
situated in 26 0 14' N. and 78 0 14' E., 2 miles from the Morar Road
station on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, and on the banks of
the Morar river, a small stream tributary to the Vaisali. Population
(1901), 19,179. In former days the waters of the river were dammed
up so as to form a considerable lake, which was noted for the species
of fish known as the Barillus morarensis which abounded in it. The
town lies 4 miles from Lashkar city, with which it is connected by
a broad road. The station is laid out on the usual plan, but is
remarkable for the numerous fine avenues of large trees which line
the roads. The substantial stone barracks built in 1870 for the British
troops are now occupied by the State regiments, the officers' bungalows
being used by European and native officials in the State service.
Morar was founded in 1844 as a cantonment for the Gwalior Con-
tingent, the brigadier in command and a force of all three arms being
stationed here. In 1857 the most serious rising in Central India took
place at this station. Signs of disaffection among the men of the
Contingent were early discernible; and on June 14 the troops mutinied,
and killed six officers, the clergyman, and several other Europeans.
The rest escaped to Agra with the assistance of the Maharaja. On
May 30, 1858, Morar, was occupied by the troops of Tantia Topi, the
Nawab of Banda, and the Rani of Jhansi, who forced Sindhia to vacate
Lashkar and retreat to Agra. On June 16 Sir H u g h Rose drove
Tantia T o p i out of Morar, and on the 20th reinstated Sindhia in his
capital. Morar remained a British cantonment, garrisoned by a mixed
force of British and Native troops, till 1886, when it was handed over to
Gwalior in connexion with the exchanges of territory which took place
then. The State troops now occupying the cantonment are a regiment
of Imperial Service Cavalry, the Imperial Service Transport Corps,
three batteries, and two infantry regiments. Morar has of late years
become a considerable trading centre, especially for grain, the local
dues being lighter than those obtaining in Lashkar. Impetus has been
given to the tanning industry by the establishment of the State leather
factory in the cantonment. The town contains a European church,
a State post office, a school for boys and another for girls, and two
hospitals, one military and the other civil, and four large European
cemeteries. Just beyond the cantonment limits is the Alijah Club
for European residents.
Morchopna.—Petty State i n K A T H I A W A R , Bombay.
M o r o . — Taluka in Hyderabad District, Sind, Bombay, lying between
26 0 23' and 26° 55' N. and 67 0 52' and 68° 20' E., with an area of 402
square miles. The population in 1901 was 66,641, compared with
57,646 in 1891 ; the density is 166 persons per square mile. The
number of villages is 78, of which Moro is the head-quarters. Land
revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to about 1-3 lakhs. The
taluka has now lost its barren and sandy tracts, which have been
transferred to Nasrat. The chief crops are jowar, barley, indigo,
gram, and rapeseed.
Morrelganj.—Village in the Bagherhat subdivision of Khulna
District, Bengal, situated in 22° 2 7 ' N . and 89 0 52' E., on the Panguchi,
2½ miles above its confluence with the Baleswar or Haringhata, of
which it is a feeder. Population (1901), 972. Morrelganj was formerly
the property of Messrs. Morrel and Lightfoot, who converted this part
of the country from impenetrable jungle into a prosperous rice-growing
tract dotted with thriving villages. The river, which here is tidal, is
about a quarter of a mile broad, with deep water from bank to bank,
affording good holding ground for ships, with a well-sheltered anchorage.
It was declared a port by the Government of Bengal in November, 1869,
and buoys were laid down in the following month; but the effort to make
it an entrepot for sea-going trade was not attended with success. Its
position on a fine navigable river, commanding a rich rice country, still,
however, renders it a great centre of local trade. It is an important
steamer station of the Cachar-Sundarbans service.
M o r s i T a l u k . — T a l u k of Amraoti District, Berar, lying between
2 1 0 1 2 ' a n d 2 1 0 34' N. and 77 0 48' and 780 29" E., with an area of
622 square miles. The population fell from 152,374 in 1891 to
143,734 in 1901, its density in the latter year being 231 persons per
square mile. The taluk contains 231 villages and four towns, M O R S I
(population, 8,313), the head-quarters, W A R U D (7,179), SKNDURJANA
(6,860), and N E R P I N G L A I (5,408). The demand for land revenue i n
1903-4 was Rs. 5,18,000, and for cesses Rs. 41,000. The taluk lies
chiefly in the fertile valley of the Wardha river, which bounds it on the
east and south-east; but a narrow tract along its north-western border
occupies the lower slopes of the SATPURA H I L L S .
M o r s i Town.—Head-quarters of the taluk of the same name in
Amraoti District, Berar, situated in 2 1 0 20' N. and 78 0 4' E. Population
(1901), 8,313. The town contains eight ginning factories and two cotton-
presses, and a Subordinate Judge and a Munsif hold their courts here.
M o r v i State.—State in the Kathiawar Political Agency, Bombay,
lying between 22 0 23' and 23 0 6' N. and 70 0 30' and 7 1 0 3' E., with an
area of 822 square miles. The country is generally flat. The river
Machhu, on which the town of M o r v i stands, never runs dry, and is
crossed by a good bridge. The climate near the coast is good, but
fever is common throughout the State. The annual rainfall averages
23 inches.
T h e Thakur Sahib of M o r v i claims to be directly descended from
the Cutch line and not through the Navanagar family. He possesses
a small subdivision in Cutch with a port at Jangi. Many disputes
have arisen with the Rao of Cutch regarding this port and the sea-
borne trade. The differences which exist between the two States find
a vent in obstructions offered to the trader. Tradition represents the
chief of M o r v i as the descendant of the eldest son of the Rao of Cutch
who, in the latter part of the seventeenth century, was murdered by
a younger brother, and whose family thereupon fled to this place, then
a dependency of Cutch. Their possession of Morvi was subsequently
sanctioned by the Cutch ruler. The chief entered into the same
engagements with the British Government as the other Kathiawar chiefs
in 1807. He holds a sanad authorizing adoption, and the succession
of the house follows the rule of primogeniture. The chief is entitled
to a salute of II guns. The present chief was created a K.C.L.E. in
1887, and subsequently in 1897 a G.C.I.E.
The population at the last four enumerations was: (1872) 90,016,
(1881) 89,964, (1891) 105,335, and (1901) 87,496, showing a decrease
of 17 per cent. during the last decade, owing to the famine of 1899-
1900. In 1901 Hindus numbered 72,443, Musalmans 10,099, and
Jains 4,913. The capital is M O R V I T O W N , and there are 140 villages.
Grain, sugar-cane, and cotton are the principal products. T h e area
cultivated is 345½ square miles, of which 3½ square miles are irrigated.
Irrigation is provided by 4,257 wells and by the Paneli waterworks,
which irrigate 1,208 blghas. A veterinary hospital is maintained; and
horse-breeding is carried on by 14 stallions and 240 mares. Salt and
coarse cotton cloth are manufactured. A cotton-mill, established by
the State a few years ago, has recently been closed ; but a cotton-
ginning factory and gas-works are still maintained. The chief articles
of export are cotton, oil, ghi, wool, grain, hides and horns : and the
chief articles of import are timber, cotton cloth, oil, and coal. The
total trade by sea and land amounted in 1903-4 to about 31 lakhs j
namely, imports 12 lakhs, and exports about 9 lakhs.
The State owns the port of Vavania, on the Gulf of Cutch, and
maintains a good road between Morvi and Rajkot. A tramway runs
from M o r v i to the port of Navlakhi. The State railway, nearly 90 miles
in length, known as the M o r v i line, has been partly converted to the
metre gauge ; it pays a dividend of about 5 per cent. Steam and oil
launches are maintained by the State for traffic between Navlakhi port
and K h a r i Rohar.
M o r v i ranks as a first-class State in Kathiawar. The chief has full
power over his own people, the trial of British subjects for capital
offences requiring the previous permission of the Agent to the
Governor. He enjoys an estimated revenue of more than 7½ lakhs
(excluding the railway), chiefly derived from land (4½ lakhs), and pays
a tribute of Rs. 61,559 jointly to the British Government, the Gaik
war of Baroda, and the Nawab of Junagarh. The State contains four
municipalities. In 1905 an armed police force of 176 men was main-
tained ; there are also 15 mounted men. The State contains a Central
jail and four subsidiary jails, with a daily average of 102 prisoners. In
1903-4 there were 49 schools, with a total of 2,086 pupils, of whom
155 are girls :and 6 medical institutions, treating 25,000 patients.
In the same year about 1,900 persons were vaccinated.
M o r v i T o w n (Morbi).- -Chief town of the State of the same name
in Kathiawar, Bombay, situated in 22 0 49' N. and 700 53' K., on the
west bank of the river Machhu, which 22 miles farther north enters
the Gulf of Cutch. Population (1901), 17,820. Morvi is the terminus
of the Morvi State Railway, 35 miles distant from Rajkot. O l d M o r v i ,
said to have been founded by Mor Jethwa, is situated on the eastern
bank of the river, about a mile from the present town. It was called
Mordhvajpuri and afterwards Bhimor. The present town is said to
derive its name from the Morbo hill where Sanghji Jethwa defeated
a Vaghela Rana, and in commemoration of his conquest founded the
present town on the opposite bank of the river to Mordhvajpuri.
Afterwards when Mordhvajpuri became waste in the wars of the end
of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth century, most of the
wealthy inhabitants removed their dwellings to the present site in order
to place the river between them and the foreign invader. A made road
connects M o r v i with the port of Vavania and the town of Tankara.
The town contains a public park and a library and several fine
M o t a Kotarna.—Petty State i n M A H I K A N T H A , Bombay.
Moth.—North-western tahsil of Jhansi District, United Provinces,
conterminous with the pargana of the same name, lying between
25 0 32' and 25 0 50' N. and 78 0 46' and 79 0 7' E., with an area of
279 square miles. Population fell from 59,089 in 1891 to 55,638 in
1901. There are 136 villages and two towns: Chirgaon (population,
4,028) and M o t h (2,937), the tahsil headquarters. The demand for
land revenue in 1903-4 was Rs. 1,17,000, and for cesses Rs. 19,000.
The density of population, 199 persons per square mile, is slightly
above the District average. The Betwa flows through the centre of
the tahsil The villages along its banks are liable to injury from the
erosion in ravines, and those east of the river are largely overgrown by
kdns (Saccharum spontaneum), which prevents cultivation. West of the
Betwa good black soil is found in the north of the tahsil, where it is
protected and enriched by embankments, while in the south, where
the soil is lighter, there is a little irrigation. There is excellent grazing
for cattle, and large quantities of ghi are exported from Chirgaon.
In 1902-3 the cultivated area was 118 square miles, of which only 2
were irrigated.
M o t i h a r i Subdivision.—Head-quarters subdivision of Champaran
District, Bengal, lying between 26 0 16' and 27 0 I' N. and 84 0 30' and
85 0 18' E., with an area of 1,518 square miles. The subdivision con-
sists of an alluvial tract traversed by the Sikrana river, in which the
land is level, fertile, and highly cultivated. The population in 1901
was 1,040,599, compared with 1,099,600 in 1891. The slight de-
crease was due to the famine of 1897, which stimulated emigration and
diminished the fecundity of the people. The density is 686 persons
per square mile, or nearly twice as high as in the Bettiah subdivision.
I t contains one town, M O T I H A R I (population, 13,730), the head-quarters:
and 1,304 villages. Interesting archaeological remains are found at
A R A R A J and KESARIYA. SAGAUIL was the scene of an outbreak in the
M o t i h a r i Town.—Head-quarters of Champaran District, Bengal,
situated in 26° 40' N. and 84 0 55' E. Population (1901), 13,730.
Motihari was constituted a municipality in 1869. The income during
the decade ending 1901-2 averaged Rs. 16,000, and the expenditure
Rs. 14,000. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 22,000, of which Rs. 8,000
was derived from a tax on houses and lands, and Rs. 3,000 from a
municipal market; and the expenditure was Rs. 17,000. The town
is pleasantly situated on the east bank of a lake, and contains the usual
public offices, a jail, and a school. The jail has accommodation for
356 prisoners; the chief industries carried on are oil-pressing, dari-
weaving, net-making, and the manufacture of string money-bags.
Motihari is the head-quarters of a troop of the Bihar Light Horse.
Moulmein Subdivision.—Subdivision and township in the north-
west corner of Amherst District, Lower Burma, with an area of 30
square miles, 15 of which are comprised in the Moulmein municipality
and 6 in Moulmein port. The township contains that part of the
District (outside municipal limits) which lies north of the Gyaing river,
where Kado (population, 2,934), an important forest depot, is situated.
The population, excluding the Moulmein municipality and port, was
8,168 in 1901 (chiefly Takings and Burmans), distributed in 40 villages.
The area cultivated in 1903-4 was 16 square miles, paying Rs. 23,400
land revenue.
Moulmein T o w n (Burmese, Mawlamyaing).—Head-quarters of
Amherst District and of the Tenasserim Division of Lower Burma,
situated in 16 0 29' N. and 97 0 38' E., 28 miles from the sea, on the
left bank of the Salween, at its confluence with the Gyaing and Ataran.
In configuration the town has roughly the form of an inverted ' L,
the portion represented by the horizontal line following the course of
the Salween, and that represented by the vertical line the course of the
Ataran. The former contains four divisions of the town, the latter one.
As a British settlement, Moulmein dates from the year 1827, when
it was selected by General Sir Archibald Campbell as the capital for
the newly acquired Tenasserim province, its claims being held superior
to those of Amherst in the south and Martaban in the west. One of
Moulmein's chief titles to fame is the great beauty of the scenery in
which it is set. The visitor entering the river from the Gulf of
Martaban is met by banks crowned with the most varied of evergreen
foliage, a marked contrast to the low-lying muddy flats that characterize
the mouths of the Hooghly or Irrawaddy. Right and left, parallel with
the banks, are low ranges of hills, on which are perched pagodas here
and there; and up the river beyond the town a limestone eminence
about 2,000 feet in height, known as the Duke of York's Nose, stands
in bold relief against the sky. From the plains surrounding the town
isolated limestone rocks rise abruptly, forming one of the most marked
characteristics of the Moulmein scenery.
Coming to the town itself, through the horizontal arm of the inverted
' L ' runs a range of hills 300 feet in height, on which are built two
magnificent pagodas, the Uzina and Kyaikthanlan, the former in the
centre, the latter at the northern end. Midway between the two is
a third pagoda, from which the midday gun is fired and ships are
signalled. From this ridge a view, hardly to be equalled in Burma
for beauty, is obtained of Moulmein nestling among the trees on the
western slopes. To the north and west lie the meeting-place of the
rivers, the shipping in the stream, the wooded islands in the channel,
Martaban with its glistening pagoda overhanging the water, and the
dark hills of Bilugyun. To the east, the Ataran may be seen winding
through the green plain, and the Taungwaing hills rise up in the south.

The town, which has an area of 15 square miles, is laid out on a fairly
regular plan, but is not altogether worthy of its gorgeous setting. It
stretches, long and narrow, along the bank of the Salween. Three main
roads run north and south, parallel to the river, two throughout the
entire length of the town, and one for about 2 miles. Numerous cross-
roads, mostly unmetalled, run east and west, one being continued by
means of the Nyaungbinzeik ferry into the country beyond the Ataran,
thus forming the main avenue by which food-supplies are brought into
Moulmein. T h e European residences are situated to the west of the
central ridge, for the most part in spacious and well-kept grounds.
The most notable buildings are Salween House, the official residence
of the Commissioner, built on the ridge ; the masonry law courts and
Government offices, at the foot of the rising g r o u n d ; the General
H o s p i t a l ; the Government schools ; and three churches, St. Matthew's,
St. Patrick's, and St. Augustine's. T h e old cantonment, from which
the troops have now been removed, centres around a parade-ground
towards the north of the town. The business quarter adjoins the
river bank in the west. T h e new jail lies at the foot of the ridge
towards the northern end of the town in the old cantonment area.
A blot on Moulmein at present is the indiscriminate way in which cooly
barracks, native hamlets (bastis), and lodging-houses have been allowed
to spring up in all the quarters. The bastis are composed of long
narrow houses on three sides of a square, divided into small window-
less compartments. The back-yard is common to the inmates of all
the houses, and contains a shallow well from which both bathing and
drinking water is obtained. Near it are cesspits ; goats and calves find
a hospitable refuge in the living rooms and cooking-places, and a herd
of cows is usually accommodated under a lean-to shed in the back-yard.
Reconstruction and improvements in sanitation are now, however,
being undertaken.
The population of Moulmein was 46,472 in 1872 ; 53,107 in 1881 ;
55,785 in 1 8 9 1 ; and 58,446 in 1901. The last figure includes 8,544
Musalmans and 19,081 Hindus, the increase of population in the last
decade being almost entirely due to H i n d u immigration from Madras.
The chief native industries pursued are gold- and silver-work and ivory-
carving; but Moulmein also contains 14 steam saw-mills, 3 rice-mills,
and 4 mills in which both sawing and milling are carried on, besides
a steam joinery (also dealing with rice), and a foundry.
T h e port of Moulmein has an interesting history. Between the years
1830 and 1858 ship-building was carried on to a considerable extent,
ample supplies of teak being drawn from the rich forests in the sur-
rounding country. The advent of the iron ship and the steamer has
destroyed the larger branch of this industry, which is now confined to
the construction of small country craft. Of late a great obstruction to
the prosperity of the oversea trade of Moulmein has been the presence
of bars in the channel of the Salvveen near its mouth, but Government
has lately taken steps to keep the lower reaches of the river open to
steamers of deep draught by means of a powerful dredger. The growth
in the trade of the port appears from the following figures. The imports
in 1880-1 were valued at 98 lakhs, in 1890-1 at 99 lakhs, in 1900-1 at
1.2 crores, and in 1903-4 at 15 crores; while the exports were valued
in 1880--1 at 1.48 crores, in 1890-1 at 128 crores, in 1900-1 at 1.88
crores, and in 1903-4 at 2 crores. Of the imports, only about one-
tenth come direct from foreign (extra-Indian) ports, the greater part
being received, more or less equally, from Calcutta and Rangoon.
From foreign ports the chief imports (mainly from the Straits) are betel-
nuts, sugar, and provisions of various kinds. The imports from Bengal
consist mainly of specie in payment for rice and other exports, and
those from Rangoon of re-exported foreign goods. The exports, on
the other hand, go mainly to foreign ports, this portion being valued in
1903-4 at 1.35 crores, of which by far the greater part was partially
husked rice (valued at 1 crore), teak and rice-bran being the next most
important commodities. About half the rice is shipped to Suez, where
it is to a large extent reconsigned to European ports. The exports
from Moulmein to the Straits for Farther Asian ports were valued in
1903-4 at 36 lakhs, and those to England at 22¾ lakhs, while those to
Indian ports were valued in the same year at 68 lakhs, of which 21
lakhs went to Calcutta, 18 to other Burmese ports, and 24 to Bombay.
The British India Steam Navigation Company runs three fast steamers
a week between Moulmein and Rangoon, as well as a boat between
Moulmein and the other ports on the Tenasserim coast. The inland
waters are served by the steamers of the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company.
The port of Moulmein is in charge of a Port Officer, belonging to the
Royal Indian Marine, and is buoyed and lighted by the Port fund,
which had an income and expenditure of 1-56 lakhs and 1-79 lakhs
respectively, in 1903-4. The Port and Customs offices are near the
main wharf, close to the river's edge. Up to 1874 the town was under
the control of a town magistrate, the funds required for administration
being provided by a night-watch tax and Government contributions
and from a few local sources. In 1874 a municipal committee was
formed, and the income and expenditure during the decade ending
1901 averaged Rs. 1,42,800. In 1903-4 the former amounted to 7*2
lakhs (including a loan of 3.96 lakhs). The principal sources of
revenue were house and land tax (Rs. 72,600), and water rate (Rs.
90,000), The expenditure in the same year was 6.4 lakhs. The chief
heads of outlay were Rs. 42,000 spent on conservancy, Rs. 43,000 on
roads, Rs. 44,000 on lighting, and Rs. 59,000 on public works. The
water-supply, constructed at a cost of 9½ lakhs, has recently been
completed. The water is impounded in a reservoir 4 miles to the
south of Moulmein, at the foot of the Taungwaing hills, and is
distributed through each division of the town by gravitation. It is
hoped that the provision of a supply of good drinking-water w i l l put
a stop to the cholera epidemics that have visited Moulmein regularly
in the past. A sum of nearly 3 lakhs is to be expended on surface
drainage, of which the town is badly in need. Since 1898 the town
has been lit by oil gas. T h e gas-works are a municipal concern, the
plant being capable of generating 12,500 cubic feet of gas daily. The
municipality makes no contribution to education, but maintains a
hospital with 100 beds. Other public institutions are the leper asylum
(where 29 in-patients and 23 out-patients were treated in 1903), and
numerous schools. There is a branch of the Bank of Bengal in
Moulmein, and two newspapers are published, one in English and one
in Burmese.
Moulmeingyun.—Township of Myaungmya District, Lower Burma,
lying between 150 45' and 160 34' N. and 95 0 and 95 0 35' E., with an
area of 561 square miles. It is really a large island, bounded on the
east by the Irrawaddy and on the west by the Kyunpyatthat and
Pyamalaw rivers, and cut up by numerous creeks. The northern
portion is somewhat densely populated, but the southern is mostly
jungle-covered, though cultivation is rapidly extending. The township
was constituted in 1903, out of a portion of the old Wakema township
and an area transferred from the former Thongwa District at the time
that the District of Pyapon was created. The population of the town-
ship as now constituted was 97,931 in 1901, distributed in 129 villages,
Moulmeingyun (population, 1,782), on one of the numerous branches
of the Irrawaddy, being the head-quarters. In 1903-4 the area under
cultivation was 273 square miles, paying Rs. 2,85,000 land revenue.
Mount V i c t o r i a . —Highest point in the Natmadaung range in the
Pakokku C h i n Hills, Burma, situated in 2 1 0 16' N. and 93 0 57' E.,
close to the eastern edge of the hills of Northern Arakan, and about
76 miles due west of the Irrawaddy, opposite the town of Pakokku,
10,400 feet above the sea. Of recent years Mount Victoria has been
found to possess possibilities as a sanitarium, the construction of
Government buildings has commenced, and in 1902 the head-quarters
of the Assistant Superintendent of the Pakokku Chin Hills were
removed from Mindat Sakan to Kanpetlet on the mount.
Mowa.-—Petty State in K A T H I A W A R , Bombay.
M o w a r . — T o w n in the Katol tahsil of Nagpur District, Central
Provinces, situated in 21 0 28' N. and 78° 27' E., on the Wardha river
bordering Berar, 53 miles north-west of Nagpur city. Population
(1901), 4,799. Mowar was created a municipality in 1867. The
municipal receipts during the decade ending 1901 averaged Rs. 3,600.
In 1903-4 they were Rs. 4,000, the chief source of income being
market dues. It has a small dyeing industry, but with this exception
the population is solely agricultural. The town is surrounded by
groves and gardens on all sides except towards the river. A large
weekly market is held. There is a vernacular middle school.
Mozufferpore.—District, subdivision, and town in Bengal. See
Mrohaung.—Township and village in Akyab District, Lowe
Burma. See M Y O H A U N G .
M u b S r a k p u r . — T o w n in the Muhammadad tahsil of Azamgarh
District, United Provinces, situated in 26 0 6' N. and 83 0 18' E., 8
miles north-east of Azamgarh town. Population (1901), 15,433. It is
said to have been formerly called Kasimabad, and to have fallen into
decay before it was resettled, under the name of Raji Mubarak, by an
ancestor of the present Shaikh landholders, some twelve generations
ago. Serious conflicts have occurred between the Muhammadan and
H i n d u inhabitants of the town, especially in 1813, 1842, and 1904,
and special police are at present quartered here. Mubarakpur
is administered under Act XX of 1856, with an income of about
Rs. 2,000. It contains about 1,700 looms on which cotton, silk, and
satin stuffs are woven, the town being especially noted for the last.
There is also a small industry in sugar refining. A primary school
is attended by 60 pupils.
M u d bidri.—Village in the Mangalore taluk of South Kanara Dis-
trict, Madras, situated in 130 5' N. and 75 0 E., 21 miles east of
Mangalore town. It was once an important Jain town, and a
descendant of the old Jain chief, known as ' the Chouter,' still resides
here and draws a small pension. It contains eighteen Jain bastis or
temples, one of which, the Chandranath temple, is the finest building
of the k i n d in the District. It has about 1,000 pillars, all of them
most beautifully and richly carved. The architecture of these basils
is peculiar, and Fergusson states that the nearest approach to the type
is to be found in Nepal. By the sloping roofs of their verandas and
the exuberance of their carving, they show that their architecture is
copied from constructions in wood. Close by are some tombs of Jain
priests, built in several storeys, but of no great size and now much
decayed. There is also an old stone bridge, which is interesting as
showing the ancient H i n d u methods of constructing such works.
Muddebihal Taluka.—Eastern taluka of Bijapur District, Bombay,
lying between 160 10' and 16 0 37' N. and 750 58' and 76 0 25' E., with
an area of 569 square miles. I t contains one town, T A L I K O T (popula-
tion, 6,610); and 150 villages, including M U D D E B I H A L (6,235), the
head-quarters. The population in 1901 was 69,842, compared with
81,572 in 1891. T h e density, 123 persons per square mile, is

slightly below the District average. The demand for land revenue in
1903-4 was 1-53 lakhs, and for cesses Rs. 13,000. In the north of the
tdluka is the rich valley of the Don. The central plateau of sandstone
and limestone is fairly fertile. The south and south-east is a barren
tract of metamorphic granite, fertile only close to the Kistna. The
annual rainfall averages about 27 inches.
Muddebihal Village.—Village in the taluka of the same name in
Bijapur District, Bombay, situated in 160 20' N. and 76 0 8' E., about
18 miles from Alimatti station on the Southern Mahratta Railway.
Population (1901), 6,235. the village comprises the site of Parvatgiri
to the east and of Muddebihal to the west, separated by a large drain
running north and south. It was founded about 1680 by Parmanna, an
ancestor of the present Nadgaunda of Basarkot, and the fort was built
by his son Huchappa about 1720. About 1764 it came under the
Peshwas, and it was included in British territory in 1818. The village
contains a Subordinate Judge's court, a dispensary, two boys' schools
with 329 pupils, and a girls' school with 56.
Mudgal.—Head-quarters of the Lingsugur taluk, Raichur District,
Hyderabad State, situated in 160 I' N. and 76° 26' E. Population
(1901), 7,729, of whom 4,753 are Hindus, 2,593 Musalmans, and 380
Christians. The fort was the seat of the Yadava governors of Deogiri
in 1250. It came successively into the possession of the Rajas of
Warangal, the Bahmani and the Bijapur Sultans, and lastly it fell to
Aurangzeb. There is a small Roman Catholic colony in the town,
whose ancestors were originally converted by one of St. Francis
Xavier's missionaries from Goa. The church was built at an early date
and contains a picture of the Madonna. Mudgal has two schools, one
of which is supported by the mission, a post office, and an Ashur-
khana, where the Muharram ceremony is held with great eclat in the
presence of thousands of pilgrims.
Mudgere.—Southern taluk of Kadur District, Mysore, lying between
° 55' and 130 19' N. and 750 ro' and 75 0 45' E., with an area of
435 square miles. The population in 1901 was 46,212, compared with
45,521 in 1891. The taluk contains one town, Mudgere (population,
1,675),the head-quarters ; and 137 villages. The land revenue demand
in 1903-4 was Rs. 1,23,000. T i l l 1876 Mudgere formed part of
M A N J A R A B A D . Like that taluk, it lies in the M a l n d , and is highly
picturesque. The Western Ghats bound it on the west, towering up
to the great peak of Kudremukh (6,215 feet). The Bhadra flows
across the north, and the Hemavati through the south. The summits
of the mountains are bare, but the hanging woods on their sides impart
great beauty to the landscape. The annual rainfall averages 103 inches.
The chief products are coffee, areca-nuts, cardamoms, rice, and a little
sugar-cane. The rice crop mainly depends on springs in the hills from
VOL. X V I I I . B
which watercourses are led. Many of the coffee estates are under
European management, the labourers being Tulus from South Kanara.
The Bund (or coffee) ghat road runs from Mudgere west, down to
Mangalore on the coast.
M u d h o l State.—State under the Political Agent of Kolhapur and
the Southern Maratha Country, Bombay, lying between 16° 7' and
160 27' N. and 75 0 4' and 75° 32' E., with an area of 368 square
miles. It is bounded on the north by Jamkhandi State; on the east
by the Bagalkot talukc: on the south by Belgaum and Bijapur Dis-
tricts and the Kolhapur State ; and on the west by the Gokak taluka
of Belgaum District. The population in 1901 was 63,001, Hindus
numbering 57,896, Muhammadans 4,826, and Jains 277. The State
contains 3 towns, including M U D H O L (population, 8,359), the resi-
dence of the chief; and 81 villages. The general aspect of the country
is flat, with slight undulations. The scenery is monotonous, and,
except during the rainy season, presents a parched and barren aspect.
There are no mountains, the small hill ranges not being more
than 150 feet high. The greater portion of the soil is black, the
remainder being the inferior description of red and stony land known
as mal. The only river passing through the State is the Ghatprabha,
which is navigable during the monsoon by boats of less than a ton
burden ; but it is never used as a means of communication for
travelling or trade. It waters in its course about half the villages of
the State, and irrigates by its annual floods a considerable area.
Irrigation is also effected by damming up small rivulets, and turning
off the water in the direction required ; by drawing water from wells
and pools by means of leathern bags ; and where the elevation of the
bed of a reservoir is sufficient, by leading channels into the neigh-
bouring fields. As in other parts of the Deccan, the climate is very
dry, the heat from March to May being oppressive. The staple crops
are jowar, wheat, gram, and cotton. Cotton cloth and articles of
female apparel are the chief manufactures.
The chief of Mudhol belongs to the Bhonsla family of the Maratha
caste or clan, descended, according to tradition, from a common
ancestor with Sivajl the Great. This name, however, has been entirely
superseded by the second designation of Ghorpade, which is said to
have been acquired by one of the family who managed to scale a fort,
previously deemed impregnable, by fastening a cord around the body
of a ghorpad or iguana. A l l that is authentically known of the history
of the family is that it held a high position at the court of Bijapur,
from which it received the lands it still holds. The M u d h o l chiefs
were the most determined opponents of Sivajl during his early con-
quests ; but on the overthrow of the Muhammadan power they joined
the Marathas, and accepted a military command from the Peshwa.
MUDK1 13
The great-grandfather of the present ruler (who died in 1856) was
the first who became a feudatory of the British Government.
The chief administers his estate in person. He enjoys an esti-
mated revenue of more than 3 lakhs, and pays a tribute of Rs. 2,672
to the British Government. He officially ranks as a first-class Sardar
in the Southern Maratha Country. There are two civil courts in the
State. An appeal lies to the chief, who has power to try his own
subjects for capital offences. The family of the chief holds a title
authorizing adoption, and follows the rule of primogeniture in matters
of succession. There are 24 schools with 1,123 pupils; and three muni-
cipalities, with an income in 1903-4 of Rs. 6,400. The police force
numbered 104 in the same year, and the one jail in the State contained
a daily average of 17 prisoners. In 1903-4 the State maintained three
dispensaries which afforded relief to 26,000 persons, and 1,300 persons
were vaccinated.
M u d h o l T o w n (1). - C h i e f town of the State of Mudhoi, Bombay,
situated in 160 20' N. and 75° 19' E., on the left bank of the Ghat-
prabha, about 12 miles south of Jamkhandi. Population (1901), 8,359.
It is administered as a municipality, with an income in 1903-4 of
Rs. 2,700. The town contains a dispensary.
M u d h o l T a l u k . — T a l u k in Nander District, Hyderabad State, with
an area of 335 square miles. In 1901 the population, including jagirs,
was 57,024, compared with 64,124 in 1891, the decrease being due to
the famine of 1900. T i l l recently it had 115 villages, of which 25 are
jdgir, and one town, M U D H O L (population, 6,040), the head-quarters.
The land revenue in 1901 was 1.7 lakhs. Up to 1905 the taluk
formed part of Indur (Nizamabad) District; and on its transfer to
Nander District it was enlarged by the addition of the Bhaisa taluk
and part of Nander. The soil is mostly black cotton.
M u d h o l T o w n (2).—Head-quarters of the taluk of the same name
in Nander District, Hyderabad State, situated in 180 59' N. and 77°
55' E., 28 miles north-west-by-north of Nizamabad. Population
(1901), 6,040. Besides the tahsil office, the town contains a post office,
a police inspector's office, and a school with 120 pupils.
M u d k i . — T o w n in the District and tahsil of Ferozepore, Punjab,
situated in 30 0 47' N. and 74 0 55' E., on the road between Ferozepore
and Ludhiana. Population (1901), 2,977. It is memorable for the
battle which inaugurated the first Sikh War, fought on December 18,
1845, on the plain 26 miles south of the Sutlej. T w o days before this
battle, the Sikhs had crossed the boundary river at Ferozepore. They
were met by a much smaller British force at M u d k i , and driven from
their position, with the loss of 17 guns, after a hard contest, in which
the British lost a large proportion of officers. Monuments have been
erected on the battle-field in honour of those who fell.
Mudon.—Sea-board township of Amherst District, Lower Burma
(formerly known as Zaya), stretching down the coast opposite the
island of Bilugyun, from the Taungnyo hills to the sea, between 15 0 58'
and 16 0 27' N. and 97 0 36' and 97 0 55' E., with an area of 236 square
miles. It is flat, fertile, and thickly populated. The population, which
is largely T a k i n g , increased from 40,761 in 1891 to 52,746 in 1901,
distributed in 106 villages, Mudon (population, 2,358), a village on the
Moulmein-Amherst road, 9 miles south of Moulmein, being the head-
quarters. The area cultivated in 1903-4 was 144 square miles, paying
Rs. 2,12,600 land revenue.
Mudukulattur.—Zamlnddri tahsil in the Ramnad subdivision and
estate, Madura District, Madras. It is named after its head-quarters,
where a deputy-tahsildr and sub-magistrate is stationed. The popula-
tion in 1901 was 146,255, compared with 135,182 in 1891. It contains
two towns, A B I R A M A M (population, 7,338) and K A M U D I (6,854); and
399 villages. The tahsil possesses the same desolate and uninviting
appearance as the rest of the Ramnad estate. It is largely black
cotton soil, and during the rains, owing to the absence of roads, the
country becomes nearly impassable.
M u h a m d i Tahsil.—South-western tahsil of K h e r i District, United
Provinces, comprising the parganas of Muhamdi, Pasgawan, Atwa
Piparia, Aurangabad, Magdapur, Haidarabad, and Kasta (Abgawan),
and lying between 27 0 4 1 ' and 28 0 10' N. and 8o° 2' and 8o° 39' E.,
with an area of 651 square miles. Population fell from 258,617 in 1891
to 257,989 in 1901, this being the only tahsil in the District where
a decrease took place. There are 607 villages and one town,
M U H A M D I (population, 6,278), the tahsil head-quarters. The demand
for land revenue in 1903-4 was Rs. 296,000, and for cesses Rs. 49,000.
The density of population, 396 persons per square mile, is the highest
in the District The tahsil is bounded on the west by the Sukheta,
and is also drained by the Gumtl, Kathna, and Sarayan. A great part
is composed of fertile loam; but the large area between the Kathna
and Gumtl, called the Parehar, is a dry sandy tract where irrigation
is generally impossible. In 1903-4 the area under cultivation was
406 square miles, of which 99 were irrigated. Wells supply more
than two-thirds of the irrigated area, and tanks or jhils most of the
M u h a m d i Town.—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the same name in
K h e r i District, United Provinces, situated in 27 0 58' N. and 8o° 14' E.,
near the Gumtl. Population (1901), 6,278. The town became of
some importance during the seventeenth century, when it was held by
MuktadI Khan, a descendant of Sadr Jahan, the great noble of Akbar's
court. He built a large brick fort, the ruins of which still remain.
Early in the eighteenth century the celebrated H a k i m Mahdl A l i
Khan, afterwards minister to the kings of Oudh, resided here while
governor of Muhamdi and Khairab5d, and made several improvements.
At annexation in 1856 Muhamdi was selected as the head-quarters
of a District, but after the M u t i n y Lakhlmpur became the capital.
Besides the usual offices, there are a branch of the American Methodist
Mission and a dispensary. The town was administered as a muni-
cipality from 1879 to 1904, when it was declared to be a ' notified
area.' During the ten years ending 1901 the income and expenditure
averaged Rs. 2,800. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 7,000, including
a grant of Rs. 3,500 from Provincial revenues; and the expenditure
was Rs. 6,500. Though Muhamdi is of less importance than formerly,
a considerable trade is still carried on, and the town contains six sugar
refineries. There is a school with 140 pupils.
M u h a m m a d a b a d T a h s i l (1).—South-eastern iahsil of Azamgarh
District, United Provinces, comprising the parganas of Karyat M i t t u ,
Chiriakot, Maunath Bhanjan or Mau, and Muhammadabad, and lying
between 25 0 48' and 26 0 8' N. and 83 0 1 1 ' and 83 0 40' E., with an area
of 427 square miles. This area was reduced by 71 miles in 1904,
portions being transferred to the new G H O S I tahsil. Population fell
from 359,746 in 1891 to 306,870 in 1901, and allowing for the recent
change is now 251,796. There are 971 villages and three towns : M A U
(population, 17,696), M U B A R A K P U R (15,433), and M U H A M M A D A B A D
(8,775), the tohsil head-quarters. The demand for land revenue in
1903-4 was Rs. 3,63,000, and for cesses Rs. 59,000; but after the
transfer these figures became Rs. 3,02,000 and Rs. 49,000. The
density of population of the reconstituted tahsil is 707 persons per
square mile, or almost exactly the District average. The tahsil is inter-
sected by several small streams and a number of swamps and marshes,
and lies south of the ChhotI Sarju and its tributary, the Tons. In
1900-1, 238 square miles of the old area were under cultivation, of
which 146 were irrigated. Wells supply rather more than half the
irrigated area, and tanks or swamps and small rivers the remainder in
equal proportions.
M u h a m m a d a b a d T o w n (1).—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the
same name in Azamgarh District, United Provinces, situated in 26°
2' N. and 83 0 24' E., on the Tons and on the Bengal and North-Western
Railway. Population (1901), 8,775. The town appears to be of some
antiquity, and was held by Muhammadans from the early part of the
fifteenth century. It contains a dispensary, a tahsill, a munsifl, and
a police station. It is administered under Act XX of 1856, with an
income of about Rs. 1,400. There are about 300 looms and a few
sugar refineries. T w o schools have 100 pupils.
M u h a m m a d a b a d T a h s i l (2).—Eastern tahsil of Ghazlpur District,
United Provinces, comprising the parganas of Zahurabad, Muhammad
abad, and Dehma, and lying north of the Ganges, between 25 0 3 1 ' and
25° 54' N. and 83 0 36' and 83° 58' E., with an area of 320 square
miles. Population fell from 251,823 in 1891 to 226,760 in 1901.
There are 694 villages and two towns, including M U H A M M A D A B A D (popu-
lation, 7,270), the tahsil head-quarters. The demand for land revenue
in 1903-4 was Rs. 2,41,000, and for cesses Rs. 45,000. The density
of population, 709 persons per square mile, is the highest in the
District. Through the centre of the tahsil flows the Mangai, and
the Chhoti Sarju crosses the north. Rice and sugar-cane are largely
grown in the northern portion, where jhils and tanks abound, while
spring crops are the staple in the south, which includes a large area
of alluvial soil and forms one of the most fertile tracts in the District.
The area under cultivation in 1903—4 was 234 square miles, of which
82 were irrigated. Wells supply about eight-ninths of the irrigated
area, and tanks most of the remainder.
M u h a m m a d a b a d T o w n (2).— Head-quarters of the tahsil of the
same name in Ghazlpur District, United Provinces, situated in 25 0
37' N. and 830 47' E., on the Bengal and North -Western Railway and
close to the road from Ghazipur town to Buxar. Population (1901),
7,270. The town is administered under Act XX of 1856, with an
income of about Rs. 1,500. It contains one tolerably straight thorough-
fare, lined with well-built shops and houses, and wears a neat and clean
appearance. A weekly bazar is held, and a flourishing export trade
in grain is springing up. Besides the ordinary public offices, there are
a dispensary, a munsifi, and two schools with 184 pupils.
Muhammadgarh.—Mediatized State in Central India, under the
Bhopal Agency, situated on the Malwa plateau, with an area of about
29 square miles, and a population (1901) of 2,944. The State was
originally included in Basoda and Korwai. In 1753 Ahsan-ullah Khan,
the Nawab of Basoda, divided his State between his two sons,
BakaVullah and Muhammad Khan, the latter founding the town and
State of Muhammadgarh. The present chief is H a t i m K u l f Khan, who
succeeded in 1896, and bears the title of Nawab. The State contains
14 villages, and produces good crops of all the ordinary grains and
of poppy. About 8 square miles, or 27 per cent. of the total area,
are cultivated, of which 51 acres are irrigated. The chief exercises the
criminal powers of a first-class magistrate, all serious crimes being dealt
with by the Political Agent. The revenue amounts to Rs. 7,000. The
town of Muhammadgarh is situated in 23° 39' N. and 78 0 10' E., and
has a population (1901) of 856. It is reached from the Bhflsa station
of the Midland section of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, 29
miles distant, by a fair-weather road.
M u h a m m a d K h a n ' s T a n d o . Head-quarters of the Guni tahika
of Hyderabad District, Sind, Bombay. See T A N D O M U H A M M A D K H A N .
M u h a m m a d o t . — A n estate in Ferozepore District, Punjab. See
Muhammadpur.—Village in the Magura subdivision of Jessore
District, Bengal, situated in 23 0 24' N. and 89 0 37' E., on the right
bank of the Madhumati. Population (1901), 44. Muhammadpur was
formerly a large town ; and a quadrangular fort, many fine tombs, and
other remains bear testimony to its ancient greatness. The place is
now very unhealthy, and it was in its neighbourhood that the virulent
epidemic known as ' Burdwan fever' was first noticed about 1840.
M u h p a . — T o w n in Nagpur District, Central Provinces. See M O H P A .
M u k a m a . — T o w n in Patna District, Bengal. See M O K A M E H .
M u k a n d w a r a (or Mukandara).—Village in the Chechat tahsil of
the State of Kotah, Rajputana, situated in 24 0 49' N. and 76 0 E., in
the hills of the same name, about 32 miles south-by-south-east of Kotah
city and about 80 north-east of Nimaeh. The range is here pierced by
a pass, about 1,500 feet above the sea, which is of great importance as
being the only defile practicable for wheeled traffic for a consider-
able distance between the Chambal and K a l i Sindh rivers. This pass
is called Mukandwara, ' the gate or portal of Mukand,' after Mukand
Singh, who was the second chief of Kotah, and built the gates of the
defile as well as a palace to his favourite mistress, A b l i M i n i , on
the slope of the hill. The pass has been the scene of many obstinately
contested battles between the K h l c h l and the Hara Rajputs, and is
famous as the route of Colonel Monson's retreat before Jaswant Rao
Holkar in July, 1804. Some distance up the valley are the fragments
of the chaori or hall of Bhim. Fergusson thought the building might
be as old as A . D . 450, or even older, but only the columnar part of the
mandap or portico remained and no inscription could be found. The
lintels and consoles are elaborately carved all over with strange
animal forms and floral scrolls; and the pillars, though scarcely ten
feet in height, look larger and nobler than many of twice their
[ J . T o d , Rajasthan, vol. i i ; J. Fergusson, Picturesque Illustrations
of Ancient Architecture and History of Indian and Eastern Architecture;
also, Archaeological Survey of Northern India, vol. xxiii.]
M u k e r i a n . — T o w n in the Dasuya tahsil of Hoshiarpur District,
Punjab, situated in 3 1 0 57' N. and 750 38' E. Population (1901),
3,589. It was a stronghold of Sardar Jai Singh Kanhaya, whose power
was paramount in the Punjab about 1774-84; and Ranjit Singh's
reputed son, Sher Singh, who afterwards became Maharaja, was born
here. The town has no trade of any importance. The municipality
was created in 1867. The income and expenditure during the ten
years ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 3,100. In 1903-4 the income was
Rs. 3,200, chiefly derived from o c t r o i ; and the expenditure was
Rs. 2,900. It maintains a vernacular middle school and a Govern
ment dispensary.
Mukhalingam.—Village in the Parlakimedi tahsil of Ganjam Dis-
trict, Madras, situated in 18 0 35' N. and 38 0 59' E., on the left bank
of the Vamsadhara, 18 miles from Parlakimedi. It is famous for its
Siva temple, which is held in great veneration, and is maintained by
the Raja of Parlakimedi. A religious festival and fair is held annually
on the Sivaratri, when thousands of pilgrims visit it. This and two
other temples in the same village are excellent examples of the Orissan
or Indo-Aryan style of architecture, which differs widely from the
Dravidian style of the southern Districts; and the sculpture on them is
remarkable for its elegance and precision. One of them was built in
the beginning of the ninth century, and the inscriptions show that
Mukhalingam was formerly inhabited by Buddhists, and that it, and
not Calingapatam or Chicacole, as was once supposed, was the site of
the capital of the old Ganga kings of Kalinga.
M u k h e r . — Head-quarters of the Kandahar taluk, Nander Dis-
trict, Hyderabad State, situated in 180 42' N. and 77 0 22' E. Popula-
tion (1901), 6,148. It is a centre of the cotton trade and contains
a ginning factory, while brass and copper vessels are largely manu-
factured. Besides the tahsil office, it contains a Munsif's court, a
police inspector's office, a dispensary, a post office, a school, and an old
H i n d u temple.
M u k t a g a c h a . — T o w n in the head-quarters subdivision of Mymen-
singh District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated in 24 0 46' N. and
90 0 15' E., on the road from Nasirabad to Subarnakhali. Population
(1901), 5,888. Though the town was constituted a municipality in
1875, the population is poor and rural. The income during the decade
ending 1901-2 averaged Rs. 6,500, and the expenditure Rs. 6,000.
In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 8,000, of which Rs. 4,500 was obtained
from a property tax; and the expenditure was Rs. 7,000.
Muktesar.—Tahsil and town in Ferozepore District, Punjab.
M u k t e s w a r (Motesar).—Village in Nairn Tal District, United Pro-
vinces, situated in 29 0 28' N. and 79 0 39' E., on the Himalayas, at an
elevation of 7,500 to 7,700 feet. Up to 1893 the village was dis-
tinguished only by its shrines and a small temple. It was then selected
as the site of a laboratory for the manufacture of serum to protect
cattle against rinderpest. The laboratory was completed in 1898, but
was burnt down in 1899 and rebuilt by 1901. It stands in an enclosure
of about 3,000 acres, part of which is occupied by oak and pine forest :
a fruit garden started many years ago has also been included, and a
meteorological observatory is maintained. In addition to the supply
of serum for use in epidemics of rinderpest, a serum for anthrax, and
also mallein, tuberculin, and tetanus anti-toxin are prepared. Researches
are being conducted in the etiology of diseases affecting animals, such
as rinderpest, anthrax, surra, lymphangitis epizootica, and glanders;
and District board veterinary assistants from the United Provinces and
the Punjab are instructed in the use of various kinds of sera. T h e
annual expenditure is about Rs. 50,000.
M u k t s a r T a h s i l (Muktesar).— Tahsil of Ferozepore District, Punjab,
lying between 30 0 9' and 30 0 54' N. and 74°4' and 74 0 52' E., with an
area of 935 square miles. It is bounded on the north-west by the
Sutlej, which divides it from Montgomery and Lahore Districts; on the
east by Farldkot; and on the south-east by Patiala. On the west is
a belt of alluvial land along the left bank of the Sutlej, irrigated by the
Grey Canals. T h e middle portion of the tahsil is a level plain with
a firm soil, while north and south the country is sandy. The central
and southern portions are irrigated by the Sirhind Canal. The popu-
lation in 1901 was 172,445, compared with 161,492 in 1891. The
head-quarters are at the town of M U K T S A R (population, 6,389). The
tahsil also contains 320 villages. The land revenue and cesses
in 1903-4 amounted to 2.7 lakhs.
M u k t s a r T o w n (Muktesar),—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the
same name in Ferozepore District, Punjab, situated in 30 0 28' N. and
74 0 3 1 ' E., on the Fazilka extension of the Rajputana-Malwa Railway.
Population (1901), 6,389. Muktsar is the largest town and principal
trade mart in the west of Ferozepore District. Apart from its commer-
cial importance, the town is chiefly noticeable for a great Sikh festival,
which takes place in January. It lasts for three days, and commemo-
rates a battle fought in 1705-6 by Guru Govind Singh against the
pursuing imperial forces. There is a large tank in which pilgrims
bathe, begun by the Maharaja Ranjit Singh, and continued and com-
pleted by the chiefs of Patiala, Jind, Nabha, and Faridkot. The
municipality was created in 1867. The income during the ten years
ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 6,100, and the expenditure Rs. 4,900. In
1903-4 the income was Rs. 6,800, chiefly from octroi ; and the expen-
diture was Rs. 6,200. There is a Government dispensary.
Mukurti.—Peak in the Nilgiri District, Madras. See M A K U R T I .
Mula.—River in Baluchistan, rising in the Harboi hills and having
a total length of 180 miles. As far as Kotra in Kachhi (28° 22' N . ,
67 0 20' E.), it passes with a rapid fall through the Central Brahui range ;
in its lower reaches many flats lie along its course. T h e upper course
is known as the Soinda; a little lower it is called the Mishkbel, and
from Pashthakhan downwards it becomes the Mula. Its principal
affluents are the Malghawe, the Anjira or Pissibel, and the Ledav. T h e
M u l a drains the whole of the north-east of the Jhalawan country and
also the south-west corner of Kachhi. Wherever possible, the small
perennial supply of water is drawn off to irrigate the flats along the
course of the river, while flood-water is utilized for cultivation in
Kachhi. The Mula Pass route to the Jhalawan country lies along its
M u l b a g a l Taluk.—Eastern taluk of Kolar District, Mysore, lying
between 130 1' and 130 22' N. and 7S0 14' and 78°36' E., with an area
of 327 square miles. The population in 1901 was 66,899, compared
with 56,269 in 1891. The taluk contains one town, M U L B A G A L (popu-
lation, 6,562), the head-quarters ; and 351 villages. The land revenue
demand in 1903-4 was Rs. 1,60,000. The Palar river runs along the
southern half of the west border, and the streams flow to this below
the Ghats. \ range of hills runs north from Mulbagal, and over the
taluk generally gneissie rocks and boulders crop up everywhere. The
west is open rolling country, the east broken and steep. Tanks and
wells are numerous, with water close to the surface. The 'dry-crop'
soil is poor, grey, and sandy. The ' wet' lands contain much sand
and clay, often with efflorescences of potash. The best cultivation is
towards the north-east.
M u l b a g a l Town.—Head-quarters of the taluk of the same name in
Kolar District, Mysore, situated in 130 10' N. and 780 24' E., 18 miles
east of Kolar town. Population (1901), 6,562. The name, originally
Muluvayi, is Mulu-bagal, in Sanskrit Kantakadvara, 'thorn-gate.'
There is a Sripadaraya nath of the Madhva sect here, and the tomb
of a saint named Haidar Wali attracts many Musalmans to the celebra-
tion of his anniversary. Pilgrims to Tirupati from the west shave their
heads and bathe in the Narasimha-tlrtha as a preliminary purification.
Mulbagal sugar and Mulbagal rice are considered the best in the
District. The former is prepared by Muhammadans employed by
Brahmans. Under Vijayanagar rule the town was at first the seat of
government for the Kolar territory, and afterwards belonged to the
Sugatur family. It was taken by the British in 1768 and 1791, but
restored to Mysore at the peace of 1792. The municipality dates from
1870. The receipts and expenditure during the ten years ending 1901
averaged Rs. 3,100. In 1903-4 they were Rs. 4,000 and Rs. 3,600.
M u l g u n d . — T o w n in the Gadag taluka of Dharwar District, Bombay,
situated in 150 16' N. and 75 0 31' E., 12 miles south-west of Gadag
town. Population (1901), 7,523. T i l l 1848, when through failure of
heirs it lapsed to the British Government, Mulgund belonged to the
chief of Tasgaon. There are five Brahmanic and four Jain temples in
the town. It contains four schools, including one for girls.
M u l i State.—State in the Kathiawar Political Agency, Bombay,
lying between 22 0 38 / and 22 0 46' N. and 71° 25' and 71° 38' E., with
an area of 133 square miles. The population in 1901 was 15,136,
residing in 20 villages. The revenue in 1903-4 was Rs. 79,773, and

25 square miles were cultivated. The State ranks as a fourth-class

State in Kathiawar, and is the only Ponwar chiefship. The Ponwars
entered the peninsula about 1470-5 from Thar and Parkar, under the
leadership of Laghhdirji, and established themselves at Than and
Chotila. They founded the present town of M u l i , named after
a Rabari woman. After three generations the Kathis crossed over
to Than, and shortly after expelled the Ponwars from Chotila. Since
then the Kathis have held Chotila, and the Ponwars' holding has been
limited to M u l i and the adjacent villages.
M u l i T o w n . — C h i e f town of the State of the same name in Kathi-
awar, Bombay, situated in 22 0 38' N. and 7 1 0 30' E., 13 miles south-
west of Wadhwan on the Bhogava. Population (1901), 5,455. It is
famous for its saddle-cloths. M u l i contains a temple of the Sw2tmi
Narayan sect, founded by the Ponwars and named after a Rabari
woman. There is also a temple of the Sun, which is worshipped
here under the name of Mandav Rai.
M u l i l a Deri.—Petty State in K A T H I A W A R , Bombay.
Mulji-na-pura.— Petty State in M A H I K A N T H A , Bombay.
Multai.—Eastern tahsil of Betul District, Central Provinces, lying
between 21 0 25' and 22 0 23' N. and 77 0 57' and 78 0 34' E., with an
area of 1,056 square miles. The population in 1901 was 114,369, com-
pared with 128,477 in 1891. The density is 108 persons per square
mile. The tahsil contains 417 inhabited villages. Its head-quarters
are at Multai, a village of 3,505 inhabitants, 28 miles from Badnur on
the Nagpur road and 87 miles from Nagpur. The village stands on an
elevated plateau 2,600 feet high, and contains a sacred tank which is
considered to be the source of the river Tapti. The real source of the
river is, however, two miles distant. Excluding 364 square miles of
Government forest, 75 per cent, of the available area is occupied for
cultivation. The cultivated area in 1903-4 was 557 square miles-
The demand for land revenue in the same year was Rs. 1,16,000, and
for cesses Rs. 13,000. The tahsil consists mainly of poor rolling
upland, with rich patches of fertile soil in the valleys, and is bordered
by rugged hills to the north and south.
M u l t a n Division.—South-western Division of the Punjab, form-
ing a wedge between the North-West Frontier Province and the
State of Bahawalpur. It lies between 28 0 25' and 33 0 13' N. and
69 0 19' and 73 0 39' E. The Sutlej divides it from Bahawalpur on
the south-east, while the Indus flows partly through the Division and
partly along its border to the west. The head-quarters of the Com-
missioner are at Multan or, in the hot season, at Fort Munro. The
Division was abolished in 1884, but reconstituted in 1901. In 1881
the population of the area now included was 2,036,956, in 1891 it
had risen to 2,277,605, and in 1901 to 3,014,675. The total area is
29,520 square miles, and the density of the population was the lowest
in the Province, 102 persons per square mile, compared with the
Provincial average of 209. The M u l t a n Division is considerably larger
in area, but its population is considerably less than that of any other
Division in the Punjab. In 1901 Muhammadans numbered 2,391,281,
or 79 per cent of the t o t a l ; Hindus, 536,052 ; Sikhs, 79,269 ; Jains,
334 ; and Christians, 7,686.
The Division includes five Districts, as shown below :—

L a n d revenue
Area in square Population, and cesses,
miles. 1901. in thousands
of rupees.

Mianwali 7,816 424,588 5,67

Jhang* . 6,652 1,002,656 27,13
Multan . 6,107 710,626 17,51
Muzaffargarh . 3,635 405,656 8,46
Dera Ghazi Khan 5 ,306 471,149 6,41

Total 29,516 3,014,675 65,18

* In 1904 part of Jhang District was separated, to form the new District of

The Division contains 5,085 villages and 23 towns, the largest being
M U L T A N (population, 87,394), J H A N G - M A G H I A N A (24,382), and D E R A
G H A Z I K H A N (23,731). T h e whole area is flat, excepting a spur ot
the Salt Range which runs into Mianwali, and the Sulaiman range
which divides Dera Ghazi K h a n from the trans-frontier Baloch tribes.
A great part of the Division is desert, but the Chenab Canal is rapidly
changing the face of Jhang. Multan is the only place of first-rate
commercial importance, though Dera Ghazi K h a n is a collecting mart
for trans-Indus products, and Lyallpur is rapidly becoming a centre
o f trade. T h e historical importance of Multan and M A N K E R A is
considerable. Fort M u n r o in the Sulaiman range (6,300 feet) and
Sakesar in the Salt Range (5,010 feet) are minor sanitaria.
M u l t a n District.— District in the Multan Division of the Punjab,
lying between 29 0 22' and 30 0 45' N. and 7 1 0 2' and 72 0 52' E., with
an area of 6,107 square miles. It consists of an obtuse wedge of land,
enclosed by the confluent streams of the Chenab and the Sutlej, which
unite at its south-western extremity. The irregular triangle thus
cut off lies wholly within the Bari D o a b ; but the District boundaries
have been artificially prolonged across the Ravi in the north, so as
to include a small portion of the Rechna Doab. It is bounded on
the east by Montgomery and on the north by Jhang ; while beyond the
Chenab on the west lies Muzaffargarh, and beyond the Sutlej on the
south the State of Bahawalpur. The past or present courses of four
of the great rivers of the Punjab determine the conformation of the

Multan plain. At present the Sutlej forms its southern and the
Chenab its north-western boundary, while the Ravi intersects its extreme
northern angle. Along the banks of these three
streams extend fringes of alluvial riverain, flooded in Physical
the summer months, and rising into a low plateau
watered by the inundation canals. Midway between the boundary
rivers, a high dorsal ridge enters the District from Montgomery,
forming a part of the sterile region known as the Bar. It dips into
the lower plateau on either side by abrupt banks, which mark the
ancient beds of the Ravi and Beas. These two rivers once flowed for
a much greater distance southward before joining the Chenab and the
Sutlej than is now the case; and their original courses may still be
distinctly traced, not only by the signs of former fluvial action, but also
by the existence of dried-up canals. The Ravi still clings to its ancient
watercourse, as observed by General Cunningham, and in seasons of
high flood finds its way as far as Multan by the abandoned bed.
During the winter months, however, it lies almost dry. It is chiefly
interesting for the extraordinary reach known as the Sidhnai, a cutting
which extends in a perfectly straight line for 10 or 12 miles, as to
whose origin nothing can be said with certainty. The Chenab
and Sutlej, on the other hand, are imposing rivers, the former never
fordable except in exceptionally dry winters, the latter only at a few
places. Near their confluence the land is regularly flooded during the
summer months.
The District contains nothing of geological interest, as the soil is
entirely alluvial. The flora combines species characteristic of the
Western Punjab, the trans-Indus country, Sind, and Rajputana, but
has been much changed, since Edgeworth's Florula Mallica was
written, by extension of canal-irrigation. The date-palm is largely
cultivated, and dates are exported. A variety of mango is also
grown, with a smaller and more acid fruit than the sorts reared in
Hindustan and the submontane Punjab.
Wolves are not uncommon, while jackals and foxes are numerous.
The antelope most frequently met with is the 'ravine deer' (Indian
gazelle), but nilgai are also seen.
The heat and dust of Multan are proverbial; but on the whole
the climate is not so bad as it is sometimes painted, and, as else-
where in the Punjab, the cold season is delightful. The hot season
is l o n g ; and, during the months in which high temperatures are
recorded, Multan is only one or two degrees below Jacobabad.
Though elsewhere the mean temperature may be higher, there is no
place in India, except Jacobabad, where the thermometer remains
high so consistently as at Multan. The nights, however, are com-
paratively cool in May, the difference between the maximum and
minimum temperatures sometimes exceeding 40 0 . The general dry-
ness of the climate makes the District healthy on the whole, though
the tracts liable to flood are malarious. The rainfall is scanty in the
extreme, the average varying from 4 inches at Mailsi to 7 at Multan.
The greatest fall recorded during the twenty years ending 1903 was
19.9 inches at Multan in 1892-3, and the least 1-3 inches at Lodhran
in 1887-8. Severe floods occurred in 1893-4 and 1905.
The history of Multan is unintelligible without some reference to
its physical history, as affected by the changes in course of the great
rivers 1 . Up to the end of the fourteenth century the
Ravi seems to have flowed by Multan, entering the
Chenab to the south of the city. The Beas flowed through the middle
of the District, falling into the Chenab, a course it appears to have held
until the end of the eighteenth century; while possibly as late as 1245
the Chenab flowed to the east of Multan. It has also been held that
in early times the Sutlej flowed in the present dry bed of the Hakra,
some 40 miles south of its present course. When the District was thus
intersected by four mighty rivers, the whole wedge of land, except the
dorsal ridge of the Bar, could obtain irrigation from one or other of
their streams. Numerous villages then dotted its whole surface; and
Al Masudi, in the tenth century, describes Multan, with Oriental
exaggeration, as surrounded by 120,000 hamlets.
In the earliest times the city now known as Multan probably bore
the name of Kasyapapura, derived from Kasyapa, father of the Adityas
and Daityas, the sun-gods and Titans of H i n d u mythology. Under the
various Hellenic forms of this ancient designation, Multan figures in
the works of Hecataeus, Herodotus, and Ptolemy. General Cunning-
ham believes that the Kaspeiraea of the last-named author, being the
capital of the Kaspeiraei, whose dominions extended from Kashmir to
Muttra, must have been the principal city in the Punjab towards the
second century of the Christian era. Five hundred years earlier Multan
perhaps appears in the history of Alexander's invasion as the chief
seat of the Malli, whom the Macedonian conqueror utterly subdued
after a desperate resistance. He left Phiiippus here as Satrap; but it
seems probable that the Hellenic power in this distant quarter soon
came to an end, as the country appears shortly afterwards to have
passed under the rule of the Maurya dynasty of Magadha. At a later
.period Greek influence may once more have extended to Multan under
the Bactrian kings, whose coins are occasionally found in the District.
In the seventh century A . H . Multan was the capital of an important
province in the kingdom of Sind, ruled by a line of H i n d u kings
known as the Rais, the last of whom died in 631. The throne was
A. Cunningham, Ancient Geography of India', pp. 221-2; Raverty in Journal,
Asiatic Society', Bengal, vol. Ixi, 1892 ; and Oldham, Calcutta Review, vol. lix, 1874.
then usurped by a Brahman named Chach, who was in power when
the Arabs first appeared in the valley of the Indus. During his reign,
in 641, the Chinese Buddhist pilgrim, H i u e n Tsiang, visited Multan,
where he found a golden image of the Sun. This idol is repeatedly
mentioned by the Arab historians, and from it General Cunningham
derives the modern name of the city, though other authorities connect
it rather with that of the M a l l i .
In 664 the Arab inroads penetrated as far as Multan ; but it was not
until 712 that the district fell, with the rest of the kingdom of Sind,
before Muhammad bin Kasim, who conquered it for the Khalifas.
For three centuries Multan remained the outpost of I s l a m ; but the
occupation was in the main military, and there was no general settle-
ment of Muhammadan invaders or conversion of H i n d u inhabitants
till the Ghaznivid period. I t was twice again captured by the Arabs,
and in 871 the Lower Indus valley fell into the hands of Yakub bin
Lais. Shortly afterwards two independent Muhammadan kingdoms
sprang up with their capitals at Mansura and Multan. Multan was
visited in 915-6 by the geographer Masudi, who says that ' M u l t a n ' is
a corruption of Mulasthanapura, by which name it was known in the
Buddhist period. He found it a strong Muhammadan frontier town
under a king of the tribe of Koresh, and the centre of a fertile and
thickly populated district. In 980 the Karmatians took Multan, and
converted to their heresy the family of Lodi Pathans, who had by that
time possessed themselves of the frontier from Peshawar to Multan.
When Mahmud of Ghazni took Bhatia (probably Uch), A b u l Fateh,
the L o d i governor of Multan, allied himself with Anand Pal, but sub-
mitted in 1006. He again revolted, and in 1010 was deported by
Mahmud, who made his son Mastid governor. Masud released A b u l
Fateh, who had apparently abandoned the Karmatian tenets ; for a
letter of 1032, which has been preserved by the Druses, addressed to
the Unitarians of Sind and Multan, and in particular to Shaikh bin
Sumar of Multan, exhorts them to bring him back into the true faith.
For the next three centuries the history of Multan, as the frontier
province of the empire, is practically the history of the Mongol
invasions. Owing to the difficulties of the Khyber route and the
hostility of the Gakhars, the majority of the invading hordes took the
Multan road to Hindustan, until the drying up of the country all along
the Ghaggar made this route impracticable. Between 1221 and 1528
ten invasions swept through the District, commencing with the cele-
brated flight of Jalal-ud-dfn Khwarizm and ending with the peaceful
transfer of the province to Babar in 1528, while the city suffered
sacks and sieges too numerous to detail. During this period Multan
was for the most part subject to Delhi, but twice it was a separate and
independent kingdom.
On the death of Kutb-ud-dfn, Nasir-ud-dln Kubacha seized Multan,
with Sind and Seistan (1210), and ruled independently till 1227.
After successfully resisting a Mongol siege in 1221, Multan was
reduced in 1228 by the governor of Lahore under Altamsh, and again
became a fief of the Delhi empire. On that emperor's death, its
feudatory Izz-ud-din Kabir Khan-i-Ayaz joined in the conspiracy to
put Razia on the throne (1236); but though he received the fief of
Lahore from her, he again rebelled (1238), and was made to exchange
it for Multan, where he proclaimed his independence, and was suc-
ceeded by his son Taj-ud-din Abu-Bakr-i-Ayaz (1241), who repelled
several Karlugh attacks from the gates of the city.
Saif-ud-din Hasan, the Karlugh, unsuccessfully attacked Multan
(1236). After his death the Mongols held the city to ransom (1246),
and at last it fell into the hands of the Karlughs, from whom it was in
the same year (1249) wrested by Sher Khan, the great viceroy of the
Punjab. Izz-ud-din Balban-i-Kashlu K h a n endeavoured to recover
U c h and Multan (1252), and succeeded in 1254. Mahmud Shah I
bestowed them on Arsalan K h a n Sanjar-i-Chast, but Izz-ud-din was
reinstated in 1255. He rebelled against the minister Ghiyas-ud-din
Balban (1257), and being deserted by his troops fled to Hulaku in
Irak, whence he brought back a Mongol intendant to Multan and
joined a Mongol force which descended on the province, and dis-
mantled the walls of the city, which only escaped massacre by a
ransom paid by the saint Bahawal H a k k (Baha-ud-dln Zakariya).
For two centuries the post of governor was held by distinguished
soldiers, often related to the ruling family of Delhi, among whom may
be mentioned Ghazi Malik, afterwards Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlak. In
1395 Khizr Khan, the governor, a Saiyid, quarrelled with Sarang Khan,
governor of Dipalpur, and, being taken prisoner, escaped to j o i n T i m u r
on his invading the Punjab. After being compelled to raise the siege
of Uch, Timur's grandson defeated Sarang Khan's forces on the
Beas, and invested Multan, which surrendered after a siege (1398),
and Khizr Khan was reinstated in his governorship. After a series of
victories over the Delhi generals, Khizr Khan took Delhi and founded
the Saiyid dynasty. Some years later Bahlol L o d i held the province
before seizing the throne of Delhi. In 1437 the Langahs, a Pathan
tribe recently settled in the District, began to make their power f e l t ;
and in 1445 Rai Sahra Langah expelled Shaikh Yusuf, a ruler chosen
by the people and his own son-in-law, and established the Langah
dynasty, which ruled independently of Delhi for nearly 100 years, the
Ravi being recognized in 1502 as the boundary between the two
kingdoms. Finally, however, the Arghun Turks incited by Babar took
Multan in 1527, and in the following year handed it over to h i m .
Under the Mughal emperors Multan enjoyed a period of peace and
prosperity, only disturbed by the rebellion of the Mirzas, who were
defeated at Talamba in 1573, and by the flight of Dara Shikoh through
the province. The town became the head-quarters of a Subah covering
the whole of the South-West Punjab and at times including Sind. Even
when the Mughal power began to wane Multan no longer felt the first
shock of invasion, the route through Multan and Bhatinda being now
too dry to give passage to an army. In 1748 a battle was fought near
Multan between Kaura Mal, deputy of M i r Mannu, the governor of
the Punjab, and Shahnawaz, who had received a grant of the province
from the late emperor Muhammad Shah. Kaura Mal was victorious,
but fell later fighting against Ahmad Shah Durrani. Multan in
1752 became a province of the kings of Kabul, ruled for the most
part by Pathan governors, chiefly Sadozais, who ultimately founded
a virtually independent kingdom. Their rule, however, extended over
only half the present District, the southern portion being under the
Nawabs of Bahawalpur. The Marathas overran the province in 1758,
but the chief feature of this period was the continual warfare with the
Sikhs. From 1771-9 the Bhangi confederacy held the north and
centre of the District, but they were expelled by T i m u r Shah, and from
1779 to I 8 T 8 Nawab Muzaffar K h a n Sadozai was in power in Multan.
His relations with the Bahawalpur State were strained, and he had to
face unassisted the repeated onslaughts of the Sikhs, which culminated
in the capture and sack of Multan by Ranjlt Singh in 1818.
After passing through the hands of two or three Sikh governors,
Multan was in 1821 made over to the famous Dlwan Sawan Mai. The
whole country had almost assumed the aspect of a desert from frequent
warfare and spoliation; but Sawan M a i induced new inhabitants to
settle in his province, excavated numerous canals, favoured commerce,
and restored prosperity to the desolated tract. After the death of
Ranjit Singh, however, quarrels took place between Sawan Mal and
Raja Gulab Singh ; and in 1844 the former was fatally shot in the
breast by a soldier. His son Mulraj succeeded to his governorship,
and also to his quarrel with the authorities at Lahore, till their constant
exactions induced him to tender his resignation. After the establish-
ment of the Council of Regency at Lahore, as one of the results of the
first Sikh War, difficulties arose between Diwan Mulraj and the British
officials, which culminated in the murder of two British officers, and
finally led to the Multan rebellion. That episode, together with the
second Sikh War, belongs rather to imperial than to local history. It
ended in the capture of Multan and the annexation of the whole of the
Punjab by the British. The city offered a resolute defence, but, being
stormed on January 2, 1849, fell after severe fighting; and though the
fort held out for a short time longer, it was surrendered at discretion
by Mulraj on January 22. Mulraj was put upon his trial for the

murder of the officers, and, being found guilty, was sentenced to death
but this penalty was afterwards commuted for that of transportation
T h e District at once passed under direct British rule. In 1857 the
demeanour of the native regiments stationed at Multan made their
disarmament necessary, and, doubtless owing to this precaution, no
outbreak took place.
T h e principal remains of archaeological interest are described in the
articles on A T A R I , J A L A L P U R , K A H R O R , M U L T A N , and T A L A M B A .
The District contains 6 towns and 1,351 villages. The population
at each of the last three enumerations was: (1881) 556,557, (1891)
635,726, and (1901) 710,626. During the last decade
it increased by 11.7 per cent., the increase being
greatest in the Multan tahsil and least in Lodhran. The increase was
largely due to immigration, for which the attractions of the city are
partly responsible, and to some extent to the colonization of the
Sidhnai Canal tract between 1886 and 1896. The District is divided
into five tahsils, M U L T A N , S H U J A B A D , L O D H R A N , M A I L S I , and K A B I R -
WALA, the head-quarters of each being at the place from which it
is named. The chief towns are the municipalities of M U L T A N ,
the administrative head-quarters of the District, S H U J A B A D , K A H R O R ,
T A L A M B A , and JALALPUR. The following table shows the chief
statistics of population in 1901 :— persons able to
Area in square

Population per

population be-
Percentage of

Number of
square mile.

variation in

Number of
tween 1891

read and
and 1901.




Multan 953 I 289 232,126 243.6 + 21.9 19,726

Kabirwala 1,603 I 320 81.4 6,338
Mailsi . 1,658 332 109,727 66.2 + 3.5 4,213
Lodhran 1,057 2 262 113,359 107.2 + 3.3 4,710
Shujabad 680 2 148 124,907 183.7 + 8.9 5,546
District total 6,107 6 1,351 710,626 116.4 + 11.7 40,533

NOTE.—The figures for the areas of tahsils are taken from revenue returns. The
total District area is that given in the Census Report.

Muhammadans number 570,254, or over 80 per cent, of the t o t a l ;

Hindus, 133,560 ; and Sikhs, 4,662. The density of population is very
low, but is comparatively high if the cultivated area only be taken into
account. The language of the people, often called Multani, is a form
of Western Punjabi.
The most numerous tribe is that of the agricultural Jats, who number
140,000, or 20 per cent. of the total population. Next to them come
the Rajputs (92,000), and after them Arains (32,000), cultivators and
market-gardeners. Then come the Baloch (24,000), Khokhars (12,000),

and Pathans (8,000). T h e Saiyids number 11,000, and Kureshis

8,000. Of the commercial classes, the Aroras, who are found in larger
numbers in Multan than in any other District of the Province, number
89,000; the Khattrls, who are largely immigrants from the Punjab
proper, only 11,000. The Muhammadan Khojas, more numerous here
than in any other District in the Punjab except Montgomery and La-
hore, number 10,000. T h e Bhatias (3,000), though small in num-
bers, also deserve mention as a commercial caste. Of the artisan
classes, the Julahas (weavers, 27,000), Mochis (shoemakers and leather-
workers, 24,000), Kumhars (potters, 19,000), and Tarkhans (carpenters,
17,000) are the most important; and of the menial classes, the sweepers
(38,000), who are mostly known in this District as Kutanas, Dhobis
(washermen, 15,000, known as Charhoas), Machhis (fishermen, bakers,
and water-carriers, 12,000), and Nais (barbers, 8,000). The Mirasls,
village minstrels and bards, number 11,000. Other castes worth men-
tion are the Mahtams (5,900), of whom the Muhammadan section
are generally cultivators, while the Hindus make a living by clearing
jungle or hunting game; Ods (4,000), a wandering caste living by
earthwork ; Jhabels (3,000), a fishing and hunting tribe of vagrant
habits, living on the banks of the Sutlej; and Marths (700), also a
vagrant tribe found only in this District. About 40 per cent, of the
population are supported by agriculture, and 28 per cent, by industries.
The Church Missionary Society began its operations at Multan city
in 1855, and the mission school, the oldest in the District, was
established there in the following year. The mission also maintains
a church, a female hospital, and a branch of the Punjab Religious
Book Depot. The American Methodist Episcopal Mission began
work at Multan in 1893. T h e District contained 198 native Christians
i n 1901.
The soil is of a uniform alluvial composition, with sand everywhere
at a greater or less depth from the surface; and the chief distinction of
soils depends on the proportions in which the sand
and clay are intermixed, though there are also some
tracts of salt-impregnated earth. From an agricultural point of view,
however, all distinctions of soil are insignificant compared with that
between irrigated and unirrigated land, and the agricultural conditions
depend almost entirely on the quality and quantity of irrigation.
T h e District is held chiefly by small peasant proprietors, but large
estates cover 627 square miles and lands held under temporary leases
from Government about 533 square miles. The area for which details
are available from the revenue records of 1903-4 is 5,952 square miles,
as shown in the table on the next page.
Wheat is the chief crop of the spring harvest, covering 555 square
miles in 1903-4. Gram and barley covered only 40 and 21 square
c 2
miles respectively. The great and spiked millets (jowar and bajra)
are the principal staples of the autumn harvest, covering 94 and 58
square miles; and pulses occupied 69 square miles. There were 26
square miles under indigo, 20 under rice, and 102 under cotton.
Very little sugar or maize is grown.

Tahsil. Total. Cultivated. Irrigated. Cultivable Forests.

Multan 953 364 331 242 268
Kabirwala . 1,604 343 298 304 889
Mailsi 1,656 3" 244 374 882
Lodhran 1,058 267 248 382 316
Shujabad . 681 256 189 289 60

Total 5,952 1,54! 1,310 1,591 2,415

The area under cultivation varies enormously with the character of

the season, but the average area sown increased by about 30 per cent.
in the twenty years ending 1901-2, owing to the extension of canal- and
well-irrigation. Loans for the construction of wells are taken readily,
and more than 3 lakhs was advanced under the Land Improvement
Loans Act during the five years ending 1903-4.
Four breeds of cattle are recognized: the Bhagnari (from Sind), the
Massuwah and Dajal (from Dera Ghazi Khan), and the local breed,
which is mostly of an inferior description. Cow buffaloes are kept for
milk. Camels are very largely bred, and sheep and goats are common
in all parts. Horses and ponies are numerous, but the District is
only a moderately good one for horse-breeding. The Army Remount
department maintains six horse and eleven donkey stallions, and the
District board one donkey and three pony stallions.
Of the total area cultivated in 1903-4, 1,310 square miles, or 85
per cent., were classed as irrigated. Of this area, 123 square miles
were supplied from wells, 758 from wells and canals, 417 from canals,
and 12 from channels and tanks. In addition, 276 square miles, or
18 per cent, of the cultivated area, are subject to inundation from
the Chenab, Sutlej, and Ravi. Three great canal systems irrigate the
D i s t r i c t : the S I D H N A I taking off from the Ravi, the L O W E R S U T L E J
I N U N D A T I O N CANALS, and the C H E N A B I N U N D A T I O N C A N A L S . AS
these canals flow only while the rivers are in flood, they generally
require to be supplemented by wells. The District possesses 21,615
wells, all worked by Persian wheels, and 3,744 unbricked wells, lever
wells, and water-lifts. The latter are largely used for lifting water from
river channels.
The District contains 157 square miles of 'reserved' and 2,323 of
' protected' forests, under the Deputy-Conservator of the Multan Forest
division. These forests are chiefly waste land covered with scrub and
scattered trees. Avenues of shisham (Dalbergia Sissoo) are found
along the roads and canals, and the date-palm is grown largely,
considerable quantities of the fruit being exported. The revenue
from forests under the Forest department in 1903-4 was 1.2 lakhs.
Saltpetre is manufactured to some extent, and a little kankar is
found. Impure carbonate of soda is also made from the ashes of
Haloxylon recurvum, which grows wild in considerable quantities.
The industrial products for which the city of Multan is noted are
glazed pottery, enamelling on silver, silver ornaments, cotton and
woollen carpets, silk fabrics, mixed textures of cotton
Trade and
and silk, cotton printing, metal-work, and ivory- communications*
turning. The glazed pottery work, which used to
be confined to the manufacture of tiles, now largely takes the form of
ornamental vases, plaques, &c., and the enamelling industry is on the
increase. The manufacture of carpets has greatly fallen off. Multan
is second only to Amritsar in the manufacture of silk, and over 40,000
yards of silk fabrics and 200,000 of silk and cotton mixtures are
produced annually. A large number of ivory bangles are turned.
The metal-work consists chiefly of the manufacture of dispatch boxes
and uniform cases, which is a rapidly growing industry. Cotton cloth
is woven, and a once flourishing paper manufacture still lingers.
Multan city has a railway workshop, with 315 employes in 1904; and
10 cotton-ginning and 3 cotton-pressing factories, with a total of 657
hands. At Shujabad a ginning factory employs 21 hands, and at
Rashlda on the North-Western Railway a ginning factory and cotton-
press employs 150.
The District exports wheat, cotton, indigo, bones, hides, and car-
bonate of soda ; and imports rice, oilseeds, oil, sugar, ghi, iron, and
piece-goods. The imports of raw wool exceed the exports, but cleaned
wool is a staple of export. T h e chief items of European trade are
wheat, cotton, and wool. Multan city is the only commercial place of
importance, and has long been an important centre of the wheat
The District is traversed by the North-Western Railway main line
from Lahore to Karachi, which is joined by the Rechna Doab branch
from Wazirabad and Lyallpur at Khanewal. After reaching Multan
city the line gives off the branch running through Muzaffargarh, along
the Indus valley, which leaves the District by a bridge over the Chenab.
It then turns south, and enters Bahawalpur by a bridge over the Sutlej.
The total length of metalled roads is 31 miles and of unmetalled roads
1,199 miles ; of these, 13 miles of metalled roads are under the Public
Works department, and the rest are maintained by the District board.
There is practically no wheeled traffic, goods being carried by camels,
donkeys, or pack-bullocks. The Chenab is crossed by ten ferries, the
Sutlej by thirty-one, and the Ravi by twelve. There is but little traffic
on these rivers.
Before British rule cultivation was confined to the area commanded
by wells, and though drought might contract the cultivated area and
cause great loss of cattle, real famine could never
occur. The extension of cultivation that has taken
place since annexation has followed the development of irrigation by
wells and canals; and though considerable loss of cattle is still incurred
in times of drought, the District is secure from famine, and exports
wheat in the worst years. The area of crops matured in the famine
year 1899-1900 amounted to 75 per cent. of the normal.
The District is in charge of a Deputy-Commissioner, aided by two
Assistant or Extra-Assistant Commissioners and two Revenue Assistant
Commissioners, of whom one is in charge of the Dis-
trict treasury. It is divided for general administrative
purposes into the five tahsils of M U L T A N , S H U J A B A D , L O D H R A N , M A I L S I ,
and K A B I R W A L A , each under a tahsildar assisted by two naib-tahsildars,
Multan city is the head-quarters of a Superintending Engineer and two
Executive Engineers of the Canal department, and of an Extra-Assistant
Conservator of Forests.
T h e Deputy-Commissioner as District Magistrate is responsible for
criminal justice. Civil judicial work is under a District Judge; and
both officers are supervised by the Divisional Judge of the Multan
C i v i l Division, who is also Sessions Judge. There are two Munsifs,
both at head-quarters. Cattle-theft is the principal crime of the
District, but burglary is also becoming common. Cattle-lifting is
regarded as a pastime rather than a crime, and proficiency in it is
highly esteemed.
The greater part of the District was administered for twenty-three
years by Dlwan Sawan M a i . He adopted the system usual with native
rulers of taking a share of one-third, one-fourth, or one-sixth of the
produce, or else a cash assessment based on these proportions but
generally calculated a little higher than the market rate. Cash rates
per acre were levied on the more valuable crops. Another form of
assessment was the lease or patta, under which a plot of 15 to 20
acres, generally round a well, paid a lump annual sum of Rs. 12 or
more. In addition, many cesses and extra dues were imposed, until
the uttermost farthing had in some way or other been taken from the
On annexation, the first summary settlement was made at cash rates
fixed on the average receipt of the preceding four years. Prices,
however, had fallen; and the fixity of the assessment, added to the
payment in cash, pressed hardly on the people, and the assessment
broke down. The second summary settlement made in 1853-4, despite
reductions and attempts to introduce elasticity in collections, d i d not
work well. In 1857-60 a regular settlement was undertaken. A fixed
sum was levied in canal areas, amounting to 16 per cent. below the
previous assessment, to allow for varying conditions. It was estimated
that about 54 per cent. of the revenue might require to be remitted in
bad years. In point of fact remissions were not given, but the assess-
ment was so light that this was not felt. In 1873 a revised settlement
was begun. The new revenue was 86 per cent, of the half 'net assets,'
and an increase of 40 per cent. on the last demand. A fluctuating
system, which made the assessments depend largely on actual cul-
tivation, was definitely adopted in riverain tracts, and the system of
remission proposed at the regular settlement was extended in the
canal areas.
The current settlement, completed between 1897 and 1901, was a
new departure in British assessments, though the resemblance to
Sawan Mal's system is notable. On every existing well is imposed
a lump assessment, which is classed as fixed revenue, and paid irre-
spective of the area from time to time irrigated by the well; if, however,
the well falls out of use for any cause, the demand is remitted. A l l
cultivation other than that dependent entirely on well-water pays at
fluctuating rates, assessed on the area matured in each harvest. Thus,
although the revenue is approximately 92 per cent, of the half 'net
assets,' and the demand of the former settlement has been more than
doubled, there is no fear of revenue being exacted from lands which
have no produce to pay it with. The crop rates vary from Rs. 3-5 per
acre on wheat, tobacco, &c., to Rs. 2-2 on inferior crops. The demand,
including cesses, was 17-5 lakhs in 1903-4. The average size of a
proprietary holding is 8.3 acres.
The collections of land revenue alone and of total revenue are shown
below, in thousands of rupees :—

1880-1. 1890-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Land revenue . 7,61 8,26 6,60 7,77*

Total revenue . 9,72 11,22 12,05

* These figures are for the financial year ending March 31, 1904. The demand
figures given above (17.5 lakhs, including cesses) are for the agricultural year,
and include the revenue demand for the spring harvest of 1904, which was very-
much higher than that for the corresponding harvest of 1903.

T h e District contains five municipalities, M U L T A N , SHUJABAB, K A H -

ROR, T A L A M B A , and J A L A L P U R ; and one ' notified area,' D U N Y A P U R .
Outside these, local affairs are managed by the District board. The
expenditure of the board in 1903-4 was I.I lakhs, education being
the largest individual item. Its income, which is mainly derived from
a local rate, slightly exceeded the expenditure.
T h e regular police force consists of 804 of all ranks, including 41
cantonment and 252 municipal police, under a Superintendent, who
usually has one Assistant Superintendent and 5 inspectors under him.
T h e village watchmen number 943. The District is divided into 18
police circles, with 5 outposts and 9 road-posts. The District jail at
head-quarters has accommodation for 743 prisoners. It receives pri-
soners sentenced to terms not exceeding three years from the Districts
of Multan and Muzaffargarh, and in the hot season from Mianwali.
T h e Central jail, situated 4 miles outside the city, is designed to hold
1,197 prisoners. Convalescents from all jails in the Punjab are sent
Multan stands third among the twenty-eight Districts of the Province
in respect of the literacy of its population. In 1901, 5.7 per cent, of
the population (1O.1 males and 0-4 females) could read and write.
The high proportion of literate persons is chiefly due to the Hindus,
among whom education is not, as elsewhere, practically denied to the
lower castes. The number of people under instruction was 3,684 in
1880-1, 7,355 in 1890-1, 8,156 in 1900-1, and 8,881 in 1903-4. In
the last year the District had one training, one special, 13 secondary
and 82 primary (public) schools, and 26 advanced and 141 elementary
(private) schools, with 296 girls in the public and 166 in the private
schools. The chief institutions are a Government normal school and
three high schools at Multan city. The District also possesses five
zamindari schools, where special concessions are made for the purpose
of extending education to the agricultural classes. There is a school
of music (unaided) for boys at Multan. The expenditure on education
in 1903-4 was Rs. 89,000, of which fees contributed Rs. 25,000,
municipalities Rs. 16,000, the District fund Rs. 19,000, and Provincial
revenues Rs. 22,000, the rest coming from subscriptions and en-
Besides the civil hospital, two city branch dispensaries, and the
Victoria Jubilee Hospital for women in Multan city, the District pos-
sesses eight outlying dispensaries. At these institutions, 119,044 out-
patients and 2,510 in-patients were treated in 1904, and 6,i 53 operations
were performed. The Church Missionary Society also maintains a female
hospital at Multan. The total expenditure in 1904 was Rs. 27,000,
Rs. 16,000 being contributed by District and municipal funds in equal
The number of persons vaccinated in 1903-4 was 27,700, repre-
senting 39 per 1,000 of the population. Vaccination is compulsory in
Multan city.
[ E . D. Maclagan, District Gazetteer ( 1 9 0 1 - 2 ) ; Settlement Report
(1901); and ' A b u l Fazl's Account of the Multan Sarkar,' Journal
As. Soc. of Bengal (1901), p. 1; Saiyid Muhammad Latlf, Early History
of Multan (1891); C. A. Roe, Customary Law of the Multan District
(revised edition, 1901); E. O'Brien, Glossary of the Multdni Language,
revised edition, by J. Wilson and Pandit H a r i Kishan K a u l (1903).]
M u l t a n Tahsil.—Tahsil of Multan District, Punjab, lying between
29 0 29' and 30 0 28' N. and 7 1 0 17' and 7 1 0 58' E., with an area of
953 square miles. Its north-west border rests on the Chenab. It
consists of the Chenab lowlands, which are subject to periodical
inundation from the river, a higher tract farther east irrigated by
inundation canals, and a still higher strip beyond irrigated in part by
the Sidhnai Canal. T h e population in 1901 was 232,126, compared
with 190,431 i n 1891. The tahsil head-quarters are at M U L T A N C I T Y
(population, 87,394). It also contains 289 villages. The land revenue
and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to 4.9 lakhs.
M u l t a n City.—Head-quarters of the Multan Division, District, and
tahsil, in the Punjab, situated in 30 0 12' N. and 7 1 0 3 1 ' E., on the
North-Western Railway, 576 miles from Karachi and 1,429 from
Calcutta. The city is built on a mound, the accumulated dibris of
ages, at a distance of 4 miles from the present left bank of the Chenab,
enclosed on three sides by a wall from 10 to 20 feet in height, but
open towards the south, where the old dry bed of the Ravi intervenes
between the city and the citadel. As late as the days of Timur, the
Ravi seems to have flowed past Multan, joining the Chenab 10 miles
lower down ; and the original site consisted of two islands, which are
now picturesquely crowned by the city and citadel, at an elevation of
50 feet above the surrounding country. Population (1901), 87,394,
including 46,899 Muhammadans and 36,947 Hindus.
Multan, formerly called Kashtpur, Hanspur, Bagpur, Sanb or Sanab-
pur, and finally Mulasthan, derives its name from that of the idol and
temple of the Sun, a shrine of vast wealth in the pre-Muhammadan
period. As one of the frontier towns of India, it has been from the
earliest times of the greatest historical importance, and its history is
given in detail with that of M U L T A N D I S T R I C T . Tradition identifies
the present site with the strong city of the M a l l i , stormed by Alexander.
For the next thousand years the conquerors of Multan present an
amazing variety of race—Graeco-Bactrians are followed by the Kushans,
who in turn give place to the White Huns. When the Arabs first
penetrated the valley of the Indus, the town was ruled by Chach,
a Brahman usurper, who died in A . D . 671. T h e Arabs entered India
from Sind, and after a victorious campaign they captured and garrisoned
M u l t a n . For three centuries the garrison remained the outpost of
Islam in India, though by 900 the Multan governor was independent
of Baghdad. About that time the followers of Abdullah, the Karmatian,
seized Multan. Mahmud, the orthodox ruler of Ghazni, waged per-
petual war upon this heretical sect, and the Ghaznivids kept a nominal
control over Multan until Muhammad of Ghor overthrew them. T h e
city fared but i l l throughout these sectarian wars, and is said to have
been deserted when the Gardezi Saiyids first migrated there in the
twelfth century.
From 1206 to 1528 Multan was nominally subject to the kings of
Delhi, though in fact it was almost independent. In 1397 T i m u r
occupied the city on his way to Delhi, and in 1528 it passed to Babar.
Always the route chosen by the earlier invaders, whether going or
returning, the province of Multan passed with its capital city from
hand to hand, with short space to recover from one devastation ere
the next came upon it. Under the strong government of the early
Mughal emperors, Multan at last enjoyed 200 years of peace. The
trade route from Hindustan to Persia passed through it, and Multan
itself became a trading city. The later invaders chose the northern
route, and M u l t a n owed its immunity to the desert which had suddenly
replaced the fertile lands of Sind.
In 1752 the nominal allegiance of Multan was transferred from
Delhi to K a b u l . In 1771 the Sikhs appeared before the gates, and
the city was constantly threatened from that date until it was stormed
by Ranjit Singh in 1818. In 1821 Dlwan Sawan M a i became its
governor, and a just, if absolute, autocracy replaced the confusion of
the Pathan regime. The first Sikh War did not affect Multan ; but
the murder of two British officers here by Mulraj, son of Sawan M a i ,
led to the second Sikh War, in which it was captured on January 3,
1849. The fortifications were dismantled in 1854. In the M u t i n y
the garrison was quietly disarmed by orders of the Chief Commissioner.
In consequence of a riot which broke out in September, 1881, between
Hindus and Muhammadans the city was occupied by troops for ten
days, and a punitive police post was imposed on the city for a year.
Large and irregular suburbs have grown up outside the walls
since the annexation in 1849. W i t h i n the city proper, one broad
bazar, the Chauk, runs from the Husain Gate for a quarter of a mile
into the centre of the city, ending at the Wali Muhammad Gate,
from which three broad streets lead to the various gates of the city.
The other streets are narrow and tortuous, often ending in culs-de-
sac. The principal buildings include the shrines of the Muham-
madan saints, Baha-ud-dln and Rukn-ul-alam (of the Arab tribe of
Kuresh, to which the Prophet belonged), which stand in the citadel.
Close by are the remains of an ancient H i n d u temple of the Nara-
singh Avatar of Vishnu, called Pahladpuri, partially blown down by
the explosion of the powder magazine during the siege of 1848-9.
The great temple of the Sun once occupied the very middle of the
citadel, but was destroyed during the reign of the zealous Muham-
madan emperor Aurangzeb, who erected a Jama Masjid or cathedral
mosque in its place. This mosque afterwards became the powder
magazine of the Sikhs, and was blown up. W i t h i n the fort, and
overlooking the city, is the plain, massive obelisk, 70 feet in height,
erected in memory of M r . Vans Agnew and Lieutenant Anderson,
the two British officers murdered in A p r i l , 1848, at the outbreak of
Mulraj's rebellion. East of the city is the Amkhas, formerly the
audience hall and garden-house of the H i n d u governors of Mult&n,
now used as the tahsil building. N o rth of this is the cenotaph of
Diwan Sawan Mal and the European cemetery. A fine public garden
lies to the west of the city.
T h e civil station of Multan lies north and west of the native
city, and the cantonment lies in the high stretch of land to the
south-west. The garrison, which belongs to the Lahore division,
consists of a company of garrison artillery, a battalion of British
infantry, a regiment of Native cavalry, two of Native infantry, and
a detachment of railway volunteers. T h e municipality was created
in 1867. T h e income and expenditure during the ten years ending
1902-3 averaged 1.7 lakhs. The income in 1903-4 was 1.9 lakhs,
the chief source being octroi (Rs. 1,51,000); while the expenditure of
1.8 lakhs included conservancy (Rs. 32,000), education (Rs. 29,000),
medical (Rs. 19,000), public safety (Rs. 35,000), and administration
(Rs. 26,000). The income and expenditure of cantonment funds
during the ten years ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 34,000.
As a trade centre, Multan is of the first importance, being connected
by rail with Lahore and Karachi, and by the R&vi, Jhelum, and
Chenab with the whole Central Punjab. Large quantities of raw
produce are shipped by country boats from Sher Shah, the port of
Multan, to Karachi. The trade of Multan comprises every article of
produce, manufacture, and consumption in the Province. The chief
imports are cotton and other piece-goods ; while the main staples of
export are wheat, sugar, cotton, indigo, and wool. Leaving out
of consideration what the city requires for its own use, the function
of Multan as a trade centre is to collect cotton, wheat, wool, oilseeds,
sugar, and indigo from the surrounding country, and to export them
to the south; to receive fruits, drugs, raw silk, and spices from
Kandahar traders, and to pass them on to the east. The Afghan
traders take back indigo, European and country cotton cloth, sugar,
and shoes. Multan receives European piece-goods and European
wares generally, and distributes them to the western Districts and in
its own neighbourhood. The chief local manufactures are silk- and
cotton-weaving and carpet-making; country shoes are also made in
large quantities for exportation. T h e glazed pottery and enamel work
of Multan, although not industries on a large scale, have a high
reputation, and the manufacture of t i n boxes is a growing and
important industry. T h e North-Western Railway workshops give
employment to 315 persons, and 10 cotton-ginning and three cotton-
pressing factories have an aggregate of 657 hands. There is a branch
of the Punjab Banking Company.
The chief educational institutions are the three high schools, a
middle school for European boys, and St. Mary's Convent middle
school for girls. There are English and Roman Catholic churches in
the cantonment, and a station of the Church Missionary Society.
Besides the civil hospital with two branch dispensaries, the Church
Missionary Society maintains the Victoria Jubilee Hospital for Women.
Multhan.—Thakurat in the B H O P A W A R AGENCY, Central India,
M u n d a . — An aboriginal tribe of the Chota Nagpur Division, Bengal,
where they numbered 438,000 in 1901. They are mainly to be found
i n Ranchi District, and are closely akin to the H o , B H U M I J , and Santal
tribes. The name Munda is of Sanskrit origin and denotes a ' village
headman'; the people call themselves H o r o (meaning l man '). Their
physical type is Dravidian, but their language is allied to those spoken
by the H o , Santal, Bhumij, and other cognate tribes. These dialects
form a distinct linguistic family, variously known as Munda or K o l , the
origin of which is one of the most obscure philological problems of the
day. It was suggested by Logan that they were evolved from the con-
tact of the southern Dravidian languages with Mon-Anam forms of
speech brought to India by Mongolian invaders from the north-east.
The majority of the tribe (296,000) are returned as Animists, but there
are 85,000 Hindus and 56,000 Christians; conversion to Christianity
has recently made rapid progress among this race.
The village community retains its primitive form among the Mundas,
and is provided with a complete staff of village officials. The munda is
the headman; he is responsible for the rent of the village, which he col-
lects and pays to the manki or head of a group of villages, where there
is one, or to the landlord. The mahto is an accountant, the pahn a
priest, the bhandari the landlord's agent, and the gorait a watchman.
These officials are remunerated by grants of land held rent-free or at
privileged rents, or by payments in grain or in cash, as are also the ahir
or cowherd, and the lohar or blacksmith. The system prevails in its
entirety in the tract of Ranchi District which borders on Singhbhum
and is known as the mdnki-patti. Here many of the mankis and
mundas are the descendants of the original chiefs, and still hold the
villages which their ancestors founded. These villages are cultivated
by the descendants of the original reclaimers, and each family is re-
sponsible for the payment of a fixed quota of the village r e n t For
many years past the landlords have been endeavouring to break down
the prescriptive rights of these people, which they are most tenacious
in asserting, and the discontent thus engendered culminated in the
M u n d a rising of 1899. This outbreak was speedily suppressed; but,
in order to remove the grievances complained of, the M u n d a tract is
being surveyed and settled, and an Act has been passed by the Local
Government to protect the rights of these village communities.
In the early part of the last century the Mundas gave a great deal of
trouble. There were outbreaks in 1811 and in 1820; and in 1831 a
serious insurrection took place, caused by the lease of some villages
by the brother of the Maharaja of Chota Nagpur to Sikhs and other
foreigners. This insurrection was suppressed with some difficulty in
1832 by Captain (afterwards Sir Thomas) Wilkinson.
Mundargi.—Village in the Gadag taluka of Dharwar District, Bom-
bay, situated in 15° 12' N . and 75 0 53' E., at the base of a hill on which
stands a ruined fort, about 24 miles south-east of Gadag town. Popu-
lation (1901), 4,657. Its position on the Nizam's frontier has helped
Mundargi to grow into a large market town. At the time of the
M u t i n y of 1857, it was under an hereditary district officer named
Bhimrao Nadgir, who corresponded with the rebel chief of N A R G U N D
and murdered a British guard. He subsequently fell at the siege of
Kopal. The village contains three schools, including one for girls.
M u n d e s w a r l . — H i l l in the Bhabua subdivision of Shahabad District,
Bengal, situated in 25 0 2' N. and 830 35' E. It is the site of an inter-
esting H i n d u temple, dating from the sixth or seventh century, which
is said to have been built by Manda Daitya, probably a Chero chief.
[ M . M a r t i n (Buchanan Hamilton), Eastern I n d i a , vol. i (1838).]
M u n d l a n a (Mandldna).—Village in the Gohana tahsil of Rohtak
District, Punjab, situated in 29 0 12' N. and 76° 50' E. Population
(1901), 5,657. It is administered as a ' notified area.'
Mundlesoor. — T o w n in the Indore State, Central India. See
Mundra.—Port in the State of Cutch, Bombay, situated in 22 0 49' N.
and 69 0 52' E., on the coast of the Gulf of Cutch, 29 miles south of
Bhuj. Population (1901), 10,600. There is a made road from the
port to the town, which is 3½ miles distant. The fort, which is situated
2½ miles north of the port, contains a white mosque distinguishable
a good way off. The municipal income in 1903-4 was Rs. 4,000.
The town contains a dispensary.
M u n d w a . — T o w n in the Nagaur district of the State of Jodhpur,
Rajputana, situated in 27°4' N. and 73° 49' E., on the Jodhpur-Blkaner
Railway, 89 miles north-east of Jodhpur city. Population (1901), 5,121.
Mundwa is a commercial mart of some importance, noted for wooden
toys and other fancy articles, and is the home of several prosperous
Marwari traders having business connexions in various parts of India,
Miing.—Village i n Gujrat District, Punjab. See M O N G .
Mungaoli.—Head-quarters of the Isagarh district of Gwalior State,
Central India, situated in 24 0 25' N. and 78 0 8' E., on the left bank of
the Betwa river. Population (1901), 4,797. The town was founded
by Chandel Rajputs and was formerly called Idrasi or Indrasi. It
subsequently received the name of Mungavali or Mungaoli after
Munga Shah, a Muhammadan saint who lived here. At Mirkabad,
one mile distant, is a settlement for members of the Moghia criminal
tribe. The export of grain from the town has increased since the
opening of the Bina-Baran branch of the Great Indian Peninsula
Railway, but the want of feeder roads in the neighbourhood makes
any material improvement impossible. A municipality was constituted
in 1904. Besides the usual offices, a school with a boarding-house,
another special school for Moghias, a district jail, a hospital, a State
post office, and a police station are located in the town.
Mungeli Tahsil.—Western tahsil of Bilaspur District, Central
Provinces, lying between 2 1 0 53' and 22 0 40' N. and 82° 12' and
82 0 2' E. In 1901 its area was 1,794 square miles, and the population
was 255,054. On the formation of the new Drug District, the portion
of the tahsil south of a line drawn from the north-east corner of
Kawardha State to the junction of the Agar and Seonath rivers was
transferred to the Bemetara tahsil of that District. The revised area
and population of the Mungeli tahsil are 1,452 square miles and
177,116 persons. The population of the same area in 1891 was
248,740. The density is 122 persons per square mile. The tahsil
contains one town, M U N G E L I (population, 5,907), the head-quarters ;
and 878 inhabited villages. It includes the zamlnddri estates of
Pandaria and Kantell, with an area of 512 square miles and a popula-
tion of 53,937. Of the zaminddris, 263 square miles are covered with
tree and scrub forest. The land revenue demand in 1902-3 on the
area now constituting the tahsil was approximately 1-18 lakhs. The
tahsil has 410 square miles of Government forest, and also contains
a tract of black soil and the ordinary rice land of Chhattisgarh. The
open country is noticeably bare of trees.
Mungeli Town.—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the same name in
Bilaspur District, Central Provinces, situated in 22 0 4' N. and 81° 4 1 ' E.,
on the Agar river, 31 miles west of Bilaspur town by road. Population
(1901), 5,907. The town is increasing in importance, and is the centre
of trade for most of the Mungeli tahsil. Grain is generally sent to
Bhatapara station, 32 miles distant. A station of the American U n -
sectarian Mission, called the Disciples of Christ, has been established
at Mungeli, which supports a leper asylum, a dispensary, and schools.
T h e Government institutions comprise a dispensary, a vernacular
middle school, and a girls' school. Sanitation is provided for by
a small fund raised from the inhabitants.
Mungir.—District, subdivision, and town in Bengal. See M O N G H Y R .
Mungledye.—Subdivision of Darrang District, Eastern Bengal and
Assam. See M A N G A L D A I .
Mungra-Badshahpur.—Town in the Machhlishahr tahsil of Jaun-
pur District, United Provinces, situated in 25 0 4 0 ' N . and 82 0 12' E.,
on the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway, and on the road from Jaunpur
city to Allahabad. Population (1901), 6,130. The town is said to
have been founded by Ibrahim Shah of Jaunpur. On the cession of
the Benares province to the British, it became a customs post and trade
centre between Oudh and Benares. It is still a mart for the import of
cotton from Allahabad and for the export of sugar. Mungra-Badshah-
pur is administered under Act XX of 1856, with an income of about
Rs. 1,400. There is a primary school with 75 pupils.
Munjpur.—Petty State in K A T H I A W A R , Bombay.
M u n m a r . — T o w n i n Nasik District, Bombay. See M A N M A D .
Munshiganj Subdivision.—South-eastern subdivision of Dacca
District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, lying between 230 14'and 23 0 4 1 ' N.
and 90 0 10' and 90 0 42' E., with an area of 386 square miles. The
subdivision is a fertile alluvial tract, bounded on three sides by large
rivers, the Padma on the south, the Meghna on the east, and the
Dhaleswari on the north. The population in 1901 was 638,351,
compared with 581,051 in 1891. It contains 978 villages, but no town ;
the head-quarters are at M U N S H I G A N J . This subdivision, which con-
tains the greater part of the old B I K R A M P U R pargana, is one of the
most thickly populated rural tracts in India, having a density of 1,654
persons per square mile. The principal centres of trade are Munshi-
ganj, near which a large annual fair, known as the Kartik Baruni mela,
is held for a month in December and January, Bhagyakul, Lohajang,
and Mirkadim.
Munshiganj Town.—Head-quarters of the subdivision of the same
name in Dacca District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated in 230 33'
N. and 90 0 32' E., on the banks of the Meghna. Population (1901),
964. T h e station possesses the usual public offices; the sub-jail
has accommodation for 17 prisoners. Munshiganj has been identi-
fied as the site of the ancient Idrakpur. The Kartik Baruni mela is
a large commercial gathering held on the banks of the Dhaleswari in
December and January. It used to be the great centre from which
traders in neighbouring Districts took their supplies, and is still largely
attended; but its importance has declined now that the steamers
have brought almost every village on the banks of the large rivers into
touch with Calcutta.
Muradabad.—District, tahsil, and city in the United Provinces.
Murar.—Cantonment i n Gwalior State, Central India. See M O R A R .
Murbad.—South-eastern taluka of Thana District, Bombay, lying
between 19 7' and 19 27' N. and 73 0 23' and 73 0 4 8 ' E., with an
0 0

area of 350 square miles. It contains 171 villages, Murbad being

the head-quarters. The population in 1901 was 62,569, compared with
65,641 in 1891. The density, 179 persons per square mile, is below
the District average. Land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted
to more than 1-3 lakhs. The people are mostly Thakurs, Kolis, and
Marathas. Most of the taluka is very hilly and fairly wooded. The
soil is poor and the uplands of little value, except as supplying brush-
wood for manure. It suffers from the want of means of exporting its
produce, but a good high road now bisects it. T h e water supplied by
wells is fairly good but scanty. The climate is oppressive, though not
unhealthy; after the rains, however, it is malarious.
Murgod.—Village in the Parasgad taluka of Belgaum District, Bom-
bay, and head-quarters of the Murgod mahal or petty division, situated
in 150 53' N. and 74 0 56' E., 27 miles east of Belgaum town. Popu-
lation (1901), 5,655. Murgod is a considerable market for cotton and
grain, and some business is done in printing cotton cloth. A small
fair lasting for six days is held annually, in honour of Chitambareshwar,
at the temple of Mallikarjun. In 1565, after the battle of Talikota,
Murgod was taken by Vitta Gauda, the ancestor of the present Sar
Desai of Sirsangi. After his death it was held by Sivajt. The village
contains one boys' and one girls' school, attended by 18 and 12 pupils
M u r r e e Tahsil.—Northern tahsil of Rawalpindi District, Punjab,
lying between 33 0 42' and 34 0 1' N. and 73 0 12" and 73 0 36' E., with
an area of 258 square miles. It is bounded on the east by the Jhelum
river, which cuts it off from Kashmir territory. The tahsil is composed
of three main spurs, running north and south, with intervening valleys
and connecting ridges. The most westerly is the Murree spur, which
rises to 7,517 feet above the sea, the highest point in the District. The
higher hills are thickly wooded with pine and fir, while the lower
slopes bear a plentiful growth of oak, acacia, &c. The population
in 1901 was 52,303, compared with 45,772 in 1891. The h i l l station
of M U R R E E is the tahsil head-quarters, and it also contains 120 villages.
The land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 16,000.
M u r r e e T o w n . — H i l l sanitarium and head-quarters of the tahsil of
the same name in Rawalpindi District, Punjab, situated in 33 0 55' N.
and 73 0 23' E., 39 miles from Rawalpindi town, on a spur of the
Himalayas, at the height of 7,517 feet above sea-level. The population
in March, 1901, was 1,844, but in the summer it probably amounts to
over 10,000. In the hot season it is the head-quarters of the Lieu tenant-
General of the Northern Command. T h e Commissioner of the Rawal-
pindi Division and the Deputy-Commissioner of Rawalpindi also reside
here during part of the hot season, for which period an Assistant Com-
missioner is placed in charge of the subdivision consisting of the Murree
tahsil. The site was selected in 1850 almost immediately after the
annexation of the Province, and building operations commenced at
once. In 1851 temporary accommodation was provided for a detach-
ment of troops; and in 1853 permanent barracks were erected. The
garrison generally consists of three mountain batteries. In 1873, 1874,
and 1875 Murree was the summer head-quarters of the Punjab Govern-
ment. It is connected with Rawalpindi town by a service of tongas.
The houses crown the summit and sides of an irregular ridge, com-
manding magnificent views over forest-clad hill-sides into deep valleys
studded with villages and cultivated fields. The neighbouring hills are
covered during the summer with encampments of British troops, while
the station itself is filled with European visitors from the plains and
travellers to Kashmir. A fine view of the snowy peaks of Kashmir is
to be had on a clear day, and the crest of Nanga Parbat (26,182 feet)
can sometimes be seen. The municipality was created in 1850. The
income during the ten years ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 49,500, and
the expenditure Rs. 48,200. In 1903-4 the income and expenditure
were Rs. 51,400, chiefly from octroi, and Rs. 54,400 respectively. The
income and expenditure of cantonment funds averaged Rs. 10,000
between 1893 and 1903. The chief educational institutions are the
Lawrence Military Asylum for soldiers' children, and the St. Denys' and
Convent English schools for girls. The station contains the Lady Roberts
Home for invalid officers and a branch of the Alliance Bank of Simla.
T h e Murree Brewery is the only industrial concern of any importance.
Mursan.—Estate situated in the Alfgarh, Muttra, and Etah Dis-
tricts of the United Provinces, with an area of 60 square miles. T h e
demand for land revenue in 1903-4 was a lakh and for cesses Rs. 16,000,
while the rent-roll was 2.1 lakhs. This is the most important Jat estate
in the United Provinces. In the sixteenth or seventeenth century a Jat,
named Makan, came from Rajputana to the neighbourhood of Mursan
town, and he and his descendants acquired considerable estates, partly
by clearing waste land. The result was the formation of a number of
talukas or baronies, linked together by the kinship of the owners. Nand
Ram, head of the clan, submitted to Aurangzeb, when the latter had
firmly established himself, and was appointed an administrative official.
He died in 1695, leaving fourteen sons, the eldest of whom was called
Zulkaran, and predeceased his father. The Jat possessions were divided
among the other children of Nand R a m ; but Zulkaran's son, Khushal
Singh, who obtained only two villages, attracted the notice of Saadat
Khan, Nawab of Oudh, and was granted the farm of other property.
In 1749 he was succeeded by Puhup Singh, who largely increased the
estates he had inherited by obtaining from the amils leases of villages
which had fallen out of cultivation, or in which arrears of revenue were
VOL. X V I I I . D
due. He also acquired a considerable share in the talukas left by
Nand Ram, though dispossessed for a time by Suraj M a l , Raja of
Bharatpur, and was the first of the family to assume the title of Raja.
In 1803 Bhagwant Singh, son of Puhup Singh, was allowed to engage
for payment of revenue of all the estates held by him, without any
detailed inquiry into their internal circumstances, and retained some
independent judicial authority. He also received a jagir for services
rendered in L o r d Lake's campaign. A few years later both Bhagwant
Singh and Daya Ram, talukdar of Hathras, another descendant of
Nand Ram, came into conflict with the authorities for persistent default
in the payment of revenue and defiance of the courts, and in 1817
troops were sent against them. Daya Ram at first resisted, and on
the fall of Hathras his estates were confiscated; but Bhagwant Singh
surrendered. He was treated leniently, and his possessions were not
escheated, though his special police jurisdiction was cancelled. On his
death in 1823 the process of direct engagement with the village pro-
prietors was commenced, and his son, T i k a m Singh, lost considerably.
The separation of subordinate rights was completed in the first regular
settlement, and was resisted in the courts by the Raja, but without
success. Owing to his loyalty in the Mutiny, Raja T i k a m Singh
received an abatement of Rs. 6,000 in his assessment, and was also
created C.S.I. The present owner of the estate is Raja Dat Prasad
Singh, who succeeded a grandson of T i k a m Singh in 1902.
The principal place in the estate is Mursan, a small town on the
Cawnpore-Achhnera Railway, with a population (1901) of 4,395,
which is administered under Act XX of 1856. A primary school
here is attended by 120 pupils.
M u r s h i d a b a d District.—District of the Presidency Division, Ben-
gal, lying between 23 0 43' and 24 0 52' N. and 87 0 49' and 88° 44' E.,
with an area of 2,143 square miles. In shape it resembles an isosceles
triangle with its apex pointing to the north-west. The northern and
eastern boundaries are formed by the Padma, or main stream of the
Ganges, which separates it from Malda and Rajshahi; on the south-
east the JalangI divides it from N a d i a ; on the south it is bounded
by Burdwan; and on the west by Blrbhum and the Santal Parganas.
The BhagTrathi, which flows with many windings south-east and
south, divides the District into two tracts nearly equal in size but differ-
ing in their physical features. The country to the
aspects. west of the Bhagirathi, known as Rarh, forms a con-
tinuation of the Chota Nagpur plateau; its general
level is slightly undulating and higher than that of the rest of the
District, but it is interspersed with marshes and seamed by hill torrents.
The Bagri or eastern portion forms part of the old Ganges delta, and
its river system consists of the P A D M A with its distributaries, the B H A G I -
R A T H I , B H A I R A B , Sialmari, and J A L A N G I . The Bhagirathi, which forms
the oldest known outlet of the Ganges and marks the western l i m i t of
the delta, has undergone great changes even in the last hundred years ;
its head has almost silted up, and it is with difficulty kept open for
navigation by small boats during the dry season. Its chief tributaries
are the Bansloi and the Pagla, which rise in the Santal Parganas, the
Chora Dekra, and the Dwarka. The Dwarka or Babla is a continuation
of the Brahmanl, which rises in the Birbhum hills, and after uniting
with the Mor flows eastwards through the Kandi subdivision to join the
Bhagirathi; like all h i l l streams, it is very rapid and liable to sudden
flood. The Bhairab and Sialmari are unimportant streams flowing into
the Jalangi; this river has a general trend to the south-west and eventu-
ally joins the Bhagirathi in Nadia District. There are many small
lakes, the largest being the Telkar B i l west of Berhampore, which is
about 3 miles long and 2¾ miles broad, and a large horseshoe lake
known as M o t i j h i l , which has been formed about 2 miles from
M U R S H I D A B A D T O W N by a change in the course of the Bhagirathi.
The portion of the District east of the Bhagirathi is covered with
recent alluvium, consisting of sandy clay and sand along the course of
the rivers, and fine silt consolidating into clay in the flatter parts of the
river plain. The limit between the alluvium and the higher ground
on the west is marked by a bank of stiff clay, gravel, and nodular lime-
stone, which disappears as it passes downwards towards Birbhum,
where it amalgamates with the general alluvium. In the north-west
of the District are some isolated clay hillocks.
The stretches of low-lying land under rice cultivation afford a foot-
hold for many marsh species, while the numerous ponds and ditches
are filled with submerged and floating water-plants. Remarkable
among these for its rarity, and interesting on account of its distri-
bution in Europe on the one hand and Australia on the other, is the
floating Aldrovanda vesiculosa. The edges of sluggish creeks are lined
w i t h large sedges and bulrushes, and the banks of rivers have a hedge-
like scrub jungle. The sides of embankments and village sites, where
not occupied by habitations, are densely covered with shrubberies of
semi-spontaneous species, interspersed with clumps of planted bamboos
and groves of Areca, Moringa, Mangifera, and Anona, while banyan
(Ficus indica), pipal (Ficus religiosa), babul {Acacia arabica), jack
(Artocarpus integrifolia), bel (Aegle marmelos), plantain, and date
trees are also common. Waysides and waste places are filled with
grasses and weeds, usually of little intrinsic interest, but often striking
because of their distribution. Many of them have been inadvertently
introduced by human agency, and include European or African and
American species, which spread more plentifully than similar weeds
of indigenous origin. The District is famous for its mangoes.
D 2
B i g game has disappeared before the advance of cultivation, but
leopards are occasionally met with and wild hog still abound in the
During the hot season dry westerly winds alternate with the southerly
sea-breezes of moderate temperature which characterize other parts of
Lower Bengal; and the mean temperature, which is 79 0 for the whole
year, rises from 65 0 in January to 88° in A p r i l , when the mean maxi-
m u m is 100°. The mean minimum is lowest (53 0 ) in January. T h e
annual rainfall averages 53 inches, of which 9.6 fall in June, 11 in July,
10 in August, and 9 in September.
The earthquake of 1897 caused great damage, especially along the
banks of the Bhagirathi river, where the old masonry buildings in the
riparian towns suffered enormously. The cost of repairs to public
property was estimated to exceed 2 lakhs, and the damage to private
property at 50 lakhs. Discharges of water and black mud occurred
from the bed of the Bhagirathi near Jangipur, and sand and water were
also thrown up from fissures in the marshy land near Gaur and Jalangi,
one fissure extending for a length of 2 miles. The District is liable to
annual inundation, and serious floods are only prevented by numerous
and expensive embankments. In 1870 the embankments of the Bhagi-
rathi were breached, and a disastrous flood occurred which destroyed
the crops over a large area and caused great suffering. In 1886 the
town of Murshidabad was inundated and thousands of people left
destitute. The Dwarka is liable to sudden floods ; and a tract of low-
lying country about 16 miles in extent at the confluence of the M o r
and Dwarka rivers in the Kandi subdivision, known as Hejal, is inun-
dated more or less heavily almost every year.
In ancient times the Bhagirathi formed an important political boun-
dary. T o the east lay B A N G A or Samatata and to the west K A R N A
SUVARNA, whose capital was probably at or near
R A N G A M A T I . Under the Sen kings the river separated
the R A R H from the B A G R I division of Bengal, traces of which remain
in the name Bagdi. The country was conquered in 1197 by Muham-
mad i-Bakhtyar K h i l j i , and formed part of the dominions of the Muham-
madan kings of Gaur. In the middle of the seventeenth century
factories were founded at Cossimbazar, at that time the head-quarters
of the silk trade; but the political importance of the District dates from
the early part of the eighteenth century, when Murshid K u l i K h a n
moved the seat of government from Dacca to the little town of Maksud-
abad, thenceforth called after him, where he built a palace. Historical
interest centres i n M U R S H I D A B A D , COSSIMBAZAR, and B E R H A M P O R E .
Other places of archaeological importance are Badrihat and Ranga-
mati. When a Collector was first appointed to the charge of the
District in 1772, its area extended over the neighbouring zaminddaris
of Birbhum and Bishnupur. These outlying tracts had always been
noted for lawlessness; and for the better administration of justice they
were finally severed from Murshidabad in 1787. The District was
thus reduced to about its present size, but the irregularity of the boun-
dary between it and Birbhum has been a constant source of perplexity
to the local officials. In 1875 the District was transferred from the
Rajshahi to the Presidency Division.
The population, which in 1872 numbered 1,214,104, increased to
1,226,790 in 1881, to 1,250,946 in 1891, and to 1,333,184 in 1901.
T h e increase between 1872 and 1891 was very small,
owing to the ravages of the ' Burdwan fever,' which
devastated not only the low-lying waterlogged eastern tracts but also
the elevated country to the west. In recent years there has been
a great improvement in the health of the District, especially in the
Rarh country. To the east, however, the climate is damp, and malaria
is still prevalent; cholera is rarely absent, and enlargement of the
spleen and liver is almost universal. Elephantiasis and hydrocele are
endemic. The table below gives statistics of the population by sub-
divisions in 1901 :—
Population per :

Percentage of i

persons able to
Area in square

NurTiber of
population be
square mile.

variation in
tween 1891

Number of
and 1001.

read and

Subdivision. (fl
Berhampore 752 I 1,060 471,962 628 + 37 22,853
Lalbagh . 370 2 632 192,978 522 + 6.2 11,292
Jangipur . 1,093 334,91 657 + 5·4 16,955
Kanch 512 I 883 334,053 652 + 124 22,376

District total 2,143 5 3,668 1,333,184 622 + 6.6 73,476

T h e towns are B E R H A M P O R E , the head-quarters, M U R S H I D A B A D ,

A Z I M G A N J , J A N G I P U R , and K A N D I . T h e alluvial tract to the east of
the BhagTrathi is much more densely populated than the west of the
District. In the latter tract, however, the population is now growing
rapidly, the increase at the Census of 1901 amounting to 12-9 per cent.,
compared with 3-1 per cent, in the east of the District, and rising as
high as 26 per cent, in the Sagardighi and Kalianganj thanas, which
are still sparsely populated and attract a large number of immigrants
from Birbhum and the Santai Parganas. The District suffers from
diluvion along the northern boundary, and there has consequently
been some loss of inhabitants by migration to the corresponding
alluvial formations in Malda and Rajshahi on the other side of the
Padma. There is a good deal of temporary immigration from Bihar
and the United Provinces, especially during the winter months. T h e
vernacular of the District is the dialect known as Central Bengali.
Muhammadans (676,899) in 1901 outnumbered the Hindus (643,474),
having increased from 48.1 per cent. of the population in 1881 to
50.8 per cent. in the latter year. Hindus, however, still predominate
to the west of the Bhaglrathi.
Most of the Muhammadans are Shaikhs (628,000). Among the
Hindus the most numerous castes are Kaibarttas (95,000); Bagdis
(40,000), chiefly in the south-west; Sadgops (39,000), chiefly in the
southern thanas; Chains (38,000), along the south-east; Brahmans,
Ahirs, and Goalas. Agriculture supports 58 per cent. of the popula-
tion, industries 19.3 per cent., commerce o.6 per cent., and the pro-
fessions 1.8 per cent.
Christians number only 391, of whom 249 are natives. Various
missions have established themselves in the District from time to time,
but they have not met with much success. The only one now is a
branch of the London Missionary Society, which began work in 1824.
The low-lying alluvial soil to the east is very fertile; the chief crop
is the autumn rice, but it also grows several important cold-season
crops. On the hard clay of the Rarh tract aman or
winter rice is the main staple, though sugar-cane,
mulberry, tobacco, and various vegetables are likewise grown.
The chief agricultural statistics for 1903-4 are shown below, areas
being in square miles:—

Subdivision. Total. Cultivated. Cultivable


Bcrhampore . 752 346 195

Lalbagh 370 205 17
Jangipur 281 31
Kandi 512 332 174

Total 2,143 1,164 417

It is estimated that 30 per cent, of the cultivated area is twice

cropped. Rice is grown over an area of 723 square miles, the winter
rice covering 34 per cent. of the net cropped area against 28 per cent.
under autumn rice. About 167 square miles are under wheat and
95 square miles under barley. Other crops extensively cultivated are
gram and other pulses and oilseeds, linseed and mustard being the
most important kinds. Jute, sugar-cane, indigo, and mulberry are
grown, but the cultivation of both indigo and mulberry is now declining.
Little use is made of the Agriculturists' Loans A c t ; in the two years
ending 1898 Rs. 40,000 was advanced.
Pasture land is plentiful all over the District. The chief grazing
ground is a tract of low country in the Kandi subdivision, about
16 miles in area, known as H e j a l ; this is covered with water during
the rains, but in the dry season it affords splendid pasturage. Cattle
fairs are held at Panchamdi and Talibpur in the K a n d i subdivision,
and occasionally at Bhabta in the head-quarters subdivision.
The necessity for irrigation is limited to the west of the District,
where water is conducted over the fields from tanks or natural water-
courses. A large number of tanks are used for this purpose in the
Manigram Government estate.
Pearl fisheries exist in a series of lakes which mark the line of an old
river and stretch from the Gobra nullah to Rukimpur, a distance of
about 38 miles. The mussel in which the pearls are
found is a species of Unio, and is probably a variety
of the pearl-bearing Unto margaritifera. The majority of the pearls
are seed pearls, and they have usually a golden tint. Valuable pearls
are occasionally procured, fetching as much as Rs. 200 each; but such
a find is very rare, and the largest pearls found in recent years rarely
exceed Rs. 15 or Rs. 30 in value. The fishery season is in the hot
months, when the water is low and almost stagnant. The various
branches of the industry furnish employment for about 300 persons
during this period, and its annual value is estimated at Rs. 3,000.
I r o n is found, but not in sufficient quantities to repay smelting.
Calcareous earth occurs in several places and is extensively used for
making lime. Kankar or nodular limestone crops up generally over
the western half of the District, and is used for road-making.
The silk industry in this part of Bengal is of great age, and the silk
trade is one of the earliest of the industries which occupied the servants
of the East India Company in the District, their
efforts being stimulated by competition with the
French, Dutch, and Armenians. Silk factories date
from the middle of the seventeenth century, when Cossimbazar was the
most important centre. The winding of silk is still carried on, but it
has steadily declined since the Company closed their factory at Jangi-
pur in 1835. The decline is due in a great measure to diseases of the
worms, which the Bengal Silk Association, constituted in 1898, is now
taking steps to combat. There is a nursery at Chandanpur which dis-
tributes large quantities of selected seed to the rearers ; similar nurseries
are being built at Rajdharpur and Kumarpur, and the use of examined
seed is spreading in the Government estates west of the Bhlgirathi.
Silk is still largely manufactured in the head-quarters and Jangipur
subdivisions; a great variety of fabrics are manufactured. The best
silks are those produced in the Mirzapur, Hariharpara, and Daulat
Bazar thdnas ; in 1903-4 the Mirzapur weavers turned out 26,000 yards
of silk cloth, valued at Rs. 33,000. In addition to the native artisans
working with hand-looms, there were in that year 54 factories worked
with machinery which had an out-turn of 396,000 lb., valued at nearly
27 lakhs, the principal firms being Messrs. Louis Payen & Co. and the
Bengal Silk Company. Tasar and matka silks are also manufactured,
the latter being best prepared by Indian weavers on their hand-looms.
Cotton-weaving with hand-looms is still an important occupation, and
silk and cotton dyeing are carried on by a few families at Khagra
Baluchar and Mirzapur. Murshidabad town has skilled embroiderers,
who adorn clothes, gloves, slippers, and caps with gold and silver lace.
Gold and silver wire is ako made in small quantities. Bidri ware is
produced by a few workmen at Murshidabad; the process consists in
inlaying with silver a sort of pewter which is blackened with sulphate
of copper. Bell-metal and brass utensils of a superior k i n d are manu-
factured in large quantities at Khagra, Berhampore, Kandi, and Bara-
nagar; these articles are sold in the local markets and are also exported.
Locks, nails, and betel-nut cutters are made at Dhulian. Ivory-carving
was formerly a considerable industry, but is now confined to a few
workmen at Murshidabad. Blankets, shell bracelets, and pottery are
manufactured in a few villages, and musical instruments and hukka
pipes are also made. The indigo industry has practically disappeared,
the out-turn in 1903-4 having fallen to 13 tons.
The external trade is mainly with Calcutta. The chief imports are
European piece-goods, salt, coal and coke, and kerosene o i l ; and the
chief exports are rice, wheat, gram, oilseeds, jute, silk, indigo, and
metal ware. The District is favourably situated for trade, being served
by two offshoots of the Padma, the Bhagirathi and the JalangI, which
form the Hooghly and lead direct to Calcutta. The principal seats of
trade are J A N G I P U R , A Z I M G A N J , J I A G A N J , Khagra, and D H U L I A N on the
Bhagirathi, and BHAGWANGOLA on the Ganges. Trade is carried on
chiefly at permanent markets, and periodical fairs are also held at
Dhulian, Jangipur, Chaltia, Suktipur, and Kandi. The Jain merchants
of Azimganj are among the richest traders in Bengal.
The little railway from Nalhati to Azimganj runs for about 14 miles
within the District. The Murshidabad branch of the Eastern Bengal
State Railway, which has recently been opened, leaves the main
line at Ranaghat and enters the District near Plassey, whence it runs
nearly due north through Beldanga, Berhampore, Murshidabad, and
Jiaganj to Lalgola. There is also a proposal to bridge the Bhagirathi
between Jiaganj and Murshidabad, and to connect the new line with
the East Indian Railway system. The District board maintains 33
miles of metalled and 526 miles of unmetalled roads, with 335 bridges
and 22 ferries. The most important roads are those connecting Ber-
hampore, the head-quarters station, with Krishnagar, Bhagwangola,
Patkabari, K a n d i , and JalangI; Murshidabad with Panchgram; and
Jarur with Gambhira.
Steamer services ply up the Padma from Goalundo throughout the
year, and the other big rivers are navigable by large country boats,
except during the latter part of the dry season ; for the rest of the year
the Calcutta Steam Navigation Company maintains a regular steamer
service up the Bhagirathi from Calcutta. The measures which have
been taken from time to time to keep this river and the JalangI open
for traffic are described i n the article on the N A D I A RIVERS. I n
1903-4 about Rs. 41,000 was realized as tolls, while the expenditure
in keeping the channels open amounted to Rs. 44,000.
The famine of 1770 is believed to have carried off three-eighths of
the population of this District. In 1870 some distress was caused by
high prices, and severe scarcity was felt in 1874 and
1897. On the latter occasion Government expended
Rs. 73,000 on famine relief, and was aided by the munificence of local
zamlndars headed by the late MaharanI Sarnamayl, C . I . The aggre-
gate number of units relieved, reckoned in terms of one day, was
For administrative purposes the District is divided into four sub-
divisions, with head-quarters at B E R H A M P O R E , J A N G I P U R , K A N D I , and
L A L B A G H . T h e Magistrate-Collector is assisted at
head-quarters by a staff of four Deputy Magistrate-
Collectors and occasionally by a Joint or Assistant Magistrate. The
subdivisional officers at Kandi, Lalbagh, and Jangipur belong to the
Provincial service recruited in India, and are assisted by Sub-Deputy-
Collectors. The Executive Engineer in charge of the Nadia Rivers
division is stationed at Berhampore.
Subordinate to the District and Sessions Judge for the disposal of
civil judicial work are a Subordinate Judge at head-quarters and seven
Munsifs, of whom two each are stationed at Berhampore, Jangipur, and
Kandi, and one at Lalbagh. The criminal courts include those of the
Judge, the District Magistrate, and the above-mentioned magistrates.
The most common offences are those which arise out of disputes
about land.
In Todar Mal's rent-roll of 1582 the present District area formed
portion of Audambar or Tanda, Satgaon, and other sarkars. In Jafar
Khan's settlement of 1722 the name Murshidabad was applied to an
area apparently coextensive with the great zaminddri of Rani Bhawani,
properly known as Rajshahi. It is therefore impossible to compare
the present land revenue of the District w i t h that realized under
Muhammadan rule. The whole of the District is permanently settled,
with the exception of 72 temporarily settled estates with a current
demand of Rs. 30,000, and 64 estates with a demand of Rs. 26,000
held direct by Government. The average incidence of rental is Rs.
3-1-5 per cultivated acre; but rents differ widely in various parts, being
lowest in the head-quarters and Jangipur subdivisions, and highest in
the K a n d i subdivision, where rice and wheat lands bring in from
Rs. 7-8 to Rs. 18, and mulberry and sugar-cane lands from Rs. 12
to Rs. 24 per acre. In the head-quarters subdivision, on the other
hand, the rent of rice and wheat lands ranges between Rs. 1-2 and
Rs. 9, that of land growing pulse between Rs. 2-4 and Rs. 3, sugar-
cane land between Rs. 3 and Rs. 7-8, and mulberry land between
Rs. 1-12 and Rs. 12 per acre.
The utbandi system of tenure is very common, especially in the
Plassey pargana; for a description of this tenure see the article on
N A D I A D I S T R I C T . Aimmas or quit-rent tenures are numerous i n the
Fateh Singh estate. The average area of a tenant's holding is only
one acre.
The following table shows the collections of land revenue and of
total revenue (principal heads only), in thousands of rupees :—

1880-1*. 1890-1. 1900-1. 1003-4.

