(Regions and People) AEP Week 1

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Regions and People
of the world
A man (sender) and a woman (receiver) are eating a
home cooked meal together.
The man says: "There is something green in the soup.“
Group work She answers: “If you do not like my cooking you can
cook yourself.”

Which messages have been sent and received here?

Do you agree or disagree with the “Positive intent does not always
lead to positive impact.”
Give your reasons.
Course “Markets work, not because they are

comprised of autonomous individuals
who are free of social sanctions but
because they are powered by social
beings and their distinctive ideas, beliefs,
values, and knowledge.”

Course People

fundamental concepts of world
societies and cultures

Political systems

Culture &
Culture concepts
Regions and People of the world
Unit 1

Multicultural vs • coexistence not co-living

Intercultural • co-living in diversity
Cultural Intelligence/ Culture
• Cross-culture communication
• Web socialization
diversity • Growing population
• Greater employee engagement
• Greater productivity
Create a mind-map showing the • Technological advances
correlation bw concepts • Demographic shift
• Global leader
• Job migration
• Diverse ways of interaction
• Increase of complexity
• Sustainable success
• Intercultural world 7

• Cultural intelligence

Culture “The complex pattern of ideas, emotions, and

observable/symbolic manifestations that tend to be
Definition expected, reinforced, and rewarded by and within a
Culture layers particular group.”

Elements of Culture

Layers of culture

A.The level of culture that B.The level of culture that C.The level at which the
deals with awareness of focuses on the experience "building blocks" of culture
cultural dynamics and of cultural dynamics in an are present, in both
patterns by nationality. organization. intrapersonal and
interpersonal dynamics.

D.The level of culture E.The level of culture that F.The level of culture
for analyzing the addresses cross- that becomes apparent
diversification of society functional effectiveness, when teams develop a
by gender, generation, based on the cultures distinct identity and
ethnicity, religious created by specific units. culture.
affiliation, and other
social groups.
The effect of sub-culture

A.relevant for (a) entering B.relevant for workforce C.effectively build teams in
a new market for product, diversity and talent global and matrixed
service, and/or talent; (b) management concerns. organization
cross-border division of
labor; (c) international
outsourcing relationships.

D.relevant for global E.successfully addressing

organizations and those the concerns at any level
involved in M&A. of culture

Horizontal collectivism (HC)
a low degree of power distance and a high degree of collectivism
sharing cultures, stress a national community-sharing orientation
Communist societies

Vertical collectivism (VC)

a high degree of both power distance and collectivism
Authority-Ranking cultures
70% of the world’s culture

Horizontal individualism (HI)

a low degree of power distance and a high degree of individualism

Individualism Equality-Matching cultures

Balance market pricing with equal emphasis on a generous welfare
Sweden, Denmark

Vertical individualism (VI)

a high degree of both power distance and individualism 13
Market-Pricing cultures
United States of America
Visible vs Invisible culture

Visible vs
Invisible culture



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