Land revenue . 13,05 10,68 10,66 10,67

Total revenue . 18,12 16,23 '7.78 17,95

* Between 1880-1 and 1890-1, certain estates were transferred from Murshid-
abad to other Districts.
Outside the municipalities of B E R H A M P O R E , A Z I M G A N J , J A N G I P U R ,
K A N D I , and M U R S H I D A B A D , local affairs are managed by the District
board, with subordinate local boards in each subdivision. The income
of the District board in 1903-4 was Rs. 1,27,000, of which Rs. 64,000
was derived from rates. The expenditure was also Rs. 1,27,000,
including Rs. 69,000 spent on public works and Rs. 25,000 on educa-
tion. A scheme for supplying the rural areas with drinking-water is in
progress; this was initiated by a gift of a lakh from Raja Jogendra
Narayan Rao of Lalgola.
There are 74 miles of embankments along the Bhaglrathi, under
the Public Works department, to prevent the country on the east
bank from being flooded by the spill of the river. The propriety of
maintaining these embankments has been called in question, on the
ground that the land which would otherwise be flooded is thereby
deprived of its supply of fertilizing silt, while the river, being confined
to its bed, deposits its silt there, and thus gradually raises itself above
the level of the surrounding country.
Murshidabad contains 24 police stations and 26 outposts; and in
1903 the force subordinate to the District Superintendent consisted
of 4 inspectors, 53 sub-inspectors, 51 head constables, and 675 con-
stables. In addition, there is a rural police of 264 daffadars and 2,947
chaukidars. The District jail at Berhampore has accommodation for
340 prisoners, and subsidiary jails at the three subdivisional out-
stations have accommodation for 62.
In spite of the proximity of the District to Calcutta, only 5.5 per
cent. of the population (10.6 males and 0.6 females) could read and
write in 1901. The total number of pupils under instruction increased
from 12,000 in 1883 to 22,994 in 1892-3, and 24,837 in 1900-1. In
1903-4, 24,015 boys and 1,531 girls were at school, being respectively
24.5 and 1.5 per cent. of the children of school-going age. The number
of educational institutions, public and private, in that year was 661,
including one Arts college, 58 secondary, 582 primary, and 20 special
schools. T h e expenditure on education was 2-17 lakhs, of which
Rs. 44,000 was met from Provincial funds, Rs. 25,000 from District
funds, Rs. 2,000 from municipal funds, and Rs. 84,000 from fees.
The principal institutions are the college and Sanskrit tol at Berham-
pore, and the Nawab's madrasa and high school at Murshidabad.
The London Missionary Society maintains a high school at Khagra
near Bernam pore.
In 1903 the District contained 7 dispensaries, of which 5 had accom-
modation for 115 in-patients. The cases of 65,000 out-patients and
1,335 in-patients were treated during the year, and 3,320 operations
were performed. The expenditure was Rs. 27,000, of which Rs. 2,000
was met by Government contributions, Rs. 3,000 from Local and
Rs. 11,000 from municipal funds, and Rs. 3,000 from subscriptions.
The hospital at Kandi, which is maintained from an endowment fund,
now amounting to 1-59 lakhs, left by Kumar Giris Chandra Sinha of
Paikpara, is the best equipped in the District. There is a lunatic
asylum at Berhampore.
Vaccination is compulsory only in the municipal towns. In 1903-4
the number of successful vaccinations was 37,000, representing 36 per
1,000 of the population.
[Sir W. W. Hunter, Statistical Account of Bengal, vol. i i i (1876);
Beveridge, ' Note on the Parganas of Murshidabad,' Proceedings of the
Asiatic Society (1892); Major Walsh, I.M.S., History of Murshidabad
(1902); G. C. Dutt, Monograph on Ivory Carving in Bengal (Calcutta,
1901); N. G. Mukerjl, Monograph on the Silk Fabrics of Bengal
(Calcutta, 1903); P. C. Majumdar, The Musnud of Murshidabad
(Murshidabad, 1905).]
M u r s h i d a b a d Subdivison.—Subdivision of Murshidabad District,
Bengal. See L A L B A G H .
M u r s h i d a b a d Town.—Head-quarters of the Lalbagh subdivision
of Murshidabad District, Bengal, situated in 24 0 12' N. and 88° 17' E.,
on the left bank of the Bhagirathi. The town, which possesses great
historical interest, was formerly known as Makhsusabad or Maksudabad,
and is stated by Tieffenthaler to have been founded by the emperor
Akbar. In 1696 the Afghans from Orissa in the course of their rebel-
lion defeated the imperial troops and plundered the place. In 1704
Nawab Murshid Kuli K h a n moved the seat of government from Dacca
to Maksudabad, which he then called, after himself, Murshidabad; the
old name, however, still lingers, and the spelling Muxudavad is found
in the early English records as late as 1760. Tradition relates that
Murshid K u l i K h a n moved his government to this place through fear
of prince Azim-ush-shan, who had attempted to assassinate h i m at
Dacca. It seems more probable that he was induced to do so by
political considerations. Dacca had lost its importance, for the Maghs
and the Portuguese were no longer dangerous; and the banks of the
Bhaglrathi afforded a more central position for the management of the
three provinces of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. The new city was also
situated on the main line of communication between the Upper Ganges
valley and the sea, along which the treasures of India were now begin-
ning to find their way to the European settlements on the H o o g h l y ;
and it commanded the town of Cossimbazar, where all the foreigners
had important factories. Moreover, the situation in those days was
regarded as very healthy. Murshid Kuli Khan, by birth a Brahman
and by education a courtier, was one of the most able administrators
that ever served the Mughal empire in time of peace. Second only to
the Nawab in establishing the importance of Murshidabad was the
Jain banker, Manik Chand Jagat Seth, by whose predominating influence
as a financier the residence of the governor became also the centre of
the revenue collections for Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa.
The dynasty founded by Murshid K u l i Khan d i d not continue in
the direct line beyond two generations. Ali Vardi K h a n won the
governorship by conquest in 1740. Troublous times followed; in
1742 Maratha invaders sent by the Bhonsla Raja of Berar plundered
the suburbs of Murshidabad and obtained a booty of 3 lakhs from Jagat
Seth. In the next year two separate armies of Marathas came, and
A l i Vardi avoided battle only by playing off one chief against the other,
and at last got rid of the stronger by paying a large sum of money.
From this date till 1751, when he ceded to the Marathas the province
of Orissa and agreed to pay an annual tax of 12 lakhs, A l i Vardi was
continually pressed by both the Marathas and the Afghans. He was
succeeded in 1756 by his grandson Siraj-ud-daula, who in the following
year captured the English factory at Cossimbazar. During this period
the city itself never suffered either from domestic or foreign war. Each
successive prince, after the Eastern fashion, built for himself one or
more new palaces; and the great family of Jagat Seth preserved their
position as State bankers from generation to generation. On entering
Murshidabad after the victory of Plassey, Colonel Clive wrote :—
' This city is as extensive, populous, and rich as the city of London,
with this difference, that there are individuals in the first possessing
infinitely greater property than in the last city.'
Even after the conquest of Bengal by the British, Murshidabad
remained for some time the seat of administration. Plassey was
fought in 1757, just beyond the present southern limits of Murshidabad
District; but that battle was not regarded at the time as interfering
with the Muhammadan government, beyond the substitution of a
subservient Nawab for the savage Siraj-ud-daula. The only apparent
result was that the Commercial Chief of the factory at Cossimbazar was
superseded by a Political Resident to the Darbar, who took up his
quarters nearer the city, at M o t i j h i l ( ' t h e pearl lake'), in the palace
of a former Nawab. In 1765 the East India Company received the
grant of the Diwani or financial administration of Bengal, Bihar, and
Orissa from the Mughal emperor, Shah Alam, as the prize of the
victory at Buxar; and in the following year L o r d Give, as Governor
of Bengal, presided in person at the punya or annual settlement of the
revenues. But even on this occasion the young Nawab sat on the
masnad, with the Governor on his right hand. The entire work of
government still remained, without serious check or supervision,
in the hands of the Muhammadan officials; and Jagat Seth continued
to be the State banker. The first great reform was effected in 1772 by
Warren Hastings, who removed the supreme civil and criminal courts
from Murshidabad to Calcutta. After an experience of three years,
the tribunal of criminal justice was retransferred to Murshidabad ; and
it was not till 1790, under Lord Cornwallis, that the entire revenue and
judicial staff was ultimately fixed at the present capital of India. The
mint was abolished in 1799. About the same date, the civil head-
quarters of the District were transferred to Berhampore, which had
been from the first the site of the military cantonment. Murshidabad
city was thus left only as the residence of the Nawab Nazim, a descen-
dant of M i r Jafar, who till 1882 retained certain marks of sovereignty
within his palace, and received a pension of 16 lakhs a year. The last
holder of the title was for many years resident in England. On his
return to India, he abdicated his position in favour of his son, who
succeeded him, but without any sovereign rights, and on a diminished
pension. The title of the present descendant of the once independent
rulers of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa is now simply that of Nawab
Bahadur of Murshidabad.
W i t h the loss of its political importance the size and population of
Murshidabad also declined. The largest dimensions of the city proper
in 1759 are said to have been 5 miles along the Bhagirathi in length
and 2½| miles in breadth on each bank of the river, while the circum-
ference of its extensive suburbs has been put as high as 30 miles. In
the beginning of the nineteenth century, by which time the decay of
the city had already set i n , we have several of the population.
but we know neither the area which the
cover, nor the modes of enumeration adopted. In 1815 the number
of houses was estimated at 30,000, and the total population at 165,000
souls. In 1829 the Magistrate, M r . Hawthorn, returned the population
at 146,176. In 1837 M r . Adam found the inhabitants of Murshidabad
city to amount to 124,804 persons, which shows a decrease of nearly
15 per cent, in eight years. At the time of the first regular Census
in 1872 the population of the town was 46,182, and it has since still
further diminished. I n 1901, excluding its suburb A Z I M G A N J , which
was formed into a separate municipality in 1896, its inhabitants
numbered only 15,168.
Murshidabad exhibits at the present day but few traces of its former
grandeur. The chief object of attraction is the palace of the Nawab
Bahadur on the banks of the Bhagarathi. This is an imposing pile
of buildings in the Italian style, designed by Colonel Macleod of
the Bengal Engineers, but executed entirely by natives and finished
in 1837. The edifice itself is called the Hazar Duari, or ' house
of one thousand doors.' and together with other buildings enclosed
within the same wall is known as the Nizamat K i l a or fort. The palace
is 425 feet long, 200 feet wide, and 80 feet high. The ground floor
is of stone, the first floor of marble, and the second floor of wood.
The banqueting hall is 191 feet long and 55 feet wide. In the centre
of the building is a dome, from which hangs a superb chandelier of
no branches. The palace contains many rare old pictures, costly
jewellery, china, and arms. The residences of the Nawab Bahadur
and the members of the Nizamat family are a series of one-storeyed
buildings, devoid of beauty and unsafe to live in.
The Imambara (house of prayer), which was built directly in front
of the northern principal door in the year 1847, is a fine structure,
considerably larger than the Imambara at Hooghly. It stands on
the site of a more celebrated building erected by Siraj-ud-daula, which
was accidentally burnt down in 1840.
About 1½ miles to the east of the palace is the Topkhana, the site of
the artillery park of the Nawab Nazim, and the east entrance to the
old city. Here is a large gun, 17½ feet long with a girth of 5 feet at the
breech, weighing 2½ maunds, which was made at Dacca during the
reign of Shah Jahan. The gun is now embedded in a pipla-tree, which
has lifted it many feet above the ground. In the palace armoury is
another gun, cast by Kishor Das Karmakar, formerly the property
of Maharaja Krishna Chandra Rai of Nadia.
One and a half miles south-east of the palace is the M o t i j h i l (' pearl
lake'), built in an old bed of the Bhagirathi, in the shape of a
horseshoe, by Nawazish Muhammad Khan, nephew and son-in-law
of Ali Vardi Khan, who, with materials brought from the ruins of Gaur,
built a stone hall (Sangi-Dalan), Mahalsarai (harem), a mosque and
out-offices, and lived here with his beautiful wife, Ghaseti Begam.
M o t i j h i l was taken by Siraj-ud-daula in 1756 on the death of Nawazish
Muhammad, and it was from here that he marched for the battle
of Plassey. M i r Jafar built a garden-house here in 1758. L o r d Clive
stayed at M o t i j h i l in 1765 to negotiate the transfer of the Diwani to the
Company, and again in 1766, when the first English punya or revenue
collection was held here. M o t i j h i l was also the residence of Warren
Hastings when he became Political Resident at the court of Murshid-
abad, and of Sir John Shore in a similar capacity.
A mosque at Katra to the north-east of M o t i j h i l , about 1½ miles
from the town of Murshidabad, contains the mausoleum of Murshid
K u l i Khan. This was for a long time the chief mosque of the city,
and was a place of pilgrimage for devout Muhammadans, Murshid
Kuli K h a n being regarded as a saint.
Jafarganj, situated at a distance of about a mile from the palace at
Murshidabad, contains the old residence of M i r Jafar when he was
commander-in-chief. H i s audience hall, since turned into an Imam-
bara, and his dwelling-house still exist. Here the last secret conference
before the battle of Plassey took place between him and M r . Watts, the
chief factor at Cossimbazar, who entered the house in a palanquin as
a pardanishin woman. It is said that Siraj-ud-daula was murdered here.
T h e Mubarak Manzil is a garden-house 2½ miles south-east of the:
palace; the main buildings and the out-offices were built by the East
India Company, and the Sadar Diwani Adalat was held here from
1765 to 1781. Nawab Humayun Jah bought these buildings in the
year 1831, and converted them, together with extensive adjoining
lands, into a garden-house now known as the Lal Bangala (' red bunga-
l o w ' ) . On the terrace stood the throne of the Subahdars of Bengal,
which was made in 1643 at Monghyr ; it is a round table of black
stone 6 feet in diameter and 18 inches high, with four thick pedestals,
the whole hewn out of one block. This has been removed to Calcutta,
where it is to find a place in the Victoria Memorial H a l l .
About 2 miles north of the city of Murshidabad is Mahimapur,
once the residence of the famous banker Jagat Seth. Here Watts
and Walsh met M i r Jafar and Raja Rai Durlabh, three days after the
battle of Plassey, and conferred concerning payment of the amounts
stipulated for by them before the battle was fought. Clive, Watts,
Scrafton, Meeran, and Rai Durlabh were again present here on June
29, 1757, when Clive repudiated the agreement with Umichand. A
portion of the house has been washed away by the river; the old place
of worship, however, and some ruins remain to this day.
On the right bank of the river opposite M o t i j h i l is the Khushbagh
('the garden of happiness'), the o l d cemetery of A l l Vardi Khan,
Siraj-ud-daula, and their family. It consists of three walled enclosures,
in the centre of which is the principal cemetery, containing the tombs
of A l i Vardi K h a n and Siraj-ud-daula. The grounds are laid out as
gardens with hedges bordering the walks, and contain many fine
trees. On the same side of the river, opposite Jafarganj, are the pleasure-
grounds of Hlrajhil (' lake of diamonds'), and the palace at Mansurganj
constructed by Siraj-ud-daula before he became Nawab. It was at
Mansurganj palace that Clive seated M i r Jafar on the masnad of
Bengal after the battle of Plassey. Near this was the palace of Murad-
bagh, where Clive stayed on his entrance into the city after the battle.
Only a portion of the foundation remains, and the greater portion of the
Hlrajhll has been cut away by the Bhagirathi. Also on the same side
of the river is the Roshnlbagh, consisting of beautiful gardens contain-
ing the mausoleum of Shuja Khan, Murshid K u l l Khan's son-in-law
and successor.
The principal industries of Murshidabad are those fostered by the
luxury of the native court. Carving in ivory is an old speciality of the
place; and the artificers, though now few in number, still produce
highly finished work. Other manufactures are the embroidery of
fancy articles with gold and silver lace, the weaving of silk goods,
and the making of musical instruments and hukkas.
Murshidabad was constituted a municipality in 1869. The income
during the decade ending 1901-2 averaged Rs. 24,000 and the ex-
penditure Rs. 23,000. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 19,000, of which
Rs. 5,500 was obtained from a tax on persons; and the expenditure
was Rs. 18,000. The official name for Murshidabad is Lalbagh as the
head-quarters of the Lalbagh subdivision, and it contains subdivisional
offices, a sub-jail with accommodation for 12 prisoners, and a dispensary
with 22 beds. The most important educational institutions are the
Nawab's madrasa, intended exclusively for the relatives of the Nawab
Bahadur, and the Nizamat high school maintained by the Nawab.
M u r t a z a p u r T a l u k . — T a l u k of Akola District, Berar (to which it
was transferred from AmraotI District in August, 1905), lying between
20 0 26' and 20 0 53' N. and 77 0 18' and 77 0 47' E., with an area of
610 square miles. The population fell from 121,657 in 1891 to
18,022 in 1901. The density is 193 persons per square mile. The
taluk contains 260 villages and two towns, M U R T A Z A P U R (population,
6,156), the head-quarters, and K A R A N J A B I B I (16,535). the demand
for land revenue in 1903-4 was Rs. 4,11,000, and for cesses Rs. 33,000.
The taluk lies almost entirely in the Payanghat, the fertile valley of
Berar, but the extreme south extends to the slopes of the southern
M u r t a z a p u r Town.—Head-quarters of the taluk of the same name
in Akola District, Berar, situated in 20 0 44' N. and 77 0 25' E., on the
Nagpur branch of the Great I n d i a n Peninsula Railway, 386 miles from
Bombay. Population (1901), 6,156. Murtazapur, probably named
after Murtaza Nizam Shah of Ahmadnagar, has outstripped the neigh-
bouring village of Sirson, which in the days of Akbar was the head-
quarters of the pargana. Large quantities of cotton are sent here from
K A R A N J A and other places for carriage to Bombay, and the town has
seven cotton-presses and ten ginning factories.
M u r w a r a Tahsil.-—Northern tahsil of Jubbulpore District, Central
Provinces, lying between 23 0 36' and 24 0 8' N. and 79 0 58' and 8o°
58' E., with an area of 1,196 square miles. The population decreased
from 173,308 in 1891 to 161,673 in 1901. The density in the latter
year was 135 persons per square mile, which is considerably below the
District average. The tahsil contains one town, M U R W A R A (popula-
tion, 14,137), the head-quarters; and 516 inhabited villages. Exclud-
ing 137 square miles of Government forest, 66 per cent. of the available
area is occupied for cultivation. The cultivated area in 1903-4 was
607 square miles. The demand for land revenue in the same year was
Rs. 1,29,000, and for cesses Rs. 14,000. The country is broken and
uneven, being occupied by outlying spurs of the Vindhyan and Satpura
ranges. The north-eastern portion, forming part of the Bijeraghogarh
pargana, is the most fertile. In contradistinction to the rest of the
District, the prevalent soil is sandy, and autumn crops are principally
M u r w a r a Town.—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the same name
in Jubbulpore District, Central Provinces, situated in 23 0 50' N. and
8o° 24' E., 56 miles from Jubbulpore city by rail. The station for
Murwara is K a t n i junction, so called from the river K a t n i on which the
town stands. Population (1901), 14,137. The town is rapidly growing
in importance, and is one of the leading goods stations on the East
Indian Railway. Murwara was created a municipality in 1874. The
municipal receipts during the decade ending 1901 averaged Rs. 9,100.
In 1903-4 the receipts were Rs. 10,000, chiefly derived from a house
tax and brokers' fees. Sixteen lime factories are situated near MurwSra,
in which the large local deposits of limestone are burned, employing
some 2,500 labourers. Besides, a number of sandstone quarries and
a fuller's earth quarry are worked, and mills have been established for
the manufacture of paint. These, as well as eight small flour-mills, are
worked by water-power from the K a t n i river. The town contains an
English middle school and a Zanana Mission girls' school, besides
branch schools and a dispensary.
Musafirkhana.—North-western tahsil of Sultanpur District, United
Provinces, comprising the parganas of Jagdispur, Gaura" Jamon, Isauli,
and Musafirkhana, and lying between 26 0 13' and 26 0 4o' N. and 81°
32' and 81° 59' E., with an area of 397 square miles. Population
increased from 251,221 in 1891 to 261,036 in 1901. There are
VOL. X V I I I . E
434 villages, but no town. The demand for land revenue in 1903-4
was Rs. 3,51,000, and for cesses Rs. 57,000. The density of popula-
tion, 658 persons per square mile, is slightly above the District average.
Part of the northern boundary is formed by the Gumtl, which then
crosses the tahsil, and occasionally causes heavy floods. The banks of
this river, and of its small tributary the Kandu, are cut up by ravines;
but a short distance away the soil becomes more fertile. In 1903-4
the area under cultivation was 231 square miles, of which 96 were irri-
gated. Wells are the most important source of supply.
Musa. K h e l . — Tahsil of the Musa Khel-Barkhan subdivision, in
the north-eastern corner of Loralai District, Baluchistan, situated
between 30 0 17' and 3 1 0 28' N. and 69 0 28' and 70 0 15' E. Its area
is 2,213 square miles, and population (1901) 15,537 ; the land revenue
in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 24,000. T h e head-quarters station is Musa
K h e l Bazar; the only other place worth mention is Drug (population,
586). Fifty-four other villages are shown on the revenue rolls, but they
seldom contain any permanent houses. Cultivation is in its infancy,
and cattle-grazing is the chief occupation, the pasture grounds around
Khajuri affording much fodder.
M u s a K h e l - B a r k h a n . - Subdivision of Loralai District, Baluchistan,
comprising the two tahsil bearing the same names.
Musi. — River of Hyderabad State, rising in the Anantagiri hills in
the Patlur taluk of the Atraf-i-balda District. It flows almost due east
for a distance of 11 2 miles, when it receives the Aler on the left, near
Chittur, and thence flows in a south-easterly direction until it falls into
the Kistna, after a total course of about 150 miles. Several channels
have been made at different parts of the course of this river, which
act as feeders for large tanks or supply direct irrigation. T h e city of
Hyderabad stands on its right bank.
M u s i r i Subdivision.—Subdivision of Trichinopoly District, Madras,
consisting of the M U S I R I and K U L I T T A L A I taluks.
M u s i r i T a l u k . — T a l u k in Trichinopoly District, Madras, lying be-
tween 10° 54'and 11° 23' N. and 78 0 1 0 ' a n d 78 0 52' E., with an area of
762 square miles. The population rose from 282,619 in 1891 to 294,383
in 1901. The taluk contains one town, T U R A I Y U R (population, 12,870),
and 156 villages. The demand for land revenue and cesses in 1903-4
amounted to Rs. 5,02,000. The taluk is bounded on the south by the
Cauvery river. The Pachaimalai H i l l s occupy the northern part, and
the Kollaimalais, which lie entirely within Salem District, form the
boundary at the north-west corner. South-west of the Kollaimalais
is a detached h i l l , the Talamalai, which is a prominent object in the
landscape, and commands a fine view. An attempt was once made to
make it a hot-season residence for the Collectors of Trichinopoly.
There is another small h i l l (Tiruvengimalai) about 3 miles to the west

of Musiri, from the top of which a good panorama of the Cauvery valley
can be obtained. The Turaiyur zamindari lies in this taluk. The
Kattuputtur mittah in the south-western corner is the only estate of
this description in the District, and was transferred from Salem in
1851. It comprises five villages, and pays an annual peshkash of
Rs. 15,900. It was created by Government in 1802 and given to
Sarvottama Rao, then head sheristadar of Salem.
Mussoorie (Mansuri).—Hill station and sanitarium in Dehra D u n
District, United Provinces, situated in 30 0 27' N. and 78 0 5' E. It
stands on a ridge of the Outer Himalayas at a height of 6,000 to 7,500
feet above sea-level, among beautiful and varied mountain scenery, and
forms practically one town with LANDOUR, where there is a convalescent
depot for troops. T h e population of the municipality and cantonment
in the cold season has varied from 2,753 in 1872 to 4,852 in 1881,
7,175 in 1891, and 6,461 in 1901. In September, 1900, the population
within municipal limits was 14,689, of whom 7,420 were Hindus, 3,424
Musaimans, and 3,660 Christians (mostly Europeans and Eurasians).
The cantonment population was 3,711, of whom 1,516 were Christians.
Mussoorie became a sanitarium in 1826, the year before Landour
was made a convalescent depot for troops, and has gradually become
one of the most popular health resorts in Northern India. Up to 1900 it
was reached by road from Saharanpur, 58 miles away, but the opening
of the Hardwar-Dehra Railway has made it more accessible. Dehra is
about 7 miles from R A J F U R , at the foot of the hills, from which Mus-
soorie is reached by a bridle-path 7 miles long or by a cart-road of
14 miles. During the hot season the members of the District staff
reside for part of each month at Mussoorie, and it is the summer head-
quarters of field parties of the Trigonometrical Survey of India. The
Mussoorie municipality was constituted in 1850. During the ten years
ending 1901 the receipts averaged Rs. 71,800, besides loans from
Government, amounting to Rs. 1,16,000, for water-works and sewerage.
In 1903-4 the receipts were 1-6 lakhs, including tax on houses and
land (Rs. 32,000), tolls (Rs. 50,000), conservancy tax (Rs. 19,000))
and the expenditure was 1.4 lakhs, including conservancy (Rs. 28,000),
water-supply (Rs. 13,000), general administration (Rs. 22,000), roads
(Rs. 26,000), interest and debt (Rs. 7,000). The Bhilarti sewage
shoot for the disposal of refuse is the most important sanitary work,
carried out recently at a cost of Rs. 70,000; schemes for an improved
water-supply and electric lighting are under consideration.
Mussoorie exists chiefly as a health resort, and the only manufacture
is that of beer at two breweries, which employed 131 men in 1903 and
made nearly half a million gallons of beer. It is of great importance as
an educational centre for European and Eurasian children; and there
are nine schools for boys and five for girls of these classes, with about
E 2
600 boarders and 200 day scholars, besides a school at Landour.
A Roman Catholic cathedral is under construction.
Mustafabad.—North-western tahsil of Mainpurl District, U n i t e d
Provinces, conterminous with the pargana of the same name, lying
between 27 0 8' and 27 0 3 1 ' N. and 78 0 27' and 78 0 4 6 ' E . , with an
area of 318 square miles. Population increased from 155,253 in 1891
to 163,180 in 1901. There are 265 villages and only one town, which
contains less than 5,000 inhabitants. The tahsil head-quarters were
formerly at Mustafabad, but were moved to Jasrana in 1898. The
demand for land revenue in 1903-4 was Rs. 2,90,000, and for cesses
Rs. 46,000. The density of population, 513 persons per square mile,
is slightly above the District average. Three rivers—the A r i n d , Sengar,
and Sirsa—cross the tahsil, the Sengar having two branches known as
Sengar and Senhar. A sandy ridge runs transversely from north-west
to south-east, but most of the soil is a fertile loam. In the south-
western half the wells are often brackish, and the weed baisurl (Pluchea
lanceolata) is common. Irrigation is supplied by three branches of the
Lower Ganges Canal. In 1902-3 the area under cultivation was
181 square miles, of which 101 were irrigated. Canals serve about
one-fifth of the irrigated area, and wells supply most of the remainder.
M u t h a Canals.—Two canals on the right and left bank of the
Mutha river, in Poona District, Bombay, with a total length of 88 miles,
commanding 26 square miles in the Haveli taluka and the Dhond
petha of Poona District. The canals, which were constructed between
1873 and 1878—the Right Bank Canal in 1873-4 and the Left Bank
in 1877-8—are fed by L A K E F I F E . The capital outlay on the canals
was originally 26½ lakhs; but the canals and the reservoir of Lake
Fife have involved a total expenditure, up to 1904, of 71 lakhs.
The maximum hitherto irrigated has been 22 square miles. One
of the main objects of the Mutha Canals is the supply of drinking-
water to Poona and Kirkee. Water rates are charged according to the
nature of the crops. The gross assessment on crops, and the revenue
expenditure on the canals, have been, in thousands of rupees :—
Assessment. Expenditure.
1880-90 (average) . . . . 1.62 69
1890-1900 (average) . . . 2,54 82
1903-4 2,92 1.00

The percentage of net profits on these works varies from 2½ to a little

over 3 per cent.
M u t t r a District (Mathura).—North-western District of the Agra
Division, United Provinces, lying between 27 0 14' and 27 0 58' N. and
77 0 17' and 78 0 13' E., with an area of 1,445 square miles. It is
bounded on the north by the Punjab District of Gurgaon and by
A l i g a r h ; on the east by Alfgarh and E t a h ; on the south by A g r a ; and
on the west by the Bharatpur State. Muttra lies on both sides of
the Jumna, which is fringed with ravines. In the centre of the western
border the outlying spurs of the Aravallis penetrate
the District, but do not rise more than 200 feet above Physical
the plain. Muttra is remarkable for the absence
of rivers. Besides the Jumna there are no channels, except the Karon
or Karwan which flows across the east of the District, and the Patwai
or Patwaha which joins the Jumna in the Mat tahsil. The Jumna has
left a chain of swamps, representing an older channel, east of its present
bed. One of these is called Nohjhil, a shallow marsh, which before it
was drained sometimes attained a length of 6 miles in the rains. There
is a curious depression in the west of the District, which extends from
the Bharatpur and Alwar States, but there is no flow of water.
The greater part of the District is the ordinary alluvium of the
Gangetic plain, but the western hills are chiefly composed of quartzite.
Kankar or nodular limestone is common, especially in the Jumna
ravines. While the water in many wells is brackish, saline efflorescences
are less common than elsewhere in the Doab.
The flora of the western half of the District resembles that of Raj-
putana. Early in the nineteenth century Bishop Heber was struck by
the wildness of the country. There are still large stretches of waste
land, especially in the Chhata tahsil, covered with jungle in which the
ber (Zizyphus Jujuba) is the largest tree. Along the canal the babul
{Acacia arabica) has been largely planted, and the nim ( Melia Asa-
dirachta) is fairly common, but other trees are scarce1. The total area
of grove land is less than 9 square miles.
Leopards, wolves, hyenas, and nilgai are found chiefly in the hilly
tracts near the Bharatpur border; and wild cattle from Bharatpur
State formerly did much damage, but are now kept out by a continuous
fence and ditch. W i l d hog are plentiful in the Jumna ravines and
khadar, and Muttra is celebrated for ' pig-sticking.' Antelope are very
common, and the chinkara or 'ravine deer' is also found. In the cold
season snipe and duck abound in the swamps and small tanks. Fish
are found in the Jumna and in many tanks, but are not much used
for food.
The climate is very dry and hot, owing to the proximity of sandy
deserts to the west. Great extremes of temperature occur. In January
the mean temperature falls to 6o°, while in June it rises to over 93 0 .
In winter ice is not uncommonly formed in shallow puddles in the
early morning, while in A p r i l , May, and June hot winds blow with
great force.
T h e annual rainfall during the last seventeen years has averaged
26 inches, which is evenly distributed, though the Jumna valley receives
A liat of trees is given in Mr. F. S. Growase's Mathura (p. 421).
slightly more than the portions of the District on either side. Varia-
tions from year to year are large ; the fall has been less than 16 inches,
and has reached nearly 36.
Muttra was the capital of the ancient kingdom of SURASENA, and its
importance as a religious centre is referred to by Ptolemy, who calls it
' Modoura of the gods.' Arrian and Pliny describe
it as Methora. The earliest facts relating to its
history are derived from the coins found here, which indicate that
Muttra was ruled by a series of H i n d u Rajas in the second and first
centuries B.a, followed by Saka Satraps, who gradually assume H i n d u
names. In the first and second centuries A . D . , the inscriptions, found
in considerable numbers, prove that the sway of the great Kushan
kings was recognized here, and Muttra was a stronghold of the
Jains. In the sixth century Hiuen Tsiang found a large city, containing
20 monasteries with 2,000 priests. Muttra was probably one of the
places sacked by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1018-9, but the District plays
little part in the early Muhammadan period, when it was largely held
by Mewatis. While its political history is slight, Muttra is important in
the religious history of modern Hinduism. The reformed Vaishnava
creeds had their origin in Southern and Eastern I n d i a ; but in the
fifteenth and sixteenth centuries several new sects were founded here,
which still influence H i n d u thought. The western side of the District
is celebrated as the Braj Mandal or country of Krishna, and almost
every grove, mound, and tank is associated with some episode in his
life. Throughout the year, and especially in the rains, bands of pilgrims
from all parts of India may be seen reverently visiting the holy shrines.
The increased religious zeal of the Hindus attracted the notice of Shah
Jahan and Aurangzeb, who took measures to repress it.
As the Mughal empire fell to pieces, the history of the District
merges in that of the Jats of Bharatpur, and only acquires a separate
individuality with the rise of Suraj Mal. In 1712 Badan Singh, father
of the famous adventurer, proclaimed himself leader of the Jats, and
took up his residence at Sahar, where he built a handsome palace. In
his old age he distributed his possessions among his sons, giving the
south-western portion of Bharatpur to his youngest, Pratap Singh, and
the remainder of his dominions, including Muttra, to his eldest, Suraj
M a i . On Badan Singh's death, Suraj M a i moved to Bharatpur and
assumed the title of Raja. In 1748 the Mughal emperor, Ahmad Shah,
invited the Jat leader to j o i n with Holkar under the command of
Nawab Safdar Jang in. suppressing the Rohilla rebellion. When Safdar
Jang revolted {see O U D H ) , Suraj Mal and his Jats threw in their lot with
him, while Ghazi-ud-din, the Wazir, obtained the help of the Marathas.
Safdar Jang retreated to Oudh, whereupon Ghazl-ud-dfn laid siege to
Bharatpur, but, mistrusting his Maratha allies, shortly returned to Delhi,
deposed Ahmad Shah, and raised Alamgir II to the throne. When
A h m a d Shah Durrani invaded India in 1757, Sardar Jahan Khan
endeavoured to levy tribute from M u t t r a ; but finding that the people
withdrew into their forts, he fell back upon the city, plundered its
wealth, and massacred the inhabitants. T w o years later the new
emperor was murdered, and the Afghan invader once more advanced
upon Delhi. Ghazi-ud-din fled to Muttra and Bharatpur, and joined
the H i n d u confederacy of Marathas and Jats which shattered itself in
vain against the forces of Ahmad Shah at Panipat in January, 1761.
Suraj M a l , however, withdrew his forces before the decisive battle,
marched on Agra, ejected the Marathas, and made himself master also
of Muttra.
Ahmad Shah having returned to Afghanistan, Suraj M a i thought it
a favourable opportunity to attack the Rohilla chief, Najib-ud-daula.
Marching to Shahdara, 6 miles from Delhi, he was, however, surprised,
captured, and put to death in 1763 by a small party of the imperialists.
T w o of his sons, who succeeded to his command, were successively
murdered, and the third, Nawal Singh, after losing Agra during Zabita
Khan's rebellion, died in 1776. The fourth son, Ranjit Singh (not
to be confounded with the more famous Sikh Maharaja), inherited
Bharatpur with only an insignificant strip of territory.
During the contest between Sindhia and the Rajput princes in 1788,
the former obtained the aid of the Jats in raising the siege of Agra,
then held by Sindhia's forces, and besieged by Ghulam Kadir. In
1803 Ranjit Singh of Bharatpur joined L o r d Lake in his campaign
against Sindhia, with a force of 5,000 Jat horsemen; and upon the
defeat of the Marathas he received as a reward the south-western
portion of Muttra, with Kishangarh and Rewari. But in the following
year he gave shelter to Holkar, when a fugitive after the battle of D i g .
This led to the first siege of Bharatpur by L o r d Lake, and, although
his capital was not taken, Ranjit Singh lost the territory granted to
h i m i n 1803.
Thenceforward Muttra remained free from historical incidents till
the M u t i n y of 1857. News of the Meerut outbreak reached Muttra
on May 14 in that year. Two days later, some Bharatpur troops
arrived, and marched for Delhi under British officers. The force
halted at Hodal on the 26th ; and on the 30th the sepoys sent to escort
the treasure from Muttra to Agra proved mutinous, so that the officials
were compelled to fly and join the troops at Hodal. Shortly afterwards
the Bharatpur force likewise mutinied, and the Europeans fled for their
lives. The Magistrate returned to Muttra, and after vainly visiting
Agra in search of aid, remained with the friendly Seths (native bankers)
till June 14. After the mutiny of the Gwalior Contingent at Allgarh
on July 2, the Nimach insurgents, marching on Muttra, drove all the
Europeans into Agra. T h e whole eastern portion of the District then
rose i n rebellion, till October 5, when the Magistrate made an expedi-
tion from Agra, and captured the rebel leader, Deokaran. Colonel
Cotton's column shortly afterwards proceeded through the District to
KosI, punishing the insurgent villages; and after its return to Agra
through Muttra no further disturbances took place. In the nine-
teenth century the religious teaching of Muttra affected Dayanand,
founder of the Arya Samaj, who studied here for a time.
The city of Muttra and its neighbourhood are rich in archaeological
remains, and the exploration of the Jain stupa in the Kankali tila or
mound has yielded valuable dated inscriptions of the Kushan kings 1.
The finest H i n d u temples at Muttra were demolished or converted
into mosques by the Muhammadans, but some have survived at
B R I N D A B A N and M A H A B A N . There are also fine specimens of the Jat
architecture o f the eighteenth century at G O B A R D H A N .
Muttra contains 14 towns and 837 villages. Population has hardly yet
recovered from the effects of the famine of 1877-8.
The number at the four enumerations was: (1872)
782,460, (1881) 671,690, (1891) 713,421, and (1901) 763,099.
The District is divided into five tahsils—MUTTRA, C H H A T A , M A T ,
M A H A B A N , and SADABAD—the head-quarters of each being at a place
of the same name. The principal towns are the municipalities of
M U T T R A , B R I N D A B A N , and K o s i .
The following table gives the chief statistics of population in 1901: —
able to
on per

Nui nber of


cr of

i &C CO?'©

1 rt O 0 « X
id i<

Tahsil. "5 3£ Ig-s'g

0 fe 13 2
ELS* S 0 (LI
S5C u

< > !l>|**

Muttra 396 6 2lS 246,521 623 i + 5-° 17,100
Chhata 406 2 I58 173,756 428 I + ' 3 - i 5>4<>3
Mat . 223 .. I42 97-37? 437 1 + S-9 2,683 |
Mahaban . 240 4 I92 136,566 569 + 2.3 4>934
Sadabad . 180 2 127 108,886 605 +6 G 2,818
I -
District total M45 M 837 763,099 528 | + 7-o 32,998

Of the total, 89 per cent. are Hindus and 10 per cent. Musalmans.
The density of population is higher than the Provincial average, but
lower than in the other Doab Districts. Between 1891 and 1901 the
rate of increase was higher than in the Provinces as a whole. About
99 per cent. of the people speak Western H i n d i , the prevailing dialect
being Braj.
The most numerous H i n d u caste is that of Chamars (leather-workers
and labourers), 120,000. Brahmans number 115,000; Jats, 102,000;
Epigraphia Indica, vols. i and ii : V. A. Smith, The Jain Stupa at Mathmra.

and Rajputs, 67,000. The numbers then decrease, and the largest
castes are: Koris (weavers), 17,000; Gadarias (shepherds), 16,000;
and Gujars, 14,000. The Jats, Gujars, and Aherias (14,000) belong
to the western Districts; and the Ahivasis, who claim to be Brahmans
and number 1,400, are hardly found outside this District. Among
Muhammadans, Shaikhs number 13,000; Rajputs, 9,000; and Pathans,
7,000. The agricultural population forms 53 per cent, of the total,
while general labourers form 10 per cent., and those supported by
personal services 8 per cent.
There were 2,031 native Christians in 1901. The earliest mission
was that of the Baptists, who commenced work early in the nineteenth
century. It was followed in 1860 by the Church Missionary Society,
and in 1887 by the American Methodist Church. The last of these
has been most successful, and 1,887 of the native Christians in 1901
were Methodists.
A considerable difference is to be noted between the tracts east and
west of the Jumna. The latter is less fertile, and irrigation was
difficult before the construction of the Agra Canal, as
the subsoil water is often brackish. Hamlets, apart
from the main village site, are almost unknown; and this custom,
which had its origin in the troubled times when the cultivator ploughed
with sword and shield lying in a corner of his field, affects cultivation,
as manure is applied only to the home land near the village. On
the other hand, Jats, who are the best cultivators, are chiefly found
west of the Jumna, and the eastern tahsils are plagued by a weed
called baisuri (Pluchea lanceolata). Besides the barren land bordering
on the Jumna ravine, there is a strip of sandy soil along the foot of
the hills on the western border.
The tenures are those commonly found in the Provinces, In 1883,
out of 1,375 mahals 478 were zamindari, 492 pattidari and imperfect
paffidari, and 505 bhaiydchara. West of the Jumna some villages
belong to talukddri estates, chiefly to M U R S A N . The main agricultural
statistics for 1903-4 are given below, in square miles :—

Tahsil. Total. Cultivated. Irrigated. Cultivable


Muttra . 396 297 117 53

Chhata . 406 329 113 44
Mat 223 170 53 30
Mahaban 240 195 47 20
Sadabad. 180 154 59 8

Total 1,445 1,145 389 155

The chief food-crops are jowar and barley, which occupied 268 and
205 square miles respectively, or 23 and 18 per cent, of the net area
cropped. Gram (193), wheat (153), and bajra (93) are also important,
while cotton covered an area of 131 square miles. The small area
under specially valuable crops—sugar-cane, tobacco, and vegetables—
is striking.
There have been no improvements of recent years either in methods
or in the introduction of new seed. The principal change has been
the substitution of wheat for cotton, largely owing to the extension of
canals. A small but steady demand exists for loans under the Land
Improvement and Agriculturists' Loans Acts, which amounted to
Rs. 96,000 and Rs. 1,16,000 during the ten years ending 1900; but
advances in the famine year 1896-7 account for Rs. 48,000 and
Rs. 39,000 respectively. In 1903-4 the loans were only Rs. 1,500 and
Rs. 1,065. W i t h the extension of canal-irrigation, drainage has also
been improved, especially in the Chhata tahsil, and the Patwai or
Patwaha in Mat has been deepened. Private enterprise has drained
the lake known as Nohjhil, while a few miles south of Muttra a dam
has been built by the zamindars near Koela to keep out the Jumna.
The Jumna ravines and the Madar provide ample grazing ground,
but there is no indigenous breed of cattle. Kosi is a great cattle mart,
at which animals are sold which have been imported from the Punjab
or Bharatpur State. Horse- and mule-breeding are becoming popular,
and three horse and two donkey stallions have been provided by
Government. The sheep are of the ordinary type.
In 1903-4 the area irrigated was 389 square miles, out of a cultivated
area of 1,145 square miles. Canals supplied 201 square miles, and
wells 188. The western division of the District is amply served by the
Agra Canal and its distributaries. Up to 1903 the eastern portion had
no canal-irrigation except in a few villages of the Mat tahsil'; but the
Mat branch of the Upper Ganges Canal now supplies every part,
irrigating 25,000 acres in the spring of 1904 and more than 20,000 in
the autumn. Tanks and rivers are not used at all for irrigation, and
the use of the former is forbidden by the religious sanctity attaching
to most of them.
Sandstone is obtainable from the low hills in the Chhata tahsil, but
most of the stone used in the District is brought from Agra or Bharat-
pur. The Giri Raj, which is of sandstone, is considered so holy that
to quarry it would be sacrilege. Kankar or nodular limestone is found
in all parts, and occurs in block form in the Sadabad tahsil.
T h e manufactures of the District are not very important. Calico
printing is carried on at Brindaban, and old flannel is skilfully repaired.
T h e masons and stone-carvers of Muttra are justly
Trade and
communications. celebrated, and many houses and temples are adorned
with the graceful reticulated patterns which they
produce. A special paper used for native account-books is made here,
and the Distcict is noted for the quaint silver models of animals
produced at Gokul. In 1903 there were 10 cotton-gins and presses,
employing about 970 hands. A few small indigo factories are still
worked, but the industry is not thriving.
Grain and cotton are the chief exports, and the imports include
sugar, metals, oilseeds, and piece-goods, most of the trade being with
Hathras. Muttra city is an important depot for through traffic. Thus
cotton and oilseeds from Bharatpur State pass through here to Hathras,
while sugar, salt, and metals are returned. Kosi, in the north of the
District, is a great cattle market, where the peasants of the Upper Doab
purchase the plough-animals brought from Rajputana or the Punjab.
The East Indian Railway runs for 7 miles across the east of the
District, with one station. The narrow-gauge Cawnpore-Achhnera line
enters the District at the centre of the eastern boundary, crosses
the Jumna, and then turns south. It provides communication with
Hathras on the east and Agra on the south, and from Muttra city
a short branch serves the pilgrim traffic to Brindaban. An extension
of the Midland section of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway from
Agra to Delhi, passing through Muttra, was opened in 1905.
The District is well supplied with roads. Out of 500 miles, 171 are
metalled and 329 unmetalled. Excluding 57 miles of metalled roads,
all of these are maintained at the cost of Local funds. Avenues of
trees are kept up on 31 miles. The main route is that from Agra to
Delhi, a famous road under native rule, which traverses the western
half of the District from south to north. Other roads pass from
Muttra west to Dig and Bharatpur, east through Hathras to the
Ganges, and south-east to Jalesar and Etah. The Agra Canal was
used for navigation, but has been closed for this purpose since 1904.
Though precise records do not exist, famine must have been frequent
before British rule began, and the awful disaster of 1783-4 was
especially severe in this tract. In 1813 the north of
the District was a centre of great distress. Many
persons perished of hunger, or sold their wives and children for a few
rupees or a single meal. In 1825-6 a terrible drought affecting the
neighbouring country was especially felt in the Mahaban tahsil. In
1837-8 there was scarcity in all parts of the District, but it was not
so severe as in the Central D o a b ; and in 1860-1 and 1868-9 Muttra
again suffered less than other Districts, though distress was felt. The
famine of 1877-8 struck this tract more heavily than any other District
in the Division, and mortality rose to 71.56 per 1,000. The monsoon
fall in 1877 was only 4.3 inches, and the deficiency chiefly affected the
main food-crops which are raised on unirrigated land. As usual,
distress was aggravated by an influx of starving people from Rajputana.
In 1896-7 famine was again felt, especially in the Mahaban and
Sadabad tahsils, which had no canal-irrigation. In June, 1897, the
number on relief works amounted to 23,000. About Rs. 86,000 was
advanced for the construction of temporary wells, chiefly east of the
Jumna, and 1.8 lakhs of revenue was remitted or suspended. There
was scarcity in 1899-1900, and advances were freely made, but relief
works were not found necessary. The canal extensions of 1903 have
probably secured the District against serious famine in the future.
The ordinary staff of the District includes a member of the Indian
C i v i l Service and three Deputy-Collectors recruited in India. A tahsil-
dar resides at the head-quarters of each of the five
tahsils. T w o Executive Engineers of the Canal
department are stationed at Muttra city.
Muttra is included in the Civil and Sessions Judgeship of Agra.
There are two Munsifs, one at Muttra and one at Mahaban. Owing
to its situation near a Native State, serious dacoities are not infrequent,
and cattle-theft is common. Jats, and in some places Gujars, are the
chief cattle-lifters ; and langurl is regularly practised, a system by
which the owner recovers his stolen property on payment of a certain
proportion of its value. The Mallahs (boatmen and fishermen) of
the north of the District are noted pickpockets and railway-thieves,
frequenting all the large fairs of the United Provinces, and even visiting
Most of the District came under British administration at the end
of 1803, and was then distributed between the surrounding Districts
of Farrukhabad, Etawah, and Agra. In 1804 the parganas included
in Farrukhabad and Etawah were made over to Aligarh ; but in 1823
the nucleus of the eastern part of the District was formed with head-
quarters at Sadabad, and in 1832 Muttra, which had always been
a cantonment, became the civil capital. There are still enclaves
belonging to Bharatpur State, the Raja of which held part of the
present District up to 1826. The early settlements were made under
the ordinary rules for short periods of one, three, or five years, and
were based on estimates. In the western part of the District the
farming and talukdari system was maintained for some time as in
Aligarh, and was even extended, as talukdari rights were sometimes
granted in lieu of farms. In the eastern portion farmers and talukdars
were set aside from the first. The first regular settlement under
Regulation V I I of 1822 was made on different principles. West of the
river an attempt was made to ascertain the rental ' assets,' while in
the east the value of the crops was estimated. The former settlement
was not completed when Regulation IX of 1833 was passed, and the
latter broke down from the excessive demand imposed. The revenue
of the whole District (excluding 84 villages transferred from Agra
in 1878) was therefore revised under Regulation IX of 1833, and
an assessment of 13.6 lakhs fixed. The next settlement was made
between 1872 and 1879. The method adopted was to assess on what
were considered fair rents, arrived at by selection from actual rents
paid. These were applied to the different classes of soil into which
each village was divided. T h e revenue sanctioned amounted to
15.3 lakhs, to which must be added 1 lakh, the revenue of villages
transferred from Agra in 1878. The incidence of revenue fell at
Rs. 1-13 per acre, varying from Rs. 1-4 to Rs. 2-14. The bad
years following the famine of 1877-8 and the fever of 1879 led to
a decline in cultivation ; and revisions of settlement were made
between 1887 and 1891, which reduced the demand by a lakh. T h e
settlement has now been extended for a further period of ten years.
Collections on account of land revenue and revenue from all
sources are shown below, in thousands of rupees:—

1880-1. 1890-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Land revenue . 15,08 14,90

Total revenue. 19,73 20,72 21,66 21,22

Outside the three municipalities—MUTTRA, B R I N D A B A N , and K o s i —

and eleven towns administered under Act XX of 1856, local affairs are
managed by the District board, which has a total income and expendi-
ture of about 1-3 lakhs, chiefly derived from rates. About half the
expenditure is incurred on the maintenance of roads and buildings.
There are 24 police stations, and the District Superintendent of
police is assisted by 4 inspectors. In 1904 the force consisted of 91
subordinate officers and 392 constables, besides 320 municipal and
town police, and 1,640 rural and road police. The District jail has
accommodation for 318 prisoners.
Muttra takes a fairly high place in the Provinces in regard to literacy,
4.3 per cent, of the population (7.8 males and 0.3 females) being able.
to read and write in 1901. This is largely owing to its importance
as a religious centre. T h e number of public schools fell from 165 in
1880-1 to 132 in 1900-1, but the number of pupils increased from
5.505 to 6,511. In 1903-4 there were 197 public schools with 8,981
pupils, including 478 girls, besides 82 private institutions with 1,781
pupils. A l l of these schools were primary, except nine of the public
and two of the private schools. The expenditure on education in
1903-4 was Rs. 43,000, of which Rs. 31,000 was provided from Local
and municipal funds and Rs. 8, fees. Most of the schools are
managed by the District and municipal boards.
There are eight hospitals and dispensaries, which contain accommo-
dation for 77 in-patients. In 1903 the number of cases treated was
58,000, of whom 995 were in-patients, and 3,690 operations were
performed. The total expenditure was Rs. 16,000, chiefly from Local
In 1903-4 the number of persons vaccinated was 24,000, representing
31 per 1,000 of population. Vaccination is compulsory only in the
municipalities and the cantonment.
[ R . S. Whiteway, Settlement Report (1879); F. S. Growse, Mathura
(Allahabad, 1883); District Gazetteer (1884, under revision); V. A.
Smith, The Jain Stupa at Mathurd.]
M u t t r a Tahsil.—South-western tahsil of Muttra District, United
Provinces, conterminous with the pargana of Muttra, lying between
27 0 14' and 27 0 39' N. and 77 0 20' and 77 0 5 1 ' E., with an area of
396 square miles. Population rose from 234,914 in 1891 to 246,521 in
1901. There are 218 villages and six towns, the largest of which are
M U T T R A (population, 60,042), the District and tahsil head-quarters,
B R I N D A B A N (22,717), and GOBARDHAN (6,738). The demand for
land revenue in 1903-4 was Rs. 2,94,000, and for cesses Rs. 55,000.
The density of population, 623 persons per square mile, is the highest
in the District. The tahsil extends from the Jumna to the low hills on
the Bharatpur border, and contains the celebrated hill called G i n Raj.
To the east the influence of the Jumna extends for three miles inland,
low alluvial soil, ravines, and sandy dunes being found along its banks.
From the edge of this broken ground a flat uniform plain stretches to
the hills, without a single stream. The principal autumn crops are
jowar, cotton, and bajra; the spring crops are gram and wheat. In
1903-4 the area under cultivation was 297 square miles, of which 117
were irrigated. The Agra Canal supplies an area twice as large as that
served by wells.
M u t t r a City.—Head-quarters of the District of the same name,
with cantonments, in the United Provinces, situated in 27 0 30' N. and
77 0 4 1 ' E., on the right bank of the Jumna, on the main road from
Agra to Delhi, and on the Cawnpore-Achhnera Railway, 886 miles
from Calcutta and 914 from Bombay. A new broad-gauge line from
Agra to Delhi, passing through Muttra, has recently been completed,
and another towards Bombay is under construction. Population has
fluctuated in the last thirty years: (1872) 59,281, (1881) 57,724, (1891)
61,195, and (1901) 60,042. In 1901 Hindus numbered 46,523, and
Musalmans 12,598.
The city of Muttra is one of the great centres of H i n d u religious
life, being famous as the birthplace of Krishna, who is now reverenced
as the eighth incarnation of Vishnu. Its early history has been narrated
in that of M U T T R A DISTRICT. Inscriptions and other relics prove that
early in the Christian era it was a centre of Buddhism and Jainism,
and in the seventh century the Chinese pilgrim still found Buddhist
priests and monasteries. Muhammadan historians chiefly refer to
it as a town to be plundered, or as a seat of idolatry with buildings
to be destroyed. A town called Maharat-ul-Hind, identified as Muttra,
was sacked by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1018-9. About 1500 Sultan
Sikandar L o d l utterly destroyed all the shrines, temples, and images.
During Akbar's reign religious tolerance led to the building of new
temples; but in 1636 Shah Jahan appointed a governor to ' stamp out
idolatry' in Muttra. In 1669-70 Aurangzeb visited the city, changed
its name to Islamabad, and destroyed many temples and shrines,
building mosques on two of the finest sites. Muttra was again
plundered by the Afghan cavalry of Ahmad Shah Durrani in 1757,
when a crowd of defenceless pilgrims were slaughtered. The city fell
into British hands in 1803 and was at once occupied as a cantonment,
but d i d not become the civil head-quarters of the District till 1832.
Archaeological remains of the greatest value have been discovered in
and near M u t t r a 1 .
The native city lies along the Jumna, presenting a highly picturesque
appearance from the railway bridge or the opposite bank. From the
water's edge rises a continuous line of stone ghats, thronged in the early
morning by crowds of bathers. Fine stone houses and temples line
the narrow road which passes along the ghats ; and above these are
seen, tier upon tier, the flat-roofed houses of the city, which stand on
ground rising up from the river bank. At the north end is the old
ruined fort where was situated one of the observatories erected by Raja
Man Singh of Jaipur, which has now disappeared. In the centre the
white minarets of the Jama Masjid, built in 1662, crown the picture.
The main streets are wider and straighter than is usual in an Indian
city, and they are paved continuously with stone flags, raised in the
centre to secure good drainage. The numerous temples for which
the city is noted are usually quadrangles, the walls and entrances of
which are adorned with handsome stone carving and reticulated
screens. The existing buildings are chiefly modern, and new temples
and dharmsalas or shelters for pilgrims are still being added by wealthy
bankers and the rulers of Native States. West of the city stands the
mosque of Aurangzeb, built about 1669, on the lofty site of the temple
of Kesava Deva, which was formerly the finest temple in Muttra and
was celebrated throughout India. On the ghats towers the Sati Burj or
pillar commemorating the sati of a Rani of Jaipur, built about 1570.
The Hardinge Gate at the principal entrance to the city, which is
a fine specimen of stone carving, was erected by public subscription in
memory of a former Collector. South of the city and a little distance
from the river lie the cantonments and civil station. Muttra is the
head-quarters of the ordinary District staff and also of an Executive
Engineer of the Agra Canal. Close to the District offices stands
Kpigtaphia Indica, vols, i and i i ; V. A. Smith, The Jain Stupa at Mathura.
a museum faced with stone, carved in the usual manner, which contains
a number of sculptures and other objects found in the District. Muttra
is the chief station of the Baptists, of the Church Missionary Society,
and of the Methodist Episcopal Mission in the District.
Muttra was constituted a municipality in 1866. During the ten
years ending 1901 the income and expenditure averaged Rs. 61,000.
In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 89,000, chiefly derived from octroi
(Rs. 64,000); and the expenditure was Rs. 81,000. The sewage of the
city is collected in tanks and carried by carts to a distance. Solid
matter is trenched on the grass farm in cantonments.
While the prosperity of the city chiefly depends on its religious
attractions, its commercial importance is increasing. Throughout
the nineteenth century it was the head-quarters of the great banking
firm of the Seths, M a n i Ram and Lakshmi Chand, one of the most
celebrated in India, which has now collapsed. Four cotton-gins and
presses employed 392 hands in 1903, and there is a considerable export
of cotton and grain, while sugar, piece-goods, and metals are imported.
The city is noted for the production of paper for native account-books,
and also for the manufacture of brass idols and other small articles
sold to pilgrims. It contains a large number of schools, including
a high school with 170 pupils, a tahsili school with 150, the American
Methodist school with 140, besides seven schools for boys and eleven
for girls, aided by the District or municipal boards, and twenty private
schools and pathsalas.
The population of the cantonments in 1901 was 2,928, and the
ordinary garrison consists of a regiment of British cavalry. In 1903-4
the income and expenditure of cantonment funds were both about
Rs. 7,000.
M u t t u p e t . — T o w n in the Tirutturaippundi taluk of Tanjore District,
Madras, situated in 10° 24' N. and 79 0 30' E., with a station on the
District board railway. Population (1901), 9,099. It is about 6½ miles
from the sea, but communicates with it by the navigable river Koraiyar,
a branch of the Cauvery. Possessing the advantage of a protected bay
where native craft can moor during bad weather, the town carries on an
active trade with Ceylon all the year round, the chief export being rice.
M u z a f f a r g a r h District.—District in the Multan Division of the
Punjab,lying between 28°56' and 3o°47' N. and 7o°31'and 7 1 ° 4 7 ' E . ,
with an area of 3,635 square miles. It occupies
Physical the extreme southern apex of the Sind-Sagar Doab,
the wedge-shaped tract between the Indus and the
Panjnad or united waters of the ' five rivers,' stretching northward from
their confluence in a narrow wedge of land, which gradually widens for
about 130 miles, until at its northern border a distance of 55 miles
intervenes between their channels. Its shape is therefore that of a
tolerably regular triangle. T h e adjoining Districts are Dera Ghazi
K h a n on the west, Mianwali and Jhang on the north, and Multan on
the east, while on the south-east it is bounded by the State of Bahawal-
pur. The northern half of the District comprises the valley of the
Indus on the west and that of the Chenab on the east, the wild Thai
or central steppe of the Sind-Sagar Doab extending for a considerable
distance down its midst. This arid plateau, rising like a backbone in
the centre of the wedge, has a width of 40 miles in the extreme north,
and terminates abruptly on either side in a high bank, about 20 miles
from the present bed of the Indus, and 3 miles from that of the Chenab.
As the rivers converge, the T h a l gradually contracts, until about 20 miles
south-west of Muzaffargarh town it disappears altogether. Though
apparently an elevated table-land, it is really composed of separate
sandhills, whose intermediate valleys lie at a level not much higher than
that of the Indus, and some of them at the extreme west were at one
time flooded by the bursting of the western barrier ridge or bank.
Scattered amid this waste of sand-heaps a few plots of good land occur,
which the ceaseless industry of the cultivators has converted into fields
of grain. South of the T h a l plateau, the space between the rivers con-
tracts to a width of 20 miles, part of which is subject to inundation
from either side. The middle tract lies sufficiently high, as a rule, to
escape excessive flooding, and is further protected by embankments,
while it remains, on the other hand, within the reach of easy irrigation.
This portion of the District, accordingly, consists of a rich and pro-
ductive country, thickly studded with prosperous villages. But in the
extreme south, the floods from the two rivers spread at times across the
whole intervening tract. On abating, they leave luxuriant pasturage for
cattle ; and if their subsidence takes place sufficiently early, magnificent
crops of wheat, pulse, and gram are raised in the cultivated portion.
The towns stand on higher sites or are protected by embankments;
but the villages scattered over the lowlands are exposed to annual
inundation, during which the people abandon their grass-built huts, and
take refuge on wooden platforms attached to every house, where they
remain till the floods subside. The Indus, which forms the western
boundary of the District, at one time flowed down the centre of the
T h a l desert. In the middle of the District are numerous villages,
now far away from the Indus, whose names denote that at one time
they stood on or near the river bank; and the inland portion is full
of watercourses which were once beds of the Indus. The Chenab
forms the eastern boundary for a length of 127 miles.
The District contains nothing of geological interest, as it lies entirely
on the alluvium. The flora is that of the Western Punjab, with an
infusion of the desert and trans-Indus elements. Populus euptiratica
occurs by the river. The date-palm and mango are cultivated. T h e
VOL. X V I I I . V
tali (Dalbergia Sissoo) is abundant near the Indus, and in most parts
the van (Salvadora) and the farwani (Tamarix artkulata) are
plentiful; but otherwise trees exist only where planted.
Tigers were seen in the dense jungles near the Indus as late as 1879.
Wolves and wild hog are common. The hog deer and ' ravine deer'
(Indian gazelle) are found ; and feathered game, including geese, ducks
of all sorts, florican, sand-grouse, and partridges, is plentiful.
The chief feature of the climate is its extreme dryness. The heat
from May to September is intense, but a cool wind springs up regularly
about 11 p.m., which makes the nights endurable. From November to
February severe frosts occur, causing great injury to cotton, mangoes,
and turnips. The District is healthy for Europeans, but the natives
suffer from malarial fever in the autumn, and from diseases of the eyes
and skin in the hot season. The rainfall is very scanty, averaging
slightly less than 6 inches in the year. It is in fact impossible to raise
crops on land dependent solely on the rainfall.
Muzaffargarh hardly possesses any distinct annals of its own, having
always formed part of the Multan province, whose fortunes it has in-
variably followed. In ancient times this tract was
probably ruled by the H i n d u dynasty of the Rais,
to which succeeded the Brahman line of Chach. The Arabs made
their first appearance in 664, and in 712 it was overrun by Muhammad
bin Kasim. For the next three centuries the country was in the
military occupation of the Muhammadans, but it is unlikely that any
considerable conversion of its inhabitants or settlements of Muham-
madan invaders took place until the Ghaznivid supremacy. Muzaffar-
garh probably fell under the influence of the Sumra dynasty which
arose in Sind about 1053 and of their .successors the Sammas, and
under their rule an immigration of Rajput tribes from Hindustan is
said to have taken place. During the rule of the Langah dynasty in
Multan the independent kingdom of Sitpur was established in the south
of the District; and from that time till the end of the eighteenth
century it was held by four separate governments or principalities,
which were, during the Mughal period, included in Akbar's sarkar of
Multan. In the southern angle was Sitpur, founded under a grant
made by Bahlol L o d i in 1450, and first held by the Nahar family, then
by the makhdums of Sitpur, and finally, about 1790, annexed by
Bahawal Khan I I , of Bahawalpur. The west central part was governed
by the rulers of Dera Ghazi Khan. A line of Mirani Balochs, who had
settled on the left bank of the Indus at the end of the fifteenth century,
ruled till 1769, when one Mahmud Gujar, with the aid of the Kalhora
governor of Sind, obtained the governorship of Dera Ghazi Khan. He
appears to have been a good ruler, and built the fort of Mahmud K o t .
Shortly after his death Bahawal Khan II invaded this tract, which had
been thrown open to h i m by the shifting of the Indus to the west, and
by the end of the century the whole of the south was in the possession
of Bahawalpur. T h e eastern part was nominally ruled by the governors
of Multan, and has the same history as that District; and when the
Durrani empire superseded that of Delhi in North-Western India,
Muzaffargarh fell to the new power, with the rest of the province. The
town of Muzaffargarh was founded in 1794 by the Pathan governor,
Muzaffar Khan, and Khangarh and Ghazanfargarh by members of his
family. The north of the District, with the west, was under the Baloch
governors and Mahmud Gujar, to whom succeeded a family of Jaskani
Balochs and the Kalhoras of Sind. In 1792 a subordinate of Muzaffar
K h a n was appointed ruler of this part with the title of Nawab of
Mankera, defeating the Kalhora chief in a battle.
Ranjit Singh took Multan, Muzaffargarh, and Khangarh in 1818,
Dera Ghazi K h a n in 1819, and Mankera in 1821 ; and the northern
part of the District passed under the rule of the Sikhs, being adminis-
tered partly from Mankera, and partly from Multan by Diwan Sawan
M a i . The southern half, however, still remained in the hands of the
Bahawalpur Nawabs, who accepted a lease of their conquests from the
Sikh Maharaja ; but when the Nawab failed to remit the annual amount
in 1830, Ranjit Singh sent General Ventura to take charge of his con-
quests, and the river Sutlej was accepted as the boundary between the
Sikh kingdom and the territories of Bahawalpur. The whole of the
present District was then united under Sawan M a i . He was succeeded
in 1844 by his son Mulraj, and the Sikh supremacy remained unshaken
until the Multan rebellion and the annexation of the Punjab in 1849.
At the first division of the Province for administrative purposes by the
British authorities, the town of Khangarh, 11 miles south of Muzaffar-
garh, was selected as the head-quarters of a District, but was abandoned
in favour of Muzaffargarh. Subsequent transfers of territory to and
from Leiah and Jhang brought the District into its present shape in
1 8 6 1 ; and the name was then changed from Khangarh to Muzaffargarh.
The principal remains of antiquarian interest are the tombs of Nawab
Tahir K h a n Nahar at SITPUR, and of Abdul Wahhab D i n Panah
(ob. 1603) at D A I R A D I N P A N A H . T h e former, which dates from the
fifteenth century, is a fine specimen of the late Pathan style.
The population at the last three enumerations was: (1881) 338,605,
(1891) 381,095, and (1901) 405,656, dwelling in 4 towns and 700
villages. During the last decade the population in-
creased by 6.4 per cent. The District is divided
i n t o three tahsils—MUZAFFARGARH, A L I P U R , and S A N A W A N — t h e head-
quarters of each being at the place from which it is named. The
towns are the municipalities of M U Z A F F A R G A R H , the administrative
head-quarters of the District, K H A N G A R H , A L I P U R , and K H A I R P U R .
F 2
The following table shows the chief statistics of population in
1901 :—

.... ..

persons able to
population be-
Area in square
Number of

Percentage of

variation in

Number of

tween 1891

read and
and 1001.


Tahsil. 1?
Muzaffargarh 913 * : 37* 174,970 191.6 + 6.2 6,2 26
Sana wan 1,321 ... 140 100,091 75*s 4 6.2 3.343
Alipur 921 2 | 182 1 141.8 + 7.0 5,387
District total 3,635 4 j /oo 405,656 111.6 4- 6.4 4,656

N O T E . - - T h e figures for the areas of tahsils are taken from revenue returns. The
total District area is that given in the Census Report.

Muhammadans number 350,177, or over 86 per cent. of the total

Hindus, 52,221 : and Sikhs, 3,225. The density of population is very
low. T h e language of the people is a form of Western Punjabi.
The most numerous tribe is that of the agricultural Jats, who num-
ber 117,000, or 29 per cent. of the total population. Next to them
come the Baloch (77,000). Other important agricultural castes are the
Rajputs (17,000) and Arains (9,000). Saiyids number 8,000. The
Aroras (36,000) are the only commercial and money-lending class of
importance, the Khattris being very few. Of the artisan classes, the
Mochis (shoemakers and leather-workers, 13,000), Julahas (weavers,
12,000), Tarkhans (carpenters, 10,000), and Kumhars (potters, 7,000)
are the most important; and of the menial classes, the sweepers, mostly
known as Kutanas (16,000), and Dhobis, known as Charhoas (washer-
men, 8,000). The District being surrounded by rivers, the Mallahs
(boatmen) are numerically strong, numbering 10,000. Other tribes
worth mention are the Mahtams (4,000), mostly Hindus ; Ods (3,000),
a wandering caste living by labour in the fields ; Marechas (800),
a class of wandering beggars from Manvar and Bikaner, found in this
District in larger numbers than elsewhere ; and Kehals (600), a vagrant
fishing tribe found only here and in Dera Ghazi Khan. The District
contained 17 native Christians in 1901. About 58 per cent, of the
population are supported by agriculture.
The soil consists chiefly of alluvial loam, more or less mixed with
sand, and interspersed with patches of clay, sand, and salt-impregnated
soil. On the whole it is uniformly good, but agri-
cultural conditions depend, not on distinctions of
soil, but on facilities for irrigation. T h e District has practically no
unirrigated cultivation, and from an agricultural point of view may be
regarded as falling into three divisions: the alluvial tract, the canal
tract, and that irrigated by wells.
T h e land is held almost entirely on the bhaiycuhara and zamtndari
tenures. The area for which details are available from the revenue
records of 1903-4 is 3,157 square miles, as shown below :—

Tahsil. Total. Cultivated. Irrigated. Cultivable


Muzaffargarh 912 5.7 250 409

Sanawan 1.321 212 176
Alipur 924 287 189 400

Total 3.157 S16 615 1,824

Wheat is the chief crop of the spring harvest, covering in 1903-4 365
square miles ; barley covered 21 square miles, and gram 33. Rice and
spiked millet (bajra) are the principal food-crops of the autumn harvest,
covering 51 and 29 square miles respectively; while pulses covered
39 square miles, indigo 28, cotton 36, and great millet (jowar) 24.
In the twenty-two years following the settlement of 1873-80 the
cultivated area increased by 28 per cent., chiefly owing to the extension
of canal-irrigation. Nothing has been done to improve the quality of
the crops grown. The tendency is for the cultivation of indigo and
cotton to decline, and for rice to take their place. Loans for the con-
struction of wells are popular, and over Rs. 16,000 was advanced during
the five years ending 1903-4 under the Land Improvement Loans Act.
Muzaffargarh is not a cattle-breeding District, the local breed being
distinctly inferior, and cattle are bought from Dera Ghazi Khan, Sind,
and Bahawalpur. An annual cattle fair is held at Muzaffargarh. The
mares of the District are above the average and show traces of the
Baloch strain; four pony and five donkey stallions are maintained by
the District board. A considerable number of sheep and goats are
kept. About 9,000 camels were registered at the cattle enumeration
of 1904.
Of the total area cultivated in 1903-4, 615 square miles, or 75 per
cent., were classed as irrigated. Of this area, 84 square miles were
irrigated from wells, 218 from wells and canals, 276 from canals, and
37 from channels and tanks. The remaining 25 per cent. of the
cultivated area is subject to inundation from the Indus and Chenab.
The canal-irrigation is from the system known as the MUZAFFARGARH
I N U N D A T I O N CANALS, taking off from the Indus and Chenab. As
these flow only while the rivers are in flood, they are largely supple
mented by wells, of which 15,719 were in use, all worked with Persian
wheels by cattle. Irrigation from creeks and tanks is carried on by
means of water-lifts, there being 3,066 water-lifts and temporary wells.
The District contains 73 square miles o f ' unclassed' forest under the
Deputy-Conservator of the Multan Forest division, and 403 square
miles of ' unclassed' forest and Government waste under the Deputy-
Commissioner. These forests consist chiefly of a light growth of
Populus euphratica and j a n d , with dense jungles of long grass. The
date-palm is common and supplies a staple food to the people during
part of the year, besides furnishing a considerable revenue to Govern-
ment from the tax paid on each tree. There are also large mango
T h e District produces no minerals of importance; earth-salt used
to be manufactured, but this is now prohibited, and the production of
saltpetre is also extinct.
Muzaflfargarh is not remarkable for its industries. Ordinary cotton
cloth is woven, and mats and baskets are largely made from the leaves
of the dwarf-palm. Sltpur used to be noted for
decorated bows, which are now produced at K o t
Addu in the Sanawan tahsil. Snuff is manufactured
at Alfpur. The District contains two cotton-ginning and rice-husking
factories, to one of which a cotton-press is attached ; in 1904, 128
hands were employed.
The chief exports of the District are wheat, sugar, cotton, indigo, ghi,
dates, and mangoes ; and the chief imports are piece-goods, metals,
salt, and lime. Trade is chiefly in the hands of Multan dealers, who
export the surplus produce either down the river to Sukkur or by rail
to Multan. A fair amount of trade used to be carried on by Powinda
merchants with Afghanistan and Central Asia, but this is now almost
extinct owing to the prohibitive duties imposed in Afghanistan.
The North-Western Railway enters the District from Multan by
a bridge over the Chenab, and turns northwards, running along the
Indus bank. A branch runs to Ghazi Ghat, between which and Dera
Ghazi K h a n communication is maintained by means of a bridge of
boats in winter and a steam ferry in summer. The total length of
metalled roads is 25 miles, and of unmetalled roads 559 miles. Of these,
17 miles of metalled and 24 miles of unmetalled roads are under the
Public Works department, and the rest are maintained by the District
board. There is a good deal of river traffic on the Indus, which is
crossed by 16 ferries, the Chenab being crossed by 19.
Owing to the fact that all the cultivation is irrigated, Muzaffargarh
may be regarded as practically immune from famine. The area of
crops matured in the District in the famine year 1899-1900 was 84 per
cent, of the normal.
The District is in charge of a Deputy-Commissioner, aided by four
Assistant or Extra-Assistant Commissioners, of whom one is in charge
of the District treasury. It is divided into three
each under a tahfftedr, assisted by two naib-tahsildars in each of the

first two, and by one in the last-named tahsil Muzaffargarh town is

the head-quarters of an Executive Engineer of the Canal department.
The Deputy-Commissioner as District Magistrate is responsible for
criminal justice; civil judicial work is under a District Judge; and
both officers are supervised by the Divisional Judge of the Multan
Civil Division, who is also Sessions Judge. There are three Munsifs,
two at head-quarters and one at Alfpur. The predominant forms of
crime are cattle-theft and burglary.
Little is known of the revenue system of the various rulers before the
time of Diwan Sawan M a l . By 1820 the Sikhs held the whole of the
District, and in 1829 it came under Sawan Mal, who exacted a large
revenue, but kept the people contented. In 1859 the Sanawan tahsil
was added to the District, which assumed its present shape in 1861.
The first summary assessment was pitched too high. It had been
framed by valuing the weight of wheat taken by the Sikhs at Rs. 1-8
per maund ; but the price soon fell to 10 and 12 annas per maund,
and large remissions had to be allowed. In 1854 the second summary
settlement began. A reduction of io½ per rent, was made in Sanawan,
while in Muzaffargarh and Allpur increases were taken of 6 and 21 per
cent, respectively. Good seasons were believed to justify the increase
of an assessment which had already proved to be excessive. In less
than two years it broke down, and a third summary settlement was
made, reducing the revenue in Sanawan still further, and that of the
other tahsils to their first assessment. This settlement was badly
worked, the canals were never cleared from 1849 to 1876, and the
revenue was never redistributed.
The regular settlement began in 1873 and was completed in 1880.
Including grazing dues and the assessment on date-palms, the new
demand was 5¾ lakhs. Most of the revenue was fixed, but fluctuating
assessments were sanctioned for the riverain circles. A revised settle-
ment, undertaken in 1897 and finished in 1903, resulted in an increase
of about Rs. 1,25,000. Nearly half the assessment is now fluctuating,
crop rates varying between Rs. 2-4 and 6 annas being imposed on
matured crops, in addition to a lump sum on each well. The demand
(including cesses) for 1903-4 amounted to 8·5 lakhs. The average size
of a proprietary holding is about 7 acres (cultivated).
The collections of land revenue alone and of total revenue are shown
below, in thousands of rupees :—

1880-1. 1890-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Land revenue . . 5,86 6,19 6,93
Total revenue . . 7,00 7,68 8,42 9.37

The District contains four municipalities: MUZAFFARGARH, K H A N -

GARH, A U P U R , and KHAIRPUR. Outside these, local affairs are
managed by the District board. A local rate supplies the greater
part of the board's income, which in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 67,000.
T h e expenditure in the same year was Rs. 71,000, public works
forming the principal item.
The regular police force consists of 397 of all ranks, in charge of
a Superintendent, who usually has four inspectors under him. Village
watchmen number 489. There are fourteen police stations, one out-
post, and four road-posts. The District has no jail, convicted prisoners
being sent to MultSn.
Muzaffargarh stands eighteenth among the twenty-eight Districts of
the Province in respect of the literacy of its population. In 1901
the proportion of literate persons was 3·6 per cent. (6·5 males and
o·2 females). The number of pupils under instruction was 1,612 in
7880-1, 3,587 in 1890-1, 4,194 in 1900-1, and 4,106 in 1903-4. In
the last year there were one special, 3 secondary, and 58 primary
(public) schools, with 14 advanced and 86 elementary (private) schools,
the public schools returning 108 girls and the private schools 309. In
1903-4 the expenditure on education was Rs. 24,000, the greater part
of which was met by Local funds.
Besides the civil hospital, the District possesses six outlying dis-
pensaries. In 1904 a total of 91,878 out-patients and 1,213 in-patients
were treated, and 3,598 operations were performed. The expenditure
was Rs. 14,000, mainly derived from Local funds.
The number of successful vaccinations in 1903-4 was 12,082, repre-
senting 29-8 per 1,000 of the population.
[ D . C. J. Ibbetson, District Gazetteer (1883-4); H a r i Kishan K a u l ,
Settlement Report (1904); and Customary Law of the Muzaffargarh
District (1903).]
M u z a f f a r g a r h Tahsil.—Central tahisl of Muzaffargarh District,
Punjab, lying between 29 0 54' and 30 0 15' N. and 700 51' and
7 1 0 21' E., with an area of 912 square miles. Its western boundary
is the Indus, and its eastern, which is nearly twice as long, the Chenab.
It includes a long narrow strip of country lying between the Sanawan
tahsil and the right bank of the Chenab. South of the Sanawan tahsil,
it extends from the Chenab on the east to the Indus on the west. It
is for the most part low-lying, though less subject to flooding than the
other tahsils, and is irrigated in the hot season by inundation canals.
The population in 1901 was 174,970, compared with 164,782 in 1891.
I t contains the towns of M U Z A F F A R G A R H (population, 4,018), the head-
quarters, and K H A N G A R H (3,621); and 378 villages. The land revenue
and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to 3·9 lakhs.
M u z a f f a r g a r h Town.—Head-quarters of the District and tahsil of
Muzaffargarh, Punjab, situated in 30 0 4' N. and 71 0 12' E., in the apex

of the Sind-Sagar Doab, on the metalled road from Multan to Dera

Ghazi Khan and on the North-Western Railway. Population (1901),
4,018. Nawab Muzaffar Khan, the Sadozai governor of Multan, built
a fort here in 1794-6, which RanjTt Singh took by storm in 1818. The
town also contains a mosque built by Muzaffar Khan. It became the
head-quarters of the District in 1859, when Khangarh was abandoned.
The fort of Muzaffar K h a n is formed by a circular-shaped 'wall 30 feet
high, enclosing a space with a diameter of 160 yards, while the suburbs,
which surround it on all sides, nearly conceal it from view. The wall
has sixteen bastions and battlements all round. The municipality was
created in 1873. The income and expenditure during the ten years
ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 10,800 and Rs. 10,700 respectively. The
income in 1903-4 was Rs. 14,000, chiefly from octroi; and the expen-
diture was Rs. 14,300. The town contains an Anglo-vernacular high
school maintained by Government, a civil hospital, and a cotton-ginning
and pressing and rice-husking factory, with 103 employes in 1904.
M u z a f f a r g a r h C a n a l s . — A n Imperial system of inundation canals
in the Punjab, taking off from the left bank of the Indus and the right
bank of the Chenab, and irrigating portions of Muzaffargarh District.
They were for the most part constructed by the native rulers of the
District, and improved by Savvan Mal, governor under Ranjit Singh.
After annexation the canals remained for many years under the manage-
ment of the Deputy-Commissioner, and were transferred to the Canal
department as a ' m i n o r ' work in 1880. The system of canal clearance
by the labour of the cultivators was finally abolished in 1903, when
occupiers' rates were introduced. The Indus series, which is by far the
more important of the two, consists of eight canals with an aggregate
length of 1,138 miles of main, branch, and distributary channels, and
a total average discharge of 2,570 cubic feet per second. There are
five canals in the Chenab series, with a total length of 232 miles, and
a discharge of 740 cubic feet per second. The gross area commanded
by the canals is 1,205 square miles, of which 1,055 are cultivable and
547 irrigable, the area irrigated during the five years ending 1903-4
averaging 457 square miles, of which 366 square miles were watered
from the Indus. To protect the irrigated country, embankments have
been constructed, stretching for 119 miles along the Indus and for
40 miles along the Chenab. No capital account is kept for the system.
T h e gross revenue in 1903-4 was 6 lakhs and the net revenue 3·3 lakhs.
M u z a f f a r n a g a r District.— District in the Meerut Division of the
United Provinces, lying between 29 0 10' and 29 0 45' N. and 77 0 2' and
78 0 7' E., with an area of 1,666 square miles. On the north it is
bounded by Saharanpur District, and on the south by Meerut, while
the Ganges separates it on the east from Bijnor, and the Jumna on the
west from the Punjab District of Karnal. Muzaffarnagar consists of
a central elevated tract, flanked on either side by the low-lying land or
Madar of the Ganges and Jumna. T h e Ganges khadar is a precarious
tract of moist land with scanty cultivation, but gene-
Physical rally covered with coarse grass and occasional patches
of tamarisk. The northern portion, included in the
Gordhanpur pargana, is especially liable to flooding from the S O L A N I
river, which is increased by percolation from the Upper Ganges Canal.
Drains and dams have been constructed with but little success, and the
khadar is chiefly valuable as a grazing ground. The Jumna khadar is
less swampy, but is equally poor, and much of it is covered with dhdk
jungle (Butea frondosa). The uplands are divided into four tracts by
four rivers flowing from north to south. On the east is the large tract
lying between the old high bank of the Ganges and the W E S T K A L I
N A D I , which is watered by the Upper Ganges Canal. This tract is
generally fertile, but is crossed by a sandy ridge, and suffers from
excessive moisture near the K a l i Nadi. Between this river and the
H I N O A N lies another fertile tract, which was immensely improved by
the opening of the Deoband branch of the Ganges Canal in 1880, as
the spring-level is very low. This area is less sandy than the first, but
is crossed by one well-defined belt of sand. West of the Hindan, sand
is comparatively rare; and the tract between this river and the Karsunl
or KrishnI is uniformly good in the centre, though less fertile in the
north and south. Between the Karsunl and Katha, which marks the
beginning of the Jumna tract, lies an area which is flourishing in
the south, but inferior in the north, where population is scarce. This
tract is watered by the Eastern Jumna Canal.
The District consists entirely of the Gangetic alluvium, which varies
from fine sand to stiff clay.
The botany of the District presents no peculiarities. In the north-
west corner dhdk jungle is abundant. About 16 square miles are
under groves, the mango, pomegranate, and guava being the favourite
trees. Shisham, jamun, and siras are the most common species in
avenues. Thatching-grass is abundant, but its use is giving way to
that of tiles.
Wolves are fairly common, and wild hog swarm in the khadar and
near the canals. H o g deer are also found near swampy land, and
leopards are occasionally seen. Tigers, which were formerly common,
are now very rare.
T h e climate is comparatively cool, owing to the proximity of the
hills, and the mean temperature is about 760. There can be no
reasonable doubt that the wide extension of irrigation has had a
prejudicial effect on the climate, and its stoppage near towns has
occasionally been necessary in the interest of the public health.
The rainfall over a long series of years has averaged 33 inches,
increasing gradually from 30 inches in the west to about 37 inches
in the east. Large variations from the normal are not very common.
Tradition represents Muzaffarnagar as having formed a portion of the
PSndava kingdom, which had its capital at Hastinlpur in the adjoining
District of Meerut, and at a more historical date as
being included in the dominions of PrithwT Raj, the
Chauhan ruler of Delhi. Authentic history first shows us the country
around Muzaffarnagar at the time of the Musalmftn conquest in the
thirteenth century, and it remained a dependency of the various
dynasties which ruled at Delhi until the final dissolution of the Mughal
empire. T h e earliest colonists probably consisted of Aryan settlers,
Brahman and Rajput. They were succeeded by the jats, who occupied
the whole southern portion of the District, where their descendants
still form the chief landowning class. At a later date, the Gujars took
possession of the poorer tracts which the Jats had left unoccupied,
and they, too, are still to be found as zatnlndars. Finally, with the
Muhammadan irruptions, bodies of Shaikhs, Saiyicls, and Pathans
entered Muzaffarnagar, and parcelled out among themselves the re-
mainder of the territory.
T i m u r paid one of-his sanguinary visits to the District in 1399, when
all the infidel inhabitants whom he could capture were mercilessly put
to the sword. Under Akbar, Muzaffarnagar was included in the sarkdr
of Sahnranpur. During the seventeenth century, the Saiyid family of
Barha rose to great eminence, and filled many important offices about
the court. Their ancestors are said to have settled in Muzaffarnagar
about the year 1350, and to have enjoyed the patronage of the Saiyid
dynasty which ruled at Delhi in the succeeding century. In 1414
Sultan Khizr Khan conferred the control of Sahnranpur on Saiyid
Salim, the chief of their fraternity ; and from that time forward they
rose rapidly to territorial power and court influence. Under Akbar
and his successors, various branches of the Barha stock became the
leading landowners in the province. They were celebrated as daring
military leaders, being employed by the emperors on all services of
danger, from the Indus to the Narbada. It was mainly through their
aid that the victory near Agra was won in 1707, by which Bahadur
Shah I made good his claim to the imperial title. The part which
they bore in the revolution of 1712, when Farrukh Siyar was elevated
to the throne, belongs to the general history of India. As a reward
for the important services rendered on that occasion, Saiyid Abdullah
was appointed Wazlr of the empire, and Saiyid Husain Alt commander-
in-chief. On their fall in 1721, the power of the Barha family began
to wane, until, in 1737, they were almost exterminated, on a pretext of
a rebellious design, by their inveterate enemy the Wazlr Kamar-ud-dfn.
During the whole of the disastrous eighteenth century Muzaffarnagar

suffered from the same Sikh incursions which devastated the remainder
of the Upper Doab. The Sikhs were assisted in their raids by the
Gdjars, whose semi-nomad life made them ever ready to join in
rebellion against the government of the time. As regularly as the
crops were cut, Sikh chieftains poured their predatory hordes into the
Doab, and levied an organized blackmail. The country was divided
between them into regular circuits, and each chieftain collected requisi-
tions from his own circuit only. It was during this anarchic period
that those mud forts began to spring up which became in time so
characteristic of the Upper Doab. In 1788 the District fell into the
hands of the MarathSs, under whom the famous military adventurer,
George Thomas, endeavoured with some success to prevent the con-
stant raids across the Jumna. The Begam Sumru of Sardhana in
Meerut District held large possessions in the southern parganas at
the end of the eighteenth century.
After the fall of Allgarh in 1803, the whole Doab as far north as
the Siwalik H i l l s came, without a blow, under the power of the British.
A final Sikh invasion occurred in the following year, encouraged by
the advance of Holkar's forces ; but it was promptly suppressed by
Colonel Burn, who drove the intruders back across the river.
The first incident which broke the course of civil administration was
the Mutiny of 1857. On the news of the outbreak at Meerut, the
Magistrate of Muzaffarnagar, who was then in weak health and about
to go on leave, issued orders that all the public offices should be closed.
This measure naturally produced a general impression that British rule
was suspended. At first there was no open rebellion, and the semblance
of government was kept up, but plunder and incendiarism went on un-
molested. At length, on June 21, the 4th Irregulars rose in revolt and
murdered their commanding officer as well as another European, after
which they marched off to Shamli. Five days later, a party of the
3rd Cavalry arrived at the town ; and on July 1 Mr. R. M. Edwards
came in from Saharanpur with a body of Gurkhas, and took charge
of the administration. Vigorous measures were at once adopted to
repress crime and collect revenue, the good effects of which became
quickly apparent. The western parganas, however, remained in open
revolt ; and the rebels of Thana Bhawan attacked Shamll, where
they massacred 113 persons in cold blood. Reinforcements shortly
after arrived from Meerut ; and Thana Bhawan, being evacuated by
the rebels, had its walls and gates razed to the ground. After this
occurrence no notable event took place, though the troops were kept
perpetually on the move, marching backwards and forwards along the
Ganges, and watching the mutineers on the opposite bank. Order was
restored long before the end of the Mutiny.
There are no important H i n d u buildings, but pious Muhammadans
have erected many mosques and tombs in different parts of the District.
Several buildings at K A I R A N A date from the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries; at Majhera, 18 miles south-east of Muzaffarnagar, there are
some sixteenth-century tombs of the Saiyids; and at Ghausgarh, 21
miles north-west, are the remains of a fort built by Najlb K M n , the
Rohilla, and a fine mosque erected by his son.
The District contains 15 towns and 913 villages. Population has
risen steadily. The number at the last four enumerations was as
follows : (1872) 690,107, (1881) 758,444, (1891)
772,874, and (1901) 877,188. There are four
head-quarters of each being at a town of the same name. The chief
towns are the municipalities of MUZAFFARNAGAR, the administrative
head-quarters o f the District, K A I R A N A , and K A N D H L A . T h e principal
statistics of population in 1901 are shown below :—
Number of .
: square mi


persons ab
tween 18

read an
and 190



Muzaffarnagar . 464 : 264 239,064 515 + 15·8 6,759

Kairana . 464 : 256 224,679 484 + 12·3 5,339
Jansath . 244 216,411 480 + 11.8 4,975
Mudhana . 287! 149 197,034 686 + 14·1 5,510
Dibtiict total 1,666 15 913 877,186 527 + 13·5 22,603

Budhana, which has the densest population, has the smallest area of
inferior khadar land. Between 1891 and 1901 the District shared in
the general prosperity of the Upper Doab, which profited by the high
prices in 1896-7, when famine attacked other parts of the Provinces.
Hindus number 607,000, or 69 per cent, of the t o t a l ; Muhammadans,
255,000, or 29 per cent. ; and Jains, 10,150, or 1.2 per cent. The
number of Aryas is 3,000, and this form of belief is rapidly increasing.
More than 99 per cent. of the population speak Hindustani. A small
colony of emigrants from Sind still use Sindi.
Among the Hindus, Chamals (leather-workers and labourers) number
135,000 ; followed by the Jats (83,000), who are excellent cultivators.
Kahars (labourers, cultivators, and fishermen) and Bran mans, with
47,000 each, come next. Rajputs include 29,000 Hindus and 24,000
Musalmans ; and Banias 29,000, many of whom are Jains. Among
the castes peculiar to the western Districts of the United Provinces are
the Jats; the Gujars (agriculturists), 31,000; Sainis (cultivators), 26,000;
and Tagas (agriculturists), 10,000. The Bauriyas (726) are a criminal
tribe peculiar to this District, the members of which steal and pass
base money all over India. They are confined to a tract in the extreme
west of the District, where they were settled by Government. The
most numerous Musalman caste is that of the Julahas or weavers
(29,000); but the Saiyids, who have been referred to in the history
of the District, are very influential, though they number only 14,000.
Shaikhs number 26,000 ; Pathans, 12,000 ; Telis (oil-pressers), 14,000 ;
and Kassabs (butchers), 14,000.' The Jhojhas (8,000) and Garas
(6,000) are excellent cultivators, found chiefly in this District and in
Saharanpur. The population is largely agricultural, 49 per cent, being
supported by occupations connected with the land. General labour
supports 11 per cent, and personal services 10 per cent.
Out of 1,402 Christians in 1901, natives numbered 1,259, of whom
nearly 1,200 were Methodists. These are all recent converts of the
American Methodist Mission, which has a branch here. The American
Presbyterian Church also commenced work in 1887.
The most striking feature in the methods of cultivation is the high
standard set by the Jats. Manure is not confined to the area im-
mediately surrounding the village site, but each field
of good land is manured in turn. This is largely due
to the importance of the sugar-cane crop, which requires much manure
and careful cultivation. The injurious saline efflorescence called reh
is found most abundantly in the Jumna khadar and near the Eastern
Jumna Canal, and occasionally along the West Kali Nadi and the
Ganges Canal.
The tenures are those found in most parts of the United Provinces.
In 1890 there were 1,347 zaminddn] 1,069 bhaiyachara, and 579
pattidari mahdls. The principal agricultural statistics for 1903-4 are
shown in the following table, areas being in square miles ::—

Tahsil. Total. Cultivated. Irrigated. Cultivable


Muza flan agar . 464 334 127 47

Kairana 464 291 131
Jansath 451 307 115 59
Budhana . 287 235 104 12

total 1,666 1,167 477 200

The most important food-grains are wheat and gram, the areas under
which in 1903-4 were 445 and 189 square miles respectively, or 38
and 16 per cent, of the net area cropped. A more valuable crop is,
however, sugar-cane, with an area of 110 square miles. Rice, which is
increasing in importance, especially in the case of the finer varieties,
covered 86 square miles. Cotton is a valuable crop, but was grown
on only 22 square miles, chiefly in Budhana. Indigo cultivation has
almost died out.
The development of the canal system—especially the extension of
canal-irrigation to the tract between the Kali Nadi and Hindan—has
been an important factor in the agricultural condition; and it has been
assisted by drainage operations, which have led to the extension of culti-
vation by 10,000 acres in the north-west corner of the District alone.
T h e normal area cultivated is about 66 per cent, of the whole.
Muzaffarnagar wheat is celebrated throughout the Provinces, and care-
fully selected seed is exported to other Districts. From 1895 to 1900
loans were freely taken under the Agriculturists' Loans Act, the total
being about Rs. 60,000 ; but the annual advances since then have fallen
to about Rs. 1,500 or Rs. 1,000. Advances under the Land Improve-
ment Loans Act amount to only about Rs. 1,000 annually.
The domestic breed of cattle is inferior, and the best cattle are im-
ported from the Punjab. The Madar is, however, noted as a grazing
ground where breeders bring cattle. Horse-breeding • is very popular,
and there are about 20 Government stallions and 600 branded mares.
Every year in March a large horse show is held at Muzaffarnagar, where
about 1,000 animals are exhibited. In 1903 the supervision of horse-
breeding in this District was transferred from the Civil Veterinary to
the Military Remount department. Rajputs, Jats, and GOjars are the
chief breeders. Sheep are kept for their wool and meat, and goats
for milk and meat.
Few Districts are so well protected by canals as Muzaffarnagar.
Almost every part of the upland area is commanded, the western
portion by the Eastern Jumna Canal, the centre by the Deoband
branch of the Upper Ganges Canal, and the east by the latter main
canal and the Anupshahr branch. More than 1,000 square miles are
commanded and 450 could be irrigated annually. In 1903-4, 340
square miles were irrigated by canals and 130 by wells, other sources
supplying only 7 square miles. Well-irrigation is especially required in
the western tract to supplement the supply from the Eastern Jumna
Canal. The usual method of supply is by a leathern bag with a rope
and pulley worked by bullocks ; but the Persian wheel is used in the
west of the District. The Canal department has constructed and
maintains more than 500 miles of drains.
The chief mineral product of value is kankar or nodular limestone,
but this is scarce. Reh, a saline efflorescence of varying composition,
is used for glass-making and some other purposes.
There are few manufactures of importance. Cot ton-weaving supports
about 3 per cent. of the population. At Kairana calico-printing is
carried on to a small extent for a local market : and
Trade and
ornamental curtains are made there and at a few communications.
other places. Good country blankets are manufac-
tured, especially at Gangeru, and are exported. A coarse blue faience
is made at Miranpur, but this is inferior to the products of other
Districts; papier mache is prepared in small quantities at the same
place. T w o small indigo factories are still worked. T h e use of iron
sugar-mills has led to the establishment of depdts for their supply and
repair in many towns.
The most important article of export is wheat, which has obtained
a good name and commands a high price in the European market.
Nearly 30,000 tons of wheat were exported annually between 1897 and
1901 from Muzaffarnagar and Khatauli stations. Large quantities of
unrefined sugar are also exported, usually by railway, but the trade
with the Punjab is partly carried on by means of pack-camels. The
other exports are rice and oilseeds.
The North-Western Railway from Delhi to Saharanpur passes through
the centre of the District from south to north, and has four stations.
The Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway just touches the District in the
north-east corner, but hardly affects it. A light railway is under con-
struction from Shahdara in Meerut District to Saharanpur, which will
tap a rich tract in the west of the District.
There are only 78 miles of metalled roads and 321 miles of un-
metalled roads. A l l but 35 miles are maintained from Local funds.
Avenues of trees are kept up along 150 miles, Good village roads are
incompatible with easy canal-irrigation, and the local roads are often
extremely bad, especially in the northern part of the Jumna Canal tract.
They are best in the south of the District. The Ganges khddar also
has poor communications. The Ganges is crossed by two boat bridges,
and there are two main ferries over the Jumna.
The Ganges Canal is used for the transit of grain and timber, but
the rivers are little used as means of communication.
Nothing is known of the history of famines in Muzaffarnagar before
British rule, but it probably suffered less than the Districts farther south
in the many severe visitations which devastated the
Doab. Scarcity was felt in 1803, and again in 1824, and
famine in 1837, when Rs. 40,000 of revenue was remitted. The Eastern
Jumna Canal was opened in 1830, and the Ganges Canal in 1854.
Owing chiefly to the latter, the famine of 1860-1 was not much felt.
The Anupshahr branch of the Ganges Canal was, however, commenced
as a relief work. In 1868-9 the protection of the canals was even
more marked, and large stores of grain existed, while distress was
further relieved by the demand for work on the Sind, Punjab, and
Delhi (now called the North-Western) Railway. Numbers of immi-
grants poured in from Bikaner and Western Rajputana. Since 1869
the District has practically escaped famine; and high prices in 1877,
1896, and 1900 were a source of profit to the agricultural inhabitants,
though immigrants in distressed circumstances were numerous. The
opening of the Deoband branch canal in 1880 has further protected
an important tract.
The District is divided into four tahsils and seventeen parganas.
The normal District staff includes, besides the Col-
lector, four Assistants with full powers, one of whom
is a Covenanted Civilian, when available, the rest being Deputy-
Collectors recruited in India.
There are two Munsifs in the District, which is included in the
jurisdiction of the Subordinate Judge of Saharanpur and in the Civil
and Session Judgeship of the same place. Muzaffarnagar has a bad
reputation for murders and cattle-theft, while gang dacoities are not
uncommon. The Gujars are particularly turbulent, and the Bauriyas
and gipsy tribes—such as Sansiyas, Kan jars, and Nats—are respon-
sible for many thefts and burglaries. Infanticide was formerly very
prevalent, but is not suspected now.
The District was acquired in 1803, and at first part was included in
Saharanpur District, and part administered by the Resident at Delhi.
In 1824 the present District was formed by creating a sub-collectorship
at Muzaffarnagar, which became a separate District in 1826. The early
settlements thus formed part of those for SAHARANPUR. Quinquennial
settlements were made in 1825 and 1830, the latter being extended till
1840. Operations for the first regular settlement began with measure-
ments in 1836 and 1838, when the soil was classified into circles and
average rent-rates were obtained to form the basis of assessment. The
rent-rates were really calculated from valuations of produce and the
method of division of that produce, as rent was generally paid in kind,
and in many villages where the tenure was bhaiyachara there were no
rents, as the co-sharers cultivated practically the whole area. The total
demand was 11-2 lakhs, calculated at two-thirds of the rental 'assets/
and the settlement lasted twenty years. War, famine, and pestilence
swept over the District before the next settlement operations began in
i860, and the new revenue at half ' assets' remained at 11·2 lakhs.
In this settlement rent rates were calculated on an average of the
rates paid in previous years. Inquiries were made with a view to
making a permanent settlement, which was not granted, and the
assessment was raised in various tracts in 1870 when it was found
inadequate. The last settlement was completed in 1892 for thirty
years, and the revenue was fixed at 15·1 lakhs, rising to 15·6 lakhs.
The assessment was based on recorded rents, corrected where
necessary; but the area for which rents were not paid was as high
as 47·5 per cent. of the total, chiefly owing to the large proprietary
cultivation. The revenue amounted to 48 per cent. of the assessable
'assets.' The incidence varied from Rs. 1-3 to Rs. 3-6 per acre,
the average being Rs. 2-6.
VOL. X V I I I . G
The collections on account of land revenue and total revenue are
shown below, in thousands of rupees:—

1880-1. 1800-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Land revenue . . 12,20 13,18 15,55 15.59

Total revenue . . 15,02 18,01 22,05 21,92

There are three municipalities—MUZAFFARNAGAR, K A N D H L A , and

K A I R A N A — a n d eleven towns are administered under Act XX of 1856.
In 1903-4 the District board had an income of 1·1 lakhs and an
expenditure of 1·4 lakhs. The expenditure on roads and buildings
was Rs. 64,000.
The District Superintendent of police is assisted by three inspectors,
and is in charge of 75 officers and 296 men of the regular police,
besides 209 municipal and town police, and 1,277 village, road, and
canal watchmen. The average daily number of prisoners in the District
jail in 1903 was 168.
T h e District takes a medium place in the Provinces as regards the
literacy of its population, of whom 2·6 per cent. (4·7 males and o·1
females) can read and write. In 1880-1 there were 135 schools under
Government inspection, attended by 3,779 pupils, and in 1900-1 156
schools with 6,366 pupils. In 1903-4, 194 such schools contained
7,404 pupils including 192 girls, besides 398 private schools with 5,533
scholars, of whom 157 were girls. Of the public schools, 2 were
managed by Government and 114 by the District and municipal boards.
Out of a total expenditure of Rs. 32,000, Rs. 4,000 was derived from
fees and Rs. 28,000 from Local and municipal funds.
In 1903 there were seven hospitals and dispensaries, with accom-
modation for 65 in-patients. The number of cases treated was 70,000,
of whom 1,000 were in-patients, and 4,600 operations were performed.
The total expenditure was Rs. 12,600, chiefly met from Local and
municipal funds.
In 1903-4, 29,000 persons were vaccinated, representing 33 per
1,000 of the population. Vaccination is compulsory only in the
[ H . R. Nevill, District Gazetteer (1903); J. O. Miller, Settlement
Report (1892).]
M u z a f f a r n a g a r Tahsll.—Central tahsil of Muzaffarnagar District,
United Provinces, stretching north-east to the Ganges, and lying
between 29 0 22' and 29 0 45' N. and 77 0 27' and 78 0 7' E., with an area
of 464 square miles. It comprises five parganas: Muzaffarnagar,
Baghra, Charthawal, Pur Chhapar, and Gordhanpur. T h e population
has risen from 206,496 in 1891 to 239,064 in 1901. The tahsil con-
tains 264 villages and three towns: namely, MUZAFFARNAGAR (popu-
lation, 23,444), the District and tahsil head-quarters, P U R (6,384), and
C H A R T H A W A L (6,236). I n 1903-4 the demand for land revenue was
Rs. 4,03,000, and for cesses Rs. 51,000. T h e tahsli lies chiefly on
the upland area of the D i s t r i c t ; but pargana Gordhanpur, situated in
the Ganges khddar, is a low-lying swampy tract in a state of chronic
depression in spite of attempts to drain it. In 1894 the inhabitants
of this pargana were removed, owing to the fear that the G O H N A L A K E
would flood the whole area when it burst; and the tract is still largely
waste. The tahsil is irrigated by the Upper Ganges M a i n Canal
and the Deoband branch. In 1903-4 the area under cultivation was
334 square miles, of which 127 were irrigated.
M u z a f f a r n a g a r Town.-—Head-quarters of the District and tahsli
of the same name, United Provinces, situated in 29 0 28' N. and 77 0
4 1 ' E., on the main road from Meerut to Roorkee and Hardwar, and
on the North-Western Railway. The population is increasing rapidly:
(1872) 10,793, (1881) 15,080, (1891) 18,166, and (1901) 23,444. In
1901 Hindus numbered 12,847 and Musalm&ns 9,519. The town
was founded by the son of Muzaffar Khan, Khan-i-Jahan, in the reign
of Shah Jahan, about 1633, close to the site of an older town known
as Sarwart. It remained a place of little importance, until in 1824 it
became the head-quarters of a sub-collectorship of Saharanpur District,
and two years later Muzaffarnagar District was formed. It is a closely-
built town, crowded with small streets, but is well situated on high
land above the K a l i Nadi, to which the drainage is carried. Besides
the ordinary offices, there are a town hall, high and middle schools,
and male and female hospitals. There are no resident officials besides
those of the ordinary District staff. The American Presbyterian and
Reformed Methodist Missions have branches here. Muzaffarnagar
was constituted a municipality in 1872. The income and expenditure
during the ten years ending 1901 averaged Rs. 22,000. In 1903-4 the
income was Rs. 35,000, chiefly derived from octroi (Rs. 21,000) and
house tax (Rs. 6,000); and the expenditure was Rs. 46,000. A drainage
and paving project was completed in 1903 at a cost of more than
Rs. 30,000, and the town is now very well drained. The place owes
its prosperity largely to the export trade in wheat and sugar, and the
only considerable manufacture is that of blankets. Every year in
March a horse show is held here. T h e high school contains 230
pupils, the tahsil school 160, and a girls' school 35.
Muzafifarpur District.—District in the Patna Division of Bengal,
lying between 25 0 29' and 26 0 53' N. and 84 0 53' and 85 0 50' E., with
an area of 3,035 l square miles. It is bounded on the north by the
State of N e p a l ; on the east by Darbhanga D i s t r i c t ; on the south
The area shown in the Census Report of 1901 is 3,004 square miles. The figures
in the text are those ascertained in the recent survey operations*
G 2
by the Ganges, which divides it from Patna; and on the west by
Champaran and the river Gandak, which separates it from Saran.
T h e District is an alluvial plain, intersected with streams and for the
most part well watered. It is divided by the Baghmati and Burhi or
Little Gandak rivers into three distinct tracts. The
Physical country south of the latter is relatively high; but
there are slight depressions in places, especially
towards the south-east, where there are some lakes, the largest of
which is the Tai Baraila. The dodb between the Little Gandak
and the Baghmati is the lowest portion of the District, and is liable
to frequent inundations. Here too the continual shifting of the
rivers has left a large number of semi-circular lakes. T h e area north
of the Baghmati running up to the borders of Nepal is a low-lying
marshy plain, traversed at intervals by ridges of higher ground. Of the
two boundary streams, the GANGES requires no remark. The other,
the Great G A N D A K , which joins the Ganges opposite Patna, has no
tributaries in this part of its course; in fact, the drainage sets away
from it, and the country is protected from inundation by artificial
embankments. The lowest discharge of water into the Ganges towards
the end of March amounts to 10,391 cubic feet per second ; the highest
recorded flood volume is 266,000 cubic feet per second. The river is
nowhere fordable ; it is full of rapids and whirlpools, and is navigable
with difficulty. The principal rivers which intersect the District are the
Little Gandak, the Baghmati, the Lakhandai, and the Baya. The Little
Gandak (also known as Harha, Sikraria, Burhi Gandak, or the Muzaffar-
pur river) crosses the boundary from Champaran, 20 miles north-west
of Muzaffarpur town, and flows in a south-easterly direction till it leaves
the District near Pusa, 20 miles to the south-east; it ultimately falls
into the Ganges opposite Monghyr. The Baghmati, which rises near
Katmandu in Nepal, enters the District 2 miles north of Maniari Ghat,
and after flowing in a more or less irregular southerly course for some
30 miles, strikes off in a south-easterly direction almost parallel to the
Little Gandak, and crossing the District, leaves it near Hatha, 20 miles
cast of Muzaffarpur. Being a hill stream and flowing on a ridge, it
rises very quickly after heavy rains and sometimes causes much damage
by overflowing its banks. A portion of the country north of Muzaffar-
pur town is protected by the Turk! embankment. In the dry season
the Baghmati is fordable and in some places is not more than knee
deep. Its tributaries are numerous : the Adhwara or Little Baghmati,
Lal Bakya, Bhurengi, Lakhandai, Dhaus, and Jhim. Both the Bagh-
mati and Little Gandak are very liable to change their courses. The
Lakhandai enters the District from Nepal near Itharwa (18 miles north
of Sitamarhi). It is a small stream until it has been joined by the
Sauran and Basiad. Flowing south it passes through Sitamarhi, where
it is crossed by a fine bridge, and then continuing in a south-easterly
direction, joins the Baghmati 7 or 8 miles south of the DarbhangS-
Muzaffarpur road, which is carried over it by an iron-girder bridge.
The stream rises and falls very quickly, and its current is rapid. The
Baya issues out of the Gandak near Sahibganj (34 miles north-west of
Muzaffarpur town), and flows in a south-easterly direction, leaving the
District at Bajitpur 30 miles south of Muzaffarpur town. The head
of the stream is apt to silt up, but is at present open. The Bays is
largely fed by drainage from the marshes, and attains its greatest height
when the Gandak and the Ganges are both in flood; it joins the latter
river a few miles south of Dalsingh Sarai in Darbhanga" District.
The most important of the minor streams are the PurSna Dar
Baghmati (an old bed of the Baghmati stretching from Mallahi on the
frontier to Belanpur Ghat, where it joins the present stream) and the
Adhwara. These flow southwards from Nepal, and are invaluable for
irrigation in years of drought, when numerous dams are thrown across
them. The largest sheet of water in the District is the Tal Baraila in
the south; its area is about 20 square miles, and it is the haunt of
innumerable wild duck and other water-fowl.
The soil of the District is old alluvium : beds of kankar or nodular
limestone of an inferior quality are occasionally found.
The District contains no forests; and except for a few very small
patches of jungle, of which the chief constituents are the red cotton-tree
{Bombax malabaricum), khair (Acacia Catechu), and sissu (Dalbergia
Sissoo), with an undergrowth of euphorbiaceous and urticaceous
shrubs and tree weeds, and occasional large stretches of grass land inter-
spersed with smaller spots of usar, the ground is under close cultiva-
tion, and besides the crops carries only a few field-weeds. Near villages
small shrubberies may be found containing mango, sissu, Eugenia
Jambolana, various species of Ficus, an occasional tamarind, and
a few other semi-spontaneous and more or less useful species. The
numerous and extensive mango groves form one of the most striking
features of the District. Both the palmyra (Borassus fIabellifer)
and the date-palm (Phoenix sylvestris) occur planted and at times
self-sown, but neither in great abundance. The field and roadside
weeds include various grasses and sedges, chiefly species of Panicum
and Cyperus; in waste corners and on railway embankments thickets
of sissu, derived from both seeds and root-suckers, very rapidly appear.
The sluggish streams and ponds are filled with water-weeds, the sides
being often fringed by reedy grasses and bulrushes, with occasionally
tamarisk bushes intermixed.
The advance of civilization has driven back the larger animals into
the jungles of Nepal, and the District now contains no wild beasts
except hog and a few wolves and nilgai. Crocodiles infest some of
the rivers. Snakes abound, the most common being the karait
(Bungarus caeruleus) and gohuman or cobra (Naia tripudians).
Dry westerly winds are experienced in the hot season, but the
temperature is not excessive. The mean maximum ranges from 73 0 in
January to 97 0 in April and May, and falls to 740 in December, the
temperature dropping rapidly in November and December. The mean
minimum varies from 49 0 in January to 79 0 in June, July, and August.
The annual rainfall averages 46 inches, of which 7·4 inches fall in June,
12·4 in July, 11.3 in August, and 7·6 in September; cyclenic storms
are apt to move northwards into the District in the two last-named
months. Humidity at Muzaffarpur is on an average 67 per cent. in
March, 66 in April, and 76 in May, and varies from 84 to 91 per cent.
in other months.
One of the marked peculiarities of the rivers and streams of this part
of the country is that they flow on ridges raised above the surrounding
country by the silt which they have brought down. Muzaffarpur
District is thus subject to severe and widespread inundations from
their overflow. In 1788 a disastrous flood occurred which, it was
estimated, damaged one-fifth of the area sown with winter crops, while
so many cattle died of disease that the cultivation of the remaining
area was seriously hampered. The Great Gandak, which was formerly
quite unfettered towards the east, used regularly to flood the country
along its banks and not infrequently swept across the southern half
of the District. From the beginning of the nineteenth century attempts
were made to raise an embankment strong enough to protect the
country from inundation, but without success, until in the famine of
1874 the existing embankment was strengthened and extended, thus
effectually checking the incursions of the river. The tract on the
south of the Baghmati is also partially protected by an embankment
first raised in 1810, but the doab between the Baghmati and the Little
Gandak is still liable to inundation. Heavy floods occurred in 1795,
1867, 1871, 1883, and 1898. Another severe flood visited the north
of the District in August, 1902. The town of SMmarhi and the doab
between the Little Gandak and the Baghmati suffered severely, and
it was reported that 60 lives were lost and 14,000 houses damaged or
destroyed, while a large number of cattle were drowned. In Sitamarhi
itself 700 houses were damaged and 12,000 maunds of grain destroyed,
and it was estimated that half of the maize crop and almost half of the
marua crop were lost. Muzaffarpur town, which formerly suffered
severely from these floods, is now protected by an embankment. One of
the most disastrous floods known in the history of Muzaffarpur occurred
in 1906, when the area inundated comprised a quarter of the whole
District: namely, 750 square miles and over 1,000 villages. Great distress
ensued among the cultivators, and relief measures were necessitated.
In ancient times the north of the District formed part of the old
kingdom of M I T H I L A , while the south corresponded to V A I S A U , the
capital of which was probably at BASARH in the Lal-
ganj thana. Mithila passed successively under the History.
Pal and the Sen dynasties, and was conquered by Muhammad-i-Bakht-
yar Khilji in 1203. From the middle of the fourteenth century it was
ruled by a line of Brahman kings, until it was incorporated in the
Mughal empire in 1556. Under the Mughals, Hajipur and Tirhut
were separate sarkdrs ; and the town of H A J I P U R , which was then a
place of strategical importance owing to its position at the confluence
of the Ganges and the Gandak, was the scene of several rebellions.
After the acquisition by the British of the Dlwani of Bengal, Bihar,
and Orissa in 1765, Subah Bihar was retained as an independent
revenue division, and in 1782 Tirhut (including Hajlpur) was made
into a separate Collectorate. This was split up in 1875 into the two
existing Districts of Muzaffarpur and Darbhanga. During the Mutiny
of 1857 a small number of native troops at Muzaffarpur town rose,
plundered the Collector's house and attacked the treasury and jail, but
were driven off by the police and decamped towards Siwan in Saran
District without causing any further disturbance.
Archaeological interest centres round BASARH, which has plausibly
been identified as the capital of the ancient kingdom of Vaisali.
The population of the present area increased from 2,246,752 in 1872
to 2,583,404 in 1881, to 2,712,857 in 1891, and to 2,754,790 in 1901.
The recorded growth between 1872 and 1881 was
due in part to the defects in the Census of 1872.
The District is very healthy, except perhaps in the country to the north
of the Baghmati, which is more marshy than that to the south of it.
Deaf-mutism is prevalent along the course of the Burhi Gandak and
Baghmati rivers.
The principal statistics of the Census of 1901 are shown below:-—

The four towns are MUZAFFARPUR, the head-quarters, H A J I P U R ,

LALGANJ, and S I T A M A R H I . Muzaffarpur is more densely populated
than any other District in Bengal. The inhabitants are very evenly
distributed; in only a small tract to the west does the density per
square mile fall below 900, while in no part of the District does it
exceed 1,000. Every thana in the great rice-growing tract north of the
Baghmati showed an increase of population at the last Census, while
every thana south of that river, except Hajlpur on the extreme south,
showed a decrease. In the former tract population has been growing
steadily since the first Census in 1872, and it attracts settlers both
from Nepal and from the south of the District The progress has
been greatest in the Sltamarhi and Sheohar thanas which march with
the Nepal frontier. A decline in the Muzaffarpur thana is attributed
to its having suffered most from cholera epidemics, and to the fact that
this tract supplies the majority of the persons who emigrate to Lower
Bengal in search of work. The District as a whole loses largely by
migration, especially to the metropolitan Districts, Purnea, and North
Bengal. T h e majority of these emigrants are employed as earth-
workers and /<?Zfo'-bearers, while others are shopkeepers, domestic
servants, constables, peons, &c. The vernacular of the District is the
Maithill dialect of Biharl. Musaimans speak a form of Awadhi
H i n d i known as Shekhol or Musaltnanl. In 1901 Hindus numbered
2,416,415, or 87*71 per cent, of the total population; and Musaimans
337,641, or 12·26 per cent.
The most numerous Hindu castes are Ahirs or Goalas (335,000),
Babhans (200,000), Dosadhs (187,000), Rajputs (176,000), Koiris
(147,000), Chamars (136,000), and Kurmis (126,000); while Brahmans,
Dhanuks, Kandus, Mallahs, Nunias, Tantis, and Telis each number
between 50,000 and 100,000. Of the Muhammadans, 127,000 are
Shaikhs and 85,000 Jolahas, while Dhunias and Kunjras are also
numerous. Agriculture supports 764 per cent. of the population,
industries 6·2 per cent., commerce 0·5 per cent., and the professions
0·7 per cent.
Christians number 719, of whom 341 are natives. Four Christian
missions are at work in Muzaffarpur town : the German Evangelical
Lutheran Mission, founded in 1840, which maintains a primary school
for destitute orphans; the American Methodist Episcopal Missionary
Society, which possesses two schools; a branch of the Bettiah Roman
Catholic Mission ; and an independent lady missionary engaged in
sanana work.
The tract south of the Little Gandak is the most fertile and richest
portion of the District. The low-lying doab between Little Gandak
and the Baghmati is mainly productive of rice,
though rabi and bhadoi harvests are also reaped.
The tract to the north of the Baghmati contains excellent paddy land,
and the staple crop is winter rice, though good rabi and bhadoi crops
are also raised in parts. In different parts of the District different
names are given to the soil, according to the proportions of sand, clay,
iron, and saline matter it contains* Ultimately all can be grouped
under four heads: balsundar (sandy loam); matiyari (clayey soil) ;
bangar (lighter than matiyari and containing an admixture of sand);
and lastly patches of usar (containing the saline efflorescence known
as reh) found scattered over the District, To the south of the Little
Gandak balsundar prevails, in the doab the soil is chiefly matiyari,
while north of the Baghmati bangar predominates to the east of the
Lakhandai river and matiyari to the west. Rice is chiefly grown on
matiyari soil, but it also does well in low-lying bangar lands, and the
finer varieties thrive on such lands. Good rabi crops of wheat, barley,
oats, rahar, pulses, oilseeds, and edible roots grow luxuriantly in
balsundar soil, and to this reason is ascribed the superior fertility of
the south of the District. Bhadol crops, especially maize, which cannot
stand too much moisture, also prosper in balsundar, which quickly
absorbs the surplus water. Indigo does best in balsundar, but bangar
is also suitable.
The chief agricultural statistics for 1903-4 are given below, areas
being in square miles:—

Subdivision. Total. Cultivated. Cultivable


Muzaffarpur . 1,221 1,025 76

Sltamarhi 1,016 897
Hajipw. 798 O19 46
Total 3,035 2,541 170

It is estimated that 1,075 square miles, or 42 per cent. of the net

cultivated area, are twice cropped.
The principal food-crop is rice, grown on 1,200 square miles, of which
winter rice covers 1,029 square miles. The greater part of the rice
is transplanted. Other food-grains, including pulses, khesari, china,
rahar, kodon, peas, oats, masuri, sawan, kauni, urd, mung, janera
(Holcus sorghum), and kurthi (Dolichos biflorus) cover 804 square miles.
Barley occupies 463 square miles, a larger area than in any other
Bengal District; makai or maize, another very important crop, 256
square miles; marua, 129 square miles; wheat, 114 square miles;
gram, 68 square miles; and miscellaneous food-crops, including alua
or yams, suthnl, and potatoes, are grown on 122 square miles. Oil-
seeds, principally linseed, are raised on 86 square miles. Other impor-
tant crops are indigo, sugar-cane, poppy, tobacco, and thatching-grass.
Muzaffarpur is, after Champaran, the chief indigo District in Bengal;
but its cultivation here, as elsewhere, is losing ground owing to the
competition of the synthetic dye. European indigo planters have of
late been turning their attention to other crops, in particular sugar-cane
and rhea. Poppy is cultivated, as in other parts of Bihar, on a system
of Government advances; the total area under the crop in 1903-4 was
12,400 acres, and the out-turn was 35 tons of opium. Cow-dung and
indigo refuse are used as manure for special crops, such as sugar-cane,
tobacco, poppy, and indigo.
Cultivation is far more advanced in the south than in the north of
the D i s t r i c t ; but up to the present there appears to be no indication
of any progress or improvement in the method of cultivation, except in
the neighbourhood of indigo factories. Over 2 lakhs of rupees was
advanced under the Agriculturists' Loans A c t on the occasion of the
famine of 1896, but otherwise this A c t and the Land Improvement
Loans Act have been made little use of.
The District has always borne a high reputation for its cattle, and
the East India Company used to get draught bullocks for the Ordnance
department here. Large numbers of animals are exported every year
from the Sitamarhi subdivision to all parts of North Bihar. It is said
that the breed is deteriorating. In the north, floods militate against
success in breeding; and in the District as a whole, though there is
never an absolute lack of food for cattle even in the driest season, the
want of good pasture grounds compels the cultivator to feed his cattle
very largely in his bathan, or cattle yard. A large cattle fair is held at
Sitamarhi every A p r i l .
T h e total area irrigated is 47 square miles, of which 30 are irrigated
from wells, 2 from private canals, 6 from tanks or dhars, and 9 from
other sources, mainly by damming rivers. There are no Government
canals. In the north there is a considerable opening for the pain and
ahar system of irrigation so prevalent in Gaya District, but the want of
an artificial water-supply is not great enough to induce the people to
provide themselves with it,
Kankar, a nodular limestone of an inferior quality, is found and is
used for metalling roads. The District is rich in saliferous earth, and
a special caste, the Nunias, earn a scanty livelihood by extracting salt-
petre ; 98,000 maunds of saltpetre were produced in 1903-4, the salt
educed during the manufacture being 6,000 maunds.
Coarse cloth, carpets, pottery, and mats are manufactured; palkis,
cart-wheels, and other articles of general use are made by carpenters in
the south, and rough cutlery at Lawarpur. But by
Trade and
communications. far the most important industry is the manufacture
of indigo. Indigo was a product of N o r t h Bihar long
before the advent of the British, but its cultivation by European
methods appears to have been started by M r . Grand, Collector of
Tirhut, in 1782. In 1788 there were five Europeans in possession
of indigo works. In 1793 the number of factories in the District had
increased to nine, situated at Daudpur, Sarahia Dhuli, Atharshahpur,
Kantai, Motlpur, Deoria, and Bhawara. In 1850 the Revenue Sur-
veyor found 86 factories in Tirhut, several of which were then used for
the manufacture of sugar and were subsequently converted into indigo
concerns. In 1897 the Settlement officer enumerated 23 head factories,
with an, average of 3 outworks under each, connected with the Bihar
Indigo Planters' Association, besides 9 independent factories. The
area under indigo had till then been steadily on the increase, reaching
in that year 87,258 acres, while the industry was estimated to employ
a daily average of 35,000 labourers throughout the year. Since then,
owing to the competition of artificial dye, the price of natural indigo
has fallen and the area under cultivation has rapidly diminished, being
estimated in 1903-4 at 48,000 acres. Though only about 3 per cent,
of the cultivated area is actually sown with indigo, the planters are in
the position of landlords over more than a sixth of the District. They
are attempting to meet the fall in prices by more scientific methods of
cultivation and manufacture, and many concerns now combine the
cultivation of other crops with indigo. Indigo is cultivated either by
the planter through his servants under the zirat or home-farm system,
or else by tenants under what is known as the asamiwar system (asami
means a tenant), under the direction of the factory servants; in both
cases the plant is cut and carted by the planter. Under the latter
system, the planter supplies the seed and occasionally also gives
advances to the tenant, which are adjusted at the end of the year.
The plant, when cut, is fermented in masonry vats, and oxidized either
by beating or by currents of steam. The dye thus precipitated is
boiled and dried into cakes. In 1903-4 the out-turn of indigo was
11,405 maunds, valued at 15-97 lakhs.
The recent fall in prices has resulted in the revival of the manu-
facture of sugar. A company acquired in 1900-1 the indigo estates
of Ottur (Athar) and Agrial in Muzaffarpur and Siraha in Champaran
Dstrict, for the purpose of cultivating sugar-cane. Cane-crushing mills
and sugar-refining plant of the most modern type were erected at those
places and also at Barhoga in Saran. These factories are capable of
crushing 75,000 tons of cane in 100 working days, and of refining
about 14,000 tons of sugar during the remainder of the year. Twelve
Europeans and 500 to 600 natives a day are employed in the factories
during the crushing season, and 10 Europeans and many thousands of
natives throughout the year on the cultivation of the estates and the
manufacture of sugar. Besides this, the neighbouring planters contract
to grow sugar-cane and sell it to the company. It is claimed that the
sugar turned out is of the best quality, and a ready sale for it has been
found in the towns of Northern India,
T h e principal exports are indigo, sugar, oilseeds, saltpetre, hides, ghi,
tobacco, opium, and fruit and vegetables. The main imports are salt,
European and Indian cotton piece-goods and hardware, coal and coke,
kerosene oil, cereals, such as maize, millets, & c , rice and other food-
grains, and indigo seed. Most of the exports find their way to Cal-
cutta. The bulk of the traffic is now carried by the railway; and the
old river marts show a tendency to decline, unless they happen
to be situated on the line of railway, like Mehnar, Bhagwanpur, and
BAIRAGNIA, which are steadily growing in importance. Nepal exports
to Muzaffarpur food-grains, oilseeds, timber, skins of sheep, goats, and
cattle, and saltpetre; and receives in return sugar, salt, tea, utensils,
kerosene oil, spices, and piece-goods. A considerable cart traffic thus
goes on from and to Nepal, and between Saran and the north of the
District. The chief centres of trade are Muzaffarpur town on the
Little Gandak (navigable in the rains for boats of about 37 tons up
to Muzaffarpur), Hajipur (a railway centre), Lalganj (a river mart
on the Great Gandak), Sitamarhi (a great rice mart), Bairagnia and
Sursand (grain marts for the Nepal trade), Mehnar, Sahibganj,
Sonbarsa, Bela, Majorganj, Mahuwa, and Kantai. The trade of the
District is in the hands of Marwaris and local Baniya castes.
The District is served by four distinct branches of the Bengal and
North-Western Railway. The first, which connects Simaria Ghat on
the Ganges with Bettiah in Champaran District, runs in a south-easterly
direction through MuzafTarpur District, passing the head-quarters town.
The second branch enters the District at the Sonpur bridge over the
Great Gandak, passes through Hajipur, and runs eastwards to Katihar
in Purnea District, where it joins the Eastern Bengal State Railway ; it
intersects the first branch at Baruni junction in Monghyr District. The
third runs from Hajipur to Muzaffarpur town, thus connecting the first
two branches. The fourth, which leaves the first-mentioned branch
line at Samastipur in Darbhanga District, enters MuzafTarpur near
Kamtaul and passing through Sltamarhi town has its terminus at Bai-
ragnia. Communication with that place is, however, at present kept
open only during the dry season by a temporary bridge over the Bagh-
mati about 3 miles away; but the construction of a permanent structure
is contemplated. The District is well provided with roads, and espe-
cially with feeder roads to the railways. Including 542 miles of village
tracks, it contains in all 76 miles of metalled and 1,689 miles of
unmetalled roads, all of which are maintained by the District board.
The most important road is that from Hajipur through Muzaffarpur
and Sitamarhi towns to Sonbarsa, a large mart on the Nepal frontier.
Important roads also connect Muzaffarpur town with Darbhanga, Motl-
hari, and Saran, 11 main roads in ail radiating from Muzaffarpur. The
subdivisional head-quarters of Hajipur and Sitamarhi are also connected

by good roads with their police thdnas and outposts. Most of the
minor rivers are bridged by masonry structures, while the larger ones
are generally crossed by ferries, of which there are 67 in the District.
The L i t t l e Gandak close to Muzaffarpur town on the Sltamarhi road
is crossed by a pontoon bridge 850 feet in length.
During the rainy season, when the rivers are high, a considerable
quantity of traffic is still carried in country boats along the Great and
L i t t l e Gandak and Baghmati rivers. Sai timber (Shorea robusta) from
Nepal is floated down the two latter, and also a large quantity of
bamboos. T h e Ganges on the south is navigable throughout the year,
and a daily service of steamers plies to and from Goalundo.
The terrible famine of 1769-70 is supposed to have carried off
a third of the entire population of Bengal. Another great famine
occurred in 1866, in which it was estimated that
200,000 people died throughout B i h a r ; this was
especially severely felt in the extreme north of the District. Muzaf-
farpur again suffered severely in the famine of 1874, when deficiency
of rain in September, 1875, and its complete cessation in October, led
to a serious shortness in the winter rice crop. Relief works were
opened about the beginning of 1874. No less than one-seventh of
the total population was in receipt of relief. There was some scarcity
in 1876, when no relief was actually required; in 1889, when the rice
crop again failed and relief was given to about 30,000 persons; and in
1891-2, when on the average 5,000 persons daily were relieved for
a period of 19 weeks. Then came the famine of 1896-7, the greatest
famine of the nineteenth century. On this occasion, owing to better
communications and their improved material condition, the people
showed unexpected powers of resistance. Three test works started
in the Sltamarhi subdivision in November, 1896, failed to attract
labour, and i t was not till the end of January that distress became i n
any sense acute. The number of persons in receipt of relief then rose
rapidly till the end of May, when 59,000 persons with 4,000 dependants
were on relief works, and 59,000 more were in receipt of gratuitous
relief. The number thus aided increased to 72,000 in July, but the
number of relief workers had meanwhile declined, and the famine was
over by the end of September. The total expenditure on relief works
was 5·64 lakhs and on gratuitous relief 4·91 lakhs, in addition to which
large advances were made under the Agriculturists' Loans Act. The
import of rice into the District during the famine was nearly 33,000
tons, chiefly Burma rice from Calcutta. The whole of the District
suffered severely, except the south of the Hajlpur subdivision, but the
brunt of the distress was borne by the Sltamarhi subdivision.
For administrative purposes the District is divided into three sub-
divisions, w i t h head-quarters at M U Z A F F A R P U R , H A J I P U R , and S I T A -

M A R H I . The staff subordinate to the District Magistrate-Collector at

head-quarters consists of a Joint-Magistrate, an Assistant Magistrate, and
nine Deputy-Magistrate-Collectors, while the Hajipur
and Sltamarhi subdivisions are each in charge of
an Assistant Magistrate-Collector assisted by a Sub-Deputy-Collector.
The Superintending Engineer and the Executive Engineer of the
Gandak division are stationed at Muzaffarpur.
The civil courts are those of the District Judge (who is also Judge of
Champaran), three Sub-Judges and two Munsifs at Muzaffarpur, and
one Munsif each at Sitamarhi and Hajipur. Criminal courts include
those of the District and Sessions Judge and District Magistrate, and
the above-mentioned Joint, Assistant, and Deputy-Magistrates. When
the District first passed under British rule it was in a very lawless state,
overrun by hordes of banditti. This state of affairs has long ceased.
The people are, as a rule, peaceful and law-abiding, and heinous
offences and crimes of violence are comparatively rare.
At the time of the Permanent Settlement in 1793 the total area of the
estates assessed to land revenue in Tirhut was 2,476 square miles, or
40 per cent. only of its area of 6,343 square miles, and the total land
revenue was 9·84 lakhs, which gives an incidence of 9 annas per acre ;
the demand for the estates in Muzaffarpur District alone was 4·36 lakhs.
In 1822 operations were undertaken for the resumption of invalid
revenue-free grants, the result of which was to add 6·77 lakhs to the
revenue roll of Tirhut, of which 3·18 lakhs fell to Muzaffarpur. Owing
to partitions and resumptions, the number of estates in Tirhut increased
from 1,331 in 1790, of which 799 were in Muzaffarpur, to 5,186 in
1850. Since that date advantage has been taken of the provisions of
the partition laws to a most remarkable extent, and by 1904-5 the
number of revenue-paying estates had risen to no less than 21,050, a
larger number than in any other Bengal District. Of the total, all but
49 with a demand of Rs. 16,735 were permanently settled. The total
land revenue demand in the same year was 9·78 lakhs. Owing to the
backward state of Tirhut at the time of the Permanent Settlement,
the incidence of revenue is only R. 0-9-6 per cultivated acre.
A survey and preparation of a record-of-rights for Muzaffarpur and
Champaran Districts, commenced in 1890-1 and successfully com-
pleted in 1899-1900, is important as being the first operation of the
kind which was undertaken in Bengal for entire Districts which came
under the Permanent Settlement, The average size of a ryot's holding
in Muzaffarpur was found to be 1·97 acres, and 82 per cent. of them
were held by occupancy and settled ryots. Such ryots almost always
pay rent in cash, but one-fifth of the non-occupancy ryots and three-
fifths of the under-ryots pay produce rents. These are of three kinds,
batai, bhaoli and mankhap: in the first case the actual produce is
divided, generally in equal proportions, between the tenant and the
landlord; in the second the crop is appraised in the field and the land-
lord's share paid in cash or grain; while in the third the tenant agrees
to pay so many maunds of grain per bigha The average rate of rent
per acre for all classes of ryots is Rs. 4-0-11. Ryots holding at fixed
rates pay Rs. 2-11-11; occupancy ryots, Rs. 3-12-3; non-occupancy
ryots, Rs. 4-9-6; and under-ryots, Rs. 4-5-8 per acre. The rent, how-
ever, varies not only with the character and situation of the land, but
also according to the caste and position of the cultivator, a tenant of
a high caste paying less than one of lower social rank. Rents are higher
in the south than in the north, where the demand for land has developed
at a comparatively recent date. The highest rents of all are paid in the
neighbourhood of Hajipur, where poppy, tobacco, potatoes, & c , are grown
on land which is never fallow and often produces four crops a year.
The following table shows the collections of land revenue and of
total revenue (principal heads only), in thousands of rupees :—
1880-1. 1800-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Land revenue 9,75 9,87 9,77 9,77

Total revenue 17,59 16,94 21,91 22,17

Outside the municipalities of MUZAFFARPUR, HAJIPUR, LALGANJ,

and SITAMARHI, local affairs are managed by the District board, with
subordinate local boards in each subdivision. In 1903-4 its income
was Rs. 3,31,000, of which Rs. 1,83,000 was derived from rates; and
the expenditure was Rs. 3,60,000, the chief item being Rs. 2,69,000
expended op public works.
The most important public works are the Tirhut embankment on
the left bank of the Great Gandak, and the Turk! embankment on the
south bank of the Baghmati. The Gandak embankment, which runs
for 52 miles from the head of the Baya river to the confluence of the
Gandak and Ganges, and protects 1,250 square miles of country, is
maintained by contract. On the expiry of the first contract in 1903,
a new contract for its maintenance for a period of twenty years at a
cost of 208 lakhs was sanctioned by Government. The Turki em-
bankment, originally built in 1810 by the Kantai Indigo Factory to
protect the lands of that concern, was acquired by Government about
1870. It extends from the Turki weir for 26 miles along the south
bank of the Baghmati, and protects 90 square miles of the dodb between
that river and the Little Gandak. In 1903-4 Rs. 2,200 was spent on
its maintenance.
The District contains 22 police stations and 14 outposts. The force
subordinate to the District Superintendent consists of 3 inspectors,
28 sub-inspectors, 47 head constables, and 432 constables; the rural
police force is composed of 238 daffadars and 4,735 chaukldars, A
District j a i l at Muzaffarpur has accommodation for 465 prisoners, and
subsidiary jails at Hajipur and Sitamarhi for 38.
T h e standard of literacy, though higher than elsewhere in N o r t h
Bihar, is considerably below the average for Bengal, only 3·9 per cent.
of the population (7·8 males and 0·3 females) being able to read and
write in 1901:. The number of pupils under instruction, which was
24,000 in 1880-1, fell to 23,373 in 1892-3, but increased to 29,759 in
1900-1. In 1903-4, 35,084 boys and 1,843 girls were at school, being
respectively 17·7 and 0·85 per cent, of the children of school-going age.
The number of educational institutions, public and private, in that year
was 1,520, including one Arts college, 20 secondary, 1,013 primary, and
486 special schools. T h e expenditure on education was 1·55 lakhs, of
which Rs. 11,000 was met from Provincial funds, Rs. 53,000 from
District funds, Rs. 3,000 from municipal funds, and Rs. 57,000 from
fees. The most important institutions are the Bhuinhar Brahman
College and the Government District school at Muzaffarpur town.
In 1903 the District contained five dispensaries, of which three
had accommodation for 62 in-patients. The cases of 72,000 out-
patients and 800 in-patients were treated, and 4,000 operations were
performed. The expenditure was Rs. 13,000, of which Rs. 900
was met from Government contributions, Rs. 5,000 from Local and
Rs. 4,000 from municipal funds, and Rs. 3,000 from subscriptions.
Besides these, two private dispensaries are maintained, one at Baghi
in the head-quarters subdivision and the other at Parihar in the Sita-
marht subdivision, by the Darbhanga Raj.
Vaccination is compulsory only in municipal areas. In 1903-4 the
number of persons successfully vaccinated was 87,000, representing 32
per 1,000 of the population, or rather less than the average for Bengal.
[ L . S. S. O'Malley, District Gazetteer (Calcutta, 1907); C. J. Steven-
son-Moore, Settlement Report (Calcutta, 1900).]
M u z a f f a r p u r Subdivision.—Head-quarters subdivision of M u -
zaffarpur District, Bengal, lying between 25 0 54' and 26 0 28' N. and
84 0 53' and 85 0 45' E., with an area of 1,221 square miles. It is
an alluvial tract, bounded on the west by the Great Gandak and inter-
sected by the Baghmati and L i t t l e Gandak, flowing in a south-easterly
direction. The population was 1,050,027 in 1901, compared with
1,074,382 in 1891, the density being 860 persons per square mile. T h e
slight decline in the population is due partly to the Muzaffarpur thana
having suffered from cholera epidemics, and partly to the fact that it
supplies a large number of emigrant labourers to Lower Bengal. More-
over, the doab between the Baghmati and the Little Gandak is liable to
frequent inundations. The subdivision contains one town, M U Z A F F A R -
P U R (population, 45,617), its head-quarters; and 1,712 villages.

M u z a f f a r p u r Town.—Head-quarters of MuzafTarpur District,

Bengal, situated in 26 0 7' N. and 85 0 24' E., on the right bank of the
L i t t l e Gandak. T h e population, which was 38,241 in 1872, increased
to 42,460 in 1881 and to 49,192 in 1891, but fell in 1901 to 45,617,
of whom 31,629 were Hindus and 13,492 Muhammadans. The de-
crease of 9 per cent, at the last Census is to a great extent only
apparent; and, but for the exclusion of one of the old wards from the
municipal limits, and the temporary absence of a large number of
people in connexion with marriage ceremonies, the town would probably
have returned at least as many inhabitants as in 1891. Roads radiate
from the town in all directions. A considerable trade is carried by the
Little Gandak, the channel of which, if slightly improved, would carry
boats of 20 tons burden all the year round. Muzaflfarpur was consti-
tuted a municipality in 1864. The income during the decade ending
1901-2 averaged Rs. 70,000, and the expenditure Rs. 62,000. In
1903-4 the income was Rs. 83,000, including Rs. 30,000 derived
from a tax on houses and lands, Rs. 16,000 from a conservancy rate,
Rs. 3,000 from a tax on vehicles, and Rs. 13,000 from tolls. The
incidence of taxation was Rs. 1-6-1 per head of the population. In
the same year the expenditure also amounted to Rs. 83,000, the chief
items being Rs. 3,000 spent on lighting, Rs. 3,000 on drainage,
Rs. 29,000 on conservancy, Rs. 6,000 on medical relief, Rs. 1 1,000 on
roads, Rs. 17,000 on buildings, and Rs. 1,400 on education. The
town is clean, and the streets in many cases are broad and well kept.
It contains, in addition to the usual public buildings, a large new
hospital, a dispensary, and several schools, some of the best of which
are supported by the Bihar Scientific Society and the Dharmasamaj.
In 1899 a college, teaching up to the B.A. standard, was established in
Muzaffarpur through the generosity of a local zamindar. The building
is large, and the college is in a flourishing condition. The District jail
has accommodation for 465 prisoners, who are employed chiefly in the
manufacture of mustard oil, castor oil, daris, carpets, matting, aloe
fibre, coarse cloth, and dusters. Near the court buildings is a lake
formed from an old bed of the river. To prevent the river from reach-
ing it, an embankment has been thrown across the lake towards
Daudpur; but in spite of this the river has cut very deeply into the
high bank near the circuit-house, and, unless it changes its course, it
will probably i n time break through the strip of land which at present
separates it from the lake. Muzaffarpur is the head-quarters of the
Bihar Light Horse Volunteer Corps. At the time of the Mutiny of
1857 a small number of native troops who were stationed here rose,
plundered the Collector's house, and attacked the treasury and jail, but
were driven off by the police and najibs and decamped towards Allganj
Sewan in Saran District without causing any further disturbance.
Myaing.—Eastern township of Pakokku District, Upper Burma,
lying between 2 1 0 24' and 2 1 0 5 1 ' N. and 94 0 33' and 95 0 2' E., with
an area of 825 square miles. The township is undulating in contour,
rising gradually towards the Tangyi range of hills that bounds it on the
west, and has a very meagre rainfall. The population was 47,111 in
1891, and 71,976 in 1901, distributed in 295 villages. Myaing (popu-
lation, 610), a village 25 miles north-west of Pakokku, is the head-
quarters. T h e area cultivated in 1903-4 was 215 square miles, and
the land revenue and thathameda amounted to Rs, 1,53,000.
M y a n a u n g Subdivision.—Northern portion of Henzada District,
Lower Burma, occupying about one-third of the whole, and comprising
the K A N A U N G and K Y A N G I N townships.
M y a n a u n g Town.—Head-quarters of the subdivision of the same
name in the Kanaung township of Henzada District, Lower Burma,
situated in 180 17' N. and 95 0 22' E., on the western bank of the
Irrawaddy, about 8 miles south-east of Kyangin and half-way between
it and Kanaung. Population (1901), 6,351. Myanaung is said to have
been founded by the Talaings about 1250, and was then called Kudut.
Alaungpaya captured and renamed it in 1754. It was formerly the
head-quarters of the District, which was then called Myanaung. It
was constituted a municipality in 1886. During the ten years ending
1901 the municipal income and expenditure averaged Rs. 18,300 and
Rs. 18,500 respectively. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 19,000,
including house tax (Rs. 3,000), market dues, &c. (Rs. 12,700); and
the expenditure was Rs. 18,000, the chief items being conservancy
(Rs. 4,600), hospital (Rs. 3,000), and roads (Rs. 2,600). The munici-
pality supports a hospital and an Anglo-vernacular school, and con-
tributed Rs. 3,000 to education in 1903-4. T h e Henzada-Kyangin
railway, when constructed, will pass through Myanaung.
Myaung.—Western township of Sagaing District, Upper Burma,
lying in the angle formed by the junction of the Irrawaddy and Chin-
dwin rivers, between 2 1 0 35' and 2 1 0 52' N. and 95 0 12' and 95 0 26' E.,
with an area of 246 square miles. The population was 25,270 in 1891,
and 31,497 in 1901, distributed in 79 villages. The head-quarters till
recently were at Kyaukyit, on the Nabet stream, a waterway connecting
the Irrawaddy and Chindwin, but have now been moved eastwards to
Myaung (population, 1,016), on the right bank of the Irrawaddy, about
40 miles west of Sagaing town. The area cultivated in 1903-4 was 96
square miles, and the land revenue and thathameda amounted to
Rs. 1,14,200.
M y a u n g m y a D i s t r i c t . — A delta District in the Irrawaddy Division
of Lower Burma, lying between 150 44' and 16 0 55' N. and 94 0 36' and
95 0 35' E., with an area of 2,663 square miles. In shape a rough
parallelogram, the District is bounded on the south by the sea; on the
west by Bassein District; on the east by Pyapon ; and on the north by
Ma-ubin. It is practically a collection of flat, fertile islands, sundered
the one from the other by rivers which wind through
the levels in a south-westerly direction, and are con- Physical
nected by countless tidal creeks, mostly navigable.
With the exception of a small tract of rising ground 30 miles south-
west of Myaungmya town, an offshoot of the Arakan Yoma, the surface
of the country is very little above the rise of spring-tides. Towards
the south, near the coast, the principal features of the scenery are
interminable stretches of mangrove jungle and dam palm, which border
the mud-banks of the creeks. Farther north, plantain groves take the
place of the tidal forests, and, with the pagodas, help to break the
monotonous character of the landscape, which otherwise would show
little more than a waste of wide rice flats, chequered with strips of
grass and tree jungle. Its waterways are the main natural features
of Myaungmya. These are all branches of the Irrawaddy, though that
name is given only to the channel which runs down the eastern edge
of the District, forming the greater portion of the border between it
and the District of Pyapon. The Panmawadi, composed of various
streams which leave the Irrawaddy in Henzada District, skirts Myaung-
mya for a considerable distance on its western side before striking off
westwards into Bassein, one of its branches, the Thetkethaung, bound-
ing it down to the sea-coast. Right down the centre of the District
flows the Pyamalaw river, parallel to the Irrawaddy and Panmawadi,
and enters the sea in two branches, named the Pyamalaw and Pyinzalu,
midway between them. The Shwelaung river takes off from the Irra-
waddy at the north-east corner of the District, and, after forming the
northern boundary, turns south at the town of Shwelaung, and flows
midway between the Irrawaddy and the Pyamalaw for about 25 miles.
Here, combining with a branch of the Irrawaddy, it becomes the
Kyunpyatthat river, which, leaning first towards the Pyamalaw river,
eventually joins the Irrawaddy about 24 miles from the sea. The Irra-
waddy, after forming the eastern boundary of the District for 24 miles,
divides into two streams, never more than 5 miles apart, which unite
again about 30 miles farther south. The eastern branch retains the
name of the Irrawaddy, while the western is known as the Yazudaing.
The lesser rivers are the Wakema, 23 miles in length, connecting the
Shwelaung and Pyamalaw, and flowing past the rising town of Wakema,
and the Einme and Myaungmya, which form a loop from the Panma-
wadi river nearly 60 miles in length.
The soil is composed of alluvial formation, resting on a substratum
of black clay. South-west of Myaungmya is a hilly tract, composed
of rocks of the Nummulitic group; but beyond this small stretch of
upland the country to some depth below the surface is largely a suc-
H 2
cession of layers of river silt, brought down from the north within what
is geologically a comparatively recent date.
T h e flora is of the type common to all the delta tracts, which is
briefly described under H A N T H A W A D D Y DISTRICT. Tidal and swamp
vegetation predominates.
Elephants and tigers are found in the southern and more unreclaimed
parts, but the spread of cultivation is reducing their range. Leopards
(including the black variety) are found in all parts, and are occasionally
trapped, and sambar and barking-deer are fairly plentiful in the
Myaungmya township. Monkeys abound in the southern forests, while
in the smaller creeks are numerous crocodiles, driven to these more
secluded retreats by the traffic in the larger streams. Along the sea-
coast both the turtle and the tortoise are common.
On the whole, the climate, though enervating, is not unhealthy.
Proximity to the sea renders it more equable than that of the Districts
farther inland. The average minimum temperature is about 65 0 , and
the maximum 95 0 , the average mean being about 8o°. The temperature
never rises above 1050. The rainfall is copious and regular, varying
locally with the proximity to the coast. The northern townships receive
from 70 to 90 inches a year, the southern townships from 90 to 130
inches. Owing to the nature of the surface of the country, certain
tracts are regularly inundated during the rains.
The cyclone of May, 1902, unroofed a third of the dwellings in the
District, sank many boats with considerable loss of life, and destroyed
much stored grain ; but visitations of this nature are rare.
The name Myaungmya is said to mean ' pleasant canal,' but this is
only the most plausible of various alleged derivations. The District
has made no permanent mark in history, and, save in
the fourteenth century, the old annals contain no
reference to it of importance. In 1387 one Lauk Bya, governor of
Myaungmya, is said by the Talaing chroniclers to have raised the
standard of revolt against Razadirit, king of Pegu, and to have called
in the aid of the king of Ava. The Burmese troops were, however,
defeated at Hmawbi, the rebellion was quashed, and Lauk Bya was
eventually captured and beheaded. Myaungmya is referred to in the
history of the events that followed on this revolt, and in 1410 a
Burmese army is said to have made an unsuccessful attack upon the
town. But no mention of it is made in later chronicles, and in neither
the first nor the second Burmese War did it play an important part.
The District is of modern creation, having been formed in 1893 by the
combination of the western townships of Thongwa (now Ma-ubin)
District with the eastern townships of Bassein District. On the con-
stitution of Pyapon District in 1903, the Pantanaw township of the
Wakema (or eastern) subdivision was restored to Ma-ubin District, and

a large circle of the Pyindaye township of the old Thongwa District

was added to Myaungmya, the Wakema township being made into a
subdivision and divided into two townships, with head-quarters at
Wakema and Moulmeingyun.
Owing to the frequent changes in the boundaries of the District,
it is not possible to give accurate statistics of the population in
earlier years. In 1881 there were about 85,000
persons in the area now constituting Myaungmya,
a total which had risen by 1891 to 185,930. After that date the
increase in population was very rapid, owing to immigration, and in
1901 the total stood at 278,119.
The distribution of the population in 1901 over the existing area
is given in the following table:—
Area in square

Population per

persons able to
population be-
Percentage of
square mile.

variation in
tween 1891

Number of
and 1901.

read and



Myaungmya 1,069 I 227 75,345 70 49 19,211

Einme 315 122 59,367 188 45 13,544
Wakema . 718 I 194 75,478 105 39,30O
Moulmeingynn. I29 67,931 120 +58*
District total 2,663 2 672 278,119 IO4 49 71,955

* The Moulmeingyun township was only constituted in 1903.

M Y A U N G M Y A and W A K E M A are the only towns. The rate of increase

is extraordinary in the Wakema township, and throughout the whole
District is large. The immigrants come chiefly from the neighbouring
District of Bassein, from the dry zone districts on the Irrawaddy, and
to a small extent from Mandalay, Shwebo, and Lower Chindwin in
Upper Burma. Burmese is spoken by about 190,000 persons, and
Karen by about 77,000.
Of the total population, Burmans number about 180,000, and Karens
about 78,000. The latter are most thickly distributed in the older
cultivation in the north, and still preserve their language. The immi-
grants from Upper Burma go farther south to make new clearings.
About 2,000 persons returned themselves as Talaings in 1901, but
only a third of them spoke Talaing. The Indian population is small,
numbering 3,400 Musalmans and 2,000 Hindus. The Christian com-
munity, on the other hand, is large, numbering about 12,800, being
the largest aggregate in the Province after Rangoon, Bassein, and
Toungoo. Two-thirds of the population are directly dependent upon
agriculture for a living, and about 3,700 live by taungya (shifting)
cultivation in the small hilly area of the District.
There are 12,500 native Christians, mostly Karens. More than
9,000 of these belong to the American Baptist Mission, which has
stations in the large Karen villages and many village churches. The
head-quarters of the Roman Catholic missions are at Myaungmya,
Kanazogon, and Kyontalok, where there are substantial churches.
In all parts except the Myaungmya township the natural conditions
—richness of soil, flatness of surface, and timeliness and sufficiency
of rainfall—are extremely favourable to agriculture.
The soil is an alluvial loam on a substratum of clay,
formed by the deposit of silt from the Irrawaddy floods, which inun-
date a considerable proportion of the District. The only variation
in the contour of the land is the gradual slope away from the banks
to the interior of the island of cultivation. In consequence of these
favourable conditions, practically nothing but rice (kaukkyi or wet-
season) is grown, though a certain number of plantain groves exist.
The system of cultivation is the same as in other parts of Burma,
the rice being transplanted from nurseries after the ground has been
prepared with the harrow (tundon). The plough is often not used
at all, the seed being scattered broadcast after the grass has been
cut. The gardens usually lie in long narrow strips along the banks
of the streams. Manuring is said to be unknown and unattempted,
and even the burning of the surface straw is rare.
The chief agricultural statistics for 1903-4 are shown below, areas
being in square miles: -

Township. Total area. Cultivated. Forests,

Myaungmya 1,069
Kinmc 315
Wakema . 718 |..480
Moulmeingyun . 273
Total 2,663 799 1,480

Accurate statistics of the area under cultivation in earlier years

cannot be given, owing to the numerous changes in the District
boundaries; but in general terms it may be said that about 312
square miles were cultivated in 1881, 437 in 1891, and 711 in 1901.
Rice occupied 764 square miles in 1903-4. The area under garden
cultivation was 20 square miles, evenly distributed over the various
townships, with the exception of Moulmeingyun, where the gardens
are confined to the Kyaikpi circle on the eastern bank of the Irrawaddy.
Of the total area under orchards, 5,000 acres were devoted to plan-
tain groves. The dani palm, used largely for thatching purposes,
is most popular in the Myaungmya township, and is grown on 4,100
acres. Almost the only other crop worthy of mention is sugar-cane,
which covers about 550 acres in the Myaungmya and Wakema town-
ships. Sesamum is, however, also cropped to a small extent, and
coco-nut palms are fairly plentiful. There are no particular forms of
Large quantities of cultivable land are taken up each year by the
agriculturists of the District and the many immigrants. In 1903 about
39 square miles were ploughed for the first time. The extension
cannot be continued for long, as the reservation of forests, grazing
grounds, and fishery tracts has had the effect of reducing the available
waste land considerably during the past few years. There is nothing
to record in the way of improvements in agricultural practice. The
provisions of the Land Improvement and Agriculturists' Loans Acts
have been made but little use of in recent years, as the large exten-
sions of cultivation have been carried out by capitalists to whom the
small sums obtainable under these Acts are no inducement.
Both buffaloes and kine are bred and employed in the fields.
Buffaloes are used by Karens and Burmans mostly in the more low-
lying tracts, where they thrive better than cattle, and have harder
work to do. Ponies are few and can be used only in the north. In
the network of creeks which intersects the southern area their employ-
ment is out of the question. Except in the Wakema township grazing
reserves are ample. In Wakema cultivation has expanded so rapidly
during the last decade that the existing reserves are inadequate, but
steps are being taken to remedy this defect. During the rains the
cattle have to be protected from countless swarms of mosquitoes by
the smoke of fires, or even by means of cloth coverings that answer
the purpose of a mosquito curtain.
There are no regular irrigation works, and no part of the larger
embankment schemes of the delta falls within the limits of the Dis-
trict ; but the Shwelaung marginal road (12 miles long) in the extreme
north of the Wakema township shelters about 6,000 acres of land.
Next to the cultivation of rice, fishing is the chief occupation of the
inhabitants. It was even more important in the days when the Panta-
naw township formed a portion of the District. The inland fisheries
occupy a large portion of the eastern part of the Einme township,
and the revenue derived from them in 1903-4 amounted to 1·3 lakhs.
A full and interesting description of these fisheries and the methods
of working them is contained in a report by Major Maxwell pub-
lished in 1904. Turtle-banks exist along the coast of the District,
of which the two most important are known as the Amatgale and
Pyinsalu banks.
The forests are of no great value. Teak is of comparatively rare
occurrence, and the mixed forests in which it is found are ' unclassed.'
There is a small area of tropical forest in the hilly tract about 40 miles
south-west of Myaungmya. Littoral forests are common in the southern
portions, a considerable proportion of the low-lying area round the
coast being covered with mangrove jungle, for the most part 'reserved.'
T h e swamp forests lying to the north of these tidal forests form the
main rattan-producing tracts of the District. The area of ' reserved'
forests is 480 square miles, and of the 'unclassed' area 1,000 square
miles. The forest receipts in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 28,000.
The mineral resources are comparatively meagre. Pottery clay is
found in parts of the Einme township, where the poorer classes have
taken to pot-making; and laterite is worked for road-metalling in the
Myaungmya township, where also limestone is obtained in the hilly
areas. The quarries are worked only in the dry season, and the blocks
of limestone when extracted are transported by cart or boat some
distance to the kilns.
With the exception of pottery, which is really only a domestic occu-
pation, there are practically no arts save those that are entirely subsidiary
to agriculture. Of industries, the manufacture of salt
Trade and and ngapi may be mentioned. The head-quarters
of the salt industry are at the two villages of Sagyin
and Ganeik in the south-west of the Myaungmya township, a dozen
miles from the sea on the Panmawadi river. Salt is obtained by
evaporation, but the product is coarse and is used almost entirely in
the local ngapi industry. The annual output is about 50,000 maunds,
obtained from 14 factories containing 48 cauldrons of a capacity of
40 gallons each. Ngapi is fish-paste into which all the large surplus
of fish caught in the District is transformed before being sent into
the interior of Burma. Many varieties are produced; but the ngapi
chiefly made here is the damin or sea ngapi, the head-quarters of
the industry being at Labutta, on the right bank of the Ywe river,
20 miles from the coast.
The principal exports are paddy and ngapi. The former is carried by
boat or steamer to either Rangoon or Bassein, according as the one
or the other port is the more accessible. Ngapi, on the other hand,
is sent to all parts of Burma. The imports comprise every article
required by a primitive agricultural or fishing community, such as
piece-goods, hardware, kerosene oil, & c . ; these commodities are
brought by river from Rangoon for the most part. The Irrawaddy
Flotilla Company enjoys the larger share of this trade, but native boats
also play a conspicuous part in the carrying business.
No railways have been constructed; but the connexion of Myaung-
mya, Thlgwin, Einme, and Pantanaw (in Ma-ubin District) by means
of a light railway is under consideration. The only roads are purely
local. Water communications are so plentiful, however, that these
deficiencies have so far not been felt; in fact, no village of any size
is situated far from a navigable waterway. The main steamer route
from Rangoon to Bassein traverses the District by the cross-streams
connecting the Irrawaddy, Pyamalaw, Ywe, and Panmawadi rivers.
The steamers stop at Myaungmya, Wakema, and Shwelaung within
the limits of the District. In addition, the main trade centres—
Shwelaung, Wakema, Kyunpyatthat, Moulmeingyun, Einme, Thigwin,
Myaungmya, and Labutta—are kept in regular communication with
each other, and with the towns of the neighbouring Districts of Bassein
and Ma-ubin, by services of smaller steamers and launches.
The District is divided for administrative purposes into two sub-
divisions : Myaungmya, comprising the M V A U N G M Y A and E I N M E town-
ships ; and Wakema, comprising the W A K E M A and
M O U L M E I N G Y U N townships. These administrative
areas are in charge of the usual executive officers, under whom are
7 taik (or circle) thugyis and 673 ywathugyis or village headmen.
The former are being gradually abolished, their revenue duties being
taken over by the village headmen in accordance with the policy
pursued by the Government of late years. The Executive Engineer
at Myaungmya is in charge of a division comprising Myaungmya,
Ma-ubin, and Pyapon Districts. The District, together with Bassein,
forms a Forest division, with head-quarters at Bassein.
For some considerable time the executive officers of the District
have been almost completely relieved of civil judicial work, and the
new judicial scheme is now in force, Myaungmya being the head-
quarters of the Divisional and Sessions Judge of the Delta Division.
A District Judge has been appointed, and the Deputy-Commissioner
has no cjuties in connexion with civil justice. A subdivisional judge
has been appointed for the two subdivisions of the District, and there
is a special civil judge for the Myaungmya and Einme townships, while
a judge, sitting at Wakema and Moulmeingyun, does the civil work for
the two townships of the Wakema subdivision. Crime is of the type
common to all the delta Districts of the Province. It has increased oi
recent years, but not out of proportion to the growth in population.
Under the Burmese regime the revenue system was the same as that
obtaining in the other Districts of Lower Burma. A tax was assessed
at so much per yoke of oxen or buffaloes, and another impost corre-
sponded more or less to the income tax of modern days. In 1862 acre
rates were fixed in the northern portion of the Myaungmya township,
and remained in force till 1880-r. They varied from R. 1 to Rs. 2 per
acre, the former rate being levied on the exhausted land in the Myaung-
mya circle. The settlement of the Wakema township was carried out
about the same time, and was revised ten years later. The revenue
steadily increased, and in 1879-80 the rates were raised by about
25 per cent, in the Myaungmya township, and by 6 to 25 per cent. in
the townships of Wakema and Pantanaw (the latter now in Ma-ubin
District). This increase d i d not check the extension of cultivation,
which shows that the higher rates d i d not press heavily on the people.
T h e northern portions of the Myaungmya and Wakema townships were
again brought under settlement in 1888-9, when they were divided into
nine assessment tracts (with two soil classes); and the rates then in
existence were replaced by rates on rice land varying from R. 1 to
Rs. 2-10 per acre, on gardens at Rs. 2-8, and on miscellaneous
crops at Rs. 2 per acre. The Einme township (till 1893 part o f Bassein
District) was assessed in 1854 at rates varying from Rs. 1-8 to
Rs. 1-12 per acre. These were modified in 1862, the maximum
rate being raised to Rs. 2-8 in a resettlement in 1881-2. T h e rates
fixed in 1881-2 remained i n force till 1897-8 i n this area. The culti-
vated lands in the south of the Myaungmya township were settled
in 1862, and were not resettled till 1901-2. A t the time of resettle-
ment rates in force varied from R. 1 (on the lands nearest the sea)
to Rs. 2-10 per acre. On resettlement they were modified as
follows. On rice lands the rate ranged from R. 1 (in the extreme
south-west corner) to Rs. 3-4 an acre; on miscellaneous cultivation
the rate was Rs. 1-8 throughout the tract; on gardens, Rs. 2; on
dani palms, Rs. 4 ; on solitary fruit trees, 4 annas each. T h e northern
part of the Myaungmya township and the Einme township were again
settled in 1897-8. The lands were reclassified, the village charge
being substituted for the kwin as the settlement unit, and rates varying
from Rs. 1-4 upwards were sanctioned. The maximum rate for
garden land in this portion of the District is Rs. 5 per acre on betel-
vine and dani plantations, and Rs. 2-8 on other garden and mis-
cellaneous cultivation. The settlement of the southern part of the
Wakema subdivision was completed in 1902-3, the highest rate sanc-
tioned being Rs. 5 per acre for rice, Rs. 10 for betel-vine, and Rs. 5 for
dani. The northern part was taken in hand in 1903-4. An ordinary
rice holding in the Myaungmya township ranges from 10 to 15 acres in
extent, and in the rest of the District from 20 to 25 acres. Owing to
the recent formation of the District and the frequent modifications of
its boundaries, comparative revenue statistics cannot be given. The
land revenue in 1903-4 amounted to 11-7 lakhs, and the capitation tax
to 2-5 lakhs; the total revenue was 20 lakhs.
The District cess fund, derived mainly from a 10 per cent, cess on
the land revenue, and utilized for various local needs, had an income
in 1903-4 of i-6 lakhs; and the chief items of expenditure were public
works (Rs. 48,000) and education (Rs. 18,000). The only municipality
i n the District is M Y A U N G M Y A , but W A K E M A is managed by a town
The civil police force is under the orders of the District Superin-

tendent, aided by one Assistant Superintendent and 4 inspectors. The

lower grades are made up of 8 head constables, 36 sergeants, and
206 constables, distributed in 12 police stations and 3 outposts. The
military police force consists of 3 native officers, 8 havilddrs, and
162 men, stationed at Myaungmya, at the various township head-
quarters, and at Thigwin, Shwelaung, Kyumpyatthat, and Kyaikpi.
The jail at Myaungmya has an enclosure capable of providing for
1,000 prisoners, but the actual accommodation in buildings is for 500,
which is ample at present. The only occupations carried on by the
prisoners are the manufacture of jail clothing for supply to other jails,
and gardening.
The standard of education is fairly high. The percentage of males
recorded as literate in 1901 was 42-8, and that of females 7·2, or 25·9
for both sexes together. In 1904 the District contained 7 secondary,
155 primary, and 256 private (elementary) schools, with 6,734 male and
1,366 female pupils. The total includes a considerable number of
Karen seminaries. Myaungmya town possesses an Anglo-vernacular
middle school, with an attendance of about 100, which is maintained
by the municipality. The public expenditure on education in 1903-4
amounted to Rs. 26,600, of which the District cess fund provided
Rs 18,000, Provincial funds Rs. 4,300, municipal funds Rs. 1,500,
and fees Rs. 2,800.
T h e District contains two hospitals, with forty-nine beds. In 1903
the number of cases treated was 17,750, including 685 in-patients, and
419 operations were performed. The total expenditure was Rs. 8,000,
of which municipal funds contributed Rs. 4,900 and Local funds
Rs. 2,800.
In 1903-4 the number of persons successfully vaccinated was 12,642,
representing 42 per 1,000 of population. Vaccination is compulsory
only in Myaungmya and Wakema towns.
[ W . E. Lowry, Settlement Report (1899); J. Mackenna, Settlement
Report (1903); Major F. D. Maxwell, Report on Inland and Sea
Fisheries (1904).]
M y a u n g m y a Subdivision.—Western subdivision of Myaungmya
District, Lower Burma, comprising the M Y A U N G M Y A and E I N M E
M y a u n g m y a Township.—Township of Myaungmya District,
Lower Burma, lying between 15 0 47' and 160 43' N. and 94 0 36' and
95 0 13' E., w i t h an area of 1,069 square miles. It is comprised between
the Pyamalaw and Panmawadi rivers on the east and west, and extends
from the Myaungmya river to the sea. It is for the most part flat,
and would be a typical delta area were it not for a small tract of com-
paratively hilly country which rises to the south-west of the township
head-quarters, forming the only high land in the District. The great
majority of the population occupy the north-east, and large stretches
of jungle cover the southern portions. The population was 53,224
in 189T, and 75,343 in 1901, distributed in 227 villages and one town,
M V A U N G M Y A (population, 4,711), the head-quarters. About one-third
of the total are Karens. In 1903-4 the area under cultivation was
205 square miles, paying Rs. 3,15,000 land revenue; and the total
revenue amounted to Rs. 5,68,000.
M y a u n g m y a Town.—Head-quarters of the District and township
of the same name in the Irrawaddy Division of Lower Burma, situated
in 16° 35' N. and 95 0 E., on the Myaungmya river, close to the western
border of the District. Myaungmya is a District of recent creation,
and its head-quarters is one of the smallest in the Province. The
population in 1901 was 4,711. Portions of the urban area are low-
lying, but the civil station is not unpleasantly situated on fairly high
ground behind the native houses which cluster round the river bank.
There is little of note in the history of the town beyond what is
embodied in the District article. It was the scene of the first rising
among the Karens in 1853, and became the District head-quarters
forty years later. It contains no pagodas or other remains of more
than local importance. The municipality of Myaungmya was estab-
lished in 1886. The municipal income during the ten years ending
1901 averaged Rs. 18,000. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 26,000,
principally derived from tolls on markets (Rs. 17,500) and house tax
(Rs. 2,000). The expenditure amounted to Rs. 36,000, the chief
items of outlay being conservancy (Rs. 5,000) and hospitals (Rs. 5,800).
The only large municipal scheme worthy of mention is the construction
of a market recently undertaken at a cost of Rs. 44,000. There are
no industries of importance in the town. The municipal school is
the most important in the District, with an attendance of about
100 scholars. The municipal hospital has thirty beds.
Myebon.—Coast township of Kyaukpyu District, Lower Burma,
lying between 190 38' and 20 0 16' N. and 93 0 13' and 93 0 5 1 ' E., with
an area of 441 square miles. The head-quarters are at the village
of Myebon (population, 1,120), on an island at the northern end of
Hunter's Bay, in the extreme north-west corner of the District. The
township is hilly and intersected by tidal creeks. The population was
20,880 in 1891 and 24,100 in 1901. The number of villages is 146.
The majority of the population are Buddhists, but there is a sprinkling
of war/worshipping Chins in its hill areas. The population is scattered
and the density (54 persons per square mile) is low. About 58 square
miles were cultivated in 1903-4, paying Rs. 61,000 land revenue.
Myede.—South-eastern subdivision of Thayetmyo District, Burma,
conterminous with the Alianmyo township, and lying to the east of the
Irrawaddy, between 18 0 55' and 19 0 30' N. and 95 0 9' and 95 0 52' E.

It has an area of 912 square miles, and the population was 76,563 in
1891 and 66,672 in 1901. The township contains one town, ALLANMYO
(population, 10,207),the head-quarters; and 322 villages. The rainfall
is precarious, and the large decrease in inhabitants since 1891 is due
to emigration to the rich delta Districts of the Irrawaddy Division.
About one-eighth of the population are Chins, inhabiting the slopes
of the Pegu Yoma, which separates the township on the east from
Toungoo District. The township, which is intersected by low hills,
contained 85 square miles under cultivation in 1903-4, paying
Rs. 63,000 land revenue.
M y e l a t Division (Southern Shan States).—A group of Shan States,
Burma, bordering on the Meiktila Division of Upper Burma, and
consisting of the States of H S A M O N G H K A M , K Y A W K K U , K Y O N G , L O I - A I ,
PANGTARA, P O I L A , Y E N G A N , and L O I L O N G . They are in charge of an
Assistant Superintendent stationed at Hsamonghkam (Thamakan), a
village near the Thazi-Taunggyi road. The Assistant Superintendent
also supervises the administration of the Shan State of YAWNGHWE.
Myher.—State in the Baghelkhand Agency, Central India. See
Myingun.—South-western township of Magwe District, Upper
Burma, lying along the Irrawaddy, between 190 43' and 20 0 8' N. and
95 0 1' and 95 0 28' E., with an area of 447 square miles. The soil
consists mainly of indaing, a dry sandy earth on which sesamum and
millets are the only crops. The population was 24,354 in 1891, and
26,029 in 1901, distributed in 101 villages, Myingun (population, 1,342),
on the Irrawaddy south of Magwe, being the head-quarters. The
area cultivated in 1903-4 was 101 square miles, and the land revenue
and thathameda amounted to Rs. 69,000.
M y i n g y a n District.—A dry zone District in the Meiktila Division
of Upper Burma, lying between 20 0 32' and 21 0 46' N. and 94 0 43'
and 96 0 1' E . , with an area of 3,137 square miles. On the west it
is bounded by the Irrawaddy river, on the north by Sagaing District,
on the east by Kyaukse and Meiktila, and on the south by Magwe
District. It is an irregularly shaped stretch of arid
country, about twice as long as it is broad, stretching Physical
south-west and north-east along the eastern bank
of the Irrawaddy. Most of it is dry undulating plain-land, diversified
by isolated hill masses. The more northerly of these clumps of
upland are comparatively insignificant POPA H I L L , however, near
the south-east corner, is a conspicuous eminence, forming the most
noticeable feature of the District. It is more or less conical in shape;
its origin is volcanic, and it has two peaks of almost equal height nearly
5,000 feet above sea-level While the summit is bare, the lower slopes
are covered with gardens, where fruit trees flourish, for owing to its
position in the centre of the plains, Popa attracts and catches a liberal
rainfall. On the south and east of the main central cone are many
spurs extending to the Pin valley and Meiktila. North of the peak
rough and hilly ground extends to the Taungtha hills, which rise from
the plain a few miles south of Myingyan town, and attain a height
of nearly 2,000 feet. Other stretches of upland deserving of mention
are the Taywindaing ridge traversing the Pagan subdivision in the
south-west, and the Yondo, the Sekkyadaung, and the Mingun hills
in the Myingyan and Natogyi townships, in the extreme north of the
District on the borders of Sagaing.
The only river of importance is the Irrawaddy, which skirts the
western border. Entering the District near Sameikkon in the north,
it runs in a south-westerly direction for a few miles, then south till it
reaches Myingyan town, where it makes a curve to the west, forming,
just off Myingyan, a large island called Sinde, which, in the dry season,
interposes several miles of sandbank between the steamer channel and
the town. After passing this bend, the river again takes a south-
westerly course till it reaches Nyaungu (Pagan). Here the channel
turns south for a while, then again south-west to Sale, and finally south-
east till the southern border of the District is reached. In the channel
are numerous fertile islands, on which tobacco, beans, rice, chillies,
and miscellaneous crops are grown. Parts of these islands are washed
away every year, and fresh islands spring up in their place, a source
of endless disputes among the neighbouring thugyis. Besides the
Irrawaddy, the only perennial streams are the Popa chaung in the
south and the Hngetpyawaing chaung in the north. Only the first
of these, however, has an appreciable economic value. The principal
intermittent watercourses are the Sindewa, the Pyaungbya, and the
Sunlun streams. For the greater part of the year the beds of these
are dry sandy channels, but after a heavy fail of rain they are converted
into raging torrents.
The rocks exposed belong entirely to the Tertiary system, and
consist for the most part of soft sandstones of pliocene age thrown
into long flat undulations or anticlines by lateral pressure. In some
instances denudation has removed the pliocene strata from the crests
of the more compressed folds, and exposed the miocene clays and
sandstones beneath. These low ridges are separated by broad tracts
covered with alluvium. The clay varies in consistency, but is generally
light and always friable on the surface, however hard it may be below.
The sandstone is of light yellow colour. It forms thick beds, which
frequently contain nodular or kidney-shaped concretions of extremely
hard siliceous sandstone. The concretions, which are sometimes of
considerable size, are arranged in strings parallel to the bedding, and
project out of the surrounding softer materials, forming a very con-
spicuous feature in the landscape. In parts of the District, chiefly
in the south, silicified trunks of trees are found, some of great length.
Distinct from the rocks found in the plains is the volcanic Popa
region. Dr. Bianford, in 1862, reported that he found six different
beds represented on the hill and in its environs, which were as
follows: lava of variable thickness capping the whole; soft sands
and sandy clays, yellow, greenish, and micaceous; a white sandy bed,
abounding in fragments of pumice; volcanic ash, containing quartz
and pebbles; ferruginous gravel and sandy clay, containing quartz
and pebbles and numerous concretions of peroxide of iron; coarse
sand, mostly yellowish, with white specks.
The cutch-tree is found throughout the District, but it is fast dis-
appearing. Not only is it cut and its very roots dug out of the ground
to be boiled down for cutch, but the young trees are much exploited
for harrow teeth. The thitya (Shorea obtusa), tanaung (Acacia Icuco-
p/t/oea), letpan (Bombax malabaricum), nyaung (Ficus), and tamarind
(Tamarindus indica) are the commonest trees. Toddy-palms (Borassus
flabellifer) are very plentiful, and form an appreciable part of the wealth
of the people. Bamboos are found on the low hills on the Meiktila
border and on Popa. The jack-tree (Artocarpus integrifolia) is common
about Popa, and the zibuy (Cicea macrocarpa) and the zi (Zizyphus
Jujuba) produce fruit which is exported by the ton to Lower Burma,
besides being consumed in the District itself. On Popa a little teak
and a number of thitya and ingyin (Pentacme siamensis) trees are found.
Barely fifty years have elapsed since elephants, sambar, and tigers
roamed the forests in the neighbourhood of Popa. Since the occupa-
tion of Upper Burma, however, no elephants have visited the District,
and the sambar and tiger have disappeared, though there are still
numerous leopards, and on Popa a few specimens of the serow
(Ncmorhaedus sumatrensis) have been seen and shot. The thamin
(brow-antlered deer) is scarce, but hog and barking deer are common,
the former in the heavier jungle, the latter everywhere. Wild dogs,
which hunt in packs, are found in the Natogyi and Kyaukpadaung
The climate of the District is dry and healthy, the atmosphere being
practically free from moisture for the greater part of the year. In
March and April, and often for several days together throughout the
rains, a strong, high, dry, south-west wind sweeps the District, a trial to
human beings and a curse to the crops. Popa, thanks to its elevation,
has a pleasantly cool climate during the hot season, but has never been
systematically made use of as a sanitarium. The maximum tempera-
ture in the Irrawaddy valley varied in 1901 from 105 0 in May to 85°
in December, and the minimum from 75 0 in May to 56 0 in December.
In July, a typical rains month, the mean was about 8o° in the same
Owing to its position in the dry zone, the District suffers from
a fickle and scanty rainfall. An excessively heavy downpour is often
followed by a lengthy spell of dry scorching heat; and it may be said
that not much oftener than twice in the year on an average does the
sky become black, and true monsoon conditions prevail. At other
times the rainfall is confined to small showers and thunderstorms.
It is, moreover, not only meagre, but capricious in its course, and
leaves tracts here and there altogether unvisited. The rainfall in 1901,
which was on the whole normal, varied from 22½ inches at Pagan
and Sale to 30 inches in the more hilly townships of Taungtha and
The early history of the District is bound up with that of the famous
Pagan dynasty, the beginnings of which are wrapped in a mist of
nebulous tradition. According to legend, the king-
dom of Pagan was founded early in the second
century by Thamudarit, the nephew of a king of Prome, when that
town was destroyed by the Talaings. This monarch is said to have
established his capital at Pugama near Nyaungu, and to have been
followed by kings who reigned at Pugama, Thiripyitsaya, Tampawadi,
and Paukkarama (or Pagan) for nearly 1,200 years. One of the most
famous of these early rulers was Thinga Yaza, who threw off the yellow
robe of the pongyi and seized the throne, and is credited with having
left a mark in history by his establishment of the Burmese era, starting
in A . D . 658. The whole history of this early period, however, is unre-
liable. Pagan itself is said to have been founded in 847 by a later
king, Pyinbya; and here we have evidence from other sources, which
more or less corroborates the date given. The Prome chronicles
record a second destruction of Prome by the Talaings in 742, which
led to the migration of the reigning house northwards to Pagan.
Prome was in all probability raided several times in these early days,
and even the later of the two sackings alluded to occurred at a period
which can hardly be dignified with the title of historical. The early
annals are of little scientific value, but from the accumulated mass of
myth and tradition there emerge the two facts that the Pagan dynasty
originated from Prome, and that it was finally established in the seats
it was to make famous not later than the middle of the ninth century.
The son and successor of Pyinbya, the founder of Pagan, was murdered
by one of his grooms, a scion of the royal family, who succeeded him.
One of the murdered king's wives, however, escaped and gave birth to
a son, who eventually regained the throne and became the father of
Anawrata. This great ruler conquered Thaton, and from the sack
of the Taking capital brought away the king Manuha and a host of

captive artificers, whom he employed in building the pagodas for which

Pagan has been famous ever since. He died after a reign of forty-
two years. His great-grandson, Alaungsithu, extended his sway over
Arakan and reigned seventy-five years; he was succeeded by the cruel
Narathu, who was assassinated by hired Indian bravoes, and was
known afterwards as the Ka/akya min ('the king overthrown by the
foreigners'). While Narapadisithu, one of the last named monarch's
successors, was on the throne the kingdom attained the zenith of its
glory, to crumble rapidly in the thirteenth century during the reign of
Tayokpyemin, a monarch who earned his title by flying from Pagan
before a Chinese invasion which he had brought on his country by the
murder of an ambassador. The last king, Kyawzwa, was enticed to
a monastery by the three sons of Theingabo, a powerful Shan Sawbwa,
who compelled him to assume the yellow robe, and divided among
themselves the residue of the Pagan kingdom. Since that time Pagan
has played a comparatively unimportant part in Burmese history.
Yandabo, where the treaty was signed in 1826 which put an end to the
first Burmese War, lies on the lrrawaddy in the north of the District.
A District, with its head-quarters at Myingyan, was constituted in
1885 as the Mandalay expedition passed up the Jrrawaddy, and Pagan
was made the head-quarters of a second Deputy-Commissioner's
charge. These two Districts contained, in addition to the areas now
forming Myingyan, portions of Meiktila and Magwe, and the whole
of what is now Pakokku District : but Pakokku and Meiktila were
shortly afterwards formed, and on the creation of the former Pagan
was incorporated in Myingyan. At annexation the local officials sur-
rendered to the expedition, and there was no open hostility. The
Burmese governor, however, after remaining loyal for six months,
joined the Shwegyobyu pretender at Pakangyi in Pakokku District.
During these early days of British dominion trade flourished on the
river bank, but throughout 1886 portions of the District were practically
held by dacoits, especially in the tract south of Pagan. The northern
and eastern areas, however, were kept quiet to a certain extent by the
establishment of posts at Sameikkon on the lrrawaddy, and at Natogyi
inland in the north-east of the District; and combined operations from
Myingyan and Ava put a stop to the depredations of a leader who
called himself Thinga Yaza. But the mountain valleys about the base
of Popa long remained the refuge of cattle-lifters, robbers, and receivers
of stolen property, and at least one dacoit was still at large in this tract
ten years after annexation. In 1887 a leader named Nga Cho gave
considerable trouble in the south, and a second outlaw, Nga Tok,
harried the north. The latter was killed in 1888; but the former and
another leader, Yan Nyun, famous for his cruelties, disturbed the Dis-
trict for two years more. By 1889 the whole of Myingyan, excepting
voL- XVIII. 1
the Popa tract, was free from dacoits; but it was not till 1890, when
Yan Nyun surrendered, that the entire District could be regarded as
pacified. Nga Cho remained at large six years longer, but ceased to
be a dangerous leader when Van Nyun came in.
The chief objects of archaeological interest are the ruined temples of
PAGAN. I n the Natogyi township, at Pyinzi, are the ruins of a moat
and wall said to mark the site of the residence of a prosperous prince
of olden days. In the Taungtha township, at Konpato, is the Pato
pagoda, where a large festival is held every November. Near East
Nyaungu is the Kyaukku, or rock-cave pagoda, said to have been built
to commemorate the' floating of a stone which a pongyi, charged with
a breach of his monastic vows, flung into the river, establishing his
innocence by means o f the miracle. I n the cliff under the pagoda are
several caves inhabited by pqngyis ; and near them are the caves of the
Hngetpyittaung kyaung, reputed to have been built for Buddhist mis-
sionaries from India, and to be connected by an underground passage
with the Kyaukku pagoda, more than a mile distant. Festivals are
held in November at the Zedigyi pagoda at Sale; in February at
the Thegehla pagoda at Pakannge, in the Sale township; in November
at the Myatshweku pagoda at Kyaukpadaung; and in July at the
Shinbinsagyo pagoda at Uyin, in the Sale township.
The population was 351,465 in 1801, and 356,052 in 1901. Its
below —
5 Number of lu
Area in squ;

Number o
and 1001.

square mil

persons able
read and



Township. Se
Myingyan 422 1 175 81,978 194 + 15 20,418
Taungtha 516 203 57.729 112 ... 13,430
Natogyi 395 160 57,338 '45 + 8 10,862
Pagan . 582I 189 56,971 98 + 15 13,178
Sale . 498... 157 33,993 68 -25 7,601I
Kyaukpadaung 724 304 68,045 94 + 2 13,853
Distr ict total 3,137 2 1,18S 356,05.2 114 + 1 79,342

T h e two towns are MYINGVAN, the head-quarters, and Nyaungu;

The population has been almost stationary for several years past, and
has increased materially only in the rather thinly inhabited township of
Pagan. Elsewhere there has been a decrease, or the rise has been
insignificant. Partial famines, due to scarcity of rain, have caused
considerable emigration from the Sale township, and similar causes
have operated elsewhere. A regular ebb and flow of population
between the Districts of Meiktila, Yamethin, and Myingyan is regu-
lated largely by the barometer, but, owing to the absence of railways
in "Myingyan till lately, the inward flow in the more promising seasons
has been checked. Though its rate of growth has been slow, Myingyan
ranks high among the Districts of Upper Burma in density of popula-
tion, and the rural population of the Myingyan township is as thick as
in many of the delta areas. Buddhism is the prevailing religion; in
fact, the adherents of other religions form less than I per cent. of the
total, and all but a fraction of the inhabitants speak Burmese.
The number of Burmans in 1901 was 354,100, or more than 99 per
rent, of the total population. The District is one of the few in Burma
that has no non-Burman indigenous races : and the absence till recently
of a railway is doubtless responsible for the smallness of the Indian
colony, which numbers only about 1,400, equally divided between
Hindus and Musalmans. In 1901 the number of persons directly
dependent on agriculture was 224,095, representing 63 per cent, of
the total population, compared with 66, the corresponding percentage
for the Province as a whole.
There are only 180 Christians, 109 of whom are natives, and there
is at present comparatively little active missionary work.
Myingyan is, for the most part, a stretch of rolling hills, sparsely
covered with stunted vegetation, and cut up by deep nullahs; and most
of the cultivation is found in the long and generally
narrow valleys separating the ridges, and on the lower
slopes of the rising ground. The cultivated areas occur in patches.
Rich land is scarce, the rainfall is precarious, and one of the main
characteristics of the country is the large extent of ya or ' dry upland '
cultivation. The District may be divided for agricultural purposes
into four tracts - alluvial, upland, valley, and the Popa hill area—while
the crops grown on these may be split up into the following seven
groups: permanently irrigated rice, may in rice, mogaung rice, ya crops,
kaing crops, taze crops, and gardens. Both kaing and taze crops are
grown on inundated land in the river-side area. The ' d r y crops,'
which are of the ordinary kinds (millet, sesamum, and the like), are
found away from the Irrawaddy. Some little distance from the river
is a strip of poor land running north and south through the west of
the Myingyan and Taungtha townships and the east of the Kyauk-
padaung township, mainly devoted to the cultivation of millet, with
sesamum and pulse as subordinate crops, often as separate harvests
on one holding. South-west of this strip, and separated from it by
the mass of Popa and the hills branching from it, is the poorest land
in the District, occupying the greater part of the Pagan and Sale
townships. T h e staple crop here is early sesamum, followed, as a
second harvest, by peas, beans, or lu. The uplands occupying the
northern portion of the Myingyan township, the western portion of
1 2
the Natogyi township, and the eastern portion of Taungtha township
form, with the adjoining parts of Sagaing and Meiktila, the great
cotton-growing tract of Burma, about 200 square miles in extent,
nearly half of which lies within Myingyan. Mogaung (rain-irrigated)
rice lands are cultivated in the east of the Natogyi township in the
extreme north-east of the District, while mayin is grown in the beds of
tanks, and the lower slopes of Popa are covered with plantain groves.
The soil in the two richest townships (Natogyi and Myingyan) is loam
and clay, and the rainfall is more regular here than in the poorest
townships (Sale and Pagan), where gravel and sandstone predominate.
The following tabic gives the chief agricultural statistics for 1903-4,
in square miles:

Township. Total area. Cultivated). Irrigated Forest*.

Myingyan . , ,• 422 183 1

Taungtha 516 172
Natogyi 161
395 4 468
Pagan 582 150
Sale . 498 113 |
Kyaukpailnung 724 196 6
Total 3,137 975 11 468

Nearly 140 square miles of the area cultivated in 1903 4 bore

two harvests, and about 128 square miles failed to mature. In the
same year millet covered about 420, and sesamum (chiefly the early
variety) 336 square miles. Pulse of various kinds was grown on
137, and rice on only 81 square miles, an area quite insufficient for
the needs of the District. Cotton covered 88 square miles, and
1,900 acres were under orchards, the greater part being plantain
Repairs to the Kanna tank have added 4,000 acres to the rice
lands in the Natogyi township, but elsewhere the cultivable area has
slightly decreased of late, in consequence of the formation of ' reserved '
forests. The only new crop that has met with success is the Pondi
cherry ground-nut, which was introduced a few years ago. In 1903-4
about 800 acres of land were under this crop. It gives a large out
turn and is very remunerative. The experimental cultivation of Havana
and Virginia tobacco has not met with success. The leaves of these
varieties are 'looked upon as too small, and the Burmans decline to
take the trouble to cure them after American methods.
Practically no advances have been made under the Land Improve-
ment Loans A c t On the other hand, advances under the Agriculturists'
Loans Act, for the purchase of seed-grain and plough cattle, are very-
popular. The advances, which averaged more than Rs. 25,000 in
the three years ending 1904, are made on the mutual security of

the villagers requiring loans; their recovery on due date is easily

effected, and no loss has been caused to the state by any failure in
The District has always been noted for its bullocks, whose quality
is due to the large areas of pasturage that exist on lands not fertile
enough for cultivation, or only occasionally cultivated. Cattle-breeding
is practised by all the well-to-do cultivators to a greater or less extent.
Goat-breeding has largely increased of late. Buffaloes are kept along
the banks of the Irrawaddy, but are rare in the interior. A few sheep
are reared in Myingyan town by butchers. Myingyan has always held
a high place among the pony-breeding centres of Burma ; and locally
the palm is awarded to Popa by the Burmans, who credit Popa grass
and water with special strength-giving properties, and have given the
local breed the name of kyauksaung-myo. The necessity of allotting
grazing-grounds has not yet arisen, for on the uplands there is abun-
dance of waste land. Inland, away from the Irrawaddy, the question
of watering the live-stock is often a difficult one.
Except in the basin of the Pin stream, which supplies a few private
canals, there is practically no irrigation beyond what is afforded by
tanks entirely dependent on the rainfall or high river floods. The
majority of these are in the north-east of the District, and the most
important are the Kanna and the Pyogan. In 1901-2 the newly
repaired Kanna tank began to water the fields below it, with the
result that land, which used formerly to be cultivated but had dropped
out of cultivation, is now being eagerly taken up. It is estimated
to be capable of irrigating 4,000 acres. The dam was seriously
breached in 1903, but has been repaired. The Pyogan tank irri-
gates about 1,000 acres. In the neighbourhood of Pyinzi, in the
Natogyi township, a number of private tanks water a considerable
area : but in the whole District only 6,800 acres were returned as
irrigated in 1903-4. Of this area, 2,900 acres drew their supplies
from Government works.
In 1901 the District contained 73 fisheries, of which 57 were in
the Myingyan and 16 in the Pagan township. The only important
one is the Daung, which lies about 5 miles to the south-west of
Myingyan town, and dries up enough to produce may in rice from
November to April. A large number of the fishermen leave the
District annually at the end of November for the delta Districts and
Katha, returning to Myingyan when the rains set in.
With the exception of a tract in the vicinity of Popa, the forests
of Myingyan consist chiefly of dry scrub growth. Here the only
plant of any importance is the Acacia Catechu-, yielding the cutch of
commerce. The cutch industry used to be flourishing, but has de-
clined of late years owing to the exhaustion of the supply, due to
overwork in the past. Approaching Popa the scrub growth merges
into dry forest with ingyin, and here and there thifya and teak of
poor description, while the old crater of Popa and the slopes on the
south and east sides of the hill are clothed with evergreen forest.
At the close of 1900-1 there were no 'reserved' forests in the Dis-
trict, but since then 74 square miles have been gazetted as Reserves.
The area of unreserved forests is 394 square miles; but hardly any-
thing of value is left in any of the jungle tracts, and the total forest
revenue averages only about Rs. 600.
Jron ore and sulphur have been found in the Pagan township, but
are not worked. In several villages in the Kyaukpadaung township,
and at Sadaung in the Natogyi township, salt is manufactured by
primitive methods for local consumption. Petroleum oil has been
found by the Burma Oil Company in the neighbourhood of Chauk
village in the Singu circle of the Pagan township. The oil is said
to be extraordinarily low-flashing, of a quality similar to that obtained
from the Yenangyat wells. A refinery for extracting the naphtha has
been b u i l t ; and in 1903 the company was employing a staff of
7 Americans, 47 natives of India, and 55 Burmans. The Rangoon
O i l Company is also boring within the limits of the District.
Cotton-weaving is practised by women on a small scale in nearly
every village, the yarn used being generally imported from England
or Bombay. A few goldsmiths, who make orna-
Trade and ments for native wear, are found in the towns and
large villages; and at Myingyan the inhabitants
of one whole street devote their time to casting bells, images,
and gongs from brass. Pottery is made at Yandabo and Kadaw
in the Myingyan township, and in a few other localities, but
only as an occupation subsidiary to agriculture. Lacquer-ware is
manufactured by the people of Old Pagan, West Nyaungu, and the
adjoining villages. The framework of the articles manufactured is
composed of thin slips of bamboos closely plaited together. This
is rubbed with a mixture of cow-dung and paddy husk to fill up the
interstices, after which a coat of thick black varnish (thiysi) is laid on
the surface. An iron style is then used to grave the lines, dots, and
circles which form the pattern on the outer portion of the box.
Several successive coats of cinnabar, yellow orpiment, indigo, and
Indian ink are next put on, the box or other article being turned on
a primitive lathe so as to rub off the colour not required in the pattern.
After each coat of colour has been applied, the article is polished by
rubbing with oil and paddy husk. T h e workmen who apply the
different colours are generally short-lived and liable to disease; their
gums are always spongy and discoloured. Mats and baskets are woven
in the villages on Popa and in the neighbourhood, where bamboos

grow plentifully. The principal factory is a cotton-ginning mill in

Myingyan town owned by a Bombay firm. It is doing a large business,
and buys up nearly three-fourths of the raw cotton grown in the
District, having thus replaced the hand cotton-gins which existed
in large numbers before its establishment. In addition to cotton-
ginning, the m i l l extracts oil from cotton seed, and makes cotton-seed
cake and country soap. Four other steam ginning factories have been
established; and keen competition has caused the prices of the raw
material to rule high, and has greatly benefited the cultivators.
The external trade is monopolized by Myingyan town, Sameikkon,
Taungtha, and Y o n / i n in the Myingyan, and by Nyaungu, Singu,
Sale, and Kyaukye in the Pagan subdivision. The principal traders
at Myingyan are Chinese and Indians, but elsewhere the Burmans still
have most of the local business in their hands. The chief exports are
beans, gram, tobacco, cotton, jaggery, chillies, cuteh, wild plums,
lacquer-ware, hides, cattle, and ponies. Chief among the imports are
rice, paddy, salt and salted fish, hardware, piece-goods, yarn, bamboos,
timber, betel-nuts, and petroleum. The imports come in and the ex-
ports go out by railway and steamer. Most of the business is done
at the main trade centres, but professional pedlars also scour the
whole District, hawking imported goods of all sorts among the rural
The branch railway line from Thazi through Meiktila to Myingyan,
commenced in 1897 as a famine relief work, has a length of about
32 miles within the District. The country is well provided with roads.
Those maintained by the Public Works department have a length
of 203 miles, the most important running from Myingyan to Mahlaing
(31 miles), from Myingyan to Natogyi (19 miles), and on to Pyinzi
hear the Kyaukse boundary (15 miles), from Myingyan to Pagan
(42 miles), from Pagan to Kyaukpadaung and Letpabya, near the
borders of Magwe District (50 miles), and from Kyaukpadaung to
Sattein and Taungtha (45 miles). About 400 miles of serviceable
fair-weather roads, rather more than one-third of which are in the
Pagan township, are maintained by the District fund.
The only navigable river is the Irrawaddy, which forms the western
border. The Irrawaddy Flotilla Company's steamers (mail and cargo)
call at Myingyan, Sameikkon, Nyaungu, Singu, and Sale regularly
several times a week each way, and there are daily steamers from
Myingyan to Mandalay and Pakokku. A large part of the trade of
the riverain tract is carried in country boats. The District contains
19 public ferries—two managed by the Myingyan municipality, one by
the Nyaungu town committee, and 16 by the Deputy-Commissioner
for the benefit of the Myingyan District fund.
The earliest famine still remembered occurred in 1856-7, when the
rains are said to have failed completely and the crops withered in
the fields. No steamers were available to bring up rice from Lower
Burma, nor was there any railway to carry emigrants
down; the result was that the people died in the
fields gnawing the bark of trees, or on the highways wandering in
search of food, or miserably in their own homes. The more desperate
formed themselves into gangs, and murdered, robbed, and plundered.
The Burmese government imported rice from the delta, but its price
rose to, and remained at, famine level. From the epoch of this famine
changes came upon the country. It had brought home to the culti-
vators the unreliability of rice ; and the next few years saw an increase
in the area under sesamum, cotton, and tejra, and the introduction of
joivar. The years preceding the annexation in 1885 were bad, and
in 1891-2 there was distress. In 1896-7 the early rain did not fall,
and the early sesamum, the most important crop in the District, failed
completely. No rain fell in either August or September, the November
showers never came to fill the ear, and famine resulted. Relief works
were opened without delay, and the total number of units (in terms
of one day) relieved from November, 1896, to November, 1897, was
four and a half millions. Remissions of thathameda owing to the
famine amounted to nearly 4 lakhs. A total of 1½ lakhs was expended
out of the Indian Charitable Relief Fund on aid to the sufferers, and
nearly 1 lakh was spent in granting agricultural loans in 1896-7 and
1897-8. The total cost of the famine operations exceeded 11 lakhs.
The most important relief work carried out was the Meiktila-Myingyan
The District is divided for administrative purposes into two sub-
divisions: Myingyan, comprising the M Y I N G Y A N , T A U N G T H A , and
NATOGYI townships; and Pagan, comprising the
PAGAN, SALE, and K V A U K P A D A U N G townships. These
are staffed by the usual executive officers, under whom are 777 village
headmen, 436 of whom draw commission on revenue collections. At
head-quarters are an akunwun (in subordinate charge of the revenue),
a treasury officer, and a superintendent of land records, with a staff
of 8 inspectors and 70 surveyors. The District forms a subdivision of
the Meiktila Public Works division, and (with Meiktila and Kyaukse
Districts) the Kyaukse subdivision of the Mandalay Forest division.
The District, subdivisional, and township courts are as a rule
presided over by the usual executive officers. An officer of the
Provincial Civil Service is additional judge of the District court,
spending half the month at Myingyan and half at Pakokku ; and the
treasury officer, Myingyan, has been appointed additional judge of
the Myingyan township court. The prevailing form of crime in the
District is cattle-theft. Litigation is, on the whole, of the ordinary type.

In king Mindon's time thathameda was introduced into the District,

and in 1867 the rate is said to have been Rs. 3, while in the following
year it rose to Rs. 5. The average seems to have fluctuated; but
at the time of the British occupation it was nominally Rs. 10 per
household, though the actual incidence was probably less than this.
In addition to thathameda, royal land taxes were paid on islands, land
known as konayadaw, and mayin fields. After annexation revenue was
not as a rule assessed on mayin rice land, but was paid on the other
two classes of royal l a n d - in the case of island land at acre rates (from
1892 onwards); in the case of konayadaw at a rate representing the
money value of one-fourth of the gross produce. The only unusual
tenure found in the District was that under which the kyedan or com-
munal lands in 47 circles in the Pagan and Kyaukpadaung townships
were held. In former days the people had the right to hold, but not
to alienate, these lands, and any person who left the circle forfeited
the right to his holding. No rents were paid to the (Town for the
land, but military service had to be performed if required. The District
was brought under summary settlement during the seasons 1899-1901,
and in 1901-2 the former land revenue system was superseded by the
arrangement now in force. Under this, the rates on non-state rice
land vary from 15 annas per acre on mogattng to Rs. 3 on irrigated
rice ; on state lands the rate is a third as much again. On ya land
the minimum is 4 annas and the maximum Rs. r - 4 per acre, and
non-state land is assessed at the same rate as state land. The assess-
ment on orchards varies from Rs. 1-14 on non-state plantain groves
in the plains to Rs. 20 on state betel vineyards. Plantains on Popa
pay Rs. 3 or Rs. 4 per acre, according as they are on non-state or
state land ; and all other garden crops (mangoes, jacks, toddy-palms,
&c.) pay Rs. 3, whatever the nature of the land. On riverain bobabaing
land (kaing or faze) rates vary from Rs. 1-8 for the least valuable
crops to Rs. 5-4 for onions and sweet potatoes, the state land rates
being one-third higher. If an area is twice cropped, only the more
valuable crop is assessed. The thathameda rate per household was
reduced from Rs. 10 to Rs. 3 in 1901.
The growth of the revenue since 1890 1 is shown in the following
table, in thousands of rupees :—
J 1890-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Land revenue . . 13 45 4,45

Total revenue. . 5,92 7,77 9,21

U n t i i the introduction of settlement rates, thathameda was by far

the most important source of revenue in the District. It fell from
Rs. 6,40,000 in 1900-1 to Rs. 2,23,000 in 1903-4.
T h e income of the District fund in 1903 4 was Rs. 17,200, which is
devoted mainly to public works. There is one municipality, M V I N -
GYAN. Pagan was formerly a municipality, but in 1903 a body known
as the Nyaungu town committee took the place of the municipal
The District Superintendent of police has under him 2 Assistant
Superintendents (in charge of the Myingyan and Pagan subdivisions),
2 inspector;;, 13 head constables, 38 sergeants, and 397 constables,
distributed in 11 stations and 15 outposts. The military police belong
to the Mandalay battalion, and their sanctioned strength is 205 of all
ranks, of whom 145 are stationed at Myingyan, 30 at Nyaungu, and 30
at Kyaukpadaung.
A Central jail is maintained at Myingyan, and a District jail, mainly
for leper prisoners, at Pagan. The Myingyan jail has accommodation
for 1,322 prisoners, who do wheat-grinding, carpentry, blacksmith's
work, cane-work, and weaving and gardening. The Pagan jail contains
about 60 convicts, half of them lepers. In the leper section only the
lightest of industries are carried on ; in the non-leper section the usual
jail labour is enforced.
Owing, no doubt, to its large proportion of Burmans, Myingyan
showed in 1901 a fair percentage of literate persons—45 in the case of
males, 2*4 in that of females, and 22 for both sexes together. In 1904,
5 special, 14 secondary, 111 primary, and 1,145 elementary (private)
schools were maintained, with an attendance of 17,724 pupils (in-
cluding 1,037 girls). The total has been rising steadily, having been
7,539 in 1891 and 15,121 in 1901. The expenditure on education in
1903-4 was Rs. 15,300, of which Provincial funds provided Rs. 12,100,
while Rs. 3,100 was contributed by fees.
There are three hospitals with a total of 63 beds, and two dis-
pensaries. In 1903 the number of cases treated was 23,272, including
702 in-patients, and 626 operations were performed. The joint income
of the institutions amounted to Rs. 12,100, towards which municipal
and town funds contributed Rs. 6,800 ; Provincial funds, Rs. 3,800 ;
the District fund, Rs. 600 ; and private subscribers, Rs. 800.
Vaccination is compulsory in the towns of Myingyan and Nyaungu.
In 1903-4 the number of persons successfully vaccinated was 10,776,
representing 30 per 1,000 of population.
[ B . S. Carey, Settlement Report (1901).]
M y i n g y a n Subdivision.—Northern subdivision of Myingyan
District, Upper Burma, containing the townships of M Y I N G Y A N ,
M y i n g y a n Township.— River-side township in the extreme north
of Myingyan District, Upper Burma, lying between 21 0 2 1 ' and 2 1 0
46' N. and 95 0 16' and 95 0 40' E., with an area of 422 square miles.
The greater part is flat and cultivated with joear and pulse, and in the
north with cotton. Rice is grown near the Irrawaddy. T h e popula-
tion was 78,926 in 1891, and 81,978 in 1901, distributed in one town,
M Y I N G Y A N (population, 16,139), the head-quarters of the township and
District, and 175 villages. In 1903-4 the area cultivated was 183
square miles, and the land revenue and thathameda amounted to
Rs. 1,93,000.
M y i n g y a n Town.—Head-quarters of the District of the same name
in Upper Burma, situated in 21° 30' N. and 95 0 23' E., on the left
bank of the Irrawaddy, about 80 miles below Mandalay. The town,
which comprises six wards, and has an area of 3½ square miles,
stretches for some distance along the bank of the river, but does not
extend far inland. It is surrounded by dry, undulating country and
partakes of the nature of its environs, containing comparatively little in
the way of natural tree vegetation, though steps are now being taken to
remedy this defect. It is laid out with several metalled roads, one of
the most important of which is the Meiktila road passing through the
centre of the town. The public buildings include a jail, a courthouse,
a hospital, and two bazars. The population of Myingyan fell from
19,790 in 1891 to 16,139 in 1901 -a diminution due to the removal of
the troops as well as to other causes. Its Indian community is small
for a large trading town, numbering only 833.
The chief local manufactures are cart-wheels and castings for brass
images, bells, and gongs; and it contains a large cotton-ginning mill
belonging to a Gujarati firm. The greater part of the inhabitants are
engaged in trade. Before the opening of the Toungoo-Mandalay rail-
way Myingyan was one of the largest towns on the Irrawaddy, doing
a large business with Meiktila and Yamethin Districts and with the
Southern Shan States ; but since the extension of the main line of rail
way and the departure of troops from the station it has lost much of
its importance. The Thazi-Meiktila-Myingyan branch, which now con-
nects it with the main line, was commenced in 1897 as a famine relief
work and completed in 1899 ; and it is hoped that its construction will
benefit the town. In the rains the Irrawaddy mail-steamers running
between Mandalay and Rangoon call twice weekly at Myingyan.
During the dry season the shifting of the channel makes it necessary
for the boats to anchor some 3 miles from the town, at Sinde. The
railway should remove much of the inconvenience and dislocation of
commerce caused by the stream's vagaries. Daily steam ferries ply
between Myingyan and Pakokku on the one hand, and Myingyan and
Mandalay on the other. The town was constituted a municipality in
1887. During the ten years ending 1901 the municipal income and
expenditure averaged between Rs. 35,000 and Rs. 38,000. In 1903-4
the receipts amounted to Rs. 39,000, the main sources of revenue
being bazar rents (Rs. 22,000) and house and land tax (Rs. 5,400).
The expenditure in the same year amounted to Rs. 41,000, made up
for the most part of Rs. 9,000 spent on the hospital, Rs. 7,400 on con-
servancy, and Rs. 4,600 on lighting. The water-supply is drawn partly
from the river and partly from a deep well sunk by the municipality.
A scheme to cost 2| lakhs, for damming the Sunlun chaung some
4 miles south-east of Myingyan, so as to form a reservoir for water-
supply, has been sanctioned by Government, and is on the list of
famine relief works. The town contains a hospital and a dispensary.
The American Baptist Mission and the Buddhist community maintain
Anglo-vernacular schools, with a total attendance of about 150 pupils.
M y i n m u Subdivision.—Subdivision of Sagaing District, Upper
Burma, containing the MYINMU, CHAUNGU, MYAUNG, and NGAZUN
M y i n m u T o w n s h i p . — Township in Sagaing District, Upper
Burma, lying along the northern bank of the Irrawaddy, between
21 0 49' and 22 0 10' N. and 25 0 2 1 ' and 94 0 4 1 ' E., with an area of 286
square miles. It contains no high ground, and away from the Irra-
waddy and Mu the country is very dry. The population was 39,386
in 1891, and 41,256 in 1901, distributed in 8(> villages, the head
quarters being at Myinmu (population, 3,368), on the river bank close
to the Sagaing-Alon railway, 30 miles west of Sagaing town. The town-
ship contains a number of large villages : two (besides Myinmu) with
a population exceeding 2,000, Allagappa (3,795) and Wunbye (2,049,
and six with a population of between 1,000 and 2,000. Along the
Irrawaddy are several swamps which are used for irrigation, and are
themselves cultivated as they dry up. The area cultivated in 1903-4
was 120 square miles, and the land revenue and thathameda amounted
to Rs. 1,09,000.
M y i t k y i n a District. District in the Mandalay Division of Upper
Burma, the northernmost of the Province, lying between 24 0 37' and
27 0 20' N. and 96 0 o' and 98 0 20' E., with an area of 10,640 square
miles. Only the lower portion of the District is ' administered'; over
the upper portion, a tract of unexplored country about the head-
waters of the Chindwin and Irrawaddy, comprising the Hukawng valley,
H K A M T I LONG, and what is known as the Sana tract, no direct adminis-
trative control is at present exercised. The ' administered' area is
bounded on the north-east by the K u m p i range of hills, which forms
the northern watershed of the Shingaw valley; on the north by the
N'maikha down to the confluence where that stream joins with the
Malikha to form the Irrawaddy, and thence by a geographical line
running east and west at 25 0 45' X. On the north-west it is bounded
by the Hukawng valley ; on the west it is separated from the Upper
Chindwin District by a geographical line running north and south at
96 E., and by the Namsang stream ; and on the south its borders
march with Katha and Bhamo Districts. The eastern boundary abuts
on Yunnan. At its northern extremity, the dividing line between the
District and China is formed by the watershed between the drainage of
the Irrawaddy on the one hand and of the Shweli and Taping on the
other; farther south it follows the course of two streams, the Tabak
flowing south and the Paknoi flowing north, which unite to form the
Nantabet, an eastern tributary of the Irrawaddy, while about 5 miles
south of Sima in the south-cast of the District the border-line again
takes the watershed between the Irrawaddy and the Taping, till Bhamo
District is reached.
With the exception of the actual basins of its main streams, Myit-
kyina is mountainous throughout. The eastern Kachin Hills run down
southwards from Tibet, and extend along the whole
eastern border of the District, their breadth from Physical
the foot to the crest (the Chinese boundary) being
30 to 35 miles, and their heights varying from 3,000 to 7,000 feet,
but rising in places to peaks as high as 11,000 feet. On the western
side of the broad Irrawaddy plain is the Kunion range, which
stretches from the Hkamti country east of Assam southwards to the
latitude of Kamaing (25 0 30' N.), terminating near Mogaung in the
Shwedaunggyi peak (5,750 feet). On its northern slopes the Chindwin,
locally known as the Tanai, is supposed to have its source. South
of Mogaung and the end of the K u m o n range, from which they arc
separated by the valley of the Mogaung river, start the Kaukkwc Hills,
in about 25 0 10' N. They run southwards in two diverging lines :
through the eastern branch, which skirts the Irrawaddy, that river
forces its way and forms the third or upper defile; the western spur
separates the Kaukkwe valley from the Nanyin valley, which the
Sagaing-Myitkyina railway follows, and is continued into Katha Dis-
trict. Other ranges deserving of mention are the Loipyet, which
separates the Nanyin and lndaw streams, starting at Kamaing; and
the hilly country which includes the Jade Mines tract, dividing the
Uyu valley from the valleys of the Upper Mogaung and the lndaw.
All this mass of upland is thickly clothed with jungle, and the scenery
is in places magnificent.
Nearly the whole of the District lies within the basin of the Irra
waddy ; but while on the east the country rises, with but a small break
here and there, from the river to the hills on the Chinese frontier, and
is drained by short direct tributaries, that part of the District lying
on the west of the Irrawaddy, nearly three-quarters of the whole, drains
by numerous streams into one large tributary, the Mogaung river, and
s characterized by several valleys possessing great possibilities of culti-
vation. The Irrawaddy, formed by the confluence of the Malikha and
N'maikha streams in 25 0 45' N . , flows in a southerly course across the
District, somewhat nearer to its eastern than its western border. Above
Sinbo in the south of the District the country on either side is a luxu-
riant plain, but at Sinbo the river enters the third or upper defile. The
scenery here is wild and picturesque; the river in the rains becomes
a foaming mass of dull white: in one place, known as the ' Gates,'
the stream is pent up in a rocky channel, only 50 yards wide, formed
by two projecting rocks below which are two huge whirlpools. In
flood-time this obstruction stops navigation of any kind, and launches
can negotiate it only in the dry season. The Irrawaddy's most impor-
tant tributary in the District is the Mogaung river (or Nam Kawng),
which rises beyond the ' administrative ' border in the north, and flows
past Kamaing and Mogaung in a general south-easterly direction,
entering the main river about 15 miles north of Sinbo. At Kamaing
it is joined by the Indaw, which runs a north-easterly course from
the Indawgyi Lake ; and at Mogaung by the Nanyin (or Nam Vang),
which comes with the railway from Katha District also in a north-
easterly direction. The only tributary of any importance on the left
bank of the Irrawaddy is the Nantabet, which rises on the Chinese
border and flows due west into the main river about half-way between
Myitkyina and Sinbo.
The INDAWGYI L A K E , the largest in Burma, lies between 25° 5' and
250 20' N. and 06 0 18' and 96 0 23' E., near the south-west corner
of the District, and has an area of nearly 80 square miles. It is
surrounded on three sides by ranges of hills, but has an outlet, the
Indaw river, on the north. The lake abounds in fish and the valley
is fertile ; but it is only beginning to recover from the devastation
caused by the Kachin rising in 1883.
The hill ranges consist of metamorphic and crystalline rocks, on
which eocene and miocene trap have been deposited. Limestone,
sandstone, clays, and ferruginous conglomerates are met with. The
soil in the plains near the Irrawaddy is alluvial clay and loam, and
is very fertile. The jade, amber, and other mines found in the older
formations are referred to below.
The vegetation is luxuriant, but, except for forest purposes, has not
been exhaustively studied. Covering a considerable range of altitude,
it must of necessity be varied. Much of the plain land consists of
stretches of elephant-grass, and bamboos are very abundant.
The District possesses a varied and numerous fauna, including
the elephant, rhinoceros, tiger, leopard, bear (Tibetan and Malayan),
bison (Bos g a u r s ) , tsine or hsaing (Bos sondaicus), sambar, hog deer,
barking-deer, serow (called by Burmans the jungle goat), wild hog,
wild dog, jungle cat, monkeys (including the gibbon), and the por-
The climate of Myitkyina from December to March is pleasant.
It is very cold at times, but along the Irrawaddy and other valleys
the mornings at this season are spoilt by heavy fogs, which do not
lift till 9 or 10 o'clock. The rains are heavy, and from June to Octo-
ber the climate cannot be said to be healthy, malarial fever being
prevalent even in the town. The mean maximum temperature from
November to the end of February is about 73 0 , and the mean mini-
mum temperature during the same period about 56 0 , the averages
for the rest of the year being about 88° and 7 1 0 respectively. No
official register of temperature is kept. The annual rainfall of the
last eight years, as registered at Myitkyina, averaged 75 inches, and
at Mogaung 80 inches.
The part of the District lying west of the Irrawaddy and the plain
on the east of the river once formed the old Shan principality of
Mongkawng (Mogaung). In Ney Elias's History
of the Shans we are informed that this region was
in early ages inhabited by a people called Nora, who were consider-
ably more civilized than their neighbours, and had a reputation as
a learned class. Of these people Francis Buchanan Hamilton states
that they called themselves T a i Long (or Great Shans) and spoke
a dialect little different from that of Siam ; and it is a fact that at
the present day the Siamese understand the vernacular spoken in
this neighbourhood better than the more adjacent T a i dialects of
the Southern Shan States. The first Sawbwa of Mongkawng, accord-
ing to the chronicle, was Sam Long Hpa (1215), who made extensive
conquests in all directions, and ruled over territory stretching from
H k a m t i Long to Shwebo, and extending into the country of the
Nagas and Mishmis. U n t i l 1557 the principality was more or less
under Chinese influence ; but in that year it was invaded by an ex-
pedition from Pegu, and thereafter was subject to Burma or inde-
pendent, according to the strength of the reigning monarch, till it
was finally subjugated in 1796 and governed by wnns sent from the
court of Ava. The Shans broke out into rebellion early in the nine-
teenth century ; and the important walled village of Waingmaw, just
below Myitkyina on the left bank of the Irrawaddy, was destroyed
by a Burmese expedition from Bhamo in 1810. The final blow to
the dependency came from the Kachins, who began to press down
from the north about fifty or sixty years ago. The Shans gradually
became exhausted, and in 1883 a rebellion fostered by a man named
Haw Saing, who professed to be the re-incarnation of a legendary Shan
prince, established Kachin predominance. This rising started with
the devastation of the Indawgyi valley, and culminated in the capture
of Mogaung. The rebels were dispersed: but, as in Bhamo Dis-
trict, the Burmese government was incapable of protecting its Shan
subjects, who continued lor several years to pay tribute to the local
Kachin chiefs (duwas) in return for freedom from molestation, the
amount varying from several buffaloes to a handful of salt. This
was the state of Myitkyina when it passed into the hands of the British
as a portion of Bhamo District. In February, 1886, the Deputy-
Commissioner of Bhamo received the submission of the local officials
at Mogaung ; but great difficulties were met with in the administra-
tion of the country. The first myook was assassinated only two
months after his arrival; the Burman officer appointed in his place
declined to stay at Mogaung unless supported by troops ; and his
successor, one Po Saw by name, fled rather than meet the expedi
tion sent up there in 1887, and thereafter became openly rebellious.
He instigated the Lepai Kachins to oppose the column from Bhamo
that had conic to appoint his successor, and attacked Mogaung, but
without success. In 1887 Mogaung was strongly stockaded, and
made the head-quarters of the Mogaung subdivision of Bhamo Dis
trict. Po Saw made another attack on it in 1888, and caused some
loss to the garrison. In 1888-9 four punitive expeditions were dis-
patched under the direction of Sir George White against the sur-
rounding Kachin tribes, which accomplished their end with little
loss, a post being established at Kamaing on the Mogaung river. In
1891 the Myitkyina subdivision was formed. In 1890-1 four columns
were dispatched to bring the Kachins west of the river under direct
control, one of which visited the Hukawng valley and the amber
and jade mines, and met a column from Assam. Two of the expe
ditions sent to subdue the Kachins east of the lrrawaddy in 1891-2
encountered very considerable difficulties. One column captured the
hill village of Sadon in the north east of the District, and went on
to explore the banks of the N'maikha ; in its absence the post at
Sadon was besieged by the Kachins, and had to be relieved by a column
which had been operating in the neighbourhood of Sima, south-east
of Myitkyina town, in 1892-3 a military police column concen-
trated at Talawgyi, a village due south of Myitkyina on the eastern
bank of the lrrawaddy, and after some opposition established a post
at Sima. On the very day Sima was reached Myitkyina was suddenly
raided by the Sana Kachins, a tribe living beyond the 'administrative'
limit. The subdivisional officer's courthouse was burnt, and the
subahdar-major of the Mogaung levy was shot dead. Meanwhile
the Kachins had enveloped Sima ; and Captain Morton, the com
mandcr of the expedition, was mortally wounded while withdrawing
a picket, and was with difficulty conveyed inside the fort by Surgeon-
Major Lloyd, who afterwards received the Victoria Cross for his
gallantry. Military police were then dispatched from Myitkyina,
and a column which had been working south of the Taping was
sent up northwards to create a diversion; but*it was not until 1,200
rifles had been called up and considerable fighting (involving the
death of several European officers) had occurred, that the Kachins
were finally scattered at Palap, south of Simft. After the formation
of Myitkyina District in 1895 an expedition was sent to punish the
Sana Kachins for their raid on Myitkyina, and twenty-four villages
were heavily fined. The last fighting was in 1899-1900, when an
expedition sent to explore the country east of the N'maikha was cut
off by a force of Chinese, who lost 70 killed and many wounded
before they gave way.
Nearly one-third of the population inhabiting the Kachin Hills in
the east were only 'estimated' in 1901, owing to the impossibility of
obtaining reliable supervision in that remote and
backward area. The population of the District was
returned as 51,021 in 1891 and 67,399 in 1901. Its distribution in the
latter year is shown in the following table :—

squatre mile. 1

person sable to i
Popu taition per f
Area i n square

Popu lation.

lber of
ID ties.



Mogaung 349° 2 26 18,867 J.73*

Kamaing 2,650 126 9,687 4 1,904
Myitkyina 4,500 582 381845* 9 Z>&7
D i s t r i c t total 10.640 I 934 *7»399 6 8,009

* Made up of 17,560 in tin* regularly enumerated and ^1,285 in t i e

' estimated' areas.

Though the enumeration of 1901 was admittedly partial, it seems

clear that a substantial increase in the population had taken place
during the previous decade. There is a certain amount o( immigration
from China (including both Chinamen and Shan-Chinese), and to
a smaller extent from the Shan States also. Rather more Buddhists
than Animists were enumerated in the areas regularly dealt with
in 1901, but in the District as a whole Animists are in the majority.
Kachin is the principal language, and Shan is more spoken than
The most numerous indigenous race is that of the K A C H I N S , who
form rather more than half the total population. They inhabit the hills
on both sides of the Irrawaddy over all the northern and north-eastern
parts of the District. The Lisaws, Szis, Lashis, and Marus are practi-
cally all residents of the ' estimated' areas, and their numbers are not
precisely known. Shans numbered 17,300 in 1901, including Shan-
Chinese, who possess about a dozen villages. They are found for the
VOL. x v i I I . k:
most part in the Myitkyina plain. The Burmans numbered only
6,600, living in the river valley, mostly in Shan villages. The total
of Chinamen was 3,600, most of them traders in and near Mogaung
and Myitkyina town. A tribe peculiar to the District is the Hpons,
who inhabit the third defile and a few villages north of it in the
Mankin valley, and are indispensable to the keeping open of the
river during the rains. They resemble the ordinary Shan-Burmans in
dress and features, and appear to have been returned as such in 1901 ;
but they have their own dialect, now dying out, and worship only the
one great nat of the hills. Natives of India numbered about 5,000 in
1901, nearly four-fifths of whom were Hindus. The great part of this
alien population is composed of military police and other Government
and railway employes. There are, however, a certain number of Indian
traders in Myitkyina town. Assuming that practically all the inhabi
tants of the 'estimated' areas were cultivators, about 52,700 people
were dependent directly on agriculture in 1901, or 78 per cent. of
the total population. Of these, more than 30,000 were probably
supported by taungya (shifting) cultivation alone.
The last enumeration showed a total of 161 Christians in the
District, of whom 116 were natives. The American Baptist Mission
has a representative at Myitkyina and has opened a Kachin boys'
With respect to agriculture, the District may be divided into two
portions: the level valley lands on the banks of the Irrawaddy and its
tributaries, and the hills. In both regions the
staple crop is rice, but there is a difference in the
method in which it is grown. The best rice lands are those in
the valley of the Nanyin, and, generally speaking, the soil in the
river basins is extremely fertile, and, the rainfall being sufficient, rice
is very easily grown ; indeed the ground will produce almost any-
thing, as has been proved by the natives of India who live at
Myitkyina. Rice is grown in the plains in the usual manner, that is,
in embanked fields. Another less common method of cultivation,
which is also practised in the lowlands, consists in cutting down the
jungle, firing it, ploughing the ashes into the soil, and then sowing the
seed broadcast. Melds cultivated in this manner are known as lebok.
A plot of land thus dealt with cannot be worked for more than two
years, after which it lies fallow for some six or seven. Taungya is
practised in the hills. In the case of cultivation of this kind, a hill-side
is selected, the jungle on it is cut and burnt, and when the rains have
begun the rice seed is dibbled into the ground, the crop being reaped
in the cold season. It is a method confined to the hills, as its name
signifies. Taungya land is cropped only twice as a rule, and is left
fallow for 9 or 10 years subsequently.

The following table exhibits, in square miles the chief agricultural

statistics of the District for 1903-4. The area cultivated excludes
taungya cultivation, which is the most prevalent form.

Township. Total area. Cultivated. < Irrigated. Forests.

Mogaung 3,490 6 0.5
Kamaing 2,650 6,130
Myitkyina 4,500 16 4.5
Total 10,640 23 5 6,130

Rice covers the greater part of the cultivated area. A little tobacco
is grown on the alluvium close to the river banks, and potatoes and
gram have been tried successfully by natives of India at Myitkyina.
On the hills, in addition to rice, crops of cotton, sesamum, and millet
are produced, as well as opium for local consumption, and a little tea
is grown in some of the hill villages on the west bank of the Inawaddy.
The area under cultivation is steadily increasing, but, as the District
has not yet been cadastrally surveyed, estimates made of the expansion
are of little value. The growth is most noticeable in the Nanyin valley,
near the railway line, and in the region round the Indawgyi Lake. Of
new products, Havana tobacco and Mocha coffee have been introduced
into the District. The former has proved successful, but it is still too
soon to pass any opinion on the prospects of the latter. Peach-trees
thrive in the Government experimental garden at Myitkyina, and yearly
produce good crops; but apples, plums, pears, and nectarines, all of
which are being tried, have as yet yielded no results. A few years ago
the agriculturists showed no disposition to take loans from Government,
but this feeling has died out, and there is now no prejudice against this
form of assistance. The loans made by the state are devoted for the
most part to the purchase of plough cattle, and are recovered with little
or no trouble. The amount advanced during the seven years ending
1905 averaged about Rs. 6,000 annually.
There is no peculiarity about the local breeds of cattle. The beast
most in favour for agricultural purposes is the buffalo. Large numbers
of cows are, however, bred for milch purposes by natives of India living
at Myitkyina, Mogaung, Kamaing, Waingmaw, and H o p i n . Practically
no ponies and only a few goats are kept, but sheep are imported during
the dry season from China. A large number of mules are brought in
from China in the open season for hire as transport animals, but there
is no mule-breeding within the District. No grazing grounds have
been regularly defined. Fortunately, however, owing to the heavy
rainfall and the scant dimensions of the cultivation, lack of fodder is
Very little land is irrigated in the District, the small weirs at Sinbo,
K 2
Katcho, Waingmaw, Hopin, and other villages each supplying only
a few acres. The total area returned as under irrigation in 1903-4
was 5 square miles, nearly all of which consists of rice lands in the
Irrawaddy valley. The weir on the Nanlon stream near Waingmaw
was built by Government in 1899 at a cost of Rs. 11,000. The
Indawgyi Lake abounds with fish, but no other fisheries are of any
Myitkyina possesses both hill and plain forests. The forests of the
plains are much mixed with elephant-grass, and in the drier portions
the characteristic trees are Dipterocarpus tuberculatus
and species of Shorea, Butea, & c , while by far the
commonest tree in the moister portions is the silk-cotton tree (Bombax
malabaricum). The northern limit of teak is here reached, and very
few trees are found north of Myitkyina town. A consequence of this
is that where teak occurs it does not ascend the hills to any consider-
able height, but is found chiefly just along their bases. The finest
teak areas are near the Indawgyi Lake. Though a considerable
quantity of india-rubber (Ficus clastica) nominally comes from Myit-
kyina, it is in reality all collected beyond the 'administrative' border
and imported. The area under 'reserved' forests is 130 square miles,
and the forest receipts in 1903-4 were 1¾ lakhs. With the exception
of india-rubber, the trade in which has shrunk to very small propor-
tions within the last two years, there are no minor forest products
of importance.
The principal minerals are jade, mined in the north-west of the
District; gold, found in the Irrawaddy; rubies, extracted at Nanyaseik,
13 miles above Kamaing on the Nanya stream; and
corundum at Manwe, on the Indaw stream. Beyond
the ' administrative' border there are amber-mines.
Jade is worked in quarries near Tawmaw and Hweka, close to the
Upper Chindwin District, and in river-mines at Mamon on the Uyu
chaung. The quarries at Tawmaw have produced immense quantities
of the stone, but it does not approach in quality that obtained in
boulders in the river banks or at the bottom of the stream. For the
Burmese and Chinese market valuable jade has to satisfy rigid con-
ditions of colour, transparency, brilliancy, and hardness. The Tawmaw
stone, which is of a particular shade of dark green, satisfies the first
condition, but fails in regard to the other three. The method of
working the quarries is primitive. The first fracture being brought
about by the application of artificial heat followed by cold at night,
crowbars are driven in and large blocks are obtained, which are broken
up into a shape and size suitable for transport, either on mules to
Kamaing or on bamboo rafts down the Uyu to Kindat. An ad
valorem duty of 331/3 per cent. on the output is collected at Mogaung

and Kindat. This duty averaged Rs. 50,000 during the last three
years, the out-turn of jade in 1903 being 1,340 cwt, valued at
Rs. 1,22,000.
The ruby tract at Nanyaseik is worked after a primitive fashion by
Government licensees. The miners dig in shallow pits] scattered over
a wide area, as the ruby-bearing soil (byon) occurs in pockets. The
revenue from this source fluctuates very considerably, depressions
following prosperous periods from time to time. It reached Rs. 33,000
in 1895-6, but dropped to Rs. 80 in 1902-3. The tract is now
practically deserted.
The amber-mines are situated beyond the ' administrative' frontier
in the Hukawng valley near the village of Maingkwan. The shafts
dug for its extraction are only wide enough for a man to descend and
ascend by steps, and are seldom more than 40 feet in depth. As with
jade, amber is found in pockets, and a cluster of pits always shows
the existence of such a pocket. The product, unlike jade, is bought
only by the Burmans, and is by them used for the manufacture of
trinkets and beads. The corundum mines at Manwe are worked in
a similar manner, but are of little value. Gold-washing is fitfully
carried on in the Irrawaddy by Shans, Chinese, and Burmans. A
steam dredger has been at work since 1902 above Myitkyina dredging
for gold, and the venture shows promise of success.
There are no arts or manufactures worthy of mention. The Kachin
women weave a strong cloth, and every Kachin
makes his own rice-liquor (chcroo) ; but both weaving
and brewing are on a very small scale, and neither
the cloth nor the liquor is intended for other than home consumption.
The import trade is entirely in the hands of natives of India
and Chinese, the articles imported by railway from Lower Burma and
Mandalay being salt, piece-goods, hardware, yarn, crockery, and
matches for the Myitkyina and Mogaung bazars, which are the two
principal distributing centres for those commodities. From Yunnan
the Chinese bring in fruit, poultry, sheep, and manufactured articles,
which for the most part take the form of pots and pans, umbrellas,
rugs, and clothing. The exports are jade, amber, and india-rubber
from the Hukawng valley, and teak-wood. The jade goes mostly to
China and the other articles to Lower Burma. The traffic in jade
and rubber is chiefly in the hands of Chinese, who visit the jade-mines
yearly in large numbers; the timber trade is managed by an English
firm. The total value of the imports from Western China in 1903-4,
over what are known as the Waingmaw and Kazu routes, was about
1¼ lakhs, the corresponding figure for exports being about a lakh.
Between the Kachins in the hills and the Shans in the plains there
is some traffic in liquor, opium, salt, and sesamum ; but the instincts
of the Kacbtns are not commercial, and at present there seems little
prospect of an expansion of trade in this direction. Maingna and
Waingmaw, east of the Irrawaddy, and Myitkyina, Mogaung, and
Kamaing, west of the Irrawaddy, are the chief emporia of what Kachin
trade there is. Owing to difficulty of transport, trade with China is
not likely to increase in the immediate future.
Of communications the most noteworthy is the railway, which runs
diagonally across the greater part of the centre of the District from
the south-west, and, passing through Mogaung, has its terminus at
Myitkyina. Next to the railway in importance comes the Irrawaddy,
which is navigable all the year round by boats and small steamers
between Watugyi and Simbo. Other waterways are, however, useful.
The Mogaung stream can be used at all seasons by boats as far north
as Laban, and during the rains by launches up to Kamaing; the
Indaw Lake and chaung are both navigable throughout the year by
country boats; and small country craft can ply on the Nantabet at
all times of the year as far as Kazu.
The principal land communications are : the road from Waingmaw
to Sadon and thence to China by two alternative routes, the first
through Wawchon and the Kowlaing pass and the second by way of
the Sansi gorge; and the road from Waingmaw to Sima and thence
by Palap to Sima-Pa in China. Graded mule-tracks have been made
by the Public Works department to Sadon and Sima, the distance
being 41 and 42 miles respectively; and other Government roads
connect Maingna with K w i t u , a distance of 14 miles, Mogaung with
Kamaing (27 miles), Kamaing with Nanyaseik (13 miles), H o p i n on
the railway line with Lonton on the Indawgyi Lake (28 miles), and
Pungatong on the Sadon-Waingmaw road with Loingu on the N'maikha
(18 miles). A l l these roads are partly bridged, but are unmetalled,
and are maintained from Provincial funds. Rough mule-tracks connect
Sadon with Sima and Sima with Nahpaw, and are cleared of jungle
yearly by civil officers, the cost being met from Provincial funds. The
tracks maintained from the District fund are : from Mogaung to Tapaw,
6 miles; from Mogaung to Koywa, 5 miles; and from Kamaing to
Namlik village, 21 miles. Several ferries cross the Irrawaddy, the
most important of which connects Myitkyina with the eastern bank.
For the purposes of administration the District is divided into two
subdivisions: the M Y I T K Y I N A subdivision and township; and the
Mogaung subdivision, comprising the M O G A U N G and
K A M A I N G townships. The Kachin Hills are admin-
istered under the Kachin H i l l Tribes Regulation of 1895. In the
Myitkyina township there are three civil officers' charges: the Sadon,
Sima, and Myitkyina hill tracts. The first two are under special
civil officers stationed at Sadon and Sima, the last is in charge of
the subdivisional police officer at Myitkyina. The hills west of the
Irrawaddy are administered by the subdivisional officer of Mogaung
and the township officer of Kamaing as civil officers. At the District
head-quarters are the akunwun in subordinate charge of the revenue,
and the treasury officer. Myitkyina is the head-quarters of the
Executive Engineer in charge of the Myitkyina Public Works division,
comprising the Myitkyina, Sadon, and Katha subdivisions; and of
the Deputy-Conservator of Forests in charge of the Myitkyina division,
which, except for a small area in the west, is conterminous with the
There are no special civil judges. The subdivisional and township
officers do all the civil work in their respective courts. Petty civil
cases in the Kachin hill tracts are settled by the dmvas or headmen.
Under the Kachin H i l l Tribes Regulation of 1895 the Deputy-Com-
missioner is vested with the powers of a Sessions Judge in cases
arising in these tracts, the Commissioner confirming death sentences.
The duwas are also allowed to settle petty criminal cases according
to tribal custom. As in Bhamo District, the smuggling of opium from
China and the Kachin Hills is very common, and the District is never
wholly free from crimes of violence committed by the Kachins.
The revenue is made up of the thathameda tax, which is paid by
the non-Kachin population at the rate of Rs. 10 per household; the
tribute levied from Kachins at the rate of Rs. 5 per house in the
tracts under the civil officers of Mogaung and Kamaing, and at a lower
rate elsewhere ; land revenue paid by all cultivated lands in the plains ;
royalty on minerals ; and revenue from stamps, excise, and fisheries.
Nearly all the land is state land, the revenue payable being the value
of one-tenth of the gross produce (as fixed by the township officer with
the aid of assessors), except on lands given out on lease, on which
a rate of Rs. 1-8 per acre is levied, these being the only surveyed
lands in the District.
The growth of the revenue since the formation of the District is
shown in the following table, in thousands of rupees :

1895-6. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Land revenue 8 20
Total revenue 1,53 1,80 1,88

The thathameda, which is at present the main source of revenue,

increased from Rs. 46,000 in 1900-1 to Rs, 73,000 in 1903-4.
The income of the District fund, which is derived chiefly from bazars
and ferries, was Rs. 18,000 in 1903-4. No municipalities have been
Under the District Superintendent of police are 2 Assistant Super-
intendents in charge of the subdivisions, an inspector, 4 head con-
stables, and 96 men. There are 4 civil police stations and an outpost,
with the addition of village police at Lonton, Sinbo, Sadon, and Sima..
T h e District is garrisoned by a strong force of military police, con-
sisting of 9 British officers, 41 native officers, and 1,612 rank and file.
Of these, 947 are stationed at Myitkyina ; and posts are held at
Mogaung, Kamaing, Fort Harrison (Sadon), Fort Morton (Sima), and
Wayabu on the N'maikha, at each of which is an assistant commandant,
also at Nahpaw (in the cold season), Lapye, Waingmaw, Lonton,
N'pum Bum, Sinbo, and Palawgyi. There is no jail, prisoners being
sent to Katha when sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding
one month.
The proportion of persons able to read and write was shown in 1901
as 28 per cent. in the case of males and 2 per cent. in the case of
females, or 17 per cent. for both sexes together. These figures,
however, leave out of consideration the population of the ' estimated '
tracts, where the number of literate persons must have been infinitesimal.
A school for Kachin children is maintained by the American Baptist
Mission, but most of the schools are monastic, and in the hill areas
even the elementary teaching of the pongyi kyaung is absent. In 1904
the institutions included one secondary, 21 primary, and 61 elementary
(private) schools, with an attendance of 1,188 pupils (including 90 girls),
as compared with 1,164 in 1901. The expenditure on educatioii in
1903-4 was Rs. 1,600, derived wholly from Provincial funds.
There are 6 hospitals, with accommodation for 67 in-patients. In
1903 the number of cases treated was 20,054, including 795 in-patients,
and 300 operations were performed. The total expenditure of
Rs. 26,000 is derived almost wholly from Provincial funds. A number
of patients were treated in the hospitals at the different military police
In 1903-4 the number of persons successfully vaccinated was 772,
representing 11 per 1,000 of population.
[ I . Errol Gray, Diary of a Journey to the Bor Khamti Country and
Sources of the Irrawaddy (1893) ; Prince Henry of Orleans, Du Tonkin
aux Indes (Paris, 1898).]
M y i t k y i n a Subdivision.—Eastern subdivision and township of
Myitkyina District, Upper Burma, lying between 24° 37' and 25 0 45' N.
and 96 0 42' and 98 0 20' E., with an area of 4,506 square miles. It
comprises the Irrawaddy valley, here of considerable width, and the
hills up to the Chinese frontier. W i t h i n its geographical limits are
the three Kachin H i l l Tracts, administered under the Kachin H i l l
Tribes Regulation by civil officers with head-quarters at Sadon in
the north-east, Sima in the south-east, and M Y I T K Y I N A (popula-
tion, 3,618), the head-quarters of the District and township. The
population of the township, excluding the first two of these tracts,
was 17,560 in 1901 ; that of the Sadon tract being 14,012, and
that of the Sima. tract 7,273. The M y i t k y i n a H i l l Tract was not
formed till 1904. I n the plains, Shans, Burmans, and Kachins are
represented in the ratios of 7, 3, and 1 approximately ; elsewhere
the inhabitants are practically all Kachins. In 1901 the subdivision
contained 582 villages, of which 477 were in the Kachin H i l l Tracts
as then constituted. In 1903-4 the area cultivated was 16 square
miles, in addition to tanngyas. The land revenue and thathameda
amounted to Rs. 46,000.
M y i t k y i n a T o w n . Head-quarters of the Distriet of the same
name in Upper Burma, situated in 25 0 23' N. and 97 0 24' E., on
a level plain surrounded by hills on the western bank of the Irra-
waddy, and at the terminus of the Sagaing-MyitkyinS railway, 724
miles from Rangoon. Population (1901), 3,618. The station has
risen to importance only since the British occupation. Prior to 1892
it was a small Shan-Burmese village, its name denoting the fact that
it was near to the banks of the great river, the Irrawaddy; and even
now the military police and the officials form more than a fourth
of the inhabitants. The town was attacked by a party of Sana
Kachins in December, 1892, when the military police subahdar-major
was killed and the subdivisional officer's courthouse and residence
were b u r n t ; but since then its history has not been marked by an)'
stirring incidents. Myitkyina is increasing in importance as an ex-
change for Chinese traders, who bring large quantities of opium, and
take away india-rubber and jade and foreign commodities brought
up by rail. Details of the frontier trade, which converges almost
entirely at Myitkyina, are given in the District article. The town
contains a bazar and the usual public buildings.
M y i t m a k a . River of Lower Burma. Sec RANGOON R I V E R .
M y i t n g e (or Doktawaddy). -River of Burma, one of the principal
tributaries of the Irrawaddy. It rises in about 23 0 18' N. and
98 23' E., in the Northern Shan State of North Hsenwi, where
it is known as the Nam T u . Its course is in the main south-westerly,
and first passes through the States of North Hsenwi, Tawngpeng,
and Hsipaw, the first and last of which have their chief towns on
its banks. For the latter half of its course of 130 miles the river
forms the boundary, first between the States of Hsipaw and Lawksawk,
and next between the Districts of Mandalay and Kyaukse. It falls
eventually into the Irrawaddy about 12 miles south of Mandalay,
immediately opposite the town of Sagaing. The Myitnge is navi-
gable only up to the point at which it reaches the plains. The
Rangoon-Mandalay Railway crosses it near its mouth, and it will
shortly be bridged at Hsipaw. The principal tributary is the Nam
M a , which joins it from the east, a little to the east of the town
of Hsipaw.
M y i t t h a . - -Southern subdivision and township of Kyaukse District,
Upper Burma, lying between 21 0 12'and 2 1 0 33' N. and 95 0 57' and
96 0 25' E., with an area of 277 square miles. The population was
43,645 in 1891, and 56,752 in 1901, distributed in 310 villages. The
head-quarters are at Myittha (population, 3,023), on the railway 12
miles south of Kyaukse town. The railway runs north and south
through the centre of the township, the portion to the east, drained
by the Panlaung river, being a flat plain bounded by the Shan plateau,
with a scanty rainfall, but a good supply of irrigation canals ; while
the western portion, once the Dayegaung township, is watered by the
Samon river and the Sama canal. In 1903-4 the township con-
tained 104 square miles under cultivation, of which 75 square miles
were irrigated, and the land revenue and thathameda amounted to
Rs. 3,24,000.
M y l l i e m (Mulliem). Petty State in the Khasi Hills, Eastern Bengal
and Assam, in the immediate vicinity of Shillong. The population
in 1901 was 17,863, and the gross revenue in 1903-4 was Rs. 9,619.
The principal products are rice, potatoes, maize, and millet. The
manufactures are iron hoes and baskets. There are deposits of iron
in the State, but they are not worked.
M y m e n s i n g h District (Maimamingh). District in the north of
the Dacca Division, Eastern Bengal and Assam, lying between 230 57'
and 25° 26' N. and 89° 36' and 91° 16' E., with an area of 6,332
square miles. It derives its name from the old pargana or fiscal
division of Mainumsingh. On the north and east the District marches
with Assam, being bounded on the north by the Garo Hills, and
on the east by Sylhet ; on the south-east it adjoins Tippera, and on
the south Dacca ; on the west it is separated by the Jamuna (or
Brahmaputra) from the Districts of Pabna, Bogra, and Rangpur.
U n t i l the beginning of the nineteenth century the main stream
of the Brahmaputra flowed through the middle of the District from
north to south ; and although it now passes along
Physical the western boundary and the O l d Brahmaputra has
shrunk to a mere fraction of its former volume, its
channel cuts the District into two great natural divisions with a marked
difference between the country on either bank. The people to the east
of it resemble in their dialect, social customs, and observances those of
the adjoining District of Sylhet, while those to the west are like the
inhabitants of Pabna, Dacca, and Faridpur. To the east the country
is intersected by marshes or haors, where large herds of buffaloes
are grazed in the cold season, and the whole country is submerged
during the rains, except the crowded village sites which are artificially
raised above the ordinary flood-level. The general elevation of the
country west of the O l d Brahmaputra is higher, and it contains a great
part of the formation known as the M A D H U P U R jungle, which stretches
northwards from the boundary of Dacca District almost as far as the
town of Mymensingh. This tract, which may be said to constitute a
third natural division of the District, has an average height of about
40 feet above the level of the plains, and nowhere exceeds 100 feet ;
it is about 45 miles in length and from 6 to 16 miles in breadth, with
a total area of about 420 square miles. The formation, which consists
of a stiff layer of red ferruginous clay resembling that of the Barind
in North Bengal, is of considerable depth and capable of offering a
tenacious resistance to the erosive action of rivers ; and when the
Old Brahmaputra, after having raised its bed and lost its velocity,
was no longer able to hold its own against the Meghna, this bank of
clay forced it to swing westwards and to mingle its waters with those
of the Jamuna. The Susang hills rise on the northern border ; but
elsewhere the District is level and open, consisting of well-cultivated
fields, dotted with villages, and intersected by numerous small rivers
and channels.
The Madhupur jungle divides the District into two portions.
The western and smaller portion is watered and drained by the river
system connected with the J A M U N A , the eastern by the O l d B R A H M A -
PUTRA and its branches together with other numerous streams, which,
issuing from the Garo Hills on the north, flow eastwards and south-
wards into the Surma and Meghna. The numerous branches and
tributaries of the Jamuna afford exceptional facilities for river trade ;
of the former, the Dhaleswan, and of the latter, the Jhinai, an effluent
of the Old Brahmaputra, are the most important. The SURMA (also
known as the Dhaleswan or Bheramona) comes down from the Surma
valley in Assam and forms generally the eastern boundary, taking
the name of the M E G H N A in the extreme south east of the District.
T w o branches of the Meghna, the Dhanu and the Ghora-utra, are
navigable throughout the year. The Kangsa, a narrow stream, but
deep and navigable throughout the year by boats of considerable
burden, forms the boundary for a short distance between Mymensingh
and Sylhet. There are several marshes in the east and south-east
of great size and depth, which swarm with fish.
The greater part of the District is covered with recent alluvium,
which consists of coarse gravels near the hills, sandy clay and sand
along the course of the rivers, and fine silt consolidating into clay
in the flatter parts of the river plain ; beds of impure peat also
commonly occur. The red ferruginous clay of the Madhupur jungle
belongs to an older alluvial formation.
The District contains no Government forests, but the Madhupur
jungle is covered with a dense growth of tali trees overrun with
creepers, with numerous large grasses at their base. The forest is
similar in composition to that under the Himalayan range, containing
a mixture of Leguminosae, Combretaceae, Anacardiaceae, Urticaceae,
Meliaceae, and Sapindaceae. In the north the Susang hills are covered
with a thick thorny jungle. The surface of the marshes in the east
and south-east of the District either shows huge stretches of inundated
rice, or is covered by matted floating islets of sedges and grasses and
water-lilies, the most striking being the makana (Euryale ferox); while
the river banks and the artificial mounds on which habitations are
situated are, where not occupied by gardens, densely covered with a
scrubby jungle of semi-spontaneous species, from which rise bamboos
with a few taller trees, among which the commonest is the jiyal
(Odina Wodier) and the most conspicuous the red cotton-tree (Bombax
Leopards are found throughout the District, and tigers, buffaloes,
and wild hog are numerous in the Madhupur jungle and the sub-
montane tracts in the north. Deer are abundant in the same localities,
the sambar (Ccrvus unicolor) and the hog deer being the most common ;
the barking-deer is also found, and the barasingha (Cervus duvauceli)
is also met with in the grassy plains at the foot of the hills. Elephants
abound in the Garo and Susang hills, and occasionally commit great
depredations among the crops in the vicinity. The rivers and marshes
swarm with fish, which are dried at Kishorganj and exported to Assam,
Chittagong, and Rangpur.
The temperature changes but little between April and October ; the
average maximum falls from 91° in April to 86° in October, while
the highest average minimum is 78° in July, August, and September,
and the mean is almost constant at 82 0 . In January the average
minimum falls to 53 0 and the mean temperature to 640. The monsoon
rainfall begins in May and, owing to the ascensional motion of the
monsoon current caused by the Garo Hills, is heavier throughout
the season than in any other inland tract of Eastern Bengal. The fall
is 11 inches in May and 17·9 in June, after which it slowly diminishes
to 12·3 in September; the average fall for the year is 86 inches. The
heaviest fall recorded was 134 inches in 1865, and the lightest 57 inches
in 1883. Though floods may occur in any monsoon month, very
heavy precipitation occurs either early or late in the season, being
due to depressions from the Bay which break up on reaching the
Assam Hills.
The earthquake of 1885 caused considerable damage, especially
along the north of the District, which lay on the arc of greatest
intensity. The great earthquake of 1897 shook the District even
more violently, especially in the north, below the Garo Hills, in the

Jamalpur and Netrakona subdivisions. Throughout the District brick

buildings were destroyed or seriously damaged; houses were half
buried; sand was upheaved through fissures in the soil, and spread
over the surface, damaging the rice crop ; wells ran dry, and tanks had
their bottoms raised by the upheaval of the soil. The mischief, how-
ever, did not end here, for the beds of a large number of rivers
formerly navigable were raised, rendering boat traffic impracticable
except during the rains, roads and bridges were injured, and consider-
able damage was also done to the permanent way and bridges on the
Dacca-Mymensingh Railway, where traffic was suspended for a fortnight.
The cost of repairs in Mymensingh town to Government buildings
alone was estimated at a lakh ; the private losses in the whole District
were estimated at 50 lakhs, while 50 lives were lost.
In ancient times the District formed part of the old kingdom of
Pragjyotisha, or Kamarupa as it was subsequently called, whose ruler
Bhagadatta was one of the great chiefs who is said
to have fought at the battle of Kurukshetra. In
the Mahabharata he is styled the king of the Kiratas, and his kingdom
is said to have extended to the sea. His capital was at Gauhati in
Assam, but the site of a palace believed to have been erected by him
is still pointed out in the Madhupur jungle at a place known as Bara
Tirtha ('twelve shrines'), where a fair is held annually in April. The
kingdom was ruled by a succession of princes of Mongoloid stock, and
was still flourishing when visited by Hiuen Tsiang in the seventh
century. At that time its southern boundary seems to have corre-
sponded with the present Dhaleswarl in Dacca District, while it
extended westwards as far as the Karatoya river. The portion of the
District to the west of the Old Brahmaputra was included in Ballal
Sen's dominions, but not so the tract to the east of that river; the
system of Kulinism instituted by that monarch is still in full force in
the former, while it is almost unknown in the latter, tract. The
Muhammadans first entered Bengal in 1199, but Eastern Bengal was
not subdued till later. In 1351 the whole province was united by
Shams-ud-dln Ilyas Shah; and Sonargaon, near Dacca, became the
residence of the governors of Eastern Bengal. Eastern Bengal subse-
quently became the seat of dissensions and rebellions, but it was again
subdued by Mahmud Shah in 1445. His family reigned till 1487, and
during their time this tract formed the province of Muazzamabad,
which apparently extended to Laur in Sylhet at the foot of the Garo
Hills. Local tradition ascribes the subjugation of eastern Mymensingh
to Sultan Husain Shah and his son Nusrat Shah. The former estab-
lished a fort at Ekdala, not far from the southern boundary of the
District, whence he sent an expedition against the Ahoms. Pargana
Husainshahi is said to have been named after him, and Nusratshahi,
including Susang and twenty-one other pargavas, after his son. The
conquest does not, however, seem to have been complete, and in the
latter half of the sixteenth century we find that Eastern Bengal was
again split up into a number of petty States ruled by independent chiefs
locally known as Bhuiyas. One of the best known of these, Isa Khan,
the founder of the great Mymensingh family known as the Diwan
Sahibs of Haibatnagar and Jangalbari, had his head-quarters at Son5r
gaon, and is said to have ruled over a large kingdom, including the
greater part of Mymensingh, till his death i n 1598 ; he is mentioned
by Ralph Fitch, who visited Sonargaon in 1586, as being the ' c h i e f of
all the other kings.' Another important Bhuiya of this period, ruling
over Bhawal in Dacca and the adjoining pargana of Ran Bhawal in
Mymensingh, was the head of the Ghazi family founded by Palwan
Shah, a military adventurer of the early fourteenth century.
At the time of the settlement of 1582 by Todar Mal, Mymensingh
formed part of the great sarkar Bajuha, which stretched eastward from
sarkar Barbakabad across the Brahmaputra to Sylhet, and southward
as far as the city of Dacca. When the District passed into the hands
of the Company, on the grant of the Diwani in 1765, it formed part of
the niabal which extended from the Garo Hills on the north to the
Sundarbans on the south, and from the Tippera Hills on the east to
Jessore on the west, so called because it was governed by a naib or
deputy of the Nazim. The District of Mymensingh was formed about
1787, and placed under one Collector with the revenue charge of
Bhulua, which comprised the Districts of Tippera and Noakhali. This
union lasted only till 1790, when Bhulua was again separated; and in
1791 the head-quarters of the Collector, which had apparently been
at Dacca, were transferred to their present site in Mymensingh. Some
changes of jurisdiction have since taken place, of which the most
important were in 1866, when the Sirajganj thana was transferred to
Pabna, and the Dlwanganj and Atia thanas were added from Bogra
and Dacca respectively.
Archaeological remains are meagre. The most important is an
old mud fort covering 2 square miles at Garh Jaripa near Sherpur,
probably built more than 500 years ago as an outpost to check the
incursions of the hill tribes.
The population recorded at the Census of 1872 was 2,351,695,
rising to 3,055,237 in 1881, to 3,472,186 in 1891, and to 3,915,068
in 1901. The climate is generally salubrious, but
the Durgapur thana at the foot of the Garo
H i l l s has a reputation for unhealthiness. The majority of the
deaths are ascribed to fever. Cholera and small-pox often occur
in an epidemic form. Leprosy is more common than elsewhere in
Eastern Bengal.
The chief statistics of the Census of 1901 are shown below

There is little distinction between the rural and urban population, as

even in the towns the houses are scattered, and a large proportion of
the inhabitants are engaged in purely agricultural pursuits. Outside
the so-called towns there is no village with more than 5,000 inhabitants,
and nearly half the population lives in villages with less than 500.
Of the towns, the largest are J A M A L P U R , T A N G A I L , K I S H O R G A N J , and
NASIRABAD, the head-quarters. Owing to the sparse population in the
Madhupur jungle and in the hilly north-eastern tract, the District, as
a whole, is less thickly inhabited than other parts of Eastern Bengal.
In some parts, however, the population is very dense, and two than as
of the Tangail subdivision and one in the centre of the District support
more than 1,000 persons per square mile. During the ten years
ending 1901, every thana in the District with one exception showed an
increase of more than 8 per cent., the only tract which did not share
in the general advance being the swampy north-eastern tarai in the
Durgapur thana, which supports only 299 persons per square mile.
Mymensingh suffers a slight loss by the ordinary movements of
population, chiefly in the direction of Rangpur, whither some of the
riparian inhabitants have gone to cultivate the accretions formed on
the right bank of the Jamuna. On the other hand it gains considerably
from Tippera, whose women are in request as wives and maidservants.
Large numbers of labourers flock in from Saran and the United Pro-
vinces during the winter, and are employed on earthwork, palki-bearing,
and domestic service. The vernacular is a dialect of Bengali known
as the Eastern or Musalmani dialect ; some people of Garo origin talk
Haijong, a corrupt patois of Bengali. Muhammadans number 2,795,548,
Hindus 1,088,857, and Animists 28,958 ; the first increased by more
than 16 per cent, during the decade ending 1901, and now form 71-4
per cent. of the population.
The majority of the Muhammadans are probably the descendants
of converts from the aboriginal races whose representatives are still
numerous in the District: namely, the Namasudras (156,000) and the

Rajbansis or Koch (52,000). Of the common Hindu castes of

Eastern Bengal the Kaibarttas (131,000) are the most numerous.
Garos and other cognate aboriginal races—such as Haijongs, Hadis,
and Dalus—are found along the foot of the Garo Hills. The Garos
are for the most part Animists, but the number so returned is diminish-
ing, owing to the well-known tendency of the aboriginal tribes to adopt
Hinduism as they approach civilization. Four-fifths of the population,
or more than three million persons, are supported by agriculture,
10·2 per cent. by industries, 1 per cent, by commerce, and 1.3 percent,
by the professions.
The Victoria Baptist Foreign Mission has been in the District since
1837, and has three branches, at Nasirabad, Tangail, and Birisiri.
Its work lies mainly among the Garos; and the Christians enumerated
in the District, who increased from 211 in 1891 to 1,291 in 1901, are
mainly Garo converts. Considerable attention is paid to education ;
a girls' orphanage is maintained at Nasirabad, a normal school for
Garo teachers and a girls' boarding school at Birisiri, and a number
of primary schools.
The greater portion of the District is a highly cultivated plain
watered by the great rivers and their offshoots and feeders, but the
Madhupur jungle is for the most part waste. The
north lies comparatively high and is generally above
flood level, but the south is lower and is subject to annual inundations
and deposits'of fertilizing silt. In the neighbourhood of the big rivers
the soil is a sandy loam, admirably suited for jute and spring crops.
The principal agricultural statistics for 1903-4 are shown below, areas
being in square miles : -

Subdivision. Total. Cultivated. Cultivable


Mymcnsingh 1,849 1.124 180

Netrakona . 1,148 477 164
JamSlpur 1,289 758
Tangail I,061 669 94
Kishorganj . 985 730
Totnl 6.332 3-758 625

Rice forms the staple food-grain of the District ; the winter rice
covers 44 per cent, of the cultivated area, early rice 15½ per cent., and
spring rice 5 per cent. The ans or early rice is sown from March to
April and even May, and is reaped from the middle of May till the
middle of September. The harvest takes place earliest in the west of
the District, and latest in the southern tracts. In the east only two
kinds of aus are cultivated—the jali and the aus proper; in the west
the varieties are much more numerous, but all of them do best on
a dry soil Winter rice is sown in the late spring and reaped in the
autumn and early winter; some of the varieties grow in marshy land,
while the rest grow best in dry lands. The rupa or transplanted winter
crop is grown in moist soil, being sown in June, transplanted a month
or two later, and reaped in November, December, and January. The
long-stemmed rice, which rises with the floods, is common in the deep
swamps. The spring rice, known in the District as bora, is sown early
in the winter and reaped during the spring months; it is a transplanted
crop, and grows best in low marshy lands.
A fourth of the Bengal jute crop is raised in Mymensingh District,
where the fibre occupies 1,015 square miles, or 27 per cent, of the
cultivated area; it is grown in all parts, but particularly in the rich
alluvial tracts formed by the Brahmaputra between Ghafargaon and
Bhairab Bazar. Oilseeds cover 19 per cent, of the cultivated area,
yielding nearly an eighth of the rape and mustard grown in Bengal.
Pulses are extensively grown, and a little wheat and barley are raised.
There are considerable plantations of sugar-cane in the Husainshahi
and Joar Husa.inpur parganas. The betel-vine is cultivated, and tobacco
is widely grown. Irrigation is little practised, except for the spring rice
crop. Owing to the regular and copious rainfall, famine is unknown,
while the large export of jute and oilseeds brings large sums of
money into the District; and there is consequently little need for
Government loans.
No attention is given to the feeding or breeding of cattle, and
the local varieties are weak and undersized. Young bulls are allowed
to run among the herd before they are fit for the plough, and are
the only sires of the young stock. In the cold season cattle are
grazed on the rice stubble; but during the rains pasturage is very
limited, and the cattle get only what they can pick up on the sides
of marshes, tanks, and roads. In the submerged tracts they are fed
on straw or grass. In the south-east of the District, however, there
are considerable areas of rich pasture, where clarified butter (ghi)
and the so-called Dacca cheeses are prepared; in the Madhupur
jungle and Susang hills abundant pasturage is also available. Cattle
of a better class, imported from Bihar, are in demand throughout
the District; and buffaloes are also used for agricultural purposes,
especially along the foot of the Garo Hills. Pack-ponies of a small
and weak variety are in common use.
A large number of fairs are held, some of considerable antiquity
and largely attended. At the SaraswatI mela held in NasMbad
in February, and at the Industrial and Agricultural Exhibition recently
instituted at Tangail, agricultural produce and stock are exhibited
for prizes.
In former times the muslins of Kishorganj and Bajitpur were of
VOL. x v m . L
considerable note, and the East India Company had factories at
both places; weaving is still widely practised and supports more
than 30,000 persons. Cloth (endt) is woven at
Trade and Sandhikona in the Netrakona subdivision from wild
silk. Fine sitalpati mats are made on a large scale
in the east and south-east, where the marshes furnish an abundant
supply of reeds (Phrynium dichotomum) for the purpose. Brass
and bell-metal ware is manufactured at Islampur in the Jamalpur
subdivision and at Kagmari in Tangail, and the cutlery of Kargaon
and Bajitpur in the Kishorganj subdivision has a local reputation.
Cane boxes, molasses, and mustard oil are also prepared in some
Trade is carried on chiefly by rail and river; where there are no
rivers, carts and pack-ponies are used. The chief export is jute; in
1903-4 the amount carried direct to Calcutta exceeded 76,000 tons,
and more than double this quantity was probably baled at Sirajganj
and Narayanganj for export. Other exports are pulses, rice, oilseeds,
hides, raw cotton, cheese, ghl, dried fish, and brass-ware. The principal
imports are salt, kerosene oil, European piece-goods, cotton twist,
molasses, sugar, corrugated iron, coal and coke from Calcutta ; tobacco
from Rangpur ; raw cotton from the Garo Hills ; cotton, betel-nuts, and
chillies from Tippera; and coco-nuts from the southern Districts. A
large proportion of the trade with Calcutta is at present carried via
Narayanganj, but the recent extension of the railway to Jagan-
nSthganj will possibly in time divert this portion of the traffic to the
more direct route via Goalundo. The large trade-centres mark the
lines of water communication ; SUBARNAKHALI, lying on the Jamuna
and connected by road with both Jamalpur and Nasirabad, is the
principal emporium in the west of the District. NASIRABAD, the head-
quarters town, and JAMALPUR are on the banks of the Old Brahmaputra,
on which also lie Saltia, a large cattle market, DATT'S BAZAR, and
BHAIRAB B A Z A R ; the latter, at the point of the confluence with the
Meghna, is the largest and most important mart in the District.
K A T I A D I , K A R I M G A N J , KISHORGANJ, and Nllganj are markets whence
large quantities of jute are sent via the Lakhya and Meghna to the
presses at Narayanganj. In the east and south-east are Mohanganj
and Dhuldia, large fish markets; and in the north are Haluaghat, at
the foot of the Garo Hills, where the hillmen bring in their merchandise,
N A U T A B A R I , and SHERPUR. Among the Hindus, the Telis and Sahas
are the chief trading castes; there is also a large community of
M&rwaris. Middlemen and brokers are usually Musalmans.
The Dacca-Mymensingh branch of the Eastern Bengal State Railway
(metre-gauge) enters the District at Kaoraid, whence it runs north
through Nasirabad to Jamalpur, and from thence south-west to join
the Jamuna at Jagannathganj, having a total length within the Dis-
trict of 87¼ miles. The railway has already done much to open out
the country, and the proposed extensions to Tangail and Netrakona
will develop those subdivisions. The railway has seventeen stations
within the District, most of which are connected by feeder roads
with the marts of the interior. The most important roads are those
connecting the head-quarters town with Dacca, Subarnakhali on the
Jamuna, Kishorganj via Iswarganj, Durgapur, Tangail via Phulbaria,
Jamalpur, and Netrakona. Including 1,620 miles of village roads,
the District in 1903-4 contained 2,484 miles of road, of which only
45 miles were metalled.
Steamers ply on the big rivers which flow along the east and west
of the District. The most important of these are the daily services
between Calcutta and Cachar via the Sundarbans, and between
Goalundo and Dibrugarh, both of which stop at several stations within
the District. The usual country boats of Eastern Bengal are em-
ployed for trade, and dug-outs are used on the hill rivers in the north.
There are 171 ferries, of which 5 are Provincial, while the remainder
belong to the District board. The most important are those at
Sambhuganj, Jamalpur, Husainpur, and Piarpur.
For administrative purposes the District is divided into five sub-
divisions, with head-quarters at NASIRABAD, N E T R A K O N A , JAMALPUR,
T A N G A I L , and KISHORGANJ. They are of unusual . „ , ,
size, having an average area of 1,266 square miles,
and a population of 783,000. Subordinate to the Magistrate-Collector,
the staff at head-quarters consists of a Joint-Magistrate, seven un-
covenanted Deputy-Magistrate-Collectors, and one Sub-deputy Magis-
trate-Collector. Three of the Deputy-Magistrate-Collectors are em-
ployed exclusively on revenue work, and there is also a Deputy-
Collector in charge of the partition work of both Dacca and
Mymensingh. The other four subdivisions are each in charge of a
Deputy-Magistrate-Collector, the subdivisional officer at Tangail being
assisted by a Deputy-Collector, and at Netrakona by a Sub-Deputy-
Civil work is in charge of the District Judge, who is also Sessions
Judge; subordinate to him are an additional District and Sessions
Judge, three Subordinate Judges, one additional Subordinate Judge for
both Faridpur and Mymensingh, and nineteen Munsifs: namely, three
at Mymensingh, and fifteen permanent Munsifs and one temporary
Additional Munsif at Tangail, Netrakona, Kishorganj, Bajitpur,
Iswarganj, Pingna, Jamalpur, and Sherpur. The criminal courts
include those of the Sessions Judge, the District Magistrate, and the
above-mentioned Joint and Deputy-Magistrates. The wealth and the
litigious habits of the people make the criminal and civil work very
heavy, and disputes about land give rise to numerous and complicated
cases. The District has gained an evil notoriety for kidnapping,
abduction, and rape; and in 1899 it was found necessary to depute
special officers to inquire into such cases.
At Todar Mai's settlement of 1582 the present District fell within
sarkdr Bajtiha, which also contained a portion of Dacca District,
and it was subsequently included in the province of Dacca, from
which it was not separated until 1787; the separate revenues
collected by the Muhammadan government cannot therefore be
ascertained. The revenue permanently settled in 1793 seems to have
amounted to 7·20 lakhs, which in 1903-4 had risen to 7-68 lakhs
(payable by 9,534 estates), mainly by the resumption and assessment in
the first half of the nineteenth century of lands held free of revenue
under invalid titles. In addition, Rs. 70,000 is payable by 178 tem-
porarily settled estates, and Rs. 26,000 by 80 estates held direct by
Government. At the time of the Permanent Settlement only a quarter
of the District was cultivated, and the result is that the share of the
produce of the soil which is now taken as revenue is probably smaller
than in any other part of Bengal. It is equivalent to only R. 0-5-8
on each cultivated acre, or 11·8 per cent, of the rental, which itself
by no means represents the real value of the lands to the zamindars,
as they impose a large premium, varying from Rs. 5 to Rs. 100 per
acre, at the beginning of each tenancy. A few tenures are peculiar to
the District. The nagani jama taluk, an under-tenure held subject
to a quit-rent, is a relic of the period when tenants were in demand,
having been created by former Rajas of Susang to induce people to
settle on their estates. A dikhli taluk is an absolute transfer in
consideration of the payment of a lump sum, in addition to rent
fixed in perpetuity; and a daisudhi ijara is a usufructuary mort-
gage either for a definite period or until repayment. Rents vary
widely over the District, being highest in pargana Juanshabi, and
lowest in pargana Khaliajuri. The rates for homestead land range
from 9½ annas to Rs. 8 - 9 - 6 ; rice lands are divided into three classes,
the rates varying from Rs. 1-14-9 to Rs. 4 - 5 - 6 for first-class lands, and
from Rs. 1-3 to Rs. 2-7-6 for those of the third class.
The following table shows the collections of land revenue and of
total revenue (principal heads only), in thousands of rupees :—

1880-1. 1890-1. 1900-1. 1003-4. 4

Land revenue. 8,21 8,26 8,63 8,65

Total revenue. 19,10 23,35 27,78 27,87

Outside the eight municipalities of NASIRABAD, JAMALPUR, SHERPUR,

local affairs are managed by the District board, with subordinate local
boards at each of the subdivisional head-quarters. In 1903-4 the
income of the District board was Rs. 3,81,000, of which Rs. 1,99,000
was derived from rates; and the expenditure was Rs. 4,37,000, in-
cluding Rs. 2,63,000 spent on public works and Rs. 87,000 on
There are 19 police stations or thnas and 11 outposts. The regular
force subordinate to the District Superintendent in 1903 consisted of 6
inspectors, 77 sub-inspectors, 38 head constables, and 592 constables,
including those employed for patrolling purposes within the municipal
areas. The rural police numbered 7,307 village watchmen and 714 head
watchmen. The District jail at Nasirabad has accommodation for 550
prisoners, and the lock-ups at the subdivisional head-quarters for 89.
Education is still very backward, and in 1901 only 3·7 per cent. of
the population (6·9 males and 0·4 females) could read and write. A
considerable advance, however, has been made since 1881. Education
is most backward in the north of the District, and among the Muham-
madans, only 30·3 per cent. of whose males are able to read and write,
compared with 16·2 per cent. among the Hindus. The total number
of pupils under instruction, which was 54,284 in 1882-3 and 51,082 in
1892-3, increased to 65,812 in 1900-1. In 1903-4, 67,266 boys and
5,878 girls were at school, being respectively 22·2 and 2·0 per cent.
of the children of school-going age. The number of educational in-
stitutions, public and private, in that year was 2,618, including 2 Arts
colleges, 133 secondary schools, and 2,255 primary schools. The
expenditure on education was 3·84 lakhs, of which Rs. 26,000 was
met from Provincial funds, Rs. 83,000 from District funds, Rs. 2,000
from municipal funds, and 1·98 lakhs from fees. The chief educa-
tional institutions are the Mymensingh Government school and City
College at Naslrabad and the Pramatha Manmatha College at Tangail.
Special institutions include 12 upper primary and 2 lower primary
schools, maintained by the District board for the aboriginal tribes in
the neighbourhood of the Garo Hills and the Madhupur jungle.
In 1903 the District contained 33 dispensaries, of which 14 had
accommodation for 137 in-patients. The cases of 370,000 out-patients
and 2,082 in-patients were treated, and 11,253 operations were
performed. The expenditure was Rs. 49,000, of which Rs. 2,000
was met from Government contributions, Rs. 9,000 from Local and
Rs. 11,000 from municipal funds, and Rs. 27,000 from subscriptions.
Vaccination is compulsory only within municipal aueas.. Elsewhere
there is still some opposition to it, but 154,000 successful vaccina-
tions were performed in 1903-4, representing 25·4 per 1,000 of the
[Sir W. W. Hunter, Statistical Account of Bengal, vol. v (1875).]

M y m e n s i n g h Subdivision (Matmansingh),—Head-quarters sub-

division of Mymensingh District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, lying
between 24 0 7' and 25 0 11' N. and 89 0 59' and 90 0 49' E., with an
area of 1,849 square miles. A large part of the subdivision consists of
a level open plain, covered with well-cultivated fields and intersected
by numerous small rivers and channels; but the south comprises the
M A D H U P U R jungle, where the country is more elevated and contains
large jungle tracts. The population in 1901 was 977,476, compared
with 853,020 in 1891. I t contains two towns, N A S I R A B A D (population,
14,668), the head-quarters, and M U K T A G A C H A (5,888); and 2,367
villages. The density is only 529 persons per square mile, against an
average of 618 for the District, owing to the inclusion of a large portion
of the Madhupur jungle, in parts of which there are only 277 persons
per square mile, compared with 1,025 in the Nandail tkana. There
are important markets at S A M B H U G A N J and D A T T ' S B A Z A R .
Mymensingh.—Town in Mymensingh District, Eastern Bengal
and Assam. See N A S I R A B A D .
M y o h a u n g T o w n s h i p . - Easternmost township of Akyab District,
Lower Burma, lying between 20 0 20' and 20 0 50' N. and 93 0 2'
and 93 0 58' E., partly in the valleys of the Kaladan and Lemro, partly
on the slopes of the Arakan Yoma, with an area of 1,329 square miles.
The population was 43,366 in 1891, and 49,978 in 1901. There are
282 villages. In consequence of the scarcity of population in the h i l l
areas on the western slope of the Arakan Yoma, the density (37 persons
per square mile) is lower than that of any other township in the
District. T h e head-quarters are at M Y O H A U N G or ' o l d t o w n ' (popula-
tion, 2,833), for centuries the capital of the ancient kingdom of Arakan.
The area cultivated in 1903-4 was 152 square miles, paying Rs. 2,00,000
land revenue.
M y o h a u n g V i l l a g e ( ' O l d town').—Head-quarters of the township
of the same name in Akyab District, Lower Burma, situated in
20 0 35' N. and 93 0 12' E., on a branch of the Kaladan, about 40 miles
from Akyab and the Bay of Bengal. This village was formerly the
capital of the ancient kingdom of A R A K A N . The seat of government
is said to have been moved here from Dwarawadi, farther south in
Sandoway District, about the close of the tenth century, in consequence
of aggressions across the Arakan Yoma from the kingdom of Prome;
and Myohaung remained the capital till Arakan was finally absorbed
into the kingdom of Ava in the eighteenth century. In the first
Burmese War Myohaung was one of the earliest points of attack. It
was besieged by a British division which had marched by land from
Bengal, and was captured after a stubborn resistance at the end of
March, 1825. On Arakan passing under British rule at the close
of the war, the official head-quarters were not located in the ancient

capital, but in the more accessible Akyab, at the mouth of the

Kaladan; and Myohaung is now little more than a village. In 1901
its population amounted to 2,833.
The ruins of the ancient fort are still in existence; they consist of
three square enclosures, one within the other, surrounded by masonry
walls of very considerable thickness, built of stone and brick set in
cement. The openings in the hills surrounding Myohaung also con-
tain remains of defences. In the village itself the site of the old palace
is still traceable.
Myothit.—Eastern township of Magwe District, Upper Burma,
lying between 20 0 o' and 20 0 19' N. and 95 0 13' and 95 0 5 1 ' E., with
an area of 403 square miles. The eastern portion of the township,
watered by the Y i n , lies low, and is extensively cultivated with rice.
The western resembles the Myingun township, in so far as it has a dry
soil on which only millet and sesamum are grown. The population
was 33,994 in 1891, and 42,925 in 1901, distributed in 125 villages.
Myothit (population, 1,638), on the Y i n river, about 35 miles due east
of Magwe, is the head-quarters. In 1903-4 the area cultivated was
107 square miles, and the land revenue and thathameda amounted to
Rs. 6,500.
M y s o r e S t a t e (Maisur).—Native State in Southern India, lying
between n° 36 0 and 150 2' N. and 74 0 38' and 780 36' E. It consists
of an undulating table-land, much broken up by
chains of rocky hills and scored by deep ravines.
Its form is that of a triangle, with the apex to the
south, at the point where the Western and Eastern Ghat ranges
converge in the group of the Nilgiris. The general elevation rises
from about 2,000 feet above sea-level along the north and south
frontiers to about 3,000 feet at the central water-parting which separates
the basin of the Kistna to the north from that of the Cauvery to the
south. This watershed divides the country into two nearly equal parts,
a little north of lat. 13 0 and as far as long. 77 0 , where a transverse line
marks the eastern watershed. Several chains of hills, running chiefly
north and south, subdivide the whole into numerous valleys, widely
differing in shape and size. Isolated peaks of massive rock, called
' droogs' (from Sanskrit durga, ' hill-fort'), rear their heads on all sides
to an elevation of 4,000 or 5,000 feet above the level of the sea. The
area of the State is 29,433 square miles. The greatest length north
and south is about 230 miles; east and west about 290 miles. It is
bounded by Madras Districts on all sides except on the north-west,
where it is bordered by two Bombay Districts, and towards the south-
west, where Coorg intervenes.
The name is that of the capital, Mysore, for Maisur (from mahisha,
Sanskrit for ' buffalo,' reduced in Kanarese to maisa, and uru, Kanarese
for 'town' or 'country'), which commemorates the destruction of
Mahishasura, a minotaur or buffalo-headed monster, by Chamundi or
Mahishasura Mardani, the form under which the "consort of Siva is
worshipped as the tutelary goddess of the ruling family. It is the
Mahisa-mandala of Asoka's time, and forms the main part of the
region called throughout Hindu literature Kamata or Karnataka,
a term now wrongly applied to the districts below the Eastern Ghats
Mysore is naturally divided into two regions of distinct character:
the hill country, called the Malnad, on the west, confined to the tracts
bordering or resting on the Western Ghats (in Shimoga, Kadur, and
Hassan Districts); and the more open country in the east, known as
the Maidan or Bayalshime, comprising the greater part of the State,
where the wide-spreading valleys and plains are occupied by numerous
villages and populous towns. The Malnad is a picturesque land of
mountain and forest, presenting the most diversified and beautiful
scenery. The various parts of the Maidan take their character from
the means of water-supply and the prevailing cultivation. The level
plains of black soil, in the north, grow cotton or millets; the tracts
in the south and west, irrigated by channels drawn from rivers, are
covered with plantations of sugar-cane and fields of rice; those
irrigated from tanks have gardens of coco-nut and areca palms;
the wide tracts of red soil, in the east, yield rdgi and other 'dry
crops'; the stony and wide-spreading pasture grounds, in the central
parts of the country, are stretches of coarse grass, relieved by shady
groves of trees.
From the massive group of the N I L G I R I S , which command the
southern frontier, stretch forth, north-west and north-east respectively,
the W E S T E R N and EASTERN G H A T ranges, between which the plateau
of Mysore lies like a wedge. The hills within this table-land, though
rarely in continuous connected chains, arrange themselves into systems
crossing the country longitudinally, in directions more or less parallel
to the Ghat ranges, according to their proximity to one or the other.
They attain their greatest elevation somewhat north of lat. 130, where
Mulainagiri (the highest point in Mysore), in the Baba Budans, in the
west, rises to 6,317 feet, and Nandidroog, in the east, to 4,851 feet.
The best defined of the interior ranges is a belt, from 10 to 20 miles
wide, running between 77 0 and 77 0 30' E., from the BILIGIRI-RANGANS
(4,195 feet), through Savandurga (4,024) and Sivaganga (4,559), north
up to Maddagiri (3,935), and on by Nidugal (3,772) to Molakalmuru
and the frontier. .In the west a corresponding range, not more than
10 miles in width, runs north along meridian 75 0 30' E . , from
Ballalrayandurga (4,940 feet) beyond Shikarpur, having on its east
the big loop of the BABA BUDANS, whose peaks rise to over 6,000 feet.

Intermediate between these two internal ranges is a chain, with

considerable intervals between its component parts, trending to the
east on the south of the central watershed, and to the west on the
north of it. Starting from the Wynaad frontier at Gopalswami Betta
(4,770 feet), it passes by Nagamangala to Chunchangiri (3,221), re-
appears to the west of Kibbanhalli in the Hagalvadi hills (3,543), and
crosses in a continuous belt through the middle of Chitaldroog District.
O f minor ranges the most important is that of NANDIDROOG, com-
mencing near the hill of that name, with several peaks of nearly equal
height, and passing north by Gudibanda to the Anantapur country.
In the west a similar medial chain, but of lower elevation, runs from
east of the Baba Budans through Sakunagiri (4,653 feet), by the
Ubrani hills and Basavapatna, along the right bank of the Tunga-
bhadra to the frontier, where it meets that river.
T h e drainage of the country, with a slight exception, finds its way
east to the Bay of Bengal, and is divisible into three great river
systems: that of the K I S T N A on the north, the CAUVERY on the
south, and the P E N N E R , P O N N A I Y A R , and P A L A R on the east. The
only streams flowing west to the Arabian Sea are those in the north-
west, which, uniting in the Sharavati, hurl themselves down the Ghats
in the magnificent GERSOPPA F A L L S ; and some minor streams which
run down to South Kanara. A line drawn east from Ballalrayandurga
to Nandidroog, and thence south to Anekal, with one from DevarSya-
durga north to Pavugada, will indicate approximately the watershed
separating the three main river basins. From the north of this ridge
flow the Tunga and Bhadra, rising in the Western Ghats and uniting
in the T U N G A B H A D R A , which, after receiving the H A G A R I or Vedavati,
joins the Kistna beyond the limits of Mysore near Kurnool. From
the south, the H E M A V A T I (tributary the Yagachi), the Lokapavani,
Shimsha, and A R K A V A T I flow into the Cauvery, which rises i n Coorg
and takes a south-easterly course through the State, receiving also
from the south the L A K S H M A N T J R T H A , the K A B B A N I or Kapila (tribu-
taries the Nugu and Gundal), and the H O N N U H O L E or Suvarnavati.
From the east of the watershed, in the immediate neighbourhood
of Nandidroog, spring three main streams : namely, the Uttara
Pinakini or P E N N E R (tributaries the Chitravati and Papaghni), which
runs into the sea at Nellore; the Dakshina Pinakini or PONNAIYAR,
which reaches the sea at Cuddalore; and between them the P A L A R ,
whose mouth is at Sadras.
Owing to either rocky or shallow beds, none of these rivers is
navigable in Mysore; but timber is floated down the Tunga, the
Bhadra, and the Kabbani at certain seasons. Most of the streams
are fordable during the dry months, but during floods traffic over
them is often suspended until the water subsides. Though useless
for navigation, the main streams, especially the Cauvery and its tribu-
taries, support an extensive system of irrigation by means of channels
drawn from immense dams, called 'anicuts,' which retain the upper
waters at a high level and permit only the overflow to pass down
stream. The channels or halves drawn from them meander over
the country on either bank, following all the sinuosities of the
ground, the total length maintained being upwards of 1,200 miles.
There are no natural lakes in Mysore; but the streams which gather
from the hill-sides and fertilize the valleys are embanked at every
favourable point in such a manner as to form series or chains of
reservoirs called tanks (Kanarese, here), the outflow from one at
a higher level supplying the next lower, and so on all down the
course of the stream at a few miles apart. These tanks, varying in
size from small ponds to extensive lakes, are dispersed throughout
the country to the number of nearly 30,000, The largest, Sdlekere,
is 40 miles in circumference, but the Mari Kanave reservoir will
exceed 90 miles. In the north-east are the spring-heads called
talpargi, extending east of a line from Kortagere to Molakalmuru.
Granites and granitic gneisses, regarded as of Archaean age, occupy
the greater portion of the State, and traversing these are metamorphic
schists of Pre-Palaeozoic age. There are besides, (a) more recent acid,
basic, and ultra-basic dikes, penetrating both the former systems, and
irrupted probably not later than Lower Palaeozoic times; {b) a deposit
of laterite, widely distributed in extensive sheets or oftener in small
isolated patches, forming an almost horizontal capping on the denuded
surfaces of the older rocks ; (c) some relatively unimportant alluvial
and sub-aerial deposits.
The schistose rocks which traverse the great complex of granite and
granitic gneiss, and are more or less folded down into it, form three
well-marked bands running in a generally north and south direction.
Two are of large size, and are known respectively as the Shimoga
and Chiknayakanhalli bands, from their proximity to those towns.
The third is the Kolar band, very small in extent, but of the greatest
economic importance. The two first named are southward extensions
of the great bands in Dharwar and Bellary 2. The third is apparently
an extension of a band running south along the Kadiri valley in
Cuddapah, but a break of several miles appears to separate the two
near the boundary line between Cuddapah and Mysore.
The earliest account of the geology of Mysore was by Captain Newbold in
1844-50 (see articles on the * Geology of Southern India,' J, R. A. S., vols. viii, ix, xii).
A State Geological department was formed tinder Mr. Bruce Foote in 1894, and is
now under Dr. W. F. Smeeth, on whose notes this section is based.
See Bruce Foote's' Geological Features of the South Mahratta Country,' ' Geology
of the Bellary District,' and other papers (Memoirs, Geographical Survey of India,
volt. xii, xxv; and Records, Geographical Survey of India, vols. xv, xxi, xxii).
The Shimoga band crosses the Tungabhadra near Harihar, extends
to the southern boundary of Kadur District, and spreads from near
Kadur on the east to the edge of the Western Ghats on the west,
where it forms much of the high Ghat country culminating in the
Kudremukh at an elevation of 6,215 feet. From this point the
western boundary is probably continuous up to Anantapur (Shimoga
District). West of Anantapur the country is covered by a great
spread of laterite, beneath which gneiss is exposed in deep nullahs.
The ChiknSyakanhalli band runs through the middle of the State
in a north-north-west and south-south-east direction. At the northern
boundary it is divided into two horns by the great granite massif of
Chitaldroog. Thence it runs south-south-west as far as Turuvekere
in Tumkur District, with an average width of about 18 miles. Here
it suddenly pinches; and the only continuous extension southward
is a narrow band, with an average width of 2 to 3 miles, running
from Baichihalli to the Karigatta hill, north of the Cauvery, opposite
the east end of the island of Seringapatam. A little to the west
of this narrow band are several small strings of schist near Myasandra,
Nelligere, and Nagamangala, some of which appear to be dikes 1.
An important schist belt lying throughout the east of this band has
been discovered, the rocks of which resemble those of the Kolar
band. The southern extension towards Sivasamudram is rock con-
taining 50 per cent. of iron.
The Kolar band lies on the eastern side of the State. It extends
north and south for a distance of 40 miles, with a maximum width
of 4 miles, while three narrow strings extend southwards into North
Arcot and Salem. In general outline the main portion of the band
may be regarded as consisting of a southern portion about 12 miles
long by 4 miles wide, in which the present Kolar Gold Field is situated;
a northern portion about 12 miles long by 5 miles wide ; and a narrow
neck of schist about 10 miles long by 1 mile wide, connecting these
two parts. The band is composed essentially of hornblendic rocks,
usually schistose, and some well-marked layers of ferruginous quartz
Granite exists in large irruptive masses, which have broken up and
penetrated the older gneisses and schists. The gneisses so largely
developed in Mysore are for the most part rocks of granitic com-
position, having a parallel-banded, wavy, or whorl-like structure, due
to the arrangement of the lighter and darker constituents in more
or less distinct bands or streaks. They appear to be of igneous
origin, rather than metamorphosed sedimentary rocks as suggested
by M r . Bruce Foote, the banding being due partly to segregation
See Mysore Geological Department Records, vol. iii, plate 1; vol. ii, p. 82 ;
vol. iii, p. 113.
of the more basic constituents, and partly to the contemporaneous
or subsequent veining by pegmatite, aplite, and other forms of granitic
material The prevailing type is a biotite-gneiss.
The Malnad or eastern face of the Western Ghats is clothed with
magnificent timber and contains the richest flora. The summits of the
mountains are bare of trees, but covered with grasses and herbs—
Anthisteria, Andropogon, Habenaria, &c. The valleys descending from
them are filled with woods called sholas, leaving grass-covered ridges
between. Above 4,500 feet is the evergreen belt; lower down, to
3,000 feet, is a mixed belt, practically continuous; and finally the
deciduous trees are at the foot and throughout the plains. At extreme
heights occur trees of the Nllgiri flora, but smaller. The South Indian
tree-fern often ascends into the highest sholas, but rarer ferns abound
in the mixed zone. It is here that coffee {Coffea arabicd), pepper
(Piper nigrum), and cardamoms (Elettaria cardamomum) are culti-
vated. Calophyllum tomentosum, Hardwickia binata, Bombax ma/aba-
ricum, Vateria indica, Mesua ferrea, Myristica laurifolia, M. magnifica,
Lagerstroemia lanceolata, Z. Flos Reginae, Michelia Champaca, Ficus
of many species, and Tectona grandis are some of the prominent trees
in this belt, with the prickly bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea). The
Maiden or open plateau contains numerous species not found in the
upper hill region. Bassia latifolia, Pterocarpus santalinus, Tamarindus
indicus, Feronia elcphantum, Mangifera indica, Artocarpus integrifolia,
Acacia arabica, Pongamia glabra, Santalum album, Phoenix sylvestris,
and Cocos nucifera are some of those characteristic of this part. The
hill ranges here and extensive areas in the plains are covered with
small trees, shrubs, and twiners of various species, forming what
is called scrub jungle. The main roads are lined with avenues of
indigenous trees and the railroads with hedges of the aloe {Agave ameri-
cana). Most villages have a grove (called a ' tope') of common trees.
Elephants range through the southern forests and are also found in
Shimoga District. A special Khedda department for their capture and
training was formed in 1873, but was in abeyance from the famine of
1876 until 1889, when it was again in operation till 1898. Tigers,
leopards, and bears are numerous. Bison are found in the western
and southern forests. Various kinds of antelope and deer, wild hog,
wolf, and wild dog are met with in different parts. Monkeys abound,
and the southern langur frequents the western woods. Otters and
pangolins may also be mentioned. Among birds, peafowl are common
in the west; pelicans are also found, with numerous game-birds. Jays,
parrots, kingfishers, orioles, and other birds of gay plumage are common.
So are vultures, with many kinds of kites, hawks, and crows, as well
as owls of various kinds. Of reptiles, the hamadryad is met with in
remote and dense forests. Cobras, pythons, the karait, the rat snake

or dhamin, the green snake, and others are general in all parts. Iguanas
and chameleons may often be seen, while large lizards called ' blood-
suckers ' are universal. Crocodiles abound in most of the western
rivers, where mahseer and other large fish are also to be found. Of
insects, leeches are common in the forests in the wet season, and are
very troublesome. The lac insect propagates on the jatari tree. Bees
of many kinds are common. A small fly, not bigger than a flea, called
the eye-fly or mango-fly, is quite a pest, especially in the mango season,
and spreads ophthalmia. Mosquitoes are universal, and white ants or
termites insatiable in their ravages. There is a great variety of mantis,
some of which simulate straws or leaves.
The year in Mysore may be divided into three seasons: the rainy,
the cold, and the hot. The first commences with the bursting of the
south-west monsoon, generally early in June, and continues, with some
interval in August and September, to the middle of November, closing
with the heavy rains of what is popularly called the north-east monsoon.
It is followed by the cold season, which is generally entirely free from
rain, and lasts till the end of February. The hot season then sets in
during March, and increases in intensity to the end of May, with
occasional relief from thunderstorms. The temperature is most agree-
able during the rainy months, the range of the thermometer at
Bangalore at that season being between 64 0 and 84 0 . In the cold
season the mercury falls there as low as 51° in the early morning, and
sometimes rises to 8o° during the day. The minimum and maximum
in the shade during the hottest months are about 66° and 91 0 , or in
extreme seasons 96 0 .
The annual rainfall ranges from over 360 inches on the crest of the
Western Ghats to as little as 19 inches in the north centre. But these
are extremes that apply only to limited areas. The excessive rain of
the Malnad rapidly diminishes eastwards, and from 20 to 37 inches
may be accepted as the general annual average for the greater part of
the State1 . The zone of heavy rain, 60 inches and over, is confined
to the Western Ghat region from Sorab to Manjarabad. From 40 to
60 inches of rain fall between Sorab and Shikarpur, in the Baba
Budans region, and in Heggadadevankote. The zone of 25 to 40
inches extends over all the remainder of the State, except Chitaldroog
District, the north of Tumkur and Kolar Districts, and the extreme
south-east of Mysore District, which have less than 25 inches. The
distribution closely follows that of the forest belts, the heaviest rain
coinciding with the evergreen belt, the next with the deciduous forest,
and the least rainy tracts with the dry belt.
The mean annual relative humidity of the Mysore State is set down by Mr. H. F.
Blanford as 66, that of Malabar and Coorg being 79,and of the Carnatic 67. {Climates
and Weather of India.)
T h e cold-season rains, December to March, are insignificant, scanty,
and not much needed for the standing crops. But they are useful in
keeping up the pasture supply. The hot-season rains, in A p r i l and
May, sometimes called mango showers, are of the accidental k i n d ,
and give heavy short storms from the east. They are very important
for agriculture, as a copious fail replenishes the tanks, and enables the
cultivators to prepare the land for the ensuing monsoon. The south-
west monsoon from June to September is perhaps the most essential
for the country, which requires the steady drizzling rains of this season
to make the soil productive. The north-east monsoon in October and
November is essentially important for filling the tanks, and providing
a store of water that may last over the rainless months.
A Meteorological department was formed in 1893, with obser-
vatories at Bangalore, Mysore, Hassan, and Chitaldroog, and having
under its direction 203 rain-gauge stations. The following table shows
the average temperature and rainfall recorded at Bangalore, Mysore,
and Chitaldroog for a period of years prior to 1901:—

Average temperature (in degrees F a h r e n h e i t ) for the

twenty-five years ending 1901 in
Height of
Observatory January. May. November.
Station. above sea- July.
level in
feet. Diur- Diur- Diur- Diur-
Mean. nal Mean. nal Mean. nal Mean. nal
range. range. range. range.

Bangalore* 3,021 68·8 23·3 804 32·2 742 16.3 708 17·3
M ysore † 2,51 8 72·5 24·5 809 22·6 75·0 73·3 18·4
Chitaldroog . 2,405 73·5 22·9 82·7 22*9 75·3 13.6 73·5 18.3

NOTE.—The diurnal range is the average difference between the maximum and minimum
temperatures of each day.
* The figures for January are for twenty-four years and the others for twenty-five.
† The figures for January are for eight years and the others for nine.
† The figures are for nine years.

Average rainfall ( i n inches) for the twenty-five years ending 1901 in

Station. Total
Jan. Feb. M a r . A p r . M a y . June. J u l y . A u g . Sept. Oct. N o v . Dec. of

Bangalore . 0·12 0·20 0·45 1·3 4.39 2 97 3·91 5-02 682 6·34 3·13 049 35·05
Mysore 0 0 7 0·20 0·66 2·60 5·57 2·57 2·36 3·12 4·85 781 2·33 0·47 32·61
Chitaldroog 0 1 7 0·04 0·27 1·47 3·33 277 270 277 4·o5 4·.26 2·78 0·33 24.83

T h e authentic history of Mysore, like that of India in general, begins

after the invasion by Alexander the Great in 327 B.a, and has been
gathered from the inscriptions, several thousands in
number, scattered all over the country 1 . On the
retirement of Alexander, the north of India came under the dominion
of Chandra Gupta, the first of the Maurya emperors, with his capital
These have been published by M r . L. Rice, C . I . E . , the Mysore Director of Archae-
ology, in a series called Epigraphia Camatica, numbering twelve volumes.

at Pataliputra (Patna on the Ganges). According to the Jain tradi

tions, supported by inscriptions and monuments, Chandra Gupta
ended his days at Sravana Belgola in Mysore. In accordance with
the dictates of the Jain religion, he gave up his throne in order
to close his life in religious exercises, and accompanied the great
teacher Bhadrabahu on the migration which he led to the South
from Ujjain, at the beginning of a twelve years' famine which he
had predicted. When they reached Sravana Belgola, Bhadrabahu felt
his end approaching, and sent on the body of pilgrims under Visakha
to the Punnnta country, the south-western portion of Mysore, he
himself remaining behind, tended by a single disciple, who was no
other than Chandra Gupta. There he died, and Chandra Gupta also,
after surviving his teacher twelve years. Whatever truth there may
be in this story, the discovery by M r . Rice of edicts of Asoka in the
north-east of the Mysore country has put it beyond doubt that that
portion of the State formed part of the Maurya empire. Asoka also
sent missionaries, among other places, to Mahisa-mandala (Mysore)
and Vanavasi (Banavasi, north-west of the State). These were probably
just beyond the limits of his empire.
The north of Mysore next came under the rule of the Andhra or
Satavahana dynasty. From the latter name is derived the form
Salivahana, applied to an era, dating from A . D . 78, which is in common
use. Their period extends from the second century B. C. to the second
century A . D . , and their dominions stretched from east to west over the
entire Deccan. Their chief capital was Dhanakataka (Dharanikotta
on the Kistna), but they had a western capital at Paithan on the
Godavari. The kings who ruled in Mysore bore the general name
The Andhras were succeeded by the Kadambas on the north-west,
and by the Pallavas in the north-east. The former were of indigenous
origin, their birthplace being Sthanagundur (Talagunda in the Shikarpur
taluk). Banavasi was their capital, and Shimoga District a part of their
kingdom. The Pallavas had Kanchi (Conjeeveram) as their capital,
and Tundaka or Tonda-mandaia (the Madras country east of Mysore)
as their territory, and displaced the Mahavalis or Banas, claiming
descent from Bali or Maha Bali, apparently connected with Maha-
balipur (the SEVEN PAGODAS, on the Madras coast). From the ninth
century the Pallavas are also called Nonambas or Nolambas, and gave
their name to Nonambavadi or Nolambavadi (Chitaldroog District),
the inhabitants of which are represented by the existing Nonabas.
Meanwhile two Ganga princes from the north, of the Ikshvaku and
therefore Solar race, named Dadiga and Madhava, aided by the Jain
priest Simhanandi, whom they met at Perur (still called Ganga-Perur,
in Cuddapah), established themselves towards the close of the second
century throughout the remaining parts of the Mysore country, with
Kuvalala or Kolala (Kolar) as their chief city, and Nandagiri (Nandi-
droog) as their stronghold, founding the Gangavadi kingdom, whose
inhabitants survive in the existing Gangadikaras. The name of this
dynasty, which ruled in Mysore till the opening of the eleventh century,
connects them with the Gangas or Gangaridae, the people of the
Ganges valley, who according to Greek and Roman writers were
the chief subjects of Chandra Gupta. The Gangas also founded
dynasties in Kalinga (Orissa and adjacent parts), and are mentioned
by Pliny as Gangaridae Caiingae. It was remorse for the slaughter
and devastation that attended his conquest of Kalinga which led Asoka
to devote himself to peace and religion, as stated in his thirteenth Rock
Edict. The boundaries of Gangavadi are given as: north, Marandale
(not identified); east, Tonda-nad; west, the ocean in the direction of
Chera (Cochin and Travancore); south, Kongu (Salem and Coim-
batore). All the kings had the cognomen Kongunivarma. The third
king removed his capital to Talakad on the Cauvery. The seventh
king, Durvinita, made extensive conquests in the south and east,
capturing some of the Pallava possessions. In the middle of the
eighth century the Ganga dominion was in a high state of prosperity,
and was designated the Srirajya or 'fortunate kingdom.' The king
Sripurusha subdued the Pallavas and took from them the title of
Permmanadi, always applied to the subsequent Ganga kings. He
fixed the royal residence at Manyapura (Manne in Bangalore District).
To revert to the north-west of the country. In the fifth century
the Chalukyas, claiming to come from AjodhyS, appeared in the
Deccan and overcame the Rashtrakutas, but were stopped by the
Pallavas. In the sixth century the Chalukya king Pulikesin wrested
Vatapi (Badami in Bijapur District) from the Pallavas and made it his
capital. His son subdued the Mauryas ruling in the Konkan, and
the Kadambas of Banavasi. Another son conquered the Kaiachuris
also. Pulikesin I I , in the seventh century, came into contact with
the Gangas. About 617 the Chalukyas separated into two branches.
The Eastern Chalukyas made Vengi (in Kistna District), taken from
the Pallavas, and subsequently Rajahmundry, their capital, while the
Western Chalukyas continued to rule from Vatapi, and eventually from
Kalyani (in the Nizam's Dominions). These are styled the Satyasraya
family, from a name of Pulikesin, the first king of this branch, who
was a great conqueror. His chief victory was over Harshavardhana,
king of Kanauj, the most powerful monarch in Northern India. By
this conquest he gained the title of Paramesvara. Both kings are
described by the Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsiang. Pulikesin exchanged
presents with Khusru II of Persia. After his death the Pallavas
inflicted severe losses on the Western Chalukyas, but VikramSditya

restored their power. He subdued the Pandya, Chola, Kerala, and

Kalabhra kings, and captured Kanchi, forcing the Pallava king, who
had never bowed to any man, to place his crown at his feet. The
three next kings followed up these victories, until all the powers from
the Guptas on the Ganges to the southernmost rulers of Ceylon had
submitted to them.
But the Rashtrakutas, under their kings Dantidurga and Krishna or
Kannara, now succeeded in freeing themselves, and for 200 years from
the middle of the eighth century became supreme. They were also
called Rattas, and their territory Rattavadi. Their capital, at first
Mayurakhandi (Morkhand in Nasik District), was early in the ninth
century at Manyakheta (Malkhed in the Nizam's Dominions). They
commonly bore the title Vallabha, taken from the Chalukyas, which,
in its Prakrit form Ballaha, led to their being called Balharas by Arab
travellers of the tenth century. At the end of the eighth century
Dhruva or Dharavarsha made the Pallava king pay tribute, and
defeated and imprisoned the king of the Gangas, who had never been
conquered before. During the interregnum thus caused, Rashtrakuta
viceroys governed the Ganga territories, of whom inscriptions tell us
of Kambharasa, surnamed Ranavaloka, apparently a son of Dhara-
varsha, and in 813 Chaki Raja. Eventually the Rashtrakuta king
Govinda or Prabhutavarsha released the Ganga king, probably Siva-
mara, and replaced him on the throne. Nripatunga or Amoghavarsha
had a very long reign during the ninth century, and has left writings in
the Kanarese language which show his great interest in the people and
country of Karnataka 1 . His successor was engaged in constant wars
with the Eastern Chalukyas. These were subdued in the middle of
the tenth century by the Cholas, who thus came into collision with the
Rashtrakutas, then in intimate alliance with the Gangas. Butuga of
the latter family had married a Rashtrakuta princess, and helped his
brother-in-law Kannara or Akalavarsha to secure the throne. He now
rendered h i m a great service by slaying Rajaditya, the Chola king, at
Takkola (near Arkonam). This put a stop to the Chola invasion ;
and Butuga was rewarded with the north-western districts of Mysore,
in addition to those in the Bombay country which formed the dowry
of his bride. In 973 Taila restored the supremacy of the Western
Chalukyas, and Indra, the last of the Rashtrakutas, died at Sravana
Belgola in 982.
From the time of Rachamalla, about 820, the Gangas had again
prospered, and all the kings to the end take the title Satyavakya
in addition to Permmanadi. Rachamalla was followed by Nitimarga,
and he by Satyavakya and Ereyappa. Then came Butuga, already
mentioned. H i s successor, Marasimha, utterly destroyed the Nolambas.
A small Sanskrit work by him on morality was translated into Tibetan.
VOL. X V I I I . M
With Rakkasa Ganga and a Nitimarga or Ganga Raja the dynasty
came to an end, in the manner related below.
T h e revival of the Western Chalukya power continued for 200 years,
during the first half of which they were engaged in continual wars
with the Cholas. The latter had from 972 completely subjugated
the Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi, whose kingdom was eventually made
an apanage of the Chola empire, being ruled by Chola princes as
viceroys. At the same time a Chola princess was married to the
Kalinga Ganga king still farther north. In 997 the Cholas under
Rajaraja had invaded Mysore in the east. In 1004 they reappeared
in overwhelming force, under his son Rajendra Chola, took Talakad,
and subverted the Ganga sovereignty, capturing all the south and
east of the country, up to a line from about Arkalgud through
Seringapatam and Nelamangala to Nidugal.
The remaining portions of Mysore, that is, the north and west, were
subject to the Western Chalukyas, of whom the most celebrated was
Vikramaditya, the son of a Ganga mother, who ruled from 1076 to
1126. Their empire is generally called Kuntala, of which the
Banavase-nad, or Shimoga District, was a principal province. The
capital of this was Balligave, now Belgami in the Shikarpur taluk
which contained splendid temples, dedicated to Jina, Buddha, Vishnu,
Siva, and Brahma. Famous scholars were at the head of its five
maths, where, as in the mediaeval monasteries of Europe, food and
medicine were dispensed to all comers.
The Chalukyas were supplanted in 1155 by the Kalachuris in the
person of Bijjala, who had been their minister and general. During
his time took place the Saiva revival which resulted in the establish-
ment of the Lingayat creed, still the popular religion of the Kanarese-
speaking countries. The Kalachuri power lasted but a short time,
till about 1183.
The local dynasty which rose to dominion in Mysore on the over-
throw of the Gangas was that of the Poysalas or Hoysalas, by origin
a line of chiefs in the Western Ghats. Their birthplace was Sosevur
or Sasikapura (now Angadi in Kadur District). The founder was Sala,
who at the exclamation poy Sala (strike, Sala!) by a Jain priest slew
the tiger that was threatening him, and thence took the name Poysala
(of which Hoysala is the modern form), the priest aiding him in estab-
lishing a kingdom. The Hoysalas claimed to be Yadavas and therefore
of the Lunar race. At first they recognized the Western Chalukyas
as overlords. Their capital was fixed at Dorasamudra (now Halebid
in Hassan District). In the time of Vinayaditya, who ruled to the
end of the eleventh century, the kingdom included Konkana, Alva-
kheda (South Kanara), Bayalnad (Wynaad), Talakad (the south of
Mysore District), and Savimale (somewhere north towards the Kistna).
His son Ereyanga was a great general under the Chalukyas, and among
other exploits burnt Dhar, the Malava capital. He died before his
father, and the throne passed to his sons. Of these, Bitti Deva,
who ruled from 1104 to 1141, was the most distinguished. Under
the influence of the reformer Ramanuja, who had taken refuge in his
kingdom from Chola persecution, he exchanged the Jain faith for
that of Vishnu, and took the name of Vishnuvardhana. He also
entered upon an extensive range of conquests, an early achievement
being the capture of Talakad about 1116. This was followed by
the expulsion from Mysore of the Cholas. The boundaries of the
kingdom in his reign were extended to the lower ghat of Nangali
(Kolar District) on the east; Kongu, Cheram, and Anaimalia (Salem
and Coimbatore) on the south; the Barkanur ghat road of Konkana
on the west ; and Savimale on the north. Rameswaram is also
given as a boundary on the south. His own country he gave to the
Brahmans, while he ruled over countries won by his sword. He
died at Bankapur (in Dharwar District) and was succeeded by his
son Narasimha. His grandson, Vira Ballala, who came to the throne
in 1173, gained such renown that the kings of this family are some-
times called the Ballalas. He won important victories to the north
over the Kalachuris and the Seunas (or Yadavas of Deogiri), especially
one at Soratur, and carried the Hoysala kingdom up to and beyond
the Peddore or Kistna, taking up his residence at Lokkigundi (Lak-
kundi in Dharwar). He reduced all the hill forts about the Tunga-
bhadra; and, capturing Uchchangi, which the Cholas, after besieging
for twelve years, had abandoned as hopeless, he brought into subjec-
tion the Pandyas of that place. His son, Narasimha I I , repulsed the
Seunas in the north-west, but was mostly engaged in wars to the
south-east, where he overthrew the Pandya, subdued the Kadava
(or Pallava) and Magara kings, and rescued the Chola leader, reseating
him on his throne. The Seunas took this opportunity to press south-
wards, and succeeded in settling in parts of the north-west. Som-
eswara next came to the throne in 1233 ; and in his time the Seunas
attempted to advance as far as Dorasamudra, the capital, but were
driven back, though their general, Saluva Tikkama, claimed some
success. The Hoysala king, however, went to live in the Chola
country, at Kannanur or Vikramapura (near Srirangam and Trichi-
nopoly). On his death in 1254 a partition was made of the Hoysala
territories, the capital and the ancestral Kannada kingdom going to
his son Narasimha I I I , while the Tamil provinces and Kolar District
were given to another son, Ramanatha. The Seunas, under their
king Mahadeva, were again put to flight by Narasimha. The kingdom
was then once more united under Ballala I I I , who came to the throne
in 1291. During his reign the Musalmans invaded the country in
M 2
1310, under Kafur, the general of Ala-ud-dfn of the K h i l j i or second
Pathan dynasty. T h e king was defeated and taken prisoner: Dora-
samudra was sacked, and the enemy returned to D e l h i literally laden
with gold. The king's son, carried off as a hostage, was restored
in 1313. A later expedition in 1326, sent by Muhammad I I I of the
house of Tughlak, completely demolished the capital. The king
seems to have retired to Tondanur (Tonnur, north of Seringapatam),
but eventually went to live at Unnamale (Tiruvannamalai or T r i -
nomalee, in South Arcot). He returned, however, to a place in
Mysore called Virupaksha-pattana (perhaps Hosdurga), and died fight-
ing against the Turakas or Musalmans at Beribi in 1342. A son
Virupaksha Ballala was crowned in 1343, but the Hoysala power
was at an end.
The last great H i n d u empire of the south was established in 1336
at Vijayanagar on the Tungabhadra. T w o princes of the Yadava
line and Lunar race, named Hakka and Bukka, probably subordinates
of the Hoysalas, were aided in founding a new state by Madhava
or Vidyaranya, head of the math of Sankaracharya, the great re-
former of the eighth century, at Sringeri in Kadur District. Hakka
took the name of Harihara, in which Vishnu and Siva are combined,
but the tutelary deity of the line was Virupaksha. Harihara was the
first king, and was succeeded by Bukka, whose son Harihara II
followed. They speedily became paramount throughout the South,
but their extension northwards was checked by the foundation in
1347 of the Bahmani kingdom, which was Musalman. Altogether
eight kings of the first or Sangama dynasty ruled till 1479. Among
them more than one of the name of Deva Raya was celebrated.
Indeed the first Deva Raya, son of Harihara I I , takes the title
Pratapa, and claims to be the progenitor of a Pratapa dynasty.
The most prominent feature of this period was the sanguinary wars
between the Vijayanagar kings and the Bahmani Sultans of Gulbarga,
the description of which fills the pages of Firishta. The wealth and
magnificence of the capital are attested by the accounts of the Italian
traveller Nicol6 de' Conti in 1421, and of Abd-ur-razzak, Persian envoy
to Deva Raya in 1443. The later kings were less powerful ; and
Muhammad Shah II was overrunning the whole territory, when he
was opposed by Narasimha, a chief of the Saluva family, related
in some way to the king, whose possessions extended over Telingana
and the east of Mysore. Though the Sultan captured the strong
fort of Malur (in Kolar District) and some other places, and plundered
Kanchi, Narasimha staved off the danger, but usurped the throne
himself. H i s son, however, was in turn ousted by his general Nara-
singa, who belonged to the Yadava race, and was descended from
a line of Tuluva kings. He crossed the Cauvery, it is said, when
in full flood, and seizing his enemy alive, took possession of Seringa-
patam. The conquest of the whole of the South followed, and he
became the founder of the Narasinga dynasty. About the same
period the Bahmani kingdom was broken up by revolts, and five
Musalman states took its place in the Deccan. That which had
most to do with Mysore was Bijapur.
Narasinga's sons—Narasimha, Krishna Raya, and Achyuta Raya—
in turn succeeded to the Vijayanagar throne. Krishna Raya was
one of the most powerful and distinguished of its monarchs. He
inflicted a severe defeat upon the Muhammadans about 1520, in
consequence of which a good understanding prevailed between the
courts of Vijayanagar and Bijapur for a considerable time. One
of the earliest expeditions of the reign was against Ganga Raja, the
chief of Ummattur (in Mysore District), who had rebelled and claimed
Penukonda, perhaps as being a Ganga. His main* stronghold was
on the island of Sivasamudram, at the Falls of the Cauvery, and
parts of Bangalore District were known as the Sivasamudram country.
Krishna Raya captured his fort at the Falls, and also took Seringa-
patam. He extended the limits of the empire until they reached
to Cuttack on the east, and to Goa on the west. He was a great
patron of Sanskrit and Telugu literature. Interesting accounts of the
capital in his reign have been left by Duarte Barbosa. On the death
of Achyuta his infant son succeeded, but died early. His nephew
Sadasiva Raya was then placed on the throne by the great minister
Rama Raja, who was his brother-in-law, and by the council. But
Rama Raja himself wielded the chief power of the State. In spite
of great ability, his arrogance was such that the Musalman States
of Bijapur, Golconda, Ahmadnagar, and Bidar were provoked to
combine in an attack on Vijayanagar as their common enemy. In
the battle of Talikota near Raichur, on January 23, 1565, Rama
Raja was slain, on which the Hindu army fled panic-stricken, and
the royal family escaped to Penukonda. The victorious Muham-
madans marched to Vijayanagar, which they utterly sacked and
destroyed. Cesare de' Federici describes the desolation which ensued.
Rama Raja's brother, Tirumala Raja, removed the capital to Penu
konda, and his son succeeded to the throne left vacant by Sadasiva
Raya, thus establishing the Rama Raja dynasty. In 1577 Penukonda
was bravely defended against the Musalmans by Jagadeva Raya, who
was the king's father-in-law, and became chief of Channapatna (Banga-
lore District). In 1585 the capital was again moved, now to Chandra-
giri. But the empire was breaking up. In 1610 the Mysore king
seized Seringapatam, and other feudatories began to throw off their
allegiance. It was in 1639 that the English obtained from Sri Ranga
Raya the settlement of Madras. Six years later, Chandragiri and
Chingleput, another nominal capital, being taken by the forces of
Golconda, the king fled to the protection of Sivappa Naik of Bednur
(Shimoga District), who installed him at Sakkarepatna and neigh-
bouring places, and attempted to besiege Seringapatam under pre-
tence of restoring him. But with him the empire ended. A member
of the family established himself at Anegundi, on the opposite side
of the river to Vijayanagar; and his line continued till 1776, when
Tipti Sultan overran the whole country, dispossessed the reigning chief,
and burnt Anegundi. Some survivors of the family are still there.
During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the Vijayanagar kings
had bestowed on, or confirmed to, vassal chiefs, bearing various titles,
sundry tracts in Mysore, on the condition of paying tribute and render-
ing military service. Those in the north were controlled direct from
the capital. The southern chiefs were under a viceroy, termed the
Sri Ranga R5yal, at Seringapatam. After the disaster of Talikota,
although a nominal allegiance continued to be paid to the viceroy, such
of the chiefs as had the power gradually declared their independence.
Among these were the Naiks of Keladi or Bednur, Basavapatna, and
Chitaldroog in the north; the Naiks of Belur in the west; the Naiks
of Hagalvadi, and the Gaudas of Yelahanka and Ballapur, in the
centre; the Cauda of Sugatur in the east; the Changalvas, and the
Wodeyars of Mysore, Kalale, Ummattur, and others, in the south.
These poligars 1, as they were called, will be noticed in connexion with
their respective Districts.
BijSpur and Golconda entered into a mutual agreement in 1573
to extend their conquests in such directions as not to interfere with
one another. The Bijapur line was to the south. Adoni having been
captured, and the West Coast regions overrun, an attempt was made in
1577 on Penukonda. But it found a gallant defender, as before stated,
in Jagadeva Raya, who forced the Bijapur army to retire. For this
brilliant service, his territory of Baramahal was extended across Mysore
to the Western Ghats, and he made Channapatna his capital. At about
the same period Tamme Gauda of Sugatur rendered some important
service, for which he received the title of Chikka Raya, with a grant of
territory from Hoskote in the west to Punganur in the east. Mean-
while the Wodeyars of Mysore had been absorbing all the lesser States
to their south, till in 1610 they secured Seringapatam, ousting the
effete viceroy. In 1613 they took Ummattur, in 1630 Channapatna,
and in 1644 uprooted the Changalvas in Piriyapatna, thus becoming
the dominant power in the south of the country.
But in the north and east an invasion by Bijapur in 1636 was success-
ful. After the appointment of Aurangzeb as viceroy of the Deccan,
Bijapur became tributary to Delhi. Its arms were then directed to the
Properly palayagara, the holder of a palaya or baronial estate.
south, under Randullah Khan, accompanied by Shahjl, father of the
famous Sivajl, as second in command, with the promise of a jagir in the
territories to be conquered. The Bedndr kingdom was now overrun,
and the chief besieged in Kavaledurga, but he bought off the enemy.
An attempt on Seringapatam was repulsed with great slaughter by
Kanthirava, the Mysore Raja. The invaders then captured Bangalore
and Kolar District in 1639, and, descending the Ghats, took Vellore and
Gingee. On returning to the table-land, Dod-Ballapur, Sira, and the
south of Chitaldroog District fell into their hands by 1644. A province
named Carnatic-Bijapur-Balaghat was now formed, including Kolar,
Hoskote, Bangalore, and Sira. This was bestowed as a jagir on
Shahji, who was also governor of the conquered territory below the
Ghats, called Carnatic-Bijapur-Payanghat. Under him a large Maratha
element was introduced into Mysore. Shahji died in 1664, and his
son Venkoji or Ekojl, who lived at Tanjore, inherited his father's
possessions. But Sivajl, the only surviving son of the first marriage,
resolved to claim a half-share. To enforce this he overran the Carnatic
provinces above and below the Ghats in 1677, and in the end Venkoji
was induced to agree to a partition, by which he retained Tanjore.
In 1684 the Mughal arms, under Aurangzeb, were once more directed
to the Deccan for the purpose of crushing the Marathas, and subjugating
the Muhammadan States of Bijapur and Golconda. Bijapur was taken
in 1686, Golconda in 1687. Flying columns were sent out after each
of these captures to secure the dependent districts south of the Tunga-
bhadra. A new province was thus formed in 1687, with Sira (Tumkur
District) as the capital. It was composed of the seven parganas of
Basavapatna, Budihal, Sira, Penukonda, Dod-Ballapur, Hoskote, and
Kolar; and it had, as tributary States, Harpanahalli, Kondarpi,
Anegundi, Bednur, Chitaldroog, and Mysore. Bangalore was sold to
the Raja of Mysore for 3 lakhs of rupees, the sum he had agreed to
give for it to Venkoji, who finding it too far off to control had offered it
for sale. Kasim Khan, with the designation of Faujdar Diwan, was the
first governor of this province of Sira. It continued a Mughal pos-
session till 1757.
We must now retrace our steps, to relate the history of the Mysore
family. Their origin is ascribed to two Kshattriya princes of the
Yadava race, named Vijaya and Krishna, who came to the South from
Dwarka in Kathiawar in 1399, and, being pleased with the country,
took up their abode in Mahishur or Mysore, the chief town. Here
they heard that the Wodeyar or chief of Hadinadu, a few miles to
the south-east, had wandered away, being out of his mind, and that
the neighbouring chief of Karugahalii, who was of inferior caste, taking
advantage of the defenceless condition of the family, had demanded
the only daughter of the house in marriage. To this a consent had
been given under compulsion, and arrangements unwillingly made
for the ceremony. The two brothers vowed to espouse the cause of
the distressed maiden, and, having secreted themselves with some
followers, fell upon the chief and his retinue while seated at the
banquet and slew him. Marching at once on Karugahalli, they sur-
prised it and returned in triumph to Hadinadu, where the girl be-
came the willing bride of Vijaya, who took the title of Odeyar or
Wodeyar, and assumed the government of Hadinadu and Karugahalli,
with a profession of the religion of the Jangama or Lingayats. The
fourth king, Chama Raja I I I , who reigned from 1513 to 1552, made a
partition of his dominions between his three sons. To Chama Raja
I V , surnamed Bol or 'bald,' he gave Mysore, and, no male heir
surviving to either of the other brothers, the succession was con-
tinued in the junior or Mysore branch.
It was in the time of Chama Raja IV that the fatal disaster of Tali-
kota befell the Vijayanagar empire, and the authority of its viceroy at
Seringapatam was in consequence impaired. Accordingly Chama Raja
evaded payment of tribute, while the imbecile viceroy attempted in
vain to arrest him. When, after the short reign of his elder brother,
Raja Wodeyar was raised to the throne by the elders, the fortunes
of the royal family became established. He contrived in 1610 to gain
possession of Seringapatam, ousting the aged viceroy Tirumala Raja,
who retired to Talakad. In 1613 Raja Wodeyar subdued Ummattur
and annexed its possessions to Mysore. He also made some ac-
quisitions northwards from Jagadeva Raya's territories. His policy
was to suppress the Wodeyars or local chiefs and to conciliate the
ryots. He was followed by his grandson Chama Raja V I , who pursued
the same policy, and by the capture in 1630 of Channapatna absorbed
into Mysore all the possessions of Jagadeva Raya.
Of the succeeding kings, Kanthirava Narasa Raja was distinguished.
The year after his accession in 1638 he had to defend Seringapatam
against the Bijapur forces, and, as already related, drove them off with
great slaughter. He extended the kingdom on all sides, taking Satya-
mangalam and other places from the Naik of Madura southwards;
overthrowing the Changalvas in the west, thus gaining Piriyapatna and
Arkalgud ; capturing Hosur (now in Salem) to the north ; and inflicting
a severe defeat at Yelahanka on Kempe Gauda of Magadi, who was
forced to pay a heavy contribution. He added to and strengthened the
fortifications of Seringapatam, assumed more of royal state at his court,
and was the first to establish a mint, where were coined the Kanthiraya
(Canteroy) hum and fanams named after him, which continued to be
the current national money of Mysore until the Muhammadan usurpa-
tion. He died without issue, and of two claimants to the throne,
Dodda Deva Raja, grandson of Bol Chama Raja, was selected. It was
during his reign that Sri Ranga Raya, the last representative of
Vijayanagar, fled for refuge to Bednur. Sivappa Naik, the head of
that State, on the plea of restoring the royal line, appeared before
Seringapatam with a large force. But he was compelled to retreat,
and the Mysore armies overran the tracts in the west which he had
conferred on Sri Ranga Raya. The Naik of Madura now invaded
Mysore, but was also forced to retire, while Mysore troops, capturing
Erode and Dharapuram, levied contributions from Trichinopoly and
other chief places. Dodda Deva was a great friend of the Brahmans,
and profuse in his donations to them. He died at Chiknayakanhalli,
then the northern boundary of the State, the southern being Dhara-
puram in Coimbatore. The western and eastern boundaries were
Sakkarepatna and Salem. Chikka Deva Raja, previously passed over,
now came to the throne, and proved to be one of the most distinguished
of his line. When a youth at Yelandur he had formed a friendship with
a Jain pandit, who was now made the minister, though obnoxious on
account of his faith. A regular postal system was for the first time estab-
lished, which was also utilized for detective purposes. Maddagiri and
other places to the north were conquered, making Mysore conterminous
with Carnatic-Bijapur-Balaghat, then disorganized by the raids of Sivaji.
For ten years following a variety of vexatious petty taxes were imposed,
in order to increase the revenue without incurring the odium of en-
hancing the fixed land tax. Great discontent ensued, fanned by the
Jangama priests. The ryots refused to till the land, and, deserting their
villages, assembled as if to emigrate. The king resolved upon a
treacherous massacre of the Jangama priests, and this sanguinary
measure stopped all opposition to the new financial system, but the
minister was assassinated as being the instigator of the innovations. With
his dying breath he recommended as his successor a Brahman named
Tirumalarya, one of the most learned and eminent ministers of Mysore.
This brings us to 1687, when the Mughals, having captured Bijapur,
were forming the province of Sira. Venkoji had agreed, as before
related, to sell Bangalore to the Mysore Raja for 3 lakhs of rupees.
But Kasim Khan, the Mughal general, first seized it and then carried
out the bargain, pocketing the money himself. Through him the
R5ja assiduously cultivated an alliance with Aurangzeb, and meanwhile
subdued such parts of the country as would not interfere with the
Mughal operations. A great part of Baramahal and Salem below
the Ghats was thus added to Mysore, and by 1694 all the west up to
the Baba Budan mountains. In 1696 the territory of the Naik of
Madura was invaded and Trichinopoly besieged. In the absence
of the main army, a Maratha force marching to the relief of Gingee
suddenly appeared before Seringapatam, attracted by the hope of
plunder. The Mysore army, recalled by express, returned by forced
marches, and by a skilful stratagem totally defeated the enemy, who
lost everything. Kasim Khan now died; and the king, in order to
establish fresh interest at court and obtain if possible recognition of
his new conquests, sent an embassy to the emperor at Ahmadnagar,
which returned in 1700 with a new signet, bearing the title Jug Deo
Raj, and permission to sit on an ivory throne. The king now formed
the administration into eighteen departments, in imitation of what the
envoys had seen at the Mughal court. He died in 1704, at the age
of seventy-six, having accumulated a large treasure, and, notwithstanding
the troublous times, established a secure and prosperous State, extend-
ing from Palni and Anaimalai in the south to Midagesi in the north,
and from Carnatic Garh in Baramahal in the east to Coorg and Balam
in the west.
In the reign of Dodda Krishna Raja (1713-31) the Nawab of Sira's
jurisdiction was restricted to the Balaghat, a separate Nawab of Arcot
being appointed to the Payanghat. The ascendancy of the throne in
Mysore began to decline, and all power fell into the hands of the
ministers, Devaraj and Nanjaraj 1. At frequent intervals armies sent
by the rival Nawabs or by the Subahdar of the Deccan appeared,
claiming contributions, and, if they could not be driven away, had to
be bought off. When at length the Marathas appeared in 1757
under Balaji" Rao, so impoverished had the State become that several
taluks were pledged to them as security to induce them to retire.
Meanwhile, at the siege in 1749 of Devanhalli, then a frontier
fortress, a volunteer horseman had come to notice who was destined
before long to gain the supreme power in the State and to play no
mean part in the history of India. This was Haidar Ali, whose
courage in the field induced Nanjaraj to give him a command. He
managed to increase his force; and amid the struggles between rival
candidates for the Nawabship of the Carnatic, supported by the
English and French respectively, he secured for himself valuable
booty. His services before Trichinopoly led to his appointment as
Faujdar of Dindigul (Madura District), where he added to his force
and enriched himself by wholesale plunder. The army at the capital
having become mutinous on account of their pay being in arrears,
Haidar was sent for to settle the disputes, which he did with un-
scrupulous ability. The fort and district of Bangalore were now given
to him as a jagir. On his advice the Marathas had been expelled
from the pledged taluks when the rains set in and farther invasion was
at the time impossible. They appeared again in 1759 in great force
There were two of this name. The first Nanjaraj was a cousin of Devaraj, who
on his deathbed, in 1740, refunded 8 lakhs of rupees, estimated as the amount he had
improperly acquired. He was succeeded by the second Nanjaraj, a younger brother
of Devaraj.

under Gopal Hari. Haidar was appointed to the chief command to

oppose them, and by his skill rescued Bangalore and Channapatna,
whereupon the Marathas, finding themselves outdone, agreed to leave
the country on payment of a certain sum in discharge of all claims.
Returning in triumph to Seringapatam, he was received in a splendid
darbdr, where Nanjaraj rose up to embrace him, and he was saluted
with the title Fateh Haidar Bahadur. The pay of the troops before
long again fell into arrears, and again Haidar had to satisfy them, for
which purpose more than half the country was placed in his hands,
while Nanjaraj was forcibly retired.
In 1760 the French commander Count de Lally, cooped up by the
English in Pondicherry, sought the aid of Haidar, and a treaty was
made. When his troops had gone away on this expedition, Khande
Rao, his coadjutor in all his schemes hitherto, turned against him and
induced the Raja's party to try to get rid of him. A cannonade was
suddenly opened on his camp near Seringapatam, and he was forced
to flee for his life. Bangalore was gained just in time. Collecting
his scattered forces, assisted by some French, he marched against
Khande Rao, by whom he was defeated near Nanjangud. All now
seemed lost, but he repaired secretly to Nanjaraj and persuaded him
to resume his authority. Armed with this, he contrived a stratagem
by which Khande Rao was completely deceived, and fled under the
impression that he was betrayed, leaving all his forces to go over to
Haidar. The latter reconquered the southern districts and returned
to Seringapatam at the head of a great army, with which, again by
stratagem, he got possession of the island. The Raja was now at his
mercy; Khande Rao was given up, and Haidar's usurpation was
inevitable, though he always maintained a royal occupant on the
Haidar soon subdued all the petty States to the east and north of
the country, and marched against Bednur, which was taken in
March, 1763, and a booty valued at twelve millions sterling fell
into his hands, together with the countries on the West Coast. This
conquest was always spoken of by him as the foundation of his
subsequent greatness. He conceived the idea of making a new
capital for himself here, and gave it the name of Haidarnagar (now
Nagar). He established a mint, from which coins in his own name
were issued, and formed a dockyard and naval arsenal on the coast.
But he had to reckon with the Marathas and the Nizam, who laid
claim to some of the countries he had conquered. He was defeated
by the former at Rattihalli, but contrived by negotiations to retrieve
his fortunes with both powers. When, before long, they again planned
a joint invasion of Mysore, he bought off the Marathas and induced
the Nizam to join with himself against the British. These he attacked
in 1767, but they forced the Nizam to break off the alliance, and in
1769 peace was concluded with Haidar. It is impossible here to
follow in detail all the operations and varying fortunes of the wars
which Haidar, supported by the French, waged against the British.
His last invasion of the British territories was in July, 1780, and while
the war was in progress he died in camp near Arcot on December 7,
1782, at the age of sixty. An unlettered adventurer, he had raised
himself to a throne and founded a kingdom.
His son and successor, Tipu, had not the ability of his father; his
mind was warped by a fanatical bigotry, and he bore the most
inveterate hatred against the British. The war with them was pro-
longed until 1784, when a treaty of peace was concluded, followed by
a successful war with the Marathas and the Nizam. Expeditions to
the West Coast followed, in which the most cruel persecutions befell
the inhabitants. The only country there which Tipu had not subdued
was Travancore, which was under the protection of the British. But
at the end of 1789 he invaded it, and the British at once prepared for
war, having the Marathas and the Nizam as allies. Lord Cornwallis,
the Governor-General, himself took command of the army. After
capturing Bangalore and many of the strongest hill forts around, he
besieged Seringapatam with such vigour that, in February, 1792, Tipu
was driven to accept the terms offered him: namely, the surrender of
half his territories, the payment of 3 crores and 30 lakhs of rupees,
and the delivery of two of his sons as hostages. With his misfortunes
the Sultan's caprice, fanaticism, and spirit of innovation were carried
to the verge of insanity. He began to alter everything in the country.
The name of every object was changed—of cycles, years, and months;
of weights, measures, and coins ; of forts and towns; of offices, military
and civil; the official designation of all persons and things : a strange
parody of what was happening in France, of which he had probably
heard something. Exports and imports were prohibited, in order to
protect domestic trade; the growth of poppy for opium was stopped,
and all liquor shops abolished, to prevent intoxication. Grants to
Hindu temples and the inams of patels were confiscated. The fine old
irrigation works were to be destroyed and reconstructed in his own
name. His evident aim was to obliterate every trace of previous
rulers, and to introduce a new order of things beginning with himself.
On the death in 1796 of the pageant Raja, no successor was appointed,
and the royal family were turned out of the palace, stripped of all.
Tipu next strained every nerve to form a coalition for the expulsion
of the British from India. Embassies were sent to Constantinople
and K a b u l ; letters to Arabia, Persia, and Maskat; agents to Delhi,
Oudh, Hyderabad, and Poona; proposals to Jodhpur, Jaipur, and
Kashmir. The French in particular were repeatedly applied to,
and Bonaparte's invasion of Egypt encouraged the hope of imme-
diate aid, while overtures were made by h i m to T i p u . But Nelson's
great victory at the Nile soon put an end to Bonaparte's designs on
the East L o r d Mornington, the Governor-General, had called on the
Sultan for an explanation of his proceedings, and, receiving evasive
answers, resolved on war. The Nizam was again allied with the
British, but the Marathas stood aloof. General Harris, in command
of the grand army, having defeated T i p u at Malavalli, sat down before
Seringapatam on A p r i l 5. The Sultan opened negotiations; but the
time having passed away without his accepting the terms offered,
the fortress was carried by assault on May 4, 1799, and his body was
found among the slain.
After mature deliberation it was decided to restore the descendant
of the former Rajas, under British protection, to the sovereignty of
part of the dominions thus left vacant, and to divide the rest among
the allies. The young prince, Krishna Raja Wodeyar, five years old,
was placed on the throne on June 30. Colonel Arthur Wellesley (the
future Duke of Wellington) was invested with the entire civil and
military control of the State ; Purnaiya, the Brahman minister of
Haidar and T i p u , was made D i w a n ; and Colonel (afterwards Sir) Barry
Close was appointed Resident. Colonel Wellesley soon put down the
marauding chiefs who strove to establish themselves in various parts,
the country was reduced to good order, and the government was
eminently successful. A considerable portion of the Mysore army
subsequently took part in the war against the Marathas, marked by
Wellesley's decisive victories on the fields of Assaye and Argaon.
In 1811 the Raja, having come of age, was entrusted with the
government and Purnaiya retired, dying the following year. The
reign began with the brightest prospects, but the Raja's extravagance
and lack of governing ability soon brought the affairs of a prosperous
country to the verge of ruin. By 1814 the treasure accumulated by
Purnaiya had been dissipated on worthless favourites, the pay of the
army was in arrears, and the counsels of good advisers were unheeded.
Offices of state were sold to the highest bidder, and the revenue was
realized under an oppressive system called sharti. The jails were
filled with prisoners awaiting sentence, to award which the judges
had no power. The British Government warned the Raja of the con-
sequences of his reckless conduct, and in 1825 Sir Thomas Munro,
Governor of Madras, personally visited Mysore to remonstrate with
him. But little good resulted, and in 1830 disaffection came to
a head in the Nagar country. A pretender was set up, and the in-
surrection spread to other parts. The State troops were sent against
the insurgents; but the latter continued to increase in strength, and
it became imperative to employ the British subsidiary force. After

various operations, Nagar was taken and the rebellion brought to

an end.
The British Government now appointed a Committee to inquire
into the affairs of Mysore; and on their report the Governor-General,
Lord William Bentinck, resolved to act upon a clause of the original
treaty made with the Raja, and to deprive him of ruling power.
In October, 1831, he peaceably surrendered the reins of government
to the British Commissioners appointed to administer the country.
The Raja himself was allowed to remain at the capital, and a liberal
provision was made for him. The Mysore Commission consisted
at first of a very few British officers, at the head of whom from
1834 was Colonel (afterwards Sir) Mark Cubbon. It was an onerous
task to free the administration from the abuses of long standing which
had crept into every department, and to place the revenues on a
sound basis. But his wise and patient measures gradually bore fruit
in a people made happy by release from serfdom, and a ruined State
restored to financial prosperity. No less than 769 petty items of
taxation were swept away, but the revenue continued to rise; and
numberless oppressive practices were remedied. The Governor-
General, Lord Dalhousie, visited Mysore in 1855, and recorded his
full appreciation of what had been done, but considered that the
time had come to bring the system of administration into accordance
with modern ideas. Judicial, public works, and educational depart-
ments were therefore formed, and a larger British element brought
in. In 1861 Sir Mark Cubbon fell ill, and retired from the position
he had long filled with great honour.
The Raja had no male heir; and though his loyalty in the Mutiny
was undoubted, a sanad of adoption was not granted to him by Lord
Canning, on the ground that he was not a ruling chief. The Raja,
however, exercised his right as a Hindu, and adopted a son in 1865;
and after some deliberation the adoption was recognized in 1867
as valid in regard to the succession also. With the satisfaction that
his dynasty would be continued, he died in 1868, at the ripe age
of seventy-four.
Meanwhile, many changes had been made in the administration
of Mysore, bringing it more into line with the Regulation Provinces.
On Mr. Bowring, who succeeded Sir Mark Cubbon in 1862, the
introduction of these innovations devolved. The State was portioned
into new Divisions and Districts, with a larger staff of British officers.
Revenue survey and inam settlement, channel and forest conservancy,
village schools and municipalities, were some of the new measures
brought into operation before the recognition by the British Govern-
ment of a successor to the throne and during the minority of the
new Raja,

This young prince was carefully trained for his position under
European tutors; and on his attaining his majority, the rendition of
Mysore was carried out on March 25, 1881, on terms embodied
in an Instrument of Transfer 1 , which superseded all former treaties.
The powers of the Maharaja were defined, and the subsidy to be
paid in lieu of military assistance was enhanced. M r . C. Rangacharlu
was appointed Diwan, and continued at the head of the administration
till his death in 1883. He was assisted by a small Council, and
the formation of what was called a Representative Assembly was
one of the most prominent measures of his time. The reduction
of expenditure being imperative, owing to the disastrous effects of
the famine of 1876-8, European officers were freely dispensed with,
many posts were abolished, various Districts broken up, and judicial
offices and jails reduced. The British Government gave substantial
relief by postponing the levy of the enhanced subsidy of 10½ lakhs
for five years.
Mr. (from 1893, Sir) K. Sheshadri Iyer succeeded as Dlwan; and
during his tenure of office, which he held till near his death in
1901, Mysore was raised to a high state of prosperity. Protection
against famine, which had again threatened the State in 1884 and
1891, was specially in view in the earlier operations. Railways and
irrigation works were pushed on, and the British Government again
postponed for ten years the payment of the increased subsidy. By
that time the revenue had more than doubled, the State debts had
been extinguished, and surplus funds had accumulated in the treasury.
This result was not due to new taxation in any form. Next to
good seasons, it was the effect of natural growth, under the stimulus
afforded by the opening out of the country by means of new roads
and railways, the execution of important irrigation works, and the
general expansion of industries, as well as in some measure of a better
management of particular sources of revenue. Every branch of the
administration was strengthened and improved; public works of un-
surpassed magnitude were carried out; gold-mining was fostered
in such a manner as to bring in a very substantial addition to the
coffers of the State; postal facilities were greatly increased; cavalry
and transport corps were maintained for imperial defence; educational
institutions and hospitals were established on a large scale; civil
service examinations of a high standard were instituted; departments
were formed for archaeology and for the management of religious
and charitable institutions, later also for meteorology and geology;
laboratories were founded for bacteriology and agricultural chemistry;
and, to crown all, the Cauvery Falls were harnessed and the first
electric power works in India installed. To glance at the reverse
Sec Mysore Gazetteer (1897 edition), vol. i, p. 450.
of the shield, the fell spectre of plague appeared at Bangalore in
August, 1898, and has since stalked through all parts. But this
dire foe was vigorously grappled with. Congested areas were opened
out, and general sanitary improvements enforced. The vacancy in the
office of Diwan was filled in 1901 by M r . (now Sir) P. N. Krishna
M u r t i , descended from Pumaiya, who was succeeded in 1906 by
M r . V. P. Madhava Rao.
At the end of 1894 occurred at Calcutta the sudden death of the
universally respected Maharaja Chama Rajendra Wodeyar, in whose
person the administration of Mysore had been revived in 1881, and
the Maharani became Regent during the minority of her eldest son.
This young prince, Krishna Raja Wodeyar, who has been assiduously
trained by European tutors, on attaining his majority was invested
with power in 1902 by the Viceroy in person.
An epigraphic survey has been completed of the whole State 1 ,
and about 9,000 inscriptions copied in situ 2 . T h e most memorable
discovery was that of edicts of Asoka in the Molakalmuru taluk in
1892, thus lifting the veil that had hidden the ancient history of the
South and marking an epoch in Indian archaeology. These and the
Jain inscriptions at Sravana Belgola relating to Chandra Gupta and
Bhadrabahu, and the Satakarni inscription at Malavalli in the Shikar-
pur taluk, have filled up the gap between the rise of the Mauryas
and that of the Kadambas. The origin and accession to power
of the latter have been made clear by the Talgunda pillar-inscription
in the same taluk, while the Vokkaleri plates from Kolar District
throw light upon the true significance of the Pallavas. The forgotten
dynasties of the Mahavalis or Banas, and of the Gangas who ruled
Mysore for so long, have been restored to history. The chronology
of the Cholas has for the first time been definitely fixed. T h e birth-
place of the Hoysalas has been discovered, and their history worked
out in detail. Most important additions have been made to the in-
formation relating to the Chalukyas, the Rashtrakutas, the Nolambas,
the Seunas, the Vijayanagar kings, and other more modern dynasties.
There have been finds of prehistoric punch-marked pieces, called
purana by the earlier Sanskrit writers, at Nagar; of Buddhist leaden
coins of the Andhra period, second century B.C. to second century A . D . ,
at Chitaldroog; and of Roman coins dating from 21 B.C. to A . D . 5 1 ,
near Bangalore. Hoysala coins, before unknown, have been identified
and their legends deciphered. The diversified coins of the modem
An Archaeological department was formed in 1890, under Mr. Lewis Rice, who
had been engaged for some years previously in archaeological work, in conjunction
with other duties.
These are published in a series called Epigraphia Carnatica, extending to twelve
States that occupied Mysore, and of Haidar and T i p u , have been
tabulated and described.
Palm-leaf manuscripts have been collected, bringing to light the
Kanarese literature from the earliest period, which had been lost
in oblivion
Prehistoric stone monuments, such as cromlechs and kistvaens, are
found in most of the rocky tracts. The latter, generally called Pandu
koli. are known in Molakalmuru as Moryara mane, 'houses of the
Moryas' or Mauryas, and they are so named also among the Badagas
of the Nilgiris. Stone slabs erected as memorials of heroes who
fell in battle are called virakal. They are sculptured with bas-reliefs,
of which the bottom one depicts the hero's last fight, and the others
his triumphal ascent to paradise and rest there. Similar memorials
to widows who have become sati and been burnt with their husbands
are called mastikal. They bear the figure of a post with a human arm
extended from it, holding a lime between the thumb and forefinger.
These are found mostly in the west.
The Jain temples are called basadi or basti, and are in the Dravidian
style. The chief group is on Chandragiri at Sravana Belgola. They
are more ornamental externally than Jain temples in the N o r t h of
India, and, Fergusson considers, bear a striking resemblance to the
temples of Southern Babylonia. In front is often a mana-stambha,
a most elegant and graceful monolith pillar, 30 to 50 feet high,
surmounted by a small shrine or statue—lineal descendants, says the
same authority, of the pillars of the Buddhists. But the Jains also
have bettas, literally ' hills,' which are courtyards on a height, open to
the sky, and containing a colossal nude image of Gomata. That at
Sravana Belgola is 57 feet h i g h 2 , and stands on the summit of
Indragiri, 400 feet in elevation. It was erected about 983 by
Chamunda Raya, minister of the Ganga king. Nothing grander or
more imposing, says Fergusson, exists anywhere out of Egypt, and
even there no known statue exceeds it in height.
The H i n d u temples are of either the Chalukyan or the Dravidian
style. The Hoysalas were great promoters of art, and temples erected
by them or under their patronage in the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, in the highly ornate Chalukyan style, are not surpassed by
any in India. The best existing examples are those at Halebid, Belur,
and Somanathpur. Fergusson, than whom there is no higher authority,
' T h e great temple at Halebid, had it been completed, is one of the
See introduction to Karnataka-Sabddnasasana. This and other classical works
are being published in a series called Bibliotheca Carttatica, of which six volumes
have been issued.
The only other two known, which are in South Kanara and much more modern,
their dates being 1431 and 1603, are 41 and 37 feet high.
VOL. X V I I I . N
buildings on which the advocate of H i n d u architecture would desire to
take his stand. The artistic combination of horizontal with vertical
lines, and the play of light and shade, far surpass anything in Gothic
a r t The effects are just what mediaeval architects were often aiming
at, but which they never attained so perfectly V
Examples of temples in the Dravidian style, of which the gopuram or
pyramidal tower is generally the most imposing feature, may be seen
at Seringapatam, Chamundi, Melukote, and other places in the south.
The bridges of H i n d u construction at Seringapatam and Sivasamudram
are noticed in connexion with the C A U V E R Y .
Of Saracenic architecture the best remains are the Mughal buildings
at Sira, and the Pathan mosque at Sante Bennur. T h e Gumbaz or
mausoleum of Haidar and T i p u at Ganjam and the mosque at Seringa-
patam deserve notice. But the most ornamental is the Darya Daulat,
T i p u s summer palace at the latter place. M r . J. D. Rees, who has
travelled much in India and Persia, says :—
' The lavish decorations, which cover every inch of wall from first to
last, from top to bottom, recall the palaces of Ispahan, and resemble
nothing that I know in India.'
The temples of the Malnad in the west correspond in style to those
of Kanara. The framework is of wood, standing on a terrace of
laterite, and the whole is covered with a tiled and gabled roof. The
wooden pillars and joists are often well carved.
The table below gives details of the population of the State and
its constituent Districts as returned at the Census
of 1901 :—

Taking the natural divisions of Malnad and Maidan, 17 per cent. of

the area of the State and 12 per cent of the population belong to the
History of Indian and Eastern Architecture. See also Architecture of Dharwar
and Mysore, where he says: * It is worthy of remark that the great architectural age
in India should have been the thirteenth century, which witnessed such a wonderful
development of a kindred style [meaning the Gothic] in Eu tope.'

first, and the remainder to the second. The mean density is 185
persons per square mile. Mysore is the largest District, and contains
the dynastic capital. Its total population is the highest, but in density
of rural population it stands second. Bangalore District, the sixth in
area, is second in total population and first in density of rural popula-
tion. In it are situated the administrative capital of Mysore, and the
Civil and Military Station with its large garrison, which is an Assigned
Tract under British administration. The most populous taluks are
those watered by the Cauvery, with Bangalore and Anekal.
The urban population is 13 per cent. of the whole. Four places
have been treated as cities in the Census of 1901 : namely, Mysore,
Bangalore, the adjoining British Civil and Military Station, and
the Kolar Gold Fields. The population of Bangalore (taking the
city and the Civil and Military Station together) was 159,046, of
Mysore city 68,111, and of the Gold Fields 38,204. Owing chiefly
to plague, there had been since 1891 a loss of 21,320 in Bangalore
and of 5,937 in Mysore, while, in spite of plague, the Gold Fields
gained 31,119. The number of towns is 124, of which Mysore,
Tumkur, and Bangalore Districts contain 26, 18, and 16 respectively,
and Kolar and Kadiir only 11 and 10. A town is a municipality of
whatever size, or a place not absolutely rural containing a population
of 5,000 and above. Only live of these towns have a population
exceeding 10,000—Kolar, Tumkur, Channapatna, Davangere, and
Tarikere—while the population of twenty-seven lies between 5,000 and
10,000, of which eight belong to Mysore and five to Bangalore
District. The inhabited villages number 16,884. In the Maidan
a village may have dependent hamlets grouped with it. In the
Malnad, villages are often such only in name, being composed of
scattered homesteads at various distances apart. The towns and
villages vary little as regards the main occupations and habits of life of
the people, but those which are also market places or taluk head-
quarters become centres of trade and home industries. The number
of houses per square mile rose from 25 in 1881 to 37 in 1901, and
the occupants per house averaged 5 at the latter date as compared with
5·6 twenty years before.
The variation in total population at each Census has been : (1871)
5,055,102, (1881)4,186,188, (1891) 4,943,604, and (1901) 5,539,399.
The fall in 1881 was due to the great famine of 1876-8, but was almost
compensated by the rise in 1891. In spite of plague, the last Census
shows a marked general increase of 12 per cent. The rise has been
greatest in Kolar and Ghitaldroog Districts, and least in Kadur, the
population of which has scarcely varied. The increase in the Districts
of Mysore, Hassan, and Shimoga is below the average.
In 1901, according to the census returns, 306,381 persons enumerated
N 2
in the State bad been born out of it, and 132,342 born in the State
were registered elsewhere. The greatest increase of foreign immigrants
is of course in Kolar, in connexion with the gold-mines. But all the
Districts show an increase under this head, especially Hassan and
Kadur, which are coffee-growing tracts.
The percentage distribution of the total population under different
age periods is as follows : 13·03 of ages 0 to 5; 26·87 of 5 to 15 ; 22·01
of 15 to 30; 20·63 of 30 to 45 ; 11·93 of 45 to 60; and 5·51 of 60
and over. Females are in a total ratio of 981 to 1,000 males, but they
exceed males at ages 3 to 4, 20 to 35, 50 to 55, and at 60 and over.
Except in Bangalore city and Civil and Military Station, and in
Mysore city, vital statistics cannot be accepted as reliable ; and even in
those places it is chiefly since the outbreak of plague in 1898 that
particular attention and scrutiny have been given to them, with special
reference to the number of deaths. In other parts the patel or
headman has to keep up the register, under the control of the revenue
officers; but as there is no obligation on householders to report
domestic occurrences, he can hardly be held responsible for the
accuracy of the returns. The following table is compiled from such
statistics as are available, but the numbers of both births and deaths
are manifestly understated :

For the decade ending 1901, Chitaldroog and Mysore show the highest
and lowest birth-rates respectively, and Shimoga and Tumkur the
highest and lowest death-rates.
There were 1,025,838 cases treated in the hospitals and dispensaries
of the State in 1901, of which 46 per cent. were those of men, and the
rest of women and children in the proportion of about 2 to 3. The
diseases treated are classed as general or local, 42 per cent. belonging
to the former class. Of these, the most numerous were malarial fevers,
worms, rheumatic affections, debility and anaemia, and venereal
diseases. Of local, the greater number were diseases of the skin,
the digestive system, the eye, the lungs, and injuries.
Plague first appeared in August, 1898, at Bangalore, being imported
by rail from Dharwar. By the end of June, 1904, it had claimed
106,950 victims in the whole State, out of 141,403 cases of seizure. In

other words, 2·5 per cent, of the population were attacked by plague,
and of those attacked nearly 76 per cent died. The figures for each
year show a large decrease in 1899-1900 and a rise since. With
1903-4 the numbers are again going down. The temporary decrease
in the second year was probably due to extensive exodus to other parts,
a drier season owing to deficient rainfall, general inoculation, and
enforcement of passport regulations. Special restrictions have since
been virtually withdrawn ; but evacuation of infected places, general or
local disinfection by chemicals or desiccation, and the opening out of
congested parts are in operation1. No place has suffered more than
Mysore city, where 17 per cent. of the deaths have occurred. A
regulation was passed in 1903 appointing a special board for the
improvement of the city. Shimoga and Kadur Districts were free till
1900, and Chitaldroog District had no deaths from plague in that
year. The disease seems to be at its maximum about October, and
at its minimum about May, these being respectively the wettest
and driest months in the year.
The figures obtained at the Census of 1901 are a gauge of the
infant mortality occasioned by the famine of 1876-8, and by the
unhealthy years, culminating in plague, of the decade ending 1901.
The following table gives the ratio of infants of either sex to 1,000 of
the same sex :—
Age. 1881. I89I. 1901.

o-5 M. 91 F. 98 M. 138 F. 147 M. 128 1 F. 1321

5-10 . M. 137 F. 141 M. 136 F. 141 M. 142 F. 145

The proportion of females to 1,000 males in the whole State in 1901

was 981, the figures for the urban population being 963, and for the
rural 983. In 1871 the proportion was 994, in 1881 it was 1,007, and
in 1891 it was 991. The relative number of females has thus fallen
considerably in the thirty years. Hindus exceeded the general average
at each Census. Christians had the fewest females in the three
previous census years, and in 1901 this position was held by the Jains.
Females exceed males in Mysore and Hassan Districts (1,020 and
1,010), and are most in defect in Shimoga and Kadur (918 and 908).
In the Civil and Military Station of Bangalore the ratio is 986, in
Mysore city 984, in Bangalore city 931, and in the Kolar Gold Fields
only 699, as might be expected. Since 1891 males have increased by
12·6 per cent. and females by 11·4.
The unmarried, the married, and the widowed are respectively 47·46,
40·34, and 12·20 per cent. of the population. Females form 41 per cent.
Large extensions have been added to Bangalore city, and a new town on modern
lines has been laid out at the Kolar Gold Fields.
of the unmarried, 51 of tho married, and 79 of the widowed. Christians
have the highest proportion of unmarried and the lowest of widowed
in both sexes. Next come Animists and Musalmans, with lower
proportions of unmarried and higher of widowed. The Jains have a
higher ratio of bachelors than the Hindus, but among them spinsters
are proportionately fewest and widowers and widows most numerous.
Infant marriage of girls prevails most among the Jains and Hindus,
and scarcely at all among Christians, but there are cases in all religions.
Of 1,000 married females, 54 are under five years of age. But of
course these are really cases of betrothal, though as irrevocable as
marriage, and causing widowhood if death should intervene. Chital
droog District shows the highest proportion of such cases ; certain sub-
divisions of Wokkaligas there are said to have a custom of betrothing
the children of near relations to one another within a few months of
their birth, the tali, or token of the marriage bond, being tied to the
cradle of the infant girl. Some of the Panchala artisans and devotee
Lingayats seem especially given to infant marriage. By a Regulation
of 1894 the marriage of girls under 8 has been prohibited in Mysore,
and also that of girls under 14 to men of over 50. Of the total num-
ber of married females, 7·6 per cent. are under 15, and 12·3 per cent.
between 15 and 20. Among Brahmans and Komatis girls must be
married before puberty, and in the majority of cases the ceremony
takes place between 8 and 12. In other castes girls are mostly
married between the ages of 10 and 20. Above this age there are very
few spinsters, and these principally among native Christians, though
among Lambanis and Iruligas, classed as Animists, brides are often
over 30. Of widows, more than 73 per cent. are over 40. Roughly
speaking, among Christians and Jains one widow in 3 is under 40, in
the other religions one in 4. After 40 more than half the women are
widows. Remarriage of widows is utterly repugnant to most Hindu
castes, though permissible in some of the lower ones. It appears from
the census returns that 5·8 per cent. of widows were remarried ; but
this was principally among Woddas and Jogis, who are not socially very
important, and among Musalman Labbais and nomad Koramas.
Of the male sex, seven youths under 15 in 1,000 are married : from
15 to 20 there are 13·3 per cent. married and 0.2 per cent. widowers :
from 20 to 40 there are 69 per cent. married and 3.7 per cent.
widowers; over 40 there are 78·7 per cent. married and 17·7 per cent.
Polygamy is rare, though allowed by all classes except Christians.
Cast-off or widowed women of the lower orders sometimes attach
themselves as concubines to men who have legitimate wives. Among
the higher castes a second wife is taken only when the first proves
barren, or is incurably ill, or immoral. But unless put away for
immoral conduct, the first wife alone is entitled to join the husband in
religious ceremonies, and the second can do so only with her consent.
The proportion of married men who have more than one wife is 18 in
1,000. Animists and Musalmans stand highest in this respect, and
next come labouring and agricultural classes such as VVoddas, Idigas,
Wokkaligas, and Kurubas.
There are no statistics for divorce. Polyandry and infanticide are
unknown in Mysore, as also inheritance through the mother. The
joint family system continues among Hindus, but modern influences
are tending to break it up.
The distinctive language of Mysore is Kannada, the Karnata or
Karnataka of the pandits, and the Kanarese of European writers. It is
the speech of 73 per cent. of the population, and prevails everywhere
except in the east. Telugu, confined to Kolar District and some of
the eastern taluks, is the language of 15 per cent. Tamil (called here
Arava) is the speech of 4 per cent., and predominates at the Kolar
Gold Fields and among the servants of Europeans, camp-followers, and
cantonment traders. A more or less corrupt Tamil is spoken by
certain long-domiciled classes of Brahmans (Srivaishnava, Sanketi, and
Brihachcharana), and by Tigala cultivators, but its use is only colloquial.
Marathi, which is spoken by 1·4 per cent. of the population, is the
language of Deshasth Brahmans and Darzis or tailors, the former being
most numerous in Shimoga District. Hindustani, the language of
Musalmans, who form 5·22 per cent. of the population, is spoken by
only 4·8 per cent., the difference being due to the Labbais and other
Musalmans from the south who speak Tamil. In each of these
vernaculars there has been since 1891 an increase of about 11 per
cent., except in Tamil, which has increased 42 per cent., owing to
the influx of labour at the gold-mines and partly on the railways.
The Hindus have been arranged under 72 castes or classes. Of
these, the strongest numerically are Wokkaligas (1,287,000), Lingayats
(671,000), and Holeyas (596,000), who between them make up 46 per
cent, of the total population. The Wokkaligas (in Hindustani, Kunbi)
are the cultivators or ryots. They include numerous tribes, some of
Kanarese and some of Telugu origin, who neither eat together nor
intermarry. Their headmen are called Gaudas. Marriage is not
always performed before puberty, and polygamy has some vogue, the
industry of the women being generally profitable to the husband.
Widow remarriage is allowed, but lightly esteemed. The Wokkaligas
are mostly vegetarians and do not drink intoxicating liquor. They
bury their dead. The Gangadikara, who form nearly one-half of the
class, are purely Kanarese, found chiefly in the central and southern
tracts. They represent the subjects of the ancient Gangavadi which
formed the nucleus of the Ganga empire. At the present day they are
followers some of Siva and some of Vishnu. Next in numbers are the
Morasu Wokkaligas, chiefly in Kolar and Bangalore Districts. They
appear to have been originally immigrants from a district called
Morasu-nad, to the east of Mysore, whose chiefs formed settlements
at the end of the fourteenth century in the parts round Nandidroog.
The section called Beralukoduva (' finger-giving') had a strange custom:
which, on account of its cruelty, was put a stop to by Government.
Every woman of the sect, before piercing the ears of her eldest daughter
preparatory to betrothal, had to suffer amputation of the ring and little
fingers of the right hand, the operation being performed by the village
blacksmith with a chisel. The sacred place of the Morasu Wokkaligas
is Slti-betta in the Kolar taluk, where there is a temple of Bhairava.
Of other large tribes of Wokkaligas, the Sada abound mostly in the
north and west. They include Jains and Lingayats, Vaishnavas and
Saivas. Not improbably they all belonged originally to the first. In
the old days many of them acted in the Kandachar or native militia.
They are not only cultivators but sometimes trade in grain. The
Reddi are found chiefly in the east and north, and have numerous
subdivisions. To some extent they seem to be of Telugu origin, and
have been supposed to represent the subjects of the ancient Rattavadi,
or kingdom of the Rattas. The Nonabas, in like manner, are relics of
the ancient Nolambavadi or Nonambavadi, a Pallava province, situated
in Chitaldroog District. At the present day they are by faith
Lingayats, the residence of their chief guru being at Gaudikere near
Chiknayakanhalli. The acknowledged head of the Nonabas lives at
Hosahalli near Gubbi. The Halepaiks of the Nagar Malnad are of
special interest as being probably aboriginal. Their name is said to
mean the ' old foot,' as they furnished the foot-soldiers and body-guards
of former rulers, to whom they were noted for their fidelity. Their
principal occupation now is the extraction of toddy from the bagni-
palm (Caryota urens), the cultivation of rice land, and of kans or woods
containing pepper vines; but they are described as still fond of fire-
arms, brave, and great sportsmen. In Vastara and Tuluva (South
Kanara) they are called Billavas or ' bowmen.' In Manjarabad they
are called Devara makkalu, ' God's children.' The Halu Wokkaligas
are mostly in Kadur and Hassan Districts. They are dairymen and
sell milk (halu), whence their name, as well as engage in agriculture.
The Hallikara are also largely occupied with cattle, the breed of their
name being the best in the Amrit Mahal. The Lalgonda, chiefly
found in Bangalore District, not only farm, but hire out bullocks, or
are gardeners, builders of mud walls, and traders in straw, &c. The
Vellala are the most numerous class of Wokkaligas in the Civil and
Military Station of Bangalore. Another large class, as numerous as
the Reddi, are the Kunchitiga, widely spread but mostly found in the
central tracts. The women prepare and sell dal (pigeon pea), while
the men engage in a variety of trades.
The Holeyas (Tamil, Paraiya; Marathi, Dhed) are outcastes,
occupying a quarter of their own, called the Holageri, outside every
village boundary hedge. They are indigenous and probably aboriginal.
They have numerous subdivisions, which eat together but only inter-
marry between known families. A council of elders decides all
questions of tribal discipline. They are regarded as unclean by the
four principal castes, and particularly by the Brahmans. In rural parts
especially, a Holeya, having anything to deliver to a Brahman, places
it on the ground and retires to a distance, and on meeting a Brahman
in the road endeavours to get away as far as possible. Brahmans and
Holeyas mutually avoid passing through the parts they respectively
occupy in the villages; and a wilful transgression in this respect, if it
did not create a riot, would make purification necessary, and that for
both sides. They often take the vow to become Dasari, and regard
the Satani as priests, but a Holeya is himself generally the priest of the
village goddess. Under the name of Tirukula, the Holeyas have the
privilege of entering the great temple at Melukote once a year to pay
their devotions, said to be a reward for assisting Ramanuja to recover
the image of Krishna which had been carried off to Delhi by the
Musalmans. The Holeya marriage rite is merely a feast, at which the
bridegroom ties a token round the bride's neck. A wife cannot be
divorced except for adultery. Widows may not remarry, but often live
with another man. The Holeyas eat flesh and fish of all kinds, and
even carrion, provided the animal died a natural death, and drink
spirituous liquors. As a body the Holeyas are the servants of the
ryots, and are mainly engaged in following the plough and watching
the herds. They also make certain kinds of coarse cloth, worn by the
poorer classes. The Aleman section furnishes recruits for the Barr
sepoy regiments. In the Maidan a Holeya is the kulavadi, and has
a recognized place in the village corporation. He is the village police-
man, the beadle, and the headman's factotum. The ku/avadis are the
ultimate referees in cases of boundary disputes, and if they agree no
one can challenge the decision. In the Malnad the Holeya was merely
a slave, of which there were two classes: the huttal, or slave born in
the house, the hereditary serf of the family ; and the mannal, or slave
of the soil, who was bought and sold with the land. Now these have
of course been emancipated, and some are becoming owners of land.
In urban centres they are rising in respectability and acquiring wealth,
so that in certain cases their social disabilities are being overcome, and
in public matters especially their complete ostracism cannot be main-
Ten other castes, each above 100,000, make up between them 30
per cent. of the population. They are the Kuruba (378,000), Madiga
(280,000), Beda or Bedar (245,000), Brahman (190,000), Besta
(153,000), Golla (143,000), Wodda (135,000), Banajiga (123,000),
Panchala (126,000), and Uppara (106,000). The Kurubas are shep-
herds and weavers of native blankets (kambli). There is no intercourse
between the general body and the division called Hande Kurubas.
The former worship Bire Deva and are Saivas, their priests being
Brahmans and Jogis. The caste also worship a box, which they
believe contains the wearing apparel of Krishna, under the name of
Junjappa. Parts of Chitaldroog and the town of Kolar are noted for
the manufacture by the Kurubas there of a superior woollen of fine
texture like homespun. The women spin wool, and as they are very
industrious, polygamy prevails, and even adultery is often condoned,
their labour being a source of profit. The wild or Kadu Kurubas
(8,842) are subdivided into Betta or ' hill,' and Jenu or 'honey,'
Kurubas. The former are a small and active race, expert woodmen,
and capable of enduring great fatigue. The latter are a darker and
inferior race, who collect honey and beeswax. Their villages or
clusters of huts are called hadi; and a separate hut is set apart at one
end for the unmarried females to sleep in at night, and one at the other
end for the unmarried males, both being under the supervision of the
headman. Girls are married only after puberty, either according to
the Wokkaliga custom, or by a mere formal exchange of areea-nut and
betel-leaf. Polygamy exists, but the offspring of concubines are not
considered legitimate. All kinds of meat except beef are eaten, but
intoxicating drinks are not used. In case of death, adults are cremated
and children buried. The Betta Kurubas worship forest deities called
Norale and Mastamma, and are said to be revengeful, but if treated
kindly will do willing service. The Jenu Kurubas neither own nor
cultivate land for themselves, nor keep live-stock of their own. Both
classes are expert in tracking wild animals, as well as skilful in eluding
pursuit by wild animals accidentally encountered. Their children
when over two years old move about freely in the jungle.
The Madigas are similar to the Holeyas, but distinguished from
them by being workers in leather. They remove the carcases of dead
cattle, and dress the hides to provide the villagers with leathern
articles, such as the thongs for bullock yokes, buckets for raising water,
&c. They are largely engaged in field labour, and in urban centres are
earning much money, owing to the increasing demand for hides and
their work as tanners. They worship Vishnu, Siva, and their female
counterparts or Saktis, and have five different gurus or maths in the
State. They have a division called Desabhaga, who do not intermarry
with the others. They acknowledge Srivaishnava Brahmans as their
gurus, and have also the names Jambavakula and Matanga. They are
privileged to enter the courtyard of the Belur temple at certain times to
present the god with a pair of slippers, which it is the duty of those in
Channagiri and Basavapatna to provide. Their customs are much the
same as those of the Holeyas. The Bedas (Bedar), or Naiks, are
both Kanarese and Telugu, the two sections neither eating together nor
intermarrying. One-third are in Chitaldroog District, and most of the
rest in Kolar and Tumkur. They were formerly hunters and soldiers
by profession, and largely composed Haidar's and Tipu's infantry.
Many of the Mysore poligars were of this caste. They now engage
in agriculture, and serve as police and revenue peons. They claim
descent from Valmiki, author of the Ramayana, and are chiefly Vaish-
navas, but worship all the Hindu deities. In some parts they erect
a circular hut for a temple, with a stake in the middle, which is the
god. In common with the Golla, Kuruba, Madiga, and other classes,
they often dedicate as a Basavi or prostitute the eldest daughter in a
family when no son has been born ; and a girl falling ill is similarly
vowed to be left unmarried, i.e. to the same fate. If she bear a son, he
is affiliated to her father's family. Except as regards beef, they are not
restricted in food or drink. Polygamy is not uncommon, but divorce
can be resorted to only in case of adultery. Widows may not remarry,
but often live with another Beda. The dead are buried. The caste
often take the vow to become Dasari. Their chief deity is the god
Venkataramana of Tirupati, locally worshipped under the name
Tirumala, but offerings and sacrifices are also made to Mariamma.
Their guru is known as Tirumala Tatacharya, a head of the Srivaish-
nava Brahmans. The Machi or Myasa branch, also called Chunchu,
circumcise their boys at ten or twelve years of age, besides initiating
them with Hindu rites. They eschew all strong drink, and will not
even touch the date-palm from which it is extracted. They eat beef,
but of birds only partridge and quail. Women in childbirth are
segregated. The dead are cremated, and their ashes scattered on
tangadi bushes {Cassia auriculata). This singular confusion of cus-
toms may perhaps be due to the forced conversion of large numbers
to Islam in the time of Haidar to form his Chela battalions. The
Telugu Bedas are called Boya. One section, who are shikaris , and live
on game and forest produce, are called Myasa or Vyadha. The others
are settled in villages, and live by fishing and day labour. The
latter employ Brahmans and Jangamas as priests, but the former call
in elders of their own caste. The Myasa women may not wear toe-
rings, and the men may not sit on date mats.
Bestas are fishermen, boatmen, and palanquin-bearers. This is their
name in the east; in the south they are called Toreya, Ambiga, and
Parivara; in the west Kabyara and Gangemakkalu. Those who speak
Telugu call themselves Bhoyi, and have a headman called Pedda
Bhoyi. One section are lime-burners. Some are peons, and a large
number engage in agriculture. Their domestic customs are similar to
those of the castes above mentioned. Their goddess is Yellamma,
and they are mostly worshippers of Siva. They employ Brahmans and
Satanis for domestic ceremonies. The Gollas are cowherds and dairy-
men. T h e Kadu or ' forest' Gollas are distinct from the U r u or
' t o w n ' Gollas, and the two neither eat together nor intermarry. One
section was formerly largely employed in transporting money from
one part of the country to another, and gained the name Dhanapala.
One of the servants in Government treasuries is still called the Golla.
They worship Krishna as having been born in their caste. T h e
Kadu Gollas are nomadic, and live in thatched huts outside the villages.
At childbirth the mother and babe are kept in a small hut apart from
the others for from seven to thirty days. If i l l , none of her caste
will attend on her, but a Naik or Beda woman is engaged to do so.
Marriages are likewise performed in a temporary shed outside the
village, to which the wedded pair return only after five days of
festivity. Golla women do not wear the bodice, nor in widowhood
do they break off their glass bangles. Remarriage of widows is not
The Woddas are composed of Kallu Woddas and Mannu Woddas,
between whom there is no social intercourse or intermarriage. The
K a l l u Woddas, who consider themselves superior to the others, are
stonemasons, quarrying, transporting, and building with stone, and
are very dexterous in moving large masses by simple mechanical
means. The Mannu Woddas are chiefly tank-diggers, well-sinkers ,
and generally skilful navvies for all kinds of earthwork, the men
digging and the women removing the earth. Though a hard-working
class, they have the reputation of assisting dacoits and burglars by
giving information as to plunder. The young and robust of the
Mannu Woddas of both sexes travel about in caravans in search of
employment, taking with them their infants and huts, which consist
of a few sticks and mats. On obtaining any large earthwork, they
form an encampment in the neighbourhood. The older members
settle in the outskirts of towns, where many of both sexes now find
employment in various kinds of sanitary work. They were probably
immigrants from Orissa and the Telugu country, and generally speak
Telugu. They eat meat and drink spirits, and are given to polygamy.
Widows and divorced women can remarry. Both classes worship all
the H i n d u deities, but chiefly Vishnu.
The Banajigas are the great trading class. The subdivisions are
numerous, but there are three main branches—the Panchama, Telugu,
and Jain Banajigas—who neither eat together nor intermarry. The
first are Lingayats, having their own priests, who officiate at marriages

and funerals, and punish breaches of caste discipline. Telugu Bana-

jigas are very numerous. The Saivas and Vaishnavas among them
do not intermix socially. The latter acknowledge the guru of the
Srivaishnava Brahmans. They frequently take the vow to become
Dasari. Many dancing-girls are of this caste. The Panchala, as their
name implies, embrace five guilds of artisans: namely, goldsmiths,
brass and coppersmiths, blacksmiths, carpenters, and sculptors. They
wear the triple cord and consider themselves equal to the Brahmans,
who, however, deny their pretensions. The goldsmiths are the
recognized heads of the clan. The Panchala have a guru of their
own caste, though Brahmans officiate as purohits. The Uppara are
saltmakers. This is their name in the east; in the south they are
called Uppaliga, and in the west Melusakkare. There are two classes,
Kannada and Telugu. The former make earth-salt, while the latter
are bricklayers and builders. They are worshippers of Vishnu and
Dharma Raya.
The agricultural, artisan, and trading communities form a species
of guilds called phana (apparently a very ancient institution), and these
are divided into two factions, termed Balagai (right-hand) and Yedagai
(left-hand). The former contains 18 phana, headed by the Banajiga
and Wokkaliga, with the Holeya at the bottom ; while the latter
contains 9 phana, with the Panchala and Nagarta (traders) at the head,
and the Madiga at the bottom. Brahmans, Kshattriyas, and most
of the Sudras are considered to be neutral. Each party insists on
the exclusive right to certain privileges on all public festivals and
ceremonies, which are jealously guarded. A breach on either side
leads to faction fights, which formerly were of a furious and sometimes
sanguinary character. Thus, the right-hand claim the exclusive
privilege of having 12 pillars to the marriage panda/, the left-hand
being restricted to 11; of riding on horseback in processions, and
of carrying a flag painted with the figure of Hanuman. In the Census
of 1891 the people by common consent repudiated the names Balagai
and Yedagai, and preferred to return themselves as of the 18 phana
or the 9 phana. In the Census of 1901 even this distinction was
ignored, and the people returned themselves in various irreconcilable
ways, mostly as belonging to the 12 phana. The old animosity of
the factions seems to be wearing away.
Of nomad tribes, more than half are Lambanis and another fourth
are Koracha, Korama, or Korava. The first are a gipsy tribe that
wander about in gangs with large herds of bullocks, transporting grain
and other produce, especially in the hilly and forest tracts. Of late
years some have been employed on coffee estates, and some have even
partially abandoned their vagrant life, and settled, at least for a time,
in villages of their own. These, called tandas, are composed of groups
of their usual rude wicker huts, pitched on waste ground in' wild places.
T h e women bring in bundles of firewood from the jungles for sale
in the towns. The Lambanis speak a mixed dialect called K u t n i ,
largely composed of H i n d i and Marathi corruptions. The women
are distinguished by a picturesque dress different from that worn by
any other class. It consists of a sort of tartan petticoat, with a
stomacher over the bosom, and an embroidered mantle covering the
head and upper part of the body. The hair is worn in ringlets or
plaits, hanging down each side of the face, decorated with small shells,
and ending in tassels. The arms and ankles are profusely covered
with trinkets made of bone, brass, and other rude materials. The
men wear tight cotton breeches, reaching a little below the knee, with
a waistband ending in red silk tassels, and on the head a small red
or white turban. There is a class of Lambani outcastes, called Dhalya,
who are drummers and live separately. They chiefly trade in bullocks.
The Lambanis hold Gosains as their gurus, and reverence Krishna ;
also Basava, as representing the cattle that Krishna tended. But their
chief object of worship is Banashankari, the goddess of forests. Their
marriage rite consists of mutual gifts and a tipsy feast. The bridal
pair also pour milk down an ant-hill occupied by a snake, and make
offerings to it of coco-nuts and flowers. Polygamy is in vogue, and
widows and divorced women may remarry, but with some disabilities.
The Lambanis are also called Sukali and Brinjari. The Koracha,
Korama, or Korava are a numerous wandering tribe, who carry salt
and grain from one market to another by means of large droves of
cattle and asses, and also make bamboo mats and baskets. The men
wear their hair gathered up into a big knot or bunch on one side of
the top of the head, resembling what is seen on ancient sculptured
stones. The women may be known by numerous strings of small
red and white glass beads and shells, worn round the neck and falling
over the bosom. In the depths of the forest they are even said to
dispense with more substantial covering. A custom like couvade is
said to linger among the Korava, but this is not certain. The dead
are buried at night in out-of-the-way spots. The women are skilful
in tattooing. The Iruliga are the remaining wild tribe, and include
the Sholaga, who live in the south-east in the Biligiri-Rangan hills.
They are very dark, and are keen-sighted and skilful in tracking game.
They cultivate small patches of jungle clearings with the hoe, on the
kumri or shifting system. Polygamy is the rule among them, and
adultery is unknown. When a girl consents to marriage, the man runs
away with her to some other place till the honeymoon is over, when
they return home and give a feast. They live in bamboo huts thatched
with plantain leaves.
The percentage of the followers of each religion to the whole popu-

lation at the Census of 1901 was, in order of strength : Hindus, 9 2 · 1 ;

Musalmans, 5·2 ; Animists, 1·6 ; Christians, 0·9 ; Jains, 0·2. There
remained 158 persons who were Parsis, Sikhs, Jews, Brahmos, or
Buddhists ; 101 were Parsls and 34 Jews. The percentage of increase
in each religion since 1891 was: Christians, 31·3; Musalmans, 14·5;
Hindus, 11·5; Jains, 3.
Of H i n d u religious sects in Mysore, Lingayats are by far the
strongest in numbers; and if, in addition to those returned as such,
the Nonaba, Banajiga, and others belonging to the sect be taken into
account, they cannot be much below 800,000. Their own name for
themselves is Sivabhakta or Sivachar, and Vira Saiva. Their distinctive
mark is the wearing of a jangama (or portable) lingam on the person,
hence the name Lingayata or Lingavanta. The lingam is a small stone,
about the size of an acorn, enshrined in a silver casket of peculiar
shape, worn suspended from the neck or bound to the arm. They
also mark the forehead with a round white spot. The clerics smear
their faces and bodies with ashes, and wear garments of the colour
of red ochre, with a rosary of rudraksha beads round the neck.
Phallic worship is no doubt one of the most ancient and widely
diffused forms of religion in the world, and the Lingayats of late have
made doubtful pretensions to date as far back as the time of Buddha.
Among the Saiva sects mentioned by the reformer Sankaracharya as
existing in India in the eighth century were the Jangamas, who he says
wore the trident on the head and carried a lingam made of stone on
their persons, and whom he denounces as unorthodox. Of this sect
the Lingayats claim to be the representatives. Whether this be so
or not, it is undoubted that the Lingayat faith has been the popular
creed of the Kanarese-speaking countries from the twelfth century.
Lingayats reject the authority of Brahmans and the inspiration of
the Vedas, and deny the efficacy of sacrifices and sraddhas. They
profess the Saiva faith in its idealistic form, accepting as their principal
authority a Saiva commentary on the Vedanta Sutras. They contend
that the goal of karma or performance of ceremonies is twofold—the
attainment of svarga or eternal heavenly bliss, and the attainment of
jnana or heavenly wisdom. The former is the aim of Brahman
observances ; the latter, resulting in union with the deity, is the
summum bonum of the Lingayats.
The Lingayat sect in its present form dates from about 1160, a little
more than forty years after the establishment of the Vaishnava faith
and the ousting of the Jains in Mysore by Ramanujacharya. Its
institution is attributed to Basava, prime minister of the Kalachuri
king Bijjala, who succeeded the Chalukyas and ruled at Kalyani (in
the Nizam's Dominions) from 1155 to 1167. Basava (a vernacular form
of the Sanskrit vrishabha, ' b u l l ' ) was supposed to be an incarnation
of Siva's bull Nandi, sent to the earth to revive the Saiva religion.
He was the son of an Aradhya Brahman, a native of Bagevadi in
Bijapur District. He refused to be invested with the sacred thread,
or to acknowledge any guru but Siva, and incurred the hostility of the
Brahmans. He retired for some time to Sangamesvara, where he was
instructed in the tenets of the Vira Saiva faith. Eventually he went
to Kalyani, where the king Bijjala, who was a Jain, married his
beautiful sister and made him prime minister. This position of
influence enabled him to propagate his religious system. Meanwhile,
a sister who was one of his first disciples had given birth to Channa
Basava, supposed to be an incarnation of Siva's son Shanmukha, and
he and his uncle are regarded as joint founders of the sect. The
Basava Purana and Channa Basava Purana, written in Hala Kannada,
though not of the oldest form, containing miraculous stories of Saiva
gurus and saints, are among their chief sacred books. Basava's liberal
use of the public funds for the support of Jangama priests aroused the
king's suspicions, and he thoughtlessly ordered two pious Lingayats
to be blinded, which led to his own assassination. Basava and Channa
Basava fled from the vengeance of his son, and are said to have been
absorbed into the god. The reformed faith spread rapidly, superseding
that of the Jains ; and according to tradition, within sixty years of
Basava's death, or by 1228, it was embraced from Ulavi, near Goa, to
Sholapur, and from Balehalli (in Kadur District) to Sivaganga (Banga-
lore District). It was a State religion of Mysore from 1350 to 1610,
and especially of the Keladi, Ikkeri, or Bednur kingdom from 1550
to 1763, as well as of various neighbouring principalities. Since the
decline of the Jains, the Lingayats have been preservers and cultivators
of the Kanarese language.
The sect was originally recruited from all castes, and observances
of caste, pilgrimage, fasts, and penance were rejected. Basava taught
that all holiness consisted in regard for three things, guru, lingam, and
iangam—the guide, the image, and the fellow religionist. But caste
distinctions are maintained in regard to social matters, such as inter-
marriage. The lingam is tied to an infant at birth, must always be
worn to the end of life, and is buried with the dead body. At a
reasonable age the child is initiated by the guru into the doctrines of
the faith. All are rigid vegetarians. Girls are married before puberty.
Widows do not marry again. The dead are buried. The daily ritual
consists of Saiva rites, and it may be stated that lingam worship, in
both act and symbol, is absolutely free from anything indecorous.
Five spiritual thrones or simhasanas were originally established:
namely, at Balehalli (Kadur District), Ujjain, Kasi (Benares), Srisailam
(Kurnool District), and Kedarnath (in the Himalayas). Maths still exist
in these places and exercise jurisdiction over their respective spheres.

The Lingayats are a peaceful and intelligent community, chiefly

engaged in trade and agriculture. In commerce they occupy a very
prominent place, and many are now taking advantage of the facilities
for higher education and qualifying for the professions.
The Brahmans (190,050) are divided among four sects: namely,
Smartas, who form 63 per cent.; Madhvas, 23 per cent.; Srivaishnavas,
10 per cent.; and Bhagavatas, 4 per cent. Smartas are followers of the
smriti, and hold the Advaita doctrine. Their chief deity is Siva, and
the sect was founded by Sankaraeharya in the eighth century. Their
guru is the head of the math established by him at Sringeri (Kadur
District), who is styled the Jagad Guru. They are distinguished by
three parallel horizontal lines of sandal paste or cow-dung ashes on the
forehead, with a round red spot in the centre. The Madhvas are
named after their founder Madhvacharya, who lived in South Kanara
in the thirteenth century. They especially worship Vishnu, and hold
the Dvaita doctrine. Their gurus are at Nanjangud, Hole-Narsipur,
and Sosile. They wear a black perpendicular line from the junction
of the eyebrows to the top of the forehead, with a dot in the centre.
The Srivaishnavas worship Vishnu as identified with his consort Sri,
and hold the Visishtadvaita doctrine. The sect was founded by
Ramanujacharya early in the twelfth century. There are two branches :
the Vadagalai (' northerners '), who form two-thirds, and adhere to the
sacred texts in Sanskrit; and the Tengalai ('southerners'), who form
one-third, and have their sacred texts in T a m i l . Their mark is a trident
on the forehead, the centre line being yellow or red and the two outer
ones white. The Tengalai continue the central line of the trident in
white for some distance down the nose. The Bhagavatas are probably
a very ancient sect. They are classed with Smartas, but chiefly
worship Vishnu, and wear Vaishnava perpendicular marks. Nearly all
the Brahmans in Mysore belong to the Pancha Dravida or ' five tribes
of the south.'
The Satani (22,378) are the next most numerous religious sect.
They are regarded as priests by the Holeya and other inferior castes,
and themselves have the chiefs of the Srivaishnava Bnlhmans and
Sannyasis as their gurus. They are votaries of Vishnu, especially in
the form of Krishna, and are followers of Chaitanya. As a rule they
are engaged in the service of Vaishnava temples, and are flower-
gatherers, torch-bearers, and strolling musicians. They call themselves
Vaishnavas, the Baisnabs of Bengal.
Of Musalmans the majority are Sunnis, very few being Shiahs.
There are thirteen Musalman classes, the most numerous of which are
Shaikh (178,625), Saiyid (42,468), Pathan (41,156), Mughal (8,241),
Labbai (6,908), and Pinjari (4,558). The first four are mostly in the
army, police, and other Government service, but many are merchants
VOL. xviii. o
and traders. The Labbai are descendants of Arabs and women of the
country. They come from Negapatam and other parts of the Coro-
mandel coast, and speak T a m i l . They are an enterprising class of
traders, settled in most of the towns, vendors of hardware and other
articles, collectors of hides, and traders in coffee; but they take up
any lucrative business. Some are settled as agriculturists at Gargeswari
in Mysore District. The Mappilla or Moplah are of similar origin but
from the Malabar coast, and speak Malayalam. They are principally
on the coffee plantations in the west. At one time there were many
at the Kolar gold-mines. The Pinjari are cotton-ginners and cleaners;
other Musalmans as a rule have no intercourse with them. At Channa-
patna and one or two other places is a sect called Daire, who came
originally from Hyderabad. They believe the Mahdi to have come
and gone, and do not intermarry with other Musalmans. They trade
in silk with the West Coast.
Christians at the Census of 1901 numbered 50,059: namely, Euro-
peans, 4,753; Eurasians, 5,721; and native Christians, 39,585. The
first two classes are mostly in Bangalore and the Kolar Cold Fields,
but they are also scattered in various parts of the country. European
coffee-planters reside in Kadur and Hassan Districts. The principal
Eurasian rural settlement is Whitefield in Bangalore District. The
same District and the Kolar Gold Fields contain the largest number
of native Christians. They have increased by 41·6 per cent. since
1891, or, excluding the Civil and Military Station of Bangalore, by 62·8
per cent. The following were the principal denominations returned :—
Denomination. Europeans. Eurasians. Natives. Total.

Roman Catholic . 1,095 2,834 33,687 37,616

Anglican 2,911 2,280 2,606 7,797
Methodist . 437 391 I,8l6 2,644

The Roman Catholics increased by 29 per cent. in the decade. As

regards the Anglicans and Methodists, it appears that some belonging
to the latter denomination entered themselves merely as Protestants,
and were thereby included among the former. Putting both together,
to rectify the error in some degree, the increase was 25·3 per cent.
The Methodists include Wesleyans and American Methodist Episco-
palians. The Roman Catholic diocese of Mysore extends over Mysore,
Coorg, Wynaad, Hosur, and Kollegal. The Bishop resides at Banga-
lore. T h e Anglican churches are in the diocese of the Bishop of
Of Christian missions to Mysore, the oldest by far was the Roman
Catholic, So far back as 1325 the Dominicans are said to have com-
menced work in the Hoysala kingdom. In 1400 they built a church

at Anekal 1 . The Vijayanagar Diwan in 1445 is said to have been

a Christian, and also the viceroy at Seringapatam in 1520. In 1587 the
Franciscans arrived on the scene. But it was not till the middle of
the seventeenth century that mission work was firmly established.
At that period some Jesuit priests from Coimbatore founded the
Kanarese Mission at Satyamangalam, Seringapatam, and other places
in the south. In 1702 two French Jesuits from Veliore founded a
Telugu mission in the east, building chapels at Bangalore, Devanhalli,
Chik-Ballapur, and other places. The suppression of the Jesuit Order
in 1773 was a severe check; and in the time of Tipu all the churches
and chapels were razed to the ground, except one at Grama near
Hassan, and one at Seringapatam, the former being preserved by
a Muhammadan officer, and the latter defended by the native Christian
troops under their commander. After the fall of Seringapatam in 1799
the work was taken up by the Foreign Missions Society of Paris, and
the Abbe Dubois, who was in the south, was invited to Seringapatam
by the Roman Catholics. He laboured in Mysore for twenty-two
years, adopting the native dress and mode of living. He was highly
respected by the people, who treated him as a Brahman, and he
became well-known from his work on Hindu Manners , &c., the manu-
script of which was bought by the British Government 2 . He was the
founder of the church at Mysore, and of the Christian agricultural
community of Sathalli near Hassan, and is said to have introduced
vaccination into the State. The East India Company gave him a
pension, and he died in France in 1848 at the age of eighty-three.
In 1846 a Vicar Apostolic was appointed, and in 1887 Mysore was
made a Bishopric. The Roman Catholics have 98 places of worship
in the State. At Bangalore they maintain a high-grade college and
college classes for girls, a convent with schools, a well-equipped
hospital, orphanages and Magdalen asylum, and a Home for the
Aged under the Little Sisters of the Poor; and at Mysore there are a
convent and various schools. Agricultural farms for famine orphans
have been formed in the taluks bordering on Bangalore.
Of Protestant missions the first to the Kanarese people was that at
Bellary established by the London Missionary Society, which in 1820
was extended to Bangalore. The first dictionaries of the language,
and the first translation of the Bible into the vernacular, together with
the first casting of Kanarese type for their publication, were the work
of this mission. They were also the pioneers of native female educa-
tion, in 1840. They have Kanarese and Tamil churches at Bangalore,
An old inscription, surmounted by a cross, has been found there relating to
the kumbdra ane or potters' dam.
The best and most authentic edition of this work was published at Oxford in 1897,
edited by the late H. K. Beauchamp.
O 2
a high school, and various schools for girls. The out-stations are to
the east and north of Bangalore, the chief being at Chik-Ballapur.
The Wesleyan Mission began work in 1822, but only in Tamil, in the
cantonment of Bangalore. Their Kanarese mission was commenced
in 1835. In 1848 a great impetus was given to the publication of
vernacular literature by their establishment of a printing press at
Bangalore, and the vast improvements introduced in Kanarese type.
The mission has now about forty circuits in Bangalore, Mysore, and
the principal towns, with high schools at those cities, and numerous
vernacular schools all over the country, besides hospitals for women
and children at Mysore and Hassan. They also have some industrial
schools, and issue a Kanarese newspaper and magazine. The Church
of England has a native S.P.G. mission at Bangalore, taken over in
1826 from the Danish Lutherans, by whom it had been begun a few yean;
earlier; and the Zanana Mission of the Church has a large Gosha
hospital (for women) there, with a branch hospital at Channapatna,
and a station at Mysore city. The American Methodist Episcopal
Church began work in 1880, and has places of worship and schools in
Bangalore, chiefly for Eurasians, and a native industrial school at
Kolar. A Leipzig Lutheran mission was established at Bangalore on
a small scale in 1873 : and there is a small Faith mission at Malavalli
in Mysore District.
The occupations of the people have been returned under eight main
classes. Of these the most important are: pasture and agriculture,
which support 68 per cent. of the population; preparation and supply
of material substances, 11 per cent. ; and unskilled labour not agri-
cultural, 9 per cent. Actual workers number 1,875,371 (males
1,485,313, females 390,058), and dependents number 3,664,028 (males
1,311,711, females 2,352,317).
Ragi (Eleusine coracana) is the staple food of all the lower orders
and labouring classes. The flour is made into a kind of pudding
called hittu, and into cakes, which are fried in oil. Of other millets,
jola (Sorghum vulgare) is the most commonly eaten, especially in the
north. Puddings and cakes are made of the flour, and it is also boiled
whole to eat with curry. Of pulses, avare (Dolichos Lablab) is the
favourite, and is used in curries. Rice (Oryza saliva) of many varieties
is the principal food of Brahmans and the higher classes.
White or coloured cotton stuffs of stout texture supply the principal
dress of the people, with a woollen kambli or blanket as an outer
covering for the night or a protection against cold or damp. Brahmans
go bare-headed, the head being shaved all except the tuft at the crown,
and most Hindus observe the same practice. The moustache is the
only hair worn on the face. The dhotra, a thin sheet, covers the
lower limbs, one end being gathered into folds in front and the other

passed between the legs and tucked in at the waist behind. A similar
garment is thrown over the shoulders. A bright magenta worsted cap
and a scarlet, green, or blue blanket are often worn in the early
morning or on a journey. At office, Brahmans wear a turban and
a long coat, either woollen or cotton. Students wear a sort of smoking-
cap instead of a turban. The ryots are generally content with a turban
and a kambli, with commonly a short pair of drawers. When not at
work they often wear a blouse or short smock-frock.
The dress of the women is graceful and becoming. A tight-fitting
short bodice is universally worn, leaving the arms, neck, throat, and
middle bare, the two ends being tied in a knot in front. It is generally
of a gay colour, or variegated with borders and gussets of contrasting
tints, which set off the figure to advantage. In the colder tracts, to the
west, a somewhat loose jacket, covering all the upper part of the body
and the arms, is worn instead. The shire or sari, a long sheet,
ordinarily dark blue or a dull red with yellow borders, is wrapped
round the lower part of the body, coming down to the ankles. One
end is gathered into a large bunch of folds in front, while the other,
passed across the bosom and over the head, hangs freely over the
right shoulder. In the west it is tied there in a knot. Brahman
women pass the lower end of the cloth between the legs and tuck
it in at the waist behind, which leaves the limbs more free. Their
heads too are not covered, the hair being gathered into one large plait,
which hangs straight down the back, very effectively decorated at the
crown and at different points with richly chased circular golden cauls
or bosses. Vaisya women are similarly dressed, but often with less
good taste. They smear themselves with saffron to produce a fair
or yellow tint, and not only on their cheeks but also over their arms
and legs. This practice, so common among the trading class, is by no
means attractive, nor is the habit of blackening the teeth, adopted by
married women, more pleasing to European ideas. Many fair women
are elaborately tattooed on the arms. Sudra women generally gather
the hair into a chignon or bunch behind, stuffed out with a bunch
of wool, and run a large pin through, with an ornamental silver head,
which is rather becoming. In the Malnad the women often arrange
the back hair in a very picturesque manner, with a plait of the cream-
white ketaki flower (Pandanus odoratissimus or with orchid blossoms
or pink cluster-roses. Ornaments are commonly worn by all classes
in the ears and nose, and on the arms, with rings on the fingers and
toes, and as many and costly necklets and chains round the neck
as means will allow). Chains frequently connect the upper rim of the
ear with the ornamental pin in the back hair, and have a pretty effect.
The richer Brahman and other girls wear silver anklets, often of a very
ponderous make, which are by no means elegant. A silver zone
clasped in front is a common article of attire among all but the poorer
women, and gives a pleasing finish to the costume. T h e only marked
difference is in the dress of Lambani women, already described in
treating of them.
In Manjarabad the dress of the headmen is usually a black kambli
or blanket, passed round the body and fastened over the left shoulder,
leaving the right arm free. The waist is girded with a similar article,
or with a cloth, generally dark blue with a white stripe. The turbans
are mostly white, or dark blue with a narrow gold edging. The
labourers have a similar dress of coarser material, and usually wear
a leathern skull-cap. All classes carry a big knife, fastened to the
girdle behind.
The dress of Muhammadan males differs from that of the Hindus
chiefly in cut and colour, and in the wearing of long loose drawers.
But for undress a piece of dark plaided stuff is worn like the dhotra.
They shave the head completely, but retain all the hair of the face.
A skull-cap is worn, over which the turban is tied in full dress. The
women wear a coloured petticoat and bodice, with a large white sheet
enveloping the head and the whole person, and pulled also over the
The higher caste Hindus wear leathern slippers, curled up at the
toe and turned down at the heel; the labouring classes wear heavy
sandals, with wooden or leathern soles and leathern straps. Muham-
madans also wear the slipper, but smaller, and frequently a very
substantial big shoe, covering the whole foot. Women are never shod,
except occasionally on a journey, or in very stony places, when they
sometimes wear sandals.
Religious mendicants appear in a variety of grotesque and harlequin
costumes, with hair unshorn. But garments dyed with red ochre or
saffron are the commonest indications of a sacred calling.
The dwellings of the people are generally of mud, one-storeyed
and low, with few, if any, openings outwards except the door, but
possessed of courtyards within, surrounded with verandas and open
to the sky. In the better class of houses these are well paved and
drained, while the wooden pillars are elaborately carved or painted.
The huts of the outcaste and poorer classes are thatched; but the
houses of the higher orders are covered with either terraced or tiled
roofs, the latter more especially in the west, where the rainfall is heavy.
Animal fights, between rams, cocks, and quails, are popular. Com-
panies of tumblers, jugglers, snake-charmers, & c , wander about and
earn a living. Theatrical performances are also well patronized.
In the south they take place in the open at a certain season in all the
large villages, the performers being the villagers themselves. The
Hindu festivals most generally observed by all sects are the Holi and

the Dasara, which respectively mark the seasons of the vernal and
autumnal equinox; the Pongal, at the time of the winter solstice,
a sort of harvest festival; the Dipavali or feast of lights; and the
Yugadi or new year's day. The Sivaratri, or watch-night of fasting,
is kept by all adherents of Siva. The Muhammadans keep the
Ramzan, when thirty days of abstinence are observed, and also the
Muharram, properly a season of lamentation, but generally kept here
as a festival. Their other principal public feasts are the Bakr-id and
Among respectable Hindus a man generally has three names—the
first being that of his village or the place of origin of his family;
the second his personal name; and the third that of his caste or sect.
It is a common custom to name the eldest son after his paternal grand-
father, and the next after his maternal grandfather, but only if they
are dead. If they are living, then after the great-uncle or other corre-
sponding near relative who is dead. Girls are similarly named after
the female grandparents, &c. But if a child was born in response
to a religious vow, it is named after the god who is supposed to have
granted it. Muhammadans are named after the apostle under whose
star they are born, or from one of the ninety-nine sacred names, to
which is added the sect. Girls are named after the wives or female
relatives of the apostles.
Agriculture is chiefly dependent on the rains. If they are sufficient
and seasonable, it prospers; but such a favourable conjuncture is only
occasional. ' Wet crops' irrigated from river channels
or perennial wells, and products of the self-sustaining
black soil, are therefore least affected by vicissitudes of the seasons.
The soils in Mysore vary from black cotton to light sandy loam.
A red-coloured loam, or clay loam, predominates. Differing from
other soils of India, they are generally deficient in phosphoric acid,
most of them containing less than 0·1 per cent. and the average con-
taining barely 0·05 per cent. The percentage of potash is much
higher, averaging three or four times that of phosphoric acid. In the
hilly virgin-forest region in the west of the State, where coffee is largely
grown, the percentage of nitrogen is very high, averaging more than
02 per cent. in the surface soil and nearly 0·15 per cent. in the
second foot. In the eastern portion of the State, where the land has
been cultivated a long time, less nitrogen is found. The surface is
generally undulating (though flat in some parts and very hilly in others),
here and there broken up by rocky hills and gravelly ridges. The
annual rainfall varies from about 200 inches in the Western Ghats
to about 25 or 30 inches in the eastern part of the State. Excepting
rice, coffee, cardamoms, pepper, areca-nut, and betel-leaf, very little
cultivation is carried on in the forest region of heavy rainfall in the
extreme west. The other part of the State, with a rainfall varying from
about 20 to 60 inches, grows principally ragi, jola, various pulses and
o i l plants on the ' dry ' lands, with cotton and tobacco in some localities,
and principally rice and sugar-cane on the irrigated fields 1 .
The population engaged in and dependent on agriculture, according
to the Census of 1901, is 3,657,462, or 66 per cent. of the total. Of
these, 951,056 males and 179,876 females are actual workers, and
941,867 males and 1,584,663 females are dependents.
The staple food-grains are : ragi (Eleusine coracand), rice (Oryza
sativa),jola {Sorghum vulgare), other millets (Panicum), gram (Dolichos
biflorus), and other pulses. Oilseeds include gingelly (Sesamum) and
castor (Ricinus); the chief fibres are cotton and san-hemp ; among
spices may be mentioned chilli or capsicum, ginger, coriander, cumin
seed, & c . ; and among miscellaneous crops—tobacco, mustard, onions,
garlic, &c.
The months for sowing the principal crops are June and July, and
November is the general harvest time ; but the pulses avare and
togari, which are sown along with ragi, ripen two or three months
later. Horse-gram is sown in October or November, and ripens in
three months. Of rice there are two crops, the Kartika fasal, or kar,
maturing in October or November, and the Vaisakha fasal, or hain,
maturing in A p r i l or May. The ordinary sugar-cane is planted about
A p r i l and takes twelve months to mature. Other kinds are planted in
August or February, and require fourteen months. Cotton is sown in
June and ripens in six months, continuing to yield for four months, and
the second year's crop is better.
Kumri or shifting forest cultivation is practised only by wild hill
tribes in the west and south, and is permitted in some parts under
certain restrictions. Under this system jungle is burnt down and seed
planted in the ashes.
Agricultural implements in general are such as have been in use for
ages. The principal new appliance that has been to some extent
adopted is an iron m i l l for expressing the juice of the sugar-cane,
which has in many parts replaced the old cumbrous apparatus.
Fruit and vegetable production has received special attention in the
neighbourhood of Bangalore. Apples, strawberries, potatoes, peas, and
cauliflowers may be mentioned among European products that are well
established. Of native fruits, the grafted mango is largely cultivated.
Areca-nuts, coco-nuts, and plantains are general in irrigated land. The
best areca-nuts are a special production of Nagar and the moist west.
Coco-nuts are grown without irrigation in the central parts of the State,
and the dried kernels are an article of export. A horticultural garden
This paragraph was contributed by Dr. A. Lchmann, Agricultural Chemist to the
Government of Mysore.

is maintained by the State in the Lal Bagh at Bangalore, and an exotic

fruit garden at Nandidroog. Native florists do a good business in
To the Agricultural department are attached an agricultural chemist,
with assistants, a mycologist, and an entomologist. A well-equipped
chemical laboratory has been fitted up at Bangalore, where analyses
are made of soils, of the composition of manures and fertilizers, of the
quality of special products like coffee, and of roots, bulbs, and other
wild edibles that may be of use as food in time of famine. Prevalent
insect pests and plant diseases are investigated with a view to devising
remedies. Plot experiments are being conducted in the cultivation of
sugar-cane, ragi, sweet potatoes, and ground-nuts. A plant-house for pot
culture is being erected. An experimental farm has been formed near
Bangalore, where ' wet ' and ' dry crops ' are being raised. In the Lai
Bagh garden at Bangalore rubber, fibre, and cotton plants are receiving
attention. At the Kunigal stud farm special kinds of rice are being
tried. Arrangements have been made for imparting instruction in
practical agriculture at the normal school in Mysore and at eight other
State schools, and in sericulture at Mr. Tata's silk farm in Bangalore.
Moreover, a few model holdings in each taluk are being selected by
the amaldars, belonging to intelligent tenants who are willing to
cultivate them on improved methods according to expert advice.
Agricultural shows are to be held at the District headquarters and
prizes awarded by the State.
Loans for land improvement during the thirteen years ending 1903-4
amounted to a total of 1·6 lakhs. In the same period 7·1 lakhs was
also advanced for 3,068 irrigation wells, of which 2,212 were completed.
For saguvati kattes or cultivation embankments Rs. 11,000 was ad-
There were fifty-nine agricultural banks in 1904, of which twenty-one
were reported to be working satisfactorily, but taken altogether they
have not been a success. T w o banks intended for the benefit of
native coffee-planters had received loans up to nearly 9 lakhs, of
which more than 3½ lakhs was outstanding. They have since been
closed, and individual contracts for repayment made with the estates
which had received loans. The advances to the remaining banks had
amounted to 7½ lakhs, of which 1 lakh was recovered. Owing to lax
management thirteen banks have had the advances made to them
recalled. The loans granted by the banks, exclusive of renewals,
amounted to 10¾ lakhs, of which 7 lakhs was used to liquidate previous
debts, and the rest for agricultural purposes. T h e balance due to the
State in 1904 for loans and interest was 13 lakhs.
The cultivators are for the most part in debt, but not heavily, their
liabilities generally ranging between Rs. 50 and Rs. 100. In villages
the creditors are, as a rule, themselves agriculturists, but in towns they
are more often money-lenders. The rate of interest on private loans
to agriculturists varies. In some places in the Malnad the rate till
recently ranged between 24 and 36 per cent. In other tracts it used
to be 18 per cent. The rate is now everywhere lower, the minimum
being 12 and the maximum 18 per cent. A Co-operative Societies
Regulation was passed in 1905, from which good is anticipated.

(Areas in square miles)
Average, Average, 1900-1. 1903-4.
1881-90. 1891-1900.
Total area shown in village
papers 27,248 27,270
Total uncultivated area 17,404 19,706 18,057 17,588
Cultivable but not cultivated 4,700 2,891 4,321 3,871
Uncultivablc 12,704 13,736 13,717
Total cultivated area 8,261 8,978 9.191 9,682
Irrigated from canals . 166 175
,, ,, wells and tank: 773*! 878 992
,, „ other sources 347* ! 3 406
Total irrigated area 1,100 1,497 1,358 1,573
Unirrigatcd area . 4,644 7,331 7.833 8,109
Cropped area.
AYiffi . . . . 3.746 3,293 3.499
Rice . . . . 945 1,107 1,118 1,239
Other food-grains and pulse 5,548 2,897 3,682 3,752
Oilseeds 280 458 515 543
Sugar-cane 45 50 64 65
Cotton . . . . 56 87 71 109
Other fibres . 4 10 37 18
Coffee . . . . 203 209 199 195
Tobacco 36 22 21 26
Miscellaneous 291 453 581 627
Total area cropped 7,408 9,039 9,582 10,073
Area double cropped . 237 391 391
NoTE.—The principal crops raised by means of irrigation are rice, sugar-cane,
and wheat. * Only nine years' average. † Includes ragi.
The Amrit Mahal is the principal cattle-breeding establishment.
Its head-quarters are at Hunsur, and grazing-grounds called kavals
are reserved for its use in different parts of the country. In 1903-4,
with 9,686 head of cattle, the births were 42·5 per cent. on the average
number of breeding cows, and the deaths 9·3 per cent. on the total
stock. The sales, including 150 young bullocks to the Madras
Transport Depot at the usual rate of Rs. 50 each, realized an average
of Rs. 36 per head. Amrit Mahal bullocks are famed for their pluck
and endurance, being as superior to others as thoroughbreds among
horses. The best breed is the Hallikar. The ordinary cattle are of
the Madesvaran-betta and Kankanhalli breeds, both named from places
in the south-east of the State. Amrit Mahal bulls are stationed by
Government in various parts for improving the breed of cattle used by
the ryots. Six Amrit Mahal cows were sent to the Chin Hills in Northern
Burma to be crossed with mithan bulls (Bos frontalis). large cattle
fairs are held at Nandi, at the ghat north of Dod-Ballapur, at Sante-
maranhalli, and other places. An ordinary pair of plough bullocks
costs from Rs. 30 to Rs. 50 or more ; superior trotting and draught-
bullocks, Rs. 70 to Rs. 200 or more. Buffaloes are extensively used for
supplying milk, and for carrying manure and ploughing in heavy land.
Sheep and goats were kept on farms under the Amrit Mahal darogas.
In 1902, with 1,694 head, there were 308 births and "294 deaths.
Owing to similar poor results over a series of years, the flocks were
then sold, only 257 sheep of Australian and Kashmir breeds being
retained. The ordinary country sheep 'are the Kurubar, They are
shorn twice a year, and the wool is made into rough kamblis. Fine
fighting rams are produced. Sheep are folded on fields for the sake of
their dung, which is highly valued.
The stud farm is at Kunigal. In 1904 there were five stallions, 81
brood mares, and 200 foals, of which 35 were born in the year. Good
native cavalry remounts are produced. From Kaihiawar three wild
asses (Equus hemionus) were obtained in order to breed a larger type
of donkeys in the State, and for mule-breeding, for which there is a
farm near Devanhalli.
The principal cattle diseases are anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease,
malignant catarrh, and lung diseases. Rinderpest has also been
known. There is a civil veterinary officer only for Bangalore ; but the
natives have their own remedies and methods of treatment, among
which cautery or branding with hot iron is very common.
The sources of irrigation are channels drawn from dams on the
rivers, besides tanks and wells. The most important of the river
channels are in the south of the State, connected with the C A U V E R Y
and its tributaries. Most of them were originally constructed centuries
ago, but have been improved and extended. The water is let out
according to the needs of the rice or sugar-cane crops, and confined to
the proper seasons for them. To put an end to complaints of unequal
distribution, the management of the river channels in the irrigation
season was in 1888 put under the amaldars of the taluks through
which they run, and the hot-season supply to sugar-cane and garden
tracts was arranged to be given at fixed periods, in consultation with the
Deputy-Commissioners concerned. There is no separate water rate,
but the fixed assessment includes the full value imparted by soil and
water combined. The value of the channel water-supply is determined
on the basis of quantity, duration, and facility, according to the
established capacity of each channel. The supply of water from tanks
is similarly regulated. The receipts from river-fed channels in 1903-4
amounted to 6½ lakhs, and the net profits to 5 lakhs. The best wells
are those throughout the north-east, fed by talpargis or spring-heads.
T h e water is raised by either the yata or the kapile. The former, also
known as picottah, is a lever with an iron bucket attached at the water
end by a bamboo rod. The lever is weighted at one end with stones,
or else raised and depressed by a man standing on it near the fulcrum
post. The kapilc has an inclined plane or ramp, down which bullocks
draw a stout rope attached to a large leathern bucket.
A very large irrigation work is under construction at M a r i Kanave
on the Vedavati. Other prominent recent works for the same purpose
are Bora Kanave, Mavatur tank, Srinivasa Sagara, &c. Various projects
in different tracts have been examined.
The general system of land tenure is ryotwari, under which small
separate holdings are held direct from government. There is also
a certain number of inam tenures, which are wholly
Rent, wages, or partially revenue free. In 1904 there were
and prices.
965,440 ryotwari holdings, with an average area
of 7·11 acres, and an average assessment of Rs. 9 - 6 - 1 . The inam
holdings numbered 84,548, with an average area of 20·8 acres, and
an average assessment of Rs. 6-5-0. A special class are the lease
holders of gold-mines, whose holdings numbered 44, with an aver
age area in each estate of 912·5 acres, assessed at an average of
Rs. 439-6-7-
The sum payable by the cultivator, which is revenue rather than
rent, is determined mainly by the class of soil and kind of cultiva-
tion. After the revenue survey, the settlement of this point is effected
on the following system. Nine classes of soil are recognized, and
all the land is divided into ' d r y , ' 'wet,' and 'garden' land. In the
two latter, in addition to soil classification, the water-supply is taken
into consideration, and its degree of permanency or otherwise regu-
lates the class to which it is referred. In the case of gardens irrigated
by wells, in addition to the classification of soil, the area of land
under each, and the distance of the garden from the village, as
affecting the cost of manuring, & c , are carefully ascertained. V i l
lages are grouped according to their respective advantages of climate,
markets, communications, and the agricultural skill and actual con
dition of the cultivators. The maximum rates for each class of
cultivation are then determined by reference to the nature and effects
of past management of the taluk for twenty years, and by examina
tion and comparison of the annual settlements of previous years.
These having been fixed, the inferior rates are at once deduced
from the relative values laid down in the classification scales.
Of measures intended to improve the position of the cultivators
and to relieve them from indebtedness, one of the principal has

been the collection of revenue in instalments at such times as enable

the cultivator to sell his crop first. There is also the recent Co-
operative Societies Regulation. Taking the natural divisions of east
and west, the average rate per acre in the former in 1904 was Rs. 1-7-3,
the maximum and minimum being Rs. 2-1-11 and R. 0 - 1 0 - 8 ; in
the latter, the average was Rs. 1-13-1, the maximum and minimum
being Rs. 1-14-1 and Rs. 1-12-5. The batai system, or payment
of revenue by division of the crop, which formerly prevailed, has
been entirely replaced by cash rates.
The daily wages for skilled labour vary in different parts from
6 annas to Rs. 1-8, and for unskilled labour from 2 annas to 8
annas. While the latter has remained at about the same figure as
regards the minimum, with a tendency to rise, the former has in-
creased in the last twenty years from 50 to 100 per cent. Payment
in kind is becoming less common, probably owing to the influence
of railways, mining and other industries, and large public works, the
labourer being less tied down to single localities, and having greater
facilities to travel at a cheap rate.
The following table relating to the staple food-grains and salt shows
that there has been a general rise in prices, except in the case of
salt, which is cheaper:—

Average for 10 years ending

Prices (seers per rupee). In 1880.
1890. 1900.

East 36-25 30.40

Ragi . West
t 40.84
I 34·38 33·3
Rice (common)
i 15-4 I 13-63
Jola . 24.28
West !
Gram (Bengal)
1 I4.46
i 13-51
Salt .
JWest 1 8.98
( 10.06

Taking five-year periods from 1876, the percentage of increase in

the retail prices of these grains on those for 1871-5 at the central
marts of Bangalore and Mysore is shown in the following table : —

Bangalore. Mysore.

Ragi. Rice. Jola. Gram. Ragi. Rice. Jola. Gram.

1876-80 . 99 45 41 40 123 40 94 65
1881-5 . 19 21 — 12 — 20 56 2 31 I
1 1886-90 . 9 36 - 5 96 25 3 5 136
1891-5 • 44 58 10 115 68 35 51 173
1 1896-1900 79 55 30 149 107 34 74 210
The initial increase was due to the famine of 1876-8. A great
drop succeeded till 1895, owing at first to good seasons and dimin-
ished population, and later to fr.eer means of communication also.
In the last period prices have been rising, owing probably both to
short crops locally and to the demand from famine-stricken parts else-
where, especially in Western India.
The general condition of the people has been steadily improving
since the middle of the last century, and has made special progress
in the past thirty years, as shown by the rise in both wages and
prices, and in the standard of living. A moderate assessment has
relieved the cultivators, while the easy means of communication pro-
vided by roads and railways, together with freer postal facilities, have
stimulated the enterprise of traders and benefited all classes. The
prosecution of extensive public works has given labourers and artisans
ready employment, and public servants have had exceptional oppor-
tunities of rising to good positions. On the other hand, there have
been bad seasons in certain years, and in 1876-8 a great famine.
Coffee-planting has been almost ruined by the fall in prices. Carda-
moms have suffered from the same cause, and areca-nuts have been
injured on a large scale by disease. Plague has also in recent years
interfered greatly with the well-being of the people. Hut education
and medical aid are now brought to the doors of all classes, and
in important centres the population are better housed, better clothed,
and better fed than in the generations past.
The area of State forests, which are ' reserved' and are under
a Conservator of Forests, was 2,094 square miles in 1904, besides
about 1,400 square miles of Ghat forests and kans.
The unreserved or District forests, which are under
the revenue authorities, covered 612 square miles. The forests may
be divided into evergreen and deciduous. The evergreen forests
are confined to the Western Ghats and the country below them on
the east, extending from the north of Sagar to the south of Man jar-
Shad, in a belt from 6 to 14 miles wide. On all sides may be
seen magnificent trees with clear stems of 80 to 100 feet to the
first branch. Poon-spar (Calophyllum tomentosum), ebony {Diospyros
Ebenum) and wild jack (Artotarpus hirsutd) are some of the trees.
East of this is a mixed belt, from 10 to 45 miles wide, extending
from the north of Sorab to the south of Gundalpet. It contains
the finest timber-producing forests, and is bordered on the east with
much sandal-wood. It also comprises the best areca-nut and carda-
mom gardens, and the coffee plantations of Koppa and ManjarSbad.
Its junction with the evergreen belt on the west is marked by splendid
nandi (Lagerstrotmia lameolatd) and black-wood (Dalbergia latifolia).
Teak, satin-wood, sissu, ironwood, and other trees abound in it, as

well as bamboo. East again is the dry belt, covering the greater
part of the State. Many of the trees found in the mixed belt recur
here, but they are smaller, and the tree vegetation is generally in-
ferior. Besides different kinds of Picus, the mango, tamarind, and
jdmun, the ippe (Bassia latifolia), and jack (Artocarpus integrifolia)
grow well here. Acacias, the wood-apple, bael-tree, and honge (Pon-
gamia glabra) also thrive. T h e bastard date-palm (Phoenix sylvestris)
grows in the western part, and the dwarf date-palm (Phoenix farinifera)
in the centre and west.
There are twelve kinds of ' reserved ' trees: sandal-wood (Santalum
album), teak (Teclona grandis), poon (Calophyllum tomentosum), black-
wood (Dalbergia latifolia), honne (Pterocarpus Marsupium), lac or
jaldri (Vatica laccifera), nandi (Lagerstroemia lanceolata), wild jack or
hesstva (Artocarpus hirsuta), karachi or kammar (Hardiuickia binata),
bill matti (Terminalia Arjuna), kari matti (Terminalia tomentosa),
and ebony (Diospyros Ebenum).
The principal articles of minor forest produce are gall-nuts, tanning
bark from tangadi (Cassia auriculata), and lac. Also soap-nuts, gum,
honey, beeswax, &c.
Elephants are employed in dragging timber from inaccessible places,
and logs are floated down the western streams and channels. Large-
sized timber is sold at the regular timber depots, and small-sized
timber at temporary depots opened in convenient places. Bamboos
are cut by licence. Sandal-wood, which is a State monopoly and
the principal item of forest revenue, is sold at the various sandal-
wood depots.
Fuel reserves are formed in the District forests, and by special
plantations, often of casuarina. Local needs are also provided for
by the formation of village forests. Grazing is permitted to a cer-
tain extent on a system of licences ; but in times of scarcity the
State forests are thrown open where necessary.
Working-plans are being prepared for all the most important forests.
Fire preventive measures have been extended over 1,823 square miles,
of which 1,653 were successfully protected in 1903-4.
The forest revenue, expenditure, and surplus have been as follows :—

Average, Average, 1900-1.

1882-90. 1891-1000.

Rs. Rs. Rs.

! Revenue . 8,96,847 13.27,064 12,48,083 1
Expenditure . 5,26,374 3,78,222
Surplus . 5,80,632 8,00,690 8,69,861 ]

Gold is the only mineral raised from mines. These were being
worked by thirteen companies in 1904, of which five paid dividends,
three produced gold but paid no dividend, and the rest were non-
producers. All but three, which are included in the non-producing
class, belong to the Kolar Gold Fields. The ore is
Mines and treated by milling and amalgamation, and the tailings
by cyanide. Steam power has been replaced since
June, 1902, by electric power, generated at the Cauvery Falls, 92 miles
distant. The number of persons employed in the industry in 1903
was 27,355. Of these, 76 per cent. were Hindus, 18 per cent. Chris
tians, and 6 per cent. Muhammadans. The great majority of the
Hindus were Holeyas, the others being mostly Wokkaligas, Tigalas,
and Woddas. The Christians consisted of 17 per cent. Europeans,
22 per cent. Eurasians, and 61 per cent. natives. The amount paid
in wages was 70·3 lakhs, which gives an average earning of Rs. 257
per head per annum. The five dividend paying companies are the
Mysore, Champion Reef, Ooregum, Nundydroog, and Balaghat. The
nominal capital of all the companies was £2,958,500, and the paid-up
capital £2,683,000. All the gold produced is dispatched to England.
Minerals as yet unworked in the State include a small quantity of
asbestos. Iron is smelted in several places. Some manganese has
lately been exported from Shimoga District.


' Also iron ore, 743 tons.

For cotton-weaving the loom is placed over a kind of well or hole,

large enough to contain the lower portion of the machinery, which
is worked on the pedal principle with the toes, the
Arts and weaver sitting with his legs in a hole. The combs
are supported by ropes attached to beams in the
roof, working over pulleys, and stretching down into the well to
the toes of the weaver. In his right-hand is the shuttle, which con-
tains the thread, and which, passed rapidly through the spaces created
by the combs, forms the pattern. The principal comb is held in
the left hand. As the cloth is m a n u f a c t u r e d , it is wound on the
beam by slightly easing the rope on the right hand and turning
round the lever. In addition to cotton stuffs used for clothing, the
principal fabrics made are tape for bedsteads, carpets or rugs, tent
cloth, cordage, &c. Steps have recently been taken to introduce
the fly-shuttle; and six weaving-schools for instruction in its use
have been established at Hole-Narsipur, Dod-BallSpur, ChiknSyakan-
halli, Molakalmuru, and other places, with carpentry and drawing
classes attached.
Silk fabrics of stout texture and excellent designs are made, chiefly
by Patvegars and Khattris, in Bangalore and Molakalmuru. Women
of the wealthier classes are often richly attired in silk cloths on cere-
monial or festival occasions. These, with or without gold and silver or
gilt lace borders, are largely manufactured at Bangalore; the silk and
wire used for the purpose are also produced in the State. Sericulture
is extensively carried on in the Closepet, Kankanhalli, Magadi, Chik-
Ballapur, Tirumakudal-Narsipur, and other taluks; but Bangalore is the
centre of the silk trade, where raw silk is prepared on a considerable
scale for the loom and dyed. There has recently been established here,
by the late Mr. J. N. Tata of Bombay, an experimental silk farm under
Japanese management for improved systems of silkworm rearing, so as
to eliminate disease in the worms by microscopic examination of the
seed, and for better reeling. Near Yelahanka is also an improved farm
belonging to Mr. Partridge for the scientific rearing of silkworms.
The carpets of Bangalore are well-known for their durable quality,
and for having the same pattern on both sides. The old patterns are
bold in design and colouring. The pile carpets and rugs made in the
Central jail from Persian and Turkish designs are probably superior to
any other in India. Sir George Bird wood says1:—
' T h e stone slab from Koyundjik (palace of Sennacherib), and the
door-sill from Khorsabad (palace of Sargon), are palpably copied from
carpets, the first of the style of the carpets of Bangalore, and they
were probably coloured like carpets. These South Indian carpets, the
Masulipatam, derived from the Abbasi-Persian, and the Bangalore,
without any trace of the Saracenic or any other modern influence, are
both, relatively to their special applications, the noblest designed of any
denomination of carpets now made, while the Bangalore carpets are
unapproachable by the commercial carpets of any time and place.'
Carpets are less used now, and the industry has declined.
Gold circular or crescent-shaped ornaments worn by women on the
hair are called ragate, kyadige, and jede bile. Ornamental silver pins
with a bunch of chauri hair for stuffing the chignon or plait are known
as chauri kuppe. Ear-rings for the upper rim are named bavali; those
for the large hole in the lobe, vole or vale. A pear-shaped drop worn
on the forehead is called padaka. Necklaces include addike and
In his splendid book, called The Termless Antiquity, Historical Continuity, and
Integral Identity of the Oriental Manufacture of Sumptuary Carpets, prepared for
the Austro-Hungarian Government.
VOL. X V I I I . P

gundina sara. Bracelets are termed kankani; armlets, vanki, nagar

murtge, tolu tayiti, bandi, and bdjuband. A zone is dabu. Anklets of
silver are /uli, ruli, and kalsarpani; little bells for them, worn by
children, are kalu gejje. Silver toe-rings are called pilli. Silver chains
worn by men round the waist are known as udidhara. The silver
shrine containing the lingam worn by Lingayats is karadige. Small
silver money-boxes attached to the girdle are named tayiti, while an
egg-shaped silver chundm box is sunna kayi.
Iron is widely diffused, and is obtained both from ore and from black
iron-sand. The principal places where iron is smelted are in the
Magadi, Chiknayakanhalli, Malavalli, Heggadadevankote, and Arsikere
taluks, in the southern and central parts of Chitaldroog District,
and in the eastern parts of Shimoga and Kadur Districts. A steam
iron foundry has been established at Bangalore under European man-
agement. There are native iron-works at Goribidnur and Chik-Ballapur.
Sugar-cane mills are made and repaired at Channarayapatna. The
local iron is used for making agricultural tools, ploughshares, tires for
cart-wheels, farriery shoes, and so forth. But local manufacture has
been driven from the field by the cheaper and better imported articles
from Europe, turned out on a large scale with the aid of machinery.
Steel of a very high quality can be made; but the methods used are
primitive, and it cannot therefore compete with the highly finished
European products of the present day, though it is preferred by the
natives for the edge of cutting tools. Steel is made especially in the
Heggadadevankote, Malavalli, and Maddagiri taluks. Steel wire is
drawn at Channapatna for strings of musical instruments, the quality
of which makes them sought after throughout Southern India.
The manufacture of brass and copper water and drinking vessels is
to a great extent in the hands of the Bhogars, who are Jains, some of
the chief seats of the industry being at Sravana Belgola and Sitakal.
Brass is also used for making lamp-stands, musical instruments, and
images of the gods; and bell-metal for the bells and gongs used in
temples and in religious services, and by mendicants. Hassan and
Tumkur Districts produce the largest number of these articles.
The potter, as a member of the village corporation, is found in all
parts, with his wheel and his mounds of clay. The principal articles
made are pots for drawing or holding water, large urns for storing grain,
pipe tiles, and so forth. For sculpture, potstone or soapstone is the
common material; and of this superior cooking vessels are made,
besides images of the gods, and various ornamental articles. In the
higher departments of sculpture, such as statuary and monumental and
decorative carving, Mysore holds a high place. The Jain statue of
Gomata at Sravana Belgola, 57 feet high, standing on the summit of a
hill which rises to 400 feet, is one of the most remarkable works of native

art in India. The decorative sculpture of the Halebid and Belur

temples M r . Fergusson considers to be 'the most marvellous exhibitions
of human labour to be found even in the patient East,' and such as he
believes never was bestowed on any surface of equal extent in any
building in the world. The erection of the new palace at Mysore is
affording an opportunity of reviving the artistic skill of the sculptors.
Mysore is famous for its ornamental sandal-wood carving. This is done
by a class called Gudigar, who are settled in Shirnoga District, chiefly
at Sorab. The designs with which they entirely cover the boxes, desks,
and other articles made are of an extremely involved and elaborate
pattern, consisting for the most part of intricate interlacing foliage and
scroll-work, completely enveloping medallions containing the represen-
tation of some H i n d u deity or subject of mythology, and here and
there relieved by the introduction of animal forms. The details, though
in themselves often highly incongruous, are grouped and blended with
a skill that seems to be instinctive in the East, and form an exceedingly
rich and appropriate ornamentation, decidedly Oriental in style, which
leaves not the smallest portion of the surface of the wood untouched.
The material is hard, and the minuteness of the work demands the
utmost care and patience. Hence the carving of a desk or cabinet
involves a labour of many months, and the artists are said to Iose their
eyesight at a comparatively early age. A number are being employed
on work for the new palace at Mysore. Many old H i n d u houses contain
beautiful specimens of ornamental wood-carving in the frames of doors,
and in pillars and beams. The art of inlaying ebony and rosewood
with ivory, which seems to have been cultivated by the Muhammadans,
and of which the doors of the mausoleum at Seringapatam are good
examples, has lately been revived at Mysore, and many useful and
ornamental articles, such as tables, desks, album covers, &c., are now
made there of this work. Similar inlaying is also met with in choice
musical instruments, especially the vina or lute.
Coffee-works at Bangalore, owned by a Madras firm, peel, size, and
sort coffee berries in preparation for the European market. During the
cleaning season, December to March, about 1,000 hands have been
employed, and 1,500 tons of coffee, the produce of Mysore, Coorg, the
Nilgiris, Shevaroys, &c., once passed through the works. The present
depression in coffee has reduced these figures to about a fourth. The
factory is also engaged in compounding artificial manures for coffee
plantations. There are other similar coffee-works at Hunsur, as well as
saw-mills. A Madras firm has a cotton-ginning factory at Davangere.
A sugar factory has been established at Goribidnur, and a brick and
tile factory at Bangalore, for machine-made bricks and tiles, fire-bricks,
drain pipes, &c. Mention has already been made of the iron foundry
at Bangalore, and of the silk farm.
T h e Mysore Spinning and Manufacturing Company at Bangalore was
established in 1883, and is under the management of a Bombay Parsi
firm. The nominal capital is Rs. 4,50,000. The mill contains 187
looms and 15,624 spindles, and employs 600 hands. The Bangalore
Woollen, Cotton, and Silk Mills Company at Bangalore was established
in 1888, and has a capital of Rs. 4,00,000. It contains 14,160 spindles
for cotton, and 26 looms and 780 spindles for woollens. The number
of hands employed varies from 500 to 600. In 1903-4 the out-turn
was 173,000 lb. of grey goods; 52,000 dozen of other goods; and
1,555,000 Ib. of yarn.
Oil-mills are at work in Bangalore. Oil-pressing from the various
oilseeds grown in the country is the special calling of the class called
Ganigas, who are found in all parts of the State. The number of
private native mills was returned as 2,712 in 1904. Concessions for
the distillation of the valuable sandal-wood oil are granted by the State.
Tanneries on a considerable scale are managed by Muhammadans
in Bangalore, where hides are well cured and prepared for export to
European markets.
The only breweries are situated in the Civil and Military Station of
Bangalore. Three supply the various beer taverns at Bangalore and
the Kolar Gold Fields with what is called ' country beer.' The fourth
makes a superior beer for the soldiers' canteens in barracks.
The extension of railways and the opening out of roads have greatly
increased the facilities for trade. So far as the figures can be relied on,
the value of exports is about double that of im-
Commerce ports. The most valuable imports are grain and
and trade.
pulse, articles of iron and steel, raw silk, piece-goods,
tobacco, and cotton thread. The chief exports, next to gold, are grain
and pulse, betel-leaf, areca-nuts, raw silk, sugar and jaggery, coffee,
and coco-nuts, chiefly the dried kernels. Among imports, tobacco
trebled during the ten years ending 1901. Among exports, while
gold increased nearly 100 per cent., coffee fell 44 per cent. The ex-
port of sugar and jaggery and of coco-nuts (dry and fresh) doubled,
while that of betel-leaf quadrupled.
The principal Hindu trading classes of the country are Banajigas,
Komatis, and Nagartas; after whom come the Tamil Mudaliyars and
Musalmans. The traffic in grain is not entirely in the hands of
traders, for the ryots themselves are in the habit of clubbing together
and sending off one or two of their number to deal in grain at any con-
venient market or fair. Apart from the railway, the common mode of
carriage and transport is by country carts, the ordinary load of which
exceeds half a ton, drawn by bullocks which go 18 to 20 miles a day.
But in remote forest tracts and the hills, droves of pack-bullocks and
asses are still used, the carriers being generally Lambanis or Korachas.

Trade outside the State, excepting for gold and coffee, which are sent
to England, is chiefly confined to the surrounding British Districts.
Gold goes via Bombay, coffee generally by way of Mangalore or
Marmagao, the producers in both cases being, with hardly an excep
tion, Europeans. The principal trading centres in the State are noted
under their respective Districts. A Bangalore Trades Association has
been formed, chiefly among the European shopkeepers in the Civil and
Military Station.
The following table gives statistics of the total value (in thousands of
rupees) of imports and exports. The total value of the rail-borne trade
alone is given as—in 1890-1, imports 2·5 crores, exports 2·8 crores; in
1900-1, imports 3·8 crores, exports 3·4 crores. Details are not avail

Imports. Exports.

1890-1. 1900-1. 1904-5. 1890-1. 1900-1. 1904-5.

Areca-nuts . 6,81 5,95 7·42 31,86 31,95 7,95
Betel-leaf 2,32 2,73 1,33 9,72 48,94 5,21
Coco-nuts 12,18 6,56 10·43 6,97 14,63 4,74
Coffee . 24,45 2,43 1,22 4355 19,04 26,83
C o t t o n , raw . 7,87 1,82 2,18 1,95 1,02 50
„ t w i s t and y a r n . 11,85 10,22 15,29 6,83 1,26 1,16
,, piece-goods 40,45 21,42 24,15 68 45 53
„ other manufac-
tures 8,55 4,65 9,31 53 97 1,53
G r a i n and pulse 1,07,73 1,09,92 1,97,90 1,64,99 2,56,35 2,03,52
H i d e s and skins 41 35 63 2,00 1,28 4,02
Metals, gold . 4,82 3·01 15,03 60,24 2,89,03 3,52,01
„ silver 4,10 12,87 12,46 90 2,06 1,70
„ iron . 18,02 20,29 13,08 7,11 10 1
Oils . 1.75 2,67 4,38 46 59 2,25
P o p p y seeds . 22 1,64 1.73 9 76 76
S i l k , raw '7,39 29,56 19,47 13,91 23,95 17,01
,, manufactured 2,08 2,37 13,52 3.26 1,21 4,89
Spices . 5.19 5,67 2,54 7,44 5,58 8,26
Sugar and jaggery . 6,59 6,52 5·54 11,52 22,09 27,99
Tobacco 4,94 15,62 7.04 1,18 44 32
A l l other articles . 1,47,87 55,2o 1,05,06 19,68

Total 2,87,72 4,14,14 4,19,85 3,75,19 8,26,76 6,90,87

The system of railways radiates from Bangalore, and there is no Dis-

trict without a railway running through some part of it. The Bangalore
branch of the Madras Railway, standard gauge, runs
for 55½ miles in the State, east from Bangalore city Communications.
to Bowringpet, then south-east to the main line at Jalarpet. From
Bowringpet the Kolar Gold Fields branch, 10 miles in length, on the
same gauge, runs first east and then south to the end of the Mysore
Mine-field. The Southern Mahratta Railway, metre gauge, runs south-
west through Mysore to Nanjangud, and north-west through Harihar

towards Poona, for 312 miles in the State. From Yesvantpur a branch,
51 miles in the State, runs north through Hindupur to Guntakal on the
Madras Railway, From Birur a branch, 38 miles long, runs north-west
to Shimoga. Surveys have been made to extend the line from Nanjan-
gfld south-east to Erode on the Madras Railway, and also for a 2½ feet
gauge line to the west coast, either from Arsikere to Mangalore, 86
miles in the State, or from Mysore to Tellicherry, 58 miles in the State.
The Southern Mahratta Railway Company has proposed a metre-gauge
line from Marikuppam in Kolar District to Dodbele station in Banga-
lore District, in order to provide direct communication between the
Gold Fields and the port of Marmagao; and the survey for it is being
made. A light railway on the 2½ feet gauge, from Bangalore north to
Chik-Ballapur, 36 miles, is projected by a private company.
The total length of line open in 1891 was 367 miles, of which 55½
were standard gauge, and the rest metre gauge. In 1904 the total was
466½ miles, the addition being all metre gauge. The Kolar Gold
Fields branch is worked by the Madras Railway; the remaining
Mysore State lines by the Southern Mahratta Railway on short-term
agreements. For the Mysore-Harihar line the Southern Mahratta Rail-
way Company raised a loan on a guarantee of 4 per cent, interest by
the Mysore State, which also pays to the company one fourth of the
surplus profits.
The capital outlay on all the lines owned by the Mysore State up
to 1904 is 2·3 crores, of which 1·6 crores was incurred on the Mysore-
Harihar line. The number of passengers carried in 1903-4 was
2 ½ millions. The total expenditure was 7·7 lakhs, and the net earnings
7 lakhs. The Kolar Gold Fields and the Bangalore-Hindupur lines
were the only two that showed a surplus, after deducting 4 per cent. for
interest on the capital outlay.
The railways were expressly designed to serve as a protection against
times of scarcity ; and since the great famine of 1876-8, when the only
railway was the Bangalore branch of the Madras Railway as far as the
cantonment, the pressure of severe distress has been averted. Prices
have no doubt tended to become equalized. It is not known that any
change in the language or customs of the people has arisen from the
extension of railways.
T r u n k roads run through all the District head-quarters to the
frontiers of the State, connecting the east coast and adjoining British
Districts by way of the Mysore table-land with the west coast. In
1856 there were 1,597 miles of road in the State. Besides the con-
struction of new roads, improvements in the alignment of old ones,
provision of bridges across rivers, and other measures to ensure free
transit have since been continuously carried out. A good system of
local roads radiates from each District head-quarters to all parts of the
District. The previously almost inaccessible Malnad tracts in the west
were the last to benefit, but these were generally opened up by about
1870. Much attention has also been paid to improving the ghat roads
through the passes in the mountains to the west. As railways have
extended, feeder roads have been made in those parts where none
The old style of carts had a solid wooden wheel. They are known as
Wodda carts, and are still employed at quarries for the transport of
stone. But for general purposes they have long been superseded by
carts with spoked wheels, but without springs. These take a load of
over half a ton, and are drawn by a pair of bullocks. In the western
parts a broad wain, drawn by several pairs of bullocks, is used for
harvesting purposes.
In 1891 there were 1,730 miles of Provincial roads and 3,113 miles
of District or Local fund roads. In 1904 the figures were 1,927 miles
of Provincial roads, costing for upkeep an average of Rs. 199 per mile ;
and 3,502 miles of District or Local fund roads, maintained at an
average cost of Rs. 72½ per mile.
A steam tramway is proposed for 18 miles from Shimoga for the
transport of the manganese ores that are being collected there.
Owing to either rocky or shallow beds, none of the Mysore rivers is
navigable, nor are there any other waterways for such use.
The old postal system of Mysore, called the Anche, dates from the
time of Chikka Deva Raja in the seventeenth century. In 1889 it was
amalgamated with the British postal service and the entire management
transferred to that department, on condition of all the official corre-
spondence of the State being carried within the limits of the State free
of cost to the Darbar. There is no doubt that the change has been
on the whole for the benefit of the public. For postal services Mysore
is now a part of the Madras circle. In 1904 there were 428 post
offices, and the mails were carried over 2,645 miles. The number
of letters delivered was 7 millions, of post-cards 5 millions, of news-
papers 650,000, of packets 660,000, and parcels 150,000. The value
of money orders issued was 53 lakhs. In the Post Office savings
banks 38,586 persons deposited 10·12 lakhs, and 9·18 lakhs was
drawn out.
In the Mysore State savings banks there were 20,214 depositors
in 1903-4. The opening balance of 73¾ lakhs was raised by deposits
(34 lakhs) and interest to no lakhs, of which 31 lakhs was paid
out in the year, leaving a balance of 79 lakhs at credit of the
The Mysore State Life Insurance scheme was instituted in 1892, and
made obligatory on officials. Up to 1904 there had been issued 7,423
policies, assuring 44½ lakhs. Of this number 6,762 remained effective,
assuring 40 lakhs. The second quinquennial valuation of the assets
and liabilities of the Fund, made by an actuary in Edinburgh in
1902, confirmed its sound condition and the favourable nature of
its terms.
Failure of the rains for three seasons in succession brought about the
famine of 1876-8, and, in general, failure of the rains in any part is the
main cause of famine. Those parts which receive
the least rainfall are therefore the most liable to
suffer: namely, Chitaldroog District, and the northern parts of Tumkur,
Bangalore, and Kolar Districts.
Ragi is the staple food of all the labouring classes, and if this crop
fails there is widespread distress. A remedial measure is the raising of
crops of jola on the dry beds of tanks, but this is only a partial pallia-
tive. If the ragi season has passed, horse-gram is more extensively
sown for human food, but this will not mature without some rain. Ragi
used formerly to be stored in underground pits, where it would keep
good for ten years, to be brought out for consumption in times of
scarcity. But the inducements now presented by high prices elsewhere
and cheap means of transport have interfered with the replenishment of
such stores, and consequently there is less resource of that kind to fall
back upon. Rice, which is the main irrigated crop, is not much eaten
except by Brahmans, but always commands a ready sale for export.
The information about famines due to drought previous to that
mentioned above is very scanty, but dreadful famines followed the
devastations of the Maratha armies and the wars with Mysore at the
end of the eighteenth century. During the invasion of Lord Cornwallis,
when, as Buchanan-Hamilton says, the country was attacked on all
sides and penetrated in every direction by hostile armies, or by defend-
ing armies little less destructive, one-half at least of the inhabitants
perished of absolute want. In the last century periods of scarcity
occurred in 1824, 1831, and 1833. The ten years following 1851 were
a time of great trial, when year after year the sparse and ill-timed
rainfall kept the agricultural classes in constant dread of actual want.
Two or three seasons ensued which were prosperous, but in 1866
famine was again present in Chitaldroog and the north-eastern parts
of the State.
Bad, however, as these seasons were, and critical as was the con-
dition of the country, the misfortune which was to come put them
completely in the shade. The failure of rain in the years 1875-7
brought about a famine such as was never known before. The begin-
ning of the calamity was the partial failure of the rains in 1875, the fall
being from one-third to two-thirds of the average. Much of the food-
crop was lost; but owing to the usual large stocks in the State, only
temporary or occasional distress was caused, for the price of grain did

not rise to double the ordinary rates. In 1876 the rainfall was again
very short, and barely a third of the ordinary harvest was reaped.
Matters were aggravated by the fact that crops had failed in the
adjacent Districts of Madras and Bombay; and by the middle of
December famine had begun. From then till March matters grew
worse. The only railway, from Madras to Bangalore, brought in daily
500 tons of food (enough to support 900,000 people), yet the prices of
food ranged during those months at four to five times the ordinary
rates. In April and May, 1877, the usual spring showers fell, and hope
revived. But as the month of June wore on and July came, it was
apparent that the early rains were going to fail again, for the third year
in succession. Panic and mortality spread among the people; famine
increased and became sore in the land. In May 100,000 starving
paupers were being fed in relief kitchens, but by August the numbers
rose to 227,000, besides 60,000 employed on the railway to Mysore city.
It became evident that the utmost exertions of the local officers were
unequal to cope with the growing distress. The Viceroy, Lord Lytton,
visited Mysore, and appointed M r . (now Sir) Charles Elliott as Famine
Commissioner, with a large staff of European assistants. Relief works
were now concentrated, and gratuitous relief was confined to those
whose condition was too low to expect any work from them at all.
Bountiful rains in September and October caused the cloud to lift, and
the pressure of famine began to abate. During the eight months of
extreme famine no crops were reaped ; the price of grain ranged from
three to six times the ordinary rates, and for the common people there
were no means of earning wages outside the relief works. Even in
1877-8 the yield of the harvest was less than half the crop of an
ordinary year. From November, 1877, throughout 1878, prices stood
at nearly three times the rate of ordinary years. The mortality in this
famine has been estimated at 1¼ millions in a population of 51/3 millions.
Taking the ordinary mortality at 24 per 1,000 per annum, this was
raised to nearly fivefold, while a mean annual birth-rate of 36 per 1,000
was reduced to one-half.
The principal protective measures thus far successfully taken have
been the extension of railways, so as to admit of the import and dis-
tribution of food-grains to all parts, and the extension of irrigation and
other facilities for increasing cultivation. Plans for suitable relief works
are also kept in readiness to be put into operation at the first appear-
ance of necessity arising from scarcity.
His Highness the Maharaja is the head of the State, having been
invested with full powers on attaining his majority in 1902. In his
name, and subject to his sanction, the administration
is carried on by the Diwan or prime minister, who is
assisted by two Councillors. The Chief Court is the highest tribunal
of justice, and is composed of a bench of three Judges, headed by the
Chief Judge. There is a secretariat staff for the transaction of official
business, and Commissioners and other departmental officers at the
head of the various branches of the administration, with a Comptroller
for finance and treasury affairs. The dynastic capital is at Mysore city,
but the administrative head-quarters are at Bangalore. The Maharaja
resides for part of the year at each of these places, but the higher
offices of the State are located at Bangalore. The Representative
Assembly meets once a year at Mysore at the time of the Dasara
festival, when the Diwan delivers his annual statement of the condition
of the finances and the measures of the State, after which suggestions
by the members are considered.
The administrative divisions of the State are eight in number, called
Districts, with an average area of 3,679 square miles, and an average
population o f 692,425. T h e y are B A N G A L O R E , K O L A R , T U M K U R ,
M Y S O R E , H A S S A N , K A D U R , SHIMOGA, and C H I T A L D R O O G . Each of
these is named after its head-quarters, except Kadur District, the
head-quarters of which are at C H I K M U G A L U R . Mysore is the largest
District and Hassan the smallest.
The chief officer in charge of a District is the Deputy-Commissioner,
who is assisted by a staff of Assistant Commissioners. The sub-
divisions of a District are taluks, altogether 69 in number, averaging
eight or nine to each District 1 , with an average area of 427 square
miles. These are formed into convenient groups of two, three, or
four, which are distributed, under the authority of the Deputy-Com-
missioner, among the various Assistants and himself in such a way as
to facilitate the dispatch of business and train the junior officers for
administrative duties.
The officer in charge of a taluk is the amaldar, assisted by a sherista-
dar, who has charge of the treasury and acts as his deputy in case of
need. Large taluks have a portion divided off into a sub-taluk under
the charge of a deputy-amaldar, but with no separate treasury. A taluk
is composed of hobalis or hoblis, the average number being six to ten.
In each of these is a shekdar, or revenue inspector.
The headman of a village is the patel, a gauda or principal farmer,
who is assisted in revenue collections by the shanbhog, a Brahman
accountant. These offices are hereditary, and form part of the village
corporation of twelve, called ayagar in Kanarese and bara baluti in
Marathi. The other members of this ancient institution are the K a m -
mar or blacksmith, the Badagi or carpenter, the Agasa or washer-
man, the Panchangi or Joyisa, an astrologer and calendar maker, the
Nayinda or barber, the Madiga or cobbler and leather-dresser, the
Kumbar or potter, the Talari or watchman, and the Nirganti or dis-
Kadur has only five, while Mysore has fourteen, and Kolar ten.
tributor of water for irrigation. T h e dozen is made up in some parts
by including the Akkasale or g o l d s m i t h ; in other parts his place is
taken by the poet, who is also the schoolmaster. T h e respective duties
of these village officials are definitely fixed; and their services are
remunerated either by the grant of rent-free lands, or by contributions,
on a certain scale, of grain, straw, & c , at harvest time.
On the rendition in 1881 a schedule of Acts already in force in
Mysore was appended to the Instrument of Transfer. A Legislative
department, under a legislative secretary, was formed
in 1886. There is no special Legislative Council. Legislation
and justice.
The various regulations passed into law up to 1901
have been revised and published in two volumes, forming the Mysore
Code. The first volume contains the Acts passed before the rendition
and then taken over from the British Administration; the second
volume contains the Regulations passed since. Among the later
Regulations the following may be mentioned : To amend the Code of
Criminal Procedure (I of 1888), Measures of Length ( I I I of 1890), to
amend the Mysore Land Revenue Code (I of 1891), Infant Marriages
Prevention (X of 1894), Village Sanitation (I of 1898), General Clauses
( I I I of 1899), Electricity ( I V of 1900), to amend the Mysore Mines
Act ( V I of 1900), Land Improvement Loans (I of 1901), Mysore C i v i l
Courts ( I I I of 1901), Code of Civil Procedure ( V I of 1901), Indian
Evidence A c t ( V I I I of 1901), Local Boards ( I I of 1902), Weights and
Measures ( I I I of 1902), Registration (I of 1903).
In 1903 there were 16 Munsifs' courts, 5 Sub-Judges' courts, 3 Dis-
trict courts, and the Chief Court. Munsifs exercise original jurisdiction
in cases up to Rs. 2,500 in value; Subordinate Judges have jurisdiction
in cases from above Rs. 2,500 to Rs. 10,000, and hear appeals from
decisions of Munsifs if referred to them by the District Judge; District
courts have unlimited jurisdiction, and hear appeals from decisions of
Munsifs, and from those of Subordinate Judges within the l i m i t of
Rs. 3,000; the Chief Court, sitting as a bench of not less than two
Judges, disposes of all other appeals brought before it.


Average for ten

years ending
1900-1. 1903-4.
1890. 1900.

Suits for money and movable

property . . . . 12,668 19,764 17,931 17,210
! Title and other suits 2,403 3,347 1,654 1,019
Rent suits . . . . 656 577 580

Total 15,726 22,688 20,086 18,809

In 1903 there were 122 Subordinate Magistrates, 3 Sessions Judges,
8 District Magistrates, and the Chief Court. T h e Subordinate Judges
of Chikmugalur, Chitaldroog, and Hassan were also invested with the
powers of Assistant Sessions Judges. I n 1887 the system of trial by
jury was introduced in Sessions cases. For appellate jurisdiction in
criminal cases, the benches of the Chief Court that sit for civil appellate
work dispose also of criminal appeals. The Chief Court moreover acts
as a court of reference and a court of revision.

Average for ten

years ending
iooo-i. 1903-4.
1890. 1900.

Number of persons tried :—

(a) For offences against per-
son and property . 18,867 18,848 16,533
(b) For other offences against
the Indian Penal Code . 3,959 3,565 3.376
(c) For offences against Spe-
cial and Local laws 4,071 4,626 2,869

Total 26,897 27,039 22,778

The Excise Commissioner is also Inspector-General of Registration.

The number of sub-registry offices in 1904 was 80, of which 59 were
special, or with paid establishments, the remainder being in charge of
taluk revenue officers. The number of documents registered from
1881 to 1890 averaged 21,747; from 1891 to 1900, 46,251; and in
1904 the number was 57,637.
In addition to the local audits, the State accounts have been
examined at various times by auditors deputed by the Government
of India. The revenue under all heads has risen.
The increase under land is due to extension of
cultivation. Since 1885 mining leases and the royalty on gold-produc-
tion have added a new item to the revenue. The increase under
excise is due mainly to an improved system of control, but also to
a larger consumption arising from higher wages and the influx to the
Gold Fields, and from the employment on railways, public works, and
coffee plantations of classes with drinking habits. The decrease under
land customs and assessed taxes is due to these duties having been
transferred to municipalities wherever they exist. The only customs
retained by the State are on areca-nuts, the bulk of which are the
produce of Kadur and Shimoga Districts. An increase under forests
took place owing to a revival of the market for sandal-wood, and to a
greater supply of sleepers for railways. Subsequently the war between
China and Japan temporarily crippled one of the principal sandal-
wood markets, and not only did the demand for railway sleepers cease
with the completion of the lines, but coal began to be substituted for
wood as fuel for the engines. Since 1902 a substantial return has been
received from the Cauvery Power installation for supplying electricity
to the gold-mines.
(In thousands of rupees)

Average for ten years

ending 1900-1. 1904-5.
1890. 1900.

Land revenue 77,33 94,16 98,31 96,69

Mining leases 60* 8,36 14,45 16,91
Stamps 4,99 7,27 7,94 7,16
Excise 14,81 31,34 36,I7 37,75
Provincial rates 3,81 3,83 3,10 3,64
Assessed taxes 2,98 2,78 2,16 3,o1
Forests 8,76 13,35 12,58 18,90
Registration 25 45 1,25 1,18
Other sources . 7.56 15,93 15,78 29,22

Total 1,21,09 1,77,47 1,91,74 2,14,46

* From 18S*5~6,


(In thousands of rupees)

Average for ten

years ending
1900- I . 1904-5.
1890. 1000.

Charges in respect of collection (prin

cipally land revenue and forests) 16,29 21,09 22,47 23,41
Salaries and expenses of Civil Depart
(a) General administration 3,02 6,15 8,29 8,18
(b) Law and justice . 6,05 9,18 10,22 10,41
(c) Police . 5,18 8,24 9,65 9,80
(d) Education . 1,68 4,87 6,65 7,73
(e) Medical 1,53 2,87 4,29 5,86
(f) Other heads 6,23 8,19 10,98 10,66
Pensions and miscellaneous civil
charges 40,74 53,33 68,36 66,43
Famine relief . 20 7 ...
Irrigation 5,43 11,16 8,04 14,72
Public works . 9,19 34,59 49,08 40,72
Other charges and adjustments 14,21 13,85 14,14 19,06
Total expenditure 1,09,55 1,73,72 2,13,24 2,16,98

The land tenures in the State are sarkar or State, and inam. The
former are held under the ryotwari or individual tenure, on payment
of kandayam or a fixed money assessment, settled for thirty years.
Kandayam lands are held direct from the State on annual leases,
but the assessment is not as a rule altered or raised
Land revenue. during the period for which it is fixed. T h e ordinary
rates of assessment apply to the whole extent of the ryot's holding,
and not to the area actually cultivated, as he has rights to a certain
extent over included waste. Remission of assessment is not given
in individual cases; but when there is general loss of crop in a
locality and consequent distress, remission may be granted as a measure
of relief.
In the case of private estates, such as inam and kayamgutta villages,
and large farms of Government lands cultivated by payakaris or under-
tenants, the land is held on the following tenures: vdram, or equal
division of produce between landlord and tenant, the former paying
the assessment on the land to the State; mukkuppe, under which two-
thirds of the produce goes to the cultivator, and one-third to the
landlord, who pays the assessment; arakandaya or chaturbkaga, under
which the landlord gets one-fourth and the cultivator three-fourths
of the produce, each paying half the assessment; wolakanddya, in
which the tenant pays a fixed money-rate to the landlord, which may
either be equal to or more than the assessment.
An hereditary right of occupation is attached to all kandayam lands.
As long as the ryot pays the State dues he has no fear of displacement,
and virtually possesses an absolute tenant-right as distinct from that
of proprietorship. When the State finds it necessary to resume the
land for public purposes, he always receives compensation, fixed either
by mutual agreement or under the Land Acquisition Act. No legisla-
tion has been passed to check the acquisition of land by non-agri-
eultural classes.
In the Malnad or hill country towards the Western Ghats the
holdings of the ryots are called vargs. A varg consists of all the fields
held by one vargddr or farmer 1 ; and these are seldom located
together, but are generally found scattered in different villages, and
sometimes in different taluks. Attached to each varg are tracts of
land called hankalu and hadya, for which no separate assessment is
paid. Hankalu lands are set apart for grazing purposes, but have
sometimes been used for ' dry' cultivation. Those attached to ' wet'
fields are called tattina hankalu. Hadya are lands covered with low
brushwood and small trees, which supply firewood or leaves for
manuring the fields of the varg. Tracts of forest preserved for the
sake of the wild pepper vines, bagni-palms, and certain gum-trees that
grow in them, are called kans, for which a cess is paid.
These terms often appear as warg and wargdar in official papers.
Lands for coffee cultivation have been granted from State jungles,
chiefly in the Western Ghats region. The plot applied for was sold
by public auction. If the jungle was to be cleared, notice was given,
to allow of officials removing or disposing of * reserved' trees. Besides
coffee nothing may be grown on the land, except shade trees for the
coffee. Within five years a minimum of 500 coffee-trees to the acre
must be planted. On the coffee-trees coming into bearing an excise
duty, called halat, of 4 annas per maund, was formerly levied on the
produce, in lieu of land rent. But from 1885 an acreage assessment
was substituted—either R. 1 per acre, with a guarantee for thirty years
on the terms of the survey settlement, or a permanent assessment of
Rs. 1½ per acre, on the terms of the Madras Coffee Land rules. Nearly
all the large planters have adopted the latter conditions. But the
great fall in the prices of coffee in recent years, owing to the com-
petition of Brazil, has reduced this previously flourishing industry to
a very depressed condition.
Lands have been offered since 1904 for rubber cultivation, in plots
of 50 acres, selected with the consent of the Forest department, to be
held free of assessment for the first five years, and subject to the
assessment fixed by the survey settlement in the sixth year and after.
The work of planting must be commenced within one year from the
date of the grant; and in stocking the area with rubber plants, trees
may not be felled without permission.
Lands for cardamom cultivation are granted from the jungles on
the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats, where the plant grows
wild. Tracts of not less than 5 or more than 200 acres, when
applied for, are put up to auction, and may be secured on a twenty
years' lease on terms similar to those for coffee lands. Not less than
500 cardamom plants per acre must be planted within five years,
and nothing else may be cultivated on the ground. Trees, except
of the ' reserved' kinds, may be felled to promote the growth of the
The tenure called kayamgutta literally means a 'permanent village
settlement.' It owes its origin probably to depopulated villages being
rented out by the State on a fixed but very moderate lease, on the
understanding that the renter would restore them to a prosperous con-
dition. But in the early part of last century even flourishing villages
were granted to court favourites on this tenure, and some of the most
valuable lands are thus held. Shraya lands are waste or jungle tracts
granted at a progressive rent, in order to bring them under cultivation.
They are free of assessment for the first year, and the demand increases
afterwards yearly from one-quarter to full rates in the fourth or fifth
year. For the planting of timber, fruit, and fuel trees, unassessed
waste land, or assessed ' d r y ' land, if unoccupied for ten years con-
secutively, is granted free of assessment for eight years, then rising
by a quarter rate to full assessment in the twelfth year.
The conditions on which inam tenures are held vary considerably.
Some are free of all demands, while in others the usual assessment
is reduced. The grants differ also in origin, according as they were
made to Brahmans, for religious and charitable purposes, to village
servants, for the maintenance or construction of tanks and wells, or
Licences for exploring for minerals, on areas approved by Govern-
ment, are granted on deposit of a fee of Rs. 10, to run for one year.
No private or occupied lands may be explored without the consent
of the owner, occupier, or possessor. Prospecting licences for minerals
may be obtained for one year, on a minimum deposit of Rs. 100, and
a rent of Rs. 50 per square mile or portion of a square mile. The
licensee may select, within the year, a block for mining, not exceeding
one square mile, in the licensed area.
Mining leases limited to one square mile, of rectangular shape, are
granted for thirty years, on deposit of Rs. 1,000 as security, and
furnishing satisfactory evidence that a sum of £10,000 will be raised
within two years for carrying on mining operations on the block of
land applied for. The cost of survey and demarcation is paid by the
applicant, and mining operations must start within one year. An
annual rent of R. 1 per acre is payable to the State on the mining
block, together with all local cesses and taxes; and in each year in
which a net profit is made, a royalty of 5 per cent. is levied on the
gross value of gold and silver produced. If the net profits exceed
£25,000, an additional royalty is payable of 5 per cent. on the net
profits above that sum. But in the case of a registered company, the
royalty may be paid on divisible instead of net profits.
The land revenue assessment is fixed by the Revenue Survey depart-
ment on the method already described (p. 214, above). The system
resembles that followed in Bombay, which was preferred to that of
Madras. T h e former was chosen because all the steps in survey,
classification, and settlement are under the direction of one responsible
head, and made to fit into one another.
The present revenue survey was introduced in 1863, and the settle-
ment was completed in 1901. The settlements made under it are
current for thirty years. The previous survey, made at the beginning
of the nineteenth century, was necessarily very imperfect; and after
the lapse of fifty years the records had become extremely defective,
advantage having been taken of the insurrection in 1830 to destroy the
survey papers in many cases.
In 1700 the Mysore king Chikka Deva Raja acknowledged one-
sixth to be the lawful share of the crop to be paid to him, but added
a number of vexatious petty taxes to enhance the amount indirectly.
In Bednur (Shimoga District) Sivappa Naik's shist, fixed in 1660,
was one-third of the gross produce. This continued for thirty-nine
years, after which various additions were made, chiefly to raise funds
for buying off the enemy. After the overthrow of Tipu Sultan, during
the eleven years of Purnaiya's administration (1800-10), the highest
land revenue was equivalent to 94 lakhs in 1809, and the average
was 83 lakhs. During the twenty-one years of the Raja's adminis-
tration which followed (1811-31), the highest was 90 lakhs, and the
average 79 lakhs. In the first year of British administration (1831-2),
the land revenue was set down as 48 lakhs, but included in this
were 83 different cesses, besides 198 taxes unconnected with it.
The general average assessment was usually one-third of the gross
produce. In 1881-2 the total revenue was 107 lakhs, of which the
land yielded 71 lakhs. In 1903-4 the total revenue had risen to
214 lakhs, and the land revenue to 98 lakhs.
The two principal sources of excise revenue are toddy and arrack.
The former, drawn from the date-palm, and also from coco-nut, palmyra,
and bagni palms, is the immemorial beverage of the
agricultural classes, a mild and comparatively in- Miscellaneous
nocuous drink, its average alcoholic strength being
2½ per cent. Arrack, which is far stronger and more harmful, is
chiefly consumed by industrial labourers, and has an average alco-
holic strength of 39½ per cent. The consumption of toddy is fairly
stationary, while that of arrack has a decided tendency to increase
year by year. Formerly the right to sell toddy was farmed out by
Districts, and was virtually a monopoly in the hands of a few con-
tractors, between whom and the Darbar was a large class of middlemen.
Want of proper control not only led to the supply of inferior liquor,
but threatened the destruction of the date groves themselves. The
new system broke up each taluk into convenient farms, which supplied
a certain number of shops from particular groves. The number of
toddy shops remained the same, so that the increase of revenue was
entirely due to the abolition of needless intermediaries. As regards
arrack, the policy has been to enhance the duty gradually up to
the highest point consistent with the prevention of illicit distillation
or contraband importation. In addition to this, the main causes
which have tended to increase the revenue have been—the abolition
in 1884 of all outlying distilleries and the concentration of manu-
facture in one distillery near Bangalore under centralized control;
and further, the separation in 1892 of the business of manufacture
from that of distribution, and the adoption of a system for the sale
of the privilege of retail vend. These measures led to the manu-
facture being taken up by European firms with large capital and
VOL. X V I I I . Q
superior technical resources, thus reducing the cost. Supplies were
conveyed under separate contract to bonded depots in the Districts.
In 1897 the still-head duty was raised to Rs. 4-12, and the retail
rate to Rs. 6-6, per gallon, for liquor 20 0 under proof. T h e sale
of the right of vend, on the 'separate shop system' in the cities
and Gold Fields, and on the ' vend rent system' in taluks or circles
of villages, has secured to the State what previously formed the
profits of middlemen. In 1898 a tree tax was introduced, for better
regulating the consumption of toddy and conserving the date groves,
the rate being Rs. 1-1 per tree per annum for date-trees, and cor-
responding rates for other palms. In 1901 a tree rent of 4 annas
per tree per annum was levied on trees tapped for toddy. In 1903-4
there were 12 toddy depots and 3,837 retail shops, 962 of these being
for the sale of bagni toddy. The number of trees tapped was 422,855,
and the quantity of toddy consumed was 9,809,640 gallons. Retail
shops for the sale of arrack numbered 931. The issue of spirits
from the distillery amounted to 43,482 gallons. The greatest con-
sumption is, of course, in the cities and the Gold Fields. The other
sources of excise revenue are country beer, foreign liquors, hemp
drugs (ganja and m a j u m ) , and opium. In 1899 the proportion of
alcohol in country beer was fixed so as not to exceed 8 per cent.
by volume. A scale of licence fees for the sale of foreign liquors
was also prescribed. Country-made foreign spirits of weaker strength
were introduced in 1904 to meet the requirements of the people, who
were found in their absence to have recourse to inferior foreign stuff.
Ganja is grown by contractors under departmental supervision in
specified localities. There were 237 retail shops in 1903-4 for the
sale of ganja and majum, and 15,594 seers were sold. Opium, pre-
viously imported from Malwa, has since 1903 been obtained from
the Madras storehouse. There were 126 shops in 1903-4 licensed
to sell opium, and 1,438 seers were consumed.
Up to 1901 there were ten Local fund circles, one for each of the
eight Districts, and for the French Rocks and the Kolar Gold Fields.
T w o years later a new system was introduced, and
Local and a District board has been constituted for each
District (in addition to the Kolar Gold Fields
Sanitary Board), besides a taluk board for each taluk or sub-taluk.
In 1904 these boards consisted of 1,188 members, of whom 372
were appointed ex officio, and 816 were non-official. Taluk boards
(since 1905) consist of 15 members : namely, 5 official, 5 elected,
and 5 appointed by the State. District boards consist of 25 mem-
bers : namely, one non-official elected for each taluk of the District
by the members of the taluk board from their own body, and
the rest ex officio or appointed by the State. T h e members hold
Office ordinarily for three years. Their chief functions embrace
the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges, with assis-
tance of the Public Works department if required, improving and
conserving the water-supply, the provision and upkeep of travellers'
bungalows and musafirkhanas (native resthouses), dispensaries, sanita-
tion of villages, &c. Funds are obtained by a cess of one anna in
the rupee on land revenue, and on revenue from excise, sayer, and

Particulars. for ten years 1900-1. 1903-4.

Income from — Rs. Rs. Rs.

Land revenue* . . . . 5,02,409 5,22,591 5,22,639
P r o v i n c i a l rates. 10,803 †1,60,356
Interest . . . . . 275
Miscellaneous . . . . 37,249 2,905
Public works . . . . 3,426 1,924 10,644
Pounds 41,200 31,782 34,220
Ferries 8,605 5,845 19,388
T o t a l income 6,10,194 7,56,427

Expenditure o n —
692 224 17,692
General a d m i n i s t r a t i o n 22,531 31,407 52,408
Education . . . . 4,210 7,023
58,904 74,049 47,017
Miscellaneous . . . . 20,400 13,818 30,794
Public works . . . . 4,58,914 5,22,294

T o t a l expenditure 6,23,782 5,85,435 6,70,205

* This item represents 76 per cent. of local cesses.

t Includes 1·12 lakhs special contributions from Local funds for plague and other
establishments, and balances transferred from municipalities converted into Unions.
In 1901 the number of municipalities was 124 (exclusive of the Civil
and Military Station of Bangalore), of which 117 had a population
under 10,000, and 7 a population of from 10,000 to 100,000. In
1904, 36 of the minor municipalities, which were not taluk head-
quarters and had a population of less than 3,000, were converted into
Unions, a panchayat being appointed for each Union. A panchayat
consists of 5 to 12 members, appointed by the State. The 88 munici-
palities in 1904 had 1,049 members, of whom 285 were officials. AU
of the members are natives, except about 20 Europeans.
The Kolar Gold Fields Sanitary Board was constituted in Septem-
ber, 1899, with 3 ex-officio members, and 4 non-official members
nominated by the Mining Board. Its jurisdiction extends over the
Kolar Gold Fields Sanitary Circle, embracing the Gold Fields and
many of the surrounding villages. It deals with disposal of refuse,
water-supply, prevention of overcrowding, drains and latrines, keeping
and slaughter of live-stock, & c , burial and burning-grounds, prevention
and treatment of infectious and contagious diseases, and underground
sanitation of the mines.
The municipal board of the Civil and Military Station of Banga-
lore has consisted, since 1904, of a president, a medical officer, and
24 other members, 6 appointed by the Resident, and 18 elected,
the former holding office for three years, and the latter for two. The
Trades Association elect one member, Europeans and Eurasians 6,
Muhammadans 3, and Hindus and others 8.


for ten years 1900-1. 1903-4.
Rs. Rs. Rs.
1,56,298 2,48,426 2,19,038
Tax on houses and lands 1,29,997 1,63,962 1,83,879
2,881 1,217 1,32,917
Rents 18,832 24,507 30,277
36,463 33,026 1,03,464
Other sources . . . . . 3,05,900 3,08,024 1,81,033

Total income 6,50,371 7,79,162 8,50,608

Expenditure on administration and

collection of taxes 53,756 70,292 65,397
Public safety* 3,254 759
Water-supply and drainage 23,014 27,298 54,747
1,34,510 1,79,641 1,80,901
Hospitals and dispensaries 41,315 53,453 26,027 i
2,17,463 1,68,905 2,56,172
38,044 38,45 1 39,146
1,30,941 2,25,301 3,34,666
Total expenditure 6,43,297 7,63,340 9,57,815

* Police not charged to municipalities.

The Public Works department is controlled by a Chief Engineer,

a Deputy-Chief Engineer, and two Superintending Engineers, who are
in charge respectively of the Eastern and Western
Public Works.
Circles. These are Royal Engineers or European
officers. Separate branches have been formed for roads and buildings,
and for irrigation. The executive staff are, with few exceptions,
natives trained in Indian Engineering Colleges. Local works on
a large scale, which require professional skill, are carried out by the
Public Works department on requisition from other departments, by
which the needed funds are placed at their disposal.
Of original works carried out by the department only a few can be
mentioned. The railways include the line from Bangalore to Mysore
ARMY 239
and Nanjangud south-westwards, to Gubbi westwards, to Hindupur north-
wards, and the Kolar Gold Fields and Birar-Shtmoga branches. The
irrigation works include the Sriramadevar anicut and channels, and
others in Mysore and Hassan Districts, the great M a r i Kanave, Bora
Kanave, Srinivssa Sagara, and many more. The excellent system of
roads through the formerly impassable mountainous parts of Kadur
District, and the fine ghat roads through passes to the west coast,
deserve special mention. W i t h these should be named the great
bridges over the Tungabhadra at Harihar, over the Hemavati at
Sakleshpur, and the bridges at Belur, Bale Honnur, Tippur, Tadasa,
and other places over broad rivers. Of hospitals, the most important
are the Bowring and Lady Curzon in the Civil and Military Station
of Bangalore, and the Victoria in the city. Other buildings include the
public offices at Bangalore, the Palace, the Residency, the Central
College, and Mayo H a l l , the new Palace at Mysore city, with the
public offices there, the Maharaja's College, & c , and at Seringapatam
the restoration of the Darya Daulat.
Municipal and other water-supply schemes are represented by the
Hesarghatta tank, the source of the Bangalore water-supply; the
filling up of Purnaiya's Nullah at Mysore and the carrying out of the
Kukarhalli and other water-works there; the provision at Betmangala
for the water-supply of the Kolar Gold Fields, and minor works of that
nature in various towns. The transmission of electric power from
the Cauvery Falls to the Kolar Gold Fields having been successfully
accomplished, electric lighting from the same source has been intro-
duced into Bangalore and is being carried out at Mysore. Large
extensions have been laid out and occupied in Bangalore and
Mysore city, with a new town at the Gold Fields, all on the most
modern principles.
The total strength of the British and Native army stationed within
Mysore on June 1, 1903, was as follows : British, 2,093 ; Native, 2,996 ;
total, 5,089. The Mysore State forms for military
purposes part of the N i n t h (Secunderabad) Division,
which is for the present directly under the Commander-in-Chief. It
has a cavalry and an infantry brigade, as well as artillery. The only
military station is Bangalore, which is also the head-quarters of a volun-
teer rifle corps. The total volunteer strength within Mysore, including
detachments of railway volunteers, was 1,512 in 1903. The Coorg
and Mysore Rifles also have detachments at Chikmugalur and
Sakleshpur, in the planting districts to the west.
The Mysore State force had a sanctioned strength of 2,722 in 1904,
of whom nearly a half were Muhammadans and a fifth Maraths,
the rest being Hindus and Christians in about equal numbers. The
force is composed of two regiments of Silladar cavalry, and three
battalions of Barr infantry. In 1903 the former were 1,072 strong,
and the latter 1,814. The Imperial Service Lancers, raised in A p r i l ,
1892, form one cavalry regiment, stationed in Bangalore, and with
them is kept up a transport corps of 300 ponies. T h e Local Service
Cavalry regiment is stationed at Mysore. The Barr battalions have
their head-quarters at Mysore city, Shimoga, and Bangalore, with
detachments in out-stations. T h e State military expenditure was 7*9
lakhs in 1880-1, 61 lakhs in 1890-1, and 9-4 lakhs in 1903-4.
The police are under an Inspector-General T h e sanctioned
strength of the regular force in 1904 was 882 officers and 5,045
men, or one policeman to every 5·83 square miles and
Police 1,073 inhabitants. The village police were for the
and jails.
first time provided with uniform and arms in 1901-2.
They help the regular police in the prevention and detection of crime,
and in reporting the arrival and departure of criminal gangs and
suspicious-looking strangers. The system of night watch is regularly
maintained in all the villages of the Maidan tracts. T h e watching by
tolis and talaris in ookkads and outposts on important roads and jungle
tracts has worked well. There is a Police Training School, where
recruits and officers and men are taught d r i l l , codes, and surveying and
drawing. But the police service is not as a rule popular with the
educated classes of natives. Finger-prints and anthropometry have
been used to trace criminals in recent years.
The special reserve is a body selected for good physique, and is
better paid, equipped, and drilled than the other police. The members
go through a course of musketry, and are held ready for emergencies
in any part of the country, and are employed in putting down organized
dacoities and serious disturbances of the public peace. There are
three detachments, stationed respectively at Bangalore, Mysore city,
and Shimoga.
The Kolar Gold Fields Police is a special body, with 50 officers and
279 men, under a separate European Superintendent, and is largely
composed of Sikhs and Punjabis recruited from the north of India.
It was formed in A p r i l , 1900, and has jurisdiction over the Bowringpet,
Malur, and Mulbagal taluks.
The troops aid the police in various ways; detachments of the Local
Service Cavalry patrol certain roads, while the infantry act as treasury
guards and escorts. The Railway police, reckoned as in British
service, are under the Superintendent of Police of the Civil and
Military Station of Bangalore, subject to the orders of the Resident.
The following are statistics of cognizable crime, the figures being
the average for the five years ending 1901 : number of cases reported,
3 , 2 2 1 ; number decided in criminal courts, 1,828; number ending in
acquittal or discharge, 584 ; number ending in conviction, 1,244,

1881. 1891. 1901. 1904

Supervising Staff.
District and Assistant Super
intendents I 12 12
Inspectors . . . . 5 14 18 102
Subordinate Staff.
Sub-inspectors . 352 465 843 13*
Head constables 22 753*
Constables. 3,676 4,684 5,034 5,045
Municipal « . . . 978 449 526
Total expenditure . Rs. 455,ooo 6,61,000 9,05,000 9,78,000

* The designations are chief constables (13), head constables, j a m a d a r s , daffadars,

and sergeants (753).

Convicts are employed on cleaning and grinding ragi; on prison

duties, as prison warders, servants, and gardeners; on the preparation
of articles for use or consumption in the jails; on jail buildings, manu
factures, and public works. The chief industries are printing, carpet,
tent, and blanket-making, cloth-weaving, gunny and coir work, car
penter's and blacksmith's work in the Central jail at Bangalore; and
weaving and spinning, basket and mat-making, and pottery in the
Mysore District j a i l . The most numerous admissions into hospital on
account of sickness are for malarial fevers. The high mortality in 1881
shown below was due to dysentery or diarrhoea, and anaemia; in 1901
there were four deaths from cholera.


1881. 1891. 1901. 1904-

Number of Central jails . 1 1 1 1
,, District jails. 2 2 1
„ Subsidiary jails 8
(lock-ups) . 78 77
Average daily jail population : 81 78
(a) Males—In Central jails . 424 669 872
In other jails 786 493
459 131
(b) Females—In Central jails 1,104
41 44 32 43
In other jails. '7 20 8
Total 1,976 944 1,214 1,054
Rate of jail mortality per 1,000 20.6 13 19-74 17.08
Expenditure on jail main-
tenance . . . Rs. 1,59,000 89,000 1,12,000 88,744
Cost per prisoner . . Rs. 77-6-2 94-11-10 92-5~4 84-11-6
Profits on jail manufactures Rs. 12,194 15,900 18,738 36,230
Earnings per prisoner . Rs. 6-6-5 19-7-9 18-8 8 42-8-0
H i g h l y as learning was always esteemed, education seems never
under former native rulers to have been regarded as a duty of the
State. It was left to the voluntary principle, and
was mostly in the hands of the priests. At the same
time we find that, in the primitive corporation of the ' village twelve,'
a poet, who was also a schoolmaster, was sometimes provided instead
of a goldsmith. Endowments were often given for promoting learning
as a religious duty.
Education on modern lines was first introduced by European
missionaries. In 1826 a Mysore Mission College was proposed for
Bangalore by the London Mission, conducted by a staff of European
professors, aided by learned pandits, and designed to attract students
from all parts of India. But their home authorities were not prepared
to carry it out. Between 1840 and 1854 the Wesleyans established
schools at some of the District head-quarters with aid from Govern-
ment, the principal being their institution at Bangalore, founded in
1851. At Mysore the Maharaja maintained an English free school.
The State expenditure on education in 1855 was Rs. 16,500 a year.
T h e Educational department was formed in 1857, and in 1858
a high school affiliated to the Madras University was established at
Bangalore, converted in 1875 into the Central College. T h e Wesleyan
schools in the Districts were taken over by Government, and vernacular
schools gradually established in the taluks. In 1861 a normal school,
and in 1862 an engineering school, were attached to the high school
at Bangalore. In 1868 the hobli school system, for extending primary
education among the masses, was introduced, and greatly added to the
operations of the department. The schools were to be supported by
a local cess ; but in 1872 the proportion of 24 per cent, of Local funds
was allotted as the village school fund, raised in 1903 to 33 per cent.
The famine of 1876-8 had a disastrous effect on all public under
takings. Education, which had greatly flourished, both public and
private, was starved for want of funds. The normal schools were
closed, the European Inspectors were dispensed with, the Director of
Public Instruction was placed in charge of the Census and the Police
in addition to Education, and later on of Archaeology instead of Police,,
all the cost of vernacular schools was thrown on Local funds, and rigid
economy stood in the way of any expansion. In 1884 a revision was
made of the higher institutions, but it was not till 1890 that a freer ex
penditure enabled progressive measures to be adopted. In 1887 the
Mysore local examinations were instituted for teachers and pupils of
vernacular schools, giving a definite aim to the courses of study. At the
end of 1888 education in the Civil and Military Station of Bangalore
was transferred to the Madras Educational department. In 1889 the
cost of the taluk vernacular schools was again made a charge on State
funds, thus relieving the village school fund. In 1891 the number of
native Deputy-Inspectors was doubled. The department is now con-
trolled by an Inspector-General of Education, whose head-quarters were
removed to Mysore in 1894 but again established at Bangalore in 1899.
The State was divided in 1903 into two portions for control and in
spection, between the Inspector-General and his Assistant, The former
retains the eastern Districts, with head-quarters at Bangalore, and the
latter has charge of the western Districts, with head-quarters at Mysore
city. The only Europeans recruited from England are the heads
of the colleges at Bangalore and Mysore. The inspecting staff was
further strengthened in 1905.
Of the colleges affiliated to the Madras University, those of the first
grade are the Central College at Bangalore and the Maharaja's College
at Mysore city. The former takes mathematics and physical science as
the optional subjects for the B.A. degree, and the latter mathematics
and history. The second-grade colleges are the St. Joseph's College at
Bangalore, the Maharani's College at Mysore city, and the Sacred Heart
College attached to the Convent of the Good Shepherd at Bangalore.
This last and St. Joseph's are aided from the revenues of the Assigned
Tract, and the others are supported by the State. The first-grade
colleges are provided with hostels. There are also Sanskrit colleges of
a high standard at Mysore, Bangalore, and Melukote, the two latter
being aided. Bangalore has, moreover, been selected as the site of the
Indian Institute of Research for post-graduate study, to be founded on
Mr. Tata's endowment.

* These figures show the passes in any one branch of the three which qualify for the
full degree.

Secondary schools include high schools and middle schools. The

former have the matriculation examination as their goal, while the latter
prepare for the lower secondary examinations, the course being partly
English and partly vernacular. In 1904 there were 202 State, 3 muni-
cipal, 55 aided, and 3 unaided schools, the last being middle schools.
The amount of aid to private schools is based on their expenditure,
and their efficiency as tested by the reports of Inspectors and results
of public examinations. The proportion of the male population of
school-going age under secondary instruction in 1904 was 2 per cent.
T h e primary stages are divided into upper and lower, the latter
ending with the ability to read from printed books. In 1904 there
were 1593 State, 285 aided, and 14 unaided primary schools. As
to the qualifications of the teachers, out of 3,179 in State employ,
149 held a normal school or teacher's certificate, others had passed
various examinations, including 154 who had passed the University
matriculation or higher tests, leaving 1,002 who had not passed any.
The minimum pay of the village schoolmasters was raised from Rs. 5
to Rs. 7 a month in 1901, but better prospects are needed for their
future. W i t h a view to providing funds for this purpose, the levy
of fees has been introduced in all village schools, except in the lower
primary classes, and the former rates of fees in other schools have been
raised all round. For the benefit of children of artisans and agri-
culturists above 15, night schools have been opened, of which there
are 67, with 1,500 pupils, most of them in the east, but some in
all Districts. There are local committees for the control of all hobIt
and village schools.
The first girls' schools were established by European missionary
ladies at Bangalore in 1840. Mission girls' schools were opened later
in some of the large towns. In 1868 the Government began with one
in Bangalore, and as years went on the number increased all over
the country. The hobli schools established in 1868 received both
boys and girls together. Owing to the early marriage system, which
did not admit of girls staying beyond the age of ten, and the entire
want of female teachers, the girls' schools were really infant schools.
But the mission schools had an advantage in both respects, being
able to keep their girls longer, and to provide native Christian women
as teachers.
One of the steps that gave an impetus to public female education
was the establishment at Mysore city of the Maharanl's Girls' School
in 1881. This was confined to high-caste girls, and, with an unstinted
expenditure, gave a free education. Its influential patronage overcame
all objections, and it presented an acceptable compromise between
Western methods and Eastern views as to the appropriate subjects
of female education. It has for some years had Lady Superintendents
from Girton or Newnham, and in 1902 was formed into a college,
affiliated to the Madras University. .,Two Brahman students took the
B . A . degree in 1906. Admission is also now allowed of Christians
and girls of low castes, provided they are of respectable family and
approved by the management. By liberal scholarships girls have been
induced to stay longer at school, and female teachers have been trained
from among young widows, of whom there are at present ten adult
and fourteen child-widows. The management is in the hands of a
committee, and local committees have been appointed for girls' schools
in other parts of the country. These are, however, reported to take
little interest in the matter as a rule.
I n I 8 S I , 1891, and 1901 respectively there were 46, 113, and 230
girls' colleges and schools, the percentage of girls under instruction
to the female population of school-going age being 0 8 1 , 3·14, and
4·22. In 1904 there were 243 schools, and the proportion was 4 per
cent. The State funds contributed 1¼ lakhs (of which Rs. 38,000 was
for the Maharanis College), and Local and municipal funds Rs. 6,800,
to female education in 1903-4. The high school classes learn English
as a first language. In the highest class of the middle school English
is begun as a second language. Zanana teaching is carried on by
ladies of the Church of England Zanana Mission in Bangalore, Mysore
city, and Channapatna, chiefly among Musalman families.
There are State normal schools at Mysore city, Kolar, and Shimogn,
for training teachers; also a training department in the Maharanl's
College. State industrial schools are at work in Mysore and Hassan,
mission industrial schools at Tumkur and Kolar, with one for girls at
Hassan, and a private industrial school at Melukote. The industrial
school at Mysore has recently been reorganized 1 and placed under an
experienced Superintendent, who also inspects the other industrial
schools in the State. An engineering school has been established at
Mysore, for training subordinates for the Public Works department.
Weaving schools have been opened at Hole-Narsipur, Dod-Ballapur,
Chiknayakanhalli, and Molakalmura, with carpentry and drawing classes
attached. There are altogether eighteen industrial schools, of which
six are weaving schools. A school has been established at Channapatna
for the revival of the decaying local industries of lacquer-work, and the
preparation of steel wire for the strings of musical instruments. Com-
mercial classes are conducted at Bangalore by certain officials, and
receive aid from Government. Students are attached to the laboratories
of the Agricultural Chemist, the State Geologist, and the State Bacteri-
ologist, and also to the silk farm established by Mr. Tata, and to the
workshops of the Southern Mahratta Railway. Those at the silk farm
are village schoolmasters, of whom five are trained annually, and then
appointed as inspectors of sericulture. State scholarships are given to
students from Mysore learning electricity at New York, forestry at
Oxford, and in the Teachers', Engineering, Medical, and Veterinary
colleges of Madras or Bombay, in the Victoria Jubilee Institute and
schools of A r t at those places, and in the Forest School at Dehra Dun.
One-fifth of the income from the Damodar Das Charity Fund, yielding
about Rs. 20,000 a year, has been assigned for scholarships to Gujarati
students selected by a committee—nine to those studying for the
The Prince of Wales, on his recent visit to Mysore, laid the foundation stone
of new buildings for it, to be called the Chamarajendra Industrial Institute.
Bombay University examinations, one for a student of engineering or
agriculture, and one for medicine. The remaining four-fifths are
intended for post-graduate scholarships. One has been granted to a
student for the history and economics tripos at Cambridge, and one
to a student for the M . B . and C M . course at Edinburgh, with a special
view to practical microscope work. An institution of a special nature
deserving of notice is the school for deaf-mutes and the blind at
Mysore city, managed by a committee.
Most of the institutions for Europeans and Eurasians are in the Civil
and Military Station of Bangalore, but the returns do not include regi-
mental schools under the Army department. The number of pupils in
the public schools was 1,314 in 1904. In the rest of the State there
were 361, the majority being at the Urigam school on the Kolar Gold
Fields. St. Joseph's College did well in the First Arts and matricula-
tion. One European girl has passed the B.A. degree examination in
English and French, and two the F.A. from the Sacred Heart and the
Central College. The popular callings for young men are in the railway
and telegraph departments, and the engineering and medical professions.
Girls become nurses and governesses.
The number of Muhammadan pupils in all schools was 4,330 in
1881, 10,185 in 1891, 14,612 in 1901, and 13,383 (10,454 boys and
2,929 girls) in 1904. Six passed certain branches of the B.A. examina
tion, one the First Arts, and one the matriculation. Only half-fees
are levied from Muhammadan boys in all schools, and girls are free.
There are also twenty-six scholarships allotted for Muhammadan stu
dents in the Central College, to encourage English education among
them. Owing to the dearth of qualified teachers, the village Hindu
stani schools are in a very poor condition. In 1904 there were 15
Muhammadans attending colleges, 3,581 in secondary schools, and
8,848 in primary schools. Some have received scholarships at the
M . A . O . college at Allgarh.
An interesting effort has been made to introduce education among
the LambSnis. In all, 12 schools have been opened for them—7 in
Shimoga District, and the others in Tumkur, Chitaldroog, and Hassan
Districts. They were attended in 1904 by 235 boys and 10 girls. For
the low castes or Panchamas there are 70 schools, with 1,910 pupils,
of whom 277 are girls.
The proportion of the population of school-going age under in
struction was 11 in 1881, 9 in 1891, 14 in 1901, and 13 in 1904. At
the Census of 1901 the proportion of the population able to read and
write was 5·06 per cent., being 9·27 per cent. for males, and 0·77 for
females. T h e cities and the Gold Fields have the highest percentage;
and of the Districts, Kadur stands highest and Mysore lowest.
Shimoga, next to Kadur, has the highest percentage of literate males,
and Tumkur of literate females. The scale of fees in State colleges
and schools was raised in 1904 to the following monthly rates: Village
schools, lower primary, free; upper, 1 anna; middle, 2 annas. Taluk
schools, lower primary, 2 annas; upper, 3 annasj middle, 4 annas.
English middle schools, 8 annas, 12 annas, R. 1, B.s. 1-4, and
Rs. 1-8, according to class. English high schools, Rs. 2 and
Rs. 2-8 ; F.A. class, Rs. 4; B.A. class, Rs. 5.



Provincial and Fees. Other Total.
funds. municipal sources.

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

A r t s and professional
i colleges . 1,34,105 596 7,433 2.244 1,44,378
T r a i n i n g and special
schools 32,536 28,529 2,913 33,334 97,312
Secondary boys' schools 1,86,249 51,098 80,108 22,656 3,40,111
Primary boys schools . 29,281 1,71,167 4,680 10,721 2,15,849
G i r l s ' schools 1,03,529 6,808 858 38,027 1,49,222

Total 4,85.700 2,58,198 95,992 1,06,982 9,46,872


1880-1. 1900-1. 1903-4

Institutions. Scholars. Scholars. Scholars.

No. No. No.
Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female.

Arts colleges . 3 129 8 504 12 8 546 5
Secondary schools—
Upper (High) . 16 533 14 3,160 10 14 2,651 22
Lower (Middle) 129 2,292 47 223 ".333 2,838 249 19,212 3,899
Primary schools 869 36,656 2,485 1,946 52,u8 13.375 1,892 47.496 12.015
Training schools 9 974 5 158 5 4 147 II
Other special schools 1 48 1,380 98 55 1,670 120

Advanced. . 12 224 24 9 188 x6
Elementary 1.753 20,770 459 1,567 17,965 313

Total 1,027 40.584 2.533 4,009 99,647 16,821 3.798 89,875 16,401

Among the oldest newspapers in the vernacular were the Kasim-ul-

Akhbdr in Hindustani, started in 1863, and still published; and the
Karnataka Prakasika in Kanarese, begun in J865 but discontinued
at the end of 1898, the editor and proprietor having fallen an early
victim to plague.
The number of newspapers and periodicals published in the State
in 1901 was 11 in English, 7 in the vernaculars, and 3 in both English
and vernacular. A third of the whole treat of politics. There are five
English papers with a circulation of from 200 to 500, the principal
being the Daily Post (Bangalore). All these give general news. Of
the Kanarese papers, the Wesleyan Vrittanta Patrika (Mysore weekly)
and Mahildsakhi for women (Mysore monthly) have considerable circu-
lations. Their Harvest Field (Mysore monthly) in English is also
popular. The Nadegannadi (Bangalore), Suryodaya (Bangalore), Vrit
tanta Chintamani (Mysore), are Kanarese weeklies, with circulations
varying from 1,000 to 500, and give general and political news. In
Hindustani are the Kasim-ul-Akhbar (bi-weekly), and the Edward
Gazette, an old paper under a new name (weekly), both published in
Bangalore, and treating of general and political news. The Tamil
paper is the Taraka (Bangalore bi-weekly), with a circulation of 200.
Of the Kanarese monthly periodicals, Vidyadayini is a journal of
education. Karnataka Granthamala publishes new works, and Karna-
taka Kdvyakalanidhi prints old unpublished works. All these are
issued in Mysore city.
The number of books registered in 1901 was 30, exclusive of official
publications, such as the volumes of inscriptions issued by the Archaeo-
logical department. There were 3 in English, 23 in Kanarese, 1 in
Telugu, and 3 in Sanskrit and Kanarese. The subjects chiefly treated
of come under the heads of religion, fiction, and history. The principal
original works were four, of which two were based on the Ramayana
story, one was an allegory on virtue and vice, and the other was a com-
position by a wife of the Maharaja who died in 1868, on the reputed
marriage of a Musalman princess of Delhi to Cheluvaraya or Krishna,
the god at Melukote, said to have taken place in the thirteenth
The Victoria (opened 1900) in Bangalore city, the Bowring in the
Civil and Military Station, and the General Hospitals at Mysore and
Shimoga, are first-class hospitals. Before the Victoria
was opened, St. Martha's Hospital, founded by the
Lady Superior of the Convent of the Good Shepherd, took the place
of a civil hospital for Bangalore city. Second-class hospitals exist at
the District head-quarters, and Local fund dispensaries at all taluk
head-quarters and large towns. A Medical School was established in
1882 for training subordinates, but was given up in 1886 in favour
of paying students to attend the large and well-equipped Medical
Colleges at Madras and Bombay. A local medical service was
organized in 1884 and improved in 1897.
For women and children there are the Maharani's Hospital at
Mysore, the Maternity at Bangalore, the Lady Curzon in connexion
with the Bowring, and the Gosha Hospital of the Zanana Mission.
Native midwives are supplied to all the taluks, who have been trained
in the Lying-in Hospital at Madras, or in classes at the hospitals in
Bangalore and Mysore city.

I88l. 1891. 1901. 1904.

Hospitals, &c.
Number of civil hospitals and dis-
pensaries . . . . 24 99 134 135
Average daily number of—
(a) In-patients 199.87 177-M 422.39 690-05
(a) Out-patients , 1,463.92 3,740.41 6,412.17 5,985-75
Income from—
(a) Government payments Rs. 62,257 87,625 2,74,389 3,57,507
(6) Local and municipal pay-
ments Rs. 5,556 40,642 52,568 55,862
(c) Fees, endowments, and other
s o u r c e s . . . . Rs. ... I48 662
Expenditure on—
(a) Establishment Rs. 41*741 86,415 2,l8,I22 2,47,842
(b) Medicines, diet, buildings,
&c Rs. 27,072 41,853 1,08,983 1,66,199
Lunatic Asylums.
Number of asylums . I 1 I 1
Average daily number of—
(a) Criminal lunatics 8-93 24.19 40-43 4· , 1 5
{6) Other lunatics . 131.07 160.81 217-57 237.80
Income from—
(a) Government payments Rs. ... ... 25,590
(b) Fees and other sources Rs. 24 134 317
Expenditure on—
(a) Establishment . Rs. 15.831 4,986 6,074 4,786
(6) Diet, buildings, & c . . Rs. ... 11,795 21,148 21,121
Number of successful operations 79.375 90,075 66,183 60,731
Total expenditure on vaccination Rs. 10,998 24,381 20,822 21,109
Cost per successful case . Rs. 0-1-9 0-4-8 0-5-1 0-7-8
NOTE.—The figures do not include the C i v i l and Military Station of Bangalore. The drop
in vaccination in 1001 is the effect of plague.

There is a Lunatic Asylum at Bangalore, in which at the end of

1903 there were 228 male and 86 female patients. During the year
24 were discharged as cured, and 11 as improved, while 23 died. The
lunatics are employed in weaving cloth and kamblis, spinning, and
gardening. In the Leper Asylum there were xi male and 6 female
For vaccination there are 96 taluk and 9 municipal vaccinators,
besides the medical subordinates, and supervision is exercised by
9 inspectors. Vaccination is compulsory among State servants and
school children 1. Owing to the difficulties in the way of procuring
good infant lymph for vaccination, a Vaccine Institute was established
at Bangalore in 1892 for preparing lymph from the calf, in lanoline.
In 1896 an Eye Infirmary was established, and in 1899 a well-
equipped Bacteriological Institute. Quinine was sold in 1904 in 3,426
packets, containing 102 powders of five grains each, at 418 post offices.
The dose was raised in 1905 to seven grains, and it is proposed to sell
through the village officials as well.
Sanitation has received special attention in the towns; but in
villages only the improvement and conservancy of the water-supply
have been looked to, and the removal of manure pits from the
immediate proximity of the dwellings insisted upon. The peremptory
evacuation of villages on the occurrence of plague has inclined the
people in some parts to build and permanently remain on the spots in
their fields where they have been camped.
The topographical survey of the State was completed in 1886. The
revenue survey was commenced in 1863 and the settlement brought
to an end in 1901. The system followed is that of
Bombay, as already explained (pp. 214, 234). The
area surveyed includes the whole of the State, or 29,433 square miles.
The maintenance of the survey records is also the duty of the Survey
[B. Lewis Rice : Mysore (revised edition, 1897).—Lewin B. Bowring:
Haidar All and Tipu Sultan (Rulers of India series, 1893); Eastern
Experiences (1871).—Dr. Francis Buchanan: A Journey from Madras
through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar (1807 ; Madras
reprint, 1870).—Major Mark Wilks : Historical Sketches of the South of
India, in an Attempt to trace the History of Mysoor (3 vols., 1810-17 ;
Madras reprint, 1869).]
M y s o r e District.—-District in the south of the State of Mysore,
lying between 11° 36' and 130 3' N. and 750 55' and 77 0 20' E., with
an area of 5,496 square miles. It is bounded on the north by Hassan
and Tumkur Districts; on the east by Bangalore and the Coimbatore
District of Madras ; on the south by the Nilgiri and Malabar Districts
of Madras ; and on the west by Coorg.
The river CAUVERY, besides forming the boundary for some distance
both on the west and east, traverses the District from north-west to
east, receiving as tributaries the HemSvati, Loka-
aspects. pavani, and Shimsha on the north, and the Lakshman-
tlrtha, Kabbani, and Honnu-hole or Suvarnavati on
the south. Lofty mountain ranges covered with vast forests, the home
A Regulation passed in 1906 makes vaccination compulsory throughout 'notified
of the elephant, shut in the western, southern, and same parts of the
eastern frontier. The only break in this mighty barrier is in the south
east, where the Cauvery takes its course towards the lowlands and
hurls itself down the Cauvery Falls, called Gagana Chukki and Bhar
Chukki, at the island of Sivasaniudram. The principal range of hills
within the District is the B I L I G I R I - R A N G A N i n the south-east, rising to
5,091 feet above the level of the sea. Next to these, the isolated hills
of Gopalswami in the south (4,770 feet), and of Bettadpur in the
north-west (4,389 feet), are the most prominent heights, with the
Chamundi h i l l (3,489 feet) to the south-east of Mysore city. The
French Rocks (2,882 feet), north of Seringapatam, are conspicuous
points of a line culminating in the sacred peak of Melukote (3,579
feet). Short ranges of low hills appear along the south, especially in
the south-west. On the east are encountered the hills which separate
the valleys of the Shimsha and Arkavati, among which KABBALDURGA
(3,507 feet) has gained an unenviable notoriety for unhealthmess.
Mysore District may be described as an undulating table-land,
fertile and well watered by perennial rivers, whose waters, dammed by
noble and ancient anicuts, enrich their banks by means of canals,
Here and there granite rocks rise from the plain, which, is otherwise
unbroken and well wooded. The extreme south forms a tarai of dense
and valuable but unhealthy forest, occupying the depression which
runs along the foot of the Nilgiri mountains. The lowest part of this
is the remarkable long, steep, trench-like ravine, sometimes called the
Mysore Ditch, which forms the boundary on this side, and in which
flows the Moyar. The irrigated fields, supplied by the numerous
channels drawn from the Cauvery and its tributaries, cover many
parts with rich verdure. Within this District alone there are twenty-
seven dams, the channels drawn from which have a total length of
807 miles, yielding a revenue of 5 1 / 3 lakhs.
The geological formation is principally of granite, gneiss, quartz, and
hornblende. In many places these strata are overlaid with laterite.
Stone for masonry, principally common granite, is abundant throughout
the District. Black hornblende of inferior quality and potstone are
also found. Quartz is plentiful, and is chiefly used for road-metalling.
Dikes of felsites and porphyries occur abundantly in the neighbourhood
of Seringapatam, and a few elsewhere. They vary from fine-grained
hornstones to porphyries containing numerous phenocrysts of white to
pink felspar, in a matrix which may be pale green, pink, red, brown,
or almost black. The majority of the porphyries form handsome
building stones, and some have been made use of in the new palace at
Mysore. Corundum occurs in the Hunsur taluk. In Singaramaran-
halli the corundum beds were found to be associated with an intrusion
of olivine-bearing rocks, similar to those of the Chalk Hills near Salem,
VOL. xviii. R
and large masses of a rock composed of a highly ferriferous enstatite,
with magnetite and iron-alumina spinel or hercynite.
The trees in the extensive forest tract along the southern and
western boundary are not only rich in species, but attain a large size.
Of teak (Tectona grandis) there are several large plantations. Other
trees include Shorea Talura, Pterocarpus Marsupium, Terminalia
iotnentosa, Lagerstroemia lanceolata, and Anogeissus latifolia, which are
conspicuous and very abundant in the Muddamullai forest. In
February most of these trees are bare of leaf, and represent the
deciduous belt. In open glades skirting the forests and descending
the Bhandipur ghat are plants of a varied description. Bambusa
arundinacea occurs in beautiful clumps at frequent intervals. There
are also Heiicteres Isora, Hibiscus Abelmoschus, and many others.
Capparis grandiftora is most attractive in the Bhandipur forest, and
there is also a species without thorns. Clusters of parasites, such as
Viscum orientak, hang from many trees. On the Karabi-kanave range
farther north the grasses Andropogon pertusus and Anthistiria ciliaia
attain an abnormal size, and are often difficult to penetrate. Ferns,
mosses, and lichens are abundant in the rainy season. There are also
a few orchids. The heaviest forest jungle is about Kakankote in the
south-west. The B I U G I R I - R A N G A N range in the south-east possesses
an interesting flora with special features. The growth includes sandal
wood, satin-wood (Chloroxylon Swielenia)) Polyalthia cerasoides, and
others. The babul (Acacia arabica) attracts attention by the road-side
and in cultivated fields. Hedgerows of Euphorbia Tirucatli, Jatropha
Curcas, and Vitex Negundo are not uncommon. In the poorest scrub
tracts Phoenix farinifera is often gregarious. The growth in the parks
at Mysore city is not so luxuriant as at Bangalore, where the soil is
richer; but in the matter of species it is much the same. The flora
of Chamundi, which is a stony hill, is limited in species and poor in
growth. Clinging to the rivers and canals are found such plants as
Crinum zeylanica, Salix tetrasperma, and Pandanus odoratissimus.
T h e mean temperature and diurnal range at Mysore city in January
are 73 0 and 25°; in May, 81° and 23 0 ; in July, 75° and 16 0 ; in
November, 73 0 and 18°. T h e climate is generally healthy, but inter
mittent fevers prevail during the cold months. The annual rainfall
averages 33 inches. The wettest month is October, with a fall of
8 inches; then May,, with 6 ; and next September, with 5 inches.
The earliest traditional knowledge we have relating to this District
goes back to the time of the Maurya emperor, Chandra Gupta, in the
fourth century B.C. At that time a State named
Punnata occupied the south-west. After the death
of Bhadrabahu at Sravana Belgola, the Jain emigrants whom he had
led from Ujjain in the north, Chandra Gupta being his chief disciple,
passed on to this tract. It is mentioned by Ptolemy, and its capital
Kitthipura has been identified with K i t t u r on the Kabbani, in the
Heggadadevankote taluk. The next mention concerns Asoka, who is
said to have sent Buddhist missionaries in 245 B.C. to Vanavfisi on
the north-west of the State, and to Mahisa-mandala, which undoubtedly
means the Mysore country. After the rise of the Ganga power, their
capital was established in the third century A. D. at Talakad on the
Cauvery. They are said to have had an earlier capital, at Skandapura,
supposed to be Gazalhatti, on the Moyar, near its junction with the
Bhavani; but this is doubtful. In the fifth century the Ganga king
married the Punnata king's daughter, and Punnata was soon after
absorbed into the Ganga kingdom. In the eighth century the Rashtra-
kutas overcame and imprisoned the Ganga king, appointing their own
viceroys over his territories. But he was eventually restored, and
intermarriages took place between the two families. In the tenth
century the Ganga king assisted the Rashtrakutas in their war with
the Cholas. In 1004 the Cholas invaded Mysore under R&jendra
Chola, and, capturing Talakad, brought the Ganga power to an end.
They subdued all the country up to the Cauvery, from Coorg in the
west to Seringapatam in the east, and gave to this District the name
Meanwhile the Hoysalas had risen to power in the Western Ghats,
and made Dorasamudra (Halebfd in Hassan District) their capital.
About 1116 the Hoysala king, Vishnuvardhana, took Talakad and
expelled the Cholas from all parts of Mysore. He had been converted
from the Jain faith by the Vaishnava reformer Ramanuja, and bestowed
upon him the ASHTAGRAMA or ' eight townships,' with all the lands
north and south of the Cauvery near Seringapatam. The Hoysalas
remained the dominant power till the fourteenth century. The
Muhammadans from the north then captured and destroyed Dora
samudra, and the king retired at first to TondanQr (Tonnur, north of
Seringapatam). But in 1336 was established the Vijayanagar empire,
which speedily became paramount throughout the South. One of the
Saluva family, from whom the short-lived second dynasty arose, is said
to have built the great temple at Seringapatam. But Narasinga, the
founder of the Narasinga or third dynasty, seized Seringapatam about
1495 by damming the Cauvery and crossing over it when in full flood.
Later on, Ganga Raja, the Ummattur chief, rebelled at Sivasamudram
and was put down by Krishna Raya, in 1511. Eventually the Mysore
country was administered for Vijayanagar by a viceroy called the Sri
Ranga Rayal, the seat of whose government was at Seringapatam.
Among the feudal estates under his control in this part were Mysore,
Kalale, and Ummattar in the south, and the Changalva kingdom in
the west. After the overthrow of Vijayanagar by the Muhammadans
R 2
in 1565, the viceroy's authority declined, and the feudatories began
to assume independence. At length in 1610 he retired, broken down
in health, to die at Talakad, and Raja Wodeyar of Mysore gained
possession of Seringapatam. This now became the Mysore capital,
and the lesser estates to the south were absorbed into the Mysore
kingdom. Seringapatam was several times besieged by various enemies,
but without success. From 1761 to 1799 the Mysore throne was held
by the Muhammadan usurpers, Haidar A l i and T i p u Sultan. During
this period several wars took place with the British, in the course of
which Haidar A l i died and finally T i p u Sultan was killed. The
Mysore family was then restored to power by the British, and Mysore
again became the capital in place of Seringapatam. Owing to con-
tinuous misrule, resulting in a rebellion of the people, the Mysore
Raja was deposed in 1831 and the country administered by a British
Commission. This continued till 1881, when Mysore was again
entrusted, under suitable guarantees, to the ancient H i n d u dynasty.
Of architectural monuments the principal one is the Somnathpur
temple, the best existing complete example of the Chalukyan style.
It was built in 1269, under the Hoysalas. It is a triple temple, and
Fergusson considered the sculpture to be more perfect than at Belur
and Halebid. Other notable examples of the same style are the
temples at Basaralu, built in 1235, and one at K i k k e r i , built in 1171.
The tall pillars of the temple in Agrahara Bachahalli are of interest.
They are of the thirteenth century, and on the capital of each stands
the figure of an elephant, with Garuda as the mahaut, and three or
four people riding on it. As good examples of the Dravidian style
may be mentioned the temples at Seringapatam, Nanjangud, and on
the Chamundi h i l l . Of Muhammadan buildings the most noteworthy
are the Gumbaz or mausoleum of Haidar and T i p u at Ganjam, and
the Darya Daulat summer palace at Seringapatam. Of the latter,
M r . Rees, who has travelled much in Persia and India,.says:—
' The lavish decorations, which cover every inch of wall from first to
last, from top to bottom, recall the palaces of Ispahan, and resemble
nothing that I know in India.'
Attention may also be directed to the bridges of purely H i n d u style
and construction at Seringapatam and Sivasamudram. The numerous
inscriptions of the District have been translated and published.
The population at each Census in the last thirty years was:
(1871) 1,104,808, (1881) 1,032,658, (1891) 1,181,814, and (1901)
1,295,172. The decrease in 1881 was due to the
famine of 1876-8. By religion, in 1901 there were
1,232,958 Hindus, 49,484 Musalmans, 6,987 Animists, 3,707 Christians,
2,006 Jains, and 30 Parsls. The density of population was 235 persons
per square mile, that for the State being 185. The number of towns
is 27, and of villages 3,212. Mysore, the chief town (population,
68,111), is the only place with more than 20,000 inhabitants.
The following table gives the principal statistics of population in

The Wokkaligas or cultivators are the strongest caste in numbers,

their total being 320,000. Next come the outcaste Holeyas and
Madigas, of whom there are 194,000 and 25,000; the Lingayats,
numbering 173,000; Kurubas or shepherds, 127,000; Besta or fisher-
men, 10,200. The total of Brahmans is 43,000. Among Musalmans,
the Sharlfs form nearly seven-tenths, being 29,000. The nomad
Korama number 2,500; wild Kuruba, 2,300; and Iruliga, 1,600.
About 74 per cent, of the total are jpigaged in agriculture and pasture;
8 per cent. each in unskilled labour not agricultural, and in the
preparation and supply of material substances; 2-5 per cent, in the
State service, and 24 per cent. in personal services; 1·9 per cent, in
commerce, transport, and storage; and 1·8 per cent, in professions.
The Christians in the District number 3,700, of whom 2,200 are
in Mysore city. The total includes 3,300 natives. Early in the
eighteenth century a Roman Catholic chapel was built at Heggada-
devankote, but the priest was beaten to death by the people. A chapel
at Seringapatam, which was courageously defended by the Christian
troops, escaped the destruction of all Christian churches ordered by
T i p a Sultan. After the downfall of the latter in 1799, the well-known
Abbe Dubois took charge, and founded the mission at Mysore, where
large churches, schools, and convents are in existence. The London
and Wesleyan Missions began work at Mysore in 1839, but the former
retired in 1850. The Wesleyans have churches, a college, schools for
boys and girls, and a printing press, and are building a large hospital
for women and children.
Red soil prevails throughout the District, while one of the most
valuable tracts of the more fertile black soil in the
country runs through the south-east in the Chamraj-
nagar taluk and the Yelandur Jagir.
The following table gives statistics of cultivation in 1903-4 :—

The crops, both 'wet' and 'dry,' are classed under two heads,
according to the season in which they are grown, hain and kar. The
season for sowing both 'wet' and 'dry' hain crops opens in July, that
for sowing kar ' wet crops' in September, and for kar ' dry crops' in
April. It is only near a few rain-fed tanks in the east that both hain
and kar crops are now obtained from the same ' wet' lands in the year.
On ' dry' lands it is usual to grow two crops in the year, the second
being a minor grain, if the land is fertile enough to bear it. But of
grains which form the staple food, such as ragi and jola, the land will
only produce one crop as a rule, and consequently the ryots are obliged
to choose between a hain or kar crop. In the north the former is
preferred, because the growth is there more influenced by the monsoon.
But in the south a kar crop is found more suitable, because the springs
and frequent rain afford a tolerable supply of water all the year round,
whereas the south-west monsoon, which falls with greater force on the
forest land, would render ploughing in June laborious. Ragi in
1903-4 occupied 873 square.miles; gram, 5 2 1 ; other food-grains, 560;
rice, 184; oilseeds, 159; garden produce, 27 ; sugar-cane, 10.
Coffee cultivation has been tried, the most successful being in the
Biligiri-Rangan region. Much attention has been paid to mulberry
cultivation in the east, in connexion with the rearing of silkworms.
D u r i n g the twelve years ending 1904 Rs. 29,000 was advanced as
agricultural loans for land improvement, and Rs. 16,500 for. field
The area irrigated from canals is 122 square miles, from tanks and
wells 72, and from other sources 15. The length of channels drawn
from rivers is 807 miles, and the number of tanks 1,834, of which 157
are classed as ' major.'
The south and west are occupied by continuous heavy forest,
described in the paragraph on Botany. The State forests in 1904
covered an area of 521 square miles, 'reserved' lands 81, and planta
tions 8. Teak, sandal-wood, and bamboos, with other kinds of timber,
are the chief sources of forest revenue. The forest receipts in 1903-4
amounted to nearly 5 lakhs.
Gold-mining, experimentally begun at the Amble and Wolagere
blocks near Nanjangiid, has been abandoned. Prospecting for gold
has also been tried near Bannur. I r o n abounds in the rocky hills
throughout the District, but is worked only in the Heggadadevankote
and Malavalli taluks. The iron of Malavalli is considered the best in
the State. Stones containing magnetic iron are occasionally turned
up by the ploughshare near Devanur in the Nanjangud taluk. Talc
is found in several places, and is used for putting a gloss on baubles
employed in ceremonies. It occupies the rents and small veins in
decomposing quartz, but its laminae are not large enough to serve for
other purposes. Asbestos is found in abundance in the Chamrajnagar
taluk. Nodules of flint called chakmukki are found in the east, and
were formerly used for gun-flints.
Cotton cloth, blankets, brass utensils, earthenware, and jaggery
(unrefined sugar) from both cane and date, are the principal manu
factures. There is also some silk-weaving. The best
Trade and
cloth is made at Mysore and Ganjam. At Hunsur communications.
factories were formerly maintained in connexion with
the Commissariat, consisting of a blanket factory, a tannery and leather
factory, and a wood-yard where carts and wagons were built. Although
these have been abolished, their influence in local manufactures re-
mains. Nearly all the country carts of the District are made here.
There are also extensive coffee-works and saw-mills, under European
management. The number of looms or small works reported for the
District are: silk, 5 0 ; cotton, 4,267; wool, 2,400; other fibres, 862;
wood, 200 ; iron, 360 ; oil-mills, 857 ; sugar and jaggery mills, 360.
A great demand exists for grain required on the west coast and in
Coimbatore, and the N i l g i r i market derives a portion of its supplies
from this District. There is also considerable trade with Bangalore
and Madras. Many of the traders are Musalmans, and on the N i l g i r i
road Lambanis are largely employed in trade. The large merchants,
who live chiefly in Mysore city, are for the most part of the Kunchigar
caste. They employ agents throughout the District to buy up the
grain, in many cases giving half the price in advance before the harvest
is reaped. A few men with capital are thus able to some extent to
regulate the market. M u c h of the trade of the country is carried on
by means of weekly fairs, which are largely resorted t o ; and at
Chunchankatte in the Yedatore taluk there is an annual fair which
lasts for a month. U p o n these the rural population are mainly
dependent for supplies. The most valuable exports are grain, oilseeds,
sugar, and jaggery; and the most valuable imports are silk cloths, rice,
salt, piece-goods, ghi, cotton and cotton thread, and areca-nuts.
The Mysore State Railway from Bangalore to Nanjangud runs for
6r miles through the District from the north-east to the centre. The
length of Provincial roads is 330 miles, and of District fund roads
539 miles.
The District is virtually secured against famine by the extensive
system of irrigation canals drawn from the Cauvery
and its tributaries. In 1900 some test works for
relief were opened for a short time in the Mandya taluk.
The District is divided into fourteen taluks: C H A M R A J N A G A R , G U N -
TORE,, and the YELANDUR jagir. It is under a Deputy-Commissioner,
and subject to his control the taluks have been formed into the follow-
ing groups in charge of Assistant Commissioners: Mysore, Seringa
patam, Mandya, and Malavalli, with head-quarters at French Rocks;
Nagamangala and Krishnarajpet, with head-quarters at Krishnarajpet;
Chamrajnagar, Nanjangud, Gundalpet, and Tirumakudal-Narsipur,
with head-quarters at Nanjangud; Heggadadevankote, Hunsur, and
Yedatore, with head-quarters at Mysore city.
There are District and Subordinate Judge's courts at Mysore city,
whose jurisdiction extends over Hassan District, besides two Munsifs'
courts; in addition, there are Munsifs at Seringapatam and Nanjangud.
Dacoity is not infrequent.
The land revenue and total revenue are shown below, in thousands
of rupees:—

1880-1. 1890-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.


Land revenue . 10,03 15,65 19,01 19,20

Total revenue . 15,00 29,06 33,4° 34.75
The revenue survey and settlement were introduced in the west
in 1884, in the north and east between 1886 and 1890, in the south
between 1891 and 1896. The incidence of land revenue per acre
of cultivated area in 1903-4 was Rs. 1-4-6. The average assessment
per acre on ' d r y ' land is R. 0-12-1 (maximum scale Rs. 2-4,
minimum scale R. 0 - 1 ) ; on ' w e t ' land, Rs. 5-3-11 (maximum scale
Rs. 11, minimum scale R. 0 - 4 ) ; on garden land, Rs. 3-15-6
(maximum scale Rs. 15, minimum scale Rs. 1-8).
In 1903-4, besides the Mysore city municipal board, there were
seventeen municipalities—Hunsur, Chamrajnagar, Yedatore, Heggada-
devankote, Gundalpet, Nanjangud, Tirumakudal-Narsipur, PiriySpatna,
Bannur, Talakad, Seringapatam, Mandya, Krishnarajpet, Malavalli,
N§gamangala, Melukote, and French Rocks—with a total income of
Rs. 47,000, and an expenditure of Rs. 42,000 ; and also 8 village
Unions, converted in 1904 from previously existing minor munici
palities—Sargur, Sosale, Saligrama, Mirle, Kalale, Maddur, Palhalli,
and K i k k e r i — w i t h a total income and expenditure of Rs. 10,000 and
Rs. 18,000. Outside the municipal areas, local affairs are managed by
the District and taluk boards, which had an income of 1.5 lakhs in
1903-4 and spent 1·1 lakhs, including Rs. 86,000 on roads and buildings.
The police force in 1903-4 included 2 superior officers, 181 sub
ordinate officers, and 1,210 constables. Of these, 46 officers and
275 constables formed the city police; and 3 officers and 49 constables
the special reserve. The Mysore District jail has accommodation for
447 prisoners. The daily average in 1904 was 200. In the 14 lock-ups
the average daily number of prisoners was 17.
The percentage of literate persons in 1901 was 20·1 for the city and
3·1 for the District (7·3 males and o·6 females). The number of
schools increased from 675 with 22,346 pupils in 1890-1 to 778 with
23,126 pupils in 1900-r. In 1903-4 there were 766 schools (458
public and 308 private), with 22,853 pupils, of whom 3,379 were
Besides the general hospital at Mysore city, there are 23 dispensaries
in the District, at which 250,000 patients were treated In 1904, of
whom 2,300 were in-patients, the number of beds available being 69
for men and 60 for women. The total expenditure was Rs. 82,000.
The number of persons vaccinated in 1904 was 13,896, or 11 per
1,000 of the population.
M y s o r e Taluk.—Central taluk of Mysore District, Mysore State,
lying between 120 7' and 120 27' N. and 76° 28' and 76 0 50' E., with
an area of 306 square miles. The population in 1901 was 133,840,
compared with 134,684 in 1891, the decrease being chiefly due to
plague. The taluk contains M Y S O R E C I T Y (population, 68,111), the
head-quarters; and 163 villages. The land revenue demand in 1903-4
was Rs. 1,40,000. T h e north-west angle is bounded by the Cauvery
and Lakshmantfrtha, but the main drainage flows south to the Kabbani.
The country is undulating, and the principal height is the Chamundi
h i l l (3,489 feet). Channels from the Cauvery and Lakshmantirtha
irrigate some villages in the east and north-west. There are many
tanks. The ' w e t ' lands have generally very good soil. The ' d r y '
lands vary, but are mostly shallow and stony. Coco-nut, areca-nut,
betel-vines, plantains, and vegetables are largely grown round the city.
M y s o r e C i t y . — T h e dynastic capital of the Mysore State, and
residence of the Maharaja ; also head-quarters of the District and taluk
of the same name. It is situated in 120 18' N. and 76 0 40' E., at the
north-west base of the Chamundi hill, on the Mysore State Railway.
The population fell from 74,048 in 1891 to 68,111 in 1901, the
decrease being due to plague. The city covers an area of 7½ square
miles, and is divided into seven muhallas: namely, the Fort, Lashkar,
Devaraj, Krishnaraj, Mandi, Chamaraj, and Nazarabad. T h e original
city was built in a valley formed by two ridges running north and south.
In recent years it has been completely transformed by extensions to
the north and west, and by the erection of many fine public buildings;
but the old parts were very crowded and insanitary. A special Board
of Trustees for improvements was formed in 1903, and Mysore
promises to become a very handsome city in course of time. It is
administered by a municipality, which in 1903-4 had an income of
2*2 lakhs, of which 1·2 lakhs was derived from taxes and Rs. 65,000
from octroi. The expenditure was 2·2 lakhs, including Rs. 39,000 on
public works, Rs. 31,000 on conservancy, and Rs. 10,000 on education
and charitable grants. Even in the past important sanitary measures
have been carried out. In 1886 a complete system of drainage was
provided for the fort, and the precincts of the palace were opened out
and improved. One of the most beneficial undertakings was the filling
in of the portentous great drain known as Purnaiya's Nullah, origin-
ally excavated in the time of that minister with the object of bringing
the water of the sacred Cauvery into Mysore. It did not fulfil this
purpose, and simply remained a very deep and large noisome sewer.
Its place has now been taken by a fine wide road, called (after the
GaikwSr of Baroda) the Sayaji Rao Road, flanked on either side by
ranges of two-storeyed shops of picturesque design, called the Lans-
downe Bazars. At the same time a pure water-supply was provided
by the formation of the Kukarhalli reservoir towards the high ground
on the west, from which water was laid on to all parts of the city in
iron mains. This has since been supplemented by a high-level
reservoir, the water in which is drawn from the Cauvery river near
Anandur, and forced up with the aid of turbines erected there. The
new quarter, called (after the late Maharaja) Chamarajapura, more than

doubled the area of the city. Conspicuous on the high ground to the
west are the public offices, surmounted by a dome, standing in the
wooded grounds of Gordon Park. Other prominent buildings in
the vicinity are the Victoria Jubilee Institute, the Maharaja's College,
and the Law Courts. In 1897 the old palace in the fort was partially
destroyed by fire ; and this has given occasion for the erection of a new
palace on the same spot of more modern design, constructed of durable
and less combustible materials. The opportunity has been taken to
introduce some of the handsome porphyries and other ornamental
stones found in Mysore, and stone-carvings on the lines of the famous
ancient sculptured temples of the State are being used. Altogether,
the new palace now approaching completion bids fair to be notable for
its architecture and decorative features. The fort, which is the original
nucleus of the city, is quadrangular, three of the sides being about
450 yards in length, and the remaining or south side somewhat
longer. The palace in the interior was crowded round with houses,
principally occupied by retainers. But open spaces have now been
formed, and further improvements will follow the completion of the
new building.
Mysore itself (properly MahisQr, ' buffalo town ') is no doubt a place
of great antiquity, as it gave its name to the country as Mahisa-
mandala in the time of Asoka in the third century B.a, and appears as
Mahishmati in the Mahabharata. Maisurnad is mentioned in inscrip-
tions of the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The original fort is said
to have been built in 1524. But the modern city, even before the
extensive rebuilding of recent years, could not boast of any great age.
Though Mysore was the ancestral capital of the State, it was super-
seded by Seringapatam, which was the seat of the court from 1610 till
the downfall of T i p u Sultan in 1799. The latter ruler had demolished
the fort, and conveyed the stones to a neighbouring site called
Nazarabad, where he intended to erect a new fort. On the restoration
of the H i n d u Raj in 1799, the stones were taken back and the fort
rebuilt. At the same time the recently destroyed palace was erected,
and the court removed to Mysore. Thus few standing remains can
claim to be older than about a hundred years. Interesting buildings
are the house occupied by Colonel Wellesley (the future Duke of
Wellington), and the Residency (now called Government House),
erected in 1805 in the time of Sir John Malcolm by Major De Havilland.
This has lately been much altered and extended.
N a b a d w f p (or Nadia).—Ancient capital of Nadia District, Bengal,
situated in 23 0 24' N. and 88° 23' E., in the head-quarters subdivision,
on the west bank of the Bhaglrathi. Population (1901), 10,880,
including 10,416 Hindus, 457 Muhammadans, and 7 Christians. This
great preponderance of Hindus in a District where 59 per cent, of the
population are Musalmans is significant Nabadwip is reputed to have
been founded in the twelfth century by Lakshman Sen, son of Bailal
Sen, king of Bengal. It was captured by Muhammad-i-Bakhtyar K h i l j l
in 1203. It has long been famous for its sanctity and learning, and its
pandits are still referred to on questions of H i n d u religion and pre
cedent. Here towards the end of the fifteenth century was born the
great Vaishnava reformer, Chaitanya, in whose honour a festival,
attended by some 8,000 or 10,000 pilgrims, is held annually in
January-February. The/amous tols or Sanskrit schools are referred
to in the article on N A D I A DISTRICT. The town was constituted a
municipality under the name of Nadia in 1869. The income during
the decade ending 1901-2 averaged Rs. 7,000, and the expenditure
Rs. 6,000. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 9,100, mainly from a
tax on persons (or property t a x ) ; and the expenditure was Rs. 8,400.
The lodging-houses in the town are regulated under Bengal Act IV of
1871. Brass utensils are manufactured.
N a b h a State. —One of the Phulkian States, Punjab. Its total area
is 966 ] square miles ; and it consists of two distinct parts, of which the
larger lies between 30 0 8' and 30 0 42' N. and 74 0 50' and 76 0 24' E.,
while the second, which forms the nizamat of Bawal, lies in the
extreme south-east of the Punjab and is distinct in all respects from
the rest of the State. T h e main portion comprises twelve separate
pieces of territory, scattered among the other two Phulkian States of
Patiala and Jind, and contiguous with the British Districts of Feroze-
pore and Ludhiana and the State of Maler Kotla on the north, and
the District of Faridkot on the west. This portion is
Physical divided into two administrative districts or nizamats,
which correspond with its natural divisions, the
A m l o h nizamat lying in the fertile tract called the Pawadh, and
the Phul nizamat in the vast arid tract called the Jangal or waste.
Bawal is geographically a part of the RajputSna desert. The State
contains no important streams; and the level plain over which its
territories are scattered is broken, within the limits of the State, only
by the shifting sandhills of Phal and the low rocky eminences, outliers
of the Aravalli system, which stud the south of Bawal.
The flora of Phul and A m l o h is that of the Central Punjab,
approaching in the south-west that of the desert. In Bawal it is the
same as in the neighbouring States of Rajputana. The fauna is the
same as in the Patiala plains and in Jind. Statistics are not avail-
able, but the rainfall is heaviest in A m l o h and lightest in Bawal. The
climate of Bawal and Phul is dry, hot, and healthy. Amloh, with its
These figures do not agree with the area given in Table I I I of the article on the
PUNJAB and in the population table on p. 265 of this article, which is the area returned
in 1901, the year of the latest Census, They are taken from more recent returns.

soil of rich loam and high spring-level, is the least salubrious part of
the State.
The earlier history of Nabha is that of the P H U L K I A N STATES, till it
became a separate State in 1763. After the capture of the town of
Sirhind by the confederate Sikhs in that year, the
greater part of the old imperial province of the same
name was divided among the Phulkian houses; and the country round
A m l o h fell to Hamir Singh, then chief of Nabha, who thus became its
Raja. In 1774, however, Gajpat Singh, Raja of Jnid, wrested Sangrur
from his hands, and also took A m l o h and Bhadson. T h e two last
places were restored to the Raja of Nabha on the intervention of
Patiala, but Sangrur has ever since remained a part of the Jind State.
In 1776 the Phulkian Rajas combined to resist the attack of the
Muhammadan governor of Hansi, who had been sent by the Delhi
government to attack Jind ; and after his defeat Rori fell to H a m l r
Singh as his share of the conquests. In 1733 Hamlr Singh was suc
ceeded by his minor son Jaswant Singh, the Rani Desu, one of his
widows, acting as regent till 1790. She recovered most of the territory
which had been seized by J i n d ; and after the death of Gajpat Singh in
1789 the feud between the two powers was forgotten, while in 1798
a common danger compelled them to unite with the other Sikh chiefs
and prepare to resist the invasion of Zaman Shah Durrani. While so
engaged at Johore, intelligence reached the Phulkian Rajas that the
adventurer George Thomas was besieging Jind, and they hurried back
to its relief. In the fighting that ensued the Sikhs were utterly de
feated, and accused the Nabha chief of lukewarmness in the common
cause ; and it is certain that he took no part in the struggle. In 1801,
however, Nabha was included in the treaty with General Perron, by
which, in return for the expulsion of Thomas from their territories, the
Cis-Sutlej chiefs agreed to submit to the Marathas. In 1804 Jaswant
Singh entered into friendly relations with L o r d L a k e ; and when
Holkar halted at Nabha in 1805, on his way to Lahore, the Raja
held to his engagement with the British and refused him assistance.
War, however, soon after broke out between the Rani of Patiala on the
one hand and the Rajas of Nabha and Jind on the other. Jaswant
Singh was defeated and joined the Raja of Jind in invoking the aid
of Ranjlt Singh, who in 1806 crossed the Sutlej and halted at Nabha.
Here he d i d little to reconcile the contending powers, but proceeded
to dismember the Muhammadan State of Maler Kotla, assigning to
Jaswant Singh portions of the K o t Basia, Talwandi, and Jagraon
dependencies of that State, with part of Ghumgrana. In 1807-8
Ranjlt Singh again made expeditions into the Cis-Sutlej States, and
in 1808 Jaswant Singh received from him the principality of Khanna.
But in spite of the grants thus made, the policy of Ranjit Singh
excited the deep distrust of the chiefs, who in 1809 threw themselves
upon the protection of the British Government, and Ranilt Singh
desisted from all further attempts to extend his dominions south of
the Sutlej. Jaswant Singh's ability had raised the State at this period
to a high pitch of prosperity. It was well cultivated and the total
revenue amounted to 1·5 lakhs. He was, however, involved in con
stant disputes with Patiala concerning the boundaries of the two States,
and his last years were embittered by the rebellions of his son, who
predeceased him. On his death in 1840 he was succeeded by his
only surviving son, Deoindar Singh, a timid and vacillating man, who
during the first Sikh War in 1845 sympathized with the Sikh invaders,
his conduct in regard to carriage and supplies required from him in
accordance with treaty being dilatory and suspicious in the extreme.
After the battles of M u d k i and Ferozeshah, however, supplies were
sent in abundance, and when the final victory of Sobraon was gained
the whole resources of the State were placed at the disposal of the
British Government. An official investigation was made into the
conduct of the chief, with the result that he was deposed, but received
a pension of Rs. 50,000 a year. Nearly a fourth of the territory was
also confiscated, a part of it being bestowed upon the Patiala and
Fandkot States in reward for their loyalty. His eldest son, Bharpur
Singh, was placed in power in 1847. At the time of the Mutiny in
1857 this chief showed distinguished loyalty, and was rewarded by
a grant of the territory which forms the present Bawal m'zdwat, then
worth Rs. 1,06,000 per annum, on the usual condition of political and
military service at any time of general danger. In addition, the sanad
of 1860 conferred on the Nabha Raja privileges similar to those con
ferred at the same time on the chiefs of Patiala and Jind. Bharpur
Singh died in 1863, and was succeeded by his brother, bhagwan Singh,
who died without issue in 1871. By the sanad granted in 1860, it was
provided that, in a case of failure of male heirs to any one of the three
Phulkian houses, a successor should be chosen from among the de
scendants of Phfil by the two chiefs and the representative of the
British Government; and Hira Singh, the present Raja, was accord
ingly selected. He was born about 1843. T h e Raja is entitled to
a salute of 15 guns, including 4 personal to the present chief.
The State contains 4 towns and 488 villages. Its population at
the last three enumerations was: (1881) 261,824, (1891) 282,756, and
(1901) 297,949. It is divided into three nizdmats:
A M L O H and B A W A L , with their head-quarters at the
town from which each is named; and P H U L , with its head-quarters at
DHANAULA. N A B H A is the capital of the State.
The following table shows the chief statistics of population in
1901 :—

NOTE.—The figures for the areas of nizamats are taken from revenue returns. The
total State area is that given in tho Census Report.

More than 54 per cent. of the population are Hindus, only 26 per
cent, being Sikhs, though Nabha ranks as one of the principal Sikh
States of the Punjab. The Sikhs are mainly Jats by tribe, and are
found mostly in the Phul nizamat, a tract which came under the
influence of the great Sikh Gurus. A m l o h contains a number of
Sikhs of the Sultani sect, but the Jats of Bawal are for the most part
orthodox Hindus, that tract lying closer to the great centres of H i n -
duism. The speech of the great mass of the people is Punjabi, which
is returned by three-fourths of them, but Hindustani is spoken in the
Bawal nizamat and by the educated classes generally.
The Jats or Jats of all religions exceed 31 per cent, of the popu-
lation, the Sidhu tribe, to which the ruling family belongs, being
especially important. The Rajputs and Ahirs also form considerable
elements, but the latter are almost entirely confined to the Bawal
nizamat. About 58 per cent. of the total population are supported
by agriculture. In 1901 only one native Christian was enumerated in
the State, which contains no mission.
The Bawal nizamat differs as much from the rest of the State in
agricultural conditions as it does in climate and other characteristics,
and A m l o h and Phul also differ from one another,
but less widely. Amloh, owing to its damp climate,
is naturally very fertile and well wooded. The soil is a rich loam,
generally free from sand, and the spring-level is near the surface.
The introduction of canal-irrigation has intensified the natural ten-
dency of this tract to become waterlogged in seasons of heavy rainfall.
Phul is, with the exception of one small tract, in somewhat marked
contrast. The soil is sandy and the spring-level far below the surface.
Consequently water was scarce until the introduction of canal-irrigation
rendered a great extension of cultivation possible. Though sandy, the
soil is fertile, and its power of absorbing moisture prevents water
logging. Naturally less well wooded than Amloh, the Phul nizamat
was formerly covered with scrub, which is now being cleared as cultiva
tion extends; and indeed the whole tract is undergoing an agricultural
revolution as the canals are developed. The Bawal uizdmat, with
its dry hot climate, is singularly destitute of streams, tanks, and trees,
and depends for its cultivation on a scanty and precarious rainfall.
The main agricultural statistics for 1903-4 are given below, in
square miles:—

Nizamat. Total. Cultivated. Irrigated. Cultivable

Amloh . 291 186 76 70
Phul . 394 360 85 16
Bawal . 281 247 23 21

Total 966 793 184 I07

Gram (190 square miles), wheat (97), pulses (94), bdjra (74), and
barley (62) were the principal food-crops in 1903-4. The area under
sugar-cane and cotton was 5 and 12 square miles respectively. The
State anticipated the Government of the Punjab in imposing restric-
tions on the alienation of agricultural land to non-agricultural classes.
Cattle are not raised in large numbers, though there is some cattle-
breeding in the Jangal. The fairs at Phul and Jaito are important
centres for the sale of cattle raised in the Southern Punjab. The
latter is held in March and is attended by about 25,000 people, and
the former by 5,000. Fairs are also held at Amloh and Nabha; and
at Mahasar in the Bawal nizatnat a large fair takes place twice a year,
at which animals worth Rs. 1,50,000 change hands. Few horses are
now raised in the State, though the Jangal used to be famous for
a powerful breed. Goats are more prized than sheep, as they supply
milk j they are mostly reared in Bawal. Camels are kept by the people
for ploughing and the transport of grain in both Phul and Bawal, owing
to the character of the country.
The State owns 3·168 per cent. of the Sirhind Canal; and the
Abohar and Bhatinda branches irrigate a large part of the Phul
nizdmat, while the Kotla branch supplies the rest of that mzdmat,
and another irrigates a part of A m l o h . The area irrigated varies
inversely with the rainfall, the highest figures ever reached being
17,052 acres in Phul and 7,110 acres in Amloh. In A m l o h the
spring-level is high and well-irrigation is common, 26 per cent. of
the cultivated area being irrigated in this way. In Phul, on the
other hand, the spring-level is very low, and only 2 per cent, of the
cultivated area is irrigated from wells. In Bawal, where there are no
canals, 7 per cent, of the cultivated area is irrigated from wells. In
1903 the total number of wells in the State was 4,723, of which
3,385 were in Amloh. About 73 per cent of the wells in A m l o h are
worked by means of the Persian wheel, which is unknown in the other

Stone is quarried in the K a n t i and Behali hills in the Bawal nizamat.

Kankar is found in several places throughout the State, and saltpetre
in a few scattered villages in the nizamats of Phul and A m l o h .
The chief industries are the manufacture of silver and gold orna-
ments, and brass utensils for local needs. Earthen vessels and clay
toys are exported to the neighbouring tracts. Lace or
Trade and
got a is manufactured at Nabha town and exported. communications.
A m l o h has some reputation for its fabrics known as
gabrun and susi, and of late the manufacture of iron goods has been
carried on with success. Daris, or cotton carpets, are woven at A m l o h
and Nabha. The latter town possesses a cotton-ginning factory and a
steam cotton-press, and Jaito a steam oil-mill, which employ 115, 40,
and 22 persons respectively.
The State exports grain in large quantities. To facilitate this export
markets have been established at a number of places; that at Jaito
being the largest. Cotton is also exported, chiefly to Ambala.
Railway communications are good. The State is traversed by the
main line and by the Rajpura-Bhatinda, Ludhiana-Dhuri-Jakhal, and
Ferozepore-Bhatinda branches of the North-Western Railway, while
the Rajputana-Malwa Railway crosses the Bawal nizamat. The State
contains 88 miles of metalled and 35 miles of unmetalled roads. Of
the former, the principal connects Nabha town with Patiala (18 miles),
with Kotla (18 miles), and with Khanna (24 miles).
The postal arrangements of the State are governed by the convention
of 1885, which established a mutual exchange of all postal articles
between the British Post Orifice and the State post. T h e ordinary
British stamps, surcharged ' Nabha State' and ' Nabha State service,'
are supplied to the State at cost price. The Postal department is con
trolled by a postmaster-general.
The inhabitants of the State must have suffered from the famines
which affected the adjoining tracts of Patiala and Jlnd, but the records
afford no information except in regard to the scarcity
of 1899-1900. Even in regard to that, few statistics
are available. The distress, except in parts of Bawal, was not very
severe, and it was largely to meet the needs of famine-stricken refugees
from Blkaner and Hissar that measures of relief were undertaken.
T h e maximum number of persons employed on works was about 3,000,
and of persons in receipt of charitable relief about 2,000.
There is one Political Agent for the Phulkian States and Bahawal-
pur, with head-quarters at Patiala. The Raja himself controls the
administration. He is assisted by a council of three
members, the I j l a s - i - alia, which also acts as a court
of appeal from the orders of the heads of departments as well as from
the courts of justice. The principal departmental officers are the
VOL. xviii. s
M i r Munshi, or foreign minister, who, in addition to the duties i n d i
cated by his title, controls the postal, canal, and education departments;
the Bakhshi, or commander-in-chief, who is responsible for the admin
istration of the army and police departments; the Hakim-i-adalat-i-
sadr, or head of the judicial department, who also possesses important
powers as a court of appeal i n civil and criminal cases; and the
Dlwan-i-mal sadr, whose special charge is revenue and finance, and
who controls the nazims in their capacity as revenue officers. Each
of the three nizamats is subdivided into thdnas or police circles,
which correspond generally to the old parganas. The nizamats are
also tahslls, each being administered by a nazim, under whom is
a tahsildar.
The principal court of original criminal jurisdiction in each nizamat
is that of the nazim, who can award sentences of imprisonment up to
three years. Subordinate to the nazim are the naib-nazims and the
tahsildars, whose jurisdiction is limited to cases of trespass. Appeals
from the orders of the nazims lie to the Adalat sadr, which in its
original jurisdiction can inflict sentences of imprisonment up to five
years, and from the Adalat sadr to the Ijlas-i-alia of three judges.
The highest court is the Ijlds-i-Khds, in which the Raja presides, and
which alone can inflict the severest penalties of the law. No regular
appeal lies to this court, but the Raja exercises full powers of revision
over the proceedings of the lower courts. Civil suits of a value not
exceeding Rs. 1,000 are disposed of by a Munsif in each nizamat, from
whose decisions an appeal lies to the nazim. The nazim himself
disposes of all suits of a value exceeding Rs. 1,000. The Adalat sadr
hears appeals from his orders, and the Ijlas-i-alia from those of the
Adalat sadr. In revenue cases, appeals from the orders of the tahsil-
ddrs lie to the nazim, and further appeals in revenue executive cases to
the Diwan, and in other cases to the Adalat sadr. A third appeal is
allowed to the Ijlas-i-alia from decisions of the Adalat sadr. A city
magistrate, with the powers of a nazim, disposes of civil and criminal
work in the capital. The Indian Penal Code and Procedure Codes
are in force, with certain modifications.
The land revenue alone and the total revenue of the State are shown
below, in thousands of rupees :—

1880-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Land revenue • . 6.50 7,60 8,82

Total revenue . . . 11,69 12,36 14,71

Apart from land revenue, the principal items in 1903-4 were cesses
(Rs. 61,000), irrigation (1·3 lakhs), and excise (Rs. 51,000). T h e
expenditure included public works (3.8 lakhs), army (1·9 lakhs), police
(Rs. 86,000), and education (Rs. 10,000). The mint, which dates
from a period prior to the establishment of British rule in the Punjab,
is still used, but only on very special occasions, such as the accession
of a Raja. T h e Nabha rupee is worth 15 annas.
It is doubtful whether Akbar's land revenue assessments were ever
applied to the country which is now comprised in the main portion
of the State. Bawal, however, was a pargana of the sarkar of Rewari.
T h e ancient system of levying the revenue in k i n d was in force in
Nabha State up to 1860, when a cash assessment was introduced in all
the parganas except that of Lohat Baddi, in which it was not intro
duced till 1875. The first assessments were summary in character,
but in 1873 the present Raja directed a regular settlement of the
A m l o h nizamat to be carried out. This work was completed in 1878,
the settlement operations being conducted according to the British
Revenue Law of 1848 and the rules thereunder, and the assessment
was fixed for a period of twenty years. In 1888 the settlement of the
Bawal nizamat was taken in hand and completed in 1892, that of the
Phul nizamat being commenced in 1891 and reaching its conclusion
in 1901. These two latter settlements were conducted on the lines of
the Punjab Revenue Law of 1887, the land being measured and the
record-of-rights prepared as in a British District. The land revenue
demand under the new settlements amounted in 1905-6 to 8·8 lakhs.
The revenue rates for unirrigated land vary from a minimum of
R. 0-8-5 in Phul to a maximum of Rs. 2-10 for the best land in the
same nizamat. For irrigated land, they vary from Rs. 2-2 in Bawal
to Rs. 6-13-6 in Phul.
Rent is paid either in cash or in kind. The share of the produce
varies from one-quarter to one-half, and this system is common in
Phul and A m l o h . Cash rents are the rule in Bawal, ranging from 12
annas to nearly Rs. 7 per acre on unirrigated land, and from Rs. 5 to
Rs. 17-8 on irrigated land.
T h e lease of the State distillery at Nabha is sold by auction, and the
contractor arranges for the retail sale through his agents, who are not
allowed to charge more than a certain price for each kind of liquor.
The poppy is not grown in Nabha, but raw opium is imported from
Malwa and the H i l l States, and prepared for the market after impor-
tation. The Phul preparations are well-known and command a large
sale. Hemp drugs are imported from Hoshiarpur, but their export
is prohibited. T h e licences for the retail vend of both are auctioned.
The State receives an allotment of 35 chests of Malwa opium per
annum, each chest containing 1·25 cwt. The State pays a special
duty of Rs. 280 per chest for this opium, instead of the ordinary duty
of Rs. 275 ; but it is credited back to the State by Government, with
a view to secure the cordial co-operation of the State officials in the
s 2
suppression of smuggling. The import of opium into British territory
from the Bawal nizdmat is forbidden.
Nabha is the only town in the State that is administered as a muni
cipality, but octroi is levied in the markets established at Jaito, Phul,
and Bahadur Singhwala.
The Public Works department is in charge of the Afsar-i-Tamlrat,
subject to the general control of the Diwan. The principal public
buildings are mentioned in the article on N A B H A T O W N .
The army consists of a battalion of Imperial Service infantry, and
a local force of 150 cavalry, 70 infantry, and 40 artillerymen with
10 serviceable guns.
The total strength of the police force is 838 officers and men, and
the executive head of the force is styled Colonel of Police. The
department is under the control of the Bakhshi. There are, in
addition, 533 village watchmen. The principal jail is at Nabha town.
It is managed by a daroga under the supervision of the city magis
trate, and has accommodation for 500 prisoners. The jail industries
include carpet-weaving and paper-making. The jail at Bawal has
accommodation for 100 prisoners.
The State contains thirteen public schools, all managed by a com
mittee of officials. The system dates from 1880, when the school at
Nabha was raised to the middle standard. In 1885 its students first
appeared in the Punjab University examination ; in 1888 it was raised
to the status of a high school; and in 1893 to that of a college, to be
reduced again five years later to that of a high school owing to lack
of funds. Bawal has a middle school, and at Chotian an Anglo-
vernacular school is maintained, to which none but sons of Sikhs are
admitted without the Raja's permission. The total expenditure on
education in 1903-4 was Rs. 10,000. In 1901 the percentage of the
population able to read and write was 4·2 (7·4 males and 0·1 females),
being higher than in any other State in the Province. The total
number of persons under instruction rose from 396 in 1891 to 635
in 1903-4.
There are 8 dispensaries in the State, in addition to the hospital
at the capital, which contains accommodation for 5 in-patients. In
1903-4 the number of cases treated was 68,673, of whom 1,914 were
in-patients, and 1,791 operations were performed. In the same year,
525 persons were successfully vaccinated, or 1.76 per 1,000 of the
population. The vaccination staff consists of a superintendent and
three vaccinators, one for each nizdmat, first appointed in 1882.
Vaccination is nowhere compulsory. The total expenditure on
medical relief in 1903-4 was Rs. 9,600.
The first trigonometrical survey was made between 1847 and 1849,
and maps were published on the 1-inch and 2-inch scales. A 4-inch
map of the Cis-Sutlej States was published in 1863, and a revised
edition in 1897. The 1-inch maps prepared in 1847-9 were revised in
1886-92. There are no revenue survey maps.
[ H . A. Rose, Phulkian States Gazetteer (in the press); L. H. Griffin,
The Rajas of the Punjab (second edition, 1873).]
N a b h a T o w n . — C a p i t a l of the Nabha State, Punjab, situated in
30 0 23' N. and 76 0 10' E., on the Rajpura-Bhatinda branch of the
North-Western Railway. Population (1901), 18,468. Founded on
the site of two older villages in 1755 by Hamlr Singh, chief and
afterwards Raja of Nabha, it has since been the capital of the State.
It is surrounded by a mud wall containing six gates. In the heart
of the town is a fort, with a masonry rampart and four towers.
One part of the fort is kept private, while the rest is used for state
'offices. The marble monuments of former Rajas are situated in the
Sham Bagh inside the town. The palaces of the Raja and the heir
apparent are in the Pukhta Garden outside the town, while Elgin
House, a spacious building, reserved for the accommodation of dis-
tinguished visitors, stands in the Mubarak Garden close by. The
cantonment and the jail, which has accommodation for 500 prisoners,
lie outside the town. The principal exports are grain, oilseeds, and
raw and ginned cotton ; the principal imports are sugar and cloth.
The town is administered as a municipality ; the income in 1903-4
was Rs. 19,000, chiefly derived from octroi, and the expenditure was
Rs. 22,200. It contains a high school and a hospital, called the
Lansdowne Hospital.
Nadanghat.—Village in the Kalna subdivision of Burdwan District,
Bengal, situated in 230 22' N. and 88° 15'' E., on the K h a r l river.
Population (1901), 916. Nadanghat is the principal rice mart in the
interior of the District, whence large quantities of grain are carried by
country boats to the Bhaglrathi.
Nadaun Estate.—Estate in the Hamirpur tahsil of Kangra Dis
trict, Punjab, with an area of 87 square miles. Its holder is a grandson
of Raja Sansar Chand, and is thus, like the holder of LAMBAGRAON,
a representative of the ancient Katoch dynasty of Kangra. Jodhbir
Chand, Sansar Chand's illegitimate son, gave his two sisters in marriage
to Ranjit Singh, and was created a Raja, Nadaun, the northern portion
of the Katoch dominions, being conferred upon him. Raja Jodhbir
Chand remained loyal during the Katoch insurrection of 1848, and
as a reward his jagir (then worth Rs. 26,270 a year) was confirmed
to him by the British Government on annexation. His son Pirthi
Singh earned the Order of Merit for his services during the Mutiny.
In 1868 the Raja was made a K . C . S . I . and received a salute of
7 guns. The estate in 1890 devolved by primogeniture on Narindar
Chand, the present Raja. His jagir consists of 14 villages and
brings in about Rs. 35,000 a year. He is an honorary magistrate
and Munsif.
N a d a u n Town.—Petty town in the Hamirpur tahsil of Kangra
District, Punjab, situated in 3 1 0 46' N. and 79 0 19' E., on the left bank
of the Beas, 20 miles south-east of Kangra town, and head-quarters
of the jdgir of the Raja of Nadaun, son of the late Raja Sir Jodhbir
Chand. Population (1901), 1,426. It was once a favourite residence
of Raja Sansar Chand, who built himself a palace at Amtar, on the
river bank, one mile from the town, where he held his court during
the summer.
Nadia District. — District in the Presidency Division, Bengal,
lying between 220 53' and 24 0 1 1 ' N. and 88° 9' and 89 0 22' E., with
an area of 2,793 square miles. It is bounded on the west by the
Bhagirathi, or Hooghly river ; on the south by the Twenty-four'
Parganas; on the north the JalangI river separates it from Murshid-
abad, and the Padma or main channel of the Ganges from Rajshahi
and Pabna ; Farldpur and Jessore Districts form the eastern boundary.
Nadia is situated at the head of the Gangetic delta, and its alluvial
surface, though still liable in parts to inundation, has been raised
by ancient deposits of silt above the normal flood-
Physical level ; its soil is agriculturally classed as high land,
and bears cold-season crops as well as rice. The
rivers have now ceased their work of land-making and are beginning
to silt up. The general aspect is that of a vast level alluvial plain,
dotted with villages and clusters of trees, and intersected by numerous
rivers, backwaters, minor streams, and swamps. In the west of the
District is the Kalantar, a low-lying tract of black clay soil which
stretches from the adjoining part of Murshidabad through the Kaliganj
and Tehata thdnas.
Along the northern boundary flows the wide stream of the PADMA.
This is now the main channel of the Ganges, which has taken this
course in comparatively recent times ; it originally flowed down the
Bhagirathi, still the sacred river in the estimation of Hindus, and
it afterwards probably followed in turn the course of the Jalangi
and the Matabhanga before it eventually took its present direction,
flowing almost due east to meet the Brahmaputra near Goalundo.
The rivers which intersect the District are thus either old beds of the
Ganges or earlier streams, like the Bhairab, which carried the drainage
of the Darjeeling Himalayas direct to the sea before the Padma broke
eastwards and cut them in halves. The whole District is a network
of moribund rivers and streams; but the B H A G I R A T H I , the J A L A N G I ,
and the M A T A B H A N G A are the three which are called distinctively the
' N A D I A RIVERS.' The Jalangi flows past the head-quarters station
of Krishnagar, and falls into the Bhagirathi opposite the old town
of Nadia. Its chief distributary is the Bhairab. The Matabhanga,
after throwing off the Pangasi, Kumar, and Kabadak, bifurcates near
Krishnaganj into the ChurnI and IchSmat!, and thereafter loses its
own name. Marshes abound.
The surface consists of sandy clay and sand along the course of
the rivers, and fine silt consolidating into clay in the flatter parts
of the plain.
The swamps afford a foothold for numerous marsh species, while
the ponds and ditches are filled with submerged and floating water-
plants. The edges of sluggish creeks are lined with large sedges
and bulrushes, and the banks of rivers have a hedge-like shrub jungle.
Deserted or uncultivated homestead lands are densely covered with
shrubberies of semi-spontaneous species, interspersed with clumps
of planted bamboos and groves of Areca, Moringa, Mangifera, and
Anona; and the slopes of embankments are often well wooded.
W i l d hog are plentiful, and snipe abound in the swamps. There
are still a few leopards, and wild duck are found in the jhils near
the Padma. Snakes are common and account for some 400 deaths
annually ; about 90 more are caused by wild animals.
The mean temperature for the year is 790, ranging between 69 0
and 88°. The mean minimum varies from 52 0 in January to 79°
in June, and the mean maximum from 77 0 in December to 97 0 in
May. The average humidity is 79 per cent, of saturation, varying
from 71 per cent, in March to 87 per cent, in August. The annual
rainfall averages 57 inches, of which 6·5 inches fall in May, 9·7 in June,
10·5 in July, 11·3 in August, 8·1 in September, and 4·1 in October.
Floods occur frequently and cause much damage ; the area especially
liable to injury is a low-lying strip of land, about 10 miles wide,
running in a south-easterly direction across the centre of the Dis
trict. It is said that this is swept by the floods of the Bhagirathi
whenever the great Lalitakuri embankment in Murshidabad District
gives way, but it is on record that the breaking of this embank
ment has not always been followed by a rise of the flood-level in
The town of Nadia or N A B A D W I P (meaning 'new island'), from which
the District takes its name, has a very ancient history, and about
the time of William the Conqueror the capital of the
Sen kings of Bengal was transferred thither from
Gaur. In 1203 Lakshman Sen, the last of the dynasty, was over
thrown by the Muhammadan freebooter Muhammad i-Bakhtyar K h i l j i ,
who took the capital by surprise and subsequently conquered the
greater part of Bengal proper. No reliable information is on record
about the District until 1582, when the greater part of it was included
at Todar Mal's settlement in sarkar Satgaon, so called from the old
trade emporium of that name near the modern town of Hooghly.
At that time it was thinly inhabited, but its pandits were conspicuous
for their learning. The present Maharaja of Nadia is a Brahman
and has no connexion with Lakshman Sen's dynasty; his family,
however, claims to be of great antiquity, tracing its descent in
a direct line from Bhattanarayan, the chief of the five Brahmans
who were imported from Kanauj, in the ninth century, by Adisur,
king of Bengal. At the end of the sixteenth century a Raja of this
family assisted the Mughal general, Man Singh, in his expedition
against Pratapaditya, the rebellious Raja of Jessore, and subsequently
obtained a grant of fourteen parganas from JahangTr as a reward
for his services. The family appears to have reached the zenith
of its power and influence in the middle of the eighteenth century,
when Maharaja Krishna Chandra took the side of the English in the
Plassey campaign, and received from Clive the title of Rajendra
Bahadur and a present of 12 guns used at Plassey, some of which
are still to be seen in the Maharaja's palace.
Nadia District was the principal scene of the indigo riots of 1860,
which occasioned so much excitement throughout Bengal proper.
The native landowners had always been jealous of the influence
of the European planters, but the real cause of the outbreak was
the fact that the cultivators realized that at the prices then ruling
it would pay them better to grow oilseeds and cereals than indigo.
Their discontent was fanned by interested agitators, and at last they
refused to grow indigo. The endeavours made by the planters to
compel them to do so led to serious rioting, which was not suppressed
until the troops were called out. A commission was appointed to
inquire into the relations between the planters and the cultivators,
and matters gradually settled d o w n ; but a fatal blow had been dealt
to indigo cultivation in the District, from which it never altogether
recovered. Several factories survived the agitation, and some still
continue to work ; but the competition of synthetic indigo has reduced
the price of the natural dye to such an extent that the proprietors
are finding it more profitable to give up indigo and to manage their
estates as ordinary zamindaris.
The population of the present area increased from 1,500,397 in 1872
to 1,662,795 in 1881. Since that date it has been almost stationary,
having fallen to 1,644,108 in 1891, and risen again
to 1,667,491 in 1901. From 1857 to 1864 the
District was scourged by the ' Nadia fever,' which caused a fearful
mortality, especially in the old jungle-surrounded and tank-infested
villages of the Ranaghat subdivision. There are no statistics to show
the actual loss of life, but it is known that in some parts whole villages
were depopulated. There was a recrudescence of the disease in
1:881-6, which caused the loss of population recorded at the Census
of 1891. Nadia is still one of the most unhealthy parts of Bengal,
and in 1902 the deaths ascribed to fevers amounted to no less than
41 per 1,000 of the population. In 1881 a special commission
ascribed the repeated outbreaks of malaria to the silting up of the
rivers, which had become ' chains of stagnant pools and hotbeds
of pestilence in the dry season.' Fevers accounted for no less than
82 per cent. of the deaths in 1901, as compared with the Provincial
average of 70 per cent. Cholera comes next, and is responsible for
4 per cent. of the mortality.
The principal statistics of the Census of 1901 arc shown below:—

The principal towns are K R I S H N A G A R , the head-quarters, SANTIPUR,

NABADWIP or Nadia, K U S H T I A , R A N A G H A T , and M E H E R P U R . The
Kushtia subdivision is by far the most populous portion of the District.
The low density elsewhere is due to the silting up of the rivers, which
has obstructed the drainage and caused long-continued unhealthmess.
T h e soil also has lost much of its fertility, now that it is no longer
enriched by annual deposits of silt. The material condition of the
District is less satisfactory than that of its neighbours, and since 1891
it has lost 65,000 persons by migration, chiefly to the adjoining
Districts and to Calcutta. Owing to this cause, it contains 1,015
females to every 1,000 males. The prevalent language is Bengali,
which is spoken with remarkable purity by the educated classes.
Muhammadans number 982,987, or 59 per cent. of the population,
and Hindus 676,391, or 40·6 per c e n t ; the preponderance of the
former is most marked in the eastern part of the District, and espe-
cially in the Kushtia subdivision. It is a curious circumstance that
whereas Muhammadans form the majority of the whole population,
they are in a very considerable minority in the towns, where they
only form 26·3 per cent. of the total. Of the Muhammadans, large
numbers belong to the puritanic sect of Farazis or Wahabis; and the
fanatic leader, T i t u Mian, an account of whose rebellion in 1831 w i l l
be found in the article on the T W E N T Y - F O U R PARGANAS, recruited
many of his followers in Nadia.
T h e Kaibarttas (111,000), the great race caste of Midnapore, are
by far the most numerous caste i n the District, and they are fol-
lowed by the Goalas (cowherds), who number 71,000. T h e Brah-
mans (47,000) are to a great extent the descendants of settlers in
the time of the Sen kings. Next in numerical importance come the
low-caste Bagdis, Muchis, and Chandals. Kayasths number 31,000,
and there are 26,000 Malos or boatmen. Of every 100 persons in
the District, 56 are engaged in agriculture, 16 in industry, one in
commerce, 2 in one or other of the professions, and 17 in general
labour. This District was the birthplace, in 1485, of the great re
ligious reformer Chaitanya, who founded the modern Vaishnava sect
of Bengal. He was opposed to caste distinctions, and inveighed
against animal sacrifices and the use of animal food and stimulants,
and taught that the true road to salvation lay in bhakti or devotion
to God. A favourite form of worship with this sect is the sankirtan,
or hymn-singing procession, which has gained greatly in popularity of
late years. The town of Santipur, in the Ranaghat subdivision, is
held sacred as the residence of the descendants of Adwaita, one
of the two first disciples of Chaitanya. Most of his followers, while
accepting his religious views, maintain their original caste distinctions,
but a small minority abandoned them and agreed to admit to their
community recruits from all castes and religions. These persons
are known as Baishnabs or Bairagis. At the present day most of
their new adherents join them because they have been turned out
of their own castes, or on account of love intrigues or other sordid
motives; and they hold a very low position in popular estimation.
A large proportion of the men live by begging, and many of the
women by prostitution.
Among the latter-day offshoots of Chaitanya's teaching, one of
the most interesting is the sect of Kartabhajas, the worshippers of the
Karta or ' headman.' The founder of the sect was a Sadgop by caste,
named Ram Saram Pal, generally known as Karta Baba, who was
born about two centuries ago near Chakdaha in this District, and
died at Ghoshpara. This sect accepts recruits from all castes and
religions, and its votaries assemble periodically at Ghoshpara to pay
homage to their spiritual head.
Christians number 8,091, of whom 7,912 are natives. The Church
of England possesses 5,836 adherents, and the Roman Catholic
Church 2,172. The Church Missionary Society commenced work
in 1831, and has 13 centres presided over by native clergy or cate-
chists, and superintended by 6 or 7 Europeans. The Roman Catholic
Mission was established in 1855, and Krishnagar is now the head-
quarters of the diocese of Central Bengal. In 1877 there was a schism
among the adherents of the Church Missionary Society, and a number
of them went over to the Church of Rome. The Church of England
Zanana Mission works at Krishnagar and at Ratanpur, and a Medical
mission at RanSghat.
We have already seen that Nadia is not a fertile District. In most
parts the soil is sandy, and will not retain the water necessary for
the cultivation of winter rice, which is grown only
in the Kalantar and parts of the Kushtia subdivi
sion, occupying but one-ninth of the gross cropped area. The land
has often to be left fallow to enable it to recover some degree of
fertility. A very large number of the cultivators are mere tenants-
at-will and have little inducement to improve their lands, and the
repeated outbreaks of malaria have deprived them of vitality and
energy. The dead level of the surface affords little opportunity for
irrigation, which is rarely attempted. The total area under cultiva-
tion in 1903-4 was 901 square miles, the land classed as cultivable
waste amounting to 544 square miles. Separate statistics for the
subdivisions are not available.
The staple crop is rice, grown on 775 square miles, or 86 per
cent. of the net cropped area. The autumn crop is the most im-
portant ; it occupies about 607 square miles and is usually reaped
in August and September, but there is a late variety which is har-
vested about two months later. The winter crop is reaped in December,
and the spring rice in March or A p r i l . The winter and spring crops
are transplanted, but the autumn rice is generally sown broadcast.
After rice, the most important crops are gram and other pulses,
linseed, rape and mustard, jute, wheat, indigo, and sugar-cane. The
cultivation of indigo is contracting, and only 6,300 acres were sown
in 1903-4. After the autumn rice is harvested, cold-season crops of
pulses, oilseeds, and wheat are grown on the same fields, and 79 per
cent, of the cultivated area grows two crops. The rice grown in
the District is insufficient to satisfy the local demand. In some
parts, especially in the subdivision of Chuadanga, the cultivation of
chillies {Capsicum frutescens) and turmeric forms an important feature
in the rural industry, upon which the peasant relies to pay his rent.
Cultivation is extending, but no improvement has taken place in
agricultural methods. The manuring practised is insufficient to restore
to the soil what the crops take from it, and it is steadily deteriorating.
Very little advantage has been taken of the Land Improvement and
Agriculturists' Loans Acts.
T h e local cattle are very inferior; the pasturage is bad, and no
care is taken to improve the breeds by selection or otherwise.
Santipur was once famous for its weavers, and in the beginning
of the nineteenth century the agent of the East India Company
used to purchase muslins to the annual value of £150,000. T h e
industry, however, has almost died out. Very little
Trade and muslin is now exported, and even the weaving of
ordinary cotton cloth is on the decline. Sugar-refining
by European methods has proved unsuccessful, but there are several
date-sugar refineries in native hands at Santipur, Munshiganj, and
Alamdanga. Brass-ware is manufactured, particularly at Nabadwip
and Meherpur, and clay figures are moulded at Krishnagar; the latter
find a ready sale outside the District and have met with recognition
at exhibitions abroad. There is a factory at Kushtia under European
management for the manufacture of sugar-cane mills.
Owing to its numerous waterways, the District is very favourably
situated for trade. Moreover, the Eastern Bengal State Railway runs
through it for a distance of nearly 100 miles. Gram, pulses, jute,
linseed, and chillies are exported to Calcutta, and sugar to Eastern
Bengal. Coal is imported from Burdwan and M a n b h u m ; salt, oil,
and piece-goods from Calcutta; and rice and paddy from Burdwan,
Dinajpur, Bogra, and Jessore.
The chief railway trade centres are Chuadanga, Bagula, Ranaghat,
Damukdia, and Poradaha ; and those for river traffic are Nabadwip
on the Bhaglrathi, Santipur and Chakdaha on the Hooghly, Karlmpur,
Andulia, Krishnagar, and Swarupganj on the JalangT, Hanskhali on the
Churni, Boalia and Krishnaganj on the Matabhanga, Nonaganj on
the IchamatI, Alamdanga on the Pangasi, and Kushtia, Kumarkhali,
and Khoksa on the Garai. About thirty-eight fairs are held yearly.
Most of them, however, are religious gatherings; the best attended
are the fairs held at Nabadwip in February and November, at Santipur
in November, at Kulia in January, and at Ghoshpara in March.
The Eastern Bengal State Railway (broad gauge) passes through
the District from Kanchrapara on the southern, to Damukdia on the
northern boundary ; and a branch runs east from Poradaha, through
Kushtia, to Goalundo in Farldpur District. The central section of
the same railway runs from Ranaghat eastwards to Jessore, and a light
railway (2 feet 6 inches gauge) from Ranaghat to Krishnagar via
Santipur. A new line has recently been constructed from Ranaghat
to Murshidabad.
The District board maintains 803 miles of roads, in addition to
526 miles of village tracks. Of the roads, 107 miles are metalled,
including the roads from Krishnagar to Bagula and Ranaghat, from
Meherpur to Chuadanga, and several others which serve as feeders
to the railway. Of the unmetalled roads the most important is the
road from Barasat in the Twenty-four Parganas, through Ranaghat
and Krishnagar, to Plassey in the north-west corner of the District.

A l l the rivers are navigable during the rainy season by boats of

large burden, but in the dry season they dwindle to shallow streams
and are obstructed by sandbanks and bars. Before the era of rail-
ways the N A D I A R I V E R S afforded the regular means o f communica
tion between the upper valley of the Ganges and the sea-board, and
elaborate measures are still adopted to keep their channels open.
Steamers ply daily between Calcutta and Kalna via Santipur, and on
alternate days, during the rains, between Kalna and Murshidabad
via Nabadwlp. Numerous steamers pass up and down the Padma, and
a steam ferry crosses that river from Kushtia to Pabna.
Nadia suffered severely in the great famine of 1770. The worst
famines of recent times were those of 1866 and 1896. On the former
occasion relief from Government and private funds
was necessary from A p r i l to October; 601,000 per
sons were gratuitously relieved, and 337,000 were employed on relief
works. The famine of 1896 affected about two-fifths of the District
including the Kalantar, the Meherpur subdivision, and the western
portions of the Kushtia and Chuadanga subdivisions. The grant
of relief continued from November, 1896, until September, 1897,
the total expenditure from public funds being 6\ lakhs. The daily
average number of persons employed on relief works was 8,913. In
July, 1897, the average rose to 25,500 persons, and gratuitous relief
was afforded daily to an average of 33,000 persons.
For administrative purposes Nadia is divided into five subdivisions,
with head-quarters at K R I S H N A G A R , K U S H T I A , R A N A G H A T , M E H E R P U R ,
and CHUADANGA. The District Magistrate is assisted
at head-quarters by a staff of five Deputy-Magistrate-
Collectors, one of whom is solely employed on land acquisition work.
The Meherpur subdivision is in charge of an Assistant Magistrate-
Collector, while the other subdivisional officers are Deputy-Magistrate-
For the disposal of civil work, the judicial staff subordinate to the
District and Sessions Judge consists of a Sub-Judge and two Munsifs
at Krishnagar, two Munsifs at Kushtia, and one each at Meherpur,
Chuadanga, and Ranaghat. The criminal courts are those of the
District and Sessions Judge, the District Magistrate, four Deputy-
Magistrates at Krishnagar, and the subdivisional officers in the other
subdivisions. No class of crime is now specially prevalent, but at the
beginning of the nineteenth century the District was notorious for
dacoity and rioting.
The current land revenue demand for 1903-4 was 9·1 lakhs, due from
2,492 estates. Of these, 2,216 with a revenue of 8·14 lakhs are per
manently settled, 246 estates paying Rs. 73,000 are temporarily settled,
and 30 estates paying Rs. 22,000 are managed direct by the Collector.
In addition, there are 299 revenue-free estates and 9,169 rent-free lands,
which pay road and public works cesses. The gross rental of the
District has beeh returned by the proprietors and tenure-holders at
34 lakhs, and of this sum the Government revenue demand represents
26·7 per cent. The incidence of the land revenue is R. 0-15-3 per
acre on the cultivated area.
The utbandi tenure is not peculiar to Nadia, but is especially common
in this District, where about 65 per cent. of the cultivated land is held
under i t . The tenant pays rent only for the land he cultivates each
year; and he cannot acquire occupancy rights unless he tills the same
land for twelve years consecutively, which in fact he rarely does. Mean
while the landlord can raise the rent at his pleasure, and if the tenant
refuses to pay, he can be ejected. This tenure deprives the tenant of
any incentive to improve his lands, and at the same time encourages
rack-renting. It appears, however, to be gradually giving way to the
ordinary system. Where the tenants have occupancy rights, the rent of
rice land ranges from Rs. 1-4 to Rs. 4-8 an acre; garden land is rented
at about Rs. 11 an acre, and land under special crops, such as chillies
and sugar-cane, at Rs. 7-8 or even more. Lands leased under the
utbandi system pay higher rents, as much as Rs. 12 to Rs. 23 being
paid per acre, as compared with R. 1 to Rs. 2-9 for similar lands held
on long leases.
The following table shows the collections of land revenue and of
total revenue (principal heads only), in thousands of rupees :—
1880-1.* 1890-1. 1900-1.

Land revenue 10,98 9,30 9.10 9,04

Total revenue 16,68 14,93 16,58 17,10

* In 1880-1 the District included the subdivision of Bangaon, which was

subsequently transferred to Jessorc
Outside the nine towns which enjoy municipal governmeni, local
affairs are managed by a District board with five subdivisional local
boards. The income of the District board in 1903-4 was Rs. 1,89,000,
of which Rs. 90,000 was derived from rates; and the expenditure
was Rs. 1,42,000, including Rs. 74,000 spent on public works and
Rs. 42,000 on education.
The District contains 21 police stations and 13 outposts. In 1903
the force at the disposal of the District Superintendent consisted of
5 inspectors, 48 sub-inspectors, 47 head constables, and 627 constables,
maintained at a cost of Rs. 1,38,000. There is one policeman lo every
5·4 square miles and to 3,231 persons, a much larger proportion than
the Provincial average. Besides, there are 3,990 village chaukidars
under 347 daffaddrs.
The District j a i l at Krishnagar has accommodation for 216 prisoners,

and subsidiary jails at each of the other subdivisional head-quarters for

a total of 6 1 .
Nadia District, in spite of its proximity to Calcutta, is not especially
remarkable for the diffusion of the rudiments of learning. In 1901
the proportion of literate persons was 5·6 per cent. (10·4 males and 0·9
females). The total number of pupils under instruction increased from
about 20,000 in 1883 to 29,364 in 1892-3 and 31,102 in 1900-1, while
31,573 boys and 3,442 girls were at school in 1903-4, being respectively
25·4 and 2·7 per cent. of the number of school-going age. T h e number
of educational institutions, public and private, in 1903-4 was 1,026,
including an Arts college, 90 secondary, 887 primary, and 48 special
schools. The expenditure on education was 3·26 lakhs, of which
Rs. 62,000 was met from Provincial funds, Rs. 40,000 from District
funds, Rs. 3,000 from municipal funds, and 1·37 lakhs from fees.
Nadia has always been famous as a home of Sanskrit learning, and its
tols, or indigenous Sanskrit schools, deserve special mention. In these
Smriti ( H i n d u social and religious law) and Nydya (logic) are taught,
many of the pupils being attracted from considerable distances by the
fame of these ancient institutions. A valuable report on these tots, by
the late Professor E. B. Cowell (Calcutta, 1867), contains a full account
of the schools, the manner of life of the pupils, and the works studied.
Most of the tols are in the town of Nabadwip, but there are a few also
in the surrounding villages.
In 1903 the District contained 13 dispensaries, of which 7 had
accommodation for 52 in-patients. The cases of 66,000 out-patients
and 646 in-patients were treated during the year, and 2,700 opera-
tions were performed. The expenditure was Rs. 21,000, of which Rs.
5,000 was met by Government contributions, Rs. 3,000 from Local
and Rs. 10,000 from municipal funds, and Rs. 1,935 from subscriptions.
In addition, the Zanana Mission maintains a hospital and three dis
pensaries, and large numbers of patients are treated by the doctors of
the Ranaghat Medical Mission.
Vaccination is compulsory only within municipal areas. In 1903-4
the number of persons successfully vaccinated was 50,000, or 33 per
1,000 of the whole population.
[Sir W. W. Hunter's Statistical Account of Bengal, vol. ii (1875);
Fever Commission's Report (Calcutta, 1881).]
Nadia T o w n . — T o w n in Nadia District, Bengal. See N A B A D W I P .
Nadisl R i v e r s . — A group of offshoots of the Ganges which flow
through the Nadia and Murshidabad Districts of Bengal and unite to
form the Hooghly. The Nadia rivers include the B H A G I R A T H I , the
J A L A N G I with the B H A I R A B , and the M A T A B H A N G A with the ChurnT.
These rivers represent old spill channels of the Ganges, and during the
rains still carry down to the sea a portion of the flood-water from that
river. Their condition as waterways and as the channels which feed
the Hooghly from the Ganges is a matter of much importance to the
trade of Calcutta, and during the hot season a weekly register of their
depth is published as a guide to native merchants and boatmen. Since
the end of the eighteenth century, however, increasing difficulty has been
experienced in keeping them open for navigation throughout the year,
as if left to themselves they silt up during the dry season. These
channels, with an aggregate length of 470 miles, are controlled by
Government; and, though no permanent works have been constructed,
such measures as are practicable are taken every year to confine the
water, by means of bamboo spurs, to a limited channel, so as to force
the current to scour the bars and to obtain a depth sufficient for naviga-
tion by boats of small draught. For the services rendered tolls are
levied at Jangipur, Hanskhali, and Swarupganj on vessels using the
rivers. In 1902-3 the estimated value of the cargo carried was 183
lakhs; and in 1903-4 the gross revenue amounted to Rs. 1,04,000, but
there was a loss of Rs. 16,000 on the year's working.
Nadiad T a l u k a . — C e n t r a l taluka of Kaira District, Bombay, lying
between 22 0 35' and 22 0 53' N. and 720 4 6 ' a n d 73 0 5' E., with an area
of 224 square miles. I t contains two towns, N A D I A D (population,
31,435), the head-quarters, and M A H U D H A (8,544); and 91 villages,
including C H A K L A S I (7,340). The population in 1901 was 148,452,
compared with 171,084 in 1891. The density, 663 persons to the
square mile, is much above the District average. The land revenue
and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to more than 4·3 lakhs. Well-grown
groves of fruit and timber trees, highly tilled fields girt with hedges,
and large substantially built villages, prove the taluka to be one of
the richest parts of Gujarat.
Nadiad Town.—Head-quarters of the taluka of the same name
in Kaira District, Bombay, situated in 22 0 42' N. and 72 0 52' E., on
the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, 29 miles south-east
of Ahmadabad. Population (1901), 31,435, Hindus numbering 26,239,
Muhammadans 4,468, and others 728. At the beginning of the seven-
teenth century Nadiad was a large town with cotton and indigo manu
factures, and in 1775 was described as one of the prettiest cities of
Gujarat, flanked by nine strong gates and a dry moat. In that year
Raghunath Rao Peshwa levied upon it a fine of Rs. 60,000 for its
adhesion to the cause of Fateh Singh Gaikwar. In 1838 it was said
to be a thriving place, carrying on a considerable trade with Malwa.
Nadiad has been a municipality since 1866, with an average income
of Rs. 51,000 during the decade ending 1901. In 1903-4 the income
was Rs. 44,000, derived chiefly from octroi (Rs. 19,000) and house and
land tax (Rs. 11,000). The town is the centre of an extensive trade
i n tobacco and ghi, and contains a cotton mill, a brass foundry, and a

sugar factory. There is also a model experimental farm. Nadiad has

a high school with 287 pupils, and 2 middle schools with 142 pupils.
It also contains 10 vernacular schools, 8 for boys, including one con
ducted by the Methodist Episcopal Mission, and 2 for girls, attended by
1,676 and 311 pupils respectively. An industrial class is attached to
the Methodist school. A Sub-Judge's court and a dispensary are
located here. The town also contains a handsome public hall and
library, known as the Dahi Lakshmi Library.
Nadigaon.—Head-quarters of a pargana of the same name in Datia
State, Central India, situated in 26° 7' N. and 79 0 2' E., on the east
bank of the Pahuj river, a tributary of the Sind. Population (1901),
4,443. It is a town of old foundation, which has declined in importance
of late years owing to isolation from roads and railways. The Nadigaon
pargana is held from Sindhia, a yearly payment of Rs. 9,500 being
made to that chief through the British Government. A school and a
State post office are situated in the town. The nearest railway station
is Kunch on the Cawnpore branch of the Great Indian Peninsula
Railway, 10 miles distant by country track.
Nadiya.—District and town in Bengal. See N A D I A and N A B A D W I P .
Nadol.- -Village in the Desuri district of the State of Jodhpur,
Rajputana, situated in 25 0 22' N. and 73 0 27' E., about 8 miles from
Jawali station on the Rajputana-MalwS, Railway. Population (1901),
3,050. The place is of historical interest as the former seat of a power
ful branch of the Chauhan Rajputs. Towards the end of the tenth
century, Lakhan or Lachhman Raj, a younger son of Wakpati Raj, the
Chauhan Rao of Sambhar, settled here, and his descendants ruled at
Nadol for about 200 years till defeated and driven out by Kutb-ud-dln.
Subsequently the place was held by the Ranas of Udaipur till about the
end of the eighteenth century, when, along with the district of Godwar,
it passed into the possession of the chiefs of Jodhpur. To the west of
the village is a dilapidated old fort with square towers of primitive
design, standing on the declivity of a ridge. Inside the fort is an
extremely handsome Jain temple of Mahavira, built of light-coloured
limestone and richly carved. Of the other numerous and interesting
remains found in the vicinity of the village, the pillared temple called
Khetla-ka-sthan deserves mention as being probably the oldest, but only
eight massive columns now remain. To the east are the ruins of the
ancient Nadol, on an extensive mound thickly covered with fragmentary
pottery and burnt bricks; here are the remains of four temples and an
exquisitely carved stone toran or gateway.
[ J . T o d , Rajas than, vol. i, pp. 6 9 6 - 8 ; A. Cunningham, Archaeological
Survey of Northern India, vol. xxiii, pp. 91-8.]
Naduvattam.—Village in the Ootacamund taluk of the N i l g i r i
District, Madras, situated in 11° 29' N. and 76 0 33' E., on the edge of
VOL. xviii. T
the north-western corner of the Nilgiri plateau, and commanding
magnificent views across the Gadalur taluk below it and the Malabar
Wynaad beyond. Population (1901), 2,500. Naduvattam stands on
the main road leading from Ootacamund to Gudalur, and thence to
the coast of Malabar. It is the centre of important cinchona and tea
estates, and contains the Government cinchona plantations and factory,
at which is manufactured the quinine sold to the public at all post
offices in 7-grain packets costing three pies each. It has a healthy
climate, and consequently forms the temporary head-quarters of the
Gtidalur taluk office during the time when fever is worst in Gudalur.
The village has a well-furnished travellers' bungalow, a resthouse for
natives, and a police station.
N a e n w a . — T o w n in the north of the State of Bundi, Rajputana,
situated in 25 0 46' N. and 75 0 5 1 ' E., about 27 miles north-east of Bundi
town. Population (1901), 4,501. The town is surrounded by a wall
and ditch, both in fair preservation, and is flanked on the north-east
and south-west by three tanks, from which the fosse can be flooded at
pleasure. T h e largest of these tanks, the Nawal Sagar, is said to have
been built by a Solanki Rajput, Nawal Singh, in 1460. The town
contains a handsome little palace and a vernacular school attended by
40 boys.
N a g a H i l l s . — A District in Eastern Bengal and Assam, lying
between 24 0 42' and 26° 48' N. and 93 0 7' and 94 0 50 'E., with an
area of 3,070 square miles. It is bounded on the north by Nowgong
and Sibsagar; on the west by the North Cachar hills ; on the south
by the State of M a n i p u r ; and on the east by a line which follows for
the most part the course of the Dikho and Tizu rivers, beyond which
lie hills inhabited by independent tribes. The District consists of
a long narrow strip of hilly country. The Barail range enters it from
the west, and the Japvo peak a little to the south of
Physical K o h i m a attains a height of nearly 10,000 feet. Here
it is met by the meridional axis of elevation pro-
longed from the Arakan Yoma, and from this point the main range
runs in a north-north-easterly direction. The general effect is that of a
gigantic L in the reverse position, the junction of the two arms forming
an obtuse instead of a right angle, with minor ridges branching off on
either side towards the east and west. The hills generally take the
form of serrated ridges, clothed for the most part with dense forest and
scrub and grass jungle, and separated from one another by deep
valleys, through which a stream or river makes its way to the plains.
T h e largest river in the District is the Doiang, but it is only navigable
for a few miles within the hills. The channel is blocked by rocks at
Nabha, or boats could proceed as far as the Mokokchung-Wokha road.
The D I K H O is also navigable for a short distance within the hills,

though the head-hunting proclivities of the tribes inhabiting the right

bank might render the voyage dangerous ; but the same cannot be said
o f the J H A N Z I and Disai, which flow through the plains of Sibsagar into
the Brahmaputra. East of the watershed is the Tizu with its tributary
the Lanier, which falls into the Chindwin.
The hills have never been properly explored, but they are believed
to be composed of Pre-Tertiary rocks, overlaid by strata of the Tertiary
The flora of the Naga H i l l s resembles that of Sikkim up to the same
altitude. In their natural state, the hills are covered with dense ever-
green forest; and where this forest has been cleared for cultivation,
high grass reeds and scrub jungle spring up in great profusion.
The usual wild animals common to Assam are found, the list includ-
ing elephants, bison (Bos gaums), tigers, leopards, bears, serow, sambar,
and barking-deer, and the flying lemur (Nycticelus fardigradus). A
horned pheasant (Tragopan blythi) has also been shot in the hills.
The climate generally is cool, and at Kohlma the thermometer
seldom rises above 8o°. The higher hills are healthy, but during
the rains the valleys and the lower ranges are decidedly malarious.
The rainfall, as in the rest of Assam, is fairly heavy. At Kohlma
it is 76 inches in the year, but farther north, at Wokha and Tamlu,
it exceeds 100 inches. The earthquake of June 12, 1897, was dis
tinctly felt, but not much damage was done, and there is no record
of any serious convulsion of nature having ever occurred in the
Of the early history of the Nagas, as of other savage tribes, very little
is known. It is interesting, however, to note that Tavernier in the
latter half of the seventeenth century refers to people
in Assam, evidently Nagas, who wore pigs' tusks on
their caps, and very few clothes, and had great holes for ear-rings
through the lobes of their ears, fashions that survive to the present day.
In the time of the Ahom Rajas they occasionally raided the plains, but
the more powerful princes succeeded in keeping them in check, and
even compelled them to serve in their military expeditions. The first
Europeans to enter the hills were Captains Jenkins and Pemberton,
who marched across them in 1832. The story of the early British
relations with these tribes is one of perpetual conflict. Between 1839
and 1851 ten military expeditions were led into the hills, the majority
of which were dispatched to punish raids. After the last of these, in
which the village of Kekrima, which had challenged the British troops
to a hand-to-hand fight, lost 100 men, the Government of India
decided upon a complete withdrawal, and an abstention from all inter-
ference with the hillmen. The troops were recalled in March, 1 8 5 1 ;
and before the end of that year 22 Naga raids had taken place, in
T 2
which 55 persons were killed, 10 wounded, and 113 taken captive.
The policy of non-interference was still adhered to, but the results were
far from satisfactory; and between 1853 and 1865, 19 raids were com-
mitted, in which 233 British subjects were killed, wounded, or captured.
T h e Government accordingly agreed to the formation of a new Dis-
trict in 1866, with head-quarters at S&maguting. Captain Butler, who
was appointed to this charge in 1869, d i d much to consolidate British
power in the hills, and exploration and survey work were diligently
pushed forward. These advances were, however, resented by the
tribesmen ; and in February, 1875, Lieutenant Holcombe, who was in
charge of one of the survey parties, was killed, with 80 of his followers.
Butler himself was three times attacked, and was mortally wounded the
following Christmas Day by the Lhota Nagas of Pangti. T w o years
later his successor, M r . Carnegy was accidentally shot by a sentry, when
occupying the village of Mozema, which had refused to give up the
persons guilty of a raid into North Cachar. In 1878 it was decided to
transfer the head-quarters of the District to Kohima, in the heart of
the Angami country. During the rains of 1879 indications of trouble
began to present themselves ; and before starting on his cold-season
tour the Political Officer, M r . Damant, determined to visit the powerful
villages of Jotsoma, Khonoma, and Mozema. On reaching Khonoma,
he found the gate of the village closed, and as he stood before it, he
was shot dead. The Nagas then poured a volley into his escort, who
turned and fled with a loss of 35 killed and 19 wounded. T h e whole
country-side then rose and proceeded to besiege the stockade at
Kohima, and the garrison were reduced to great straits before they
were relieved by a force from Manipur. A campaign against the
Nagas ensued, which lasted till March, 1880. The most notable event
in this campaign was a daring raid made by a party of Khonoma men,
at the very time when their village was in the occupation of British
troops, upon the Baladhan garden in Cachar, where they killed the
manager and sixteen coolies and burnt down everything in the place.
Within the short space of five years four European officers while en-
gaged in civil duties had come to a violent end ; but the Nag&s had
begun to learn their lesson, and under the able administration of
Mr. McCabe the District was reduced to a condition of peace and
order. In 1875 a subdivision was opened at Wokha to exercise con
tre over the Lhota Nagas, who on several occasions had attacked
survey parties sent into the hills. Fourteen years later it was found
possible to withdraw the European officer stationed there, and a sub
division was opened at Mokokchung in the Ao country. In 1898 the
M i k i r and Rengma Hills, with the valley of the Dhansiri, which
formed the most northerly part of the District as originally constituted,
were transferred to Nowgong and Sibsagar, as, on the completion of

the Assam-Bengal Railway, it was found more convenient to administer

this tract of country from the plains than from Kohima. Lastly, in
1904, the tract formerly known as the 'area of political control' was
formally incorporated in the District, and the boundary was pushed
forward to the Tizu river, and even across it on the south so as to
include four small AngamI villages on the farther bank.
A census of the hills was first taken in 1891, when the popu-
lation was 96,637 ; in 1901 the number had risen to 102,402.
The tract recently incorporated within the District
contains about 30,000 persons. There are two sub-
divisions, K O H I M A and M O K O K C H U N G , with head-quarters at places of
the same names; and in 1901 the District contained one town, K O H I M A
(population, 3,093), and 292 villages. The following table gives for
each subdivision particulars of area, population, &c. The large increase
which occurred in Mokokchung between 1891 and 1901 is due to
immigration and to the addition of new territory.

Nearly 96 per cent. of the population in 1901 were still faithful to

their various forms of tribal religion. The American Baptist Mission
has branches at Kohima and at Impur in the Mokokchung sub-
division, and practically the whole of the native Christians (579) were
members of this sect. The Nagas do not at present seem to be
attracted to either Hinduism or Christianity. Both of these religions
would, in fact, impose restraints upon their ordinary life, and would
debar them from many pleasures, such as the consumption of beef
and liquor, and a certain latitude in their sexual relations to which
they have grown accustomed.
The various languages of the Naga group, though classified under
one generic head, differ very widely from one another, and in some
cases the language spoken in one village would not be understood by
people living only a short distance away. AngamI, Chungli, and
Lhota are in most general use. The principal tribes are the Angamls
(27,500), the Aos (26,800), the Lhotas (19,300), and the Semas, who
form the greater part of the population in the newly added territory.
The term Naga is applied by the Assamese to a number of different
tribes, the majority having as yet made little progress on the path of
civilization, who occupy the hills between the Brahmaputra valley and
Burma on the north and south, the Jaintia H i l l s on the west, and the
country inhabited by the Khamtis and Singphos on the east. T h e
Nagas, like the rest of the tribes of Assam, belong to the great Tibeto-
Burman family, but they are differentiated from most of the other
sections of the horde by their warlike and independent spirit and by
their indifference to the sanctity of human life. Among the Nagas,
society is seen resolved into almost its ultimate u n i t ; and, though they
are divided into several different tribes, it must not be supposed that
the tribe is the basis upon which their society has been organized. The
most warlike and important tribe are the Angamis, who occupy the
country round Kohima. N o r t h of them come the Rengmas, then the
Lhotas, while north and east of the Lhotas are the Aos, whose villages
stretch up to the D i k h o river. On the farther side of this river are
a number of tribes with which we are at present but imperfectly
acquainted, but the Semas live east of the Rengmas and the Aos.
The NSgas, as a whole, are short and sturdy, with features of a
markedly Mongolian type. The Lhotas are exceptionally ugly, and
among all the tribes the average of female beauty is extremely low.
The people, as a rule, are cheerful and friendly in times of peace, and
are musically inclined. As they march along the roads they keep time
to a chant, which is varied to suit the gradient and the length of step ;
and they sing as they reap their rice, their sickles all coming forward in
time to the music. East of the Dikho there are chiefs who enjoy
certain privileges and exercise authority over their villages, and chiefs
are also found among the Sema tribe. These chiefs hold their position
by right of inheritance, and, as among the Lushais, the sons, as they
grow up, move away and found separate villages. The ordinary Naga
village is, however, a very democratic community, and the leaders of
the people exercise comparatively little influence. They are noted for
their skill in .war or in diplomacy, or for their wealth ; but their orders
are obeyed only so far as they are in accord with the inclinations of the
community at large, and even then the wishes of the majority arc not
considered binding on the weaker party. Among the Angamis, in fact,
the social unit is not the village, but the khel (a term borrowed from
the Afghan border), an exogamous subdivision of which there are
several in each village. There is great rivalry between the khels, which,
prior to British occupation, led to bitter blood-feuds. The following
extract from the report of the Political Officer in 1876 shows the utter
want of unity in an Angami Naga village:—
' In the middle of July a party of forty men from Mozema went over
to Kohima and were admitted by one of the khels friendly to them,
living next to the Puchatsuma quarter, into which they passed and
killed all they could find, viz. one man and twenty-five women and

children. The people of the other khels made no effort to interfere,

but stood looking on. One of the onlookers told me that he had never
seen such fine sport as the killing of the children, for it was just like
killing fowls.'
This extraordinary separation of khel from khel is the more remarkable,
in that they must all be intimately connected by marriage, as a man is
compelled to take his wife from some khel other than his own.
The villages are, as a rule, built on the tops of hills, and, except
among the Semas, are of considerable size, Kohima containing about
Soo houses. They are strongly fortified and well guarded against
attack. The houses are built closely together, in spite of the frequency
of destructive fires. The posts and rafters are of solid beams, and the
roof at the sides reaches nearly to the ground. Those of the Lhotas
and Aos are laid out in regular streets, but there is a complete lack of
symmetry in the Angami and Sema villages.
Among the naked Nagas the men are often completely destitute of
clothing, and it is said that the women when working in the fields
sometimes lay aside the narrow strip of cloth which is their solitary
garment. At the opposite end of the scale come the Angamis, whose
dress is effective and picturesque. Their spears and daos are orna
mented with red goats' hair, and they wear gaiters and helmets of dyed
cane, and brightly coloured sporrans. The Aos, too, have a nice taste
in dress. But the Lhotas are an untidy dirty tribe ; and the working
dress for a man consists of a small cloth passed between the legs and
fastened round the waist, which barely serves the purpose for which it
is intended, while a woman contents herself with a cloth, about the size
of an ordinary hand towel, round her waist. Both sexes are fond of
ornaments, and used pigs' tusks, sections of an elephant's tusk, agates,
carnelians, necklaces of beads, shells, and brass ear-rings. The weapons
used by all the tribes are spears, shields, and daos, or billhooks. Their
staple food is rice, but few things come amiss to a Naga, and they
eat pigs, bison, dogs, gui (big lizards), and pythons, and any kind of
game, however putrid. Like other hill tribes, they arc great drinkers
of fermented beer.
Oaths are generally confirmed by invoking the wrath of Heaven
on the swearer if he tells a lie. An Angami who has sworn by the
lives of his khel will never tell a lie. H e bares one shoulder, and
places his foot in a noose in which a piece of cow-dung has been placed
before taking the oath. T h e most careful supervision is, however,
necessary to ensure that the correct formula is employed, as by some
verbal quibble he may exempt himself from all liability. The van-
quished, too, occasionally eat dirt in a literal sense as testimony to the
sincerity of their vows.
A d u l t marriage only is in vogue, and prior to the performance of
that ceremony the girls are allowed great latitude. Those of the Aos
sleep in separate houses two or three together, and are visited nightly
by their lovers. These lovers are, as a rule, members of the girl's
own khel, whom she is debarred by custom from marrying ; and, as
illegitimate children are rare, it is to be presumed that abortion and
infanticide are not unknown. The former practice is in vogue among
the Aos, while of the Angamls, it was said to have been the rule for
the girl to retire alone into the jungle when she felt her time approach-
ing, and strangle the baby, when it was born, w i t h her own hands.
The other tribes are not quite so frankly promiscuous as the Aos, but
a Naga bride who is entitled to wear the orange blossom of virginity
on the occasion of her marriage is said to be extremely rare. The
following is a description of the marriage ceremony of the Angamls :
The young man, having fixed his choice upon a certain girl, tells his
father, who sends a friend to ascertain the wishes of her parents.
If they express conditional approval, the bridegroom's father puts the
matter further to the test by strangling a fowl and watching the way in
which it crosses its legs when dying. If the legs are placed in an
inauspicious attitude, the match is immediately broken off; but if this
catastrophe is averted, the girl is informed of the favourable progress
of the negotiations. At this stage, she can exercise a power of veto,
as, if she dreams an inauspicious dream within the next three days,
her suitor must seek a bride elsewhere; but if all goes favourably, the
wedding day is fixed. Proceedings open with a feast at the bride's
house, and in the evening she proceeds to her husband's home; but,
though she sleeps there, he modestly retires to the bachelors' club.
The next day brings more feasting, but night separates the young
couple as before. On the third day the)* visit their fields together, but
not till eight or nine days have elapsed is the village priest called in,
and the happy pair allowed to consummate their wishes. The
Angamls and the Aos do not, as a rule, pay money for their wives, but
among the Lhotas and the Semas the father of the girl generally receives
from 80 to 100 rupees. Divorces are not uncommon, especially in the
case of the Angamis, who do not take more than one wife at a time.
Widows are allowed to remarry, but those of the Angami tribe are
expected to refrain from doing so if they have children.
The dead are, as a rule, buried in shallow graves in close vicinity to
their homes. The funeral is an occasion for much eating and drinking,
and among the Angamis the whole of a man's property is sometimes
dissipated on his funeral baked meats. The friends of the deceased
lament vociferously round the grave till the coffin has been lowered.
T h e conclusion of the ceremony is thus described by the late M r .
McCabe, the officer who had most to do with the pacification of the
hills :—

' At this stage of the proceedings, the friends of the deceased

suddenly stopped sobbing, dried their eyes, and marched off in a
most businesslike manner. A civilized Naga, who had been as
demonstrative with his umbrella as his warrior friends had been with
their spears, solemnly closed it and retired. A large basketful of
dhan (rice), millet, dal (pulse), and Job's-tears was now thrown into
the grave, and over this the earth was rapidly filled i n . '

The Aos, however, do not bury their dead, but place them in
bamboo coffins and smoke them for a few weeks in the outer room of
the house. The corpse is then removed to the village cemetery, and
placed on a bamboo platform. This cemetery invariably occupies one
side of the main road leading to the village gate.
During the father's lifetime his sons receive shares of his landed
property as they marry, with the result that the youngest son usually
inherits his father's house. The religion of the Nagas does not differ
materially from that of the other h i l l tribes in Assam. They have
a vague belief in a future life, and attribute their misfortunes to the
machinations of demons, whom they propitiate with offerings.
The custom which has attracted most attention, and which differen-
tiates the Nagas from other Tibeto-Burman tribes, such as the Bodos,
Mikirs, Daflas, and sub-Himalayan people, is their strange craving for
human heads. Any head was valued, whether of man, woman, or
c h i l d ; and victims were usually murdered, not in fair fight, but by
treachery. Sometimes expeditions on a large scale were undertaken,
and several villages combined to make a raid. Even then they
would usually retire if they saw reason to anticipate resistance. Most
Angamis over fifty have more than one head to their credit, and the
chief interpreter in the Kohima court is said to have taken eighteen in
his unregenerate days. Head-hunting is still vigorously prosecuted by
Nagas living beyond the frontier, and human sacrifices are offered to
ensure a good rice harvest. A curious custom is the genna, which
may affect the village, the khel, or a single house. Persons under a
genua remain at home and do no work ; nothing can be taken into or
brought out of their village, and strangers cannot be admitted. Among
other quaint beliefs, the Nagas think that certain men possess the power
of turning themselves into tigers, while the legend of the Amazons is
represented by a village in the north-east, peopled entirely by women,
who are visited by traders from the surrounding tribes, and thus
enabled to keep up their numbers.
The ordinary system of cultivation is that known as jhum. The
jungle growing on the hill-side is cut down, and the undergrowth is
burned, the larger trees being left to rot where
they lie. The ground is then lightly hoed over,
and seeds of rice, maize, millet, Job's-tears (Coix Lacryma), chillies,
and various kinds of vegetables dibbled i n . The same plot of
land is cropped only for two years in succession, and is then
allowed to lie fallow for eight or nine years. Further cropping would
be liable to destroy the roots of ikra and bamboo, whose ashes
serve as manure when the land is next cleared for cultivation, while
after the second harvest weeds spring up with such rapidity as to be
a serious impediment to cultivation. Cotton is grown, more especially
on the northern ridges inhabited by the Lhotas and Aos, who bring
down considerable quantities for sale to the Marwaris of Golaghat. A
more scientific form of cultivation is found among the Angami Nagas,
whose villages are surrounded by admirably constructed terraced rice-
fields, built up with stone retaining-walls at different levels, and
irrigated by means of skilfully constructed channels, which distribute
the water over each step in the series. This system of cultivation is
believed to have extended northwards from Manipur, and to have been
adopted by the Angamis, partly from their desire for better kinds of
grain than Job's-tears and millet, as jhum rice does not thrive well at
elevations much exceeding 4,000 feet, and partly from a scarcity of
jhurm land. It has the further advantage of enabling the villagers to
grow their crops in the immediate neighbourhood of their homes,
a consideration of much importance before the introduction of British
rule compelled the tribes to live at peace with one another. Efforts
are now being made to introduce this system of cultivation among
the Aos and the Senilis. The Nagas do not use the plough, and the
agricultural implements usually employed are light hoes, daos, rakes,
and sickles. No statistics are available to show the cultivated area, or
the area under different crops. Little attempt has been made to intro-
duce new staples. Potatoes when first tried did not flourish, but a
subsequent experiment has been more successful.
Cattle are used only for food, and are in consequence sturdier and
fatter animals than those found in the plains of Assam. The
domesticated mithan (Bos frontalis) is also eaten ; but the Nagas, like
other hill tribes in Assam, do not milk their cows.
The whole of the hills must once have been covered with dense
evergreen forest; but the Jhum system of cultivation, which necessitates
the periodical clearance of an area nearly five or six times as large as
that under cultivation in any given year, is very unfavourable to tree
growth. A ' reserved' forest, covering an area of 63 square miles, has
recently been constituted in the north-east corner of the District.
Elsewhere, the tribes are allowed to use or destroy the forest produce
as they please. In the higher ridges oaks and pines are found, while
lower down the most valuable trees are gomari (Gmelina arborea)
poma (Cedrela Toona), sum (Arfocarpms Chaplasha), and uriam (Bis-
chojia javanica).

The District has never been properly explored, but the hills over-
looking the Sibsagar plain contain three coal-fields—the Nazira, the
Jhanzi, and the Disai. The Nazira field is estimated to contain about
35,000,000 tons of coal, but little has been done to work it. The coal
measures contain iron ore in the shape of clay ironstone and impure
limonite, and petroleum is found in the Nazira and Disai fields.
The manufacturing industries of the Naga" Hills are confined to the
production of the few rude articles required for domestic use. The
most important is the weaving of coarse thick cloth
of various patterns, the prevailing colours being dark Trade and
blue—in some cases so dark as to be almost black—
with red and yellow stripes, white, and brown. Many of these cloths
are tastefully ornamented with goat's hair dyed red and cowries. Iron
spear-heads, daos, hoes, and rough pottery are also made. The
Angami Nagas display a good deal of taste in matters of dress, and
a warrior in full uniform is an impressive sight; but the majority of
the tribes wear little clothing, and only enough is woven to satisfy the
wants of the household.
Wholesale trade is entirely in the hands of the Marwari merchants
known as Kayahs. The principal imports are salt, thread, kerosene
oil, and iron ; and Kohima is the largest business centre. The Nagas
trade in cotton, chillies, and boats, which they exchange for cattle
and other commodities from the plains. The most important trading
villages are Khonoma, Mozema, and Lozema, and the tribes who are
keenest at a bargain are the Semas and Angamis. Members of the
latter tribe sometimes go as far afield as Rangoon, Calcutta, and
Bombay, but the Semas never venture beyond the boundaries of their
own Province.
In 1903-4, 73 miles of cart-roads and 470 miles of bridle-paths
were maintained in the District, The cart-road from Dimapur to Mani-
pur runs across the hills, connecting Kohnna with the Assam-Bengal
Railway. Generally speaking, the means of communication in the
District are sufficient for the requirements of its inhabitants.
For administrative purposes, the District is divided into two sub-
divisions, K O H I M A and M O K O K C H U N G . The Deputy-Commissioner is
stationed at Kohima, and has one Assistant, who is
usually a European. Mokokchung is in charge of
a European police officer, and an engineer and a civil surgeon are
posted to the District.
T h e H i g h Court at Calcutta has no jurisdiction in the District,
except in criminal cases in which European British subjects are
concerned ; the Codes of Criminal and Civil Procedure are not in
force, and the Deputy-Commissioner exercises powers of life and death,
subject to confirmation by the Chief Commissioner. Many disputes,
both of a civil and criminal nature, are decided in the village without
reference to the courts. Theft is punished by the Nagas with the
utmost severity. If a man takes a little grain from his neighbour's
field, he forfeits not only his own crop, but the land on which it has
been grown, while theft from a granary entails expulsion from the
village and the confiscation of the offender's property. Generally
speaking, the policy of Government is to interfere as little as possible
with the customs of the people, and to discourage the growth of any
taste for litigation. Considering the short time that has elapsed since
the Nagas were redeemed from barbarous savagery, the amount of
serious crime that takes place within the boundaries of the District is
comparatively small.
Land revenue is not assessed, except on a small estate held by the
American Baptist Mission. A tax at the rate of Rs. 3 per house is
realized from the AngamI Nagas. For other Nagas the rate is Rs. 2
and for foreigners Rs. 5.
The table below shows the revenue from house tax and the total
revenue, in thousands of rupees: —

1880-1 1890-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Revenue from house tax . 12 45 £9 58

Total revenue . . . 24* 78 83 1,05

• Exclusive of forest receipts.

The civil police consist of 29 head constables and men under a sub-
inspector, but their sphere of action does not extend beyond Kohlma
town and the Manipur cart-road. The force which is really responsible
for the maintenance of order in the District is the military police
battalion, which has a strength of 72 officers and 598 men. Prisoners
are confined in a small jail at Kohima', which has accommodation
for 32 persons.
Education has not made much progress in the hills since they first
came under British rule. The number of pupils under instruction in
1890-1, 1900-1, and 1903-4 was 297, 319, and 647 respectively. At
the Census of 1901 only 1·3 per cent. of the population (2·5 males
and 0·1 females) were returned as literate. There were 1 secondary,
22 primary, and 2 special schools in the District in 1903-4, and 76
female scholars. More than two-thirds of the pupils at school were in
primary classes. Of the male population of school-going age, 5 per
cent were in the primary stage of instruction. The total expenditure
on education in 1903-4 was Rs. 6,000, of which Rs. 256 was derived
from fees. About 32 per cent. of the direct expenditure was devoted
to primary schools.
The District possesses 3 hospitals, with accommodation for 24 in-
patients. In 1904 the number of cases treated was 21,000, of whom
500 were in-patients, and 200 operations were performed. The
expenditure was Rs. 5,000, the whole of which was met from
Provincial revenues.
The advantages of vaccination are fully appreciated by the people,
and, though in 1903-4 only 39 per 1,000 of the population were pro-
tected, this was largely below the average for the five preceding years.
[B. C. Allen, District Gazetteer of the Naga Hills (1905). A
monograph on the Naga tribes is under preparation.]
Nagamangala.—Northern taluk of Mysore District, Mysore State,
lying between 12 0 40' and 130 3' N. and 76 0 35' and 76 0 56' E., with
an area of 401 square miles. The population in 1901 was 76,581,
compared with 69,265 in 189L The taluk contains one town, Naga-
mangala (population, 3,516), the head-quarters ; and 366 villages. The
land revenue demand in 1903-4 was Rs. 1,23,000. The Shimsha
river forms part of the eastern boundary, while the Lokapavani has its
source in the south-west. Rocky hills in the north and west are partly
covered with scrub jungle. West of Nagamangala is a hill of talcose
argillite, like potstone, used for pencils. There are about 130 tanks,
30 of them being large. The soil is generally poor and ragi is the
staple crop. Rice is almost the only ' wet crop.' The areca gardens
were destroyed in the famine of 1878, but some coco-nut trees survived.
Sheep are abundant. Fine draught bullocks are bred, Karadihalli
being the centre for the breed of Hallikar cattle.
Nagapatnam.—Subdivision, taluk, and town in Tanjore District,
Madras. See NEGAPATAM.
Nagar.—Chiefship in Kashmir. See H U N Z A - N A G A R .
N a g a r T a l u k a . — Taluka of Thar and Parkar District, Sind, Bom-
bay, lying between 24 0 14' and 25 0 2' N. and 70 0 3 1 ' E., bordering
on the Rann of Cutch, with an area of 1,618 square miles. The
population fell from 41,178 in 1891 to 25,355 in 1901. The taluka
contains 31 villages, of which NAGAR PARKAR is the head-quarters. The
density, 16 persons per square mile, is below the District average.
The land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 28,000.
The taluka, which grows chiefly bajra, depends for cultivation upon
the rainfall and a few wells, and is therefore subject to famine.
N a g a r Taluk.—Western taluk of Shimoga District, Mysore, lying
between 130 36' and 140 6' N. and 740 52'and 75 0 23' E., with an area
of 528 square miles. The population in 1901 was 40,455, compared
with 42,841 in 1891. The taluk contains two towns, Kalurkatte (popu-
lation, 918), the head-quarters, and NAGAR (715); and 205 villages.
The land revenue demand in 1903-4 was Rs. 1,16,000. Except in
the north the taluk is surrounded by mountains and hills, the
streams from which flow north-west, uniting in the Sharavati. Those
in the south-west run directly down the Ghats westward, and reach the
sea at Coondapoor. In the north-west is the isolated Honnar hobli
belonging to South Kanara, part of the endowments of a temple at
K o l l u r below the Ghats. T h e principal mountain within the taluk
is Kodachadri (4,411 feet), in the north-west. N o r t h of this is the
K o l l u r ghat road to the low country, and in the south-west the Haidar-
garh or Hosangadi ghat road. The taluk is purely Malnad or
' highland,' the whole densely wooded. The south is composed of
a cluster of hills, in a basin formed by which is situated Nagar town,
formerly called Bednur. T h e most open part is the valley of the
Sharavati. West of this the country becomes wilder and wilder as
the Ghats are approached. East and north of the Sharavati the
country is generally more level. The forests here are dense and contain
more timber-trees than the west, where the soil is shallower, with much
laterite. Areca-nuts, pepper, cardamoms,, and rice are the products
of this region. There are no ' d r y crops.' The areca-nuts are of the
first quality, but the gardens largely belong to Brahmans, who are
dependent for their cultivation on imported labour. Rice is exported
to the coast, and areca-nuts by way of Birur to Bellary and Walajnpet.
A l l other articles of consumption and clothing are brought from the
plain country, partly by merchants who come to buy areca-nuts, but
chiefly by ryots from Tirthahalli, Avinhalli, and Kollur, either on
bullocks or by porters.
N a g a r T o w n . — T o w n in the Nagar taluk of Shimoga District,
Mysore, situated in 13 0 49' N. and 750 2' E., 55 miles west of
Shimoga town. Population (1901), 715, less than half what it was
before the removal of the taluk head-quarters in 1893. T h e place
was originally called Bidaruhalli, 'bamboo v i l l a g e ' ; about 1640 it
became the capital of the Keladi kings under the name of Bidarur
or Bidanur (Bednur). It grew so rapidly that it is said to have con-
tained nearly 100,000 houses, and was called Nagara ('the c i t y ' ) .
The walls were 8 miles in circumference, and had ten gates. The city
was taken in 1763 by Haidar A l i , who gave it the name Haidarnagar,
established there his principal arsenal and mint, and encouraged
merchants to settle in the place. It suffered much during the wars
with T i p u Sultan, and in 1783 was captured by the British, but was
retaken. T i p u desired to restore its prosperity, but his fanatical
religious and other measures ruined the place. Nagar, as it was called
from 1789, was a centre of the insurrection of 1830. The munici-
pality, formed in 1881, became a U n i o n in 1904. The receipts and
expenditure during the ten years ending 1901 averaged Rs. 600. In
1903-4 they were Rs. 600 and Rs. 980.
N a g a r V i l l a g e (1).—Ancient capital of Birbhum District, Bengal.
See R A J N A G A R .

N a g a r V i l l a g e (2).—Village in Tanjore District, Madras. See

N a g a r V i l l a g e (3).—Village in the K u l u subdivision and tahsil of
Kangra District, Punjab, situated in 32 0 7' N. and 77 0 14' E., on the
left bank of the Beas river, 14 miles north of Sultanpur, the tahsil
head-quarters. Population (1901), 591. Nagar was the capital of
the K u l u Rajas, whose ancient palace crowns an eminence looking
down upon the river from a height of about 1,000 feet, and is now
used as the residence of the Assistant Commissioner, K u l u . It was
greatly damaged by the earthquake of A p r i l 4, 1905. It commands
a magnificent view, and itself forms a striking feature of the village.
Nagar is also the head-quarters of the K u l u Forest division and of
the Assistant Engineer, K u l u , and contains a post and telegraph office.
N a g a r a k h a n d a . — An ancient province corresponding generally
with the Shikarpur taluk of Shimoga District in Mysore. It was
a ' seventy' province, and its capital was at Bandanikke, or Bandalikke,
also called Bandhavapura, now deserted and in ruins. According to
an old inscription, Nagarakhanda was at one time ruled by 'the wise
Chandra Gupta.'
N a g a r a m Island.—Island in Godavari District, Madras, lying
between 160 20' and 160 35' N. and 81° 44' and 81° 57' K. It is
surrounded by the western mouth of the Godavari (Vasishta), a large
branch of this called the Vainateyam, and the Bay of Bengal. The
island has an area of 137 square miles, and is one of the most fertile
parts of the fertile Godavari District. The Gannavaram aqueduct
across the Vainateyam connects it with the navigation and irrigation
system of the Central Godavari Delta. This work, the largest of its
k i n d in the delta, consists of 49 arches of 40 feet span, and is con-
structed to carry 70,000 cubic yards of water per hour. It irrigates
about 33,000 acres. A large part of the island is devoted to coco-nut
plantations and plantain gardens.
Nagar D e v l a . — T o w n in the Pachora taluka of East Khandesh Dis-
trict, Bombay, situated in 20 0 35' N. and 75 0 16' E., about 5 miles
east of Kajgaon station. Population (1901), 6,050. West of the town
is a ruined Hemadpanti temple of Mahadeo. The town contains
a school for boys with 190 pupils.
N a g a r Karnul.—South-eastern taluk of Mahbubnagar District,
Hyderabad State, with an area of 621 square miles. Its population
in 1901, including jagirs, was 77,095, compared with 73,155 in 1891.
The taluk contained 146 villages, of which 19 are jagir. In 1905
some villages from this taluk were transferred to Amrabad, and the
number of khalsa villages in it is now 112. Nagar Karnul (popula-
tion, 2,428) is the head-quarters. The land revenue in 1901 was 2·5
lakhs. The Wanparti and Gopalpet samasthans are situated to the
south-west, with populations of 62,293 and 16,301, and 124 and 35
villages, respectively. Their areas are about 599 and 169 square miles.
Farther south lies the samasthan of Jatpol with 89 villages, a popula-
tion of 31,613, and an area of about 429 square miles.
Nagarkot.—Ancient town in Kangra District, Punjab. See K A N G R A .
N a g a r k o v i l . — T o w n in Travancore State, Madras. See NAGERCOIL.
N a g a r Parkar.—Head-quarters of the Nagar taluka in Thar and
Parkar District, Sind, Bombay, situated in 24 0 2 1 ' N. and 70 0 47' E.,
120 miles south of Umarkot. Population (1901), 2,454. It is con-
nected by good roads with Islam K o t , M i t h i , Adigaon, Pitapur, Birani,
and Bela in Cutch. The manufactures include weaving and dyeing of
cloth ; and there is a local trade in wool, grain, coco-nuts, piece-goods,
hides, and metals, besides a transit trade in grain, camels, cattle, wool,
and ghi. The village is believed to be of some antiquity; about a
mile distant is Sardhara, with a temple to Mahadeo, and a spring sacred
among Hindus. In 1859 Nagar Parkar was the scene of a rebellion,
for the suppression of which a British force was dispatched from
Hyderabad. The ringleaders were transported for a term of years.
Four miles north-west from Nagar Parkar in Bhodisar are the remains of
three ancient Jain structures, supposed to have been built in 1375 and
1449. The town contains a dispensary and two vernacular schools,
attended by 152 pupils, of which one with 56 pupils is a girls' school.
Nagaur.—Head-quarters of a district of the same name in the
State of Jodhpur, Rajputana, situated in 27 0 12" N. and 73 0 44' E., on
the Jodhpur-Bikaner Railway. Population (1901), 13,377. The town
possesses a post office, an Anglo-vernacular school, and a hospital.
The principal manufactures are brass and iron utensils, ivory toys,
camel saddles, and cotton cloth. The town is said to take its name
from its traditional founders, the Naga Rajputs, and was held succes-
sively by Prithwi Raj Chauhan, Muhammad Ghori, and the chiefs of
Jodhpur, save for a time when it was possessed by the Bikaner chief
by grant from Akbar, and by another Rathor family by grant from
Shah Jahan. The town wall is more than 4 miles in length, between
21 and 5 feet thick, and on the average 17 feet high. The battlements
bear many Arabic and Persian inscriptions, obtained from mosques
demolished by Maharaja Bakht Singh in order to repair breaches
caused in warfare. Of the numerous religious edifices, two H i n d u
temples and a five-domed mosque are especially noteworthy. The fort,
rising above the town, has a double wall nearly a mile long, the outer
being 25 feet and the inner 50 feet above the ground, with a thickness
of more than 30 feet at the base and about 12 feet at the top. T h e
principal objects of interest in the fort are some palaces, a fountain
with seventeen jets (dating from Akbar's reign), a mosque erected by
Shah Jahan, and a cave claimed by both Hindus and Musalmans
as a place of retreat for their former saints. The Nagaur district fur-
nishes a fine breed of bullocks, famous throughout Northern India.
The village of Manglod (20 miles east of Nagaur town) has a very
old temple with a Sanskrit inscription dated A . D . 604, which records
its repair during the reign of a king Dhuhlana. This is the oldest
inscription yet discovered in Jodhpur.
Nagercoil (Nagarkovil, ' the temple of the serpent').—Town in the
Agastiswaram taluk of Travancore State, Madras, situated in 8° 10' N.
and 770 27' E., within 7 miles of the Aramboli pass. Population
(1901), 25,782, consisting of 20,045 Hindus, 2,570 Musalmans, and
3,167 Christians. Once the capital of Travancore, it is now the
head-quarters of a District and Sessions Judge, a Munsif, and other
officials. The London Missionary Society maintains a college, schools,
a printing press, and a hospital. The native Christian women turn
out fine lace which commands a brisk sale.
Nagina Tahsil.—North-eastern tahsil of Bijnor District, United
Provinces, comprising the parganas of Nagina, Barhapura, and Afzal-
garh, and lying between 29 0 13' and 29 0 43' N. and 78 0 17' and
78° 57' E., with an area of 453 square miles. Population fell from
183,147 in 1891 to 156,898 in 1901. There are 464 villages and two
towns: N A G I N A (population, 21,412), the tahsil head-quarters, and
A F Z A L G A R H (6,474). The demand for land revenue in 1903-4 was
Rs. 2,76,000, and for cesses Rs. 49,000. The density of population,
346 persons per square mile, is the lowest in the District. The tahsil
contains a considerable area of forest. It is crossed by several small
streams, and also by the Ramganga and its tributary the K h o h . The
soil is rich, and irrigation is provided in the Nagina pargana by small
canals from the K h o h and Gangan; but the climate is not healthy,
and the considerable decrease of population between 1891 and 1901
is due to the unfavourable seasons ending with the excessive rain of
1894. Cultivation also suffers from the depredations of wild animals.
In 1903-4 the area under cultivation was 197 square miles, of which
14 were irrigated. Canals supply the greater part of the irrigated area.
Nagina Town.—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the same name in
Bijnor District, United Provinces, situated in 29 0 2 7 ' N . and 78 0 26' E.,
on the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway, and at the terminus of a
metalled road from Bijnor. Population (1901), 21,412, of whom
14,887 were Musalmans. The early history of the town is unknown,
but it is mentioned in the Ain-i-Akbarl as head-quarters of a mahal or
pargana. During the rise of the Rohilla power in the middle of the
eighteenth century a fort was built here. In 1805 the place was sacked
by the Pindaris under A m i r Khan, and from 1817 to 1824 it was the
head-quarters of the newly-formed District called Northern Moradabad.
During the Mutiny the town was the scene of several conflicts between
VOL. X V I I I . U
rival parties, as Well as of the final defeat of the rebels on A p r i l 21,
1858, which crushed the revolt in Bijnor. Nagina is a large and busy
place, with good brick houses and paved streets, which drain into a
tributary of the K h o h on the east and into the Karula on the west.
It contains the old fort, now used as a tahsili, a dispensary, a tahsili
school, and a branch of the American Methodist Mission. Nagina
has been a municipality since 1886. During the ten years ending
1901 the income and expenditure averaged Rs. 12,000. In 1903-4
the income was Rs. 18,000, chiefly from octroi (Rs. 15,000); and the
expenditure was Rs. 18,000. A market is held twice a week, when
there is a considerable trade in sugar, rice, and cotton. Nagina is
celebrated for the excellent workmanship of its carved ebony wares,
such as walking-sticks, trays, boxes, & c , which are frequently inlaid
with ivory. Large quantities of small glass phials are blown here, and
exported to Hardwar for the pilgrims who carry away Ganges water in
them. In former days matchlocks were largely made, and some iron-
work is still produced. Hempen sacking and ropes and lacquered
goods are also made. The tahsili school has 192 pupils, and the
municipality aids 12 primary schools attended by 513 pupils.
Nagod S t a t e (or Unchahra).—A sanad State in Central India,
under the Political Agent in Baghelkhand, lying between 24° 1 2 ' a n d
4° 39' N. and 8o° 28' and 8o° 53' E., with an area of about 501 square
miles. U n t i l the eighteenth century the State was known as Unchahra,
from the name of its original capital. It is cut up into two sections,
the isolated pargana of Dhanwahl, which lies east of Maihar, having
been granted in 1859 in recognition of good services rendered during
the Mutiny. The greater part of the territory is situated in the high-
level plain to the east of the Panna range, but a small portion falls
within the hilly tract. Nagod is watered by the Satna river, a tributary
of the Tons, and by several smaller streams, which are not, however,
available for irrigation.
Geologically, Nagod presents several features of interest. The
greater part is covered with fine sandstones of the Bandair (Bhander)
series and the Sirbu shales. Limestone of a superior quality, known
commercially as Nagod limestone, is met with in the form of* low hills
close to the chief town, supplying the most valuable source of lime
known in India. In 1828 Captain Franklin announced the existence
of fossil remains in this r o c k ; but subsequent search has failed to
substantiate this discovery, which, as giving a clue to the age of the
Vindhyans, would have been of the highest scientific importance.
T h e famous Bharhut stupa was constructed of the Bandair sandstone,
the excellence of which is proved by the marvellous sharpness of the
carving on the fragments discovered.
The chiefs of Nagod are Parihar Rajputs, one of the four Agnikula

clans, whose traditional home is on Mount A b u . The history of 'their

migration into Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand is of considerable
interest, but exceedingly difficult to unravel. In the seventh century
the Gaharwars held Bundelkhand, but were driven out or at least
subordinated by an incursion of Parihar Rajputs from the west, who
established themselves in the country lying between Mahoba and M a u
(near Chhatarpur), and rapidly extended their sway over most of this
region. In the ninth century they in their turn became subordinate to
the great Chandel clan ; and, though not exterminated, a large section
was obliged to migrate still farther eastwards into Baghelkhand, where,
according to their annals, Raja Dhara Singh seized the fort of Naro
from the T e l i Rajas in 1344. In 1478 Raja Bhoja obtained Unchahra,
which he made the chief town, and which remained so until 1720,
when the capital was moved to Nagod by Raja Chain Singh. Later
on the Parihars lost to the Bundelas and Baghelas practically all their
possessions, except the limited territory they now hold, and preserved
this remnant only by submitting to their adversaries.
When the British became paramount after the Treaty of Bassein
(1802), Nagod was held to be tributary to Panna, and was included in
the sanad granted to that State in 1807. In recognition, however, of
the fact that the territory had been in the possession of the family
before the establishment of Chhatarsal's power and had continued to
be independent throughout the supremacy of the Bundelas and of A l i
Bahadur, a separate sanad was granted to Lal Sheoraj Singh in 1809
confirming him in his possessions. He was succeeded in 1818 by
his son, Balbhadra Singh, who was deposed in 1831 for murdering his
brother. His successor, Raghavendra Singh, who was then a minor,
received powers in 1838 and obtained a new sanad, succession dues to
the value of Rs. 8,000 being paid to the British Government. He
involved the State in debt, and it was placed under management in
1844. In the Mutiny the chief behaved most loyally in assisting
Europeans, and in recognition of these services received a grant of
eleven villages now forming the pargana of Dhanwahl, which had
belonged to the confiscated State of Bijeraghogarh. In 1862 he
received a sanad of adoption, and in 1865 he again assumed manage-
ment till his death in 1874. H e was succeeded by his son, the present
chief, Raja Jadavendra Singh, who was then nineteen. The Raja
began to exercise powers in 1882, but was deprived of them in 1894
for mismanagement, and retired to Benares, where he lived as a recluse
for ten years, refusing all inducements to return. In August, 1904,
however, he agreed to accept an allowance and to reside at Satna.
The chief has the title of Raja and receives a salute of 9 guns.
The antiquities of Nagod are considerable, but have not, as yet, been
fully investigated. The old routes from Malwa and Southern India to
U 2
Kausambhi and Sravasti probably met at or near Bharhut (24 0 37' N.
and 8o° 53' E.), where a magnificent Buddhist stupa formerly stood,
the remains of which were discovered by Sir Alexander Cunningham
in 1873. Though entirely ruined, a large number of carved stones
were recovered and placed in the Calcutta Museum. It must have
originally been very similar to the great stupa at Sanchi, though the
railing is more ornamental, and possibly of later date. On one of
the gateways a record 1 was discovered referring to its erection during
the rule of the Sunga dynasty, who flourished in the second and first
centuries B.C A mediaeval temple was also exhumed close by. Other
places of interest are Lalpahar, a h i l l near the stupa, where there are
a large cave and an inscribed record of the Kalachuri dynasty of
1158; Sankargarh; K h o h , formerly a large city and capital of the
Teli Rajas, where several important records dating from A . D . 475 to
554 have been discovered ; Bhumara, Majhgawan, K a r i Talai, and
Pataini Devi. At the last place is a small but well-preserved temple
in the Gupta style of the fourth or fifth century, with some later Jain
remains of the tenth and eleventh centuries.
The population of the State has been : (1881) 79,629, (1891) 84,097,
and (1901) 67,092. The large decrease of 20 per cent. during the last
decade is due to famine. Hindus number 55,989, or 84 per cent. ;
Animists, 8,701, mainly Gonds and K o l s ; and Musalmans, 2,331. The
State contains one town, U N C H A H R A , its old capital; and 336 villages.
Baghelkhandi is the principal language, spoken by 85 per cent. of the
population. About 86 per cent. of the inhabitants are supported by
agriculture, 12 per cent. by general labour, and 2 per cent. by trade.
Of the total area, 223 square miles, or 45 per cent., are cultivated, of
which only 343 acres are irrigable. Of the uncultivated area, 87 square
miles are cultivable, 167 square miles are under forest, and the rest is
waste. Rice and wheat each occupy 43 square miles, or 18 per cent.
of the cropped area; kodon, 38 square miles, or 16 per cent.; gram,
37 square miles, or 15 per cent.; barley, 32 square miles, or 9 per
cent.; saman and kakun, 24 square miles, or 10 per cent.; and jowar,
11 square miles.
Besides the Panna-Satna high road, metalled roads connect Nagod
with Unchahra and Unchahra with Parsmania, 86 miles in all, of which
37 are maintained by the State. British post offices are maintained at
Nagod and Unchahra.
The State was in 1905 under superintendence, being managed by
the Political Agent assisted by a diwan. The total revenue from all
sources is 1·7 lakhs, of which one lakh is derived from land. About
Rs. 73.000 is alienated in grants to members of the chiefs family and
A. Cunningham,. ' The Bharhut Stupa,' Indian Antiquary, vol. xiv, p. 138;
vol. xxi, p. 225.
other jagirdars. The principal heads of expenditure are Rs. 70,000
on general administration, including the expenditure of the chief,
Rs. 20,000 on public works, and Rs. 12,000 on police. A twelve years'
revenue settlement, based on the productiveness of the soil and its
position as regards villages and the caste of the holder, was made in
1901. The incidence of the land revenue demand is Rs. 1-8 per
acre of cultivated area, and 11 annas per acre of total area. About
159 square miles, or 32 per cent. of the total area, are alienated in grants.
About 3 per cent. of the total population were able to read and write
in 1901. The State contains eight schools and two hospitals.
Ni-god Village.—Capital of the State of the same name in Central
India, situated in 24° 34' N. and 8o° 36' E., on the Amran river,
17 miles west of Satna, on the Satna-Panna high road. Population
(1901), 3,887. The name is derived from Naga Vadha, 'the slaughter
of the Nagas,' from whom it is said to have been seized by the ances-
tors of the Nagod chief. Nagod became the capital of the State in
1720. It was a British cantonment in 1857 ; and on the mutiny of
the wing of the 50th Regiment of Native Infantry stationed here,
the chief placed his own forces at the disposal of the Political officer,
and finally sent him with some other European refugees from Banda
safely under escort to Jubbulpore. A British post office, a hospital,
a school, and a dak-bungalow are situated in the place.
N a g o r . — T o w n i n Jodhpur State, Rajputana. See N A G A U D .
Nagore.—Village in Tanjore District, Madras. See NEGAPATAM.
Nagpur Division.—Southern Division of the Central Provinces,
extending from 180 42' to 22 0 24' N. and from 780 3' to 81° 3' E.
It consists of a large plain lying along the southern base of the Satpura
h i l l ranges, and comprised in the valleys of the Wardha and Wain-
ganga rivers, with a long strip of hilly country on the eastern border.
The Nagpur Division includes five Districts, as shown below :—

* The District figures of area and population have been adjusted to allow for
some changes of territory which have taken place since the Census of 1901.
including the projected transfer of part of Chanda District, with an area of
593 square miles, to the Madras Presidency.

Of these, Wardha and Nagpur in the valley of the Wardha river on

the west, with shallow black soil and a light rainfall, constitute the
most important cotton-growing tract in the Province, while Bhandara
and parts of Chanda and Balaghat in the valley of the Wainganga
have been named the ' lake country' of Nagpur, owing to the number
of fine tanks constructed for the irrigation of rice. To the north of
Ballghat and down the eastern side of Chanda stretch lines of hills
approaching the Godavari river in the extreme south of the Province.
T h e head-quarters of the Commissioner are at N A G P U R C I T Y . The
population of the Division was 2,758,116 in 1881, and increased to
2,982,539 in 1891, or by 8 per cent., the decade having been generally
prosperous. At the Census of 1901 the population had fallen
to 2,728,063, or by 8½ per cent., the principal losses being in the
eastern or rice Districts, which were severely affected by distress or
famine in several years, while the population of the western or cotton
Districts, which escaped more lightly, remained almost stationary.
In 1901 Hindus numbered nearly 84 per cent. of the total, and
Animists 13 per cent., while the followers of other religions included
Musalmans (86,931), Jains (6,624), and Christians (7,113), of whom
3,039 were Europeans and Eurasians. The total area is 23,521 square
miles, and the density of population 115 persons per square mile.
The Division contains 24 towns out of the Provincial total of 59, and
7,898 villages. Nagpur city (population, 127,734), the head-quarters
of the Central Provinces Administration, is the commercial centre, and
K A M P T E E (38,888) is a cantonment 10 miles from Nagpur. C H A N D A ,
B H A N D A K , and RAMTEK: contain interesting archaeological remains.
Nagpur District.—District of the Central Provinces, lying between
20° 35' and 21° 44' N. and 780 15' and 79 0 40" E., in the plain to
which it gives its name at the southern base of the Satpura Hills,
with an area of 3,840 square miles. It is bounded on the north
by Chhindwara and Seoui; on the east by Bhandara; on the south
and west by Chanda and Wardha; and along a small strip on the
north-west by the Amraoti District of Berar. The greater part of
Nagpur District is an undulating plain, but it is traversed by low h i l l
ranges. In the north a strip of the Satpura Hills
Physical is included within its limits, narrow on the west but
widening to a breadth of 12 miles or more towards
the east. Immediately south of them lies the western extremity of the
Ambagarh hills, on which stand the well-known temples of Ramtek.
On the western border another low range of hills runs down the
length of the District, and, after a break formed by the valley of
the Wunna river, continues to the south-east past Umrer, cutting
off on its southern side the valley of the Nand. A third small
range called the Pilkapar hills crosses the Katol tdhsil from north
to south. There are also a few detached hills, notably that of SITA-
BALDI in Nagpur city, which is visible for a long distance from the
country round. The hills attain no great altitude, the highest peaks
not exceeding 2,000 feet, but vary greatly in appearance, being in
places extremely picturesque and clothed with forest, while elsewhere
they are covered by loose stones and brushwood, or are wholly bare
and arid. The Wardha and Wainganga rivers flow along part of
the western and eastern borders respectively, and the drainage of the
District is divided between them. The waters of about a third of
its area on the west are carried to the Wardha by the Jam, the
Wunna, and other minor streams. The centre is drained by the
Pench and Kanhan, which, flowing south through the Satpura Hills,
unite just above Kamptee, where they are also joined by the K o l a r ;
from here the Kanhan carries their joint waters along the northern
boundary of the Umrer tahsil to meet the Wainganga on the Bhan-
dara border. To the east a few small streams flow direct to the
Wainganga. The richest part of the District is the western half of
the K a t o l tahsil, cut off by the small ranges described above. It
possesses a soil profusely fertile, and teems with the richest garden
cultivation. Beyond the Pilkapar hills the plain country extends to
the eastern border. Its surface is scarcely ever level, but it is closely
cultivated, abounds in mango-groves and trees of all sorts, and to-
wards the east is studded with small tanks, which form a feature
in the landscape. The elevation of the plain country is from 900
to 1,000 feet above sea-level.
The primary formation of the rocks is sandstone, associated with
shale and limestone. The sandstone is now covered by trap on
the west, and broken up by granite on the east, leaving a small
diagonal strip running through the centre of the District and ex-
panding on the north-west and south-east. The juxtaposition of
trap, sandstone, and granite rocks in this neighbourhood invests the
geology of Nagpur with special interest.
The forests are mainly situated in a large block on the Satpura
Hills to the north-east, while isolated patches are dotted on the hills
extending along the south-western border. The forest growth varies
with the nature of the soil, saj (Terminalia tomentosa), achar (Bucha-
nania latifolia), and tendu (Diospyros tomentosa) being characteristic
on the heavy soils, teak on good well-drained slopes, salai (Boswellia
serrata) on the steep hill-sides and ridges, and satin-wood on the
sandy levels. In the open country mango, mahua (Bassia latifolid),
tamarind, and bastard date-palms are common.
There is nothing noteworthy about the wild animals of the District,
and from the sportsman's point of view it is one of the poorest in
the Province. W i l d hog abound all over the country, finding shelter
in the large grass reserves or groves of date-palm. Partridges, quail,
and sand-grouse are fairly common; bustard are frequently seen in
the south, and florican occasionally. Snipe and duck are obtained
in the cold season in a few localities.
Nagpur has the reputation of being one of the hottest places in
India during the summer months. In May the temperature rises
to 116°, while it falls on clear nights as low as 70 0 . During the
rains the highest day temperature seldom exceeds 95 0 , and the lowest
at night is about 70 0 . In the cold season the highest temperature
is between 8o° and 90 0 , and the lowest about 50°. Except for three
months from A p r i l to June, when the heat is intense, and in Septem-
ber, when the atmosphere is steamy and the moist heat very trying,
the climate of Nagpur is not unpleasant.
The annual rainfall averages 46 inches, but less is received in the
west than in the east of the District. Complete failure of the rain-
fall has in the past been very rare; but its distribution is capricious,
especially towards the end of the monsoon, when the fate of the
harvest is in the balance.
There is no historical record of Nagpur prior to the commence-
ment of the eighteenth century, when it formed part of the Gond
kingdom of Deogarh, in Chindwara. Bakht Buland,
History. the reigning prince of Deogarh, proceeded to Delhi,
and, appreciating the advantages of the civilization which he there
witnessed, determined to set about the development of his own terri-
tories. To this end he invited H i n d u artificers and husbandmen to
settle in the plain country, and founded the city of Nagpur. His
successor, Chand Sultan, continued the work of civilization, and re-
moved his capital to Nagpur. On Chand Sultan's death in 1739
there were disputes as to the succession, and his widow invoked the
aid of Raghuji Bhonsla, who was governing Berar on behalf of the
Peshwa. The Bhonsla family were originally headmen of Deora,
a village in the Satara District of Bombay, from which place their
present representative derives his title of Raja. Raghujfs grand-
father and his two brothers had fought in the armies of Sivajl, and
to the most distinguished of them was entrusted a high military
command and the collection of chauth in Berar. Raghuji, on being
called in by the contending Gond factions, replaced the two sons
of Chand Sultan on the throne from which they had been ousted
by a usurper, and retired to Berar with a suitable reward for his
assistance. Dissensions, however, broke out between the brothers;
and in 1743 Raghuji again intervened at the request of the elder
brother, and drove out his rival. But he had not the heart to give
back a second time the country he held within his grasp. Burhan
Shah, the Gond Raja, though allowed to retain the outward insignia
of royalty, became practically a state pensioner, and all real power

passed to the Marathas. Bold and decisive in action, Raghuji was

the type of a Maratha leader; he saw in the troubles of other states
an opening for his own ambition, and d i d not even require a pre-
text for plunder and invasion. Twice his armies invaded Bengal,
and he obtained the cession of Cuttack. Chanda, Chhattlsgarh, and
Sambalpur were added to his dominions between 1745 and 1755,
the year of his death. H i s successor Janoji took part in the wars
between the Peshwa and N i z a m ; and after he had in t u r n betrayed
both of them, they united against him, and sacked and burnt Nagpur
in 1765. On Janojfs death his brothers fought for the succession,
until one shot the other on the battle-field of Panchgaon, 6 miles
south of Nagpur, and succeeded to the regency on behalf of his
infant son Raghuji I I , who was Janoji's adopted heir. In 1785
Mandla and the upper Narbada valley were added to the Nagpur
dominions by treaty with the Peshwa. Mudhoji, the regent, had
courted the favour of the British, and this policy was continued for
some time by his son Raghuji I I , who acquired Hoshangabad and
the lower Narbada valley. But in 1803 he united with Sindhia against
the British Government. The two chiefs were decisively defeated
at Assaye and Argaon; and by the Treaty of Deogaon of that year
Raghuji ceded to the British Cuttack, Southern Berar, and Sambalpur,
the last of which was, however, relinquished in 1806.
To the close of the eighteenth century the Maratha administration
had been on the whole good, and the country had prospered. The first
four of the Bhonslas were military chiefs with the habits of rough
soldiers, connected by blood and by constant familiar intercourse with
all their principal officers. Descended from the class of cultivators,
they ever favoured and fostered that order. They were rapacious, but
seldom cruel to the lower classes. Up to 1792 their territories were
rarely the theatre of hostilities, and the area of cultivation and revenue
continued to increase under a fairly equitable and extremely primitive
system of government. After the Treaty of Deogaon, however, all this
was changed. Raghuji had been deprived of a third of his territories,
and he attempted to make up the loss of revenue from the remainder.
The villages were mercilessly rack-rented, and many new taxes imposed.
The pay of the troops was in arrears, and they maintained themselves
by plundering the cultivators, while at the same time commenced the
raids of the Pindaris, who became so bold that in 1811 they advanced
to Nagpur and burnt the suburbs. It was at this time that most of the
numerous village forts were built, to which on the approach of these
marauders the peasant retired and fought for bare life, all he possessed
outside the walls being already lost to h i m .
On the death of Raghuji II in 1816, his son, an imbecile, was soon
supplanted and murdered by the notorious Mudhoji or Appa S5hib.
A treaty of alliance providing for the maintenance of a subsidiary force
by the British was signed in this year, a Resident having been appointed
to the Nagpur court since 1799. In 1817, on the outbreak of war
between the British and the Peshwa, Appa Sahib threw off his cloak
of friendship, and accepted an embassy and title from the Peshwa.
His troops attacked the British, and were defeated in the brilliant action
at S I T A B A L D I , and a second time round Nagpur city. As a result of
these battles, the remaining portion of Berar and the territories in
the Narbada valley were ceded to the British. Appa Sahib was rein-
stated on the throne, but shortly afterwards was discovered to be again
intriguing, and was deposed and forwarded to Allahabad in custody.
On the way, however, he corrupted his guards, and escaped, first to
the Mahadeo Hills and subsequently to the Punjab. A grandchild
of Raghujl II was then placed on the throne, and the territories were
administered by the Resident from 1818 to 1830, in which year the
young ruler known as Raghujl I I I was allowed to assume the actual
government. He died without heirs in 1853, and his territories were
then declared to have lapsed. Nagpur was administered by a Com-
missioner until the formation of the Central Provinces in 1861. During
the Mutiny a scheme for a rising was formed by a regiment of irregular
cavalry in conjunction with the disaffected Muhammadans of the city,
but was frustrated by the prompt action of the civil authorities, sup-
ported by Madras troops from Kamptee. Some of the native officers
and two of the leading Muhammadans of the city were hanged from
the ramparts of the fort, and the disturbances ended. The aged
princess Baka Bai, widow of Raghuji I I , used all her influence in
support of the British, and largely contributed by her example to keep
the Maratha districts loyal.
In several localities in the District are found circles of rough stones,
occasionally extending over considerable areas. Beneath some of them
fragments of pottery, flint arrow-heads, and iron implements, evidently
of great antiquity, have been discovered. These were constructed by
an unknown race, but are ascribed by the people to the pastoral Gaolis,
and are said to be their encampments or burial-places. The remains of
the fort of Parseoni, constructed of unhewn masses of rock, which are
also ascribed to the Gaolis, certainly date from a very early period. The
buildings at RAMTEK, KATOL, KELOD, and S A O N E R are separately
described. Other remains which may be mentioned are the old Gond
fort of Bhiugarh on the Pench river, and the temples of Adasa and
Bhugaon, and of Jakhapur on the Saoner road.
The population of the District at the last three enumerations was as
follows: (1881) 697,356; (1891) 757,863; (1901)
751,844. Between 1881 and 1891 the increase was
nearly 9 per cent., the District having been generally prosperous.
During the last decade the population has been almost stationary. The
number of deaths exceeded that of births in the years 1894 to 1897
inclusive, and also in 1900. There was a considerable loss of popula-
tion in the wheat-growing tracts of Nagpur and Umrer, while the towns
and the cotton lands of K a t o l showed an increase. There are twelve
t o w n s — N A G P U R C I T Y , the District head-quarters, K A M P T E E , U M R E R ,
R A M T E K , N A R K H E R , K H A P A , K A T O L , SAONER, K A L M E S H W A R , M O H P A ,
K E L O D , and M O W A R — a n d 1,681 inhabited villages. T h e urban popu-
lation amounts to 32 per cent. of the total, which is the highest
proportion in the Province. Some of the towns are almost solely
agricultural, and these as a rule are now declining in importance. But
others which are favourably situated for trade, or for the establishment
of cotton factories, are growing rapidly. The following table gives
the principal statistics of population in 1901 : —

About 88 per cent. of the population are Hindus, nearly 6 per cent.
Muhammadans, and 5 per cent. Animists. There are 2,675 Jains and
481 Parsis. Three-fourths of the Muhammadans live in towns. Many
of them come from Hyderabad and the Deccan, and they are the most
turbulent class of the population. About 77 per cent. of the population
speak Marathi, 9 per cent. H i n d i , 5½ per cent. Gondi, 5 per cent. U r d u ,
and 1 per cent. Telugu. It is noteworthy that nearly all the Gonds
were returned at the Census as retaining their own vernacular.
The principal landholding castes are Brahmans (23,000), Kunbis
(152,000), and Marathas (11,000). The Maratha Brahmans naturally
form the large majority of this caste, and, besides being the most ex-
tensive proprietors, are engaged in money-lending, trade, and the legal
profession, and almost monopolize the better class of appointments in
Government service. The Kunbis are the great cultivating class. They
are plodding and patient, with a strong affection for their land, but
wanting in energy as compared with the castes of the northern Districts.
T h e majority of the villages owned by Marathas are included in the
estates of the Bhonsia family and their relatives. A considerable pro-
portion of the Government political pensioners are Marathas. Many
of them also hold villages or plots; but as a rule they are extravagant
in their living, and several of the old Maratha nobility have fallen in
the world. The native army does not attract them, and but few are
sufficiently well educated for the more dignified posts in the civil
employ of Government. Raghvis (12,000), Lodhis (8,000), and Kirars
(4,000), representing the immigrants from Hindustan, are exceptionally
good cultivators. The Kirars, however, are much given to display and
incur extravagant expenditure on their dwelling-houses and jewellery,
while the Lodhis are divided by constant family feuds and love of
faction. There are nearly 46,000 Gonds, constituting 6 per cent.
of the population. They have generally attained to some degree of
civilization, and grow rice instead of the light millets which suffice for
the needs of their fellow tribesmen on the Satpuras. The menial caste
of Mahars form a sixth of the whole population, the great majority
being cultivators and labourers. The rural Mahar is still considered as
impure, and is not allowed to drink from the village well, nor may his
children sit at school with those of the H i n d u castes. But there are
traces of the decay of this tendency, as many Mahars have become
wealthy and risen in the world. About 58 per cent. of the population
were returned as dependent on agriculture in 1901.
Christians number 6,163, of whom 2,870 are Europeans and Eura-
sians, and 3,293 natives. Of the natives the majority are Roman
Catholics, belonging to the French Mission at Nagpur. There are also
a number of Presbyterians, the converts of the Scottish Free Church
Mission. Nagpur is the head-quarters of a Roman Catholic diocese,
which supports high and middle schools for European and Eurasian
children and natives, and orphanages for boys and girls, the clergy being
assisted by French nuns of the Order of St. Joseph who live at Nagpur
and Kamptee. A mission of the Free Church of Scotland maintains
a number of educational and other institutions at Nagpur and in the
interior of the District. Among these may be mentioned the Hislop
aided college, several schools for low-caste children, an orphanage and
boarding-school for Christian girls, and the Mure Memorial Hospital for
women. A small mission of the Church of England is also located at
Nagpur, and one of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Kamptee.
The prevailing soil is that known as black cotton. It seldom attains
to a depth of 12 feet, and is superimposed on a band of conglomerate
and brown clay. Rich black clay is found only in
very small quantities, and the commonest soil is a
dark loam mixed with limestone pebbles and of considerable fertility.
The latter covers 65 per cent. of the cultivated area; and of the
remainder, 27 per cent. consists of an inferior variety of the same soil,
very shallow and mixed with gravel or sand, and occurring principally
in the hilly country. Little really poor land is thus under cultivation.
About 383 square miles are held wholly or partially free of revenue,
and 2,500 acres of Government land have been settled on the ryotwari
system. The balance of the District area is held on the ordinary
malguzari tenure. The following table shows the principal statistics of
cultivation in 1903-4, areas being in square miles :—

Jowar and cotton are the principal crops, covering (either alone or
mixed with the pulse arhar) 661 and 633 square miles respectively.
Of other crops, wheat occupies 353 square miles, til 84 square miles,
linseed 132 square miles, and gram 31 square miles. Cotton and
jowar are grown principally in the west and centre of the District, rice
in the east, where the rainfall is heavier, and wheat, linseed, and gram in
the centre and south. The main feature of recent years is the increase
in the area under autumn crops, cotton and j o w r , which are frequently
grown in rotation. The acreage of cotton alone and cotton with arhar
has more than doubled since 1864, and that of jowar alone and
jowar with arhar has risen by 23 per cent. This change is to be attri-
buted mainly to the high prices prevailing for cotton, and partly also
to the succession of unfavourable spring harvests which have lately
been experienced. Wheat shows a loss of 146 square miles and linseed
of 106 during the same period. There are two principal varieties
of cotton, of which that with a very short staple but yielding a larger
supply of lint is generally preferred. Cotton-seed is now a valuable
commercial product. The recent years of short rainfall have had
a prejudicial effect on the rice crop, the area under which is only
22 square miles as against 50 at settlement. Most of the rice grown
is transplanted. A number of profitable vegetable and fruit crops are
also grown, the most important of which are oranges, which covered
1,000 acres in 1903-4; chillies, nearly 6,000 acres; castor, nearly
4,000 acres; tobacco, 450 acres; and turmeric, 170 acres. About
17,000 acres were under fodder-grass in the same year. The leaf of
the betel-vine gardens of Ramtek has a special reputation, and it is also
cultivated at Parseoni and Mansar, about 130 acres being occupied
altogether. Kapuri pan (betel-leaf) is grown for local consumption
and bengald pan for export.
The occupied area increased by 12 per cent. during the currency
of the thirty years' settlement (1863-4), and has further increased
by 3 per cent, since the last settlement (1893-5). The scope for yet
more extension is very limited. T h e area of the valuable cotton crop
increases annually, and more care is devoted to its cultivation than
formerly. Cotton fields are manured whenever a supply is available,
and the practice of pitting manure is growing in favour. In recent
years the embankment of fields with low stone wails to protect them
from erosion has received a great impetus in the K a t o l tahsil During
the ten years ending 1904, Rs. 79,000 was advanced under the L a n d
Improvement Loans Act for the construction of wells, tanks, and field
embankments, and 1·77 lakhs under the Agriculturists' Loans Act.
Owing to the scarcity of good grazing grounds, the majority of the
agricultural cattle are imported, only one-fourth being bred locally.
The hilly country in the north of the Ramtek tahsil is the principal
breeding ground. Cattle are imported from Berar, Chhindwara, and
Chanda. Buffaloes are kept for the manufacture of ghi. Goats are
largely bred and sold for food, while the flocks are also hired for their
manure. Cattle races take place annually at Silli in Umrer, at Irsi in
Ramtek, and at Sakardara near Nagpur, these last being held by the
Bhonsla family. Large weekly cattle markets are held at Sonegaon,
Kodamendhi, Bhiwapur, and Mohpa.
Only 24 square miles are irrigated, most of which is rice and the re-
mainder vegetable and garden crops. Wheat occasionally gets a supply
of water, if the cultivator has a well in his field. The District has 995
irrigation tanks and 4,302 wells. A project for the construction of a
large reservoir at Ramtek, to irrigate 40,000 acres and protect a further
30,000 acres, at an estimated cost of 16 lakhs, has been sanctioned.
The Government forests extend over 515 square miles, of which
nearly 350 are situated on the foot-hills of the Satpuras on both sides
of the Pench river, and 170 consist of small blocks
Forests, &c.
lying parallel to the Wardha boundary, and extending
from the west of K a t o l to the south and east of Umrer. Small teak is
scattered through the first tract, mixed with bamboos on the extreme
north, but in no well-defined belts. Satin-wood, often nearly pure,
is found on the sandy levels. The second tract contains small but
good teak in its central blocks from K a t o l to the railway, but poor
mixed forests to the north, and chiefly scrub to the south in the Umrer
tahsil Owing to the large local demand, the forests yield a substantial
revenue. This amounted in 1903-4 to Rs. 63,000, of which Rs. 10,000
was realized from sales of timber, Rs. 16,000 from firewood, and
Rs. 26,000 from grazing.
Deposits of manganese occur in several localities, principally in the
Ramtek tahsil A number of separate mining and prospecting leases
have been granted, and a light tramway has been laid by one firm from
Tharsa station to Waregaon and Mandri, a distance of about 15 miles.
The total output of manganese in 1904 was 66,000 tons. Mines are
being worked at Mansar, Kandri, Satak, LohdongrI, Waregaon, Kachur-
wahi, Mandri, Pali, and other villages. A quarry of white sandstone
is worked at Silewara on the Kanhan river, from which long thin slabs
well suited for building are obtained.
T h e weaving of cotton cloths with silk borders is the staple hand
industry, the principal centres being Nagpur city and Umrer. Gold
and silver thread obtained from Burhanpur is also
Trade and
woven into the borders. The silk is obtained from communications.
Bengal and from China through Bombay, spun into
thin thread, and is made up into different thicknesses locally. Tasar
silk cocoons are received from Chhattisgarh. A single cloth of the
finest quality may cost as much as Rs. 150, but loin-cloths worth from
Rs. 8 to Rs. 25 a pair, and saris from Rs. 3 to Rs. 25 each, are most in
demand. White loin-cloths with red borders are woven at Umrer, the
thread being dyed with lac, and coloured saris are made at Nagpur.
Cheap cotton cloth is produced by Momins or Muhammadan weavers
at Kamptee and by Koshtis at Khapa. Coarse cloth is also woven by the
village Mabars, hand-spun thread being still used for the warp, on ac-
count of its superior strength, and is dyed and made up into carpets and
mattresses at Saoner and Patansaongi. Sawargaon, Mowar, and Narkhcr
also have dyeing industries. In 1901 nearly 13,000 persons were returned
as supported by the silk industry, 39,000 by cotton hand-weaving, and
2,500 by dyeing. Brass-working is carried on at Nagpur and Kelod,
and iron betel-nut cutters and penknives are made at Nagpur.
Nagpur city has two cotton-spinning and weaving mills—the Em-
press Mills, opened in 1877, and the Swadeshi Spinning and Weaving
Company, which started work in 1892. Their aggregate capital is 62
lakhs. Nagpur also contains 12 ginning and 11 pressing factories,
Kamptee 3 and 2, and Saoner 3 and 2, while one or more are situated
in several of the towns and larger villages of the cotton tract. The
majority of these factories have been opened within the last five years.
They contain altogether 673 gins and 83 cotton-presses, and have an
aggregate capital of 29 lakhs approximately. Nearly 11,000 persons
were shown as supported by employment in factories in 1901, and the
numbers must have increased considerably since then. The ginning
and pressing factories, however, work only for four or five months in
the year. T h e capitalists owning them are principally Marwari Banias
and Maratha Brahmans, and in a smaller degree Muhammadan Bohras,
Parsis, and Europeans.
Raw cotton and cotton-seed, linseed, til, and wheat are the staple
exports of agricultural produce. Oranges are largely exported, and an
improved variety of wild plum (Zizyphus Jujuba), which is obtained by
grafting. The annual exports of oranges are valued at a lakh of rupees.
Betel-leaf is sent to Northern India. Yarn and cotton cloth are sent
all over India and to China, Japan, and Burma by the Empress Mills,
while the Swadeshi Mills find their best market in Chhattlsgarh. Hand-
woven silk-bordered cloths to the value of about 5 lakhs annually
are exported from Nagpur city and Umrer to Bombay, Berar, and
Hyderabad, the principal demand being from Maratha Brahmans.
Manganese ore is now a staple export. Many articles of produce are
also received at Nagpur from other Districts and re-exported. Among
these may be mentioned rice from Bhandara and Chhattlsgarh, timber
and bamboos from Chanda, Bhandara, and Seoni, and bamboo matting
from Chanda. Cotton and grain are also received from the surround-
ing Districts off the line of railway. Sea-salt from Bombay is commonly
used, and a certain amount is also received from the Salt H i l l s of the
Punjab. Mauritius sugar is imported, and sometimes mixed with
the juice of sugar-cane to give it the appearance. of Indian sugar, which
is more expensive by one pound in the rupee. Gur, or refined sugar,
comes from the United Provinces, and also from Barsi and Sholapur,
in Bombay. Rice is imported from Chhattisgarh and Bengal, and a
certain amount of wheat from Chhindwara is consumed locally, as it
is cheaper than Nagpur wheat. The finer kinds of English cotton
cloth come from Calcutta, and the coarser ones from Bombay. Kero-
sene oil is bought in Bombay or Calcutta according as the rate is
cheaper. The use of tea is rapidly increasing all over the District.
Soda-water is largely consumed, about ten factories having been estab-
lished at Nagpur. Woollen and iron goods come from England.
A European firm practically monopolizes the export trade in grain,
and shares the cotton trade with Marwari Banias and Maratha Brah-
mans. Lad Banias export hand-woven cloth, and Muhammadans
and Marwaris manage the timber trade. Bohras import and retail
stationery and hardware, and Cutchi Muhammadans deal in groceries,
cloth, salt, and kerosene oil. Kamptee has the largest weekly market,
and the Sunday and Wednesday bazars at Nagpur are also important.
The other leading markets, including those for cattle which have
already been mentioned, are at Gaori and K e l o d for grain and timber,
and at Mowar for grain. A large fair is held at Ramtek in November,
at which general merchandise is sold, and small religious fairs take
place at Ambhora, Kudhari, Adasa, and Dhapewara.
T h e Great Indian Peninsula Railway from Bombay has a length of
27 miles in the District, with 3 stations and its terminus at Nagpur city.
From here the Bengal-Nagpur Railway runs east to Calcutta, with
5 stations and 34 miles within the limits of the District. The most
important trade routes are the roads leading north-west from Nagpur
city to Chhindwara and Katol, the eastern road to Bhandara through
K u h i , and the north-eastern road to Seoni through Kamptee. Next to
these come the southern roads through Mul to Umrer, and to Chanda
through Bori, Jam, and Warora. There is some local traffic along the
road to AmraotI through Bazargaon. The District has 231 miles of
metalled and 74 miles of unmetalled roads, and the annual expenditure
on maintenance is Rs. 99,000. The Public Works department has
charge of 253 miles of road, and the District council of 52 miles.
There are avenues of trees on 185 miles, Nagpur being better provided
for in this respect than almost any other District in the Province.
Considering its advanced state of development, the District is not very
well supplied with railways, and there appears to be some scope for the
construction of feeder lines to serve the more populous outlying tracts.
Nagpur District is recorded to have suffered from failures of crops in
1819, 1825-6, and 1832-3. There was only slight distress in 1869. In
1896-7 the District was not severely affected, as the
jowar, cotton, til, and wheat crops gave a fair out-
turn. Numbers of starving wanderers from other Districts, however,
flocked into Nagpur city. Relief measures lasted for a year, the highest
number in receipt of assistance being 18,000 in May, 1897, and the total
expenditure was 5 lakhs. In 1899-1900 the monsoon failed completely,
and only a third of a normal harvest was obtained. Relief measures
lasted from September, 1899, to November, 1900, 108,000 persons, or
19 per cent. of the population, being in receipt of assistance in August,
1900. The total expenditure was 19·5 lakhs. The work done consisted
principally of breaking up metal, but some tanks and wells were con-
structed, and the embankment of the reservoir at Ambajheri was raised.
The Deputy-Commissioner has a staff of four Assistant or Extra-
Assistant Commissioners. For administrative purposes the District is
divided into four tahsils, each of which has a tahsil-
dar and a naib-tahsildar. Forests are in charge of a
Forest officer of the Imperial service ; and the Executive Engineer
of the Nagpur division, including Nagpur and Wardha Districts, is
stationed at Nagpur city.
The civil judicial staff consists of a District Judge and five Sub-
ordinate Judges, two Munsifs at Ramtek and Katol, and one at each
of the other taksils, and a Small Cause Court Judge for Nagpur city.
The Divisional and Sessions Judge of the Nagpur Division has juris-
diction in the District. Kamptee has a Cantonment Magistrate,
invested with the powers of a Small Cause Court Judge.
Under the Maratha administration the revenue was fixed annually.
The Marathas apparently retained as a standard the demand which
they found existing when they received the country from the Gonds.
This was called the ain jamabandi ; and at the commencement of every
year an amount varying partly with the character of the previous
season, and partly with the financial necessities of the central Govern-
ment, was fixed as the revenue demand. Increases of revenue were,
VOL. X V I I I . X,
however, expressed usually as fractions on the ain jamabandi The
local officers or kamaishdars, on receiving the announcement of the
revenue assessed on their charge, called the patels or headmen of
villages together and distributed it over the individual villages accord-
ing to their capacity. The patel then distributed the revenue over the
fields of the village, most of which had a fixed proportionate value
which determined their share of the revenue. Neither headmen nor
tenants had any proprietary rights, but they were not as a rule liable to
ejectment so long as they paid the revenue. Under the earlier Maratha
rulers the assessment was fairly equitable; but after the Treaty of
Deogaon the District was severely rack-rented, and villages were let
indiscriminately to the highest bidder, while no portion of the rental
was left to the patels. At the commencement of the protectorate after
the deposition of Appa Sahib, there were more than 400 villages for
which no headman could be found to accept a lease on the revenue
demanded. The revenue was at once reduced by 20 per cent. Culti-
vation expanded during the management by the British, and some
increase was obtained, the assessment being made for periods of from
three to five years. During the subsequent period of Maratha govern-
ment the British system was more or less adhered to, but there was
some decline in the revenue due to lax administration. Many of the
cultivating headmen were also superseded by court favourites, who were
usually Maratha Brahmans. The demand existing immediately prior
to the first long-term settlement was 8·77 lakhs. The District was
surveyed and settled in 1862-4 for a period of thirty years, the demand
being fixed at 8·78 lakhs. On this occasion proprietary rights were con-
ferred on the village headmen. During the currency of the thirty years'
settlement, which was effected a few years before the opening of the
railway to Bombay, the condition of the agricultural classes was ex-
tremely prosperous. The area occupied for cultivation increased by
12 per cent., and the prices of the staple food-grains by 140 per cent.,
while the rental received by the landowners rose by 20 per cent. On
the expiry of this settlement, a fresh assessment was made between 1893
and 1895. The revenue demand was raised to 10·57 lakhs, or by
18 per cent. on that existing before revision, Rs. 75,000 of the revenue
being ' assigned.' The experience of a number of bad seasons follow-
ing on the introduction of the new assessment, during which the
revenue was collected without difficulty, has sufficiently demonstrated
its moderation. The average incidence of revenue per cultivated acre
is R. 0-12-8 (maximum Rs. 1-4-11, minimum R. 0-6), while that of
the rental is Rs. 1-0-3 (maximum Rs. 1-13-10, minimum R. 0-9-1).
The new settlement is for a period varying from eighteen to twenty
years in different tracts. The collections of land and total revenue in
recent years are shown below, in thousands of rupees :—

1880-1. 1890-1. 10OO-I. 19O3-4.

Land revenue 8,27 8,56 10,62 9,98

Total revenue 15,78 18,40 18,96

The management of local affairs outside municipal areas is entrusted

to a District council and four local boards, each having jurisdiction
over one tahsil. The income of the District council in 1903-4 was
Rs. 1,05,000, while the expenditure on public works was Rs. 34,000,
on education Rs. 27,000, and on medical relief Rs. 6,000. NAGPUR,
municipal towns.
The police force—under a District Superintendent, who is usually
aided by an Assistant Superintendent—consists of 1,006 officers and
men, with a special reserve of 45. There are 2,130 village watchmen
for 1,693 inhabited towns and villages. Nagpur city has a Central j a i l ,
with accommodation for 1,322 prisoners, including 90 females. The
daily average number of prisoners in 1904 was 710. Printing and
binding, woodwork (including Burmese carving), cane-work, and cloth-
weaving, are the principal industries carried on in the jail.
In respect of education the District stands third in the Province,
nearly 5 per cent. of the population (9·2 males and 0·7 females) being
able to read and write. The percentage of children under instruction
to those of school-going age is 14. Statistics of the number of pupils
are as follows: (1880-1) 10,696, (1890-1) 12,394, (1900-1) 14,991,
(1903-4) 14,141, including 1,135 girls. The educational institutions
comprise two Arts colleges, both at Nagpur city, with 170 students,
one of these, the Morris College, also containing Law classes with 42
students; 5 high schools, 16 English middle schools, 17 vernacular
middle schools, and 147 primary schools. The District also contains
two training schools and four other special schools. The expenditure
on education in 1903-4 was 1·74 lakhs, of which 1 lakh was derived
from Provincial and Local funds, and Rs. 30,000 from fees.
The District has 17 dispensaries, with accommodation for 201 in-
patients. In 1904 the number of cases treated was 270,025, of whom
1,905 were in-patients, and 6,560 operations were performed. The
expenditure was Rs. 40,000. Nagpur city also contains a lunatic
asylum with 142 inmates, a leper asylum with 30 inmates, and a
veterinary dispensary.
Vaccination is compulsory only in the municipal towns of Nagpur,
Umrer, and Ramtek. The number of persons successfully vaccinated
in 1903-4 was 33 per 1,000 of the District population.
[ R . H. Craddock, Settlement Report (1899). A District Gazetteer is
being compiled.]
x 2
Nagpur Tahsil.—Central tahsil of the District of the same name,
Central Provinces, lying between 20 0 4 6 ' and 21° 23' N. and 78 0 4 4 '
and 79 0 19' E., with an area of 871 square miles. The population
in 1901 was 296,117, compared with 294,262 in 1891. The general
density is 340 persons per square mile, and the rural density 136. The
tahsil contains four t o w n s — N A G P U R C I T Y (population, 127,734), the
head-quarters of the Province, District, and tahsil, K A M P T E E (38,888),
K A L M E S H W A R (5,340), and SAONER (5,281)—and 417 inhabited
villages. Excluding 42 square miles of Government forest, 80 per
cent. of the available area is occupied for cultivation. The cultivated
area in 1903-4 was 578 square miles. The demand for land revenue in
the same year was Rs. 2,76,000, and for cesses Rs. 26,000. The tahsil
comprises the fertile plains of Kalmeshwar and Nagpur, the plateau of
Kauras, a continuation of the Katol uplands, and the undulating
Wunna valley. Cotton and jowar are the principal crops, but there is
a considerable area under wheat in the Kalmeshwar and Nagpur plains.
N a g p u r City.—Capital of the Central Provinces, and head-quarters
of the District and tahsil of the same name, situated in 2 1 0 9' N. and
79 0 7' E., on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, 520 miles from
Bombay, and on the Bengal-Nagpur Railway, 701 miles from Calcutta,
the two lines meeting here. The city stands on a small stream called
the Nag, from which it takes its name. Its site is somewhat low, sloping
to the south-east, with an open plain beyond, while to the north and
west rise small basaltic hills, on one side of which is situated the fort
of SITABALDI, on another the residence of the Chief Commissioner,
and on a third the great reservoir which supplies the city with water.
Nagpur is steadily increasing in importance, the population at the
last four enumerations having been: (1872) 84,441, (1881) 98,229,
(1891) 117,014, and (1901) 127,734. The population in 1901 included
104,476 Hindus, 17,368 Muhammadans, 760 Jains, 436 Parsls, and
3,794 Christians, of whom 1,780 were Europeans and Eurasians.
Nagpur was founded at the beginning of the eighteenth century by
the Gond Raja, Bakht Buland. It subsequently became the head-
quarters of the Bhonsla Rajas, and in 1861 of the Central Provinces
Administration. The battles of Sitabaldi and Nagpur were fought here
in 1817. T w o small riots have occurred in recent years—one in 1896
at the commencement of the famine, and one in 1899 on the enforce-
ment of plague measures—but both were immediately suppressed
without loss of life. Nagpur itself possesses no archaeological remains
of interest, but some sculptures and inscribed slabs have been collected
in the Museum from various parts of the Province. The city is also
singularly bare of notable buildings ; and since the Bhonsla palace was
burnt down in 1864, there is nothing deserving of mention. T h e
residence of the present representative of the family is situated in the
Sakardara Bagh, about a mile from the city, where a small menagerie
is maintained. But the two fine reservoirs of Ambajheri and Telinkheri
to the west of the city, the Juma talao (tank) between the city and the
railway station, and the Maharajbagh and Telinkheri gardens form
worthy monuments of the best period of Bhonsla rule, and have been
greatly improved under British administration. The Maharajbagh also
contains a menagerie. The hill and fort of Sitabaldi form a small
cantonment, at which a detachment of infantry from the Kamptee
garrison is stationed. Nagpur is the head-quarters of two Volunteer
battalions, whose combined strength in the station itself is five
Nagpur was constituted a municipality in 1864. The municipal
receipts and expenditure during the decade ending 1901 averaged
Rs. 3,28,000. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 4,63,000, including octroi
(Rs. 2,31,000), water rate (Rs. 34,000), and conservancy (Rs. 26,000);
and the expenditure was Rs. 4,51,000, the chief items being refunds
(Rs. 68,000), water-supply (Rs. 91,000), conservancy (Rs. 65,000),
up-keep of roads (Rs. 15,000), drainage (Rs. 14,000), and repayment
of loans (Rs. 22,000). The water-supply is obtained from the Amba-
jheri reservoir, distant four miles from the city. The works were first
constructed in 1873, the embankment of the old tank being raised
17 feet, and pipes laid to carry water to the city by means of gravitation
at a cost of 4 lakhs. In 1890 an extension was carried out at a cost of
3 lakhs to serve the higher parts of the city and civil station, which
could not previously be supplied through want of sufficient head.
The embankment was again raised by famine labour in 1900, and its
. present length is 1,033 yards, the greatest height being 35 feet. The
catchment area of the tank is 6½ square miles, and the water surface
412 acres. In order to prevent the waterlogging of the site of the
city, as a result of the constant intake from an extraneous source of
supply, a scheme for a surface drainage system has now been undertaken.
In addition to the drainage scheme a sewage farm is proposed, and the
cost of the whole project is estimated at about 10 lakhs. A concession
has recently been granted by the municipal committee for the construc-
tion of a system of electric tramway lines along the principal roads.
Nagpur is the leading industrial and commercial town of the centre
of India, its trade being principally with Bombay. The Empress Mills,
in which the late J. N. Tata was the chief shareholder, were opened in
1877. They contain 1,400 looms and 67,000 spindles, the present
capital being 47 lakhs. Their out-turn of yarn and cloth in 1904 was
valued at 61 lakhs, and they employ 4,300 operatives. The Swadeshi
Spinning and Weaving Mills were opened in 1892 with a capital of
15 lakhs; they have 180 looms and 16,500 spindles, employ 1,100
operatives, and produced goods to the value of 14 lakhs in 1904. In
addition to the mills, twelve cotton-ginning and pressing factories con-
taining 287 gins and 11 presses are now working, with an aggregate
capital of 16·47 lakhs. The city contains eleven printing presses, with
English, H i n d i , and Marathi type, and one English weekly and two
native papers are published, besides the Central Provinces Law Reports.
The principal hand industry is cotton-weaving, in which about 5,000
persons are engaged. They produce cotton cloths with silk borders
and ornamented with gold and silver lace. Numbers of orange gardens
have been planted in the vicinity of the city, and the fruit grown bears
a very high reputation.
Nagpur is the head-quarters of the Central Provinces Administration
and of all the Provincial heads of departments, besides the Commis-
sioner and Divisional Judge, Nagpur Division, a Deputy-Postmaster-
General, an Inspector of Schools, and Executive Engineers for Roads
and Buildings and Irrigation. The Inspector-General of Agriculture
for India, the Deputy-Comptroller of Post Offices, Bombay Circle, and
the Archdeacon of Nagpur also have their head-quarters here. It
contains one of the two Provincial lunatic asylums and one of the three
Central jails. Numerous industries are carried on in the Central j a i l ,
among which may be mentioned printing and binding, woodwork (in-
cluding Burmese carving), cane-work, and cloth-weaving. A l l the forms
and registers used in the public offices of the Province, amounting to
about ten million sheets annually, are printed or lithographed in the
Nagpur jail, which contains thirty presses of different sizes. The Agricul-
tural department maintains a model farm, which is devoted to agricul-
tural experiment and research. The Victoria Technical Institute is now
under construction as a memorial to the late Queen Empress. When
finished it will take over the Agricultural and Engineering classes in
the schools, and also teach various handicrafts. Nagpur is the head-
quarters of a Roman Catholic diocese, with a cathedral and convent.
There is also a mission of the Free Church of Scotland, of which the
Rev. S. Hislop, whose ethnographical and other writings on the Central
Provinces are well-known, was for long a member. The Morris and
Hislop Colleges prepare candidates for degrees in A r t s ; they are aided,
but not maintained, by Government, and had 207 students in 1903-4.
The Morris College also prepares candidates for degrees in Law, and
42 students are taking this course. The other educational institutions
comprise three aided high schools, containing together 404 students;
and, besides middle school branches attached to the high schools, four
English middle schools, of which two are for Muhammadan and Telugu
boys respectively, and forty-five primary schools. T h e St. Francis de
Sales and Bishop's schools are for European boys, and the St. Joseph's
Convent school for girls. They are attended by 520 children. T h e
special institutions consist of male and female normal schools for
teachers, and the agricultural school. The normal schools train stu-
dents to qualify for teaching in rural schools. They are entirely sup-
ported from Provincial revenues, and contain 39 male and 19 female
students, both classes of whom receive stipends or scholarships. The
agricultural school has 42 students; it is connected with the model
farm, and gives instruction in improved methods and implements of
agriculture to subordinate Government officials and the sons of land-
owners. The medical institutions comprise the Mayo and Dufferin
Hospitals for males and females respectively, with combined accom-
modation for 112 in-patients, and 9 other dispensaries.
N a h a n State.—Native State i n the Punjab. See SIRMUR.
N a h a n Town.—Capital of the Sirmur State, Punjab, situated in
30° 33' N. and 77 0 20' E., on a picturesque range of the Outer H i m a -
layas, at an elevation of 3,207 feet. Population (1901), 6,256. Founded
in 1621 by Raja Karm Parkash, it has since been the residence of the
Rajas and the capital of the State. West of the old town, in which is
the Raja's palace, lies the Shamsher cantonment for the State troops,
while to the east is a small grassy plain surrounded by houses and
public buildings. The town is administered by a municipal board, and
possesses a school, a civil and a military hospital, a jail, a police station,
and other offices. On a spur east of the town stands the Shamsher Villa,
built in the Italian style by Raja Sir Shamsher Parkash, G.C.S.I., in
1881. The iron foundry employs 600 men.
N a h r S a d i k i y a h (or Cholistan).— Tahsil in the Minchinabad
nizamat, Bahawalpur State, Punjab, lying between 29 0 29' and
30 0 18' N. and 73 0 7' and 74 0 1' E., with an area of 625 square miles.
The population in 1901 was 26,758, compared with 23,215 in 1891.
It contains 127 villages. The tahsil is called after the Sadikiyah canal,
which runs through it from end to end, and will, when completed, have
a total length of 120 miles. The tahsil, which has only recently been
formed out of a portion of the Minchinabad tahsil, w i l l have its head-
quarters at the new town of Sadikganj, near the M c Leodganj Road
junction of the main line and the Ferozepore-M c Leodganj Road
branch of the Southern Punjab Railway. The land revenue and
cesses in 1905-6 amounted to Rs. 41,000.
N a i g a w a n R e b a i (Naigaon Rebai).—A petty sanad State in
Central India, under the Bundelkhand Agency, with an area of about
7 square miles. Population (1901), 2,497. The jagirdar is an A h i r
(Daowa) by caste. The land forming the jagir was originally included
in the Jaitpur State, which lapsed in 1849. After British supremacy
had been established in Bundelkhand, Lachhman Singh, then the
leader of a marauding band, was induced to surrender on a promise
of pardon; and a grant of five villages, with an estimated revenue of
Rs. 15,000, was made to h i m in 1807. On his death, in 1808, his son
Jagat Singh succeeded. In 1850 it was held that Lachhman Singh's
tenure was for life only, and that the holding should have been
resumed on his death. Jagat Singh was, however, allowed to continue
in possession; and in 1862 this ruling was reversed and the jagirdar
received an adoption sanad. The present holder is Larai Dulhaiya,
widow of Jagat Singh, who succeeded in 1867 with the sanction of
Government, though no woman had before held the position of ruling
chief in Bundelkhand. She has an adopted son, Kunwar Vishvanath
Singh, born in 1881, who has been recognized as her successor. T h e
State contains 4 villages, with a cultivated area of 6 square miles, and
a revenue of Rs. 11,000. The administration is carried on by the
Thakurain herself, assisted by a kamdir. The head-quarters of the
estate are at Rebai, situated in 25 0 21' N. and 79 0 29' E., 18 miles
north of Nowgong cantonment. Population (1901), 757. U n t i l 1834
Naigawan (25 0 11' N. and 80° 54' E.) was the chief place. The
change in the head-quarters has given rise to the present name of
the holding.
N a i h a t i . — T o w n in the Barrackpore subdivision of the District of
the Twenty-four Parganas, Bengal, situated in 22 0 54' N. and 88° 25' E.,
on the east bank of the Hooghly river. Population (1901), 13,604.
Naihati is a station on the Eastern Bengal State Railway and the
junction of a branch railway across the Hooghly Bridge which connects
with the East Indian Railway. An emigration depot is situated in the
town ; and at Gauripur there are large jute and oil-mills. Naihati was
constituted a municipality in 1869. T h e area within municipal limits
has been greatly curtailed by the separation of the Bhatpara munici-
pality in 1899, and of the Halisahar municipality in 1903. T h e
income for the five years since its separation from Bhatpara has
averaged Rs. 21,000, and the expenditure Rs. 20,000. In 1903-4 the
income was Rs. 13,700, including Rs. 5,000 derived from a tax on
persons (or property tax); and the expenditure was Rs. 11,400.
Naini Tal District.—Southern District in the Kumaun Division,
United Provinces, lying between 28 0 5 1 ' and 29 0 37' N. and 78 0 43'
and 80° 5' E., with an area of 2,677 square miles. It is bounded
on the north by the Districts of Almora and Garhwal; on the east by
Almora and by Nepal territory; on the west by Garhwal and B i j n o r ;
and on the south by Pilibhit, Bareilly, Moradabad, and the State of
Rampur. About one-sixth of the District lies in the outer ranges
of the Himalayas, the chief of which is known as
Physical GAGAR. These rise abruptly from the plains to
a height of 6,000 or 7,000 feet, and are clothed with
forest. The scenery is strikingly beautiful; and from the tops of the
higher peaks, which reach a height of nearly 9,000 feet, magnificent
views can be obtained of the vast level plain to the south, or of the
mass of the tangled ridges lying north, bounded by the great snowy
range which forms the central axis of the Himalayas. Immediately
below the hills stretches a long narrow strip of land called the B H A B A R ,
in which the mountain torrents sink and are lost, except during the
rains, beneath the boulder formation which they themselves have
made. The Bhabar contains vast forest areas, and is scantily culti-
vated. The remainder of the District is included in the damp moist
plain known as the T A R A I and the K A S H I P U R tahsil. O n the northern
edge of the Tarai springs appear, which gradually form rivers or small
streams, and give a verdant aspect to the country throughout the year.
Kashipur, in the south-west corner, is less swampy and resembles the
adjoining tracts in Rohilkhand. None of the rivers in the District
rises in the snowy range except the SARDA, which just touches the
eastern boundary. T h e main drainage lines of the h i l l country are
those of the Kosi, Gola, and Nandhaur. The Kosi rises in Almora
District, and the Gola and Nandhaur in the southern slopes of the
outer hills. A l l three rivers eventually join the RAMGANGA, the Gola
being known in its lower courses as the Kichha, and the Nandhaur as
the Deoha and later as the Garra. The smaller watercourses of the
Bhabar and the Tarai are innumerable, and change their names every
few miles, but all eventually drain into the Ramganga. In the hills
are several lakes of some size and considerable beauty, the chief being
Naini Tal, Bhim Tal, Malwa T a l , Sat Tal, Naukuchhiya Tal, and
Khurpa Ta;.
The Tarai consists of a zone of recently formed Gangetic alluvium,
while the Bhabar is a gently sloping mass of coarse gravels still being
formed from the debris brought down by streams from the hills.
A sub-Himalayan zone of low hills, including the Kotah Dun, which
resembles the S I W A L I K S and the valley of the Nandhaur, contains
deposits of the Upper Tertiary age, chiefly Nahan sandstone. This zone
is separated from the Himalayas by a reversed fault. The higher hills
comprise an older set of slates and quartzites; a massive dark dolomite
or limestone; beds of quartzite and basic lava-flows, and possibly other
schistose and granitic rocks. T h e steep slopes acted on by heavy rain-
fall have from time to time given way in landslips of considerable size 1 .
The flora of the District presents a great variety. In the Tarai the
ordinary trees and plants of the plains are found. The Bhabar forests
consist to a large extent of sal (Shorea robusta); but as the hills are
ascended the flora changes rapidly, and European trees and plants
are seen 2.
Records, Geological Survey of India, vol. xxiii, pts. i and iv, and vol. xxiv, pt. i i ;
T. H. Holland, Report on Geological Structure of Hill Slopes near Nairn Tal.
For a complete list of plants found, see chap. viii, N.-W. P. Gazetteer, vol. x.
Owing to the wide range of climate and elevation, most of the
animals of both the plains and hills of Northern I n d i a are found in this
District. A few elephants haunt the Bhabar and part of the Tarai,
while tigers and leopards range from the plains to the hills. T h e wolf,
jackal, and wild dog are also found. The Himalayan black bear lives
in the hills, and the sloth bear in both the Bhabar and the Tarai. T h e
sambar or jarau, spotted deer, swamp deer, hog deer, barking-deer,
four-horned antelope, nilgai, antelope, and gural also occur. Many
kinds of snakes are found, including immense pythons which some-
times attain a length of 30 feet. The District is also rich in bird life ;
about 450 species have been recorded. Fish are plentiful, and fishing
in the lakes and some of the rivers is regulated by the grant of
The climate of the Tarai and to a lesser extent of the Bhabar is
exceedingly unhealthy, especially from May to November. Few
people, except the Tharus and Boksas, who seem fever-proof, are able
to live there long. In the hills the climate is more temperate, and the
annual range on the higher slopes is from about 26° in January, when
snow falls in most years, to 85 0 in June.
The rainfall varies as much as the climate. At Kashipur, south
of the Tarai, only 46 inches are received annually ; while at Haldwani,
in the Bhabar, the average is nearly 77. Naini Tal is still wetter, and
receives 95 inches annually, including snow.
Traditions connect many places in the hills with the story of the
Mahabharata. The earliest historical record is to be found in the visit
of Hiuen Tsiang, who describes a kingdom of
Govisana, which was probably in the Tarai and
Bhabar, and a kingdom of Brahmapura in the hills. The Tarai then
appears to have relapsed into jungle, while the hills were included in
the dominion of the Katyurl Rajas, of whom little is known. They
were succeeded by the Chands, who claimed to be SombansI Rajputs
from J H U S I in Allahabad District, and first settled south of Almora
and in the Tarai. The Musalman historians mention K u m a u n in the
fourteenth century, when Gyan Chand proceeded to Delhi and obtained
from the Sultan a grant of the Bhabar and Tarai as far as the Ganges.
The lower hills were, however, held by local chiefs, and K i r a t i Chand
(1488-1503) was the first who ruled the whole of the present District.
When the Mughal empire was established the Musalmans formed
exaggerated ideas of the wealth of the hills, and the governor of the
adjoining tract occupied the Tarai and Bhabar and attempted to
invade the hills, but was foiled by natural difficulties. The Ain-i-Akbari
mentions a sarkar of Kumaun, but the mahals included in it seem to
refer to the submontane tract alone. T h e power of the Chand Rajas
was chiefly confined to the h i l l tracts; but Baz Bahadur (1638-78)
visited Shah Jahan at Delhi, and in 1655 joined the Mughal forces
against Garhwal, and recovered the Tarai. In 1672 he introduced
a poll-tax, the proceeds of which were remitted to Delhi as tribute.
One of his successors, named Debi Chand (1720-6), took part in the
intrigues and conspiracies of the Afghans of Rohilkhand and even
faced the imperial troops, but was defeated. In 1744 A l i Muhammad,
the Rohilla leader, sent a force into the Chand territory and penetrated
through B h i m Tal in this District to Almora" ; but the Rohillas were
ultimately driven out. A reconciliation was subsequently effected;
troops from the hills fought side by side with the Rohillas at Panlpat
in 1761, and the lowlands were in a flourishing state. Internal dissen-
sions followed, and the government of the plains became separated
from that of the hills, part being held by the Nawab of Oudh and part
by Brahmans from the hills. In 1790 the Gurkhas invaded the h i l l
tracts, and the Chands were driven to the Bhabar and finally expelled.
The Tarai and Kashipur were ceded to the British by the Nawab
of Oudh in 1801 with the rest of Rohilkhand. In 1814 war broke out
between the British and Nepalese, and a force marched from Kashipur
in February, 1815. Almora fell in two months and Kumaun became
British territory. The later history of the District is a record of
administrative details till 1857. The inhabitants of the hills took no
part in the great M u t i n y ; but from June there was complete disorder
in the plains, and large hordes of plunderers invaded the Bhabar.
Unrest was spreading to the hills, when martial law was proclaimed by
Sir Henry Ramsay, the Commissioner, and the danger passed. The
rebels from Rohilkhand seized HaldwanI near the foot of the h i l l s ; and
attempts were made to reach Nairn T a l , but without success. By
February, 1858, the rebels were practically cleared out of the Tarai,
and there was no further trouble.
There are considerable areas of ruins in the Tarai and Bhabar which
have not been properly explored. Near Kashipur bricks have been
found bearing inscriptions of the third or fourth century A . D . The
temple at Bhim T a l , built by Baz Bahadur in the seventeenth century,
is the chief relic of the Chands.
T h e District contains 7 towns and 1,513 villages. Population
increased considerably between 1872 and 1891, but was then checked
by a series of adverse seasons. The numbers at the
four enumerations were as follows: (1872) 263,956,
(1881) 339,667, (1891) 356,881, and (1901) 311,237. The Tarai and
Bhabar contain a large nomadic population. There are four divisions,
corresponding to the tahsils of Districts i n the plains: namely, N A I N I
T A L , the B H A B A R , the T A R A I , and KASHIPUR. The Bhabar is in
charge of a tahsildar stationed at Haldwani, and the Tarai is under
a tahsildar at Kichha. T h e principal towns are the municipalities
o f N A I N I T A L , the District head-quarters, and K A S H I P U R , and the
'notified area' of Haldwani. The following table gives the chief
statistics of population in 1901 :—

persons able to
Area in square

Population per

population be-
Number of

square mile.

variation in
tween 1891

Number of
and 1901.

read and


Nairn Tai . 433 I 451 43,738 101 5·2 3,735

Bhabar 1,279 4 511 93,445 73 6.7 5,138
Kashipur . 189 2 147 55,632 294 24.0 2,313
Tarai. 776 404 118,422 153 1,741
District total 2,677 7 1,513 311,237 Il6 -12.7 12,927

About 75 per cent, of the population are Hindus, and more than
24 per cent. Musalmans; but the latter are chiefly found in the Tarai
and Kashipur. More than 67 per cent, of the total speak Western
H i n d i , 31 per cent. Central Pahari, and 1 per cent. Nepali or Gorkhali.
In the hills and Bhabar the majority of the population is divided
into three main castes—Brahmans, Rajputs, and Doms. The two
former include the Khas tribes classed respectively as Brahmans and
Rajputs. The Doms are labourers and artisans, while the Brahmans
and Rajputs are agriculturists. In the Tarai and Kashipur are found
the ordinary castes of the plains, with a few peculiar to this tract.
Rajputs altogether number 51,300 ; Brahmans, 36,000 ; Doms, 33,000 ;
and Chamars, 23,000. The Tharus and Boksas, who are believed to
be of Mongolian origin, number 16,000 and 4,000 respectively. They
are the only people who can retain their health in the worst parts
of the Tarai. In the hills are found three small, but peculiar, castes:
the Bhotias, who come from the border of T i b e t ; the Naiks, who
devote their daughters to prostitution; and the Sauns, who are miners.
Among Musalmans the chief tribes are the Shaikhs (19,000), and
Julahas or weavers (13,000). The Rains (4,000) and the Turks (4,000)
are found only in the submontane tract. Agriculture supports about
67 per cent, of the total population, and general labour 9 per cent.
Out of 659 native Christians in 1901, Methodists numbered 2or,
Roman Catholics 193, Presbyterians 59, and the Anglican communion
38. The American Methodist Episcopal Mission commenced work at
Nairn T a i in 1857.
In the h i l l tracts the method of cultivation differs according to the
situation of the land. Plots lying deep in the valleys near the beds
of rivers are irrigated by small channels, and produce
a constant succession of wheat and rice. On the
hill-sides land is terraced, and marua, or some variety of bean or pulse,
takes the place of rice in alternate years, while wheat is not grown
continuously unless manure is available. In poorer land barley is
grown instead of wheat. Potatoes are largely cultivated on the natural
slope of hill-sides from which oak forest has been cut. Cultivation in
the hills suffers from the fact that a large proportion of the population
migrate to the Bhabar in the winter. Agricultural conditions in the
Bhabar depend almost entirely on the possibility of canal-irrigation,
and the cultivated land is situated near the mouth of a valley in the
hills. Rice is grown in the autumn, and in the spring rape or mustard
and wheat are the chief crops. Farther south in the Tarai and in
Kashlpur cultivation resembles that of the plains generally. In the
northern portion the soil is l i g h t ; but when it becomes exhausted,
cultivation shifts. Lower down clay is found, which is continuously
cultivated. Rice is here the chief crop ; but in dry seasons other crops
are sown, and the spring harvest becomes more important.
The tenures in the hill tracts have been described in the account
of the K U M A U N D I V I S I O N . I n the Bhabar the majority of villages are
managed as Government estates, the tenants being tenants-at-will and
the village managed and the rents collected by a headman. There
are also a few villages under zamindari tenures peculiar to the tract, in
which tenants with the khaikari occupancy right of the hills are found.
Most of the Tarai is also a Government estate. The cultivators, though
mere tenants-at-will, are never dispossessed so long as they pay their
rents. In Kashlpur the tenures of the plains predominate, but a few
villages are managed as Government estates. The main agricultural
statistics for 1903-4 are given below, in square miles:—

Tahsil. Total. Cultivated. Irrigated. Cultivable


Nairn Tal 433 54 13 19*

Bhabar . . . . 1,279 89 88 32*
Kashlpur 189 69 10
Tarai . . . . 776 195 38 431

Total 2,677 407 149 557

* In demarcated area only.

No crop returns are prepared for the Nairn Tal tahsil, in which
wheat, barley, rice, and marua are the main food-crops, while a little
tea and spices are also grown. Rice and wheat are the most important
crops in the Tarai and Kashipur, covering 101 and 87 square miles
respectively, or 38 and 33 per cent. of the net area cropped. Gram,
maize, and barley are grown on smaller areas. Oilseeds cover
24 square miles, and a little sugar-cane and cotton are produced.
There are five tea estates in the lower hills, but little tea is now made,
and fruit-growing is becoming a more important industry.

The cultivated area in the hill tracts increased by nearly 50 per cent.
between 1872 and 1902; but agricultural methods have not improved
to any marked extent, except in the extension of irrigation and of
potato cultivation. The cultivated area in the Bhabar has also
increased, but is entirely dependent on canals. In the Tarai and
Kashipur cultivation fluctuates considerably according to variations in
the rainfall. Advances under the Land Improvement and Agriculturists'
Loans Acts are small. They are not required in the hills or in the
The h i l l cattle are smaller than those of the plains; but neither
breed is of good quality, though attempts have been made to introduce
better strains. Enormous herds are brought from the Districts farther
south for pasture during the hot season. Ponies of a small, but hardy,
variety are bred in large numbers along the foot of the hills for use as
pack-animals. Goats and sheep are of the ordinary type, and con-
siderable flocks are driven up in the winter from the plains to the
Tarai. In the hills goats are seldom used to supply milk, but are
kept for their flesh and manure.
The total area irrigated in 1903-4 was 149 square miles. A few
square miles are irrigated in the hills from channels drawn from the
rivers and carried along hill-sides, besides irrigation from springs and
water near the surface. The greater part of the irrigation in the rest
of the District is from small canals. These are drawn in the Bhabar
from the rivers which flow down from the hills, supplemented by lakes
which have been embanked to hold up more water. Owing to the
porous nature of the soil and gravel which make up that area, there is
a great loss of water, and the channels are gradually being lined with
masonry. More than 200 miles of canals have been built, command-
ing an area of no square miles. In the Tarai the small streams which
rise as springs near the boundary of the Bhabar were formerly dammed
by the people to supply irrigation. Immense swamps were formed and
the tract became extremely unhealthy. Canals and drainage systems
have, however, been undertaken. The canals are chiefly taken from
the small streams and are ' m i n o r ' works. In the east the villagers
themselves make the dams and channels. The more important canals
are divided between the charges of the Engineer attached to the Tarai
and Bhabar and of the Engineer of the Rohilkhand Canals.
The forests of the District cover an area of about 1,510 square miles,
of which about 900 are 'reserved' and 340 consist of 'protected'
forests. They are situated partly in the submontane
tract and partly in the hills. In the former tract the
most valuable product is sal (Shorea robusta); while shisham (Dalbergia
Sissoo), haldu (Adina cordifolia), and khair {Acacia Catechu) are also
found. Sai extends up to about 3,000 feet, and is then replaced by
various pines, especially chir (Pinus longifolia), and ultimately by
various kinds of oak (Quercus semecarpifolia, tncana, and dilatata).
The whole of the waste land in the hill tracts has now been declared
' protected' forest to prevent further denudation, which had begun to
threaten the cultivation in the river-beds. Most of the ' reserved'
forest area is included in the Naini Tal, Kumaun, and Garhwal forest
divisions, and accounts are not kept separately for the District. The
receipts are, however, large, amounting to 2 or 3 lakhs annually.
The mineral products are various, but have not proved of great
value. Building stone is abundant, and lime is manufactured at
several places. Iron was worked for a time both by Government and
by private enterprise; but none is extracted now. Copper is also to be
found, but is not worked. A little gold is obtained by washing the
sands of the Dhela and Phika rivers; and other minor products are
alum, gypsum, and sulphur.
Cotton cloth of good quality is largely woven in the south-west of
the District, especially at Jaspur, and is dyed or printed locally for
export to the hills. Elsewhere only the coarsest
Trade and
material is produced for local use. In the hill tracts communications.
a coarse kind of cloth, sacking, and ropes are woven
from goat's hair. There are no other industries of importance. A
brewery is situated close to Naini Tal, which employs about 50 hands.
The District as a whole imports piece-goods, salt, and metals, while
the chief exports are agricultural and forest produce. The hill tracts
supply potatoes, chillies, ginger, and forest produce, and import grain
from the Bhabar. The surplus products of the latter tract consist of
grain, forest produce, and rapeseed. There is little trade to or from
the Tarai. A considerable through traffic between the interior of the
Himalayas and the plains is of some importance to this District.
Naini Tal is the chief mart in the hills, while Haldwani, Ramnagar,
Chorgallia, and Kaladhungi in the Bhabar, and Jaspur and Kashipur
are the principal markets in the plains.
The only railway is the Rohilkhand-Kumaun line from Bareilly to
Kathgodam at the foot of the hills below Naini T a l ; but extensions
are contemplated from Lalkua on this line via Kashlpur to Ramnagar,
and from Moradabad on the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway to Kashl-
pur. There are 737 miles of road, of which 173 are metalled and are
in charge of the Public Works department. The cost of the metalled
roads is charged to Provincial revenues, while 226 miles of unmetalled
roads are maintained by the District board, and 337 by the Tarai and
Bhabar estate funds. The chief road is that from Bareilly through
Kathgodam to Ranlkhet and Almora, passing close to Naini Tal.
Another road from Moradabad through Kashlpur and Ramnagar
also leads to Ranlkhet.
Famine is practically unknown in the District, though high prices
cause distress among the lowest classes. A serious failure of rain in
the hills has never happened; and although deficiency
injures the crops, the h i l l people depend largely on
the Bhabar, in which irrigation is drawn from permanent sources.
The Tarai suffers more from excessive rain than from drought, and
the canal system protects every part of the low country except Kashi-
pur, where scarcity was experienced in 1896.
The District is in charge of a Deputy-Commissioner, who is ordinarily
assisted by a member of the Indian Civil Service and by a Deputy-
Collector, who are stationed at Nairn Tal. The
Kashipur tahsil forms a subdivision in charge of
another Deputy-Collector, who resides at Kashipur except during the
rains. A special superintendent manages the Tarai and Bhabar
Government estates. A tahslldar is stationed at the head-quarters
of each tahsil except Nairn Tal and Kashipur, where there is a
naib-tahsildar. In addition to the ordinary District staff, an
Engineer is in charge of canals and other public works in the
Government estates, and the forests are divided between several forest
Nairn' Tal is administered as a non-regulation tract, and the same
officers exercise civil, revenue, and criminal jurisdiction. In civil
matters the Commissioner of Kumaun sits as a H i g h Court, while the
Deputy-Commissioner has powers of a District Judge, and his assistants
and the tahsildars have civil powers for the trial of suits. T h e Com-
missioner is also Sessions Judge in subordination to the H i g h Court
at Allahabad. There is little crime in the h i l l tracts ; but dacoity
is fairly common in the Tarai and Bhabar, and this is the most
serious form of crime. The proximity of the State of Rampur favours
the escape of criminals.
A District of Nairn Tal was first formed in 1891. Before that date
the h i l l tracts and the Bhabar had been included in what was then
the Kumaun, but is now called the A L M O R A D I S T R I C T . The parganas
included in Kashipur and the Tarai were for long administered as parts
of the adjoining Districts of Moradabad and Bareilly. About 1861,
after many changes, a Tarai District was formed, to which in 1870
Kashipur was added. The tract was at the same time placed under
the Commissioner of Kumaun.
The first settlement of the h i l l tracts and the Bhabar in 1815 was
based on the demands of the Gurkhas and amounted to Rs. 17,000,
the demand being levied by parganas or pattis (a subdivision of the
pargana). and not by villages, and being collected through headmen.
Short-term settlements were made at various dates, in which the revenue
fixed for each patti was distributed over villages by the zamlnddrs
themselves. The first regular settlement was carried out between 1842
and 1846, and this was for the first time preceded by a partial survey
where boundary disputes had occurred, and by the preparation of
a record-of-rights. The revenue so fixed amounted to Rs. 36,000.
A revision was carried out between 1863 and 1873; but the manage-
ment of the Bhabar had by this time been separated from that of the
hills. In the latter a more detailed survey was made. Settlement opera-
tions in the hills differ from those in the plains, as competition rents
are non-existent. The valuation is made by classifying soil, and esti-
mating the produce of each class. The revenue fixed in the h i l l pattis
alone amounted to Rs. 34,900, which was raised to Rs. 50,300 at the
latest assessment made between 1900 and 1902. The latter figure
includes the rent of potato clearings, which are treated as a Government
estate, and also revenue which has been ' assigned,' the actual sum
payable to Government being Rs. 43,100. There was for many years
very little advance in cultivation in the Bhabar, the revenue from which
in 1843 was only Rs. 12,700. In 1850 it was placed in charge of
Captain (afterwards Sir Henry) Ramsay, who was empowered to spend
any surplus above the fixed revenue on improving the estate. The
receipts at once increased by leaps and bounds, as irrigation was
provided and other improvements were made. Revenue continued to
be assessed as in the hills in the old settled villages, while the new
cultivation was treated as a Government estate. The first revision in
1864 yielded Rs. 60,000, of which Rs. 4,000 represented rent; and
the total receipts rose to a lakh in 1869, 1·4 lakhs in 1879, nearly
2 lakhs in 1889, and 2·4 lakhs in 1903. Of the latter figure, Rs. 57,000
is assessed as revenue and Rs. 1,85,000 as rent. The greater part of
the Tarai is held as a Government estate, and its fiscal history is
extremely complicated, as portions of it were for long administered
as part of the adjacent Districts. The land revenue in 1885 amounted
to Rs. 70,000 and the rental demand to about 2 lakhs. The latter
item was revised in 1895, when rents were equalized, and the rental
demand is now about 2·5 lakhs. Kashipur was settled as part of
Moradabad District, and at the revisions of 1843 and 1879 the revenue
demand was about a lakh. A revision has recently been made. The
total demand for revenue and rent in Nairn Tal District is thus
about 7 lakhs. The gross revenue is included i n that of the K U M A U N
There are two municipalities, K A S H I P U R and N A I N I T A L , and
one ' notified area,' H A L D W A N I , and four towns are administered under
A c t XX of 1856. Beyond the limits of these, local affairs are managed
by the District board; but a considerable expenditure on roads,
education, and hospitals is incurred in the Government estates from
Provincial revenues. The District board had in 1903-4 an income
VOL. X V I I I . V
of Rs. 37,000 and an expenditure of Rs. 82,000, including Rs. 42,000
spent on roads and buildings.
T h e Superintendent of police and a single circle inspector are in
charge of the whole of the Kumaun Division. In the h i l l tract of this
District there are no regular police, except in the town of Nairn Tal
and at three outposts, the duties of the police being discharged by the
patwaris, who have a higher position than in the plains. There is one
reserve inspector; and the force includes 37 subordinate officers and
135 constables, besides 83 municipal and town police, and 152 rural
and road police. The number of police stations is 11. A jail has
recently been built at Haldwani.
The population of Nainl Tal District is above the average as re-
gards literacy, and 4·2 per cent. (7·1 males and 0·5 females) could read
and write in 1901. The Musalmans are especially backward, only 2
per cent. of these being literate. In 1880-1 there were only 16 public
schools with 427 pupils; but after the formation of the new District
education was rapidly pushed on, and by 1900-1 the number of schools
had risen to 60 with 1,326 pupils. In 1903-4 there were 93 public
schools with 2,277 pupils, including 82 girls, besides 13 private schools
with 170 pupils. Only 200 pupils in public and private schools were
in advanced classes. T w o schools were managed by Government and
77 by the District and municipal boards. The expenditure on educa-
tion was Rs. 12,000, provided almost entirely from Local and Provincial
funds, These figures do not include the nine European schools in
N A I N I T A L T O W N , which contain about 350 boys and 250 girls.
There are 14 hospitals and dispensaries in the District, with accom-
modation for 104 in-patients. In 1903 the number of cases treated
was 78,000, of whom 1,040 were in-patients, and 1,687 operations were
performed. The expenditure amounted to Rs. 49,000.
In 1903-4 the number of persons successfully vaccinated was 11,000,
giving an average of 37 per 1,000.
[ J . E. Goudge, Settlement Report, Almora and Hill Pattis of Nainl
Tal (1903); H. R. Nevill, District Gazetteer (1904).]
Nainl Tal T a h s i l — A portion of Naini Tal District, United Pro-
vinces, comprising the parganas of Dhyanirao, Chhakhata Pahar,
Pahar Kota, Dhaniyakot, Ramgarh, Kutauh, and Mahrurl, and lying
between 29 0 9' and 29 0 37' N. and 79 0 9' and 790 56' E., with an area
of 433 square miles. Population fell from 46,139 in 1891 to 43,738 in
1901. There are 451 villages, but only one town, N A I N I T A L , which
is the District head-quarters in the hot season (population, 7,609 in
winter and 15,164 in summer). The demand for land revenue in
1903-4 was Rs. 33,000, and for cesses Rs. 5,000. The density
of population, 101 persons per square mile, is higher than in the
Himalayan tracts generally. This tract lies entirely in the hills, and is
under the charge of a peshkar or naib-tahsildar. In 1903-4 the area
under cultivation was 54 square miles, of which 13 were irrigated either
by small channels from rivers or by canals.
N a i n I Tal Town.—Head-quarters of Nairn Tal District, United
Provinces, with cantonment, situated in 29 0 24' N. and 79 0 28' E., in
a valley of the GAGAR range of the Outer Himalayas. Population,
15,164 in September, 1900, and 7,609 in March, 1901, including that
of the small cantonment. Up to 1839 the place was resorted to only
by the herdsmen of surrounding villages, and though it was mentioned
by the Commissioner in official reports, he does not appear to have
visited i t . It was then discovered by a European, and from 1842 it
increased rapidly in size and prosperity. At the time of the Mutiny,
Nairn Tal formed a refuge for the fugitives from the neighbouring
Districts in Rohilkhand. Soon afterwards it became the summer
head-quarters of Government, and it is now also the head-quarters of
the Commissioner of Kumaun and of a Conservator of Forests. In
September, 1880, after three days' continuous rain, a landslip occurred,
which caused the death of forty-three Europeans and 108 natives,
besides damage to property amounting to about 2 lakhs. Since this
disastrous occurrence a complete system of drainage has been carried
out at great expense. The valley contains a pear-shaped lake, a little
more than two miles in circumference, with a depth of 93 feet. On
the north and south rise steep hill-sides clothed with fine forest trees,
among which oaks predominate. On the western bank is situated
a considerable area of more gently sloping land, from which a level
recreation-ground has been excavated. The upper bazar stands above
this, and the houses occupied by the European residents are scattered
about on the sides of the valley. East of the lake the lower bazar is
built on the outer edge of the range. The surface of the lake is 6,350
feet above sea-level; and the highest peaks are China (8,568) on the
north, Deopatha (7,987) on the west, and Ayarpatha (7,461) on the
south. The residence of the Lieutenant-Governor, completed in 1900,
is a handsome building standing in spacious grounds. The principal
public buildings include the Government Secretariat, the District
offices, the Ramsay Hospital for Europeans, and male and female
dispensaries for natives. There is also an important station of the
American Methodist Mission. Naini Tal has been a municipality
since 1845. During the ten years ending 1901 the income and
expenditure averaged 1½ lakhs, including loan funds. The income in
1903-4 was 1·7 lakhs, including house tax (Rs. 34,000), tolls (Rs. 93,000),
water-rate (Rs. 23,000), and conservancy tax (Rs. 21,000); and the
expenditure was 1·4 lakhs, including repayment of loans and interest
(Rs. 23,000), maintenance of water-supply and drainage (Rs. 34,000),
and conservancy (Rs. 26,000). Drinking-water is derived from springs,
Y 2
and is pumped up to reservoirs at the top of hills and distributed by
gravitation. More than 4 lakhs has been spent on water-supply and
drainage, and the introduction of a scheme of electric light is con-
templated. The trade of the town chiefly consists in the supply of
the wants of the summer visitors; but there is some through traffic
with the hills. Three schools for natives have 220 pupils, and five
European schools for boys have 350 pupils and four for girls 250.
N a i n w a h . — T o w n i n Bundi State, Rajputana. See N A E N W A .
Najibabad Tahsil—-Northern tahsil of Bijnor District, U n i t e d
Provinces, comprising the parganas of Najibabad, Kiratpur, and
Akbarabad, and lying between 29 0 25' and 29 0 58' N. and 78° 7'
and 78 0 31' E., with an area of 396 square miles. Population fell
from 156,873 in 1891 to 153,896 in 1901. There are 422 villages and
two towns: N A J I B A B A D (population, 19,568), the tahsil head-quarters,
and K I R A T P U R (15,051). The demand for land revenue in 1903-4
was Rs. 2,75,000, and for cesses Rs. 45,000. The density of popu-
lation, 389 persons per square mile, is much below the District average.
The tahsil contains a considerable area of forest, besides a hilly tract
which is uninhabited. The northern portion is scored by torrents,
which are dry for eight months in the year but scour deep ravines
during the rains. Numerous other streams cross the rich alluvial
plain which constitutes the rest of the tahsil, the chief being the
M a l i n . The Ganges forms the western boundary. In 1903-4 the
area under cultivation was 188 square miles, of which only 7 were
irrigated. A small private canal from the Malin serves about one
square mile, but rivers are the chief source of supply.
N a j i b a b a d Town.—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the same
name in Bijnor District, United Provinces, situated in 29 0 37' N.
and 78° 2 1 ' E., at the junction of the main line of the Oudh and
Rohilkhand Railway with the branch to Kotdwara in Garhwal. Popu-
lation (1901), 19,568. Najibabad was founded by Najib-ud-daula,
paymaster and for a time Wazir of the Mughal empire, who built
a fort at Patthargarh, a mile to the east, in 1755. In 1772 the town
was sacked by the Marathas, and in 1774 it passed into the hands of
the Nawab of Oudh. During the M u t i n y Mahmud, great-grandson
of Najib-ud-daula, revolted, and in 1858, when the place was recovered,
the palace was destroyed. Najibabad is close to the forest and its
climate is unhealthy, but the town is well drained into the Malin. T h e
principal relic of Rohilla rule is the tomb of Najib-ud-daula; and a
carved gateway still marks the site of the palace, now occupied by the
tahsili. A spacious building called the Mubarak Bunyad, which was
built at the close of the eighteenth century, is used as a resthouse.
The fortress of Patthargarh, also known as Najafgarh, is in ruins. T h e
stone used in its construction was taken from an ancient fort, called
Mordhaj, some distance away. Najibabad contains a dispensary and
police station, and a branch of the American Methodist Mission. It
has been administered as a municipality since 1866. During the ten
years ending 1901 the income and expenditure averaged Rs. 15,000.
In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 25,000, chiefly from octroi (Rs, 20,000);
and the expenditure was Rs. 28,000. Najibabad is of considerable
importance as a depot for trade with the hills. Metal vessels, cloth,
blankets, shoes, & c , are made here, and exported to Garhwal, while
there is a through trade in salt, sugar, grain, and timber. The town
is also celebrated for its production of sweetmeats and small baskets,
and in former days its matchlocks were well-known. The tahsili school
has over 220 pupils and an English school about 100. A primary
school and 11 aided schools have about 350 pupils.
N a k o d a r Tahsil.—Western tahsil of Jullundur District, Punjab,
lying on the north bank of the Sutlej, between 30 0 56' and 3 1 0 15' N.
and 75 0 5' and 75 0 37' E., with an area of 371 square miles. The
population in 1901 was 222,412, compared with 217,079 in 1891.
The head-quarters are at the town of N A K O D A R (population, 9,958),
and it also contains 311 villages. The land revenue and cesses
in 1903-4 amounted to 4·3 lakhs. The Sutlej forms the southern
boundary of the tahsil. The alluvial lowlands along the right bank
average 7 miles in breadth. The soil of the uplands above the old
bank of the river is a light loam, and low sand ridges are not
uncommon. The Eastern Bein passes through the tahsil.
N a k o d a r Town.—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the same name,
Jullundur District, Punjab, situated in 3 1 0 8' N. and 75 0 29' E. Popu-
lation (1901), 9,958. Taking its name from the Nikudari wing or
legion of the Mughals, it became a stronghold of the Sikh chief, Tara
Singh, Ghaiba, and was captured by Ranjit Singh in 1815. The can-
tonment established here after the first Sikh War was abolished in
1854. Nakodar contains two fine tombs dated 1612 and 1637. It
has a considerable trade in agricultural produce, and hukka tubes and
iron jars are manufactured. The municipality was created in 1867.
The income during the ten years ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 9,100,
and the expenditure Rs. 8,800. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 9,300,
chiefly from o c t r o i ; and the expenditure was Rs. 10,100. The town
has an Anglo-vernacular middle school, maintained by the municipality,
and a Government dispensary.
N a k u r T a h s i l . — South-western tahsil of Saharanpur District,
United Provinces, lying between 29 0 39' and 30 0 10' N. and
77 0 7' and 77 0 34" E. It comprises four parganas—Sultanpur,
Sarsawa, Nakur, and Gangoh—which all lie on the east bank of
the Jumna. The total area is 428 square miles, of which 306 were
cultivated in 1903-4. The population rose from 192,657 in 1891 to
203,494 in 1901. There are 394 villages and eight towns, including
G A N G O H (population, 12,971), A M B A H T A (5,751), and N A K U R (5,030),
the head-quarters. In 1903-4 the demand for land revenue was
Rs. 3,29,000, and for cesses Rs. 55,000. About one-third of the
tahsil lies in the Jumna khadar. The eastern portion is irrigated by
the Eastern Jumna Canal, which supplied 24 square miles in 1903-4,
while 60 square miles were irrigated from wells.
N a k u r Town.—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the same name in
Saharanpur District, United Provinces, situated in 29 0 56' N. and
77 0 18' E. Population (1901), 5,030, Hindus and Musalmans being
about equally divided. Nakur is said to have been founded by
Nakula, one of the Pandavas, from whom its name is derived. T h e
town suffered much in the Mutiny and was burnt by a party of Gujars ;
but a relieving force recovered part of the plunder. There is a fine
Jain temple, and also a tahsili school, a dispensary, and a sarai, all
well built. Nakur is administered under Act XX of 1856, and taxa-
tion yields about Rs. 1,100 a year. The site is raised and well
drained. There is very little trade.
N a i . — A large lake in the Bombay Presidency, about 37 miles
south-west of Ahmadabad, lying between 22 0 43' and 22 0 50' N.
and 71 0 59' and 72 0 6' E. It was at one time part of an arm of the
sea which separated Kathiawar from the mainland, and it still covers
an area of 49 square miles. Its water, at all times brackish, grows
more saline as the dry season advances, till at the close of the hot
season it has become nearly salt. The borders of the lake are fringed
with reeds and other rank vegetation, affording cover to innumerable
wild-fowl of every description. In the bed are many small islands,
much used as grazing grounds for cattle during the hot season.
N a l a . — Estate i n Khandesh District, Bombay. See M E H W A S
N a l a g a r h (also called Hindur).—One of the Simla H i l l States,
Punjab, lying between 30 0 54' and 3 1 0 14' N. and 76 0 39' and
76° 56' E., with an area of 256 square miles. Population (1901),
52,551. The country was overrun by the Gurkhas for some years
prior to 1815, when they were driven out by the British, and the
Raja was confirmed in possession. The present Raja is Isri Singh,
a Rajput. The revenue is about Rs. 1,30,000, of which Rs. 5,000
is paid as tribute. The principal products are wheat, barley, maize,
and poppy.
Nalapani.—Village in Dehra D u n District, United Provinces. See
Nalbari.—Village in the Gauhati subdivision of Kamrup District,
Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated in 26 0 27' N. and 91° 26' E.
Population (1901), 1,312. The village contains a market in which
country produce of all sorts is procurable. The public buildings
include a dispensary and an English middle school Nalbari suffered
severely from the earthquake of 1897, which altered the waterways
and rendered it impossible for boats to come up the Chaulkhoa from
Barpeta in the rains—a route that was formerly open. Efforts are now
being made to bring one of the rivers back into its former channel.
Most of the trade is in the hands of Marwari merchants known as
Kayahs. The principal imports are cotton piece-goods, grain and
pulse, kerosene and other oils, salt, and bell-metal; the chief exports
are rice, mustard, jute, hides, and silk cloths.
N a l c h i t i . — T o w n in the head-quarters subdivision of Backergunge
District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated in 22 0 39' N. and
90 0 18' E., on the river of the same name. Population (1901), 2,240.
Nalchiti was formerly an important trading town, exporting betel-
nuts direct to Arakan and Pegu, and is still a busy mart on the
main steamer route between Barisal and Calcutta. The chief exports
are rice and betel-nuts; and the chief imports are salt, tobacco, oil,
and sugar. Nalchiti was constituted a municipality in 1875. The
income during the decade ending 1901-2 averaged Rs. 2,270, and the
expenditure Rs. 2,100. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 3,150, mainly
derived from a property tax; and the expenditure was Rs. 3,100.
Naldrug District. — Former name of OSMANABAD DISTRICT,
Hyderabad State.
Naldrug T a l u k . — A taluk formerly in the south of Osmanabad
District, Hyderabad State, amalgamated with the Tuljapur taluk in
1905. The population in 1901, including jagirs, was 56,335, and the
area was 370 square miles, while the land revenue was 1·3 lakhs.
N a l d r u g Village.—Village in the Tuljapur taluk of Osmanabad
District, Hyderabad State, situated in 17 0 49' N. and 76 0 29' E.
Population (1901), 4,111. The fort of Naldrug is situated above the
ravine of the Bori river, and is one of the best fortified and most pictur-
esque places in the Deccan. Before the Muhammadan invasion in
the fourteenth century, it belonged to a local Raja, probably a vassal of
the Chalukyas. It fell to the Bahmani dynasty, who built the stone
fortifications. After the division of the Bahmani kingdom in 1482, it
was seized by the A d i l Shahis of Bijapur, and was a bone of contention
between them and the Ahmadnagar Sultans. A l i A d i l Shah in 1558
not only added to the fortifications, but erected a dam across the
Bori, which afforded a constant supply of water to the garrison.
Nalgonda District.—District in the Medak Gulshanabad Division,
Hyderabad State, lying between 16 0 20' and 17 0 47' N. and 78 0 4 5 ' a n d
79 0 55' E., with an area of 4,143 square miles, including jagirs1.
The dimensions relate to the District as it stood up to 1905. The changes made
then are described below under Population.
T h e Hyderabad Districts of Warangal, Karlmnagar, Mahbflbnagar, and
Atraf-i-balda bound it on the east, north, and west. On the south it
is separated from the Guntur District of the Madras Presidency by
the Kistna river. A range of hills runs through the taluks of Nalgonda
and Devarkonda, and enters the Amrabad sub-taluk
Physical in the south of Mahbubnagar District. Another
range of low hills starts in the south-west of the
District and extends from the vicinity of the Dandi river in a north-
eastern direction as far as Warangal District. A third range, known
as the Nalla Pahad, after reaching the Dandi and the Peddavagii,
bifurcates, one spur extending north, the other joining the second
range. A fourth range, in the north-west of the District, runs from
the west of Pasnur in a north-westerly direction as far as Surikonda,
and then taking a sudden turn towards the east extends for 12 miles
and turns again due north, passing between Narayanpur and Ibrahlm-
patan, curving again towards Vemalkonda. This range lies almost
wholly in the District, its total length being about 60 miles. Besides
these there are nearly a hundred isolated hills, some of which are
situated in one or other of the ranges mentioned. The general
slope of the District is from west and north-west towards the south-
The most important river is the Kistna, which forms the southern
boundary. It first touches the District at Yellaisharam in the Devar-
konda taluk and has fifteen fords, one in Devarkonda and fourteen in
Devalpalli taluk, served by boats or coracles. Its length in the District
is 53 miles. The Musi, a tributary of the Kistna, enters the District
from the north-west, and flows due east for a distance of 40 miles ;
but after its junction with the Aler river, it flows in a south-easterly
direction till it falls into the Kistna near Wazlrabad, after a course in
the District of 95 miles. The other rivers are the Peddavagu and the
Dandi in the Devarkonda taluk. The Hallia river, which rises in the
hills west of Narayanpur in the Nalgonda taluk, flows in a south-
easterly direction for about 45 miles, when it is joined by the Kongal
river near the village of Kongal, and continuing in the same direction
falls into the Kistna. Its total length is 82 miles.
The District is occupied by Archaean gneiss, except along the banks
of the Kistna, where the rocks belong to Cuddapah and Kurnool
series 1. The famous Golconda diamonds were formerly obtained from
the Cuddapahs and Kurnools, particularly the basement beds of the
The jungles and hilly portions of the District contain the common
trees met with everywhere, such as teak, ebony, eppa (Hardwickia
binata), nallamaddi (Terminalia tomentosa), sandra (Acacia Catechu).
W. King, Memoirs, Geological Survey of India, vol. viii, pt i.
babul (Acacia arabica), mango, tamarind, tarvar (Cassia auricula ta),
and various species of Ficus.
In the jungly portions of Devarkonda and Devalpalli and parts of
Bhongir and Suriapet, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, bears, hyenas, and
wolves, as well as sambar, spotted deer, antelope, and hares, are found.
Among birds, peafowl, partridges, quail, rock pigeon, and jungle-fowl
are abundant.
T h e District is malarious from August to October, and healthy
from November to the end of May. It is very hot during A p r i l
and May, the temperature rising to 110°. In August and Septem-
ber the moist heat is very oppressive. The average rainfall for the
twenty-one years ending 1901 was 26 inches.
The District was part of the dominions of the W A R A N G A L Rajas,
one of whose governors built Pangal, 2 miles north-east of the town of
Nalgonda, and made it his head-quarters, afterwards
removing to Nalgonda. That place was conquered
during the reign of Ahmad Shah Wali, the Bahmani king. After the
dissolution of the Bahmani power, the District became part of the
K u t b Shahi kingdom of GOLCONDA, and though it had been occupied
for a time by the Raja of Warangal, it was eventually retaken by Sultan
K u l i K u t b Shah. After the fall of Golconda, the District was annexed
with the other Deccan Subahs by Aurangzeb, but it was separated from
the Delhi empire on the foundation of the Hyderabad State in the
beginning of the eighteenth century.
There are several places of archaeological interest in the District,
the chief among them being the forts of N A L G O N D A , Devarkonda,
Orlakonda in the Suriapet taluk, and B H O N G I R . The fort of Devar-
konda is surrounded by seven hills, and was at one time considered
a formidable stronghold, but is now in ruins. The temples at Pangal
in the Nalgonda taluk, at Nagalpad in Devalpalli, and at Palalmari in
Suriapet, are fine specimens of H i n d u religious architecture.
The number of towns and villages in the District, including jagirs,
is 974. The population at the three enumerations was: (1881)
494,190, (1891) 624,617, and (1901) 699,799. The
towns are NALJGONDA and B H O N G I R . About 95 per
cent. of the population are Hindus, and as many as 91 per cent
speak Telugu. The table on the next page shows the distribution
of population in 1901.
In 1905 Cherial and Kodar were transferred to this District from
Warangal, the latter sub-taluk being made a taluk and its name changed
to Pochamcherla. The District in its present form thus consists of
the following seven taluks: Nalgonda, Cherial, Suriapet, Pocham-
cherla, Mirialguda (Devalpalli), Devarkonda, and Bhongir.
The most numerous caste is that of the agricultural Kapus, who
number 125,500, or 18 per cent, of the population, the most important
classes among them being the Kunbis (82,800) and Mutrasis (33,100).
Next come the Madigas or leather-workers (95,500), the Dhangars
or shepherds (71,700), the Mahars or village menials (57,200), the
Brahmans (31,400), the Salas or weavers (28,900), the Komatis or
trading caste (26,600), and the Ausalas or smiths (22,300). The
Madigas and Mahars w o r k as agricultural labourers, and most of
the Dhangars are engaged in agriculture as well as grazing. The
population engaged in, and supported by, agriculture numbers more
than 250,000, or 36 per cent. of the total.

There is an American mission at Nalgonda, having a church, a

mission school, and a hospital, with a competent staff of native Christian
teachers for the school, and a lady doctor in charge of the hospital.
The mission has two branches, one at Devarkonda and the other at
Mirialguda. In 1901 the District contained 1,212 native Christians, of
whom 429 were Roman Catholics, 225 Methodists, and 235 Baptists.
The converts are mostly from the lower castes.
The entire District is situated in the granitic region, hence most of
its soils are derived from the decomposition of granite and are gener-
ally sandy, such as chaika and masab. In the Deval-
palli taluk the soil near the Kistna is alluvial, and
also consists to a large extent of regar or black cotton soil. Both
these varieties are utilized for raising rabi crops. Regar is found in
the other taluks to a smaller extent, but with an admixture of sand.
The kharif crops raised on the chalka and masab soils are jowar,
bajra, cotton, kulthi, and castor-oil seed.
The tenure of lands is mainly ryotwari. Khalsa and ' crown' lands
covered a total area of 3,271 square miles in 1901, of which 1,525
were cultivated, 874 cultivable waste and fallows, 574 forests, and
298 were not available for cultivation. Jowar and bajra form the
staple food-crops, being grown on 17 and 22 per cent. of the net area
cropped. Rice is next in importance, the area under it being 138
square miles. Cotton is produced on 11½ square miles, and castor-oii
seed on 386 square miles.
T h e District has not yet been settled, but the revenue survey has
been completed. The total cultivated area increased from 1,187 square
miles in 1891 to 1,525 in 1901, or by 41 per cent. No steps have been
taken to improve the cultivation by importing new varieties of seed
or introducing better agricultural implements.
A special breed of cattle is found in the Devarkonda taluk, generally
black or red in colour, very sturdy and well suited for agricultural
work. The animals are supposed to be descended from the Mysore
breed, and are well-known beyond the frontier, a large number being
acquired by purchasers from British territory. The white cattle bred
in the Suriapet and Devalpalli taluks are handsome animals. In other
parts the cattle are of the ordinary strain. Goats are largely bred in
the Devarkonda, Devalpalli, and Suriapet taluks, as the large extent of
jungle and h i l l tracts provides plenty of grazing, while in the Nalgonda
and Bhongir taluks sheep are more commonly kept. The ponies are
of a very inferior class.
The area irrigated in 1901 was 229 square miles, supplied by
352 large tanks, 1,110 kuntas or small tanks, 12,456 wells, and
208 other sources. The principal channels are those from the rivers
Musi, Aler, Peddavagu, and other minor streams, which supply some
of the chief tanks, as well as provide direct irrigation.
There are small forest areas in all the taluks, amounting to a total
of 574 square miles, of which 190 square miles are 'protected.' In the
hilly jungles bordering on the Kistna river in the Devalpalli and
Devarkonda taluks, large tracts are covered with eppa (Hardwickia
binata) and sandra (Acacia Catechu). No forest is ' reserved,' but
17 species of timber trees have been reserved wherever found. The
revenue obtained from the sale of fuel, charcoal, and forest produce
in 1901 was Rs. 2,750.
In the Devalpalli taluk laminated limestone resembling the Shah-
abad stone is found, which is used for building purposes and also burnt
for making lime. Slate is also found in the same taluk. Gold was
discovered at Chitrial in the same taluk, and worked for a time, but
the yield was so small that the mine was given up. At Nandkonda
and the neighbouring villages on the left bank of the Kistna diamonds
are said to be found.
At Charlapalli and Pangal in the Nalgonda taluk silk cloth scarves
and satis of various patterns and colours are made, which are very
durable and are largely used by the better classes.
Trade and
T h e Salas or weavers also manufacture ordinary communications.
coarse cotton cloth and saris for the use of the
ryots. Light earthen vessels, such as goblets and drinking cups of
a fine quality, are made at Bhonglr, and are exported to Hyderabad
and adjoining Districts. To the east of the town of Nalgonda
there is a tannery where leather of a superior quality is prepared.
The number of hands employed in 1901 was 30.
The chief exports consist of castor-seed, cotton, tarvar bark, hides
and skins, both raw and prepared, bones and horns, rice, jowar, and
bajra; while the imports are salt, opium, silver and gold, copper and
brass, iron, refined sugar, kerosene oil, raw silk, yarn, and silken,
woollen, and cotton fabrics. The chief centres of trade are the towns
of Nalgonda and Bhongir. Articles for export from the northern
portions of the District find their way to Bhongir and Aler stations
on the Nizam's Guaranteed State Railway, and those from the
southern portions are sent direct by the old Masulipatam road
to Hyderabad. The number of carts that pass through the town of
Nalgonda varies between 200 per diem in the slack season to 700
in busy times.
The Nizam's Guaranteed State Railway traverses the Bhongir taluk
from west-south-west to east-north-east for a distance of 21 miles, and
has five stations in the District.
The principal road is that from Hyderabad to Masulipatam, which
was constructed by the Madras Sappers and Miners in 1832 for
military purposes. Its length in the District as far as Gumpal in the
Suriapet taluk is 71 miles. The road from Hyderabad to Madras
branches off at the sixty-seventh mile, near Nakrekai, and terminates
at Wazirabad near the Kistna, its length in the District being 40 miles.
This road was also made about the same time as the former, and by
the same agency. About 21 miles of the Hyderabad-Warangal road
lie in the District. Other roads are railway feeders, such as the
Nalgonda-Bhonglr road, 44 miles; the Khammamett station feeder
road, 18 miles; Nalgonda to Devarkonda, 36 miles; to Tipparti,
12 miles; and to Nakrekai, 14 miles. The last three were made
during the famine of 1877-8.
In 1790 a great famine affected the District, and grain was sold at
one rupee a seer. Another famine in 1877 caused severe distress
among the poor. Grain was sold at 4 seers a rupee,
and the District lost more than 34,000 head of cattle.
The famine of 1899-1900 was not so severe as that of 1877, but its
effects lasted for nearly two years.
The District is divided into three subdivisions: one consisting
of the taluks of Bhonglr and Cherial, under a Second Talukdar;
the second consisting of the taluks of Mirialguda
(Devalpalli) and Devarkonda, under a Third
Talukdar; and the third consisting of the taluks of Nalgonda,
Suriapet, and Pochamcherla (Kodar), under the head-quarters Third
Talukdar. The First Talukdar exercises a general supervision over
the work of all his subordinates. Each taluk is under a tahsildar.
The District civil court is presided over by the First Talukdar with
a Madadgar or Judicial Assistant for both civil and criminal work,
there being no Nazim-i-Diwani. There are altogether ten subordinate
civil courts, three presided over by the Second and T h i r d Talukdars,
and seven by the tahsildars. The First Talukdar is the chief
magistrate of the District and his Assistant is also a joint-magistrate,
who exercises powers in the absence of the First Talukdar from head-
quarters. The Second and T h i r d Talukdars and the tahsildars have
magisterial powers of the second and third class. Serious crime is
not heavy, dacoities, theft, and house-breaking being the common
offences in ordinary years.
L i t t l e is known of the early history of land revenue. Up to 1821
an anchanadar (estimator) was appointed to every ten villages, who
estimated the standing crops and submitted his estimates to the amils.
On ' wet' lands irrigated by tanks, and ' d r y ' lands, the State and the
ryot had equal shares, but on ' w e t ' lands supplied by channels and
wells the ryot's share was three-fifths and three-fourths respectively.
In 1821 ziladars (revenue managers) were appointed, who entered
into an agreement for a period of ten years with pateIs or village
headmen to pay annually a sum equal to the average receipts of the
previous ten years. In 1835 groups of villages were made over to
zamlndars on the sarbasta or contract system, which continued to the
time of Messrs. Dighton and Azam A l i Khan, the revenue managers or
ziladdrs in 1840. Five years later this was changed in certain taluks
and the revenue was collected departmentally, partly in kind and
partly in cash. The sarbasta or contract system was completely
abolished on the formation of regular Districts in 1866, when rates
of assessment were fixed per bigha ( 3/ 4 acre). The revenue survey of
the whole District has not yet been completed. The taluks of
Nalgonda and Devalpalli have very recently been settled, the increase
in their revenue being nearly Rs. 46,200, or more than 16 per cent.
The average assessment on ' d r y ' land is Rs. 1-14 (maximum Rs.
2-12, minimum Rs. 1-4), and on ' w e t ' land Rs. 15 (maximum
Rs. 18, minimum Rs. 11).
The land revenue and total revenue in recent years are given below,
in thousands of rupees :—
1881. 1891. 1901. 1903.

Land revenue . 8,20 11,97 12,38

Total revenue. 12,99 16,83 22,49 22,22

Owing to changes in area effected in 1905, the revenue demand

is now about 14·6 lakhs.
In 1902, after the settlement of the two taluks of Nalgonda and
Devalpalli, a cess of one anna in the rupee was levied for local
purposes, and boards were formed for every taluk except Nalgonda,
w i t h the tahsildars as chairmen. A District board was also constituted,
with the First Talukdar as president Prior to the formation of these
boards and the levying of the one anna cess, the municipal expenditure
of the town of Nalgonda and of all the head-quarters of taluks was met
from State funds, amounting to Rs. 2,844 in 1901. T h e District
board supervises the work of the municipality of Nalgonda.
The First Talukdar is the head of the police, with a Superintendent
(Mohtamim) as his executive deputy. Under him are 6 inspectors,
92 subordinate officers, 589 constables, and 25 mounted police.
These are distributed among 39 thanas or police stations and 39 out-
posts. The rural police number 666, besides 1,098 setsindis or village
watchmen. Short-term prisoners are kept in the District jail at
Nalgonda, those with terms exceeding six months being sent to the
Central jail at Warangal. Since the recent changes, they have been
transferred to the Central jail at Nizamabad.
The District occupies a low position as regards the literacy of its
population, of whom only 1·9 per cent. (3·2 males and 0·3 females)
were able to read and write in 1901. The total number of pupils
under instruction in 1881, 1891, 1901, and 1903 was 242, 1,097, 1,316,
and 1,472 respectively. In 1903 there were 29 primary and 2 middle
schools, with 84 girls under instruction. The total expenditure in
1901 was Rs. 8,800, all of which was paid by the State. Of this,
Rs. 8,336 was spent on State schools and Rs. 468 granted to the
aided schools. The fee receipts for the State schools amounted to
Rs. 603, and of the aided schools to Rs. 430.
There were 3 dispensaries in the District in 1901, with accommo-
dation for 12 in-patients. The total number of out-patients treated
was 24,739 and of in-patients 157, and 551 operations were per-
formed. The expenditure amounted to Rs. 10,074. The number of
persons successfully vaccinated was 1,811, or 2·6 per 1,000 of the
Nalgonda T a l u k . — T a l u k in Nalgonda District, Hyderabad State,
with an area of 874 square miles. Including jagirs, the population in
1901 was 151,133, compared with 159,225 in 1891, the decrease being
due to transfer of certain villages. The taluk contains one town,
N A L G O N D A (population, 5,889), the District and taluk head-quarters;
and 216 villages, of which 26 are jagir. The land revenue in 1901
was 3·5 lakhs. The soils are sandy, and irrigation by tanks and
channels is extensively resorted to for rice cultivation.
Nalgonda Town.—Head-quarters of the District and taluk of
the same name, Hyderabad State, situated in 17 0 3' N. and 79 0 16' E.,
between two hills. Population (1901), 5,889. On the northern h i l l
stands Shah L a t i f s tomb, and on the southern is a strong fortress
surrounded with masonry wall. The town was formerly named N i l g i r i
by its Rajput rulers, but its present name was given after its conquest
by Ala-ud-din Bahman Shah. Nalgonda contains a spacious sarai
built by M i r Alam, a H i n d u temple, a travellers' bungalow, and a busy
market called Osmanganj, the usual offices, a post office, a dispensary,
a District jail, a middle school with 256 boys, and a girls' school.
A British post office is situated in Nakrekal, 12 miles from Nalgonda.
There is also a tannery, 2 miles distant from the town.
Nalhati.—Village in the Rampur H a t subdivision of Birbhum
District, Bengal, situated in 24 0 18' N. and 87 0 50' E., on the East
Indian Railway, 145 miles from Calcutta. Population (1901), 2,636.
Nalhati is said to have been the capital of a traditional H i n d u
monarch, Raja Nala, and traces of the ruins of his palace are
pointed out on a hillock called Nalhati Zila, close to the village.
Another legend connects the name with a temple to Nalateswan,
and it is here that the nala or throat of the goddess Sati is said
to have fallen. The Azimganj branch of the East Indian Railway
joins the loop-line at Nalhati, and it is an important centre of the
rice trade.
Nalia.—Petty State in R E W A K A N T H A , Bombay.
Nalitabari.—Village in the Jamalpur subdivision of Mymensingh
District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated in 25 0 5' N. and
90 0 13' E., about 13 miles north-east of Sherpur. Population (1901),
620. It is one of the most important marts in the north of the
District, and a large quantity of cotton produced in the Garo H i l l s
is brought to market here, as well as all kinds of country produce.
N a l i y a . — T o w n in the State of Cutch, Bombay, situated in
23 0 18' N. and 68° 54' E. Population (1901), 6,080. This is one
of the most thriving towns in Cutch. It is walled and well built,
and has a class of prosperous traders, being the residence of retired
merchants who have made their fortunes in Bombay or Zanzibar.
It contains a dispensary.
N a l l a m a l a i s (' Black H i l l s ' ) . — T h e name locally given to a section
of the EASTERN G H A T S which lies chiefly i n the three westernmost
taluks of Kurnool District, Madras, between 14 0 26' and 16 0 0' N.
and 78 0 39' and 79 0 23' E. The range runs nearly north and south
for 90 miles from the Kistna river (which flows among its northern-
most spurs in a deep and wildly picturesque channel) to the Penner
in Cuddapah District, and averages from 1,500 to 2,000 feet in eleva-
tion. The highest points in it are Bhairani Konda (3,048 feet), just
north-west of Cumbum, and Gundla Brahmeswara (2,964 feet), due
west of that place. Down the slopes of the latter runs a torrent,

which ends in a beautiful waterfall descending into a sacred pool

called Nemaligundam (' peacock pool'). Many other peaks of the
range are between 2,000 and 3,000 feet above the sea. Geologically,
the rocks of which it is composed belong to what is known as the
Cuddapah system, a series some 20,000 feet in thickness. They
consist of quartzites (and some sandstone), overlaid with slaty forma-
tions which are unfortunately too irregular in cleavage and soft in
texture to be of economic value. The exact stratigraphy of these
rocks was little understood for many years, owing to the difficulty
of geological research in a country which was for the most part
overgrown with forest and i l l supplied with roads, but Dr. K i n g
of the Geological Survey eventually unravelled the tangle. A striking
feature of the system is the foldings into which the rocks were forced
by a period of great strain and stress acting from the east. In
some places immense thicknesses have been thrust over westward
and completely inverted.
The Nallamalais contain several plateaux, and more than one
attempt has been made by Europeans to settle upon t h e m ; but,
though they are healthy for much of the year, the great scarcity
of water and the prevalence of fever after the rains i n June will
probably always render them undesirable places of residence. The
low plateau of SRISAILAM was inhabited in the days of old, and the
remains of ancient towns, forts, temples, reservoirs, and wells testify
to the prosperity of the residents. At present the only people who
live upon the range are the forest tribe of the Chenchus, who dwell
in small clusters of huts dotted about it. They used to subsist largely
on fees paid them by the adjoining villagers for guarding the foot-
paths and tracks across the hills. After the present police force was
organized these fees were less regularly p a i d ; and the tribe now
lives by breeding cattle and sheep, collecting honey and other products
of the jungle, or serving as watchmen in the forest.
Practically the whole range is covered with unbroken forest, but
except in places on the western slopes, where there is some sand-
stone, little of this is really dense or large. The annual rainfall
is usually less than 40 inches, and the rocks are so deeply fissured
that much of it runs away as soon as it falls. There is thus too
little moisture for the growth of large trees. The characteristic of
the timber on the range is its hardness. Terminalia, Hardwickia,
Pterocarpus, and Anogeissus are the commonest species. Teak has
been planted but did not flourish. Now that the railway from
Guntakal to Bezwada crosses the range, great quantities of timber,
firewood, and bamboos are carried by it to the neighbouring Districts.
T h e railway runs along the pass known as the Nandikanama, or
' b u l l pass,' which is so called from a temple to Siva's b u l l Nandi
built near a thermal spring not far from its western extremity. It
is a considerable engineering work, several long tunnels and high
viaducts being necessary. It follows the line taken by the chief
of the two cart-roads over the range, the route connecting K u r n o o l
District with the coast, which is 18 miles in length and rises to about
2,000 feet above the sea. The other road, which goes by way of
the Mantralamma or Dormal pass farther north, is much less important.
Naltigiri.—Spur of the Assia range in the head-quarters subdivision
of Cuttack District, Bengal, situated in 20 0 35' N. and 86° 15 E.,
on the south of the Birupa river. The hill has two peaks of unequal
height, with a pass between. It is famous for its Buddhist remains,
some of which are in a fair state of preservation.
N a m a k k a l Subdivision.—Subdivision of Salem District, Madras,
consisting of the N A M A K K A L and T I R U C H E N G O D U taluks.
N a m a k k a l T a l u k . — Taluk in Salem District, Madras, lying
between 11° 1 and 11° 25 N. and 77 0 5 1 ' and 78° 30' E., with
an area of 715 square miles. It is the most southerly taluk of the
District and lies lower than the others, forming a wide plain broken
on the north and east by the great range of the K O L L A I M A L A I S .
The Cauvery skirts it and encircles a small tract of country, which,
with its flourishing groves of plantains, betel-vines, and coco-nut palms,
its sugar-cane and green expanses of rice, rivals in richness the delta
of Tanjore. The population in 1901 was 313,895, compared with
300,047 in 1891. There are 356 villages and two towns, N A M A K K A L
(population, 6,843) and SENDAMANGALAM (13,584). The demand for
land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 was Rs. 4,47,000.
N a m a k k a l Town.—Head-quarters of the subdivision and taluk
of the same name in Salem District, Madras, situated in 11° 14' N.
and 78° 10' E., on the Salem-Trichinopoly road, 31 miles from Salem
city, and 20 miles from the nearest railway station, Karur on the South
Indian Railway. Population (1901), 6,843. The town is famous for
its temple of Namagiri Amman built at the base of the Namakkal
rock—a great rounded mass of gneiss about 200 feet high, crowned
by a hill fort visible for miles round, and easily distinguished from
the surrounding hills by its white colour. The battlements are still
in perfect preservation, being made of well-cut blocks of the same
stone as the hill itself, and secured to the rock by mortar. No mortar
has been used in the higher courses, which hold together solely by
their own weight and accurate fitting. Besides the fort, a H i n d u
temple and a Muhammadan flagstaff stand on the top of the rock.
T h e building of the fortress is ascribed by some to Ramachandra
Naik, poligar of Sendamangalam, and by others to Lakshminarasayya,
an officer under the Mysore Raja. It is perhaps less than 200 years
old, and was captured by the English in 1768, only to be lost again
VOL. xviii. z
to Haidar A l i a few months later. At the foot of the rock on the
other side lie the drinking-water tank called the Kamalalayam, and a
public garden. The town possesses a high school, the only Local fund
institution of that class in the District. Ghi of an excellent quality is
brought to the Namakkal market and exported to distant places.
N a m h k a i (Burmese, Nanke). -Petty State in the Myelat divi-
sion of the Southern Shan States, Burma, lying between 20 0 10' and
20 0 20' N. and 96 0 33' and 96 0 54' E., with an area of 75 square miles.
It is bounded on the north by Loi-ai, the Hsihkip dependency of
Yawnghwe, and L o i m a w ; on the east by Yawnghwe; and on the south
and west by Loilong. The greater part of the State consists of grassy
downs, but to the west, towards Loilong, it breaks up into hilly country.
The population in 1901 was 6,780, distributed in 76 villages, nearly the
whole being Taungthus. The Ngwegunhmu, who resides at Paw-in
(population, 259), is himself a Taungthu. The revenue in 1904-5
amounted to Rs. 5,000, and the tribute to the British Government is
Rs. 3,000.
N a m h k o k (Burmese, Nankok).—State in the central division of
the Southern Shan States, Burma, lying between 20 0 33' and 20 0 47' N.
and 97 0 11' and 97 0 2 1 ' E., with an area of 106 square miles. It is
bounded on the north by H o p o n g ; on the east by Mongpawn ; on the
south by Nawngwawn; and on the west by Yawnghwe, from which it
is separated by the Tamhpak river. From the Tamhpak valley the
ground rises to a considerable height in the east on the Mongpawn
border. Rice is grown both on the low-lying lands and in taungyas
on the hill-slopes. Other crops are vegetables of various kinds, indigo,
and thanatpet. The population of the State in 1901 was 6,687, dis-
tributed in 78 villages. Shans and Taungthus are represented in
about equal proportions. The Myoza's head-quarters are at Namhkok
(population, 383), in the valley of one of the eastern tributaries of
the Nam Tamhpak. The revenue in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 8,800
(mainly thathamedd); and the chief items of expenditure were Rs. 4,500
tribute to the British Government, Rs. 2,400 spent on officials' salaries,
& c , and Rs. 1,100 credited to the privy purse.
N a m M a o . — R i v e r of Upper Burma. See S H W E L I .
Nammekon.—One of the K A R E N N I States, Burma.
N a m t o k (Burmese, Nantok).—A very small State in the Myelat
division of the Southern Shan States, Burma, lying in 20 0 N. and
97 0 E., in the Nam Pilu valley, enclosed between Samka, Loilong, and
Sakoi, with an area of 20 square miles. The population in 1901 was
778 ( i n 12 villages), all Shan-speaking. The only village of any size
is Namtok (population, 235), the residence of the Ngwegunhmu, lying
on the Pilu. The revenue in 1904-5 amounted to Rs. 1,000, and
the tribute to the British Government is Rs. 500,
N a m T u . — River in the Northern Shan States, Burma. See M Y I T N G E .
N a n c o w r y H a r b o u r . — T h e best harbour in the Nicobar Islands.
Nanda, Devi.—The highest mountain in British India, situated
in 30 0 23' N. and 79 0 58' E., in the District and tahsil of Almora,
United Provinces. The elevation above sea-level is 25,661 feet. The
peak is a pyramid of grey rock coated with ice, and its sides rise at an
angle of about 70 0 above the surrounding snow-clad mountains. The
Hindus regard the clouds of snow blown off the summit by the wind as
smoke from the kitchen of the goddess Nanda.
Nandana.—Place of historical interest in the Pind Dadan Khan
tahsil of Jhelum District, Punjab, situated in 32 0 43' N. and 73 0 17' E.,
14 miles west of Choa Saidan Shah, in a remarkable dip in the outer
Salt Range. Near by are extensive remains of a temple, a fort, and
a large village. The temple is in the Kashmiri style, but faces west,
instead of east, as temples of that style usually do. Of the fort, two
bastions of large well-cut sandstone blocks still remain. Nandana is
mentioned as the objective of one of Mahmud of Ghazni's expedi-
tions in 1014. Early in the thirteenth century it was held by
Kamr-ud-din Karmani, who was dispossessed by a general of Jalal-
ud-din, Sultan of Khwarizm. The latter was defeated on the Indus
in 1221 by Chingiz Khan, one of whose officers, T u r t i , the Mongol,
took Nandana and put its inhabitants to the sword. It appears in
the list of places conquered by Altamsh, who entrusted it to one of
his nobles. In 1247 his son Mahmud Shah dispatched an army to
ravage the hills of Jud and the country round Nandana, to punish a
Rana who had guided a Mongol inroad in the previous year.
Nandasa.—Petty State in M A H I K A N T H A , Bombay.
Nander District.—District in the Aurangabad Division, in the
north of the State of Hyderabad, lying between 180 28' and 190 31' N.
and 77 0 4' and 78 0 6' E., with an area of 3,349 square miles 1 . It is
separated from the Berar District of Basim by the Penganga, and is
bounded on the east by Nizamabad, on the south by Bidar, and on the
north and west by Parbhani. A range of hills, known
as the Bhag or Thanavari, runs through the District aspects.
from north-west to south-east between Parbhani
and Nizamabad. There are minor ranges in the Nander, Kandahar,
Osmannagar, and Bhaisa taluks.
The most important river is the Godavari, which enters from the west,
and, flowing past Nander in the centre of the District in an easterly
direction, passes out into Nizamabad. The Manjra, its largest tribu-
tary, joins the Godavari on the right at Manjra Sangam (confluence),
These limits relate to the area of the District before the changes made in 1905 ;
see paragraph on Population.
z 2
5 miles east of Kondalwadi. The Penganga forms the northern
boundary of the District, flowing in an easterly direction. Other
rivers are the Ashna, a tributary of the Godavari, flowing east and
falling into it on the left bank, about 2 miles from Nander t o w n ; the
Siddha in the Nander and Bhaisa taluks, also a tributary of the
Godavari; the Lendi in Deglur, and the Manar in Deglur and
The geological formations are the Archaean gneiss and the Deccan
trap, occupying respectively the east and west of the District.
The District contains teak, mahua (Bassia latifolia), khair (Acacia
Catechu), tamarind, mango, eppa (Hardwickia binata), nim, and various
species of Ficus.
The only taluk in which any large game is regularly found is
Hadgaon, where tigers, leopards, bears, wild dogs, hyenas, hog, wolves,
sambar, barking-deer, and spotted deer are met with ; also partridges,
quail, peafowl, green pigeons, and duck.
W i t h the exception of the Biloli taluk, which is comparatively damp,
the District is dry and healthy. In Nander and Kandahar the tem-
perature in May rises to 1120, while Hadgaon, Osmannagar, and
Deglur are cooler, the temperature being about 100° in May. In
December it falls to 6o°. The average rainfall for twenty-one years,
1881-1901, was 36 inches.
The District formed part of the Chalukyan and Yadava kingdoms,
and Nander is supposed to be the old Nanagiri fort of the early
Kakatiyas. In the beginning of the fourteenth
century it was conquered by Ala-ud-din K h i l j i . It
formed part of the Bahmani and subsequently of the K u t b Shahi
kingdom. The tract was annexed to the Mughal empire after the
conquest of the Deccan by Aurangzeb, but was separated from it on the
foundation of the Hyderabad State in the beginning of the eighteenth
There are several tombs of Musalman saints at Kandahar and Nan-
der, and the fort at the latter place is old. Nander also contains the
Gurudwara of the Deccan Sikhs, where Guru Govind is buried. Two
old mosques at Nander were built, one by Malik Ambar and the other
during the reign of the K u t b Shahis. The fort of Kandahar is popu-
larly supposed to have been erected in the fourth century by Somadeva,
a R5ja of Kandahar; and it may perhaps be connected with Krishna I I I ,
the Rashtrakuta of Malkhed, who is styled lord of Kandharapura. It
is surrounded by a ditch and a strong stone wall. D E G L U R contains
an old temple of Ganda Maharaj, and B H A I S A another built after
the Hemadpanti style.
The number of towns and villages in the District is 1,174, including
paigah and jagirs. Its population at the last three enumerations was :
(1881) 636,023, (1891) 632,522, and (1901) 503,684. The famine of
1899-1900 accounts for the decrease of population in the last decade.
T h e towns are N A N D E R , B H A I S A , D E G L U R , and M U K -
K H E R . Nander is the head-quarters of the District.
About 89 per cent. of the population are Hindus and 10 per cent.
Musalmans. More than 70 per cent. speak Marathi and 14 per cent.
Telugu. The following table shows the distribution of population in
1901 : —

In 1905 the M u d h o l taluk, and a few villages from Banswada, were

transferred from Nizamabad to this District, while Bhaisa was absorbed
in Mudhol, and Osmannagar was divided between Biloli and Kan-
dahar. The northern villages of the Nander taluk were made over
to Kalamnuri in Parbhani District, and other portions were added
to Hadgaon and Mudhol. The District in its present form thus com-
prises six taluks—Hadgaon, Mudhol, Biloli, Deglur, Kandahar, and
Nander—besides a large paigah estate and a jagir.
The purely agricultural castes number 171,600, or about 34 per
cent, the most important among them being Maratha Kunbis or Kapus
(129,700) and Kolis (15,500). Next come the trading castes, num-
bering 48,600, of whom 34,900 are Vanis and 11,600 Komatis. Lower
castes include Dhangars or shepherds (45,000), Mahars or village
menials (36,700), and Mangs or leather-workers (33,000). The
last two castes work as field-labourers also. There are only 10,200
Brahmans in the District. More than 65 per cent, of the population
are dependent on the land. The District contained only 9 Christians
in 1901, of whom one was a native.
W i t h the exception of the soils of the Kandahar taluk, the entire
District is composed of black cotton soil or regar. Portions of the
Kandahar, Nander, and Bhaisa taluks are slightly
hilly, but other parts are flat, with very gentle undula-
tions. Rabi crops are extensively raised, consisting of jowar, gram,
peas, wheat, and oilseeds ; while the kharif crops include yellow and
Berar jowar, bajra, linseed, cotton, maize, and other food-grains.
The tenure is mainly ryotwari In 1901 khalsa lands measured
2,544 square miles, of which 1,967 were cultivated, 202 were occupied
by cultivable waste and fallows, 310 by forests, and 65 were not avail-
able for cultivation. The staple food-crop is jowar, grown on
52 per cent, of the net area cropped. Next in importance is cotton
(449 square miles); the other food-grains, such as b a j r a , tuar, and
pulses, cover 190 square miles, oilseeds 99, and wheat 82 square miles.
Although no special breed of cattle is found, those reared in the
District are sturdy and well suited for ploughing the heavy regar. Sheep
of the ordinary kind are bred. The milch goats are of a good type, and
fetch as much as Rs. 8 per head. Before the closing of the Malegaon
horse and cattle fair in Bidar District, owing to plague (1896), patels,
patwaris, and well-to-do ryots used to rear numbers of ponies. The
State has provided Arab stallions in all the taluks for the improve-
ment of the breed of horses.
The principal source of irrigation is wells, which number 5,764. In
addition, 169 tanks, large and small, and 163 other sources, such
as anicuts and channels, are used. A l l these are in good working
order, and irrigate 46 square miles.
The forest area is very limited, only no square miles being 'reserved,'
and 200 square miles unprotected. The forests contain teak {Tectona
grandis), mahua (Bassia latifolia), ebony (Diospyros mclanoxylon),
khair {Acacia Catechu), eppa (Hardwickia binata), and tamarind.
Bhaisa, Hadgaon, and Nander are the only taluks in which any forest
areas exist.
Good basalt and granite arc found in the vicinity of Nander, and
limestone in the Deglur, Bhaisa, and Kandahar taluks.
Nander town is famous for its fine muslins, which compare with those
of Dacca. The muslin, though produced in small quantities now, is
exported. It is much prized at Hyderabad, fetching
Trade and high prices, especially the k i n d used for turbans, and
the handkerchiefs and saris adorned with gold and
silver thread like Benares work. Ordinary cotton cloth is also woven
and is used by the poorer classes. In the Deglur and Bhaisa taluks
coarse cloth is printed for screens and table-cloths. There is a small
factory at Nander for gold and silver thread. Coarse paper is made in
Mujahidpet, and copper and brass vessels are turned out at Mukkher.
There were three cotton-presses and three ginning factories in the
District in 1901, employing 450 hands. An impetus has been given to
this industry since the opening of the Hyderabad-Godavari Valley Rail-
way in 1900, and four more factories are in course of construction.
The chief exports consist of cotton, linseed,, oils, ghi, jowar, cloth
and muslin, indigo, and food-grains. The principal imports are cotton
and woollen goods, raw silk, silver and gold, rice, refined sugar, kerosene
oil, opium, copper and brass sheets and vessels. The greater portion of
the trade is with the adjoining Districts; but cotton, linseed, and indigo
are sent to Bombay, and ghi, oils, and grain to Hyderabad. Internal
trade is mostly in the hands of the Vanis, Komatis, and Momins, but
Bhatias and Kachchis from Bombay are engaged in export trade. T h e
opening of the Hyderabad-Godavari Valley Railway in 1900 has
diverted the chief channels of trade, which formerly passed through
Hyderabad and Akola.
The Hyderabad-Godavari Valley Railway traverses the District from
cast to west for 40 miles, with six stations.
The District contains 141 miles of fair-weather roads. One starts
from Nander, and passing through Osmannagar and Kandahar reaches
Deglur (50 miles). The others are from Deglur to Bldar (12 miles),
Nander to Hingoli (12 miles), to Malakoli (25 miles), to Deglur
(12 miles), and to Nirmal (30 miles). On the Godavari and Manjra,
large coracles and rafts are kept to transport people from one bank to
the other.
No reliable records exist of early famines. In 1819 a great scarcity
is said to have occurred in this and the neighbouring districts, known
as Gajarkal. In 1897 there was scarcity, and people
had not recovered from its effects when the great
famine of 1899-1900 occurred. AU the wells and streams dried up,
and there was not a drop of water in the Godavari. The rainfall in
1899 was only 15 inches, less than half the normal quantity. The
kharif and rabi crops were one-fourth and one-sixteenth of the normal.
Notwithstanding an expenditure exceeding 2¼ lakhs, thousands died,
and the Census of 1901 showed a decrease of 128,845 persons, while
about 22 per cent. of the cattle were lost.
The District is divided into three subdivisions, one comprising the
taluks of Nander and Kandahar, the second Deglur and Biloli, and
the third Mudhol and Hadgaon. Each of the last
two is under a Second Talukdar, while the first is
under the T h i r d Talukdar, the First Talukdar having a general super-
vision over the work of all his subordinates. Each taluk is under a
taksilddr, but the Nander taluk has a naib (deputy) tahsildar as well.
The District civil court is presided over by a Civil Judge, styled the
Nazim-i-Diwani, while three subordinate civil courts are under Munsifs.
The First Talukdar is the chief magistrate, and the District Civil Judge
is also a joint-magistrate, who exercises magisterial powers during the
absence of the First Talukdar from head-quarters. The two Second
Talukdars, as a special case, exercise first-class powers and the T h i r d
Talukdar second-class powers within their respective subdivisions, while
the tahsildars have third-class powers. In ordinary times serious crime
is not heavy, but adverse seasons cause an increase in dacoities and
Prior to the introduction of District administration assessments were
made on holdings, and revenue was collected either in cash or kind.
In 1866 payment in kind was commuted to cash payments, and the
ryotwari system was introduced. In 1880 a rough survey was made,
and in 1889 the District was regularly settled for a period of fifteen
years, the rates being similar to those of Aurangabad and Bhir Dis-
tricts and in Berar. The settlement increased the revenue by 39.7 per
cent., while the survey showed that the areas of holdings had been
understated by 46 per cent. The average assessment on ' d r y ' land
is Rs. 1-13-6 (maximum Rs. 3-0, minimum R. 0-3), and on ' w e t '
land Rs. 9 (maximum Rs. 10, minimum Rs. 6). In double-cropped
lands the assessment for the second crop is half that for the first. T h e
rates given above for ' wet' lands are for the abi crop, but for the tabi
crop the maximum is Rs. 20 and the minimum Rs. 15.
The land revenue and the total revenue for a series of years are
shown below, in thousands of rupees: —
1881. I891. 1903.

Land revenue 13,68 13,37 13,47 13,42

Total revenue .5,80 15,03 15,86

Owing to changes of area made in 1905, the land revenue demand

now is about 15 lakhs.
In 1899 a cess of one anna in the rupee was levied on the land
revenue, and local boards were constituted. Of the total cess one-
fourth, or Rs. 20,600, is set apart for municipal and local works. The
First Talukdar is the president of the District board, and the tahsildars
are the chairmen of the taluk boards, except where there is a Second
Talukdar, who takes the chair at the head-quarters of his subdivision.
There is a municipality at Nander, and each of the head-quarters of
the taluks has a small conservancy establishment, the District and taluk
boards managing the municipalities as well. The local board expendi-
ture in 1901 was Rs. 16,000.
The First Talukdar is the head of the police, with the Superintendent
(Mohtamim) as his executive deputy. Under him are 8 inspectors,
74 subordinate officers, 483 constables, and 25 mounted police, distri-
buted in 29 thanas and 36 outposts. There is a District jail at Nander,
and small lock-ups are maintained in the outlying tahsiI offices. Short-
term prisoners only are kept in the District jail, those whose sentences
exceed six months being sent to the Central jail at Aurangabad.
In 1901 the proportion of persons able to read and write was 1.2 per
cent. (4.2 males and 0.03 females), so that the District takes a medium
place in the State as regards the literacy of its population. The total
number of pupils under instruction in 1881, 1891, 1901, and 1903 was
665, 951, 2,346, and 2,905 respectively. In 1903 there were 68 primary
and 3 middle schools, with 155 girls under instruction. The total
amount spent on education in 1901 was Rs. 16,000, of which Rs. 10,300
was contributed by the State, and the remainder by the boards. The
total receipts from fees amounted to Rs. 810.
The District contains two hospitals, with accommodation for 6 in-
patients. The total number of out-patients treated during 1901 was
20,160, and of in-patients 73, while 348 operations were performed.
The total expenditure was Rs. 6,516, which was met by the State. The
number of persons successfully vaccinated in 1901 was 860, or 1.71 per
1,000 of population.
Nander T a l u k . — Western taluk of Nander District, Hyderabad
State, with an area of 695 square miles. The population in 1901,
including jagirs, was 102,015, compared with 131,040 in 1891, the
decrease being due to the famine of 1900. T i l l recently the taluk
contained one town, N A N D E R (population, 14,184), the head-quarters of
the District and taluk, and 276 villages, of which 26 are jagir. The
Godavari flows south of Nander from west to east. The land revenue
for 1901 was 2.9 lakhs. The soils are chiefly alluvial and regar. In
1905 portions of this taluk were transferred to Kalamnuri, Hadgaon,
and Mudhol.
Nander Town.—Head-quarters of the District and taluk of Nander,
Hyderabad State, situated in 190 9' N. and 77 0 2o' E., on the left
or north bank of the Godavari, 174 miles from Hyderabad and 147
from Aurangabad. Population (1901), 14,184, of whom 653 are Sikhs.
Nander was the capital of Telingana in the time of Shah Jahan. The
town contains the offices of the First Talukdar, a tahsil office, and Sadr
Munsif and Munsifs courts, police offices, two dispensaries, one of
which is for treatment after the Yunani system, five schools, a State
post office, and a British sub-post office. A weekly bazar is held, where
a large business is done in cattle, grain, and cotton. Nander is noted
for its fine muslin and gold-bordered scarfs, used as turbans and saris.
In fineness the muslin resembles that of Dacca. On the banks of the
Godavari and adjoining the town is an old fort, now used as a jail, which
is said to have been built by the Raja of Kalam. There are several
H i n d u temples and two old mosques, besides a sarai built by M i r Alam
and the shrines of several Musalman saints. Guru Govind was
murdered here by an Afghan in the reign of Shah Alam Bahadur, and
his shrine or Gurudwara is visited by Sikhs from all parts of India.
Nander station on the Hyderabad-Godavari Valley Railway is situated
about a mile north of the town.
Nandgad (Nandigad).—Village in the Khanapur taluka of Belgaum
District, Bombay, situated in 15 0 34' N. and 74 0 35' E., 23 miles south
of Belgaum town. Population (1901), 6,257. Nandgad is an impor-
tant trade centre. The chief imports are areca-nuts, coco-nuts, coco-nut
oil, dates, and salt, bought from native Christian traders of Goa, while
wheat and other grains are exported. The place contains a wealthy
population of Brahmans and Lingayat traders, and has an unenviable
reputation for litigation and lawlessness. Not far from the village is the
ruined fort of Pratapgarh, built by Malla Sarya Desai of K i t t u r in 1809.
On Shamshergarh, 1½ miles west of the village, is a temple of Tateshwar
ascribed to Jakhanacharya. The place contains three schools for boys
and one for girls.
Nandgaon State.—Feudatory State in the Central Provinces,
lying between 20 0 50' and 21° 22' N. and 8o° 26' and 81° 13' E.,
with an area of 871 square miles. The main area of the State,
comprised in the Nandgaon and Dongargaon parganas, is situated
between Chanda and Drug Districts to the south of Khairagarh;
but the three detached blocks of Pandadeh, Patta, and Mohgaon
lie to the north of this, being separated from it by portions of the
Khairagarh and Chhuikhadan States and by Drug District. The
capital is situated at R A J - N A N D G A O N , a station on the Bengal-Nagpur
Railway. The Patta and Pandadeh tracts contain high hills and
dense forests, and Dongargaon to the south of them is composed
mainly of broken ground with low peaks covered with a growth of
scrub jungle. Towards the east, however, the parganas of Nand-
gaon and Mohgaon lie in an open black soil plain of very great
fertility. The Seonath river flows through the southern portion of
the State, and the Bagh skirts it on the west. The ruling family
are Bairagis by caste; and as celibacy is one of the observances of
this order, the succession devolved until lately on the chela or dis-
ciple adopted by the mahant or devotee. The first mahant, who
came from the Punjab, started a money-lending business in Ratan-
pur towards the end of the eighteenth century with the countenance
of the Maratha governor Bimbaji Bhonsla. His successors acquired
the parganas of Pandadeh and Nandgaon from the former Gond
and Muhammadan landholders, in satisfaction of loans. Mohgaon
was conferred on the fifth mahant by the Raja of Nagpur with the
status of zamindar; and Dongargaon was part of the territory of
a zamindar who rebelled against the Bhonslas, and whose estate
was divided between the chiefs of Nandgaon and Khairagarh as a
reward for crushing the revolt. Nandgaon became a Feudatory
State in 1865. Ghasi Das, the seventh mahant from the founder,
was married and had a son, and in 1879 the Government of India
informed him that his son would be allowed to succeed. This son,
the late Raja Bahadur Mahant Balram Das, succeeded his father
as a minor in 1883, and was installed in 1891, on the understand-
ing that he would conduct the administration with the advice of
a Diwan appointed by Government. He was distinguished by his
munificent contributions to objects of public utility, among which
may be mentioned the Raipur and Raj-Nandgaon water-works. He
received the title of Raja Bahadur in 1893, and died in 1897, leaving
an adopted son Rajendra Das, four years old, who has been recog-
nized as the successor. During his minority the State is being man-
aged by Government, its administration being controlled by a Political
Agent under the supervision of the Commissioner, Chhattisgarh Divi-
sion. In 1901 the population was 126,365, showing a decrease of
31 per cent, in the previous decade, during which the State was
very severely affected by famine. The State contains one town,
R A J - N A N D G A O N , and 515 inhabited villages ; and the density of
population is 145 persons per square mile. Telis, Gonds, Ahirs or
Rawats, and Chamars are the principal castes. The majority of the
population belong to Chhattlsgarh, and, except for a few thousand
Marathas, the Chhattisgarhi dialect is the universal speech.
The greater part of the cultivated land consists of rich dark soil.
In 1904 nearly 550 square miles, or 63 per cent, of the total area,
were occupied for cultivation, of which 512 were under crop. The
cropped area has decreased in recent years owing to the unfavour-
able seasons. Rice covers 36 per cent, of the cultivated area, kodon
36^ per cent., wheat 13 per cent., and linseed 4 per cent. Nearly
500 tanks have been constructed for irrigation, which supply water
to more than 3,000 acres of rice land, while 500 acres on which
vegetables arc grown arc irrigated from wells. About 141 square miles,
or a sixth of the total area, are forest. Valuable timber is scarce,
the forests being mainly composed of inferior species. Harm (Ter-
m'uialia Chebula) grows in abundance, and there are large areas of
bamboo forest in the Patta tract. Limestone and iron ores exist,
but are not worked at present. Brass vessels and ornaments are
made at Raj-Nandgaon. This town also contains the Bengal-Nagpur
Spinning and Weaving Mills, which were erected by Raja Balram
Das and subsequently sold to a Calcutta firm. A new ginning factory
is under construction. The Bengal-Nagpur Railway passes through
the State, with stations at Raj-Nandgaon and Muripar. There are
148 miles of gravelled and 10 miles of embanked roads. The prin-
cipal routes are the great eastern road from Nagpur to Raipur, the
Raj-Nandgaon-Khairagarh, Raj-Nandgaon-Bljatola, and Raj-Nandgaon-
Ghupsal roads. The bulk of the trade goes to Raj-Nandgaon station,
which also receives the produce of the adjoining tracts of Raipur.
The total revenue in 1904 was Rs. 3,49,000, the principal heads
of receipt being land revenue and cesses (Rs. 2,45,000), forests and
excise (Rs. 20,000 each), and income tax (Rs. 18,000). The State
has been cadastrally surveyed, and the system of land revenue
assessment follows that prescribed for British Districts of the Cen-
tral Provinces. A revised settlement was concluded in 1903, and
the incidence of land revenue amounts to about ro annas per acre.
The village headmen have no proprietary rights, but receive a pro-
portion of the 'assets' of the village. The total expenditure in
1904 was Rs. 2,63,000. The ordinary tribute paid to Government
is at present Rs. 70,000, but is liable to periodical revision. Other
items of expenditure were—allowances to the ruling family (Rs. 12,000),
general administration (Rs. 83,000), public works (Rs. 28,000), and
loans and repayment of debt (Rs. 57,000). Since 1894 about 4½
lakhs has been expended on public works, under the superinten-
dence of the Engineer of the Chhattisgarh States division. The
State supports 30 schools, including one English middle, one ver-
nacular middle, and one girls' school, with a total of 2,571 pupils.
In 1904 the expenditure on education was Rs. 9,900. At the Census
of 1901 the number of persons returned as literate was 2,151, the
proportion of males able to read and write being 3-4 per cent. A
dispensary is maintained at Raj-Nandgaon, at which 17,000 patients
were treated in 1904.
Nandgaon Taluka.—South-easternmost taluka of Nasik District,
Bombay, lying between 20 0 9'and 2 o ° 3 1 ' N . and 740 27' and 74 0 56' E.,
with an area of 435 square miles. I t contains one town, N A N D G A O N
(population, 6,271), the head-quarters ; and 88 villages. The population
in 1901 was 37,691, compared with 33,652 in 1891. It is the most
thinly populated taluka in the District, with a density of only 87
persons per square mile. The demand for land revenue in 1903-4
was Rs. 81,000, and for cesses Rs. 5,000. The north and west are
rich and level, but the south and east are furrowed by ravines and
deep stream beds. The eastern half is thickly covered with anjan
trees ; the western half is open, with a sparse growth of bushes. The
climate is dry and healthy ; and the water-supply is abundant, the
chief rivers being the Panjan and Maniad.
Nandgaon T o w n . — Head-quarters of the taluka of the same name
in Nasik District, Bombay, situated in 20 0 19' N. and 74 0 42' E.,
about 60 miles north-east of Nasik town, on the north-eastern line
of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway. Population (1901), 6,271.
The town contains a cotton-ginning factory, an English school, and
a dispensary.
Nandi.—Village in the Chik-Ballapur taluk of Kolar District, My-
sore, situated in 13 0 23' N. and 77 0 42' E., at the north-east base
of Nandidroog, 5 miles south of Chik-Ballapur. Population (1901),
1,315. The temple of Bhoga Nandisvara dates at least from the
Chola period, the beginning of the eleventh century, but in the
courtyard is a Pallava inscription 200 years older, A British military
station was established here from 1799 to 1808. The soil around
is very fertile. Excellent potatoes and sugar used to be produced,
with all kinds of European and other fruits and vegetables. A large
annual fair is held at the SivarStri, when the best bullocks reared
in the country are brought for sale. West of the village is a small
hill, with * Haidar's Drop,' over which condemned prisoners were thrown.
East of the village is the mosque mentioned in Meadows Taylor's
novel Tippoo Suttaun, the opening scenes of which are laid at Nandi.
NandiSl.— Subdivision, taluk, and town in Kurnool District, Madras.
Nandidroog.—Famous fortified hill, 4,851 feet high, in the west
of Kolar District, Mysore, situated in 13° 22' N. and 770 4 1 ' E.
It is the highest point in the east of the State, and lies at the
termination of a range of hills running north to Penukonda and
the Bellary District of Madras. On the top is an extensive plateau
sloping to the west, in the centre of which is a large hollow con-
taining a wood, and a tank called the Amrita-sarovara or ' lake of
nectar,' faced on the four sides with stone steps. Except on the
west, where it is partially united with the adjoining range, the h i l l
presents a nearly perpendicular rocky face, being in fact an almost
insulated monolithic mass of granite. The Palar river has its reputed
source at the top, in a well on the east, and the Arkavati in a well
on the west. The lower sides of the hill are clothed with forest.
From the second to the eleventh century it was the stronghold of
the Ganga kings, who were Jains, and bore the title * L o r d of Nanda-
giri.' After the Chola conquest at the beginning of the eleventh
century the name was changed to Nandigiri, the ' Hill of Nandi,'
the bull of Siva. The h i l l was probably first fortified by the Chik-
Ballapur chiefs, but the existing extensive works were erected by
Haidar AU and T i p u Sultan, subsequent to its seizure by the Mara-
thas in 1770. A precipitous cliff at the south-west angle is pointed
out as * Tipu's Drop,' being the place over which prisoners are said
to have been hurled by the orders of that ruler. The capture of
Nandidroog by the British under L o r d Cornwallis in 1791 was a
memorable feat. During the British occupation of Mysore, the salu-
brity of the spot led to its becoming a hot-season resort for European
officials from Bangalore. On the site of an old tower or fort at the
highest point was erected a large house, which was long the favourite
retreat of Sir Mark Cubbon.
N a n d i g a m a T a l u k . — T a l u k in the west of Kistna District, Madras,
lying between 16 0 36' and 17 0 3' N. and 8o° 1' and 8o° 32' E., with an
area of 677 square miles. It includes the two detached zamlndaris of
Munagala and Lingagiri within the Nizam's Dominions. The popula-
tion in 1901 was 139,958, compared with 126,701 in 1891. T h e
demand on account of land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to
Rs. 3,28,000. I t contains one town, JAGGAYYAPETA (population, 8,432),
and 169 villages; and the head-quarters are at the village after which
it is named. The Muneru, with its tributary the Vareru, and the
Palleru flow from the north through the taluk into the Kistna.
Nandikeshwar.—Village in the Badami taluka of Bijapur District,
Bombay, situated in 15 0 57' N. and 75 0 49' E., 3 miles east of Badami
town. Population (1901), 1,127. It is of interest as containing
Mahakuta, the site of numerous temples and lingams. The enclosure
in which the Mahakuta temples lie is reached by a steep flight of stone
steps, at the foot of which is a doorway guarded by door-keepers said
to be figures of the demons Vatapi and Ilval. The enclosure, which is
bounded by a stone wall, is small, but contains numerous temples in
various styles, chiefly Chalukyan and Dravidian, many lingams, and some
snake-stones. In the middle of the enclosure is a pond called Vishnu
Pushkarni T i r t h , said to have been constructed by the sage Agastya.
In the masonry margin of the pond is a lingam shrine, the entrance to
which is under water, and in the pond is a chhatri containing a four-
faced image of Brahma. According to legend the daughter of Devdas,
king of Benares, was b o m with the face of a monkey, and her father
was directed in a dream to take her to bathe in the Mahakuta pond.
He brought her and built the temple of Mahakuteshwar and some
smaller shrines of M u d i Mallikarjun and Virupaksheshwar, all con-
taining lingams; and his daughter was cured. To the north-east of
the entrance is a shrine of Lajja Gauri, or ' Modest Gaud,' a well-carved
black-stone figure of a naked headless woman lying on her back. The
story goes that while Devi and Siva were sporting in a pond a devotee
came to pay his respects. Siva fled into the shrine and Parvati hid
her head under the water and stayed where she was. The figure is
worshipped by barren women. Outside the enclosure is a pond called
Papavinashi, or ' Sin-Destroyer,' said to have been built by a seer in
the first or krita epoch, the water having been produced by the sweat
of Mahadeo. A car with large stone wheels stands just outside the
enclosure. The Mahakuteshwar temple has six inscriptions on pillars.
One, dated in the reign of the Western Chalukya king Vijayaditya
(696-733), records a gift by a harlot; another, dated 934 Saka, records
a grant by Bappuvaras, a chief of K a t a k ; and the third records the
gift of a pillar as a votive offering.
Nandikotkur.-—Northern subdivision and taluk of K u r n o o l District,
Madras, lying between 15 0 39' and 160 15' N. and 78 0 4' and 79 0 14'
K., with an area of 1,358 square miles. The population in 1901 was
104,167, compared with 88,560 in 1891 ; the density is only 77
persons per square mile, compared with the District average of 115,
It contains 102 villages, 6 of which are inam. The demand for land
revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 2,97,000. It is the
largest taluk in the District, but more than half of it is covered by the
Nallamalais and other i reserved' forests. The Tungabhadra for a few
miles, and the Kistna throughout its course in the District, bound it on
the west and north, separating it from the Nizam's Dominions. The
only other river of importance is the Bavanasi, which drains the
eastern part and flows into the Kistna at Sangameswaram, a place
of pilgrimage for Hindus. T h e K U R N O O L - C U D D A P A H C A N A L passes
through it for 69 miles, irrigating 36 villages. The total extent-
watered in 1903-4 was 9,300 acres. H a l f of the arable*area is black
cotton soil, 37 per cent, black loam, and the remaining 13 per cent,
red earth. The taluk contains the largest forest area in the District
(709 square miles), almost the whole of which lies on the Nallamalais.
The annual rainfall is about 29 inches, a little above the District
average. The climate is unhealthy, the people suffering very much
from fever and enlarged spleen.
Nandod.—Capital of the State of Rajplpla, in the Rewa Kantha
Agency, Bombay, situated in 21° 54' N. and 73 0 34' E., about
32 miles east-by-north from Surat, on rising ground in a bend of
the Karjan river. Population (1901), 11,236. As early as 1304 the
Muhammadans are said to have driven the Nandod chief from his
capital, and made it the head-quarters of one of their districts, building
a mosque and issuing coin. The chief, though he had, since the fall of
the Muhammadan power (1730), recovered most of his territory, never
brought back his capital from Rajplpla to Nandod until 1830. Nan-
dod was formerly celebrated for its cutlery, sword-belts, and sambar-
skin pouches. There is at the present day a weaving industry in
coarse country cloth and tape. Nandod is a municipality, managed by
the State, with an income (1903-4) of Rs. 7,531; a high school
has 149 pupils. There are small water-works, intended mainly as a
protection against fire; and the chief is now engaged upon a scheme for
a supply of drinking-water. The public buildings include a gymnasium
and public library, and the Shewan memorial clock-tower.
N a n d u r a . — T o w n in the Malkapur taluk of Buldana District, Berar,
situated in 20 0 49' N. and 76 0 31/ E., with a station on the Nagpur
branch of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, 324 miles from Bom*
bay. Population (1901), 6,669. The town, which consists of Nandura
Buzurg and Nandura Khurd, divided by the river Dayanganga, was
largely populated by dyers fleeing from the depredations of Mahadajl
Sindhia in the pargana of Pimpalgaon Raja in 1790.
N a n d u r b a r T a i u k a . — T a l u k a of West Khandesh District, Bombay,
including the petty subdivision or petha of Navapur, lying between
2 1 0 and 2 1 0 32' N. and 73 0 35' and 74 0 3 1 ' E., with an area of 992
square miles. I t contains one town, N A N D U R B A R (population, 10,922),
its head-quarters; and 284 villages. The population in 1901 was
87,437, compared with 105,866 in 1891. The decrease was due to
emigration and the prevalence of cholera. The density, 88 persons
per square mile, is much below the District average. The demand
for land revenue in 1903-4 was 2.6 lakhs, and for cesses Rs. 18,000.
The north of the taluka forms part of the rich Tapti plain. To the
south and south-west parallel spurs jutting from the Western Ghats
divide the country into narrow village areas. The east is desolate and
bare of trees. The climate is cool, and the annual rainfall averages
25 inches. The water-supply is scanty, the streams of only the Tapti
and the Siva lasting throughout the year.
Nandurbar Town.—Head-quarters of the taluka of the same name
in West Khandesh District, Bombay, situated in 21 0 22' N. and 74 0 14'
E., on the Tapti Valley Railway. Population (1901), 10,922. The
town has been a municipality since [867, with an average income
during the decade ending 1901 of Rs. 12,500. In 1903-4 the income
was Rs. 16,200, chiefly derived from urban rates and taxes. Nandur-
bar carries on a considerable trade with Surat and Bombay in cotton,
wheat, and seeds. There is also a local trade in wood, transferred
from Taloda since the opening of the Tapti Valley Railway. The
town contains three ginning factories and a cotton-press. There are
also a Subordinate Judge's court, two dispensaries, and six schools
with 450 pupils, of which two, with 39 pupils, are for girls. The
exports are cotton, linseed, wheat, gram, and grass o i l ; the imports
are salt, coco-nuts, and spices of all kinds. The staple industry is
the extraction of oil from a grass known as rosha, about 100 stills
being at work. This oil has long been held in repute as a remedy
for rheumatism. A branch of the Scandinavian-American Mission
has been established in the town. Nandurbar is one of the oldest
places in Khandesh. Under the name of Nandigara it is sup-
posed to be mentioned in a Kanheri cave inscription of the third
century A . D . According to local tradition, it was founded by Nand
Gauli, in whose family it remained until conquered by the Muhamma-
dans under Muin-ud-din Chishti, assisted by the Plr Saiyid Ala-ud-dln.
It was obtained by Mubarak, chief of Khandesh, from the ruler of
Gujarat, in 1536; in 1665 it was a place of considerable prosperity,
renowned for its grapes and melons. In 1666 an English factory was
established at Nandurbar, and by 1670 it had become so important
a trading centre that the English factors removed hither from Ahmad-
ab5d. It subsequently suffered in common with the rest of Khandesh
during the troubles of B&jl Rao's rule; and when it came into the
N A N D Y A L TOWN 363
possession of the British in 1818, the town was more than half
deserted. It contains a number of old mosques and remains of
ancient buildings. Many of the houses have beautifully carved fronts.
N a n d y a l Subdivision.—Subdivision of Kurnool District, Madras,
consisting of the N A N D Y A L , S I R V E L , and K O I L K U N T L A taluks.
N a n d y a l Taluk.—Central taluk of Kurnool District, Madras, lying
between 15 0 2 i / and 15 0 42' N. and 78 0 and 78 0 47' E., with an area
of 854 square miles. The population in 1901 was 110,292, compared
with 96,292 in 1 8 9 1 ; the density was 129 persons per square mile,
compared with an average of 115 in the District as a whole. Next
to Ramallakota, it possesses the largest Musalman population. It
has one town, N A N D Y A L (a municipality with a population of 15,137
and the head-quarters); and 91 villages. The demand for land
revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 2,72,000. It is shut
in between two ranges of hills, the Nallamalais on the east and the
Erramalas on the west, between which flows the Kunderu river.
The Kurnool-Cuddapah Canal runs through the centre from north
to south. Most of the country is black cotton soil, but in the villages
at the foot of the hills the soil is red and gravelly. The rainfall at
Nandyal town is heavier than at any other station in the District
(33 inches), but the average for the taluk is only about 28 inches.
The climate is unhealthy, malarial fever being prevalent for the greater
part of the year. ' Reserved' forests cover 351 square miles, almost
entirely on the Nallamalais and Erramalas.
N a n d y a l Town.—Head-quarters of the subdivision and taluk of
the same name in Kurnool District, Madras, situated in 150 30' N. and
7 8° 29' E., on the right bank of the Kunderu, on the trunk road from
Kurnool to Chittoor, 45 miles from Kurnool and about 360 miles from
Madras city. Population (1901), 15,137. It is the head-quarters of
the divisional officer and of the Assistant Superintendent of police.
It was constituted a municipality in October, 1899. The receipts
and expenditure in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 23,500 and Rs. 22,000
respectively. Most of the former is derived from the taxes on land
and houses and from tolls. The municipal hospital contains beds for
18 in-patients. The town is situated below a large irrigation tank,
and being surrounded by ' wet cultivation' on all sides has the
reputation of being the most unhealthy station in an unhealthy
District. After the opening of the Southern Mahratta Railway,
Nandyal began to rise fast into commercial importance. It is now
the centre of the grain and cotton trade of the southern half of the
District. It contains two steam cotton-presses owned by Europeans,
which employ 119 persons in the season. It is also noted for its
lacquer-ware. The chief educational institution is the high school
managed by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.
VOL. x v i n . Aa
. Nangam.—Petty State in R E W A K A N T H A , Bombay.
Nanguneri Taluk.—-Southern taluk of Tinnevelly District, Madras,
lying between 8° 9' and 8° 38' N. and 77 0 24' and 77 0 55' E., with
an area of 730 square miles. It is the least thickly peopled taluk in
the District, having a population of 202,528 in 1901, compared with
174,418 in 1891, the density being only 280 persons per square mile.
But though this is much below the average in Tinnevelly, it is above
that for the Presidency as a whole. There are only two towns, N A N -
GUNERI (population, 6,580), the head-quarters, and V A D A K K U V A L L I Y U R
(6,903), both situated on the trunk road between Tinnevelly town
and Trivandrum. The number of villages is 231. The demand for land
revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 3,65,000. The taluk
is composed of red clay, loams, and sands, excepting a strip parallel
with the sea and extending from 3 to 10 miles inland, where white
sand and teri (blown sand) tracts prevail. Palmyra palms abound
throughout, and in the east and south are almost the sole means of
support of the inhabitants. In the north-east and centre are numerous
tanks, both rain-fed and supplied by mountain streams, and a very
large number of wells are to be found in the south. The villages at
the foot of the Western Ghats, which form the western boundary of
the taluk, are well supplied during both monsoons with water from
that range, which is more picturesque here than elsewhere in the
District and is clothed with dense forest to the very top.
Nanguneri Town.—Head-quarters of the taluk of the same name
in Tinnevelly District, Madras, situated in 8° 29' N. and 770 40' E., on
the trunk road from Tinnevelly town to Trivandrum, 18 miles from
the former. Population (1901), 6,580. It contains the math, or religious
house, of the Vanamamalai Jir, the head priest of a section of the
Tengalai sub-sect of Vaishnavite Brahmans. A richly endowed temple
is under the control of this wat/i. Marugalkurichi, near Nanguneri,
is one of the chief centres of the Mara van caste in the District. A
special police force is now stationed here, in consequence of the riots
which took place between the Maravans and Shanans in 1899. Local
affairs are administered by a Union panchayat.
Nanjangud T a l u k . -Central taluk of Mysore District, Mysore
State, lying between II° 5 1 ' and 120 14' N. and 76 0 27' and 76 0 56' E.,
with an area of 384 square miles. The population in 1901 was
108,173, compared with 97,374 in 1891. The taluk contains two
towns, N A N J A N G U D (population, 5,991), the head-quarters, and K A L A L E
(2,500)) and 206 villages. The land revenue demand in 1903-4 was
Rs. 1,71,000. The Kabbani flows through the north of the taluk from
west to east, receiving from the south the Nugu and the Gundal. Jola
is much grown. Gold-mining was commenced at Wolagere, south-
west of Nanjangud, but has been stopped on account of the poor
prospects. In the north-west are quarries of potstone intermixed with
schistose mica.
N a n j a n g u d Town.—Head-quarters of the taluk of the same name
in Mysore District, Mysore State, situated in 120 7' N. and 76 0 4 1 ' E.,
near the Kabbani, on the Mysore State Railway. T h e population fell
from 7,292 in 1891 to 5,991 in 1901, owing to plague. Early in
the eleventh century the town seems to have been held by DanSyaks
belonging to Bettadakote on the Gopalswami Betta. The place is
noted for the temple of Nanjundesvara, which was endowed in the
fifteenth century by the Ummattur chief, in the sixteenth century by
the Vijayanagar kings, and latterly, in the nineteenth century, by the
Mysore Rajas. The municipality dates from 1873. The receipts and
expenditure during the ten years ending 1901 averaged Rs. 9,800 and
Rs. 11,000. In 1903-4 they were Rs. 6,300 and Rs. 7,900.
N a n j a r a j p a t n a . — N o r t h e r n taluk of Coorg, Southern India, lying
between 12° 2 1 ' and 12 0 5 1 ' N. and 75 0 4 1 ' and 76 0 5' E., with an area
of 355 square miles. The population fell from 43,395 in 1891 to
42,720 in 1901. The taluk contains three towns—SOMVARPET (popu-
lation, 1,745), the head-quarters, Fraserpet (1,600), and Kodlipet (889)
—and 280 villages. It is very hilly in the west, having steep declivi-
ties from Pushpagiri, and a high ridge runs north and south through
Yelusavirashlme. The Cauvery forms a great part of the eastern
boundary, and receives most of the waters of the taluk by means of the
H a t t i or Harangi, which flows into it near Ramaswami Kanave. The
extreme northern boundary towards the east is formed by the Hemavati,
and farther south, towards the west, by the Kumaradhari. This part
of the country lies outside Coorg proper, and there are no Coorgs in
the north except a few officials. The north-west is occupied by
Yedavanad Coorgs, who wear the Coorg dress and are jama ryots, but
are by origin Wokkaligas of Kanara and Manjarabad, and not so
wealthy as the Coorgs. The rice-fields in Yedavanad which have
a good water-supply yield two crops in the year. The wild sago-palm
is carefully tended for the sake of the toddy drawn from it, and for the
farinaceous substance obtained from the pith, which is prepared for
food by the poorer classes. The inhabitants of the Kanave hoblis to
the east are identical with the neighbouring Mysore ryots, and cultivate
* dry grains,' such as ragi, horse-gram, beans, &c. The sandal-tree grows
abundantly in this taluk,
Nanke.—One o f the Southern Shan States, Burma. See N A M H K A I .
N a n n i l a m Taluk.—Eastern taluk of Tanjore District, Madras,
lying between i o ° 44' and II° I' N. and 79 0 27' and 79 0 5 1 ' E., with
an area of 293 square miles. T h e population was 214,788 in 1901,
compared with 216,118 in 1891. N A N N I L A M T O W N , the head-quarters,
has a population (1901) of 6,727, and KuDAVis&t, a deputy-taksjldd^s
A a 2
station, 5,419. The number of villages is 242. The demand for land
revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 11,33,000. The taluk
is situated entirely within the rich delta of the Cauvery river and is
a singularly prosperous tract. The land revenue averages as much as
Rs. 4-13-3 per head, and is the highest in any taluk in the District,
while the average holding pays an assessment of Rs, 35, or more than
in any other but Shiyali, and there are more large landowners than
in any other taluk. The rainfall is good (44 to 46 inches annually),
more than half the soil is alluvial, and by far the larger portion of the
land is irrigated.
N a n n i l a m Town.—Head-quarters of the taluk of the same name
in Tanjore District, Madras, situated in 10° 53' N. and 79 0 36' E.
Population (1901), 6,727. Weaving is practised on a small scale.
The station of this name on the District board railway is about 3 miles
from the town. There is an old temple dedicated to Madhuvaneswara-
swftmi, or ' the lord of the honey-forest,' and it is pointed out as curious
that the wild bees still make their nests in this.
N a n p a r a T a h s l l . - Northern tahsil of Bahraich District, United
Provinces, comprising the farganas of Nanpara, Charda, and Dharman-
pur, and lying between 27°39'and 280 24' N. and 81° 3' and 8 i ° 4 9 ' E.,
with an area of 1,050 square miles. Population increased from
311,281 in 1891 to 325,587 in 1901. There are 546 villages and
only one town, N A N P A R A (population, 10,601), the tahsil head-quarters.
The demand for land revenue in 1903-4 was Rs. 3,92,000, and for
cesses Rs. 70,000. The density of population, 310 persons per square
mile, is the lowest in the District. A considerable area in the north-
west and north is occupied by ' reserved } forests. The Gogra forms
the western boundary, and the talml is crossed by the Girwa, a branch
of the Gogra, and by the Sarju, a large rapid stream. Towards the
centre there is a plateau of good loam, which in the east sinks into the
valley of the Rapti and its tributary, the Bhakla or Singhia. The west
is a rich alluvial area in the Gogra basin, which seldom requires irriga-
tion. In 1903-4 the area under cultivation was 524 square miles, of
which only 20 were irrigated.
N a n p a r a Estate.—A talukdari estate in the Bahraich and Gonda
Districts of Oudh, United Provinces, comprising an area of nearly 600
square miles. The revenue and cesses payable to Government amount
to 22 lakhs and Rs. 36,000 respectively, while the rent-roll exceeds
9 lakhs. Shah Jahan granted a commission to an Afghan named
Rasul K h a n to reduce the turbulent BanjarSs in Bahraich, and assigned
him five villages and a tenth of the revenue of a large tract. H i s
descendants acquired a considerable estate. In 1847 Raja Munawwar
A l l K h i l n was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun, and the
estate suffered much from the quarrels of his widows. At annexation
the rightful heir was recognized, and under the able management of the
late Sir Jang Bahadur Khan, K . C . I . E . , it became extremely prosperous.
T h e present Raja, Muhammad Sadik Khan, succeeded in 1902.
N a n a r a Town.—Head-quarters of the tahsil of the same name
in Bahraich District, United Provinces, situated in 27 0 52' N. and
8 i ° 30' E., on the Bengal and North-Western Railway. Population
(1901), 10,601. Tradition states that it was founded by Nidhai, an
oil-seller, whence the name Nidhaipurwa, corrupted into Nadpara, and
latterly to Nanpara. About 1630 an Afghan in the service of Shah
Jahan, having received a grant of this and four other villages, laid the
foundations of the present N A N P A R A ESTATE. The town contains the
usual offices, and also a dispensary, and a branch of the American
Methodist Mission. It has been administered as a municipality since
1871. During the ten years ending 1901 the income and expenditure
averaged Rs. 9,000. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 14,000, chiefly
from octroi (Rs. 8,000); and the expenditure was Rs. 10,000. There
is a flourishing export trade in grain and some traffic with Nepal. T w o
schools have 150 pupils.
Nanta.—Village in the Ladpura district of the State of K o t a h
Rajputana, situated in 25 0 12' N. and 750 49' E., about 3 miles
north-west of Kotah city. It was given in jagir to the Jhala FaujdSrs
of Kotah about the beginning of the eighteenth century, and in the
time of the regent Zalim Singh was a flourishing t o w n ; but it is
now little more than an agricultural village, containing, among other
inhabitants, a colony of about 300 of the criminal tribes (Baoris,
Kanjars, and Sansias), whom the Darbar is endeavouring to con-
vert into respectable agriculturists. Zalim Singh's old palace is a
fine specimen of a Rajput baronial residence ; but it has not been
used for years, and its cloistered court, pavilions, fountains, & c ,
are falling into decay.
Naogaon Subdivision. -Northern subdivision of Rajshahi Dis-
trict, Eastern Bengal and Assam, lying between 24 0 32' and 25 0 3' N.
and 88° 23' and 89 0 i o ' E., with an area-of 867 square miles. The
subdivision, which is intersected by the Atrai, contains much swampy
and waterlogged land to the east of that river; but to the north-west
the country forms part of the Barind, an elevated and undulating tract
consisting of a stiff red clay covered with brushwood. The population
was 476,072 in 1901, compared with 424,545 in 1891, the density
being 549 persons per square mile. It contains 2,346 villages, one
of which, NAOGAON (population, 4,092), forms the head-quarters;
but no town. It is best known on account of the ganja produced in
the Naogaon and Panchupur thanas, which supply the whole of Bengal
and Assam and part of the United Provinces. A large annual fair
is held at M A N D A .
N a o g a o n Village.—Head-quarters of the subdivision of the same
name in Rajshahi District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated in
24 0 4 8 ' N. and 88° 57' E., on the west bank of the Jamuna river.
Population (1901), 4,092. The village derives importance from being
the centre of the ganja cultivation, and nearly a lakh has been spent
on the ganja offices and storehouses. It contains the usual subdivi-
sional offices ; the sub-jail has accommodation for 18 prisoners.
Naorangpur.—Zamindari tahsil of Vizagapatam District, Madras.
See N O W R A N O P U R .
Naosari.—Prant, taluka, and town i n Baroda State. See N A V S A R I .
Napad.—Village in the Anand taluka of Kaira District, Bombay,
situated in 22 0 29' N. and 72 0 59' E., 14 miles west of the Vasad
railway station. Population (1901), 5,053. T i l l 1869 Napad was
a mdm/atddr's station. North of the village is a handsome pond,
500 yards in circuit, said to have been built about four hundred years
ago by a Pathan named Taze K h a n Narpali, governor of Petlad.
It is enclosed by brick walls, and is octagonal in shape, a triangular
flight of steps within each side leading to the water. On the west
is an Idgah, or place for Id prayers, with a flight of granite steps
leading to the lake. Along the bank beyond the Idgah are traces
of terraces and other buildings. The well, to the east of the village,
also the work of Taze K h a n Narpali, was repaired in 1838 by a Baroda
N a r . — T o w n in the Petlad tahika, Baroda prant, Baroda State,
situated in 22 0 28' N. and 72 0 45' E., on the Petlad-Cambay Rail-
way. Population (1901), 6,525. The town possesses a vernacular
school and two dharmsalas,
Nara.—Petty State in R E W A K A N T H A , Bombay.
N a r a , E a s t e r n . — A n important water channel in Sind, Bombay.
It is commonly spoken of as a natural branch of the Indus, and,
judging from the enormous size of its bed and the fact that it has
no source, may possibly have been so formerly. The upper part of
the Nara river, as it existed before works were undertaken on it
by the British Government, was merely a small channel in the sand-
hills of the eastern desert of Sind, through which spill-water from
the Indus, above Rohri, found its way to the alluvial plain of the
Indus in Central and Lower Sind. As much as 90,000 cubic feet
per second was roughly calculated to have spilled into it during the
flood of 1851. Owing to the very uncertain supply thus received
in the Nara, a channel from the Indus at Rohri, 12 miles in length,
known as the Nara Supply Channel, was constructed by Govern-
ment in 1858-9, on the recommendation of Lieutenant Fife. This
channel was designed to carry an average discharge of 8,413 cubic
feet Der second during the inundation period, but at times twice
this quantity has passed through it. The Nora river itself has re-
mained untouched from the tail of the supply chanel to the Jamrao
Canal mouth, a length of 100 miles, and this length has been gradu-
ally canalized by the silty discharge passing down it.
From 1854 to 1858 most of the depressions on the left side of
the Nara between the Jamrao mouth and the present head of the
Thar Canal were embanked, and in 1857 water, admitted as an
experiment, flowed at least as far south as the embankments extended.
Between i860 and 1867 the Nara bed from the M a k h i Weir to the
Thar Weir was cleared in lengths aggregating 40 miles and widths
averaging 150 feet. From 1876 to 1886 this work was continued below
the Thar Weir. In 1884 the first cut was made by Government
through the Allah Band, a broad ridge of ground on the Rann of
Cutch thrown up by an earthquake in 1819. The course of the
Nara is generally southwards, crossing the territory of the M i r of
Khairpur for a distance of 100 miles and then running through the
Thar and Parkar District, having generally on its left bank the sand-
hills of the desert, and discharging at its 250th mile into the Puran,
an old channel of the Indus, which flows to the sea 80 miles farther
south through the Rann of Cutch.
The principal canals in connexion with the Eastern Nara and their
lengths, including branches, are—the JAMRAO, 588 miles; the Mithrao,
155 miles ; the Thar, 72 miles; and the H i r a l , 41 miles. The aggre-
gate cost of these works (exclusive of the Jamrao) up to the end of
1903-4 amounted to 65-27 lakhs; the receipts in the same year were
5*63 lakhs, and the total charges (exclusive of interest) i « i 4 lakhs.
The gross income was thus 8-62 per cent, on the capital expended,
and the net receipts 6-82 per cent. The area irrigated was 429 square
The Jamrao, constructed in the years 1894 to T902, serves the
Districts of Thar and Parkar and Hyderabad, and the others supply
the former only. The Nara Supply Channel, the Eastern Nara,
and the Mithrao are partly navigable for a total length of 425
N a r a , W e s t e r n . — C a n a l i n Sind, Bombay. See L A R K A N A D I S -
N a r a Valley.—Subdivision of Thar and Parkar District, Sind,
Bombay, composed of the U M A R K O T , K H I P R O , SANOHAR, M I R P U R
and SINGHORO talukas*
Narahisi.— Village in the Madhubani subdivision of Darbhanga
District, Bengal, situated in 26 0 22 / N. and 86° 32' E. Population
(1901), 5,069. Narahia is connected by road with the Bengal and
North-Western Railway, and is an important centre for the grain
traffic with Nepal.
Naraina.—Head-quarters of the taluk or subdivision of the same
name in the S&mbhar nizamat of the State of Jaipur, Rajputana,
situated in 26 0 48' N. and 75 0 13' E., on the Rajputana-Malwa Rail-
way, 41 miles west of Jaipur city, and 43 miles north-east of Ajmer.
Population (1901), 5,266. The town possesses 5 schools attended
by 160 boys, and a post office.
T h e place is famous as the head-quarters of the sect of Dadu-
panthis, from whom the foot-soldiers of the State, called Nagas, are
recruited. The Dadupanthis of Rajputana numbered 8,871 in i c p r ,
and 8,610 of them, or over 97 per cent., were enumerated in the
State of Jaipur. Dadu, the founder of the sect, is said to have
lived in the time of Akbar, and to have died in 1603 near the lake
at Naraina. T h e cardinal points of his teaching were the equality
of all men, strict vegetarianism, total abstinence from the use of
liquor, and lifelong celibacy. His precepts, which numbered 5,000,
are all in verse and are embodied in a book called the Bant, which
is kept in a sanctuary known as the DadudwSra. After Dadu's
death his followers were divided into two sects : namely, the Vir-
aktas, who profess to have renounced the world and its pleasures,
live on alms, spend their time in contemplation and in imparting
the teachings of Dadu to others, and are usually distinguishable by
the strip of red cloth which they wear ; and the Sadhus or Swamis,
including the section called Naga. The latter name, which means
* naked,' is said to have been applied to them in consequence of
the scantiness of the dhoti or loin-cloth which they used to wear.
Strict celibacy being enjoined, the Dadupanthis recruit their num-
bers by adoption from all but the lowest classes of Hindus and
Musalmans. In the cases of Nagas, the adopted boys are at once
trained in the profession of arms, and thus develop into men of
fine physique. During the Mutiny the Nagas were the only body
of men really true to the Darbar, and it has been stated that,
but for them, the so-called regular army of Jaipur would have re-
N&rainganj.—Subdivision and town in Dacca District, Eastern
Bengal and Assam. See N A R A Y A N G A N J .
N a r a i n g a r h . — T a h s i l o i Ambala District, Punjab, lying at the foot
of the Himalayas, between 30 0 19' and 30 0 45" N. and 76 0 52' and
77 0 19' E., with an area of 436 square miles. The population in 1901
was 131,042, compared with 141,326 in 1891. It contains the town of
SADHAURA (population, 9,812), and 317 villages, of which Naraingarh
is the head-quarters. The land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted
to 2*3 lakhs. T h e tahsil includes a tract of hilly country on the north,
culminating in the Karoh peak, 4,919 feet above the sea. The lower
hills are devoid of vegetation ; and below them comes a tract of rough
stony country much cut up by ravines, the continuous advance of
which is a most serious difficulty for the cultivator. The southern half
is fairly level.
N a r a l Subdivision.—South-eastern subdivision of Jessore District,
Bengal, lying between 22 0 58' and 23 0 2 1 ' N. and 89 0 23' and
89 0 50' E., with an area of 487 square miles. The population in 1901
was 352,281, compared with 348,537 in 1891. It contains 810 villages,
including N A R A L , its head-quarters; but no town. The subdivision,
which is entirely alluvial, is less unhealthy than other parts of Jessore,
and being lower, it still receives occasional deposits of s i l t ; it is thus
more thickly populated, and has a density of 723 persons per square
mile. The principal marts are at Naral, N a k l i , and Lohagara.
N a r a l V i l l a g e . —Head-quarters of the subdivision of the same
name in Jessore District, Bengal, situated in 23 0 i o ' N. and 89 0 30' E.,
22 miles east of Jessore town on the Chitra river, which is here very
deep and affords a regular route for large boats throughout the year.
Population (1901), 1,225. Naral contains the usual public offices j
the sub-jail has accommodation for 12 prisoners, and there is a
good collegiate school teaching up to the F.A. standard, with a hostel
attached. The Naral family are the leading landholders of Jessore
District, and several works of public utility have been constructed by
N a r a s a n n a p e t a Tahsil.—Zamindari tahsil in Ganjam District,
Madras, consisting of several petty proprietary estates which adjoin the
Government taluk of Chicacole, with an area of 51 square miles. The
population in 1901 was 26,452, compared with 24,878 in 1891. They
live in 41 villages. The head-quarters, NARASANNAPETA T O W N , is out-
side its limits. The demand for land revenue and cesses in 1903-4
was Rs. 40,400. The Urlam estate, which is nearly 20 miles in area,
is a prosperous tract, being fertile and irrigated by river channels from
the Vamsadhara. Bell-metal vessels are made at Mobagam.
N a r a s a n n a p e t a Town.—Head-quarters of a deputy-laksllddr in
the Chicacole taluk of Ganjam District, Madras, situated in 18 0 26' N.
and 84 0 2' E., on the trunk road 14 miles north of Chicacole. Popula-
tion (1901), 7,886, chiefly weavers and traders.
N a r a s a p a t n a m Subdivision.—Subdivision of Vizagapatam Dis-
trict, Madras, consisting of the taluk of G O L G O N D A (including Agency
area), the zamlndari tahsils of V I R A V I L L I (including Agency area) and
A N A K A P A L L E , and the taluk of S A R V A S I D D H I .
N a r a s a p a t n a m Town.—Head-quarters of the Golgonda taluk
and of the Narasapatnam subdivision, Vizagapatam District, Madras,
situated in 17 0 40' N. and 82 0 37' E., 8 miles from the foot of the
hills in the midst of a fertile plain. Population (1901), 10,589. It is
a centre of trade with the hills to the north.
N a r a s a p u r Subdivision.—Subdivision of Kistna District, Madras,
consisting of the N A R A S A P U R , T A N U K U , and B H I M A V A R A M taluks.
N a r a s a p u r Taluk.—Coast taluk of Kistna District, Madras, lying
between i 6 ° 19' and 160 39' N . and 81° 27' and 81° 57' E., which till
recently included the large N A G A R A M I S L A N D since transferred to
Godavari District. Its present area is 296 square miles. The popula-
tion in 1901 was 151,342, compared with 136,064 in 1891. It contains
three towns, NARASAPUR (population, 10,279), the head-quarters, P A L A -
K O L L U (10,848), and A C H A N T A (8,382); and 78 villages. The demand
for land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 10,22,000.
The taluk is very fertile. The chief crops are rice and garden and
orchard produce.
Narasapur Town.—Head-quarters of the subdivision and taluk of
the same name in Kistna District, Madras, situated in 16 0 26' N. and
8 i ° 42' E., on the Vasishta mouth of the Godavari river, 6 miles from
the sea, and on the Narasapur canal, $$ miles from Nidadavolu. Popu-
lation (1901), 10,279. The Dutch very early established a branch of
their P A L A K O L L U factory at Narasapur and had an iron foundry here ;
some of their buildings still remain. The English occupied the
northern suburb in 1677. In 1756 they were expelled from this, as
from their other factories in the District, by the French. In 1759 it
was regained by an expedition detached by Colonel Forde on his way
to Masulipatam. The factory was not abolished till 1827. The trade
of Narasapur has now almost entirely disappeared, and the only article
of export is bones, which are sent away to the value of Rs. 1,500
annually. The Taylor high school, founded in 1852, deserves mention
as the outcome of the first systematic attempt to extend primary educa-
tion in the Presidency. It is managed by a local committee and has
now 400 pupils. The town has been constituted a U n i o n .
N a r a s a r a o p e t Subdivision.---Subdivision of Guntur District,
Madras, consisting of the NARASARAOPET, P A L N A D , and V I N U K O N D A
N a r a s a r a o p e t T a l u k . — Taluk in Guntur District, Madras, lying
between 15 0 53' and 160 24' N. and 79 0 48' and 80° 2 1 ' E., with an
area of 713 square miles. The population in 1901 was 168,547,
compared with 156,377 in 1891. NARASARAOPET, the head-quarters,
is a Union of 7,108 inhabitants; and there are also 114 villages.
The demand for land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to
Rs. 4,30,000. Most of the taluk produces ' dry crops,' but there are
patches of irrigation under rain-fed tanks. The grazing land is excel-
lent and the cattle bred here are well-known. Several bold hills, such
as Kotappakonda, diversify the country; and it is intersected by water-
courses, which are dry for the greater part of the year, but become
foaming torrents when rain falls.
N a r a s a r a o p e t T o w n . — Head-quarters of the subdivision and taluk
of the same name in Guntur District, Madras, situated in i 6 ° 15 / N.
and 80° 4' E., on the Southern Mahratta Railway. Population (1901),
7,108. It has been constituted a Union. It took its name from
Narasa Rao, father of the Malrazu Venkata Gunda Rao who enlarged
the fine tank in the town. There are ancient temples in the place, and
inscriptions are to be seen on a slab in front of the shrine to Pattabhi
Ramaswami and in the roof of that to Bhlmeswara. Not far off is the
famous shrine at Kotappakonda, where at the new moon festival in
February as many as 40,000 Hindus gather.
N a r a y a n g a n j Subdivision.—North-eastern subdivision of Dacca
District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, lying between 23 0 34' and 24 0
15' N. and 90 0 27' and 90 0 59' E., with an area of 641 square
miles. The greater part of the subdivision consists of a level plain
intersected by numerous watercourses, but to the extreme west this
plain merges in a small tract of broken jungle-covered country. The
population was 660,712 in 1901, compared with 574,516 in 1891, the
density being 1,031 persons per square mile. The subdivision contains
one town, N A R A Y A N G A N J (population, 24,472), its head-quarters; and
2,177 villages. The principal seats of commerce are Narayanganj
town on the Lakhya, and Baidya Bazar and Narsingdi on the Meghna.
The chief place of historical importance is SONARGAON. A large
bathing festival is held annually at Nangalband.
N a r a y a n g a n j Town.—Head-quarters of the subdivision of the
same name in Dacca District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated
in 23 0 37 / N. and 90 0 30 / E., on the west bank of the Lakhya at
its confluence with the Dhaleswari just before that river joins the
Meghna. The population in 1901 was 24,472, of whom 50*8 per
cent, were Hindus and 48·4 Muhammadans; there were only 169
Christians. Narayanganj is distant from DACCA C I T Y 9 miles by
land and about 20 by water, and is in reality- the port of that city ;
it extends for 3 miles along the bank of the Lakhya, and, with its
suburb Madanganj on the opposite bank, is the most progressive town
in Eastern Bengal. The population has nearly doubled since 1 8 8 1 ;
and had the Census been taken during the rains in the height of
the jute season, the number of inhabitants would probably have
exceeded 35,000. In the neighbourhood are several forts built by
M i r Jumla to repel the invasions of the Maghs or Arakanese, and a
mosque known as the Kadam Rasul which is held in great reverence
by pious Musalmans. Narayanganj, including Madanganj, was con-
stituted a municipality in 1876. The income during the decade
ending 1901-2 averaged Rs. 55,000 and the expenditure Rs. 52,000.
In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 76,000, including Rs. 38,000 derived
from a tax on houses and lands, Rs. 22,000 from a conservancy rate,
and Rs. 6,000 from tolls. The incidence of taxation was Rs. 2 1 1 10
per head of the population. In the same year the expenditure was
Rs. 69,000, including Rs. 3,000 spent on lighting, Rs. 3,000 on
drainage, Rs. 25,000 on conservancy, Rs. 3,000 on medical relief,
Rs. r6,000 on roads, and Rs. 1,100 on education. NarSyanganj has
the appearance of a Western rather than of an Eastern town, and
has not unjustly been called the model municipality of Bengal. T h e
municipality owns a large market, and a scheme has been formulated
for supplying two of the three wards with unfiltered water at an
estimated cost of Rs. 1,79,000.
NSr^yanganj was already a busy market a century ago. Since then
its commerce has increased enormously, owing to the growth of the
jute trade and development of rail and steamer communications ; and
it is now the busiest trade mart in Eastern Bengal. It taps the huge
jute areas of Mymensingh, north Tippera, and Dacca, and focuses the
imports from Calcutta for their dense populations. Narayanganj owes
its prosperity to its ready access to the seaports. It is connected with
Calcutta by steamer and rail via Goalundo, and with Chittagong by
steamer and rail via Chandpur, or by brigs, which, however, are now
being ousted by the railway. On-account of its trade with Chittagong,
Narayanganj has been declared a port under the Sea Customs Act.
The expansion of the jute trade is of comparatively recent date; in
1872 there were only 6 screw-houses in Narayanganj, while in 190 r
there were 53 factories with 73 presses, mostly hydraulic, employing
6,000 hands. The annual export has increased from 40,000 to
320,000 tons during the last thirty years. T h e jute is pressed into
bales for export to Europe, two-thirds of the output being shipped
from Calcutta, and one-third from Chittagong.
Narayanganj contains the usual public orifices, a sub-jail with
accommodation for 36 prisoners, civil courts, a branch of the Bank
of Bengal, two higher class English schools, and a hospital with
30 beds.
N a r a y a n p e t T a l u k . — Former taluk in Mahbubnagar District,
Hyderabad State, with an area of 345 square miles. The population
in 1901, including jagirs, was 68,164, compared with 59,967 in 1891.
I t contained one town, N A R A Y A N P E T (population, 12,011) the head-
quarters ; and 78 villages, of which 6 were jagir. The land revenue in
1901 was 1-3 lakhs. In 1905 the taluk was broken up, and its villages
were transferred to the Makhtal taluk and the Yadgir taluk in Gul-
barga District.
N a r a y a n p e t T o w n . — T o w n in the Makhtal taluk of Mahbabnagar
District, Hyderabad State, situated in 160 45' N. and 77 0 30' E.,
36 miles west of Mahbubnagar town. Population (1901), T 2 , O I I . I t
is noted for the manufacture of superior silk and cotton saris, and
slippers of coloured leather, which are largely exported. It is the
head-quarters of the Second T&lukd&r, and has a Munsifs court,
a post office, a dispensary, a boys' and a girls' school with 319 and 36
pupils respectively, and the Police inspector's office. It is a flourish-
ing commercial centre, connected with Saidapur station on the Great
Indian Peninsula Railway by a feeder road 21 miles long.
N a r b a d a Division.—Division in the Central Provinces. See
N a r b a d a R i v e r (Narmadd; the Namados of Ptolemy ; Namnadios
of the Periplus).—One of the most important rivers of India, which rises
on the summit of the plateau of A M A R K A N T A K (22 0 4 1 ' N . and 81° 48'
E.), at the north-eastern apex of the Satpura range, in Rewah (Central
India), and enters the sea below Broach in the Bombay Presidency
after a total course of 801 miles.
The river issues from a small tank 3,000 feet above the sea, sur-
rounded by a group of temples and guarded by an isolated colony of
priests, and falls over a basaltic cliff in a descent of 80 feet. After
a course of about 40 miles through the State of Rewah, it enters the
Central Provinces and winds circuitously through the rugged hills of
Mandla, pursuing a westerly course until it flows under the walls of the
ruined palace of Ramnagar. From Ramnagar to Mandla town it
forms, for some 15 miles, a deep reach of blue water, unbroken by
rocks and clothed on either bank by forest. The river then turns
north in a narrow loop towards Jubbulpore, close to which city, after
a fall of 30 feet called the Dhuandhara or * fall of mist,' it flows for
two miles in a narrow channel which it has carved for itself through
rocks of marble and basalt, its width here being only about 20 yards.
Emerging from this channel, which is well-known as the ' Marble
Rocks,' and flowing west, it enters the fertile basin of alluvial land
forming the Narbada Valley, which lies between the Vindhyan and
Satpura Hills, and extends for 200 miles from Jubbulpore to Handia,
with a width of about 20 miles to the south of the river. The V i n -
dhyan Hills rise almost sheer from the northern bank along most of the
valley, the bed of the river at this part of its course being the boundary
between the Central Provinces and Central India (principally the
States of Bhopal and Indore). Here the Narbada passes Hoshang-
abad and the old Muhammadan towns of Handia and NimSwar. The
banks in this part of its valley are about 40 feet high, and the fall in
its course between Jubbulpore and Hoshangabad is 340 feet. Below
Handia the hills again approach the river on both sides and are
clothed with dense forests, the favourite haunts of the Pindaris and
other robbers of former days. At Mandhar, 25 miles below Handia,
there is a fall of 40 feet, and another of the same height occurs at
Punasa. The bed of the river in its whole length within the Central
Provinces is one sheet of basalt, seldom exceeding 150 yards in
absolute width, and, at intervals of every few miles, upheaved into
ridges which cross it diagonally, and behind which deep pools are
formed. Emerging from the hills beyond Mandhata on the borders of
the Central Provinces, the Narbada now enters a second open alluvial
basin, flowing through Central India (principally the State of Indore)
for nearly 100 miles. The hills are here well away from the river, the
Satpuras being 40 miles to the south and the Vindhyas about 16 miles
to the north. In this part of its course the river passes the town of
Maheshwar, the old capital of the Holkar family, where its northern
bank is studded with temples, palaces, and bathing ghats > many of
them built by the famous Ahalya Bai whose mausoleum is here. The
last 170 miles of the river's course are in the Bombay Presidency,
where it first separates the States of Baroda and Rajplpla and then
meanders through the fertile District of Broach. Below BROACH C I T Y
it gradually widens into an estuary, whose shores are 17 miles apart
as it joins the Gulf of Cambay.
The drainage area of the Narbada, estimated at about 36,000 square
miles, is principally to the south and comprises the northern portion
of the Satpura plateau and the valley Districts. The chief tributaries
are the Banjar in Mandla, the Sher and Shakkar in Narsinghpur, and
the Tawa, Ganjal, and Chhota Tawa in Hoshangabad District. The
only important tributary to the north is the Hiran, which flows in
beneath the Vindhyan Hills, in Jubbulpore District. Most of these
rivers have a short and precipitous course from the hills, and fill with
extraordinary rapidity in the rains, producing similarly rapid floods in
the Narbada itself. Owing to this and to its rocky course, the Narbada
is useless for navigation except by country boats between August and
February, save in the last part of its course, where it is navigable by
vessels of 70 tons burden up to the city of Broach, 30 miles from
its mouth. It is crossed by railway bridges below Jubbulpore,
at Hoshangabad, and at Mortakka. The influence of the tides
reaches to a point 55 miles from the sea. The height of the banks
throughout the greater part of its course makes the river useless for
The Narbada, which is referred to as the Rewa (probably from the
Sanskrit root rev, ' to hop,' owing to the leaping of the stream down its
rocky bed) in the Mahabharata and Ramayana, is said to have sprung
from the body of Siva and is one of the most sacred rivers of India,
local devotees placing it above the Ganges, on the ground that, whereas
it is necessary to bathe in the Ganges for forgiveness of sins, this object
is attained by mere contemplation of the Narbada. ' As wood is cut
by a saw (says a H i n d u proverb), so at the sight of the holy Narbada
do a man's sins fall away.' Ganga herself, so local legend avers, must
dip in the Narbada once a year. She comes in the form of a coal-
black cow, but returns home quite white, free from all sin. The
Ganges, moreover, was (according to the Rewa Purand) to have lost
its purifying virtues in the year 1895, though this fact has not yet
impaired its reputation for sanctity. At numerous places on the
course of the Narbada, and especially at spots where it is joined by
another river, are groups of temples, tended by Narmdeo Brahmans,
the special priests of the river, where annual gatherings of pilgrims
take place. The most celebrated of these are Bheraghat, Barmh&n,
and Onkar Mandhata in the Central Provinces, and Barwani in Central
India, where the Narbada is joined by the Kapila. A l l of these are
connected by legends with saints and heroes of H i n d u mythology;
and the description of the whole course of the Narbada, and of
all these places and their history, is contained in a sacred poem
of 14,000 verses (the Narmada Khanda\ which, however, has been
adjudged to be of somewhat recent origin. Every year 300 or
more pilgrims start to perform the pradakshina of the Narbada, that
is, to walk from its mouth at Broach to its source at Amarkantak
on one side, and back on the other, a performance of the highest
religious efficacy. The most sacred spots on the lower course of the
river are Suklatirtha, where stands an old banyan-tree that bears
the name of the saint Kablr, and the site of Raja Bali's horse-sacrifice
near Broach.
The Narbada is commonly considered to form the boundary between
Hindustan and the Deccan, the reckoning of the H i n d u year differing
on either side of it. The Marathas spoke of it as 'the river,' and
considered that when they had crossed it they were in a foreign
country. During the Mutiny the Narbada practically marked the
southern limit of the insurrection. North of it the British temporarily
lost control of the country, while to the south, in spite of isolated
disturbances, their authority was maintained. Hence, when, in 1858,
Tantia T o p i executed his daring raid across the river, the utmost
apprehension was excited, as it was feared that, on the appearance of
the representative of the Peshwa, the recently annexed Nagpur terri-
tories would rise in revolt. These fears, however, proved to be
unfounded and the country remained tranquil.
Narcondam.—Volcanic island in the Andaman Sea, lying about
105 miles south-east of Port Blair. See A N D A M A N S .
N a r e g a l . — T o w n in the Ron taluka of Dharwar District, Bombay,
situated in 15 0 34' N. and 75 0 48' E., 55 miles east of Dharwar
town. Population (1901), 8,327. Naregal is an old town, with
temples and inscriptions dating from the twelfth to the thirteenth
century. Weekly markets are held on Monday. The town contains
a school.
Nargund.—Town in the Navalgund taluka of Dharwar District,
Bombay, situated in 150 43' N. and 75 0 24' E., 32 miles north-east
of DharwSr town. Population (1901), 10,416. Nargund was con-
stituted a municipality in 1871, the average income during the decade
ending 1901 being Rs. 5,000. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 7,700.
Though not a manufacturing town, it is a busy entrepot of trade,
where the merchants of Dharwar and North Kanara exchange rice,
sugar, spices, and other agricultural products. Nargund was one
of the earliest possessions wrested from the feeble grasp of the
Muhammadan Sultans of Bijapur by Sivajt. It was subsequently
handed over to Ramrao Bhave with some surrounding villages. On
the conquest of the Peshwa's territory by the British, it was restored
by them to Dadaji Rao, the chief then found in possession. An
agreement was concluded with him, by which he was exempted
from the payment of his former tribute of Rs. 3,470, from fiazarana
or presents on occasions, and from rendering service, on condition
of loyalty to, and dependence on, the British Government. This
petty principality, containing 36 towns and villages, with a popu-
lation of about 25,000, was, at the time of the Mutiny in 1857,
held by Bhaskar Rao, alias Baba Sahib. Affected by the disturb-
ances in the north, the chief rose in open rebellion and murdered
M r . Manson, the Commissioner and Political Agent, Southern Maratha
Country. A British force was dispatched at once to Nargund ; and,
after a short but decisive engagement, the fort and town fell. The
fortifications have since been dismantled, and the fort has been ren-
dered untenable by destroying some of the chief reservoirs. Nargund
contains a large temple of Shankarling and a smaller one of Dand-
cshwar, with an inscription dated 1147 ; another temple, of Venkatesh,
on the hill-top in the fort, was built in 1720. An annual fair attended
by 10,000 people is held in honour of Venkatesh on the full moon of
Ashvin, and lasts for twelve days. The town contains six schools,
including one for girls.
N a r h l . — T o w n in the District and tahsil of Ballia, United Pro-
vinces, situated in 25 0 42' N. and 84 0 2' E., on the road from
Korantadih to Ballia town. Population (1901), 6,462. Narhl is
merely an overgrown village, and its inhabitants have a bad reputa-
tion for harbouring criminals. They are chiefly Bhuinhars, who
have lost their proprietary rights, but still refuse to pay rent to the
Dumraon estate which has acquired them. There is a school with
42 pupils.
Nari.—River in Baluchistan, known also as the Anambar and the
Beji. It rises near Spiraragha and has a total length in Baluchi-
stan of about 300 miles. The upper part of its course is known
as the Loralai river, and after the junction of the latter with the
Sehan it becomes the Anambar. On passing into the M a r r i country
it is called the Beji. Near Babar Kach it is met from the north-west
by the Dada and Sangan streams, and shortly afterwards debouches
into the Kachhi plain, whence it branches into a number of channels
(28 0 3 0 ' N . , 67 0 57' E.), eventually reaching Sind. Its large catchment
area covers Loralai and Sibi Districts and Kachhi. The NSri is
subject to very heavy floods. Temporary embankments are erected
in its bed to permit the cultivation of lands in Loralai District,
and a Government irrigation work to carry flood-water has also been
constructed. A l l the permanent water-supply is used at Sibi for culti-
vation ; and the central part of Kachhi depends entirely on its flood-
water, which is raised by ingeniously contrived temporary earthen
embankments of great size. M u c h of the summer flood-water, however,
runs to waste.
N a r k h e r . — T o w n in the K a t o l tahsil of Nagpur District, Central
Provinces, situated in 2 1 0 29' N. and 78 0 32' E., 45 miles north-west
of Nagpur city by road through Kalmeshwar and Sawargaon. Popu-
lation (1901), 7,726. Narkher is not a municipality, but a town
fund is raised for sanitary purposes. The population is almost
solely agricultural, and the lands surrounding the town are very
rich, the land revenue from the fiscal * village' being the highest in
the District. A large cattle market is held weekly, and there is a
vernacular middle school.
Narmada.—River in Central and Western India. See N A R B A D A .
N a r n a l a . — H i l l fortress in the A k o t taluk of Akola District, Berar,
situated in 2 1 0 15' N. and 770 4' E., on the southernmost range of the
Satpura Hills, at an elevation of 3,161 feet. The h i l l was probably
fortified at an early date, for Firishta says that the fort was repaired
by the Bahmani king Ahmad Shah Wall, when he encamped at
Ellichpur from 1425 to 1428. The works comprise three distinct
forts: Jafarabad on the east, Narnala itself in the centre, and Teliya-
garh on the west. There are six large and twenty-one small gates.
The system of water-supply in this fort was admirable, and portions
of an aqueduct and of drains for catching surface water still remain.
W i t h i n the walls are situated nineteen tanks, of which only four
hold water throughout the year. Four very curious covered stone
cisterns are supposed, apparently on slender grounds, to have been
the work of Jains before the Muhammadan invasion. The Jama
Masjid, now in ruins, is said to have borne an Arabic inscription
recording its construction in 1509 by Mah&bat Khan, but this has
disappeared. A small mosque attributed to Aurangzeb is in good
repair. Other buildings are the Bdradari, the Sarrafkhana, the arsenal,
and the elephant stables. There are also the ruins of a palace erected
for RaghujI Bhonsla, and on Teliyagarh is a small mosque. T h e
VOL. X V I I I . B b
most interesting part of the fort is the innermost of the three gate-
ways of the Shahnur entrance. It is built of white sandstone and
is highly ornate, being decorated with conventional lotus flowers,
a rich cornice, and Arabic inscriptions, and flanked by projecting
balconies with panels of stone lattice-work displaying considerable
variety of design. A short text from the Koran, used as a chrono-
gram, gives the date of the building of the gate as i486, and the
date is also expressed in words. A second inscription records the
fact that the gate was built in the reign of Shahab-ud-diri M a h m u d
Shah (Bahmani), and contains an interesting though evidently inac-
curate account of that monarch's descent. In 1437, when Naslr
Khan, Sultan of Khandesh, invaded Berar, the Khan-i-Jahan, governor
of the province, who remained faithful to his master, the Bahmani
king Ala-ud-din Ahmad I I , was besieged in Narnala by disaffected
nobles, but managed to break through the besieging force and joined
Khalaf Hasan before his victory at R O H A N K H E D . Burhan I m a d Shah,
the last of the independent kings of Berar, was confined in Narnaja
by his minister Tufal K h a n ; and in 1572 Murtaza Nizam Shah of
Ahmadnagar laid siege to the fortress and captured both king and
minister, subsequently putting them to death. In 1597-8 the fort
was captured by Akbar's officers, Saiyid Yusuf K h a n Mashhadi and
Shaikh A b u l Fazl, from the officer who held it for the Sultan of
N a r n a u l Tahsll.—Southern tahsll of the Mohindargarh nizamat,
Patiala State, Punjab, lying between 27 0 18' and 28° 8' N. and 75 0 58'
and 76 0 17' E., with an area of 277 square miles. The population
in 1901 was 85,130, compared with 88,045 in 1891. The tahsll con-
tains the town of N A R N A U L (population, 19,489), the head-quarters;
and 157 villages. The land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted
to 2·3 lakhs.
N a r n a u l Town.—Head-quarters of the tahsll of the same name in
the Mohindargarh nizamat, Patiala State, Punjab, situated in 28° 3' N.
and 76 0 10' E., on the banks of the Chhalak Nadi, 37 miles from
Rewari, with which it is connected by the Rewari-Phulera branch of
the Rajputana-Malwa Railway. It is, next to Patiala, the most impor-
tant town in the State, having a population (1901) of 19,489. T h e
town is undoubtedly of some antiquity. Tradition assigns its founda-
tion to Raja Launkarn, after whose wife Nar Laun it was n a m e d ; but
in the Mahabharata the country south of Delhi is called Narrashtra,
whence more probably is derived Narnaul. By the Muhammadan
historians it is first mentioned as assigned by Altamsh as a fief to his
M a l i k , Saif-ud-dln; and in 1411 it was in the possession of I k l f m K h a n
and Bahadur Nahir, and plundered by Khizr Khan. It claims to be
the birthplace of Sher Shah; and Ibrahim Khan, his grandfather, died
here, his tomb still existing in the town. Sher Shah's vassal, H a j i
Khan, was expelled from Narnaul by the redoubtable T a r d i Beg on
the restoration of H u m a y u n ; and, in the reign of Akbar, Shah K u l i
Mahram adorned the town with buildings and large tanks. Under
Aurangzeb, in 1672, Narnaul was the centre of a remarkable religious
revolt. A body of Satnamis, a sect who considered themselves i m -
mortal, attacked the town, took it, and established a rude government.
They were eventually suppressed with great slaughter. When the
Mughal power decayed, Narnaul became an apanage of Jaipur. In
1795 it was taken by Appa Khande Rao and George Thomas from
Lakwa Dada, an officer of De Boigne, and was afterwards given to
Murtaza K h a n Bahraich. In reward for his service in the M u t i n y
of 1857, Maharaja Narindar Singh of Patiala obtained the ildka of
Narnaul, valued at 2 lakhs annually. The modern town has a consider-
able trade in cotton, ghi, wool, and other products. It has also some
manufactures, lime and carts being the chief. It possesses a grain
market, an Anglo-vernacular middle school, a dispensary, and a police
station. Narnaul was constituted a municipality in 1906.
N a r o d (or Ranod).—Village in the Narwar district of Gwalior State,
Central India, situated in 25 0 5' N. and 77 0 53' E., on the Ahiravati or
Ahirpat Nala, a tributary of the Sind, 1,415 feet above the sea. Popu-
lation (1901), 2,985. The site is covered with H i n d u and Muhammadan
remains, surrounded by fine groves of tamarind and mango. The most
remarkable building is a monastery, built in H i n d u style of massive
sandstone blocks without mortar, and roofed with huge slabs of the
same material. In the wall of this building, which is now called the
K o k a i Mahal, is a long Sanskrit inscription referring to the erection
of the monastery. It mentions a king Avantivarman, and on palaeo-
graphical grounds may be assigned to the eleventh century. The
Muhammadan buildings are of modern date, but many are interesting,
especially the Zanjiri Masjid or * chain mosque,' so called from its chain-
like railing, which was erected in Aurangzeb's reign. Narod was
a place of importance until the Maratha invasion. It was granted
in the time of Jahanglr to Chaudhri Chintaman Bakkal, whose
descendants still hold the sanad. During the Maratha inroads it
decreased in importance, and after it fell to Sindhia in the nine-
teenth century decayed rapidly. The village is enclosed by a high
wall pierced with four gates. It contains a school, a State post office,
and a police station.
[ A . Cunningham, Archaeological Survey of India% vol. i i , p. 303 ;
Epigraphia Indica, vol. v i i , p. 35.]
N a r o w a l . — T o w n in the Raya tahsil of Sialkot District, Punjab,
situated in 32 0 5' N. and 74 0 53' E., on the north bank of the Ravi,
35 miles south-east of Sialkot town. Population (1901), 4,422. The
B b 2
name is derived from its founder Naru, a Bajwa Sansi, who is said to
have settled here four centuries ago. It was formerly the head-quarters
of what is now the Raya tahsil. The chief industry is the manufacture
of brass vessels, but native shoes of ornamental design are also made.
The Church Missionary and Zanana Missionary Societies established
here maintain an Anglo-vernacular middle school and a female hospital
and dispensary. The town also possesses an aided Punjabi Anglo-
vernacular middle school. Outside the town is a large church. The
municipality was created in 1867. The income and expenditure during
the ten years ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 4,500. In 1903-4 the
income was Rs. 5,500, chiefly from octroi; and the expenditure was
Rs. 5,400.
Narsapatam.—Subdivision and town in Vizagapatam District,
Madras. See N A R A S A P A T N A M .
Narsapur.—Subdivision, taluk, and town in Kistna District,
Madras. See NARASAPUR.
NarsSpur.—Former taluk in Nizamabad (Indur) District, Hyder-
abad State, with an area of 537 square miles. The population in 1901,
including jagirs, was 52,056, compared with 52,443 in 1891. The
taluk contained 139 villages, of which 6 saejagir; and Narsapur (1,773)
was its head-quarters* The land revenue in 1901 was 1.3 lakhs. In
1905 the taluk was divided between Nirmal and a new taluk of Kinwat
in Adilabad District.
Narsinghgarh State.—A mediatized chiefship in Central India,
under the Bhopal Agency, lying between 23 0 35' and 240 o' N. and 760
20' and 77 0 10' E., but its territories are much intermingled with those
of Rajgarh; total area, 741 square miles. It is situated in the section
of Malwa known as Umatwara, so called after the Umat clan of Rajputs
to which the chief of Narsinghgarh belongs. It is bounded on the
north by the Indore, Khilchipur, and Rajgarh States; on the east by
Maksudangarh and Bhopal; on the west by Dewas and Gwalior; and
on the south by Bhopal and Gwalior.
Narsinghgarh is closely allied to Rajgarh. Both chiefs are descended
from Dudaji, younger brother of Udaji of Rajgarh, who acted as
minister to his brother. In 1661 Rawat Mohan Singh succeeded to
Rajgarh as a minor, the State being administered by his cousin Dlwan
Ajab Singh of the Dudawat branch, who was succeeded by his son
Paras Ram. This arrangement, however, gave rise to constant differ-
ences between the parties of the Dlwan and the Rawat, till in 1668 a
crisis occurred which resulted in a division of the State between the
two branches of the family. The partition was not at first completed
, by definite delimitation of territory, a system of intermixed rule over
each village prevailing. Subsequently, in 1681, the territorial limits
were defined; and Paras Ram, on receiving his share, left Patan, his
former residence, and founded the town and State of Narsinghgarh. In
the eighteenth century the chief succumbed to the Mar&thas, and was
obliged to make terms with Holkar and pay an annual sum of
Rs. 85,000 (Salim shahi\ in order to preserve his independence. In
1818, on the settlement of Malwa" by Sir. John Malcolm, an agreement
was mediated between the Narsinghgarh chief and the rulers of Indore,
Dewas, and Gwalior, guaranteeing the regular payment of the sum due
to Holkar and the receipt of Rs. 1,200 as tanka (cash-grant) from
Sindhia, and of Rs. 5,102 from Dewas, in settlement of certain claims
on the Shujalpur and Sarangpur parganas. In 1819 Diwan Subhag
Singh became imbecile, and the management of the State was entrusted
to his son Chain Singh, who, however, had a difference with the Political
Agent, attacked the British forces at Sehore, and was killed in the
engagement (1824). Subhag Singh, who had recovered his health, was
then again entrusted with the rule. He was succeeded by Hanwant
Singh, who in 1872 received the hereditary title of Raja and a salute of
11 guns. On his death in 1873, Holkar demanded payment of nazarana
(succession dues) from his successor, Pratap Singh, but the claim was
net admitted by the British Government. In 1880 Pratap Singh
abolished transit dues on salt passing through the State, in • lieu of
which a yearly cash payment of Rs. 618-12 is made. In 1884 be
abolished ail transit duties, except those on opium, and made a con-
tribution of Rs. 56,000 towards the construction of the Biaora-Sehore
road. He was succeeded in 1890 by his uncle Mahtab Singh, who died
childless and was followed, in 1896, by Arjun Singh, the present chief,
selected by the British Government from the Bhathkhera Thakur's
family. He is being educated at the Mayo College at Ajmer. The
chief bears the titles of His Highness and Raja, and receives a salute
of 11 guns.
The population of the State was: (1881) 112,427, (1891) 116,280,
and (1901) 92,093, giving a density of 124 persons per square mile.
During the last decade there was a decrease of 20 per cent, due to the
severity of the famine of 1899-1900. Hindus number 82,822, or
90 per cent.; Animists, 4,816, or 5 per cent., of whom nearly half are
B h i l s ; and Musalmans, 4,088, or 4 per cent. The State contains one
town, NARSINGHGARH (population, 8,778), the capital; and 461 villages-
The Malwl dialect of Rajasthanl is in common use. The prevailing
castes are Rajputs (8,500), Chamars (7,000), Brahmans (5,000), and
Balais (4,800). Agriculture supports 45 per cent, of the population,
and general labour 8 per cent. The soil consists mostly of the fertile
black variety common to Malwa. The total area of 741 square miles,
of which 207 square miles, or 28 per cent., have been alienated in
jagirs, is thus distributed : cultivated, 272 square miles, or 37 per cent.,
of which 17 square miles are irrigated; cultivable but uncultivated
380 square miles, or 51 per cent.; forests, 2 square miles; and the rest
waste. The principal crops are jowar, occupying 141 square miles, or
57 per cent, of the cropped area; cotton 27 square miles, wheat 20,
maize 17, gram 14, and poppy 8.
T h e chief means of communication are the Agra-Bombay, the Biaora-
Sehore, the Pachor-Khujner, and the Shujalpur-Pachor roads, with a
total length of 55 miles metalled, of which 40 are kept up by the
British Government and the rest by the State. British combined post
and telegraph offices have been opened at Narsinghgarh and Pachor,
and branch post offices at Khujner and Chhapera.
For administrative purposes the State is divided into four tahslls, with
head-quarters at Narsinghgarh, Pachor, Khujner, and Chhapera, each
under a tahsildar, who is magistrate and collector of revenue. The
chief has full powers in all revenue, general, and civil judicial matters;
in criminal jurisdiction his powers are those of a Sessions Court,
heinous cases being dealt with by the Political Agent.
The normal income is 5 lakhs, of which 3-3 lakhs is derived from
land, Rs. 36,000 from customs, Rs. 5,000 from excise, and Rs. 12,000
from opium. The expenditure amounts to about 4-5 lakhs, the principal
heads being general administration (2*4 lakhs), chiefs establishment
(Rs. 12,700), and tribute (Rs. 58,600). Up to 1897, when the British
rupee was made legal tender, the Bhopal coinage was current. The
incidence of land revenue demand is Rs. 3-2 per acre of cultivated
land, and Rs. 1-2 per acre of total area. The State is the sole
proprietor of the land, villages being leased out to farmers who are
responsible for the assessed revenue of their holdings. The rates are
fixed according to the quality of the soil, a higher rate being levied on
irrigated land.
The army includes a regular force known as the Umat-Risala, a body
of 40 cavalry, who act as a body-guard to the chief, and also infantry.
The irregulars act as police messengers and the like. There are 23
artillerymen with one serviceable gun.
The State contains 8 schools with 529 pupils, and the annual expen-
diture on education is Rs. 3,000. In 1901, 3-5 per cent, of the
population, almost all males, were able to read and write. Four dis-
pensaries are maintained, at an annual cost of Rs. 4,400. Vaccination
is regularly carried out. Three surveys for revenue purposes have
been made—in 1865, 1885, and 1898. The last survey was a complete
plane-table survey, whereas the earlier surveys dealt only with cultivated
N a r s i n g h g a r h T o w n . — C a p i t a l of the State of the same name in
Central India, situated in 23 0 43' N. and 77 0 6' E., 1,650 feet above
the sea, 44 miles from Sehore. Population (1901), 8,778. It was
founded by Paras Ram, first chief of Narsinghgarh, in 1681, on the site
of the village of Toplia Mahadeo. The town is most picturesquely
situated on the edge of an artificial lake, with a fort and palaces on the
heights above, A dispensary, a school, a jail, and British combined
post and telegraph offices are situated in the town.
Narsinghpur State.—One of the Tributary States of Orissa,
Bengal, lying between 200 23' and 200 37' N. and 840 5' and
850 17' E., with an area of 199 square miles. It is bounded on the
north by a range of forest-clad mountains, which separate it from
Angul District and the State of Hindol; on the east by Baramba;
on the south and south-west by the Mahanadi river, which divides it
from Khandpara and Daspalla; and on the west by Daspalla and
Angul District. The State is reputed to have been founded 600 years
ago by a Rajput, named Dharma Singh, who conquered two Khond
chiefs named Narsingh and Poro. It has a revenue of Rs. 66,000, and
pays a tribute of Rs. 1,450 to the British Government. The population
increased from 33,849 in 1891 to 39,613 in 1901, the density being
199 persons per square mile. It contains 198 villages, the most
important of which is KANPUR. Of the total population, all but 150
are Hindus. The most numerous castes are Chasas (6,000) and
Pans (4,000). Narsinghpur is connected with Baramba by a road
which is a continuation of that from Sankarpur in Dhenkanal. Another
road leads to Angul, and one to Hindol is under construction. The
State maintains a middle vernacular, an upper primary, and 36 lower
primary schools, and a charitable dispensary.
Narsinghpur District.—District in the Nerbudda Division of the
Central Provinces, lying between 220 37' and 230 15' N. and 78° 27'
and 790 38/ E., in the upper half of the Narbada Valley, with an area
of 1,976 square miles. On the north it is bounded by the Bhopal
State and by Saugor, Damon, and Jubbulpore Districts; on the south
by Chhindwara; on the west by Hoshangabad; and on the east by
Seoni and Jubbulpore. Nearly the whole District lies to the south of
the Narbada, occupying a stretch of 15 or 20 miles
between the river and the northern range of the Satpura Physical
plateau. The Narbada forms the northern boundary
for a considerable length, and immediately beyond the river the
southern scarp of the Vindhyan range extends like a line of cliffs
almost along its banks. A small strip of territory lies to the north of
the Narbada. On the south of the District a broad belt of gravelly
soil merges through woody borders into the lower slopes of the Satpura
highlands. The hilly country itself is generally not more than three or
four miles in width. Between the Satpuras and the Narbada lies the
greater part of the District, in the first of the wide alluvial basins
which, alternating with rocky gorges, give so varied a character to the
river's course. The surface of the valley is covered by a deep layer

of black alluvial soil, which is famed for its fertility. The general
elevation is about 1,100 feet above the sea, the fall in the course of the
Narbada within the District being very slight. During its passage
through Narsinghpur- the Narbada receives the waters of several
tributaries, principally from the south. Of these, the most important
are the Sher and the Shakkar, with their respective affluents, the
MScharewa and Chitarewa. Other smaller rivers are the D u d h I and
Soner, which form the western and eastern boundaries of the District,
and the Bartirewa. A l l these rise in the Satpura range on the southern
border, and though their courses are short they fill with extraordinary
rapidity. The passage of these streams through the soft alluvial soil
produces a wide series of ravines on either bank, rendering the ground
for some distance uncultivable, the most marked systems of ravines
being on the Narbada and Sher. The Hiran and Sindhor rivers join
the Narbada from the north.
The valley in the north of the District is covered with alluvium.
The hilly country in the south is occupied by rocks referable partly
to the Gondwana and partly to the transition system.
The forests are not extensive, and are situated principally on the
slopes of the Satpuras along the south of the District, with a few
patches on the northern border beyond the Narbada. The principal
tree, even in the forests, is the mahua (Bassia latifolid); and the rest
is mainly a scrubby growth of small teak, achdr (Buchanania latifolia),
daman (Grewia tiliaefolia\ sdlai (Boswellta serrata), palas (Butea
frondosa), and similar shrubs and stunted trees. The open country is
well provided with mahua and other fruit-bearing or sacred trees.
Tigers are not numerous. Leopards and bears frequent the low
hills. Sambar and nilgai are met with in most of the forests, but
spotted deer are scarce. Bison sometimes visit the south-western hills
in the rainy months. The forests are singularly devoid of bird life.
Quail are plentiful in certain tracts, as also are peafowl and sand-
grouse j but there are very few water-birds.
The climate is generally healthy and very pleasant in the cold
season. The annual rainfall averages 51 inches, and is more usually
excessive than deficient, wheat on the heavy black soil being very
liable to rust. Frosts sometimes occur in the cold season, but hail
is rare.
At the earliest period at which anything is known of its history,
Narsinghpur formed part of the dominions of the Mandla Gond
dynasty. T h e stronghold of Chauragarh, twenty
miles south-west of Narsinghpur town, on the crest
of the outer range of the Satpura table-land, is intimately associated
with the history of the Mandla kings. Embracing two hills within its
circle of defences, it is less a fort than a huge fortified c a m p ; and the
vast scale of the whole work, its numerous tanks and wells excavated
at so unusual an elevation, and the massive debris of the buildings,
attest the lavish outlay incurred in its completion, and the importance
which was attached to it as a royal stronghold. In 1564 Asaf Khan,,
a Mughal general, invaded the Mandla territories, defeated the M n l
Durgavati, widow of the Gond Raja Dalpat Shah, and took by storm
Chauragarh, rinding, it is said, 100 jars of gold coin and 1,000
elephants. Three generations later, in the time of Raja Prem
Narayan, the Bundeia prince of Orchha invaded the valley and took
Chauragarh after a siege of some months, Prem Narayan being
killed by treachery. Rani Durgavati and Prem Narayan are still
celebrated in folk-lore. In 1781 the Gond dynasty was finally over-
thrown and the valley came under the rule of the Maratha Subahs of
Saugor, who were displaced by the Bhonslas fifteen years later. In
November, 1817, on the first intelligence of the disturbances at Nagpur
and the treachery of Raja Appa Sahib, British troops were moved into
Narsinghpur and the Maratha garrison at Srinagar was defeated. T h e
fort at Chauragarh held out for some time, but was evacuated in
May, 1818. The District subsequently came under British administra-
tion, and was augmented in 1826 by the temporary cession by Sindhia
of the trans-Narbada parganas of Chanwarpatha and Tendukheda,
which finally became British territory in i860. Since 1818 the
tranquillity of the District has been twice disturbed. During the
Bundeia rising of 1842 the rebels invaded Narsinghpur, receiving
the tacit support of nearly all the landholders of Chanwarpatha, and
plundered several villages, but were finally defeated and forced to
recross the Narbada. In 1857 the Saugor and Bhopal mutineers
entered Chanwarpatha on two occasions, and made isolated forays
across the Narbada. Except from two or three landholders in Chan-
warpatha they met with no support, and were stubbornly resisted at
Tendukheda, and by Rao Surat Singh L o d h I at his village of Imjhira.
The Deputy-Commissioner, Captain Ternan, took the field with two
companies of irregular troops and some matchlockmen furnished by
the Gond chiefs, and drove out the rebels. It is worth noticing that
this officer had as early as February, 1857, submitted a report on the
circulation of the chapatis, stating his belief that they portended an
insurrection; but his warning was disregarded.
There are few archaeological remains of interest. Barehta, 14 miles
south-east of Narsinghpur town, formerly contained a number of
sculptures, some of which have been brought to Narsinghpur and
placed in the public gardens, while other sculptures are believed to
have been taken to Europe, and little remains at Barehta itself. An
important place of pilgrimage in the District is Barmhan at the
junction of the Narbada and Warahi rivers, while there are numerous
temples and flights of stone steps leading up to the north bank of the
river. Dhilwar and Chanwarpatha contain the ruins of Gond forts.
The population of the District at the last three enumerations was
as follows: (1881)365,173, (1891)367,026, and (1901) 313,951. A
small transfer of territory to Narsinghpur from Saugor
was made in 1902, and the corrected totals of area
and population are now 1,976 square miles and 315,518 persons.
Between 1881 and 1891 the population was nearly stationary. In the
last intercensal period the decrease was at the rate of 14 per cent.
Deaths exceeded births in six years of the decade, and the District
was severely affected by the famines of both 1897 and 1900. The
District has three towns, N A R S I N G H P U R , GADARWARA, and C H H I N D -
WARA ; and 963 inhabited villages. The following statistics of popu-
lation in 1901 have been adjusted on account of the transfer
mentioned above:—

About 85 per cent, of the population are Hindus, 10 per cent.

Animists, and nearly 4 per cent. Muhammadans. Practically the
whole population speak the Bundeli dialect of Western Hindi, the
Gonds having almost entirely abandoned their own language.
MarathI, Urdu, and Gondi are spoken by a few hundred persons
The principal landholding castes are Brahmans (24,000), Rajputs
(14,000), Banias (9,000), Kurmls (7,000), Lodhis (30,000), Kaonras
(14,000), and Raj Gonds. Brahmans belong principally to Northern
India, but there are also some Maratha Brahman landlords, who
generally bear the title of Pandit, The Golapurabs form a local sub-
caste of Brahmans, who have been settled in the District for a long
time and are solely cultivators; they neither beg nor perform priestly
functions. Most of the Rajputs belong to a local sub-caste called
Gorai, and are of mixed descent. The principal cultivating castes
are Lodhis, Kurmls, and Kaonras. The Kaonras profess to be
descended from the Kauravas of the Mahabharata, who after being
defeated by the Pandavas came and settled in Narsinghpur. They
are certainly not Rajputs, and there is some reason for supposing them
to be a branch of the Ahirs. The labouring classes are Chamars
(17,000) and Mehras (15,000), who together form about 10 per cent,
of the population; and Gonds, who number 35,000, or 11 per cent.
These are all in very poor circumstances. The Gonds are compara-
tively civilized, but live from hand to mouth. Many of them have
only a garden plot for spade cultivation, or a small holding of the
poorest soil. They depend largely on mahua flowers and other forest
produce, and on the sale of head-loads of grass and fuel. About
62 per cent, of the population were returned as supported by
agriculture in 1901.
Of the 359 Christians, 66 belong to the Anglican communion and
267 are Methodists. Native Christians number 319. The Hardwicke
American Methodist Episcopal Mission has a station at Narsinghpur.
The greater part of the cultivated area consists of black alluvial soil.
The quality varies according to the lie of the land, ground which is
undulating or cut up by ravines being the poorest.
Below the Satpura Hills there is a belt of light sandy
soil suited to the growth of rice. A somewhat peculiar system followed
in the hill country is that of sowing several of the autumn crops
together, such mixtures as kodon, jowar, and cotton, til and arkar, or
rice, jowar, and arhar, with urad or mung as a fourth ingredient in
each case, being found in the same field. The cultivators hope that
in such cases they will get a good return from one or two of the
crops whatever the nature of the season may be; but such a hetero-
geneous mixture can scarcely be considered good agriculture. In
recent years there have been heavy decreases in the acreage of wheat,
gram, and kodon, partly counterbalanced by a rise in those of tnasur,
rice, and cotton.
More than 45 square miles are held wholly or partially free of
revenue, and the remainder on the ordinary malguzari tenure. The
following table gives the principal agricultural statistics for 1903-4, in
square miles:—

Tahsil Total. Irrigated. Cultivable Forests.

Cultivated. waste.

Narsinghpur 1,106 489 I 314 186

Gadarwara 870 5*5 2 265 63
Total 1,976 1,004 3 579 249

No considerable extension of cultivation is now possible. Wheat,

either sown singly or mixed with gram, covers 318 square miles, or
27 per cent, of the cropped area; gram, 176 square miles; ///, 7 8 ;
rice, 5 4 ; jowar, 33 ; and cotton, 50. The small millet kodon is mainly
grown as a food-crop in the hilly tracts by Gond cultivators, and is not
exported. Only 7,000 acres are occupied by linseed. It is peculiarly
liable to rust, and is therefore not a popular crop for heavy black soil,
but the area under it was larger a few years ago than at present. The
cultivation of cotton has recently increased. It is grown on the light
soil along the banks of the Narbada or mixed with other crops, and
the out-turn is usually poor. Rice is raised mainly as a catch-crop
in embanked fields before gram, or as a mixture with other crops.
T h e principal agricultural improvement is the embankment of wheat-
fields to hold up water during the rains. This, however, is practised
only in the eastern part of the District adjoining Jubbulpore, and the
anticipation that it would gradually extend to the remaining area has
not been fulfilled. Only about 2,500 acres were regularly embanked
in 1893, but since then up to 1905 embankments have been constructed
on an additional 13,000 acres. In places where the surface is sloping
the field cannot be embanked on all sides, but a bank is run across
the lower end to prevent scouring. About 78 square miles have small
embankments of this type, or bandhids. During the eleven years
following 1893 only Rs. 17,000 was advanced under the L a n d Improve-
ment Loans Act, and 1-9 lakhs under the Agriculturists' Loans Act.
Cattle are bred in the District, and are also imported from Chhind-
wara, Nimar, Hoshangabad, and Saugor. The Narsinghpur cattle
have no particular reputation. They are slow, but have the strength
which is requisite for cultivation in the heavy black soil. The number
of cattle was greatly reduced by mortality in the famines. Buffaloes
are kept for breeding purposes and for the manufacture of ghi. There
were formerly a considerable number of horses in the D i s t r i c t ; but
the impoverishment of many landowners and the construction of good
roads have rendered horse-breeding too expensive, and to a great extent
destroyed the taste for it, the people generally preferring a bullock-
cart to a horse, when the former method of locomotion is practicable.
Only about 2,000 to 2,500 acres are irrigated. Irrigation is almost
entirely from wells, and is practically confined to sugar-cane and
garden crops. There are about 1,100 irrigation wells.
T h e area of Government forest is 249 square miles, all of which
is ' reserved.' T h e principal forests are on the Satpura range in the
south of the District, and there are small patches north of the Narbada
on the Vindhyan range. Teak, saj (Terminalia tomentosd), khair
(Acacia Catechu), and bamboos are the principal trees. T h e revenue
in 1903-4 was Rs. 20,000.
The coal-mines situated at Mohpani, twelve miles from Gadarwara
at the foot of the Satpura Hills, are served by a branch line of railway.
They have been worked since 1862, and the opening out of some fresh
seams has recently been undertaken. T h e annual out-turn is now
about 43,000 tons. T h e coal is of moderate quality. In 1904 the
mines were sold by the Nerbudda Coal and Iron Company to the
Great Indian Peninsula Railway. Coal is also found in small quantities
in the Sher and Shakkar rivers. There are iron mines at Tendukheda
on the north of the Narbada close to the base of the Vindhyan range,
but they are worked only by native miners, or Lohars. About I$Q
large and 70 small furnaces were working in 1895; but the returns for
1904 show only 8, and the industry is now nearly extinct, though the
iron has a local reputation. The mines are mere open pits cut to
the depth of about 30 feet through the black soil and underlying clay,
and have to be re-excavated annually after the rainy season. Copper
ores occur at Barmhan. They were worked for a time, and the band
of rock in which they lie was found to be 6 feet thick, while the average
yield of copper from some ores was 28 per cent.
Hand-weaving and dyeing were formerly carried on to a considerable
extent, but the industries are suffering from the competition of machine-
made cloth. Gadarwara is the most important centre,
while Singhpur and Amgaon have also considerable Trade and
numbers of looms and dye-houses and Narsinghpur
a few. Indigo is used in combination with other agents to produce
the dark-green cloth called amohway padded coats of which are largely
worn in the cold season. Chichli has an industry of brass-workers,
and brass vessels are also imported from Jubbulpore and Poona. Glass
bangles are made at Nayakheda and Barha, and rude glass bottles for
holding the sacred water of the Narbada at Barmhan. A few Muham-
madan butchers have settled at Gadarwara and prepare dried meat.
A ginning factory has lately been opened at Gadarwara by a private
company, and another at Chhindwara.
Wheat has hitherto been the staple product of Narsinghpur District,
forming about 50 per cent, of the total exports. Oilseeds, gram, and
other grains are also exported to a less extent. Ghi is sent to Calcutta
and Bombay, and hides and bones to Bombay. The exports of forest
produce from Narsinghpur are not considerable, but those of the
adjoining tracts of Chhindwara are brought to Babai station. The
imports are principally cotton piece-goods, salt, sugar, kerosene oil,
tobacco, and articles of hardware. Rice is imported by road from
SeonI and Chhindwara, salt comes from Gujarat, and gurox unre-
fined cane-sugar from Lucknow and Patna. Three annual fairs are
held—at Barmhan, Barehta, and Sankai. A large amount of traffic
in household and other commodities takes place at the Barmhan fair.
The Jubbulpore line of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway passes
through the centre of the District from west to east, having a length
of 75 miles and 8 stations within its limits. There is also a branch
line of 12 miles from Gadarwara to the Mohpani coal-mines. The
, feeder roads to Gadarwara, Kareli, Chhindwara, and Narsinghpur are
the most important trade-routes. Previous to the opening of the
"railway to Saugor, Karell was a place of considerable importance, as
it was the station for Saugor, with which it is connected by a metalled
road crossing the Narbada at Barmhan. It now only retains the trade
of the southern part of the Rehll tahsil and the centre of Narsinghpur.
A metalled road is projected from Narsinghpur town to Lakhnadon
in SeonI District, and has been constructed for 17 miles; but it passes
through poor country and there is not much traffic on it. The old
road from Jubbulpore to Bombay runs through the District, but as
it adjoins and is parallel to the railway, it is no longer of any impor-
tance. The length of metalled roads in the District is 79 miles, and
of unmetalled roads 135 miles. The expenditure on maintenance in
1903-4 was Rs. 33,000. The Public Works department maintains
94 miles of the more important roads and the District council the
remainder. There are avenues of trees on 117 miles.
The earliest scarcities of which accounts are available resulted rather
from political disturbances than climatic causes. War and its effects
caused distress in the upper Narbada Valley during
Famine. the years 1771, 1783, and 1809. It is recorded that
in 1771 wheat sold in Narsinghpur at 5 seers to the rupee. In 1832-3
severe distress occurred, owing to a poor harvest caused by excessive,
followed by deficient, rain. The failure of 1868-9 was not severe in
Narsinghpur. In 1894 and 1895 the spring crops were spoilt by
excessive winter rain. A little relief was given by opening works in
1895, and the forests were thrown open. In 1895 the rains stopped
prematurely and the harvest was only 60 per cent, of normal. This
was followed by a total failure of the crops in 1896-7. Famine
prevailed throughout the year 1897, when 59,000 persons, or 16 per
cent, of the population, were on relief in June. The total expenditure
was 10 lakhs, the principal form of relief consisting of road works.
In 1899-1900 two-fifths of a normal crop were obtained, and the
District was not severely distressed. The expenditure was 1.5 lakhs,
and some useful work was done in the eradication of kans grass
(Saccharum spontaneuni) and the construction of field embankments.
The Deputy-Commissioner is aided by three Assistant or Extra-
Assistant Commissioners. For administrative purposes the District
is divided into two tahsils, each of which has a
tahsildar and a naib-tahsildar. The Forest officer
usually belongs to the Provincial Service.
The civil judicial staff consists of a District and a Subordinate
Judge, and a Munsif at each tahsil. The Divisional and Sessions
Judge of the Nerbudda Division has jurisdiction in Narsinghpur. The
crime of the District, which was serious a few years ago, is now petty.
Civil work is very heavy, and the people are noted for their fondness
for litigation. Suits between landlord and tenant and mortgage suits
furnish the largest number of cases.
Under the Maratha revenue system, villages were let out to the
highest bidder, and any rights or consideration which the village
headmen may have enjoyed in the past were almost entirely effaced.
No legal status was given to tenants, and the older cultivators were
protected only by the custom that, so long as the annual rent demanded
was paid, their tenure was hereditary and continuous. During the
period of Maratha rule the District was severely rack-rented, every
possible device of illegal exaction being employed to raise money \ but
the effect of this oppressive administration was largely counterbalanced
by the fact that the considerable garrisons maintained at Srfnagar and
Chauragarh and the court of the local governor afforded a ready
market for produce. These facts were disregarded when the District
first came under British administration, and in consequence the
attempts made to collect the nominal demand under the MarSthas
proved a disastrous failure. The annual demand at cession was 6-67
lakhs, and twenty years afterwards it had fallen to 4 lakhs. In 1836
a twenty years' settlement was concluded, and the revenue fixed at
3-47 lakhs. The next revision was delayed for some years owing to
the Mutiny, and was completed in 1864 by Mr. (Sir Charles) Grant,
whose settlement report is one of the most interesting publications
relating to the Central Provinces. The revenue was raised to 4-22
lakhs, an increase of 2 7 per cent., the settlement being made for thirty
years. During its currency Narsinghpur, like other Districts at this
period, prospered greatly. The cropped area increased by i o ^ per
cent., and there was a rise of 60 per cent, in the price of grain. A
new settlement was concluded in 1894, at which the demand was
raised to 6*42 lakhs, or by 50 per cent. Some temporary remissions
of land revenue have been made since the famines, in consequence
of the agricultural deterioration which resulted from them. The term
of the revised settlement varies from fifteen to seventeen years, a shorter
period than the one now generally prescribed of twenty years having
been adopted, in order to produce a regular rotation of District settle-
ments. The average incidence of revenue per acre of cultivation was
R. 0-15-3 (maximum Rs. 1-6-8, minimum R. o-8~6), while that of
the rental was Rs. 1-11-7 (maximum Rs. 2-13, minimum R. 0-14-3).
Collections on account of land revenue and revenue from all
sources are shown below, in thousands of rupees:—

I88O-I. 1890-1. 1900-1. 1903-4.

Land revenue 4,23 4,21 7,01 6,33

Total revenue . 6,39 7,24 9,46 8,48
Local affairs, outside municipal areas, are managed by & District
council and two local boards each having jurisdiction over one tahsiL
The income of the District council in 1903-4 was Rs. 78,000. T h e
expenditure was mainly on public works (Rs. 25,000) and education
municipal towns.
The force under the District Superintendent of police consists of
339 officers and men, including 3 mounted constables, besides 1,032
village watchmen for 966 inhabited towns and villages. Narsinghpur
town has a District jail, with accommodation for 170 prisoners,
including 13 females. T h e daily average number of prisoners in
1904 was 89.
In respect of education the District occupies the fourth position
in the Province, nearly 5 per cent, of the population (9·4 males and
o«3 females) being able to read and write. The proportion of children
under instruction to those of school-going age is 13 per cent. Statistics
of the number of pupils are as follows: (1880-1) 4,334; (1890--1)
6,062; (1900-1) 5,926; and (1903-4) 6,110, including 554 girls.
The educational institutions comprise two English and six vernacular
middle schools, and 93 primary schools. The expenditure on educa-
tion in 1903-4 was Rs. 49,000, of which Rs. 43,000 was derived from
Provincial and Local funds and Rs. 4,000 from fees.
T h e District has 7 dispensaries, with accommodation for 98 in-
patients. In 1904 the number of cases treated was 50,813, of whom
571 were in-patients, and 1,879 operations were performed. The
expenditure was Rs. 10,000, of which the greater part was provided
from Provincial and Local funds.
Vaccination is compulsory only in the municipal towns of Narsingh-
pur, Gadarwara, and Chhindwara. The number of persons successfully
vaccinated in 1903-4 was 59 per 1,000 of the District population,
a high proportion.
[ C . Grant, Settlement Report (1866); E. A. De Brett, Settlement
Report (1895) ; R. V. Russell, District Gazetteer (1906).]
Narsinghpur Tahsil,—Eastern tahsil of Narsinghpur District,
Central Provinces, lying between 22 0 37' and 23 0 13' N. and 79 0 1' and
79 0 38' E., with an area of 1,106 square miles. The population in 1901
was 148,738, compared with 172,801 in 1891. In 1902, n villages
were transferred to the taksil from Saugor District, and the adjusted
population is 150,305. T h e density is 136 persons per square mile-
T h e ta fail contains two towns, N A R S I N G H P U R (population, 11,233),
the head-quarters of the tahsil and District, and C H H I N D W A R A (4,216);
and 533 inhabited villages. Excluding 186 square miles of Govern-
ment forest, 61 per cent, of the available area is occupied for cultivation.
The cultivated area in 1903-4 was 489 square miles. The demand
for land revenue in the same year was Rs. 3,31,000, and for cesses
Rs. 31,000. The tahsll consists roughly of a belt of land near the
Narbada river, where the soil has been impoverished by the action
of drainage and much cut up into ravines; a rich black-soil tract
behind this, and then some sandy and stony land leading up to the
Satpura H i l l s on the south.
Narsinghpur Town.—Head-quarters of the District and tahsll of
the same name, Central Provinces, situated in 22 0 57' N. and 79 0 13' E.,
on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway to Jubbulpore, 564 miles from
Bombay. Population (1901), 11,233. It was formerly called Chhota-
Gadarwara, and the name of Narsinghpur was given when a temple of
Narsingh (the man-lion incarnation of Vishnu) was erected about 100
years ago. Narsinghpur proper stands on the west bank of the small
river Singri; and the houses on the eastern bank are really situated in
a separate town called Kandeli, but are included within the munici-
pality of Narsinghpur. The Singri, though of absolutely insignificant
size, is liable to sudden floods; and in 1891 it submerged the town
and civil station, and washed away numerous houses, though the
exertions of the civil officers prevented any loss of life. It has been
dammed to afford a water-supply to the town. Narsinghpur was
created a municipality in 1867. The municipal receipts during the
decade ending 1901 averaged Rs. 15,000. In 1903-4 they were
Rs. 17,000, mainly derived from octroi, but including a grant of
Rs. 4,000 from Provincial funds for education. W i t h the exception
of the export of timber from the Chhindwara forests, there has not
hitherto been much trade at Narsinghpur, the adjoining station of
Karell being a more important centre. But since the opening of the
railway to Saugor, Karell has been diminishing and Narsinghpur
increasing in importance. H a n d weaving and dyeing and book-binding
are among the local handicrafts. The town contains a printing press
with H i n d i and English type, which issues three monthly vernacular
periodicals. It has an English middle and other schools,'and three
dispensaries. A mission station of the American Methodist Episcopal
Church has been established here.
Narsipur.—Taluk and town in Hassan District, Mysore. See
Narsipur.—Taluk of Mysore District, Mysore. See T I R U M A K U D A L -
N a r u k o t . — P e t t y State i n R E W A K A N T H A , Bombay.
Narwal.—Eastern tahsll of Cawnpore District, U n i t e d Provinces,
conterminous with the pargana of the same name, formerly called
Sarh Salempur. It lies south-west of the Ganges, between 2 6° 8' and
26 0 25' N. and 8o° 14'and 80° 34' E., with an area of 218 square
miles. Population fell from 98,784 in 1891 to 92,860 in 1901, the
VOL. X V I I I . c c
decrease being greater than in any other tahsil in the District. There
are 170 villages and one town, Narwal (population, 2,214), the
tahsil head-quarters. The demand for land revenue in 1903-4 was
Rs. 2,20,000, and for cesses Rs. 35,000. The density of population,
426 persons per square mile, is below the District average. From the
banks of the Ganges rises a high cliff of poor soil; but the land is more
fertile in the centre of the tahsil, which is drained by the Pandu,
and in the south, where the R i n d flows through a well-cultivated area.
In 1903-4 the area under cultivation was 116 square miles, of which
45 were irrigated. Weils supply two-thirds of the irrigated area, and
the Cawnpore and Fatehpur branches of the Lower Ganges Canal
most of the remainder.
Narwana.—Southern tahsil of the Karmgarh nizdmat, Patiala
State, Punjab, lying between 29° 23' and 29 0 51' N. and 75 0 58' and
76 0 27' E., in the Bangar south of the Ghaggar river, with an area of
575 square miles. The population in 1901 was 117,604, compared
with 108,913 in 1891. It contains 133 villages, of which Narwana is
the head-quarters. The land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted
to 1·8 lakhs.
N a r w a r Z i l a . — A district in the Gwalior State, Central India, lying
between 24 0 32' and 25 0 54' N. and 77 0 22' and 78 0 32 / E., with an
area of 4,041 square miles. The greater part is cut up by a succession
of jungle-covered ridges which strike from north-east to south-west
across the district, but the portion west of the arm of the Vindhyan
range lying in the east is a level plain. The soil of the valleys is of
considerable fertility, being formed of detritus washed off the hills.
To the east, round Karera village, the soil is of the rocky and poor
class common to the gneiss area. The chief rivers are the Sind,
Parbati, and Betwa, while of smaller streams the K u n u , Lesser Parbati,
Ahir, and Mahuar are the most important. The population in 1901
was 398,361, giving a density of 131 persons per square mile. The
district contains two towns, C H A N D E R I (population, 4,093) and N A R -
WAR (4,929); and 1,298 villages. The head-quarters are at SIPRI.
It is divided into four parganas, with head-quarters at Sipri, Pichor,
Kolaras, and Karera. The land revenue is Rs. 6,58,000.
N a r w a r T o w n . — T o w n in the district of the same name in Gwalior
State, Central India, situated in 25 0 39' N. and 77 0 54' E. Population
(1901), 4,929. The place is traditionally supposed to be the home of
Raja Nala of Naishadha, whose romantic love for Damayanti, related
in the Mahabharata, is familiar to every H i n d u . Cunningham identi-
fied Narwar with Padmavati, which, according to the Puranas, was one
of the cities held by the nine Nagas. Coins bearing the name of
Ganapati, who is mentioned as a Naga king in Samudra Gupta's
inscription at Allahabad, have been found hero. The history of
Narwar has always been closely connected w i t h that of Gwalior, In
the middle of the tenth century both places fell to the Kachwaha
Rajputs. These were succeeded by Parihars in 1129, who held pos-
session until 1232, when they were expelled by Altamsh. The next
mention of the fort is in 1251, when it was in the hands of Chahada
Deva, who surrendered it to Nasir-ud-din. After the invasion of
Tlmur, Narwar fell to the Tonwars, who held it u n t i l 1507, when it was
taken, after a twelvemonth's siege, by Sikandar L o d l . This ruler gave
the fort to Raj Singh, a Kachwaha, thus restoring the fortress to its
original owners. Under Akbar it was the head-quarters of the Narwar
sarkdr of the Subah of Malwa, and A b u l Fazl writes of ancient H i n d u
temples still standing in a part of the fort. Except for a temporary
loss of possession in the time of Shah Jahan, the Kachwahas held
Narwar ac feudatories of Delhi up to the nineteenth century, when
it was taken by Sindhia, to whom it was finally guaranteed by the
Allahabad treaty of 1805.
The old fort is picturesquely situated on the steep scarp of the
Vindhyas, 400 feet above the plain, and 1,600 above the level of the
sea. The walls have a circuit of above 5 miles, and to the north lies
a further portion enclosed by high walls, containing the shrine of Shah
Madar, a Muhammadan saint. A gentle ascent leads to the Alamgiri
Darwaza, from which a steep flight of steps gives access to the summit
through three more gateways. The fort is purely Muhammadan in
character, but the numerous fragments of sculpture and architectural
ornament show that in the flourishing days of H i n d u sovereignty it
was probably second only to Gwalior in the magnificence of its temples
and other edifices. Sikandar L o d l remained here for six months,
breaking down temples and building mosques, and effectually removed
any edifices of importance. Among H i n d u relics of later days is a gun
which belonged to Sawai Jai Singh of Jaipur, bearing the date 1696.
A small Roman Catholic cemetery in the fort contains a chapel and
several tombs, one of which is dated 1747. This was no doubt the
burial-place of the European gunners so frequently employed in native
armies during the eighteenth century.
The town lies at the north-eastern foot of the h i l l on which the fort
stands, near a bend in the Sind river, and is enclosed by a wall with
three gates. Once a flourishing place on a route between Delhi and
the Deccan, it has decayed rapidly since the construction of new roads
and railways has carried traffic elsewhere. Just outside the walls
stands a pillar on which are inscribed the names of the Tonwar chiefs
of Narwar, a large baorf, and two fine Muhammadan bridges over
the Sind. A curious saft stone recalls the memory of two wives of a
family priest to Raja Gaja Singh who, on hearing of their husband's
death in a battle in the Deccan, burned themselves together with his
c c 2
scarf. Narwar formerly produced a considerable quantity of crude
iron, smelted from the magnetic iron ore abounding in the neighbour-
hood ; but this industry has now decayed. A State post office, a school,
a dispensary, and a police station are situated here.
N a r w a r S t a t e (i).—Mediatized chiefshipin the Gwalior Residency,
Central India. See P A R O N .
N a r w a r S t a t e (2).—Thakurat i n the M A L W A AGENCY, Central
N a s a r p u r . — T o w n in the Tando Alahyar taluka of Hyderabad
District, Sind, Bombay, situated in 25 0 3 1 ' N. and 68° 39' E. Popu-
lation (1901), 4,511. Nasarpur was formerly famous for its weaving
industries, and cotton goods are still manufactured in some quantity
on hand-looms ; but the trade of the place is insignificant. The town
is of very ancient date, and is said to have been built in A . D . 989. T h e
municipality was constituted in i860, and had an average income of
about Rs. 6,000 during the decade ending 1901. In 1903-4 the
income was Rs. 6,000. The town contains a courthouse, a dispensary,
and a boys' school.
N a s i k Agency, T h e . — T h i s consists of a single petty State lying
i n the north-west corner of Nasik District, Bombay. See SURGANA.
N a s i k District (Nasica of Ptolemy).—District in the Central D i v i -
sion of the Bombay Presidency, lying between 19 0 35' and 20 0 53' N.
and 73 0 15' and 74 0 56' E., with an area of 5,850 square miles. It
is bounded on the north and north-east by the District of Khandesh;
on the south-east by the Nizam's Dominions ; on the south by Ahmad-
nagar; and on the west by Thana District, the territories of Dharampur,
Surgana, and the Dangs.
W i t h the exception of a few villages in the west, the whole District
is situated on a table-land at an elevation of from 1,300 to 2,000 feet
above the sea. The western portion, from north
Physical to south, called Dang, is generally much divided
by hills and intersected by ravines, and only the
simplest k i n d of cultivation is possible. T h e eastern portion, called
Desh, is open, fertile, and well cultivated. Except the line of the
Western Ghats, which run north and south, the general direction of
the hills is from west to east, the higher portions being in the west.
T h e SATMALA or Chandor range of hills forms the watershed of the
District, dividing the valley of the Girna from that of the Goda-
vari. It stretches from Peint east into the Nizam's Dominions, and
is crossed by several fair passes. The most important of these, which
takes its name from the range, is traversed by a first-class bridged
and metalled road. East of Rahudi, the Chandor range ceases to
be a barrier. Its chief peak, D H O D A P , is 4,741 feet high. Several
of the minor peaks are of religious and historic interest. A low
range separates Dindori from Nasik. On its peaks are the once
celebrated fort of Ramsej and the Jain cave-temples of Chambhar
Lena (see N A S I K T O W N ) . The other important ranges are the Selb&ri
and Dolbari, varying from 3,000 to 4,000 feet. All streams of any
size to the south of the Chlndor range are tributaries of the God&vari,
the principal of these being the Darna, Kadva, Deo, and Maralgin.
In the north of the watershed the Girna and its tributary the Mosam
flow through fertile valleys into the Tapti. The District contains many
hill forts, the scenes of engagements during the MarStha Wars.
Nasik District is entirely occupied by the Deccan trap formation, which
appears at the surface except where hidden under recent soil or
concealed beneath some comparatively limited outcrops of pliocene or
pleistocene gravels. The Deccan trap consists as usual of successive flows
of basalt, with a slight dip towards the east, which once accumulated
to a thickness of several thousand feet. Denudation acting uninter-
ruptedly during a protracted series of geological ages has removed
the greater part of this enormous mass; and the latest flows are now
reduced to small disconnected remnants forming the peaks of lofty
hills, of which the summits indicate the former level of the land.
Some of the basalt flows are of great thickness and vast horizontal
extent, and the same flow can often be recognized in several of the
detached hills which denudation has isolated from one another. Over
most of the low-lying portions of the District the surface of the basalt
has weathered into fertile black soil. The red laterite which caps so
many flat-topped hills of the Sahyadri range farther south has been
almost all worn away within Nasik District. The beds of clay and
conglomerate that form high cliffs along the banks of the Godlvari
at Nandur Madmeshwar must have been deposited when the head-
waters of the river flowing eastwards were situated to the west of
their present sites.
In these gravels have been found remains of hippopotamus, and
the skull and several bones of a gigantic elephant (E. namadicus), a
variety of E. antiquus which flourished in Europe towards the close of
the pliocene and commencement of the pleistocene period. In the
so-called older alluvium of the Narbada, which is probably pliocene
in age, the remains of E. namadicus occur, together with those of
E. (Stegodon) ganesa-instgnis, a Siwalik species. A well near Bhadra
Kali's temple in Nasik, and another near the Nasik jail, are remark-
able for the presence of nitrates in large quantities.
The botanical features differ but little from those of adjacent Dis-
tricts, There is the same luxuriance of vegetation on the Western
Ghats and the same bare country on the Deccan side. The mango
and babul are the commonest trees. Along the roadsides grow the
pipal, banyan, pipri, umbar, karanj, tamarind, mango, nim, jdmbul,

and babul. T h e Clematis triloba, Heylandia, Pulicaria, Indigofera,

Impatiens, Exacum, Canscora, and Cyathocline flower in most parts of
the District. The neighbourhood of Nasik town provides good grapes.
Of w i l d animals, leopards, antelope, and spotted deer are fairly
common. Tigers are only occasionally met with.
The climate of Nasik town and of the whole of the west of the
District is the best in the Deccan. It varies in different parts, but
on the whole presents greater extremes of heat and cold in the east
than in the west. In January extreme cold and in A p r i l extreme
heat are experienced. During the rest of the year, constant breezes
from the west and south-west equalize the temperature. In 1903 the
temperature varied from a minimum of 50 0 in February to a maximum
of 105 0 in A p r i l . The annual rainfall at Nasik town averages
29 inches, while at Igatpuri it is 133. The only other tract with
a considerable rainfall is Peint, where the average is 87 inches. At
other places the rainfall in 1903 varied from 20 inches at Malegaon
to 31 inches at Dindori.
From the second century B.C. to the second century A . D . the Dis-
trict was under rulers, notably the Andhras, who patronized Buddhism,
and some of whom are supposed to have had a capital
at Paithan, no miles south-east of Nasik. Among
other early H i n d u dynasties were the Chalukyas, the Rathors, and
the Chandor and Deogiri Yadavas. The Muhammadan period lasted
from 1295 to 1760, during which the District was successively under
the viceroys of Deogiri (Daulatabad), the Bahmanis of Gulbarga,
the Nizam Shahis of Ahmadnagar, and the Mughals of Delhi, when
it formed part of the Subah of Aurangabad. The Maratha ascen-
dancy lasted from 1760 until 1818, when the British power crushed
the last of the Peshwas. Since then twice only has the peace of
the District been disturbed—once in 1843, when serious breaches of
order arose on the slaughter of a cow by Europeans in Nasik town ;
and again in 1857, when some Rohillas, Arabs, and Bhils gathered
under the outlaw Bhagoji.
The town of Nasik is a place of great antiquity and sanctity, being
associated with the legend of Rama. The important cave-temples
are the Buddhistic caves known as Pandu Lena and the Jain caves
o f Chambhar (see N A S I K T O W N ) , and those of Ankai and of Tringal-
vadi near Igatpuri. Nasik has now a large number of temples,
mostly dating from the eighteenth century, and not remarkable for
their architectural beauty. T h e temple of Govindeshwar in S I N N A R
forms a strong contrast to the smaller and richly carved temples of
Lakshml Narayan at Pedgaon in Ahmadnagar District, being adorned
chiefly with bands and panels of arabesque and other decoration,
instead of figure sculpture. The shrine of Aieshwara in the north-
west of the town of Sinnar is the remains of a Dravidian temple.
The Govindeshwar group is the finest collection of mediaeval temples
in the Deccan. The porch of the Jogeshwar temple at Devalana in
BaglSn is elaborately decorated, though much damaged. An immense
hoard of silver coins of the Western Satraps was found in the District
i n 1906.
H i l l forts, of which the District contains thirty-eight, may be divided
into two classes : those on the main range or on the eastern spurs
of the Western Ghats, and those on the Chandor range in the centre
of the D i s t r i c t There are twenty-three Western Ghat forts, the
chief being G A L N A A N J A N E R I , T R I M B A K , KULANG and A L A N G , and
KALSUBAI. Fifteen forts lie on the Chandor range, including A N K A I ,
C H A N D O R , and D H O D A P . S A P T A S H R I N G or Chatarsingi, one of the
principal hills in the Chandor range, is not fortified because it is
sacred to the Saptashring goddess. The NSsik h i l l forts bear a great
likeness to one another. They are built on isolated hills rising
like islands from the plateau, or on peaks connected by low narrow
necks. Each hill is capped by a mass of rock scarped by nature,
the crest being surrounded with walls pierced by massive gates at
accessible spots. Besides the walls and gates, the only work required
of man was the construction of cisterns to hold water, and flights of
steps. Of the origin of these forts there is no authentic history.
Report ascribes the construction of most of them to Sivaji; but many
of them undoubtedly existed before his time, and were the works of
the early H i n d u rulers. Thus, in 808, Markinda fort appears to
have been an outpost of a Rashtrakuta king. During the Mughal
ascendancy the Muhammadans became the masters of the forts, and
have left traces of their handiwork in Saracenic arches, inscriptions,
and tombs.
The number of towns and villages in the District is 1,649. At
the last four enumerations the population was: (1872) 737,685, (1881)
781,129, (1891) 843,496, and (1901) 816,504. The
decrease in 1901 was due to famine, which affected
the entire District. The distribution in 1901 of the population into
twelve talukas is shown in the table on next page.
T h e chief towns a r e : N A S I K , the headquarters, M A L E G A O N , Y E O L A ,
The average density is 140 persons per square mile. Nandgaon,
with only 87, is the most thinly populated taluka. Classified according
to religion, Hindus formed 93 per cent, of the total, MusalmSns 5 per
cent., Jains one per cent.; and Christians numbered 2,935. The
vernacular of the District is Mar£thl.
The establishment of Maratha, power attracted many Brahmans to
the District. These, numbering 27,000, are mainly Deshasths (21,000).
The Yajurvedi Deshasths are the priestly class of the holy cities of
Nasik and Trimbak. MarathSs (163,000) and Maratha Kunbis
(139,000) occupy the western portions, and are in general skilful
and successful cultivators. The more primitive Kolls (75,000), found
along the Western Ghats, are hardy and active. Formerly of un-
settled habits, of late years they have taken peacefully to agricultural
pursuits. Other castes of importance are Bhils (52,000), Vanjaris

* The Agricultural department's returns give the total number of villages as 1,695.

(31,000), Malls (28,000), Thakurs (17,000), and Varlis (9,000). Bhils

live a wandering life in the Dang or are settled in the richer parts
of the Desh, where they do duty as village watchmen, residing in
hamlets, known as Bhilvadas, close to the village site. Telis (oil-
pressers) number 11,000, Dhangars (shepherds and blanket-weavers)
15,000. Of the depressed classes, 73,000 are Mahars or village menials.
Of the total population, 59 per cent, live by agriculture, 9 per cent, by
general labour, and 2 per cent, by mendicancy. It is characteristic of
the population to collect into small compact villages. The inhabi-
tants of the villages at the foot of the Western Ghats are to
a great extent migratory. Their poor lands seldom yield crops for
more than two years in succession; and often in the hot season—
their stock of grain running low—-they are compelled to retire to the
forest and support themselves by felling and carrying timber, feeding
on fish, berries, and even roots. The Musalmans (44,000) are nearly
all of foreign origin, and are for the most part settled in the towns.
Of the 1,780 native Christians in 1901, 940 belonged to the
Anglican communion and 722 were Roman Catholics. The Chris-
tian village Sharanpur, in the immediate vicinity of Nasik, which was
founded by the Rev. W. S. Price of the Church Missionary Society in
1854, contains an orphanage, mission houses, schools, and workshops,
built upon land granted by Government. For twenty-two years before
the establishment of a separate village there was a Christian school and
orphanage in Nasik town. In 1865 Dr. Livingstone visited the settle-
ment, and took with him to Africa several rescued African slave-boys
who were being educated there. The orphanage contained 200 boys
and 129 girls in 1905, and is equipped for the teaching of carpentry,
smiths' work, and printing. The Church Missionary Society has
branches at Malegaon, Man mad, Nandgaon, Deolali, and Igatpuri, and
maintains 14 vernacular schools, of which 7 are for boys, 6 for girls,
and one is for both sexes, and 5 Anglo-vernacular schools, of which
one is for girls. The number of pupils in these schools in 1905 was
969. The Zanana Mission maintains a hospital and a small orphanage
at Nasik, and a home for native girls at Manmad.
The soil may be divided into four classes: the reddish-black mould
along rivers; a light black soil higher up; a brown soil, stiffer and
shallower, found on the higher lands near the Ghats ;
and highest and lightest of all, light brown or red,
often strewn with boulders and mixed with lime. A second crop is not
often raised. Manure is invariably used for all garden crops, but
rarely for others.
The District is mainly ryotwari, but contains inam lands covering
438 square miles. The chief statistics of cultivation in 1903-4 are
shown below, in square miles :—

Taluka. Total Cultivated. Irrigated. Cultivable Forests.

area. waste.
Baglan 601 320 10 17 1 88
Malegaon 777 485 9 16 191
Kalvan 494 214 5 22 150
Peint . 432 166 96 145
Dindori 532 377 12 30 87
Chandor 385 294 12 4 37
Nandgaon 435 214 1 8 164
Nasik 47o 329 12 10 67
Niphad 412 344 15 3 6
Yeola 410 313 6 2 49
Sinnar 514 390 *5 2 55
Igatpuri 394 278 4 84
Total 5,856 3,724 97 214 1,223

* Of this total, which is based upon the most recent information, statistics are not
available for 142 square miles.

Bajra, the staple food of the people, covers an area of 1,099 square
miles; it is sown with a mixture of pulses. Wheat (393 square miles) is
grown largely in the central and southern talukas ; it is a fine grain,
hard and white. Jowar occupies 161 square miles. Rice and nagli
are grown on hiil lands. O f pulses, the chief are kulith (145 square
miles), gram (95), and tur (32). Oilseeds of various kinds occupy as
much as 508 square miles, Of these, linseed is especially important;
the area of khurasni or niger-seed is usually larger, but this crop
is not in demand for export. Cotton occupies an increasing area
(111 square miles in 1903-4), especially in Malegaon, and tobacco of
inferior quality is raised in small quantities over the whole District.
M u c h care is devoted to the cultivation of sugar-cane. Among garden
products, three varieties of the vine have long been grown by Nasik
Kunbls and Malls. Guavas, potatoes, and ground-nuts, and, in selected
tracts, the betel-vine are also cultivated. The Baglan taluka is specially
noted for its garden cultivation. Rice and hill-millets are the staples of
the Dang, with khurasni^ which is grown in rotation with the millets.
The usual rotation is nackni, sava, and khurasni. After the third year's
crop has been reaped, the land lies fallow for several years. In Peint
the area of land prepared for rice is comparatively small. Here cul-
tivation is backward, and little labour has been spent on embanking
land for rice.
About 1839 M r . Grant obtained from Government a grant of 154
acres of land near Nasik rent free for five years for agricultural experi-
ments. Potatoes of good quality were successfully grown and dis-
tributed among local husbandmen, who soon became alive to the value
of the crop. In addition to supplying local wants, Nasik potatoes found
their way to the Malegaon and Mhow cantonments. Besides intro-
ducing potatoes M r . Grant brought many grass seeds from France,
Italy, and Malta. Indigo and upper Georgian green-seeded cotton and
Bombay mango-trees and coffee plants were also tried, but all failed.
Mauritius sugar-cane, peas, and European vegetables were grown to
a considerable extent, and the seeds distributed among the people.
Large advances have been made to cultivators under the L a n d I m -
provement and Agriculturists' Loans Acts, amounting during the
decade ending 1904 to 14½ lakhs, of which 9·37 lakhs was advanced
between 1899-1900 and 1901-2.
One pony stallion is maintained for horse-breeding purposes at Male-
gaon by the Civil Veterinary department. Nasik possesses a local
breed of bullocks which, though small, are fit for agricultural work and
cost from Rs. 20 to Rs. 200 per pair. Other breeds are the Surti, Var-
hadi, Kilhari, Malvi, and Gavrani. Of these the Kilhari, from Indore,
are trotting bullocks, too small for field-work. Buffaloes are used for
ploughing, heavy draught-work, and water-carrying. Sheep are of two
kinds, Gairani and Harani, the latter being distinguished by a short
muzzle. Professional shepherds use the wool for weaving, the bones
for sickle-handles, and the skins for drums. Of goats, the Nimar
variety with long twisted horns is far more valuable than the small
local breed. In Sinnar, Yeola, and other level tracts small ponies,
useful for pack-carrying, are bred.
Irrigation by wells and dams has been long in vogue, and the
irrigated area is now considerable, amounting to 97 square miles. The
areas irrigated from various sources are: Government channels and
canals, 27 square miles; wells, 52 square miles; and other sources
18 square miles. Among larger works are the Kadva river works and
the Parsul tank. The former, which commands 63 square miles,
includes the Palkhed canal in Dindori and Niphad, opened in 1873,
supplying 3 square miles; the Vadali canal in Niphad, an old scheme
improved and enlarged in 1868, supplying 391 acres; and the Ojhar
Tambat, also an old work in D i n d o r i and Niphad, improved in 1873,
irrigating 495 acres. A l i these canals are fed by a large reservoir at
Vaghad, 18 miles north of Nasik town, in which rain-water is stored.
The Parsul tank, which commands 5 square miles, irrigated 668 acres
in 1903-4. Wells used for irrigation number 21,700, chiefly found
in Nasik, Malegaon, Sinnar, and Niphad. The depth of water varies
from 6 to 32 feet. The water-supply of Peint is deficient.
The forests which formerly covered the Western Ghats have nearly
disappeared, but every effort is being made to prevent further destruc-
tion and to afforest some of the hills. The Nasik forest circle, with
a total area of about 1,362 x square miles, includes three groups—the
Girna, Godavari, and Peint forests—the lines of hills at Saptashring
and Peint being fairly covered with trees. The Reserves are of
four chief classes: scrub forest, teak coppice, evergreen forest, and
babul. They contain few timber trees of any value. The forest
administration is under a divisional Forest officer who has one assis-
tant. The revenue in 1903-4 amounted to nearly Rs. 54,000.
Good building stone is obtainable from the basalt of the trap
which occupies the whole of the District. Fine specimens of zeolites
occupying cavities in the basalt were disclosed during excavations
necessitated by the construction of the railway line.
Cotton and silk goods are woven chiefly at Yeola, and thence sent as
far as Bombay, Poona, Satara, and Sholapur. The value of the annual
exports from Yeola is calculated to amount to
25 lakhs. The silk industry at this place supports Trade and
4,000 families. Under the Muhammadans and
Marathas it was a monopoly, which was set aside by a decision of the
Bombay H i g h Court in 1864. Since then many outsiders have taken
to silk-weaving. Gold and silver thread is also made. Malegaon con-
tains nearly 3,000 looms; but the product is of inferior quality, Sinnar
This figure exceeds the total given in the table on p. 403 owing to corrections not
having been made in the forest registers, and to the non-inclusion in the agricultural
.returns of 87 square miles of 'protected * forests.
and Vinchur produce a little cotton cloth of various kinds and colours
for local consumption. Copper, brass, and silver vessels are largely
manufactured at Nasik town, and thence sent to Bombay, Poona, and
other places. The metal-work of Nasik, especially in brass, is held
to be very superior in make and polish. Besides the railway work-
shop, there are four ginning factories employing over 750 hands.
The principal articles of export are grain, oilseeds, molasses, cotton
cloth and silk goods, jaw-hemp, copper, brass and silver ware. A
great quantity of grain, chiefly wheat, is bought up by agents of Bom-
bay firms, at Lasalgaon, on the railway, 146 miles from Bombay, where
there is a permanent market. There is also a considerable export of
garden produce, onions, garlic, and betel-leaves. The chief imports
are raw silk, cotton thread, copper and brass, sugar, groceries, and salt.
Before the introduction of the railway, there was (chiefly along the
Bombay and Agra and the Ahmadnagar and Poona roads) a large
carrying trade through the District. The Vanjaris or Lamans, and
others in whose hands this traffic rested, have suffered much by the
change. Such of them as remain have taken to agriculture. The chief
traffic with the interior proceeds through the ancient Thai Pass on its
way to Bombay. Weekly markets are held at every town, and in many
of the larger villages. Besides these weekly markets, fairs are held
each year in connexion with certain temples and religious places,
notably Trimbak, which partake very much of the nature of the
markets, but are larger and display a greater variety of goods. They
usually last for a week or a fortnight, and attract great numbers of
people, some from considerable distances. The chief centres of local
traffic are Igatpuri, Nasik, Lasalgaon, Nandgaon, Manmad, and Yeola,
on or near the railway; Pimpalgaon (Basvant), Chandor, and Malegaon,
on the Bombay-Agra road; and Sinnar on the Ahmadnagar-Nasik
The communications of the District were improved by the opening
of the north-east line of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway in 1861,
and by the opening of the Dhond-Manmad State Railway in 1878.
The former line enters Nasik at Igatpuri, and on the no miles
which pass through the District as far as Naydongri there are
sixteen stations. The latter railway forms a chord-line connecting
Manmad in Nasik with Dhond in Poona District on the south-
east line of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway. In 1901 the Hyder-
abad-Godavari Valley Railway was opened for through traffic from
Manmad to Hyderabad. It traverses a few miles of the Chandor
taluka and the north of the Yeola taluka. Besides the railway lines
running through the District, there are 570 miles of road, of which
303 are metalled. A l l are maintained by the Public Works depart-
ment, except 69 miles of unmetalled road in charge of the local
authorities. The Bombay-Agra trunk road traverses the District; the
Nizam's frontier road runs from Satana through Mtlegaon, Manmad,
and Yeola to Ahmadnagar; and a third road runs to Poona through
Sinnar, Nasik, Dindori, and Kalvan, Along the 5 miles of road
between Nasik city and Nasik Road station on the Great Indian
Peninsula Railway a small tramway, opened in 1891, carries 150,000
passengers yearly.
The great Durga-devI famine, lasting from 1396 to 1407, is said to
have wrought as much devastation in Nasik as in the Southern Deccan,
and the memory of it has never been obliterated.
Famines also occurred in 1460, 1520, and 1629, Famine.
but the severest of which record remains was the famine of 1791-2,
Liberal remissions by the PeshwS, the prohibition of grain exportation,
and the regulation of prices alleviated the misery. In 1802-4 the
ravages of the Pindaris produced such scarcity that a pound of grain
is said to have cost 11 annas. The scarcity of 1876-7 caused no little
distress. Special measures of relief were taken, and at one period
nearly 18,000 persons were employed on works, besides those relieved
in villages. The total expenditure on relief during the continuance
of the scarcity was about 4 lakhs. In 1896-7 the distress was mainly
due to high prices of food, and did not reach the acute stage. The
years 1897 and 1898, though not quite normal, gave the District good
kharif and fair rabi harvests. But before the District had time to
recover from the depletion of stocks and resources occasioned by the
strain of the year 1896-7, the people had to face the almost complete
failure of the rains of 1899. It is estimated that the total out-turn was
only about 19 per cent, of that of an ordinary year. The entire District
was thus affected, though not in equal degree. As early as October,
1899, the number on relief reached 1,051. In March, 1900, it rose
to 105,664, including 1,247 in receipt of gratuitous relief, and then
decreased until February, 1901, when it again rose owing to the
unfavourable rains of the previous year. The number gratuitously
relieved reached a maximum of 12,207 in September, 1900. The
District being on the outskirts of the seriously affected area, the year
brought an influx of wanderers from neighbouring States. Between
September, 1899, and September, 1900, the number of deaths exceeded
the normal by 31,890, and the death-rate per 1,000 exceeded the mean
death-rate for the ten previous years by 38. The total cost of relief
measures, including remissions of land revenue (11·8 lakhs), amounted
to 45 lakhs. Advances to cultivators exceeded 10 lakhs.
Partial inundations frequently occur, and the flood of 1872, when
the Godavari at Nasik town rose 21 feet above its ordinary level, caused
great damage. In 1854 and again in 1904 locusts committed serious
The administration of the District is entrusted to a Collector and
three Assistants, of whom two are Covenanted Civilians. The District
is divided into the 12 talukas of N A S I K , S I N N A R ,
N A N D G A O N , M A L E G A O N , B A G L A N , K A L V A N , and P E I N T . T h e Collector
is also Political Agent of the Surgana State.
U n t i l recent years Nasik was included in the jurisdiction of the
Judge of Thana. It has now a District and Sessions Judge, assisted
for civil business by seven Subordinate Judges, including a Joint
Subordinate Judge at Nasik town. There are 35 officers to administer
criminal justice in the District. The commonest forms of crime are
housebreaking and theft.
The British possessions in Nasik have, since 1818, been enlarged
by the cession of a few villages by Holkar in exchange for others near
Indore, and by the lapse of the possessions of the Begam of Peint and
of the Raja Bahadur of Malegaon. In 1818 the Nasik territory was
placed partly under Khandesh and partly under Ahmadnagar. T h e
portion allotted to Ahmadnagar was made into a sub-collectorate in
1837 ; and in 1869 the other portion was added, and the whole was
constituted a separate District. At first the old system of management
was continued, but the practice of farming the revenue was abolished.
Crop rates were changed into acre rates, and for a few years there was
considerable prosperity; but with a decline in prices, the poverty of
the people became noticeable. Subsequently, between 1840 and 1876,
the survey was introduced in the plain country of the Nasik sub-
collectorate, and the revenue was reduced by nearly one-half. In the
hilly country to the west the assessment on ' dry-crop' land was fixed
at a lump sum, and was made recoverable from each entire village for
a period of five years, a plan which proved to be most successful. T h e
portion of the District transferred from Khandesh was brought under
survey in 1868. T h e effect of the survey in Nasik was to disclose
a great increase in the occupied area; and as in these parts the rates
were revised on the expiry of the first guarantee, the revenue increased
53 per cent, above the amount collected in the period before the
survey. The revision survey settlement was commenced in 1872.
T h e new survey found an excess in the cultivated area of 4 per cent,
in five talukas for which details are available. T h e average assessment
per acre on ' d r y ' land is 10 annas, on rice land Rs. 2-3,and on garden
land Rs. 4-7 for patsthal (land watered from a channel), and R. 1 for
motsthal (land watered from a well).
Collections on account of land revenue and revenue from all sources
are shown on the next page, in thousands of rupees.
Outside the limits o f the six municipalities of N A S I K , Y E O L A ,
SINNAR, MALEGAON, IGATPURI, and TRIMBAK, the local affairs of the
District are managed by the District board and twelve taluka boards.
The total income of the municipalities averages 1¾ lakhs. The receipts
of the local boards in 1903-4 were Rs, 2,09,000, the principal source
of income being the land cess. The expenditure amounted to
1½ lakhs, including Rs. 42,000 spent upon roads and buildings.

1880-1. 1890-1. 1900-I. 903-4.

Land revenue 17,86 17,79 21,61

Total revenue 21,60 2441 24,44 29.25

The District Superintendent has general control over the police,

aided by an Assistant and two inspectors. There are 21 police
stations; and the total number of police in 1904 was 796, of whom
14 are chief constables, 171 head constables, and 611 constables.
The mounted police number 9, under one daffadar. Besides the
District jail at Nasik, there are 14 subsidiary jails in the District, with
accommodation for a total of 214 prisoners. The daily average number
of prisoners in 1904 was 88, of whom 9 were females.
Compared with other Districts, education is backward in Nasik,
which stood eighteenth among the 24 Districts of the Presidency in
1901 as regards the literacy of its population. The Census returned
4-3 of the population (8-2 males and 0-4 females) as able to read and
write. Education, however, has made progress of late years. In
1855-6 there were only 17 schools in the District with 1,268 pupils.
In 1881 there were 208 schools and 10,770 pupils. The number of
pupils rose to 17,933 in 1891, but fell to 15,378 in 1901. In 1903-4
there were 305 public schools with 14,914 pupils, including 1,841 girls,
besides 16 private schools with 283 pupils. Of 305 schools classed as
public, one is a high school, 13 middle, and 291 primary. One school
is supported by Government, 219 by the local boards, 36 by the
municipal boards, 39 are aided and 10 unaided. The total expenditure
on education in 1903-4 was about 1½ lakhs, of which Rs. 23,000 were
contributed by Local funds and Rs. 18,000 by fees. Of the total,
73 per cent, was devoted to primary schools.
Besides one hospital and 12 dispensaries, there are 4 private medical
institutions in the District with accommodation for 128 in-patients.
In 1904 the number of patients treated was 135,782, of whom 944
were in-patients, and 2,794 operations were performed. The total
expenditure on the hospital and dispensaries was Rs. 23,000, of which
Rs. 13,000 was met from Local and municipal funds.
T h e number successfully vaccinated in 1903-4 was 21,149, repre-
senting a proportion of 26 per 1,000 of population, which exceeds the
average for the Presidency.
[Sir J. M. Campbell, Bombay Gazetteer, vol. xiv (1883).]
N a s i k T a l u k a . — T a l u k a of N5sik District, Bombay, lying between
19° 48' and 20 0 7' N. and 73 0 25' and 73 0 58' E., with an area of 470
square miles. I t contains 3 towns, N A S I K (population, 21,490), its
head-quarters, being the largest; and 135 villages. The population in
1901 was 96,872, compared with 103,005 in 1891. T h e density, 206
persons per square mile, is much above the District average. The
demand for land revenue in 1903-4 was 1-4 lakhs, and for cesses
Rs. 11,000. T h e west of the taluka is hilly, and there is a small level
tract in the east, but the general character of the country is undulating.
T h e soil is generally poor. The water-supply, except near the Western
Ghats, is good. The climate is on the whole healthy.
N a s i k Town,-—Head-quarters of Nasik District, Bombay, situated
in 20 0 N. and 73 0 47 / E., 5 miles north-west of Nasik Road on the
north-eastern line of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, with which it
is connected by a light tramway. Distance from Bombay, 107 miles.
On account of the great number of pilgrims who visit its shrines, the
population of Nasik varies much at different times of the year. T h e
fixed population would seem to increase but slowly. The returns for
1850 gave a total of 21,860. In 1872 the inhabitants numbered
22,436; in 1881, 23,766; in 1891, 24,429 ; and in 1901, 21,490. Of
the total number, 17,944 were Hindus, 3,257 Muhammadans, and 133
Among Hindus Nasik is considered a spot of special interest and
holiness. This is due to the sanctity of the river Godavari, and to the
belief that Rama, hero of the Ramayana, lived here for some time w i t h
his wife Slta and his brother Lakshman. About 30 miles from its
source, the Godavari, flowing eastwards through a group of small hills,
turns sharply to the south, and, after passing in that direction for
about a mile, again swerves suddenly towards the east. Here, on both
sides of the river, but chiefly on its right or south-eastern bank, lies
the town of Nasik. Along the right bank the town stretches for about
a mile, spreading over three small hills that rise abruptly from the
river-side. The buildings, covering an area of about 2 square miles,
are divided into two main parts—the new town to the north and the
old town to the south. Though, according to tradition, a place of
extreme antiquity, the old town of Nasik is without ruins or buildings
of any age, except the mosque standing on the site of the old fort. In
style and appearance the houses do not differ from the new quarter,
little of which is more than a hundred years old.
Panchvati, the portion of the town on the left bank of the river,
in extent about one-seventh part of the whole, is connected with the
main town by the Victoria Bridge, built in 1897 at a cost of 2½ lakhs.
It has several large temples and substantial dwellings, owned and
inhabited chiefly by Brahmans. Between Panchvati and the o l d town
the river banks are, for about 400 yards, lined with masonry walls and
flights of stone steps or ghats. On both sides places of worship fringe
the banks, and even the bed of the stream is thickly dotted with
temples and shrines. T h e river is split up into a series of pools or
tanks (kunds) bearing the names of Hindu deities, of which the R&m-
kund is reputed to be the holiest. Though the town is not walled, the
streets opening on the river and leading to the southern and western
suburbs are ornamented with gateways. The streets are for the most
part narrow and crooked; and the houses, built on plinths 2 or 3 feet
high, have almost all an upper floor, and most of them more than one
storey. The fronts of many are rich in well-carved woodwork, and the
whole place has an air of wealth and comfort not to be seen in most
Deccan towns.
Though, since the misfortunes of Rama and Sita, Nasik has ranked
among the most sacred places of Hindu pilgrimage, its early Hindu
rulers do not seem to have raised it to any position of wealth or
importance. The Musalmans made it the head-quarters of a division,
and are said to have protected the town by building a fort, and to have
fostered its trade, introducing the manufacture of paper and other
industries. On the rise of the Maratha power, Nasik, chosen by the
Peshwas as one of their capitals, increased in size and wealth. At first,
under British government, it passed through a time of depression; but
of late years the opening of railway communication and the establish-
ment here of the head-quarters of the District have added much to its
wealth and prosperity.
Among the objects of interest in the neighbourhood of Nasik are the
Dasara maiddn, about half a mile to the south-east of the city; Tapo-
van with some caves and a famous shrine of Rama about a mile east
of Panchvati; the old settlement of Govardhan or Gangapur, with a
picturesque waterfall, 6 miles to the west; the Christian village of
Sharanpur about a mile to the north-west; the Jain Chambhar caves
and the Pandu Lena or Buddhist caves. These last are situated in
one of three isolated hills, close to the Bombay road, which are called
in the inscriptions Trirashmi. They are a group of old Buddhist
caves (250 B. c. to A. D. 600), with many inscriptions of kings of the
Andhra, Kshatrapa, and other dynasties. The caves are 17 in number
and are of three kinds: chaitya or chapel caves, layatias or dwelling
caves, and sattras or dining caves. Almost every cave has a cistern or
two with a water-supply. The caves when first finished do not seem
to have contained images. Later image worshippers appear to have
transformed them to suit the new creed. The images are chiefly of
Gautama Buddha; the Bodhi-sattwas, Vajrapani and Padmap&xi; and
the Buddhist goddess Tara. The inscriptions hold the first place in
Western India on account of their length, preservation, and the value
VOL. xviii. Dd
of the information they supply. Their contents throw light on the
history of Western India between 100 B.C. and A . D . 100, giving many
names of countries, mountains, rivers, cities, towns, and villages.
Chambhar Lena, or the Chambhar caves, are cut in a hill 600 feet
above the plain, about 5 miles north of Nasik. They are Jain caves of
no great age or merit. In 1870 the Jain community of Nasik, com-
prising some wealthy Marwari and Gujarati bankers and cloth-dealers,
built a wall near the caves, a flight of steps, a cistern at the foot of the
hill, and a large resthouse in Mhasrul village which lies close by.
The caves are about 450 feet from the base of the hill and face south-
west. The upper part of the ascent is by a stair of roughly dressed
stone, containing 173 steps of varying heights and with side parapets.
[For a description of these caves see Bombay Gazetteer, vol. xvi,
pp. 541-639 and 426-8.]
The municipality was established in 1864, and raised to the position
of a city municipality in 1874. The receipts during the decade ending
1901 averaged Rs. 85,000. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 73,000,
chiefly drawn from octroi, a house-tax, a sanitary cess, and tolls,
together with a tax on pilgrims. The climate is healthy and pleasant.
The Government high school has 220 pupils, and there is a good
public library. Besides the chief revenue and judicial offices, the town
contains two Subordinate Judges* courts, two hospitals (including the
Bai Dhankorabai Hospital for females), and a dispensary in Panchvati.
The industries of Nasik maintain something of their former im-
portance, although, owing to the competition of machinery, the manu-
facture of paper has greatly declined. Neither wool nor silk is proven
here; but cotton hand-loom weaving is still carried on with success,
and in brass- and copper-work Nasik ranks first among the towns of the
Bombay Presidency. The cotton-weavers earn about 4 to 5 annas
a day for twenty days in the month; women assist and earn r to 2
annas a day. The old and new palaces of the Peshwa accommodate
the Collector's Court and the municipal and other public offices.
, Nasirabad Subdivision.—Subdivision and tahsil of the Sibi
District, Baluchistan, lying between 270 55/ and 280 40' N. and 670 40'
and 690 20' E., on the border of the Upper Sind Frontier District
of Sind. It has an area of 852 square miles and a population (1901)
of 35,713, and, for administrative purposes, includes the railway line
from the neighbourhood of Jhatpat to Mithri. The head-quarters of
the tahsil are at present at Nasirabad, about 8 miles from Jacob-
abad. It contains 170 villages. It depends for cultivation on the
Begari and Desert Canals of the Sind system, and is the only tahsil in
Administered territory in which indigo and gram are produced. In
1904-5, the first complete year of administration, the land revenue,
excluding water rate, amounted to i»2 lakhs. Water rate is levied at
R. i per irrigated acre on the BegSri Canal, and at Rs. 1-8 on the
Desert Canal. The incidence of land revenue is R. i per acre, and
a special cess of 6 pies is also collected. A revision of the rates is
contemplated, beginning from 1905.
N a s i r a b a d T a l u k a . — T a l u k a in Larkana District, Sind, Bombay,
lying between 27 0 13' and 27 0 33' N. and 67 0 33' and 68° 6' E., with
an area of 417 square miles. The population in 1901 was 56,544,
compared with 44,644 in 1891. T h e taluka contains 65 villages, of
which Warah is the head-quarters. The density, 135 persons per
square mile, slightly exceeds the District average. The land revenue
and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to 2·8 lakhs. Nasirabad is a rice-
producing taluka and depends for its irrigation upon the Chilo Wah
and Naslr Wah, both subsidiaries of the Ghar Canal. On the south
the soil contains much salt and is unfit for cultivation.
N a s i r a b a d T o w n (1).—Town in the Jalgaon taluka of East Khan-
desh District, Bombay, situated in 2 1 0 N. and 75 0 40' E., 2 miles south
of Bhadli on the north-eastern line of the Great Indian Peninsula Rail-
way. Population (1901), 12,176. The town is noted for the manu-
facture of glass bangles by Musalmans. There are several old mosques
in the neighbourhood. Jalgaon, the head-quarters of the taluka^ lies
about 6 miles to the west. Nasirabad was several times harried by the
Bhils of the Satmala range before the occupation of the country by
the British. In 1801 it was plundered by a freebooter named Juba,
and again, just before the great famine of 1803, by one of the
Peshwa's deputies. After this the village wall was built by one of
the Purandhare family, to whom the town was given in grant. The
town contains a cotton-ginning and pressing factory, and six schools,
with 773 pupils, of which two, with 92 pupils, are for girls.
N a s i r a b a d T o w n (2).—Head-quarters of Mymensingh District,
Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated in 24 0 46' N. and 90 0 24' E.,
on the west bank of the old Brahmaputra. Population (1901), 14,668.
The Dacca section of the Eastern Bengal State Railway passes through
the town. Nasirabad was constituted a municipality in 1869, and
has hitherto been known by that name; but recently it was decided
to change its designation to that of the Mymensingh municipality,
The income during the decade ending 1901-2 averaged Rs. 50,000,
and the expenditure Rs. 49,000. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 77,000,
including Rs. 9,000 derived from a property tax, Rs. 10,000 from
a conservancy rate, Rs. 3,000 from a tax on houses and lands, and
Rs. 11,000 from a water rate. T h e incidence of taxation was Rs. 2-7-8
per head of the population. In the same year the expenditure was
Rs. 81,000, the chief items being Rs. 2,000 spent on lighting, Rs. 3,000
on drainage, Rs. 12,000 on conservancy, Rs. 14,000 on medical relief,
Rs. 3,000 on roads, Rs. 13,000 on buildings, and Rs. 28,000 on water-
supply. The system of water-supply, constructed in 1893 at a cost of
1.42 lakhs, was presented to the town by Maharaja Surjya Kanta
The town possesses the usual public buildings. I n the District jail,
which has accommodation for 550 prisoners, the chief industries
carried on are oil-pressing, carpet- and cloth-weaving, mat and cane
chair-making, brick-making, and brick-pounding. The products are
disposed of locally. The chief educational institutions are the Mymen-
singh Government school, established in 1853, with 301 pupils on the
rolls at the end of 1904; and the City-College of Mymensingh, estab-
lished in 1901, with 120 scholars, which is affiliated to the Calcutta
University and teaches up to the First Arts standard. The Nasirabad
charitable dispensary, with 24 beds, an eye infirmary, and a female
ward, was maintained in 1903 at a cost of Rs. 11,000; at this institution
836 in-patients and 21,000 out-patients were treated during the year.
Nasirabad T o w n (3).—Town and cantonment in Ajmer-Merwara,
Rajputana, situated in 260 18' N. and 74°43' E., on a bleak, open plain,
sloping eastward from the Aravalli Hills. Population (1901) of canton-
ment, 2,454; of town, 20,040; total, 22,494. Hindus numbered
14,283, Muhammadans 7,059, Christians 757, and Jains 354. The
area of the town and cantonment is 8-5 square miles. The military
station, which was laid out in 1818 by Sir David Ochterlony, is over
a mile in length and has upon its outskirts the native town. Lines exist
for a battery of field artillery, a regiment of British infantry, a regiment
of Native infantry, and a squadron of Native cavalry. Nasirabad is in
the Mhow division of the Western Command. The drainage is good,
but the water is brackish and insufficient in quantity. The two Bengal
Infantry regiments and a native battery at Nasirabad mutinied on
May 28, 1857, and marched away to Delhi without attempting to attack
Ajmer. The Bombay cavalry regiment protected the British residents
and remained loyal throughout. Nasirabad is a station on the Malwa
line of the Rajputana-Malwa State Railway. The United Free Church
of Scotland has a mission establishment here, and maintains a hospital.
Local affairs are managed by a cantonment committee. The town
possesses a hydraulic press.
Nasrat.—Taluka in Hyderabad District, Sind, Bombay, recently
(1903) formed from the Moro, Sakrand, and Shahdadpur talukas, and
lying between 260 4' and 260 37' N. and 68° 23' and 68° 56' E., with
an area of 930 square miles. The population (1901) is 5,074, living in
74 villages, of which Nawabdiah is the head-quarters. The land revenue
and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to about Rs. 86,000. The prevailing
feature of the taluka is its sandhills; and prior to 1903 it consisted
of a stretch of desert dependent on the rainfall. It is now irrigated by
the Nasrat Canal, and produces bajra, sesamum, and cotton.
Naswadi.—Petty State in R E W A K A N T H A , Bombay.
N a t h d w a r a (' the portal of the god ').—Walled town in the State of
Udaipur, Rajputana, situated in 24 0 56' N. and 73 0 49' E., on the right
bank of the Banas river, about 30 miles north-by-north-east of Udaipur
city, and 14 miles north-west of M a o l l station on the Udaipur-Chitor
Railway. In 1901 the town contained 8,591 inhabitants, more than
83 per cent, being H i n d u s ; but, in a place of pilgrimage like this, the
population varies almost weekly. There is a combined post and
telegraph office, and the Maharaj Gosain of Nathdwara maintains a
dispensary. The town possesses one of the most famous Vaishnavite
shrines in India, in which is an image of Krishna, popularly said
to date from the twelfth century B.C. This image was placed by
Vallabhacharya in a small temple at Muttra in 1495 and was moved
to Gobardhan in 1519. About 150 years later, when Aurangzeb
endeavoured to root out the worship of Krishna, the descendants of
Vallabhacharya left Muttra District with their images and wandered
about Rajputana till 1671, when Rana Raj Singh invited three of them
to Mewar. To Dwarka Nath he assigned the village of Asotiya near
Kankroli, while for Sri Nathji's worship he set apart the village of
Siar, to the south of which the town of Nathdwara was subsequently
built. The guardian of the temple is termed Maharaj Gosain, and is
the head of the Vallabhacharya sect of Brahmans; besides this town,
he holds thirty villages in different parts of Mewar, and land in
Baroda, Bharatpur, Bikaner, Karauli, Kotah, Partabgarh, and other
States, and a village in Ajmer District granted by Daulat Rao
Sindhia. The annual income of his estates is about two lakhs, and
the offerings received at the shrine are estimated at between four
and five lakhs yearly. Small jewels of gold or silver, very artistically
decorated with coloured enamel, are made at Nathdwara, and sold
to pilgrims.
[ A . Cunningham, Archaeological Survey of Northern India, vol. xxiii,
pp. 99-101.]
Nathia Gali.—Hill station in the Abbottabad tahsil of Hazara
District, North-West Frontier Province, and summer head-quarters of
the Chief Commissioner, situated in 340 5' N. and 730 58' E., on the
road from Murree to Abbottabad, about half-way between each place.
Together with Dunga Gali, it constitutes a * notified area' under the
Punjab Municipalities Act, 1891, of which the income in 1903-4 was
Rs. 3,000, chiefly derived from a house tax. The expenditure was
Rs. 1,900.
Natmauk.—North-eastern township of Mag we District, Upper
Burma, lying between 200 15'and 2o°46 / N. and 950 2/ and 95°49'E.,
with an area of 887 square miles. The greater part of the area is dry
and poorly watered. Rice is raised in the neighbourhood of the Yin
river, while over the rest of the township the chief crops are millet and
sesamum. The population was 42,611 in 1891, and 53,262 in 1901,
distributed in 181 villages. The head-quarters are at Natmauk (popula-
tion, 530), on the Y i n river, ^6 miles north-east of Magwe, with which
it is connected by a good road. In 1903-4 the area cultivated was
167 square miles, and the land revenue and thathameda amounted
to Rs. 82,000.
Natogyi.—North-eastern township of Myingyan District, Upper
Burma, lying between 2 1 0 i 8 ' a n d 2 1 0 40' N . and 95 0 31'and 96 0 i / E,,
with an area of 395 square miles. Its surface is undulating, rising
towards the north and north-west. Mogaung rice is grown near the
borders of Kyaukse D i s t r i c t ; the staple crop, however, is cotton.
Irrigation renders this the richest township in the District. T h e
population was 52,956 in 1891, and 57,338 in 1901, distributed in 160
villages, Natogyi (population, 3,146), a prosperous cotton market in
the centre of the township, being the head-quarters. In 1903-4 the
area cultivated was 161 square miles, and the land revenue and
thathameda amounted to Rs. 1,17,000.
N a t o r Subdivision.—Eastern subdivision of Rajshahi District,
Eastern Bengal and Assam, lying between 24 0 7' and 24 0 48' N. and
88° 5 1 ' and 89 0 2 1 ' E., with an area of 816 square miles. The popula-
tion was 422,399 in 1901, compared with 443,511 in 1891, the density
being 518 persons per square mile. I t contains one town, N A T O R
(population, 8,654), the head-quarters; and 1,727 villages. W i t h the
exception of the Lalpur thana, situated on the Padma, most of this
subdivision is a swampy depression, waterlogged and abounding in
marshes, the largest of which is the great C H A L A N B I L .
N a t o r Town.—-Head-quarters of the subdivision of the same name
in Rajshahi District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated in 24 0 26' N.
and 89 0 i' E., on the north bank of the Narad river, on the northern
section of the Eastern Bengal State Railway, and on the main road
from Rampur Boalia to Bogra. Population (1901), 8,654. It was
formerly the capital of the District; but owing to its unhealthmess (the*
town being built on low marsh-land reclaimed from the river), the
head-quarters were transferred to Rampur Boalia. Nator is a compact
town, clinging close round the palace of the Nator Rajas. This family
rose into power in the early part of the eighteenth century, and
gradually obtained possession of most of the D i s t r i c t ; but it has since
greatly declined. Nator was constituted a municipality in 1869. T h e
income during the decade ending 1901-2 averaged Rs. 14,200, and
the expenditure Rs. 13,500. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 15,600,
including Rs. 5,700 derived from a tax on persons (or property tax),
Rs. 3,300 from a conservancy rate, and Rs. 3,000 from a tax on animals
and vehicles; and the expenditure was Rs. 13,400. Nator contains
the usual subdivisional offices; the sub-jail has accommodation for
12 prisoners.
N a u g a o n , — T h a k u r a t i n the M A L W A A G E N C Y , Central India.
Naugaon.—British cantonment i n Central India. See NOWGONG.
Naungpale.—One of the K A R E N N I States, Burma*
N a u s h a h r a T a h s i l (1).—Tahsil of Peshawar District, North-West
Frontier Province, lying between 33 0 47' and 34 0 9' N. and 7 1 0 40' and
72 0 15' E., with an area of 703 square miles. It consists of a small
tract of low-lying riverain land on both sides of the K a b u l river, known
as the Khalsa tappa, and of the Khattak pargana which includes the
Khwarra-Nii&b valley and is separated from it by the Khattak range.
This range culminates in the Ghaibana Sir (5,136 feet in height) on the
western boundary of the tahsil, and the sanitarium of Chenit (4,54$
feet), whence the range trends to the eastward, gradually sinking to
2,380 feet at H o d i Sir above the Indus. H a l f the tahsil is hilly and
very broken country, the main part of its area consisting of the arid
and barren slopes on the north of the Khattak hills towards K a b u l .
The north-west corner is irrigated by the K A B U L R I V E R C A N A L . The
population in 1901 was 116,163, compared with 180,201 in 1891. It
contains the town of N A U S H A H R A (population, 9,518), the head-quar-
ters, the hill station of C H E R A T , and 142 villages. The land revenue
and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 1,21,000.
N a u s h a h r a T o w n (1).—Town and cantonment in Peshawar Dis-
trict, North-West Frontier Province, and head-quarters of the subdivi-
sion and tahsil of the same name, situated in 34 0 N. and 72 0 E., on the
North-Western Railway and the grand trunk road, 27 miles due east of
Peshawar. Population (1901), 9,518. The cantonment stretches along
the right bank of the K a b u l river on a sandy plain, 3 miles in diameter,
and is surrounded by low hills on all sides except the north, which is
open towards the river. The garrison now consists of one British
infantry regiment, two Native cavalry and four infantry regiments, a
mountain battery, and a bearer corps, belonging to the Peshawar
division of the Northern Command. The Kabul river is crossed by
a permanent bridge of boats, whence roads lead to Mardan and
Charsadda. The iron road and railway bridge across the river was
opened on December 1, 1903. The village of Naushahra K h u r d ,
west of the cantonment, and the large village of Naushahra Kalan, on
the north bank of the Kabul, are both outside cantonment limits. The
head-quarters of the Naushahra tahsil, with the police station, are in
the former, 3 miles from the cantonment. The town contains a
Government dispensary and a vernacular middle school, maintained
by the District board.
N a u s h a h r a T a h s i l (or SadikaMd) (2).—Tahsil in the Khanpur
nizdmat) Bahawalpur State, Punjab, lying between 27 0 56' and 28 0
54' N. and 70 0 7' and 70 0 36' E., with an area of 1,690 square miles.
The population in 1901 was 80,735, compared with 66,584 in 1891. It
contains the town of N A U S H A H R A (population, 4,475), the head-quarters;
and 71 villages. The Hakra, which traverses the southern part of the
tahslli separates the central tract from the desert. Along the Indus
lie fertile lowlands. The land revenue and cesses in 1905-6 amounted
to 2 lakhs.
N a u s h a h r a T o w n (2).—Head-quarters of the tahsll of the same
name in Bahawalpur State, Punjab, situated in 28 0 25' N. and 70 0 19' E.,
109 miles south-west of Bahawalpur town. Population (1901), 4,475.
The town contains a rice-husking m i l l , started in 1901, and a dispen-
sary. The municipality had an income in 1903-4 of Rs. 3,700, chiefly
from octroi.
Naushahro.—-Subdivision of Hyderabad District, Sind, Bombay,
and N A S R A T talukas.
Naushahro Abro.—Taluka of Sukkur District, Sind, Bombay,
lying between 27 0 42' and 28 0 2' N. and 68° 15' and 68° 48' E., with
an area of 408 square miles. The population rose from 66,227 m J 8 9 i
to 71,036 i n 1901. The taluka contains one town, G A R H I Y A S I N
(population, 6,554), the head-quarters; and 87 villages. The density,
147 persons per square mile, greatly exceeds the District average. The
land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to 2·8 lakhs. The taluka
is fertile and, together with the Shikarpur taluka, is the most prosperous
tract in the District. The chief crops are rice, jowar, wheat, and gram,
which are irrigated from the Sukkur Canal.
Naushahro Firoz.—Taluka in Hyderabad District, Sind, Bom-
bay, lying between 26 0 35" and 27 0 8' N. and 67 0 56' and 68° 25" E.,
with an area of 539 square miles. The population in 1901 was
97,506, compared with 90,976 in 1891. The density, 181 persons
per square mile, greatly exceeds the District average. The number
of villages is 105, of which Naushahro Firoz is the head-quarters. The
land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to about 2-3 lakhs.
The western portion of the taluka is covered with forests, which
have suffered of late years from the encroachments of the river. About
two-thirds is irrigated by canals, aided by wells. The chief crops are
wheat, gram, jowar, and indigo.
Navalgund Taluka.—North-western taluka of Dharwar District,
Bombay, lying between 150 21' and 15 0 53' N. and 75 0 5' and 75 0 33' E.,
with an area of 565 square miles. It includes the petty subdivision
(petha) of Nargund. There are three towns, A N N I G E R I (population,
7,172), N A R G U N D (10,416), and N A V A L G U N D (7,862), the head-quar-
ters; and 83 villages. The population in 1901 was 94,709, compared
with 105,876 in 1891. Navalgund is the most thinly populated
taluka in the District, with a density of 168 persons per square mile.
The demand for land revenue in 1903-4 was 3*9 lakhs, and for cesses
Rs. 28,000. The taluka forms an expanse of black soil, with three
hills, namely, Great Nargund, Chik or Little Nargund, and Navalgund,
running from north-west to south-east. The supply of drinking-water
is chiefly from rivers. The rainfall, which averages 24 inches in the
year, is uncertain.
Navalgund Town.—Head-quarters of the taluka of the same name
in Dharwar District, Bombay, situated in 150 33' N. and 750 21' E.,
24 miles north-east of Dharwar town. Population (1901), 7,862. The
town is celebrated for the excellence of its cotton carpets, and for its
superior breed of cattle, which are chiefly sold at the weekly market
on Tuesdays. In 1454 it appears as the head-quarters of a sarkar
under the Bahmani Sultan Ala-ud-dln. In 1690, under Aurangzeb's
governor of Savanur, it was the head-quarters of a revenue division,
managed by an hereditary Lingayat officer styled the Desai of Navalgund.
In 1747 it was ceded to the Peshwa. It was conquered byTipu Sultan,
and taken from him by the Marathas, who gave the Desai's family a
maintenance in land yielding Rs. 23,000 per annum. Between 1795
and 1800, in the struggles which convulsed the Maratha State, Dhundu
Pant Gokhale took Navalgund and Gadag from the hereditary Desai.
In 1837 General Munro appointed one Ram Rao as the military officer
of Navalgund, who seized possession of more than half the district,
and defeated the son of Gokhale. Hearing of this defeat, Gokhale
came from Badami and was himself defeated by General Munro,
marching from Dharwar. The Desai of Navalgund still enjoys some
inam lands. In 1838 adoption was allowed, on condition that the
Desai abolished all duties on trade. A municipality was constituted
in 1870, of which the receipts during the decade ending 1901 averaged
Rs. 7,200. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 6,700. The town contains
a dispensary, and three schools, including one for girls.
Navanagar State.—Native State in the Kathiawar Political
Agency, Bombay, lying between 21 0 44' and 220 58' N. and 690 2o/ and
700 33' E., on the southern shore of the Gulf of Cutch, with an area
of 3,791 square miles. It is bounded on the north by the Gulf and
the Rann of Cutch; on the east by the Native States of Morvi, R&jkot,
Dhrol, and Gondal; on the south by the Sorath division of K&thiawar;
and on the west by the Okha Rann and the Arabian Sea. It is
generally flat, but about two-thirds of the Barda hills are contained
within its limits. Mount Venu, the highest point of the Barda hills,
is 2,057 feet above sea-level. The principal rivers are the Bhadar, the
Vartu, the Aji, and the Und. The harbours of Jodiya Salaya and
Navanagar or Bedi are situated within the State. Mangrove swamps
line the shores of the Gulf, affording large supplies of firewood and
pasture. The Aloe littorale grows wild; its stalks when cooked are
supposed to taste like asparagus. Formerly the Navanagar State was
infested by lions, which were especially numerous in the Barda and Alech
hills. In i860, however, when cannon were frequently fired in pursuit
of the rebel Vaghers, the lions fled from the hills, and are now only
found in the Gir forest, and (rarely) in the Girnar mountain near
Junagarh. Leopards, the hunting cheetah, and nilgai are common.
The climate, especially on the Gulf of Cutch, along which the terri-
tory extends, is good. The annual rainfall averages between 20 and
30 inches.
The Jam of Navanagar is a Jadeja Rajput by caste, and belongs to
the same family as the Rao of Cutch. The Jadejas entered Kathiawar
from Cutch, and dispossessed the ancient family of Jethwas (probably
a branch of Jats) then established at Ghumli. Subsequently, about
1535-7, Jam Rawal invaded Sorath and conquered the Jodiya, Amran,
and Khambhaliya, parganas, and in 1540 founded the town of Navanagar.
H e prosecuted his success with the assistance of his brothers Hardolji,
Ravojl, and ModjI. Hardolji, the founder of the house of Dhrol,
conquered that pargana from Damal Chavada and retained it. Rajkot
is also an offshoot of this State. The Jam in 1807 executed the usual
engagements to pay tribute, to keep order in his territory, and not to
encroach on his neighbours. The Jadeja tribe was, at the beginning
of the last century, notorious for the systematic murder of female
children, to avoid the difficulty and expense of providing them with
husbands. Engagements were entered into by the Jadeja chiefs in
1812 to abandon this custom; and, under the constant watchfulness
of the British officers, it is believed to be now extinct. The Jam of
Navanagar is entitled to a salute of 11 guns. He holds a sanad
authorizing adoption, and succession follows the rule of primogeniture.
The present Jam is the well-known cricketer, Ranjltsinghji.
The population at the last four enumerations was : (1872) 290,847,
(1881) 316,147, (1891) 379,611, and (1901) 336,779. The decrease in
the last decade (11 per cent.) was due to the famine of 1899-1900.
Hindus number 262,880; Muhammadans, 52,684; and Jains, 21,006.
There are 3 towns and 666 villages, the capital of the State being
The land produces both garden and 'dry crops/ Irrigation is
provided by draw-wells, by artificial tanks, and by aqueducts from rivers.
The total cultivable area is 1,960 square miles, 1,717 square miles
being under crops in 1903-4, of which 117 square miles were irrigated.
Survey operations are in progress in the State. The principal products
are grain and cotton. Jawar, bajra wheat, and gram are the staple
food-crops. Wheat is produced without irrigation. At Rawal about
3,000 acres are irrigated for rice. Cotton, sugar-cane, and tobacco are
raised in small quantities. A reservoir for the drinking supply of the
capital and for purposes of irrigation has been built 8 miles south of
Navanagar town. T h e only forests of any importance are those in the
northern portion of the Barda hills.
Marble of different qualities is found in the Kandorna and Bhanw&r
tdlukas. Copper occurs in the Khambhaliya pargana^ but does not
pay working expenses. A small pearl fishery lies off the coast on the
southern shore of the Gulf. Cloth and silk are the chief manufactures.
A considerable number of people are employed as dyers. The dyes
applied to the local fabrics are much admired, and their excellence is
traditionally attributed to the quality of the water of the Rangmati
river, which flows by Navanagar town. The railway has had no per-
ceptible effect on the trade of Navanagar ports, from which the grain
and cotton grown in the State are still shipped. A trade in isinglass
and shagreen is growing up, and the fisheries supply sole, pomphlet,
and whitebait. The State owns 299 vessels, and the coast is provided
with 4 lighthouses. The total value of imports by sea in 1903-4 was
27 lakhs, and of exports 15 lakhs. There is land communication by
carts, pack-bullocks, horses, and camels; and the capital is connected
with Rajkot by a metre-gauge railway 54-22 miles in length, owned
by the State.
Navanagar ranks as one of the first-class States of Kathiawar, and
its chief has power to try all offences, the trial of British subjects for
capital offences, however, requiring the previous permission of the Agent
to the Governor. The estimated gross revenue is 25 lakhs, chiefly
derived from land (19 lakhs) and customs (i\ lakhs). Tribute of
Rs. 1,20,093 is paid jointly to the British Government, the Gaikwar
of Baroda, and the Nawab of Junagarh. No transit dues are levied.
The State has one municipality, with an income (1903-4) of Rs. 33,000.
It maintains a squadron of Imperial Service Lancers, numbering 145,
and a subordinate force of 211 men, of whom 26 are mounted. The
police force numbers 876, and there are 8 jails and 4 lock-ups with a
daily average in 1903-4 of 208 prisoners. The State contained in the
same year 122 schools with 11,771 pupils, and 22 medical institutions,
including 2 veterinary dispensaries treating 1,400 animals. In the
medical institutions 85,000 patients were treated in 1903-4; and the
number of persons vaccinated in the same year was 9,600.
N a v a n a g a r T o w n (or Jamnagar).—Capital of the State of the
same name in Kathiawar, Bombay, situated in 22 0 26' N. and 70 0
16' E., 310 miles north-west of Bombay, and 5 miles east of the port of
Bedi. Population (1901), 53,844, of whom Hindus numbered 32,005,
Musalmans 17,027, and Jains 4,621. The town was founded by Jam
Rawal in 1540. It is almost entirely built of stone and is surrounded
by a fort erected in 1788. Navanagar is a flourishing place, nearly
4 miles in circuit, with a large trade. In the sea, north of the town,
are some beds of pearl oysters; but the pearls are of inferior quality and
the fishery appears to be mismanaged. T h e out-turn realizes about
Rs. 4,000 annually. The town is also known for silken and gold
embroidery, for incense and perfumed oils, and for the kanku or red
powder which is used to make the sectarian mark on the forehead of
Hindus. The value of imports at Bedi in 1903-4 was 17-2 lakhs, and
of the exports 5*3 lakhs. The dyeing is famous, and the water of the
Rangmati river is supposed to be especially favourable to this industry.
The climate is pleasant, and the palaces of Kotha, Lakhota, & c , are
very picturesque. Large quantities of plantains are grown in the
Navanagar gardens. Near by is the tomb of Jasa Ladhak. The town
possesses a clock-tower and a vegetable market.
Navarangapur.—Zaminddri tahsil of Vizagapatam District, Madras.
N a v s a r i P r a n t . — A prant or district of the Baroda State. It is
the most southerly of the (our prdnts into which the GaikwaYs territory
is divided, and is much intermingled with the British District of Surat.
It is bounded on the north by Broach and the Rewa Kantha Agency;
on the south by Surat District, Bansda, and the Dangs; on the east
by Khandesh; and on the west by Surat and the Arabian Sea. Its
area is 1,952 square miles, and it is traversed by the K i m , Tapti,
Mindhola, Purna, and Ambika rivers. T w o natural divisions may be
mentioned: the rani or forest tdlukas, and the rasti or peaceful and
populous talukas. The climate of the former is at all times
malarious, though least so i n the hot season, and the water is full of
organic matter; but the rasti mahals are considered to be healthy.
The rani tdlukas lie in the east, and contain ranges of hills varying
from 400 to 2,000 feet above sea-level, while the peak of Salher rises to
5,263 feet. H o t springs are found at Unhai in the Vyara tdluka.
The land is largely under cultivation, especially on the lower ground.
Where the general surface is fairly raised above the level of streams,
there is a good deal of grass and a fair quantity of Cassia auriculata.
T h e hedges round fields include various species of Capparideae, such
as Maesua, Cadaba, and Capparis, with several Euphorbiaceae, such as
Euphorbia antiquorum and Jatropha Curcas, and species of Zizyphus
and Grewia; Streblus asper is also frequent. The climbers in these
hedges include Leguminosae like Canavalia, Asclepiadaceae like Deamia,
and various Convolvulaceae. Weeds in waste ground include Argemone
mexicana, Tridax procutnbens, Achyranthes aspera, Calotropis gigantea,
and Tepkrosia purpurea; field-weeds include such species as Biophytum
sensitivum, Blumea eriantha, Launaea nudicaulis, Stemodia viscosa,
Panicutn prostratum, and Dinebra arabica. In the neighbourhood
of dwellings are many planted sub-spontaneous species, such as
mango, tamarind, banyan, pipal and other species of Ficus, Anona
squamosa, and Artocarpus integrifolia.
The population was estimated in 1872 at 241,255. At later
enumerations it was : (1881) 287,549, (1891) 319,443, and (1901)
300,441. In the last year Hindus numbered 126,624; Animists,
138,034; Musalmans, 25,451; and Parsls, 7,589, The prant is divided
into eight talukas or mahdls, and two pethas or sub-mahals, statistics
regarding which in 1901 are shown below :—

The number of towns is 6 and of villages 772, the former being

About 75 per cent, of the population speak Gujarat!, and 21 per cent,
various Bhil dialects. The chief animistic tribes are the Gamits
(38,000), Dublas (28,000), Chodhras (23,000), Bhlls (16,00a), and
Dhodias (1,000).
The soils are classified as light sandy loam or gordt, and black soil,
with an intermediate class known as besdr. Gorat produces all kinds
of 'dry crops/ and when watered and manured is valuable. Rice
and cotton are the chief products in the black soil. The principal
crops grown are jowar, rice, wheat, bajra, kodra, nagli, bavto, tuver,
val, peas, gram, mag, math, udid, dwelt, tal, cotton, hemp, tobacco,
sugar-cane, plantain, bhoising, &c. The most valuable stock are the
large powerful cattle known as hedia.
This prant is noted for its forests, the area of the Reserves being
547 square miles. These are now under a system of strict conservancy
and yield a considerable income. The principal timber trees are teak,
shisham (Dalbergia Sissoo), khair (Acacia Catechu), bia (Pterocarpus
Marsupium), haladvan (Adina cordifolia), temru (Diospyros melan-
oxylon), and sadad (Terminalia tomentosa).
The chief industry is the weaving of cotton cloth. Embroidery to.
a small extent, the manufacture of gold ornaments, a little rough
iron-work, brass- and copper-work, wood- and ivory-carving are also
carried on. But though arts and manufactures are scanty, trade and
commerce flourish fairly well. The agricultural and forest wealth is
great; and there is a considerable export of toddy, 'plantains, sugar-
cane, rice, jowar% molasses, sugar, teak, sadad, and other produce.
T h e import trade too is good, the chief articles being European
piece-goods, stationery, iron-ware, glass-ware, umbrellas, and brass and
copper vessels. Trade is carried on partly by sea from Bilimora and
Navsari, but chiefly by railway. In this latter respect the prant is well
served, for the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway runs from
north to south, and the Tapti Valley Railway crosses it from east to west.
Roads lead from Sayan to Kathor, Bilimora to Gandevi, Kosamba
to VelSchha, Maroli to Navsari, and Vyara to the Unhai hot springs.
The land revenue increased from 19-5 lakhs in 1881 to 21-4 lakhs
in 1891, but fell to 19-3 lakhs in 1901. In 1904-5 the demand was
16*4 lakhs, of which 15-7 lakhs was collected. Most of the prant was
settled between 1896 and 1903, and the assessment of portions is now
being revised. In a few villages in the Songarh taluka land was
formerly assessed on the number of ploughs used in cultivation, but
this method has been replaced by the ordinary system. The average
assessment in different tdlukas varies from Rs. 1-4 to Rs. 3-2 per
bigha (4/7 acre) for ' dry ' land, and from Rs. 3-9 to Rs. 5-12 for ' w e t '
The prant contains six municipalities, two of which—Navsari and
Gandevi—have partly elective boards, with a total income of
Rs. 12,000 from customs, excise, and tolls, besides a grant of
Rs. 5,500, while the other four—Bilimora, Kathor, Vyara, and Son-
garh—derive their income of Rs. 4,000 entirely from grants from the
State. A District board and local boards were constituted in 1905.
The administration of the prant is carried on by the Subah, who
has his head-quarters at Navsari. Here also are the court of the prdnt
Judge and the head offices of other departments. Education is well
provided for, as there are two high schools (at Navsari and Gandevi),
three Anglo-vernacular schools, and 211 vernacular schools, the total
number of pupils in 1904-5 being 13,133. At the civil hospital at
Navsari town and seven dispensaries elsewhere, 41,266 patients were
treated in 1904-5, of whom 74 were in-patients.
N a v s a r i Taluka.—South-western taluka of the Navsari prdnt,
Baroda State, with an area of 125 square miles. Population rose from
53·523 in 1891 to 59,875 in 1901. T h e taluka contains one town,
N A V S A R I (population, 21,451), the head-quarters; and 60 villages. I t
is a flat plain, with two rivers running through it, the Mindhola on the
horth and the Purna on the south. T h e soil is black, gorat or light

red, and besar or mixed, except in the western part, which is marshy
swamp. A m o n g the chief crops produced are j o w a r , rice, cotton,
castor-seed, and sugar-cane. In 1904-5 the land revenue was
Rs. 2,37,900.
N a v s a r i Town.—Head-quarters of the prant of the same name,
Baroda State, situated in 20 0 57' N. and 72 0 56' E., 147 miles from
Bombay, with which it is connected by the main line of the Bombay,
Baroda, and Central I n d i a Railway. It is an ancient place, known
to Ptolemy as Nasaripa. Population (1901), 21,451, including 12,357
Hindus, 4,756 ParsTs, and 2,753 Musalm&ns. The town is intimately
connected w i t h the history of the Parsls in India. After the flight
from Persia of those Zoroastrians who refused to abandon their faith
at the bidding of the Muhammadan conquerors, a large band landed
on the western coast of Gujarat, of whom some betook themselves
to Navsari in 1142. Here they throve and prospered, and their
mobeds or sacerdotal class thereafter made the town their stronghold,
a position which has been maintained to the present day. The town
itself shows signs of comfort and even of wealth, the streets are well
watered, and the sanitation is praiseworthy. In the country round
about are numerous detached houses with good gardens, the property
of wealthy Pars! merchants who have retired from business elsewhere
to their ancestral home. In the neighbourhood of these houses are
plantations of date-palms, which are resorted to by visitors and inhabi-
tants alike for the purpose of imbibing the famous toddy of the district.
Date-palms grow everywhere, but the toddy that is obtained near
Navsari is deemed the most delicious and healthy. Owing to the
proximity of the town to the sea, the climate is pleasant from the
middle of A p r i l to the middle of June, as a m i l d breeze constantly
cools the air. T h e water too is accounted most wholesome. Malh&r
Rao Gaikwar was fond of living here, and it was in this town that
he was married for the fourth time. Before celebrating the nuptials
he was married in due form to a silk cotton-tree, which was then
formally destroyed, the object being to avert misfortune. He had
been married twice, but had no son and h e i r ; and it was hoped by
destroying his third wife, the tree, that his fourth venture would prove
fortunate. Among public buildings of importance are the high school
and the Anglo-vernacular school, the former known as the Sir Kawasjl
Jahangir Zarthosti Madrasa, and the latter as the Dadabhai Kawasjl
Tata school. Both buildings are modern, and the Baroda State has
liberally assisted in their construction and maintenance. There are
also a civil hospital, a public market, a library and reading-room, a jail,
a distillery, and fine offices for the Subah and prant Judge. A m o n g
other objects of interest in Navsari are the Towers of Silence for the
reception of the ParsI dead, the large Fire-Temple known as Atask
Bahr5m, and the smaller ones or agiaris* To the larger temple all the
young mobeds from Bombay and elsewhere are sent for confirmation,
or to receive the apostolic succession of their order.
The town was once famous for its cotton cloth, which was in great
demand at the English and Dutch factories of Surat in the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries for export to Europe; but this is produced
no longer. Hand-loom weaving is carried on to some extent, but
only coarse garments are made. The manufacture of the kusti or
sacred thread of the Parsis, woven only by the wives of the mobeds^
is however a work of considerable skill. The threads are largely
exported to all parts of India, and the monopoly secures an industry
for mobed ladies. There is also a soap and perfumery factory on the
outskirts of the town, which has met with some measure of success.
Many workers produce articles of copper, brass, iron, wood, and
leather, for local use. A boot and shoe manufactory has lately been
Navsari is administered by a municipality, reorganized in 1905 on
a partly elective basis, which has an income of Rs. 8,500 from customs,
excise, and tolls, besides a State grant of Rs. 5,500. The town has
a large import and export trade by both rail and water. For the latter
the Purna river, on the left or south bank of which the town is situated,
affords fair conveniences, and the harbour is being improved.
Nawa.—Town in the Sambhar district of the State of Jodhpur,
Rajputana, situated in 270 1' N. and 750 1' E., on the northern edge
of the Sambhar Lake, about a mile east of Kucha wan Road station,
a junction of the Rajputena-Malwa and Jodhpur-Blkaner Railways.
The town is walled, and had in 1901 a population of 5,640. There
is a large export trade in salt, the manufacture of which supports
a considerable proportion of the people. Another important industry
is the manufacture of quilts embroidered with elaborate designs. In
the town are a post office, an Anglo-vernacular school, and a small
hospital. A separate district of Nawa existed up to 1902-3, when
it was amalgamated with that of Sambhar.
Nawabganj Tahsil (1).—Head-quarters tahsil of Bara BankI Dis-
trict, United Provinces, comprising the parganas of Nawabganj, Partab-
ganj, Satrikh, and Dewa, and lying between 26° 43' and 270 8' N. and
8r° 1' and 8i° 26' E., with an area of 361 square miles. Population in-
creased from 242,975 in 1891 to 254,160 in 1901. There are 390 villages
and five towns, NAWABGANJ (population, 14,47 8), the tahsil head-quarters,
and ZAIDPUR (9,700) being the largest. The demand for land revenue
in 1903-4 was Rs. 4,95,000, and for cesses Rs. 76,000. The density
of population, 704 persons per square mile, is the highest in the
District. The tahsil is bounded on the north-east by the Kalyanl, and
the southern part is drained by the Reth, both rivers being tributaries
of the Gumti. It lies in the fertile upland area, and contains a number
of jfals or swamps used for irrigation. In 1903-4 the area under
cultivation was 252 square miles, of which 101 were irrigated. Wells
supply a rather larger area than tanks or swamps.
N a w a b g a n j T o w n (1).—Head-quarters of the tahsilof the same
name in Bara BankI District, United Provinces, situated in 26 0 52' N. and
8 i ° 12' E., close to the Bara BankI station of the Oudh and Rohilkhand
Railway and on the Lucknow-Fyzabad road. Population (1901), 14,4 7 8.
A country house was built here by Nawab Shuja-ud-daula of Oudh,
and the town sprang up under Asaf-ud-daula. In the M u t i n y it
formed a centre of disaffection, and was the scene of a signal defeat
of the insurgent army by a British force under Sir Hope Grant. It
has since become virtually the head-quarters of the District, the courts
being situated in the neighbouring town of B A R A B A N K I . Nawabganj
contains a high school, three sarais, male and female dispensaries, and
a fine campanile erected by private subscription. Municipal adminis-
tration was introduced, in 1868, and during the ten years ending 1901
the income and expenditure averaged Rs, 20,000. In 1903-4 the
income was Rs. 24,000, including octroi (Rs. 10,000), tax on trades
(Rs. 3,000), and rents (Rs. 4,000); and the expenditure was also
Rs. 24,000. There is a considerable trade in grain and cloth. The
place was formerly noted for sugar, but the traffic in this is declining.
Cotton cloth is woven, and excellent curtains are made of cotton
prints. There are four schools with 520 pupils.
N a w a b g a n j T a h s i l (2).—East central tahsil of Bareilly District,
United Provinces, conterminous with the pargana of the same name,
lying between 28 0 21 / and 28 0 39' N. and 79 0 28' and 79 0 47' E., with
an area of 221 square miles. Population increased from 124,349 in
1891 to 127,160 in 1901. There are 308 villages and three towns,
none of which has a population of 5,000. The demand for land
revenue in r903-4 was Rs. 2,51,000, and for cesses Rs. 42,000. The
density of population, 575 persons per square mile, is below the
District average. The tahsil is a gently sloping plain, intersected by
several small rivers from which canals are drawn. It is not so damp as
the Baherl tahsil to the north, but the increase in population between
1891 and 1901 was less than in the south of the District. Rice and
sugar-cane are largely grown. In 1903-4, 178 square miles were
cultivated, of which 55 were irrigated. Canals supply half the irrigated
area, and wells most of the remainder.
N a w a b g a n j T o w n (2) (or Baragharia Nawabganj).—Town in
Malda District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, situated in 24 0 36' N. and
88° 17' E., on the Mahananda, a little above its junction with the
Ganges. Population (1901), 17,016. A steamer service plying from
Godagari to English Bazar calls here, and it is the seat of a brisk trade.
VOL. xviii. E e
It is the most populous town in the District, and was constituted a
municipality in 1903. In 1904-5 the municipal income was Rs. 6,600,
mainly from a tax on persons (or property t a x ) ; and the expenditure
was Rs. 4,900.
N a w a b g a n j T o w n (3).—Town in the Tarabganj tahsil of Gonda Dis-
trict, United Provinces, situated in 26 0 52' N. and 82 0 9' E., on the
road from Gonda to Fyzabad, and on the Bengal and North-Western
Railway. Population (1901), 7,047. The town was founded in the
eighteenth century by Nawab Shuja-ud-daula, as a bazar for the supply
of provisions to his camp when on shooting expeditions. It now con-
tains a large grain-market, a dispensary, and a branch of the American
Methodist Mission. Nawabganj was administered as a municipality
from 1875 to 1904, when it was declared a ' notified area.' During the
ten years ending 1901 the income and expenditure averaged Rs. 12,000
and Rs. 11,000 respectively. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 12,000,
chiefly derived from taxes on professions and on property, and from
rents; and the expenditure was Rs. 11,000. There is a large export
trade in grain and oilseeds, but the opening of other railways has
diverted traffic. T w o schools have 190 pupils.
N a w & d a Subdivision.—Eastern subdivision of Gaya District,
Bengal, lying between 24 0 3 1 ' and 25 0 7' N. and 85 17' and 86° 3' E.,
with an area of 955 square miles. The population in 1901 was 453,868,
compared with 439,565 in 1891. The north of the subdivision
is an alluvial plain, while the south is hilly and covered with jungle.
The latter tract, which includes a portion of the northern fringe of
the Chota Nagpur plateau, is very sparsely populated; the density for
the whole subdivision is 475 persons per square mile. It contains
two towns, N A W A D A (population, 5,908), its head-quarters, and H I S U A
(6,704); and 1,752 villages. A t AFSAR are some important archaeo-
logical remains, including a fine statue of the Varaha, or boar
incarnation of Vishnu, and the ruins of a temple.
N a w & d a Town.—Head-quarters of the subdivision of the same
name in Gaya District, Bengal, situated in 24 0 53' N. and 85 0 33' E.
on both banks of the K h u r i river. Population (1901), 5,908. Since
the opening of the South BihSr Railway, on which it is a station,
Naw&da is growing into an important trade centre. It contains the
usual public offices ; the sub-jail has accommodation for 20 prisoners.
N a w a l g a r h . — C h i e f town of an estate of the same name in the
Shekhawati nizamat of the State of Jaipur, Rajputana, situated in
27 0 5 1 ' N. and 75 0 16' E., about 75 miles north-west of Jaipur city.
Population (1901), 12,315. The town, which is fortified with ramparts
of masonry, possesses 9 schools attended by about 400 pupils, and
a combined post and telegraph office. There are three Thakurs of
Nawalgarh, who pay collectively to the Darbar a tribute of Rs. 9,240.
Nawalpur.—Estate in Khandesh District, Bombay. Set MEHWAS-
N a w a s h a h r TahsiL—Eastern tahsil of Jullundur District, Punjab,
lying on the north bank of the Sutlej, between 30 0 58' and 3 1 0 17' N.
and 75° 47' and 76 0 16' E., with an area of 304 square miles. The
population in 1901 was 196,339, compared with 205,625 in 1891. The
head-quarters are at the town of N A W A S H A H R (population, 5,641); and
it also contains the towns of R A H O N (8,651) and B A N G A (4,697), with
274 villages. The land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to
4·4 lakhs. The Sutlej forms the southern boundary of the tahsil, and
the low-lying tract along the river has an average breadth of 4 miles.
The upland plateau above the old high bank is an almost unbroken
plain with a stiff loam soil
N a w a s h a h r T o w n (1).— Head-quarters of the iahsfl of the same
name in Jullundur District, Punjab, situated in 3 1 0 8' N. and 76 0 7' E.
Population (1901), 5,641. A stronghold of the Sikh chief, Tara Singh,
Ghaiba, it was annexed after his death by Ranjlt Singh. It is of no
commercial importance. The municipality was created in 1867. The
income during the ten years ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 4,600, and
the expenditure Rs. 4,700. In 1902-3 the income was Rs. 4,800,
chiefly from o c t r o i ; and the expenditure was Rs. 5,300. The munici-
pality maintains an Anglo-vernacular middle school.
N a w a s h a h r T o w n (2).—Town in the Abbottabad tahsil of Hazara
District, North-West Frontier Province, situated in 34 0 i o ' N. and
73 0 16' E., about 3 miles east of Abbottabad. Population (1901),
4,114. Before the foundation of Abbottabad it was the chief town of
the Rash plain. The municipality was created in 1867. During the
ten years ending 1902-3 the income averaged Rs. 2,600, and the
expenditure Rs. 2,500. In 1903-4 the income was Rs. 2,700, chiefly
from o c t r o i ; and the expenditure was Rs. 2,800.
N a w n g w a w n (Burmese, Naungimm or Naungmon).—Small State
in the central division of the Southern Shan States, Burma, lying in
the valley of the Nam Tamhpak, between 20 0 33' and 20 0 36' N. and
97 0 i o ' and 97 0 22' E., with an area of 42 square miles. It is bounded
on the north by N a m h k o k ; on the east by Mongpawn; on the
south by Wanyin ; and on the west by Yawnghwe. Loiseng, one of the
highest peaks in the Southern Shan States, over 8,000 feet above sea-
level, stands on its eastern border. Irrigated rice, plantains, and
ground-nuts are the main crops. The population, which is almost
entirely Shan, numbered 4,805 in 1901, distributed in 78 villages. The
head-quarters of the Myoza are at Nawngwawn (population, 583), on
the Nam Tamhpak. The revenue in 1903-4 amounted to Rs. 7,400,
the main source being thathameda; the chief items of expenditure were
tribute (Rs. 2,500), and pay and administration (Rs. 3,000).
Naya Dumka.—Htead-quarters of the Santai Parganas District,
Bengal. See D U M K A .
Nayagarh State.—-One of the Tributary States of Orissa, Bengal,
lying between 190 53' and 200 20' N. and 84º48' and 850 15' E,, with
an area of 588 square miles. It is bounded on the north by the State
of Khandpara and Purl District; on the east by Ranpur ; on the south
by Purl District; and on the west by Daspalla and the Madras District
of Ganjam. The state is a fine property and capable of great develop-
ment. It abounds in noble scenery, and a splendid range of hills,
varying from 2,000 to 3,000 feet in height, runs through its centre. It
exports rice, cotton, sugar-cane, and several kinds of oilseeds and
cereals to the neighbouring Districts of Cuttack, Puri, and Ganjam.
Towards the south and south-east the country is exceedingly wild
and hilly, and is inhabited by turbulent Khonds, who are sometimes
a source of terror to their more peaceful neighbours. In 1894 they
revolted against the chief, and committed many murders and other
outrages, but were put down with the aid of the Government military
police. The State is alleged to have been founded about 500 years
ago by a scion of the ruling family of Rewah in Central India. Khand-
part, which was originally part of Nayagarh, became independent about
200 years ago. Nayagarh has a revenue of Rs. 1,20,000, and pays
a tribute of Rs. 5,525 to the British Government. The population
increased from 117,862 in 1891 to 140,779 in 1901, when the density
was 239 persons per square mile. The State contains 775 villages,
the principal being NAYAGARH, which contains the residence of the
Raja and is connected by road with Khurda in Puri District. Hindus
number 133,995 ; Animists, 6,190; and Muhammadans, 585. The most
numerous castes are Chasas (41,000), Pans (13,000), Gaurs (11,000),
and Brahmans and Khonds (10,000 each). The State maintains a
middle English school, 3 upper primary and 48 lower primary schools,
and a dispensary.
Nayagarh Village.—Head-quarters of the Orissa Tributary State
of the same name, Bengal, situated in 200 8' N. and 850 6' E. Popula-
tion (1901), 3,340. The village contains the residence of the Raja
and is connected by road with Khurda in Puri District.

Oxford : Printed at the Clarendon Press by HORACE HART, M.A.

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